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Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD) : Dod Programs

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Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD)

Executive Summary
• The Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD) M4A1, referred
to as the M4E1 during testing, is operationally effective and
• Overall, the M4A1 detects lower levels of chemical warfare
vapors than the previous production model, the M4. JCAD
provides warning of the presence of chemical warfare vapors
in sufficient time to take protective measures.
• The detector is reliable, easy to maintain, and has a high
availability rate.

• JCAD is a hand-held device that automatically detects,
identifies, and alerts operators to the presence of nerve and
blister vapors, as well as one blood chemical agent vapor and
one toxic industrial chemical vapor.
• JCAD is a non-developmental item modified from a
commercially available device. It operates as a stand-alone
detector. It is carried by personnel and placed onto various
platforms, including ground vehicles, fixed-site installations,
and collective protection shelters. It supplements or replaces
the Automatic Chemical Agent Detector Alarm and the
Improved Chemical Agent Monitor.
• The JCAD will be issued to:
- Army squads
- Marine platoons • Operators equipped with JCAD, and installation emergency
- Air Force base reconnaissance and ground-service management personnel operating remote JCAD arrays, alert
personnel personnel to take personal protection measures and unit force
- Navy shore installations and riverine or land-based units protection measures such as contamination avoidance or an
increase in mission-level protective posture.
• Operators use JCAD to determine the presence of chemical Major Contractor
warfare agent and toxic industrial chemical vapors by: Smiths Detection – Edgewood, Maryland, and Watford, United
- Checking personnel for contamination Kingdom
- Monitoring in and around a stationary vehicle or shelter’s
interior and exterior, or aircraft while on the ground

• The program office awarded a new competition-based contract accordance with the approved Test and Evaluation Master
for procurement of the JCAD. Smiths Detection, the original Plan.
contractor, won the contract with a modified version of the • DOT&E provided an Operational Assessment of the JCAD
JCAD referred to as the JCAD M4E1. M4E1 to support the decision to change the production line to
• DOT&E approved an updated Test and Evaluation Master Plan produce the new model.
on July 22, 2010, to address developmental and operational • On March 30, 2011, the Joint Program Executive Office for
testing of the JCAD. Chemical and Biological Defense approved a production cut-in
• The Army Test and Evaluation Command conducted decision for JCAD M4E1 and directed first article testing to
developmental and operational testing of the new production verify changes to the system made after the operational test.
model JCAD (M4E1) from June to October 2010 in


• On April 21, 2011, DOT&E approved the Overarching Test exposure to levels that cause incapacitating health effects, and
Plan for the First Article Test of the JCAD M4E1. to levels that cause noticeable effects.
• The Army Test and Evaluation Command conducted • The detector demonstrated a mean time between operational
JCAD M4E1 first article testing from April to June 2011 to mission failure of 385 hours in monitor mode (versus a
demonstrate the effectiveness of software modifications to requirement of 750 hours) and 135 hours in survey mode (no
address shortcomings identified during earlier developmental stated requirement) during operational testing. First article
and operational testing. testing of the JCAD with software modifications to address
• Based upon the results of the First Article Test, the Army type reliability shortcomings improved reliability in the monitor
classified the JCAD M4E1 as the JCAD M4A1 and accepted mode to 803 hours mean time between operational mission
delivery of production systems. failure at the 80 percent lower confidence bound.
• The detector demonstrated an availability rate over 98 percent
Assessment (versus a requirement of 92 percent).
• Based on results from the operational test and First Article
Test, the JCAD M4A1 is operationally effective and suitable. Recommendations
• Overall, the M4A1 detects lower levels of chemical warfare • Status of Previous Recommendations. There were no FY10
vapors than the M4. The M4A1 and the M4 provide warning recommendations.
of the presence of chemical warfare vapors in sufficient • FY11 Recommendations. None.
time for individuals to take protection measures to preclude


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