THE CLAT POST March 2020
THE CLAT POST March 2020
THE CLAT POST March 2020
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Current Affairs Practice Sheet (CAPS)
(Q.1-Q.6): Indianfilmmaker Bauddhayan 3. Who was the first Indian movie to win High Court had eventually upheld the 2 of the Epidemic Disease Act, 1897
Mukherji has made it to the list of 16 at Cannes? dismissal, following which an appeal so that all advisories being issued from
directors chosen for Cinefondation’s was filed in the Supreme Court. time to time by the Ministry/State/UTs
(a) PatherPanchali
prestigious L’Atelierprogramme at the are enforceable,” Health Secretary
Justice Rao, who wrote the judgment,
Cannes Film Festival this year. The (b) Marana Simhasan Preeti Sudan said, after a meeting of a
said Sections 7 and 11 of the 1956 Act
festival will be held from May 12 to high-level Group of Ministers here.
(c) Salaam Bombay are the consent of the wife before a
23 and the L’Atelierprogramme runs
male Hindu adopts a child and proof The GoM was constituted to review the
from May 14-21. Mr. Mukherji heads to (d) Neecha Nagar
of the ceremony of actual giving and measures taken for the management
the French Riviera with his upcoming
taking in adoption. of COVID-19 in India.
project [2]. 4. Marichjhapi was one of the new
projects introduced at which Ms. Sudan added that as a measure
Now in its 16th year, the programme 7. Which law in India governs the
international film festival Asian Project of prevention, it is reiterated that as
brings together filmmakers with adoption of a child?
Market in October 2019? per the travel advisory, passengers
promising projects, along with their
(a) The Hindu Adoptions and with travel history to China, Hong
producers, and industry professionals, (a) Busan International Film
Maintenance Act, 1956 (HAM) Kong, Republic of Korea, Japan, Italy,
producers, distributors and potential Festival
Thailand, Singapore, Iran, Malaysia,
partners, in Cannes. (b) Guardianship and Wards Act,
(b) Cannes International Film Festival France, Spain and Germany should
Mr. Mukherji is an advertisement and undergo self-imposed quarantine for
feature film director based in Mumbai. (c) Australia International Film 14 days from the date of their arrival,
(c) The Adoptions of Child Act, 1958
Festival and their employers should facilitate
[2], written by Mr. Mukherji and (d) Guardianship and Wards Act,
(d) None of the above work-from-home for such employees
Abhinandan Banerjee, is the first film 1891 during this period.
that they found too big and ambitious
to self-finance and have gone out 5. The Marichjhapi movie is based on The meeting was also attended
8. What are the essentials for a valid
and sought co-producers for. “It’s 1979 riots, which took place in? by Secretaries and other senior
Hindu adoption?
a new feeling. Till now, we haven’t (a) Sunderban officials of the relevant Ministries and
been answerable to anyone,” said Mr. (a) A man takes prior consent from Departments.
Mukherji. (b) Orissa his wife.
Meanwhile, the Indian Medical
The Atlanta-based American (c) Bangladesh (b) There is a ceremony of giving and Association (IMA) said that sharing
production house, Splendid Films, is taking in adoption. data of infected people on a daily
(d) none of the above
already on board and Mr. Mukherji (c) Both (a) and (b) basis with the public has created
hopes that L’Atelier will help start 6. Who founded La Cinéfondation under panic across the country.
“European conversations” and for the (d) Only (a)
the aegis of the Cannes Film Festival? It appealed to the government to
project go a “little more international”.
(a) Gilles Jacob 9. Which Article of the Indian “classify the data” of the pandemic
Set in the [5] in January 1979, the Constitution talks about Uniform Civil and take appropriate action with
movie is based on real incidents of (b) Robert Jacob Code to replace personal laws? “clinical precision.”
atrocities and violence heaped on (c) William Stephen (a) Article 37 (b) Article 38 In a release, the association noted that
refugees to the island. If all falls into
(d) Steven Spielberg doctors and hospitals remain a silver
place, Mr. Mukherji intends shooting in (c) Article 43 (d) Article 44 lining in otherwise clueless situations
January-February 2021.
(Q.7-Q.11): A Hindu adoption is not valid for the common man, and every doctor
1. Which is the highest rank award to be 10. Which Constitutional provision deals should function as a source of credible
unless the man (2)” the Supreme with the appeals of the civil suit from
given to best feature film at Cannes? Court has held. information in their locality and instil
the High Court to Supreme Court? confidence and trust in the public.
(a) Golden Lion A Bench led by Justice L. (a) Article 133 (b) Article 144 The International Federation of the
(b) Volpi Cup NageswaraRao said the mandate of
the (1) was that no adoption was valid (c) Article 134 (d) Article 135 Red Cross (IFRC), UNICEF and the
(c) Palme d’Or unless the two essential conditions World Health Organization (WHO)
of the consent of the wife and the 11. In which Indian state (HAM) is not also issued new guidance to help
(d) None of the above
actual ceremony of adoption were applicable? protect children and schools from
established. transmission of the COVID-19.
2. Which project of BauddhayanMukherji (a) Goa (b) Maharashtra
has been selected Cinefondation’s The March 6 judgment came on an
(c) Tamilnadu (d) Kerala 12. Which City is the ground zero of
prestigious L’Atelierprogramme at the appeal by M. Vanaja, who claimed she COVID- 19?
Cannes Film Festival? is the adopted daughter of the late
(Q.12-Q.16):“It has been decided that all (a) Beijing (b) New York
(a) Marichjhapi (b) Sunderbans Narasimhulu Naidu. She had filed a
States/Union Territories should be
civil suit for partition of property. The (c) Wuhan (d) None of the above
(c) Refugee (d) Riot advised to invoke provisions of Section
suit was dismissed. The Hyderabad
27. Which bill can be replaced by [2] in the rest doubts about the viability of BS-IV emission standards instituted Kedarnath judgment and said there
above passage? vehicles post the deadline. by the Government of India was a need to lay down parameters
to regulate the output of air for the invocation of Section 124A.
(a) Right to Information Bill, 2019 According to Maruti Suzuki, [1] pollutants from motor vehicles. “Otherwise a situation would result
compliant petrol vehicles can run
(b) Chief Information Commissioner in which an unrestricted recourse
on BS4 petrol also. The [1] petrol (c) With the implementation of
Bill, 2019 to Section 124A would result in a
cars from Maruti Suzuki have been new norms, pollution levels
(c) Public Grievances Bill, 2019 are expected to come down serious encroachment of guarantee of
extensively tested with BS-IV fuel and
significantly as the particulate personal liberty conferred upon every
(d) Public Grievances Bill, 1990 there are no operational concerns,
matter (PM) will decrease. citizen of a free society,” the court had
it said recently. Similarly, BS-IV cars
28. Which can be asked to give information can also run on [1] fuel, according to (d) All the above
under the act which can be replaced reports. 36. The sedition law can be said to
by [3] in the above passage? 34. The major difference in standards be a restriction on which article of
Maruti Suzuki, the country’s largest
between the existing BS-IV and new constitution?
(a) Any public authority passenger vehicle manufacturer, said
in the same release that it sold 2 lakh BS-VI auto fuel norms is presence of: (a) Article 19(1)(a)
(b) Any public and private authority [1] compliant vehicles, six months (a) Sulphur (b) Article 19(1)(b)
(c) Any private organization having ahead of its actual enforcement. The
carmaker has eight [1] compliant (b) Sulphur di oxide (c) Article 19(1)(c)
substantial funding from the
government. models in its portfolio currently. (c) Sulphur mono oxide (d) Article 19(1)(d)
Hyundai, Kia Motors, and Mercedes
(d) Both (a) and (c) have also launched some of their (d) Nitrogen dioxide
37. Which famous historical movement is
models with [1] compliant engines.
29. Which Article of the Indian Constitution 35. Which was the first Indian city to considered to be the origin of sedition
can be considered as the basis of the Carmakers have already started rolling supply ultra-clean Bharat Stage (BS) laws?
Act which can be replaced by [3] in out discounts and offers, to revive VI grade fuel? (a) Khilafat Movement
the above passage? customer demand now that the festive
season is around the corner. Buying a (a) Mumbai (b) Gurgaon (b) Civil Disobedience Movement
(a) Article 16 (b) Article 17 BS-IV car now can be a viable option if (c) Bangalore (d) Delhi (c) Wahabi Movement
(c) Article 18 (d) Article 19 customers don’t want to pay extra for
the same car with a [1] engine a few (Q.36-Q.40): A session court in Mumbai (d) Quit India Movement
months later. rejected the anticipatory bail
30. Which United Nations document
application of a 22-year-old student 38. Who was the first known person to be
recognizes right to information?
31. Which emission standard can be charged with sedition law in India?
(a) Charter of the United Nations replaced by [1] in the above passage?
(a) Bal Ganga DharTilak
(b) Universal Declaration of Human
(a) BS-IV
Rights (b) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) BS-V
(c) United Nations General Assembly (c) Jagdish Chandra Basu
Resolution no. 59 (c) BS-VI
(d) Jogendra Chandra Bose
(d) Both (b) and (c) (d) BS-VII
39. Which of the following countries
(Q.31-Q.35): The automotive industry, deleted seditious libel through an act?
32. Which is the first two wheeler
which has been reeling under the
manufacturer in India to receive BS-VI (a) Pakistan
impact of a host of adverse factors and
one of the worst slowdowns ever, is set (b) Saudi Arabia
to transition to [1] emission standards
(c) UK
on April 1, 2020, a fact which was
reiterated by the government two booked under Section 124A (sedition) (d) Malaysia
days ago. This transition has been of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) along
the talk of motown ever since it was with 50 others. The sedition charge 40. Who is the drafter of sedition law in
announced last year, and it is pertinent was filed on the basis of slogans that India?
to demystify its implications as the the student had raised in favour of (a) Lord Thomas Babington
deadline looms closer. another student who has already been Macaulay
booked for sedition. The court said
the slogan “attracts the ingredients of (b) Warren Hastings
sedition”. (c) Lord William Bentick
(a) Bajaj Auto Section 124A IPC states: “Whoever, by (d) Robert Browning
words, either spoken or written, or by
(b) Hero MotoCorp signs, or by visible representation, or
(c) Royal Enfield otherwise, brings or attempts to bring
into hatred or contempt, or excites
(d) Yamaha Motorcycle or attempts to excite disaffection
towards, the Government established
33. Which of the following is true regarding by law in India, shall be punished with
In August Finance Minister Bharat Stage standards? imprisonment for life, to which a fine
NirmalaSitharaman clarified in a may be added; or, with imprisonment
(a) The Environment Ministry is
press conference that BS-IV vehicles which may extend to three years, to
responsible for deciding the fuel
purchased up to March 2020, will standard in the country. which a fine may be added; or, with
remain operational for the entire fine.”
duration of their registration, putting to (b) The Bharat Stage (BS) are
The High Court in 2015 referred to the
The new advisory, issued following (b) Knesset (d) None of the above
a meeting of the Group of Ministers, (c) Council of Ministers
noted that visa-free travel facility 51. Which was one of the first countries
granted to OCI card holders would be (d) National Assembly to pass a law against harassment of
kept in abeyance till April 15. female slaves?
(Q.50-Q.54): Sexual harassment at
“Provision for testing primarily for the workplace is an “affront” to the (a) United States of America
students/compassionate cases in fundamental rights of a woman to (b) United Kingdom
Italy to be made and collection for “We must not have a fourth election,” equality, her right to live with dignity
samples to be organised accordingly. Benny Gantz said, after he was and to practice any profession or carry (c) China
Those tested negative will be allowed formally nominated to attempt to form out any occupation, the Supreme (d) India
to travel and will be quarantined on an administration by President Reuven Court has said.
arrival in India for 14 days,” the release Rivlin. “I’ll do everything to form in
52. According to the Women Danger
added. as few days as possible a national,
Index 2019 which is the least safe
patriotic and broad government.”
India has so far evacuated 948 country for women?
passengers from coronavirus- Benny Gantz, 60, won
(a) South Africa (b) India
affected countries. Of these, 900 are recommendations from 61 lawmakers,
Indian citizens and 48 belong to other a razor thin majority in the 120-member (c) Russia (d) Mexico
nationalities. [5], or Parliament. His backers did not
include Mr. [1]’s right-wing Likud, 53. Which Article of the Indian Constitution
The Union Ministry of Road Transport but Mr. Rivlin has urged the two men guarantees the protection of life and
and Highways has issued an advisory to work together in an emergency The apex court observed this personal liberty to every individual?
to reduce the spread of the virus by unity government, in order to avoid a while upholding the verdict of the
taking steps to ensure sanitation of national policy vacuum in response to (a) Article 22 (b) Article 23
Madhya Pradesh High Court which
seats, handles and bars in public the pandemic. had quashed an order of transfer (c) Article 21 (d) None of the above
transport. “The hygiene and sanitation of a woman bank employee who
may be stepped up at all the bus “It is possible that forming a
government quickly will require interim had levelled allegations of sexual 54. What is the main purpose of the law
terminals and the display of public harassment against her senior officer. The Sexual Harassment of Women at
health massages may be ensured on arrangements for the coming months”,
Mr. Rivlin. Workplace 2013?
public transport vehicles,”it said. The bench said the material placed
Benny Gantz path to a longer-term before it indicated that the woman (a) To provide protection against
41. Which of the following term can be stable coalition is difficult given the officer, during her posting at Indore sexual harassment of women at
replaced by [1] in the above passage? deep divisions within the factions that branch of the bank, had written the workplace
backed him, which include the mainly repeated communications to
(a) Endemic (b) Epidemic (b) For redressal of such complaints.
Arab Joint List and the nationalist authorities drawing their attention to
(c) Pandemic (d) Enodemic Yisrael Beiteinu. serious irregularities in maintenance (c) To help women to open their
of accounts of liquor contractors and offices
42. According to Robert Koch institute Mr. Rivlin officially granted Benny had levelled specific allegations of
Gantz 28 days to try to form a (d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
Germany, what is the rank of India corruption.
among countries risked of corona government, a task which proved
impossible for any candidate following “There can be no manner of doubt
virus? that the respondent (woman officer)
1. SBI will infuse Rs 7,250 crore into ailing 10. The 5th edition of BIMSTEC (Bay of 18. Microsoft has appointed Eric Horvitz 26. Tahira Kashyap Khurrana, writer-
YES Bank to pick up to 49 per cent Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral producer, professor, announced her 4th
Technical and Economic Cooperation) book titled “The 12 Commandments
Summit 2020 to be held in Colombo, Of Being A Woman” on the occasion of
Sri Lanka in the month of September Women’s Day and the new book will be
2020. published by Juggernaut Books, New
11. The High Court of Bangladesh has
27. Odisha Chief Minister (CM) Naveen
Patnaik released the comic book titled
BBC Indian Sports woman of the Year 30. Indian Mountaineer Bhawna Dehariya
2019. hails from Madhya Pradesh (MP) has
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E:
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12 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
33. The world’s first Digital Solutions 42. The Maharashtra Government Bhushan Pandey as the new Finance 63. The Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA)
Exchange in the cloud “GOKADDAL” renamed Aurangabad Airport as Secretary in Ministry of Finance. flagged off the first-ever thrice-weekly
Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj Airport.
54. World Number 2 Rafael Nadal wins
43. Former Home Affairs Minister, his first title of the year, defeating
Muhyiddin Yassin, was sworn in as unseeded Taylor Fritz in straight sets,
6-3, 6-2, in the final of the ATP Mexico
Sonowal was conferred the Dr. Syama 52. Global sports brand PUMA has signed
Prasad Mukherjee award 2020 for bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor Khan
Politics on 28 February. as its new brand ambassador.
41. The government of Jammu and 53. Appointments Committee of the out the complete shutdown of the (IEA) in 2019 states that India is the
Kashmir adopted a nine pronged Cabinet (ACC) headed by Prime Supreme court (SC) and other courts. 3rd largest producer of electricity in the
strategy to realize the goal of doubling Minister (PM) Narendra Modi has SC is to launch virtual courts. world.
farmer’s income by 2022. approved the appointment of Ajay
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E:
Kanpur +91-8576066660, +91-8707605589 Raipur +91-9425584840, +91-8602268880 Ranchi +91-9334969993 Lucknow +91-6390576666 W:
13 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
71. India’s second-largest national oil 78. Indian Navy has established a International Space Station (ISS) in 91. To protect the poor from the economic
explorer Oil India Ltd (OIL), signed an Quarantine Camp at INS Vishwakarma May 2020. impact of the 21-day nationwide
agreement with Numaligarh Refinery in Eastern Naval Command (ENC). lockdown, the Narendra Modi
85. Bollywood actor Imtiaz Khan passed government today announced a Rs1.7
79. “An Extraordinary Life: A biography of lakh crore Prime Minister Gareeb
Manohar Parrikar” is a book on the life Kalyan Yojana.
of the former defence minister and Goa
chief minister Manohar Parrikar. 92. To help tide over hardship caused by
the coronavirus lockdown, Employees’
80. A new book entitled ‘Messiah Modi: Provident Fund (EPF) rules will be
relaxed, finance minister Nirmala
Sitharaman announced today. EPF
subscribers can now withdraw 75% of
their PF balance or 3 month wages as a
non-refundable advance, whichever is
for purchase and sale of crude oil for a lower.
term of five years.
93. Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC)
72. Prashant Kumar has been appointed as
Chief Executive and Managing Director
of the Yes Bank. away. He starred in movies like Yaadon
Ki Baraat, Dharmatama, Dayavan and
73. Indian cricketer Shardul Thakur Noor Jahan among more.
appointed as the brand ambassador
of Tata Power, the largest power 86. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
generation company in India which has extended the last date for filing
aims to provide uninterrupted power GST returns for March, April, and May
supply from its various plants located to 30 June.
across India.
87. The South Asia Association of Regional has developed a health app named
74. Former Chief Justice of India (CJI) A Great Tale of Expectations’ written Cooperation (SAARC) Disaster “COVID-19”, after the virus itself,
Ranjan Gogoi was nominated to Rajya by senior journalist & author Tavleen Management Centre has launched a under the guidance of Municipal
Singh has been released. website for information related to the Commissioner, Tukaram Mundhe.
COVID-19 pandemic in the region.
81. Arfa Khanum Sherwani of “The Wire” 94. Shivraj Singh Chouhan was sworn in as
and Bengaluru-based freelancer 88. Actor Priyanka Chopra works jointly Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. He
Rohini Mohan have been jointly with the World Health Organisation took oath for the fourth time as Chief
awarded Chameli Devi Jain Award for (WHO) to spread awareness over Minister.
outstanding woman journalist. COVID-19.
95. The Maharashtra state government
82. Microsoft has launched a web portal 89. Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has has decided to stamp the left hand of
to track the spread of COVID-19 set up India’s first COVID-19 dedicated the people who have been kept under
quarantine amid coronavirus pandemic
in the country.
Sabha on 16 March 2020. He was
nominated by President Ram Nath 96. Indore (Madhya Pradesh), the cleanest
Kovind. city in India becomes the 1st city in
India to use drones to sanitize the city
75. Google appointed Karan Bajwa as against COVID-19 scare.
Managing Director (MD) of Google
Cloud in India. 97. Indian footballer Sunil Chhetri chosen
76. The French Open tennis tournament worldwide. The web portal has been
has been postponed by the French launched by Microsoft’s Bing team.
Tennis Federation due to the hospital in Mumbai.
coronavirus pandemic. 83. Union Minister of State (Independent
Charge) Atomic Energy and Space, 90. The Census 2021 which was scheduled
77. The Defence Ministry’s Defence Dr. Jitendra Singh, announced that the to be conducted in two phases has
Acquisition Council (DAC) approved Indian Space Research Organization
for the procurement of 83 indigenous (ISRO) had planned 36 missions for the
fiscal year 2020-21. for FIFA campaign against Covid-19.
84. SpaceX has announced that it is to 98. A report from China stated that a man
died from Hantavirus.
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E:
Kanpur +91-8576066660, +91-8707605589 Raipur +91-9425584840, +91-8602268880 Ranchi +91-9334969993 Lucknow +91-6390576666 W:
14 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E:
Kanpur +91-8576066660, +91-8707605589 Raipur +91-9425584840, +91-8602268880 Ranchi +91-9334969993 Lucknow +91-6390576666 W:
16 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
Adjusted gross revenue YES Bank Crisis Interstate water disputes with special focus on Mahadayi river dispute. Covid-19 Impact On Economy
Article 370 and contradictory judgements. Criminalization of Politics and electoral reforms Janta Curfew Indo US strategic engagement illustration
Bharat Stage VI norms CVC and CIC Land Acquisition Act and Recent Developments Olympics postponed due to covid-19
OPEC and recent oil supply cut (Global oil prices witnessed the
Bonn Convention. Delimitation Mp Political Crisis biggest fall in a day, since the 1991 Gulf war.)
OPEC and recent oil supply cuts (Global oil prices witnessed the
CIC and RTI and recent judgment of Supreme Court Difference between curfew and lockdown. Nirbhaya convicts Hanged biggest fall in a day, since the 1991 Gulf war.) (1)
Civil War in Syria G-20 summit 2020 No Confidence Motion and Censure Motion and concept of floor test OHCHR moves against CAA
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E:
Kanpur +91-8576066660, +91-8707605589 Raipur +91-9425584840, +91-8602268880 Ranchi +91-9334969993 Lucknow +91-6390576666 W:
17 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
Political developments in Russia (Putin backs proposal Supreme Court judgment on Reservation and Scheduled Caste
allowing him to remain in power in Russia beyond 2024) Prevention of cruelty to Animals act Sedition Law and Scheduled Tribes promotions
SC ST act 1989 Punjab Land Preservation Act (PLPA) and Aravali ranges. Sedition Law Suspension of 7 INC MP.
Child care leave for single parents Ranjan gogoi nominated to Rajya Sabha Sir Creek Dispute World first Blockchain bond
Police reforms in India and communal riots in Delhi Right to legal representation and BCI State Funding of Elections President of Myanmar's Visit to India
Corona Virus becomes pandemic Stock Market Crash Union Territory of Pondicherry and recent political Developments
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E:
Kanpur +91-8576066660, +91-8707605589 Raipur +91-9425584840, +91-8602268880 Ranchi +91-9334969993 Lucknow +91-6390576666 W:
18 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
approval from the Drug Controller of India. Even then the license arrangement was the issue. Since patent is granted in the government to issue a government use
It is being reported once it is being tried not without criticisms. First of all, the February 2020 we cannot use compulsory license to one or more generic companies to
out successfully expected towards end of agreement is being viewed as a strategical license under Section 84, because it produce the medicine. Under Section 103
as April, Gilead may offer the same to local move to counters several problems Gilead prescribes 3 years cooling period. We government can acquire the patent after
partners in India under mutually agreed could otherwise face in India. Then there have Section 92 which allows the Central paying compensation to the patent holder.
terms and conditions. There are earlier were restrictions on exporting sofosbuvir’s Government to notify the relevant patents
instances where Gilead has entered into Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, curtailing for granting a compulsory license provided India as the hub of generic manufacturers
license agreement with Indian generics access to the raw ingredients for generic there is a national emergency or an extreme did have many takers to produce the required
or the production and supply of high manufacturers across the world. Also, there urgent situation. The COVID 19 has already quantity of drugs at affordable price. Cipla
priced sofosbuvir for treating hepatitis are certain conditions to be adhered to been declared as a case of national health had already come forward to engage with
C virus. Under the agreements, Gilead’s before accessing the drug. Keep apart, as emergency. Apart from that before notifying CSIR-IICT to take up the manufacture
generic licensees have the right to develop a result of such license the price of generic the govt. has to make sure that if notified, of chemical compounds with anti-viral
and market generic versions of Gilead Sofosbuvir has come down heavily in India. there are takers for producing and supplying properties including Remdesivir along with
HCV medicines in certain developing We need to wait and watch how the pharma the drugs at affordable access rates. The Favipiravir and Baloxavir. Hence the ball is
countries. The generic drug companies giant is going to behave in this pandemic govt. may even think of a consultation on the government’s court now to exercise
may set their own prices and receive a situation in the coming days. Are we at the with the industry concerned as to their the political will to fulfill its constitutional
complete technology transfer of the Gilead mercy of the global Pharma giant answer is competency to carry out the production obligation to ensure the enjoyment of right
manufacturing process, enabling them to Big No. process before notifying the patents. Further to health under the Article 21.
scale up production as quickly as possible Sections 100 and 102 of the Patents Act
in exchange for 7% royalties on all sales. Indian Patent Law is well armed to address could also be invoked. Section 100 allows
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E:
Kanpur +91-8576066660, +91-8707605589 Raipur +91-9425584840, +91-8602268880 Ranchi +91-9334969993 Lucknow +91-6390576666 W:
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majority on the bench struck the Treasury’s the State must show the court that the safeguards were in place “protecting the NBFCs—had suffered any actual harm or
order down on the grounds that the issues nature of such an activity is either inherently formal financial sector and more in general loss either directly or indirectly on account of
which the order sought to address, that is the pernicious or has a capacity or tendency to society as a whole, such as rules combating their dealings with the exchanges that have
financing of nuclear proliferation activities, be harmful to the general public. money laundering, terrorist financing, tax facilitated trading in VCs. Moreover, the RBI,
were inherent to banking in general and evasion and maybe a more comprehensive the judgment found, submitted no empirical
were not special to Bank Mellat, and that in Before proceeding with an analysis on these set of rules aiming at protecting legitimate data on the degree of harm occasioned
picking and choosing a single Iranian bank lines, though, the Court made two critical users (such as ordinary consumers and by dealing with these traders. And in the
the order was arbitrary, disproportionate and interventions. First, it held that given that investors.” absence of such data, as the Court had
irrational. What is more, the majority also a person who is denied access to banking held previously, in State of Maharashtra v.
found, through Lord Sumption’s opinion, services faces onerous consequences, The RBI, the court held, clearly did not Indian Hotel and Restaurants Association
that the order did not arise out of a matter of including the effective shutting down of consider such alternatives before issuing (2013), the State could not be held to have
necessity when less drastic measures were his or her trade, the burden in this case the circular, but it had, after the writ petitions discharged its burden. Therefore, the court
considered to provide protection in relation is on the RBI to show that its circular were filed, done so by providing specific held, that the circular offended the doctrine
to other Iranian banks. does not unreasonably infract on the rebuttals to the petitioners’ contentions. In of proportionately and was in violation of
petitioners’ rights. Second, it rejected the the court’s belief, once the RBI has applied Article 19(1)(g).
In Internet and Mobile Association, the RBI’s argument that there is, in fact, no its mind to the issue and considered
Supreme Court held that it could not go as fundamental right to trade, sell and invest alternatives measures it could not sit on There are a number of positives to take from
far as the UK Supreme Court had in Bank in VCs and therefore that the petitioners judgment over whether such measures are the judgment. Not least the reaffirmation of
Mellat, because the UK has a statute where could not invoke Article 19(1)(g). This is merely illusory. It noted: “While exercising the doctrine of proportionality as the bright-
standards for judicial review are clearly because there was no legislation, as on the power of judicial review we may not line rule to determine claims made under
set out. This finding though is perplexing date, that prohibited the use of VCs. Given scan the response of RBI in greater detail Article 19, and the actual application of
because the Supreme Court has previously that, to thwart any exchange that facilitates to find out if the response to the additional principle to facts. Remember, in Anuradha
held in Modern Dental that the doctrine such functioning by altogether denying safeguards suggested by the petitioners Bhasin v. Union of India, the court invoked
of proportionality, and the four-prong test them access to banking services would was just imaginary.” This is disappointing. the doctrine but still didn’t apply it to the
it entails, is inherent in Article 19 itself. In certainly constitute an encroachment on The test, as laid down in Modern Dental, as facts before it. Here the court doesn’t shy
any event, having said so, the Court, in fundamental right. The only question was we saw earlier, is to examine whether “there away from doing so, and for that it must be
Internet and Mobil Association, nonetheless whether such a restriction is a reasonable are alterative and less intrusive measures lauded. What is more, given that the circular
proceeded to examine the circular on one or not. available that may similarly achieve that under challenge here was in the nature of a
the doctrine. It did this not by testing the same purpose with a lesser degree of statutory direction any eventual legislation
circular on each prong as laid down in On that, the court proceeded to examine limitation.” The test isn’t, as the court held that seeks to regulate cryptocurrencies—
Modern Dental, but only on the question whether there were less intrusive measures here, whether the state authority considered or perhaps even ban their use and trade—
of whether the RBI considered alternative available and whether RBI had considered alternative measures, but whether such will have to still conform to the doctrine of
and less intrusive measures than that which the adoption of such measures. Potential measures as a matter of fact do exist. proportionality. But when the court tests
the circular adopted. To this, however, the solution that could have been considered, such a law, it must go further than this. It
court added an additional test, seemingly the judgment held, includes those Yet, the court still held, based on an must also ask the State to show it that it not
derived from a 1969 judgment in Md. Faruk suggested by the EU’s Parliament: a report application of the judgment in Md. merely considered all potential measures to
v. State of MP. There, a constitution bench by the Union, that examined whether Faruk, that none of the entities under regulate the currency but that the eventual
of the Court had held that when a right cryptocurrencies ought to be banned the direct regulatory control of the RBI— measure adopted was, in fact, the least
under Article 19(1)(g) is encroached upon outright, for example, recommended that the nationalised banks, the scheduled invasive one.
by a complete prohibition of any activity, no such ban was necessary so long as good commercial banks, cooperative banks or
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Oath : A swearing to tell the truth 20. alter : ego A second identity living within a person 10.
adhoc : For a particular purpose 19. citation : A reference to a previous court decision 9.
surety : A Guarantor 18. treason : A crime of betraying one's own country 8.
heinous : Extremely horrible 17. ordain : To command or order 7.
quash : To annul or set aside 16. moratorium : Stopping an activity for a limited period by formal agreement 6.
coerce: To force someone to do something 15. wager : A bet 5.
embezzlement : The crime of stealing the funds or property of employer 14. accomplice : A partner in crime 4.
abscond : To avoid being arrested 13. bequeath : To give a gift to someone through a will 3.
illicit : Illegal 12. litigant : Any party to a law suit 2.
reversion : Future interest in property retained by the owner or his heir 11. arguendo : For the sake of argument 1.
Answer Key
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Relative clauses describe or tell us more about a person or thing that has just been I listened to the CD that I got for my birthday.
mentioned in the sentence.
main clause relative clause
Relative pronouns are words that act as a subject or object in a relative clause.
The following words can be relative pronouns: that, what, where, when, which, Defining relative clauses
who,whom, why.
These are clauses that tell us exactly who or what is being referred to. Without the
defining relative clause the sentence will not make sense. It needs to be there.
I hate people who are insincere For people you can use who or that, but who is more I enjoyed the books that you lent me.
usual. In the above sentence, who is the subject of the relative clause. For things you can use that or which, but that is more usual.In the above sentence,
that is theobject of the relative clause.
You cannot miss out the relative pronoun if it is the subject of the relative clause: Note: There are no commas in defining relative clauses.
I hate people are insincere Non-defining relative clauses
The relative pronoun can be missed out if it is the object of the relative clause: These are clauses that give us extra information about something or someone already
mentioned. The sentence will still make sense without the non-defining relative
I enjoyed the books you lent me. ORI enjoyed the books you lent me. clause, but the clause gives you extra information.
She’s the girl that I love. OR She’s the girl I love.
I hate people who are insincere For people you can use who or that, but who is more enjoyed the books that you lent me.
usual. In the above sentence, who is the subject of the relative clause. For things you can use that or which, but that is more usual.In the above sentence,
that is theobject of the relative clause.
The finance minister, who has beenunder pressure to resign, will beholding a press His latest novel,which is set in India,has received good reviews.
conference today. For things you must use which.
For people you must use who. For things you must use which.
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Reasoning: Deduction and Induction A syllogism has two premises, and a
categorical syllogism is a two-premise
Logicians divide all arguments into two argument in whicheach premise and the
broad categories: deductive arguments and conclusion begin with the words “All,” “No,”
inductive arguments. Every argument falls or “Some,” in anycombination.
into one of these two categories. Of course
people offering arguments often do not E.g., All dogs are hairy things, and all hairy
fully understand what they are doing. That things are mammals. Thus all dogs are
is, they may be unclear how powerful their mammals.
arguments could be, assuming they are
arguing well. Still, once we understand what E.g., No dogs are cats. Some cats are white
their arguments are, it’s usually not difficult animals. Thus some dogs are not white
to determine if each is best understood as animals.
deductive or inductive.
• Conditional syllogisms
Deductive Arguments
A “conditional syllogism” is a two-premise
A deductive argument claims (explicitly argument in which at least one premise
or implicitly) that if the premises all are is an “if…, then…” statement, known as a
true, then the conclusion must be true. conditional, or implication.
Deductive arguments thus aim to establish
their conclusions with complete certainty E.g., If Yogi is a bear, then Yogi is an animal.
in such a way that the conclusion is Yogi is a bear. Thus Yogi is an animal.
guaranteed to be true if the premises all are
E.g., If it rains today, then the picnic is
true. Note that the argument may fail in its
canceled. If the picnic is canceled, then I’ll
aim; what makes the argument deductive
be sad.
is that it is the kind of argument that—if it
were successful—would have the premises Hence, if it rains today, then I’ll be sad.
absolutely guarantee the conclusion to be
true. • Disjunctive syllogisms
The following four arguments are all A disjunction is an “…or…” statement, so
deductive: a disjunctive syllogism is a two-premise
argument in which one of the premises is
• All bats are cute animals. No cute animals an “…or…” statement (with or without an
are mean. So, certainly, no bats are mean. “either”). E.g., Either Bob is logical or Sue is
happy. But Bob is not logical. Therefore Sue
• Joan is Lauren’s mother. Therefore, Joan
is happy. Inductive patterns:
must be older than Lauren.
• Predictions
• Nobody knows Ned. Therefore, it must be
that Ned does not know himself. If the conclusion is a prediction (about
the future), then it is likely an inductive
• Some cats are pets. Thus, some pets
argument, since we cannot know the future
must be cats. thumb is to ask yourself: Is the arguer aiming are intended as inductive or deductive.
with total certainty.
to show that the conclusion is guaranteed But none of this is the case, unfortunately.
to be true, or is he or she aiming only to Too many people don’t understand or care E.g., It has rained every day for the past five
show that the conclusion is likely to be true, about the difference between induction and weeks. Thus it will probably rain tomorrow,
Inductive Arguments i.e., is probably true but less than certain? If deduction, or try to overstate the strength too.
An inductive argument claims (explicitly or the arguer’s reasoning is expressed clearly, of their inductive position by couching their
implicitly) that if the premises all are true, then there will often be words or other arguments in deductive indicator words. • Arguments from analogy
the conclusion is thereby probably, or likely, clues indicating which type of argument We need additional hints to be confident
(deductive or inductive) is intended. If a that we are dealing with a deductive (or An argument from analogy compares two
true, although not absolutely guaranteed.
deductive argument is intended, then the inductive) argument. things or two groups of things, notes many
Inductive arguments thus aim to establish
conclusion may be introduced with words relevant similarities between the two, and
their conclusions with probability, or Argument Patterns
or phrases indicating necessity or certainty, concludes that probably what is known to
likelihood, but not with complete certainty.
such as: be true of one will be true of the other.
An inductive argument does not attempt Since so few people use indicator words at
to guarantee that its conclusion is true; • It is certain that all or correctly, it’s of great use to become E.g., I’ve eaten at Dick’s Drive-In 20 times
however, it aims to show that we have good familiar with patterns of argument that this past month and enjoyed my dining
reasons to accept the conclusion as true • Absolutely usually are associated with deduction or experience each time. Dick’s has not
nevertheless. “Probably,” in this context, induction. These tips are not fail-safe, as changed recently in any relevant way, so
means greater than 50 percent chance. • Undeniably, it must be that occasionally odd counterexamples can be I will likely enjoy my dining experience at
Admittedly, quantifying the likelihood of a imagined. Still, the patterns provide good Dick’s when I go there later today.
conclusion being true is not always easy, • For sure reason for saying that a given argument is
but “better than a 50 percent chance” gets deductive, or inductive. Examples of such E.g., After studying only one night
the idea across. Note that the inductive • It is necessarily true that
patterns include the following. beforehand, I’ve aced the last three logic
argument may fail in its aim; what makes quizzes in this class. So even though I’ve
However, if an inductive argument is
the argument inductive is that it is the kind Deductive patterns: studied only one night for this class’s
intended, then the conclusion may be
of argument that—done well—can give upcoming logic quiz, I’ll probably ace it, too.
introduced with words or phrases indicating • Arguments based on math
good but less than 100 percent conclusive
probability, such as:
reason to believe the conclusion. • Appeal to authority
Since we know basic math truths (e.g.,
• The most reasonable conclusion is 2+2=4) with our highest degree of certitude,
Examples of induction are found in An appeal to authority argues that because
everyday life, where people use less than • Probably any argument based (not merely about) an expert says such-and-such, then such-
guaranteedreasoning to go about their daily math will have a similar degree of certitude. and-such is likely to be true. As long as the
business. You’ve never (or rarely) been • It is likely that E.g., Joe passed two touchdowns in the first expert is truly expert (i.e., authoritative) in
poisoned at the school cafeteria, so you half of the football game, and he passed his, her, their, or its field, then the argument
feel safe eating there later today. Your past • It is reasonable to suppose that one touchdown in the second half of the can be quite strong.
experiences do not absolutely guarantee game. Thus Joe passed three touchdowns
that you won’t get sick eating there today, • I’ll bet that in that game. E.g., This Euclidian triangle E.g., Every biology instructor will say that
but you will eat there nonetheless…and be has one right interior angle and one 10 mice are mammals. Thus we have good
perfectly rational in doing so. You’ll be using Some common phrases are found in both degree interior angle. Thus the third interior reason to believe that mice are mammals.
a strong form of inductive reasoning. The deductive and inductive arguments, and angle must be 80 degrees. (A strong argument, because biology
following four arguments are also inductive: thus do not help much in determining which instructors are very knowledgeable on such
kind of argument you are dealing with. “It Note: The following argument is not based matters.)
• Pat and Jan are lifelong best friends. So must be the case that” is an example of on math, it is about math; it is not deductive:
Jan probably knows Pat’s parents. a phrase you often find attached to both “All my math teachers say that two plus two E.g., My chemistry teacher says that God
premises and the conclusion, of both equals four. Thus two plus two equals four.” does not exist. We can conclude that God
• It has been sunny for ten days in a row, deductive and inductive arguments. does not exist. (A weak argument, because
and there are no clouds in the sky. So • Arguments based on definitions (a) chemistry teachers qua chemistry
probably it will be sunny tomorrow. Notice, though, that whereas deductive teachers are not experts on God’s
arguments have an air of certainty, If an inference is based on the definition existence, and (b) it makes little sense
• Joe hasn’t had a drink in ten years. So it confidence, andconclusiveness, inductive of a word, then (even if the definition is to consider anyone an expert on God’s
is likely he won’t drink at the party tonight. arguments have an air of uncertainty mistaken) the argument is best understood existence. The same would be the case if
and incompleteness. While adeductive as deductive. the teacher had said that God does exist. If
• Most dogs are loving animals. Fido is a argument claims its conclusion must the chemistry teacher came up with a good
dog. Therefore Fido is probably a loving be true, and with certainty, an inductive E.g., Sara is a physician. Thus Sara is [by
argument against (or for) God’s existence,
animal. argument claims only that if its premises definition] a doctor.
then perhaps that argument might give us
all are true then its conclusion is probable good reason to disbelieve (or believe) in
Deductive or Inductive? although not completely certain. E.g., This shirt is damp. Thus this shirt is
moist. God.
Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether a If everyone were honest or understood
E.g., Bob has no hair on his head. Therefore E.g., The Washington State highway sign we
person’s argument is deductive or inductive inductive and deductive indicator words,
Bob is bald. just passed said that we’re entering the city
because the reasoning is not clearly stated. and if everyone offering an argument used of Seattle. Thus we are probably entering
When trying to decide whether an argument such vocabulary accurately, we’d have a • Categorical syllogisms the city of Seattle. (A strong argument, as
is deductive or inductive, a good rule of fairly easy time determining if arguments
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state highway signs are usually reliable This argument is an appeal to authority and three sides. Thus, on that basis, we can say Atlantic Ocean.
regarding city names.) its conclusion is a prediction. It’s quite clear that triangles have three sides.
that it’s best understood as inductive. The 14. The sign placed by officials on
• Generalizations indicator word “likely” makes its inductive 4. Some diseases can spread easily the Statue of Liberty in New York City says
nature all the more clear. from one person to another by skin contact. that it was made by Peruvian artists. Thus
Think of polls as common examples Thus it is guaranteed that some diseases the Statue of Liberty was likely made by
of generalizations. You determine that If an argument clearly fits both an inductive are contagious. Peruvian artists.
something is true of a portion of a group, and a deductive pattern, then it’s generally
and conclude that the same thing must be safe to figure the argument is deductive. This 5. No human has ever lived for 2000 15. Every rock-n-roll musician says
true of the group as a whole. is because if an argument is constructed so years. Thus the current prime minister of that we should all eat corn for dinner every
that if the premises are true the conclusion England will not live for 2000 years. night. Thus we should eat corn for dinner
E.g., Twenty percent of my Bellevue College can be guaranteed to be true, it will also be every night.
logic students are fans of Miles Davis. the case that the conclusion is likely true. 6. The official sign posted at the edge
Thus twenty percent of Bellevue College’s If a conclusion is sure to be true, then it’s of our campus says that this is Catatonic 16. The label on this bottle says,
students are fans of Miles Davis. obviously going to be probably true. But State University. Therefore, this must be “Poison.” Therefore the bottle must contain
only deductive arguments have premises Bellevue College. poison.
E.g., Most Roman Catholics living in North
Bend, Washington believe in a Christian that absolutely guarantee the conclusion;
7. If Michael Jackson was president 17. Three is larger than two, and two is
concept of God. Thus most people in the so if an argument can do that, it’s deductive.
of the United States, then he was a larger than one. Thus one is less than three.
world believe in a Christian concept of God. For example: If a blizzard dropped four feet
politician. Michael Jackson was a politician.
of snow on the city park last night, then 18. Most people in our society are
Thus Michael Jackson was president of the
• Causal arguments today’s picnic will be canceled. A blizzard opposed to murder. Thus murder is probably
United States.
did indeed drop four feet of snow on the city wrong.
A causal argument appeals to well-known park last night. Thus, today’s picnic will be 8. The U.S. military dropped many
causal relations to argue from cause canceled. bombs on Iraq while fighting there. Bombs 19. God has all perfections. Existence
to effect or from effect to cause. Police almost always explode, destroying things is a perfection. Thus it is necessary that God
detectives do this when they see a crime The argument fits both the conditional has the perfection of existence. Thus it is
near them. Thus the U.S. military probably
scene with effects (e.g., a dead body with syllogism pattern for deduction and the necessary that God exists.
destroyed things in Iraq.
a knife in its back) and try to argue towards prediction pattern of induction. But if the
the cause (e.g., who did it, why, when, how, premises are true, they guarantee that the 9. If Lady Gaga [the female singer] is 20. There is much evil in the world.
etc.). Doctors and auto mechanics trying conclusion will be true; and only a deductive an adult man, then Lady Gaga is a male. But And since God is supposed to be all-good
to figure out the cause of a medical or argument can do that. So we’re justified in Lady Gaga is not an adult man. Thus Lady and all-powerful, God would not want or
mechanical problem argue the same way. interpreting this as a deductive argument. Gaga is not a male. need to allow evil. Thus God likely does not
E.g., I placed a jug of water in my freezer last Practice Problems: Deduction and 10. German philosopher Georg Hegel
night. Thus that jug of water is now likely Induction was a space alien. Thus Georg Hegel was a Answers:
frozen. (The argument here is from cause to space alien.
effect.) For each argument, state whether it is 1. Deductive 6. Inductive 11.Deductive 16.
deductive or inductive. Some contain 11. No dogs are cats. No cats are Inductive
E.g., The instructor just passed back our deduction or induction indicator words; mice. Thus it is guaranteed that some cats
logic tests, and Maria is holding hers and others do not. are not mice. 2. Deductive 7. Deductive 12.Inductive 17.
smiling. I conclude that she must have Deductive
received a high score on that test. (The 1. Some dogs are mammals. Some 12. Large, naturally occurring icebergs
mammals are animals. Thus some dogs are have yet to be found in the middle of the 3. Inductive 8. Inductive 13.Deductive 18.
argument here is from effect to cause.)
animals. Sahara Desert. Thus it is likely that no such Inductive
An argument can fit more than one pattern, ice berg will be found there next year.
2. Either Thomas Aquinas was a 4. Deductive 9. Deductive 14.Inductive 19.
and that’s not a problem. For instanceMy
writer or he was an astronaut. But he was not 13. The Atlantic Ocean lies between Deductive
trustworthy wife said that she will buy some
bread this evening. Thus she will likely a writer. Thus he definitely was an astronaut. Africa and South America. Africa is
5. Inductive 10. Deductive 15.Inductive 20.
buysome bread this evening. immediately east of the Atlantic Ocean.
3. Nearly all geometry teachers are Inductive
Thus South America is certainly west of the
serious when they say that triangles have
Q.14: In a group of 100 children, 32% play hockey, 64% play football and 40% play cricket.
14% play hockey and football, 15% play football and cricket, 13% play hockey and cricket.
Only 6% play all the three games. How many children play only one game?
(a) 70 (b) 75 (c) 80 (d) 65
Solution:(a) 11 + 41 + 18 = 70
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Acerbic sharp; forthright; biting; hurtful; abrasive; severe Disheartening discouraging; demoralizing; undermining; depressing
Admiring approving; think highly of; respectful; praising Disparaging dismissive; critical; scornful
Aggrieved indignant; annoyed; offended; disgruntled Disappointed discouraged; unhappy because something has gone
Ambivalent having mixed feelings; uncertain; in a dilemma; unde-
cided Dispassionate impartial; indifferent; unsentimental; cold; unsympa-
Amused entertained; diverted; pleased
Distressing heart-breaking; sad; troubling
Angry incensed or enraged; threatening or menacing
Docile compliant; submissive; deferential; accommodating
Animated full of life or excitement; lively; spirited; impassioned;
vibrant Earnest showing deep sincerity or feeling; serious
Apathetic showing little interest; lacking concern; indifferent; Egotistical self-absorbed; selfish; conceited; boastful
unemotional Empathetic understanding; kind; sensitive
Apologetic full of regret; repentant; remorseful; acknowledging Encouraging optimistic; supportive
Enthusiastic excited; energetic
Appreciative grateful; thankful; showing pleasure; enthusiastic
Evasive ambiguous; cryptic; unclear
Ardent enthusiastic; passionate
Excited emotionally aroused; stirred
Arrogant pompous; disdainful; overbearing; condescending;
vain; scoffing Facetious inappropriate; flippant
Assertive self-confident; strong-willed; authoritative; insistent Farcical ludicrous; absurd; mocking; humorous and highly
Awestruck amazed, filled with wonder/awe; reverential
Flippant superficial; glib; shallow; thoughtless; frivolous
Belligerent hostile; aggressive; combatant
Forceful powerful; energetic; confident; assertive
Benevolent sympathetic; tolerant; generous; caring; well meaning
Formal respectful; stilted; factual; following accepted styles/
Bitter angry; acrimonious; antagonistic; spiteful; nasty rules
Callous cruel disregard; unfeeling; uncaring; indifferent; ruth- Frank honest; direct; plain; matter-of-fact
Frustrated annoyed; discouraged
Candid truthful, straightforward; honest; unreserved
Gentle kind; considerate; mild; soft
Caustic making biting, corrosive comments; critical
Ghoulish delighting in the revolting or the loathsome
Cautionary gives warning; raises awareness; reminding
Grim serious; gloomy; depressing; lacking humour; macabre
Celebratory praising; pay tribute to; glorify; honour
Gullible naïve; innocent; ignorant
Chatty informal; lively; conversational; familiar
Hard unfeeling; hard-hearted; unyielding
Colloquial familiar; everyday language; informal; colloquial; casual
Humble deferential; modest
Comic humorous; witty; entertaining; diverting
Humorous amusing; entertaining; playful
Compassionate sympathetic; empathetic; warm-hearted; tolerant; kind
Hypercritical unreasonably critical; hair splitting; nitpicking
Complex having many varying characteristics; complicated
Impartial unbiased; neutral; objective
Compliant agree or obey rules; acquiescent; flexible; submissive
Impassioned filled with emotion; ardent
Concerned worried; anxious; apprehensive
Imploring pleading; begging
Conciliatory intended to placate or pacify; appeasing
Impressionable trusting; child-like
Condescending stooping to the level of one’s inferiors; patronising
Inane silly; foolish; stupid; nonsensical
Confused unable to think clearly; bewildered; vague
Incensed enraged
Contemptuous showing contempt; scornful; insolent; mocking
Incredulous disbelieving; unconvinced; questioning; suspicious
Critical finding fault; disapproving; scathing; criticizing
Indignant annoyed; angry; dissatisfied
Cruel causing pain and suffering; unkind; spiteful; severe
Informative instructive; factual; educational
Curious wanting to find out more; inquisitive; questioning
Inspirational encouraging; reassuring
Cynical scornful of motives/virtues of others; mocking; sneer-
ing Intense earnest; passionate; concentrated; deeply felt
Defensive defending a position; shielding; guarding; watchful Intimate familiar; informal; confidential; confessional
Defiant obstinate; argumentative; defiant; contentious Ironic the opposite of what is meant
Demeaning disrespectful; undignified Irreverent lacking respect for things that are generally taken
Depressing sad, melancholic; discouraging; pessimistic
Jaded bored; having had too much of the same thing; lack
Derisive snide; sarcastic; mocking; dismissive; scornful enthusiasm
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E:
Kanpur +91-8576066660, +91-8707605589 Raipur +91-9425584840, +91-8602268880 Ranchi +91-9334969993 Lucknow +91-6390576666 W:
29 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
Joyful positive; optimistic; cheerful; elated Resentful aggrieved; offended; displeased; bitter
Judgmental critical; finding fault; disparaging Resigned accepting; unhappy
Laudatory praising; recommending Restrained controlled; quiet; unemotional
Light-Hearted carefree; relaxed; chatty; humorous Reverent showing deep respect and esteem
Loving affectionate; showing intense, deep concern Righteous morally right and just; guiltless; pious; god-fearing
Macabre gruesome; horrifying; frightening Satirical making fun to show a weakness; ridiculing; derisive
Malicious desiring to harm others or to see others suffer; ill- Sarcastic scornful; mocking; ridiculing
willed; spiteful
Scathing critical; stinging; unsparing; harsh
Mean-Spirited inconsiderate; unsympathetic
Scornful expressing contempt or derision; scathing; dismissive
Mocking scornful; ridiculing; making fun of someone
Sensationalistic provocative; inaccurate; distasteful
Mourning grieving; lamenting; woeful
Sentimental thinking about feelings, especially when remembering
Naïve innocent; unsophisticated; immature the past
Narcissistic self-admiring; selfish; boastful; self-pitying Sincere honest; truthful; earnest
Nasty unpleasant; unkind; disagreeable; abusive Skeptical disbelieving; unconvinced; doubting
Negative unhappy, pessimistic Solemn not funny; in earnest; serious
Nostalgic thinking about the past; wishing for something from Subjective prejudiced; biased
the past
Submissive compliant; passive; accommodating; obedient
Objective without prejudice; without discrimination; fair; based
Sulking bad-tempered; grumpy; resentful; sullen
on fact
Sympathetic compassionate; understanding of how someone feels
Obsequious overly obedient and/or submissive; fawning; grovelling
Thoughtful reflective; serious; absorbed
Optimistic hopeful; cheerful
Tolerant open-minded; charitable; patient; sympathetic; lenient
Outraged angered and resentful; furious; extremely angered
Tragic disastrous; calamitous
Outspoken frank; candid; spoken without reserve
Unassuming modest; self-effacing; restrained
Pathetic expressing pity, sympathy, tenderness
Uneasy worried; uncomfortable; edgy; nervous
Patronizing condescending; scornful; pompous
Urgent insistent; saying something must be done soon
Pensive reflective; introspective; philosophical; contemplative
Vindictive vengeful; spiteful; bitter; unforgiving
Persuasive convincing; eloquent; influential; plausible
Virtuous lawful; righteous; moral; upstanding
Pessimistic seeing the negative side of things
Whimsical quaint; playful; mischievous; offbeat
Philosophical theoretical; analytical; rational; logical
Witty clever; quick-witted; entertaining
Playful full of fun and good spirits; humorous; jesting
Wonder awe-struck; admiring; fascinating
Pragmatic realistic; sensible
World-Weary bored; cynical; tired
Pretentious affected; artificial; grandiose; rhetorical; flashy
Worried anxious; stressed; fearful
Regretful apologetic; remorseful
Wretched miserable; despairing; sorrowful; distressed
Helpful Tip
Finding the correct tone is a matter of practice. Try and write for different audiences. Even if you only want to write novels, it is an apprenticeship of sorts. Write press releases.
Write opinion pieces. Write interviews. Write copy. Write a business plan. The more you write, the better you will become at pitching your work with the nuances needed to
create the perfect book.
Consider the tone of The School by Donald In the following excerpt from Edgar Allen with heavy strides, as if excited to fury by There was a steaming mist in all the
Barthelme. Here, words like “death” and Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart,” notice the many the observations of the men, but the noise hollows, and it had roamed in its forlornness
“depressing” set a negative or unhappy adjectives and verbs that imply insane, steadily increased. O God! What COULD I up the hill, like an evil spirit, seeking rest
tone: nervous, and guilty tones. do? I foamed -- I raved -- I swore! I swung and finding none. A clammy and intensely
the chair upon which I had been sitting, and cold mist, it made its slow way through
And the trees all died. They were orange It was A LOW, DULL, QUICK SOUND -- grated it upon the boards, but the noise the air in ripples that visibly followed and
trees. I don’t know why they died, they MUCH SUCH A SOUND AS A WATCH arose over all and continually increased. It overspread one another, as the waves of an
just died. Something wrong with the soil MAKES WHEN ENVELOPED IN COTTON. grew louder -- louder -- louder! unwholesome sea might do. It was dense
possibly or maybe the stuff we got from the I gasped for breath, and yet the officers enough to shut out everything from the
nursery wasn’t the best. We complained heard it not. I talked more quickly, more In A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, light of the coach-lamps but these its own
about it. So we’ve got thirty kids there, each vehemently but the noise steadily increased. the tone could be said to be mysterious, workings, and a few yards of road; and the
kid had his or her own little tree to plant and I arose and argued about trifles, in a high secretive, ominous, or evil through the use reek of the labouring horses steamed into it,
we’ve got these thirty dead trees. All these key and with violent gesticulations; but the of words like “clammy,” “followed,” and as if they had made it all.
kids looking at these little brown sticks, it noise steadily increased. Why WOULD they “unwholesome.”
was depressing. not be gone? I paced the floor to and fro
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E:
Kanpur +91-8576066660, +91-8707605589 Raipur +91-9425584840, +91-8602268880 Ranchi +91-9334969993 Lucknow +91-6390576666 W:
30 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E:
Kanpur +91-8576066660, +91-8707605589 Raipur +91-9425584840, +91-8602268880 Ranchi +91-9334969993 Lucknow +91-6390576666 W: