Examination #1 ETC
Examination #1 ETC
Examination #1 ETC
This is a closed book examination. Please read and solve all four (4) problems
carefully. It is estimated that each problem can be solved in roughly 15 minutes.
Start a new problem on a separate page. Please show your work very clearly and
PROBLEM #1: For the following problems write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false in the
1. Visual acuity is the ability to see fine details clearly. The most acute vision is
within a narrow cone of 100-120 ( )
6. The braking distance includes the distance traveled from the moment the
driver observes the object to the when the brakes are engaged. ( )
7. The derivation of the braking distance has four main assumptions; negligible
air resistance, friction remains constant, variable deceleration rate, and the
wheels remain locked i.e., no slipping occurs ( ).
8. Weekday peak periods are generally between 8-10 a.m. and 6-8 p.m ( )
9. If local data is not available for traffic impact studies then, conduct trip
generation studies at sites with characteristics similar to those of the
proposed development. ( )
10. Density is the number of vehicles traveling over a unit time of highway
at a given length ( )
11. Flow is the number of vehicles passing a point per unit of time ( )
12. Time mean speed is generally lower than space mean speed with the
difference decreasing as absolute values of speeds increase. ( )
13. Time headway is the difference between the time the back of a vehicle
arrives at a point on the highway and the time the front of the next vehicle
arrives at the same point. ( )
14. Mathematically, the space mean speed is a harmonic mean, while the
time mean speed is a straight forward average of individual vehicle speeds. (
15. Space mean speed is a point measure, while time mean speed is a
measure relating to a length of highway or lane. ( )
Consideration is being given to increasing the toll on a bridge now carrying 4,500
vehicles per day. The current toll is 125 cents per vehicle. It has been found from
past experience that the daily traffic volume will decrease by 400 vehicles per day
for each 25 cents increase in toll.
(a) Write the expression for travel demand on the bridge, related to the toll
increase and current volume.
(e) Using the result from part (d), calculate the highest revenue possible
Part (a)
For the diagram below, show that the breaking distance (BD) for a vehicle going
downgrade is given by;
U 2 V 2
30 G
Part (b)
The street name signs at a certain location can be discerned by a person with 20/40
vision from a distance of 300 feet. How much larger should they be in order to be
legible to a person with 20/50 vision from a distance of 450 feet?
Part (c)
An alert driver (with a reaction time of 0.5 seconds) is driving downhill on a 4
percent grade at 35 mph on a dry pavement when suddenly a person steps from
behind a parked car in the path of the driver, at a distance of 100 ft.
(a) Can the driver stop in time (locked wheels)? f=0.7.
(b) Can the driver stop in time on a rainy day? f=0.4.
Hint: f
The following data was collected on State Route 45 in Leon County, Florida.
Speed Groups
Lower Limit Upper Limit Frequency, fi
34.0 35.9 2
36.0 37.9 3
38.0 39.9 2
40.0 41.9 5
42.0 43.9 3
44.0 45.9 11
46.0 47.9 4
48.0 49.9 18
50.0 51.9 7
52.0 53.9 8
54.0 55.9 11
56.0 57.9 5
58.0 59.9 2
60.0 61.9 2
62.0 63.9 2
64.0 63.9 1