2019-02-01 Muscle Insider PDF
2019-02-01 Muscle Insider PDF
2019-02-01 Muscle Insider PDF
12-Week Program
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The Culprits Nailed
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How Pros Drop 10+ lbs. Fast Dr. Stoppani’s Most Innovative Plan Yet:
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Introducing our ALL NEW MUTANT MASS formula.
With 1100 calories, 56g protein, and a real food
blend that now contains oats, sweet potato, and
avocado. It's no wonder it's the World's #1 Big
Bag Muscle Gainer. It's time to MOVE THE SCALE.
36 How to Optimize Muscle Growth
A well-designed training program is a good start to building
muscle, but there are many other important factors if you
truly want to optimize hypertrophy. By Bill Geiger, MA
Fast-track strength and size gains with this well-designed
3-phase, 12-week starter’s plan.
By Bill Geiger, MA & Rob Rinaldi, MS
78 Make the Lateral Raise
10x Better!
Including variations of lateral raises—whether with 1 or 2
dumbbells, a machine, or cables, seated or standing—
allows you to build a target muscle more completely while
avoiding roadblocks in your gym. By Bill Geiger, MA
Meet Chris and Melissa Bumstead, the
brother and sister who both represented
Canada onstage at the 2018 Olympia.
By the Editors
Cover by Dave Laus
86 Why Foot
Position Is So
Important for
Leg Growth
Placing your feet high or low, or
wide vs. close, can affect which
muscle groups of the legs are best
targeted. Here’s what you need to
know. By Bill Geiger, MA
set out on a mission to bring
uncompromising quality to
the sports nutrition industry.
tests, and re-tests every step
of the way. In fact, our quality
standards are so high that we
reject more whey protein than
some of our competitors sell
in a year. This commitment
to quality led us to produce
Gold Standard 100% Whey ,
24 Strong Words 31 Best Protein Chef
Plan for Success: Making improve- Low-Carb Protein Cake: A delicious
ments to your physique isn’t random, Reese’s cup made into a cake—now’s
but you’ll get there far faster if you your chance! By Bayan Sharafi
know what you’re doing.
By Scott Welch, BASc, Founder 32 Supplements
The Promise of CBD Oil:
26 Training How scientific thought today has
Close-Grip Bench Press: Make subtle evolved on cannabodiol. Part 2 of 2.
shifts in long and lateral head triceps By Don Gauvreau, MSc, CSCS
development by getting off the flat
bench. By Dave Hoffman, MS 108 Ask the Scientist
Creatine with Sugar, Revisited:
28 Sports Medicine Do carbs boost creatine uptake,
NSAIDs Can Block Muscle Gains: or is that just bro-science?
Before reaching for a pain reliever after By Jeff Golini, PhD
a hard workout, consider its possible
effects on your recovery. By Guillermo 111 Flex Appeal
Escalante, MBA, ATC, CSCS Featuring Leigh Brandt. By Dave Laus
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Any reference made directly about the effects of anabolic steroids or other substances is for entertainment
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S T R O N G WO R D S By Scott Welch, BASc
e at Muscle Insider know the new year as a time
when gyms become overcrowded, with the upside
being that most of the weekend warriors will be long
gone by May, at the latest! We have to adjust the
time of day we train and choose different exercises
because some dudes hog equipment with no respect for others.
Although the pages that fill this magazine are typically
devoted to those who already live and breathe all things fitness,
on rare occasion we’ll offer training and eating/supplement ad-
vice for the beginners who are just getting started. This issue FACEBOOK
marks one of our most concerted efforts ever aimed at newbies. muscleinsider
Everyone has to start somewhere, and those of us who
already train know the trials and errors we had to learn firsthand,
making progress at a snail’s pace because we didn’t know bet-
ter. Fortunately, you don’t have to because we’ve put together
what we believe is the smartest beginner’s guide ever published! TWITTER
Whether your goal is gaining muscle or losing fat, we’ll show you
better designed programs that’ll fast-track your gains—or losses!
What makes our information better? Well, for one, it’s based
on science. The weight programs become more challenging and
add more volume the further you go. But we also teach you INSTAGRAM
lessons you need to understand as you progress. As for cardio, @muscleinsider
well, we didn’t even mention the c-word when it comes to fat loss
because Dr. Jim Stoppani offers a far superior alternative that will
convince you to ditch the aerobic machine forever!
One of the most important aspects of bodybuilding is using YOUTUBE
good form. None of us were born knowing perfect form and pre- youtube.com/
cise exercise execution, and even some top pro bodybuilders use
horrible form on some exercises. If this were a math equation, it
would read heavy weight + bad form = injury.
That’s one reason why we included a feature on the biggest
mistakes people make with exercise form, and then we show you PERISCOPE
how to fix them. Every day at the gym, our editorial team sees @muscleinsider
these mistakes being made, and we need to do our part to help.
No matter what your training level is, you have to master exercise
form to make the best gains possible while avoiding injury.
I’d close off this issue by wishing you luck—but I know that SNAPCHAT
luck isn’t part of bodybuilding and fitness. Knowledge is the real muscleinsider
secret, and we’re confident this issue will arm you with all the
tools you need to get in the best shape of your life.
Scott Welch,
Follow Scott on social media:
@Scott Welch
T RA I N I NG By Dave Hoffman, MS
lose-grip benches are a triceps trol of the bar, you now must be holding it and it’s only when you raise your arm over-
staple that also hit the inner pecs perpendicular to the floor, not your body. head that it can be fully stretched, which
pretty hard, making them a good And when on a decline bench, you’re now allows for a stronger long-head contrac-
choice for the start of your arm holding the bar such that it’s angled more tion than when your arm is by your side.
workout (because of their multi- toward your thighs in the start position. Hence, anytime you can position your arms
joint nature) or a way to add volume on Remember, the long head is attached closer to an overhead position, you’ll get
chest day that targets an oft-overlooked to the shoulder blade, more triceps long-head activation.
area. But like everything else, your body
gets pretty efficient doing them over time,
and the results you get start to diminish.
Normally, you do them on a flat
bench, but there’s no law that decrees
such. Want to introduce some variety
into your triceps workout? Try close-grip
benches on a slightly inclined or declined
bench instead!
Consider that with a flat bench your
upper arms start in a perpendicular posi-
tion to your body, which allows you to hit
both the lateral and long heads. But with
an incline, now you have to keep your
upper arms angled back more toward your
head; after all, to maintain con-
f you’re like some lifters, days aren’t Sounds reasonable so far; sports- intestinal and cardiovascular conditions
measured by Mondays, Tuesdays, and medicine practitioners and athletes have as well as musculoskeletal and renal side
so on, but by arm day, chest day, leg taken non-steroidal anti-inflammatory effects.1
day, and the like. Hump day is always drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibupro- But there’s more, because the lifter
whichever day legs fall on because fen, which are popular choices to mini- must also weigh performance side ef-
once you clear that hurdle, everything mize pain and inflammation after sprains, fects. In a study of rat and mice models,
coming is a breeze by comparison. strains, and other acute soft-tissue inju- researchers looked into the effects of tak-
One by-product of a good leg ries. ing ibuprofen on cyclooxygenase (COX)
workout is the delicious post-workout NSAIDs are classified in different activity because it has been demonstrat-
soreness—called delayed-onset muscle ways, not only by whether they’re over- ed that COX activity is a critical compo-
soreness, or DOMS—the kind that makes the-counter or prescription drugs but nent of muscular hypertrophy. 2 Because
walking up a pair of stairs feel so good. also by chemical structure and the drug’s drugs such as ibuprofen are classified as
And sometimes, perhaps not. That sore- half-life (the time necessary to eliminate COX inhibitors and COX activity is a criti-
ness can in fact linger for a few days, half of the ingested amount of drug from cal component of muscular hypertrophy,
which may tempt you into taking an over- the body). As for what’s in various OTCs, a clear link has been established: Ibu-
the-counter pain reliever or check out the active ingredients in the profen inhibits muscular hypertrophy. In
anti-inflammatory. sidebar. another study, researchers demonstrated
that COX activity is required for muscle
Shoulder muscles CAN NSAIDs BLUNT growth possibly through facilitation of
sore after a delt PROTEIN SYNTHESIS? extracellular protease activity, macro-
workout? You According to research, using phage accumulation, and cell prolifera-
may not want to NSAIDs has some potential risks tion. 3 Hence, taking a drug that inhibits
reach for a pain because they can produce signifi- COX may very well be counterproductive
reliever when cant side effects, including gastro- for muscle gains.
DOMS sets in as A 2002 human study was the first to
it may adversely find NSAIDs blunted protein synthesis in
affect protein humans. 4 But other, later studies didn’t
synthesis. make that finding. 5–8
Let’s remember these stud-
ies are typically done with un-
trained individuals, so that
can skew how the results
might affect a highly
t r a i n e d a t h l e t e.
W h a t ’s m o r e,
acute changes
may not reflect
with muscu-
lar hypertro-
No doubt there’s a time and place to use
NSAIDs, but they should be taken with
caution, in relatively moderate dosages,
and for short periods of time. A review of
the practical management of NSAIDs in
athletic injuries determined that NSAIDs
t’s safe to say most of us grew up with Your four best cereal choices are only one gram of sugar, a serving yields
cereal as our go-to breakfast option, packed with nutrients, including fibre and 20 grams of carbohydrates with 4 grams
and some of us never outgrew that whole grains, so you can enjoy them and of fibre. Keep in mind, these values are
comfort food. You can’t beat a bowl stay on track with your nutritional plan. for the original version; many of the other
of crunchy cereal with refreshing flavours not only have a slightly smaller
milk. As adults, however, we should likely 1. OATS serving size but also average 8 grams of
take a step up from the childhood cereal Though this may not be regarded as sugar per serving.
choices we formerly made and start mak- the most traditional cereal, it’s one you
ing more health-conscious choices. Move can enjoy hot or cold. Whether you opt 4. CHEX
over, fruity O’s and chocolate crispies; for rolled, steel cut, or instant, you’ll be Even though it makes a great party
we’ve got some better-for-you options to enjoying a breakfast with more staying mix, it’s time to add milk and enjoy this
fill your bowl. power than a bowl of sugar. This grain as a cereal again. Chex comes in with
Cereal can be a bit of a crapshoot, is incredibly nutrient-dense, providing the largest serving size of the group at
even when marketed as being healthy or a wide array of vitamins and minerals, 47 grams. With this, you’ll take in one
natural. Reading labels is absolutely criti- including magnesium, iron, zinc and tiny gram of fat, 5 grams of protein,
cal. Many, perhaps most, are loaded with vitamins B 1 and B 5, to name a few. You and 40 grams of carbohydrates, consist-
sugars, which isn’t an ideal way to start also can’t overlook the soluble fibre, as ing of 7 grams of fibre and only 5 grams
or end your day. The added sugar can be it helps reduce LDL and total cholesterol of sugar. This breakdown is great to fill
so bad that the bowl you’re eating is akin levels, and it can help you feel satiated carb macros without worrying about your
to having a processed-carb breakfast for longer. Where a sugary cereal will other macros. When it comes to micro-
with a Coke! cause a rapid spike in insulin levels, oats nutrients, folic acid, iron, zinc, and vita-
spark a slower absorption of glucose into min B 12 top the list. While these values
Get an all-day the blood. Talk about a power food! are for the wheat variety, other flavours
energy boost such as vanilla, cinnamon, and blueberry
with slow- 2. PUFFED RICE have slightly higher sugar counts with a
digesting From no-name brands to the snap, crackle, smaller serving size.
carbs, and and pop variety, puffed or crisp rice cere-
avoid added als are strong options to include. With one GRAB A BOWL
sugar! serving* (about 1¼ cup) providing zero The next time you feel a craving for
fat and 30 grams of carbs, it’s a great way something reminiscent of your childhood,
to fill carb macros alone. It also offers a or a refreshing treat, pour yourself a bowl
decent number of micronutrients such as of one of these cereals. You can enjoy it
vitamin A, C, and E, folic acid, riboflavin, knowing that you’re fueling your body
and vitamins B 6 and B 12. The only draw- with healthy nutrients while satisfying
back is the low fibre content, so be sure cravings. If you’re looking for something
to eat enough in your other meals. For vol- a little sweeter, try sprinkling some cin-
ume-eaters, this cereal is a great answer! namon on your cereal for added flavour
without adding any nutritional content or
3. THE FAMOUS O’s throw on some fruit, such as blueberries
This iconic cereal has evolved over the or raisins. An added bonus is that cinna-
years, coming out with new flavours mon can increase insulin sensitivity and
and even limited-edition versions is packed with antioxidants. Flavour +
based on seasonal trends (looking health for the win.
at you, pumpkin spice). You can keep *Serving information is for dry
feeling like a kid by enjoying this cereal cereal only, not including milk.
forever with its strong nutrient profile. A
single serving* contains a solid quantity Follow Ashleigh on social media:
of folic acid, iron, zinc, and vitamin B, with @iron_forged_fitness
smaller amounts of vitamins A, C, and D, @Ashleigh Atkinson
and calcium. With a low fat content and Website: ironforgedfitness.org
A delicious Reese’s cup made into
a cake—now’s your chance!
1/2 cup almond flour 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Makes 4 to 6
3/4 scoop chocolate 2. In a bowl, mix all dry servings. Per
casein protein powder ingredients together. serving (with-
1 tbsp cacao powder Add additional stevia out toppings)
1 tsp vanilla extract if desired.
228 calories
3 eggs 3. Add in peanut butter
13 g protein
2 tbsp stevia and eggs, and whip until
8 g carbs
1/4 cup peanut butter consistent and smooth.
16 g fat
n the last issue of Muscle Insider, we leaves and flowers. Endocannabinoids are butane. Extraction using carbon dioxide
talked about the historical use of can- endogenous and created within the body. (CO 2) is a popular choice and is marketed
nabis and its more recent uses as a The human endocannabinoid system as one of the cleanest options. After the
medicinal plant. We also introduced (ECS) is composed of two primary endo- cannabinoids are extracted, the isolated
the topic of cannabinoids and more cannabinoid messengers, anandamide compounds can be separated using vari-
specifically, cannabidiol (CBD). Now, let’s and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), and ous distillation techniques.
dive into some more details on cannabi- at least 30 to 50 receptors expressed
noids, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) throughout the body on various cell PHARMACOLOGY OF CBD
and how CBD is used today in treating dis- types that function together to maintain Since cannabinoids such as CBD are
ease and disorders, including pain. homeostasis. Anandamide and 2-AG lev- metabolized in the liver, bioavailabil-
els increase on demand in response to a ity can be an issue. Vaping and smoking
UNDERSTANDING given stimuli (e.g., pain). Anandamide appear to have the greatest bioavailabil-
CANNABINOIDS & THE ECS and 2-AG are synthesized in a localized ity, but many people are concerned with
Cannabinoids are a set of diverse chemical stimulus-dependent manner from mem- health risks associated with this. Standard
compounds that can act on cannabinoid brane phospholipid precursors. In contrast, oral bioavailability of isolated CBD is rela-
receptors and interact with the endocan- when cannabis is used for recreational or tively low, on average at about 10 to 20
nabinoid system in your body. There are medicinal purposes, all susceptible recep- percent. The introduction of more bioavail-
phytocannabinoids and endocannabinoids. tors in your body are bathed in phytocan- able forms of CBD will be at the forefront
Phytocannabinoids, such as CBD, are bio- nabinoids resulting in several outcomes.1 of research and product development over
active secondary metabolites produced by The endocannabinoid system is the coming years and is something I’m
the cannabis plant. They are synthesized involved in regulating various physiologi- personally working on.
and accumulate in cal and cognitive processes, including
the trichomes on fertility, pregnancy, pre- and post-natal FUTURE OF CBD &
the surfaces of development, appetite, pain sensation, CANNABINOID RESEARCH
both cannabis mood and memory, and mediating the It still isn’t exactly known how CBD inter-
pharmacological effects of cannabis. The acts within the endocannabinoid system.
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S U P P L E ME N T R E V I E W By Ashleigh Atkinson, MHK
rom building muscle to losing the scales (literally) when the product is expose the ingredients to harsh chemical
weight, protein supplements have being tested for protein content. The inclu- treatments and temperatures. Stoppani
a place in all nutrition plans. As an sion of these aminos will yield a false has ensured that Pro Jym is created in the
athlete, hitting your protein macros is protein count, allowing a company to best way possible—through cold micro-
probably one of your top priorities to advertise a higher protein content than is filtration. Using this process allows the
ensure you keep making progress. How- truly being delivered. With no individual protein to retain its nutrient profile full
ever, science says not all protein products aminos added to the Pro formula, you can of amino acids, antioxidants, and anti-
are created equally, and we want to help be certain that the protein content listed is inflammatory properties.
you find the best option. exactly what you’re getting.
Dr. Jim Stoppani’s line of supplements GAINS NEVER TASTED
brings a new standard of quality to the QUALITY ALL AROUND SO GOOD
market. With more than a decade of work With a formula backed by research, Pro Not only does Pro Jym deliver a top-of-
dedicated to the science of health and fit- Jym also covers the other bases in terms the-line muscle-building formula, but it’s
ness, Dr. Stoppani puts this science into all of quality. Whey isolates are regarded as also delicious. With dessert-like flavours
of his products, and Pro Jym is no excep- the gold standard of protein options. They such as Chocolate Cookie Crunch, Banana
tion. With a unique blend of proteins and undergo more processing to yield a pro- Cream Pie, and the overwhelmingly popu-
amazing flavours, Pro Jym delivers a highly tein with less carbs, fat, and lactose than lar (and often sold out) S’mores, making
effective product for athletes to use at any their counterparts. gains has never tasted better. Simply mix
point in their day. Beyond using high-quality ingredi- each scoop with 6 to 12 ounces of water
ents, Stoppani also paid close attention or milk, and your body will activate the
MULTIPLE PROTEINS to the manufacturing of his product. The response necessary for repairing and
TO BETTER GROWTH methods by which protein supplements building muscle, ensuring you’re ready to
Utilizing the science of muscle growth, are created can vary, some of which hit the gym again tomorrow.
Stoppani maximized the body’s muscle
protein synthesis (MPS) process with the For more information on Pro Jym,
Pro Jym formula. By including four dif- and all other Jym products, visit
ferent types of protein, specifically those jymsupplementscience.com.
that are digested rapidly, moderately, and
slowly by the body, the MPS process is
elevated for longer.
To address the three digestive speeds,
Pro Jym contains a blend of proteins that
total 24 grams per scoop. They add up as
follows: whey isolate (7.5 grams), micel-
lar casein (7 grams), egg white protein
(2.5 grams), and milk protein isolate (7
grams). Although whey protein will spike
MPS quickly, it doesn’t stay elevated for
long. However, research has found that the
addition of medium- and slow-digest-
ing proteins enables MPS to remain
elevated, supporting your body’s abil-
ity to build new muscle for longer.
Amino spiking, a practice used by
some supplement companies to
artificially boost protein content
like a blind man, simply walking into a gym and just randomly
doing exercises and following what other guys do—including
copying their bad form. That approach will probably do something.
Others take an all-inclusive approach, gathering information
on how the various components of diet, recovery, training, sleep, and
smart supplementation work together to optimize results. Acing just one
aspect without paying attention to the others is a sure way to sabotage
your gains, and you’ll likely soon quit as a result.
Understanding how the pie fits together is an important step in ensur-
ing you’re getting the most from all your efforts. Realize that these are the
most important concepts of muscle building that you’ll constantly revisit
over the years, and eventually you’ll learn how to manipulate and tinker
with the various components as you progress.
This is the framework for building max muscle, so let’s get to it.
• Favour multi-joint movements. • Choose the right training inten- • Train with suffi cient volume.
Exercises in which you can push sity. This isn’t a measure of how hard Another hormone booster is training
the heaviest loads have the great- you train but, rather, the weight you’re volume (defined as number of sets per
est impact on hormone response. lifting compared to your one-rep max muscle group multiplied by reps and
These are called multi-joint exercises, for that exercise. So if your max squat load). Higher volume, multiple-set pro-
because movement occurs in more is 205 pounds and you’re doing a set tocols consistently have been shown
than a single set of joints (the elbows with 185, that’s an intensity of about to be superior to single sets for build-
and shoulders when bench pressing, 90 percent. Exercise scientists have ing muscle. As you progress from the
for example). With single-joint exer- weighed in and suggest most people beginner ranks, you’ll be adding vol-
cises such as leg extensions or lateral should train between 70 and 85 per- ume to your body-part workouts, but
raises, you can’t use nearly as much cent of their max to elicit an opti- that causes greater muscle damage, so
weight, so they’re poorer choices in mal hypertrophic response. That is, you’ll have to decrease the frequency
a mass-building workout. Moreover, to build muscle, ideally your weight (by using a longer training split). The
choosing a free-weight version of an should be one between 145 and 175 best way to add volume is training a
exercise improves anabolism better pounds. That translates to a rep count given muscle from different angles, as
than a machine because it engages of between 6 and 12; in other words, when you include flat bench, incline,
more of the core muscles. to optimize muscle growth, you should and decline bench presses for chest.
reach muscle failure between 6 and 12
reps using good form. If a weight’s too
easy or too heavy, adjust it accordingly
on your next set.
3. SUPPORT CONTINUED previous marks you’ve set. Beware of
GROWTH WITH THESE falling into a comfort zone; you always
TRAINING FACTORS need to be looking for ways to chal-
Dialing in your training and nutrition lenge yourself further.
are a good start, but we need to build
in some long-term insurance to ensure • Create greater muscle damage
you keep making progress over time. with advanced training princi-
So let’s consider a few more factors ples. While training to failure as men-
that could be holding back your gains. tioned above is smart, you can create
further damage within muscle tissue
• Understand the role of progres- by taking some (but not all) sets past
sive overload. Who hasn’t seen the point of muscle failure. Essentially,
those individuals at the gym who train that means instead of ending a set
religiously year after year but always when you can’t do another rep, you
look the same? What’s likely happen- use a technique to push beyond that
ing is they’re doing the same routine point. While these are mostly interme-
for the same number of sets and reps diate and advanced techniques, you
for years. That can happen when you should be aware of the major ones.
fall into a comfort zone and switch Drop sets. Once you reach mus-
your training to autopilot. Just because cle failure, quickly reduce the pound-
you’re exercising doesn’t mean you’re age by about 20 to 30 percent and
making progress. immediately continue to a second
As the body adapts to a novel point of muscle failure on a given set.
training stimulus, it responds by grow- Forced reps. As you reach mus- Bodyweight exercises, such as dips,
ing bigger and stronger. (Many of the cle failure, your partner steps in and are great for negative training.
initial changes you see as a beginner provides you with just enough assis-
are the result of neurological adapta- tance to keep the weight moving over Negatives. Instead of focus-
tions—the muscles simply learning a sticking point. This can help allow ing on the lift (positive rep or con-
to fire together more efficiently—but you to complete 2 to 3 more reps—reps centric contraction), you instead take
after a short time, actual changes in you wouldn’t have been able to do on three to five seconds to slowly lower
the muscle fibres begin to occur. But your own. it (the negative, or eccentric, contrac-
once your body adapts a training stim- tion). Your partner then helps you lift
ulus, you need to continue to increase the weight back to the start. Because
the overload to keep seeing further you’re stronger lowering a weight than
improvements. That usually means lifting it, this is an especially useful
increasing the weight as you get stron- tool to boost strength.
ger, but it can also mean manipulating Note that intensity boosters
other training variables such as reps shouldn’t be done on every working set
and rest periods. because it’s counterproductive to mus-
Progressive overload is the sci- cle growth. Typically, such techniques
ence behind bodybuilding; that is, con- are done on 1 or 2 sets per exercise,
tinually challenging yourself to higher most often your last or heaviest set(s).
levels of performance as you adapt to
Don’t shortchange your sleep. related to work or sport. While a lim- a state of overtraining. That’s marked
Often squeezed by a busy lifestyle, ited amount of physically demanding by a state of fatigue where you stop
sleep not only allows your body to rest, work unrelated to your bodybuilding making gains, your mental energy hits
but it’s during this time that circulat- is fine, constant exhaustive activity a wall, you have trouble sleeping, and/
ing hormones are released, which can can sap your strength and leave you or you’re more susceptible to inju-
have anabolic properties on your mus- fatigued even before your workout. For ries. Don’t shy away from challenging
cles. Turn the phone and TV off at least sure, some activity may be required for workouts, but realize pushing full-bore
60 minutes before bedtime and begin work, but cutting back on optional rec- all the time increases the likelihood
slowing down for the night, guarding reational activities or sports can set a of progressively more negative out-
against overstimulation. more optimal environment for gains. comes. Make sure your split includes
Get rest. Building serious mass Get a massage. Anecdotally, rest days, and cycle in periods of lower
is difficult if not impossible bodybuilders rave about the benefits of intensity training and even weeklong
to achieve if your physi- a regular deep-tissue massage. That’s holidays from the gym, both for your
cal energies are being because their workouts are incred- physical and mental health.
drained by out- ibly intense in nature, resulting in In the big picture, there’s more—
side activities, sore muscles, tightness, swelling from much more—to gaining size than hit-
whether they’re inflammation, and increased muscle ting the weights hard. Not only does
adhesions and “knots.” The scientific it mean choosing the right training
Treat yourself evidence, however, is rather limited.5 program that addresses the most criti-
to a massage So give it a try and make your own cal variables, but it entails multiple
from a true determination. I find a professional other factors that allow you to either
professional massage to be fairly expensive, so I enhance—or negate—all that hard
from time favour the convince-your-partner-to- work you do in the gym.
to time. do-it approach. You can also do a mas-
sage semi-regularly from a pro. REFERENCES
Many other recovery strategies 1. Pearcey GE, Bradbury-Squires DJ, Kawa-
have been tested, none of which have moto JE, et al. Foam rolling for delayed-onset
passed scientific muster. Those include muscle soreness and recovery of dynamic
performance measures. J Athl Train. 2015
active recovery, cryotherapy (ice), con- Jan;50(1):5-13.
trast temperature water immersion, 2. Tiidus, PM. Alternative treatments for
hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the use of muscle injury: massage, cryotherapy, and
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hyperbaric oxygen. Curr Rev Musculoskelet
Med. 2015 Jun;8(2):162-7.
compression garments, and even elec-
3. Herbert RD, de Noronha M, Kamper SJ.
tromyostimulation (deliverance of Stretching to prevent or reduce muscle sore-
electrical impulses). ness after exercise. Cochrane Database Syst
Rev. 2011 Jul 6;(7):CD004577.
• Avoid overtraining. If your pursuit 4. Bompa T, Buzzichelli C. (2015). Periodization
Training for Sports (3rd ed.). Human Kinetics.
of size has you pushing the envelope, 5. Barnett A. Using recovery modalities
training harder, longer, and more fre- between training sessions in elite athletes:
quently, you may unknowingly enter does it help? Sports Med. 2006;36(9):781-96.
S U P P L E ME N T R E V I E W By the Editors
mpact Igniter hit the scene at the Netflix! But the real strength of Impact By design, Allmax’s formulators pulled
2017 Mr. Olympia and created a ton Pump is its versatility. You can stack it the stimulants out (caffeine, synephrine,
of buzz—not just because it was with Impact Igniter or your favourite pre- higenamine, and hordenine) and removed
made by industry-leader Allmax, but workout to give you sick pumps that help L-carnitine L-tartrate but have made way
also because the formula was so well enhance growth while taking your perfor- for 1,000 milligrams of GlycerPump. This is
designed. We loved the original Razor8 mance to the max. a breakthrough form of glycerol from Aus-
Blast Powder, but Impact Igniter was an tralia that’s unlike anything on the mar-
even more advanced formula. Despite be- FORMULA BREAKDOWN ket. This ingredient is going to give you
ing DMAA/DMHA free, this high-stimulant Allmax Impact Pump has most of the same sick pumps while also improving cellular
pre-workout was almost too much for even cutting-edge ingredients found in Impact hydration which is critical for endurance
us to handle, and we’re the worst stim Igniter, such as the whopping 3,200 mil- athletes or those who train insane!
junkies in the industry! Allmax has taken ligrams of beta-alanine to give you the
the game to another level by introducing a lactic acid buffering that you’ve come PUMP UP THE VOLUME
stimulant-free pump product called Impact to expect, 6,000 milligrams of citrulline Allmax has been around since the mid-
Pump. Impact Igniter is the version with all malate (in a 2:1 ratio) for insane pumps, 2000s, which has allowed it to get its
the stimulants and performance nutrients and 1,000 milligrams of AgmaPure® agma- products in every major country where
you love, whereas Impact Pump is a stim- tine sulfate for blood flow. Any time you sports supplements are sold, so expect
free pre-workout designed to maximize increase blood flow, you’re also enhanc- to find Impact Pump all over the world
pumps for those unforgettable workouts ing overall nutrient and stimulant delivery in 2019. We put the Blue Raspberry fla-
we all love! to the muscles. That’s why Impact Pump vour to the test, and it was delicious and
makes high stimulant pre-workouts such tasted exactly the same as Impact Igniter,
PERFECT FOR STACKING as Igniter more effective. The formula con- making this perfect for stacking or using
Since it’s 100 percent stimulant free, tinues with 1,000 milligrams of taurine for on its own. Allmax will also be launching
Impact Pump is perfect for those sensi- cell volumization, 300 milligrams of lion’s an unflavoured version, which is going to
tive to stimulants or those who train late mane mushroom extract and alpha GPC for make it stackable with any flavour of pre-
at night and don’t want to be energized mental focus, and many other compounds workout that you use. For more informa-
while they’re trying to chill out and watch that have made Impact Igniter so effective. tion, check out allmaxnutrition.com.
Fast-track strength and size gains with this
well-designed 3-phase, 12-week starter’s plan
gym is half the battle. We disagree. Once inside, you can get
overwhelmed by the assortment of equipment and the million
ways you can put together a routine. Just showing up doesn’t
guarantee any degree of success whatsoever. That’s because
muscle growth isn’t random; just putting in the effort doesn’t assure a
more muscular physique.
Any number of choices in the gym can fast-track growth or leave you
spinning your wheels without much appreciable gains. Nothing sinks
motivation faster than a lack of progress, which is one reason why so
many beginners quit.
So let’s put together what you need to know when it comes to your
actual workout, and we’ll explain these things so you’ll better understand
their critical roles in improving your physique and physical fitness. The
three four-week training programs at the end incorporate all the major
points discussed here and in the previous article so you can graduate to
intermediate status as soon as possible.
Bench presses
recruit two sets of
joints—elbows and
means they recruit
more muscle mass
and allow you to
lift heavier loads.
MACHINE During the first phase it’s all about learning
movement patterns. The focus here is on learning
good form before adding significant resistance.
Be certain
to make any
necessary to
fit your body
type and
The Workout
• Do the two workouts in order followed by one or two rest days, so the cycle
should repeat every three or four days. You’ll be training four times total each
week instead of three.
• Warm-up sets aren’t included; do as many as you need, but never take warm-
ups to muscle failure.
• On your working sets, choose a weight so that you approach muscle failure by
the target rep. Adjust the weight up or down as necessary.
• As you get stronger and can do more than the target number of reps, increase
the weight by 5 percent for upper-body exercises and 10 percent for lower-body
Without a proper warm-up, you not also serves to continue the warm-up.
only risk injury but also won’t be able Precede that with a five- to 10-minute
to go as heavy, which becomes more jog on the treadmill or spin on the bike
apparent the stronger you become. to start building up a sweat
Most often, sets are arranged in what’s
OVERHEAD called pyramid fashion: You use pro- • Rest periods. As you begin a set,
DUMBBELL gressively heavier weights on succeed- biochemical changes occur in the
EXTENSION ing sets as the reps count falls, which muscle fibres that cause fatigue and
as possible. If you’re breathing out as
you push, you lose that stability as
your chest cavity is collapsing. Here,
you’ll hold your breath on the exertion
until the very top of the lift and then
exhale forcefully.
Your body responds to the training
stimulus by growing bigger and stron-
ger, at least under optimal conditions.
That once-heavy weight from a few
weeks ago now seems manageable.
But if you do the same exercise again
with the same weight for the same
number of sets and reps, your body Building a great
isn’t going to grow any further. Hence, physique requires
as you get stronger, you need to con- hard work,
tinually increase the overload, which an intelligent
is most often done by increasing the program, smart
weight or increasing the number of eating habits,
reps you can do with a given load, to and time. You
continue making gains. The concept is won’t get there
called progressive overload. Keep it in overnight, but
mind to keep making long-term gains taking that UPRIGHT ROW
with minimal stagnation. important first
step gets you
that much closer
to your goals.
Now you’re ready
to take the
next step!
ANY PEOPLE TRIAL BY FIRE same for both programs. The results
right now are experienc- I’ve personally been doing full-body from the study showed significantly
ing the holiday hang- workouts for nearly two years. Like better fat loss in the full-body training
over—that unfortunate many people reading Muscle Insider, I group, where subjects had a 6 percent
end-of-year situation in have a bodybuilding background, so drop in body fat versus only a 2 per-
which you ate way too I’d been doing typical body-part split cent drop in the split-body training
much but didn’t quite training for countless years. But in group.
work it all off. Sound familiar? Maybe early 2017, I completely ruptured my I decided to take full-body train-
even like the New Year’s resolution right quadriceps tendon, which meant ing to an even higher level than the
you made a year ago? And yet here we high-impact cardio activities such as New Zealand study: Instead of three
are again with even more unwanted running and jumping were completely full-body workouts per week, I started
body fat to lose. off the table for many months there- hitting the whole body five or six days
Every January you’re barraged after while I rehabbed and recovered in a row with only one or two days off
with promises offering the solution, from multiple surgeries. Limited in from the gym per week. And when I
but by now you know it’s going to take what exercises I could do, I needed a say full-body workouts, I mean it—
hard work with very few shortcuts. new way to train, and I wanted to stay doing at least one exercise each for 10
The good news—and it’s truly good lean. different muscle groups: chest, back,
news—is that there’s a better way to That’s when I started doing full- shoulders, legs (quads/hamstrings),
burn fat faster, it’s backed by recent body workouts, based in part on one triceps, biceps, traps, forearms, calves,
scientific research, and it doesn’t even particular 2016 study from New Zea- abs.
include cardio. It combines traditional land that showed full-body training
resistance training in ways you never burned more fat than split-body work-
imagined. Essentially, you do full-body outs.1 Researchers had weight-trained BY JIM
training but not by following a tradi- male rugby players follow either a full- STOPPANI,
tional training split, but rather work- body training split done three times
ing all the major muscle groups every per week or a three-day training split,
workout. with total weekly volume being the
1. Crewther BT,
Heke T, Keogh J.
The effects of two
training protocols
upon strength, body
composition and
salivary hormones
in male rugby union
players. Biol Sport.
2016 Jun;33(2):111-6.
Sure, beginners are prone to gym blunders, but
what’s your excuse? Here are the 9 most common
screwups that no one seems to get right.
2. BACK waist, but the erectors should play no ing forward or backward lean to a
PROBLEM: Leaning more than a stabilizing role here. minimum—no more than about plus
Excessively Forward and or minus 10 degrees. This ensures
Backward as You Pull THE FIX: You need to better con- the muscular stress remains on the
THE BLUNDER: Whether you’re trol the motion. Maintain an upright upper lats and middle-back muscu-
doing pull-downs, seated rows, or position throughout each rep, keep- lature.
any other back movement, when you
go too heavy, you’re likely to generate A little backward
greater body English to successfully lean is okay; too
pull a bar into your midsection. That much turns this
means leaning back excessively. Here, into a lower-back
momentum can rob muscle gains exercise. Oops!
because the stimulus starts shifting to
other muscles—in this case, the lower
back. Effectively, you’re taking a multi-
joint exercise and adding another
muscle group from an altogether dif-
ferent joint into the equation. On back
day, you commonly see trainers see-
sawing forward and backward at the
6. TRICEPS a hammer curl and pushing with grav- the elbow, but don’t allow it to break
PROBLEM: Dropping ity, which at best is only an isometric any further than about 90 degrees at
Your Elbow when Doing triceps contraction. The real motion the bottom of the rep. (Your forearm
Dumbbell Kickbacks against gravity here is raising the should be pointing directly toward
THE BLUNDER: Here’s another weight, which is the hammer curl for the floor at this point—don’t go any
problem exercise in which gravity is biceps. So it’s completely wrong. further than that! Once you pass that
misused. Kickbacks are a common point, the extra ROM means you’re
elbow-extension movement that THE FIX: Let’s revisit the bent-over pushing with gravity.) Watch yourself
require you remain in a bent-over position, which is where you’ll need in the mirror if you’re having trouble
position with your elbow pinned by to remain. Lock your elbow beside getting this, as many lifters are com-
your side throughout the motion, your torso so that your upper arm is pletely unaware of their compro-
which most effectively isolates the roughly parallel to the floor. Hinge at mised form.
triceps. All too often,
you’ll see the work-
ing-side elbow drop
during the motion,
which is problem one.
You compound it fur-
ther if you allow your
forearm to go past the
perpendicular (to the
floor), which you see more among
folks who do this exercise partially
standing instead of bent over. Here,
fully extending your elbow simply
means you’re doing the negative rep of
Some (but
not all) Smith
machines allow
the bar to move
at an angle, which
means how you’re
oriented to it
must correspond
with the pathway
of the natural
movement of
the exercise.
EXTRA POUNDS! Whether you’re a serious fitness athlete looking to tighten
up for an upcoming competition or the average weekend warrior doing sea-
sonal post-holiday repair work, one method of manipulating carbs—specifically,
cycling lower and high carb days—seems to be highly successful.
This dieting strategy, which, if insulin function do better without an The second reason is that some
done correctly, delivers enough carbs excess of carbs in their diets. people, when they get that whiff of
at the right times, minimizes any Our research reviews with Fitness- “cheat” food, can’t stop and go off
reductions in exercise performance Genes, where I work, have identified on a bender, also throwing a mon-
and muscle mass while maximizing at least five genes that significantly key wrench into their compliance. If
fat loss. increase the risk of poor and declin- either of these describes you, then just
Carbs aren’t an essential nutri- ing insulin function, so if you’re one stick to a consistent diet in which you
ent, although some carb-based foods of those people with versions of those adjust your carbs up and down very
are high in vitamins, minerals, and genes that predispose you to poor gradually, and/or if you do carb cycle,
healthy phytochemicals (chemicals insulin function, then a carb-cycling stick to foods that you know won’t
naturally found in plants). So there’s diet is probably a good choice. push your “binge” button.
really no problem with taking levels For those who can plan and com-
very low on some days of the week. IS CARB CYCLING FOR YOU? ply, the advantages of carb cycling can
The reason this helps with fat loss is In practice, a carb-cycling diet could be useful. Eating higher-carb meals
that if carbs aren’t readily available to be anything from having two or three after intense, glycogen-depleting
the metabolism as a source of energy, high-carb, cheat/reward meals per workouts virtually assures that none
the body is forced to preferentially use week during a carb-restricted diet to of the calories from that meal are likely
more fat for fuel. having two or three very low-carb days to be stored as fat because the body’s
For some people, this works par- per week and eating a normal amount primary aim at that time is replenish-
ticularly well because they’re more of carbs otherwise. ing glycogen. Knowing there’s light at
susceptible to poor insulin function; Carb cycling works best in people the end of the tunnel after strict diet-
these are the folks who benefit more who are able to maintain a high degree ing ensures your high-carb meals and
from carb-cycling diets than from sim- of compliance and don’t succumb to high-carb days are happily anticipated
ply reducing calories from any source. cravings and who don’t have huge and can actually make you feel like
No one is quite sure of the exact mech- appetites. The first reason for this is you have a normal life for one to five
anism, but obviously insulin is the that it’s difficult to implement—you meals/days per week! Finally, since
hormone that manages the movement have to plan your meals fairly care- consistent, excessive calorie restric-
and storage of the body’s primary fully—and for most people outside of tion can lower metabolic rate (more so
carbohydrate fuel, glucose, so it’s not hardcore gym-goers and competitors, in some folks than others) and a vari-
surprising that those who have poorer that makes the compliance rate poor. ety of evidence suggests that you can
a high degree of
program and find that carb cycling compliance and
doesn’t seem to work any better than don’t succumb
just regularly eating fewer calories to cravings.
from fat or carbs, then there’s a good
chance that you genetically metabo-
lize carbs well and have good insulin
function. In this case, there’s no need
to have to deal with the added com-
plexity of cycling carbs, and a nor-
mal calorie-restricted diet is a better
choice for you.
S U P P L E ME N T R E V I E W By the Editors
n the ’90s, one of the hottest supple- FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE BETTER CARB & FAT SOURCES
ments used by bodybuilders were meal- Mammoth Meal makes it easy to custom- The old-school MRPs of the ’90s used only
replacement powders (MRPs). These ize the calorie count thanks to what they maltodextrin and lactose as their carb
shakes had everything you needed in a call “E-Z Dose.” One scoop contains 100 sources. Thanks to how far we’ve come
meal but with the ultra-convenience of calories, 2 scoops contains 200 calories, 3 with food science over the last 20 years,
a shake. The two leading brands were Met- contains—you guessed it—300 calories, you now have healthier carb options from
Rx and Myoplex. The formulas were very and so on! Protein content goes up by 10 whole foods. Mammoth Meal has nine
basic, combining carbohydrates, proteins, grams and fats go up by 2.25-grams with carb sources: gluten-free oats, pea starch,
fats, vitamins, and minerals to give you ev- each scoop. This versatility makes it per- sweet potato, and organic sources of oat
erything you needed to grow. Because of fect for men and women of different body bran, amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, mil-
the sheer amount of nutrients and density sizes, different metabolic needs, or even let, and chia.
of the shakes, MRPs filled you up. People different goals. If you’re more active, you Fats also help slow down the
got amazing results with MRPs because need more calories to maintain your body absorption of carbs and protein, while
they took the guesswork out of eating. Di- weight; if you’re less active (say, on a rest also providing fat-soluble vitamins (A,
eting on MRPs allowed people to regulate day), you need fewer calories. Mammoth D, E, and K), which are involved in natu-
their food intake right down to the gram! Meal’s E-Z Dose format makes it super ral testosterone production. Mammoth
Now, thanks to our simple! Meal contains a blend of fats, including
friends at Mammoth, fast-burning coconut oil, which is rich in
the MRP is back on BALANCED CARB- medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), as
the bodybuilding TO-PROTEIN RATIO well as avocado oil, which provides long-
scene! But unlike Each scoop of Mammoth Meal con- chain triglycerides (LCTs).
the original MRPs tains an equal amount of protein (40
of the ‘90s, Mam- percent of calories) and carbohydrates HEALTHY OPTION
moth Meal com- (40 percent of calories), which is 10 Aside from the macros, the formula has
bines the latest grams of each. This was done to ingredients to improve overall health, too.
in sports-nutrition lower the glycemic response, Greek yogurt has been added for its pro-
research to give you a meaning the rate of diges- biotic function. Pink Himalayan sea salt
second-generation tion is slower. Mammoth supports proper hydration. And the super-
MRP. Meal also uses five differ- foods pineapple, goji, açai, spirulina, bar-
ent sources of protein ley grass, and even kale have been added
to take on a different for their antioxidants and natural detoxifi-
amino-acid profile cation properties.
and to further Mammoth Meal definitely takes the
lower the gly- guesswork out of eating by giving you
cemic response everything you need in one shake.
from the meal.
Of course, our favourite part about review-
ing supplements is tasting them! We were
the first ones in Canada to test Mammoth
Meal the day it came into their Canadian
distributor’s warehouse! In all we tested
three flavours: Chocolate Fudge Brownie,
Strawberry Shortcake, and Vanilla Ice
Including variations of lateral raises
—whether with 1 or 2 dumbbells,
a machine, or cables, seated or standing
—allows you to build a target muscle
more completely while avoiding
roadblocks in your gym
and traffic is jammed for miles, the first thing you do when
driving is look for alternative routes rather than sit in gridlock.
The same goes for your workout: When the gym is crowded
—say, on a Monday—and there’s a lineup at the bench press,
you can either wait, then wait some more, or you can look for
alternative exercises that achieve similar results.
While the motion is the same as the
standing version, when seated it’s
much more difficult to cheat,
therefore making this move
harder. Most bodybuilders typi-
cally find they have to use less
weight because they’re unable
to generate momentum to get the
weights going in the bottom position.
This is considered a better isolation
exercise than the standing version.
With the free hand on the top of a
bench to stabilize your body, you’re
able to train each side individually and
better able to concentrate on boosting
intensity, which is useful in bringing up
a lagging side. When standing, you’re
also able to generate a bit of momen-
tum through your knees and hips.
Taking dumbbells well past the hori-
zontal plane—in this case, up to 45
degrees above—works the middle delts
through a longer range of motion for
more complete development. While
the standing position allows for a
bit of body English, the longer range
of motion is more difficult, meaning
ultimately you’ll have to use lighter
weights. Therefore, it makes a great
complement to lateral raises done to
shoulder height.
The machine locks you into the move-
ment pattern, which is especially use-
ful for beginners who have difficulty
learning the proper movement pattern.
Because you don’t have to worry about
controlling the motion, it’s particularly
Taking the motion higher means working
beneficial toward the end of your work-
through a longer range of motion, but
you may have to back off on load.
resting because there’s still tension
on the muscle (as long as the plates
aren’t touching down on the stack).
When you lean away from a station-
ary post, your working arm is hang- We love cable lateral
ing straight down at the bottom of raises because the line
the exercise, which already means the of pull on the middle
bottom 30 or so degrees of the move- delt comes from the
ment is eliminated. This isn’t really side and down, not
a problem because the middle delt just directly down
isn’t actually the prime mover over (from gravity). That
the bottom third or so of the range means you’re working
of motion—the supraspinatus is. Past from a different angle!
that, the middle delt takes over, and
you in fact get the benefit of taking
Another way to extend
the move beyond the normal ROM
the range of motion is to
when bringing the weight to shoulder
lean away from a post.
height, so the middle delt is actually
working overtime. In this position, you
can generate some body swing to help
get the dumbbell moving.
hile some of us spent late fully on the Olympia stage anymore. CHRIS: That would be chocolate-chip
summer getting ready to You’re an exception. Why do you Eggos with Cool Whip.
head off to college and oth- think that is?
ers were gearing up for the CHRIS: I’m extremely grateful to be
start of football season, sib- where I am, and I know I’ve been lucky MELISSA BUMSTEAD VALLIERE
lings Chris and Melissa Bumstead were enough to have every tool at my dis- MI: Thinking a few months back to
instead in Vegas. Far from the slots and posal in order to lead me to success. your Olympia competition, what’s
gaming tables of Sin City, mind you, Not just a hard work ethic and dedica- evolved in your mind as to an off-sea-
each had been dieting and training for tion from a young age, but the knowl- son strategy about what you need to
months for the biggest competitions of edge to do things smart, a good coach work on.
their lives at the Olympia Weekend. teaching me and pushing me in the MELISSA: I definitely look at off-sea-
Younger brother Chris, just 23, right direction, and, of course, amaz- son more like prep than I did when I
placed but a single point away from ing genetics. first started competing. Earlier in my
taking the Classic Physique title, but career, I think I sort of turned my brain
still finished as runner-up for the sec- MI: You’ve still got plenty of time off as soon as comp season was over. I
ond straight year. Older sister Melissa ahead of you in this sport; have you stopped training as hard and tracking
is closing in on a top-10 finish in Figure, mapped out any kind of plan on where my nutrition. Now my goals are at the
but we’ll excuse her this time around you want to be in the longer term? forefront of my mind every month of
as her impending wedding was mere CHRIS: Since I’ve started out at such a the year. Don’t get me wrong; I like to
weeks away. (And bonus points if you young age, I look at it as though I can chill for a few weeks after the season
correctly guessed Melissa married yet accomplish what I want, build a leg- is over, but it’s impossible to relax for
another competitor from the men’s acy, and still get out while I’m young. that much longer when your dreams
Olympia open, fellow Canadian Iain You won’t see me competing into my are knocking!
Valliere.) late 30s or later; rather, I want to make
That’s a helluva lot of muscle in some achievements and get out while MI: Is it possible to get any more body-
this big, oh so very big, Canadian fam- I still have some youth to enjoy life. builders into your life?
ily. Chris claimed this issue’s cover, but MELISSA: [laughs] Absolutely yes. The
given their unique status at the highest MI: Any advantages to having a more the merrier, as long as they’re
levels of professional physique sports, brother-in-law who also competes in smaller than Iain!
we wanted to hear from each of them. pro bodybuilding?
CHRIS: There are countless advan- MI: How do you balance your own
tages to having a brother-in-law in pro needs against those of a needy, pre-
CHRIS BUMSTEAD bodybuilding, in addition to my sister. contest bodybuilder?
MUSCLE INSIDER: You finished sec- For starters, Iain is the one who got me MELISSA: Iain and I are really good at
ond in the Olympia two years running. into bodybuilding, and he taught me balancing each other out. If I’m having
The 2018 contest is in the rear-view almost everything I know. His insane a rough day, he tends to be the support,
mirror now, so any thoughts on what work ethic and dedication are con- and vice versa. It’s almost a mind-set
it’ll take to dethrone the champ? stant motivation for me to do better. of putting the team over the individual.
CHRIS: It’s going to take everything And there’s nothing more reassuring And that ends up working out for both
I’ve got. Breon [Ansley] is an amazing in times of doubt than knowing that, of us when prepping.
champ with a very complete physique, no matter what, I have my sister and
while I still have some lagging body Iain at my back supporting me. MI: Fill in the blank: I’m a sucker for
parts, namely arms and back. With the __________ (and your husband is not
time I have this off-season, I’m sure I’ll MI: Tell us something about yourself an acceptable answer!).
be able to bring them up. If I’m dialed most people wouldn’t know about you. MELISSA: Frenchies! And cookies, too.
in next time around, I believe I’ll have CHRIS: I like to read fantasy genre nov-
what it takes to dethrone the champ. els before going to sleep at night. MI: Nobody knows it, but Chris is a
sucker for__________.
MI: There aren’t a lot of guys in their MI: Any particular foods you’re crav- MELISSA: A good cry. And Iain’s verbal
early- to mid-20s competing success- ing right now? taunts on Instagram!
Placing your feet high or low, or wide vs. close, can affect which muscle
groups of the legs are best targeted. Here’s what you need to know.
hen training legs, there are ers. While this is a great place to start RANGE OF MOTION
a number of pointers to try when trying to determine optimal foot AROUND A PAIR OF JOINTS
to keep in mind: maintaining position, genetic factors or injuries may You’ve no doubt heard you should never
a flat back, descending to a require a wider stance or straightforward allow your knees to travel beyond the
point in which your thighs are foot position.) plane of your toes, but that’s true mainly
about parallel to the floor, and keeping Some exercises—notably the leg from a knee-health perspective: If your
your knees tracking in line. But did you press, hack squat, Smith-machine squat, knees are fine, it’s not really a problem
ever give much thought to foot position? and horizontal leg-press machine—allow (though I’d argue that it’s not a good idea
Typically, you want your feet about you to place your feet anywhere on the in the long term). Knowing that should tip
hip-width to shoulder-width apart, with foot platform: high to low, close to wide. you off: If a movement stresses the knees
toes pointed slightly outward for a pow- While the aforementioned foot position is more, it’s also stressing the muscles that
erful base from which to push off. This still a good place to start, foot-placement attach to the knee more as well, and those
foot position also hits the major muscle options are now available that allow you would be the quads, specifically the lower
groups pretty evenly. (Important note: to target specific muscle groups more region. It also means
This isn’t necessarily an optimal foot po- heavily than others. Let’s take a closer there’s less stress
sition for everyone, especially taller lift- look. on muscles near
DAVE LAUS With your feet lower
on the foot plate, your
knees extend well past
the plane coming up from
your toes. This is your
cue that it hits the lower
quads more strongly.
Muscle Insider followed 10 top MUSCLE INSIDER: Why did you get
into fitness, and what made you
Canadian amateur athletes as decide to pursue it beyond a recre-
ational level?
they attempted to make their RACQUEL HUTCHINSON: Gaining
weight was my initial reason for join-
dreams of turning pro a reality ing the gym. I hired a personal trainer
years ago, and when I saw his Bikini
T’S ONE THING TO muscle, or lost the most fat, but rather client on the wall, it inspired me to
prepare for the physical and psy- the competitor who was best able to achieve that look. Six months later,
chological challenges of compet- touch and inspire others in their own I entered my first Bikini bodybuild-
ing on the biggest stage of your physical-fitness journey. ing competition and won! I’ve been
life—vying with other Canadian hooked ever since.
amateurs in pursuit of a pro Road to the Pros MI: How often do people compliment
card—but the editors of Muscle winner Racquel your physique? How meaningful is it
Insider took it one step further in late Hutchinson. to know you inspire others in their
2018 by talking to 10 such competitors fitness pursuits?
and turning it into a real-life story of RH: Over the years, many people have
sorts. Sponsored by Optimum Nutri- complimented me, and it means so
tion, the Muscle Insider Road to the much. I love being an inspiration to
Pros program followed competitors for many and never hesitate to share
eight weeks online as they prepared my knowledge of fitness with other
for the Canadian National Pro Qualifier people. I really enjoy when “everyday
in Toronto on October 20. Optimum people” ask for advice. People that just
Nutrition armed each competitor with simply want to lose a few pounds are
top-of-the-line supplements to help the ones that put a smile on my face
them along the way. As these competi- because I love helping them make a
tors’ journeys unfolded, we followed positive change in their lives.
them through their social media and MI: Pre-contest dieting and training is
witnessed their good days and bad stressful enough. Tell us about what
days dieting and training. One com- extra challenges you faced as you
petitor would be judged the winner of documented your journey on social
this program based on his or her inspi- media.
rational mission to get into the very RH: In all honesty, everyone knows
best shape of his or her life. Our win- that sometimes the fall is harder
ner wasn’t necessarily the individual when many are watching. Docu-
who won a pro card, gained the most menting the journey shows
BUYER’S GUIDE No doubt, the combination of weight train-
ing, cardio, and diet is critical to success in
forging a strong and chiseled physique. But
if you really want to maximize your gains,
a sports-supplementation program that
matches your goals must be incorpo-
rated into your daily regimen. Whether
you want to build muscle, burn body
fat, enhance your workout perfor-
mance in the gym, or speed and
improve your recovery, supple-
ments can play a key role.
Which ones to choose? Muscle
Insider’s 2019 Supplement Buy-
er’s Guide can help by giving you
some history and the science
behind the various supplement
categories, plus the top ingre-
dients you should be looking
for among each. You’ll also
want to check out the featured
products in each category for
our editors’ top picks.
A blended protein formula with
no protein spiking or inferior
protein sources. Each scoop
contains 24 g of whey protein
isolate, micellar casein, egg
HISTORY albumin, and milk protein isolate.
Protein powder was one of the first supplements introduced to
This combination helps increase
lifters who were looking to put on muscle in the 1950s, but back protein synthesis for longer peri-
then most of the protein found in the products was from eggs. In ods of time than fast-acting whey
the late ‘80s and ‘90s, the supplement industry started to explode, protein sources. Minimal fat and
and along with it so did the protein powders category, which saw carbs in this protein keep it clean
the introduction of plant-based soy protein and whey. Still, pow- and cals under control.
ders didn’t mix well and tasted chalky and rather unpleasant, but jymsupplementscience.com
thanks to technological improvements, not only is the quality of
the protein better but so is the taste! Manufacturing processes
can now instantize powders for easy mixability, remove unwanted
ingredients such as fat and lactose, and extract protein from all ALLMAX
kinds of sources, including vegan sources such as brown rice and ISOFLEX
quinoa, or meat sources such as beef! Just 100 percent whey protein
isolate in each 30 g serving of
THE SCIENCE IsoFlex. No whey protein concen-
trates, and ion-filtration technol-
When it comes to building muscle, protein is paramount. The
ogy means significantly lower
amino acids that make up protein are required for building new
lactose, fat, sugar, and carbs, re-
muscle tissue, maintaining muscle, and assisting in the recovery sulting in a premium whey isolate
process. Protein powders provide a convenient source of protein for a super-fast digesting protein.
that can help ensure you get enough protein to meet your daily Just 110 calories per serving and
needs, which, as a weight trainer, are higher than the general pub- the legendary taste IsoFlex fans
lic’s. Research has shown that high-protein diets can help support love. allmaxnutrition.com
recovery, strength, and immunity, while also supporting improve-
ments in body composition by increasing lean mass and decreas-
ing body fat. CELLUCOR
With 25 g of pure whey isolate
Whey Protein Hydrolysate Isolated from whey protein, whey
in each serving, you get all the
protein hydrolysate is an ultra-pure form of whey protein that’s
fast-acting benefits of whey with
absorbed quickly in the gut and taken up by muscle fibres. Whey just 2 g of carbs for a total of 120
protein hydrolysate is a great post-workout recovery supplement total calories. Whey isolate quickly
because of its fast absorption, but it can also be found in whey elevates muscle protein synthesis,
blends. especially beneficial post-workout.
No extra fillers or ingredients you
Milk Protein Isolate This protein is isolated from dairy milk and can’t pronounce—just the pure
has a slower digestion rate than whey hydrolysates or isolates. stuff needed for growth.
This protein has a creamy texture and is often blended with other cellucor.ca
proteins to help improve mouthfeel. You’ll more than likely find
this protein blended with other proteins rather than on its own.
calories. We applaud
Plus, there’s 6 g of BCAAs as well
This GAT Sport product starts
with 200 mg caffeine to boost
energy and focus for a better,
longer workout. Then there’s
One of the most famous pre-workouts—Ultimate Orange—was 3 g L-citrulline to help delay
launched in 1982 and was formulated as a kick-ass energizing workout fatigue and help power
your final reps; 1.5 g L-arginine
powder. This was an ephedra-based product that was seriously
to enhance muscle pumps; and
effective for increasing energy levels and enhancing focus, but
1.5 mg beta-alanine to boost
not much more. Most of the original pre-workout products con- muscle power and strength.
sisted of only stimulant-based ingredients, including ephedrine, gatsport.com
caffeine, and ingredients that helped increase focus, but with
all those stimulants comes an energy crash. Many pre-workout BSN
products disappeared after the ban of ephedra, but were revived N0-XPLODE
again with ephedra replacements. Today’s pre-workouts consist With 200 mg caffeine per serving,
of more than an energy burst; they also provide compounds that you’ll be unleashing your inner
help increase lean tissue, reduce fatigue by preventing lactic beast for focused, high-energy
workouts. Caffeine also fights
acid buildup, increase endurance, and even improve strength and
fatigue, so you can push for those
extra sets and reps, and not quit
on your workout early. BSN adds
THE SCIENCE 1.2 g beta-alanine that also aids
A good pre-workout will not just provide you with increased en- workout performance and exer-
ergy levels but also enhance your focus by working on pathways cise capacity by raising muscle
that stimulate epinephrine and norepinephrine. In addition, pre- carnosine levels. Bolstered with
workouts may help stimulate adenosine triphosphate (ATP)— 2.5 g creatine for greater ATP gen-
i.e., muscle energy—by increasing the amount that’s available eration, providing more strength
to working muscles. Pre-workouts can also increase nitric oxide and mass gains. gobsn.com
(NO), increasing nutrient delivery to muscle for enhanced pumps.
They can also contain ingredients that help improve hydration in
muscles and also work by reducing muscle burnout or fatigue by ALLMAX
decreasing lactic-acid buildup in the muscle. IMPACT IGNITER
Science-backed ingredients
WHAT’S HOT IN THE MARKET power this Allmax product.
Includes 6 g citrulline malate
Creatine Not new but absolutely proven, creatine is the most re- for better workout performance
searched and effective supplement for increasing muscle strength, and muscle pumps; 3.2 g
power, and muscle size. Creatine helps increase energy by aiding beta-alanine to increase muscle
in the regeneration of ATP in the muscle fibres. Creatine’s action carnosine for better workout
also pulls more water into the muscle tissue, causing enhanced capacity and decreased muscle
muscle volume, leading to stimulation of protein synthesis. fatigue; 1 g LCLT to increase
focus/energy and boost metabo-
lism for better fat burning with
Beta-Alanine Beta-alanine is a buffering agent that works
caffeine, alpha-GPC, lion’s mane
against lactic-acid buildup in muscles. This buffering action helps
and synephrine/higenamine/ JYM
increase muscle energy and reduce fatigue, allowing you to do
more volume and prolong your workouts. The combination of
hordenine, plus more. PRE JYM
allmaxnutrition.com With no proprietary blends for
beta-alanine and creatine has shown even better results, leading better ingredient transparency,
to leaner body composition and performance increases. Pre Jym is scientifically dosed and
loaded: 6 g citrulline malate for
Caffeine Used for its energizing benefit, caffeine also enhances better workout capacity and mus-
muscle endurance and helps mobilize fat as fuel for use during cle pumps; 6 g BCAAs for blunting
exercise. Caffeine can also delay the onset of muscle soreness, muscle fatigue; 2 g creatine HCl
fatigue during exercise, and the perception of muscle pain. Caf- for strength and mass gains; 2 g
feine is also an effective focus ingredient. CarnoSyn® beta-alanine to boost
muscle power and strength; 1.5 g
betaine for greater power and
Betaine This amino compound has been shown to support mus- strength during workouts; 500 mg
cle growth, improve body composition, aid muscle cellular hydra- beetroot to enhance nitric-oxide
tion, and help promote fat oxidation. Betaine works by increas- production for better muscle
ing water retention in the muscle, leading to increases in protein pumps; 300 mg caffeine for focus
synthesis while also helping support the production of creatine and energy, and more.
for enhanced ATP production, thus improving performance. jymsupplementscience.com
Ultra-low in calories and the
most powerful C4 formula yet.
Ultimate delivers 6 g citrulline
malate, 3.2 g CarnoSyn® beta-
alanine, 300 mg caffeine in a
858 mg Energy and Focus
Blend, 750 mg creatine nitrate, E T O NE
1.5 mg betaine, 25 mg of Tea-
Crine® and 1 g taurine. The blend
provides for a heavy blend of
nootropics, mood enhancers,
pump and exercise-capacity
amplifiers, plus more.
DSL SUPPLEMENTS Nearly calorie-free, ON’s
GLADIATOR premium Pre-Workout has
Boost your energy and focus 175 mg caffeine for an energy
before a hard workout with and focus boost that helps
Gladiator’s formula, includes
3 g beta-alanine to increase
delay fatigue, which aids
aerobic and anaerobic training.
è Enhances fat burning!
your capacity and enhance Each serving also contains
performance during highly
intense training; 2 g arginine for
3 g creatine, which has been
shown to boost muscle
è Cranks up performance
enhanced muscle pumps; 200 mass and strength; 750 mg
mg caffeine to keep you focused
and reduce muscle fatigue; and
L-citrulline for fighting workout è Laser-sharp focus!
fatigue; and 1.5 g beta-alanine,
1 g tyrosine to improve alert- which aids in the production of
ness, mood, and performance carnosine, which can increase
during times of stress. exercise capacity.
dslsupplements.com optimumnutrition.com
burning); and O PL
focus formula that includes 1.5 g tyrosine
300 mg caffeine and 400 mg for alertness
huperzine-A, and other active
and to improve
ingredients. ironkingdom.com
strength and
(hence the name, EAAs), none
of which your body can make
on its own. Smart dosing between
meals and before or during your
workout means muscle protein
In the 1900s, athletes used extracts of meat to help enhance synthesis is elevated for longer
periods. Great before or during
muscle growth and recovery. About mid-century, this approach
your training session. Each
switched to egg-based protein powders, and then in the ‘70s and
serving has 5 g EAAs.
‘80s, extracts of the protein into separated amino acids began efxsports.com
to appear on supplement- and health-food store shelves. These OPTIMUM NUTRITION
aminos contained a combination of both essential and nonessen- AMIN.O. ENERGY
ON’s popular blend contains 5 g
tial aminos and were in the format of large, hard-to-swallow tab-
of 10 micronized aminos (includ-
lets. To get a good dose, you’d need to swallow a handful of pills
ing all three BCAAs) as well as
at a single time. Nowadays, you can still buy amino-acid tablets, arginine to support nitric-oxide
but you can also find plenty of easy-to-take powder supplements, production (for muscle pumps)
which can be consumed before, during, and after your workout to and CarnoSyn® brand beta-
help reduce fatigue and aid in recovery. Additionally, instead of alanine, which fights muscle
just getting a mix of aminos, you can purchase a ratio of just the fatigue and supports increased
branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), the most effective ingredi- exercise capacity. Boosted with
ents when it comes to muscle building and recovery. 100 mg caffeine for energy and
focus make this great before or
during your workout. Comes in
THE SCIENCE 16 great flavours.
There are 23 amino acids, and these building blocks of protein
help support many functions and processes in the body, but it’s
the essential amino acids that are the most important. The body
can’t make these aminos, so they must be supplemented in the BPI
diet. The essentials, including the three branched-chain amino BEST BCAA
acids—leucine, isoleucine, and valine—are the key aminos when This longer-chained oligopeptide-
it comes to regulating protein synthesis and increasing muscle. formula BCAA supports muscle
protein synthesis and helps de-
They can also help sustain a positive nitrogen balance in the
crease protein catabolism which
muscles, which in turn preserves muscle tissue and helps reduce
enhances post-workout recovery.
post-workout soreness. Each serving contains 5 g BCAAs
special amino acid polymer, plus
WHAT’S HOT IN THE MARKET there’s 1 g of a CLA complex to
Leucine Considered the most-important essential amino acid, support fat loss. The formula also
leucine is a key regulator of protein synthesis, turning on and off contains 250 mg Agmatine to aid
pathways that spark muscle building. Leucine is usually blended with muscle pumps.
in a ratio with all three BCAAs, including isoleucine and valine. bpisport.ca
Specific ratios of these three have been shown to stimulate pro-
tein synthesis when supplemented after workouts.
Glutamine Glutamine may not be essential, but it can assist BCAA 9.7
in recovery and support cell hydration and muscle volumiza- An instantized BCAA formula in
tion. It can also help maintain nitrogen retention, which can a—surprise—9.7 g per serving
in turn reduce protein breakdown and help maintain protein formula. The 2:1:1 stack with
synthesis. Glutamine can also stimulate increases in growth- leucine in predominance favors
hormone levels. anabolic process to boost muscle
protein synthesis while blunt-
Agmatine This amino acid is made from the decarbox- ing muscle protein degradation.
ylation of arginine. This modulator works by modulating Boosted with eight electrolytes
and magnesium so you can main-
specific pathways such as nitric-oxide production, but it can
tain healthy hydration even during
also have an effect on neurotransmitters, affecting mood and
a hard workout. Take it before
improving focus. Agmatine is mostly used to help stimulate or after workouts; available in a
NO, which causes vasodilation, increases nutrient delivery to variety of flavours.
the muscles, and improves your muscle pump. iammutant.com
which help
brand L-Carnitine to aid recovery,
1.5 g betaine for enhanced power boost workout
and strength, 3 g glutamine for performance
improved muscle recovery. and endurance,
Each serving is 19 g. as well as
jymsupplementscience.com recovery,
making this
a category
winner. Add in
420 mg elec-
trolytes and
four more ac-
tive ingredients
and you’ve
got a very
unique amino
Mass Fusion contains 950 calories
composed of 170 g of carbs
(including sweet potato powder,
quinoa, maltodextrin, and waxy
At one time, weight gainers were certainly full of calories, but maize) plus 50 g of protein from
not the good ones. Protein was cheap and chalky, carbohydrates whey protein isolate, whey protein
concentrate and micellar casein.
were simple and full of sugar, and most didn’t provide a source
The formula rounds off with just
of good-for-you fats. Food technology advancements have im-
8 g of fat including CLAs, MCTs
proved this category immensely! Now you can have blended and digestive enzymes (protease,
sources of proteins from fast- and slow-digesting sources, amylase, and lactase) to maximize
along with complex carbs from various natural ingredients absorption.
including oat fibre and quinoa and fast-digesting sources such nutrabolics.com
as waxy maize. They also deliver ingredients to help drive REAL FOOD GAINER
those carbs to your muscles. The result: a weight gainer that Progressive Sport Real Food
delivers natural sources of good ingredients to help increase Gainer contains 520 calories,
muscle! whole-food carbs, plant oils, fruit
concentrates, whole grains and
THE SCIENCE more. Each serving packs 30 g of
In order to gain weight, you need to eat more. Eat a lot of sug- protein in 2 scoops including New
ary carbs and cheap protein, and you will gain body fat. Eat a Zealand whey! It also contains
90 g of carbs (just 5 of which are
balanced blend of complex carbs, essential proteins, and good-
sugar), and 7 g of fibre. Real Food
for-you fats and you will support muscle anabolism throughout
Gainer is also Informed Sport
the day by providing a sustained release of essential nutrients. Certified, which means it’s been
Weight gainers work by helping drive the release of insulin. lab tested and proven to be clean
This anabolic hormone shuttles amino acids, creatine and of any banned substances.
carbohydrates into the muscles, where they can stimulate progressivesport.ca
replenishment of glycogen—the muscles’ main energy source
—and help drive protein synthesis.
You have to eat big to get big
Protein Blends These deliver an assortment of protein
but QuickMass can get you
sources that often include whey protein isolate, concentrate, or
HUGE! With 60 g of protein
hydrolysate along with other sources, including milk protein, (whey concentrate, whey iso-
casein, egg, or even vegan sources such as soy, pea, brown late, and milk protein isolate),
rice, and hemp protein. 174 g of carbs (including cyclic
dextrin, oat fibre, quinoa,
Oat Fibre At one time, the only carbohydrates you could find sweet potato, and more),
in a weight gainer were simple carbs such as maltodextrin. Oat prebiotics, digestive enzymes,
fibre delivers a complex carbohydrate source that’s also high EFAs, and a whopping 1,010
in fibre and is slow digesting to help reduce insulin spiking and muscle-building calories per
serving! QuickMass is in a
provide a sustained source of energy.
league of its own and has been
one of the top-selling gainers
Coconut Oil A source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), for over a decade.
coconut oil helps provide a short-term energy source that’s allmaxnutrition.com
readily available for use in the body. This fat can help preserve
carbohydrates and switch the body to burning off fat as fuel. IRON VEGAN
Whole-Food Carbs Across supplement store counters To our knowledge, this is Canada’s
nationwide, this year we saw more and more gainers first vegan weight-gain powder!
including whole-food carbs in their formulas. Popular The formula contains 720 calories,
choices are sweet potato, quinoa, rolled oats, brown rice, 42 g of plant protein (fermented
pea protein isolate and organic
oat fibre, sea vegetables, sprouted whole grains, and fruit
sprouted brown rice protein),
120 g of whole-food carbohydrates
and 13 g of fibre. To maximize
health, they’ve even added greens,
fruit concentrates, sea vegetables,
plant oils, and sprouted whole
grains. ironvegan.ca
and sunflower.
clean gainer
they even threw in 1 g of creatine
Each package of Buff Bake Protein
HISTORY Sandwich Cookies has a single
Protein bars and snacks have been around since the early ’80s. serving of 4 cookies with a total
As food science technology advanced, so did the quality of the of 220 calories, 12 g of protein,
13 g of fat (4 to 6 g saturated) and
ingredients, as well as taste and macronutrient profiles. By the
15 g of carbohydrates (8 to 9 g of
late ’90s and early 2000s, we saw the introduction of glycerine
sugar). Ingredients are non-GMO,
(the chemical backbone of all fats), sugar alcohols, glycine, cre- certified gluten-free, and certified
atine, and taurine, designed to help lower the sugar and fat con- kosher, using hormone-free whey
tent. Today’s bars are miles ahead of where we were when the protein, cane sugar, and natural
low-carb bar options first started. Gone are the days of toffee- flavours. When you eat one of
type protein bars that nearly ripped out your fillings! Bars OPTIMUM these, you will then eat two more!
now are soft, taste great, and have truly functional ingredients buffbake.com
baked within them. They’re also made to suit different diets, Each serving contains 230 calo-
whether it’s keto, low fat, or moderate-carb diets. ries, 10 g of protein, 15 g of carbs
(2 g of which is fibre) and 16 grams
THE SCIENCE of fat (half of which are saturated
We love the convenience bars offer and consumers demand that fats). With less than 2 g of sugar
they be high in fibre, low in sugar, and taste great. Food scien- and 10 g of sugar alcohols (malti-
tists have added resistant starches, vegetarian protein sources, tol), this snack is great for dieting
or an off-season treat. Calcium
whole foods, greens, dried fruits, and more functional foods to
sits at 70 mg and potassium at
today’s bars. Sugar replacers are constantly being invented,
200 mg, and they have some iron
giving us more creative flavours to choose from. Be aware that in there for good measure. We
over-eating “healthy” bars is akin to over-eating anything: You’ll found it hard to stop at just one!
increase fat storage if you eat too many. The best time to eat bars optimumnutrition.com
is in place of a meal, after a workout, or in-between meals to
keep you from slipping into a catabolic state and losing muscle.
Quest Tortilla Style Protein Chips
WHAT’S HOT IN THE MARKET are a very innovative snack that
High Fat Bars The higher-fat bars are perfect for those fol- contains 18 to 19 g of protein (de-
lowing ketogenic diets, where carbs need to be low. These bars pending on the flavour) and only
are soft and taste amazing. Good fats that are heart-friendly are 5 g of carbohydrates (1 g of which
being added to these bars as well as MCTs and other functional is fibre and only 1 gram of sugar).
fats. Fat comes in at 6 g or less with no
more than 1 gram as saturated fat.
Vegan Bars & Cookies Perfect for those who are following These are as close to the taste and
texture of a regular tortilla chip as
a vegetarian lifestyle or those who are just looking to diversify
you can get, but with high protein
protein sources. Nuts and seeds have become a cornerstone of
and a fraction of the carbs.
these bars and the trend seems to be fewer ingredients in total questnutrition.com
rather than kitchen-sink formulas. Interestingly,
total carb content doesn’t seem to concern most
vegetarians. PROTEIN BAR
BUP Bars boast a lineup of tons
Protein Candy Bars & Snacks These have of different flavours with between
been around since early 2000s when the Detour bar 180 and 240 calories, depend-
was introduced, it seems to make a comeback every ing on which flavour you choose.
five years. We love great-tasting bars, and this is a The higher density bars have
sure-fire way to satisfy your need for quality protein 9 g of total fat (6 g of which are
without sacrificing flavour. unsaturated), 20 g of protein and
29 g of carbs, but among these
carbs, 17 g are fibre with just 4 g of
Low-Carb Food Bars Low sugar, ultra-high fibre
sugar! Made with natural prebiotic
bars like Quest and BUP bars are a great option for vegetable fibre and no preserva-
dieters looking for a meal replacement that still tives, these delicious bars are
gives them the quality nutrition needed to build gluten-free, naturally flavoured,
muscle and maintain energy. and sweetened with xylitol (no
sucralose). yupbrands.com
Robin Strand,
Maggie Poursaleh, Katrina
Jermaine Murray, Watson, Women’s Wright,
Classic Physique Figure Bodybuilding Fitness
Heather King, Joe Alves, Dana Williams, Alfred Voit, Yolanda Molina,
Women’s Bodybuilding Classic Physique Women’s Physique Masters Physique Women’s Bodybuilding
Doug Heron , Masters Serena Tarbett, Masters Marga Nerghis, Mark Gillis, Jennifer Elizabeth
Classic Physique Women’s Physique Masters Bikini Masters Bodybuilding Reece, Masters Figure
Marta Fonseca, Shirley Mitrou, Richy Chan, Sumita Sharma Kolppa, Coco Maria Ford,
Masters Figure 50+ Masters Bikini Classic Physique 45+ Masters Bikini Women’s Physique
Chantelle Harvey- Ramone Haye, Kyla Ford, Kade Vilio, Sonia Domingue, Lori Squires,
Houghton, Bikini Classic Physique Fitness Men’s Physique Figure Women’s Physique
Tony Coke, Grant Alyea, Amanda Dear, Erik Alstrup, Sharon Brown,
Bodybuilding Masters Physique Masters Bikini Masters Bodybuilding Masters Figure
Maxine Rachel Baier, Terra
Brandon Regier, Somov, Kyle Faustino, Killam, Classic Plum,
Bodybuilding Bikini Men’s Physique Figure Physique Fitness
JULY JULY 27 | Competition Jean OCTOBER 5 | Muscle Beach Fall
JULY 06 | Newfoundland Jacques Naturelle, Montreal, QC Classic, Edmonton, AB
& Labrador CPA Open JULY 27 | T-Zone Fitness Natural OCTOBER 5 | The Flex Lewis
Championships, St. John’s, NL Championships, Surrey, BC Canadian Classic, Moncton, NB
JULY 06 | Newfoundland JULY 27 | GNC/Allmax Barrie OCTOBER 12 | Summum Classic,
& Labrador CPA Natural Natural Championships, Montreal, QC
Championships, St. John’s, NL Barrie, ON OCTOBER 12 | Natural Vancity
JULY 06 | VDC Natural Showdow, New Westminster, BC
Championships, AUGUST OCTOBER 19 | GNC/Allmax
Winnipeg, MB AUGUST 3 | GNC/Allmax Natural Canadian National Pro Qualifier,
JULY 06 | Okanagan Fitness Canada Pro Qualifier, Toronto, ON Toronto, ON
Festival, Kelowna, BC AUGUST 17 | GNC/Allmax OCTOBER 26 | GNC/Allmax
JULY 06 | Prairie Natural CanFitPro Natural Absolute Touch Halloween
Championships, Saskatoon, SK Championships, Toronto, ON Masquerade, Hamilton, ON
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Pro Show, Coquitlam, BC Champions, Surrey, BC Fall Classic, Saint John, NB
JULY 13 & 14 | Vancouver AUGUST 24 | GNC/Allmax
International Pro Qualifier, Legends Cup Championships, NOVEMBER
Coquitlam, BC Burlington, ON NOVEMBER 2 | Popeye’s
JULY 13 | GNC/Allmax Northern Fall Classic, Vancouver, BC
Rock Naturals, Sudbury, ON SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER 2 | GNC/Allmax
JULY 20 | Edmonton Natural SEPTEMBER 21 | Iron Ore Classic, Ottawa Championships,
Championships, Edmonton, AB Prince George, BC Ottawa, ON
JULY 20 | GNC/Allmax Fouad SEPTEMBER 20& 21 | NOVEMBER 09 | GNC/Allmax King
Abiad Natural Championships, The Ben Weider Natural Pro/Am, Kong Natural Championships,
Windsor, ON Montreal, QC Toronto, ON
JULY 20 | The Gym Northern NOVEMBER 16 | GNC/Allmax
Classic Naturals, Fort St. John, BC OCTOBER Mindi O Show, London, ON
JULY 20 | New Brunswick OCTOBER 5 & 6 | Eastern NOVEMBER 23 | GNC/Allmax CPA
Natural CPA Championships, Canadian Open, Halifax, NS President’s Cup Championships,
Fredericton, NB OCTOBER 5 | GNC/Allmax Toronto, ON
KW Oktoberfest Natural Classic,
Kitchener, ON
ASK T HE SC I ENT I S T By Jeff Golini, PhD
o this day, I get asked the follow- to catch on, realizing they did not need in an acidic environment increases its
ing question more than any other to “load” creatine as the popular maga- rate of conversion to creatinine. That be-
when it comes to creatine: “Do I zines were suggesting. In fact, athletes ing the case, what was one to do?
need to take it with sugar to make started using smaller doses and still While some studies have suggested
it work more effectively?” So let’s got impressive results. So, it was time taking creatine with sugar (dextrose) will
set the record straight. for the industry to come up with a better encourage insulin release and act as a
Not long after I first introduced cre- approach. creatine pump to help uptake, other stud-
atine monohydrate to the marketplace One of the leading sports-nutrition ies say this simply isn’t needed. Ultimate-
back in the early ‘90s, the notion of tak- companies at that time, EAS, led the way ly, it comes down to the type of creatine
ing it with sugar arose. Keep in mind, in with a product it marketed as Phospha- you’re using, your goals and your daily
those days the first creatine monohydrate gen HP. In short, it was creatine monohy- macro intake. That’s why I’ve always said
product had only 100 grams and sold for drate combined with dextrose (a sugar) that if you use buffered creatine monohy-
$99! Crazy as that sounds, bodybuilders and the amino acid taurine. From a mar- drate, you won’t need to take it with any
and athletes couldn’t get enough of it. keting standpoint, it was pure genius. sugar at all.
To further increase sales and encour- It allowed EAS to sell lower amounts of All of this now said, is there any ac-
age more extensive usage, some astute creatine but in a larger bottle with pre- tual benefit to taking creatine with carbo-
marketers developed the idea of having mium pricing. hydrates? Yes, absolutely! Carbohydrates
athletes use two bottles in their first Soon after, a study came out in the provide fuel for your muscles to burn,
month. They were told to load with 20 mid-‘90s saying athletes should not take especially in anaerobic activities such as
grams a day for the first 10 days. As you creatine with large amounts of sugar bodybuilding training. While carbs have
can imagine, 100 grams wouldn’t go very because it contained too many calories. little to do with creatine absorption, they
far at this rate. Instead, it suggested they use grape juice do play a critical role in athletic perfor-
This marketing ploy lasted for a with a ratio of 3.5 ounces per 5 grams of mance. Furthermore, carbs are almost
short while. That is, until athletes started creatine. Unfortunately, mixing creatine exclusively the main source of energy
for your brain. A high-carb diet gives you
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GE ARE D UP By Bill Geiger, MA
It’s easy to blow your diet when snacking because all
too often you’re caught unprepared. But Optimum
Nutrition’s Protein Almonds are a big hit among the
Muscle Insider staff, and we now routinely carry around
bags to snack on or even sneak them into the movie
theatre. One bag provides 10 grams of protein with just
230 calories, 16 grams of fat (half saturated) and
14 grams of carbs. The more favourable macros come
from ditching the sugary coating typically found in
chocolate-covered almonds and instead using a sugar
alcohol coating (one gram of sugar and 10 grams of
sugar alcohols) mixed with whey protein concentrate
and whey protein isolate. Get them in Dark Chocolate
Truffle, Peanut Butter Chocolate, Chocolate Jalapeño,
Cinnamon Roll, and Espresso. optimumnutrition.com
Back in the day, just about everyone who wanted to
be identified as a bodybuilder wore T. Micheal gear,
be it baggy pants, tank tops, or branded sweatshirts.
Those outer-limits colours and styles we saw in
1980s publications have kept up with the times. I may
have tossed the old clothing years ago, but imagine my
surprise getting in the mail a warm, comfy sweatshirt
with updated styling and colours featuring the very same
logo I proudly wore in my 20s. The perfect gift for your
favourite bodybuilder, T. Micheal now has an online store
featuring the same famous gear that was popularized
years ago, offering easy ordering and fast delivery with
worldwide shipping. tmicheal.com
FREAK F I TNESS By Darren Mehling, CSCS
oo many trainers today walk into WHAT’S THE 5×5 TRAINING reps for each, with 3 to 5 minutes of rest
the gym and put their workout on METHOD ALL ABOUT? between sets.
autopilot, cranking out 4 sets of 10 The 5×5 method was first made popular Even though Reg’s program was
reps of their favourite exercise, and by the late Reg Park, in his book Strength criticized for being very tough, prescrib-
then wonder why they’re still not & Bulk Training for Weight Lifters and ing high-volume workouts (50+ sets) that
making any gains. Body Builders , published in 1960. Reg’s could take up to three hours to complete,
Let’s fix that by way of an introduc- program was designed to develop gen- he did preach lots of rest and food to
tion to the 5×5 method, now more com- eral size and strength, completing high- ensure recovery. Despite its drawbacks,
monly known as “Heavy 5s.” At one time, volume workouts three days a week using Reg’s 5×5 program became very popular
it was a popular muscle-building program, primarily multi-joint lifts such as bench among bodybuilders for very good rea-
but more recently, it has been forgotten. presses, overhead presses, squats, dead- son—it worked!
I warn you, it is not easy, but it sure is lifts, barbell rows, weighted pull-ups, Later, other popular strength coaches,
effective for getting stronger and breaking and power cleans. With each of those big such as Bill Starr in 1976 and Mark Rip-
through a plateau. movements, Park prescribed 5 sets of 5 petoe in 2005, promoted their versions of
5×5 and designed their training programs
for their strength-and-power athletes
around Heavy 5s. Now, I want to take the
5×5 method one step further and help you
implement this proven set-and-rep scheme
into your mass-building training program.
What I like most about the 5×5 method
is that anyone, from beginner to advanced
lifter, can use it to increase strength and
size. It’s both simple and effective.
Aside from its simplicity, the 5×5 set-
rep scheme offers other benefits. The lower
number of reps per set means you’ll load
up the bar with more weight than you
would with your typical 10-rep set. And
with more weight on the bar, the greater
the stimulation is for increased strength,
assuming you’re allowing yourself to
recover and taking in adequate calories to
support muscle repair and growth. And if
you’ve been training for moderate weights,
the stimulus will be an especially novel
one, helping you beat a training plateau.
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