RBC Anomalies
RBC Anomalies
RBC Anomalies
II) Anisochromia
-Variation in color, Hgb content
-Microscopic: base on central pallor
-MCHC = 32-36 g/dL
Normochromic Central pallor
that is 1/3 of
MCHC = 32-36
Acanthocyte Spur cell Spheroid Defectin the lipid or End stage liver
3-12 irregular protein composition of disease
spikes red cell membrane. Pyruvate kinase
Increase ratio of Focal changes in the deficiency
cholesterol to membrane skeleton. Abetalipoprotene
lecithin mia
Echinocyte Burr cell 10-30 scalloped Surface area of the outer Uremia
short projection lipid monolayer Cirrhosis
ATP depletion increases relative to the Hepatitis
Hypertonic inner monolayer. Chronic renal
solution disease