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Siemens SiPass Integrated Manual ISF PDF

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Access Control

SiPass® integrated MP2.5

Service Pack 1 (SP1)

User Manual

A24205-A335-B247 Siemens AG


Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.

© Copyright Siemens AG

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t Se

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Table of Contents

1 Introduction
Introduction and Starting Up ................................................................
1.1 System Preferences ........................................................................................... 12

1.1.1 Customizing System Preferences.......................................................12 General Tab .........................................................................13

re Audit Trail Tab .....................................................................14

1.1.2 Customizing Views and Toolbars .......................................................15

1.1.3 User Definable Menu Items ................................................................15

Fi Adding a New Button to a Toolbar ......................................15 Attaching and Running an Executable Command...............16

1.2 Online Help and SiPass integrated License Information.................................... 16

1.3 Setting up Printers for SiPass integrated ........................................................... 16

1.3.1 Audit Trail Printing...............................................................................17 Privilege Control for Printer Access .....................................17 System Behavior .................................................................17 Filtering of Audit Trail Columns ...........................................18

1.3.2 Configuring an Audit Trail Printer ........................................................18 Audit Trail Printing Columns ................................................19
Viewing the Contents of the Printer Buffer ..........................19

1.3.3 Plan Printing ........................................................................................19 Configuring a Site Plan Printer ............................................20

1.3.4 Report Printing ....................................................................................20

cu Configuring a Report Printer ................................................20

2 Personnel Management................................
Management ................................................................
2.1 Operator Groups ................................................................................................ 22

2.1.1 Creating an Operator Group ...............................................................22 General Details ....................................................................24

2.1.2 Report Privileges.................................................................................25

2.2 Operators............................................................................................................ 25

2.2.1 Adding Operators ................................................................................26

t Operator Details ..................................................................26


2.2.2 Searching for an Operator ..................................................................27

2.3 Workgroups ........................................................................................................ 28

2.3.1 Partition Workgroups ..........................................................................28 Creating a Partition Work Group .........................................29


2.3.2 Non-Partition Workgroups...................................................................30 Creating a Non-Partition Work Group .................................31

2.3.3 Work Group Fields ..............................................................................31

2.3.4 Automatic Bulk Card Creation ............................................................32


2.4 Credential Profile ................................................................................................ 32

2.4.1 Adding / Deleting Credential Profiles ..................................................33

2.5 Cardholders ........................................................................................................ 34

2.6 Cardholder Tabs and Tab Fields........................................................................ 34


2.6.1 Definition Tab ......................................................................................35

2.6.2 Advanced Tab .....................................................................................37

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
2.6.3 Personal Tab .......................................................................................38

2.6.4 Vehicle Tab .........................................................................................39

2.6.5 Imaging Tab ........................................................................................39

2.6.6 Tracking Tab .......................................................................................40

2.6.7 Control Tab .........................................................................................40

2.7 Adding a Cardholder...........................................................................................41

2.7.1 Configuring the Cardholder Dialog......................................................41 Configuring the Definition tab ..............................................41 Configuring the Advanced tab .............................................42

re Configuring the Personal tab ...............................................43 Configuring the Vehicle tab .................................................43 Configuring the Imaging tab ................................................43

Fi Configuring the Tracking tab ...............................................43 Configuring the Control tab..................................................44 Configuring Custom Tabs on the Cardholder Dialog...........44

2.8 Configuring Multiple Cards for a Cardholder ......................................................45

2.9 Searching for a Cardholder ................................................................................45

2.9.1 Search Based on Details Provided .....................................................46

2.9.2 Search and Select a Cardholder from the ‘Search Cardholder’ Dialog46

2.10 Unused Cards.....................................................................................................47

2.10.1 Tracking Unused Cards using Customized / Predefined Reports ......48 Tracking Unused Cards using a Customized Report ..........48
Tracking Unused Cards using a Predefined Report ............49 Converting the Report into an Actionable Report ................49

2.10.2 Configuring a Host Event Task based on the Actionable Report .......49

2.11 Visitors ................................................................................................................50

2.11.1 Adding a Visitor ...................................................................................50

2.11.2 Issuing and Returning Visitor Cards ...................................................51

2.11.3 Adding a Visitor to a list of Expected Visitors .....................................52

2.12 Creating Custom Pages .....................................................................................52


2.13 Access Control Privileges...................................................................................53

2.13.1 Defining Access Levels .......................................................................53

2.13.2 Searching for an Access Level ...........................................................54

2.13.3 Defining Access Groups......................................................................54


2.13.4 Searching for an Access Group ..........................................................54

2.13.5 Workgroup and Operator Access Privileges .......................................55


2.13.6 Defining Access Privileges ..................................................................55

2.13.7 Defining Access Privileges for a Workgroup .......................................56

2.14 Temporary Access Control Privileges ................................................................56


2.15 Offline Access.....................................................................................................56

2.15.1 Defining Offline Access Groups ..........................................................56

2.15.2 Defining Offline Access Privileges ......................................................57

3 System Components ................................................................


3.1 The Behavior of Components Offline .................................................................58

3.2 Server Properties................................................................................................59

3.3 Ethernet Comms.................................................................................................59

3.3.1 Setting the Ethernet comms................................................................59


3.4 Adding an ACC ...................................................................................................60

3.4.1 ACC configuration Options .................................................................61

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
3.5 FLN Connections................................................................................................ 62

3.6 Devices ............................................................................................................... 62

3.6.1 Default Settings for Devices................................................................64

3.6.2 Discovering Devices ...........................................................................65

3.7 Points.................................................................................................................. 65

3.7.1 Defining Access Points .......................................................................65 Access point general configuration .....................................66 Access point Host Verification Configuration ......................67 Access point Additional Access Configuration ....................67

re Access Point Dual Custody .................................................68 Access point Intrusion Control Configuration ......................72

3.7.2 Defining Input and Output Points ........................................................72

3.8 Device Firmware Download and Configuration ................................................. 73

3.8.1 Creating a Custom Card Format.........................................................76

3.8.2 Configuring Reader Interface Offline Modes ......................................76

3.9 Initializing Units .................................................................................................. 78

3.9.1 Initialization Options ............................................................................79

3.9.2 Creating an Initialization Event Task ..................................................79

3.9.3 Creating an Operation Mode Event Task ...........................................80

4 Site
Site Management ................................................................
4.1 Time Schedules.................................................................................................. 81

4.1.1 Creating a Time Schedule ..................................................................81

rit Time Schedule interval definition.........................................82

4.2 Point Groups....................................................................................................... 82

4.2.1 Creating a Point Group .......................................................................83

4.3 Component Groups ............................................................................................ 84

4.3.1 Creating a Component Group .............................................................84

4.4 Operational States and Control States............................................................... 85

4.4.1 Control State Priorities ........................................................................85


4.4.2 Using Control States ...........................................................................86

4.5 Creating a Host Event Task ............................................................................... 87

4.5.1 Host Event Task Trigger fields............................................................88

4.5.2 Host Event Task Effect fields ..............................................................88

4.6 Creating a Controller Event Task ....................................................................... 89


4.6.1 Controller Event Tasks Trigger Fields ................................................90


4.6.2 Controller Event Task Effect Fields ....................................................90

4.6.3 Switching between Controller Event Tasks and Host Event Tasks ....91 Triggering a Host Event Task from a Controller Event Task Triggering a Controller Event Task from a Host Event Task


4.7 Creating a Holiday .............................................................................................. 92

4.8 Log Book ............................................................................................................ 93

4.8.1 Adding a topic to the Log Book subjects.............................................93

4.8.2 Making an Entry into a Log Book ........................................................93


4.9 Messaging .......................................................................................................... 94

4.9.1 Messaging a GSM Mobile ...................................................................94 Configuring Modem Hardware Resources ..........................94 Event Task Message Forwarding to GSM Mobiles .............95

In Alarm Class Message Forwarding to GSM Mobile(s) .........95

4.9.2 Configuring Message Forwarding to a Pager or Email Address.........96

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
29.07.2010 Step 1 - Configuring Service Providers ...............................96 Step 2 - Configuring Cardholder Details ..............................97 Step 3 – Creating the Messaging Event Task .....................97

4.10 Server Messaging...............................................................................................98

4.11 Anti-Passback ....................................................................................................99

4.11.1 Creating an Anti-Passback Cluster ...................................................101

4.11.2 Creating an Anti-Passback area .......................................................102 Area Definition Configuration Fields ..................................103

4.11.3 Assigning a sub-area to an Anti-Passback area ...............................104

4.11.4 Viewing Cardholders in an Area .......................................................104

4.11.5 Forgiving Anti-Passback Violations...................................................105

4.12 Intrusion Areas .................................................................................................106

4.12.1 Configuring an Intrusion Area ...........................................................106

4.12.2 Viewing the details of an input point .................................................107

4.13 Door Interlocking ..............................................................................................108

4.13.1 Configuring a Door Interlocking Set ..................................................108

4.13.2 Configuring the Delay Time for an Interlocked Door.........................108

4.14 External Alarm Monitoring ................................................................................108

4.14.1 Configuring an External Alarm Monitoring unit .................................109

4.14.2 Configuring an External Alarm Monitoring unit using the Auto Wizard109

4.14.3 Configuring External Alarm Point details ..........................................110

5 Monitoring Your Site ................................................................

..................... 112
5.1 Active Audit Trail Window .................................................................................112

5.1.1 Multiple Audit Trail Views ..................................................................112

5.2 SiPass integrated Alarm System ......................................................................113

5.2.1 Creating an Alarm Class ...................................................................113 Alarm Class Options ..........................................................114

5.2.2 Creating a Defined State ...................................................................115

5.3 Handling Alarms ...............................................................................................116


5.3.1 Restorable Alarms.............................................................................116

5.3.2 Non-Restorable Alarms .....................................................................116

5.3.3 Creating Custom Alarm Responses..................................................116

5.3.4 Actioning an Alarm ............................................................................117 Method 1 - Alarm Display dialog........................................117

t Method 2 - Site Plan ..........................................................118

en Method 3 - Alarm Queue ...................................................118

5.4 Controlling Points .............................................................................................119

5.4.1 Querying a Point ...............................................................................119

5.4.2 Securing and Unsecuring a Point .....................................................120


5.4.3 Allowing Access to an Output Point ..................................................120

5.4.4 Manual Override ...............................................................................120

5.4.5 Using the Alarm Queue .....................................................................121

5.5 Overviewing Your Site ......................................................................................122


5.5.1 Database components ......................................................................122

5.5.2 Viewing the Status screen ................................................................122

6 Data Management ................................................................

........................ 124

6.1 Managing the Database ...................................................................................124

6.1.1 Backing up the Database ..................................................................124 Database Backup Components .........................................125

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
29.07.2010 Host Event Task-Triggered Database Backup ..................125 Cancelling an Event Task Triggered Backup ....................125

6.1.2 Restoring the Database ....................................................................126

d Database Restore Components ........................................127

6.2 Managing the Audit Trail .................................................................................. 127

6.2.1 Archiving the Audit Trail ....................................................................128 Automatic Audit Trail Archiving..........................................128 Manual Audit Trail Archiving (Forced Operation) ..............128

6.2.2 Backing up the Audit Trail .................................................................129

re Audit Trail Backup Operations ...........................................129

6.2.3 Restoring the Audit Trail ..................................................................129

6.2.4 Purging the Audit Trail Archives........................................................130

6.3 Managing the Log Book ................................................................................... 131

6.3.1 Backing up the Log Book ..................................................................131 Log Book Backup Operations ...........................................131

6.3.2 Restoring the Log Book ....................................................................132

6.3.3 Purging the Log Book .......................................................................132

6.4 Using a Compact Flash Card for Database Management ............................... 133

6.4.1 Configuring a Compact Flash Card in SiPass integrated .................133

7 Reports ................................................................
7.1 Log Book Reports............................................................................................. 134

7.1.1 Log Book Report Filters ....................................................................135

7.2 Scheduled Reporting ........................................................................................ 136

8 Smart Card Encoding ................................................................

8.1 Creating a Smart Card Profile .......................................................................... 138
8.2 Configuring the Sector / Block Contents .......................................................... 139

8.2.1 Output Formats .................................................................................140

8.2.2 Access Control Formats....................................................................140

8.2.3 Data Types ........................................................................................140


8.3 Configuring the Sector Keys............................................................................. 141

8.3.1 Access Conditions ............................................................................141

8.4 Configuring a custom access control format .................................................... 142

8.5 Assigning a Profile............................................................................................ 143

8.5.1 Assigning a Profile to a Card Template ............................................143


8.5.2 Assigning a Profile to an Individual Cardholder ................................143


8.6 Reading a card with the Profile Viewer ............................................................ 144

8.7 Configuring a Smart Card Printer ..................................................................... 144

8.8 Configuring a Card Reader (Smart card or Enrollment)................................... 145


8.8.1 Reader Types Supported ..................................................................145

9 CCTV ................................................................
9.1 CCTV Configuration Summary......................................................................... 147

9.2 Using CCTV Controls ....................................................................................... 148


9.2.1 CCTV Camera Controls ....................................................................148

9.3 Programming SiPass integrated for CCTV ...................................................... 150

9.3.1 Configuring the CCTV Bus................................................................150

9.3.2 Configuring the CCTV Controller ......................................................151


9.3.3 Programming a Camera....................................................................152

9.3.4 Programming a Monitor ....................................................................153

9.3.5 Programming an Auxiliary Device .....................................................153

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
9.3.6 Grouping Cameras and Monitors ......................................................154

9.4 Configuring CCTV ............................................................................................154

9.4.1 Creating a camera preset..................................................................155

9.4.2 Creating a camera pattern ................................................................155

9.4.3 Creating a camera sequence ............................................................156

9.5 Operating CCTV ...............................................................................................157

9.5.1 Viewing images from a camera.........................................................157

9.5.2 Viewing preset images from a camera..............................................158

9.5.3 Running a Pattern .............................................................................158

9.5.4 Running a Sequence.........................................................................159

9.5.5 Viewing Images through the Live CCTV Dialog................................159

9.5.6 Resuming / Restarting CCTV Patterns and Sequences after power

loss ....................................................................................................160
9.5.7 CCTV Alarm and Event Handling .....................................................160 Triggering a CCTV Event...................................................161 Triggering a SiPass Alarm (Pelco with DT4 only) .............162

10 Image Verification................................
Verification ................................................................
......................... 164

10.1 Configuring Image Verification at an Access Point ..........................................164

10.2 Operating Image Verification ............................................................................165

10.2.1 Operating Image Verification from the Audit Trail .............................166

11 Dial-
.......................................................................... 168
.......... 168
11.1 Dial-up Components .........................................................................................168

11.2 Pre-requisites ...................................................................................................169

11.3 Dialup Setup Checklist .....................................................................................169

11.4 Creating the Dialup Connection ......................................................................170

11.4.1 Step 1: Making the Connection .........................................................170

11.4.2 Step 2: Assigning a username and password to the SiPass Server

11.4.3 Service ..............................................................................................171

Step 3: Setting up an ACC for remote communications ...................172

11.5 Creating the Dial-up Bus Service .....................................................................173

11.5.1 Defining the Dial-up ACC ..................................................................173

Se Dialup Properties ...............................................................174

11.5.2 Defining other Components ..............................................................174

11.5.3 Alarm Class on Dial-up Controllers ...................................................175

11.5.4 Initialization and Downloading ..........................................................175 Initialization Options...........................................................176

t Automatic download of data to a remote ACC ..................176

en Uploading data from a remote unit ....................................177

11.6 Redundant Communications ............................................................................178

11.6.1 Pre-requisites ....................................................................................178


11.6.2 Redundancy Configuration Summary ...............................................179

11.6.3 Setting up Dialup Redundancy .........................................................179 Creating the Dialup Connection.........................................179 Setting-up password storage .............................................179

Setting up an ACC for remote communications ................180

11.6.4 Setting-up redundant dialup on an ACC ...........................................181 Dialup ACC Options...........................................................181

12 Elevators ................................................................
...... 183

12.1 Elevator Control ................................................................................................183

12.2 Fire Override.....................................................................................................184

12.2.1 Fire Override and Wiring ...................................................................184

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
12.3 Setting up an Elevator System ......................................................................... 185

12.3.1 Low-level System Pre-Configuration ...............................................185

12.3.2 Defining the Advanced Central Controller (ACC) .............................185

12.3.3 Defining the Output Point Modules (OPM) .......................................186

12.3.4 Defining the Card Readers ...............................................................186

12.3.5 Defining the Banks ............................................................................187

12.3.6 Defining the Floors ...........................................................................187

12.3.7 Defining the Elevators ......................................................................189

12.4 Access Control ................................................................................................. 190

12.4.1 Assigning Floor Access to Cardholders ............................................190

13 Guard Tour ................................................................

13.1 Configuring Guard Tour.................................................................................... 193

13.1.1 Adding a Guard to the System..........................................................193 Creating a Tour ..................................................................194

13.1.2 Creating a Tour Group ......................................................................196

13.1.3 Starting and Monitoring Tours...........................................................197

y& Registering and starting a Tour ........................................197 Monitoring Tours ................................................................199 Displaying Tour Stop Log ..................................................199 Printing a Guard Tour Report ............................................199 Starting a Tour from the Guard Tour Monitor ....................200 Stopping a Tour .................................................................200

rit Skipping a Tour Point .......................................................201 Acknowledging an Alarm ...................................................201 Aborting a Tour ..................................................................202

cu Guard Tour Window ..........................................................202 Right Mouse Button Options..............................................203

14 Intrusion Arming Terminal (ATI5100 / IAT-

IAT-010) .............................................
14.1 IAT-010 Terminal Types ................................................................................... 204

14.2 Configuring a New Intrusion Terminal (Standalone) ........................................ 204

14.2.1 Configure / Discover a New IAT-010 Device ....................................205

14.2.2 Configuring the IAT-010 device on the Components Dialog ............206

14.2.3 Assigning an IAT-010 to an Intrusion Area as an Arm/Disarm Point 206

14.2.4 Configuring an Access Level and an Access Group, with the Intrusion

14.2.5 Configuring a Cardholder’s Access Privilege with the Access Group207
en Configuring the IAT-010 Terminal to Arm / Part-arm / Disarm

14.3 Overview of Configuring an Intrusion Terminal with Access Control ............... 207

14.3.1 Discovering the IAT-010 Device .......................................................207

lig Creating a new IAT-010 device on the Components dialog Discovering the IAT-010 device on the FLN Configuration

14.3.2 Linking a Door Reader to the IAT-010 for Intrusion Control .............208

14.3.3 Creating an Intrusion Area with Arm / Disarm and Input Points .......209

14.3.4 Access Level Configuration to include Intrusion Area and Input Point,

14.3.5 and assigning

Configuring of an AccessAccess
a Cardholder’s Group ...................................................209
Privilege to the Access Group ..209

14.3.6 Operating the IAT-010 Terminal to Arm / Part-arm / Disarm the

14.4 Intrusion
Intrusion Control Area
for ....................................................................................209
Multiple Areas .................................................................. 210

14.5 Executing Manual Override commands for the IAT- 010 device...................... 210

14.5.1 Manual Commands for the Standalone Intrusion Terminal ..............210

14.5.2 Manual Commands for the Intrusion Terminal with Access Control

(linked terminal) ................................................................................210

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
14.6 Deleting an ATI5100 Device.............................................................................210

14.6.1 Deleting an Intrusion Terminal (Standalone) ....................................210

14.6.2 Deleting an Intrusion Terminal with Access Control .........................211

14.7 Partial Arming / Part-Arming.............................................................................211

14.7.1 Configuring Input Points for Partial / Part Arming .............................211

14.8 Intrusion Terminal Alerts of Unsealed Inputs ...................................................212

14.9 Isolation Privileges for Multiple Unsealed Inputs..............................................212

14.10 Trouble-Shooting ..............................................................................................213

15 DVR ................................................................
............. 214

15.1 Programming SiPass integrated for DVR .........................................................214

15.2 Configuring the DVR Comms Channel.............................................................215

15.3 Configuring the SISTORE/DVR Client in SiPass integrated ............................215

15.4 Configuring a DVR unit .....................................................................................216

15.4.1 Configuring Input / Output Points for a DVR Unit .............................217 Field Definitions for Digital Input / Output Points ...............217 Field Definitions for Digital Output Points ..........................218

y& Configuring Host Event Tasks for Digital Input/Output points Configuring a Manual Command to Change the State of a Configuring a DVR Digital Input / Output Point Group ......219

15.4.2 Configuring Monitors for a DVR Unit.................................................219 Configuring Remote Video Inputs for the DVR Unit ..........219 DVR Unit Functions Available from Site Plans ..................219

15.4.3 Configuring a DVR Camera ..............................................................220 Discovering configured DVR video alarms (sensors) ........221 Field Definitions for Video Alarms (sensors) .....................221

cu Setting up a Host Event Task to change the DVR Video Setting up a HET to create a connection between a DVR

15.4.4 Grouping DVR Cameras ...................................................................223

15.4.5 Configuring an IP Camera ................................................................223

Se Viewing IP Camera video on the Live DVR dialog ............224 Viewing IP Camera video on the Virtual Monitor ...............224 Using an IP Camera as a Remote Video Source ..............225

15.5 Operating DVR from SiPass integrated............................................................225

15.5.1 Viewing Pictures from a DVR Camera ..............................................225


15.5.2 Setting up a DVR Recording Event Task ..........................................226


15.5.3 Playing Back DVR Recordings from the Audit Trail ..........................226

15.6 Virtual Monitors.................................................................................................226

15.7 Operating the DVR Client .................................................................................227

15.7.1 Creating a Preset from the DVR Client .............................................227


15.7.2 Recording from the DVR Client.........................................................228

15.7.3 Playing Back a DVR Recording ........................................................228

15.8 Operating the SISTORE DVR Client ................................................................229

15.8.1 Using the SISTORE AX Client to view live images...........................229


15.8.2 Using the SISTORE AX Client to record and playback ....................229

15.9 Creating a DVR Audit Trail Report ...................................................................230

16 Photo-
Photo-ID and Graphics ................................................................
................. 232

16.1 Graphics ...........................................................................................................232

16.2 Drawing toolbar ................................................................................................232

16.2.1 Additional Menus...............................................................................233

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
29.07.2010 Edit Menu...........................................................................233 View Menu .........................................................................235 Drawing Menu....................................................................235

16.3 Graphics Tools ................................................................................................. 236

16.4 Drawings........................................................................................................... 238

16.5 Symbols ............................................................................................................ 238

16.5.1 Creating a symbol .............................................................................239

16.5.2 Importing graphics to make your own symbol ..................................239

16.6 Site Plans ......................................................................................................... 239

16.6.1 Creating a site plan ...........................................................................239

16.6.2 Importing graphics into your site plan ...............................................239

16.6.3 Adding System Components (Symbols) to Your Site Plan ...............240

16.6.4 Adding Shortcuts to Your Site Plan ..................................................240 Shortcut Action Types .......................................................241 Shortcut Actions ................................................................241

16.7 Alarm Instructions............................................................................................. 242

16.8 Using Site Plans to Monitor your Site............................................................... 242

16.8.1 Interpreting the Site Plan ..................................................................242

16.8.2 Securing a Point or Area From a Site Plan .......................................243

16.8.3 Unsecure a Point or Area From a Site Plan......................................243

16.8.4 Allow Access to an Output Point From a Site Plan ...........................243

16.8.5 Manually Controlling a Point from a Site Plan ..................................243

Querying a Point From a Site Plan ...................................................244 Point Details.......................................................................244

16.8.7 Actioning an Alarm from a Site Plan .................................................245

16.9 Card Template Design and Encoding .............................................................. 245

16.9.1 Creating a Card Template.................................................................245

16.9.2 Adding a Cardholder Photograph to a Card Template .....................246

16.9.3 Adding a Bar Code to a Card Template............................................247

16.9.4 Adding a Magstripe to a Template ....................................................247


17 Video Imaging and Card Printing ................................................................

17.1 Configuring the video image settings ............................................................... 249

17.2 Capturing Cardholder Photographs ................................................................. 249

17.2.1 Image Recall .....................................................................................250


17.3 Capturing a Cardholder’s Signature ................................................................. 250


17.4 Importing a Cardholder’s Photograph or Signature ......................................... 251

17.5 Card Printing..................................................................................................... 251

17.5.1 Configuring a Card Printer ................................................................252

17.5.2 Printing a Card ..................................................................................253

lig Batch Printing Card Filters.................................................254

17.5.3 Batch Card Printing Monitor ..............................................................255

Index ................................................................

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
1 Introduction and Starting Up
System Preferences

1 Introduction and Starting Up

Congratulations on choosing SiPass integrated to be your access control software

solution. SiPass integrated is the leading access control software on the market.

SiPass integrated is an access control and security management system that

monitors and controls access to your site, using a personal computer running the

latest Windows operating system.

The graphical user interface of SiPass integrated is designed to support the

complex and demanding needs of security staff and operators. You can quickly

and easily navigate the system and use the many functions provided. SiPass

integrated is a complete system that packages all your access control needs into

an easy-to-use application.

The SiPass integrated system allows you to effectively and efficiently monitor your

building site and the people who access it. The system also allows dial-up

communication via modems, meaning that fewer resources are required to monitor

a large number of sites.

1.1 System Preferences
System Preferences allow you to customize the SiPass integrated user interface

and system operation to your own preferences. There are three tabs for defining

System Preferences. If you have installed the optional Photo ID and Image
verification Module, a fourth tab is present (Imaging) on client machines.
The system preferences are operator specific and changes made to the default

preferences and will only affect the operator who made those changes.
In addition to the customizable system settings, SiPass integrated will remember

the size and position of the Audit Trail window from each operator’s last session.

1.1.1 Customizing System Preferences

Customizing System Preferences will provide you with an enhanced and

personalized Audit Trail view.

1. Select Preferences from the Options menu to display the General tab.
General tab system preferences. The section General Tab [➙

2. Complete the

13] details the various the fields / options displayed on this tab.

3. To alter the Audit Trail preferences, choose the Audit Trail tab and complete

the preferences displayed on this tab.

4. To select a location for archiving, choose the Archive Folder Location button.

5. To alter the Audit Trail Columns that are displayed, choose the Audit Trail
Columns tab.
6. Select the columns to appear in the Active Audit Trail Options selected in this
dialog do not change the columns that are printed as part of Audit Trail


- Select top or bottom section and press the ‘Ctrl’, ‘Shift’ and ‘+’ keys to fit all

Audit Trail Columns on the screen


- The Audit Trail information appears in a window on the main screen of

SiPass integrated and, due to the limitations of screen size, only a limited

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Introduction and Starting Up 1
System Preferences

amount of information can be viewed at any one time. It may be necessary

to scroll across to view events that do not completely fit within the window.

7. To alter Imaging details, select the Imaging tab and choose the preferences
that are suitable for the viewing of images on screen. These preferences will

depend largely on the video capture card installed in your PC.

8. Click Save. General Tab

The following table explains the settings available on the General Tab.
Setting Context Description

Background Image File User Specifies the path and file name of the image to appear in the

background of the SiPass integrated main screen.

Default Card & Operator Expiry System Specifies the date that will appear by default in the Cardholder and

Date Operator definition screens. To disable the expiry date so that the

card or operator privileges will never expire, de-select the checkbox.

Visitor default validity time (days) System Specifies the default time in days for visitors cards.

Operator Lockout Timeout Operator Specifies the time in minutes before workstation lockout is activated.

You must re-enter your password to re-activate SiPass integrated,

once your workstation has become locked. A value of 0 doesn’t lock

out the workstation.

Home Plan User Specifies the site plan that will automatically open when a user logs

Base PIN Code Required System If the Yes checkbox is ticked, a PIN code is required for each

cardholder to gain access.

Base Pin Digits System The exact number of digits in the Base PIN Code.

Accept Unique Pins Only


System When checked, each PIN Number assigned to a Cardholder in the

Cardholder dialog must be unique.

Number of Generated PINs in System Specifies the number of PINs displayed on the PIN selection dialog.

PIN selection dialog To change the number of PINs displayed select a number from the

dropdown list.

PIN Duress Extension


System Specifies the number of digits added to the cardholders’ standard PIN

in order to form a Duress PIN. This is formed by increasing or

decreasing the last number of the cardholder’s standard PIN. For

example, if the cardholder’s PIN is 1234, by selecting a PIN Duress


Extension of 2, the duress PIN becomes 1232 or 1236.

Confirm on Save Operator When checked, the Save Confirmation dialog will appear when

saving a modified Database record.

Confirm on Delete Operator When checked, the Delete Confirmation dialog will appear when

deleting a Database record.

Employee Number Enforced System When checked, an employee number must be entered when a new

cardholder is added in the system.

Display Higher Priority Alarm


System When checked, allows alarms of a higher priority to be displayed in

the Action Alarm dialog, if an alarm is already being actioned by an

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
1 Introduction and Starting Up
System Preferences

Setting Context Description

operator. The operator may select the higher priority alarm and

choose to action it instead.

Clear on Save (Cardholder

System When checked, it will clear the cardholder window once it has been

window only) saved.

Save <None> Workgroup by System When checked, if no Workgroup has been selected for a cardholder,

Default (Cardholder window only) no workgroup, i.e. ‘<None>’ will be allocated to the cardholder by


Show on Start-
Start-up Operator When checked the System Status screen will be displayed upon


Refresh Rate (sec) Operator Specifies how often the data displayed in the Status monitor is

updated to reflect the latest changes in status and alarm conditions.

Default is 10 seconds. The current refresh rate is shown on the

System Status screen.

y& Audit Trail Tab
The following table explains the settings available on the Audit Trail tab.
Setting Description
Disable Detailed AT
Tick this checkbox if you want to disable messages appearing in the audit trail, that relate to

Logging details of the changes made to database components by each operator.

Latest Message First Tick this checkbox if you want to display the latest transaction in the access control system, at

Audit Trail Window (instead of the bottom).

the top of the

Additionally Write to TAB Tick this checkbox if you want to write the audit trail transactions to a TAB File, in addition to

Files the SQL database.

Write to Database

Tick this checkbox if you want Audit Trail Events to be written to a database table. By default,

Audit Trail events are written to a tab file only. This option allows your site to maintain greater

control over the backup and restoration of the Audit Trail history.

Latest Message First Tick this checkbox to configure the audit trail to display the last message at the top of the


Top Viewer Specifies the number of lines displayed in the upper section of the Active Audit Trail window.

When this value is exceeded, the system automatically removes 20% of the Audit Trail events,

so those new events can be displayed. The maximum number of lines that can be displayed is


Bottom Viewer

Specifies the number of lines displayed in the lower section of the Active Audit Trail window.

The maximum number of lines displayed is 50000. When the viewer becomes full, the oldest

lines are removed as new lines are added.

Default Colors Specifies the default message color that appears in the Active Audit Trail window. To change

Select Colors

colors, choose button. You can select the background color and text color for the

event in an alarm state, and also the colors for the event in a normal state.

Logon/Logoff Colour Specifies the text color that will display on the in the Active Audit Trail window when you logon
or logoff SiPass integrated. To change colors, choose the Select Colors button. You can select

the background color and text color for the event in an alarm state, and also the colors for the

event in a normal state.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Introduction and Starting Up 1
System Preferences

Setting Description
Comms Actions Colour Specifies the color of a Comms Actions event that appears in the Active Audit Trail window. To

change colors, choose the Select Colors button. You can select the background color and text

color for the event in an alarm state, and also the colors for the event in a normal state.

Alarm Actions Colors Specifies the color of the Alarm action event that appears in the Active Audit Trail window. To
change colors, choose the Select Colors button. You can select the background color and text

color for the event in an alarm state, and also the colors for the event in a normal state.

Database Actions Colors

Specifies the color of the Database action event that appears in the Active Audit Trail window.

To change colors, choose the Select Colors button. You can select the background color and

text color for the event in an alarm state, and also the colors for the event in a normal state.

Event Task Colors Active Audit Trail window. To change

Specifies the color of the Event task that appears in the

colors, choose the Select Colors button. You can select the background color and text color for

the event in an alarm state, and also the colors for the event in a normal state.

1.1.2 Customizing Views and Toolbars
SiPass integrated allows you to customize the position of the toolbars, as well as

move the icons across toolbars with a single drag and drop motion.

1. From the View menu, select the Customize option to display Customize dialog
2. Tick on the box next to the toolbar you would like to display.
3. You can also add the toolbars to your SiPass integrated display by selecting

the icons. For example, selecting the Alarm icon will automatically display the
Alarm toolbar.
4. Commands tab.
Select the

5. Select a toolbar from the Categories dialog box, all the commands available will

display in the Commands dialog box.

6. Select the icon you would like to add and drag it to you the toolbar.

7. To further customize the menu’s and toolbars select the Options tab. To reset
the menu and toolbar to the original settings, select Reset Menu and toolbar
usage data.
8. SelectClose.

1.1.3 User Definable Menu Items


SiPass integrated allows operators to create and customize their own menu bars

and buttons. This functionality is client specific, and is not governed by Operator


There are 2 simple stages required to apply this feature:

 Stage 1: Adding a new button to a tool bar

 Stage 2: Attaching and running an executable command to the new button

These stages have been discussed in the sections that follow. Adding a New Button to a Toolbar

1. From the View menu, select Customize…

2. On the Customize dialog, select the Commands tab.

3. Scroll down the list of the Categories box, and select All Commands.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
1 Introduction and Starting Up
Online Help and SiPass integrated License Information

4. Scroll down list of the Commands box, and select External Command.

There are 24 External Commands buttons that an operator can use.

5. Click and drag this external command to a selected toolbar on the SiPass

integrated user interface.

 The new button will now be displayed on the toolbar.

re Attaching and Running an Executable Command
1. From the Options menu, select Custom Command Configuration.

2. Click Add.
 An external command will appear on the adjacent box.

3. In the Name field, enter a name for this External Command button.
4. In the Path field, enter a path for the External Command.

5. In the Icon File field, enter a file for an icon for the External Command button.

6. Click Apply.

7. Click the new menu button on the toolbar. This action runs the executable

command attached to the button.

Consider that an executable command to open a Notepad application was

attached to the new button. Clicking on the new button on the toolbar will execute

this command, and so open the specified Notebook application.

Audit Trails will be generated for actions corresponding to the creation and edit of

these User Definable Menu items.


Before backing up the SiPass integrated database, the operator will need to

manually copy the XML file corresponding to the defined menu items to the other

PC .

1.2 Online Help and SiPass integrated License


SiPass integrated provides an interactive Online Help reference manual under the

Help menu. The menu also provides an About box with license information, as well
as information about SiPass integrated which you can access on the web under

the SiPass integrated on the WEB menu option.

You can select any of these options from theHelp menu at any time.

1.3 Setting up Printers for SiPass integrated

SiPass integrated provides the functionality to configure four unique, task-oriented

printing operations. Individual printers can be set up to automatically carry out

specific printing tasks according to operator requirements.

The four printing operations are:

 Audit Trail Printing


 Card Printing
 Plan Printing

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Introduction and Starting Up 1
Setting up Printers for SiPass integrated

 Report Printing
Each of the above tasks can be configured from the standard Windows Print Setup

New Printer button under the tabs in the
dialog, which is opened by selecting the

Setup Global Printers dialog. The New Printer button will only appear if there are

no printers installed in Windows.

Printers may be shared across the application, although some limitations are

imposed upon the use of each of the printer types. Each task requires a dedicated

printer, but there is some allowance for multiple uses.

All printer output is dependent upon the access privileges assigned to the operator.

Actual printers cited in the following section are for the purposes of example only.

Consult your local System Administrator and SiPass integrated distributor for

details concerning recommended printers and their compatibility with your site.

1.3.1 Audit Trail Printing
Audit Trail printing can be carried out using either standard page or line printers.

Tractor Feed

The SiPass integrated application identifies a line printer through the

setting, which is enabled during the configuration process. If this is not set, the

system assumes that the printer is a page printer and buffers the page until the

printable area is filled. The buffer is then dumped to the printer output file for

normal printing.

To avoid potential conflicts, spooling should be selected in all circumstances. Refer

to the appropriate Printer Properties dialogs when installing your printers. These
are located in the Start menu of your computer under Settings > Printers and
Faxes, and display the advanced settings and page setup options available for the
selected printer.
cu Privilege Control for Printer Access
Operator Group privileges control access to the Printer Setup dialog. If an operator
does not have the necessary access privileges, the Printer Setup options located

under the File menu will be disabled, preventing the current settings from being
altered. This stops the operator from enabling or disabling the Print Audit Trail

option from within SiPass integrated. System Behavior


These important issues are related to system behavior and Audit Trail printing:

 It is recommended that a separate default printer be installed and configured

for Audit Trail printing from the printer configured for Report printing.

 Where the use of the same line printer for both Audit Trail and Report printing

is unavoidable, ensure that the Enable Audit Trail Printing checkbox under the
Audit Trail tab of the Setup Global Printers dialog is disabled before you print a
Report. This will prevent live audit trail messages conflicting with the current

printing job.

To help keep Audit Trail and Report printing separate:

 You can send the Audit Trail to a page printer that does not have a default

printer requirement.

 In the case where a line printer is used, you must ensure that Audit Trail and

Report printing are not run concurrently. This will require manual intervention.

 A Print Preview of an Audit Trail screen will display a blank page unless the

Enable Audit Trail Printing checkbox is ticked during setup. In addition, without

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
1 Introduction and Starting Up
Setting up Printers for SiPass integrated

the necessary access privileges, an operator cannot alter the current settings in

order to display the Audit Trail report prior to printing.

d Filtering of Audit Trail Columns

It is important to understand the distinction between Audit Trail printing and Audit

Trail Reports. Audit Trail printing produces a “hard copy” of the events recorded in

the Audit Trail and takes place dynamically as the events occur. The columns that

are displayed in Audit Trail printing are not configurable. However, Audit Trail

reports are the result of retrieving and formatting records from the Audit Trail

database. The columns displayed in Audit Trail reports are configurable.

This functionality is totally independent of the display settings used in the Audit
Trail tab of the System Preferences dialog.

Checking the Print Alarm Messages Only checkbox in the Setup Global Printers
dialog initiates the filtering of Audit Trail messages, so that only Alarm messages

are printed.

Printer settings are retained for all operators, so that when operators are changed,

the printer enabled or print filtering options will not be altered. However, the Print

Setup dialog will appear disabled for operators lacking the necessary access
privileges to alter these settings.

1.3.2 Configuring an Audit Trail Printer

An audit trail printer can be either a standard laser or a line printer. While a line

printer will print a line at a time, a laser printer will buffer the messages until the

page buffer is full and then print the contents a single page at a time. Both printer

types are configured in a similar way.

Follow the procedure below to configure the audit trail printer.

 If you are connecting the printer directly to a SiPass client PC, ensure that you

have installed the appropriate printer driver for that printer. Otherwise, the

printer cannot be selected from the drop-down list during the configuration


1. From the File menu, select the Print Setup option to display the Setup Global

Printers dialog.
2. Choose the Audit Trail Printer tab. This is the default tab and it displays the

current printer, if connected.


3. Check the Enable Audit Trail Printing checkbox. This activates the Audit Trail
Options section of the dialog. If this check box is not ticked, Audit Trail events
will not be printed.

4. From the Audit Trail Print Options section, select the type of messages to be

displayed by highlighting the appropriate radio button.

- Print Alarm Messages Only: This option enables the printing of Alarm
messages only from the Audit Trail.

- Print All Messages: This option enables the printing of all messages from
the Audit Trail.

5. Tick the 132 Column checkbox, if required. By default, the font used by the
printer will be a standard width font, such as Courier.

- Select this option if your audit trail printer can print 132 or more characters

per line. The fields A/N, DATE, TIME, LOCATION, F_NAME, L_NAME,

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Introduction and Starting Up 1
Setting up Printers for SiPass integrated

CARDNO, and MESSAGE will be printed with format "%s %-12.12s %-12s

%-22.22s %-12.12s %-12.12s %-12.12s %-43.43s". (133 characters).

- Do not select this option if your audit trail printer can only print 80

characters per line. The fields A/N, DATE, TIME, LOCATION and

MESSAGE will be printed with format "%s %-12.12s %-12.12s %-20.20s

%-32.32s" (81 chars).

6. Choose the Select Printer button to open the Print Setup dialog.
7. Select a suitable printer type from the list displayed in the Name drop down


8. From the (Paper) Source drop down box, select the paper source.
9. Select the paper orientation.

- Portrait: Select this option if you are using an 80 column printer.
- Landscape: Select this option if you are using a 132 column printer, and
have ticked the 132 Column check box in the Setup Global Printers dialog,

or if you are using a laser printer and want a wide audit trail printout.

10. Choose the OK button to return to the Setup Global Printers dialog.
11. Choose the Apply button.
 The columns that will appear in the Audit Trail printout may not be altered.

They are as outlined in the section that follows.

Once the setup for Audit Trail printing has been completed, the system

immediately begins to pass the Audit Trail events to the line printer as they

cu Audit Trail Printing Columns
The following table lists the columns available for Audit Trail printing. These

columns cannot be modified.


Column Description
Type (of Indicates whether the displayed message is a Normal or Alarm

Message) message.

Date Occurred Displays the date of the Audit Trail event


Time Occurred

Displays the time of the Audit Trail event

Location Displays the location where the Audit Trail event took place.

Message Displays the contents of the Audit Trail message.

lig Viewing the Contents of the Printer Buffer

You can view the contents of the buffer by using the Print Preview option.
File menu, choose Print Preview.

 From the

 The contents of the buffer will now be displayed.

The printed version provides you with an alternative “hard-copy” backup of the

Audit Trail.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
1 Introduction and Starting Up
Setting up Printers for SiPass integrated

1.3.3 Plan Printing

Plan Printing is unique in that SiPass integrated supports many different drawing

formats, both in physical size and file type, as well as different printer technologies.

Sending plans and drawings to the appropriate printer / plotter will produce outputs

at the correct size and scale, making them more manageable and their

interpretation easier. Sizes range from A4 up to A0.

The supported technologies for plan printers and plotters include the following

Windows-compatible technologies:

 Pen Plotters,

 Inkjet Printers

 Bubble jet Printers

 Laser Printers

 Electrostatic Printers

y& Configuring a Site Plan Printer
A site plan printer allows you to generate paper copies of your site plans. These

are very useful for introducing new staff to the site, as well as organizing and

coordinating Guard Tours.

1. From the File menu, select Print Setup to display the Setup Global Printers

2. Choose the Site Plan Printer tab. If you wish to nominate another Plan printer
as the default, choose the Select Printer button to open the Print Setup dialog.
Make the necessary changes to the printer settings. For further information

concerning the setup options, refer to the printer manuals.

4. Choose the OK button to return to the Setup Global Printers dialog.


1.3.4 Report Printing

Report printing is a vital aspect of the SiPass integrated access control system. It

can assume one of three general types:

 Audit Trail Reports


 Database Reports

 Log Book Reports

Although their content is different, these reports essentially are created and

configured the same way. Therefore, a single printer can be used for all three types

of reports, subject to site-specific considerations such as network traffic, and the

volume and frequency of reports that are required. Virtually all reports are printed

as standard A4 size documents. This means that the installation of printers and the

printer drivers are generally straightforward tasks, since most A4 printers now

install under the “Plug and Play” scenario.

tel Configuring a Report Printer

 If you are connecting directly to a SiPass client, ensure that you have installed

the appropriate printer driver.

1. From the File menu, select Print Setup to show the Setup Global Printers

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Introduction and Starting Up 1
Setting up Printers for SiPass integrated

2. Select the Reports Printer tab.

3. If you wish to nominate another Reports printer as the default, choose Select

Printer button to open the Print Setup dialog.
4. Make the necessary changes to the printer settings. For further information,

refer to the documentation that came with your printer.

5. Choose the OK button to return to the Setup Global Printers dialog.

t Se

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
2 Personnel Management
Operator Groups

2 Personnel Management

SiPass integrated operators and cardholders make up the personnel at a SiPass

integrated site. Operators are grouped by Operator Groups, and Cardholders are
grouped according to Work Groups. This information is defined in the SiPass
integrated system.

The SiPass integrated system contains information about the personnel who use

the site and about the site itself. The system uses this information to accurately

monitor events, and to display detailed information about personnel to authorized

operators. For these reasons, it is essential to keep the SiPass integrated system


2.1 Operator Groups
To limit the access an operator has to records contained in the SiPass integrated

system, each operator must be assigned to an Operator group. Members of an

Operator Group are conferred a required level of access / privileges to the system,

to carry out their jobs.

The concept of separating the privileges that Operator Groups have is called

Operator Partitioning.

When an operator is created, that operator must be assigned to an operator

group. The operator will then be assigned the privileges defined for that group. An

operator can only grant the same or a subset of the privileges belonging to their

own operator group


2.1.1 Creating an Operator Group

Creating an Operator group includes assigning an operator group name,

establishing the viewable Audit Trail events, System Functions, Access Controls,

Password Complexity Rules and available Site Plans.

When creating an operator group, the system administrator will only be able to see

and grant access to those functions to which their own operator group has access.

There are 3 key areas to fill out:


 General: Determines password restrictions and audit trail viewing


 Operator Functions: Determines which system functions and cardholder fields

are available

 Partition Functions: Determines which objects in the system are available


To create an Operator
Operator Group
1. Select Operator Group from the Program toolbar to display the Operator Group

2. Complete the fields in the General section.

If some operator group options are changed, any operator who belongs to that

group and is currently using a Client must log off and then log back on before the

changes take effect.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Personnel Management 2
Operator Groups

3. Select Cardholder Fields to assign some or all of the cardholder fields to this
operator group. For example, you might not want one operator group to be able

to view cardholder PINs.

- Once a field is selected you can double click it to change the privilege from

v e
[ ] (View) to [ ] (Edit)

4. Select System Functions to assign some or all of the system functions to this
operator group. For example, you need to add the Cardholder System function

if you want this operator group to modify cardholder records.

5. Select a function and click Add to add just the one, or click Add All to add them
all at the same time

6. Select the level of privilege, by double-clicking on the system function, to

change the privilege level.

- c (Create): Allows members of the group to create, delete and view

database records.

- v (View): Allows members of the operator group to view the records only.
- e (Edit): Allows members of the group to view and modify existing
Database records.

7. Select Audit Trail Reports if your operator group has access to reporting

Select the Audit Trail Reports over which the operator has control.

8. Select Device Group, to assign device groups to your operator group.

- These are like a point group but for devices. The operator group requires
access to a device via a Device Group to view and modify the device.

9. Select FLN Group to assign FLN groups to your operator group. These are like
a point group, but for FLNs. The operator group requires access to an FLN via

a FLN Group to view and modify it.


10. Select Holiday to assign your system defined Holidays to an operator group.
Operators can only view and modify holidays that they have privileges to.

11. Select Site Plan to assign site plans to your operator group. This defines which
site plans they can view and modify.

12. Select Point Groups to assign point groups to your operator group. Please note

this will affect the points an operator can see.


To be able to view an Access Group, the operators should have view ( ) v

privileges for all the Access Levels that belong to that Access Group.


To be able to view an Access Level, the operators should have view ( ) privileges

for all the Point Groups, Points, etc. that belong to that Access Level.

To be able to view/update a Point, the operators should have at least one Point

Group containing that Point assigned to their Operator Group.

13. Select SiPass Explorer Items to assign appropriate privileges for individual

SiPass Explorer items to your operator group.

14. Select Time Period to assign specific time periods to your operator group.
15. Select Unit Group to assign Unit groups to your operator group. These are like

a point group but for Units. The operator group requires access to a Unit via a

Unit Group to view and modify it.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
2 Personnel Management
Operator Groups

16. Select Work Groups to assign Work Groups to your operator group.

Only Partition Work Groups will be listed here for Operator Partitioning.

17. Select the work groups over which the operator has control. Please note that
only those cardholders that belong to the assigned work groups can be

administered by the Operator. Any audit trail entries (including reports) relating

to cardholders that do not belong to these assigned work groups will not

appear when the Operator is logged on.

- If no workgroups are assigned to an operator group, that operator group

will be unable to create cardholder records. Also, no card accesses will be

visible to that operator from the Audit Trail.

18. Select Component Group to assign Component Groups to your operator group.
19. Click Save.

y& General Details
This table lists the general details that can be changed. These include the group

name, lockout status, audit trail viewing and password complexity.

Setting Description
Operator Group Name This is a unique Name for the Operator group. You may enter up to 40 characters, in any

combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.

Group Lock Out When checked, this denies access to the SiPass integrated system to all members of the
specified operator group. This check box is only available to administrators and members of

an operator group that have privileges within the group displayed. You cannot lock out your

own operator group.

Logon/Logoff When checked, logon and logoff activities will appear in the Active Audit Trail window for the

Operator Group currently being configured.

Comms actions When checked, communications activities will appear in the Active Audit Trail window.

Included are comms related activities such as initialization, comms lost, comms restored, dial

up activity and other general communications events.


Alarm actions When checked, information regarding alarms that have been received, actioned or waiting to

be actioned, etc. will appear in the Active Audit Trail window. Many of these messages are

“free-form” text.

Database actions When checked, Database events such as Adding, Editing or Deleting records, and Backing up,

Restoring or Purging activities will appear in the Active Audit Trail window.

Event Task When checked, all types of event task related messages, many of which are “free-form” text,

will appear in the Active Audit Trail window.

Detailed Logging When checked, displays detailed Audit Trail information when records are updated.

Min. Password Age (days) Specifies the minimum number of days after the operator has changed the password before it

can be changed again.

Min. Password Length Specifies the minimum number of characters allowed in the password

Logon Retries

Specifies the number of allowed logon attempts with the wrong password before the operator

account is locked out.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Personnel Management 2
Operator Groups

Setting Description
Max. Password Age (days) Specifies how old the password can be before the operator is forced to change it.

Account Lockout Duration Specifies how long an operator account is locked out when the logon retries are exceeded.


Password Complexity Turns the password complexity check on and off. When the complexity check is turned on the

Check password must include three of the following character types:

 Number (e.g. 1234)

 Special character (e.g. !%$#)

 Uppercase character (e.g. A)

 Lowercase character (e.g. a)

2.1.2 Report Privileges
The Report privileges are handled like a tree. You can assign privileges to a folder,

a specific report or a folder plus reports. The following privileges apply:

Privilege Folder Report

View [v] Report folder will be visible to the operator in Report will be visible to the operator in SiPass

SiPass Explorer. Explorer.

Edit [e] Report folder can be modified by the operator in Report can be modified by the operator in

SiPass Explorer.
rit SiPass Explorer.

Create [c] Reports can be created by the operator within Report can be deleted by the operator in SiPass

this folder in SiPass Explorer. The operator can Explorer.

also delete the folder.

To give Reports privileges to an Operator Group:

1. Ensure the Report section is opened in the Operator Group dialog and the

correct Operator Group is selected.

2. Select a report or folder from the Reports tree and click Add > or Add Hierarchy
- Add > just adds the selected folder or report.
Add Hierarchy >> adds the selected item and all its child elements in the



3. Right click the folder or report and select View, Edit or Create to modify the
privilege assigned.

4. Remove unwanted reports or folders by selecting the item and clicking Remove

> or Remove Hierarchy >>.

- Remove > only removes the selected folder or report.
- Remove Hierarchy >> removes the select item and all its child elements in

the tree.

5. Click Save.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
2 Personnel Management

2.2 Operators

Operators are responsible for maintaining the System Database, and monitoring

the site. They must have access to system information, but there may be occasions

where you wish to impose limits on what an operator can change.

Operator Privileges determine whether an operator can view, edit or create a wide

range of information on the Database. These privileges are assigned to Operator

Groups. When you define an Operator Group, you define its privileges, which then

apply to all operators in that group.

2.2.1 Adding Operators

Adding an operator to the system includes providing the operator with a user name,

assigning them to an appropriate operator group and designating a Time Schedule

during which they may log onto the system.

Ensure that all the operator groups have been established, along with the

appropriate privileges. Each operator must be assigned to an operator group.

1. Select Operator from the Program menu.

2. Complete the operator’s identification details.

3. ( Optional
Optional) Complete the automatic logon details. Use the Windows logon to log
into the SiPass workstation. Tick this checkbox to enable the operator to log
straight into the SiPass client from Windows, without having to enter a new

username and password.

 A Select User dialog will appear, prompting you to select a domain and

4. Complete the operator’s access details.

- The Time Schedule table at the end of this section provides an example of

the effect that a Time Schedule has on an operator.

5. Operator dialog, the General tab of the

By right-clicking anywhere inside the

System Preferences dialog appears. This allows you to change the default
operator expiry date.

6. Click Save.

Time Schedule Description


Never The operator can never log on to the SiPass integrated system.

Always The operator can always logon.

System Function The operator can only log on between 2 am and 3 am every day of the

year including holidays. Operator Details


The following table lists the operator details that can be set.

Detail Description
Last Name

Operator’s last name. You may enter up to 30 characters, in any combination of upper and

lower case letters and numbers.

First Name Operator’s first name. You may enter up to 20 characters, in any combination of upper and

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Detail Description
lower case letters and numbers.

Password The operator’s password is required when logging on to SiPass integrated. The password is

encrypted and appears as asterisks on screen. You may enter up to 128 characters in any

combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. The password is case

sensitive and is required each time the operator logs on to the SiPass integrated system.

User Name The operator’s user name is required when logging on to SiPass integrated. The user name

must be unique to the system. You may enter up to 20 characters in any combination of upper

and lower case letters and numbers.

Confirm Password Confirmation of the operator’s password. Unless the entry into the Confirm Password field

matches the entry into the Password field, the operator’s record will not be saved in the


Operator Group Specifies the operator group to which the operator will be assigned. The operator group

determines the level of access and the privileges the operator has available when using

SiPass integrated. To assign an operator group, choose the drop down arrow and select a

group from the list.

Time Schedule Specifies the Time Schedule during which the operator can log on to the SiPass integrated


Expiry Date The date after which the operator’s log on access is denied. To change the date, choose the

drop down arrow and select a new date from the displayed calendar. To disable the expiry
date (the operator will always have log on privileges), simply de-select the checkbox.

Operator Lock Out When checked, the operator is denied access when attempting to log on to the SiPass

integrated system. If the operator has been locked out, a dialog will appear informing the
operator that they have been denied access to the SiPass integrated system. If an operator is

locked out, only an operator that belongs to the Administrator operator group or a group with

higher privileges can change this setting.

Password Never Expires


When checked the operators password will never expire and will always work on this account.

Can’t Change Password When checked means the operator can not change their password at logon by selecting the

Change Password button.

Technician This checkbox is read-only and will be checked only if the Technician Operator Group has

been selected. This group is not available in a default installation.

Require Windows User


Instead of automatically logging in with the Windows user credentials, the operator must

Authentication supply their Windows username and password to login.

Note: When using the integrated Windows login functions with SiPass integrated, a real

password must be used. This means that your Windows password cannot be blank. A blank

password will fail to connect and the SiPass integrated client will not start.

2.2.2 Searching
Searching for an Operator

SiPass integrated allows you to search the Database for a specific operator based

on details you supply about that operator. The more details you supply, the

narrower the search becomes and there is less chance of more than one matching

record being found. The Search function will only reveal those operators who are

present in an operator group to which you have privileges.

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Searching the Database for an operator’s record will be more efficient and quicker

if you provide as much information about the operator as possible to narrow the


1. Choose Operator from the Operator toolbar or the Program menu to display the
Operator dialog

2. Enter all or part of the details known about the operator into the respective

fields displayed in the Operator dialog. Data may be entered into more than

one field to narrow the search.

3. Search to begin the Database search.


 The Operator Records dialog will appear if more than one operator’s record
matches the search criteria. If only one record matches the search criteria,


then that operator’s information will be displayed directly in the


 Only those operator records to which you have access will be displayed.

The Search button is only visible when a record is not currently displayed.

The Search button changes to a “Reset” button when an operator record is

displayed. To clear the dialog fields and perform a search, choose either

Reset or Clear.
4. To select an operator from the Operator Records dialog, double-click anywhere
on that operator’s row, or select the operator and choose OK.

The selected operator’s record will be retrieved from the Database and will

appear in the Operator dialog.

2.3 Workgroups

Workgroups are logical groups to which selected cardholders belong. Generally,

cardholders whose jobs are the same or similar will belong to the same Workgroup.

Based on the concept of Operator Partitioning, there are two types of Workgroups:

 Partition Workgroups
The operator can use only Partition Workgroups for Operator Partitioning. It can be

used for assigning Access Control and Anti-Passback control (depending on the

operator’s privileges).

For detailed information on these workgroups, refer the section Partition


Workgroups [➙ 28].

Non-Partition Workgroups
The Non-Partition Workgroup cannot be used for Operator Partitioning. A

cardholder can be a member of multiple Non-Partition Workgroups. For detailed


information on these workgroups, refer the section Non-Partition Workgroups [➙


2.3.1 Partition Workgroups


This section will explain the concept of Partition Workgroups.

Only Partition Workgroups can be used for Operator Partitioning.


Each cardholder can be configured to only ONE partition workgroup.

They can be used for assigning Access and Anti-Passback control.

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Creating Partition Workgroups

For details on how to create Partition Workgroups, refer the section Creating

Partition Workgroups [➙ 29] of this manual.

Searching/Selecting Partition Workgroups
Once configured and saved, Partition Workgroups will be listed in the following


 In the Workgroup Name dropdown field of the Work Group dialog. The ability to

View / Create / Edit the Partition Workgroup depends on the operator privileges

conferred to the operator group.

 In the Workgroup Id dropdown field of the Cardholder dialog. Only Partition

Workgroups will be listed here. However, the ability to view these workgroups

depends on the operator privileges conferred to the operator group.

Selecting a Partition Workgroup for Access Control Assignment

Definition tab of the Cardholder

Once a Partition Workgroup is selected on the

dialog, it will be automatically listed in the Work Groups section of the Advanced

If this Partition Workgroup is configured access control privileges, the cell under the

Apply Access Control field for this workgroup will display its status as Yes.

Work Group
Only one workgroup (whether Partition or Non-Partition) listed in the

section of the Advanced tab can be used for Access Control at a time.
Similarly, only one workgroup (whether Partition or Non-Partition) listed in this

section can be used for Anti-Passback by cardholder.


Selecting a Partition Workgroup for Anti-

Anti-Passback Assignment
1. Select the cell under the Use for Anti-
Anti-Passback field for the Partition


2. Double-click the cell and change its status to Yes.

 The Partition Workgroup will now include this cardholder in its Anti-Passback


Searching for a Cardholder belonging to a Partition Group


Operators can use the Search button on the Cardholder dialog to list or find a
cardholder/s that belongs to a Partition Group.

In order for operators in an operator group to view cardholders belonging to

Partition Workgroups assigned to them, they must be given operator privileges to

Customized and Pre-

Pre-defined Cardholder reports. These can be found within the
SiPass Explorer items under Partition Functions displayed in the Operator Group
tel Creating a Partition Work Group


The following steps detail the steps required to create a Partition Work Group:

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1. Choose Work Group from the Operation toolbar or menu.

2. Tick the Partition Group checkbox. This checkbox is enabled only when

creating a new work group.

3. Complete the Work Group Identification details.

- The Work Group Name should be as descriptive as possible. This will help
SiPass operators to identify the Work Group easily.

4. Select the Group Type.

5. From the drop down list of the Profile field, select a smart card profile to be

assigned to this workgroup.

6. Click the Update Cardholders button.

Personal tab of the

 This action updates this smart card profile to the

Cardholder dialog, for every cardholder in the selected Workgroup. If the

Profile field, detailed above, is cleared or left blank, the cardholders in the
selected workgroup will no longer be configured with this smart card profile.

7. Define Access Control

Define the access control details by selecting the

Privileges button, and configuring required privileges on its dialog.

8. To create a bulk set of cards for a workgroup, refer to section Auto-Creating a

Bulk Set of Cards [➙ 32].

9. Complete the Primary Contact details.

- This is for the purpose of establishing a first-line contact person within the
work group.

10. Complete the Secondary Contact details.

- This is for the purpose of establishing a second-line contact person within
the work group.

11. Click Save.

2.3.2 Non-
Non-Partition Workgroups

This section will explain the concept of Non-Partition Workgroups.

Non-Partition Workgroups are NOT available for Operator Partitioning.

A cardholder can be configured to any number of Non-Partition Workgroups.


They can be used for assigning Access and Anti-Passback control.


Creating Non
Non-Partition Workgroups
For details on how to create Non-Partition Workgroups, refer the section Creating

Non-Partition Workgroups [➙ 31] of this manual.

Searching/Selecting Non-
Non-Partition Workgroups
Once configured and saved, Non-Partition Workgroups will be listed in the following


 In the Workgroup Name dropdown field of the Work Group dialog.

 Clicking the Work Groups button of the Advanced tab in the Cardholder dialog

Cardholder’s Work Groups dialog. The operator can view the


will display the

Non-Partition Workgroups in this dialog, and select a workgroup/s to be

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configured for the cardholder. The selected Non-Partition workgroups will be

listed in the Work Groups section of the Advanced tab.

Selecting a Non-
Non-Partition Workgroup for Access Control Assignment

1. Navigate to the Advanced tab of the Cardholder dialog.
2. Select the cell under the Apply Access Control field for the Non-Partition

3. Double-click the cell and change its status to Yes.

 The cardholder can now use the Access Control privileges configured to the

selected Non-Partition Workgroup.

Only one workgroup (whether Partition or Non-Partition) listed in the Work
Work Group
section of the Advanced tab can be used for Access Control at a time.
Similarly, only one workgroup (whether Partition or Non-Partition) listed in this

section can be used for Anti-Passback for a cardholder.

Selecting a Non-
Non-Partition Workgroup for Anti-
Anti-Passback Assignment
1. Select the cell under the Use for Anti-
Anti-Passback field for the Non-Partition

2. Double-click the cell and change its status to Yes.

The Non-Partition Workgroup will now include this cardholder in its Anti-

Passback count. Creating a Non-

Non-Partition Work Group

To create a Non-Partition Work Group, the user can follow the same instructions as

for creating a Partition Work Group, except that the Partition Group checkbox on
the Work Group dialog should be left un-ticked.

2.3.3 Work Group Fields

The following table explains the Work Group properties that can be set:

Setting Description

Work Group Name


Specifies a unique name for the work group. You may enter up to 40 characters, in any

combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.

Void Work Group When checked, all cardholder cards belonging to this work group will be voided and all

checkbox cardholders belonging to that work group will be denied access at all access points.

Partition Group checkbox When checked, the work group created will be considered a Partition Work Group.

Department Indicates that the work group is an internal department.

Contractor Indicates that the work group is an external contracting company.


Other Indicates that the work group is a miscellaneous group that does not belong to either a

department or contractor.

Visitor Indicates that the work group is a dedicated group for visitors.

Clear Card Number


Tick this checkbox to clear the card number for a visitor under the visitor dialog.

(enabled for visitor only)

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Setting Description
Define Access Control This button will open the Define Access Group dialog. This dialog allows you to select Access

Privileges button groups and define the security levels for that Work Group.

Apply to Cardholders

Tick this checkbox if you want the Access Control Privileges defined for this Work Group to

checkbox override the Access Control Privileges defined for a cardholder, if this Work Group is selected

in the Cardholders dialog.

Update Cardholders This button will update every cardholder in the Work Group if you have made changes to the


Work Group’s access privileges. Note that updating all the cardholders may take a few


Card Range Can be used to specify the card number range that should be assigned to the Work Group.

Create Cards button Create the range of cards specified in the Card Range field for the specified Work Group.

Name Specifies the name of the primary contact for the work group. You can enter up to 40

characters, in any combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.

Title Specifies the primary contact’s title. You can enter up to 20 characters, in any combination of

upper / lower case letters and numbers.

Addr Specifies the primary contact’s home address. You can enter up to 80 characters, in any

combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.

Ph Specifies the primary contact’s home phone number. You can enter up to 20 characters, in

any combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.

Fax Specifies the primary contact’s fax number. You can enter up to 20 characters, in any

combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.

Mob Specifies the primary contact’s mobile phone number. You can enter up to 20 characters, in
any combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.

2.3.4 Automatic Bulk Card Creation


Once you have defined a Work Group it is possible to automatically create a set of

cards and assign them to it. This way, you can automatically apply the same set of

access control privileges to a set of cards.

 Ensure that you have created and saved the Work Group for which you wish to

create a bulk set of cards automatically.

1. Work Group from the Operation toolbar or menu.



2. From the Work Group Name drop-down box, select the name of the Work
Group in which you wish to create a bulk set of cards.

3. Ensure that the correct Work Group details are complete, including the Work

Group’s access control privileges (if required).

4. Enter the range of cards to be automatically created in the Card Range field.
For example “11-15” will create cards 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.

5. Choose the Create Cards button.


 SiPass integrated will now begin creating all cards in the range specified. A

Status dialog will appear indicating the status of the bulk creation of cards.
6. When finished, choose Close.

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Credential Profile

2.4 Credential Profile

SiPass integrated introduces an innovative feature called the Credential Profile.

At a basic level, a Card or Card Credential/s can be used to authenticate a

cardholder’s identity in SiPass integrated. An operator can now define a credential,

by configuring various aspects of its profile. Once configured, this basic profile is

called the Credential Profile.

Components of the Credential Profile
The Credential Profile is defined by the following components:

Name: This field details the name of the Credential Profile.


 Card Technology: This field details the Card Technology assigned to this
credential profile.

 Facility Code: This field details the Facility Code of the credential profile.

 Validity Code: This field details the Validity Code of credential profile.
 PIN Mode: This field details the Operation Mode configured for the credential

 PIN Digits: This field details the number of digits that can be configured for the
card’s PIN Number.

 In Use: This field details if the card is in use. If ticked, it indicates that this
Credential Profile has been applied to at least one card.

Once created, a Credential Profile can be configured to a cardholder’s card.

Cardholders can be configured with multiple cards of different Credential Profiles.

The Credential Profile gives collections of workgroups the flexibility to use different

card formats for access control and security.

Two valid cards cannot have the same credential profile. When displayed as

being ‘ In Use’, the Name, Card Technology, Facility Code and Validity Code of
that particular card cannot be modified.

Navigating to the Credential Profile

Credential Profile dialog can be accessed in two ways:


Program > Credential Profile




1. Select Operation > Cardholder.

2. Next, click the Advanced tab.

3. Click the Credential Profile button.

2.4.1 Adding / Deleting Credential Profiles


1. Select Program > Credential Profile from the main toolbar to display the
Cardholder’s Credential Profile dialog.
2. To add a credential profile, select Add.
 A new row will be added to this dialog. Once configured and saved, each

row corresponds to an individual Credential Profile.

3. Select a cell under the Name column. This field can be edited by typing into it.

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4. Select a cell under the Card Technology column. This field can be configured
by making a selection from the cell’s drop-down list.

5. Select a cell under the Facility Code column. This field can be edited by typing
into it.

6. Select a cell under the Validity Code column. This field can be edited by typing
into it.

7. Select a cell under the PIN Mode column to configure an operation mode for
the profile.

8. Select a cell under the PIN Digits column. This field can be edited by typing into

9. Select a cell under the In Use column.

 This field will change depending on whether the Credential Profile has been

assigned to a card. When assigned, it will display as Yes. If not, it will

display as No.
10. To delete a Credential Profile, select the appropriate profile row and click


Operators can also access the Cardholder’s Credential Profile dialog from the

Advanced tab on the Cardholder / Visitor dialog. Click the

Credential Profile button on this tab to display the dialog. If more than one card
configured to a cardholder has the same Credential Profile, only one of them will
be valid.

2.5 Cardholders

SiPass integrated allows authorized personnel and their movements at your site to

be identified and tracked. To effectively track cardholder movements, new

cardholders’ details must be entered into the system and those records updated

when their details or access privileges change.

In addition to the default tabs, the Cardholder dialog also supports customizable
cardholder fields, called pages. These controls provide the functionality and the

opportunity to collect a significant amount of additional cardholder information.

Once the information about a cardholder has been entered into the system and

access privileges have been established, that cardholder’s access to the site can

Photo ID and Image verification Module is


be monitored and controlled. If the

installed, photo ID access cards can be created which can incorporate a

cardholder’s photograph and signature.

2.6 Cardholder Tabs and Tab Fields


Definition, Advanced,
The sections that follow will detail the fields available on the

Personal, Vehicle, Imaging, Tracking and Control tabs of the Cardholder dialog.

Once a cardholder has been saved, the following four fields will appear at the base

of the Cardholder dialog, and will remain visible while the operator navigates any of
the dialog’s tabs:

 Last Name: Displays the last name of the cardholder;

First Name: Displays the first name of the cardholder;

 Card No: Displays the card number of the cardholder.

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Cardholder Tabs and Tab Fields

If this field is displayed as *Card No, it implies that at least one other card has
been assigned to this cardholder. The details of the additional card/s can be

Advanced tab.

found on the

Updated: Displays the Date and Time at which this cardholder was last



2.6.1 Definition Tab

The fields and controls on this tab are explained in the table below.

Item Description
Card Number

This field should contain a cardholder’s number that is unique to the system. The number of

digits in the card number, and the maximum number of cardholders, will be dependent on the

SiPass card technology that you purchased with your license.

Employee Number This field must be entered if the Employee Number Enforced option has been enabled in

System Preferences. You may enter up to 16 characters in any combination of upper and

lower case letters and numbers.

Last Name Specify the cardholder’s last name. You may enter up to 30 characters, in any combination of

upper and lower case letters and numbers.

First Name Specify the cardholder’s first name. You may enter up to 20 characters, in any combination of

upper and lower case letters and numbers.

Work Group Id Specify the work group to which the cardholder will be assigned. To change the work group,

select a new work group from the drop-down list. If you have not defined any work groups in

the SiPass Database, you may select None from the list. It is recommended that cardholders
be re-assigned to an appropriate work group at a later stage.

Note : Only partitioned Work Groups will be displayed in this field.

Define Work Group button This button brings up the Work Group dialog.
New button This button displays a new Cardholder dialog with empty fields.

Search button This button displays the Search Cardholder dialog.

Next button This button displays the next cardholder in sequential card number order, to the one presently


Previous button

This button displays the previous cardholder in sequential card number order, to the one

presently displayed.

View History button This button displays the View History dialog.
Photo Panel Found under Access Control on this tab, this panel displays the stored photograph of the

cardholder, if one already exists.

Define Access Privileges Opens the Define Access Group dialog to allow changes to access privileges.
Preview window Displays the Access Group to which the cardholder has access privileges.

Undo Privileges Changes This button removes any unsaved changes to the cardholder’s access privileges.

Personalized Access Opens the Personalized Access Group dialog to allow changes to personal access privileges.
button The open the Personal Access Group dialog:

1. Select the access point or group from the Access dropdown box.

2. Select the Time Schedule.

3. Select the control mode from the Control Mode dropdown box.

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Cardholder Tabs and Tab Fields

Item Description

4. Select Add, the area will appear on the bottom screen.

5. Select OK. The area has now been added to the cardholder’s personal access group


PIN Number Indicates the cardholder’s Personal Identification Number. To select a PIN for the current

cardholder, click on the button on the right next to the field which will display a list of PIN’s

available for use. This field will be updated immediately when the cardholder’s card number is

entered. The cardholder may use their PIN if particular readers at your site have been

configured for both Card and PIN. This field will be hidden unless the operator has the “See

PIN” Operator Privilege assigned.

Card Status Indicates the status of the cardholder’s card. The following describes the possible status:

 Valid. Access will be granted.

 Work Group void. The workgroup to which the cardholder belongs has been voided and all

members belonging to that group will be denied access privileges.

 Void. The Void Card check box for the cardholder has been selected. Access will be


 Expired. The end date of the cardholder’s card has passed. Access will be denied.

 Before start date. The start date on the cardholder’s card has not yet been reached.

Access will be denied.

Start Date Specifies the cardholder’s start date. To change the date, choose the drop down arrow and

select a new date from the displayed calendar.

See explanation at the end of the table.

End Date Specifies the cardholder’s end date. To change the date, choose the drop down arrow and

select a new date from the displayed calendar. To disable the end date (the cardholder will
always exist in the database), simply un-tick the checkbox.

See explanation at the end of the table.

Void Cardholder When checked, all cards that are assigned to the cardholder card become void. The

cardholder will not have access to any point at your site.

Isolation When checked, the employee is allowed to secure any area (to which they have been granted

access), even if inputs are not sealed.

APB Exclusion Ticking this checkbox will exclude the cardholder from any Anti-Passback areas that have

been created.


This checkbox indicates that the cardholder is a visitor to the site rather than a permanent


Accessibility Ticking this checkbox means that when this cardholder badges his card at a reader, the door

will unlock for the Extended Latch Time rather than the normal latch time, permitting easier

access. The Extended Latch Time is configured in the Components dialog.

Supervisor Ticking this checkbox nominates the cardholder as a “Supervisor” for doors that are configured

with the Dual Custody mode of operation. Some doors require a standard cardholder and a

Supervisor to present an access card before access will be granted. Ticking this checkbox

means that when this cardholder badges his card at a reader, the door will unlock for the

Extended Latch Time rather than the normal latch time, permitting easier access. The

Extended Latch Time is configured in the Components dialog.

Re-Entry Exclusion

Ticking this checkbox will exempt the cardholder from Timed Re-entry rules for areas that are

operating in the Anti-Passback mode “Timed Re-entry”.

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Cardholder Tabs and Tab Fields

Item Description
Self Authorise Ticking this checkbox will allow the cardholder to gain access to a door configured with the

Dual Custody mode of operation, without needing the accompaniment of a subsequent

cardholder before the door is unlocked.

General Data General information field.

Encode This button encodes a smart card with the details of the selected cardholder. The number

entered in the Card Number field can be encoded onto the smart card if a smart card reader is

attached to the PC and Smart Card Encoding has been configured from the System menu.

Read This button allows you to view the encoded cardholder information on a valid card. A dialog

will appear containing the information held on the badged card.

Assign This button allows you to assign a card to a cardholder. This is a toggle-state button.

Read and Search This button allows you to read the encoded cardholder information on a valid card, and then

search for the card number on the system. This is a toggle-state button.

Save This button saves all the information configured on this dialog.

Delete This button deletes this cardholder and all his/her assigned cards, from the database.

Operators may need to change the start or end date of cardholders.

When changed:

- Other Cardholder Credentials which have the same start or end date prior to
these changes, are updated in addition.

- For Cardholder Credentials which have an earlier start or end date than the one

entered; the operator will be prompted with a message notifying them that the

new date is greater than the initial date, and asks if the operator would like to

If the start or end dates need to be changed individually, it can be done through

the Advanced tab.


2.6.2 Advanced Tab

The fields and controls on this tab are explained in the table below.

Item Description

Work Group Name field Lists the names of the workgroups that the cardholder is assigned to.

Partitioning field Specifies if the corresponding work group is a Partitioning Work Group.

Apply Access Control field Specifies if Access Control Privileges of the corresponding work group have been assigned to

the cardholder.

Use for Anti-

Anti-Passback Specifies the workgroup that should be used for the Anti-Passback area count.

Work Groups button This button brings up the Cardholder’s Work Groups dialog. Only non-partition work groups
can be added to the Advanced tab using this dialog.

Card Number field A unique card number should be typed into this field.

Note: It can also be filled by badging the respective card, and selecting the Assign Card


Credential Profile field


This field displays the Credential Profile assigned to each card.

PIN field This field is used to specify a PIN number for the card. This can be done either by typing in a

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Cardholder Tabs and Tab Fields

Item Description
PIN number into this field, or selecting the button on this field to choose a PIN number from

the list that appears.

Void Card field

This field can be used to specify if the card is to be made void or not.

Start Date field Specifies the card’s start date. To change the date, select the drop down arrow of a cell, and

select a new date from the displayed calendar.

End Date field Specifies the cardholder’s end date. To change the date, select the drop down arrow and

select a new date from the displayed calendar. To disable the end date (the cardholder will

always exist in the database), simply un-tick the checkbox.

Pin Error Disabled field If this field displays Yes

, it implies that this card has been made void because of a 3 Wrong

PIN entry. The operator can select No from the drop-down list of this field, which configures

the card to be valid for PIN access again.

Encoded field This field specifies if the card has been encoded.

Add This button adds a new card and respective fields to this dialog.

Delete This button will delete a selected card.

Read This button allows you to view the encoded cardholder information on a valid card. A dialog

will appear containing the information held on the badged card.

Assign This button allows you to assign a card number already present on a card to an existing

cardholder record.
Credential Profile This button brings up the Cardholder’s Credential Profile dialog.
Save Card This button will save all changes that have been made on this tab.

2.6.3 Personal Tab

The fields and controls on this tab are explained in the table below.

Item Description
Title Cardholder’s title. You may enter up to 20 characters, in any combination of upper and lower

case letters and numbers.

Date of Birth Cardholder’s date of birth. You may enter the date of birth in any format.

Address Cardholder’s home address. You may enter up to 60 characters, in any combination of upper

and lower case letters and numbers.

Payroll Number Cardholder’s payroll number. You may enter up to 16 characters, in any combination of upper

and lower case letters and numbers.

Phone Number

Cardholder’s home phone number. You may enter up to 16 characters, in any combination of

upper and lower case letters and numbers.

Mobile Number Cardholder’s mobile phone number. You may enter up to 16 characters, in any combination of

upper and lower case letters and numbers.


Note : In order to utilize the Message Forwarding to Mobiles feature of SiPass integrated, the

following format is to be used for all mobile phone numbers:

For example, a fictitious mobile phone number 0123 123 123, should be entered in the

following format: 61123123123, where 61 is the country code and the rest is the local mobile

phone number.

 The first part of the number should be the Country Code

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Cardholder Tabs and Tab Fields

Item Description

The second part should be the local mobile phone number, excluding any leading zero.

 The mobile phone number entered should not contain any spaces.

Mobile Service Provider

Cardholder’s mobile service provider. Select a mobile service provider from the pre-defined

list. Service providers are configured in the Service Providers dialog, available from the

Messaging option which is available from the System menu.

Pager Number Cardholder’s pager number. You may enter up to 16 characters, in any combination of upper

and lower case letters and numbers.

Pager Service Provider Cardholder’s pager service provider. Select a pager service provider from the pre-defined list.

Service providers are configured in the Service Providers dialog, available from the Messaging

option which is available from the System menu.

E-mail Address Cardholder’s email address. Begin the Email address with SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer

Protocol). E.g.: SMTP.username@emailprovider.com

Use Email address in Tick this checkbox if you want the cardholder’s details to be available in the Event Task Effect

Message Forwarding for Message Forwarding – Forward to Email(s).

Profile Viewer button This button brings up the Profile Viewer dialog.

2.6.4 Vehicle Tab

The fields and controls on this tab are explained in the table below.

Item Description
Car Rego 1 Registration number of the cardholder’s first vehicle. You may enter up to 10 characters, in

any combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.

Car Model 1 Model of the cardholder’s first vehicle. You may enter up to 20 characters, in any combination

of upper / lower case letters and numbers.

Car Colour 1 Color of the cardholder’s first vehicle. You may enter up to 15 characters, in any combination

of upper / lower case letters and numbers.

Car Rego 2 Registration number of the cardholder’s second vehicle. You may enter up to 10 characters, in

any combination of upper / lower case letters and numbers.


Car Model 2

Model of the cardholder’s second vehicle. You may enter up to 20 characters, in any

combination of upper / lower case letters and numbers.

Car Colour 2 Color of the cardholder’s second vehicle. You may enter up to 15 characters, in any

combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers


2.6.5 Imaging Tab

The fields and controls on this tab are explained in the table below.

Item Description
Front Side tab This tab will display a preview of the Card Template selected.

Reverse Side tab


This tab will display a preview of the Card Template selected.

Photo radio button This button is used to display the image configured for the cardholder.

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Cardholder Tabs and Tab Fields

Item Description
Signature radio button This button is used to display the signature configured for the cardholder.

Live button This button will connect the screen on this tab to video capture driver, to display a live image.

Capture button

The button captures the live image.

Import button This button will bring up the Windows ‘Open’ dialog. The user can select a Graphics Image file

from this dialog.

Export button This button will import export the Graphics Image to a required location.

Contrast scale This scale can be used to adjust the contrast level of the image displayed on the tab.

Brightness scale This scale can be used to adjust the brightness level of the image displayed on the tab.

Card Template

This drop-down list displays the available Card Templates that can be selected.

Insert Card This command is given to the Card Printer to insert a card for printing.

Eject Card
Card This command is given to the Card Printer to eject a card.

Print This command is given to the Card Printer to print a card.

2.6.6 Tracking Tab
The fields and controls on this tab are explained in the table below.

Item Description
Card Trace checkbox When checked, this check box allows all the valid card transactions performed by the

cardholder to appear in the Audit Trail as special exception alarms.

Card Number / Credential This dropdown field displays the Card number and Credential Profile of all the cards assigned
Profile to the cardholder.

Forgive Card button This button “forgives” a cardholder and permits them to exit or enter an area, where normally

this would produce an Anti-Passback violation. A forgive feature permits access for the first

use of a card at either an Entry or Exit reader.

Remove Card from APB This button removes the card from the Anti-Passback area.

Add Card to APB button This button adds the card to the Anti-Passback area.

2.6.7 Control Tab


The fields and controls on this tab are explained in the table below.

Item Description

Card Number / Credential Drop down list to choose card/s assigned to the cardholder.

Access Drop down list to choose between Access Points / Access Points Groups that will be displayed

directly below this field.

Output Displays a drop down list to choose between Outpoint Points / Output Point Group /

Notification Zones / Notification Zone Groups that will be displayed directly below this field.

Add button

Adds the selections of the Access and Output fields to the Output Control section below.

Remove button Removes selections from the Output Control section below.

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Adding a Cardholder

Item Description
Card field Details the chosen card.

Access Point / Group field Details the chosen Access Point / Group

Output Point / Group field

Details the chosen Output Point / Group

Time Schedule Details the chosen Time Schedule

Filter Against Access This selection filters this particular cardholder against all the access privileges configured for

Privileges checkbox the same cardholder.

2.7 Adding a Cardholder

Adding a cardholder to the system includes assigning the cardholder a card

number, and collecting their access and personal details. There are seven pre-

existing tabs when adding a cardholder - Definition, Advanced, Personal, Vehicle,

Imaging, Tracking and Control.

 Ensure that all the access points, areas, Time Schedules and site management

details have been configured. If you are going to print a cardholder card,

ensure you have designed a card template first.

 Ensure that field entries are not preceded by (white) spaces. This may cause

unpredictable behavior in other areas of the application.

2.7.1 Configuring the Cardholder Dialog

The sections that follow go through each tab available on the Cardholder dialog,

and provide detailed information on how the various fields are configured.
cu Configuring the Definition tab

The following section details the steps required to add a cardholder to the SiPass

Cardholder dialog.

integrated system, using the

1. Choose Cardholder from the Operation toolbar or menu to display the

Definition tab of the Cardholder dialog. (For details on fields / options of the
Definition Tab, refer the Section Definition Tab [➙ 35].)
2. By right-clicking anywhere inside the Cardholder Definition dialog, the General

tab of the System Preferences dialog will appear. This allows you to change

the Default Card & Operator Expiry Date, together with several other system

3. Complete the cardholder’s identification details.


 A Cardholder’s card number is no longer compulsory in SiPass integrated.

You can now save the cardholder without adding a card number.

 Once the cardholder has been saved their Last Name, First Name and

Card Number is displayed along the bottom of the Cardholder dialog, for all

the tabs associated with this dialog. This helps you concentrate on the

cardholder whose details you are entering or modifying, without the need to

constantly refer back to the Definition tab.

4. Select a Work Group from the Work Group ID drop down field.

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Adding a Cardholder

Only Partition Work Groups are listed in this field. For details on Operator

Partitioning of Work Groups, refer the Section Workgroups [➙ 28] of this manual.

5. Complete the cardholder’s Access Control privileges, using the Define Access
Privileges button or Personalized Access button. For detailed information on

assigning Access Control to a cardholder, refer the Section Defining Access

Privileges [➙ 55] of this manual. Configuring the Advanced tab

This tab is divided into 2 sections: Workgroups and Credentials.

The Workgroups section is used to assign cardholders to Non-Partition
Workgroups. It also lists the Partition and Non-Partition Workgroups assigned to a


To assign the cardholder to a Non-Partition Workgroup:

1. Select the Workgroups button.

 All the available Non-Partition Groups will be listed on the left panel of this


2. Select a preferred Workgroup and Add it to the Selected Workgroups panel.

3. OK.
 The selected Workgroup/s will be displayed on the Workgroups section of
the Advanced tab.
 A cardholder can be assigned to only one Partition Workgroup. However,
he can be assigned multiple Non-Partition Workgroups. The cell under the

Partition field specifies if the work-group is a Partition Group or not.

4. The cell under the Apply Access Control field specifies if the privileges for the

listed Workgroup, has been granted to the cardholder or not.

5. The cell under the Use for Anti-

Anti-Passback field specifies which Workgroup will
be used for Anti-Passback. This field can be configured by clicking on this cell,

and selecting Yes or No.


For detailed information on configuring Partition / Non-Partition Workgroups, please


refer the sections Creating a Partition Workgroup [➙ 29] and Creating a Non-

Partition Workgroup [➙ 31] of this manual.


The Credentials section of the Advanced tab is used to configure multiple cards for
a cardholder. It also displays the Cards assigned to the cardholder, the Credential

Profile of the cards and other card details.

Instructions for configuring multiple cardholders are explained in the section


Configuring Multiple Cards for a Cardholder [➙ 45] of this manual.

A maximum of 5 cards can be assigned to each cardholder.


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Adding a Cardholder Configuring the Personal tab

1. Select the Personal tab.
2. Personal tab. For details on each of the fields of

Complete the fields under the

the Personal tab, please refer the section Personal Tab [➙ 38] of this manual.

The cardholder’s personal details are not essential when creating a cardholder

record. These fields can be used to narrow a match when attempting to locate a

cardholder record in the Database or to positively identify the cardholder. Configuring the Vehicle tab

1. Choose the Vehicle tab.
2. Complete the fields under the Vehicle tab. For details on the various fields in
the Vehicle tab, please refer the section Vehicle tab [➙ 39] of this user manual.

The cardholder’s vehicle details are not essential when creating a cardholder

record. These fields can be used to narrow a match when attempting to locate a

cardholder in the Database. Configuring the Imaging tab
The Imaging tab allows you to capture a photograph or signature of a cardholder
from a live video image. This photograph or signature can then be printed onto the
cardholder’s access card or viewed on-screen, together with the cardholder record.

For further details on the fields of the Imaging tab, please refer the section Imaging
Tab [➙ 39] of this user manual.

1. Choose the Imaging tab.


2. The Imaging tab will only appear if the Video Imaging and Card Printing Module
are installed.

3. Select the Import button to display the Windows Open dialog.

4. Select the desired image file from those displayed in the list. The image will be

displayed in the left-hand panel of the dialog.


5. Suitably crop and position the image in the template.


Only original TIF (Tagged Image File) format files can be uploaded in SiPass

integrated. Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) files are licensed and cannot be

used with SiPass integrated. Configuring the Tracking tab

1. Tracking tab.

Choose the

2. Specify whether the cardholder’s card transactions are to appear as special


 When checked, the Card Trace check box allows all the valid card transactions

performed by the cardholder to appear in the Audit Trail as special exception

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Adding a Cardholder

alarms. Traced cardholder numbers that appear in Audit Trail messages will be

pre-pended with the hash symbol, ‘#’.

This tab also displays the name of the last point that the cardholder accessed in

the Point Name field and the current locality of the cardholder in the Last Locality


The operator can select the Card Number from the Card Number/ Credential
Profile combo box and click on the Forgive card button to exempt a cardholder
from the Anti-Passback violation. Please refer the section Tracking Tab [➙ 40] for

further details.

The operator can select the Card Number from the Card Number/ Credential
Profile combo box and click on the Remove Card from APB button to remove the
cardholder from the Anti-Passback area.

The operator can select the Card Number from the Card Number/ Credential
Profile combo box and click on the Add Card to APB button to add the cardholder
to the Anti-Passback area. Configuring the Control tab

1. Choose the Control tab. This tab of the Cardholder dialog allows you to link
specific readers (Access points) to door latches or output relays (Output


2. Select a card you wish to configure for an output link.

By selecting the All Card option on the Card Number drop down menu, the user
can configure a specific output link to all the cardholder’s cards.
3. Select from the Access drop-down box the Access Points or Access Point
Groups you want to link to a notification zone. The available points or point
groups will appear in the list below.

4. Select one or more points or point groups from the list. Multiple points can be

selected by using CTRL + left click.

5. Select from the Output drop-down box the output point or output point Group
you want to be activated. The available points or point groups will appear in the

list below.


Select one or more points or point groups from the list. Multiple output points

can be selected by using CTRL + left click.

7. Select the Time Schedule during which the selected output points or groups
may be activated.

8. Choose Add. The linked access points and output points/groups will be added

to the Output Control list.

9. Repeat the previous steps for every output point or group link you want to

assign to this cardholder.

10. Click Save.


When the cardholder badges his or her card at one of the selected access points

during the nominated Time Schedule, the output points will be unsecured. If the

output points are already unsecured, there will be no effect.

For details on the various fields of this tab, please refer the section Control Tab [➙

40] of this user manual.

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Configuring Multiple Cards for a Cardholder Configuring Custom Tabs on the Cardholder Dialog

An operator can design and create Tabs for the Cardholder dialog.
Custom Tabs

These tabs are created by designing Custom Pages using the SiPass Explorer

application. For detailed information on how to create Custom Pages, refer the

SiPass Explorer User Manual.

The following steps are only required if Customizable Cardholder Fields have been

created for the Cardholder dialog.

1. Choose the first customizable tab, in this case.

2. Complete each of the fields in the tab. Some fields can be populated from drop-

down lists.

If there are any compulsory fields among the customizable fields, it is essential

that they be completed. Failure to complete compulsory controls will generate an


3. New categories to the Custom Cardholder Fields can be added under the

existing fields. Simply select a blank category from the drop down box in the

field you’d like to add the category to and type in the name. When you have

finished select Save.

4. When done, choose OK, You will be returned to the normal view of the
Cardholder Custom Page.

5. Select any additional customizable tabs and complete the controls.

6. Click Save.

2.8 Configuring Multiple Cards for a Cardholder

The Credentials section of the Advanced tab lists all the cardholder’s cards. If only

one card has been assigned to the cardholder, it will still be displayed here.

To create a new card for a cardholder

1. SelectAdd, to add a new card to this cardholder.
2. Type the required card number into the empty Card Number field.

You can also badge the card, and select the Assign button to display the card

number in the Card Number Field.

3. Select the credential profile from the Credential Profile field. For detailed

information on Credential Profile, please refer section Credential Profile [➙ 32]

of this manual.

4. Type in a PIN number in the PIN field.

5. To void this card, make the required selection from the Void Card field.

6. Select a start and end date for the card from the Start Date
Date and End Date

7. Click Save.

2.9 Searching for a Cardholder


SiPass integrated allows you to search the Database for a specific cardholder.

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Searching for a Cardholder

This can be done in two ways:

 Search based on details provided

– OR –

 Search Cardholder dialog.

Search by selecting a cardholder from the

Both these methods have been discussed in detail in the two sections that follow.

2.9.1 Search Based on Details Provided

1. Cardholder from the Operation toolbar or menu to display the


Cardholder dialog.
2. Enter all or part of the details known about the cardholder into the respective

Definition tab.

fields displayed on the

3. To narrow the search as much as possible, enter all the data you can about the

cardholder for whom you are searching. The more search criteria you enter, the

more effective and quicker the search.


You can also use wildcards to search for cardholder details as specified in the

table provided below in this section.

5. Click Search to begin the Database search.

 The Search Cardholder dialog will appear if more than one cardholder

record matches the search criteria. If only one record matches the search

criteria, then that cardholder’s information will be displayed directly in the

Definition tab.
6. To skip to the next record, choose Next, or to go back a record, choose
7. When more than one cardholder is found as a result of a search, the order in

which the cardholder’s appear in the Search Cardholder dialog can be changed
by clicking on the appropriate column header, sorting the order by

Number, Last Name, First Name, Employee Number and Card Status.

8. To select a cardholder from the Search Cardholder dialog, double-click

anywhere on the listed record or select the cardholder record and choose OK.
 The selected cardholder’s record will be retrieved from the Database and

appear in the Definition tab.


Character Description

% Matches any string of zero or more characters

- Matches any one character
[token] Brackets can enclose a range or a set of numbers or letters, such as [1-9] or

[klmnopq]. To format tokens use the following:

 A ‘range’ token This token is formed with a start character and stop character.
– Start is the beginning of the character range.
– “" is a special character indicating a range.

– Stop is the end of the character range.

 A ‘set’ token: has discrete values in any order and it is inside brackets, it can be in
any order, i.e., [ab6bc], and [abcde] are types of token sets.
^ token The caret (^) before a token indicates that any characters following the caret will not be
included in the search. For example: [^c-g] means that the search will not include any

character which is a ‘c’ or a ‘g’.

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Searching for a Cardholder

2.9.2 Search and Select a Cardholder from the ‘Search

Cardholder’ Dialog

The operator can also use the Search Cardholder dialog to select a cardholder.
This can be done in the following manner:

1. Select the Definition tab on the Cardholder dialog.

2. Click Search. This action will display the Search Cardholder dialog and will list

all the cardholders.

3. The cardholders can be segregated on the basis on the following field filters:

- Card Number

- First Name

- Last Name

- Workgroup

- Workgroup Description

- Workgroup Status

- Access Group

- Start Date

- End Date
- Card Status

- Employee Number
- Credential Profile

- Visitor

4. Click under each Field cell. This will bring up a drop-down filter field. You can

type specific information related to this field to search for a cardholder/(s). The

cardholders filtered according to this data, will be displayed below.

5. Further, you can search for cardholder by making a required selection from the

Report Type field. This action will display a report of cardholders that are
filtered according to the option selected. For example, selecting Valid

Cardholders will display all the cardholders whose status is displayed as Valid

in the Cardholder dialog.

6. Viewing and selecting a cardholder from Search Cardholder dialog list can be
done in the following ways:

- Right-click and select View Cardholder. This action displays the details of
the selected cardholder on the Definition tab, while keeping the Search
Cardholder dialog displayed.
- Right-click and select View Cardholder and Close Search. This action

displays the details of the selected cardholder on the Definition tab, and
closes the Search Cardholder dialog.
- Double-click on a cardholder in the list. The details of the selected

Definition tab, and the Search


cardholder will be displayed on the

Cardholder dialog will be closed.

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Unused Cards

2.10 Unused Cards

SiPass integrated can track cards that have not been used recently.

The operators need to follow these processes to apply this feature:

 Configure a Report:
The operator tracks and views Unused Card(s) by configuring a Customized or

Predefined report in SiPass Explorer.

 Convert the Report into an Actionable Report:
The operator converts the Customized or Predefined Report into an Actionable

Report, by assigning an action to it. This action can be either to void an Unused

Card(s), or Cardholder(s) of these unused cards.

 Trigger a Host Event Task:

In the Host Event Task dialog, the operator selects the created Actionable

Report to trigger the action that voids Unused Card(s), or Cardholder(s).

These processes are discussed in detail, in the sections that follow.

2.10.1 Tracking Unused Cards using Customized / Predefined

It is possible to configure SiPass integrated to generate reports of cards that are
unused for a specific number of days. This feature will allow operators to track and

view details of these cards.

This is particularly useful when configuring cardholders with multiple cards. It gives

the operator the ability to track, not just the cardholder, but each of his cards also.
Configuring SiPass to generate reports of unused cards is done in SiPass Explorer.

This can be done in two ways:

 By configuring a Customized Report that displays all the inactive cards, filtered

using specific parameters.

– OR –

 By using a Pre-defined Report that displays all the inactive cards using a 30-

Day Threshold.

The steps required for both these options are provided below.
en Tracking Unused Cards using a Customized Report

1. Select SiPass Explorer
Explorer from the main menu bar.
2. In theNavigation panel, select and right-click Customized Reports.

3. Select New Report. This action will display the Report Wizard application.

4. Click Next.

5. Enter a Name for the report, and click Next.

6. Select Cards
Cards – Inactive from the Record Type field.

7. From the Available Fields section, add all the fields required for this report.

8. Click Next.

9. Specify the filter conditions in this dialog.


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Unused Cards

For more information on how to specify Filter Conditions, refer the section Filter

Conditions of the SiPass Explorer User Manual.

10. Click Finish.

 This action will display the report on the SiPass Explorer panel. Tracking Unused Cards using a Predefined Report

On selecting this option, the system generates a report for all the cards that have

been unused since the last 30 days.

1. Select SiPass Explorer from the main menu.

2. In the Navigation panel, select and expand Predefined Reports.

3. Select and expand Cardholder.

4. Right-click the Inactive Cards – 30 Day Threshold report.

The steps required to covert this Predefined Report to an Actionable Report by

assigning a Void Card / Cardholder action to it, are the same as those described
in the section above. Converting the Report into an Actionable Report

This sub-section explains how an operator can convert this Customized Report to
an Actionable Report, by assigning an action to it. This action can be to void

unused cardholder(s) / card(s).

1. Select and right-click on this report on the Navigation panel.

2. Customize Current View.

3. Available Actions.
In the dialog that appears, select

4. Tick the Void Cardholder checkbox to void a cardholder of an inactive card(s).

Further, click on this option to highlight it.

5. Tick the Void Card checkbox to void an inactive card. Further, click on this
option to highlight it.

6. Select the Set as Default button.

7. Click Apply, and OK.

 The customized report has been converted to an Actionable Report.


The steps required to covert this Predefined Report to an Actionable Report by

assigning a Void Card / Cardholder action to it, are the same as those described
in the section above.

2.10.2 Configuring a Host Event Task based on the Actionable


This section explains how an operator can select the Actionable Report as a

Target, to void Unused Cards, or Cardholder(s) of these unused cards.

1. Program > Event Tasks > Host.


2. Event Name and Time Schedule, configure all the fields of the
After entering an

Trigger section.
3. From the Target field, select Actionable Report.

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4. From the Report field, select a specific Actionable Report.

5. Enter a required message in the Message field.

6. Click Save.

The system has now been configured to void Unused Card(s) or

Cardholders(s) of unused cards, based on the Actionable Report selected.

2.11 Visitors

SiPass integrated includes an extensive Visitor Management function. Visitors in

SiPass can be regarded as temporary cardholders: the same information needs to

be captured as for permanent cardholders, but additional information such as card

issue status and length of stay also needs to be recorded.

The Visitor interface is therefore extremely similar in appearance and functionality

to the Cardholder dialog. Access privileges and personal data need to be assigned

and collected, Visitor facial and signature images can be captured and printed onto

a card, and custom visitor fields for additional data can be created. You can also

create custom fields specifically for Cardholders, Visitors, or both.

It is not necessary to create a new Visitor record each time the same person visits

a facility. Once a record is created, it can be activated (issued) and deactivated

(returned) instead of creating multiple records.

A Visitor type is available in the Workgroups dialog, allowing you to create

workgroups specifically for the purpose of organizing visitor groups.

All visitor transactions are recorded in the Audit Trail and an extensive Visitor

reporting facility is available to produce documentation of visitor histories.

2.11.1 Adding
Adding a Visitor

Visitor Definition,
There are four pre-existing tabs when adding a visitor –

Advanced, Personal, Visitor Management, Imaging and Visitor Details. You can
create additional tabs the Custom Fields feature of the SiPass Explorer application.

For more information refer to the SiPass Explorer User Manual.

 Ensure that all the access points, areas, Time Schedules and site management

details have been configured. If you have the optional Photo ID and Card
Printing modules installed and are going to print a visitor card, ensure you have

designed a card template first.


 Ensure that field entries are not preceded by (white) spaces. This may cause

unpredictable behavior in other areas of the application.

1. Select Visitor from the Operation toolbar or menu.

2. Visitor Definition tab exactly as for a normal cardholder except for

Complete the

the visitor start and end dates, these vary.

- The Start Date will be set to the current date, click on the drop down box to
select a new date.

- The End Date will also be set to the current date, unless changed.
- In order to change the validity days, this can be done via the System
Preferences option in the Options menu. Enter the number of days next to

‘Visitor default validity time (days)’.

3. Select the Advanced tab and configure the cardholder’s details as required (as
described for a normal cardholder).

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4. Select the Personal tab and complete the visitor’s personal details (as
described for a normal cardholder).

5. Select the Visitor Management tab and complete the visitor management

- Cardholder: Allows an existing cardholder with whom the visitor is meeting
to be nominated.

- General Data: Allows general notes regarding the visitor to be stored in the


6. Select the Imaging tab, if you intend to capture the Visitor’s photograph or

 TheImaging tab will only appear if the Photo ID and Image Verification
Module is installed. The Imaging tab allows you to capture a photograph or

signature of a visitor from a live video image. This photograph or signature

can then be printed onto the visitor’s access card or viewed on-screen.

Imaging tab.

7. Complete the details in the

8. Visitor Details tab.

Select the

 The Visitor Details tab is a custom cardholder information page created at

installation time for collecting Visitor data. If you restore a database from a

previous version of SiPass integrated, this page will be overwritten by

whichever custom page was previously backed up. In this case, you can re-
create the Visitor Details page or create new additional custom pages.
9. Complete the details in the Visitor Details tab as required.
10. If you have created any Customizable Cardholder Fields for the Visitor dialog,
they must be completed.

11. Return to the Visitor Definition tab.

12. Click Save.

2.11.2 Issuing and Returning Visitor Cards

Once you have created the Visitor record with access privileges and personal

details, Visitor cards can be issued or returned as required. Issuing a card requires

that you nominate an existing cardholder to be the “sponsor” for the visitor.

Issuing a Visitor card

1. Select Visitor from the Operation menu or toolbar.
2. Use the Search button in the Visitor Definition tab to locate the Visitor record

for whom you want to issue a card. Otherwise, create the new record as

described in the previous procedure.

3. Visitor Management tab.

Select the

4. Choose Select Cardholder.


Select an existing cardholder from the list who will “sponsor” the visit.

- If you press an alphabet key on the keyboard, SiPass integrated will

automatically scroll the list to the nearest cardholder surname beginning

with that letter.


6. Choose OK.

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Creating Custom Pages

 You will be returned to the Visitor Management tab of the Visitor dialog and
the selected cardholder will appear in the First Name and Last Name fields.

7. Choose Issue and Save.
 Card Status field will update to “Issued” and the Issue Time field will


contain the current time.

8. Click Save.
 The Visitor record will be updated with the Card Issue details.

Returning a Visitor card
1. Select Visitor from the Operation menu or toolbar.
2. Search function in the Definition tab to locate the Visitor record for

Use the

whom you want to return a card.

3. Use the Next function to navigate to the next record in the database. Use the
Previous function to navigate to the preceding record.
4. Visitor Management tab.

Select the

5. Choose Return Save.

 The Status field will be updated to “Returned” and the Return Time field will

contain the current time.

6. Return to the Definition tab.

7. Click Save.
 The Visitor record will be updated with the Card Return details.

2.11.3 Adding a Visitor to a list of Expected

Expected Visitors
A list of visitors expected to visit the site can be compiled and displayed at any


1. Select Expected Visitors from the Operation menu or toolbar.


2. Choose Add.
3. Select a visitor from the list of visitors displayed by highlighting their name.

 Only those visitors that are enrolled in the system will be available for

selection. Before adding a visitor to the list of expected visitors ensure that

you have enrolled the details of that visitor first.


Select the date and time the visitor is expected to arrive at the facility.

5. Select the date and time the visitor is expected to depart the facility.

6. Choose OK. Choose Close.

 The Expected Visitors list will be updated and closed.

2.12 Creating Custom Pages

While some sites require minimal information concerning their cardholders, others

may require very detailed information.

SiPass integrated allows you to customize cardholder records to suit your

requirements by adding additional pages to the Cardholder or Visitor dialogs. Such

additional pages are known as Custom Pages. Operators can design Custom

Pages using an application within SiPass integrated known as SiPass Explorer.

To access SiPass Explorer, select SiPass Explorer from the main menu.

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Access Control Privileges

For detailed information on Custom Pages, refer the section Custom Pages of the

SiPass Explorer User Manual.

2.13 Access Control Privileges

The level of access a cardholder has to various points at your site is determined by

the access control privileges that they have been assigned. Cardholder access

control is achieved by:

 Creating Time Schedules

 Defining access levels

 Defining access groups

 Assigning access groups to cardholders and workgroups

2.13.1 Defining Access Levels

An access level is a collection of access points or access point groups mapped to a

Time Schedule.

An operator must have access privileges to all of the points in an access level,

before they can modify, delete or assign the access level to access groups.

 Ensure that all the access points, point groups, areas/sub-areas and floors to
which the cardholder will require access have been defined.

 Establish the Time Schedules during which the cardholders will require access.

1. Select Access Level from the Program toolbar.

2. Enter a name for the Access Level into the Name field.

3. Select the Time Schedule for which the selected access points will be

unsecured, from the Time Schedule drop down box. The following table gives

an example of the effect a Time Schedule has on an access point.


- Never: The cardholder cannot gain access at any time

- Always: The cardholder can gain access at the points, areas/sub-areas,
groups or floors at all times

System Function (non busy intervals): The event task can only be triggered


between 2 am and 3 am every day of the year including holidays

4. The Copy button can be used to create a new Access level based on one that
already exists.

5. The Time Schedule button allows you to modify the Time Schedules.

6. The Point Group button allows you to modify the point groups.
7. Select whether you are adding access points or access point groups from the

Type drop down box.

8. Select the point or point group in the bottom list that you want to add to the

Access Level. Click Add to add it to the Selected list.

9. Repeat for every point or point group that you want to add to the access level.
10. Click Save.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
2 Personnel Management
Access Control Privileges

A point cannot be assigned twice to the same access level. This means that you

cannot assign a point group to an access level if it contains a point that has

already been assigned.

2.13.2 Searching for an Access Level
1. Select Access Level from the Program toolbar.
2. In the Search field indicated by <Search> enter the name or part of the name of

the Access level you are looking for.

3. Click on the Arrow button to begin your search.

 A list of all matching access levels will appear in the list box.

4. Click on the Cross button to clear the search field and enter a new term for

This search field is dynamic and will automatically begin filtering the list of access

levels based upon the letters you type into the field as you type.

2.13.3 Defining Access Groups

An access group is a collection of access levels. Access groups are assigned to

cardholders and workgroups to determine the level of access personnel have to

entry points at your site. The following steps describe how an Access Group can be


 Ensure you have defined all of the access levels required for your site.
1. Select Access Group from the Program menu.
2. Enter a name for the Access Group into theAccess Group Name field.
 Available Access Levels list.
A list of Access Levels will appear in the

3. Add button

Select the access level you want in the Access Group and use the

to move them to the Selected Access Levels list.

4. Repeat for every access level you want to add to the group.

5. Click Save.

Access Levels that share common points (even if those points are in a point

group) cannot be assigned to the same Access Group.

2.13.4 Searching for an Access Group


1. Select Access Group from the Program toolbar.

2. In the Search field indicated by <Search> enter the name or part of the name of
the Access Group you are looking for.

3. Click on the Arrow button to begin your search.


 A list of all matching access groups will appear in the list box.

4. Click on the Cross button to clear the search field and enter a new term for


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Personnel Management 2
Access Control Privileges

This search field is dynamic and will automatically begin filtering the list of access

groups based upon the letters you type into the field as you type.

2.13.5 Workgroup and Operator Access Privileges

It is possible for an operator to assign access groups to a cardholder, where the

operator has actually not been granted privileges for those access groups.

For example, an administrator or high-level operator creates a workgroup called

“Security” with access privileges for Access Group A. This workgroup is flagged to

automatically grant access privileges to cardholders assigned to the workgroup.

Another operator group is created, that does not have access privileges to any

Access Groups, but is granted access privileges to the Security workgroup. An

operator belonging to this operator group can assign the workgroup “Security” to a

new cardholder, effectively transferring access privileges for Access Group A to the

cardholder even though their operator group has not been granted privileges for

this Access Group.

This kind of scenario can be avoided by:

 Creating a single operator group for the creation of cardholders or

 Ensuring that all operator groups with “create” permissions for workgroups

have been granted privileges to exactly the same access groups.

2.13.6 Defining Access Privileges

An access group is assigned to cardholders to specify at which points they are able

to gain entry, and during which times. Access Groups can also be assigned to

workgroups, for the purpose of granting similar access privileges to groups of

cardholders with similar job types.

Only one access group can be assigned to a cardholder or workgroup. Therefore,


the access levels that make up the access group must contain all the points to

which the cardholder or workgroup will require access.

To define Access Privileges for a Cardholder:

 Ensure that all the access points, point groups, areas/sub-areas and floors to

which the cardholder will require access have been defined.


 Establish the Time Schedules during which the cardholders will require access.

 Define the Access Levels and Access Groups at your site.

1. Select Cardholder from the Operation menu.


Find or create the cardholder record whose access privileges you want to


3. Click on the Define Access Privileges button.

4. Select from the Available Access Groups list the access group you want to

grant to this cardholder.

- The Access Level button opens the Access Level dialog, which allows you
to view and modify access level details.

5. Click OK.

 You will be returned to the Cardholder dialog and the Access Group you
selected will be displayed in the Access Control field.

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2 Personnel Management
Temporary Access Control Privileges

6. Click Save.
 The cardholder record and access control privileges will be saved in the

system, and the new privileges will become active.

 The new privileges will need to be downloaded to dial-up components before

they become active.

2.13.7 Defining Access Privileges for a Workgroup

1. Select Workgroup from the Operation menu.
2. Find or create the workgroup record whose access privileges to be changed.

3. Click on the Define Access Control Privileges button.

4. Select from the Available Access Groups list the access group you want to

grant to this cardholder.

- The Access Level button opens the Access Level dialog, which allows you
to view and modify access level details.

- The Access Group button opens the Access Group dialog, which allows
you to view and modify access group details.

5. Click OK.
 You will be returned to the Work Group dialog.
6. Click Save.
2.14 Temporary Access Control Privileges
Temporary access privileges allow you to specify a special set of access privileges

for a cardholder, over a temporary period of time, after which the temporary

privileges will be removed.

1. Select Temporary Access Groups from the Program menu.

2. Add button.

Click the

3. Enter a Name for the temporary access group.

4. Select the Access Group you would like to grant access to the cardholder from

the dropdown box.

5. Select the Start Time and Stop Time from the drop down menus.

6. Check the Override box if you would like this access group to override all other

access rights for the cardholder.

7. Click Save.

Access Group in order to set up a more specific Access group suited to


Click on

the current cardholder.

2.15 Offline Access


SiPass integrated allows you to configure cardholders that have access if the

reader interface devices stop communicating with the ACC.


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Personnel Management 2
Offline Access

2.15.1 Defining Offline Access Groups

Offline Access Groups control who has access to which doors when the reader

interfaces are offline.

1. Select Offline Access Group from the Program menu.

2. ClickNew Offline Access Group.
3. Enter a name for the group and click Save.

Your Offline Access Group is now created. You can assign cardholders to this

group from the Cardholder dialog and add doors to the group from the Offline
Mode configuration in the FLN Configuration dialog.

2.15.2 Defining Offline Access Privileges
Offline Access Privileges are assigned in a similar way as regular access


An operator can configure 100 unique card numbers (as configured in SiPass

integrated for cardholders) that can be granted access at doors controlled by a

RIM device (devices like DRI/SRI/ERIs). When a RIM device is operating in the

Offline mode, and a user badges a card, the device will check its internal list of

100 cards to see if the card: (a) Exists in the list of up to 100 cards, (b) Has

access to that particular reader device.

If both conditions are met, the device will open the door and store a ‘Valid Card’

event; or if invalid, an ‘Invalid Card’ event.

If the door is opened and closed, it will also store a DoorFrame opened and

closed message.
The system will warn the operator when the cardholder limit is reached. But

please keep this in mind when assigning cardholders to groups.

The steps that follow detail how operators can configure Offline Access Privileges

in the SiPass integrated system.

1. Select Cardholder from the Operation menu.

2. Find or create the cardholder record whose access privileges you want to


3. Click on the Define Access Privileges button.


4. Click Offline Group.


5. Tick the checkboxes of the Offline Access Group you wish to add and click

Close to close the dialog.

6. Select each Offline Access Group and click Doors to view which doors it


7. Click OK to return to the Cardholder dialog.

8. Click Save.

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3 System Components
The Behavior of Components Offline

3 System Components

The SiPass integrated system monitors and reports vital information regarding

events that occur at your site. Before SiPass integrated can do this, the system

must be programmed with details about the layout and the hardware structure of

the site.

The components that you will create when commissioning your site will depend on

the type of installation you have.

A brief overview of the SiPass ACC Series components is in the following table:

Component Description

Server The Server is the foundation to which all other components connect.

Ethernet Comms This is the communications channel that the Server uses to communicate with an ACC

Controller. Communication by Ethernet eliminates the need to install an access bus at

installation time.

ACC Controller The SiPass Central Controller sends and receives messages to and from the Server and the

hardware devices that monitor your system.

FLN Connection Each hardware device in the SiPass integrated system communicates with an ACC by a Field

Level Network connection.

Devices A device is a hardware component that controls the physical operation of the SiPass
integrated system. It may, for example, control access to lifts, elevators, and fire exits, or it

may be a component for controlling intrusion detection devices.

Points Points belong to devices. They make up the basic hardware components of the system and
can be anything from locks and infra-red sensors to card readers and floors.

Groups Groups are collections of points. They allow the control of many points that share some

commonality, as if they were a single entity. The points in a group do not necessarily need to

be in the same part of a building. Groups are especially useful for controlling cardholder


3.1 The Behavior

Behavior of Components Offline

When communications between ACC units and the SiPass Server are disabled,

several factors have to be taken into account. It is important that database changes

be stored while offline and downloaded quickly to controllers when communications

are restored, but it is equally important that commands to components like doors

and input points are NOT executed at online time.


For example, in a high-security facility, a set of commands to open doors is sent

while ACCs are offline. Two hours later when communications are restored, the

delayed open door command is executed, probably at a time that is extremely

inappropriate. To prevent this, any manual command, Event Task Effect or site

plan command sent to an offline ACC unit will result in a “Command Failed”

message immediately being sent to the Audit Trail. This message will be received

for each point involved; for example, if a disable command is sent to an offline point

group, a Command Failed message will be received for each point in the group.

If a command is sent to both offline and online ACCs, devices or points, the

commands to the online components will be executed and a Fail message will be

received for each offline point. For example, a point group may contain points

connected to different ACC units.

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Server Properties

This scenario applies to Host-based commands only. Controller Event Task

messages between ACCs are not buffered, so peer-to-peer commands, sent when

inter-ACC communications are disabled, will simply fail when no reply is received.

3.2 Server Properties

The Server is the main component in your system. All the components used in the

SiPass integrated system are ultimately connected to the Server. Each SiPass

integrated system can only have one Server, but may have many Clients

(depending upon the license agreement).

By default, the Server name will be the same as the name of the computer on

which the Server software has been installed.

To change the Server Name:

1. Choose Components from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Select the Server.

3. Change the name of the Server, by typing a new name into the Server Name

4. For SiPass integrated to operate correctly, the Server name must match the

name of the PC on which the server has been installed.

5. Click Save.
3.3 Ethernet Comms
The Ethernet Communications channel connects the Server to the advanced
Central Controller (ACC), and allows communication between the Server and

defined devices and points.

Communication by Ethernet means that a dedicated Bus does not have to be

installed, because both Windows and the ACC understand TCP/IP. TCP/IP is a

protocol used to send and receive messages over Ethernet networks.

The number of ACCs that can be connected to a single Ethernet Comms channel

is limited only by:

 The number of IP addresses available on the local network on which the ACCs

are located

 The connection speed.


In the SiPass integrated component hierarchy, the Ethernet Comms is a “child”

item of the Server, and is automatically assigned the name “ACC Controllers”. This

name cannot be changed.


3.3.1 Setting the Ethernet comms

Setting the Ethernet communications channel involves allocating a maximum

number of cards per ACC and deciding whether a PIN code is required at access

points connected to this channel.

1. Choose Components from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Select the Server in the left hand pane.

3. Underneath the Server you will see the Ethernet communications channel,

called “ACC Controllers”. Select this.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
3 System Components
Adding an ACC

4. Set the default port number. The default Port No.

No. is 4343. This value may be
changed if required; for example, if the port number is already being used by

another application.

If the Port No. is changed, you will need to update the Port No. for every ACC

connected to this Ethernet Comms, using the ACC configuration software.

A port number is a logical address in a TCP/IP connection and should only be

assigned or addressed by an experienced IT administrator. Two additional read-

only fields also appear and supply information selected during the SiPass

integrated installation

Facility Code: The default facility code for access cards at this site
Card Technology: The default type of card used for access

5. Change the maximum number of facility cards permitted per ACC, if required.

The default is 25,000.

6. The PIN Code Required and PIN Code digits fields are read only fields. These

fields are defined in the System Preferences dialog. Please refer the section

General Tab [➙ 13] of this user manual.

If you are using a SIEMENS RS485 reader, the PIN length can be set to 6 digits.

7. Specify the ACC Alive Poll Time (s) that the server will wait between
successively polling the ACC to check it is online. Default is 5s.

8. Specify the ACC Response Time (s) that the server will wait to receive a
response from the ACC before triggering a ‘No Response’ event, declaring the
ACC to be offline. The default time is 5 seconds.

9. Specify the Bus Delay to send Time (ms)

10. Configure the Disable Daylight Saving on all units checkbox, as required. The
operator can change the state of the box to either the ticked, or unticked state

only. A highlighted / filled checkbox is only a display state of the ACC units

under that particular controller.

- A ticked checkbox implies that all ACC units under this controller have

disabled Daylight Savings.


- An unchecked box implies that all the ACC units under this controller have

enabled Daylight Savings.

- A highlighted / filled checkbox implies that only some ACC units under this

controller have disabled Daylight Savings, while others have left it enabled.

11. Click Save.


3.4 Adding an ACC


The Advanced Central Controller manages communication between devices and

points in your system and the Server. Adding an ACC involves assigning it a name

and Time Zone and entering the unit Serial Number.

1. Choose Components from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Select the Server in the left hand pane.

3. Select the ACC Controllers communications channel.

4. Click the New Unit button.

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System Components 3
Adding an ACC

 A new ACC will appear connected to the comms channel and a new tab will

be available.

5. Enter the name of the ACC unit into the Unit Name field. This name must
exactly match the name used when configuring your ACC.

6. Select the correct time zone for your ACC’s region from the Time Zone drop-
down box.

7. Select the alarm definition that will apply to this ACC from the Alarm Definition
drop-down box.

8. Select the type of unit being connected from the Unit Type drop-down box
9. Select a Backup mode for ACC database.
- None: No backup mode applied. To ensure database Integrity after power

loss, an event task must be configured to auto initialize the ACC for


- On-
On-Board Flash: The ACC database will be backed up locally using the on-

board flash.

10. Enter the serial number of the ACC into the Serial Number field.
 The serial number will have been issued with the ACC unit (should be

printed on the sticker on the ACC). The Unit No. will be automatically


11. Enter a desired description for the ACC into the Description field.
An operator can enter an alternate name or number for the device, to the internal

name that is already provided for the device. i.e., while the internal name of this
device is an ACC, an operator can enter a number or name that helps operators

or maintenance personnel identify the device in their site.

This description will be preserved during backup and restore of the system.

Further, this description field can be used as a filter field while generating reports

in SiPass Explorer. This assists operators search for reports using this field as a


Once configured and saved, this field can be still be modified. Audit Trails and

Reports will reflect changes to Device Descriptions appropriately.

12. Choose the appropriate operation checkbox options, as described in the


section ACC Configuration Options [➙ 61].

13. Click Save.


3.4.1 ACC configuration Options


The options available are explained in the table below.

Option Description
Disable Power Monitoring Tick this checkbox to disable reporting of power failures at the ACC.

Disable Communications

Tick this checkbox to disable all communications between the ACC and the Server. The ACC

will effectively be offline.

Disable Tamper Tick this checkbox to disable reporting of any wire tampering detected on supervised wires.

This tab also contains read-only fields in the Statistics section:


Disable Telnet Tick this checkbox to disable the ability to connect a telnet session with the ACC. If you have

already done this via the ACC, the checkbox must still be ticked to ensure that the ACC

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
3 System Components
FLN Connections

Option Description
continues to ignore telnet requests.

Disable Daylight Saving Tick this checkbox to disable the Daylight Saving Time feature for this ACC unit only.


IP Address The IP address of the ACC Controller.

Version The current version of the firmware loaded onto the ACC.

Status Status of the comms channel between the ACC and the Server.

Refresh This button will update the data in the Statistics section.

3.5 FLN Connections

Devices are connected to an ACC by a Field Level Network connection, or FLN.

There are four FLNs available per ACC. FLNs are numbered 1 through to 4, and

FLN number 3 is further divided into FLN 3a and FLN 3b. BLN’s and IS are now

usable as FLN’s. Each FLN is capable of connecting to 16 devices, so now you are

able to connect a total of 96 devices per ACC.

Adding an FLN connection involves assigning it a name and number, and setting

the baud rate.

1. Choose Components from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Select the Server in the left hand pane.
3. Select the ACC Controllers communications channel.

4. Select the ACC to which you want to configure an FLN connection.

5. Click the New FLN button.

 A new FLN will appear connected to the unit and a new tab will be


6. Enter a name for the FLN into the Name field.

7. Number drop-down box.

Select the number of the FLN Connection from the

8. Select which kind of FLN you wish to add from the Type drop down box:

- ACC FLN Bus: Select this to add an ACC device.

- Entro FLN Bus: Select this bus to add SiPass Entro device.
9. Click Save.

3.6 Devices
A device is a component that processes and transfers data between points and

your SiPass server. Each device is capable of storing information in its own


You can also set default settings for a device, so that when a new device is created

it will automatically be configured to the default settings.

1. Choose Components from the System toolbar or menu.


2. Select the Server in the left hand pane.

3. Select the ACC Controllers communications channel.

4. Select the ACC to which you want to add a new device.


Select the FLN to which the Device will be connected.

6. Click the New Device button. A menu will appear showing a list of device types.
7. If you have selected an ACC FLN the following list of devices will appear:

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
System Components 3

 ADO5100: Dual Reader Interface (DRI)

 API5100: Input Point Module (IPM)

 AFO5100: Output Point Module (OPM)

 ADE5300: Eight Reader Interface (ERI)
 AFO5200: 8 Input /Output (8IO)
 ATI5100: Intrusion Arming Terminal (ATI5100)
8. If you have selected an Entro FLN the following list will appear:

 DC12: Single Door Dual Reader
 DC22: Single Door Dual Reader

 DC800: Single Door Dual Reader
 PD30/PD40: Single Door controller with built in reader
 IOR6: 4 Input / 6 Output Module

9. Select the device type you want to add. A series of tabs will become available

according to the device selected.

10. Enter a meaningful name for the device into the Name field.
11. Select the alarm definition that will apply to this device from the Alarm
Definition drop-down box. A default device number will automatically be
assigned in the Device Number field. You can change this by entering a new
number into the field.

12. Tick the Second Reader checkbox if you want to enable both card readers on a
DRI (DRI devices only).
To enable the second reader, the appropriate configuration must also be made on

theFLN Configuration dialog. The operator needs to verify that the Enable
Second Reader checkbox has been ticked on the Configuration tab of the FLN
Configuration dialog.

13. Further, configure the required Reader Technology for the second reader on
the same dialog.

14. Select the Door Set configuration for the reader- This will vary according to the

reader selected. The table below specifies the different options available for

each reader.

15. Click Save.

8IO No selection available: the configuration for this device is pre-determined.


No selection available: the configuration for this device is pre-determined.

OPM No selection available: the configuration for this device is pre-determined.

DRI Dual Reader Door ; 2 Single Reader Doors, Turnstile single door contact,

Turnstile dual door contact.


SRI Single Reader Door ACC installation only.

ERI 8 single reader doors; 6 single reader doors and 1 dual reader door; 4 single

reader doors and 2 dual reader doors; 2 single reader doors and 3 dual

reader doors; 4 dual reader doors.

DC12 No selection available: the configuration for this device is pre-determined.

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3 System Components

DC22 No selection available: the configuration for this device is pre-determined.

DC800 No selection available: the configuration for this device is pre-determined.

PD30/40 No selection available: the configuration for this device is pre-determined.


No selection available: the configuration for this device is pre-determined.

Configuring a DRI reader as a turnstile

1. Repeat steps 1-10 as above (‘To Configure a device’)

2. Select Turnstile Single door contact or Turnstile
Turnstile dual door contact.
3. When configuring operational modes under the Door Reader tab, the
Double/Single Arming mode will not be supported.

4. Click Save.
 The device details will be saved in the system.


The turnstile will only operate under the ‘access control’ (i.e. Card badging) mode.

If an operator or cardholder uses manual commands or event task effects on the

turnstile, then these commands will override both access points in the turnstile,

and they will act as two separate doors.

The offline mode is also not supported in the turnstile.

3.6.1 Default Settings for Devices
SiPass integrated allows you to nominate particular settings as the default settings

for a new device. You can save one set of default settings for each type of device


Setting default device settings from the Components dialog

1. Select Components from the System menu or toolbar.
2. Open an existing device record or create a new device record in the

Components dialog.
3. Set Default button will only be enabled after you have saved at least one


device in the system

4. The Default Device settings only apply to devices created in the Component

5. Change the settings according to your preferences. You cannot set defaults for

device, reader, and point names.

6. Click the Set Default button.

 A confirmation dialog will appear asking if you want your current settings for

this device to be the default settings.


7. Click OK.
 Any new devices of this type that are created will automatically be assigned the

default settings.

SiPass integrated also allows you to nominate particular settings as the default

settings for a device before you create the device. You can save one set of default

settings for each type of device available.

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Setting default device settings before creating a device

1. Select Configure Device Defaults from the Options menu.

2. Select a Controller and Device from the drop-down lists.
3. Change the settings according to your preferences. You cannot set defaults for

device, access, and point names.

4. Click Save.
 Any new devices of this type will automatically be assigned the default settings.

3.6.2 Discovering Devices
The FLN Configuration tool allows you to discover new devices.

1. Select FLN Configuration
Configuration from the System menu.
2. Right click Global settings and select Search Range.

3. Click Yes to begin the search. The navigation tree will automatically expand

and all new devices discovered will be displayed in blue.

4. Select a device to add to SiPass integrated.

5. Enter a meaningful name in the Name field.

6. Click Save New Device.
7. Click Yes to confirm.
8. Repeat steps 5-8 for each device you wish to add.

9. Click Close when you are finished to exit the FLN Configuration tool.
3.7 Points
When you create a device, any points associated with that device are automatically

created and stored in the device’s record in the Components dialog.

Or, if you create an Input Point Module (IPM) Device, the Input tab will contain a
table of default inputs and the Output tab will contain a list of default outputs.

You then modify the settings for the input and output points that are actually

connected to the device, by modifying values in the displayed table.

3.7.1 Defining Access Points

1. Components from the System toolbar or menu.



Select the Server in the left hand pane.

3. Select the ACC Controllers communications channel.

4. Select the ACC and then the FLN connected to the device for which you want

to define an access point.


5. Select the device containing the access point.

6. Select each of the Reader tabs in turn. These tabs will only be available for
reader interface devices.

- To disable Reader 2 of a DRI de-select the Second Reader checkbox on


the Devices tab.

- The reader will be given a default name in the Name field, which consists of

the Device name appended with the access label (e.g. “Door 1 Reader 1”).

You can change this by entering a new name into the field.

7. Select the alarm definition that will apply to this point from the Alarm Definition
drop-down box.

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3 System Components

8. Select how the reader should operate from the Operation Mode drop-down

9. Enter the Facility Codes, separated by commas that this reader will accept into

the Multiple Facility Codes field.

 This field will only be enabled for facilities that have purchased the Card

Technology “HID Prox 26-bit Multi-Facility” as part of their license. Tenants

at your facility, if any, will also be permitted access at readers if they have a

valid card and their card’s Facility Code is permitted at that reader. There is

a maximum of 20 different Facility Codes permitted per reader. Also note

that multiple Facility Codes are reader-specific; each reader may allow

access to different Facility Codes.

10. Complete the following reader specific parameters:
- The Reset Reader Tamper button will allow for a reader device to be
manually reset after it has gone into tamper mode (Siemens RS485

readers only).

11. Click Additional Access Method Options to set up either a ‘Daily Code’ or ‘PIN
as Card’ access.

12. Click Host Verification to configure host verification for this reader.
13. Click Dual Custody to configure Dual Custody for this reader.
14. Click Intrusion Control to configure intrusion controls for this reader.
15. Click Save.

A checkbox in the Cardholder dialog will record the “3 Wrong PIN” status of a
card. A SiPass operator must disable this checkbox and save the record to re-
enable to the card for use.

It is also important to note that the incorrect PIN entries do not have to be made

at the same reader; three consecutive incorrect entries made at any readers

defined for this SiPass Server will void the card.

Se Access point general configuration

The following configuration options are available.

Option Description

PIN Timeout (sec) The time in seconds that a cardholder has to enter a PIN on the keypad. The timeout begins

once the first digit is entered, or a card is badged and the reader is set to Card and PIN

operation mode. This function can also be used in an intrusion area under Double/Single

arming mode.

Under this mode, the PIN timeout field will specify the length of time in seconds between the

double card badge that is necessary to arm an intrusion area. If double badging does not

occur within the specified time, then the area will be disarmed.

Buzzer Period (sec)


The time in seconds that can be specified to the pre-alarm or door held state so that the

buzzer will sound for a door held open at this allocated time. If a value of 0 is entered, the door

state will be ‘alarm’ and it will buzz until the door is closed.

Void card after 3 wrong Tick this checkbox, if you want any card that enters a wrong PIN number three times at this

PIN entries reader to be temporarily voided. Each incorrect PIN entry is recorded in the Audit Trail, along

with a “3 Wrong PIN – Card Voided” message. All subsequent attempts at entry with that card

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Option Description
will result in a “3 Wrong PIN Void Card – Entry denied” message.

Remote Arming Terminal Tick this checkbox if you want a point to be used as a Remote Arming Terminal. This

checkbox will only be enabled for CX23 and Siemens RS 485 readers, and only when

Double/Single arming is not selected under the Operational Mode drop down box. If

Double/Single arming has been selected, then this checkbox will not be displayed. Access point Host Verification Configuration

The following configuration options are available.

Option Description
*Time out (sec)
(sec) The time in seconds that the Image Verification dialog will wait for a response from an
operator, before closing and allowing access to be re-tried.

Alarm Class Select the alarm class that will apply to this point from the Alarm Class drop down box.

CCTV Sequence The configured CCTV sequence to display when the Image Verification dialog appears on-

CCTV Monitor The monitor on to which to display the live image when entry is requested at reader configured

for image verification.

Unit Select the DVR unit from the Unit dropdown box.
Camera Select a camera for the unit from the Camera dropdown box.

Preset (PTZ only) Select the preset numbers for the camera.

Save Image Snapshot

Determines whether a snapshot is saved of the host verification image.

**Snapshot Delay The delay in seconds after the host verification event occurs and when the snapshot is taken.


* If the CCTV is used as a video source for Host Verification and creating a CCTV

Camera Sequence; ensure that the Sequence Time specified in the Delay (s) field
of theConfiguration – Sequences tab of the CCTV Configuration dialog, is the
same as Timeout (sec) specified in the Host Verification tab of the access point

door reader in the Components dialog. If both these values are not the same, the

CCTV Switcher may switch early to another Host Verification request. For more

information on configuring a Camera Sequence, refer the section Creating a

Camera Sequence [➙ 156].

**If the CCTV is used as a video source for Host Verification, the default

Snapshot Delay can be left as it is at 0 seconds. However, if the DVR is used as a


video source for Host Verification and a longer time is expected to display the

video, the default Snapshot Delay should be set to 3 seconds.

tel Access point Additional Access Configuration

The following configuration options are available.

Option Description

Time Schedule Select the time during which the additional access, like a Daily Code is valid.

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Option Description
Additional Access Method Determines which type of additional access you wish to configure. It will be in effect during the

during Time Schedule Time Schedule that was configured above.

Additional Access Method

Determines what additional access will be available outside the configured Time Schedule.

outside Time Schedule

Current Additional Access The additional access method currently in use on this reader. Click the refresh button to

Method update this display.

*Daily Code

The daily code for this reader. This may or may not be the same daily code used at other

access points.

*Code No. of Digits The exact number of digits in the daily code. When specifying the number of digits to be used

at the keypad, and you wish to create Controller Base Event Tasks on PIN entry, ensure that

the number of digits specified is the same as ‘Base PIN digits” under System Preferences.

*Please note that in order for the configuration to be saved successfully, settings in
Additional Access Method Options tab have to be saved with a clearly specified


Daily Code, and Code No. of Digits. Such configurations cannot be saved with a

blank Daily Code, while defining a reader interface module. Access Point Dual Custody

Dual Custody is a way of securing resources so that two people are required
before access is granted. This means that two cardholders, who have been

configured for the Dual Custody, will need to badge their card at a specific reader

for access to be granted.

There are three kinds of Dual Custody modes that can be configured for a door

If set to the Standard mode, any two cardholders with appropriate access will

be allowed entry.

If set to the Supervisory mode, one of two cardholders must be flagged as a

Supervisor. Cardholders are marked as Supervisors by checking the

Supervisor checkbox on the Definition tab of the Cardholder dialog.


If the mode is set to None, it implies that Dual Custody has not been configured

for that particular reader.

Using Self-
Self-Authorization at a Dual Custody Reader

A single cardholder who has Self-Authorization privileges will be able to gain

access to doors configured for Dual Custody. In such a case, a second authorized

cardholder is not required, and all dual custody rules are waived.

To configure a cardholder with Self-Authorization privileges, tick the Self-

checkbox on the Definition tab of the Cardholder dialog, and save the cardholder.

The Self-Authorization feature works independent of the Supervisory mode, and

can be enabled at any time. Further, both the Supervisory and Self-Authorize

privileges can be applied to a card.


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Dual Custody Rules for Single Readers

The table below explains the Dual Custody access rules that apply at a Single

Reader. It details situations when access is allowed or denied, depending on the

Dual Custody privilege assigned to cardholders, and the Door Reader’s configured

Dual Custody mode.

With reference to the table,

Cardholder 1 => Refers to the first card to be badged at the Access Point
Cardholder 2 => Refers to the second card to be badged at the Access Point

Employee => Refers to a cardholder with Standard Dual Custody Access

Self-Authorized Employee => Refers to a cardholder with Standard Dual Custody

Access Privileges + Self-Authorize privileges

Supervisor => Refers to a cardholder with Supervisory Dual Custody Privileges

Self-Authorized Supervisor => Refers to a cardholder with Supervisory Dual
Custody Privileges + Self-Authorize privileges

Dual Custody Dual Custody Privilege of Access Point Access Status
Privilege of Cardholder 1 Cardholder
Cardholder 2
Employee Employee Standard Dual Custody Granted

Employee Supervisor Standard Dual Custody Granted

Supervisor Employee Standard Dual Custody Granted

Supervisor Supervisor Standard Dual Custody Granted

Self-Authorized Employee - Standard Dual Custody Granted

Self-Authorized Supervisor - Standard Dual Custody Granted

Employee Self-Authorized Employee Standard Dual Custody Granted

Employee Self-Authorized Supervisor Standard Dual Custody Granted


Supervisor Self-Authorized Employee Standard Dual Custody Granted

Supervisor Self-Authorized Supervisor Standard Dual Custody Granted

Employee Employee Supervisory Dual Custody Denied

Employee Supervisor Supervisory Dual Custody Granted


Supervisor Employee Supervisory Dual Custody Granted


Supervisor Supervisor Supervisory Dual Custody Granted

Self-Authorized Employee - Supervisory Dual Custody Denied

Self-Authorized Employee Supervisor Supervisory Dual Custody Granted


Self-Authorized Supervisor - Supervisory Dual Custody Granted

Employee Self-Authorized Employee Supervisory Dual Custody Denied

Employee Self-Authorized Supervisor Supervisory Dual Custody Granted


Supervisor Self-Authorized Employee Supervisory Dual Custody Granted

Supervisor Self-Authorized Supervisor Supervisory Dual Custody Granted

Rules for Single Reader Dual Custody with Anti-


An Access Point that has Dual Custody enabled, can be assigned as an IN / OUT /

Internal Reader to an Anti-Passback area.

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The cardholders will be logged into the Anti-Passback area once the 2nd Card

badge has occurred at the Dual Custody Access Point.

The Dual Custody reader for the Anti-Passback area will increment (or decrement)

the area count by 2 after a successful Dual Custody access.

If an Anti-Passback area has a capacity limit enforced and cannot accept 2 more

cardholders, the Dual Custody access may be denied.

Configuring a Door Reader for Dual Custody
1. Select System > Components on the menu bar.
2. Navigate to a specific Device on the Server tree hierarchy that you wish to

configure for Dual Custody.

3. Select a specificDoor Reader tab of this device.

4. Select the Dual Custody tab.

5. Time Schedule used for Dual Custody configuration.

Configure a required

6. From the Dual Custody when Time Schedule
Schedule On drop down list, select the Dual
Custody mode in effect when the Time Schedule is active.

7. From the Dual Custody when Time Schedule Off drop down list, select the Dual
Custody mode in effect when the Time Schedule is not active.

8. In the Dual Custody

Custody Timeout (sec) field, configure the maximum time allowed
(in seconds) between the first and second cardholder’s card badge. If the
second card is presented after this timeout expires, it is treated as a separate

card badge. By default, the Dual Custody Timeout is set to 20 seconds.

 The Current Status field will display as Standard, Supervisory or None,

depending on the Dual Custody status of the door reader.

9. Click the Refresh button to refresh the present status of the reader.

In order to enable a reader for the Dual Custody mode, the door has to be set to

the DOOR CLOSED state. If the door contact is in an Alarm condition, or if the

door is open, the reader will be disabled. Further, Dual Custody will not work on a

reader that has already been configured for Elevator Control, or an Intrusion

Arming Terminal.

10. When the Always Self-

Self-Authorize checkbox is left un-ticked, the general Dual

Custody rules (as explained in previous sections) are applicable. However,

when this checkbox is ticked, the following set of rules are applicable:

 For Access with a Single Card Badge, the Cardholder must have Self-
Authorize Enabled

User Scenario: An employee that has Self-

Self-Authorize enabled, but Supervisor
disabled, will be granted access at a reader that is configured for Supervisory Dual


1st Card Badge 2nd Card Badge Access Point Access Always Self-

Configuration Granted/Denied Authorize

Employee* X Supervisory YES Enabled

Dual Custody

Supervisor* X Supervisory YES Enabled

Dual Custody

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With reference to the table above;

Employee*refers to a cardholder with Standard Access Privileges with Self-


Supervisor* refers to a cardholder with Supervisory Dual Custody Privileges with


X implies that no card has been badged

 For Supervisory Dual Custody Access, the first card badged must have ‘Self
Authorize’ disabled

1st Card Badge 2nd Card Badge Access Point Access Always Self-
Configuration Granted/Denied Authorize
Employee Supervisor Supervisory Dual YES Enabled

Employee Employee* Supervisory Dual NO Enabled
Supervisor Employee Supervisory Dual YES Enabled


With reference to the table above;

Employee refers to a cardholder with Standard Access Privileges

Employee* refers to a cardholder with Standard Access Privileges with Self-
Supervisor refers to a cardholder with Supervisory Dual Custody Privileges
 Turnstiles that have Supervisory Dual Custody enabled require that the 2nd
card badged MUST be a Supervisor
This rule applies regardless of whether the card badged first was a Supervisor or a


1st Card Badge 2nd Card Badge Access Point Access Always Self-
Configuration Granted/Denied Authorize

Employee Supervisor Supervisory Dual YES Enabled

Employee Employee* Supervisory Dual NO Enabled
Supervisor Employee Supervisory Dual NO Enabled


With reference to the table above;

Employee refers to a cardholder with Standard Access Privileges


Employee* refers to a cardholder with Standard Access Privileges with Self-


Supervisor refers to a cardholder with Supervisory Dual Custody Privileges

Dual Custody Rules at a Turnstile


Turnstiles that have the Supervisory Dual Custody feature enabled, require that the

2nd card badged at the reader MUST be a Supervisor. This is regardless of

whether the card badged first was a Supervisor or a Non-Supervisor.


As a result, the following rules apply:

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 If a Supervisor badges first, and a Non-Supervisor badges next, access will be


 If a Non-Supervisor badges first, and a Supervisor badges next, access will be


 If a Supervisor badges first, and another Supervisor badges next, access will

be granted.

Only ONE person will be allowed to enter at a turnstile when access is granted.

 If access is granted (as per the rules explained elbow), only the first cardholder

will be allowed to enter. This action will be reported as a Valid Card

Card entry in the

audit trail. The second cardholder will be reported as Cardholder did not enter.

Manual Override Commands for Dual Custody

Manual commands enable various Dual Custody modes for specific access points.

When the Dual Custody manual command is submitted, it overrides the current

operating mode.

The following are some of the Manual Override commands available for Dual


 Restore Dual Custody Configuration Mode

 Set mode ‘No Dual Custody’

 Set mode ‘Standard Dual Custody’

 Set mode ‘Supervisory Dual Custody’

These manual commands to enable various Dual Custody modes for a specific
point are also available as Access Point ‘Effects’ for both Controller and Host Event

Tasks. Access point Intrusion Control Configuration


The following configuration options are available.

Option Description
Terminal Device The terminal device used for Intrusion Control

Time Schedule The Time Schedule controlling when the Intrusion Control is active

Current State The current state of the Intrusion Control

3.7.2 Defining Input and Output Points


1. Choose Components from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Select the Server in the left hand pane.

3. Select the ACC Controllers communications channel.


Select the ACC and then the FLN connected to the device for which you want

to define an input or output point.

5. Select the device containing the point.

6. Select the Input/Output tab if you are modifying a card reader device, or either
Input tab or the Output tab if you are modifying an Input Point Module



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Device Firmware Download and Configuration

 Input points and Output points for devices are listed in the table below. You

can change the properties of a point by clicking in a cell and either entering

a new value or selecting from a drop-down list.

Latch allows you to configure the length of time that the door lock will

remain unsecured after the door has shut.

7. Choose the Save button when you have defined all the necessary points.

Input Points

Property Description
Point Name The name of the point. This is the name that will be assigned to alarms.

Point Short This is the short name of the point that will appear on the Audit Trail

Alarm Definition The alarm class of the input point.

Time Schedule

The Time Schedule during which access privileges will be required for

entry (exact operation dependant upon mode set).

Operation Mode This specifies how the point should operate as part of the security


Input Delay This specifies the length of time before an alarm will be reported (exact

operation dependant upon mode set).

Shunt Delay
Delay This specifies the length of time that a door monitor will remain disabled

after a door has been opened, before a “Door Held” alarm is registered

(exact operation dependant upon mode set).

Pre-Alarm Delay This is an initial delay after an alarm event has occurred, which can

trigger a low priority warning instead of a high priority alarm.

Invert Input This option reverses the input of the point. Alarm events become restore

events and so on.

Output Points
Property Description

Point Name The name of the point. This is the name that will be assigned to alarms

and events and appear in the Audit Trail.

Time Schedule The Time Schedule during which the output point will be able to be


Alarm Definition The alarm class of the output point.

Delay 1 If the Delay 1 field is set to zero, the output point will operate in Pulse


Delay 2

This delay is used for special accessibility.

3.8 Device Firmware Download and Configuration


When a new firmware device is added to the system, the initial configuration of the

device is essential to ensure that it will work correctly with the SiPass integrated


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Device Firmware Download and Configuration

1. Select FLN configuration from the System menu.

2. Select the Mifare Smart Card Configuration tab.

 Under the Smart Card Configurations panel, the smart cards that have

been added will be displayed.

3. To configure a new smart card, select Add.

4. Fill out the following fields:

- Configuration Name: Enter a unique name for the new smart card


- Sector (1-
(1-15): Enter the sector on the smart card in which access data is

- Block (0-
(0-2): Enter the block containing the sector into which access data is

- Encryption Key: Enter an encryption key for the smart card. It must be 12

characters in length and in Hexadecimal. Hexadecimal numbers use the

digits 0-9 and letters A-F.

Confirm Key: You will need to re-enter the Encryption key to confirm it.

5. When you have entered all the details, select OK.

 A confirmation dialog will appear asking you if you want to add the

configuration to the database.

 The Smart Card configuration details will now appear on the Smart Card
Configurations panel.
6. Click to expand the Global Settings option on the left hand side panel of the
dialog. A list of all your ACC Controllers will appear. Click on it to expand the

tree and view the units connected to each controller.

7. By clicking and highlighting each unit, an ACC Details tab will appear

displaying the following fields:

- Name: This will display the name of the selected unit.

- IP Address: This will display the IP address of the selected unit.
- Serial No.: This will display the Serial number of the selected unit.

8. Expand the plus symbol on the tree view for the desired unit to display the FLN

Channels connected to that unit.

9. Select the FLN channel from the list that you wish to configure.

 The following details will be displayed on the right hand side panel, under

FLN Details.

the tab

10. Set Device Number will display the following tables:

- Device S/N: This will display the device’s serial number

- New Device Number: This box will allow you to set a new device number

for the selected FLN Channel. Click on the up and down buttons to select

the new number you wish to allocate.

11. Once you have entered the new details, click on the Set Device Number button

which will save your changes.

12. In the Clear Device Number, select the Device number of the device to be
cleared. Click the Clear Device Number button.

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Device Firmware Download and Configuration

13. Click on the + symbol next to the selected FLN Channel to expand the tree.
 The current devices you have installed will be displayed.

14. Select the device you wish to configure.

 The tabs Device Details and Configuration will be displayed on the right
hand side panel. The fields of the tabs are explained in the tables below.

15. To check that the information was stored on the device, select Refresh Display.
16. Click Save.
17. If you have made any errors or to go back to the previous settings, select Set

Display to Last Default to undo any changes that have been made.

Device Details Fields

Fields Description
Name This will display the name of the device.

Device Number

This will display the device number. Use the up and down arrows to

select a number and click on Set to save.

Model This will display the model type of the device.

Revision This displays the Hardware revision given to the device.

Serial Number This will display the device Serial number.

Hard Reset
Select this option to perform a complete hardware reset, all values on

the device will be reset.

Soft Reset Select this option to report all input states only, no outputs will be reset.

Drop to
Use this function to reset the hardware to its original operating system

BootRom before it begins loading the specified firmware application.

Run Application Use this function to reverse the drop to BootRom. This will call upon the

hardware to run on the current application in the firmware.


Configuration Tab Fields

Fields Description

From the Reader 1 dropdown box, select the reader type that has been



Repeat this step if there’s more than one reader, up to 8 readers can be


Inputs Select from Monitored and Unmonitored inputs for the device.

Local Output Select this output if you want the output on the device to follow the local

follows Local input.

Reader LED’s

Select from ZAP for Asia Pacific, or ZAM for North America.

Reader Tamper Select Yes or No whether you would like the device to reset itself after

Auto Reset the reader has been tampered (Siemens RS485 readers only).

Mifare Smart Select the Configuration from the drop down box. This corresponds to

Card the smart card configuration settings.

Configuration The Sector and Block will display the matching values to the

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Device Firmware Download and Configuration

Fields Description
configuration that has been chosen above.

3.8.1 Creating a Custom Card Format

The following instruction explains how to create a custom card format from the FLN
Configuration dialog.
1. Select FLN configuration from the System
System menu.

2. Select the Custom Card format tab.
3. Select Add.
4. Complete the following fields:

- Name: By default, the name will match the custom card format stored in the
SiPass integrated database. This can be changed to any desired name.

- Total Length
Length: The total number of bits contained in the card. This can be

increased by extending the end of the bar and moving it right or left, either

to increase or decrease bit length.

- Number: The range of bits that will be used to specify the card number
within the card. It can be increased by extending the end of the bar and

moving it right or left; the box can also be dragged along to change the

range. To change the MSB (Most Important Bit), double-click on the box or
right-click with your mouse.

- Facility
Facility: This represents the facility that is currently selected by the tenant
in SiPass integrated, and depicts how the bits of the card are interpreted.
- Facility Addition: Check this box to add an additional facility to the card.
- Revision: Check this box to incorporate the revision of the card.
Even Parity: Select this function to validate the card where the parity bits

are checked for even number of bits.

- Odd Parity: Select this function to validate the card where the parity bits are
checked for an odd number of bits.

5. To save the changes, select OK or to have the changes take effect straight

away, select Apply.


 The Custom Card dialog will close down, and the Custom Card Format tab
will appear.

6. If you have finished adding profiles, select Close. Alternatively, to update or


change an existing card format, select it from the list and click on Update.

3.8.2 Configuring Reader Interface Offline Modes


Offline modes control how the reader interfaces behave when disconnected from

the ACC.

You can define Offline Access Groups by selecting Program > Offline Access

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Device Firmware Download and Configuration

If the device firmware does not respond, or support the Offline mode, a message

will be shown warning you that this is the case. You will need to upload the latest


Setting offline modes
1. Select FLN configuration from the System menu.
2. Click to expand the Global Settings option on the left hand side panel of the

dialog. A list of all your ACC Controllers will appear. Click on it to expand the

tree and view the units connected to each controller.

3. Select the desired reader interface unit to be configured.

4. Offline Mode tab.

Select the

5. Select a Door Set to use when in Offline Mode from the dropdown list.
6. Select the Offline Mode for each available door from the dropdown list. You
may need to scroll the Offline Door Configuration section to the right to see the

dropdown list.

7. Set the time delay in hours, minutes and seconds in Activation Delay.
Activation Delay is the time after going offline before initiating Offline Mode.

8. Configure your Offline Mode.

- Offline
If one of the Card or PIN modes is selected, you can pick a specific

Access Group by clicking the … button. There is a default group that will be
assigned if you do not select one.

- If “Card and PIN” mode is selected you can set the PIN timeout to control

how long a cardholder has to enter a PIN after badging their card.
- If Facility Access is selected a list of facilities (up to 20) which will be

granted access when presented to a door that is running ‘facility access’

mode is visible under Allowed facilities. To enter a facility code , click inside

Allowed facilities box and add the codes separated by a comma



(Maximum twenty (20) codes allowed). For example: Adding the codes‘7,9’

will allow users whose cards have the facility numbers, 7, and 9 will be able

to open the door.

9. Click Save.

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Initializing Units


Entro devices do NOT store audit trail when in Offline Mode.

 The SRI / DRI / ERI can store events, so that when the device goes back

online the messages will be displayed in the Audit Trail.

 The number of doors configured to a device, do not make any difference to

the storage requirements for events.

 If the door is opened and closed, it will also store a DoorFrame opened and

closed message.

 The DRI/SRI has a relatively small storage size, and has a limit of 212 Card

events + Door open/close events that it can store in the offline mode.

 The ERI has a larger memory size, and has a limit of 1668 Card events +

Door open/close events that it can store in the offline mode.

 If the Passback button is pressed, it is considered a single input event, like a

door open/close. In this mode, up to 710 input events (state changes) can be

stored in a DRI/SRI; and up to 5630 input events (state changes) can be

stored in an ERI.

Offline Mode Table
Mode Description
Disabled The device is disabled and there will be no change in state.

Unlocked The door will unlock when device goes offline.

Facility Access
The door will grant access to any cardholder whose facility matches those specified in ‘Facility


Locked The door will remain locked when device goes offline.
Card The door is locked but pre-programmed cards can still gain access. The Passback on the door

also functions.

PIN The door is locked and card badges are ignored. PIN entry from pre-programmed cardholders

with “Card as PIN” enabled will gain access. The Passback on the door also functions.

Card or PIN The door is locked and card badges or PIN entry from pre-programmed cardholders will gain

access. For the PIN entry to work the cardholders must have “Card as PIN” enabled. The

Passback on the door also functions.

Card and PIN The door is locked and in “Card and PIN” mode. Only pre-programmed cardholders can gain

access and they must badge their card and enter the correct PIN. The Passback on the door also


3.9 Initializing Units


When a new ACC unit is added to the system, an initial data set needs to be

downloaded to that unit. This is done through the process called initialization.

Initialization may also be required when a configured unit is re-connected to the



ACC components must be online and communicating before they can be


 Before you initialize a unit, you should define both the points that belong to the

unit and the access control details for cardholders at those points.

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Initializing Units

1. Select Initialize from the System toolbar or menu. The Initialize System dialog
will appear with list of all the units defined in the system will appear in the

Available list.
2. Select the unit to be initialized by highlighting its name in the Available list.

3. Choose Add to add the unit to the Selected list.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until all the units to be initialized have been added to the

Selected list.
5. Tick the Initialization Options checkbox to unlock the data component options

corresponding to those elements to be downloaded during initialization.

6. Select each data element to be downloaded to the specified units by ticking the

corresponding checkbox.

7. Choose Full Initialize to perform a full initialization of the selected units.
8. Choose Compact Backup to compact the data stored on an onboard flash
backup card, if available, allowing more data to be backed up.

9. Choose Image Download to download Firmware to selected units.

3.9.1 Initialization Options
The following table lists the available options:

Option Description
When ticked, the selected units will clear their memory on initialization.

Holiday When ticked, all defined holidays will be downloaded on initialization.

Time Schedule When ticked, all defined Time Schedules will be downloaded on initialization.

When ticked, all information about the points that belong to the selected units will be

downloaded on initialization.

Employee Access When ticked, all cardholders’ access control information will be downloaded on initialization.


When ticked, all elevator data will be downloaded on initialization.

Event Task When ticked, all controller-based event task data will be downloaded on initialization.

Intrusion Area When ticked, all intrusion area information is downloaded to the unit.

Anti-Passback When selected, all Anti-Passback area information is downloaded to the unit.

Download Expired Cards


When selected expired cards are also downloaded to the ACC.

Download all cards to all


When selected all cards are downloaded to all ACCs regardless of access privileges.


3.9.2 Creating an Initialization Event Task


You can create an event task to automatically perform a full initialization on an

Advanced Central Controller after a unit has been reset; for example, after a power


1. Select Program> Event Tasks > Controller toolbar.

2. Enter a name for the Initialization Event Task into the Event Name field.
3. Select the Time Schedule during which the event task will be able to occur.

4. Unit from the Type drop-down menu.



5. Select the ACC you want to be initialized after a unit reset from the Controller
drop-down menu.

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Initializing Units

6. Select Reset.
7. Select Unit from the Target drop-down menu.

8. Select Full Initialization from the Command drop-down menu.
9. Select the ACC you want initialized from the Location drop-down menu.

10. Enter the message that will appear in the Audit Trail when the event runs, into
the Message field.

11. Click Save.

3.9.3 Creating an Operation Mode Event Task

Operation mode changes can be triggered by an event task. For example, you may

want the operation mode at a certain door to be Card Only during normal business

hours, Card & PIN until midnight, and then Host Verification & PIN until the start of

the business hours the next day.

1. Select Host Event Task from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Enter an appropriate name for the Event Task into the Event Name field.

3. Select the Time Schedule to trigger the mode change.

4. Select Time Schedule from the Source1 drop-down box.

5. Select Start from the State1 drop-down box.

6. Select Access Point from the Target drop-down box.

7. Select the mode that you want a reader to switch to, from the Command drop-
down box.
8. Select the reader from the Location drop-down box.
9. Enter a message to be displayed in the Audit Trail when the Event Task

occurs, into the Message field.

10. Click Save.
t Se

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Site Management 4
Time Schedules

4 Site Management

After you have created all the components at your site using the Components

dialog, you must then configure the parts of the system that define how and when

components operate.

4.1 Time Schedules

Time Schedules define when certain events should occur at your site. For example,

cardholders can be denied access after business hours by creating a Time

Schedule that gives them access during office hours only. The SiPass integrated

system provides you with three pre-defined Time Schedules.

They are indicated in the following table:

Time Schedule Description

Always (point

Access at all times, including weekends and holidays - effectively, no access control.

Never (point always No Time Schedules defined. Access is never granted.

System Function
Function (non Access between 2:00 am and 3:00 am everyday including holidays.

busy intervals)
4.1.1 Creating a Time Schedule
The SiPass integrated system allows you to created about 65,000 different Time

Schedules, with a maximum of 20 independent time intervals defined for each Time


1. Choose Time Schedule from the Program toolbar.


2. Enter a unique name identifying the Time Schedule into the Time Schedule
field. You can enter up to 40 characters, in any combination of upper and lower

case letters, and numbers.

3. Define the time intervals that will make up the Time Schedule.

4. Defined Time Intervals list, choose Add.


To add the time interval to the

Graph View button.


- Time Schedules can also be defined by selecting the

You may enter more than one time interval for each day. However, the start

and stop times on any given day must not overlap

5. Click Save.

Creating a Time Schedule for a single day

1. Enter the name for your Time Schedule into the Time Schedule field.
2. Select User Defined from the Day Type drop-down list.

3. Set the Start Time to 12:00 am and Start Day to Monday.

4. Set the Stop Time to 12:00 am and Stop Day to Tuesday.

5. Choose Add.

6. Click Save.

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4 Site Management
Time Schedules

Creating a Time Schedule using Graph View

1. Choose Time Schedule
Schedule from the Program toolbar or menu.

2. Enter a unique name identifying the Time Schedule into the Time Schedule
field. You can enter up to 40 characters, in any combination of upper and lower

case letters, and numbers.

3. Select the Graph View Button.

4. Double-click to select the start day and time of your time interval and drag the

cursor to create the Time Schedule.

5. To define further time intervals for the Time Schedule, repeat Step 4. However,

keep in mind that the start and stop times on any given day must not overlap.

6. Choose OK.

7. The time interval will be created in the Defined Time Intervals list.
8. Choose Save. Time Schedule interval definition

The following table explains the options available when defining Time Intervals.

Option Description
Day Type Specifies the days that the Time Schedule includes. There is no default day type. To select a day

type, choose the drop down arrow and select a new type from the list. The following day types

may be selected:
 Weekday: Allows you to assign a start time and stop time for each weekday (Monday through


 Weekend: Allows you to assign a start time and stop time for each day of the weekend
(Saturday and Sunday).

 Holiday1: Allows you to assign a start time and stop time for a single day.

 Holiday2: Allows you to assign a start time and stop time for a single day.

 User: Allows you to define a Time Schedule that nominates the start and stop days and the

start and stop times for any day.

Start Day Start day for a particular time interval. To select a start day, choose the drop down arrow and

select a new day from the list. The start day is only available when the user day type has been


Stop Day

Stop day for a particular time interval. To select a stop day, choose the drop down arrow and

select a new day from the list. The stop day is only available when the user day type has been


Start Time Start time for a particular time interval. If there is more than one interval being defined, the time

interval will start at this time on each day. The start time, by default, is 8:00 am. To change the

start time, select the hours, minutes or seconds and use the up-down arrows to set the correct


Stop Time Stop time for a particular time interval. If there is more than one interval being defined, the time

interval will stop at this time on each day. The stop time, by default, is 5:00 pm. To change the

stop time, select the hours, minutes or seconds and use the up-down arrows to set the correct


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Site Management 4
Point Groups

4.2 Point Groups

Point Groups are collections of points, floors, sub-groups, areas / sub-areas. Point

Groups allow you to send a command to several points simultaneously, and ease

the burden of assigning access control privileges to multiple points. A Point Group

can only consist of points of the same type. A group cannot include a combination

of input and output points.

When altering the properties or members of a group, care should be exercised due

to the potential impact on the operation of the access control system.

If the changes are to take effect immediately, the system controllers must be re-


Usually, complex changes to point groups, such as the removal of individual points

or changes to cardholder access control privileges are not immediately

downloaded to system controllers.

4.2.1 Creating a Point Group

Creating a group involves assigning the group a unique number and specifying the

group type, alarm class and members.

 Ensure that you have defined all the points, floors, sub-units or areas you will

need to include in a group.

1. Component Group from the Program toolbar or menu.

2. Ensure Point Group is selected from the list.

3. Enter a unique name that identifies the group into the Group Name field. You
can enter up to 40 characters, in any combination of upper and lower case

letters, and numbers.

4. Click Add Members.

5. Select the group type by choosing the drop-down arrow on the Group Type

field and selecting a type.

6. Select the name of the points you want to include in the group.

7. Click Add >.

8. Click OK.

9. Select the alarm class that best defines how the system should behave under

certain (alarm) conditions. To change the alarm class, choose the drop down

arrow and select a new alarm class from the list. To un-assign an alarm class,

simply select the existing alarm class and press the Delete key on your
keyboard. Do NOT click on the SiPass Delete button.
10. Configure the group alarm triggers.

- Count:
Specifies the number of group members that must be in alarm state, or

have returned to normal but whose timers have not yet timed out, before

the group goes into alarm. If 0 is entered, it prevents an alarm from


- Timer:

An internal timer starts counting (in seconds) for each member of the group

that was in alarm after it returns to normal. The group goes into alarm if the

number of points counting down or currently in alarm reaches the Group

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
4 Site Management
Component Groups

Count. If a point times out, the current count is decreased by one (which

may cause the group to return to normal state). This means that if a certain

number of group members have entered an alarm state simultaneously or

within a configurable time interval, the group alarm will be generated.

11. Set the group actions.
- Isolate:
When checked disables the group alarm and normal messages, however

individual member messages will still appear in the Active Audit Trail


- Clearance Required:

When checked, the member(s) that caused the group to enter an alarm

state must be restored before the group can return to normal. If this box is

checked, a group timer will be started every time a member returns to a

normal state after registering an alarm. If this box is not checked, a group

timer will be started every time a member enters an alarm state.

12. Choose Save.

 The Group Type and Group Alarm Status fields indicate the type of members

and the group’s alarm status respectively. These fields do not appear until a
group has been created.

 When Point Groups are added to the system, it is essential that you update

the Operator Group permissions to include them. Any time that changes are

made to Groups, it is necessary to initialize the system after you have saved
the changes for them to take effect

 Deleting a group does NOT remove the individual points from the Database.

Deleting a group may require other changes to the system. Because of this,

removal of a group can make the Database inaccessible to other users for

long periods and may impact on the performance of the system.

 In relation to a Dial-up environment, because of the large number of

commands generated by any changes to Groups, it is possible that an event

task will be triggered to auto-download those changes to all the controllers in

the system. This will depend upon the number of members in the group and

the number of commands needed to trigger such an event.


4.3 Component Groups

In addition to Point Groups, you can create other groups to Partition Devices, FLNs

and Units in the same way. View, Edit and Create privileges to these groups can

be then added to operator groups to control how the items in the group can be

viewed and modified by operators. However, unlike Point Groups, these groups are

used only for Operator Partitioning and are not functional groups.

By default whenever a new Unit, Device or FLN it is assigned to the default group

and the privileges assigned to the operator group that created it. However for

greater control you can create your own groups to effectively manage your site.

4.3.1 Creating a Component Group


Creating a group involves assigning the group a unique name and specifying the


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Site Management 4
Operational States and Control States

 Ensure that you have defined all the Devices, FLNs or Units you will need to

include in a group.

1. Select Component Group from the Program toolbar or menu.
2. Select Device Group, FLN Group or Unit Group.

3. Enter a unique name that identifies the group into the Group Name field. You

can enter up to 40 characters, in any combination of upper and lower case

letters, and numbers.

4. Click Add Members.

5. Select the name of the Devices, FLNs or Units you want to include in the


6. Click Add >.

7. Click OK.

8. Click Save.

4.4 Operational States and Control States

The operational state of a point refers to its current location, or activity. For

example, a door latch output point can be locked or unlocked. A PIR input point

can be in an alarm or normal state

Points change their operational state in response to a number of things in SiPass


 Host Event Tasks

 Controller Event Tasks

 Manual Commands
 The normal events that occur at a facility, such as a valid card badge.

Each point in the security system is, at any given time, in a certain Control State

i.e. it is under the control of one of the four command types above. For example, a

door latch can be simply locked as dictated by the current Time Schedule and

waiting for a valid card badge to unlock, or it could be locked by an operator

sending a “Latch Lock” command via the Manual Command dialog.

In addition, there are two types of Event Tasks and Manual Commands:

Permanent and Interruptible. A Permanent command is used for situations where

you want to completely over-ride the current operational state of a point for a

duration of time (including indefinitely). The point will not change state (e.g. unlock)

until over-ridden by particular commands, which are explained in the next section.

An Interruptible command can be used for situations where you want to temporarily

change the operational state of a point, but without interfering with normal access

control. A point under Interruptible Command control will only change state in

response to normal security and access events, or until another command

(permanent or interruptible) is sent.

Differentiating between Permanent and Interruptible commands this way provides

greater flexibility to the operator in controlling points at a facility.


4.4.1 Control State Priorities

In order to ensure consistency of operation within SiPass integrated, Control States

must be given a priority. For example, it must be made clear that an Event Task

with a Permanent Effect will not be overridden by a card-access attempt, but only

by another Permanent Event Task. This avoids conflicts between simultaneous

commands to points, as well as making access control even tighter.

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4 Site Management
Operational States and Control States

These Control States and their priority are listed below. “1” indicates the highest


Priority Control State Description
1 Permanent Manual

A manual command or event task (Host or Controller) has been sent to a point and the

Command or Event Permanent option was selected.

Task A point issued a Permanent Manual Command or Event Task will not change its

operational state until:

A new Permanent Event Task is sent to the point and the point is under Permanent

Event Task control.

A new Permanent Manual Command is sent to the point and the point is under

Permanent Manual Command control.

A “Cancel Permanent Action” command is sent to the point.

A “Return to Time Schedule Control” command is sent to the point.

The stated duration of the control state expires.

2 Access/Internal Action A normal access or internal event that occurs at a point; for example, a card badge, or

a PIR trigger. A point under Access/Internal Action Control Mode may remain in that

mode for the defined period of time (e.g. a door is unlocked after a valid badge for the

configurable delay period) or until one of the actions below:

A Permanent Event Task or Command is sent to the point.

A new internal or access event message is sent to the point; for example, a PIR input in

alarm is restored by an operator.

A “Cancel Permanent Action” command is sent to the point.

A “Return to Time Schedule Control” command is sent to the point.

3 Interruptible Manual A manual command or event task (Host or Controller) has been sent to a point and the
Command or Event Permanent option was not selected.

Task A point issued an Interruptible Manual Command or Event Task will not change its

operational state until:


A new Permanent Event Task or Command is sent to the point.

A new Interruptible Event Task or Command is sent to the point.

A new internal or access event message is sent to the point; for example, a PIR input in

alarm is restored by an operator.

The stated duration of the control state expires.


A “Return to Time Schedule Control” command is sent to the point.

4 Time Schedule Control


The point remains in the operational state for the current Time Schedule as configured

in the Components dialog. A point under Time Schedule Control will change its
operational state in response to any of the above Control States.

4.4.2 Using Control States

SiPass integrated stores a queue of Control State Commands for each point. This

queue contains the last non-executed command of each Control State type. So,

there will be four commands, at most, in the control state queue.

When the current control state is terminated, the next control state in the queue will

be executed as per the following rules:


Completion/termination of a Permanent command will restore the effect of:

– The last Internal command, or

– The last Interruptible command, or

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Site Management 4
Creating a Host Event Task

– Time Schedule Control

 Completion/termination of an Internal/Access command will restore the effect of

– The last Interruptible command, or

– Time Schedule Control

 Completion/termination of an Interruptible command will restore the effect of

– Time Schedule Control


There are certain exceptions to the above rules. These are:

 Change of Time Schedule State will terminate all current and non-current

Interruptible commands.

 Execution of a Permanent Manual command will terminate all current and non-

current Interruptible Manual commands.

 Execution of a Permanent Event Task will terminate all current and non-current

Interruptible Event Tasks.

 Execution of the “Return to Time Schedule Control” command will terminate all

current and non-current commands (Interruptible and Permanent) and return

control to Time Schedule Control.

Every unsuccessful change of Control State (for example, if the change is denied

due to the above rules) is recorded in the Audit Trail.

4.5 Creating a Host Event Task
A Host Event Task is a system related operation that is performed once certain
conditions have been met. When you define a host event task, you define the

conditions that must be met (Trigger) for the operation (Effect) to be executed. Host

event tasks can be used to perform numerous system activities simultaneously.

For example, a host event task can be used to control certain points in the system

when other points change state. This might be useful to automatically secure an

area when a security breach is detected at your site. In this case, a host event task

could be defined in order to lock all the doors within a specified area when any

sensor (intrusion detector) in that area enters an alarm state.

An audit trail message appears when a host event task begins, and another audit

trail message appears upon completion.


 Ensure that you have configured all the components at your site that will trigger

an event or execute a command when an event has been triggered. Also

establish the Time Schedules to be used in the host event tasks.

1. Choose Program > Event Tasks > Host.


2. Enter a unique name for the host event task into the Event Name field. You
may enter up to 40 characters, in any combination of upper and lower case

letters, and numbers. There are two pre-defined host event tasks in the system.

These are as follows:


- Check Before Start Date Cards:

Checks the Start Date in the cardholder record. The cardholder’s access

control privileges are enabled if their Start Date is equal to or greater than

the current date.

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4 Site Management
Creating a Host Event Task

- Check Expired Cards:

Checks the Expiry Date in the cardholder record. If the Expiry Date has

been reached, the cardholder will be voided.

3. Select the Time Schedule in which the host event task is to occur. To select the

Time Schedule, choose the drop down arrow and select a time zone from the


- The effect a Time Schedule has on a host event task is detailed in the table

at the end of this section.

4. Specify the Trigger details.
 The fields within the Trigger section of the dialog will depend upon the

source type chosen.

 Event Tasks based upon “Special Date” may take up to 15 minutes to

trigger from the specified time.

5. Complete the Effect details.

6. Click Save.
Time Schedule
Schedule Description
Never (point always The host event task can never be triggered.

Always (point The host event task can be triggered at any time including holidays and weekends.

System Function (non The host event task can only be triggered between 2 am and 3 am every day of the year including

busy intervals) holidays.


4.5.1 Host Event Task Trigger fields


The following fields are available when defining the trigger of Host Event Task.

Field Description
Source1 The item that will trigger the specified host event task. To change the first source, choose the

drop down arrow and select a new source from the list.


Specifies the location that will trigger the event. The available locations depend upon the

source type selected. For example, if the source was an input event type, then only the input

points defined in the system will be available.

State1 The state into which the source must enter in order to trigger the event. The condition is also

met when initialization occurs and the source is in the specified state. To change State1,

choose the drop down arrow and select a new state from the list.

Additional Criteria When checked, additional criteria must be added and exist before an action takes place.

Source2 Secondary source item required to trigger the specified host event task, only if the first

condition has been met. The secondary source is Workgroup.

Location2 Specifies the location that will trigger the event. This will be one of the work groups defined in

the Database.

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Site Management 4
Creating a Controller Event Task

4.5.2 Host Event Task Effect fields

The following fields are available when defining the effect of a host event task.

Field Description
Target Specifies the type of item that the host event task will affect. To change the target, choose the

drop down arrow and select a new target from the list.

Location Specifies the name of the object that the event will affect. For example, if the specified event is

unlocking a door, the target for such an event would be an output point and the actual door to

be unlocked will be the location. To change the location, choose the drop down arrow and

select a new location from the list.

Command This is the command that will be performed on the target item when the host event task


Data Specifies the data string for the command (if required).


Message to appear on the Audit Trail when the host event task occurs.

4.6 Creating a Controller Event Task

Controller Event Tasks are triggered by internal controller activities, and therefore

can occur even when disconnected from the server.

 Establish the Time Schedules to be used in the controller event task.

 Ensure that your daily code is the same number of digits as the Base PIN

1. Choose Program > Event Tasks > Controller.

2. Enter a unique name for the Controller Event Task into the Event Name field.
3. Select the Time Schedule during which the Controller Event Task will be able

to activate, from the Time Schedule drop-down box.

4. Specify the Trigger1 details. The fields within the Trigger section of the dialog
will depend upon the Type chosen.

- When selecting an Input point as the source for a controller based event

task, the “Device” tasks will trigger from the actual activity at the point,

regardless of the mode applied to that point. The “Logical” tasks will take

into account the mode applied, for example if the point is disabled, and only

operate based upon these modes, this means if the input point is disabled

the event task will not run.


5. Specify two triggers for a controller event task, by selecting from the Logical

Operator drop-down box and completing the fields in the Trigger 2 section. The
fields in the Trigger2 section are exactly the same as for Trigger1.

- The Logical Operator options are detailed in the table at the end of this


6. Complete the Effect details. The fields within the Effect section of the dialog will
depend upon the source type chosen.

7. Save.


8. To create another controller event task with similar details, choose Copy. The
event task details will be copied into a new controller event task.

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4 Site Management
Creating a Controller Event Task

In most cases, by selecting zero, the data within the specified range of the event

will allow a trigger on any card.

Operator Effect
None The fields in the Trigger 2 section will be disabled.

AND Both Trigger 1 and Trigger 2 must occur before the Effect will be activated. Note that Trigger 1

and Trigger 2 must occur within 2 seconds of each other if the AND operator is used.

NOR Both Trigger 1 and Trigger 2 must occur, or both return to their original states, before the Effect

will be activated.


Either Trigger 1, or Trigger 2, or both must occur before the Effect will be activated.

XOR Either Trigger 1, or Trigger 2, but not both must occur before the Effect will be activated.

4.6.1 Controller Event Tasks Trigger Fields

The following fields are available when defining the trigger of a controller event


Fields Description
Type The type of event that must occur.
Controller The controller connected to the source of the event.

Source The controller or device that must undergo a change in state to trigger the effect.

State The state into which the source must enter to trigger the effect.
Data Any additional data that may need to be entered to identify the trigger.

Credential Profile If the state being defined requires a Card Number, the Credential Profile field becomes enabled

for the required profile to be selected from the field’s drop down list.

Logical Operator This field specifies the state requirement for the effect to occur. The following options can be

selected from the field:

NONE : The configured Effect will occur if neither Trigger 1 or Trigger 2 states are true.

AND : The configured Effect will occur if both Trigger 1 and Trigger 2 states are true.

NOR : The configured Effect will occur if neither Trigger 1 or Trigger 2 states are true.

OR : The configured Effect will occur if either the Trigger 1 or Trigger 2 state is true.

XOR : The configured Effect will occur if either the Trigger 1 or Trigger 2 state is true, but NOT


4.6.2 Controller Event Task Effect Fields

The following fields are available when defining the effect of a Controller Event


Fields Description
Type Specifies the type of component that the event task will affect.

Controller Specifies the controller connected to the target of the effect.

Target The component that will perform the Command if triggered.

Command This is the command that will be performed when the event task occurs.

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Site Management 4
Creating a Controller Event Task

Fields Description
Data Specifies a data string for the command (if required).

Delay The delay time in seconds before the Command will be executed.


This is the message displayed in the Audit Trail when the event task occurs.

4.6.3 Switching between Controller Event Tasks and Host Event

Controller Event Tasks and Host Event Tasks generally correspond to different

kinds of events. Controller Event Tasks are usually triggered by hardware related

events, and Host Event Tasks are triggered by Global SiPass integrated

conditions, like swiping a card or loss of communication to a controller. There is

some overlap between the two types of event tasks.

However, it is possible to create a flow-on effect, and cause a Host Event Task to

be triggered by Controller Event Task conditions, and vice versa. This is done by

creating a host event task and assigning it as a command (Effect) in a Controller

Event Task. Triggering a Host Event Task from a Controller Event Task

The various stages and steps required to trigger a Host Event Task from a
Controller Event Task are detailed in this section.

Stage 1: Creating the Host Event Task

1. Choose Program > Event Tasks > Controller.
2. Enter a unique name or select an existing host event task in the Event Name

3. Select the Time Schedule during which the host event task will be able to
Time Schedule drop-down box.

occur, from the

4. Select “ACC Control” from the Source1 drop-down box.

5. Select “Activated” from the State1 drop-down box.

6. Assign an ACC to this Host event task from the Location drop-down box.

7. Complete the Effect section.


8. Click Save.

Stage 2: Creating the Controller Event Task

1. Choose Program > Event Tasks > Controller.
2. Event

Enter a unique name or select an existing controller event task in the

Name field.
3. Select the Time Schedule during which the controller event task will be able to

occur, from the Time Schedule drop-down box.

4. Type drop-down box.

Select “ACC Event Task” from the

5. Complete the Trigger section.

6. Select “Run Host Task” from the Type drop-down box in the Effect section.

7. Select the Host Event Task, from the Target drop-down box.

8. Complete the Delay and Message fields.

9. Click Save.

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4 Site Management
Creating a Holiday

 When the specified Trigger occurs, the controller event task will execute the

Host Event Task that you selected.

d Triggering a Controller Event Task from a Host Event Task

The stages and steps required to trigger a Controller Event Task from a Host Event

Task are detailed in this section:

Stage 1: Creating a Controller Event Task

1. Choose Program > Event Tasks > Controller.
2. Enter a new name or select an existing controller event task from the Event
Name drop-down box.

3. Select the Time Schedule during which the controller event task may be

activated, from the Time Schedule drop-down box.

4. Select “Host Control” from the Type drop-down box.

Select the ACC Controller assigned to this controller event task from the

Controller drop-down box.

6. Select the state of the Host Event Task, which will trigger this controller event

task, from the State drop-down box. There are two options: Cleared and Set.
7. Complete the Effect section.
8. Click Save.
Stage 2: Creating the Host Event Task
1. Select Program > Event Tasks > Controller.
2. Event
Enter a new name or select an existing controller event task from the

Name drop-down box.

3. Complete the Trigger section.
4. Select “ACC Trigger” from the Target drop-down box in the Effect section.

5. Choose either the “Set Trigger” state or the “Clear Trigger” state from the State
drop-down box.

6. Select the Controller Event task you defined in step 1, from the Location drop-
down box.

7. Complete the Message field.


8. Click Save.

 When the specified Trigger occurs, the host event task will execute the

Controller Event Task that you selected.

4.7 Creating a Holiday


Holidays allows dates that are exceptional to the normal rules to be defined in the

Time Zone records; For example, Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. This allows

cardholders access to be controlled without having to change Time Zone

definitions every time a holiday occurs.

Only one holiday can be defined for a single date.

 Ensure that you have installed the appropriate bus drivers and have configured

each bus.

1. Choose Holidays from the Program toolbar or menu.

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Site Management 4
Log Book

2. Enter a unique name for the holiday into the Holiday Name field.
- You may enter up to 40 characters, any combination of upper / lower case


3. Date field.

Enter a date for the specified holiday into the

- To change the date, choose the drop down arrow and select a new date

from the calendar.

4. Select the type of Holiday from the Type drop-down box. SiPass integrated

allows you to define two types of Holidays. You can change the effects of a

holiday by modifying the relevant Time Schedule(s) in the Time Schedule



Select the ACCs that will observe the holiday.

6. Choose Add >.

 The ACC will appear in the Selected list.
7. Click Save.

4.8 Log Book
The Log Book allows operators to make a record of a site’s activities, using a

simple heading-based log system. When certain events at your site occur, the

operator can open the log book, select the appropriate topic, and log their

observations or the action taken. This creates a permanent record that can be
recorded at a later stage.

To configure the Log Book you have to create a set of topics, used to categorize

log entries. This section explains how to create these topics and add entries to the
Log Book.

4.8.1 Adding a topic to the Log Book subjects


The Look Up Table allows you to create the necessary topics for the Log Book.

Please refer the section Lookup Data of the SiPass Explorer User Manual for

detailed information on how this can be done.

4.8.2 Making an Entry into a Log Book


Once you have created topics to be used for the Log Book Entries, operators can

use them to log entries regarding activities at your site

1. Choose Log Entry from the Operation toolbar or menu.

 Log Book Entry Form dialog displays the Operator Name,
By default, the

Date and Time fields as non-editable fields. The operator can only select
from the Subject combo box and only modify the Description field.

2. Select a subject from the drop down list in the Subject combo box by
highlighting it in the displayed list.

3. Your choice of subject will be displayed in the combo box and the Save button
will be enabled.

4. Complete the appropriate comments in the Description field as free text.

5. Click Save.

 Each entry will be logged individually.

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4 Site Management

 A report can be generated that prints all Log Book Entries.

4.9 Messaging

SiPass integrated can automatically send a message to a pager (or a similar

paging system, like an intercom system), a GSM mobile phone or e-mail address

when certain conditions have been met. This allows important events on the site to

be registered, when no one is around to monitor them.

The sections that follow explain the various steps required to configure and send

messages to GSM mobiles, pagers and e-mail addresses.

4.9.1 Messaging a GSM Mobile

Configuring and sending a message to a GSM mobile allows selected personnel to

be notified via SMS that a certain event / trigger has occurred.

The first step required to configure this feature, is to add and configure Modem

Hardware resources in SiPass integrated.

Once the modem hardware is configured, operators can configure message

forwarding to a GSM mobile in two ways:

 Event Task Message Forwarding to a GSM Mobile

 Alarm Class Message Forwarding to a GSM Mobile

The sections that follow will take the user through all the steps required to
configure SiPass integrated for this feature, and send messages. Configuring Modem Hardware Resources

GSM Modems are mapped as hardware entities in SiPass integrated. These

modems will first have to be added and configured to the system.

1. SelectSystem > Components.

2. New Bus button.

Click the

3. Select Modems.

4. Click the New Unit button.

5. In the Modem Name field, add a name for the modem unit.

6. From the Modem Type drop down list, select AT Command or Hayes

Compatible Modem.

7. From the Modem Port field, select a port.

 This list displays all the modem ports that are available on the server.

8. To view the Modem Status and Event History, click the View Modem Status

button. To pause the scroll of Modem Event History messages, click the

History View button.

 The Overall Modem Status will display one of the following statuses:

Available, Malfunctioning or Busy.


9. To return to view Modem Settings, click the View Modem Settings button.
10. Click Save.

If a GSM Modem is being used for Dialup Redundancy, it cannot be used for

Short Messaging Services (SMS).

A Modem unit cannot be deleted if it has an Alarm Class associated with it.

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Messaging Event
Event Task Message Forwarding to GSM Mobiles

An operator can configure a Host Event Task to send messages to selected mobile

numbers, when a certain trigger / event has occurred.

The main pre-requisite to this feature is that the mobile number to which the

message should be forwarded, must be specified on the Personal tab of the

Cardholder dialog for the selected cardholders.

Once the mobile number for the cardholder(s) has been specified, an event task

can be configured in the Host Event Task dialog as described below.

1. Select Program > Event Task > Host.

2. Enter an Event Name.

3. Select the appropriate Time Schedule.

4. From the Source 1 drop-down list, select a required trigger source.

5. From the State 1 drop-down list, specify a required state.

6. From the Effect drop-down list, select Message Forwarding.

7. From the Command field, select Forward to GSM Mobile(s).

8. All the cardholders, whose mobile number have been entered in the

Cardholder dialog, will be displayed in the Cardholder box field.

9. Select a Cardholder(s).
10. In the Message field, type a message that will be forwarded to the cardholder’s
mobile on event trigger.

11. Click Save.

cu Alarm Class Message Forwarding to GSM Mobile(s)
An operator who wishes to setup Alarm Class Message Forwarding will need to

perform two main configuration activities:


 Configure an Alarm Class to forward a message on State change

 Assign a point to the Alarm Class

These steps required for these two configurations will be discussed in this section.

The main pre-requisite to this feature is that the mobile number, to which the

message should be forwarded, must be specified on the Personal tab of the

Cardholder dialog for the selected cardholders.

Configuring an Alarm Class to forward message on State change


1. Select Program > Alarm Class.

2. Specify an Alarm Definition Name.
3. Specify an Alarm Type in the Type field.

4. Tick the Forward to GSM Mobile(s) checkbox.


5. In the box below this checkbox, specify the cardholders to whom the message

should be forwarded.

6. Specify the state change in the Current Defined States section.


7. Click Save.

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Configuring an access point for the alarm class

1. Select System > Components.

2. In the tree hierarchy, navigate to the access point configured for the alarm


3. In the Alarm Definitions field, select the Alarm Class that was configured for
message forwarding.

4. Click Save.
Once these two configurations have been implemented, a state change will raise

an alarm. This in turn, will forward a message to the selected GSM mobile(s).

4.9.2 Configuring Message Forwarding to a Pager or Email

Configuring and sending a message to a pager or mobile service is a three-stage

process that includes Configuring the Service Provider, Configuring Cardholder

information and Creating the Event Task to handle the paging scenario.

Configuring and sending a message to an email address is a two-stage process

that includes configuring cardholder information and creating the event task to

handle the email forwarding. A connection between SiPass integrated and an

Email Server must be present to allow messages to be forwarded to email

rit Step 1 - Configuring Service Providers
1. From the System menu, select Messaging and then select Service Providers.
2. Enter the Service Provider Information.
- You may need to contact your chosen service provider for the correct

details to complete this section.

3. Enter the Dial-Up Parameters.


4. Enter the Local Parameters.

If a modem on the SiPass server is deleted, you will need to re-configure your

service provider details.


Service Provider Configuration Fields


The fields used to configure Service Providers are given below:

Field Description

Service Provider Name Enter the name of the service provider.

Service Provider Enter the password for access to the Service Provider. Note that not all Service Providers will

Password require a password. If a password is not required, this field will be ignored.

Maximum Messages per Select the maximum number of messages able to be sent per session using the up and down

Session arrows. This will package multiple messages for the same service provider into a single phone

call. That is, you can send the same message to multiple cardholders’ pagers with one call.

Disable Service Provider Tick this checkbox if you wish to disable the Service Provider

Use Dial-
Dial-up Un-tick this checkbox if you want to send messages via a method other than dial-up modem.

This could be via a paging or similar device that is compliant with the standard automatic TAP

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Field Description

Port This field will be enabled only if the Use Dial-Up checkbox has been un-ticked. Select from the

list the Com Port on the PC to which the TAP-compliant messaging device is connected

Service Provider Phone Enter the phone number for the Service Provider.

Modem Select the modem to be used for sending the message from the drop-down list. You will need

to install and configure an appropriate modem on the SiPass Server before you can select it

for messaging. Please consult your System Administrator for more information regarding the

installation and configuration of a modem.

Port Select the port number on the workstation connected to the messaging or paging device. This

field will only be enabled if the Use Dial-up checkbox in the Service Provider Information

section has been un-ticked. The Service Provider details will be saved

y& Step 2 - Configuring Cardholder Details
To enable SiPass integrated to send a message to a cardholder, the cardholder’s

pager number, mobile number or email address must be entered as part of their

cardholder details.

Do one of the following:

 Ensure that the Mobile Number and Mobile Service Provider fields are
completed if you wish to send messages to the cardholder’s mobile phone.

 Ensure that the Pager Number

Number and Pager Service Provider fields are
completed if you wish to send messages to the cardholder’s pager.

 Ensure that the Email Address and Use Email in Message Forwarding fields
are completed if you wish to send messages to the cardholder’s email address. Step 3 – Creating the Messaging Event Task


The final step in configuring the SiPass integrated messaging component is to

create an Event Task. This will allow you to configure the System Components that

trigger a message, the recipient of the message and the message itself.

1. Program > Event Tasks > Host.



2. Event Name field.


Enter a unique name for the event task into the

3. Select theTime Schedule during which messages can be sent.

4. Specify theTrigger details.
5. Select Message Forwarding from the Target drop-down list.

6. Select Forward to Pager(s) from the Command drop-down list to send a

message to a pager or a mobile phone.

7. Select Forward to Email(s) from the Command drop-down list to send an email.
8. Select the cardholder to whom the message will be forwarded from the

Location drop-down list.

- Only cardholders with a valid service provider (mobile or pager) configured

in their database record will be selectable.


Enter the text message to be sent to that cardholder’s mobile phone and/or

pager into the Message field.

10. Click Save.

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Server Messaging

Each text message is formatted by SiPass integrated before being sent to the

Service Provider for paging, including adding a date and time stamp, and UserID.

Different Service Providers may process the entire message, text plus formatting,

in a different manner. For example, characters or strings that have a particular

Message field. For more

meaning to the Service Provide, can be inserted into the

information on using the Message string in such a way, consult the documentation

for your Service Provider’s supported protocol.

Email Messaging setup for SMTP

1. Create SiPassMail.ini in SiPass integrated directory. Using the following as an

- [SMTP]

- SMTPServer=<mailserver>

- UserName=<user>

- Password=<password>

- Sender=<joe@siemens.com>

2. If SiPass integrated email is only sent to internal email accounts, there is no

extra configuration.

3. If email needs to be sent to external email accounts, the following needs to be

setup in the exchange server:

- Open Exchange System Manager at Exchange server.
- Open SMTP Properties page from Protocols tree.

- Select Access tab from SMTP Properties dialog.

- Click on Relay button.
- Add IP address of the SiPass server PC to the granted list.

4.10 Server Messaging

SiPass integrated can send messages to and from SiPass servers on a network.

To do this, you need to define the other servers on the network that will

communicate messages to and from your server.


A message originator is a SiPass server that is sending a message to your server.


A message receiver is a SiPass server that is receiving a message sent from your


Configuring and sending a message to a SiPass server is a three-stage process


that includes Configuring message receivers, Configuring message originators and

Creating the event task to handle the server messaging.

Stage 1 - Configuring Message Receivers

1. System menu, select Messaging and then select Message Receiver.

From the

2. Enter a unique name for the SiPass server capable of receiving messages into

the Receiver Name field.

3. Select the type of address you will use to locate this server when sending

messages, from the Address Type drop-down box.

4. Enter the address of the Server PC into the Address field, according to the type

that you selected in step 3.

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5. Tick the Disable Receiver checkbox if you want to disable server messaging for
this particular server.

6. Click the Test Connection button.

The status of the connection will appear in the field below.

7. If the connection is working, choose the Save button.

Stage 2 - Configuring Message Originators

1. From the System menu, select Messaging and then select Message
Message Originator.

2. Enter a unique name for the server capable of sending messages into the

Originator Name field.

3. Select the type of address you will use to locate this server, from the Address

Type drop-down box.
4. Enter the address of the Server PC into the Address field.
5. Tick the Disable Originator checkbox if you want to disable server messaging
for this particular server.

6. If the connection is working, choose the Save button.

Stage 3 - Configuring the Server Messaging Event Task

1. From the System menu or toolbar, select Event Task.
2. Enter a unique name for the messaging event task into the Event Name field.
3. Time Schedule during which server messages can be sent from the
Select the
Time Schedule drop-down box.
4. Select Message Forwarding from the Target drop-down box.
5. Select Forward to other SiPass server(s) from the Command drop-down box.
6. Highlight the server names in the SiPass Servers list to which the message
should be forwarded. Use SHIFT + Right Click to select multiple servers.

7. Enter a message describing the event into the Message field.

8. Save.


 When the trigger occurs, details of the event and the message entered will be

displayed on the Messaging Queue window of each selected Server.

4.11 Anti-

The SiPass integrated Anti-Passback functionality allows you to define a set of

locations (called „Areas“) that cardholders must enter and exit in a specific

sequence. This lets you force entry and exit travel through a site, and monitor

exactly the number of cardholders entering a particular location.


The Anti-Passback features in SiPass integrated are flexible enough to suit the

environment of any site. The following Anti-Passback alarms can be generated:

 Soft Anti-Passback

 Hard Anti-Passback

 Fail-soft Anti-Passback

 Area Count violations

Soft Anti-

In this mode, cardholders must use their access card to gain entry to and exit from

a defined locality. If a valid cardholder has presented their access card to enter a

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locality and not presented the card when exiting they are in breach of the Anti-

Passback rules. The next time the cardholder attempts to enter that same locality a

will still be

Soft Anti-Passback alarm will be raised. However, the cardholder

permitted entry into the area.

Hard Anti-
In this mode, cardholders must use their access card to gain entry into and exit

from a defined area. If a valid cardholder has presented their access card to enter

an area and not presented the card when exiting they are in breach of the Anti-

Passback rules. The next time the cardholder attempts to enter that same area a

hard Anti-Passback alarm will be raised and that cardholder will not be permitted

entry into the area.

Fail-Soft Anti-
Depending on the size of the area governed by Anti-Passback rules, multiple ACCs

may be required to share Anti-Passback data.

Fail-soft Anti-Passback mode dictates that if the connection between ACCs in an

Anti-Passback Area is broken, then SiPass integrated will default to Soft Anti-

Passback mode for that area. That is, access outside of the Anti-Passback rules

will be permitted, but the violation will be recorded in the Audit Trail.

Area Count Violations

By applying a limit to the number of cardholders who may enter a specified area,

you can:

 Raise an alarm when the area count has been reached.

 Raise an additional alarm when the area count has been exceeded.

 Trigger event tasks such as preventing further cardholders from entering a area

that has reached its limit, or turning on an “Area Full” sign.

Timed Re-

Timed Re-entry is a feature of Anti-Passback that allows you to limit re-use of a

card at certain readers or reader groups within a specified amount of time.

An attempt to re-enter an Area in “Timed Re-entry” mode within the duration will

result in access being denied and a “Timed Re-entry Restricted” violation message

reported to the Audit Trail.


Internal Readers Anti-

This form of Anti-Passback enforces the use of entry and exit readers, before

cardholders can access any other internal readers within that area. Cardholders

must badge their card at an Entry Reader (log in to the area) before they can

access any internal readers within that area. Soft or hard anti-Passback modes can

be set to any of the internal readers within the area. When assigning access points

to an area, any internal reader can be assigned as an access point to that area.

Delayed Reporting
Under normal access operation modes, a valid card badge is equivalent to a valid

door entry in SiPass integrated. That is, if a valid card has been badged, to SiPass

integrated this means that the cardholder has physically passed through the door.

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However, it is possible for a cardholder to badge their card, but not actually

proceed through the door. If this occurred at an Area configured for Anti-Passback,

this would mean the Area Count would be incorrectly incremented or decremented,

and the cardholder incorrectly located by the system.

To counteract this, access points used to enter defined Anti-Passback Areas

should be assigned to the Operation Modes “Card Only Delayed Reporting” or

“Card and PIN Delayed Reporting”. Access points assigned one of these modes

will only recognize a valid access attempt if the associated door monitor registers

that the door has opened after a valid badge.

Other Anti-
Anti-Passback Features
Besides the standard access features provided by the Anti-Passback function, a

number of other attributes can also be easily configured. These include:

Audit Trail Entries – All area transactions are immediately logged to the SiPass
integrated audit trail. An additional area specific column can also be added to your

audit trail view using the Operator Preferences feature of SiPass integrated.

Reports – You can generate reports regarding the localities at your site. More

specifically you can generate reports on cardholders that are currently inside a

specified area.

Distribution of Anti-
Anti-Passback data across ACCs
It is recommended that, where possible, card readers set up to control access to an
Anti-Passback system are not connected to different ACCs.

This will depend on how your site is structured; for reasons of complexity or

physical size, it may not be feasible for all readers controlling access to an area or

areas to be connected to a single ACC. While the performance of Anti-Passback

controllers should not be affected, in these instances you should be aware of the

behavior of the Global Anti Passback (GAP) system in case of communications


ACCs communicate to each other the movements of cardholders across shared

Anti-Passback areas. This process is completely transparent to the operator.

However, if the connection between ACCs is disabled for some reason,

cardholder movement data may not be sent. This means that ACCs may hold

incorrect information about the whereabouts of a particular cardholder.


In this instance, Areas set to Hard Anti-Passback mode will default to that mode.

This stops cardholders from entering and exiting areas until all communications

are restored. Areas set to Fail-soft Anti-Passback mode will default to Soft Anti-


The above applies only to communications losses between ACCs that share

Areas. If comms loss occurs between two ACCs with no Anti-Passback areas in

common, operation will continue as normal.

4.11.1 Creating an Anti-

Anti-Passback Cluster

SiPass integrated allows you to create clusters of ACCs in which Anti-Passback

can operate. Once setup, a cluster of ACCs communicate among themselves to

ensure that Anti-Passback operates across ACCs even when communications with

the server are lost.

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 Ensure that you have configured all ACCs that will form a cluster and have pre-

planned your Anti-Passback areas so that you know which ACCs to include in

the cluster.

1. Select Anti-
Anti-Passback Area from the System Menu.

2. Select the New Cluster button.
3. Enter a descriptive name for the Area into the Cluster Name field.

4. Click on an ACC from the Available Units List to highlight it and then select Add
to add the ACC to the Selected Units list. Repeat this step until all ACCs to

from the cluster have been selected.

5. Click Save.
 This newly created cluster will appear in the tree view on the left hand side of

the dialog.

4.11.2 Creating an Anti-

Anti-Passback area

Anti-Passback revolves around the concept of an Area. An Area in SiPass
integrated is defined as a space with at lease one entry and one exit point. An area

can consist of two or more sub-areas.

A Sub-
Sub-Area is simply an area that is located within another area. The sub-areas
must operate in the same Anti-Passback mode as the area to which they belong.

Creating an area involves assigning the IN and OUT readers which are used to
enter and exit the area, the Anti-Passback mode, and also giving the area a Count

if required. The count of an area includes all cardholders currently located in an

area, including all sub-areas of that area. This means that if a cardholder exits an

area and enters a sub-area of that area, the count of the original area will remain
the same, and the count of the sub-area will increase by one.

If a cardholder exits the sub-area and re-enters the area, the original area’s count

will still remain the same, and the sub-area’s count will decrease by one.

If Area details are changed, deleted or updated, the ACCs that handle Anti-

Passback access to those areas must be re-initialized for the changes to take


To create an Anti-
Anti-Passback area

 Ensure that you have configured in SiPass integrated the Dual Reader

Interface (DRI) or SRI devices used to access and exit the area(s).

 Ensure that you have configured your ACC cluster(s)

1. Anti-
Anti-Passback Area from the System Menu.


2. Select the New Area button.

 The area definition screens will now appear showing the Definition Tab.
3. Complete the Definition tab details.

4. Select the Member tab.

5. Select “IN Reader” from the Type drop-down box.
 The list of readers you have defined at the facility will be displayed in the

Available List. Once the list is displayed, select the reader(s) and choose

Add to move them to the Selected List.

6. Select “OUT Reader” from the Type drop-down box

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 The readers you have configured at the facility will appear in the Available
List, minus those readers that have already been assigned as IN Readers

for this area.

7. Select the readers from the Available List which permit exit from this area, and

choose Add to move them to the Selected List.
- If you selected “Timed Re-entry” as the Anti-Passback mode in step 3, it is

not compulsory to choose any OUT readers for this area.

8. Select “Internal Reader” from the Type drop-down box.

 The list of readers you have defined at the facility will be displayed in the

Available List.

Once the list is displayed, select the reader(s) which will be the internal readers

in the area, and choose Add to move them to the Selected List.
- An internal reader is not an ‘IN’ or ‘OUT’ reader, it is only an internal reader

for the area.

10. If you wish to set cardholder limits for each workgroup for your Anti-Passback
area, select the Workgroup tab.
11. Highlight the workgroup to be added from the available list and click the Add

 The workgroup will now be added to the selected list.

12. Configure the workgroup by setting the limit and enforce attributes.
- Capacity: Sets the maximum number of cardholders that belong to that
workgroup which can enter the Anti-Passback area.

Enforce Capacity: This checkbox forces the maximum count for that

workgroup by denying entry to additional cardholders that belong to the

workgroup when the capacity is reached, even if the overall Anti-Passback

area has not reached its capacity.


13. Click Save.

Cardholders that belong to workgroups not specifically assigned a limit to the

Anti-Passback area share the remainder of the overall limit.

t Area Definition Configuration Fields


The fields used to configure the main definition of the Area tab are provided in the

table that follows:


Field Description
Area Name Enter the name of the Anti-Passback area. This name will be displayed in system messages

(e.g.: Audit Trail)


Select the mode of operation for the Anti-Passback area as described earlier.

Alarm Class Select the alarm class that will apply to this Anti-Passback area from the Alarm Class drop

down box.

Area Number A read only field that indicates the ID for the Anti-Passback area.

Current Status Displays the current status for the Anti-Passback area. To refresh the information select Load.

Mustering Anti-
Anti-Passback Tick this checkbox if the Anti-Passback area is a mustering area and will be used for reporting

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Field Description
Area cardholders logged into the area during an emergency. This area will be included when a

“Mustering Report” is generated.

Maximum Cardholders

Enter the maximum number of cardholders permitted to be logged into the area at any one


Enforce Maximum Tick this checkbox to enforce the maximum limit on the Anti-Passback area. This means that

Cardholders no further cardholders will be permitted to enter the area until another cardholder has first


Enable Four Eyes Access Tick this checkbox to enable four eyes access control for the Anti-Passback area. This allows

you to set a time period for badging between the first and second badge of the two

cardholders which are required in the specified area at any one time.

Four Eyes Timer Enter the time in minutes that will delay alarm generation after a first cardholder enters the

Anti-Passback area and before the second cardholder also enters. From 1 minute to 1440

minutes (24 hours).

Include Cardholders in Tick this checkbox if cardholders already logged in to sub-areas are also included in the four

Anti-Passback sub-
sub-areas eyes count.

Trigger Alarm if no Tick this checkbox to generate an alarm when the Anti-Passback area becomes empty.

Re-entry Timeout Only enabled when the mode selected is Timed Re-entry. Enter the time in minutes before a
cardholder can re-use their access card at the re-entry doors. Please note that if an exit reader

is configured in the Timed Re-entry configuration, cardholders badging to exit are

automatically allowed to re-enter at any time.


4.11.3 Assigning a sub-

sub-area to
to an Anti-
Anti-Passback area
You must define the IN and OUT readers for both sub-areas and the areas to

which they belong. This means that some readers will be assigned twice.

 Ensure that you have configured all of the sub-areas to be assigned.

1. Select Anti-
Anti-Passback Area from the System menu or toolbar.
2. Select the Area from the Name dialog, or create a new area.
3. Select the Member tab.

4. Select Sub area from the Type drop-down box. The Available List will be

populated with all defined areas, that have been assigned the same Anti-

Passback mode as the current Area.

5. Select the Sub-area(s) you want to assign to this Area, and choose Add to

move them to the selected list.

6. Click Save.

4.11.4 Viewing Cardholders in an Area


SiPass integrated allows you to view a detailed list of cardholder located in an

area, in real-time.

1. Select Anti Passback Area from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Select from the Area Name drop-down box the area you want to view.

3. Select the Area Data tab.

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4. Choose the Load Cardholders button to refresh the list with details of
cardholders currently in that Area. The table at the end of this section explains

each column in the list.

5. To refresh other properties within this dialog use the buttons provided:

- Load Current Count:
Updates the Current Count field.

- Reset Current Count:

Resets the Current Count field to zero and removes all cardholders from

the area.

- Forgive All:

Forgives cardholders in all areas. Cardholders may enter/ exit any Anti-

Passback area once only without violating Anti-Passback rules.

Forgiving a cardholder only operates for a single card badge. Once the cardholder

has entered/exited an area after a forgive command has been granted, normal

Anti-Passback rules immediately apply.

Column Description
Card No. The card number of the card holder

First Name Cardholder’s first name

Last Name Cardholder’s last name

Date Date when the cardholder entered the area or sub-area

Time Time when the cardholder entered the area or sub-area


4.11.5 Forgiving Anti-

Anti-Passback Violations
To Forgive a cardholder is to allow them to enter or exit an area, where normally

this would produce an Anti-Passback violation. The Forgive feature permits access

for the first use of a card, whether at an Entry or an Exit Reader. Upon power-up,

all cards will be in ‘forgive mode’ when the Anti-Passback mode has been applied.

In addition, single cardholders can be forgiven an Anti-Passback violation from the

Audit Trail, manual command or Event Task, and all cardholders in an area can be

forgiven simultaneously. Forgiving a cardholder only operates for a single card


badge. Once the cardholder has entered or exited an area after a forgive command

has been granted, normal Anti-Passback rules immediately apply.

Sending a manual Forgive command

1. Select Manual Override from the Operation menu.

2. Choose the APB Area button.

3. Select Forgive All Cards to forgive every active card defined in SiPass


4. Forgive Card to issue a forgive command to a single


Alternatively, select

cardholder. The Card Number field will appear.

5. Choose Send.

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Intrusion Areas

If you are issuing a forgive command to a primary card number (that is, not a

Tenant or 2nd Card Number), enter the card number into the Card Number field.

If you are issuing a forgive command to a tenant or 2nd card number, the card

number must be entered in the following format:


Where number = card number, facility = facility code, technology = card

technology code.

For example: 0034,15,10

4.12 Intrusion Areas
Intrusion areas allow cardholders to control whole groups of points (known as

areas) through any device in SiPass integrated. Cardholders are able to secure

and unsecure intrusion areas with the right access privileges.

4.12.1 Configuring an Intrusion Area

 Ensure that the input access points have been configured on the desired

components. Please refer the Defining Access Points [➙ 65] section of this


 Ensure that arming and disarming of the selected areas has also been

1. Select Intrusion Area from the System toolbar or menu.
2. When adding a second or subsequent Intrusion Area, you will need to select

New on the bottom left hand side of the Intrusion Area dialog.
3. Enter a unique name for the Intrusion Area into the Name field.

4. Enter an abbreviated version of the name above under Short Name. This will

be used for display on the reader’s LCD screen. This option has been included

to allow for future development.


5. Select the alarm class that will apply to this intrusion area from the Alarm Class
drop down box.

6. Select the Time Schedule that will be applied to the intrusion area.
- Never (Point always
always Secure): The area is secured.

- Never (Point always unsecure): The area is always unsecure


- System Function (Non-

(Non-busy intervals): The area will become unsecure
between 2am and 3am everyday of the year including holidays

7. Select the Arming Time Schedule Off/On state.


- Arm/Disarm: Area will be armed when the Time Schedule is not active and
disarmed when the Time Schedule is on.

- Arm/Part Arm: Area will be armed when the Time Schedule is not active

and only Part Armed when it’s on.

- Part Arm/Disarm
Arm/Disarm: Area will be Part disarmed when the Time Schedule is off
and completely disarmed when it’s on.

8. Enter theEntry Delay in seconds which will delay the alarm when the

cardholder walks into the area. Also enter the Exit Delay to specify the time in

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Site Management 4
Intrusion Areas

exiting the area before the input points become enabled and an alarm can be


- This is only enabled when the Entry/Exit Delay operational mode is


 The ID field displays the intrusion area ID in read only mode.

9. Click on the Intrusion Area Members Tab

10. Select the Unit from the drop down box which displays all available ACC units.
11. Select the Type of member that can be assigned to an Intrusion Area.

Selecting a type changes the Available List accordingly. The type of members

that can be selected are the following:

- Input Points: All available input points that had been set for intrusion
operation through the components dialog or whose operation mode is set

to Input Disabled.

- Entry Lockout Points: All available access points

- Dependent Intrusion Areas: All available intrusion areas

12. Select the unit and point from the list displayed in the top window by clicking
once on that unit/point.

13. Click on the Intrusion Area Link to display a drop down box for the intending
arming action for that point
- Arm: The area will be completely armed.
- Partitial Arm: Any input points that have been assigned to an intrusion area
as Partially armed points will enter an alarm state when Partial Alarm is

Part Arming can only be selected for input point types.


14. The selected unit will appear on the window below. Once you have finished
adding units, select Save. To remove any units, select the unit and select

15. You will now need to configure cardholder’s permissions for the intrusion area.

Please refer to the details regarding Isolation in the section Definition Tab [➙

35] in this manual.

 Once an area is configured, it will be displayed on a tree on the left hand

side panel of the dialog.


4.12.2 Viewing the details of an input point

1. Once you have set up an Intrusion Area, select it from the tree on the vertical

panel on the left hand side of the dialog.


2. Expand the tree until the points are displayed.

3. Select the point to view its details. On the right hand side panel, the Point

Details are displayed:


- Name: Displays the point’s name

- Operation mode: Displays the point’s operation mode.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
4 Site Management
Door Interlocking

Once you have configured the Intrusion Area, you will need to give cardholder

privileges to the new areas by configuring the cardholder preferences. Refer to

the section in this manual under Access level and Cardholder privileges.

4.13 Door Interlocking
Door Interlocking is a mode of operation for multiple doors that lock together with a

multiple set of rules. By combining a set of doors into a single interlocking set, you

can ensure that only 1 door can unlock at any given point in time. Once this door is

unlocked by a cardholder, all other doors configured in the same set will remain

locked, even if a valid cardholder presents their access card.

All doors in an interlocked set must be configured on a single ACC.

4.13.1 Configuring a Door Interlocking Set
 Ensure that the doors (devices) have been configured for the desired doors.

1. Select Door Interlocking from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Click the New button located at the bottom of the dialog.

Enter a new Name for the Door Interlocking Set.

4. Select the alarm class that will apply to this Door Interlocking Set from the

Alarm Class drop down box.

5. Select the Members tab to begin choosing the doors that will become part of
the interlocking set.

6. Select the ACC from which the doors will be selected using the Controller Unit
drop down list.

 All doors available for selection will appear in the Available list box.
7. Select the doors to be added to the set by clicking on the appropriate names of

the readers belonging to that door (holding the CTRL key down will allow you to

select multiple doors at the one time.

8. Add button to add the doors to the Selected Doors list box.

Click the

9. Click Save.

A door can only be configured within one Door Interlocking Set within the system.

To add a door to a different set you must first remove it from the set in which it

currently exists.

4.13.2 Configuring the Delay Time for an Interlocked Door

1. Door Interlocking from the System toolbar or menu.


2. Click the + button to expand the Door Interlocking set your door belongs to.

3. Select the door you wish to modify from the list.

4. Enter the Delay Time by typing a value into the field or clicking the up and

down buttons.

5. Click Save.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Site Management 4
External Alarm Monitoring

4.14 External Alarm Monitoring

The External Alarm Monitoring (EAM) function allows SiPass integrated to

communicate with an external alarm monitoring company. To configure this, a set

of external alarm monitoring points need to be set up to respond to state changes

from input points, as well as intrusion zone points, and any groups of these points.

4.14.1 Configuring an External

External Alarm Monitoring unit

 Ensure that you have configured any necessary input points, and intrusion

zone points.

 Ensure that a set of external alarm monitoring points has also been configured.

1. Select External Alarm Monitoring from the System toolbar or menu.

 The Bus Details tab will appear and the Bus Name will be displayed. This is

a read only field.

2. Expand the tree under ACC Controllers until the ACC’s are displayed. The

ACC Details tab will display:

- Name: Displays the name of the ACC configured. Read Only field.
- IP Address: Displays the IP address of the ACCC. Read Only field.
Serial Number: Displays the Serial number of the ACC. Read Only field.
3. To set up a new External Alarm Monitoring unit, select New EAM Unit.
4. Complete the following Unit Details:
Name: Enter a unique name to identify the External Alarm Monitoring unit.

- Hard ID: Enter a unit ID used to initialize the External Alarm Monitoring unit.
- FLN Port: Displays the FLN port that the external alarm monitoring unit can

be connected to. Only an ISB port can be used. Read Only display.

- Baud Rate: Select the baud rate at which the unit will transmit data.
- Protocol: Select the list of protocols for the unit, only Securitel is available
in this version.

 The Auto Creation Wizard link launches a wizard for an automotive creation


5. Click Save.
 A new External Alarm Monitoring unit has been added.

4.14.2 Configuring an External Alarm Monitoring unit using the

Auto Wizard
1. Select External Alarm Monitoring from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Expand the tree under ACC Controllers and select EAM.

3. Select the Auto Creation Wizard link.

4. Select Next to begin the wizard.

- You can exit the Auto Creation Wizard at any time by selecting Cancel from
this point onwards.

5. Complete the following fields on the dialog:

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
4 Site Management
External Alarm Monitoring

- Point Type: Select the point type for the unit from the dropdown list
- Include Tamper Events (Input Points only) checkbox: This box is only

enabled for input points. Ticking this checkbox will create 2 additional

points for “Short” and “Open” event types which are two new alarm states

that an input point can be in.

- Point List: Select the points to be added to the unit from the list. More than
one point can be selected.

- Time Schedule: Select the Time Schedule that will be assigned to the
External Alarm Monitoring point.

- EAM Type: Read only. This field specifies the event type for the selected

point. If an Input Point or Input Point group is selected only Alarm/Normal

even types, will be displayed. If an Intrustion Point or Intrusion Point group

is selected, only Secure/Unsecure event types will be displayed.

User ID: This field is only visible for Intrusion points. Specifies the User ID


that triggered the Secure/Unsecure events.

6. Select Next when all the necessary fields are complete.

 This dialog allows you to configure the External Alarm Monitoring events.

7. Complete the following Fields:

- Point Number: Specify the point number that will be reported to the alarm
monitoring company. This is an identifier for the alarm company and it

doesn’t match the point number in configuration in SiPass integrated.

- Allocated Point Number: Read Only. This number ranges from 1 to 255 and
it is automatically assigned to an allocated number.

- Point Description: Specifies the event name for each event type and point.
Automatically generated but can be edited.

- Sample Event Name: Read Only. Specifies the event name for each type
and point

- Sample Message: Read Only. Specifies the event message name that will
appear in the active audit trail window when the event occurs in the system.

- Reset to defaults button: This button resets all the fields to its default and

automated entries.

8. When finished, select Next, successively for each point, until they’re all
complete. When you reach the last point, select Finish.
9. The External Alarm Monitoring points have now been configured.

10. To add subsequent units, you can use the New button located on the lower
right hand side of the dialog.

4.14.3 Configuring External Alarm Point details


1. Select External
External Alarm Monitoring from the System toolbar or menu.
2. Expand the tree under ACC Controllers, until the EAM units are displayed.

3. Select any of the EAM units.


4. To add subsequent units, use the New button located on the lower right hand
side of the dialog.

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Site Management 4
External Alarm Monitoring

5. Click Save.
Field Description

Event Name Displays the name of the event, automatically generated if point was created using the Auto


Time Schedule Select from the list of available time schedules that can be assigned to the event.

Point Type (Trigger 1 Select a member (input points, input point group, area point, area point group) that can be

and Trigger 2) assigned to this event.

Source (Trigger 1 and Displays the list of available points, depending on the Point Type selected above.

Event Type (Trigger 1

Displays the list of states that can be assigned to the External Alarm Monitoring point. Select from

and Trigger 2) Alarm Normal Secure

, , and Unsecure.
Logical Operator : This specifies if the second trigger (Trigger 2) is enabled. It is only enabled if the Point Type is an

Input or Intrusion point. The list of available operators is below.

 NONE: When selected the second trigger (Trigger 2) is enabled.

 AND: This enables the second trigger (Trigger 2). When selected, the event will only take

effect if the first and second trigger event occur simultaneously.

 OR: Enables the second trigger (Trigger 2). When selected, the event will only take effect if

either the first or second trigger event occurs

Message Specifies the message that appears in the active Audit Trail window when the event occurs in the
system. This is automatically generated if the point was created using the Auto Wizard

Point Number : This specifies the point number that will be reported to the alarm monitoring company. This is

automatically generated if the point was created using the Auto Wizard.

EAM type
This is the notification that is sent to the alarm monitoring company. Select from four alarm types:

Alarm Normal Secure

, , and Unsecure.
t Se

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
5 Monitoring Your Site
Active Audit Trail Window

5 Monitoring Your Site

SiPass integrated allows you to monitor and control your site using a number of

powerful and easy-to-use tools. Primarily, you monitor activity at your site with

Active Audit Trail or a Site Plan. (To view, edit and operate any of your sites using

Site Plans, you must have the optional Graphics Module installed.) Your site is
constantly monitored in the background using the SiPass integrated alarm system,

which immediately informs you of alarm situations.

5.1 Active Audit Trail Window

The Active Audit Trail Window (main screen) allow you to monitor events that occur
at your site as they happen. You can specify which events, and what specific

information each event is displayed in the Active Audit Trail Window.

All database changes made by an operator are logged to the SiPass integrated

audit trail, including brief information regarding the details for each change made.

The Main Screen is arranged into two separate viewers with a movable horizontal

partition inserted between each viewer. The viewing windows operate

independently of each other.

The upper viewer of the Active Audit Trail window displays a list of events that have

occurred at your site. The most recent event will occur at the bottom of the viewer.
The lower viewer of the Active Audit Trail window displays a list of the most recent

events that have occurred at your site. The most recent event will always occur at

the bottom of the viewer and, as new events appear, previous events will

automatically be scrolled upwards.

You may use the scroll bars located on the right-hand side of the viewers to view

events or alarms that do not appear on your screen.

It is recommended that if you wish to view an event that has scrolled above the

physical display, you use the upper viewer. This allows you to continually monitor

events as they occur in the lower viewer.

The Alarm Queue icon in the status bar displays a list of outstanding alarms waiting

to be actioned or restored to normal. The Alarm Queue can be turned on or off

without affecting the appearance or operation of the Audit Trail windows.

SiPass integrated allows you to perform the following tasks by right-clicking on an


audit trail entry:


 View the details of a point associated with an audit trail entry

 View the details of a cardholder associated with an audit trail entry

 Allow entry to a cardholder that has violated Anti-Passback rules


 View a photograph of the cardholder stored in the database

 View a live image snapshot of the cardholder, if the Image Verification module

is installed and the snapshot option enabled.

 View a DVR recording, if the DVR Interface module is installed.


 View details of a visitor associated with an audit trail entry.

An icon representing each event that appears in the Active Audit Trail window is

located in the leftmost column.


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Monitoring Your Site 5
SiPass integrated Alarm System

5.1.1 Multiple Audit Trail Views

SiPass integrated allows operators to customize and view multiple live audit trail

Custom Transaction Logs in SiPass Explorer) at the same

views (referred to as

time. This enhanced feature allows operators to filter display fields in each custom

transaction log.

Operators can apply from SiPass Explorer.

For information on Custom Transaction Logs, please refer the section Custom

Transaction Logs of the SiPass Explorer User Manual.

5.2 SiPass integrated Alarm System


The SiPass integrated alarm system monitors your site via points, groups and

units. If one of these elements changes its state, you can configure an alarm to

activate. You can also establish the method used to handle this alarm and it’s

priority level.

5.2.1 Creating an Alarm Class

An Alarm Class allows you to be notified of a change in state at a particular point,

or group of points. The Alarm Class allows you to determine how the operator is

notified of the door violation, and the way in which they must handle the alarm.
1. Choose Alarm Class from the Program toolbar or menu.
2. Enter a unique name for the alarm class into theAlarm Definition Name field.
You may enter up to 40 characters, in any combination of upper and lower
case letters and numbers.

3. Select the type of alarm class from the Type field. To change the alarm class
type, choose the drop down arrow and select a new type from the list.

4. Select the color you want the message text to be when displayed on theAlarm

Queue screen. Choose the Alarm Display Color button, and select a color from
the palette.

5. Select the background color you want the message background to display on

the Alarm Queue screen. Choose the Select Alarm Background Color button
and select a color from the palette.

6. Complete the Alarm Handling details.


7. To change the alarm priority, choose the drop down arrow and select a new

alarm priority from the list.

8. Specify the Instruction File Name. Details the file name of the alarm

instruction(s) that may be retrieved by the operator when the alarm is triggered.

To change the file name, choose the drop down arrow and select a new file

name from the list.

9. Specify the Sound File Name. Details the file name of the sound file to be

played when the alarm is triggered. To change the sound file, choose the drop

down arrow and select a new sound file from the list. If no file is specified, the

default alarm sound will be used. A sound file can only be specified if a sound

card is installed in the computer. A sound file must be placed in the correct

location before it can be incorporated into an alarm class definition typically,

“C:\Program Files\SiPass\DataFolder\Drawing\Sound”.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
5 Monitoring Your Site
SiPass integrated Alarm System

10. If the alarm requires acknowledging, tick the Requires Acknowledging


11. If the Requires Acknowledging checkbox is ticked, the following fields can be

- Alarm Priority: Set the priority of the alarm
- Instruction File Name: Select an Instruction File that will be displayed to
operators when the alarm is raised.

- Sound File Name: Select a Sound File to be configured for the alarm

12. Complete the Alarm Options details.

- Restorable Alarm: Tick this checkbox if the alarm is configured as a

restorable alarm.

- Forward via OPC: Tick this checkbox to forward the alarm via the OPC bus.
- Forward to GSM Mobile(s) checkbox: Tick this checkbox to forward this

alarm to a GSM Mobile(s). The cardholder’s mobile number must be saved

in the cardholder dialog for this feature to work.

- Once actioned, re-activate alarm every: Configure the time interval

between re-activated alarms.

- If not actioned, trigger a host event task after: Configure a time-period after
which a host event task will be raised, if the alarm is still not actioned.

13. Define the Current Defined States details. For details on the available states for
various Alarm Types, please refer the section Alarm Class of the SiPass

integrated Reference Manual.

14. Click Save. Alarm Class Options


The table below describes the configuration options for Alarm Classes.

Option Description
Requires Acknowledging If this checkbox is ticked, the operator must acknowledge an alarm once if it has been


Edit Alarm Priority Choose this button if you want to create new alarm priorities, other than the standard SiPass

integrated Lowest to Highest. Up to one thousand Alarm priorities in total can be defined.

Alarm Priority Specifies the priority level for the alarm class.

 None: Will be sent to the Audit Trail, but will not appear on the Alarm Queue.

 Lowest: Will display an Alarm dialog, but will appear at the bottom of the alarm queue.

 Standard 1 to 5: Will display an Alarm dialog, and will appear above lowest priority alarms

in the alarm queue. An alarm priority of standard 5 is of a higher priority than an alarm of

priority of standard 1.

 Highest: Will display an Alarm dialog, and will appear at the head of the alarm queue.

Restorable Alarm Tick this checkbox to require that an alarm must return to a normal state, and be actioned by

an operator, before the alarm will be completely deactivated. A non-restorable alarm is

considered normal as soon as it is actioned. When you choose to make an alarm class

restorable, you must define both an “alarm” and “restore” state for that alarm class.

Once Actioned, re-

re-activate Specifies the Time period before an actioned alarm is re-activated, if it has not already been

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Monitoring Your Site 5
SiPass integrated Alarm System

Option Description
alarm every restored to its normal state.

If not actioned, trigger anSpecifies the Time period after an alarm is triggered that a specified event should occur, if the

event after

alarm has not been actioned.

Forward Via OPC If this checkbox is ticked, when this alarm occurs, the point name, alarm state and point status

will be forwarded to every OPC point that you have defined in the Components dialog.

5.2.2 Creating a Defined State
The Alarm Class can assume a number of different states. Each possible state

must be defined. An alarm is triggered when a point enters into a state defined as

an alarm.

1. Choose Alarm Class from the Program toolbar or menu.

2. From the Alarm Class Name field, select the name of the alarm class for which

a state is to be defined.

3. Choose Add.
 A new line will appear in the Defined States grid.
4. Select the item in the Status column.
5. Specify the status to be defined.

6. To change the status type, choose the drop down arrow and select a new
status from the list. To expand the drop down list so that you can view the

entire text, you can click on the right hand border of a column and drag to

increase the column width.

7. Status Description column) that will appear

Enter the status description (in the

in the Audit Trail, alarm queue, and alarm query when this status is reported.

8. Specify the status type. To change the status type, select a new state from the

Alarm/Restore column.

- Alarm:
If the status is defined as Alarm, whenever it occurs, the corresponding

point, area, group or unit will be considered to be in an alarm state. An

audit trail event will be generated, and any other events you have defined

for the alarm class will be triggered.


- Restore:
If the status is defined as Restore, whenever it occurs, the corresponding

point, area, group or unit will be considered physically restored to its normal

state. You cannot define a status as “Restore” if you have not ticked the

Restorable Alarm check box.

- Ignore:
If the status is defined as Ignore, when it occurs, nothing will be reported in

the alarm queue, no changes will be displayed on the site plans, and no

event tasks will be triggered.

9. Specify the symbol (in the Symbol Name column) to appear on the site plan to
indicate the status of the alarm. To change the symbol, choose the drop down

arrow and select a new symbol from the list.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
5 Monitoring Your Site
Handling Alarms

10. Select Yes in the Dial Back column, if you want a remote component (assigned
this alarm class) to initiate a dial back to the SiPass server if an alarm occurs.

11. Click Save.

5.3 Handling Alarms
When an alarm is triggered in SiPass integrated, the Alarm Display dialog will

Once such an alarm has been triggered, there are a number of tools that you can

use to handle the situation. Every alarm shown in the Alarm Display dialog requires
the alarm event to be actioned. By actioning the alarm, you acknowledge that you

know about the alarm condition and are doing something to rectify the situation.

An operator can select from a list of custom responses when actioning an alarm, or

enter their own. After the alarm has been actioned, further tasks may need to be

carried out in order to return the alarm to its normal state.

There are two types of alarm conditions that can occur:



5.3.1 Restorable Alarms

Restorable alarms occur when something has physically changed at your site. For
example, if an alarm class for a door-frame existed on your SiPass integrated

database, the alarm can be set to restorable. If the door has been forced, and

triggered alarm, you can action that alarm. But, that input will not return to normal

until the door is physically closed. If it is not returned to its normal state within the
Time Period specified in the alarm-class record, the alarm will reactivate. The

reactivated alarm will trigger the Alarm Display dialog to appear again, and the

count will increment to one.

Sometimes a point, area, group or unit, which is restorable, will return to normal

before you action the alarm. For example, an open boom gate might close; in

which case, actioning the alarm would be sufficient to clear it.

To restore an alarm you may need to do one or more of the following:

 Physically change the situation at your site. For example, you may need to

close a door that is obstructed.



Unsecure (disable) the input point so that it no longer registers an alarm.

 Manually send a command through the system to restore the point, area, group

or unit.

 Find out more about the point, area, group or unit registering an alarm.

5.3.2 Non-
Non-Restorable Alarms
Defining a Non-Restorable Alarm generally assumes that you want the operator to

acknowledge a specific alarm once only. For example, you may define an alarm

class so that a void card is detected at a reader connected to a main door. You

want the operator to acknowledge that someone has attempted to gain access

using a void card. If the alarm is not restorable, the point in alarm will be

considered normal as soon as the alarm is actioned.


The related alarm will be cleared from the alarm queue.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Monitoring Your Site 5
Handling Alarms

5.3.3 Creating Custom Alarm Responses

SiPass integrated allows you to create pre-defined alarm responses that can be

Alarm dialog. This means that alarm responses can be

selected from a menu in the

consistent for similar alarm events. New alarm responses can be added “on the fly”

from the Alarm dialog.

1. Select Alarm Responses from the Program menu.
2. Enter your pre-defined response into theAlarm Response field.

 This message will appear in the Audit Trail when the alarm is actioned by

an operator.

3. Add to add your response to the Current Alarm Responses list. Each


item in the list will appear on the Pre-

Pre-defined Alarm Response menu in the
Alarm Dialog when an alarm is triggered.
4. Repeat steps 2 – 3 for every alarm response you want to be available to

operators. Choose Close when you have finished.

5.3.4 Actioning an Alarm
When an alarm is triggered and an Alarm Display dialog appears, you must action
the alarm. By actioning the alarm, you are logging a message to the system,

indicating that you have acknowledged the alarm and are doing something about it.
There are three ways you can action an alarm:

 Via the Alarm Display dialog

 Via the Site Plan
 Via the Alarm Queue Method 1 - Alarm Display dialog


When the Alarm Display dialog appears the alarm status display appears in the
upper left-hand corner of the Alarm Display dialog. This display informs you of the
number of events currently in the alarm queue, the number of alarms that have

been actioned and are waiting to be restored, and the location of the alarm that

triggered the dialog and the reason for the alarm.

1. Pre-
Pre-defined Alarm Response

Select an appropriate alarm response from the


drop-down box, or enter a new response. The text entered should briefly reflect

the nature of the alarm and the action taken by the operator/security personnel.

2. Choose Add Response to add the response to the Log of action taken field.
You may select or enter multiple alarm responses, by choosing Add Response

after each entry. You must enter a response into the dialog before the Action

button is enabled. You can choose Edit Response to open the Alarm

Responses dialog, which allows you to create, modify and delete pre-defined
alarm responses.

3. Choose Action. The Alarm Display dialog will be removed and an event will
appear in the Audit Trail indicating that the alarm has been actioned. The

contents of the Log of action taken field will also be displayed in the Audit Trail,

to show what action has been taken in response to the alarm.

- To silence the alarm before actioning it, you can enter the time (in seconds)

into the secs field and choose Silence. The Alarm Display dialog will

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
5 Monitoring Your Site
Handling Alarms

disappear and the alarm will be silenced. If the alarm has not been

actioned before the silence time has expired, the alarm will re-trigger.

- The action of silencing the alarm will appear in the Audit Trail as well as

each time that the alarm re-activates.

- More than one operator may receive the alarm at their Client PC. However,

only one operator needs to action the alarm. Method 2 - Site Plan

1. Choose Plan, from the Alarm Display dialog.
2. Select the point, area, or floor to be actioned by clicking on it.

3. Choose Action from the Alarm toolbar.
4. Select an appropriate alarm response from the Pre-
Pre-defined Alarm Response
drop-down box, or enter a new response.

5. Choose Add Response to add the response to the Log of action taken field.

- You may select or enter multiple alarm responses, by choosing Add

Response after each entry.

- You must enter a response into the dialog before the OK button is enabled.
- You can choose Edit Response to open the Alarm Responses dialog,
which allows you to create, modify and delete pre-defined alarm responses.
6. Choose OK.
 The alarm event will disappear from the Alarm Queue window and an Audit
Trail event will be generated, informing the SiPass integrated operator(s) that
the alarm has been actioned. The Alarm Display dialog will be removed.
 If the alarm is restorable, and has not been restored to its normal state within

the specified Time Schedule, the alarm will remain in the Alarm Queue window

and continue to re-activate until it has been restored.

 An event will appear in the Audit Trail that indicates the alarm has been

actioned. The contents of the Log of action taken field will also be displayed in

the Audit Trail, to show what action has been taken in response to the alarm.

 More than one operator may receive the alarm at their client PC. However, only

one operator needs to action the alarm.

To action alarms from Site Plans, the operator should have the appropriate

Operator Privilege for Site Plans, and also privileges to the particular unit or point

in concern. Method 3 - Alarm Queue


All alarms that have been triggered and are waiting to be restored to their normal

state or to be actioned appear in the Alarm Queue window. As well as being

displayed in the Alarm Queue, the alarms are also displayed in the Audit Trail.

1. Choose Queue from the Alarm toolbar or choose Alarm Queue from the Alarm
Display dialog.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Monitoring Your Site 5
Controlling Points

 A message will appear in the Audit Trail indicating that you have crossed to

the Alarm Queue Window.

2. Highlight the alarm to be actioned, by clicking on it. More than one alarm can

be actioned at once, by using CTRL – Left Click to select multiple rows.

3. Choose Action.
4. Select an appropriate alarm response from the Pre-
Pre-defined Alarm Response
drop-down box, or enter a new response.

5. Choose Add Response to add the response to the Log of action taken field.

You may select or enter multiple alarm responses, by choosing Add Response
after each entry.

6. You must enter a response into the dialog before the OK button is enabled.

- You can choose Edit Response to open the Alarm Responses dialog,
which allows you to create, modify and delete pre-defined alarm responses.

7. Choose OK.
 Alarm Queue window and an Audit Trail

The alarm will disappear from the

event will be generated, indicating the alarm has been actioned. The contents

of the Log of action taken field will also be displayed in the Audit Trail, to show

what action has been taken in response to the alarm.

 If the alarm is restorable, and has not been restored to its normal state within

the specified Time Schedule, the alarm will remain in the Alarm Queue window
and continue to re-activate until it has been restored.

The operator privileges (from the System Functions found on the Operator Group

dialog) required to configure various aspects of the Alarm Queue are stated


 Operators with View (v), Edit (e) and Create (c) privileges for the Alarm

Queue can action alarms in the Alarm Queue. They can also use the ‘Add

Reponse’ feature to add or delete a response to the Pre-defined Alarm


 Only Operators with Edit (e) privileges can edit existing Pre-defined Alarm


 Operators with only View (v) permissions CAN action the alarm, and use an

existing alarm response from the Pre-defined Alarm Response options.


 An operator without any privileges for the Alarm Queue, will not be able to

view the Alarm Queue dialog.

 Further, Alarm Queue Privileges do not affect the privileges for Site Plan


5.4 Controlling Points


SiPass integrated allows you to control points using a number of different tools.

This flexibility allows you to send commands to individual points, areas and units,

view detailed information regarding a individual point, and provides an overview of

all the components configured at your site.


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
5 Monitoring Your Site
Controlling Points

5.4.1 Querying a Point

SiPass integrated allows you to view a detailed description of single point, intrusion

area, group or unit. This information can often help you to handle an alarm

situation, or just keep you up-to-date with the state of your site.

You can only query a point, intrusion area, group or unit using a Site Plan.

5.4.2 Securing and Unsecuring a Point

SiPass integrated allows you to secure or unsecure a single point, area, unit or

group. By doing this you are able to override the normal behavior of an individual

point, area or group. You can only secure or unsecure an area, point or group

using a Site Plan, or the Manual Override function.

The following table provides a brief outline of the actions triggered when you

secure or unsecure an individual point, area or group:

Point Type Unsecure Secure

Input Point If you unsecure an input point, it will become If you secure an input point, it will become

disabled. A disabled input point cannot register enabled. An enabled input point can register an

an alarm. You may wish to disable an input that alarm. You might wish to enable an input point

is faulty, and continually enters an alarm state that was previously disabled.

for example.
Output Point If you unsecure an output, it will become If you secure an output point, it will be locked.

unlocked. Unlocking an output is a fast way of Locking an output is a fast way of stopping an

allowing access. If the output controls a alarm activated due to the point being unlocked.
monitored door, it will stop the alarm for that

monitored input.

Groups / Intrusion If you unsecure a group or Intrusion area, its If you secure a group or area, its individual


individual points will be unsecured. points will become secured.

5.4.3 Allowing Access to an Output Point

SiPass integrated allows you to override the normal behavior of an individual

output point, to allow access to a particular location. For example, if a cardholder


forgets their access card and needs to gain entry into a secure location, you can

allow that cardholder to gain access by sending that point a manual ‘allow access’

command. This command initiates the same system processes as if they had

actually used their card access. You can only allow access to an output point

(door) using a Site Plan.

5.4.4 Manual Override

Manual override allows you to manually manipulate an individual point, intrusion

area, floor or elevator by sending electronic messages through the system. Manual

commands can also be used to perform diagnostic functions. These commands will

often be sufficient to restore locations to their normal state, or to check the correct

operation of a specific point.


To send a manual command:

1. Choose Manual Override from the Operation toolbar.

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Monitoring Your Site 5
Controlling Points

2. Type toolbar.
Select a point, elevator, area or unit from the

3. The Commands available for the type you select will appear inside a list box of


4. Select the unit to which the point, point group, area, elevator or unit is

associated (not available for Type = Unit) from the Unit Name field. The default
selection “All Units” will display all the points, point groups, areas, and

elevators available in the system.

5. Select the specific point, point group, intrusion area, elevator or unit to which

you wish to send a command from the list box at the bottom of the Manual
Override dialog.
6. Select the Command to be sent, from the list box of commands.

 Additional fields may need to be completed depending upon the type of

command that you select.

 When the Manual Override dialog is first opened, the default setting opens
Access button selected and the Allow Access command

with the

Commands drop down list

highlighted. An extra field to the right of the

(highlighted above) accompanies the following commands.

7. Enter the appropriate details in the additional field (if required). The command

you have selected may require a “Duration” option:

- Until Time Schedule

Schedule Change:
This command will apply until the next Time Schedule begins, or until the

time entered in the Duration field expires, whichever occurs first. After this
the component will revert to normal Time Schedule control. Entering a
value of zero in the Duration field means that the command is effectively

permanent; the command will apply until the next manual command is sent.

- Permanent:

This command will apply until the “Return to Time Schedule Control”

command is sent to the component, or until the time entered in the Duration

field expires.

8. Choose Send. The command will be sent and an event will be generated in the
Audit Trail that indicates the type of action the command produced.

5.4.5 Using the Alarm Queue


The Alarm Queue displays a list of alarms with points, waiting to be restored to

their normal state, or to be actioned. The Alarm Queue will automatically appear

when an operator logs on AND there is an outstanding alarm.

 To display the Alarm Queue, choose Alarm Queue from the Alarm toolbar.
Once the window is displayed, you can view the information for each current alarm

or action alarms that have not been actioned.


The following table describes the information contained in the Alarm Queue.

Column Description
Priority The priority of the alarm. Entries will be arranged according to their priority, as specified in

their Alarm Class definition. Alarms of highest priority appear first.

Priority Desc The description of the Alarm Priority, as recorded in the Alarm Priority dialog.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
5 Monitoring Your Site
Overviewing Your Site

Column Description
Date The date the alarm was first triggered.

Time The time the alarm was first triggered.


The point, area, group or unit that triggered the alarm.

Status A short message describing the status of the alarm. For example, “Waiting for normal”

indicates the point, area, group or unit, which triggered the alarm, has been actioned but is

waiting to be returned to its normal state.

Count Number of times an alarm entered alarm and back to normal without being actioned.

Current State A message describing the current state of the alarm. For example, “Door has been forced”

indicates the door has been forcibly opened. This message is user-defined in the Alarm Class

Definition dialog.

5.5 Overviewing Your Site

There are two ways in which you can gain an overall view of your site. The

Overview window displays a graphical tree of every component in the SiPass

integrated database, providing you with a summary of the contents.

The Status screen can be used to monitor the active components of your site, like

door latches, clients and alarms, and is constantly updated in real time.
5.5.1 Database components
SiPass integrated allows you to obtain an overall picture of the configured
Database components. The Database components appear in a tree-like structure

that displays the Server, Cardholders, Workgroups, Point Groups, Points and

Alarm Classes that have been configured and saved in the system. Only those

objects to which you have privileges will appear.


To overview your site’s Database components:

1. Choose System Overview from the Data toolbar or menu.

2. Double-click on each heading, to expand the tree one branch further.

- For example, to display all the configured work groups, double-click on

Work Groups. You can further expand the tree by double clicking on each

individual work group to display the cardholders assigned to that work


group. Double-clicking those elements that display a “+” will expand the

tree by one level, while double-clicking elements that display a “–“ will

collapse the tree.


You may select any object to display brief details regarding that object in the

right-hand panel of the window.

- You may also right-click on any cardholder, work group or point to display a

dialog containing information about the selected object. For example, if you

Cardholder Maintenance dialog will


right click on a cardholder’s name the


5.5.2 Viewing the Status screen


The SiPass integrated status screen provides a summary of the status of the active

components of the system and current alarm conditions. You can choose to

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Monitoring Your Site 5
Overviewing Your Site

automatically have the status screen visible when an operator logs into SiPass


 Select System Status from the Alarm menu.
 The System Status window will appear. The following table describes the

information displayed in each tab:

Tab Description
System Summary Displays status information on all connections, alarms and doors.

Physical Points in

Displays the status of all physical point alarms in the system.

Logical Points in alarmDisplays information on the status of all logical point alarms in the system.

Door Status Graphical display of all system doors.

Automatically displaying the Status Screen on start


1. Select Preferences from the Options menu.
2. In the System Status Monitor section, tick the checkbox Show on Startup.
 The value in the Refresh Rate (sec) field determines how often the data
displayed in the Status monitor is updated to reflect the latest changes in status

and alarm conditions.

t Se

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
6 Data Management
Managing the Database

6 Data Management

 It is recommended that you use the backup functionality provided by your

SiPass integrated system to perform any archiving of database material.

 In cases where you are using 3rd party applications to backup data within

your SiPass integrated system / folders, it is important to test this operation

before implementation. Some backup software may conflict with the SiPass

operation depending on the way in which it generates its backup data.

 It is not recommended that system backups be performed during peak / busy

durations of system functioning.

6.1 Managing the Database

There are three main methods by which an operator can manage the SiPass

integrated database:

 Backing up the database

 Restoring the database

Both these methods have been discussed in the immediate sections that follow.
6.1.1 Backing up the Database
SiPass integrated allows you to back up information contained in the Database. All
the information contained in the Database can be backed up as individual

components (for example, image files) or can be backed up collectively. You may

wish to backup the Database as a precaution against data corruption, or to move

information contained in the Database to another location.


You can restore any Database records that you have previously backed up,

through the following steps:

1. Select Data > Backup > Database.

2. Select the Database components that you want to back up by ticking or un-

ticking the appropriate checkbox.


The Local and System settings must not be used when restoring a backed up

database onto a new PC (a PC other than the original SiPass integrated

installation) or when a new build of SiPass integrated has been installed.


Restoring these settings under the described circumstances may corrupt your

SiPass integrated database.

3. Specify the location and name for the back up file in the Backup To field. You
Browse to graphically select a location for the backup.

can choose

4. Choose OK to begin the backup procedure.

 The Backing Up Database dialog will appear displaying the current status
of the backup. When the backup procedure has been completed, a further

Backup dialog will appear to inform you of the successful operation.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Data Management 6
Managing the Database

 When this operation is performed, the original PC Name and original

SiPass integrated licence details will be restored to the repository.

5. Choose OK.

Lt Database Backup Components
The table below explains the available database components when backing up the


Component Description

Database When ticked, backs up the entire Database including the Multi-site Access Management

information, Custom Cardholder Pages, sounds, alarm instructions, look-up tables, operator

preferences, and all the database files, themselves.

Graphics Files When ticked, backs up the graphics information including, site plans, drawings, symbols, card

templates, and cardholder images.

Images When ticked, backs up all the images contained in the Database; for example, cardholder

photos and signatures. The image files, themselves are backed up using this option.

Reports When ticked, backs up all the custom Audit Trail Database report templates currently

contained within SiPass integrated.

System Settings When ticked, backs up the local machine’s SiPass integrated-related settings; for example, the

Server name, locations of data directories, printer information and registry keys. The locations
of database files, graphics files, image files and report files are backed up using this option. In

addition, settings related to the following functions are also backed up – Log Book and Guard


Local Settings
When ticked, backs up the local user (operator) settings; for example, the operator’s system

preferences Host Event Task-

Task-Triggered Database Backup

An operator can configure a Database Backup to be triggered by a Host Event


1. Select Program > Event Task > Host.

2. Trigger section, as required. For information on how

Configure the fields of the


to configure an Event Task, refer the Section Creating a Host Event Task [➙


3. In the Effect Section, select Database in the Target field.

4. Select the required type of Database Backup from the options of the Command

drop down list.

To perform a complete database backup, it is recommended that the Database

Backup – Full command option be selected.
tel Cancelling an Event Task Triggered Backup

This feature allows the operator to cancel a Backup triggered by an Event Task.

To perform this function, select Data > Backup > Cancel Automatic Backup.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
6 Data Management
Managing the Database

Operators should be given privileges to Host Event Task Backup to be able to use

the Cancel Automatic Backup feature.

A status bar at the bottom of the screen will indicate the progress of the Host Event

Task Backup.

6.1.2 Restoring
Restoring the Database
SiPass integrated allows you to restore a previously backed up Database.

Performing a Database restoration will overwrite any records that currently exist in

the Database.

You cannot cancel the restoration process once it has begun.

If possible, make backup copies of the current Database before restoring a

previous version of the Database.

1. Select Data > Restore > Database.
2. Specify the path and file name of the Database to be restored, in theRestore
From field. You must choose Browse to select the location of the record to be
restored. The backed up Database file should include the extension “.bkp”.

- The OK button will remain disabled until you have made a valid choice of
backup file via the Browse facility. Only those items that were saved in the

back up are available to be restored. For example, if the backup file

contained only image information, then the only active switch would
correspond to Images.

3. Select the components you wish to restore by ticking or un-ticking the

appropriate checkboxes. Only those components that were originally backed

up will be available to restore.


- The Local and System settings must not be used when restoring a backed

up database onto a new PC (a PC other than the original SiPass integrated

installation) or when a new build of SiPass integrated has been installed.

Restoring these settings under the described circumstances may corrupt


your SiPass database.


- Some minor settings, such as custom toolbars, will need to be re-

configured after this restore process.

4. Choose OK to begin the Database restoration process.


When the restoration procedure has completed, a Restore dialog will

appear informing you that the process is complete.

5. Remember to shut down both your SiPass Server and Client in order for the

restored database to take effect. Remember to restart both your SiPass server

and client.

 The SiPass Audit Trail will display a status message that indicates the success

of the database restoration. Each time a restoration process is attempted,

SiPass integrated will perform an integrity check, to ensure that the database

was restored correctly

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Data Management 6
Managing the Audit Trail

 If the restoration was not successful, it is recommended that you check the size

of the SiPass SQL Transaction log (Asco4_log) and if necessary increase the

size of this log.

Lt Database Restore Components
The table below explains the available database components when restoring the


Component Description

Database Restores the entire Database

Graphics Files Restores the graphics information; for example, site plans and symbols

Images Restores all the images contained in the Database; for example, cardholder photos and


System Settings Restores the local machine settings; for example, the Server name, the locations of data

directories, and so on.

Local Settings Restores the local machine (operator) settings; for example, the operator’s system


6.2 Managing the Audit Trail

SiPass integrated allows its operators to manage their Audit Trails using three

basic processes:

Archiving is basically the action of moving Audit Trail entries/logs, kept in the SQL

database table, to an external SQL archive files. These SQL archive files are in the

SQL Compact format (with the .sqlarc file extension). This process allows the
operator to maintain a collection of .sqlarc files at a destination referred to as the

Archive Location.

The Audit Trail Backup process involves creating copies of the SQL archive

(.sqlarc) files, that are stored in the Archive Location, to another External / Backup

location. This external location can be a backup server, or another other such

backup media. Backups should be created before an upgrade installation of SiPass


integrated. In the unexpected event of a hardware failure, operator error or any

other such data loss, these copies or Backed up files can be used to update the

original .sqlarc files.


Generally performed after upgrading SiPass integrated, the Audit Trail Restore

process involves copying all the backed up .sqlarc files from the External / Backup

location back to the Archive Location. These files will then become available for

Audit Trail Reporting purposes.


Process Retrieve From Send To

ARCHIVING SiPass integrated Audit Trail Archive Location
BACKUP Archive Location External / Backup Location
RESTORE External / Backup Location Archive Location

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
6 Data Management
Managing the Audit Trail


SiPass integrated allows operators to manage Audit Trails using three basic


 Archiving Audit Trials to an Archive Location

 Manual Backup of Audit Trails from Archive Location to an Backup/External


 Restoring Audit Trail files from Backup/External Location to Archive Location

6.2.1 Archiving the Audit Trail
SiPass integrated allows you to make a record of the events that have occurred at

your site and that have been logged to the Audit Trail.

Archiving of Audit Trails can be done in two ways:

 Automatic Audit Trail Archiving

 Manual Audit Trail Archiving (Forced Operation)

y& Automatic Audit Trail Archiving
The SiPass integrated audit trail is archived automatically daily. This means that

the audit trail is stored in archive files at regular intervals without the need for

manual intervention.
As part of the Automatic Audit Trail Archiving process, SiPass Integrated will use a

default location. However, the operator has the option of configuring a different

archive location, outlined below.

(Optional) Configuring the Audit Trail

Trail Archive location

1. Select Preferences from the Options Menu.

2. Select the Audit Trail tab.

3. Click the Archive Folder Location button.


4. Enter the path of the folder in which the backups will be stored in the Current
Archive Folder Location field. Alternatively the … button may be clicked and a
location can be chosen by browsing for an appropriate folder location.

5. Select OK.
6. Save.


The specified folder must be accessible from the SiPass integrated Server PC

with the Windows User Account that is logged on. It is recommended that this

location is specified using a UNC path designation.

lig Manual Audit Trail Archiving (Forced Operation)

The operator can choose to perform a forced Audit Trail archive operation. This is

particularly useful in instances where the operator may want backup the database

in preparation for a SiPass integrated version upgrade. This operation will also

archive the current days audit trail.

1. Select Data > Archive > Audit Trail.


2. Click Yes to start the Manual Audit Trail Archiving operation.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Data Management 6
Managing the Audit Trail

It is recommended that this manual Audit Trail Archiving operation be performed

before backing up a database.

6.2.2 Backing up the Audit Trail
In this process, the audit trail files are manually copied to an Archive Location

where it is stored.

1. Select Data > Backup > Audit Trail.
2. Select the radio button corresponding to the task to be performed – Backup
Only, Backup and Purge or Purge only.

3. Choose List Dates.
 All the Audit Trail records that exist, between the specified start and end

dates, will appear in the Available Dates list box.

4. Select the specific date to be backed up, by clicking on it.

5. Choose Add >.
 The selected date will appear in the Selected Dates list box.
6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5, until you have selected all the dates to be backed up.

7. the Backup To field. You may choose

Specify the location for the back up file in

Browse to select a location for the backup.

8. Choose Execute to begin the backup process.
 The Status box, located at the bottom of the dialog, will display the status of the
backup process
cu Audit Trail Backup Operations

The table below explains the various backup operations and configuration.

Option Description
Backup only Allows you to create a backup of Audit Trail records only.

Backup and purge Allows you to make both a backup of the Audit Trail records in another location and delete

them from their current location.


Purge only Allows you to delete the Audit Trail records. Select the date-range over which the backup will

be performed.

From Specifies the start date for the backup date range. If no records exist for this date, the first

archive displayed in the Available Archives list will automatically become the next subsequent

file. To change the date, choose the drop down arrow and select a new date from the calendar


To Specifies the last date for the backup date range. If no records exist for this date, the last

archive displayed in the Available Archives list will automatically become the latest previous

file. To change the date, choose the drop down arrow and select a new date from the calendar


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
6 Data Management
Managing the Audit Trail

6.2.3 Restoring the Audit Trail

SiPass integrated allows you to restore previously backed up Audit Trail records,

according to date. You can restore Audit Trail Archive files, or TAB files.

The following instructions explain how to restore Audit Trail from the TAB files

generated by older versions of SiPass integrated.

 Ensure that your Archive Folder location has been set to where your archived

Audit Trail files are kept.

1. Select Data > Restore > Audit Trail.

2. Restore From field. You can
Specify the path of the file(s) to be restored, in the

Browse to select the location where the TAB files/Archive files are kept.


3. Select each file (in the Available Files list) from which the Audit Trail will be

4. Choose Restore to restore the Audit Trail records from the selected files.

Please note that on restoring a TAB file, it will be converted to an Archive file


6.2.4 Purging the Audit Trail Archives

SiPass integrated allows you to delete Audit Trail records that are no longer

needed at your site across a range of dates.

Before purging any Audit Trail records, it is highly recommended that you back up

Audit Trail records to another location, (for example, a tape or disk), just in case

they need to be retrieved at a later date. This can be achieved by selecting the

Backup and Purge option from the Task section of the dialog.

1. Select Data > Purge > Audit Trail.

2. Select the date range over which the purge will be performed.

- From: Specifies the start date, for the purge date range. If no records exist
for this date, the first file displayed in the Available Archives list will

automatically become the next subsequent file. To change the date,


choose the drop down arrow and select a new date from the calendar


- To: Specifies the last date, for the purge date range. If no records exist for
this date, the last file displayed in the Available Archives list will

automatically become the latest previous file. To change the date, choose

the drop down arrow and select a new date from the calendar displayed.

3. Choose List Archives. All the Audit Trail records that exist, between the
specified start and end dates will appear in the Available Archives list box. Both

the Start and End dates are included.

4. Select the specific files to be purged by clicking on it.

5. Choose Add >. The selected files will appear in the Selected Archives list box.

Repeat steps 4 and 5, until you have selected all the files to be purged.

7. Choose Execute to begin the purging process.

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Data Management 6
Managing the Log Book

 The Status box, located at the bottom of the dialog, will display the status of the
purge process and a purge event will be recorded in the Audit Trail.

6.3 Managing the Log Book

The Log Book can be managed in three main ways:

 Backing up the Log Book

 Restoring the Log Book and

 Purging the Log Book

These three options have been discussed in the immediate sections that follow.

6.3.1 Backing up the Log Book
SiPass integrated allows you to make a record of events or conditions at your site

that are significant enough to be reported separately in the Log Book. The

operators record these events in the Log Book so that they may inform the relevant

persons of the events or conditions independently of the Audit Trail. You may also

purge the information simultaneously, creating an archive of Log Book records.

You cannot backup the Log Book for today’s date. Only dates that have occurred

before the current date can be backed up.

1. Select Data > Backup > Logbook.
 The Backup and/or Purge Log Book dialog will appear with the Backup
Only radio button is highlighted by default.
2. Select the radio button corresponding to the task to be performed.

3. Select the date range over which the backup is to be performed.

4. Choose List Dates.


All the Log Book records that exist, between the specified start and end

dates, will appear in the Available Dates list box.

5. Select the specific date to be backed up, by clicking on it.

6. Choose Add >.

 The selected date will appear in the Selected Dates list box.

7. Repeat Steps 4 and 5, until you have selected all the dates to be backed up.

8. Specify the location for the back up file in the Backup To field. You may choose
Browse to graphically select a location for the backup.
9. Choose Execute to begin the backup process.

 The Status box, located at the bottom of the dialog, will display the status of the
backup process. Log Book Backup Operations


The table below explains the various backup operations and configuration.

Option Description
Backup only

Allows you to create a backup of the Log Book records only.

Backup and purge Allows you to make both a backup of the Log Book records in another location and delete

them from their current location.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
6 Data Management
Managing the Log Book

Option Description
Purge only Allows you to delete the Log Book records.

From Specifies the start date for the backup date range. If no records exist for this date, the first date

displayed in the Available Dates list will automatically become the next subsequent date. To

change the date, choose the drop down arrow and select a new date from the calendar


To Specifies the last date for the backup date range. If no records exist for this date, the last date

displayed in the Available Dates list will automatically become the latest previous date. To

change the date, choose the drop down arrow and select a new date from the calendar


6.3.2 Restoring the Log Book
SiPass integrated allows you to restore a previously backed up Log Book record.

You may wish to restore a previously backed up record for the purpose of

generating a report.

 Back up the current Log Book records before restoring a previous version.

1. Select Data > Restore > Logbook.

2. Specify the path and file name of the Log Book record to be restored, in the

Restore From field. You must choose Browse to graphically select the location
of the record to be restored. The backed up Log Book file should include the

extension “.dlz”.

3. Select the date or dates from the Available Dates.

4. Select All button if you wish to restore all the dates listed in the
Choose the

Available list.
5. Choose Restore to begin the Log Book restoration process.
6. Choose Close.

7. Create a Log Book Report, to ensure that the Log Book has been restored.
8. Shut down and re-start both your SiPass Server and Client after the restoration
is complete.

6.3.3 Purging the Log Book


SiPass integrated allows you to delete Log Book records that are no longer needed

at your site.

Before purging any Log Book records, it is highly recommended that you backup

the Log Book records to another location, (for example, a tape or disk), just in

case they need to be retrieved at a later date. This can be achieved by selecting

the Backup and Purge option in the Task section of the dialog.

1. Select Data > Purge > Log book.


 The Backup and/or Purge Log Book dialog will appear with the Purge Only
radio button highlighted.

2. Select the date range over which the purge will be performed.

- From: Specifies the start date for the purge date range. If no records exist
for this date, the first date displayed in the Available Dates list will

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Data Management 6
Using a Compact Flash Card for Database Management

automatically become the next subsequent date. To change the date,

choose the drop down arrow and select a new date from the calendar


To: Specifies the last date for the purge date range. If no records exist for


this date, the last date displayed in the Available Dates list will

automatically become the latest previous date. To change the date, choose

the drop down arrow and select a new date from the calendar displayed.

3. Choose List Dates. All the Log Book records that exist, between the specified

start and end dates will appear in the Available Dates list box.

4. Select the specific date to be purged, by clicking on it.

5. Choose Add >. The selected date will appear in the Selected Dates list box.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5, until you have selected all the dates to be purged.

7. Choose Execute to begin the purging process. The Status box, located at the
bottom of the dialog, will display the status of the purge process and a purge

event will be recorded in the Audit Trail.

6.4 Using a Compact Flash Card for Database
When enabled, the Compact Flash Card features the following benefits:

Larger database storage for large sites

 Persistent Audit Trail which can be preserved over a power loss

In effect, the Compact Flash Card replaces the functionality of the Onboard Flash
for database storage and the volatile RAM used for Audit trail.

The life of a compact flash depends upon the amount of data written and erased

from it. Taking this into consideration, it is recommended that an Industrial grade

flash, with level 2 wear leveling and a larger size than 64Meg, be opted for use.

This type of flash card ensures greater card life, robustness and performance.

6.4.1 Configuring a Compact Flash Card in SiPass integrated

This section specifies how a Compact Flash Card can be configured within SiPass


Install the card as per instructions provided in the Compact Flash Installation


After the Compact Flash Card has been inserted, initialize the ACC, choosing

Compact Backup from the Initialize System dialog to compact the data and save to

the flash card.

After it has been inserted, the Compact Flash Card becomes active only after the

first initialize of the ACC.


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
7 Reports
Log Book Reports

7 Reports

The SiPass integrated system contains a powerful reporting package, which allows

you to create detailed reports on information contained in the Log Book. You can

customize the information that appears in each report to suit your own needs. Any

reports you produce will only contain data to which your operator group has


SiPass Predefined reports are available through SiPass Explorer, to access the

whole range of reports available to SiPass integrated. It can be accessed via the

SiPass Explorer menu or toolbar. For a full description of the SiPass Predefined
reports functionality, please refer to the SiPass Explorer User Manual.

7.1 Log Book Reports
The Log Book offers an integrated reporting tool to prepare daily activity reports by

operators. At some sites, the preparation and submission of a Log Book report is

mandatory, and in some circumstances, may even be a statutory requirement for

operators monitoring the activities of a site.

Creating a Log Book Report is very similar to creating Database or Audit Trail

reports The process of creating a report is roughly a three-step operation, but the

exact number of steps required will depend upon how complex a report you want to

Step 1: Ordering Report Records
1. Data > Reports > Log Book Report.

2. Complete the Date / Time Range details.


- From: Contains two fields - Date and Time - which determine the oldest
Time Schedule from which the Log Book information will be selected.

To: Contains two fields - Date and Time - which determine the most recent

Time Schedule from which the Log Book information will be selected.

3. Select whether the report will be sorted by Operator Name or Subject by

highlighting this field in Fields Selected list box.
4. Select the sort function to apply to this field by enabling the corresponding

radio button. Choosing either Ascending or Descending will cause an icon to


appear next to the selected field, indicating that records will be sorted in

alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order according to your choice of radio

button. Please note that the sort function does not have to be used.

None: When enabled, does not use the selected field to sort the


- Ascending: When enabled, sorts the information by the specified field, in

ascending order.

- Descending: When enabled, sorts the information by the specified field, in

descending order.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Reports 7
Log Book Reports

Step 2: Creating a Query

By creating a query, you can filter the records that will appear in the report, based

on the criteria you select. If you do not wish to filter the records displayed in the

report, simply proceed to step 3.

1. Choose the first constraint to be placed on the report information by selecting a

field from the list.

2. Select the specific attribute to be used as the constraint. For example, if you

chose to create a query based on operators, you may select the specific

Operator Name drop-down list.

operator from the

3. Select the Query filter to apply, from the Filter list. To change the filter, choose
the drop down arrow and select a new filter from the list.

4. Choose Add. The specified data query will be added to the Query box.
5. If you want to enter more than one query, you can choose the way in which

multiple queries are handled, by selecting the correct operand between each.

- And: When selected, the report will display all results that match the

combined queries entered, as if they were a single query. Using the AND

function to filter between criteria belonging to the same field type (eg:

points) will return a blank report).

- Or: When selected, the report will display all results that match each query
entered, as if they were separate queries.

For more complex reports, you can group queries together, using the ( ) button

 If you select the Remember Settings checkbox before exiting the dialog or
previewing the report, the current query will load when you next open the Log
Book Report dialog.

Step 3: Printing, Previewing or Exporting your Report

Once you have selected the information on which to base your report, chosen the

order in which records are to be displayed and created your query, you are ready

to print, preview, or export your report.

7.1.1 Log Book Report Filters


The table below explains the available Log Book report filters.

Filter Description
Equals The report will display only those records that exactly match (except case) the entered criteria.

Not Equals The report will display all the records that do not exactly match the entered criteria.

Like Allows you to use a wild card in the query. For example, an entry of “Like %t%” for a cardholder’s

First Name, would result in a report displaying all cardholders whose first name contains the letter “t”.

You may also use “[]” to find a single character in a specified range (for example, “like [\]” ¬would

search for the character \. The standard Windows wild card “*” does not work in this instance.

Less than This query has two sub-functions. The first applies to numerical data, where the report displays all

records that are numerically smaller than the entered data. The second applies to alphabetical data,

where the report displays all records that alphabetically precede the entered criteria.

Less than or equal


A combination of both the Equals and Less than query filters.


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7 Reports
Scheduled Reporting

Filter Description
Greater than This query has two sub functions. The first applies to numerical data, where the report displays all

records that are numerically larger than the entered data. The second applies to alphabetical data,

where the report displays all records that alphabetically follow the entered criteria.

Greater than or A combination of both the Equals and Greater than query filters.

equal to

7.2 Scheduled Reporting

Reports within SiPass Reporting can be automatically generated and exported with

an event task. This allows you to perform regular reporting without the ongoing

manual effort.

The following actions can be scheduled:


 Exporting to a file

 Exporting and emailing

To schedule reporting
 Email functionality requires you to configure cardholders for email, and the

server for sending mail.

1. Click Program and select Event Tasks > Host.
2. Enter a name for the event task.

3. Select a valid Time Schedule to control when the event will occur.
4. Select a Source and State for when the event task will trigger
- If you want to schedule the report for a specific time, set theSource to
Time Schedule and set the State
State to Start. This will trigger the event when

the Time Schedule selected above begins.

5. Set Target to Reporting and select a Report to use from the list
6. Select Print, SaveAs or Email Forwarding.
- If selecting Print, click the … button to configure the print settings.
SaveAs, select the Type of file to export to and click the ...

- If selecting

button to select the file to save to.

- If selecting Email Forwarding, click the + button to add a cardholder to the

list of recipients. Only cardholders with email forwarding enabled will be

shown in this list.

7. Enter a message in the Message field, that will print in the audit trail when the
event task is run.

8. Click Save.

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Smart Card Encoding 8
Scheduled Reporting

8 Smart Card Encoding

Smart Card Encoding is an option of the SiPass Integrated access control

software. It allows SiPass integrated to both encode and read MIFARE based

smart cards. This option supports a wide range of possible smart card formats and

shows the user how a smart card will be used in and around their facility.

In addition, SiPass integrated allows individual smart card profiles to be pre-

configured within the system, allowing each tenant or even cardholder’s belonging

to different divisions to have smart cards encoded with information that suits their

exact needs.

Finally SiPass integrated also supports the use of card printers with built in smart

card encoding mechanisms that allow smart cards to be encoded as they are

printed. Of course, a dedicated smart card reader/encoder can also be used for this


The following diagram displays a rough flow chart for encoding smart cards from

start to finish using SiPass integrated.

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8 Smart Card Encoding
Scheduled Reporting

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Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Smart Card Encoding 8
Creating a Smart Card Profile

8.1 Creating a Smart Card Profile

A smart card encoding profile includes the information required to configure each

sector and block on a smart card with the appropriate information, including the

appropriate read and write keys.

1. From the System menu, select Profile Configuration.

2. Enter a name for the Smartcard profile into the Profile Name field.

3. Select the appropriate card type.

4. Left-click on the square “blue” node once to configure the sector/block

contents. Refer the section Configuring a Sector / Block Detail [➙ 139] of this

user manual for information on this function.

5. Right-click on the Key corresponding to above node to configure the sectors

read and write keys. Refer the section Configuring the Sector Keys [➙ 141] of

this user manual for further details .

6. Repeat the above steps until all the contents of sector and block that you wish

encoded and the appropriate read and write keys have been defined.

7. Click Save.

8.2 Configuring the Sector / Block Contents

A 1k MIFARE smart card incorporates 16 unique data sectors, and a 4k card

supports up to 40. Each of these data sectors can then be split into three further

data blocks. Depending upon the necessary requirements of a particular card, each

block can potentially hold different data, such as an access card number, a
cardholder’s name, address or even an electronic purse amount. Of course,

depending upon the size of the information blocks within a sector, it can be

combined to hold larger amounts of data.

The following procedure explains how to configure the information to be encoded in


a particular sector and block.

1. In the left hand column, left-click on the square “blue” node once,

corresponding to the sector for which the data contents are to be specified.

2. Use the table on the right-hand side to specify the details for this sector as

outlined in the following steps.


3. Specify the Sector number. This should match the number of the node that was

selected previously. The available sector numbers will differ depending on

which card type is selected.

4. Select the Block where contents will begin to be written.


- For Sectors 0-31 information can be written in blocks 0, 1, or 2.

- For Sectors 32-39 information can be written in blocks 0-14

5. Select the Offset used.

6. Select the Length of the data to be written (in characters)

7. Select the Output format:

8. Select the Access Control format to be encoded on the card.

9. Select the Data Type to be encoded to the card sector (only for custom format


10. Select or enter the data to be encoded in the sector or block. The data entered
will depend upon the format and data type selected in the previous two steps.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
8 Smart Card Encoding
Configuring the Sector / Block Contents

11. Repeat the above process until all sectors and all blocks that require encoded
information have been completed.

8.2.1 Output Formats

The following table describes the various output formats.

Format Description
ASCII Standard for the code numbers used by computers to represent all the

upper and lower-case Latin letters, numbers, punctuation, etc.

BCD Binary Coded Decimal format


Date and time stamp format

Byte Set of bits that represent a single character

Word One complete word

Double Word Two complete words

BCD Boolean Binary Coded Decimal Boolean

Binary Raw Binary data (e.g., data read from an external system). SiPass

integrated will not apply any further formatting to the binary data. Will be

encoded ‘as-is’.
8.2.2 Access Control Formats
The following table describes the various access control formats.
Format Description
None This sector/block may be used to hold custom information that does not

relate to the access control system. For example, an electronic purse



Wiegand 26-
26-bit Read Only field. This is enabled within a MIFARE sector and cannot be

read with industry standard 26-bit format

Wiegand 37-
37-bit Read Only field. This is enabled within a MIFARE sector and cannot be

read with industry standard 37-bit format


MIFARE Facility

Siemens own 36-bit encoded facility format

CSN Card Serial Number. Only available for Sector 0

8.2.3 Data Types


The following table describes the various data types.

Format Description

Boolean True or false statement

Integer Whole number only

String A linear sequence of symbols (characters or words or phrases)


SiPass integrated custom cardholder field information.

Database Field

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Smart Card Encoding 8
Configuring the Sector Keys

Format Description
External Type The data that is received from the external system.

8.3 Configuring the Sector Keys

To ensure that information within a smart card is always as secure as possible,

MIFARE smart cards allow you to program protection or encryption keys for each

sector. Without the knowledge of the 12-digit key, the information held within the

sector cannot be interrogated or used.

To configure the security keys for each sector of the smart card:

 Ensure that you have the default factory keys handy before attempting to

change a sector key on the smart card to a new value.

1. In the left hand column, left click on the “yellow” key corresponding to the

sector for which the read and write keys are to be specified.

2. Click the Keys button at the bottom of the page.
3. Enter a name for the key into the Key Name field.
4. Enter the current existing or default key A into the Key A field.
- You may need to consult your smart card dealer or manufacturer to

determine what the sector default keys are when the smart cards are

5. Confirm key A by re-entering it into the Confirm Key A field.

6. Enter the current or existing default key B into the Key B field.
- You may need to consult your smart card dealer or manufacturer to

determine what the sector default keys are when the smart cards are


7. Confirm key B by re-entering it into the Confirm Key B field.


8. To overwrite the default sector key or existing sector key with a new one, check

the Overwrite the Sector Key checkbox.

9. Enter the current key A into the Key A field. The key must be 12 digits in length,
made up of any combination of numbers 0 to 9, and upper case letters A to F.

10. Confirm Key A by re-entering it into the Confirm Key A field.


11. Enter the Key B into the Key B field. The key must be 12 digits in length, made

up of any combination of numbers 0 to 9, lower case letters a to f, and upper

case letters A to F.

12. Confirm Key B by re-entering it into the Confirm Key B field.


13. Select the access conditions that exist for each block within this sector:
14. Click Save.

Please note that once a key is created and saved, it can be configured to multiple


8.3.1 Access Conditions


The table below explains the possible access conditions.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
8 Smart Card Encoding
Configuring a custom access control format

Access Conditions Description

All functions with KA

The sector and block can be written to, and read using both keys A and Key B.

and KB

Read with KA, Write Reading the contents of the sector and block will be done using key A only. Writing/Encoding

with KB information to the sector and block will be done using Key B only.

Read only with KA and The sector cannot be written to, and can only be read using both keys A and Key B.


Read / subtract with Reading information or subtracting value from the contents of the sector and block will be done

KA, Write / add with using key A only. Writing information or adding electronic value to the sector and block will be

KB done using Key B only.

Read / subtract with Read information or subtracting electronic value from the sector and block can be performed with

KA or KB Key A or Key B.

Read / Write with KB Reading the contents or Writing new contents to the sector and block will be done using key B


Read Only KB The sector cannot be written to, and can only be read using Key B.

Blocked The sector and block cannot be read or overwritten.

8.4 Configuring a custom access control format

No two facilities should share exactly the same access details. Of course this

opening statement is almost a logical statement. Because of this, many

corporations derive their own custom formats to use at facilities in which they
originally installed their equipment. SiPass integrated allows you take advantage of

this situation and upgrade you base technology in unison, but still use the old

custom format.

 Ensure that you have the custom format details, before you attempt to replicate

such a format using SiPass integrated, this will save a lot of time and effort.

1. Click the Custom Format button located at the bottom of the Profile
Configuration dialog.
2. Enter name for the format into the Data Format Name field.
3. Enter the length of the format (number of characters) into the Wiegand length


4. Enter the Start and End bits in the custom string that will hold the company
(site) information. Use 0,0 if no company bits will be used in the format.

5. Enter the Start and End bits in the custom string that will hold the facility

information. Use 0,0 if no facility bits will be used in the format.

6. Enter the Start and End bits in the custom string that will hold the card number.
7. Enter the Start bit, End bit, and Position to be used for an even parity check.
8. Enter the Start bit, End bit, and Position to be used for an odd parity check.

9. Choose Save to save the custom card format

The following provides an example of a custom format called Siemens 10-bit:

Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Info P S S F F C C C C P


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Smart Card Encoding 8
Assigning a Profile

P = Parity, S = Company, F = Facility, C = Card Number

Therefore, the format configuration is:

Data Format Name: Siemens 10-bit
Wiegand Length: 10

Company Start Bit: 2
Company End Bit: 3
Facility Start Bit: 4
Facility End Bit: ` 5

Card Number Start Bit: 6
Card Number End Bit: 9

8.5 Assigning a Profile
Once you have configured your card profiles for different purposes, they must be

assigned to a cardholder before a card can be encoded and issued to that

cardholder. This assignment can be conducted through two different mechanisms,

by either assigning the profile to a card template, or assigning the profile directly to

the cardholder themselves.

8.5.1 Assigning a Profile to a Card Template

A profile can be associated with a card template when you create that template in

SiPass integrated. This method ensures that all cardholders with the same type of

cards will end up with the same smart card configuration and basic setup.

Ensure that you have configured your smart card profiles, including read / write

keys, and information that will be written to each sector.

1. Create or edit and existing card template as described in the Photo ID and
Graphics chapter.

2. Click once on the Smart Card icon located on the Drawing toolbar.
3. Place the mouse pointer over the card template and click the left mouse button


4. Using the selection list available in the Smart Card Profile Selection dialog,
select the profile that you wish to use for the card template currently being


5. Click OK. The dialog will now disappear and the smart card icon will appear on
the card template.

6. Complete the card template as required by adding further graphics, database


fields etc.

7. Ensure that you save the card template will a logical name before exiting the

Card Template design window.

8. When printing a card using a card template from the Cardholder dialog, using

the GEMPLUS GCI680 encoding module in a card printer, the profile and

appropriate smart card contents will now be written to the smart card itself.

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8 Smart Card Encoding
Reading a card with the Profile Viewer

8.5.2 Assigning a Profile to an Individual Cardholder

A profile can be associated with an individual cardholder and this profile can be

used to encode the card directly on a one-on-one basis when cardholders are

issued a card.

 Ensure that you have configured your smart card profiles, including read / write

keys, and information that will be written to each sector.

1. Cardholder dialog by choosing Cardholder from the Operation

Open the


2. Create a new cardholder or open an existing account for the cardholder who

will be issued with a smart card.

3. Ensure all the details for that cardholder have been completed.

4. Click once on the Personal tab in the Cardholder dialog.

5. Select the appropriate smart card profile from the Profile drop-down list located

at the bottom at the dialog.

6. Click Save.
 When issuing a card to a Cardholder, the profile and appropriate smart card

contents will now be written to the smart card itself when a card is presented at

the smart card encoder connected to the SiPass Client and the Encode Card
button is pressed.
8.6 Reading a card with the Profile Viewer
With the Profile Viewer you can place a card on your smart card reader, select the

appropriate profile and then read back the data on the card.

1. Select Operation > Profile Viewer.

2. Select a profile name.

3. Select Raw Data or User Format.

- Raw Data is just the data on the card, whereas User Format presents the
data in the profile defined format.

4. Ensure the card is placed on your smart card reader and click Read Card.
5. Select different sectors to display the contents of that sector.

6. Click Close.

8.7 Configuring a Smart Card Printer


To ensure that you get the best results possible, SiPass integrated allows you to

configure the settings for each of the different printer types available. This includes

card printers.

 Ensure that you have configured your smart card printer and driver correctly.

1. File menu, select Print Setup to show the Setup Global Printers

From the


2. Select the Card Printer tab.

3. If you wish to nominate a card printer other than the one displayed as the

Select Printer to open the Print Setup dialog and display


current printer, choose

a list of appropriate printers.

4. Select the printer type from the Printer Type drop-down list.
Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Smart Card Encoding 8
Configuring a Card Reader (Smart card or Enrollment)

5. Select the com port to be used to transmit encoding details, by selecting the

appropriate port from the Encoding COM Port drop-down list.

6. To encode the smart card at the same time as printing ensure that the Encode
Smart card when printing checkbox has been enabled.

7. Click OK.

8.8 Configuring a Card Reader (Smart

(Smart card or

To extract information from a card, you have to be able to read it. When assigning

a card to a new employee, you may need to determine the card number and other

important information. The information from the card reader dialog is stored in the

local registry so each SiPass integrated client will have its own reader configuration


 Ensure that you have installed the drivers required for your readers. The

GEMPLUS readers require a driver to be installed which is included with your

SiPass integrated CD. You will need to unzip the file and install all drivers

before proceeding.

1. From the Options menu, select Enrollment Reader Configuration.

2. Click the Add button to bring up a dialog where you can select a reader to be
3. Select a reader and click OK.

To delete a selected reader; select the reader from the Select Type
Type drop down
list, and click

4. The address of the reader appears in the Reader Address field by default.
5. If the selected reader is to be used only for Card Reading, tick the Reading


6. Encoding
If this reader is to be used for card reading and encoding, tick the

checkbox. The Reading checkbox will be selected automatically.

7. Select the profile to be used for reading the card from the Profile Name drop-
down list.

8. If you have connected a smart card reader, enter the sector and block to be

read into the Sector (0-

(0-39) and Block (0-
(0-14) fields.
9. If the reader is not connected by USB, select the serial port to which the reader

has been connected from the Port Name drop-down list.

10. If the reader is Wiegand or Clock & Data select the card format to be read

using the Card Format drop-down list and the reader supply voltage (or source)

from the Voltage drop-down list.

11. Choose OK.


8.8.1 Reader Types Supported

The list below outlines the supported enrolment readers and Smart Card Encoders:

 CERPASS Registration Reader


 Siemens RS485 Reader

 Profile Reader – HID6055B (Smart Card Profile)

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
8 Smart Card Encoding
Configuring a Card Reader (Smart card or Enrollment)

 Profile Reader - GEMPLUS GCI680 (Smart Card Profile)

 Profile Reader - GEMPLUS GEX332 (Smart Card Profile)

 Profile Reader – OmniKey Cardman 5X21

USB Reader Interface – Wiegand (Various Formats)

 USB Reader Interface – Clock and Data (Various Formats)

 Siemens AR6201 - MX

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Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
CCTV Configuration Summary


CCTV is a module of the SiPass integrated access control software. It allows

SiPass integrated to communicate with CCTV equipment using a high level

interface. This interface allows control and manipulation of the equipment

connected to the CCTV system, such as cameras, monitors, and auxiliary devices.

The CCTV high level interface allows presets, patterns and sequences to be

recorded in SiPass integrated, and viewed and controlled using the SiPass

integrated GUI. This provides the access control and security operator with a

seamless GUI interface to the CCTV system.

The CCTV HLI (High Level Interface) is compatible with a range of CCTV systems.

Refer to the SiPass integrated Release Notes for more information regarding the

supported CCTV HLIs.

The SiPass CCTV Module allows you to control your CCTV system using the same

GUI that you use to control your access control and security system. This type of

integration means that your security operators no longer need to switch between

applications to perform their jobs. From SiPass integrated alone an operator has

the ability to view an alarm, automatically view the CCTV images at the alarm

location, and record his or her comments regarding the alarm all from one


9.1 CCTV Configuration Summary

The following list provides a summary of the configuration and setup for the SiPass

CCTV module.
 Ensure that Windows XP and the corresponding service pack have been

installed on all PCs in the SiPass integrated access control and security


 If your access control and security network is to be configured using more than

one PC, ensure that all machines are connected together using an appropriate

communications protocol, such as the internet protocol TCP/IP.

 Ensure that your wiring of the CCTV system does not exceed the

recommended distances for the communications taking place (e.g. RS232

comms should not exceed 10m). If you need to introduce communications over

longer distances you should include line amplification.


 Install the appropriate SiPass integrated software onto each PC in your access

control and security network, ensuring that exactly the same version of SiPass

integrated is used for all installed components.

 Ensure that the CCTV system architecture has been planned in advance.

 Ensure that you have programmed the CCTV controller using the CCTV

system Administration software and that all CCTV devices have been

connected to the appropriate equipment.

 Ensure that the CCTV controller has been connected to the SiPass integrated

PC where the CCTV bus service has been installed.

 Program and configure the CCTV Bus and CCTV Controller using SiPass


 Program the necessary cameras, monitors, auxiliary devices, and groups of


these components in SiPass integrated.

 Configure the necessary presets, patterns, and sequences using SiPass


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Using CCTV Controls

 Program any CCTV-related event tasks using SiPass integrated.

9.2 Using CCTV Controls

The SiPass CCTV window looks and operates like a standard Windows XP

program. The tools provided by SiPass integrated to operate and configure the

CCTV equipment have been professionally designed to provide you with access to

the functions you need to perform all CCTV related Tasks.

9.2.1 CCTV Camera Controls
SiPass integrated allows you to control and manipulate the PTZ cameras in your

CCTV system. This means that without leaving the SiPass integrated environment,

you can move a PTZ camera in a horizontal or vertical direction using the on-

screen mouse pointer, change the speed of this movement, zoom in and out,

change the brightness of the images and control the focus.

Using the on-
on-screen mouse pointer
When using the SiPass CCTV on-screen video display, the mouse pointer can be

used to control the movement of a PTZ camera.

You can control the horizontal and vertical movement of the camera by holding

down the left mouse button and moving the mouse in the same direction that you

want the camera to move. The mouse must be in the active CCTV window.
When the camera reaches the desired position, release the left mouse button and

the camera will stop moving. This allows the SiPass CCTV operator to view images

in any direction for which the camera is physically able.

Zoom In
The Zoom In control allows you to use the zoom in functionality of a PTZ camera.

By placing the mouse pointer over the Zoom In button and holding down the left

mouse button, the camera will change its focal length and move in toward the

object (enlarge the objects that are farthest from the camera’s view). The camera

will stop zooming when the mouse button is released.

The “Z” key on your keyboard can be used to Zoom In instead of using the

mouse. You may also use this key to simultaneously Zoom In when moving the

camera using on-screen mouse pointer.

Zoom Out

The Zoom Out control allows you to use the zoom out functionality of a PTZ

camera. By placing the mouse pointer over the Zoom Out button and holding down

the left mouse button the camera will change its focal length and move away from

the object (providing a wider image from the camera’s view). The camera will stop

zooming when the mouse button is released.


The “X” key on your keyboard can be used to Zoom Out instead of using the

mouse. You may also use this key to simultaneously Zoom Out when moving the

camera using on-screen mouse pointer.


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Using CCTV Controls

Open Iris
The Open Iris control allows you to control the size of the lens aperture and the

amount of light passing through the lens. As the iris is opened, the CCTV image

appears lighter. By placing the mouse pointer over the Open Iris button and holding

down the left mouse button, the camera will begin to open the lens aperture,

making the CCTV image brighter. The iris will stop opening when the mouse button

is released.

Close Iris

The Close Iris control allows you to control the size of the lens aperture and the

amount light passing through the lens. As the iris is closed, the CCTV image

appears darker. By placing the mouse pointer over the Close Iris button and

holding down the left mouse button, the camera will begin to close the lens

aperture, making the CCTV image darker. The iris will stop closing when the

mouse button is released.

Focus Near

The Focus Near control allows you to adjust the camera lens so that images close

to the camera become more sharply defined. By placing the mouse pointer over

the Focus Near button and holding down the left mouse button, the camera will

begin to change the lens focal length, making the images closer to camera appear

more sharply defined. The re-focusing will stop when the mouse button is released.
Focus Far
The Focus Far control allows you to adjust the camera lens so that images farther

away from the camera become more sharply defined. By simply placing the mouse
pointer over the Focus Far button and holding down the left mouse button, the

camera will begin to change the lens’ focal length, making images further away

from the camera appear more sharply defined. The re-focusing will stop when the

mouse button is released.


Pan / Tilt Speed

The Pan / Tilt Speed control allows you to control the speed at which the camera

can be moved. By placing the mouse pointer over the Close Iris button and clicking

the left mouse button once, a speed menu will appear, displaying the following


The variable speed control allows you to select the speed of the camera’s pan and

tilt functionality in relation to the mouse pointer’s on-screen position. The closer the

CCTV mouse pointer control is to the center of the screen the slower the

movement of the camera. The closer to the edge of the on-screen picture the

CCTV mouse pointer is, the faster the movement of the camera.

The slow control fixes the pan and tilt operation of the camera to a slow speed.

When using the on-screen mouse pointer to move the position of the camera, the

movement will be slow.

The medium control fixes the pan and tilt operation of the camera to a medium

speed. When using the on-screen mouse pointer to move the position of the

camera, the movement will be of medium pace.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Programming SiPass integrated for CCTV

The fast control fixes the pan and tilt operation of the camera to a fast speed.

When using the on-screen mouse pointer to move the position of the camera, the

movement will be quick.

The turbo control fixes the pan and tilt operation of the camera to a turbo speed.

When using the on-screen mouse pointer to move the position of the camera, the

movement will be very quick.

Please note that the camera speeds do not affect the operations of the SIMATRIX

CCTV system.

Screen Size
The Screen Size control allows you to enlarge the size of the on-screen CCTV

display. By placing the mouse pointer over the Screen Size button and clicking the

left mouse button once, the on-screen CCTV display will become enlarged. Once

enlarged, you only need to click on the same button again to return to the normal


Video Source
The Video Source control allows you to select which video card will be the source
of on-screen images. By placing the mouse pointer over the Video Source button

and clicking the left mouse button once, a menu will appear allowing you to select

the video source which to display. This function can be used when you have

connected multiple video cards to your PC.


9.3 Programming SiPass integrated for CCTV

In order for the SiPass CCTV module to function correctly, SiPass integrated must

be programmed with the appropriate data. This includes programming a CCTV

bus, CCTV Unit, cameras, monitors, auxiliary camera devices, and configuring

groups of these CCTV components.

9.3.1 Configuring the CCTV Bus


The communications channel used by SiPass integrated to send and receive

messages to and from the CCTV system uses a specialized channel and protocol

interpreter called a bus. The following section outlines the procedure used to add

and configure this bus using SiPass integrated.


 Ensure you have installed the SiPass Server and configured the CCTV Bus


 Ensure that you have assigned the correct operator privileges to the operator

who will be configuring the CCTV system using SiPass integrated.


 Ensure that you have programmed the CCTV controller with the correct

information, using the CCTV System Administration software.

1. Choose the Components button from the System toolbar or menu.


Select the Server Name by double clicking on it.

3. Choose the New Bus button.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Programming SiPass integrated for CCTV

 A menu will appear displaying a list of bus options.

4. Choose CCTV.

 A new unnamed CCTV bus will appear in the Server tree.

5. Bus Name field. The name

Enter the name of the Bus Driver Service into the

you assign to the CCTV bus in this field must match the name you gave this

same CCTV bus during installation.

- SiPass integrated cannot be used to control the CCTV equipment if the Bus

Components dialog is different to the name entered

name entered in the

during installation.

6. Select an alarm class, if required, from the Alarm Class drop down list. You

must assign an alarm class to a unit before it can be represented on a site


7. Select the communications Baud Rate from the Baud Rate drop-down list. This
baud rate would normally be 9600.


Select the serial communications port to which the CCTV system will connect

from the Port drop-down list. This port would normally be COM2, depending
upon other devices connected to the PC.

9. If necessary, and only in the event that your CCTV system requires you to do

so, enter the CCTV Keyboard ID, into the User ID field. This will normally be a
four-digit ID number.
- SiPass integrated cannot be used to control the CCTV equipment if the

keyboard ID does not match the ID configured using the CCTV System

Administration software.

10. Choose the CCTV Bus Parameters tab.

11. Select the protocol used by the CCTV controller from the CCTV Protocol drop-
down list. The supported CCTV protocols include Pacom, Pelco and


12. If you wish to log all CCTV bus activity to a permanent data file, select the Log
commands to file check box. The log file will be stored in the following location
– “c:\Temp\BussLog.txt”.

- Depending upon the amount of CCTV bus activity, the overall system

performance may be affected if this log to file option is selected. It is


recommended that this option only be selected for diagnostic purposes.

13. Choose Save and then stop and restart the CCTV Bus Service.

9.3.2 Configuring the CCTV Controller


The main component of a CCTV system is the CCTV controller or processor. This

device controls the operation of each camera, monitor and auxiliary device in the

system, through the use of a Switch box often referred to as a Matrix. SiPass

integrated uses a high level interface to send commands to and receive messages

from this CCTV Controller.

However, each type of controller communicates using a different protocol, therefore

the controller needs to be programmed in SiPass integrated, so communications

can be successfully performed.


 Ensure that you have configured the CCTV Bus in SiPass integrated, and met

the pre-requisites for configuring this bus.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Programming SiPass integrated for CCTV

 Ensure that the SiPass Server and CCTV Bus Service are running and


1. Choose the Components button from the System toolbar or menu.
2. Select the Server Name by double clicking on it.

3. Select the CCTV bus.

4. Choose the New Unit button.

 A new unit will appear connected to the CCTV bus and a CCTV Unit tab
will also appear.

5. Enter a name for the CCTV controller into theUnit Name field.
6. Select the CCTV Controller from the Unit Type drop-down list.

7. Click Save.

9.3.3 Programming a Camera
CCTV cameras are the basis of the CCTV system. SiPass integrated allows you to

program either a fixed or a PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom) type camera. The following section

outlines the procedure used to program a CCTV camera in SiPass integrated.

1. Choose the Components button from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Select the Server Name by double clicking on it.

3. Double-click on the name of the CCTV Bus.

 A new tree branch will appear displaying the CCTV Unit previously created.
4. Select the CCTV Unit by clicking on it once.

5. Choose the New Point button.

 A menu will appear displaying a list of CCTV point options.
6. Choose Camera. A new camera will appear connected to the CCTV Unit and
the CCTV Point tab will appear.
7. Enter a unique name for the camera into the Name field. You may enter up to

40 characters in any combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers,

periods and spaces.

8. Enter the ID number of the camera into the Description field. This point number
must be exactly the same as the ID number configured in the CCTV system for

the camera.

9. Select the Camera tab.


10. Select the camera type from the Sub-

Sub-Type drop-down list. The types of

cameras that can be configured in SiPass integrated include:

- PTZ Camera:

A PTZ camera is a camera that can be controlled from a remote location to

provide vertical and horizontal movement, focus and zoom capabilities.

- Fixed Camera:
A fixed camera is a camera that cannot be controlled from a remote

location and once mounted is fixed in direction unless manually moved.

11. If you have selected PTZ Camera, select the controls that are associated with
the specific camera by selecting the appropriate check boxes in the Camera

Controls area.

- Pan, Tilt, Zoom:

This option indicates that the camera has a motorized mechanism that can

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Programming SiPass integrated for CCTV

be used to remotely control the vertical and horizontal position of the

camera and also provides a zoom in and zoom out capability.

- Iris Control:

This option indicates that the camera has a motorized mechanism that can

be used to remotely adjust the lens aperture and therefore, the amount of

light passing through the lens.

- Focus Control:

This option indicates that the camera has a motorized mechanism that

remotely allows objects at various distances to be sharply defined.

12. Enter the number of presets that can be stored on the camera into the
Maximum Presets field (PTZ type cameras only).

13. Select an Alarm Class for this camera from the Alarm Class drop-down box.
14. Enter the Alarm Number assigned to this camera by the CCTV Administration
Software into the Logical Alarm No. field. This will allow SiPass integrated to

respond to alarms registered at this camera by the Switcher.

- The Alarm section is enabled only for cameras on DT4 Pelco 9760 CCTV
units (DT4).

15. Click Save.

9.3.4 Programming a Monitor

CCTV monitors allow a security operator to visually observe the pictures captured

by the system’s cameras. This section outlines the procedure used to program a

CCTV monitor in SiPass integrated.


SiPass integrated allows you to control image viewing on both dedicated CCTV

monitors and the built-in SiPass CCTV monitor (using the SiPass GUI).

1. Choose the Components button from the System

System toolbar or menu.
2. Double-click on the name of the CCTV Bus.

 A new tree branch will appear displaying the CCTV Unit previously created.

3. Select the CCTV Unit by clicking on it once.

4. New Point button. A menu will appear displaying a list of CCTV


Choose the

point options.

5. Choose Monitor.
 A new monitor will appear connected to the CCTV Unit and the CCTV Point

tab will also appear.


6. Enter a unique name for the monitor into the Name field. You may enter up to
40 characters in any combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers,

periods and spaces.

7. Enter a description for the monitor in the Description field. This may include the

location of the monitor.

8. Enter the ID number of the monitor into the Point Number field. This point
number must be exactly the same as the ID number configured in the CCTV

system for the monitor.

9. Choose Save.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Programming SiPass integrated for CCTV

9.3.5 Programming an Auxiliary Device

Many optional devices can be fitted to CCTV cameras. For example, heaters, wind

screen wipers and other camera enhancement equipment can be fitted to a camera

to enhance its usability. The following section outlines the procedure used to

program an auxiliary CCTV camera device in SiPass integrated.

1. Choose the Components button from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Double-click on the name of the CCTV Bus.

 A new tree branch will appear displaying the CCTV Unit previously created.

3. Select the CCTV Unit by clicking on it once.

4. New Point button.

Choose the

 A menu will appear displaying a list of CCTV point options.

5. Choose the Auxiliary tab.

 A new auxiliary CCTV camera device will appear connected to the CCTV

Unit, and the CCTV Point tab will appear.

6. Enter a unique name for the auxiliary CCTV camera device into the Name field.
7. Enter a description for the monitor in the Description field. This may include the
location of the monitor.

8. Enter the ID number of the auxiliary device into the Point Number field. This
point number must be exactly the same as the ID number configured in the
CCTV system for the monitor.

9. Select the Auxiliary tab.

10. Select the camera to which the auxiliary device is connected from the Camera
drop-down list.

11. Click Save.

9.3.6 Grouping Cameras and Monitors


SiPass integrated allows CCTV components to be grouped together. These groups

are used during configuration and operation processes.

Grouping components also allows you to partition the control that operators have

over CCTV points.


1. Choose the Point Group button from the Program toolbar or menu.

2. Choose Add Members.

3. Select the Group Type from the Group Type drop-down list. To create a group

of CCTV monitors or CCTV cameras choose either Monitor Group or Camera

Group from the list.


4. Select the name of the monitor or camera to be added to the group from those

displayed in the available list.

5. Choose Add >.


 The selected camera or monitor will be added.

6. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 until all members have been added to the Selected list.
7. Choose the OK button.
8. Click Save.

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Configuring CCTV

9.4 Configuring CCTV

Once the CCTV components have been programmed in SiPass integrated, you

can start configuring the CCTV system for operation. SiPass integrated allows you

to configure Patterns, Presets, Sequences, and to trigger CCTV events. These

configuration options allow total control over the CCTV system from within the

SiPass GUI itself.

9.4.1 Creating a camera preset
SiPass integrated allows you configure multiple camera-preset definitions. This

means that from SiPass integrated you can program a defined, recallable position

for any PTZ camera programmed in the system.

A preset allows the SiPass operator to quickly recall a pre-defined view through a

motor driven camera and display this on a monitor for observation. A preset can

also be the target of an event triggered task, whereby a certain event automatically

switches a particular camera view on, and moves the camera to the SiPass

programmed preset position. The following procedure outlines the method used to

configure presets from SiPass integrated.

 Ensure that all the CCTV equipment has been configured in SiPass integrated

and that the Matrix Switcher and all CCTV equipment are operational.

Ensure that the SiPass Server and SiPass CCTV Bus services are running.

1. Choose CCTV from the Program toolbar or menu.

2. All Monitors option from the Monitor
Select a specific Monitor Group or the

Group drop-down box.

3. Select the monitor that will be used to display the CCTV images during the

configuration process. Then choose the Preset button.

4. Select a specific Camera Group or the “ All Cameras” option from the Camera
Group drop-down box.

5. Single click or select on the name of the PTZ camera for which the Preset is to

be configured from the Camera list.

6. Using the CCTV tools provided, move the camera and select the exact position

that you wish to configure as a preset.


7. Select the Preset Index position for that camera from the Preset Name drop-

down box.

8. Remove the existing description and enter a unique name for that preset into

Preset Name drop-down box.


9. Click Save.

9.4.2 Creating a camera pattern

SiPass integrated allows you configure multiple CCTV camera patterns. This

means that from SiPass you can program a defined, moveable single camera

routine for any PTZ camera programmed in the system.

A pattern allows the SiPass operator to quickly recall a pre-defined view through a

motor driven camera and display this on a monitor for observation. A Pattern can

also be the target of an event triggered task, whereby a certain event automatically

switches a particular camera view on, and automatically shows the pattern on the

configured CCTV monitor.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Configuring CCTV

 Ensure that all the CCTV equipment has been configured in SiPass integrated

and that the Matrix Switcher and all CCTV equipment is operational.

 Ensure that the SiPass Server and SiPass CCTV Bus services are running.

1. CCTV from the Program toolbar or menu.


2. Select a specific Monitor Group or the “All Monitors” option from the Monitor
Group drop-down box.
3. Select the monitor that will be used to display the CCTV images during the

configuration process, then choose the Pattern button.

4. Select a specific Camera Group or the “All Cameras” option from the Camera
Group drop-down box.
5. Single click on the name of the PTZ camera for which the Pattern is to be

configured, from the Camera list.
6. Enter a unique name for the Pattern in the Pattern Name field, located near the
top of the tab.

7. Press the Record button to begin recording your pattern. Patterns are a set of

commands that govern the movement of a specific camera. For this reason, it

is recommended that a Pattern always begin and end with a pre-defined Preset

location so that the x-y co-ordinates are always the same each time the pattern

starts and finishes. To select a Preset simply double click on the name of this

Preset in the Presets list.

Using the CCTV tools provided, move the camera in the desired fashion for the

pattern. This may include any combination of positioning the camera using

horizontal or vertical movement, zooming, and focusing.

9. Once completed, choose Stop.

10. Click Save.

9.4.3 Creating a camera sequence


SiPass integrated allows you configure multiple CCTV camera sequences. This

means that from SiPass integrated you can program a defined series of patterns,

presets, and dwells (stop or pause times) for multiple cameras in the CCTV


This sequence can then be saved and replayed on any one of more monitors in the

CCTV system.

 Ensure that all the CCTV equipment has been configured in SiPass integrated

and that the Matrix Switcher and all CCTV equipment is operational.

 Ensure that the SiPass Server and SiPass CCTV Bus services are running.

1. Choose CCTV from the Program toolbar or menu.

2. Select a specific Monitor Group or the “All Monitors” option from the Monitor
Group drop-down box.
3. Select the monitor that will be used to display the CCTV images during the

configuration process and Then, choose the Sequence button.

4. Enter a unique name for the Sequence in the Sequence Name field, located
near the top of the tab.

5. Select a specific Camera Group or the “All Cameras” option from the Camera

Group drop-down box.

6. Select a camera from the Camera drop-down box.

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Operating CCTV

7. Add the desired components to the sequence, by doing the following:

8. Select a Preset from the Available Preset list and then choose the Add button

to add this preset to the sequence.

9. Select a Pattern from the Available Patterns list, and then choose the Add

button to add this pattern to the sequence.

10. Select a new camera to which the displayed view will switch from the Switch To
Camera drop-down list. Then choose the Add button to add this to the

11. Repeat the previous step until all sequence components have been added to
the Selected Action box.

12. Select the exact order in which each action will be performed, by either

promoting or demoting its position in the Selected Action list. You use the

buttons provided to demote or promote the action.

13. To change the delay time in seconds, double-click on the name of the action in
the Selected Actions list. Then enter a new time into the Delay (s)
(s) column. This

delay time specifies the amount of time before the next action in the list is


14. Once all the actions have been included in the sequence and the delay times
for each action configured, do one of the following to save it:

15. Click Save.

16. Preview the sequence to ensure that it is correct and accurate.
9.5 Operating CCTV
Once the configuration process has been completed you are now ready to use

your CCTV system in conjunction with your access control system. The operational

components include viewing fixed camera pictures, viewing and manipulating PTZ

type cameras, and running presets, patterns and sequences.


SiPass CCTV clients can be prioritized when configuring a CCTV switcher, to

prevent clashes occurring when multiple clients try to manipulate a single camera.

See the literature provided with your System Administration software for more


9.5.1 Viewing images from a camera


SiPass integrated allows you to select both the monitor on which images are to be

displayed and the specific camera that will be used to capture those images. Fixed

cameras can only display relatively static images, that only change when

something within their line of view changes. Images captured using a PTZ camera

can not only be viewed, but the line of view from the camera can be manipulated

using SiPass integrated.

1. Choose the CCTV Operation button from the Operation toolbar or menu.

2. Select a specific Monitor Group or the All Monitors option from the Monitor

Group drop-down list.

3. Select the monitor that will be used to display the CCTV images.

4. Camera

Select a specific Camera Group or the “All Cameras” option from the

Group drop-down box.

5. Double click on the name of the camera from which images will be viewed.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Operating CCTV

- The display from that camera will appear on-screen if the SiPass integrated

monitor has been selected. Otherwise, the CCTV picture from that camera

will appear on the monitor selected.

6. You can now view captured images. If the camera is a PTZ type camera, you

can use the SiPass CCTV tools to manipulate the displayed image and

direction of camera viewing.

7. Choose Close.

9.5.2 Viewing preset images from a camera

SiPass integrated allows you to select a specific camera and a pre-configured

preset for that camera and display the images from the preset on a selected

monitor. Only PTZ cameras can be used to display preset images.

1. Choose CCTV from the Operation toolbar or menu.

2. Monitor Group drop-down box.
Select a specific Monitor Group from the

3. Select the monitor that will be used to display the preset, by highlighting the

name of the monitor and then choosing the Preset button.
 The display from that camera will appear on-screen if the SiPass monitor

has been selected. Otherwise, the CCTV picture from that camera will

appear on the monitor selected.

4. Select a specific Camera Group or the All Cameras option from the Camera
Group drop-down box.
5. Select the camera for which the desired Preset has been configured from the

Camera list displayed.

Select the Preset that you wish to view from the displayed list.

7. Choose Run.
 The Preset will appear on the selected monitor. If the monitor chosen was

Operator – Cameras tab to view

the SiPass GUI, you will need to select the

the CCTV images. By selecting the Operator – Cameras tab you can also

use the CCTV tools provided to enhance the Preset’s image quality or

move the camera from the preset location.

8. Choose Close.

9.5.3 Running a Pattern


SiPass integrated allows you to select a specific camera and a pre-configured

pattern for that camera and display the images on a specific monitor. Only PTZ

cameras can be used to display CCTV patterns.


1. Choose CCTV Operation from the Operation toolbar or menu.

2. Select a specific Monitor Group or the “All Monitors” option from the Monitor
Group drop-down box.
3. Select the monitor that will be used to display the pattern, by highlighting the

name of the monitor. Then choose the operation’s Pattern tab.

 The display from that camera will appear on-screen if the SiPass monitor

has been selected. Otherwise, the CCTV picture from that camera will

appear on the monitor selected.

4. Select a specific Camera Group or the “All Cameras” option from the Camera
Group drop-down box.
Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Operating CCTV

5. Select the camera for which the desired Pattern has been configured from the

Camera list displayed.

6. Select whether you want the Pattern to run continuously or specify the exact

number of times to run the pattern by choosing the appropriate Execute option.

7. Select the Pattern that you wish to view from the displayed list.

8. Choose Run or press ALT + R.

 The Pattern will appear on the selected monitor. If the monitor chosen was

the SiPass GUI, you will need to select theOperator – Cameras tab to view

the CCTV images. By selecting the Operator – Cameras tab you can also
use the CCTV tools provided to enhance the Pattern’s image quality or

move the camera manually.

9. Choose Stop to stop the Pattern from running
10. Choose Close.

9.5.4 Running a Sequence

SiPass integrated allows you to select both the monitor on which a sequence can

be displayed and the specific sequence to be run. Both fixed and PTZ cameras can

be incorporated as part of a sequence.

1. Choose the CCTV Operation from the Operation toolbar or menu.

2. All Monitors option from the Monitor
Select a specific Monitor Group or the
Group drop-down box.
3. Select the monitor that will be used to display the pattern, by highlighting the

name of the monitor. Then choose the Sequence button.

 The display from that camera will appear on-screen if the SiPass monitor

has been selected. Otherwise, the CCTV picture from that camera will

appear on the monitor selected.

4. Select whether you want the Sequence to run continuously or a specified


number of times by choosing the appropriate Execute option.

5. Select the Sequence that you wish to display from the displayed list of


6. Choose Run or press ALT + R. The Sequence will appear on the selected

monitor. If the monitor chosen was the SiPass GUI, you will need to select the

Operator – Cameras tab to view the CCTV images. By selecting the Operator –

Cameras tab you can also use the CCTV tools provided to enhance the
Sequence’s image quality or move the camera manually.

7. Choose Stop to stop the sequence from running.


8. Choose Close.

9.5.5 Viewing
Viewing Images through the Live CCTV Dialog

SiPass integrated also has a separate dialog available for viewing live images and

controlling PTZ cameras while you continue to operate SiPass. The Live CCTV

window is designed to be a “floating” window that opens in response to Event

Tasks and site plan commands, allowing you to immediately view a specific

camera image of the relevant area. You can also open the Live CCTV dialog from

the Alarm menu.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Operating CCTV

The SiPass Client you are using must be selected as the Monitor in the CCTV

Operations dialog, before the Live CCTV dialog can be used to manipulate PTZ

cameras from SiPass integrated.

1. Live CCTV button from the Alarm toolbar or menu.

Choose the

 The image shown will be the view from the last active camera, or the last

camera selected from the CCTV Operations dialog. To change which

camera is shown in the Live CCTV dialog, you must open the CCTV
Operations dialog and select another camera

2. Use the camera controls located along the top of the dialog to manipulate the

camera and image.


You can increase the size of the window by left-clicking on one of the corners

or edges and dragging the mouse.

Presets, patterns and sequences cannot be controlled, they can only be viewed

through the Live CCTV dialog.

9.5.6 Resuming / Restarting CCTV Patterns and Sequences

after power loss
Once communications between SiPass integrated and the CCTV Controller are lost
or the SiPass integrated system itself loses power, SiPass can no longer control

the operation of the cameras or monitors in your CCTV system. This means that

any Sequences or Patterns being controlled from SiPass integrated cannot be

completed or recovered until communications has been restored.

To overcome this problem you may wish to do the following:

 Create some patterns and macros on the CCTV Controller itself (e.g. via a

CCTV keyboard).

 Create Event Tasks in SiPass integrated that automatically configure the

desired CCTV settings (e.g. which sequences are run on what monitors).

These Event Tasks should be triggered when communications on the CCTV

Bus have been restored.

9.5.7 CCTV Alarm and Event Handling


CCTV systems often are equipped with their own internal Alarm Handling and

Event mechanisms. Presets, sequences, and combinations of events can be

programmed as macros using the CCTV Administration software. CCTV Alarm

types can also usually be defined for cameras, in order to trigger macros if an

alarm occurs.

This Alarm and Event Handling mechanism, internal to CCTV Switchers, can be

linked to SiPass’ own alarm handling and event task functionality.


This chapter is only relevant for sites using the Pelco 9740/9760 CCTV system.

Linking the CCTV system’s Alarm and Event Handling to SiPass integrated has two


 CCTV alarms can be triggered from SiPass integrated events. For example, a

complex CCTV macro can be triggered from an alarm originating from SiPass.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Operating CCTV

If a secure door is forced, a whole series of cameras can automatically switch

to a preset or sequence without creating a series of SiPass integrated event


 SiPass integrated alarms can be triggered from CCTV alarms. For example, if

a camera wire to the CCTV Switcher is cut, SiPass can be informed by the

switcher of the event and forward an alarm onto operators or security


 Additionally, the “Video Loss” alarm is a particular CCTV-specific alarm which

can be selected in the SiPass Alarm Class dialog when defining an alarm class

for cameras. Triggering a CCTV Event

Setting up a CCTV Alarm or Macro to trigger from SiPass integrated is a three-step


Step 1: Creating the CCTV Event

CCTV Alarms and Macros are configured on a Switcher using the CCTV

administration software that came with the system. As each system is configured

differently, you must consult your CCTV System’s documentation for more

information on how to define Alarms and Macros.

Step 2: Creating the Alarm Point

1. Select Components from the System toolbar or menu.
2. Select from the Components tree on the left hand side the CCTV Switcher for

which you want to create an alarm point.

3. Choose New Unit, and select Alarm from the menu.
 A new point will appear under the CCTV Unit and a new tab will appear.

4. Enter a name for the alarm point into the Name field. For ease of reference,

this name should match the name of the Alarm Type configured in the CCTV

Administration software.

5. Enter the alarm point number in the Point No. field. The point number must
match the alarm number for this Alarm Type as configured in the Administration

6. Click Save.

Step 3: Creating the Event Task

You will most likely create two event tasks for each CCTV Alarm; an “alarm trigger”

event task and an “alarm restore” event task. The first event task triggers the alarm

in response to a SiPass alarm event, and the second restores the CCTV alarm on

the Switcher when the SiPass integrated alarm conditions have been restored.

1. Select Program > Event Task > Host.

2. Event Name field.
Enter a descriptive name for the event task into the

3. Select from the Time Schedule drop-down box the time during which this event
task can be triggered.

4. Trigger section as for a normal Event Task.

Complete the fields in the

5. Select “CCTV” from the Target drop-down box.


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Operating CCTV

6. Select “Activate Alarm” or “Acknowledge Alarm” from the Command drop-down

box, depending on whether you want to trigger the CCTV alarm or de-activate it


7. Select from the Switcher drop-down box the CCTV Unit on which the alarm is


8. Select the CCTV Alarm from the Alarm drop-down box.

9. Click Save. Triggering a SiPass Alarm (Pelco with DT4 only)

Setting up a SiPass event to trigger from a CCTV alarm is a three-step process:

Step 1: Creating the CCTV Alarm Type
CCTV Alarm Types are configured on a Switcher using the CCTV administration

software that came with the system. As each system is configured differently, you

must consult your CCTV System’s documentation for more information on how to

create Alarm Types.

Step 2: Creating a Camera Point Alarm Class

1. Select Alarm Class from the Program menu or toolbar.
2. Enter a new name for the Alarm Class into the Alarm Definition Name field.
3. Select “Camera” from the Type drop-down box.
4. Complete the fields in the Alarm Handling and Alarm Options sections as for a

normal Alarm Class.

5. The Current Defined States table lists all of the possible camera states that are
forwarded to SiPass by the CCTV Switcher. At the moment only two states are


6. Select Add.

 A new row will appear in the table.

7. Click in the Status column and select Video “Loss”.

8. Enter a description for the video loss state into the Status Description column.
9. Select “Alarm” from the Alarm/Restore column.
10. Select an appropriate Symbol Name. This is the symbol that will appear in Site

Plans when the camera point enters the “Video Loss” state.

11. Choose Add again. Another row will appear below the first. Click in the Status
column and select “Acknowledged”.

12. Enter a description into the Status Description column.

13. In the Alarm/Restore column, select “Restore”.

14. Select an appropriate Symbol Name.

 This is the symbol that will appear in Site Plans when the camera point

alarm is restored.

15. Click Save.

Step 3: Initializing the CCTV Switcher


Once you have finishing configuring your CCTV Units and Camera points, you

must initialize each Switcher with the details.

1. Select Components from the System toolbar or menu.

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Operating CCTV

2. Select from the Components tree the CCTV Switcher you want to initialize.
3. Choose Initialize Video Loss Alarm. This process may take a few minutes.

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10 Image Verification
Configuring Image Verification at an Access Point

10 Image Verification

SiPass integrated allows you to perform image verification on cardholders. This

advanced functionality increases the security of your site, by allowing security

operators to visually confirm the identity of personnel attempting access.

Image verification can be configured to be mandatory at particular access points,

requiring the guard to manually verify identity before allowing access. It can also be

configured to allow access according to cardholder access privileges, but

automatically take a snapshot of the cardholder to be displayed on a selected


10.1 Configuring Image Verification at an Access Point


Before you can use the Image Verification feature of SiPass integrated, you need

to configure those access points at which image verification will apply. Image

Image Verification tab in the Components

verification is configured through the

dialog. The steps required to do this are as follows:

1. Choose Components from the System toolbar or menu.

 The Components dialog will appear.
2. Select the Server name in the components hierarchy.

3. Select the ACC Controllers ethernet comms.

4. Select the ACC to which the access point is connected.

5. Select the FLN connection to which the device controlling the access point is


Select the door controller device connected to the access point.

7. Select each Reader tab in turn and configure each individually.

8. Select from the Operation Mode drop-down box the image verification mode
that you want to apply to this access point. The available modes are detailed in

the Available Modes table, at the end of this section.

9. Enter a value into the Host Verify Timeout field. This is the length of time, in

seconds, that the system will wait for an operator response after a card is

badged. If the response times out, the card reader will reset and access may

be attempted again.

10. Select the Input/Output tab and select the Time Schedule during which image

verification will be enabled, for each input and output point, from the Time

Schedule drop-down box. The Time Schedule table at the end of this section

details the effect a Time Schedule has on image verification.

11. Select the Image Verification tab.


12. Select the CCTV sequence to run when a cardholder presents their card at the
access point, from the CCTV Sequence drop-down box for each reader.

13. Select the monitor on which you want the selected sequence to be shown, from
the Monitor drop-down box for each reader.

14. Select an Alarm Class for the image verification access point, from the Alarm
Class drop-down box for each reader.
15. Select the Save Image Snapshot checkbox to save live images to disk when an

access attempt is made at the point for each reader.

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Image Verification 10
Operating Image Verification

16. Enter the snapshot delay in seconds into the Snapshot Delay field for each
reader. This number represents the time taken for the camera to move from the

start of the selected camera sequence to the ideal position for taking a

snapshot of the cardholder.

17. Choose Save.

Available Modes
Access Mode Description

Host Verification – A card is required for access at this point; if a valid cardholder makes an access attempt, the

Card only Image Verification screen will be displayed on the SiPass GUI and a security operator will be

prompted to allow or deny access.

Host Verification – Both a card and a PIN code are required for access at this point; if an access attempt is made by

Card and PIN a valid cardholder, the Image Verification screen will be displayed on the SiPass GUI and a

security operator will be prompted to allow or deny access.

View Only – Card only A card is required for access at this point; if a valid cardholder makes an access attempt, access

will be determined by normal access privileges, but a CCTV snapshot of the access attempt will

be taken and stored in the database.

View Only – Card and Both a card and a PIN code are required for access at this point; if an access attempt is made by

PIN a valid cardholder, access will be determined by normal access privileges, but a CCTV snapshot

of the access attempt will be taken and stored in the database.

Time Schedule
Time Schedule Description
Always (point Image verification mode will always be enabled.


Never (point secure) Image verification mode will always be disabled

Office Hours (9-

(9-5) Image verification mode will be enabled between 9:00am and 5:00pm.

10.2 Operating Image Verification


Setting an access point’s Image Verification mode to “Operator controlled” or “Host

Verification” means that when an access card is badged at a reader, the Image
Verification dialog will appear on the SiPass client. The security operator needs to
manually verify that the live CCTV image matches the stored database image of

the cardholder, before allowing or denying entry.

A cardholder must have access privileges to a point for the Image Verification

screen to be displayed upon an access attempt. For example, if a person does not

have privileges during a certain Time Schedule, or is using a void card, access will

be denied by the hardware controller, and the Image Verification screen will not be


If an access point’s Image Verification mode has been set to “View Only”, the

Image Verification dialog will still appear on screen. However, the dialog will be for
viewing and snapshot purposes only. Access will be determined as normal.

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10 Image Verification
Operating Image Verification

An operator must have the appropriate privileges for both Image Verification and

the access point, to be able to use the Image Verification dialog to view live CCTV

or DVR images and confirm or deny entry at that point.

Performing Image Verification
1. When an access card is badged at an image verification access point, the

Image Verification dialog will appear: The stored database photo appears on
the left hand side, and the live CCTV snapshot appears on the right.

2. If you are satisfied that the live photo matches the database photo, choose

Allow. The door will unlock and access will be permitted.

3. Otherwise, select the Deny button. The door will remain locked and the door

controller will reset and wait for the next access attempt.

The door controller will wait a certain amount of time for a response from an

operator. During this time, swiping any other card at the reader will have no affect.

If there still has not been a response from an operator after this time, the controller

will reset and access can be re-attempted. The timeout period can be configured

by entering a value into the Host Verify Timeout field of the Access tab of the
relevant device. The default is 60 seconds.

If an operator has not allowed or denied entry using Image Verification within 30

seconds, an audible alarm will sound. This can be silenced by choosing Silence.
This event is not a SiPass alarm.

10.2.1 Operating Image Verification from the Audit Trail

If you have checked the Save Image Snapshot checkbox in the Image Verification
tab of the Components dialog, each time an access attempt is made at an access
point configured for image verification, a live snapshot of the cardholder will be

saved to the database. Both the cardholder’s image from the database and the

saved CCTV snapshot can be viewed from the audit trail.

For example, a guard may observe from the audit trail that a cardholder has

entered the site, but may not recall seeing that cardholder when he or she

completed the last guard tour. The live CCTV snapshot of the access attempt can

be recalled from the Audit Trail, to confirm whether that cardholder has indeed

entered the site, or someone else has used the card to gain unauthorized access.

Stored snapshots can also be viewed in Image Verification reports.

Viewing a stored cardholder image from the Audit Trail


Locate the audit trail entry for which you wish to view a stored database image

of a cardholder. The entry must be an access attempt by a valid cardholder.

2. Right click on the entry. A menu will appear.

3. Select View Image.

4. Imaging tab to see the stored database image of the cardholder.

Choose the

Viewing a Live CCTV Snapshot from the Audit Trail

1. Locate the audit trail entry for which you wish to view a live CCTV image. The

audit trail entry must be an access attempt by a valid cardholder, at a point

configured for image verification.

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Image Verification 10
Operating Image Verification

2. Right click on the entry. A menu will appear.

3. Select View Snapshot.

 The Image Verification dialog will appear, displaying only the live CCTV

snapshot of the access attempt made at that point.

4. Choose Close.

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11 Dial-
Dial-up Components

11 Dial-

Dial-up refers to communications via a modem (as opposed to a direct connection)

between a PC running the SiPass integrated software and an ACC controller.

Using SiPass integrated, an operator can achieve the same functionality from a

dial-up unit as they can from a unit directly connected to the PC. For example, an

operator can lock a door, unlock a door and even change a cardholder’s access

control privileges at a remote location by using dial up functions. Database

changes from the SiPass Server and audit logs from the remote unit are

downloaded and uploaded automatically each time a connection is initiated with a

remote ACC.

11.1 Dial-
Dial-up Components
The components involved in a dialup system will depend on the complexity. A

single remote connection consists of the following components:

 Dialup Bus


 RAS Connection

 Remote ACC (or Remote ACC network)

Dialup Bus
The Dialup Bus represents a connection from the SiPass Server to a remote

modem or modem bank. One Dialup Bus has to be configured for each remote
ACC or ACC network; essentially, one Dialup Bus per remote “connection point”,

meaning a remote modem or group of modems.

Modem – Remote side


The remote modem communicates with the ACC via the RS-232 Modem port

directly in the case of single remote ACC, or through a remote RAS client in the

case of a remote ACC network. Any Hayes-compatible modem, that supports a

baud rate of 2400bps or above, may be connected to the ACC.


An RS-232 connector must be used to connect the remote modem to the Modem

port on the ACC. Other connections, such as an RJ45 phone line connector

cannot be used.

Modem – Server side


The modem should support a minimum Baud rate of 2400bps (Bits per second).

The SiPass Server must have at least one serial connection port available for

connection to a modem. The local modem(s) may only be defined on the same PC

as the SiPass Server.

You should install the latest modem manufacturer’s drivers for the modem you

are using for Dialup control. The default Windows drivers should not be used.

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Dial-up 11

RAS Connection – Server Side

SiPass integrated uses the Windows RAS protocol to handle communications

between the Server and the remote connection. The number of RAS connections

you will need to create on the SiPass Server will vary, depending on how your

modem or modems are set up. A single RAS connection, regardless of the number

of remote ACCs, is able to manage multiple connections at the same time.

RAS Connection – Remote Side

If the remote site has multiple ACCs present, instead of using a single modem for

each ACC, a PC may be used as an RAS connection manager on the remote side.

This allows you to manage large remote ACC networks without the need for a

modem assigned to each ACC.

No SiPass integrated components need to be installed on a remote RAS client at

all. The remote client only needs to have Windows installed and the RAS

connection to be configured.

Remote ACC or ACC Network
Configuring a remote ACC involves supplying the communications parameters,

like RAS Connection and IP address details. Once configured, a remote ACC will

operate in the same manner as a local ACC.

A Dialup ACC must be initially configured with dialup communications parameters

(using HyperTerminal or similar access program) before it can be configured from

the SiPass GUI.

Remote devices do not need to be configured any differently in the SiPass

integrated Components dialog.

11.2 Pre-

The following lists the recommended pre-requisites for a successful SiPass

integrated dialup configuration:

 If there is more than one modem connected to the SiPass Server PC, it is

highly recommended that Windows 2003 / 2008 Server be used as the

operating system. Windows XP Professional is not recommended unless only a


single modem is connected. The appropriate changes to the Server profile


configuration also need to be made.

 The modems used on both the Server side and Remote side should preferably

be of the same make and model.


Note: The Dial-up configuration instructions, provided in the sections that follow,

can be applied for a PC that uses either the Windows 2003 or 2008 Server as the

operating system. Although the overall configuration is essentially the same for

both operating systems, there may be slight variations in the configuration dialogs

when using the Windows 2008 Server.


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11 Dial-
Dialup Setup Checklist

11.3 Dialup Setup Checklist

The following checklists can be used when configuring your remote ACC

network(s) and the SiPass Server for dialup communication:

 If the remote ACC is connected directly to the modem:

– Install a modem on the PC hosting the SiPass Server,

– Create a dialup connection on the PC hosting the SiPass Server

– Connect modem(s) to the remote ACC unit(s)

– Configure the Dialup Bus in SiPass integrated

– Configure the dialup ACC(s) in SiPass integrated

– Initialize the dialup ACC(s) with the configuration details

 If the remote ACC network is connected via remote RAS Client:

– Install a modem on the PC hosting the SiPass Server,

– Create a dialup connection on the PC hosting the SiPass Server

– Connect modem(s) to the remote RAS client

– Create a dialup connection on the remote Client

– Configure the Dialup Bus in SiPass integrated

– Configure the dialup ACC(s) in SiPass integrated

Initialize the dialup ACC(s) with the configuration details

11.4 Creating the Dialup Connection

You must create a dialup connection on the PC hosting the SiPass Server, in order

to dial and send data to a remote ACC. The dialup connection uses the Windows

RAS protocol to send and receive messages from the remote units. Only one RAS

connection has to be configured; this connection is used by all remote ACCs for


If your remote ACC network uses a “gateway” PC on the remote side, you must

also configure a remote dialup connection on that PC. Steps 2 and 3 below do not

apply to the remote PC.

It is recommended that the following procedures be carried out by a Systems


Administrator or a similar person who is familiar with setting up dialup and network

connections in the Windows operating environment.

Local Administrator privileges are required to set up a dialup connection on a PC in

a Windows network.

Whichever user is logged in during the creation of the dialup connection must be

assigned to the SiPass Server Service as described in the next procedure. This

applies to connections created on the SiPass Server only.


11.4.1 Step 1: Making the Connection

1. Settings > Network and Dial up Connections > Make a new connection

from the Windows Start menu.


2. Choose Next.
3. Select the Dial-
Dial-up to private network option.

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Dial-up 11
Creating the Dialup Connection

4. Enter the Phone Number of the remote modem you want to dial. If you are

dialing a different state or country, tick the Use Dialing Rules checkbox to

enable those fields.

5. A “0” can be placed in front of the number if necessary, to indicate dialling an

outside line. A comma can also be placed before the Phone number to indicate

a pause.

6. If you are configuring this connection on the SiPass Server, this number will be

the number of the remote ACC or remote gateway PC that you wish to dial.

7. If you are configuring this connection on the remote gateway PC, this number

will be the number of the SiPass Server that you wish to dial.

8. Choose Next.

9. Leave the Enable Internet Connection Sharing for this connection un-ticked.

Choose Next.

10. Select the For all users option. Choose Next.

11. Enter a meaningful name for the dialup connection. This is the name that will

appear in the Connection drop-down box in the SiPass integrated Components

dialog (SiPass Server only).

12. Enter the Username and Password of the user that you want to assign to this
connection. The username/password you assign here must be the same that is

assigned to the ACC, as shown in the procedure To configure an ACC for

dialup communications.
13. Choose Properties. Choose Configure.
- The value selected in the Maximum Speed (bps) field should be
approximately twice the rated speed of the modem used to dial the remote
ACC. For example, for a 28.8k modem, select 57600.

14. Ensure all of the Hardware features options are selected. Choose OK.
15. Select the Security tab.
16. Select the Advanced (custom settings) option. Choose Settings.

17. Select the Allow these protocols option, and disable all protocols except for
Unencrypted password (PAP). Choose OK.

18. Select the Networking tab.

19. Un-tick all options except for Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Select the Settings


20. Disable all settings in this dialog. Choose OK.

21. Choose OK to exit the Connection Properties dialog.
22. Choose Dial to dial and test the connection you have just created, or choose
Cancel to exit to the desktop.

11.4.2 Step 2: Assigning a username and password to the SiPass

Server Service

1. Choose Settings > Control Panel from the Windows Start menu.
2. Double click on the Administrative Tools icon.
3. Double click on the Services icon.

4. Scroll down the list until you find the SiPassServer entry. Right click on

SipassServer and select Properties from the menu.

5. Select the Log On tab.

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11 Dial-
Creating the Dialup Connection

6. Select the This Account option. Choose Browse to assign a user to this

7. Select a user from the list. The user you select must be the same user who

was logged in while the dialup connection was being created, as described in

the previous procedure.

8. Choose OK.

11.4.3 Step 3: Setting up an ACC for remote communications

This procedure describes how to assign the address details, username and

password you have configured on the SiPass Server to the remote ACC. A

program such as Telnet or HyperTerminal is used to connect to the ACC for


The Firmware Instruction set must be downloaded before the ACC can be

configured for Dialup Communications.

 Ensure that the ACC is connected and communicating with the SiPass Server,

and you have configured HyperTerminal for communications with the ACC.

1. Choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications> > HyperTerminal.
2. Choose File > Open and select the connection to the ACC.

3. Press the <Enter> key on the keyboard until the Username prompt appears.
4. At the Login prompt type “SIEMENS“ and press the <Enter> key on the

keyboard. Please note the user name is case sensitive.

5. At the Password prompt type “spirit“ and press the <Enter> key on the

6. If you have successfully logged into the ACC the message “User SIEMENS

logged In” will appear.

7. Ensure that you are logged into the Application Level of the ACC. If you have

successfully downloaded the latest firmware instruction set, you will

automatically be logged into the application level when connecting to an ACC

via HyperTerminal.

8. Type “get modem” and press the <Enter> key. A list of default dialup settings

will appear in the HyperTerminal window, The ‘set modem’ command is used to

set the Connection parameters.

9. To set the IP address of the ACC (for PPP communications), type “set modem

local address “ACCAddress”” at prompt. Where “ACCAddress“ refers to the IP

address of the modem connected to the ACC.


10. To set the IP address of the Host (for PPP communications), type “set modem
remote address “HostAddress”” at the prompt. Where “HostAddress“ refers to

the IP address of the PPP link on the Server PC which the ACC will be dialing.

This will have been configured by you as described in the section To assign a

static IP address to a network connection.

11. To set the subnet mask (if any), type “set modem subnetmask “SubnetMask””
at the prompt. Where “SubnetMask“ refers to the subnet mask used to access

the remote network of ACCs.


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Dial-up 11
Creating the Dial-up Bus Service

12. To set the username property, type “set modem username 'UserName'” at the
prompt. Where “UserName“ refers to the Windows user name assigned to the

SiPass Server Connection in the procedure To Create the Connection.
13. To set the password property, type “set modem password “Password”

command at the prompt. Where “Password“ refers to the Windows password

assigned to the SiPass Server Connection in the procedure To Create the

14. To set the phone number property, type “set modem number “PhoneNumber””

at the prompt. Where “PhoneNumber“ refers to the phone number of the

modem connected to the SiPass Server.

15. Type the command “reboot” at the prompt and press <Enter>

Important: These parameters, except for “username” and “password”, can also be
set from SiPass integrated. Any values entered in the SiPass GUI will over-ride

the above settings. This means that you must enter the same values in SiPass

integrated as configured above before establishing the first connection, otherwise

the dialup parameters will be over-ridden by the default settings and you will have

to re-configure the ACC.

11.5 Creating the Dial-

Dial-up Bus Service
You may have selected to install a dialup bus during your SiPass integrated

installation. If this is the case, you can proceed to defining a Dialup Bus.

1. Components from the System dialog or menu.


2. Select the Server name in the left hand pane.

3. Choose New Bus. A menu displaying a list of options will appear. Select Dialup
/ Remote Network.

4. Select the RAS connection that you defined in the previous section from the

Connection drop-down box.

5. Select the Alarm Class that will apply to this dialup bus from the Bus Alarm
drop-down box.

6. The default Initial Maximum number of cards per ACC is 25,000. If you need to

change this value, enter a new number into the field. The actual maximum

number of cards per ACC will depend on the license you have purchased.

7. The Number of commands to unit before auto-download field determines how

many database commands at the Server can occur, before the SiPass

integrated server will automatically dial the remote ACCs and download the list

of database changes. The default is 1000.

8. Choose Connect to connect to the remote ACCs. The Status field will be
updated according to whether the connection was successful or not.

 Once a connection has been made, a remote ACC and any connected devices

will operate exactly like a local ACC plus devices.

11.5.1 Defining the Dial-

Dial-up ACC

The remote ACC must be configured with communications and address

parameters. The steps required to define a Dial-up ACC are as follows:

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
11 Dial-
Creating the Dial-up Bus Service

1. Select Components from the System menu or toolbar.

2. Select the remote Bus that you defined in the previous section from the

Components tree. Choose New Unit.

A new ACC will appear under the remote Bus and two new tabs will

become available. The fields in the ACC Controller tab are filled in exactly
the same as for a local ACC unit.

3. Select the Dialup/PPP Properties tab.

4. Tick the Allow incoming Connections checkbox if you want the SiPass Server

to be able to initiate a connection to the ACC.

5. Enter the number of the first modem connected to the SiPass Server into the

first Server Phone Number field.

6. If you are only using one modem to dial in to the Server, enter the same

number into the second Server Phone Number field. If two modems are

connected to the SiPass Server, enter the number of the second modem into

this field.

7. Complete the fields in the Other Properties section:
- The command list must be terminated with the ‘^M’ character.

8. Click Save. Dialup Properties

The following table explains the available properties when configuring dialup ACCs.

Property Description
ACC PPP Address
The PPP Address of the connection on the remote ACC. Note that this is different to the TCP/IP

address configured for the PC during initial installation.

Host PPP Address The PPP Address of the connection on the SiPass Server. Note that this address is different to

the TCP/IP address of the Server PC.


Subnet Mask The Subnet Mask (if applicable) used to access ACCs on the remote network.

Idle Timeout (min) The length of time after which, if there has been no communication either from or to the ACC, the

ACC will disconnect the Dialup connection to the SiPass Server.

No. of Retries The number of times the ACC will attempt to dial the first phone number. If there has not been a

successful connection, the ACC will attempt the same number of tries on the second phone

number, and continue to alternate between the two numbers.

Baud Rate The baud rate of the serial dialup connection. This should be set to the next fastest speed above

the baud rate of the modem connected to the ACC.


Modem Initialization The commands that are sent to a modem prior to sending information; for example, to turn off

String sounds or to disable a certain communications mode. Consult your modem’s User Guide for a list

of modem commands that are understood.

Dial Server When The number of Audit Trail messages that accumulate in the ACC Audit Trail buffer before the ACC

dials the SiPass Server to upload.


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Dial-up 11
Creating the Dial-up Bus Service

11.5.2 Defining other Components

Once you have defined the dialup bus for the ACC Series platform, all other

components, including FLN connections, Devices and Points, are defined earlier in

this manual.

11.5.3 Alarm Class on Dial-

Dial-up Controllers

If you want an alarm on a dial-up unit to be reported immediately to the system,

you must define an Alarm Class for each remote ACC, device and point. The Alarm

Class assigned must require acknowledgement from an operator, and also have

Dial Back checkbox ticked.


Alarm Classes on a dial-up unit are defined in exactly the same manner as Alarm

Classes on a local unit.

The Alarm Class you define must include all the appropriate states. For example,

each door should have a state for door open, door forced, door held and door

closed. This ensures that an alarm will be up-loaded to the Server immediately, if

any of these changes of state occurs.

If you do not assign an Alarm Class to a point on the dial-up controller, or do not

select the Dial Back option, you will not be notified immediately when a change in
state occurs. The unit will generate a message (and place it in the Audit Log)

stating that the point has changed state, but this will not reach the Server until the

unit uploads its Audit Trail buffer to the Server.

Furthermore, the message will never be displayed unless a report is generated.


11.5.4 Initialization and Downloading

Data at your site has to be downloaded to remote Controllers and Devices just like

local units. Changes to the SiPass Server database are downloaded to remote

units by initialization.

Initialization can be performed manually, or automatically initiated by SiPass

integrated depending on your configuration settings in the Components dialog.

Initializing a remote unit


 Ensure that you are able to dial a dialup ACC before you intialize a dialup unit.

1. Select Initialize from the System dialog or menu.

 A list of every ACC defined in the Components dialog, and currently online,

will appear in the Available field.

2. Select the remote unit(s) in the Available list that you want to initialize.
3. Choose Add >.
 The unit will be moved to the Selected list.

4. You can select which data is downloaded to units during Initialization by ticking

the Initialization Options checkbox. This step is optional; you may choose to
stick with the default settings.


A confirmation dialog will appear asking if you are sure you want to change

these settings. Click Yes to proceed.

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11 Dial-
Creating the Dial-up Bus Service

6. Select each data component can be downloaded by ticking or un-ticking the

appropriate checkbox. The options are:

7. Choose Full Initialize.

The data you selected will be downloaded to the remote ACC(s). The

initialization process will be displayed in the Audit Trail. Initialization Options

The following table explains the available initialization options.

Option Description

Memory This option is disabled and is not applicable.

Holiday All defined holidays will be downloaded on initialization.

Time Schedule All defined Time Schedules will be downloaded on initialization.

Point All information about the points that belong to the selected units will be downloaded on


Employee Access All cardholders’ access control information will be downloaded on initialization.

Anti-Passback Anti-Passback information, such as areas, points and modes will be downloaded on initialization.

Intrusion Area All intrusion area information will be downloaded on initialization.

Download expired Expired cardholder cards will be downloaded on intialization.


Download all cards to All cardolder cards will be downloaded to each of the ACC’s.

all ACC’s
Elevator All elevator data will be downloaded on initialization.

Event Task All controller-based event task data will be downloaded on initialization.
Se Automatic download of data to a remote ACC

No. of commands to unit
When creating an ACC dialup bus, the value in the field

before auto-
auto-download determines how often the SiPass Server will automatically
initiate a connection to remote ACCs to download recent database changes.

It is important to note that this value refers to database commands, not changes. A

single database command may generate a relatively high number of commands.

When this value is reached, the Server will dial each remote ACC and download

database changes to the following items:



 Points (input and output)

 Time Schedules


 Point Groups


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Dial-up 11
Creating the Dial-up Bus Service

The lower the value in the No. of Commands to unit before auto-
auto-download field,
the higher the frequency of automatic downloads. Setting the value too low may

have an effect on the speed of your network, depending on network bandwidth

and the normal traffic generated by your site.

Initialization messages
During both manual and automatic initialization, messages are displayed in the

Audit Trail indicating the progress and status of the dialup connection and

database download. Uploading data from a remote unit

There are four scenarios under which data from an ACC may be uploaded to the

SiPass Server:

 The ACC Audit Log (buffer) approaches capacity.

 An alarm is generated on a remote unit.

 A manual “Establish Dialup Connection” command is sent to a remote unit.

 A “Establish Dialup Connection” Event Task is triggered.

The ACC Audit Log (buffer) approaches

approaches capacity
Each Advanced Central Controller has an Audit Log, called a buffer, used to store
Audit Trail events that have occurred. When the ACC buffer reaches a defined

value, the remote ACC will automatically initiate a connection back to the SiPass

Server and upload the Audit Log to the Server Database.

The value at which an ACC will initiate a connection and upload is defined in the

Dial Server when xxx messages have been accumulated at the controller field of
the Components dialog. The default value is 100.

An alarm is generated on a remote unit


Alarms generated at a remote controller are sent immediately to the SiPass Server,

if the point or unit in alarm has been assigned an appropriate Alarm Class. The

Alarm Class assigned must have the Dial Back checkbox ticked.
If the point or unit has not been assigned an Alarm Class, the remote ACC will not

automatically initiate a connection if an alarm occurs.


A manual “Establish Dialup Connection” command is sent to a

remote unit

It is possible to send a manual “Establish Dialup Connection” command to a unit,

which will cause the remote ACC to dial in to the SiPass Server.

An “Establish Dialup Connection” Event Task is triggered on the SiPass Server.

The Establish Dialup Connection command may be used as an effect in a SiPass

Event Task. For example, you may want to establish a connection at 3 a.m. nightly

to upload the ACC audit trail and download the latest database changes.

Creating an Event Task to establish a dialup connection

1. Select Program > Event Task > Host.

2. Enter a name for the Event Task into the Event Name field.
3. Select the Time Schedule during which this Event Task will be triggered.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
11 Dial-
Redundant Communications

4. Select “Time Schedule” from the Source1

Source1 drop-down box.
5. Select “Start” from the State1 drop-down box.

6. Select “Unit” from the Target drop-down box.

7. Select “Establish Dialup Connection” from the Command drop-down box.

8. Select the Remote ACC to which you want to initiate a dialup connection, from

the Location drop-down box.

9. Click Save.
 A connection will be established with the remote unit at the start of the Time

Schedule selected in step 3. The latest database changes will be downloaded

to the ACC and the Audit Trail uploaded.

11.6 Redundant Communications
SiPass integrated contains a number of mechanisms to protect the Server-

Controller communications channel in case of failure. These mechanisms use

additional, redundant communications channels to automatically switch over if the

previous channel is disabled.

There are three levels of communications redundancy that can be configured.

 Ethernet Level Redundancy

 Dialup Backup Redundancy

 Secondary Phone Number Dialup Redundancy

The first level is completely transparent to the user. SiPass integrated will actively

reroute data if a node fails in the Ethernet architecture between the Server and the

ACC. This requires no configuration or action on the part of the SiPass operator
and is not discussed in this User’s Guide.

Dialup Backup Redundancy involves creating a normal dialup connection between

the Server and the ACC(s) and designating the connection as redundant. If the

Ethernet connection fails altogether, an ACC equipped with redundant dialup will

automatically dial in to the SiPass Server.

You can also supply a second phone number with which to dial in. If the ACC

encounters a busy signal on the first attempt, it will automatically retry using the

backup number. You will need to configure two modems into the SiPass Server PC

to use a secondary phone number.



Redundant Communications will not work in conjunction with Co-stand by server,

unless a network modem system such as a Shield modem box is connected.


11.6.1 Pre-
The following lists the recommended pre-requisites for a successful Redundant

Communications configuration:

 If there is more than one modem connected to the SiPass Server PC, it is

highly recommended that Windows 2003 Server is used as the operating

system. Windows XP Professional is not recommended unless only a single

modem is connected. The procedures in this section assume you are using

Windows 2003 Server as the operating system for setting up dialup


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Dial-up 11
Redundant Communications

 It is recommended that the SiPass Server is also located on a network domain,

controlled by a Windows 2003 server domain controller, instead of a

standalone or Workgroup PC. SiPass integrated does not necessarily have to

be installed on the domain controller itself, only located on a PC within a


 The modems used on both the Server side and Remote side should preferably

be of the same make and model.

11.6.2 Redundancy Configuration Summary

The following is a summary of the dialup redundancy configuration process:

 Enable the storage of passwords using reversible encryption at the Domain

Controller (for SiPass Servers within a domain only).

 Create the dialup connection for the redundant ACC dialup.

 Configure the appropriate ACC(s) for redundant dialup communications.

 Define the ACC in SiPass integrated

11.6.3 Setting up Dialup Redundancy Creating the Dialup Connection

1. SelectSettings > Network and Dialup Connections > Make new connection
from the Windows Start menu.
2. Choose Next.
3. Select Set up an Advanced connection and choose Next.
4. Select the Accept incoming
incoming connections option. Choose Next.
5. If the SiPass Server PC is located on a domain, you will be prompted to

6. Choose Yes.

7. Right click the name of the PC you are using, from the tree in the left hand

pane. Select Properties from the menu.

8. In the General tab, ensure that the Remote Access Server checkbox is ticked.
9. Select the Security tab. Choose the Authentication Methods button.
10. De-select all options except for Unencrypted Password (PAP).

11. Select the IP tab. Choose Add.


12. Enter a starting IP address and an End IP address into the field. This address
range represents the number of addresses that the Server can allocate to

incoming connections. The addresses in this range must be unique; that is,

they cannot already have been assigned to existing PCs on the network in

which the Server is located. You should allocate a number of addresses no

less than the number of ACCs on the remote site.

13. Select the PPP tab.


14. Deselect all options in this tab.

15. Choose Apply.
16. Choose OK to exit the dialog.

 Configuring your SiPass Server PC to accept an incoming call from a remote

ACC is now complete.

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11 Dial-
Redundant Communications Setting-
Setting-up password storage

1. Select Settings > Control Panel from the Windows Start menu.

Double click on the Administrative tools icon.

3. Select the Local Security Policy icon.

4. Open Account Policies, and then Password Policy in the tree on the left hand
side by clicking on them. A list of options will appear in the right hand pane.

5. Store password
password using reversible encryption.

Double click on the item

6. Select the Enabled option. Choose OK.

7. Exit from the Local Security Settings dialog.


Reboot the computer for the change to take affect. Setting up an ACC for remote communications

This procedure describes how to assign the address details, username and

password you have configured on the SiPass Server to the remote ACC. A

program such as Telnet or HyperTerminal is used to connect to the ACC for


The Firmware Instruction set must be downloaded before the ACC can be

configured for Dialup Communications.

 Ensure that the ACC is connected and communicating with the SiPass Server,

and you have configured HyperTerminal for communications with the ACC.

1. Choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal.
2. Choose File > Open and select the connection to the ACC.
3. Press the <Enter> key on the keyboard until the Username prompt appears.

4. At the Login prompt type “SIEMENS” and press the <Enter> key on the

keyboard. Please note the user name is case sensitive.

5. A Password prompt will now appear.

6. At the Password prompt type “spirit” and press the <Enter> key. If you have

successfully logged into the ACC the message “User SIEMENS logged In” will


7. Ensure that you are logged into the Application Level of the ACC. If you have

successfully downloaded the latest firmware instruction set, you will

automatically be logged into the application level when connecting to an ACC

via HyperTerminal.

8. Type “get modem” at the prompt. A list of default dialup settings will appear in

the HyperTerminal window.

9. To set the IP address of the ACC (for PPP communications), type “set modem

localaddress “ACCAddress” at the prompt. Where “ACCAddress” refers to the

IP address of the modem connected to the ACC.


10. To set the IP address of the Host (for PPP communications), type “set modem
remoteaddress “HostAddress”” the following command at the prompt. Where

“HostAddress“ refers to the IP address of the PPP link on the Server PC which

the ACC will be dialing. This will have been configured by you as described in

the section To assign a static IP address to a network connection.

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Dial-up 11
Redundant Communications

11. To set the subnet mask (if any), type “set modem subnetmask “SubnetMask””
the following command at the prompt. Where “SubnetMask“ refers to the

subnet mask used to access the remote network of ACCs.

12. To set the username property, type “set modem username “UserName”” at the

prompt. Where “UserName“ refers to the Windows user name assigned to the

SiPass Server Connection in the procedure To Create the Connection.

13. To set the password property, type “set modem password “Password”” at the
prompt. Where “Password“ refers to the Windows password assigned to the

SiPass Server Connection in the procedure To Create the Connection.
14. To set the phone number property, type “set modem number “PhoneNumber””
the following command at the prompt. Where “PhoneNumber“ refers to the

phone number of the modem connected to the SiPass Server.

15. Type the command “reboot” at the prompt and press the <Enter> key.
 The ACC is now configured for Dialup communications.

These parameters, except for “username” and “password”, can also be set from

SiPass integrated. Any values entered in the SiPass GUI will over-ride the above

settings. This means that you must enter the same values in SiPass integrated as

configured above before establishing the first connection, otherwise the dialup

parameters will be over-ridden by the default settings and you will have to re-

configure the ACC.

11.6.4 Setting-
Setting-up redundant dialup on an ACC
1. Components
Components from the System menu.

2. Select the ACC from the Components tree for which you are configuring

Redundant Dialup.

3. Select the Dialup/PPP Properties tab.


4. Tick the Enable Communications Redundancy checkbox. The fields in the

dialog will be enabled.

5. Tick the Allow incoming Connections checkbox if you want the SiPass Server
to be able to dial in to the ACC.

6. Enter the number of the first modem connected to the SiPass Server into the

first Server Phone Number field.


7. If you are only using one modem to dial in to the Server, enter the same

number into the second Server Phone Number field.

8. If two modems are connected to the SiPass Server, enter the number of the

second modem into this field.

9. Complete the fields in the Other Properties section:

- The command list must be terminated with the ‘^M’ character.

10. Select from the drop-down box in the Unit Connection section the RAS

connection used to connect back to the SiPass Server.

11. Click Save. Dialup ACC Options


The following table explains the configuration options for dialup ACCs.

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11 Dial-
Redundant Communications

Option Description
ACC PPP Address The PPP Address of the connection on the remote ACC. Note that this is different to the

TCP/IP address configured for the PC during initial installation.

Host PPP Address

The PPP Address of the connection on the SiPass Server. Note that this address is different to

the TCP/IP address of the Server PC.

Subnet Mask The Subnet Mask (if applicable) used to access ACCs on the remote network.

Idle Timeout (min) The length of time after which, if there is no communication either from or to the ACC, the ACC

will disconnect the Dialup connection to the SiPass Server.

No. of Retries The number of times the ACC will attempt to dial the first phone number. If there has not been

a successful connection, the ACC will attempt the same number of tries on the second phone

number, and continue to alternate between the two numbers.

Baud Rate The baud rate of the serial dialup connection. This should be set to the next fastest speed

above the baud rate of the modem connected to the ACC.

Modem Initialization String The commands that are sent to a modem prior to sending information; for example, to turn off

sounds or to disable a certain communications mode. Consult your modem’s User Guide for a

list of commands

Dial Server When The number of Audit Trail messages that accumulate in the ACC Audit Trail buffer before the

ACC dials the SiPass Server to upload.

t Se

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Elevators 12
Redundant Communications

12 Elevators

SiPass integrated can control the access of cardholders and the public to particular

floors, and the times during which they may access those floors. Floor access

control privileges are assigned to cardholders in exactly the same manner as

access to doors.

The ACC maintains a database of cardholders and access control privileges. When

a cardholder presents his/her card to the card reader located inside an elevator

car, the controller reads its database and establishes the floors to which they have

access. Only those floors will be made available to the cardholder.

It is also normal for floors to be unsecured during particular times of the day. For

example, during office hours where any member of the staff or public can access a

company’s floors. The Time Schedule downloaded to the controller determines

when floors are secured (access privileges are required) or unsecured (anyone can

access the floor).

In high-rise residential buildings, visitors generally require access to elevators after

being allowed into the building via the tenant’s intercom unit.

The following table explains some of the key terms used to describe Elevator and

Access Control systems:

Term Description
Bank A bank is a group of one or more elevators that service identical floors. A bank can also be
known as a “Rise” or a “Group”.

Floor A floor is a level in a building at which an elevator can stop and take on or release passengers.

In SiPass integrated, a floor is treated like an access point; it can be assigned a Time
Schedule, and a cardholder can be granted permission to access the floor.

Elevator (Car) This is the physical carriage which carries passengers. A card reader located inside the

elevator car allows cardholders to badge their card before selecting a secure floor.

Floor Group A group of one or more floors. A floor group is treated like a point group in SiPass integrated;

actions can be performed on the entire group, and floor groups assigned to access levels.

Crossover Floors In tall buildings with very many floors, there may not be an elevator or bank that services every

floor in the building. A crossover floor is a floor that is common to a set of elevators, some of

which service lower floors, some of which service upper floors.


Unserviced Floors

Floors which are not serviced by a particular elevator or bank.

Fire Override (FOR) Fire Override refers to the ability to modify the access control behaviour of an elevator system

in the event of a fire or emergency.

The default Fire Override behaviour will depend upon the legal requirements for elevator

systems in your location.

Access Control System The application responsible for managing access to floors by cardholders.

Low Level Interface (LLI)

In a Low Level Interface, the ACS is also responsible for energizing and de-energizing the

buttons located inside the elevator car. The ACS interfaces with the elevator itself by way of

hardware called a Service Interface Module (SIM).

In SiPass integrated, the role of a SIM is carried out by the Output Point Module (OPM), which

connects to the buttons inside the elevator car.

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12 Elevators
Elevator Control

12.1 Elevator Control

There are two individual systems that control the operation of elevators. The

Elevator Management System regulates and controls the mechanical operation of

the elevators, while the Access Control System regulates the access of elevators to


This section details how the Access Control system is configured, from both a

software and a hardware perspective, to provide correct elevator operation and a

level of security.

Floor security is controlled via a hardware (low-level) interface; in this case, an

Output Point Module, or OPM. The inputs and outputs of the OPM are connected

to the buttons inside the elevator car, and enable or disable them according to

whether a cardholder has access permissions to that floor or not.

Low Level Elevator Control incorporates relay-logic. Relays are energized and de-

energized to activate and de-activate the security of floors, according to the Time

Schedule and cardholder access control privileges.

 Requires an Output Point Module (OPM) for every 16 floors.

 Fire override is accomplished by the OPM.

12.2 Fire Override

This section applies only to setting up Low-Level Elevator Control.

Fire Override (FOR) refers to the override of access control during an emergency

by the Elevator Management or Fire systems. FOR is carried out as a result of a

trigger, usually a FOR Input like a fire alarm. The trigger may come from SiPass
integrated or another application, but SiPass integrated receives and forwards a

trigger through the FOR inputs and outputs on the OPM.

When a Fire Override input on an OPM is activated, it de-energizes the outputs on

that OPM. This in turn de-energizes the elevator buttons connected to the outputs,

making those floors accessible in an emergency. This allows any passengers

inside the elevator car to exit safely at any floor, and permits access to the

elevators by passengers wishing to leave a floor.

In practice however, fire regulations in your region may require different behavior

from the Elevator Management System. For example, in an emergency situation, it


may be required that elevators travel to the nearest floor, open the doors and then

are disabled until reset by a master control.

For an exact description of how Fire Override must be carried out in your

jurisdiction, consult the local fire regulations and the Elevator Management System


12.2.1 Fire Override and Wiring

Whether or not Fire Override is implemented at a facility will affect how OPMs are

wired to each elevator. As stated in the previous section, triggering the FOR inputs

will de-energize the outputs on an OPM, unsecuring the corresponding floors.

If there is an overlap between OPMs – that is, if the outputs on one OPM are

shared between elevators – this means with FOR enabled, both elevators will be

affected if the FOR input is triggered. Such a scenario may not be desirable; for

example, independent elevator operation may be required in an emergency


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Elevators 12
Setting up an Elevator System

This requires therefore that sites with FOR enabled be wired with no overlap.

A third scenario also exists, as the OPM actually has two FOR inputs which can

independently control blocks of up to eight outputs. This allows you to keep

independent control of elevators for sites with a small number of floors and/or


12.3 Setting up an Elevator System

Setting up a low-level elevator system in SiPass integrated requires a knowledge of

how the SiPass integrated system hardware has been wired to the Elevator

system; specifically, the order in which input and output points on the Output Point

Module(s) have been wired to the destination floor buttons inside the elevator car.

There are seven major steps in configuring a low-level elevator system in SiPass



 Configure the ACC Elevator Controllers

 Configure the Output Point Modules used to connect to the Elevator system

 Configure the Reader Interface Modules inside each Elevator Car

 Configure the Banks

 Configure the Floors in each Bank

 Configure the Elevators

12.3.1 Low-
Low-level System Pre-
This section explains how to work out the requirements for your facility’s elevator
access control system, and how the Fire Override wiring of your system will affect

its configuration under SiPass integrated.

The following are the theoretical maximums that may be configured for a single


Component Theoretical Maximum

Banks 64 per controller

Elevators 255 per controller


255 per system


Up to 1 million per controller

In a real scenario however, the actual maximums will be less. Possible reasons for

this are as follows:


 One OPM may only connect up to 16 floors

 If FOR is required you may not overlap floors between OPMs.

 One ACC may only connect up to 36 OPM devices (6 per FLN Channel)

 One reader is required for each elevator car that accesses secure floors.

12.3.2 Defining
Defining the Advanced Central Controller (ACC)
The Advanced Central Controller stores the cardholder floor access privileges,

including floor Time Schedules, and communicates with OPMs and the Elevator

Management System.

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12 Elevators
Setting up an Elevator System

Defining an Elevator Controller is the same as defining an access controller, as

described earlier in the section Adding an ACC [➙ 60].

12.3.3 Defining the Output Point Modules (OPM)

The OPM is connected to the floor buttons inside the elevator car, and permits

access to secure floors if the cardholder has the correct privileges.

1. Select Components from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Select the ACC and then the FLN channel to which the OPM will be connected.

3. Choose New Device, and select OPM from the menu.
4. Enter a suitable name for the OPM into theName field.
5. Select an Alarm Class for the OPM from the Alarm Definitions drop-down


6. Click Save.
Input and Output points that are used for elevator access control do not need to be

configured from the Compon nts dialog. Any settings in the Input and Output tabs
Elevator Configuration

for these points will be over-ridden by the settings in the

dialog, and these points will be disabled in the Components dialog if assigned to an


Input and Output points that are used for other purposes, like duress buttons or

PIRs, are configured from the Components dialog as per System Components.

12.3.4 Defining the Card Readers

A Reader Interface Module (RIM) must be configured inside each elevator car. The

RIM allows cardholders to badge their card and attempt to access secure floors. A
RIM inside an elevator car can either be a DRI (Dual Reader Interface) or an SRI

(Single Reader Interface).

1. Select Components from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Select the ACC and then the FLN channel to which the RIM will be connected.

Choose New Device, and select DRI or SRI from the menu. A new device will
appear in the Components tree and several new tabs will appear. In this
example we will choose an SRI.

3. Enter a descriptive name for the SRI into theName field.

4. Select an Alarm Class from the Alarm Definitions field.

5. Select the Reader tab.


6. Select an Alarm Class for the reader from the Alarm Definition drop-down box.
7. Select the correct operation mode from the Operation Mode drop-down box.
The mode will determine how the SRI should operate.

8. Daily

Select the Time Schedule during which the daily code is enabled from the

Code Time Schedule drop-down box.

9. Complete the following fields, as they apply:

- Host Verify Timeout:


The time in seconds that the Image Verification dialog will wait for a

response from an operator, before closing and allowing access to be re-


PIN Timeout:

The time in seconds that a cardholder has to enter a PIN on the keypad.

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Setting up an Elevator System

The timeout begins once the first digit is entered, or a card is badged and

the reader is set to Card and PIN operation mode.

- Daily Code:

The daily code for this reader. This may or may not be the same daily code

used at other access points.

- Daily Code No. of Digits:

The exact number of digits in the daily code.

10. Tick the Void Card After 3 Wrong PIN Entries checkbox, if you want any card

that enters a wrong PIN number three times at this reader to be temporarily


- To re-activate a card that has been temporarily voided after 3 wrong PIN

entries: In the Cardholder screen uncheck the 3 PIN disabled box

11. Complete the Input/Output and Image Verification tabs, as described earlier in
this manual.

12. Click Save.

12.3.5 Defining the Banks

Banks are groups of one or more elevators that service the same floors. Elevator

components including Banks, Floors and Elevators are configured in a separate

dialog, called Elevator Configuration.

1. Select Elevator from the System menu or toolbar.
2. Select the ACC Elevator Controller for which you are defining a Bank, from the

Components tree. Select the Bank Wizard option in the ACC details tab, or
right-click and select Create Bank from the menu. A Bank will appear under the

ACC in the Components tree and a new tab will appear.

3. Enter a descriptive name for the Bank into the Bank Name field.
4. Select “Low” from the Bank Type drop-down menu. The options available in the

Bank Type menu will depends on the options you have chosen in the Validity
Check dialog during SiPass integrated installation.
5. Click Save.

12.3.6 Defining the Floors


You must define which floors that a bank will service. Defining the floors for a

single bank may require more than one use of the Bank Floor Wizard. The Wizard

is designed to easily “correct” the type and number of floors in a bank. This means

you can configure the below-ground floors for a bank first, assigning them a unique

label, and then add the above-ground floors later using a different label.

The following terms are used when defining floors:

 Rise Number

Rise Numbers are an internal address used by SiPass integrated as a reference for

the floor, to be passed to the Elevator Management System. Each floor in the

building is assigned only one Rise Number.

In SiPass integrated, Rise Number 1 normally represents the lowest possible


serviceable floor in the building; for example, Rise Number 1 could be Basement

Level 3.

 Floor Number

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12 Elevators
Setting up an Elevator System

Floor Numbers are user-assigned labels, and are not used in SiPass integrated for

anything other than indicating the position of the floor with respect to Ground.

Defining the floors in a bank

1. Select Elevator from the System menu or toolbar.
2. Select from the Components tree the Bank for which you are defining the


3. Select the Floor Wizard option, or right-click on the Bank and select Bank Floor

4. Choose Next.
- The Floor Name Prefix field indicates the text that will be used when these

floors appear in SiPass integrated dialogs; for example, “Above Ground”.

The default is the Bank Name.

- The Floor Name Postfix field indicates the text that appears before the floor
number, when these floors appear in SiPass integrated dialogs; for

example, “Floor” or “Level”. The default is “Floor”.

Every floor in SiPass integrated must have a unique name.

5. Enter into the Rise Numbers field the floors you are defining to be serviced by
this bank. Single floor numbers are separated by commas. You can use a dash

to represent a range of serviced floors, and use a comma to separate Rise

Numbers; for example “1-4, 9-20’.

 The Current Rise Numbers field indicates the Rise Numbers that you have
already defined for this Bank. You can override currently defined floors by

re-entering all or some of the current rise numbers into the Rise Numbers
Field. Entering additional Rise Numbers will add those floors to existing

floors for this Bank. Only the Time Schedule, Alarm Class and Enabled
fields will be over-ridden if you re-enter defined Rise Numbers. Floor

names are only changed through the Floor Name column of the Bank Floor
details tab.
6. Floor Number Suffix details:

Complete the

- Append Number:
Tick this checkbox to append the Floor Number to the Floor as it appears in

SiPass integrated dialogs.

Keep Rise Increments:


Tick this checkbox if you want to match the increments in Floor Numbers to

increments in the Rise Numbers. For example: the numbers “1-3, 5-7, 11-

20” are entered into the Rise Numbers field, and the Start Number is 4. The

corresponding Floor Numbers for this group of floors would be “4-6, 8-10,


- Start Number:
Select where to begin numbering floors.

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Setting up an Elevator System

- Ascending/Descending:
Tick the appropriate option to count upwards or backwards from the Start

Number when assigning Floor Numbers.

7. Select a Time Schedule that will be applied to every floor selected. Individual

floor Time Schedules can be changed later.

8. Select an Alarm Class that will be applied to every floor selected. Individual
floor Alarm Classes can be changed later.

9. Select from the Floor Enabled drop-down box whether all floors will be enabled

or disabled by default.

10. Choose Finish.

 You will be returned to the Elevator Configuration dialog. A table of floors

will have been created under the selected Bank.

11. You can modify the properties of individual floors by clicking in the appropriate
cell and selecting or entering a new value. This allows you to define groups of

floors with the same attributes and then alter details for particular floors later.

- Disabling a floor means that it will not be accessible from any elevator in

the bank.

12. Click Save.

12.3.7 Defining the Elevators

Defining an elevator requires that you select the OPM inputs and outputs that are

connected to the floor buttons in that elevator.

1. Elevator from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Bank in the Components tree for which you are defining an elevator.
Select the

3. Select Elevator Wizard from the Bank Details tab, or right-click on the Bank and

select Create Elevator.

4. Choose Next. The Select OPMs list lists all of the Output Point Modules (OPM)

that you have defined through the Components dialog. Ticking the checkbox
next to an OPM will list all of that OPM’s available input and output points in the

two columns to the right. Multiple OPMs may be selected. You can re-order the

points in the input/output lists by clicking and dragging the OPMs in the Select

OPMs list. Points will be listed in order of OPM. Ticking a checkbox next to an

Input point or Output point indicates that it should be assigned to a floor. Any

surplus inputs or outputs that have been ticked will be ignored.

- SiPass integrated will assign all ticked Input points and Output points to

serviced floors in the order they appear in the Bank Floor Details tab.

- For example, an elevator services from the Ground Floor to Floor number

12, and the OPM wired to this elevator is called “OPM Elevator 1”. The first

input on this OPM is connected to the button for Ground Floor, the second

input is wired to the first floor button, and so forth, until 13 inputs have been


5. Ticking the Match IN/OUT checkbox will match input point selections to
outpoint point selections.

6. Un-tick the Floor Reporting checkbox to disable Floor Reporting. That is, if
OPM input points are not used for floor reporting for this elevator.

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12 Elevators
Access Control

7. Ticking the Invert Input checkbox will set the default Invert Input for each floor.
8. Choose Finish. A new elevator will be created under the selected Bank and a

new tab will appear containing the details you entered in the Elevator Wizard.

9. You can enter a new name for the elevator into the Name field if required.

10. Select the Reader located in the elevator car from the Reader drop-down box.
11. Enter an ID to be assigned to this elevator from the ID field. Each Elevator
must have a unique ID number. In a Low Level Interface, the Elevator ID is

assigned by the Access Control System (SiPass integrated).

- The value in the Delay field represents the time allowed between a valid
card badge and being able to select a secure floor. If a floor has not been

selected within this Time Schedule (and Floor Reporting is enabled), the

floor buttons will be re-secured and the person will have to badge the card

again to attempt access.

12. Tick the Inputs Inverted checkbox to invert the input received from this
elevator’s input and point points by SiPass integrated. Only values in the Input

Point / Output Point columns may be changed in the table.
- Individual floors cannot be added or removed from single Elevators. This is

because each elevator in a Bank must service exactly the same floors. If

you want to add or remove serviced floors from elevators, you must either

create a new Bank for that elevator, or remove the floors from the Bank

13. Click Save.

12.4 Access Control


Access to particular floors at a site is determined by the access privileges

configured for the cardholder attempting to gain access (including the Time

Schedule applied to those privileges).


For example, cleaners may be contracted to clean the first and second floors of a

building. These floors have been assigned general public access during 8:00 am

and 5:00 pm weekdays (anyone can access the floors during these times). Outside

these hours, verification is required before access will be granted. However, the

cleaners must clean the floors outside these hours. To prevent them from having

access to the floors at all times, they are provided with access privileges to the

floors between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm on weekdays only.

If the cleaners attempt to access the floors between 9:00 and 11:00 pm, they will

be granted access upon verification. If the cleaners attempt to access the floors

outside these hours (other than the general public access hours), they will be

denied access.

12.4.1 Assigning Floor Access to Cardholders


SiPass integrated treats floors like doors. A cardholder must badge their card

before attempting “entry” and the floor button will only be enabled if they have the

correct access privileges during that time. Floors can also be assigned to floor

groups, which are just like point groups. Floor groups can be assigned to access

groups in the same manner as access groups.


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Elevators 12
Access Control

Creating a Floor Group

1. Select Point Group from the Program menu.

2. Enter a descriptive name for the floor point group into the Group Name field.
3. Choose Add Members.

4. Select Floor Points
Points from the Group Type drop-down box.
 The Available list will be populated with all of the floors that have been

5. Select from the Available list those floors you want to add to the group.

6. Use the Add button to shift selected floors to the Selected list. The Add All
button will select all floors.

7. Choose OK.

 Point Group dialog.
You will be returned to the

8. Floor Point Group.

Select an Alarm Class for the

9. Complete the Alarm Trigger and Group Action fields.

- Group:
Specifies the number of group members that must be in alarm state, or

have returned to normal but whose timers have not yet timed out, before

the group goes into alarm. If 0 is entered, it prevents an alarm.

- Timer:
An internal timer starts counting (in seconds) for each member of the group
that was in alarm after it returns to normal. The group goes into alarm if the

number of points counting down or currently in alarm reaches the Group

Count. If a point times out, the current count is decreased by one. This
means that if a certain number of group members have entered an alarm

state simultaneously or in a configurable time interval, the group alarm will

be generated.

- Isolate:
When checked, disables the group messages. However, individual member

messages will still appear in the Active Audit Trail window.

- Clearance Required:

When checked, the member(s) that caused the group to enter an alarm

state must be restored before the group can return to normal.


10. Click Save.

Assigning Floors and Floor Groups to a Cardholder


1. Access Level from the Program menu or toolbar.


2. Enter a descriptive name for the Access Level into theName field.
3. Select the Time Schedule during which access to the Selected Points or Point

Groups is possible. The List View button displays all defined Access Levels by

Time Schedule.
4. Select either Floor Point or Floor Point Group from the Type drop-down box.
The floors or floor point groups you have defined will appear in the list below.

5. Select those points or groups from the list, and choose Add to add them to the

Selected list above.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
12 Elevators
Access Control

6. When you have selected all the items you want to add to the Access Level,

choose Save.

t Se

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Guard Tour 13
Configuring Guard Tour

13 Guard Tour

Guard Tour is used to monitor the movement of security guards throughout your

site and ensure that they visit and check their assigned tour points at the required

times. An operator can start a guard tour, and add, delete or modify the details of

guards and guard tours. Tour groups can be created to assist with the

management and choice of tours. Guard Tour monitors a guard’s progress around

the points of contact or stops that make up a tour. These points or tour stops are

configured from those defined in the SiPass integrated database.

13.1 Configuring Guard Tour

In order to operate guard tour on-site, specific components are required to be

configured. These include:

 Adding a Guard to the system

 Creating a Tour

 Defining a Group of tours

13.1.1 Adding a Guard to the System

For a cardholder to be configured as a guard, they must already be defined as a
cardholder in the SiPass integrated system.

Registering a cardholder as a guard does not affect the cardholder’s status in any

other part of the SiPass integrated system. Being registered as a guard simply
means that the cardholder can be assigned to tours.

From time to time, it may be necessary to view the details of cardholders prior to

being configured as guards. It is also a simple way to verify that the person is a

defined cardholder within SiPass integrated.

Viewing Cardholder Details

1. Select the Program > Guard Tour > Guards.
2. In either the Members of SiPass integrated list or the Members of Guard Tour

list, highlight an Cardholder whose details you wish to view.


3. Select the Details button.

4. Select the Close button to exit from the User Details dialog.

Adding a Guard to the system


1. Select the Program > Guard Tour > Guards.

 The Guard Specification dialog will appear, displaying a list of Cardholders
available for configuration as guards.

Members of SiPass integrated list, select the desired Cardholder(s).


2. From the

Hold down the CTRL or SHIFT keys on the keyboard to select multiple records.

3. Select the Add button.

 Members of Guard Tour list.

The selected member(s) will be added to the

4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until all the required Cardholders have been added to

the Members of Guard Tour list.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
13 Guard Tour
Configuring Guard Tour

5. Click Save.

d Creating
Creating a Tour

A guard’s tour is the primary component of Guard Tour and consists of two main


 The guard

 The physical journey through the site

Each tour is assigned a name and is defined by the points that the guard must visit

to complete their security check.

There are two types of tours:

 Ordered Tours

 Random Tours

All tours, irrespective of their type, consist of points to be visited and the expected

times of arrival at those points. A configurable tolerance either side of the expected

time of arrival allows guards to carry out their rounds with some flexibility without

jeopardizing security at your site.

Ordered Tours
Since a tour is made up of the points that the guard must visit in order to complete

their rounds, the guard must check those points in the sequence specified. The
guard will be informed of the stopping pattern via a report that is normally prepared

by the operator prior to tour commencement.

This type of tour ensures compliant guard behavior during tours. Guards are

compelled to followed pre-defined routes and carry out specified card reader
activities during the course of their tour, thereby ensuring that all the points on the

tour are visited according to tour parameters.

Random Tours

A Random Tour, sometimes referred to as an Unordered Tour, is one that is

created by the system. The points are identical to those in an ordered tour at the

same site, except that the visiting pattern is generated randomly.

The visiting pattern for a Random Tour is generated randomly when the tour is

registered with the guard. It is not feasible to require the guard to visit any one

point of a Random Tour within a certain time frame, simply because there is no

effective method to predict the interval required to travel between any two tour


However, a time restriction is applied for the completion of the whole tour. This

ensures that the tour is completed within the designated time frame.

The greatest advantage to be gained from using random tours is that they prevent

the tours from becoming predictable to an outside observer. This enhances the

effectiveness of security guards.


Tour Completion Time

Guard Tour allows a guard a certain amount of time to proceed from one point to

the next. This time can be specified exactly. However, you can also specify a

tolerance either side of the expected time of arrival to allow for unforeseen

circumstances, such as bad weather. If the guard arrives early at a designated

point outside the specified bandwidth (Tolerance), an Early alarm is raised. If the

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Guard Tour 13
Configuring Guard Tour

guard takes more than the maximum allowable time to reach the point (expected

time of arrival plus the tolerance), a Late alarm is raised.

This feature is useful for two reasons. Firstly, it will assist in ensuring the personal

safety of the guard force by triggering an alarm when a tour point is not reached

due to restraint or assault. Secondly, if guard activity is under scrutiny as part of

normal management practice, it also provides the operator with more effective

control over both the tours and guards.

Each tour created by Guard Tour has several parameters that are required to be

set. These parameters apply to both Ordered and Random tours. The parameters

are as follows:

 Net Expected Time


The Net Expected Time refers to the total time to complete the tour.

The Tolerance refers to the allowable time either side of the expected time of

arrival at each point. The Tolerance value that appears in the dialog applies to

each point and can be adjusted if required.

Assigning these times prevents a guard from taking too long to complete the

security check, or from hurrying through the tour so they can rest at their desk.

Grace Period
Normally, a tour is completed when the guard has visited all of the tour stops in the

Examples of these situations are:

 When a guard has missed a tour stop on a tour

 When a guard has quit a tour without visiting all of the tour stops on a tour
 When a guard is running extremely late for the last tour stop on a tour

Under these conditions, the indication of appropriate alarm states in the SiPass

audit trail cannot be shown and a “Grace Period” may come into effect.

The “Grace Period” defines a period of time between when the last event was

received or expected and when the tour can be completed, and it is unlikely that

any further events for that tour are to be received.

By default, the “Grace Period” is set to 30 minutes. The “Grace Period begins


 A random tour is marked as running late


 The last tour stop in an ordered tour is late (or visited)

The “Grace Period” is reset if a tour stop is visited after either of the events above

has occurred AND before the tour is set to Completed.

Checking a Point
Guards must show that they have visited tour points by performing the points’

defined actions.

Tour points can be one of two types:

 Access - If it is an access point, this will require a card swipe, set with the

appropriate mode of operation. (These are indicated in the Tour Definition


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
13 Guard Tour
Configuring Guard Tour

 Input - If it is an input point, the point must change state. The type of sensor

attached to the point will determine the action required by the guard. No

authentication will take place. The system “assumes” the identity of the guard.

Elevator access points (floors), areas and sub-areas are not supported by Guard


Creating a Tour

 Ensure that you have correctly configured the card readers at your facility.

1. Select Program > Guard Tour > Tours.

Tour Definition dialog will appear, displaying a list of available points.


2. To enter the name of a new tour, select the New button.

3. Enter the name of the tour in the Enter New Tour Name field. All tour names
must be unique.

4. OK button.

Choose the

5. Check the Default Start as Ordered Tour checkbox, if your wish the tour to be
an Ordered Tour. Leave this checkbox empty, if you wish the tour to be


6. From the Available Points list, highlight the first point that you wish to include in
the tour.
- Points configured for Image Verification can not be included in a guard tour.

7. Select the Add button.

 The point will be added to the Tour Order list.
8. Repeat the previous two steps until all the desired points have been added to

the tour.

 All points added to a tour are automatically assigned default values. The

default values are detailed in the Default

Default Values table at the end of this

9. Alter the values for each of the tour stops added in the tour to suit this distance

and time required between stops

10. Alter the sequence of points, if required.


11. Enter the Random Tour Details.


12. Enter the total time to complete the tour in the Net Expected Time field.
13. Enter the allowable tolerance for the whole tour in the Tolerance field.
14. Click Save.

Aspect Point Type Default Value

Time Access / Input 4 minutes

Tolerance Access / Input 2 minutes

Card Req

Access Only Yes

Card Req Input Only No

Disabled Access / Input No

Default Values

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Guard Tour 13
Configuring Guard Tour

13.1.2 Creating a Tour Group

The Tour Groups option is used to define a collection of tours based on those

already defined in the system. A Tour Group usually consists of tours that are

logically similar. Tour Groups enable an operator to select a random tour for a

guard, and still retain some control over the selected tour. Defining a Tour Group

consists of adding or removing tours to or from a group.

1. Select Program > Guard Tour > Tours.

2. Select the New button.

3. Enter the name of the Tour Group in the Enter New Tour Group Name field. All
Tour Group names must be unique. If you attempt to assign the name of an

existing tour group an error dialog will appear.

4. Select the OK button in the New Group Name dialog.

5. Select the newly created Tour Group from the Tour Group Name field. From
the Available Tours list, highlight the tour that you wish to add to the Tour


6. Select the Add button.

 The tour will be added to the Tours in Group list.
7. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for each tour that you wish to add to the Tour Group.

8. Click Save.
13.1.3 Starting and Monitoring Tours
Once you have successfully logged into SiPass integrated, Guard Tour starts
automatically and runs in the background, until required. Guard Tour uses its own

window to show guard-related activity, similar to the Active Audit Trail.

The Guard Tour window is displayed by selecting the Guard Tour

Tour button on the
main SiPass integrated toolbar, The Guard Tour button has its own associated

toolbar that appears directly below the main toolbar. Registering and starting a Tour

Registering a tour consists of selecting tour parameters and starting a tour,

effectively creating a guard and tour combination. It is a five-stage process


involving both the Register dialog and the Guard Tour Monitor screen. These

stages are as follows:

 Determining the status of the tour (Ordered or Random)

 Selecting a tour

 Selecting a guard for the tour

 Selecting the tour properties

 Starting the tour


Starting a Tour
1. Select Data > Guard Tour Status.
2. If you wish to randomly select a tour, tick the Use Random Tour Selection
checkbox. Guard Tour will then select a tour at random from those available in

the database. When you choose to select a tour at random by ticking this

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
13 Guard Tour
Configuring Guard Tour

checkbox, the Random Tour from Group, Select a Tour Group and Select a
Tour fields will be disabled.

3. If you wish to further refine your selection of a tour from a particular Tour

Group, Select a Tour Group from theSelect a Tour Group field and then check

the Random Tour from Group checkbox. Guard Tour will select a tour at
random from the nominated Tour Group. When you choose to select a tour at

random from a particular Tour Group, the Select a Tour field will be disabled.
This will prevent you from selecting a tour yourself from the Tour Group.

The Checkbox Combination table at the end of this section, describes the effect of
various checkbox combinations.

1. If you wish to select guards at random, tick the Use Random Guard Selection

checkbox. This will disable the Select a Guard field and a guard will be chosen
at random from those available. If you wish to manually select a guard, leave

the checkbox vacant.

2. If you have chosen to manually select a guard in Step 5, choose a guard from

Select a Guard field.

3. Complete the Tour Properties.

- Radio Controlled:
When this checkbox is ticked, it implies that some form of verification

process should be in place

Ordered checkbox:
This checkbox allows the operator to override the tour type as specified in

the Tour Definition dialog. The value displayed will default to that of the
original configuration for the selected tour.

4. Complete the Start Options.

- Start Immediately:
This indicates that the tour will begin as soon as the SiPass operator has

selected the Register button. When starting tours in this way, ensure that a
time has been allowed for the guard to reach the first tour stop.

- Start on First Tour Stop:

This indicates that the tour will start as soon as the guard reaches the first

tour stop and badges their card. When starting a tours in this way, ensure

that the time to reach the first point in the tour has been set to ‘0”.

5. Select the Register button. The Tour Selection dialog will appear containing
details of the Guard / Tour pairing.

6. Select the Yes to begin the tour with the selected options.

Option Checkbox Combination End Result of Configuration

1 Use Random Tour This combination of checkboxes sets the tour selection process to random and then

Selection automatically directs the system to select a tour at random from all those available.

However, the options to manually select a specific Tour Group and then to select a tour

from within that group will be disabled.

2 Random Tour From This combination of checkboxes sets the Tour Group selection process to manual.

Group However, the selection of tours from a Tour Group is disabled.


3 No Selection
Selection This combination of checkboxes sets the tour selection process to manual. You may

select any valid combination of tour group and guard.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Guard Tour 13
Configuring Guard Tour

Checkbox Combinations

d Monitoring Tours

Guard Tour allows you to closely monitor guard activity through the Guard Tour
Monitor. In addition to providing the current status of any given tour, the Guard
Tour Monitor alerts you to any potential problems, early or late arrivals by guards
and reports the progress of each tour under way.

When you start Guard Tour, the Guard Tour Monitor screen appears and may or

may not contain tour information. This will depend upon whether or not there is any

pending or currently running tours at the time of start up. The Guard Tour Monitor
displays the configured settings, in tabular form, for the tours that are either under

way or pending.

To open the Guard Tour Monitor:

 Select Data > Guard Tour > Status.

 The Guard field (column) displays icons indicating the status of tours. These

assist in readily identifying the progress of tours displayed in the Guard Tour
Monitor screen. Displaying Tour Stop Log

Guard Tour allows you to view the details of a tour as it progresses, from within the

Guard Tour Monitor. This information can be used to assist with the management
of this and any other tours that are scheduled.

1. From the Guard Tour Monitor, highlight the tour whose details you wish to view.
2. Double-click the mouse. The Tour Stop Log dialog will appear containing
current details of the tour points and the guard activity for each. From this

dialog, you can view the progress of the tour and identify any points where

problems have occurred or are likely to occur. The Tour Stop Log fields are
Tour Stop Log Fields table at the end of this section.

described in the

3. Select the Close button to close the Tour Stop Log dialog.
Field Description
Name This field displays the name of the tour point. The first record in the list is the name of the tour.


This field displays the current status of the points; i.e., the activity logged by the guard at each of

the points in the tour. The Status field incorporates an icon to provide a visual reference of the

status of the tour.

Occurred This field displays the time at which the guard activity, if any, has taken place.

Tour Stop Log Fields

lig Printing a Guard Tour Report


Guard Tour provides a facility to prepare and print detailed tour reports for use by

either the operator or the guards. These tour reports are normally prepared

immediately prior to commencing a tour. In addition, you can prepare historical

reports on the activity of Guard Tour for review and auditing purposes.

 Mobile / Pager

 Two-way radio

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
13 Guard Tour
Configuring Guard Tour

“Self-guided” tours by the guards require that they be given copies of the report,

and place the obligation on them to conduct the tour as per the list of tour points

and time limits in the report. The following steps explain how a Guard Tour Report

can be printed.

1. Guard Tour Monitor, highlight a tour from which you want to create a

From the


2. Select the Print button. The report will be created.

3. Select the Report Preview button.
4. Select the OK button to close the Print Setup dialog.

5. Select the print icon at the top of the screen.

6. The standard Windows Print dialog will appear.

7. Complete all the required details.

8. Select the OK button. The report will be printed.
 When the report is printed it will contain all the necessary information for the

guard to complete their tour.

y& Starting a Tour from the Guard Tour Monitor
Once a tour has been created and moved to the Guard Tour Monitor, it can be

started immediately or at the discretion of the operator. The physical tour by the

guard should commence at or about the same time.

 Ensure that the guard is actually available for the tour that you are about to

 Ensure that you have printed out the appropriate report for the guard to use on

their tour.
 Ensure that the guard has received a copy of the tour report and they have

familiarized themselves with the tour.

 Ensure that you have advised the guard of any unusual circumstances that

may affect the progress of the tour, such as Disabled points.

1. Select Data > Guard Tour Status.

2. From the displayed list of pending tours, highlight the tour that you wish to start.

Pending tours can be identified by their status. All pending tours have a status

of “Ready”.

3. Start Button.

Select the

 The tour will commence. Stopping a Tour


Guard Tour allows you to stop a tour at any time. Stopping a tour can be done for a

number of reasons; for example, a guard may be unable to continue because he

has deviated from the tour, or due to other unforeseen circumstances.

1. Guard Tour menu, select Monitor, or select the Status button from the

From the

Guard Tour toolbar. The Guard Tour Monitor screen will appear.
2. Highlight the tour that you wish to stop from those that are currently running. All

active tours will have a status of “Running”.


3. Choose the Stop button. The tour will be stopped.

4. A number of events will then take place:

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Guard Tour 13
Configuring Guard Tour

- The audible alarm will sound, requiring an appropriate response.

- The tour icon will change from GREEN to RED.

- The status of the tour will change to “Completed”.

- Messages will be passed to the SiPass audit trail indicating which tour

stops have been visited.

- A message will be passed to the SiPass audit trail indicating that the tour

has been stopped.

5. Choose the Alarm button to acknowledge and silence the alarm.
 By pressing this button, the system is advised that there has been a response

to the alarm. Skipping a Tour Point

Guard Tour allows the guard to skip tour points. A tour point can be skipped if, for

example, it has been taken out of service to be repaired. The points are generally

shown as Disabled in the Tour Report and may be subject to alternate checking

procedures by the guard.

▪ You can only skip the next tour point in the sequence. There is no option to skip

a tour point out of sequence.

▪ You cannot skip points in a tour that is not already running.

▪ You cannot skip points that have already been visited.

▪ You cannot skip points in a Random Tour.

1. Select Data > Guard Tour Status.

2. From the tours that are currently running, double-click the tour that contains the

point you wish to skip.

3. Highlight the tour stop that you wish to skip.


4. Choose the Skip button.

 The icon associated with the skipped tour point will change accordingly and the

tour point’s Status will change to “Skipped”. This point in the sequence will be

ignored by the system and no alarm will be triggered as a result.


 The internal timer for that point will be stopped and re-set. In the case of an

Ordered tour, the internal timer will be re-set to show the remaining time to

arrive at the next point. In the case of a Random tour, the internal timer will not


When a tour point is skipped, a message to that effect is passed to the SiPass

integrated audit trail and the status of the point is updated to “Skipped” in the Tour

Stop Log dialog. Acknowledging an Alarm


When you stop a tour for any reason or if a guard is early or late when arriving at a

tour point, an audible alarm will be triggered by Guard Tour.

1. Select Data > Guard Tour Status. The Guard Tour Monitor screen will appear.

You will notice that the background color of the icon associated with the tour

that has gone into an alarm state has changed from GREEN to RED.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
13 Guard Tour
Configuring Guard Tour

- Guard Tour alarms are not propagated to the SiPass integrated Status Bar

Alarm Panel.

2. Select the tour in which the alarm has occurred.

3. Choose the Alarm button. The audible alarm will be silenced and the tour

record will remain visible in the Guard Tour Monitor for one minute. In the case

where an alarm is triggered by a late arrival by a guard at a tour point, or a

missed tour stop, the tour will remain displayed on the Guard Tour Monitor until

the tour is completed (“Grace Period” timeout) or until stopped by the operator.

4. To find out why the alarm was raised, double click on the selected tour, to

display the Tour Stop Log dialog. This dialog will show any tour stops that have
triggered an alarm due to the late or early arrival of guard, or if the tour has

been stopped all together.

5. Carry out any designated response to the alarm.

It is not necessary to halt the tour in order to respond to a raised alarm. All raised

alarms will log an entry to the SiPass Audit Trail. Aborting a Tour

Guard Tour allows you to cancel a tour prior to its commencement, or abandon a

running tour. Although you can abort a tour that is already running, the Abort option
is primarily used to abandon a tour prior to its commencement. It is recommended

that, where you wish to abandon a currently running tour, you use the Stop option.

1. Select Data > Guard Tour Status.

Highlight the tour that you wish to abort from those displayed in the list.

3. Choose the Abort button.

 The tour will be aborted.

 Guard Tour Monitor for a period of one


The tour record will remain in the

minute and then be deleted.

No audible alarm will sound. However, a message will be passed to the SiPass

audit trail indicating that the tour has been aborted. The principal difference

between “Stopping” a tour and “Aborting” a tour lies in the fact that when a tour is

stopped prematurely, this causes an alarm condition.

en Guard Tour Window


The Guard Tour window is used to display the details of currently running tours.

The fields in the table are described below.

Column Name Description


This column displays the name of the guard assigned to the tour.

Tour This column displays the name of the tour.

Last Point This column displays the name of the last tour point visited by the guard.

Next Point This column displays the name of the next scheduled tour point to be visited.

Time This column counts down the remaining time to reach the next tour point.If the guard arrives at

the tour point ahead of schedule, the countdown values will display as positive (+) values and

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Guard Tour 13
Configuring Guard Tour

Column Name Description

if they arrive after the scheduled arrival time, the values will display as negative (-). The

internal timer will continue to operate until the guard reaches the next point or until re-set by

the operator.

Tolerance A guard may be early or late when visiting the next point. This column displays the time range

either side of the scheduled time of arrival that is allowable by Guard Tour. If they arrive at the

tour point outside this allowable time range, an alarm will be triggered and displayed in the

SiPass audit trail to alert the operator. As the tour progresses, the tolerance value is subject to

a cumulative effect in random tours and may display a value as high as the total of the

tolerances for all of the configured tour points. In a random tour, it is possible for the guard to

catch up over the total tour time, depending upon the circumstances under which the tour is

being conducted. Right Mouse Button Options

By right-clicking the mouse button inside the Guard Tour Monitor Window, you can

access an alternate series of options:

Option Description
Print Tour This option allows you to create and print a tour report for the tour that you have selected.

Acknowledge Alarm This option is used to silence the audible alarms that occur when guards arrive late or early at
tour points.

Start Tour This option allows you to start a tour.

Stop Tour This option allows you to stop a tour or to formally shut down a completed tour.
Abort Tour This option allows you to abort a tour prior to its commencement

Close This option allows you the close the Guard Tour Monitor.

Report Preview

This option allows you to preview a report.


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
14 Intrusion Arming Terminal
Terminal (ATI5100 / IAT-
IAT-010 Terminal Types

14 Intrusion Arming Terminal (ATI5100 / IAT-



The IAT-010 is an Intrusion Arming Terminal, developed to efficiently secure and

provide privileged access to high security intrusion areas.

The ATI5100 is referred to as the IAT-010 within the SiPass integrated software.

Utilizing the existing SiPass integrated access control architecture, the IAT-010

device can be easily configured into the system to allow cardholders with access

privileges to arm or disarm intrusion areas. Audit Trail messages will appear in

SiPass integrated as the arming status of each intrusion area changes.

Partial Arming is another key feature of the IAT-010. This feature allows the

cardholder to arm / disarm perimeter points alone, and allow movement to continue

in the remaining areas.

All these features have been explained in detail in the sections that follow.

The IAT-010 does not support Sintony Intrusion Areas.

14.1 IAT-
IAT-010 Terminal Types
An IAT-010 (ATI5100) can be configured to function as either of the following
terminal types:

 Intrusion Terminal

 Intrusion Terminal with Access Control


The configurations required for both these terminal types will be explained in detail

in the sections that follow.

Intrusion Terminal
 When the Intrusion Terminal is configured to this mode, it may be used only for

Intrusion Control.

 In this mode, the cardholder uses the IAT-010 keypad to enter a valid PIN

number and thereby change the arming state of the intrusion areas configured

to the terminal.

Intrusion Terminal with Access Control

 When the Intrusion Terminal is configured with Access Control, it can be used

for Intrusion Control as well as for Access Control.

 When configured with Access Control, the IAT-010 terminal is assigned to a


door reader, and is operated by the reader operation mode configured in

SiPass integrated. When configured to this mode, the IAT-010 keypad is not

represented as an access point in the system.


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Intrusion Arming Terminal (ATI5100 / IAT-
IAT-010) 14
Configuring a New Intrusion Terminal (Standalone)

14.2 Configuring a New Intrusion Terminal (Standalone)

This section explains how the user can create a new IAT-010 (ATI5100) device as

an Intrusion Terminal (standalone).

1. Discover a new IAT-010 device on the FLN Configuration dialog

2. Configure a new IAT-010 device on the Components dialog

3. Assign the IAT-010 to an intrusion area as an arm/disarm point


Configure an Access Level with the intrusion area, and assign it to an access


5. Enter the PIN on the IAT-010 terminal to arm / part-arm / disarm the intrusion


Each of the steps mentioned above, have been detailed in the sections that follow.

14.2.1 Configure
Configure / Discover a New IAT-
IAT-010 Device

An operator can configure / discover a new IAT-010 device can be done in either of

the following ways:

 Discovering the IAT-010 device through the FLN Configuration dialog,

 Creating a new IAT-010 device on the Components dialog
Although either of these methods can be used to create a new IAT-010 device, it

is recommended that the operator utilize the FLN configuration dialog. The
following sections will explain how to discover and create an IAT-010 device on
the FLN Configuration dialog.

Discovering the IAT-

IAT-O10 device on the FLN Configuration dialog

The following steps explain how the IAT-10 device can be discovered from the FLN

Configuration dialog:

1. Select FLN Configuration from the System menu.

2. Right-click the respective ACC and select Search Exhaustive.

 This action will search for and display devices that have been physically

connected to the ACC. The user will notice that the new IAT-010 device

appears at the FLN that the device was physically connected to. Further,

note that the Device Number will also be displayed on this tab.
3. Locate the Terminal Type on the Device Details tab

4. Select Intrusion Terminal.

5. Provide a name for this Intrusion Terminal in the Name field.

6. Click Save New Device.


Creating a new IAT-

IAT-O10 device on the Components dialog
The operator also has the option of creating and configuring this device on the

Components dialog. The following steps can be used for this option:
1. Open the Components dialog.

2. Select the appropriate FLN under the respective ACC, to which the ATI5100

device has been physically connected.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
14 Intrusion Arming Terminal
Terminal (ATI5100 / IAT-
Configuring a New Intrusion Terminal (Standalone)

3. Click New Device and select IAT.

4. Enter a name into the Name field on the Device tab of this new item.

5. Ensure that the Device Number is correct. (To retrieve the right device number,
run an Exhaustive Search
Search as described in the section Discovering Devices [➙

65] of this user manual.

6. From the drop-down list of the Terminal Type field, select the type of intrusion
terminal you want to configure.

7. Click Save New Device.

14.2.2 Configuring the IAT-
IAT-010 device on the Components Dialog

The following section explains how to configure a new IAT-010 device on the

Components dialog:
1. Open the Components dialog.

2. Expand the given FLN under the respective ACC. The IAT-010 device

‘IntrusionTerminal-Standalone’ that was saved in the FLN Configuration dialog

will appear under the given FLN.

3. Verify the Device Number of the IAT-010 on this dialog.

If a correct device number has not been entered into this field, the user will not be

able to save the device. If saved without the right device number, the device will

appear to be offline.
The user will be able to confirm the right device number from the respective

device information provided in the FLN Configuration dialog. This will be

discussed in the following section.
4. Select the Keypad tab of this new IAT-010 device.

The Keypad tab appears for IAT-010 device only when it is created as an

Intrusion Terminal (standalone). It will not appear when the device is created with

Access Control.

5. The Name field is entered by default. Select the required Alarm Definitions.
6. Set the Time Schedule to Always (point unsecure).

7. Enter the timeout for PIN entry in the Command Timeout (sec) field. By default,

this field is set to 10 seconds.


8. Click Save.
 Once these selections have been saved, the Current State field is displayed as


Please ensure that the input point to be assigned to the Intrusion Area has been

configured to the Intrusion Area Entry / Exit Operation Mode on the Input / Output
tab of the associated reader.

14.2.3 Assigning an IAT-

IAT-010 to an Intrusion Area as an
Arm/Disarm Point

The operator will now have to create an intrusion area with arm / disarm, entry

lockout and input points. Please refer the section Configuring an Intrusion Area [➙

106] this user manual for information on how to configure an intrusion area.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Intrusion Arming Terminal (ATI5100 / IAT-
IAT-010) 14
Overview of Configuring an Intrusion Terminal with Access Control

To configure an input point for part-arming, please refer to the sections under

Partial Arming / Part- Arming [➙ 211] of this user manual.

14.2.4 Configuring an Access Level and an Access Group, with

the Intrusion
Intrusion Area
In this step, the operator will have to configure an Access Level to include the

Intrusion Area on the Access Level dialog.

Next, the operator will need to add this Access Level to an Access Group on the

Access Group dialog.

14.2.5 Configuring a Cardholder’s

Cardholder’s Access Privilege with the

Access Group
As the next step, the operator has to configure a valid cardholder’s Access

Privilege to include the Access Group. This can be done by using the Define
Access Privileges button on the Cardholder dialog.

The defined privileges should be then saved on the Cardholder dialog. Configuring the IAT-

IAT-010 Terminal to Arm / Part-
Part-arm /
Disarm the Intrusion Area
Next, the operator needs to configure the IAT-010 Terminal to arm / part-arm /

disarm the intrusion area.

1. Tick the PIN as Card checkbox and click Save.

2. The Pin Number field on the Cardholder dialog will provide a valid PIN number.
Enter this Pin Number on the intrusion terminal keypad. Press the Enter key.

3. The terminal will provide options for Arm / part-arm / disarm of the Intrusion

Area. Selecting the appropriate options will allow the user to effectively utilize

Standalone mode.

the Intrusion Arming Terminal in the

For information on how to operate the IAT-010, please refer to the ATI5100
Operations Manual.

14.3 Overview of Configuring an Intrusion Terminal with


Access Control

This section explains how the user can create a new IAT-010 device with Access

Control in the Components dialog.

1. Discover the IAT-010 device on the FLN Configuration dialog

2. Configure the new IAT-010 device on the Components dialog

3. Link the IAT-010 device to a door reader

4. Create an Intrusion Area specifying Arm / Disarm, and Input (Aux) points

5. Configure an Access Level with the Intrusion Area, and the Access Point.

Assign it to an Access Group.

6. Configure a cardholder’s Access Privilege to include the Access Group

7. Operate the IAT-010 according to the configured Operation Mode of the door


These steps have been explained in detail in the sections that follow.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
14 Intrusion Arming Terminal
Terminal (ATI5100 / IAT-
Overview of Configuring an Intrusion Terminal with Access Control

14.3.1 Discovering the IAT-

IAT-010 Device

This section details the steps required to discover the new IAT-010 device on the

FLN Configuration dialog.

This can be done in either of the following ways:

 Discovering the IAT-010 device on theFLN Configuration dialog

 Creating a new IAT-010 device on the Components dialog

Although either of these methods can be used to create a new IAT device, it is

recommended that the operator utilize the FLN configuration dialog.

Fi Creating a new IAT-
IAT-010 device on the Components
Components dialog
1. Select Components from the System menu or tool bar.

Expand the given FLN under the respective ACC.

 The IAT-010 device that was saved in the FLN Configuration tool will

appear under the given FLN.

3. Select this new IAT-010 device. Verify its Device Number and ensure that its

Status is Online.
Please refer section Configure / Discover a new IAT-010 device [➙ 205] for
information on using the Components dialog to create a new IAT-010 device,
instead of the FLN Configuration dialog. Discovering the IAT-

IAT-010 device on the FLN Configuration

1. Select FLN Configuration dialog from the System menu.
2. Search Exhaustive.

Right-click the respective ACC and select

 This action will search for and display the devices that have been

configured to the ACC. The user will notice that the new IAT-010 device

appears at the FLN it was created under. Further, note that the Device
Number will also be displayed on this tab.

3. Enter a name for the device in the Name field.


4. Locate the Door Set on the Device Details tab.

5. Select Intrusion Terminal with Access Control.

6. Click Save New Device.


14.3.2 Linking a Door Reader to the IAT-

IAT-010 for Intrusion Control
This section details the steps required to link reader to the newly created ATI5100

device for intrusion control.


An IAT-010 can be linked to any RIM device (DRI, SRI, ERI).


1. Select an available DRI from an FLN bus on the ACC.

2. Select either Door Reader 1 / Door Reader 2 tab of the DRI.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Intrusion Arming Terminal (ATI5100 / IAT-
IAT-010) 14
Overview of Configuring an Intrusion Terminal with Access Control

3. Select the Intrusion Control tab of this Door Reader.

4. In the Terminal Device field, select the created IAT-010 device from the drop

down menu.

Once a Terminal Device has been selected, the other reader will not be

configurable for the same Intrusion Terminal.

5. From the Time Schedule field, specify a required time-schedule.

6. Click Save. Once these selections have been saved, the Current State field of
this tab displays the device as Enabled.

7. On viewing the tab of the newly created IAT-010 device, the user will note that

the Linked Reader field displays the door reader that was configured for
intrusion control with this device.

Please ensure that the input point to be assigned to the Intrusion Area has been

configured to the Intrusion Area Entry / Exit Operation Mode on the Input / Output
tab of the associated reader.

14.3.3 Creating an Intrusion Area with Arm / Disarm and Input
The operator will now have to create an intrusion area with arm / disarm, entry
lockout and input points. Please refer the section Configuring an Intrusion Area [➙

106] of this user manual for information on how to configure an intrusion area.

To configure an input point for part-arming, please refer the section Partial Arming /

Part-Arming [➙ 211] of this manual.


14.3.4 Access Level Configuration to include Intrusion Area and

Input Point, and assigning of an Access Group

In this step, the operator has to configure an Access Level to include the Intrusion

area and the Input point/s assigned to the IAT-010, using the Access Level dialog.
Next, the operator has to assign this Access Level to an Access Group, using the

Access Group dialog.


14.3.5 Configuring a Cardholder’s Access Privilege to the Access


In this step, the operator has to configure a valid cardholder’s Access Privilege to

include the Access Group. This can be done by clicking the Define Access

Privileges button on the Cardholder dialog. This will bring up the Define Access
dialog, where the user can select the access privileges to the configured to the


14.3.6 Operating the IAT-

IAT-010 Terminal to Arm / Part-
Part-arm / Disarm

the Intrusion Area

This section describes the steps required to operate the IAT-010 Terminal to arm /

part-arm / disarm the intrusion area.

1. Operate the IAT-010 terminal according the Operation Mode configured on the
Components dialog.
Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
14 Intrusion Arming Terminal
Terminal (ATI5100 / IAT-
Intrusion Control for Multiple Areas

2. Use the IAT-010 keypad to control the intrusion area.

14.4 Intrusion
Intrusion Control for Multiple Areas

The IAT-010 terminal can be used to arm / disarm / part-arm multiple areas. The

user can then choose to operate on all the areas, or on a specific area alone.

Selection of the areas available to the user will depend on the Intrusion Area

configuration, as well as User Privileges.

For example, consider a situation where the IAT-010 terminal is assigned as an

arm / disarm point for areas A, B and C. However, a particular user has arming

privileges only for areas A, B and D. In such a case, only areas A and B will be

available to the user at that particular intrusion terminal.

14.5 Executing Manual Override commands for the IAT-
010 device

Manual commands can be used to override and control existing configurations of

the IAT-010 device with SiPass integrated.

14.5.1 Manual Commands for the Standalone Intrusion Terminal

When configured as a standalone device, the user will only be able to send
Intrusion Control commands using the IAT-010 device keypad as an Access point.

The ACC does not support manual commands to allow access, block / lock door

etc., when the standalone keypad is selected as an access point.

When the IAT-010 keypad is selected as the Access Point, only 6 manual
commands can be configure for the Standalone IAT-010 device. These commands

are as follows:

 Intrusion Control – Disable


 Intrusion Control – Enable

 Intrusion Control – Restore Config

 Reader Buzzer Off

 Reader Buzzer On

 Reset Reader Tamper


14.5.2 Manual Commands for the Intrusion Terminal with Access

Control (linked terminal)

When configured as an Intrusion Terminal with Access Control (linked terminal),

the ACC will support manual commands that are available for any access point.

14.6 Deleting an ATI5100 Device


In order to delete an IAT-010 device, it is mandatory that the user conform to an

essential sequence of deletion.

The user will have to progressively delete every personalized access level/s,

Intrusion Areas where the IAT-O10 device exists, before finally deleting it from the

Components dialog.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Intrusion Arming Terminal (ATI5100 / IAT-
IAT-010) 14
Partial Arming / Part-Arming

14.6.1 Deleting an Intrusion Terminal (Standalone)


In order to delete an Intrusion Terminal (standalone), the operator will need to

apply the following steps:

1. Open the Intrusion Area Configuration dialog.

2. Select the Intrusion Area Members tab and remove the required Intrusion
Terminal from the Selected
Selected List.
3. Click Save.

4. Next, open the Components dialog.
5. Select the required Intrusion Terminal, and click the Delete button.

 The terminal will be deleted.

14.6.2 Deleting an Intrusion Terminal with Access Control

In order to delete an Intrusion Terminal with Access Control, the operator will need

to apply the following steps:

1. Open the Intrusion Area Configuration dialog.

2. Select the Intrusion Area Members tab and remove the access point that the

IAT-010 is linked to from the Selected List.

3. Next, open the Components dialog and select the Intrusion Control tab of the
access point door reader.
4. Make a blank selection from the Terminal Device drop down menu.
5. Click Save.
6. This action will de-link this access point from the respective IAT-010 device.
7. Select the IAT-010 device to be deleted from the respective FLN, and click


14.7 Partial Arming / Part-


In addition to Arming and Disarming an intrusion area, a user also has the option to

Partially Arm / Part-arm the area. This functionality is called Partial Arming or Part
Consider an Intrusion Area where Input Points A, B and C are configured as Part-

Arm. These points are called Perimeter Inputs.


Further, Input Points D and E of the same Intrusion Area are configured as Full-


When the area is part-armed, only part-armed (perimeter) inputs A, B and C


become enabled.

When the area is armed, all the inputs A, B, C, D and E become enabled.

14.7.1 Configuring Input Points for Partial / Part Arming


In order to enable an input point for part / partial arming, the operator will need to

configure the point accordingly, on the Intrusion Area dialog. This section explains

how this can be done.

For both Intrusion Terminal types, the steps required to configure input points for

part-arm are the same.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
14 Intrusion Arming Terminal
Terminal (ATI5100 / IAT-
Intrusion Terminal Alerts of Unsealed Inputs

1. Select the Input Point of the Intrusion Area, on the Intrusion Area Configuration

2. From the Intrusion Area Link column, select the cell corresponding to the Input
point required.

3. Right-click this cell and select Part Arm.
4. Click Add.
5. Click Save and Close.

14.8 Intrusion Terminal Alerts of Unsealed Inputs

 Situation: The user has selected an area to be armed / part-armed. However,

the area is not ready to arm because of an unsealed input in the area. Further,

the cardholder in this case, does not have Isolation Privileges.

LCD Message:
Intrusion Area 1

Not Ready to Arm

Press ? to list

unsealed inputs

 Situation: If the user presses the ? key on the IAT-010 terminal;

LCD Message:
Unsealed input –
input 040101

 Situation: If there are more than 3 unsealed inputs;

LCD Message:
Unsealed inputs –

Scroll for more –


Input 040101

Input 040102

Input 040103

At this point, the user can use the Scroll button to move down and view the
displayed list of unsealed points on the LCD screen.

In order to grant the cardholder Isolation Privileges to isolate the unsealed inputs,

check the Isolation checkbox on the Cardholder dialog and save. This will give the
cardholder privileges to isolate any unsealed input, and proceed to arm / part arm

an intrusion area with unsealed inputs.

14.9 Isolation Privileges for Multiple Unsealed Inputs


 Situation: The user wants to arm an area with multiple unsealed points, and
has been given Isolation Privileges. They will be offered an extra option to seal

/ isolate an unsealed input, instead of just viewing the list of unsealed inputs.

LCD Message:
Input 040101

is unsealed

Press <return key symbol> to seal

? for full list

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Intrusion Arming Terminal (ATI5100 / IAT-
IAT-010) 14

If the user presses the <Return> key, the arming process will continue in the usual


If the user presses the <?> key, the arming process will be terminated and the IAT-

010 will display the list of unsealed inputs, as described in the previous section.

14.10 Trouble-
The following section provides important user information about how he can fix

possible trouble-shooting situations.

The IAT-
IAT-010 continues to remain offline after
after Component and FLN

It needs to be mentioned that if the IAT-010 continues to remain offline even after

FLN Configuration, the following problems could be considered:

 The ACC needs to be initialized. Please refer the section Initializing Units [➙

78] of this user manual for further details.

 The device has not been configured with the right device number.

 The IAT-010 has not been physically connected to the right FLN on the ACC.

The IAT-
IAT-010 does not present intelligent characters / numbers on the
LCD, on pressing the keys
Please ensure that the latest firmware of the ACC and the IAT-010 has been

downloaded. For further information, please refer the section Device Firmware

Download and Configuration [➙ 73] of this user manual.

t Se

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
15 DVR

15 DVR

The SiPass integrated DVR solution allows SiPass to communicate with DVR

equipment using a high level interface. This interface allows control and

manipulation of the equipment connected to the DVR system, such as DVR units,

cameras and auxiliary devices. The DVR High Level Interface allows you to view

and record digital images from a SiPass workstation.

Whilst SiPass integrated supports many DVR systems, Siemens SISTORE DVR

system is the recommended system for reliability and performance.

A DVR communicates with SiPass integrated workstations by TCP/IP protocol

across an Ethernet network. This allows even greater flexibility when integrating

your DVR camera system with the SiPass integrated access control and security

system. You only need to connect a DVR to the network on which the desired

SiPass DVR workstation is located.

If you only require the use of a single operator and therefore a single PC, the DVR

Client files can be installed on the same machine that the SiPass server and Client

are installed. If you require a separate SiPass workstation for viewing and

recording functionality, the DVR Client files can be installed on a separate PC,

along with a SiPass Client.

The SISTORE interface cannot be used to control PTZ type cameras, but can be

used to control the recording mechanism on a SISTORE system.

DVR Configuration Summary
The following list provides a summary of the configuration and setup for the SiPass

DVR option.

 Ensure that Windows and the same service pack have been installed on all

PCs in the SiPass integrated access control and security network.


 If your access control and security network is to be configured using more than

one PC, ensure that all machines are connected together using an appropriate

communications protocol.

 Install the appropriate SiPass integrated software onto each PC in your access

control and security network, ensuring that exactly the same version of SiPass

integrated is used for all installed components.


 Ensure that the DVR system architecture has been planned in advance.

 Ensure that you have programmed the DVR unit using the System

Administration software and that all DVR devices have been connected.


Ensure that the DVR unit has been connected to the SiPass PC where the

DVR bus service has been installed.

 Install the DVR Client files on the PC(s) where DVR images are to be viewed.

Configure the DVR Client with the address and details of the DVR.

 Program and configure the DVR Bus and DVR using SiPass integrated.

 Program the necessary cameras and camera groups in SiPass integrated.


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
DVR 15
Programming SiPass integrated for DVR

15.1 Programming SiPass integrated for DVR

In order for the SiPass DVR option to function correctly, SiPass integrated must be

programmed with the appropriate data. This includes programming DVRs, DVR

cameras, and camera groups.

15.2 Configuring the DVR Comms Channel

SiPass integrated sends and receives information to and from the DVR system

using TCP/IP across an Ethernet network. As both Windows and the DVR switcher

understand the TCP/IP protocol, there is no need to configure any additional


 Ensure that you have installed the SiPass Server.

 Ensure that you have installed the DVR Client on the workstation that you are

going to view DVR images.

 Ensure that you have assigned the correct operator privileges.

 Ensure that you have programmed any DVRs with the correct information.

1. Choose the Components button from the System toolbar or menu.

 The Components dialog will appear, displaying a hierarchical tree structure
of SiPass integrated components.
2. Select the Server Name by double clicking on it.
3. Click the New Bus button.
 A menu will appear showing a list of buses that your license allows you to

4. Select the DVR option.

 A new bus will appear connected to the Server and a new tab option will

become available.

5. Select the Add button. A new DVR unit type will appear under the DVR

6. Click on the unit to display a drop down menu, and select your desired unit.

7. Enter the location of the folder on the PC’s hard disk where you have installed

the DVR client software, into the Install Directory field.


- The DVR Client software must be installed in the same directory on each


8. Click Save.

15.3 Configuring the SISTORE/DVR Client in SiPass


Before SISTORE/DVR cameras can be manipulated from either SiPass integrated

or the DVR Client, you must add the location of the client folder to the Windows

Environment Variables path. This section applies to both SISTORE AX and

SISTORE -clients.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
15 DVR
Configuring a DVR unit

SISTORE CX / SX Units that are Version 3.1 or later can be controlled directly

from SiPass integrated so these steps may not be required.

1. Select Settings > Control Panel > System from the Windows Start menu. The
System dialog will appear, and the General tab will be open by default.

2. Choose the Advanced tab.

3. Choose Environment Variables. The Environment Variables dialog will appear.

4. Select the “Path” row and choose Edit.

5. Variable Value field. Immediately

Place a semicolon after the last entry in the

after the semicolon, type the location of the SISTORE client files. For example:


6. OK.


 The environment variable path has now been configured.

15.4 Configuring a DVR unit

The main component of a DVR system is the DVR unit itself. This device controls

the operation of DVR cameras in the system and is responsible for the recording of

images. SiPass integrated uses a high level interface to send commands to and

receive messages from the DVR. After you have configured a DVR with the

System Administrator software, the address, type and security details must be

programmed in SiPass integrated.

 Ensure that you have configured the DVR comms channel.

 Ensure that you have connected the DVR to a SiPass workstation PC, or to the

network on which the workstation PC is located.


If the Type is “General SISTORE” and SISTORE CX unit is connected, the Video

Port should read “12050” and the PTZ Port should read as “23479” by default.

If the Type is “General SISTORE” and SISTORE MX unit is connected, both


Video Port and PTZ Port should read as “12050”.

1. Choose the Components button from the System toolbar or menu.

2. The Components dialog will appear, displaying a hierarchical tree structure of
SiPass integrated components. Select the Server Name by double clicking on

it. The Operational tab will appear.


3. Select the DVR bus created and click the New Unit
Unit button. A new DVR unit will
appear connected to the bus and a new tab will become available.

4. Enter a unique name for the DVR into theName field.

5. Type drop-down box.

Select the type of DVR unit from the

6. Assign an Alarm Class to the DVR from the Alarm Class drop-down box.

7. The only alarm states that will apply to DVR Alarm Classes will be

“Communications Lost” and “Communications Restored”, which correspond to


“Alarm” and “Restore” respectively.

8. Enter a description for the DVR Switcher in the Description field.

9. Enter the IP address of the network card installed on the Host PC into the Host
Server IP field. You only need to supply a Host IP address if there is more than

one network card installed on the PC running the SiPass Server. In this case,

you must supply the IP address of the network card on the SiPass Server

which the DVR uses to communicate.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
DVR 15
Configuring a DVR unit

10. Enter the IP address of the DVR into the DVR IP field.
11. Enter the Port number that the switcher will use to communicate with the

SiPass PC.

12. The Port field applies only to Kodicom DVR installations. You must enter a Port

Number of 8080.

13. Enter the User Name and Password used to configure the DVR by the DVR
Administration software.

14. Enter a name for the device in the Device Name field.

15. Enter a device version in the Device Version field.
16. Enter the SW Version.
17. Enter the number of Video Inputs/Outputs and Digital Inputs/Outputs in the

respective fields.

18. The Refresh button will update the communications status of the switcher that
appears in the read-only field.

19. Click the Save button. The DVR unit details will be saved to SiPass integrated.

15.4.1 Configuring Input / Output Points for a DVR Unit
The operator can configure DVR Input / Output Points on the Components dialog in
two ways:

 Using the Auto Discover button to automatically discover Input and Output
points that have not yet been configured in the dialog.

 By specifying the maximum number of Input and Output points that he wishes

to configure.
Auto-Discovery of Input / Output points
1. Select the Input/Output points tab of the new DVR unit that was created.

Input/Output points tab will appear only when the DVR unit has been


configured as General SISTORE in the Type field. This field appears in the DVR
Switcher tab.
2. Click the Auto Discover button. The Digital Input and Output Points will be
displayed on this tab.

3. The Auto-
Auto-Discover button will be disabled if the Comm Status details of the

DVR Unit (as given in the DVR Switcher tab) has not been updated. To update
these details, click the Refresh button on this tab.

Specifying the number of Input / Output points to be configured


1. Select the Input/Output points tab.

2. Select the maximum number of inputs required from the Max inputs drop-down
list. The specified number of input points will be displayed.

3. Select the maximum number of outputs required from the Max outputs drop-
down list. The specified number of output points will be displayed.

4. Any of these points can be deleted by highlighting it and pressing the DEL key.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
15 DVR
Configuring a DVR unit Field Definitions for Digital Input / Output Points

The Digital Input Points section defines the Input Points by the following fields on
Input/Output tab:


 Input Name
 Enable Input
 Invert Input

 Alarm Definition
A DVR Digital Input Point uses Normal / Alarm as alarm class states.

The operator will need to specify a required Alarm/Restore state. Once

configured, the Digital Input Point can be configured with this Alarm Definition.

y& Field Definitions for Digital Output Points
The Digital Output Points section defines the Output Points by the following fields

on the Input/Output tab:

 Output Name

 Alarm Definition
A DVR Digital Output Point uses Lock / Unlock as the alarm class states.
Once configured, the Digital Output Point can be configured with this Alarm

Definition. Configuring Host Event Tasks for Digital Input/Output


The operator can perform the following Host Event Task (HET) configurations:

 Configure a HET triggered by a Digital Input / Output Point

 Define a HET to change the state of a DVR Digital Input / Output Point

The operator can configure a Host Event Task to change the state of a

selected DVR digital output. For example, a HET can be configured to change

Digital Input / Output point from the Trigger State Open to the
the state of a

Target State Close. In this case, the Output Point has to be configured as the
lig Configuring a Manual Command to Change the State of a

DVR Digital Output

Operators can configure manual commands to change the state of a DVR Digital


1. Select Operation > Manual Override.

2. Select the Output button from the Type box.

3. Select the required DVR unit name from the Unit Name field.
4. Choose the required state change from the box above Unit Name.

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Configuring a DVR unit

5. The available states for the DVR unit are:

- Close

- Open

- Single Pulse
6. Select the DVR output point for the state change from the Points tab.
7. Click Send and Close. Configuring a DVR Digital Input / Output Point Group

Operators can configure DVR Digital Input / Output Point Groups on the

Component Group dialog.

1. Select Program > Component Group. This will bring up the Component Group

2. Enter a name for the group in the Group Name field.

3. From the left panel of groups, select Point Group.

4. Click the Add Members button. This will bring up the Create Group dialog.

5. If you want to configure an Input Point Group, select Input Points from the

Group Type drop-down field. If an Output Point Group is to be configured,

select Output Points from this field.

6. Select the Input / Output points that you want to add to this group from the

Available box.
7. Click Add All >>. This action will add them to the Selected box.
8. Click OK.
9. Select an alarm from the Alarm Class drop-down field.
10. Click Save and Close.

15.4.2 Configuring Monitors for a DVR Unit


The operator can configure Monitors for DVR units on the Monitors tab of the
Components dialog in two ways:
 Using the Auto Discover button to automatically discover Monitors that have
not yet been configured in the dialog

 By specifying the maximum number of Monitors he wishes to configure on the

Max Monitors: drop-down list.


The Monitors section defines the Monitors by the # (Monitor Number), Monitor
Name and Video Output Channel fields. Configuring Remote Video Inputs for the DVR Unit


The operator can configure Remote Video Inputs for DVR units in on the Remote
Video Inputs tab of the Components dialog in two says:
 Using the Auto Discover button to automatically discover Remote Video Inputs

that have not yet been configured in the dialog

 By specifying the maximum number of Remote Video Inputs he wishes to

configure on the Max Points: drop-down list.

# (Input Number), Input

The Remote Video Inputs section defines the inputs by the

Name, Alarm Definition, IP Address, Port and Protocol fields.

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Configuring a DVR unit DVR Unit Functions Available from Site Plans

Operators can add, modify or remove DVR digital Input or 0utput Points/Groups to

or from Site Plans.

Adding DVR input / output points / groups a Site Plan

1. From the tool bar of the Site Plan, select the Add Location / Group button.

Click on a desired location in the Site Plan to apply it. This action will bring up

the Add Location / Group to Site Plan dialog.

3. Select Point or Group from the Type drop-down field.

Select Point to add an Input/Output Point to the plan. Select Group to add an
Input/Output Point Group to the plan.

4. Only Point/Groups that have Alarm Classes assigned will be displayed on this


5. Click OK.

Deleting DVR input / output points / groups from a Site Plan

To delete any of these points / groups, select the particular point/group, and click

Refer the section Adding System Components (symbols) to Your Site Plan [➙ 240]

detailed instructions on how to add a system component (like a DVR Point or

Group) to a site plan.


15.4.3 Configuring
Configuring a DVR Camera
SiPass integrated allows you to program either a fixed or a PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom)

type DVR camera. Up to 16 cameras can be created for each DVR.

SiPass integrated does not support PTZ Cameras on MX or AX SISTORE units.


Ensure that you have configured the DVR comms channel and at least one

DVR unit

 Ensure that you have connected the DVR unit to a SiPass workstation PC, or

to the network on which the workstation PC is located.

1. Choose the Components button from the System toolbar or menu.


2. Select the Server Name by double clicking on it.

3. Select the DVR comms channel.

4. Select the DVR for which you want to define a camera.

5. Choose the New Point button.


 A new camera will appear connected to the Switcher and a new tab will

become available.

6. Enter a unique name for the camera into the Name field.
7. Enter a unique title for the camera into the Camera Title field.

8. Select a type of camera from the Type drop down box.

9. Assign an Alarm Class to the DVR from the Alarm Class drop-down box

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Configuring a DVR unit

10. Enter a unique number for the camera into the Camera No. field.
11. Enter the number of preset positions for the camera into the Max. Preset field.

12. Enter a value in the Pre-
Pre-Recording Interval field.

An operator can configure a Host Event Task to playback a recorded video. The

duration of the recorded video to be played back, is specified in the Duration field
of the Host Event Task dialog (when the Target is set to ‘DVR’, and the
Command is set to ‘DVR Recording’). Assume that the Duration field is configured
Pre-Recording Interval (on the Components dialog, as
for 60 seconds, and the Pre-

described above in this section), is configured for 15 seconds; When the DVR

recording playback is triggered using the Host Event Task, it will playback 60

seconds of recorded video (as configured in the Host Event Task), preceded by

video recorded 15 seconds before this duration.

13. Enter a description for the camera in the Description field.

14. Click Save.

y& Discovering configured
configured DVR video alarms (sensors)
Operators can configure DVR video alarms in two ways:

 Using the Auto Discover button to automatically discover Video alarm

 By specifying the maximum number of alarms to be configured
Auto-discovery of video alarms
1. Select a defined camera under a DVR unit.

2. Select the Video Alarm tab of this camera.

3. Click the Auto Discover button.
 This action will display all the alarms configured for this camera in the Video

Alarm section of this dialog.


The Input/Output Points, Monitors and Remote Video Inputs will appear only if the

Type selected for the DVR Switcher is General SISTORE.

Specifying the video alarms to be configured



Select a defined camera under a DVR unit.

2. Select the Video Alarm tab of this camera.

3. Select the maximum number of alarms to be configured from the Max. Alarm
drop-down field.

 This action will display the configured number of sensors in the Video Alarms
section of this dialog. Field Definitions for Video Alarms (sensors)


The Video Alarms section defines the sensors by the following fields on the Video
Alarms tab:
 # (Video Alarm Number)

 Sensor Name
 Sensor Type

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Configuring a DVR unit

 Enable Sensor
 Sub Program

 Alarm Definition

An Alarm Class needs to be defined specifically for the Video Alarms, with the

following configuration:

Field Required Configuration

Type Input


Alarm / Normal

Alarm / Restore Ignore / Alarm / Restore

Once configured, the Video Alarms can be configured with this Alarm Definition. Setting up a Host Event Task to change the DVR Video

Alarm program

The operator can configure a Host Event Task to change the program of a video

alarm sensor.

1. Select Program > Event Tasks > Host Event Task.

2. Specify an Event Name.
3. Specify a Time Schedule.
4. Specify Source 1 as an Input Point or Output Point.
5. Select a required State 1.
6. Specify a Location 1.
7. Select DVR in the Target field, select DVR.
8. Select a desired switcher in the Switcher field.
9. Select EDS / ODR program switching from the Command field.
10. Select a camera in the Cameras field.
11. Enter a message for the Host Event Task in the Message
Message field.

12. Click Save. Setting up a HET to create a connection between a DVR

camera and monitor

An operator can configure a Host Event Task to create a connection between a

DVR camera and a selected analog monitor.

1. Select Program > Event Tasks > HostHost Event Task.

2. Specify an Event Name.

3. Specify a Time Schedule.

4. Select Time Schedule in the Source 1 field.
5. Select Start / Start and Stop / Stop in the State 1 field.
6. Select DVR in the Target field.

7. Select Camera/Monitor Connecting in the Command field.

8. Select a switcher in the Switcher field.
9. Select a camera in the Cameras field.
10. Select a monitor in the Monitors field.

11. Enter a message in the Message field.

12. Click Save.

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Configuring a DVR unit

 The Host Event Task has now been configured.

15.4.4 Grouping DVR Cameras

SiPass integrated allows DVR components to be grouped together. These groups

are used during configuration and operation processes. Grouping components also

allows you to partition the control that operators have over DVR points. The

following section outlines the procedure used to group DVR components.

1. Choose the Point Group button from the Program toolbar or menu.

2. Choose Add Members.

3. Select “DVR Camera” from the DVR Points drop-down list.

 Available list.

The available members for that group will appear in the

4. Select the name of the camera to be added to the group from those displayed

Available list.
in the

5. Choose Add >.

 The selected camera/monitor will be added to the selected list.

6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until all members have been added to the Selected list.
7. Choose the OK button.
 The Alarm Class, Group Alarm Triggers, Group Actions and Group Alarm
Status components in the Group dialog have no effect when defining a
camera group.
8. Click Save.

15.4.5 Configuring an IP Camera

SiPass integrated allows an operator to configure IP Cameras in the system.

There are three main applications of the IP Camera configuration:

 To view IP Camera video using the DVR Live Monitor


 To view IP Camera video using the Virtual Monitor

 To use an IP Camera as a Remote Video Source

To apply any of these features, the camera will first have to be configured in the

SiPass integrated system.


The IP Camera is configured as a new bus on the server. The steps required to

configure it are as follows:

1. Choose the Components button from the System toolbar or menu.

2. Select the Server Name by double clicking on it.
3. Click the New Bus button.

4. Select IP Cameras from the drop-down list that appears.

5. Next, select the New Unit button.
6. Enter a name for the unit in the Name field.
7. Enter a description for the unit in the Description field.

8. Click Save.
9. Click the New Point button.
10. Enter a name for the camera in the Name field.
11. Enter a title in the Title field.

12. Enter a camera number in the Number field.

13. Enter the IP address of the camera in the IP field.

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Configuring a DVR unit

Please note that the type of IP Camera being configured must support the RTSP


14. Enter a port number in the Port field. This port number depends on the type of

IP Camera being used. Refer relevant manuals of the specific IP Camera for

information on the Port number.

15. If the IP Camera being used carries extra URL requirements, enter this URL
into the Extra URL field.

16. A description for IP Camera can be entered in the Description field.
17. Click Save.

Fi Viewing IP Camera video on the Live DVR dialog
Once an IP Camera has been configured on the Components dialog, its video can
be viewed on the Live DVR dialog in the following manner:

 Ensure that the right IP address has been entered for the camera in the

Components dialog.
1. Select Alarm > Live DVR. This action displays the DVR Operation dialog.
2. From the Switcher drop down list, select the name of the switcher configured
for the IP Camera bus.

3. From the Camera drop down list, select the name of the configured IP Camera.
4. Click Display.

 The DVR Main dialog will now display the video from the selected IP camera.
To use record the IP Camera video, the camera must first be configured as a

Remote Video Source. For more information on this feature, refer the section

Using IP Cameras as Remote Video Sources.

Se Viewing IP Camera video on the Virtual Monitor


Once an IP Camera has been configured on the Components dialog, its video can

be viewed on the Virtual Monitor dialog in the following manner:

 Ensure that the right IP address has been entered for the camera in the

Components dialog.
1. Alarm > Virtual Monitors. This action displays the Virtual Monitors



2. Expand the IP Cameras tree hierarchy from the Cameras panel.

3. Click and drag the configured IP Camera to any screen on the adjacent screen-

grid. Alternatively, you can also right-click on a desired screen and select

Camera. This action will display the Select Camera Point dialog from where
you can select the IP camera. Click OK to display the video on the selected


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Operating DVR from SiPass integrated

To use record the IP Camera video, the camera must first be configured as a

Remote Video Source. For more information on this feature, refer the section

Using IP Cameras as Remote Video Sources.

Lt Using an IP Camera as a Remote Video Source
To use IP Cameras as Remote Video Sources, it should first be connected to a

DVR Unit.

This functionality requires that the IP Camera be configured as the Remote Video

Source on the SISTORE CX tool.

Ensure that the IP address entered in the SISTORE CX tool matches the IP

address configured for the IP camera in the Components dialog.

15.5 Operating DVR from SiPass integrated
When the DVR Client is called from a SiPass integrated workstation to play back a

recorded image or view a live image, the actual client will depend on the type of

DVR System(s) you have installed at your facility. This chapter uses the SiPass
DVR GUI as an example when operating a DVR System from within SiPass


 Ensure that all the DVR equipment has been configured in SiPass integrated.
 Ensure that the DVR unit and camera have been turned on and the System

Administration software has been used to configure the DVR Switcher.

 Ensure that the SiPass Server and the network connection between the DVR

workstations and any DVRs are running and operational.


 Ensure that the correct operator privileges have been assigned.

15.5.1 Viewing Pictures from a DVR Camera

SiPass integrated allows you to select a camera and display live images from that

camera on the DVR GUI screen.

1. Live DVR from the Alarm toolbar or menu.



2. Select from the Switcher drop-down box the DVR unit connected to the desired

3. Select from the Camera drop-down box the camera for which you want to view

the live image.

4. Choose Display.
 The DVR Main dialog will open, displaying the live image from the selected


5. To view cameras from a different DVR unit, select the new unit from the DVR
Unit drop-down box. Any cameras defined for that unit will appear in the
Camera list on the left hand side.
6. To go to a preset for a select camera, simply choose the Preset name from the

Preset list below.

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15 DVR
Virtual Monitors

 Now, the selected DVR camera should ideally display images for the operators

to view.

15.5.2 Setting up a DVR Recording Event Task

SiPass integrated allows you to set up an event task to trigger recording of up to

600 seconds of live images.

1. Choose Event Tasks > Host from the Program toolbar or menu.
2. Complete the Trigger details as for a normal Event Task. For example, if an

access point registers an alarm outside of business hours you may want a

camera to record any individuals entering through that point.

3. DVR from the Target drop-down field.


4. Switcher drop-down box.

Select the desired DVR unit from the

5. Select DVR Recording from the Command drop-down field.

6. Enter the length of time in seconds that you want the DVR camera to record

into the Duration field. Acceptable times range between 1 and 600 seconds.

7. Select the camera from which live images should be recorded, from the

Camera drop-down box.

8. If the camera is a PTZ camera, select the position from which the camera

Preset drop-down box.

should begin recording, from the

9. Enter a message describing the event task into the Message field.
10. Click Save.
 If the specified trigger occurs, the DVR camera will record a live image for the

entered duration. A message will appear in the Audit Trail stating the trigger
has occurred. This will be followed by a DVR Recording message giving the

date and time, as well as whether the recording was successful or failed.

15.5.3 Playing Back DVR Recordings from the Audit Trail


SiPass integrated features a DVR Playback option from the Audit Trail right-click


1. Right-click on a DVR recording event from the Audit Trail.

2. Select the Play Back option.


 The DVR Client will appear, and the recording you selected from the Audit Trail

will begin playing in the viewing window.

15.6 Virtual Monitors


The Virtual Monitor feature allows operators to arrange and view a matrix of DVR

images simultaneously.

1. Select Alarm > Virtual Monitors.

2. The cameras available to provide DVR views can be seen by expanding the

tree hierarchy of the Cameras panel.

3. The right side panel displays 4 windows where different DVR views can be


4. The operator can select the layout of the Virtual Monitors dialog.

5. To increase / decrease the number of windows, select File > Load.

6. Select from the selections available to alter the number of windows as required.

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Operating the DVR Client

7. To add a view to individual windows, select a camera from the Cameras panel.
8. Click and drag this camera, and drop it onto a selected window on the right.

This action will play the live image of that camera on the selected window.

15.7 Operating the DVR Client
SiPass integrated features a fully integrated DVR Client as part of its Graphical

User Interface. The Client allows you to view live images, organize your DVR

Camera system including sequences and presets, and record and playback live

images, which are archived by date and time.

The SiPass DVR Client currently only applies to Dedicated Micros DVR systems

and SISTORE CX / SX units that are Version 3.1 and higher.

The dedicated SiPass DVR GUI is opened by selecting Live DVR from the Alarm
toolbar or menu. The following table show the function of each set of controls:

Control Function
Camera List

Lists all of the cameras you have defined for DVR operation. The icons indicate the camera type.

Preset List Lists all of the presets you have defined for the camera selected above.

Playback Controls Allows you to select and play back a previous DVR recording event. Also allows you to record in

real-time from the DVR Client.

PTZ Controls A series of controls for manipulating PTZ cameras, camera focus, and auxiliary camera devices

like wipers and lamps.

DVR Mode Selects Live Video or Recorded Video mode.

DVR Units Lists the DVR units that you have defined in the Components dialog.

Using the Camera Controls

The camera controls in the DVR Client allow you to move a PTZ camera using the

mouse, and activate auxiliary devices.

Directing the camera using the mouse

As well as the compass on the right hand side of the DVR Client, cameras can also

be manipulated using a mouse inside the viewing area.


By clicking and dragging the left mouse button, while the mouse pointer is

positioned inside the viewing window, a camera can be moved in the direction of

the mouse drag. The closer the mouse pointer is to the edge of the screen, the

faster the camera will move.


Changing a camera title

The titles of cameras in the list on the left hand side can be changed from the DVR

Client. Any changes will be updated in the Components dialog.

1. In the Camera list on the right hand side, double right-click on the camera title

to be changed. The title will be highlighted and a cursor will appear.

2. Change the camera title by editing the title text.

3. Click on another camera. The highlighting will be removed.

4. Choose Set to save the title change.


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Operating the DVR Client

15.7.1 Creating a Preset from the DVR Client

DVR Camera Presets can also be created from the SiPass DVR Client.

1. Select the camera for which you want to define a preset, from the Camera list.
2. In the Presets list on the right hand side, select a blank Preset, or an existing
Preset if you wish to over-write it.

3. Use the Camera controls to set the camera position and focus to the desired


4. Choose the Set button. This will assign the current camera setting to this
Preset Slot.

5. Name

You can add or change Preset names by right double-clicking in the

Column, and entering a new name.

15.7.2 Recording from the DVR Client

An operator can record a live video from the DVR Client.

1. Open the DVR Main dialog.

2. Select Live Video from the drop-down list of the Mode field.
3. This action will display the live image from the selected camera. This mode

generally appears by default on opening this dialog.

Select the DVR Unit connected to the camera you want to record, from the

DVR Unit list at the top of the dialog. The list of cameras defined for this unit
will appear in the Camera list.
5. Select the camera from the list from which you want to record a live image.
6. If the camera has PTZ functionality, use the PTZ Controls on the right hand

side to move the camera into the desired recording position.

7. Choose Start in the Recording section.


The operator can add a comment to the video to be recorded by typing in the

Comment field.

You can use the PTZ controls to manipulate the camera and also select Presets
while in recording mode.

When you have finished recording, choose Stop. The recording event will be stored

in the DVR event calendar and can be replayed from both the DVR Client and the

Audit Trail.

15.7.3 Playing Back a DVR Recording

The DVR Client can be used to play back video images that you have recorded.

Playing back a DVR recording using the DVR

DVR Main dialog
1. On the DVR Main dialog, select Recorded Video from the drop-down list of the
Mode field.
2. Playback box to Play, move

An operator can use the appropriate buttons in the

to the Prev Frame, move to the Next Frame, Pause, Resume and Stop a

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Operating the SISTORE DVR Client

recorded video. The operator can also use the horizontal scroll bar in this box

to navigate to different parts of the video.

3. To search for a recorded video by the Time of recording, select the By Time
radio button in the Search Criteria box. You can select from the list available in

this drop-down field. Click Search.
4. To search for a recorded video by the Comment attached to the recording,

By Comment radio button in the Search Criteria box.

select the

5. Click Search.

6. The search results of recorded video clips will appear in the Video Clips box.
Click any clip in the list and use the options in the Playback box to view it.

15.8 Operating the SISTORE DVR Client

If you have installed the recommended DVR solution, Siemens SISTORE, at your

facility, the viewing and recording process will be slightly different. This is because

a separate DVR Graphical User Interface is used for SISTORE DVR systems

within SiPass integrated.

This chapter gives only a brief description of the most important components of the

SISTORE DVR user interfaces, and aims to introduce the operator to the basic

functionality of the SISTORE Clients. For more information on configuring and

using this DVR Client, it is highly recommended that you consult the User’s Guide

that came with the DVR software.

15.8.1 Using the SISTORE AX Client to view live images
The following instructions show the basic usage of the SISTORE AX type DVR
Client. This Client appears when you have SISTORE AX type DVR units installed

at your site, and you trigger viewing from a SISTORE DVR camera through the

DVR Operation dialog, an Event Task, or a Graphic Map.


SISTORE AX Client Controls

If you hold the mouse pointer over an icon on the SISTORE AX client GUI, a tool

tip will appear giving a brief description of the command.

Control Description

Select Site Selects a SISTORE AX DVR unit from which to select and view camera images.

Select Camera Select the camera to view from the current DVR unit.

Split-pane view
view Select how many camera images to display on screen.

Full screen view Displays the current camera image(s) using the entire screen space. Click anywhere on the

screen to return to the client view.

PTZ/Lens Controls Controls to zoom in/out, focus near/far, and open and close the iris.

Preset Controls Choose whether to create a new preset from the current camera position (MEM) or go to an

existing preset (POS).

Alarm on/off This controls the reporting of alarm events of up to four types from a DVR unit; for example,

Video Loss alarm.


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Creating a DVR Audit Trail Report

15.8.2 Using the SISTORE AX Client to record and playback

The following instructions show the basic usage of the SISTORE AX type DVR

Client to record images, and play back previously recorded images.

The “Search” Client appears when you have SISTORE AX type DVR units installed

at your site, and you trigger viewing of a recorded image through the Play Back
option from the Audit Trail right-click menu.

You may search for DVR Recording events by calendar/time search (Time Lapse

search) or by Recording event (Event search); for example, by alarm event or

motion detection.

SISTORE AX Search Client Controls (Time Lapse Mode)
If you hold the mouse pointer over an icon on the SISTORE AX client GUI, a tool

tip will appear giving a brief description of the command.

Control Description

Select Site Selects a SISTORE AX DVR unit from which to select and view camera images.

Select Camera Select the camera to view from the current DVR unit.

Split-pane view Select how many camera images to display on screen.

Recording Calendar Select a day to view images recorded by a camera (if any). Days marked in blue indicate

recording events on that day.

Recording Time Select a time from which to begin viewing by clicking a Time Schedule on the timeline with the


Reload Image
Reloads the current recorded image.

Go to Time Opens a dialog from which you can enter an exact time during the selected day to being


Search Mode Selects the mode to search for recorded sequences. There are two modes:

Time Lapse Search – uses a calendar and timeline to select recordings for playback.

Event Search – uses a query dialog to search for specific events by camera, motion detection

and alarm response.

Play Controls Controls to play, stop, forward and rewind the selected DVR recording.

SISTORE AX Search Client Controls (Event Mode)

If you hold the mouse pointer over an icon on the SISTORE AX client GUI, a tool

tip will appear giving a brief description of the command.


Control Description
New Event Query Opens the Event Search dialog to create a new query to search for DVR Recordings.

Next Event Cycles to next Recording in the Results list.

Event Query Results


Lists all matching results of the query.

15.9 Creating a DVR Audit Trail Report


The following information relating to DVRs is recorded in the Audit Trail and will

appear in Audit Trail reports:

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Creating a DVR Audit Trail Report

 Start and stop times for DVR recording and playback events activated from an

SiPass workstation

 Start and stop times for DVR event tasks that have been triggered

 Configuration, modification and deletion of DVR system components in SiPass


 DVR shortcuts activated from Site plans

The following example shows how to generate an audit trail report from DVR

Camera events. You can create other types of DVR audit trail reports, depending

on the information you want to appear.

1. Choose Data > Reports > Audit Trail Report.

2. You can select either Detailed Audit Trail Report or Concise Report from the

Report drop-down box.

3. A Detailed Audit Trail report provides more information about events, including

details of operators, cardholders and hardware units. A Concise Report shows

only the date and location of audit trail messages.

4. Location from the Fields Selected list box.


5. Select a date and time from the From drop-down boxes. This represents the

earliest record that will appear in the report.

6. Select a date and time from the To drop-down boxes. This represents the most
recent record that will appear in the report.

7. Select Equals from the Filter drop-down box in the Query section.
8. Select DVR Point from the Filter: Point Type drop-down list.

9. Select from the Location drop-down box the DVR camera that you want to

include in the audit trail report.

10. Click the Add button. The DVR camera will be added to the Query list at the
bottom of the dialog.

11. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for every DVR camera that you want to include in your

12. Choose the Print button to send the report directly to the default Report Printer,

13. Choose the Print Preview button. The Print Preview window will appear
showing details of the Audit Trail events concerning the cameras you selected.

14. You can print or convert the format of your report from the Print Preview screen

by using the toolbar at the top of the window.


15. The following table shows the different filters you can use to create Audit Trail
reports on DVR events:

Filter Selected Filter Action


Location Allows you to filter reports by DVR Camera.

Message Allows you to filter reports by the message that is displayed in the Audit trail. For example, “DVR

Recording Event Task successful” or “DVR camera deleted”.

Date Occurred

Allows you to filter by the date that the event occurred. This allows you to create a comprehensive

report showing all activity over a certain period of time.

Time Occurred Allows you to filter by the time that the event occurred.

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16 Photo-
Photo-ID and Graphics

16 Photo-
Photo-ID and Graphics

Video imaging and card printing is an optional module of the SiPass integrated

access control system. It allows cardholder photographs and signatures to be

captured on-screen or imported, card templates to be created and access cards to

be printed.

The Photo ID module allows you to connect a video or digital camera to the SiPass

integrated system and capture a cardholder’s photograph and signature. These

images can be saved to the SiPass integrated database along with any other

cardholder information. They can then be viewed on-screen as part of the record or

imported into a card template and printed onto an access card.

SiPass integrated allows you to create your own customized card templates. These

templates can include any combination of text, graphics, images, photographs,

signatures, or cardholder database information. Once created a card template is

attached to a cardholder’s record and then recalled or printed when appropriate.

The additional SiPass Card Encoding module also allows you to include a bar code

or magnetic stripe in your card templates, in a range of formats. Once inserted onto

a template and attached to a cardholder’s record, all you need to do is print the


The SiPass Photo ID module also allows you to print your own access cards. You

can print a single cardholder’s card when their record is opened or a group of cards

based on criteria that you supply.

16.1 Graphics
Using the optional SiPass Graphics module, you can view and monitor your

secured area or site, create and modify floor plans, card templates and alarm

instructions from a graphical perspective. When the Graphics module is configured

and an alarm is activated, you can choose to see a graphical representation of the

point, area, group or unit in question shown on the surrounding floor plan.

SiPass integrated allows you to draw floor plans, import plans, and insert symbols

representing input and output points, as well as any areas, groups and units at

your site. These symbols allow you to monitor each of the inputs, areas, groups

and units. If the status of a component changes, its symbol automatically changes


16.2 Drawing toolbar


The Drawing toolbar enables elements of the graphics package. This enables you

to create, modify and view graphics components that allow you to monitor your site.

 Choose New > Drawing from the File menu.

 After you have selected New Drawing, an extended File menu then
becomes available to add a new or open an existing graphic object. Three

File Menu commands now provide access to sub-menus – New, Open and

The table below shows the commands that are available in the extended File

Command Description
New Allows you to open a sub menu, from which you can choose to create a new drawing, symbol,

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Drawing toolbar

Command Description
site plan, card template, or alarm instruction.

Open Allows you to open a sub menu, from which you can choose to open an existing drawing,

symbol, site plan, card template, or alarm instruction.

Close Allows you to close the current graphic. If you have edited the graphic, a dialog appears

asking if you wish to save the graphic before closing.

Save Allows you to save changes to the currently open graphic.

Save As Allows you to save the currently open file (symbol, site plan, card template or drawing) under a

different file name.

Import Allows you to open a sub menu, from which you can choose to import an image/AVI file,

AutoCAD/DXF file, photo, signature, or drawing.

Refresh Imported Drawing Allows you to return to the original imported graphic. If you have made any modifications to the

graphic these will be lost upon refreshing.

Save As Drawing

Allows you to save a drawing created in a card template, symbol or site plan. For example,

when creating a site plan, you can save the graphic, minus any symbols, as a drawing. This

allows you to import the drawing when creating other graphic types.

Print Setup Displays a dialog that allows the printer, paper size and page orientation to be selected.

Print Preview Allows you to view the print job before it is sent to the printer.

Print Sends the print job to the nominated printer.

Lock Workstation Allows you to manually lock the workstation. Manually locking and unlocking the workstation

generates an event that is recorded in the Active Audit Trail.

Logoff Allows you to log off from SiPass integrated, without disconnecting from the Server.
Exit Allows you to log off from SiPass integrated, shut down the SiPass Client and disconnect from

the Server.

16.2.1 Additional Menus

Once an existing drawing, symbol, site plan, card template, or alarm instruction has

been opened or a new one created, three additional menus become accessible:

 Edit (Extended)

View (Extended)

 Drawing Edit Menu


The type of graphic determines the available functions in the Edit menu. The Edit
menu allows drawings, site plans, symbols, card templates and alarm instructions

to be edited. It also allows the individual components to be modified. The following

list outlines the functions contained in the menu.


The following table shows the full range of commands available in the Edit menu.
Depending upon the graphic object being edited, menu items may vary.

Command Description

Undo Allows you to undo your last action.

Redo Allows you to cancel the last undo action.

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Drawing toolbar

Command Description
Cut Deletes the selected object and places it in the clipboard.

Copy Copies the selected object and places it in the clipboard.


Pastes the last object placed in the clipboard into your alarm instruction or graphic at the

cursor position.

Paste Special Pastes text with extra options.

Clear Deletes the selected object(s) from the alarm instruction.

Select All Selects all the text and graphics objects.

Find Allows you to search the text contained in your alarm instruction for a specific word, phrase or

text string.

Find Next Allows you to search the text contained in your alarm instruction for a second or subsequent

occurrence of a text string that was searched for, using the Find command.

Insert Date & Time Inserts the current date and time in a desired format, into an alarm instruction.

Insert Object Allows you to insert an object created in another application into an alarm instruction. For

example, you can insert a bitmap into your instruction and display the bitmap or an icon that

represents that bitmap.

Format Font Displays the Font dialog that allows you to format text characters in an alarm instruction to

match the attributes required.

Format Bullet Style

Allows you to change the selected paragraph(s) from normal text to a bulleted list.

Format Paragraph Displays the Paragraph dialog that allows you to alter the paragraph attributes of the selected

text, such as the text indentation and paragraph alignment.

Format Tabs
Displays the Tabs dialog that allows you to specify the tab stop positions for the selected

paragraphs. The tab stop positions are created relative to the ruler displayed at the top of the

Alarm Instruction window.

Links Displays the Link Dialog that lists all the links (to text or graphics, created in another

application) that you have inserted into your alarm instruction, and allows you to change the

attributes of each link.

Object Properties Displays the Picture Properties dialog that allows you to view the general details regarding the

selected object and change the attributes of that object.

Image Object

Allows you to open the application where the object was created and edit that object.

Edit Allows you to edit the selected text or drawing object. When chosen, the attributes dialog for

the selected text or drawing object will appear.

Group Allows you to combine two or more selected text or graphic objects into a single object.


Allows you to return a set of selected grouped objects to their original state as single elements.

Move To Front Allows you to promote the selected text or drawing object to the front of the graphic. All other

objects in the graphic will appear in a layer beneath the selected object.

Move to Back Allows you to demote the selected text or drawing object to the rear of the graphic. All other

objects in the graphic will appear in a layer above the selected object.

Align Allows you to align two or more selected text or drawing objects in a graphic.

Size To Image Allows you to revert to the imported image’s original size.

Rotate Image Clockwise

Clockwise Allows you to rotate an imported image in a clockwise direction, by the specified amount.

Flip Image Allows you to flip an imported image about either its vertical or horizontal axis.

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Drawing toolbar

Command Description
Invert Image Colors Allows you to invert or reverse the colors displayed in an imported image, effectively creating a

negative of the original.

Process Image

Displays the Process Image dialog that allows you to change the brightness and contrast of

the selected imported image.

Optimize Image Allows you to optimize the selected imported image.

re View Menu
The View menu enables status bar and also allows you to zoom in or out on a


The following table shows the full range of commands available in the View menu.
Command Description
Status Toolbar When selected, the Status Bar is displayed at the bottom of the screen. The Status Bar

displays system or other messages that are relevant to the task being performed.

Color Palette When selected, the Color toolbar is displayed.

Zoom In Allows you to magnify the graphic being created or modified, with the selected point appearing

at the center of the screen.

Zoom Out Allows you to reduce the size of the graphic being created or modified. This is useful for you to
view more text and drawing objects on screen at one time.

Normal Size Allows you to display the graphic being created or modified at its original size.

Grid When selected, a grid will appear in the background of the graphic as a static display when
you are creating or modifying graphic objects.

Bar Code When selected, the cursor will change to a Bar Code and the Bar Code Encoder dialog will

open to insert a Bar Code into a card template.


Magstripe When selected, the cursor will change to a Magstripe and the Magstripe Encoder dialog will

open to insert a Magnetic Stripe into a card template.

Smart Card When selected, the cursor will change to a Smart Card chip and the Smart Card Encoding

Configuration dialog will open to insert a Smart Card chip into a card template.
t Drawing Menu


The Drawing menu allows the attributes of the selected object in a graphic to be

The following table shows the full range of commands available in the Drawing

Command Description

Displays the Select tool that allows you to select a graphic or text object.

Delete Allows you to delete the selected text or graphic object.

Duplicate Allows you to copy and paste the selected object(s).

Line Displays the Line tool that allows you to draw a straight line.

Ellipse Displays the Ellipse tool that allows you to draw an ellipse.

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Graphics Tools

Command Description
Arc Displays the Arc tool that allows you to draw an arc.

Rectangle Displays the Rectangle tool that allows you to draw a rectangle.


Displays the Polygon tool that allows you to draw a polygon.

Text Displays the Text tool that allows you to insert text into a graphic.

Insert Database Field Allows you to insert a Database field box into a card template.

Left Justify Any selected or new text that you add to the graphic will be left justified.

Center Justify Any selected or new text that you add to the graphic will be center justified.

Right Justify Any selected or new text that you add to the graphic will be right justified.


Displays the Font dialog that allows you to format the font characteristics.

Vertical Arcs When selected, all arcs drawn using the Arc tool will have their start and finish points in the

vertical plane.

Line Color Displays the Color dialog that allows you to modify the color of the line of a selected object or

any new drawing object to be created.

Fill Shapes When selected, all new drawing objects created will be automatically filled.

Fill Color Displays the Color dialog that allows you to modify the fill color of a selected object or any new

drawing object to be created.

Thin Pen When selected, the lines of all new or selected objects will be set to a thin thickness.
Medium Pen When selected, the lines of all new or selected objects will be set to a medium thickness.

Thick Pen When selected, the lines of all new or selected objects will be set to a wide thickness.

16.3 Graphics Tools

When creating or modifying a drawing, symbol, site plan, card template or alarm

instruction, a number of drawing and graphics tools become available.

The Drawing and Font toolbars can be moved by clicking and holding the mouse
pointer over the top of the toolbar, and dragging the toolbar to a new location.

Drawing Toolbar

The Drawing toolbar allows you to create and modify many drawing symbols

Drawing toolbar will appear

(circles, squares, etc.) and text objects. By default, the

on the right-hand side of the screen. The available drawing tools include:

Command Description
New Drawing

Allows you to create a new drawing, which can be incorporated into a card template, symbol or


Open Drawing Allows you to open an existing drawing, which can then be either edited or incorporated into a

card template, symbol or plan.


Save Graphic Allows you to save changes to the graphic on which you are currently working.

Print Graphic Allows you to print the current graphic.

Cut Selection Deletes the selected text or graphic and places it on the clipboard

Copy Selection Copies the selected text or graphic and places it on the clipboard

Paste Selection Inserts a copy of the clipboard contents into the active graphic at the cursor’s current position

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Graphics Tools

Command Description
Select Allows you to select objects in the active graphic

Straight Line Draws a straight line


Draws an ellipse

Arc Draws an arc

Rectangle Draws a rectangle

Polygon Draws a polygon

Text Allows you to place text in the active graphic

Zoom In Allows you to zoom in closer within the active graphic

Zoom Out

Allows you to zoom out within the active graphic

Left Justify Left justifies the text within a text box

Center Justify Center justifies the text within a text box

Right Justify

Right justifies the text within a text box

Font Displays the Font dialog that allows you to change the font attributes

Align Left Aligns the left edges of two or more selected objects in the graphic

Align Right Aligns the right edges of two or more selected objects in the graphic

Align Top Aligns the top edges of two or more selected objects in the graphic

Align Bottom
Aligns the bottom edges of two or more selected objects in the graphic

Align Center Aligns the centers of two or more selected objects in the graphic

Import Image/AVI Allows you to import an image file or AVI

Import Photo Allows you to insert a cardholder photo field into a card template

Import Signature Allows you to import cardholder signatures into a card template

Insert Database Field Allows you to insert a field from the Database into a card template

Add location/Group Allows you to add a location or group to a site plan

Crosshairs Displays the drawing crosshairs, which allow for more accurate drawing

Add Action/Shortcut Adds a shortcut for a manual command to a site plan

Grid Displays the drawing grid that allows for more accurate drawing and alignment

Bar Code Allows you to add a Bar Code strip to a card template

Text Toolbar
The Text toolbar allows you to size, justify and style text that is to be added to a

graphic. By default, the Text toolbar will appear along the top border of the window.

The available text tools include:

Command Description

Allows you to select the font

Font Size Allows you to select the font size

Bold Allows you to apply a Bold style to the text


Allows you to apply an Italic style to the text

Underline Allows you to apply an underline style to the text

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Command Description
Colour Allows you to select a font color from a drop down list. (Only available for an Alarm Instruction)

Left Justify Left justifies the text in a text box

Center Justify

Center justifies the text in a text box

16.4 Drawings

You may need a graphic that is neither a symbol, plan or card template. In SiPass

integrated such graphics, called drawings, can be saved and then later imported

into symbols, plans and card templates.

For example, by creating a drawing of a familiar layout that will be used in more

than one site plan, you can create the graphic once as a drawing and then import it

into every site plan that contains that layout.

Creating a drawing

1. Select New > Drawing from the File menu.
2. Use the graphics tools provided to create your drawing.

3. When finished, select Save As from the File menu. You will be prompted to
supply a filename and location for the drawing file.

4. Click Save.
You may open more than one drawing at any given time. When you have more

than one drawing open, you may copy and paste drawing and text objects from

one drawing to another.


Importing Graphics into Your Drawing

SiPass allows you to import a wide variety of image formats (for example,

AutoCAD/DXF) into your drawing. This allows you to create graphics using other

applications, and then use them in SiPass integrated.

The GIF file format is not supported by SiPass integrated as this is a proprietary

image format.

16.5 Symbols
A symbol is a graphic element used to represent the status of a system point, area,

group or unit on a site plan. Symbols are drawn using the same graphical tools as

those used for creating site plans, card templates, and drawings. The color of the

symbol is set by the system to indicate its current state.

SiPass integrated comes bundled with a number of built-in symbols that you can

use. If you require symbols that are more representative or relevant to your site,

you can create your own symbols.

If a point, area, group or unit status does not have a symbol, the system will

represent it with a “?” symbol on the site plan.


SiPass integrated allows you to create a new symbol that can be used to represent

the status of a point, area, group or unit in your site plan. You may create symbols

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Site Plans

using the graphics tools provided or import graphics from an external source or

from an existing drawing created in SiPass integrated.

16.5.1 Creating a symbol

1. Select New, then Symbol from the File menu.
2. Use the graphics tools provided to create your symbol.

3. When finished, select Save As from the File menu.

 You will be prompted to supply a filename and location for the drawing file.

4. Click Save.


If you want the symbol to change color according to the point’s status, it must be

filled with the standard RED fill color.

16.5.2 Importing graphics to
to make your own symbol
SiPass integrated allows you to import a wide variety of graphics when creating

symbols. They allow you to create graphics in other applications or by using the

drawing functions in SiPass integrated, and then to use them when creating or

modifying a symbol.
16.6 Site Plans
A site plan is a graphical representation or drawing of the secured area or site. It
includes symbols that represent the current status of points, areas, groups and

units. Each site plan is dynamically updated by the system as it monitors changes

to points, areas and groups.

The scale of plans is determined by your needs. You may have one plan for each

floor of a building, or you may include only one section of the floor in each plan.

You may also have an overview plan for the entire site that displays a small-scale

version of the site.

16.6.1 Creating a site plan


SiPass integrated allows you create a graphical representation of part or your


entire site, which can be used to monitor and control access. You may create

drawing objects using the graphics tools provided or import graphics from an

external source and then insert symbols to represent the status of various points,

areas, groups and units contained at your site.


1. Select New > Site Plan from the File menu.

2. Use the graphics tools provided to create your site plan.

3. When finished, select Save As from the File menu.

4. Enter the name of the plan into the New Name field.

5. Click OK.

Site plans can also be imported. See next section.


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Site Plans

16.6.2 Importing graphics into your site plan

SiPass integrated allows you to import images files, AVI files, AutoCAD/DXF

images and drawings created in SiPass integrated into a site plan. This allows you

to create graphics using other applications and then use them when creating or

modifying a plan.

16.6.3 Adding System Components (Symbols) to Your Site Plan

Symbols can be used on a site plan to monitor the status of points, areas, groups

and units. You can configure a symbol on a site plan to change, as the component

represented by that symbol changes.

 Create the graphical symbols that you wish to use on your site plan.

 Create an alarm class for the type of point, area, group or unit and specify the

symbol to appear for each status in the Current Defined States list box.

 Assign the alarm class to the points, areas, groups or units that will be

represented by a symbol.

1. Open or Create the site plan where the symbol is to be added.

2. From the Edit menu, select Add Location/Group to Plan, from the Edit menu. A
Paste icon will appear.
3. Position the cursor over the site plan where you want to place the symbol and
click the left mouse button. The Add Location/Group to Plan dialog will appear.
4. You can choose the Point Details button to display an overview of the points
configured at your site.
5. Select the location type from theType drop-down menu. Specify the name of
the specific type for which a symbol will be added in the Name field. Brief

configuration details regarding the selected element will appear at the bottom

of the dialog.

- Only those elements that have been assigned an alarm class will appear in

Name list.

6. Choose OK
7. To save changes to your site plan, select Save from the File menu.

16.6.4 Adding Shortcuts to Your Site Plan

Shortcuts can be used on a site plan to perform manual commands quickly.


Create the image (icon) to represent the shortcut on a site plan.

1. Open or Create the site plan where the shortcut will be added.
2. Select Add Action Shortcut from the File menu.
3. The Paste icon will appear.
4. Position the cursor over the site plan, where you wish to place the shortcut and

click the left mouse button.

5. The Edit Action Shortcut Details dialog will appear.

6. Select theAction type.
7. Complete the Options details.

8. Enter a message into the Message field.

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Site Plans

9. This text will be sent to the Audit Trail when the shortcut is executed, and also

displayed as help text when the mouse pointer is held over the shortcut icon on

a site plan.

10. Choose Browse in the Button Icon section of the dialog.

11. Select the image you wish to appear as the trigger for the shortcut.
12. Choose OK.
 The shortcut will be created and the image selected will appear as a button on

the site plan.

re Shortcut Action Types

The following table explains the available action types.

Action type
type Description
Manual Control Allows you to create a shortcut to a manual command. Once created, clicking on the icon that

represents that shortcut will execute the manual command.

Open Plan Allows you to create a shortcut that opens another site plan.

Toggle State Allows you to create a shortcut to a toggle command, which allows you to specify both an on-

action and an off-action.

CCTV Action Allows you to create a shortcut to a CCTV camera command, such as switching a camera on

or off, or running a predefined sequence.

DVR Action Allows you to create a shortcut to a DVR camera command, such as recording a live image or

moving the camera to a fixed preset.

cu Shortcut Actions

The following table explains the available actions.

Action Description
Manual Command Select the point type by choosing the appropriate button in the Point Type section.

 Select the command to be sent to the point, from the Commands drop-down menu.

Additional fields may have to be filled in depending on the point type and the command


 Select the Unit Name which controls the point to which you want to send the manual

command, from the Unit Name drop-down menu.

 Select the point group or single point to which you want to send the command, by

selecting the Group Name (group) or Location (single) radio buttons, then selecting from

the drop-down menu.


 The Time Zone drop-down menu only applies to Unsecure commands. It specifies during

which times this shortcut may be used to send an Unsecure (unlock or disable) command

to a point or area.

Open Plan Select from the Options section of the dialog the Plan you want to be opened when the

shortcut is activated.

Toggle State Perform the procedure for setting a Manual Command, described above. Do this for both the

On-Action and Off-Action tabs.

 The on-action will be executed when the shortcut icon is first clicked. The icon will then

appear recessed on the site plan. Clicking on the shortcut again will execute the off-action

and return the icon to its original state.

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Alarm Instructions

Action Description
DVR Action Select from the Command drop-down menu the command to be executed when the shortcut is


 If you chose DVR Recording as the Command, enter the desired recording time into the

Duration field. Valid times are between 1 and 600 seconds.

CCTV Action Select from the Switcher drop-down menu the DVR Switcher connected to the camera that will

perform the selected command.

 Select from the Camera drop-down menu the Camera that will perform the selected


 Select from the Presets drop-down menu which Preset will be executed when the shortcut

is clicked.

16.7 Alarm Instructions
An alarm instruction is a procedure that outlines the steps to be taken when a

particular alarm has been triggered. By creating alarm instructions, you ensure

consistency and efficiency when dealing with alarm situations.

SiPass integrated allows you to create an alarm instruction that can be a

combination of written procedure and intuitive graphics.

Creating an alarm instruction:

1. Select New > Alarm Instruction from the File menu.

2. Use the text tools provided to create your alarm instruction.

3. When you have finished, select Save As from the File menu to save the alarm
You have created and saved an alarm instruction, it can be incorporated into an

alarm class definition that allows the instruction to be viewed when an alarm is


16.8 Using Site Plans to Monitor your Site

Once you have created a site plan and added the appropriate symbols to that plan,

it can be used to monitor your site. When an alarm has been triggered, the symbol

representing the point, group, area or unit in question on the site plan will change

color. It will remain that way until it has been actioned and, if necessary, returned to

its normal state. A site plan can also be used to send manual commands to

elements, allowing you to control many aspects of your site from the graphical plan.

16.8.1 Interpreting the Site Plan

When you have selected the correct site plan, you will be able to see the current

status of each of its points, areas, groups and units. Each element is represented

by a symbol that changes color according to its current status.

Important: The part of the symbol that is to change color according to status, must
be filled with the standard RED when it is drawn.

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Using Site Plans to Monitor your Site

Colour Symbol
RED (SOLID) Alarm symbol

RED Alarm Symbol


MAGENTA Alarm Symbol

GREEN Restored symbol

BLUE Symbol remains as it was when it was unsecured.

By positioning the mouse pointer over a point on a site plan, a brief description of

that point will appear, including the name of the point and its current state. By

positioning the mouse pointer over a point on a site plan, and right clicking, the

Query dialog will appear, displaying detailed information about that point.

16.8.2 Securing a Point or Area From a Site Plan

SiPass integrated allows you to send a manual command to secure a particular

point or area using a Site Plan.

1. Choose Open Site Plan from the Alarm menu, and select the plan that contains
the appropriate points or area.

2. Select the point, area, or group to be secured by clicking on it.

3. Choose Secure Location/ Group from the Alarm toolbar.
 The point, area or group will be secured.
16.8.3 Unsecure a Point or Area From a Site Plan
SiPass integrated allows you to send a manual command to unsecure a particular

point or area using a Site Plan.


1. Choose Site Plan, and select the plan that contains the appropriate points or

2. Select the point, area, or group to be unsecured by clicking on it.

3. Choose Unsecure from the Alarm toolbar.


 The point, area or group will be unsecured.


16.8.4 Allow Access to

to an Output Point From a Site Plan
SiPass integrated allows you to override the normal behavior of an individual

output point to allow access to a particular location. For example, if a cardholder

forgets their access card and needs to gain entry into a secure area, you can allow

that cardholder to enter the area by sending the output point a manual “allow”


1. Select the icon that represents the output point. The point should now appear

highlighted on the site plan.

2. Choose Allow Access from the Alarm toolbar. The point will temporarily change
state. For example, if you selected an output point at a door, the door will

temporarily unlock for the configured time and then return to its normal state


3. Choose Unsecure Location/ Group from the Alarm toolbar.

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Using Site Plans to Monitor your Site

16.8.5 Manually Controlling a Point from a Site Plan

You can manually manipulate an individual point, area, floor, or elevator by

sending electronic messages through the system. Manual commands can also be

used to perform diagnostic functions.

1. Choose the icon that represents the point to be manually controlled.

2. The point should now appear highlighted on the site plan.

3. Choose Override from the Alarm toolbar.

4. Select which component you wish to manually control by selecting the

appropriate button from the Type toolbar. The Commands are always available
by accessing the Manual Override function from the Operation
Operation menu.

5. Select the unit to which the type is associated from the Unit Name field.
6. Select the specific point, point group, area, elevator or unit to which you wish to
send a command, from the list box at the bottom of the dialog.

7. Select the Command

Command to be sent from the Commands list box.

8. Choose Send.
 The command will be sent to the respective component and an event will

be generated in the Audit Trail indicating the resulting action.

9. Choose Close to return to the main SiPass integrated screen.

16.8.6 Querying a Point From a Site Plan

SiPass integrated allows you to view a detailed description of a single point, area,

group or unit. This information can often help you to handle an alarm situation, or
just keep you up-to-date with the state of your site.

1. Select the icon that represents the point, area, group, or unit to be queried.

2. Right click on the selected point, area, group or unit.

 Query dialog will appear. View the details regarding the selected point,


area, group or unit.

3. Choose Close when you have finished viewing the details. Point Details


The following table explains the point details when querying a point.

Detail Description
Location The name of the point, area, group or unit that you are querying.


Indicates the specific type of point, area, group or unit that you are querying.

Alarm Class Specifies the Alarm Class that has been assigned to the point, area, group or unit.

Priority Indicates the priority level of the Alarm Class assigned to the point, area, group or unit.

Time/Date Indicates exactly when the selected item first went into alarm.

Alarm Count Specifies exactly how many times this item has entered an alarm state without being actioned

(after being restored).

Status Brief description of the status of the point, area, group or unit. The status displayed here is defined

in the alarm class definition.

Alarm State The current state of the point, area, group or unit.

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Card Template Design and Encoding

Detail Description
Enable Indicates whether the point, area, group or unit is enabled or disabled. Alarms cannot go off at

disabled points.

Last Alarm Comment

Displays the brief message entered by the operator about the last alarm occurring at this point,

area, group or unit.

16.8.7 Actioning an Alarm from a Site Plan

SiPass integrated allows you to action an alarm using a site plan, after an alarm

has been triggered and is to be acknowledged.

1. Alarm Queue and choose Site Plan. A

Select the alarm to be actioned from the

plan appears that displays the point, area, or floor where the alarm was

activated. If the plan has been configured correctly, all points or areas currently

in an un-actioned alarm state will be flashing red.

2. Select the point area, or floor to be actioned by clicking on it.

3. Choose Action Alarm from the Alarm toolbar.
4. Enter a message into the Log of action taken field. This will indicate that you
have acknowledged the alarm and are taking action to investigate. This

message is passed to the Audit Trail.

5. Choose OK.
 The alarm event will disappear from the Alarm Queue window (if the point
has returned to a normal state) and an Audit Trail event will be generated,

informing the SiPass operator(s) that the alarm has been actioned.

16.9 Card Template Design and Encoding

SiPass integrated incorporates an advanced card production suite that allows you

to design, print, and issue customized access cards for any aspect of your site. The

card design tools provided by SiPass integrated allow you to include watermark

images, cardholder photographs, cardholder signatures, database information and

text onto a single or double sided card template.

To further enhance the card production capabilities of SiPass integrated an


additional module can be added that allows a card to be encoded with a bar code,

magnetic stripe or smart card.


16.9.1 Creating a Card Template

A Card Template is a user-created card design. This design is created using the

same graphical tools as those used to draw symbols, site plans, and drawings in

SiPass integrated. Card templates allow you to create multiple card designs, and

use them for different cardholders throughout your site. You may design a template

for both the front and reverse of a card.


SiPass integrated allows you to incorporate cardholder photographs, signatures,

database information, text, graphics, watermarks, and company logos onto a card

template. A card saved to an employee record using a card template will be

updated whenever the database field is changed.


You may also insert a bar code or magnetic stripe into the card template that can

be used to further enhance the access security at your site. All cards printed using

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
16 Photo-
Photo-ID and Graphics
Card Template Design and Encoding

this template will contain either a bar code or a magnetic stripe, and depending

upon whether the template is single-sided or duplex may contain both.

1. Select New > Card Template from the File menu.
2. Configure the card template page setup, by selecting Card Template Page

Setup from the File menu.
3. Ensure that the correct printer is assigned in Print Setup for correct template

4. Complete the card template page setup details:

- Double Sided Card:
When checked allows you to create a double-sided card template.

- Page 1:

Allows you to specify the front side of the employee card.

- Page 2:
Allows you to specify the reverse side of the card.


Use the graphics and drawing tools provided by SiPass integrated to design

your card template.

6. When finished, Select Save As from the File menu.

 The Card Template Name dialog will appear.
7. Enter the name of the card template into the Enter Name field. Card template
names cannot exceed 20 characters.
8. Choose OK.

16.9.2 Adding a Cardholder Photograph to a Card Template

The SiPass integrated graphics package allows you to create a field that displays

the photograph of a cardholder on their access card. The employee’s photograph

is captured using SiPass’ video imaging capabilities.

1. Open or Create the card template to which cardholder photograph will be



2. Select Import > Photo from the File menu. The cursor will change to a paste

3. Position the cursor over the card template, where you wish to place the photo

box and click the left mouse button. A photo box will appear on the card


4. Resize the photo box by selecting it and placing the mouse pointer over one of

the corner handles.

5. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the corner out until the desired

size has been achieved.

6. Click Save.

Once you have placed the photo box on the card template, you can move it by

placing the mouse pointer over the photo box, holding down the left mouse

button, and dragging it to a new location.


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Photo-ID and Graphics 16
Card Template Design and Encoding

16.9.3 Adding a Bar Code to a Card Template

SiPass integrated allows you to add elements to a card template that display a bar

code on an access card.

Ensure that you are aware of the bar code format used at your site before adding

a bar code to a card template.

1. Open or Create the card template where the bar code will be added.
2. Select the Bar Code icon from the drawing toolbar. The cursor will change from
an arrow to a Bar Code.

3. Position the cursor on the area of the template where you wish to place the Bar

Code and click the left mouse button. The Bar Code Encoder dialog will

4. Select the bar code format to be used from the Select Format drop down list.

See table below.

5. Choose the OK button.

6. Reposition, orient and size the Barcode frame to fit within the card template.

7. Select Save from the File menu to save the template.

Bar Code Format Description
3 of 9 - Access
This is an industry standard Bar Code containing automatically selected database fields.

3 of 9 - Generic This is an industry standard Bar Code. Any cardholder custom field may be selected and

encrypted with the standard 3 of 9 algorithm.

Asco Encrypted Bar This is a proprietary Bar Code format and contains automatically selected database fields for

Code encryption. These fields are unknown to the operator.

Asco Facility Bar Code This is a proprietary Bar Code format that makes use of the site’s facility code, together with

database fields, for encryption. This format is used on older sites, and may be used when

software is upgraded. New installations should use Asco Encrypted Bar Code, which has higher


16.9.4 Adding a Magstripe to a Template


A Magnetic Stripe object can be inserted on the reverse of an existing card

template, to represent a Magnetic Stripe itself that is physically part of the card.

 Ensure that the card printer that you intend using is Magstripe capable.

 Ensure that you are aware of the exact magstripe format used at your site.

1. Open or Create the card template into which the magnetic stripe will be added.
2. From the Edit menu select Card Template Page Set Up then enable the Double
Sided card checkbox
3. Select the Magstripe icon on the drawing toolbar. Position the cursor over the

template where you wish to place the Magnetic Stripe and click the mouse.

4. Select the type of Magnetic Stripe from the Select Format drop-down list.
- Asco Encrypted Magstripe:

This is a proprietary Magnetic Stripe format and contains automatically

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
16 Photo-
Photo-ID and Graphics
Card Template Design and Encoding

selected database fields for encryption. These fields are unknown to the


- Custom Field:

Allows a Custom Field to be selected for printing on a magstripe.

The Magnetic Stripe frame will be placed at the default position on the reverse

side of the card template. The Magnetic Stripe’s position is fixed.

5. Track ID drop down box.

Select the Track to be encoded from the

6. Select the custom Field to be used for encoding from the Field drop down box.

7. Click Save.

t Se

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Video Imaging and Card Printing 17
Configuring the video image settings

17 Video Imaging and Card Printing

SiPass integrated allows you to capture live images using a video or digital camera

and store these images with the record or a cardholder. You can also import

images from over 32 different file types. Once the Video Imaging and Card Printing

Module has been installed, each operator can configure the image settings to their

own preferences.

By using SiPass integrated to set the camera or video card properties, the

settings will not be permanently recorded and will only be configured for the

current session. It is recommended that you configure settings with the video

capture card or digital camera’s own installation software.

17.1 Configuring the video image settings

 Ensure that at least one video capture card, or USB-compatible digital camera,

and the appropriate software has been installed.

1. Select Preferences from the Options menu.

2. Choose the Imaging tab.
 If your PC does not have a suitable camera or video capture card installed,
an error dialog will be displayed. The following steps in the procedure are

based upon a Logitech QuickCam digital camera. The screens displayed

and the configurable settings contained may vary, depending upon the
camera and video capture card installed and the driver being used.

3. Choose the Video Source button.

4. Configure the Video capture settings according to your preferences.

 The Video Capture settings will normally deal with video capture source,

picture quality (resolution, brightness) and the physical settings of the

camera, like tilt.

5. Choose the OK button. You will be returned to the Imaging tab of the System
Preferences dialog.
6. Video Format button.

Choose the

Video Format dialog will appear. The screens displayed and



configurable settings contained may vary, depending upon the camera,

video capture card installed and the driver being used.

7. Configure the video format settings according to your preferences.


 You will be returned to the Imaging tab.

Video Overlay has been added to the GUI in anticipation of future SiPass

integrated development. This feature may or may not be supported, and will

depend upon your installed video capture card. Currently, the recommended card

(Videum VO) does not support Video Overlay. The button will be disabled,

indicating that your installed hardware is incompatible with this feature.


The configuration of the video display and capture card is now complete. It may

also be necessary to configure these options permananetly using the software

installed when the video capture card was installed.

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17 Video Imaging and Card Printing
Capturing Cardholder Photographs

17.2 Capturing Cardholder Photographs

Once you have installed SiPass’ Photo ID and Image Verification Module and have

configured the image preferences, you can begin capturing cardholder images.

 Ensure that the video capture card has been installed and configured.

 Create an employee record for the employee whose image is to be captured.

Ensure that a card template has been created.

1. Choose Cardholder from the Operation toolbar or menu.

2. Open or Create the record for the cardholder whose image is being captured.

3. Imaging tab. Choose Live.

Choose the

 The imaging panel will display a live video image on screen.

4. Position the camera and employee so that the employee’s picture is displayed

clearly (in focus) on screen. Refer to the video camera’s user guide for detailed

instructions concerning its operation and settings.

5. Choose Capture.
 The live video image will appear on screen as a still image. A cropping tool

will appear overlaid on the captured photo, and a contrast and brightness

slider will also appear.

6. By positioning the cursor over one of the handles located at the corner of the
cropping rectangle, you can change the size of the cropped area by dragging

the rectangle to the desired size.

7. By positioning the cursor anywhere inside the cropping area, you can hold
down the left mouse button and drag to move the cropped area. The part of the

captured image that appears within the rectangle will appear in the photo field

on the card template.

8. Use the Contrast and Brightness sliders, to adjust the image quality. The higher

up the scale, the greater the Contrast and/or Brightness, and vice versa.

9. Choose the Definition tab, when finished.

10. Click Save.

17.2.1 Image Recall


Image details - employee photographs and signatures - are saved to each

employee record. Any client terminal can access these records merely by opening

the desired employee record and choosing the Imaging tab at the top of the dialog.

The last saved image will be displayed.


17.3 Capturing a Cardholder’s Signature

Once you have installed SiPass’ Photo ID and Image Verification Module and have

configured the image preferences, you can begin capturing cardholder signatures.

 Ensure that the signature capture pad has been installed and configured.

 Create an employee record for the employee whose signature is to be



 Ensure that a card template has been created

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Video Imaging and Card Printing 17
Importing a Cardholder’s Photograph or Signature

1. Choose Cardholder from the Operation toolbar or menu.

2. Open or Create the record for the cardholder whose signature is being


3. Choose the Imaging tab.

4. Enable the Signature radio button by clicking on it once.
5. Choose New Signature. Sign the capture pad using the pen provided.

6. Use the Contrast and Brightness sliders to adjust the signature.

7. Click Save.

17.4 Importing a Cardholder’s Photograph or Signature

Once you have installed SiPass’ Photo ID Module and have configured imaging

preferences, you can begin importing photographs and signatures of cardholders.

 Create an employee record for the cardholder whose image will be captured.

 Ensure that the cardholder photograph or signature exists.

1. Choose Cardholder from the Operation menu or toolbar.
2. Open or Create the database record for the cardholder whose photograph or
signature is being imported.

3. Choose the Imaging tab. If a previous image of the employee signature exists
in the employee’s record, it will automatically be recalled when the Imaging tab

has been selected.

4. Photo radio button to import the cardholder’s photograph or select
Select the

Signature radio button to import a signature.


5. Choose the Import button.

6. Select the image file to import.
7. Choose the Open Button or double click on the file name.
8. By positioning the cursor over one of the handles located at the corner of the

cropping rectangle, you can change the size of the cropped area by dragging

the rectangle.

9. Use the Contrast and Brightness sliders, to adjust the image quality - the higher
up the scale, the greater the Contrast and/or Brightness, and vice versa.

10. Choose the Definition tab, when finished.


11. Click Save.


17.5 Card Printing

The SiPass integrated Video Imaging and Card Printing module also provides the

tools you need to print access cards on-site. SiPass integrated allows you to print a

single card from a cardholder’s record, or print a group of cards based on

selectable criteria. Card Printing is normally carried out as a function of the Video

Imaging and Card Printing Module and requires a dedicated printer for the

purpose. Card printing cannot be carried out on conventional printers. However,


conventional printers can be used to proof card templates.

Depending upon your requirements, cards can be printed as single-sided or

double-sided (duplex). Many card printers are capable of duplex printing.


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
17 Video Imaging and Card Printing
Card Printing


You should keep in mind that used printer ribbon contains negative images of

data contained on cards. Ensure that you dispose of used printer ribbons

according to your policy for handling confidential information.

17.5.1 Configuring a Card Printer
Configuring a card printer is a two-stage process. The printer must first be

configured in SiPass integrated, and then through the Windows Printers and Faxes


For the purposes of this procedure, a Magna Class Card Printer has been used.

This is currently a preferred type of card printer and is supported by SiPass


Stage 1: Configuring
Configuring a Card Printer

 Refer to the printer manufacturer’s literature and release notes. You may need

to upgrade the host PC with a Service Pack to ensure correct printer operation.

1. From the File menu, select the Print Setup option.

2. Choose the Card Printer tab.
3. Select the brand of printer from the Printer Type drop-down list
4. If you wish to nominate another card printer as the default, choose the Select
Printer button to open the Print Setup dialog.
5. Select the printer from the Name drop-down list.
6. Set the Orientation
Orientation to either Portrait or Landscape.
 The card template used in the design of the cards will determine this


7. Choose the Properties button.


Select the appropriate printer settings.

9. When you are satisfied with the printer settings, choose the OK button.
 You will be returned to the Print Setup dialog.
10. Choose OK.
 Setup Global Printers dialog.

You will be returned to the

11. Choose the Apply button.


Stage 2: Configuring a Card Printer

1. Select Settings > Printers and Faxes from the Windows Start menu.

2. Highlight the card printer icon, right click the mouse and then select the

Properties option from the menu.

3. Select the Advanced tab.
4. Highlight the following options:

- Highlight the Spool print documents so program finishes printing faster


- Highlight the Start printing immediately option.


 These settings are required to ensure that card printing can take place.

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Video Imaging and Card Printing 17
Card Printing

Do not use the Print directly to the printer option.

5. Select the Ports tab.
6. Enable bi-
bi-directional support checkbox.

Tick the

7. Choose the OK button.

17.5.2 Printing a Card

SiPass integrated allows you to print an access card for any cardholder in your

database. This function would normally be carried when a cardholder is newly

enrolled in SiPass integrated or when a new access card needs to be issued.

Printing a single card
 Ensure that a card printer has been correctly installed and configured.

 Ensure that the appropriate card template has been designed

1. Select Cardholder from the Operation menu or toolbar.
2. Create a new cardholder record or open the record of an existing cardholder.

3. Choose the Imaging tab.

4. Capture the cardholder’s photograph

5. Choose Print. The card will be sent to the printer.

The cardholder’s details are also automatically saved when cards are printed

from the Cardholder dialog.

Printing a batch of cards

1. From the Operation menu, select Batch Card Printing.
2. Select the Card Filter Options that best describe the group of cards you wish to
print, by selecting the checkbox and entering or choosing the appropriate data.

3. Choose the Generate

Generate button.
 The list of cardholders that match your criteria will appear in the Generated
Card List field.
4. From the displayed list, select those cardholders to be excluded from the batch

print job by double clicking anywhere on their record.


 The entry in the Print column for that record will now say “No”, indicating
that a card will not be printed.

5. Select the required Print Configuration.

Start Immediately:

Allows the SiPass Operator to choose whether to start the Batch Print job

immediately or wait and start the print job manually from the Batch Card
Printing Monitor window.

- Apply Request to Proceed Message After:

If selected, this option allows you to specify whether a confirmation to

proceed with the batch print job appears. You can also specify the exact

number of cards that are printed before the confirmation dialog next


Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
17 Video Imaging and Card Printing
Card Printing

- Apply Card Template if none defined:

Allows you to specify a default card template for each cardholder in the

SiPass integrated system that has not been assigned a template. This

option will not be enabled if the Card Template filter option has been


- Always Encode upon Question:

Allows you to encode and print all the cards configured for Batch Card

Encoding / Printing. Leaving this checkbox un-ticked means that SiPass

integrated will not encode any cards that require an operator decision. For

example, an operator may have configured this dialog to encode and print

a card with a card number that already exists in the system. Normally, this

would bring up a dialog asking the operator to verify (Yes or No) if the card

number should be used for the new card. There are other situations that

may arise, requiring an operator decision. Such cards will not be encoded if

this checkbox is left un-ticked. However, SiPass integrated will proceed

with the batch card encoding and printing process for the remaining cards.

6. Choose Proceed to send the job to the batch print queue. A confirmation
window will appear.

7. Select Yes.
 The cards will begin printing automatically if the Start Immediately option
has been selected. If this option has not been selected the print job will be

paused and can be started from the Batch Card Printing Monitor window.
8. Choose Close.
 If you have entered a value into the Apply Request to Proceed Message After
field, a dialog will appear each time the specified number of cards have been

Se Batch Printing

Printing Card Filters
The following table explains the available card filters for batch printing

Filter Description
Card Range

This option allows you to select a range of cards based on specified card numbers. For

example “12 - 56”, 10, 100 – 145”.

Only These
These Workgroups This option allows you to select one or more workgroups to which cardholders belong. Simply

select a single workgroup by clicking on it. To choose multiple workgroups hold down the

CTRL key while selecting each workgroup.


Card Template This option allows you to select a card template. All cardholders with the template associated

with their database record will be included.

Custom Field This allows you to select a custom field from a list of all defined custom fields in the system.

Once selected, you will then be able to select a specific value associated with that custom

field. All cardholders with a record that matches the selected custom field value will be


Cards Last Printed This allows you to select cardholders based on the date and time their card was last printed,

from the following conditions:

–Before, On or before, After, or On or after

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247
Video Imaging and Card Printing 17
Card Printing

Filter Description
Any cardholder whose card was printed in the selected range will be included, dependant

upon the other criteria you have chosen.

Filter on Card Printed

Allows you to select all cardholders that have or have not had their access card previously

State printed based on your selection.

Cardholder Modified This allows you to select cardholders whose database record was changed based on the

following conditions:

–Before, On or before, After, or On or after

Any cardholder whose record was changed within the selected range will be included,

dependant upon the other criteria you have chosen.

Filter on Employee

Allows you to select all cardholders whose database record has either been changed or

Modified State Since Last remained unchanged since their card was last printed.

Filter Out Void Cards Allows you to ignore all cardholders with a void status.

17.5.3 Batch Card Printing Monitor
This section shows how to open and use the Batch Card Printing Monitor window.
This window allows you to monitor the progress of print jobs, and to pause, start,

abort, or resume a batch card print job.

From the Data menu, select Batch Card Printing Monitor. The Batch Card
Printing Monitor window will appear displaying the status of each batch card
print job that has been generated. The following describe each column in the

- Batch: Batch card printer number – auto generated based on date and

Status: paused, queuing (another currently printing in a queue of batch

jobs), printing, aborted.

- Progress: The number of cards that have been printed out of the total

Current: Card number that is currently being printed.


Printer: Printer to which the job will be sent.


2. To start, pause, abort or resume card batch print jobs, right-click on the job you

Start, Pause,
want to action. A menu will appear showing a list of options:

Resume, Abort. Select the action you want to perform on the print job.

3. Close the Batch Card Printing Monitor window when you have finished.

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247


Alarm Instruction, 242

Close, 233

ACC, 58 Creating, 242

ACC series, Devices, 62 New, 232

ACC Series, Points, 65

Open, 233

ACC, configuring, 60 Save, 233

ACC, configuring for remote access, 172 Alarm Priority, 121

Access Control, 183 Alarms, CCTV, 160
to floors, 190 Align, 234
Access Groups, configuring, 54 Bottom, 237

Access Levels, configuring, 53 Centre, 237

Access Points, configuring, 65 Left, 237

Access points, linking to output points, 44 Top, 237

ACCs Align Right, 237

remote, 169 Allowing
Action Shortcut, 240 Output Point, 243
Actioning an Alarm, 245 And, 135
Log of action taken, 245 Anti-
Anti-Passback area violations, 100
Add Anti-
Anti-passback violations, forgiving, 40
Action, 237 Anti-
Anti-Passback, multiple ACCs, 101
Group, 237 Apply Card Template, 254
Host Event Task, 87 Apply Request, 253

Location, 237 Arc, 237

Shortcut, 237 Arc Tool, 236
Adding Area, viewing cardholders, 104
Bar Code, 247 Areas

Photo Boxes, 246 Intrusion, 106


Adding a DVR Camera, 220 Areas, configuration, 102

Adding a Guard to the System, 193 Audit Trail
Address Range, IP, 179 Backup, 128

Alarm Columns, 12

Count, 122 Purge, 130

Current State, 122 Restore, 130

Instruction, 113 AutoCAD DXF File


Location, 122 Import, 233

Status, 115, 122 Auxiliary Device, 154

Symbols, 115

Alarm Class for dialup components, 175

Alarm Date, 122

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247

Backup Auxiliary Device, 154

Camera, 152
Audit Trail, 128

Component Groups, 154
Database, 124

Configuring Operation, 155

Location, 124

Backup - Log Book, 131 Controller, 151

Bar Code, 237, 247 Controls, 148, 148

Baud Rate, 168 Groups, 154

Bold, 237 Monitor, 153

Bus, 150 Operation, 157

Protocol, 151

C Unit, 151

Camera, 152, 157, 225, 226, 226 CCTV Bus, 150

Centre Justify, 236, 237

Groups, 154

Movement, 148
Checklist, 147
Capture Card Clear, 234
Installation, 164
Clearance Reqd, 84
Capturing Close, 233
Close Iris, 149
Photograph, 250
Signature, 250
Colour, 238
Card List, 253 Colour Palette, 235
Card Template Commands, 121
Bar Codes, 247
Component Groups, 154
Close, 233
Configuration Checklist, 214

Design, 245, 245

Patterns, 155
New, 232

Presets, 155
Open, 233

Sequences, 156
Page Setup, 246

Photo Box, 246

Configuring a SISTORE Client, 215

Save, 233
Configuring Operation, 155

Card Trace, 44 Contact

Cardholder Primary, 30

Secondary, 30
Card Trace, 44

Return card, 52
Controller, 151
Tracking, 44
Controller Event Task
configuring, 92

Controls, 148

Copy, 234, 236

Count, 83
Crosshairs, 237

Customisable Cardholder Fields, 52

Customisable Tab, 45

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247

Cut, 234, 236 DVR Bus, 215

DVR Camera Groups, 223

DVR Comms Channel, 215
Database, 183 DVR IP Address, 217

Backup, 124 DVR Recording, 226, 226

Field, 237

Restore, 126

Default Settings, Devices, 64 Edit, 234

Define Access Group, 55 Elevator Control, 184
Defining the Dialup ACC, 174 Elevator Controller

Delayed Reporting, Timed Re-
Re-entry, 101 low level, 185

Delete, 235 Ellipse, 237

Design Ellipse Tool, 235
Encoding, 137

Card Template, 245

Device, configuring, 62 Ethernet Comms, 58

Devices, 58 Event Name, 87, 97
Dial-up Event Task, 226, 226
ACC, 170 Event Task, establish connection, 177
bus service, 173 Events, CCTV, 160
Defining Other components, 175 Exit, 233

Definition, 168

Dial-up Bus, 168
Dialup components overview, 168 Fail-
Fail-soft Anti-
Anti-Passback, 100
Dialup configuration checklist, 170 Fill Colour, 236
Dialup redundancy configuration
configuration, 179 Fill Shapes, 236

Dialup/PPP Properties, 174 Find, 234

Disabled Cardholders, 105 Find Next, 234
Door Interlocking, 108 Fire Over-
Double Sided Card, 246 overview, 184

Download wiring, 184


Server to ACC, 176 Fixed Camera, 152

Download, automatic, 176 Flip Image, 234
Drawing FLN, 58

Close, 233 FLN, configuring, 62

Import, 233 Focus Control, 153
New, 232, 236 Focus Far, 149
Open, 233, 236 Focus Near, 149

Save, 233, 236 Font, 236, 237, 237

Drawing Toolbar, 232, 236 Size, 237

Drawings, 238 Forgive, 40


Dual Custody, 68 Format Bullet Style, 234

Duplicate, 235 Format Font, 234

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247

Format Paragraph, 234 I

Format Tabs, 234 Icons, 199

Image Recall, 250

Generate, 253 Tab, 43

Graphics, 232 Imaging Preferences, 249

Graphics Module, 232 Import, 233
Graphics Tools, 236

Photo, 237

Grid, 235, 237 Raster Image, 237

Group, 234 Signature, 237

Type, 83
Import a photograph, 251
Grouping Import a signature, 251
Cameras, 154

Monitors, 154
Photograph, 251
Groups, 154, 223 Signature, 251

Work, 24
Importing Graphics, 239, 240
Guard Tour Initialization
Starting, 197
Dialup, 175
Guard Tour Window, 202 Input point, 72
Guard, 202
Insert Database Field, 236
Last Point, 202
Insert Date & Time, 234
Next Point, 202
Insert Object, 234
Time, 202
Interruptible Commands, 85
Tolerance, 203
Introduction, 147, 232
Tour, 202
Intrusion Area, 106

Guards, 193 Intrusion Area Name, 106

Adding a Guard to the System, 193
Invert Image Colours, 235
Viewing Employee Details, 193
Iris Control, 153

Italics, 237


Hard Anti-
Anti-Passback, 100
Holiday Justify
Date, 93
Centre, 236, 238

Name, 93
Left, 236, 238
Host Event Task Right, 236
Add, 87

Create, 87

New, 87
Left Justify, 236, 237
Time Zone, 88
Line Colour, 236
Host IP Address, 216 Line Tool, 235

HyperTerminal, commands, 172 Links, 234

HyperTerminal, using, 172 Lock Workstation, 233

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247

Log Book Normal Size, 235

Backup, 131 Number of commands before auto-
download, 173

Purge, 132

Report, 134

Restore, 132 Object Properties, 234

Log Commands, 151 Open
Ope n, 233, 236
Log Off, 233 Open Iris, 149
Logical Operators, Controller Event Task, 89 Operating CCTV, 157

Low level Operator Group Privileges
Banks, 187 Audit Trail Reports, 23

Card Readers, 186 OPM as interface module, 184
Elevators, 189 Optimising an Image, 235
Floors, 188 Or, 135
Output point, 72

OPMs, 186

Output Point
M Allowing Access, 243

Macros, CCTV, 160 Output Point Control, 44

Manual Control, 244 Output points, linking to access points, 44
Maximum cards per ACC, 173
Medium Pen, 236
Menus Pan, 149, 152
Additional, 233 Paste, 234, 236
Message Forwarding, configuring, 98 Pattern, 155, 158
Message originator, 98 Permanent Commands, 85
Message Originator, configuring, 99 Phone Number, Server, 174

Message receiver, 98 Photo

MIFARE, 137 Import, 233

Modems Photo Boxes, 246

Remote, 168 Photograph

Server, 168 Capturing, 250


Monitor, 153 Importing, 251

Groups, 154 Plan

Monitoring Tours, 199 Close, 233

Monitoring Your Site, 242 New, 232

Mouse Pointer, 148 Open, 233

Move to Back, 234 Save, 233

Move to Front, 234 Playback

Playback, 230

Multiple Facility Codes, 66 Point

Securing, 243

Unsecuring, 243

Net Expected Time, 195 Points, 58

New, 232, 236 Points, Configuring
Configuring, 65

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247

Polygon, 237 Raster Image

Polygon Tool, 236 Import, 233

Port, 151 Rectangle, 237
Port number, 217 Rectangle Tool, 236

Preferences Redo, 233
Imaging, 249 Redundant comms, pre-
pre-requisites, 178
Preset, 158 Redundant communications overview, 178
Presets, 155 Refresh Imported Drawing, 233

Primary Contact, 30 Registering a Tour, 197
Print, 233, 236 Report Filters, 231

Print Preview, 233 Reports, 134, 175
Print Setup, 233 Reset Menu and Toolbar, 15
Printing a card, 253 Restore
Printing a Guard Tour Report, 199

Audit Trail, 130

Privilege Level, 23 Database, 126

Proceed, 254 Restore Log Book, 132

Process Image, 235 Right Justify, 236, 237
Profile, 137, 139, 139 Right Mouse Button Options, 203
Programming Rotate an Image
Auxiliary Device, 154 Clockwise, 234

Camera, 152 Running

CCTV Bus, 150 Patterns, 158
CCTV Controller, 151 Sequences, 159

CCTV Equipment, 150

CCTV Unit, 151


Monitor, 153 Save, 233, 236

Protocol, 151 Save As, 233
PTZ Camera, 152 Save As Drawing, 233
Pulse Mode, output points, 73 Scheduled Reporting, 136

Purge Audit Trail, 130 Screen Size, 150


Purge Log Book, 132 Secondary Contact, 30

Secured, 183
Q Securing a Point, 243

Query Filter, 135 Securing groups and areas, 120

Querying a Point, 244 Securing input points, 120
Securing output points, 120
R Select, 237

Random Tour, 194 Select All, 234

RAS connection Select Tool, 235
remote, 169 Sequence, 156, 159

Server, 169 Server

Name, 59

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247

Server Messaging Event Task, 99 Symbol Colour

Signature Blue, 243

Capturing, 250 Green, 243

Import, 233 Magenta, 243

Importing, 251 Red (Flashing), 243

SiPass Server Service, 171 Red (Solid), 243

Sistore Client GUI Controls, 229, 230, 230 System Architecture, 214
Sistore Client, Operation, 229 System Components

Sistore Client, playback, 230 Groups, 58

Sistore Client, record and playback, 230 Server, 58

Site Plans, 239
Actioning an Alarm, 245 T
Adding Shortcuts, 240 Text

Adding Symbols, 240 Bold, 237

Importing Graphics, 240 Centre Justify, 238

Manually Controlling Points, 244 Colour, 238

Querying a Point, 244 Italics, 237

Using (to Monitor Your Site), 242 Left Justify, 238

Size of Screen, 150 Underline, 237

Smart Card, 137, 139, 139 Text Tool, 236, 237
Soft Anti-
Anti-Passback, 100 Text Toolbar, 237
Speed Pan/Tilt
Pan/Tilt, 149 Thick Pen, 236
Start Immediately, 253 Thin Pen, 236
Starting a Tour Tilt, 149, 152
From the Guard Tour Monitor, 200 Time Schedule Control, 86

Status, 115 Time Schedules, 81

Status Screen Timed Re-
Re-entry, 100
Refresh rate, 123 Timer, 83
Status Toolbar, 235 Tolerance, 195

Straight Line, 237


Summary, 147, 214

Symbol, 115, 238
Close, 233

Importing Graphics, 239

New, 232

Open, 233

Save, 233

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247

Tool Tour Stop Log, 199

Add Action, 237 Name, 199

Add Group, 237 Occurred, 199

Add Location, 237 Status, 199

Add Shortcut, 237 Tours, 194

Align Bottom, 237 Tracking, 44
Align Centre, 237 Tab, 43

Align Left, 237

Align Right, 237

Align Top, 237 Underline, 237

Arc, 237 Undo, 233
Bar Code, 237 Ungroup, 234
Centre Justify, 237 Unit, 151
unsealed input, 212

Crosshairs, 237

Database Field, 237 Unsecured, 183

Ellipse, 237 Unsecuring a Point, 243
Font, 237 Unsecuring groups and Intrusion areas, 120
Grid, 237 Unsecuring input points, 120
Import Photo, 237 Unsecuring output points, 120
Import Raster Image, 237 Upload
Import Signature, 237 ACC to Server, 177

Left Justify, 237
Polygon, 237

Rectangle, 237 Vehicle Tab, 43

Right Justify, 237 Verification, 253

Straight Line, 237 Vertical Arcs, 236

Text, 237 Video Capture Card, 164
Zoom In, 237 Video Card
Zoom Out, 237 Installation, 164

Tool Menu, 235 Video Source, 150


Tool Select, 237 View Menu, 235

Toolbar Viewing
Drawing, 236 Presets, 158

Text, 237 Viewing Employee Details, 193

Tools Viewing Pictures, 157, 225

Graphics, 236

Tour Groups, 197

Tour Points wild card, 46

Access, 195 Windows, password storage, 180
Input, 196 Work Groups, 24

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247

Zoom, 152

Zoom In, 148, 235, 237

Zoom Out, 148, 235, 237

t Se

Siemens AG A24205-A335-B247

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