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Health, Safety and Environmental Policy

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A pro-active HSE Management System will be introduced on the site to ensure that a level of
excellence is maintained and that every effort is made to meet or exceed international
standards in health, safety and environmental control.

The HSE Management System improves safety awareness, measures health, safety &
environmental performance and establishes an effective action programme. 

This HSE Management System is designed to ensure a consistent and effective approach on
the proposed construction site and individually empowers every employee including sub-
contractors working for RAMCO CONSTRUCTION & METAL INDUSTRIES to work safely and to
enforce health, safety & environmental control. 

Through formal job training each employee shall:

 Know what to do.

 Have the proper tools, resources and PPEs.
 Must be able to measure what they are doing. 
 Be in a position to take corrective action on unsafe acts or conditions. 

The collecting and analyzing of data is of great importance to manage the HSE Management
System properly. It is therefore important to encourage the reporting of all incidents.

In order for RAMCO CONSTRUCTION & METAL INDUSTRIES to comply with the company’s
commitment to its Health and Safety Plan and also in terms of the applicable statutory
requirements, the company will act as follows:

The General Manager appointed by the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the control
and compliance of the Company with the statutory requirements.
To assist the Company GM in executing his duties, a Projects Manager will be appointed and
responsibilities delegated in writing to ensure that all Company Operating Divisions comply
with the Company and Legal requirements for the project.

The Project Management Committees chaired by the Project Manager are holding monthly
meetings. Health and Safety discussions are listed as priorities on the agendas for
information / action.

The forum is also used for problem solving, future planning, communication and promoting
safety awareness to Project Management, Supervision and shop floor personnel at all
Construction Projects.

A Company Health and Safety Department is operational and headed by a Manager

reporting directly as an advisor to the Project Manager.

This HSE Department will appoint a Project Health and Safety Manager / Officer who reports
directly to the Project manager.

Implemented throughout the Operating Division is a comprehensive Company and Project

Health and Safety management Action Plan which is monitored / audited and administrated
by the appointed Health and Safety Services personnel and is tailored to suit the specific
requirements of the project.
The President of RAMCO CONSTRUCTION & METAL INDUSTRIES wishes to pursue a policy
to promote health, safety and Environmental protection at work and to seek the co‐
operation of all employees for that purpose.
We will provide working conditions that comply with the relevant statutory requirements,
directives and approved codes of practice that are designed to ensure good standards of
Health, Safety and Environmental protection. We will, therefore, do all that is reasonably
practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property or the environment and to
protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards, including the public, in so far as they
come into contact with the Company, or its products.
In particular RAMCO shall:

 Provide information, instructions, training and supervision to enable employees to

perform their Work in a safe and environmentally‐friendly way;
 Implement and maintain suitable procedures, specific to the environment they are
working in;
 Make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and supervise
their use;
 Maintain a constant and continuing interest in Health Safety & Environment matters
applicable to the Company’s activities, in particular, by consulting and involving
employees and their representatives;
 Ensure that safe systems of work for plant and equipment are available and
 Ensure that safe arrangements for use, handling, storage and transportation of
articles and hazardous substances via a successful risk assessment process;
 Provide and maintain adequate first aid and emergency facilities;
 Continually improve our practices in light of advances in technology of new
understanding in Safety, Health and Environmental issues.

RAMCO recognizes that injury, illness and environmental damage can happen and it is our
objective to reduce the incidence of these to an absolute minimum as well as the
prevention of wasteful, inefficient operations, and damage to property and equipment.
Employees have a duty to exercise personal responsibility for their own health and safety
and the environment including anyone who may be affected by their work activities. The
support of all employees is required to ensure the success of the Company’s Health Safety &
Environmental policy.



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