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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format: The Learner Demonstrates Understanding of Key Concepts of Multiplying Polynomials

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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional
process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

Learning Area:
DLP No.: Grade Level: Quarter: Duration:
9 MATHEMATICS 7 3rd 90
Learning Competency/ies: Code:
32. multiplies and divides polynomials.
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) M7AL-IIe-2

Key Concepts / Understandings to be

Developed The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of Multiplying Polynomials.

Adapted Cognitive Process

Domain Dimensions (D.O. No. 8, s. 2015)

Remembering Identify the Rules in Multiplying Monomials.

The fact or condition of
knowing something with
familiarity gained through
experience or association Understanding Interpret the Rules in Multiplying Monomials.

Applying Solve problems involving Multiplying Polynomials.

The ability and capacity
acquired through deliberate,
Analyzing Differentiate Monomial, Binomial and Polynomial.
systematic, and sustained effort to
smoothly and adaptively carryout
complex activities or the ability, coming
from one's knowledge, practice,
aptitude, etc., to do something


Attitude Valuing self-esteem; critical thinking

Values Valuing cooperation


3. Learning Resources Mathematics Learner's Material (aseron, et al.), pp. 135-140

4. Procedures

4.1 Introductory Activity

REMINDME! Recall the Laws of Exponents.
10 minutes

DECODING! The class will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will answer the given expressions to
decode the word/answer being asked.
“It is a kind of expression where each term is a constant, a variable, or a product of a constant and a
variable. It can be a monomial, binomial, trinomial, or a multinomial.”
Match Column A with its answer in Column B to decode the answer. Put the letter of the correct answer
in the space provided below.

4.2 Activity
10 minutes

4.3 Analysis What will happen to the exponents if we multiply two terms?
What is the formula in the Product Rule in the Laws of Exponents?
What is distributive property?
10 minutes


1. To multiply a monomial with another monomial, simply multiply the numerical coefficient then
4.4 Abstraction multiply the literal coefficients by applying the basic laws of exponents.
2. To multiply a monomial with a polynomial, simply apply the distributive property and follow the rule in
multiplying monomial by a monomial.
3. To multiply a binomial with another binomial, simply distribute the first term of the first binomial to
each term of the other binomial then distribute the second term to each term of the other binomial and
simplify the results by combining similar terms.
4. To multiply a polynomial, with more than one term, with a polynomial with three or more terms,
simply distribute the first term of the first polynomial to each term of the other polynomial. Repeat the
procedure up to the last term and simplify the results by combining similar terms.
25 minutes

STEPUP! The class will be divided into 4 groups. Each group should answer the given expressions
enclosed in a step of a stair. Each step have a corresponding points.

4.5 Application

10 minutes

4.6 Assessment

Anlysis of Learners' Products

Anlysis of Learners' Products
10 minutes

WORDPROBLEMS! Solve the following.

4.7 Assignment Enhancing / improving the day’s 1. What is the area of the square whose side measures (2x-5)?
lesson 2. If I bought (3x+5) pencils which cost (5x-1)pesos each, how much will I pay for them?
5 minutes
4.8 Concluding Activity
#MULTIPLYINGPOLYNOMIALS! Write the Rules of Multiplying Polynomials in an index card.
10 minutes

5.      Remarks

6.      Reflections

C.   Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the
A.  No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B.   No. of learners who require additional activities for

D.  No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E.   Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why did

these work?

F.   What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or

supervisor can help me solve?

G.  What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover

which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Name: School:
Position/ Division:
Contact Number: Email address:
9430634624 sheryllopez53@gmail.com
January 3, 2017

Multiplying Polynomials.


t al.), pp. 135-140

swer the given expressions to

a product of a constant and a

t the letter of the correct answer

umerical coefficient then

e property and follow the rule in

t term of the first binomial to

term of the other binomial and

with three or more terms,

other polynomial. Repeat the
lar terms.

nswer the given expressions

sures (2x-5)?
s each, how much will I pay for them?

ex card.



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