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Panchasimhasana Mantra Pañcasiṃhāsana vidyāḥ पंच सिसंहासन सिवद्या

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The passage seems to contain chants or invocations to different Hindu deities.

Deities like Kaulashi Bhairavi, Kamini Bhairavi, and different forms of Sundari are mentioned.

Mantras or chants starting with syllables like 'Haim', 'Hasau' etc are being recited or invoked in the text.

Panchasimhasana Mantra

Pañcasiṃhāsana vidyāḥ पंच सिंहासन विद्या 

 Pañcasiṃhāsana vidyāḥ refers to the study of the five thrones of Śrī Lalitā Devi. The thrones are also
signified as Pañca Pretā-s or five bodies. The bodies are of Śrī Brahma, Viṣṇu, Rudra, Īśvara and
Sadāśiva. The meaning behind this, is that She is the power of all the deities signified as Pañca Pretā-s.
For instance, the Creator Brahma carries out all the tasks through His śakti/power, who is known as
Vāmā devi or Sarasvatī. Without His śakti, He is lifeless and a preta. Likewise, Vaiṣṇavī is the power of
Viṣṇu and is endowed with the responsibility of Sustenance and Preservation. Rudrāṇi for Rudra, who
takes care of Destruction. Īśvari for Īśvara with the responsibility of Annihilation and Transformation and
lastly, Mahāmāyā for Sadāśiva, who takes care of Creation once again.
The Pañca Pretā-s are aspects of Nirguṇa Brahman, Who is devoid of all qualities and is pure bliss and is
the Static Superconsciousness. Likewise, Śakti is Saguṇa Brahman with all qualities and is therefore the
Dynamic Superconsciousness. All the śakti-s of the Pañca Pretā-s are aspects of Śrī Lalitā Devi, Who is
Śakti Herself. The five thrones/siṃhāsana-s are representations of Her power and Her lordship over all
aspects of the manifested reality. Each siṃhāsana corresponds to one of the Mahā-Pañca-Pretā-s.
The mantra for the Mahā-Pañca-Pretāsana is –
hsauḥ sadāśiva mahāpada-pretāsanāya namaḥ
् ौः सदाशिव महापदप्रेतासनाय नमः
The bīja ‘hsauḥ’ is the Prasāda-para mantra signifying high levels of consciousness. The Divine Mother
Śrī Lalitā Devi, is to be prayed daily and invited to take up Her high seat with this mantra and bless the
entire Creation.
As per Jñānārṇava Tantra, The first Siṃhāsana (A throne resembling a lion seat or adorned with lion
carvings, befitting an emperor King/Queen) is the East facing pūrva siṃhāsana. This siṃhāsana
corresponds to Lord Brahma, the Creator. The mantras for this throne start with Śrī Tripura Bālā. It is
stated, that one who obtains the blessings of Śrī Bālā, gains the wisdom of Bṛhaspati, the celebrated guru
of all the celestial surā-s/gods. Bṛhaspati is also the controller of the effects of the planet Jupiter and its
effect on our individual horoscope as well as its various astrological applications. Planet Jupiter is
considered the most benefic amongst all the planets/graha-s. The significance of Śrī Bālā is enormous
and quintessential for our material and spiritual progress. She is also well known to give us the power of
speech, as well as enhance our knowledge in all aspects and grant us mastery over the written word. She
is the One who provides each and every comfort and ushers in immense prosperity and auspiciousness
with Her side glance itself! Her significance to the Mahā-Pañca-Pretāsana-s, is that She is the cause of
Lord Brahma’s power/śakti of Creation. Likewise, the second mantra for this Siṃhāsana, is that of
Sampadapradā Bhairavī, also called Sampatpradā Bhairavī. Her power is unmatched and She’s the
cause of all wealth, power and unlimited prosperity.  She bestows all knowledge that leads us to acquire
all types of prosperity. Next is Caitanya Bhairavī, who constitutes the knowledge of all the mātṛkā-s or
sound syllable deities in all the manifested Creation and is the mesmerizer of all Creation. The fourth form
is Dvitīya Caitanya Bhairavī who’s identical with Her first form and is the cause of further knowledge that
leads us to mantras and all the secrets of Creation. The fifth and final form for this siṃhāsana is
Kāmeśvarī Bhairavī, the fulfiller of all wishes.
The second siṃhāsana is the South facing Dakṣiṇa Siṃhāsana, which corresponds to Lord Viṣṇu, the
protector. The first deity is Aghora Bhairavī, The charming and knowledgeable One, who reveals all the
secrets of Creation. The second deity is Mahā bhairavī, the grantor of liberation (mokṣa) and all comforts
(bhoga-s). The third is Lalitā Bhairavī, the One who fulfills all the needs of the entire Creation. Fourth is
Kāmeśvarī Bhairavī, the One who brings forth each and every desire and fructifies all wishes. The fifth is
Raktanetrā Bhairavī, who gives us the urge to seek out the spiritual wealth and finally unveils the Truth.
The third siṃhāsana is the West facing Paścima Siṃhāsana representing Lord Bhairava/Rudra. The first
deity is Ṣaṭkūṭā Bhairavī, the destroyer of the entire Creation. The second deity is Nityā Bhairavī, the
destroyer of all attachments. The third deity is Mṛtasañjīvanī Bhairavī, who removes the fear of death and
gives us the knowledge that the soul/atma is eternal. The fourth deity is Mṛtyuñjaya parā, who liberates us
from the cycle of life and death and grants us immortality through union with Paramātma or the Super-
The Mantras for the five lion-seats/Siṃhāsana-s are tabulated below.

Siṃhāsana Devata Mantra IAST Mantra Devanāgari

aim̐ klīm̐ sauḥ bālā sundarī ऐँ क्लीँ सौः बाला सुन्दरी

Śrī Tripura Bālā
devatāyai namaḥ दे वतायै नमः

ह्स्रैँ ह्सकलरीँ ह्स्स्रौँ
Sampadapradā hsraim̐ hsakalarīm̐ hssraum̐
Bhairavī/Sampatpradā sampatpradāya bhairavī सम्पत्प्रदाय भैरवी दे वतायै
Bhairavī devatāyai namaḥ

s-haim̐ sakala hrīm̐ s-hauḥ स्हैँ सकल ह्रीँ स्हौः चैतन्य

Caitanya Bhairavī caitanya bhairavī devatāyai
namaḥ भैरवी दे वतायै नमः
pūrva siṃhāsana
स्हैँ सकल
s-haim̐ sakala hrīm̐
nityaklinnemadadrave s-hauḥ ह्रीँ नित्यक्लिन्नेमदद्रवे
Dvitīya Caitanya Bhairavī
śrīdvitīya caitanya bhairavī स्हौः श्रीद्वितीय चैतन्य
devatāyai namaḥ
भैरवी दे वतायै नमः

hasakhaphrem̐ hasakalarīm̐ हसखफ्रेँ हसकलरीँ ह्सौँ

Kāmeśvarī Bhairavī hsaum̐ kāmeśvarī bhairavī कामेश्वरी भैरवी दे वतायै
devatāyai namaḥ

om̐ aghore aim̐ ghore hrīm̐ ॐ अघोरे ऐँ घोरे ह्रीँ सर्वतः

sarvataḥ śarva sarvebhyo ghora शर्व सर्वेभ्यो घोर घोरतरे श्रीँ
ghoratare śrīm̐ namaste'stu
Aghora Bhairavī नमस्तेऽस्तु रुद्ररूपेभ्यः
rudrarūpebhyaḥ klīm̐ sauḥ
aghora bhairavī devatāyai क्लीँ सौः अघोर भैरवी
दे वतायै नमः

hsraim̐ hasakalahrīm̐ hsraum̐ ह्स्रैँ हसकलह्रीँ ह्स्रौँ महा

Mahā Bhairavī
mahā bhairavī devatāyai namaḥ भैरवी दे वतायै नमः
dakṣiṇa siṃhāsana
hrīm̐ klīm̐ hsraum̐ lalitā bhairavī ह्रीँ क्लीँ ह्स्रौँ ललिता भैरवी
Lalitā Bhairavī
devatāyai namaḥ दे वतायै नमः

klīm̐ kāmeśvarī bhairavī क्लीँ कामेश्वरी

kāmeśvarī bhairavī
devatāyai namaḥ भैरवी दे वतायै नमः

saim̐ sakalarīm̐ sauḥ raktanetrā सैँ सकलरीँ सौः रक्तनेत्रा

Raktanetrā Bhairavī
bhairavī devatāyai namaḥ भैरवी दे वतायै नमः
hasakalaraḍaim̐ hasakalaraḍīm̐ हसकलरडैँ
Ṣaṭkūṭā  Bhairavī hasakalaraḍauḥ ṣaṭkūṭā bhairavī हसकलरडीँ हसकलरडौः
devatāyai namaḥ
षट्कूटा भैरवी दे वतायै नमः

ḍaralakasahaim̐ ḍaralakasahīm̐ डरलकसहैँ

Nityā Bhairavī ḍaralakasahauḥ nityā bhairavī डरलकसहीँ डरलकसहौः
devatāyai namaḥ
नित्या भैरवी दे वतायै नमः

ह्रीँ हं सः सञ्जीवनी जँू जीवं

hrīm̐ haṃsaḥ sañjīvanī jūm̐
प्राण ग्रन्थि कुरु कुरु स्वाहा
jīvaṃ prāṇa granthi kuru kuru
svāhā । ।
hrīm̐ haṃsaḥ jūm̐ sañjīvanī jūm̐ ह्रीँ हं सः जँ ू सञ्जीवनी जँ ू
Mṛtasañjīvanī Bhairavī haṃsaḥ kuru kuru kuru sauḥ
हं सः कुरु कुरु कुरु सौः सौः
Paścima Siṃhāsana sauḥ svāhā ।
स्वाहा ।
śrī mṛtasañjīvanī devatāyai
namaḥ । श्री मत
ृ सञ्जीवनी दे वतायै
नमः ।

वद वद वाग्वादिनि ह्सैँ
vada vada vāgvādini hsaim̐
klinne klodinī mahākṣobhaṃ क्लिन्ने क्लोदिनी महाक्षोभं
Mṛtyuñjaya parā kuru kuru hsrīm̐ om̐ mokṣaṃ कुरु कुरु ह्स्रीँ ॐ मोक्षं कुरु
kuru kuru hsauḥ śrī mṛtyuñjaya
कुरु ह्सौः श्री मत्ृ युञ्जय परा
parā devatāyai namaḥ
दे वतायै नमः

ह्रीँ क्लिन्ने ऐँ  क्रोँ

hrīm̐ klinne aim̐ krom̐
Vajraprastāriṇī nityamadadrave hrīm̐ śrī नित्यमदद्रवे ह्रीँ श्री
vajraprastāriṇī devatāyai namaḥ
वज्रप्रस्तारिणी दे वतायै नमः

Uttara Siṃhāsana
hsraim̐ hasakalahrīm̐ hsraum̐ śrī ह्स्रैँ हसकलह्रीँ ह्स्रौँ श्री
Bhuvaneśvarī Bhairavī
bhuvaneśvarī devatāyai namaḥ भव ु नेश्वरी दे वतायै नमः

sahraim̐ sahakalahrīm̐ sahraum̐ सह्रैँ सहकलह्रीँ सह्रौँ श्री

Kamaleśvarī bhairavī śrī kamaleśvarī bhairavī कमलेश्वरी भैरवी दे वतायै
devatāyai namaḥ

hsraim̐ hsrīm̐ hsrauḥ siddha ह्स्रैँ ह्स्रीँ ह्स्रौः सिद्ध कौलेश

Siddha Kauleśa Bhairavī kauleśa bhairavī devatāyai
namaḥ भैरवी दे वतायै नमः

hsraim̐ hklīm̐ hsrauḥ śrī ḍāmara ह्स्रैँ ह्क्लीँ ह्स्रौः श्री डामर

Ḍāmara Bhairavī
bhairavī devatāyai namaḥ भैरवी दे वतायै नमः

Kāminī Bhairavī hsraim̐ hsaklīm̐ hsaum̐ śrī ह्स्रैँ ह्सक्लीँ ह्सौँ श्री

kāminī bhairavī devatāyai
कामिनी भैरवी दे वतायै नमः

haim̐ hakalahrīm̐ hsauḥ śrī हैँ हकलह्रीँ ह्सौः श्री प्रथम

Prathama Sundarī prathama sundarī devatāyai
namaḥ सुन्दरी दे वतायै नमः

अहसैँ अहसीँ असहसौः श्री

ahasaim̐ ahasīm̐ asahasauḥ śrī
Dvitīya Sundarī द्वितीय सन्
ु दरी दे वतायै
dvitīya sundarī devatāyai namaḥ

aim̐ hasaehasahasraim̐ ऐँ हसएहसहस्रैँ हहहकल ह्रीँ

hahahakala hrīm̐ hahahaharauḥ
Tritīya Sundarī हहहहरौः श्री त्रितीय सुन्दरी
śrī tritīya sundarī devatāyai
ūrdhva siṃhāsana namaḥ दे वतायै नमः

kalahahasasasa haim̐ (hrīm̐) कलहहससस हैँ

kalahahasasasa hrīm̐ (ह्रीँ) कलहहससस ह्रीँ
Caturtha Sundarī kalahahasasasa haum̐ (hrīm̐) śrī
caturtha sundarī devatāyai कलहहससस हौँ (ह्रीँ) श्री
namaḥ चतुर्थ सुन्दरी दे वतायै नमः

sahahasalakṣa hsaim̐
hasahasalakṣa hsīm̐ सहहसलक्ष ह्सैँ हसहसलक्ष
Pañcama Sundarī hasalakṣasahasa hsauḥ śrī ह्सीँ हसलक्षसहस ह्सौः श्री
pañcama sundarī devatāyai
पञ्चम सन्
ु दरी दे वतायै नमः

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