Aravind New PDF
Aravind New PDF
Aravind New PDF
One can see how the theories and knowledge are being practically implemented. This
report is about a paper company. This report finish the information about all departments in
the organization and necessary information’s of the company.
Development is a related process. It covers not only those activities which improved
job performance, but also those which bring development of their personalities to help
individual’s progress towards the actualization of their potential capabilities.
As a MBA student, I inspired for studying various department and their contribution
to the successful running of factory.
For example, milk production alone involves more than 70 million producers, each
raising one or two cows/buffaloes. Cow dung is an important input as organic fertilizer
for crop production and is also widely used as fuel in rural areas. Cattle also serve as an
insurance cover for the poor households, being sold during times of distress.
India is country of villages, of which most inhabitants are small, marginal farmers and
landless laborers. Development should be promoted only on cooperative lines.
India is the second largest producer of food in the world. Whether it is canned
food, processed food, food grains, dairy products, frozen food, fish, meat, poultry, the
Indian agro industry has a huge potential, the significance and growth of which will
never cease. Sea fishing, aqua culture, milk and milk products, meat and poultry are
some of the agro sectors that have shown marked growth over the years. Linkages
between members of the food supply chains and prevailing policies and business
environments to take advantage of the global market.
India is the world’s second largest producer of food next to china, and has the
potential of being the biggest with the food and agricultural sector. The total food
production in India is likely to double in the next ten years and there is an opportunity
for large investments in food and food processing technologies, skills and equipment,
especially in areas of canning, Dairy and Food Processing, Specialty Processing,
Packaging, Frozen Food/Refrigeration and Thermo Processing. Fruits & Vegetables,
Fisheries, Milk & Milk Products, Meat & Poultry, Packaged/Convenience Food,
Alcoholic Beverages & Soft Drinks and Grains are important sub-sectors of the food
processing industry.
Health food and health food supplement is another rapidly rising segment of this
industry which is gaining vast popularity amongst the health conscious. India’s food
processing sector covers fruit and vegetables; meat and poultry; milk and milk products,
alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product
groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products, Soya-based products, mineral
water, high protein foods etc.
During the crushing season 2009 - 10 the cane area was 4002 hectors. For the
season 2009 - 10 the factory entered into agreement with the cane growers for supply of
2,56,671 out of which the mango pulp factory crushed only 2,09,728 Mtrs. About 46,943
Mtrs of cane was diverted to neighbouring private factories.
CAPRICORN FOOD PRODUCTS INDIA LTD., is an Industrial one. The company is
one among the top 15 companies in the same field.
The company has around 12 Key accounts, i.e. the minimum turnover of with
these customers will be more than US. $ 5, 00,000. The yearly turnover of the company
is $ 15 million. Since the product is an industrial one, the packing and labeling has no
importance in the product promotion, but they are holding the international standards.
Capricorn food products aseptic Industries has grown as a well diversified group,
having adequate expertise in agro based industries conforming to international standards,
engaged in the processing of different and varieties of products that include Mango,
Tomato, Guava, Papaya, Pine – Apple etc.
Capricorn food products aseptic Industries together have achieved the capacity of
350 metric tone per day. It is proud to say, that these companies combined together are
one of the largest manufacturers of mango based products.
Krishnagiri District employs more than 40,000 workers over the pulp industry
alone. It also generates meaningful financial empowerment to rural womenfolk. Its aim
is to increase the export potential of our nation in the area of pulp processing without
compromising the quality and purity. It employs nearly 3000 to 5000 labourers during
seasonal time.
The Progress are ahead in this company with modernization, innovation and
incorporation of latest trends and technology in the entire food chain as well as agro-
production, the total production capacity of agro products of this company in India and
the world is likely to double by the next decade.
General Information
To be a globally impacting food processing company enriching lives with
innovation, integrity and superiority
To exceed customer expectations in the processing, distribution and marketing
of safe, tasty and high quality fruit and vegetable products from seed to shelf
To create, control and mon tor the quality and origin of the crops by constant
value addition to the farmers l and dealing with the challenges presented by the current
market scenarios
Kesar Mango Pulp is made of only choice hand selected Mangoes. The
Kesar variety is only found in India and has a very unique sweet taste. Mango Pulp is
often used to make shakes, Ice cream or Indian Lassi. A tasty recipe is on the can for your
Alphonso Mango Pulp is made of only choice hand selected Mangoes. The
Alphonso variety is only found in India and has a very unique sweet taste. Mango Pulp is
often used to make shakes, Ice cream or Indian Lassi. A tasty recipe is on the can for your
Alphonso Mango Slices
Alphonso Mango Slices is made of only choice hand selected Mangoes. The
Alphonso variety is only found in India and has a very unique sweet taste. Premium
Alphonso Mango Slices in Syrup to preserve the taste of an authentic Indian Mango.
Raw Materials
To make white flour, the bran and the germ must be removed. Since bran and
germ contain much of the nutrients in grain, the white flour is often “enriched” with
vitamins and minerals. Some white flour has also been fortified with fiber and calcium.
The grinding takes place at grain mills, which sell the grain to bakeries in bulk.
The bakeries keep the grains in storage sacks until they are ready to be used. In the
baking factory, water and yeast are mixed with the flour to make dough. Additional
ingredients such as salt, fat, sugar, honey, raisins and nuts are also added in the factory.
Three methods are used to ferment the dough. In some plants, the high-speed
machinery is designed to manipulate the dough at extreme speeds and with great
force, which forces the yeast cells to rapidly multiply. Fermentation can also be
induced by the addition of chemical additives such as 1-cysteine (a naturally
occurring amino acid) and vitamin C. Some bread is allowed to ferment naturally. In
this instance, the dough is placed in covered metal bowls and stored in a temperature-
controlled room until it rises.
After the dough has fermented, it is loaded into a divider with rotating blades that
cut the dough into per-determined weights. A conveyer belt then moves the pieces of
dough to a molding machine. The molding machine shapes the dough into balls and drops
them onto a layered conveyer belt that is enclosed in a warm, humid cabinet called a
“prover”. The dough moves slowly through the proved so that it may “rest”, and so that
the gas reproduction may progress.
When the dough emerges from the proved, it is conveyed to a second molding
machine which re-shapes the dough into loaves and drops them into pans. The pans
travel to another proved that is set at a high temperature and with a high level of
humidity. Here the dough regains the elasticity lost during fermentation and the resting
From the proved, the pans enter a tunnel oven. The temperature and speed are
carefully calculated so that when the loaves emerge from the tunnel, they are completely
baked and partially cooled. While inside the tunnel, the loaves are mechanically dumped
from the pans onto shelves. The baking and cooling process lasts approximately 30
The bread continues to cool as it moves from the oven to the slicing machine. Here
vertical serrated blades move up and down at great speeds, slicing the bread into
consistently sized pieces.
Metal plates hold the slices together while picking up each loaf and passing it to
the wrapping machine. Pre-printed plastic bags are mechanically slipped over each
loaf. At some bakeries, workers close the bags with wire twists. Other plants seal the
bags with heat.
Totapuri Mango pulp is made from selected variety of Totapuri Mango. Fully
matured Totapuri Mangoes are harvested, swiftly transported to processing units, where
they are inspected, washed, blanched, pulped, deseeded and processed. Mango pulp is
liquid gold in color. We are one of the leading manufacturers of mango pulp based in
South India.
The product is manufactured from ripe, sound, hand-picked, selected Kesar /
Alphonso mangoes, free from damage, soils and cuts. Ripe mango fruits are washed,
inspected, sliced and carefully pulped. The pulpy mass is pasteurized, hot filled in OTS
cans and sealed hermetically.
Packed in cartons /Trays of 12 x A 2 1/2 Cans of 850 Gms. Net in each carton/ tray
OR Packed in trays of 6 x A 2/1/2 Cans of 850 Gms. Net in each tray OR Packed in
Cartons of 24 x A 2 1/2 Cans of 850 Gms. net in each carton.
Mango Pulp
The company has gained an expertise in trading Mango Pulp. These are highly
demanded in every corner of the world from home to large scale production industry.
We take the full advantage of the tropical climate and for this reason we are known for
offering the impeccable quality of the pulp. These pulps are also available in the market
for daily.
Mango pulp is the inner fleshy yellow, sweet part of the mango. Pulp of mango
can be easily extracted by peeling any variety of mangos and then crushing it. In order to
extract mango pulp, crush using your hands or put the pieces in a mixer or food
processor and blend to a pulp.
How to select
A ripe mango should be selected to extract the pulp of mango. Most favoured
variety used is Alphonso and Totapuri mangoes.
Culinary Uses
How to store
Mango pulp once extracted from mango should be kept sealed in air-tight glass
jars. Ready-made cans of pulp should be properly closed after usage. Pulp can remain
fresh for at least 4-5 days on being refrigerated.
Health Benefits
✓ Mango has high iron content, so pregnant women and people suffering
from anemia are advised to consume it regularly. Thus, fresh mango pulp
can be consumed.
✓ It combats acidity and improves digestion.
✓ Mango is rich source of Vitamin A and Vitamin E which helps hormonal
system function efficiently
✓ Selenium is also present in mangoes which provide protection against
heart disease
✓ Pack of three, 30 ounces each (total of 90 ounces)
✓ It is a puree and can be used as a topping or blended together with milk or
➢ Sales section deals the release of sugar allotted by the Chief Director of
Time office and canteen have been placed under the direct control of labour welfare
Office - 15
Supervisors - 65
Clerical - 150
Other staff - 71
Workers - 528
Total : 829
Quality Assurance
Quality Analysis department checks the quality of the raw material also. If the
raw material is not up to the required quality, it will be rejected and sending back to the
particular supplier who supplied the material. If the material has the required quality, the
raw material will be send to the production department. After starting the production,
there are many steps to check the quality of the product.
In between the production process the samples are taken and send for further
testing. The Quality Assurance department is led by Mr. Arivalazhan. Quality assurance
department’s main duty is to support the production department, which maintains the
quality in the production. This is to ensure that the products are being made in the
quality as per the customer is desired. The sample of products is retained in the lab for
three years. This is to verify that any compliant arise according to the quality of the
product. The private Ltd. Co. is committed to offer finest quality mango to its valued
clients. Stringent quality measures are followed at every stage of processing of rice right
from cleaning to packaging.
Further, its area cups and plate are also manufactured under the surveillance of
quality inspectors. Entire range is developed meeting diverse needs as per the market
It is processed grade hand pounded- organic mango, and other variety grains
undergo the following testing procedure
These are also checked for nutritious value at its premise by its quality team.
Warehousing Facility
The unit is treated with fumigants and other pesticides to check the growth of
fungus and to keep away rodent and other pests. The temperature is also maintained
under control inside the warehouse. The warehouse unit is handled under the supervision
of the warehousing staff. It has posse’s capacious warehousing facility to store bulk
quantity of mango grains and areca products. Hygienic condition is maintained inside
the facility to keep the products fresh and uncontaminated for a long time. In addition, it
also gives importance to packaging of its different range of rice.
Packaging Facility
Sturdy and hygienic material is used to pack our products ensuring original
quality remains intact even after long distance transportation. Dry, safe gunny bags,
cotton cloth and other materials are used for packing of the grains. It ensures the purity
& freshness and long life of the products. Packing of the ordered quantity range is also
done as per the client specific requirements.
Diligent Professionals
They strive for offering best quality and uniform sized mango to our valued
clients. Various professionals who work with us comprise of agriculturists, quality
inspectors, administrators and marketers.
The role of Human Resources is changing as fast as technology and the global
marketplace. Historically, the HR Department was viewed as administration, kept
personal files and other records, managed the hiring process, and provided other
administrative support to the business. Those times have changed.
The positive result of these changes is that HR professionals have the opportunity
to play a more strategic role in the business. The challenge for HR managers is to keep
up to date with the latest HR innovations—technological, legal, and otherwise.
Its strength is its team of highly dedicated and competent professionals, with a
shared vision of delivering only the best, every time. It is its firm belief that every
individual’s potential should be constantly upgraded, throughout training programs. It
with this belief that we have every one of our employee trained in Yoga and Meditation,
to uplift them at both the physical and spiritual plane and importantly, make them better
at concentrating towards, total customer satisfaction.
Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues
related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization
development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication,
administration, and training.
HRM is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the
workplace culture and environment. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute
effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of
the organization’s goals and objectives.
The scope of HRM is extensive and far-reaching. Therefore, it is very difficult to
define it concisely. However, we may classify the same under following heads:
This particular aspect of HRM deals with working conditions and amenities at
workplace. This includes a wide array of responsibilities and services such as safety
services, health services, welfare funds, social security and medical services. It also
covers appointment of safety officers, making the environment worth working,
eliminating workplace hazards, support by top management, job safety, safeguarding
machinery, cleanliness, proper ventilation and lighting, sanitation, medical care, sickness
benefits, unemployment benefits and family benefits.
HRM in Industrial Relations:
The main aim is to safeguarding the interest of employees by securing the highest
level of understanding to the extent that does not leave a negative impact on
organization. It is about establishing, growing and promoting industrial democracy to
safeguard the interests of both employees and management.
Benefits of HRM:
Performance Appraisals
Managing Disputes
There are several issues on which disputes may arise between the employees and
the managers in an organization. In such a scenario, it is the human resource department
which acts as a consultant and mediator to sort out the issues in an effective manner.
The responsibility of establishing good public relations lies with the human
resource management to a great extent. They organize business meetings, seminars and
various official gatherings on behalf of the company in order to establish relationships
with other business sectors. Sometimes, the human resource department plays an active
role in preparing the business and marketing plans for the organization too.
Any organization, without a proper setup for human resource management is
bound to suffer from serious problems while managing its regular activities. For this
reason, a lot of stress is given these days for the setup of an effective human resource
management system.
Recruitment policy
developed for implementing recruitment programme and procedures by filling up
vacancies with best qualified people.
❖ Organizational objectives
❖ Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors.
❖ Government policies on reservations.
❖ Preferred sources of recruitment.
❖ Need of the organization.
1. Human resource involves in all sources in each and every management activities.
4. The promoters are already well-trained in the labour management. The labour
requirement will be met as under:
7. In-due-course workers’ quarters will be provided inside the factory where at least 60%
of the labour will be given quarters and subsidized, food thus assuring permanent and
quality man-power.
It is already reaping the rewards of our truly unique approach, in the shape of our
ever increasing list of satisfied client.
1. While person do over time they can get amount for their work.
2. The main work of the HR is to select right person for right job in right time
4. HR provides all the basic necessity for its workers
7. PF – Provident Fund
When the new person joint into concern HR provides welfare for them in
following way:
During the financial year of 2011-12, the company is running in a safe position.
The company has a cash credit with State Bank of India. The finance department verifies
all the bills passed by various departments and the bills are cleared, either on the same
day or some of the customers have the credit period for one month.
The financial management study deals with the process of procuring necessary
financial resource and their judicious use with a view to maximizing the value of the
firm and there by the value of the firm and there by the value of the owners i.e. equity
share holders in a company.
Practicing managers are interest in this subject because among the most crucial
decisions of the firm are those which relate to finance, and an understanding of the
theory of financial management provides them with conceptual and analytical insights to
make those decisions skillfully.
The term marketing has changed and evolved over a period of time, today
marketing is based around providing continual benefits to the customer, these benefits
will be provided and a transactional exchange will take place.
The management process through which goods and services move from concept
to the customer. As a practice, it consists in coordination of four elements called 4P’s
Marketing department
Marketing manager
Marketing Executive
❖ The finished product are ready to sale to wholesale shops in its district
Rob Engelmann is putting up a list of nine core activities / responsibilities a
Marketing Department must handle.
6. Communicate Internally.
7. Manage a Budget.
Marketing is the foremost function that gives the management hopes for their
integrated task through making profits. It is a social and managerial process by which
individuals and groups obtain what they need want through creating and exchanging
products and value with others.
A sale is one of the important in every trading and manufacturing company. The
ultimate purpose of production is to them in a high profit besides the primary objective
of any business undertaking is to sell the goods successfully.
Secondly the ultimate goal of the proprietor or business undertaking is to earn
optimum profit. It can be achieved by either by increasing sales or decreasing the
overheads to some extends like production.
Purchasing, finance etc., Sales are making marketing and it from major portion in
these dynamic economics activities and effect to it. Hence sales plays a viable part
company as well in the competitive market.
Sales promotion and other are implemented by effective business and the second
one is waste control and cost control is implemented by the executives and worker of the
Apart from this they have separate e-mail connection and separate fax facility in
their firm’s name making effective contact with their buyers all over the world. They
maintain correspondence with their buyers through e-mail as well as fax.
Consumer satisfaction
The main aim of there is to satisfy the consumers. They produce accordingly to
their satisfaction.
The match pre-plans its marketing segments i.e., to concentrate on which products
so that would yield more dales.
Marketing server
A market survey is often made by the company so as to find out the willingness
and desired of the consumers in developing the product
Price fixation
The price of the commodity is fixed by the federation where reasonable price is
fixed according to the quantity which enables all the people to get the product.
SWOT Analysis
While undergoing the internship I was much more impressed in holding the
responsibility of various positions of a company.