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ITX Software Changes EN

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Changes from version 2.0 to 2.

New features:
 Added support for IntelliTrax2 Density only systems
 Added NetProfiler support
 Added density support for Spot colors (Max/Special density filter)
 Added import of eXact Manager job templates as target libraries
 Added ability to retarget density targets from BestMatch calculation
 Added Colorimetric Tone Value (CTV) calculation support
 Added support of eXact Xp model
 Improved CxF target library import to import Density, Delta E and TVI targets
and tolerances.
 Added retarget button to BestMatch graphs that will update density target to
BestMatch recommended density values.
 Added ini file setting that configures foot pedal to control vacuum.
 Added support for 1024x768 screen resolution.
 Added support for Korean language.

Bug Fixes:
 Fixed a dimensional limitation on XY coordinates when configuring an XY scan
 Fixed display color issue for patches created from Inks with only Lab information
 Fixed user interface layout issues
 Fixed connection issues in Editors for 530 handheld
 Fixed spot measurement dialog in PressTool to use minus paper for density when
setting is enabled.
 Fixed error that could occur in perfecting jobs when the first sheet for a side is
 Fixed ability to load ColorCert job that has a mix of PantoneLIVE and non-
PantoneLIVE inks.
 Fixed issue using PantoneLIVE targets in overprint or gray tint patches.
 Other bug fixes

 Modified default l:c constants for dE94 and dE2000 to 1:1.
Changes from version 1.7 to 2.0
New features:
 Added support for the new IntelliTrax2 scanning device.
 Added support for M1 scan measurements.
 Target Colors support color and target information M0, M1 and M3 measurement
conditions simultaneously.
 Support for PantoneLIVE.
 ColorCert CGATS formatted job files can be directly loaded into Press Tool
 New XML Post Scan format supported.
 Added support for G7 Substrate Compensation.
 Ability to edit a density target value per key by clicking on key within graph.
 Support for measurement activation using foot pedal.

Feature Improvements:
 User interface has been redesigned and optimized for widescreen monitors.
 Dialogs can be moved by click-dragging title bars.
 List boxes can be scrolled using the mouse scroll wheel.
 Reporting Tool reports have been updated to new modern format.
 Added ability to browse to archive location within Database Administration Tool.
 Target names have been added to Press Tool graphs.

 Added Windows 10 Support (32bit and 64 bit)
 Support for Profile Editor and Profile Measurements have been removed.

Changes from version 1.6 to 1.7

Bug Fixes:
 Fixed database script for upgrade from v1.4 to the latest version.
Feature improvements:
 Improved closed loop feature to allow external control of the job start and stop
 Improved XRGA standard handling:
o fixed importing issues
o upgrading to XRGA is now permanent
o XRGA is now the default setting for new installs
New features:
 Added support for the new X-Rite eXact device (USB and Bluetooth) for spot
measurement of colors.
 Added Windows 8 Support (32bit and 64 bit)
 Added support for Widescreen monitors (16:9 ratio)

Changes from version to 1.6

Bug Fixes:
 Fixed issue with JDF jobs that had colors with no Lab values.
 Fixed intermittent “Error Adding Sheet” at end of scan.
 Fixed issue with density targets created by SpectroEye device within Press and
Inks section of Press Tool.
Feature improvements:
 SpectroEye connection will connect to 9600, 19200 and 57600 baud rates.
New features:
 Added support for XRGA calibration standard.
 Added support for Enhanced SVF file writer.
o Saves multiple Production mode SVF files by name and sheet number for
each OK and Production mode sheets.
o Reports scanned measurement data for dud patches.
 Added support for Windows 7 32 bit.
 Added support for Windows 7 64 bit.
 Added CxF3 support.
 Added Duplicate Target Library feature to Editors.
 Added Pantone + Target Libraries.
 Added Closed Loop Feature
o Allows external control of starting a job, job selection, and stopping of
jobs in the Press Tool application.
 Removed support for Windows 2000
 Upgraded database to SQL Server 2008

Changes from version 1.5 to

Bug Fixes:
 Scanning small spot profiles with more than 2900 patches will no longer timeout.
Feature improvements:
 TVF output files now contain approximated spectral curve data for ink targets that
were defined by L*a*b*.
New features:
 N/A
 N/A

Changes from version 1.4 to 1.5

Bug Fixes:
 N/A

Feature improvements:

 Improvements have been made for the speed of measurement.

 User interface has been added to the Local Machine Configuration Tool to allow
the user to set the color bar placement, turn on and off the logging function, and to
remove all old log files.
 Manual XY position settings will no longer be turned off for other changes to the
job settings.
 Communication with the Database has been improved. Most actions in the Press
Tool have been sped up to perform faster when the database contains larger
amounts of data. Reporting speed has also been improved.
 Archiving has been changed to perform more reliably. When setting a date and
time for performing an Archive and Optimize operation, the archive will no
longer be performed directly at that time. When opening the Job Info dialog in
Press Tool after the set date and time have expired, the Archive will be performed
automatically in the background. This will ensure that the Archiving will always
take place and should not hinder the user from continuing with using the
applications. Note that some slowdown may occur while the archive is being
created, but this should not keep the application from functioning correctly.
 8 graphs can now be viewed at one time in the Press Tool. Use the Local
Machine Configuration Tool to set the maximum number of graphs option.
 The Gray Balance graph displayed in the Press Tool has been improved. Each
color of the graph is shown with a density signal for each ink at the bottom of the
graph. Should the tint density of the color be out of tolerance, the signal will be
displayed as red. Also, at the top of the graph, another signal is shown for the
gray balance range. When the tints values are within the defined range, the range
signal will show as green.
New features:
 Ink and Paper targets can now be added to a Target Library from the Press Tool.
 Sheet Reports can now be run directly from the Press Tool Options menu.
 When being asked to perform a calibration in the Press Tool, users can now only
delay this action twice before being blocked from continuing until a calibration
must be performed.
 Color bars can now be imported from a PDF format.
 Users can now configure an executable file to run after each scan using INI file
 When creating targets, the user can now save and create another of the same type
of target from the edit target screen.
 Presses with “Alley Keys” are now supported.
 The first patch position can now be adjusted in the Scanned Sheet Info View
dialog to correct mistaken lock positioning.
 CXF2 file type is now supported for the import of target colors.
 Editors and Press Tool now support the creation of multi-page profiles.
 Press Tool now allows a limit of 300 sheets to be scanned. This can be adjusted
using INI file settings.
 A memo feature has been added to the Scanned Sheet Info dialog allowing the
user to add a note to any sheet. (Maximum of 256 characters.)
 Results of the Measure Color Reference process are now saved in their own folder
with unique files names containing the date and time of the measurement.
 Jobs and Projects can now be renamed and deleted directly from within the Press
Tool’s Job Info dialog.
 Job ink targets can now be edited by clicking on the values in the ink panel in the
main graph view of the Press Tool and by clicking directly on the values in the
Targets and Tolerances dialog.
 Support has been added for Gracol7(G7) and ISO processes. Talk to your sales
and support representative to find out more.
 A new Sheet Trend Report has been added to the Reporting Tool. This report will
show trend graphs for each selected calculation over the job life cycle.
 Support has been added to allow the scanning of custom charts. See the Press
Tool Options dialog to get started. Scan a custom chart using the Intellitrax
instrument and get an output CGATS text file.
 A new graph view has been added for BestMatch. BestMatch will allow you to
know how good a color match you can achieve between the ink target color and
the inks on press. BestMatch shows the best match Delta E and the solid ink
density corrections that need to be made to achieve that Delta E.

 N/A
Changes from version 1.3.7 to 1.4
Bug Fixes:
 TVF output files are now updated for changes made to job setup, including
changes to ink placement, color bar, paper and targets.
 The numbers of patches reported in the SVF output files are now more consistent.
 Fixed an issue where the density of the first patch in some color bars appeared to
be very low.
Feature improvements:
 N/A
New features:
 The SpectroEye instrument is now supported for DP installations.
 N/A
Changes from version 1.3.6 to 1.3.7
Bug Fixes:
 Project Names are no longer case sensitive.  Users who enter the same project
name with a different capitalization will put the job in the same project.
Feature improvements:
 N/A
New features:
 N/A
 N/A
Changes from version 1.3.5 to 1.3.6
Bug Fixes:
 N/A
Feature improvements:
 Improvements were made to pattern recognition for center aligned color bars
which started with a solid patch followed by a not used patch. Previously, the
solid patch was being disregarded and not reported on.
New features:
 N/A
 N/A
Changes from version 1.2 to 1.3.5
Bug Fixes:
 Fixed a printing issue on the calibration check report
Feature improvements:
 Documentation update
 Translation update
 TVF work flow and data changes
 Improved the color prediction algorithm for gray balances
New features:
 Ability to set L*a*b* Target in the Editor for overprints and gray balances.
 The Editor will default the a* and b* values to 0 for gray balance targets
composed of L*a*b* created inks.
 Ability to rename the auto generated spot measurement name in the Press and
Inks dialog box.
 Changed the default Pantone library loaded from 2003 to 2005.
 Continuous measurement option for perfecting jobs. This option auto switches
Top and Bottom.
 Actual average values for the zones on the current sheet are displayed in the ink
 Local Machine Configuration Tool shows an option to turn average data ON or
 Added a new view to the database that show patch level data.
 Creating a new job will let you select a project name from a list or create a new
 Sheet reports can now select actual or difference values.
 A button to flop the color bar has been added to the Press Tool Color Bars dialog.
 Added Relative Density.
 Added ability to delete multiple projects in DBat.
 N/A

Changes from version 1.2 to 1.3

Bug Fixes:
 The vacuum will now shut down after a calibration check.
 Performance enhancements made to the Keys On/Off functionality.
 Export of jobs now correctly handles profiling information.
 ToolCrib X-Key will now work with non-US keyboard.
 Fixed a pattern recognition bug related to right aligned measurement containing
wide not used patches (monochromatic color bars will no longer display data on
the fly)
 Fixed import/export bug where Keys On and Off were not saved.
 Fixed font sizes for Chinese buttons such as profile.
 The gripper/tail option is now correctly set when Job template is edited.
 Fixed a bug related to warning icon not showing correctly for Dot Gain.
 Changed precision to 4 significant digits in the CGATS files in order to keep
spaces between numbers.
 Instrument measurement will bring the application to the front for all languages.
 Fixed the enter button on the virtual keyboard.
 Fixed a bug with manual entry of L*a*b*.
 Fixed a recognition bug related to monochromatic color bars (monochromatic
color bars will no longer display data on the fly).
 Fixed application wait when the measurement was canceled during head return to
Feature improvements:
 Added new log file for profiling.
 Changed the hour glass.
 Modified the profile target editor to say "Aperture Size (Patch Size in mm):"
rather than "Aperture Size:".
 New dialog box will warn users to check their system configuration settings the
first time they use the editor.
 Reporting tool will allow users to report from backup files.
 Changed the Editor so it will not try to connect to the handheld on start-up.
 The Local Machine Configuration Tool will allow 0 as a value for the auto
shutdown timeout.
 If auto vacuum shut down is ON then Press Tool does not start the vacuum on
 Wording changes made to the Archiving Dialogs.
 Reporting tool Sheet Report will default the sheet number to be the OK Sheet for
the job selected.
 Improvements made to Pattern Recognition for scanning one color jobs.
 Updated the color bars.
 Job report and sheet report contain the polarization flag.
 Sheet reports Job Side says top or bottom instead of IsTopSide true or false.
 A warning has been added for minus paper jobs when no paper patches are
present in the color bar printed on the sheet.
 X-Y measurement position will be saved and used as the default value for the next
time X-Y is turned on.
 X-Y measurement can be set to be on by default all the time (ini file setting).
 Gray balance delta E has been added to the list of attributes (In Press Tool,
Reporting tool and Local Machine Configuration Tool). This will be turned on by
 DP patch size has been added to the list of available profile patch sizes in the
Profile Target Editor.
 Profile target patch size has been modified to show the actual patch height and
 A new button has been added to the Save dialog for the Press Tool job setup
dialogs. The Save and Open Targets button will bring the users directly to the
Targets and Tolerances dialog to allow quicker editing of the Targets.
 An icon will be displayed in the Press Tool Job Info Panel for DP jobs (Status E
job with at least 1 scan from a DP instrument.)
 A warning will be displayed when users attempt to continue a DP job with a non-
DP instrument. This warning can be disabled by the user.
 Spot measurement density won't be displayed when connected to a DP
 Optimized the database performance for Press & Inks and sheet deletion.
 Added a confirmation dialog box before restoring the database.
 The launcher knows if an application is running even if the application was
started before the launcher.
 Changed the default calibration interval to be 24 hours.
 Changed the default Vacuum shutdown to be 0 minutes.
 Changed the default Grayness tolerance to be 3.0/6.0.
 The default folder to import/export profile target is now Profile Targets in the
installation folder.
 Added new log file for profiling.
 Changed the hourglass.
 Documentation update.
 Translation update.
 DB performance improvements focused around Job Setup.
New features:
 Support for Dynamic Polarization (DP).
 Gray balance delta E has been added to the list of attributes (In Press Tool,
Reporting tool and Local Machine Configuration Tool). This will be turned on by
 Updates have been made to the database for enhanced performance. Due to this,
views on the database may have changed.
 N/A

Changes from version 1.1 to 1.2

 Bug Fixes:
 Illuminant and Observer are now set correctly in the CGATS output file for
 A Press Tool user can now connect to a handheld from within the Profile Viewer
 Updates and improvements have been made to the application translations and the
help files.
Feature improvements:
 Improvements have been made to the pattern recognition feature for scanning
allowing for better recognition of more color bars.
New features:
 The system is now able to use small spot instruments.
 The Database Admin Tool has new features to archive and manage data. An
Archive button has been added which opens a dialog and gives users the option to
backup the database and purge old sheets from the system. The user is asked to set
a date beyond which all sheets except the OK Sheet will be deleted. (OK Sheets
are never deleted so they can be reused when re-ordering a job.) The system can
also be setup to:
 Auto backup the database (The file will be created in the default backup
location and the name of the file will contain the date of the backup).
 Allows user to select a start time. (The date for the first auto archive is
set to today)
 Auto backup and clean up of the database.
 Allows user to select a start time. (The date for the first auto archive is
set to today)
 Allows user to set the age of jobs targeted for clean up
 No backup or clean up.
 N/A

Changes from version 1.0 to 1.1

Bug Fixes:
 Color2mif application works in languages with comma separated decimals.
 Achromatic color bars can be measured correctly.
 Calibration check works with Density only instrument.
 Density instruments will now support a trial period.
 Database Admin Tool errors in Chinese have been corrected.
 Bug with delta E 2000 H* value has been corrected.
 International keyboard enter key now works with IME language.
Feature improvements:
 Job templates containing empty ink units in the first units will auto adjust when
loaded so that the color bar will reflect the shifted configuration.
 Press Tool will better handle color bars containing more ink units than the job.
The user will be able to switch colors around for all color bar positions.
 The minimum number of ink units for a press in density mode has been extended
to 8.
 The maximum size of a zone has been raised for Web support.
New features:
 The ability to run to numbers for selected inks when an OK sheet has been set has
been implemented. When the user clicks on Make OK, he will have the option to
select which inks will run to OK. The dialog box selects all inks by default and
the user can deselect inks that are not to be “OK’ed”. The dialog box also contains
a select all button that will select all the inks.
 The SVF format file spec has been updated to follow version 2.0 of the

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