Matlab Based Platform For The Evaluation of Modulation Techniques Used in VLC
Matlab Based Platform For The Evaluation of Modulation Techniques Used in VLC
Matlab Based Platform For The Evaluation of Modulation Techniques Used in VLC
Abstract— In this paper, we describe an experimental buildings because of the lighting functionality and the light has
evaluation platform, which enables us to obtain the performance a high directivity compared to Radio Frequency (RF)
of baseband modulation techniques for usage in Visible Light technologies. These two advantages make VLC an interesting
Communication (VLC) applications. For the demonstration of candidate for location-based services. With these services, the
the evaluation platform, we have chosen for Manchester information on your smartphone would depend on your
encoding. This choice is exemplary, the described system is able position within the building. This can be in the form of e.g.,
to deal with a large set of analog and digital modulation indoor guiding or location based information (you get extra
techniques like Non-Return to Zero (NRZ), Return to Zero (RZ), information about the piece of art you are standing in front of
Pulse Position Modulation (PPM), Binary Frequency Shift
at that moment).
Keying, Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF), Phase Shift
Keying (PSK), … For the Manchester encoding, it is In order to consider VLC as an accurate localization
experimentally demonstrated that the statistical distribution of system, the following conditions must be met:
the received signal after matched filter operation, is Gaussian in
nature. This allows us to make an estimation of the Bit Error • Positioning should be more accurate compared to the
Rate (BER) using Q-functions for Gaussian distributions. Our existing RF wireless indoor localization systems.
results demonstrate that the estimated BER strongly depends on
the sampling rate at the receiver end. The sampling rate will • The potential degradation of lighting function as a
therefor determine whether or not the receiver can receive Non- consequence of the overlay communication system
Line Of Side (NLOS) signals at normal light intensities. should be held to a minimum, which corresponds to a
unnoticeable difference for the observer.
Keywords— Baseband Modulation; Bit Error Rate; Evaluation
Platform; Gaussian Noise distribution; Visible Light
• In order to get a rapid implementation, the
Communication infrastructural impact should be very low.
For a localization system, every LED broadcasts its own
I. INTRODUCTION unique identification (ID) and the user, equipped with a
smartphone and photodiode, receives these IDs. Based on these
Since a couple of years, the Light Emitting Diode (LED)
IDs and a previously downloaded map of the indoor
has become a major player in the market of indoor and outdoor
environment (containing the IDs of the LEDS and their
lighting applications. LEDs as a lighting technology offer a
position), the location can be calculated.
number of important advantages with regard to other lighting
technologies, such as increased efficiency, high brightness, For the transmission of the IDs, we want to explore a VLC
color selection without significantly compromising the system using Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). As a
efficiency, etc. [1]. Another distinctive characteristic of LEDs first step, we have to evaluate the single source to single
with regard to more classical lighting technologies is the larger receiver behavior of different modulation techniques. With the
bandwidth. This has opened the door for Visible Light proposed evaluation system, a wide range off modulation
Communication systems (VLC), in which the original function techniques can easily be evaluated. The goal of this paper is to
of lighting is combined with the creation of a wireless, optical describe this set-up and to demonstrate its functionality
communication system. An important boundary condition is of towards the BER evaluation for Manchester encoding. Specific
course that the lighting functionality is not jeopardized by the emphasis is put on the discrete sampling property of the
data communication system. Due to the large bandwidth of acquisition chart.
LEDs, this condition can be met.
The paper is organized as follows. In section II, the general
Because of the interesting properties of VLC, we see this description of the platform is given, with an emphasis on the
technology as a new solution for localization in large indoor specific hardware components that were used. In section III,
environments. The infrastructure for VLC is already in we focus on one modulation technique, namely Manchester
s (t ) = ∑ a ( k ) p (t − kTb ) (2)
Fig. 1 Practical set-up room
encoding. The sampling rate is left as a parameter in a non line
of sight configuration. Based on our observation, it is clear that In order to accelerate the implementation of the technology,
the BER strongly depends on the sampling rate at the receiver we use LEDs, which are currently used for lighting
end. At the end, a summarized overview of the main topics applications. High power LEDs currently used for lighting
covered in this paper can be found in the conclusions applications are composed of a blue LED with a phosphor
section IV. layer. Previous research has show that the phosphor layer will
limit the optical bandwidth of the LED and thus the maximum
II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATFORM data rate for communication [3]–[5]. For the experimental set-
up described in this paper, the Bridgelux BXRA-30E0740-A-
Fig. 1 gives an overview of the point-to-point VLC system 00 is used. This is a neutral white LED with a Lambertian C-
under consideration. The system consists of three building plane and a total Luminous flux of 820 lm. For the tests, the
blocks, namely the transmitter (LED) which is mounted at the LED is mounted onto the ceiling at a height of 3.5 m (Fig. 1).
ceiling, the receiver (photodiode) placed on a desk and the
room (channel) with a window, to introduce additional noise. As driving circuit for the LED, there are two possibilities
namely a LED driver that is currently used in lighting
An overview of the different blocks of the evaluation applications or a Trance Conductance Amplifier (TCA). When
platform is given in Fig. 2. For quick evaluation and no a LED driver is used, the digital Pulse Width Modulation
synchronization problems, the transmitter and receiver are both (PWM) input can be used to inject the data into the LED
implemented in Matlab. The connection to the hardware is current. To perform the measurements in this paper, a circuit
made with the National Instruments USB-6211 Data was build with the LT3756 from Linear Technologies. This
Acquisition box (DAQ). driver can control LEDs up to 30 W electrical power. It was
synchronization issues. Remark that the delay due to the
channel is in the order of several nanoseconds for indoor
environments. This can be neglected for data rates up to several
Mbps [9]. The sampled version of the received signal (r(nTs))
is filtered by a matched filter with a impulse response which is
the time reversed version of the pulse shape filter. The output
of the matched filter is given by Equation 3 [2].
Fig. 7 Distribution x(kTb) for N = 50
Fig. 5 The average value µ as function of N
crossing bandwidth of Manchester encoding is twice the Fig. 4 The standard deviation σ as function of N
inverse of the bit time Tb, which has a positive impact on
flickering, even at lower data rates.
Other advantages of Manchester coding compared to other approximation as the number of sample points increases. In
baseband modulation techniques, are the easy clock recovery order to evaluate the impact of the sampling rate, we have
(bit synchronization) and the received signal can be AC- chosen a high sample rate, namely 200 kSps, which results in
coupled at the receiver. In a VLC system the transmitted signal 200 (= N) samples every bit time Tb. Once we have this high
can not be negative (s(t) > 0) and so also the received signal at sample ratio, we can easily reduce N by only selecting a
the photo diode. reduced set of these samples.
In the specific experiment we performed, 106 bits were sent On Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, one can observe the distribution of the
at a data rate of 1 kbps by use of Manchester encoding. The measured x(kTb) samples for N = 50 and N = 200 when the
zero crossing bandwidth is 2 KHz and the duration of the set-up is used of Fig. 3. An observation one can make is that
experiment was 1000 seconds, or almost 17 minutes. the scaled histograms can be well approximated by a Gaussian
distribution. We have plotted the magnitude of the average
B. Influence of the sample rate value µ and the standard deviation σ as a function of N. The
result can be found on Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. There is no distinction
One parameter that is left undetermined right now is the between these trends for a 0 or 1-bit sent. To determine
ratio N, defined as the sample rate (1/TS) to the bit rate (1/Tb). whether the histograms of the received data have a Gaussian
According to the zero crossing bandwidth and the Nyquist distribution, a KolmogorovSmirnov test (KS-test) was
sampling theorem, a value for N of 4 should be sufficient. The performed. This test confirmed that the received data has a
critical component in the practical evaluation system of Fig. 2 Gaussian distribution, so proves that the noise introduced in a
is the discrete calculation of the matched filter output. The VLC is AWGN.
matched filtering operation, which is basically the calculation
of an integral in the continuous time domain, is approximated Based on the histogram plots, it is clear that lower values of
by a finite sum. It is clear that this sum is a better N will lead to an increased BER. This trend is clearly
For an indoor localization system, this will be an imported
factor, which will determine if the positioning algorithm could
take into account reflections. When there are a lot of LOS
signals, it will be better to decrease the sample rate, so
reflections don’t influence the positioning algorithm. When
there are no LOS signals, the sample rate could be increased to
still receive an ID from LEDs so a rough estimation of the
position could be made. By changing the sample rate, a hybrid
system could me made where a rough position estimation could
be made when there are no LOS signal and an accurate position
could be calculated when different LOS signals are received.
The authors would like to thank the Agency for Innovation
by Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT).