ITX Software Changes EN
ITX Software Changes EN
ITX Software Changes EN
New features:
Added support for IntelliTrax2 Density only systems
Added NetProfiler support
Added density support for Spot colors (Max/Special density filter)
Added import of eXact Manager job templates as target libraries
Added ability to retarget density targets from BestMatch calculation
Added Colorimetric Tone Value (CTV) calculation support
Added support of eXact Xp model
Improved CxF target library import to import Density, Delta E and TVI targets
and tolerances.
Added retarget button to BestMatch graphs that will update density target to
BestMatch recommended density values.
Added ini file setting that configures foot pedal to control vacuum.
Added support for 1024x768 screen resolution.
Added support for Korean language.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a dimensional limitation on XY coordinates when configuring an XY scan
Fixed display color issue for patches created from Inks with only Lab information
Fixed user interface layout issues
Fixed connection issues in Editors for 530 handheld
Fixed spot measurement dialog in PressTool to use minus paper for density when
setting is enabled.
Fixed error that could occur in perfecting jobs when the first sheet for a side is
Fixed ability to load ColorCert job that has a mix of PantoneLIVE and non-
PantoneLIVE inks.
Fixed issue using PantoneLIVE targets in overprint or gray tint patches.
Other bug fixes
Modified default l:c constants for dE94 and dE2000 to 1:1.
Changes from version 1.7 to 2.0
New features:
Added support for the new IntelliTrax2 scanning device.
Added support for M1 scan measurements.
Target Colors support color and target information M0, M1 and M3 measurement
conditions simultaneously.
Support for PantoneLIVE.
ColorCert CGATS formatted job files can be directly loaded into Press Tool
New XML Post Scan format supported.
Added support for G7 Substrate Compensation.
Ability to edit a density target value per key by clicking on key within graph.
Support for measurement activation using foot pedal.
Feature Improvements:
User interface has been redesigned and optimized for widescreen monitors.
Dialogs can be moved by click-dragging title bars.
List boxes can be scrolled using the mouse scroll wheel.
Reporting Tool reports have been updated to new modern format.
Added ability to browse to archive location within Database Administration Tool.
Target names have been added to Press Tool graphs.
Added Windows 10 Support (32bit and 64 bit)
Support for Profile Editor and Profile Measurements have been removed.
Bug Fixes:
Feature improvements:
Changes from version 1.3.7 to 1.4
Bug Fixes:
TVF output files are now updated for changes made to job setup, including
changes to ink placement, color bar, paper and targets.
The numbers of patches reported in the SVF output files are now more consistent.
Fixed an issue where the density of the first patch in some color bars appeared to
be very low.
Feature improvements:
New features:
The SpectroEye instrument is now supported for DP installations.
Changes from version 1.3.6 to 1.3.7
Bug Fixes:
Project Names are no longer case sensitive. Users who enter the same project
name with a different capitalization will put the job in the same project.
Feature improvements:
New features:
Changes from version 1.3.5 to 1.3.6
Bug Fixes:
Feature improvements:
Improvements were made to pattern recognition for center aligned color bars
which started with a solid patch followed by a not used patch. Previously, the
solid patch was being disregarded and not reported on.
New features:
Changes from version 1.2 to 1.3.5
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a printing issue on the calibration check report
Feature improvements:
Documentation update
Translation update
TVF work flow and data changes
Improved the color prediction algorithm for gray balances
New features:
Ability to set L*a*b* Target in the Editor for overprints and gray balances.
The Editor will default the a* and b* values to 0 for gray balance targets
composed of L*a*b* created inks.
Ability to rename the auto generated spot measurement name in the Press and
Inks dialog box.
Changed the default Pantone library loaded from 2003 to 2005.
Continuous measurement option for perfecting jobs. This option auto switches
Top and Bottom.
Actual average values for the zones on the current sheet are displayed in the ink
Local Machine Configuration Tool shows an option to turn average data ON or
Added a new view to the database that show patch level data.
Creating a new job will let you select a project name from a list or create a new
Sheet reports can now select actual or difference values.
A button to flop the color bar has been added to the Press Tool Color Bars dialog.
Added Relative Density.
Added ability to delete multiple projects in DBat.