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Chapter-3 Methodology: 3.1. Data Collection

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3.1. Data Collection:

Several intersections are selected in Dhaka city, for the analysis. The
intersections are selected from Mirpur Road. Those intersections are Manik
Mian Avenue, Dhanmondi 27, Sukrabad, Dhanmondi 32. We count the traffic
volume data for each intersection for 7 days. We calculate the traffic volume
for each intersection by dividing it into three spells per day. Spells are from
9am to 11am at Morning Peak, 1pm to 3pm at Afternoon Off Peak and 5pm to
7pm at Afternoon Peak. We used stopwatch, Hand Note, Pen, Mobile camera
for this operation. We collect day wise data and intersection wise data. We
collect the data and then input it into Microsoft Excel.

Fig 3.1: Landscape of Mirpur Road

Here, Upward Direction: Asadgate → Manik Mian Avenue → Dhanmondi 27

→ Sukrabad → Dhanmondi 32.

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Downward Direction: Kalabagan → Dhanmondi 32 → Sukrabad →
Dhanmondi 27 → Manik Mian Avenue.



4/4/2019 Peak 600 636 2990 650 580 2807

Off Peak 445 405 2408 456 430 2502

Peak 595 630 2670 610 670 2750

1/7/2019 Peak 680 539 4309 615 595 4078

Off Peak 395 342 3280 368 318 3000

Peak 695 597 4410 705 480 4200

2/7/2019 Peak 650 503 4300 625 525 4180

Off Peak 290 323 3260 270 298 3100

Peak 615 517 4490 580 500 4180

3/7/2019 Peak 690 580 4400 670 555 4200

Off Peak 395 396 3159 360 290 2989

Peak 680 585 4295 550 565 4309

4/7/2019 Peak 710 800 4309 690 710 4039

Off Peak 340 380 2988 360 335 3096

Peak 695 780 4340 660 696 4160

5/7/2019 Peak 680 580 4410 630 490 4297

Off Peak 405 310 3067 380 300 3010

Peak 606 630 4380 610 640 4290

6/7/2019 Peak 710 639 4207 680 591 4088

Off Peak 480 393 2953 409 402 2809

Peak 690 660 4308 650 610 4287

Table 3.1: Traffic Volume/2hr Data (Manik Mian Avenue)

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21/3/2019 Peak 848 460 4272 657 377 3163

Off Peak 530 420 3500 375 165 2859

Peak 778 341 3965 497 376 2563

24/3/2019 Peak 432 533 2110 450 439 2349

Off Peak 390 378 1888 298 467 1678

Peak 600 609 2155 562 677 2353

19/8/2019 Peak 775 539 4500 710 520 4410

Off Peak 410 300 3089 390 280 3120

Peak 850 490 4297 760 440 4002

2/9/2019 Peak 688 505 5009 540 445 4107

Off Peak 410 317 3027 400 309 2908

Peak 539 500 4500 490 447 4290

3/9/2019 Peak 580 495 4825 490 450 4620

Off Peak 360 319 3015 310 300 2910

Peak 610 500 4985 600 520 4895

4/9/2019 Peak 790 660 4190 450 550 4000

Off Peak 367 309 2003 301 267 1958

Peak 780 589 4280 728 548 4002

5/9/2019 Peak 690 560 4400 650 510 4238

Off Peak 340 240 2017 300 290 2170

Peak 730 609 3910 748 680 3875

Table 3.2: Traffic Volume/2hr Data (Dhanmondi 27 Intersection)

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24/3/2019 Peak 639 535 2709 340 334 2525

Off Peak 308 235 1336 255 302 1555

Peak 228 378 2513 274 406 2680

4/4/2019 Peak 580 530 2510 438 322 2713

Off Peak 300 230 1150 255 300 1430

Peak 210 375 2420 265 400 2500

19/8/2019 Peak 660 560 3040 380 250 1880

Off Peak 360 270 2009 390 240 1500

Peak 445 415 2155 595 370 2875

2/9/2019 Peak 680 520 3895 350 314 3798

Off Peak 310 235 3001 255 202 2750

Peak 270 443 4010 360 351 2603

3/9/2019 Peak 650 540 3783 393 278 2480

Off Peak 327 233 2719 271 267 2603

Peak 463 388 3680 437 334 3910

4/9/2019 Peak 785 630 4195 445 525 3991

Off Peak 339 300 2001 290 254 1950

Peak 750 575 4293 704 532 4093

5/9/2019 Peak 690 547 4398 640 500 4236

Off Peak 328 230 2007 288 278 2161

Peak 715 595 3898 735 670 3869

Table 3.3: Traffic Volume/2hr Data (Sukrabad Intersection)

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21/3/2019 Peak 719 575 3032 310 280 1870

Off Peak 323 300 1997 314 239 1004

Peak 462 415 2310 596 376 2848

24/3/2019 Peak 648 540 2753 350 337 2539

Off Peak 312 239 1342 263 309 1560

Peak 229 386 2518 278 414 2688

19/8/2019 Peak 670 560 3120 400 250 1920

Off Peak 360 270 2090 390 240 1540

Peak 450 420 2200 600 379 2930

2/9/2019 Peak 700 535 3980 390 533 3885

Off Peak 318 247 3085 263 210 2839

Peak 500 459 4178 390 365 2653

3/9/2019 Peak 695 570 3809 407 300 2509

Off Peak 340 250 2800 295 285 2653

Peak 500 405 3707 450 355 3990

4/9/2019 Peak 800 660 4207 460 550 4003

Off Peak 367 309 2012 303 267 1978

Peak 780 589 4307 730 548 4111

5/9/2019 Peak 695 560 4409 650 510 4240

Off Peak 340 240 2019 300 290 2170

Peak 730 609 3910 750 680 3880

Table 3.4: Traffic Volume/2hr Data (Dhanmondi 32 Intersection)

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3.2. Uniform Traffic Count:

We calculate PCU from the traffic volume data. For Car we used the factor 1,
for CNG we used the factor 1, for Bus we used the factor 3. Then we multiply
the hourly peak, off peak vehicle with the PCU factor and calculate the PCU/hr
for each spell for Car, CNG and Bus.

3.3. Uses of ArcGIS:

Later we use the ArcGIS application. We work on three links between the four
intersections we surveyed. In the four intersections we analyzed, we extracted
the coordinates using Google Maps. Then, we find out the Dhaka Divisional
Map from Google Map and Georeferencing by ArcGIS Application. We create
a SHP file of Dhaka City Map Using ArcGIS application. Then we put the Map
of Dhaka city inside the SHP file that we create in ArcGIS. After that we draw
a polygon line over the 4 intersections using the intersection coordinates by
importing XY data in ArcGIS Application. We Draw 2 Polygon line over the
intersection. One Polygon line for upward direction and another one downward
direction. For Downward polygon line we reverse the coordinate XY data.
Line X Start Y Start X End Y End
1 90.374306 23.758222 90.374889 23.757083
2 90.374889 23.757083 90.377 23.752
3 90.377 23.752 90.377 23.752
Table 3.5: XY Coordinate of Upward Direction
Line X Start Y Start X End Y End
1 90.3746060 23.758222 90.375099 23.757083
2 90.375099 23.757083 90.3773 23.7521
3 90.3773 23.7521 90.3773 23.7521
Table 3.6: XY Coordinate of Downward Direction

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