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THE CLAT POST March 2020

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M O N T H L Y E D I T I O N MARCH, 2020 VOL 01 | ISSUE NO: 04 ` 100.00

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Current Affairs Practice Sheet (CAPS)
(Q.1-Q.6): Indianfilmmaker Bauddhayan 3. Who was the first Indian movie to win High Court had eventually upheld the 2 of the Epidemic Disease Act, 1897
Mukherji has made it to the list of 16 at Cannes? dismissal, following which an appeal so that all advisories being issued from
directors chosen for Cinefondation’s was filed in the Supreme Court. time to time by the Ministry/State/UTs
(a) PatherPanchali
prestigious L’Atelierprogramme at the are enforceable,” Health Secretary
Justice Rao, who wrote the judgment,
Cannes Film Festival this year. The (b) Marana Simhasan Preeti Sudan said, after a meeting of a
said Sections 7 and 11 of the 1956 Act
festival will be held from May 12 to high-level Group of Ministers here.
(c) Salaam Bombay are the consent of the wife before a
23 and the L’Atelierprogramme runs
male Hindu adopts a child and proof The GoM was constituted to review the
from May 14-21. Mr. Mukherji heads to (d) Neecha Nagar
of the ceremony of actual giving and measures taken for the management
the French Riviera with his upcoming
taking in adoption. of COVID-19 in India.
project [2]. 4. Marichjhapi was one of the new
projects introduced at which Ms. Sudan added that as a measure
Now in its 16th year, the programme 7. Which law in India governs the
international film festival Asian Project of prevention, it is reiterated that as
brings together filmmakers with adoption of a child?
Market in October 2019? per the travel advisory, passengers
promising projects, along with their
(a) The Hindu Adoptions and with travel history to China, Hong
producers, and industry professionals, (a) Busan International Film
Maintenance Act, 1956 (HAM) Kong, Republic of Korea, Japan, Italy,
producers, distributors and potential Festival
Thailand, Singapore, Iran, Malaysia,
partners, in Cannes. (b) Guardianship and Wards Act,
(b) Cannes International Film Festival France, Spain and Germany should
Mr. Mukherji is an advertisement and undergo self-imposed quarantine for
feature film director based in Mumbai. (c) Australia International Film 14 days from the date of their arrival,
(c) The Adoptions of Child Act, 1958
Festival and their employers should facilitate
[2], written by Mr. Mukherji and (d) Guardianship and Wards Act,
(d) None of the above work-from-home for such employees
Abhinandan Banerjee, is the first film 1891 during this period.
that they found too big and ambitious
to self-finance and have gone out 5. The Marichjhapi movie is based on The meeting was also attended
8. What are the essentials for a valid
and sought co-producers for. “It’s 1979 riots, which took place in? by Secretaries and other senior
Hindu adoption?
a new feeling. Till now, we haven’t (a) Sunderban officials of the relevant Ministries and
been answerable to anyone,” said Mr. (a) A man takes prior consent from Departments.
Mukherji. (b) Orissa his wife.
Meanwhile, the Indian Medical
The Atlanta-based American (c) Bangladesh (b) There is a ceremony of giving and Association (IMA) said that sharing
production house, Splendid Films, is taking in adoption. data of infected people on a daily
(d) none of the above
already on board and Mr. Mukherji (c) Both (a) and (b) basis with the public has created
hopes that L’Atelier will help start 6. Who founded La Cinéfondation under panic across the country.
“European conversations” and for the (d) Only (a)
the aegis of the Cannes Film Festival? It appealed to the government to
project go a “little more international”.
(a) Gilles Jacob 9. Which Article of the Indian “classify the data” of the pandemic
Set in the [5] in January 1979, the Constitution talks about Uniform Civil and take appropriate action with
movie is based on real incidents of (b) Robert Jacob Code to replace personal laws? “clinical precision.”
atrocities and violence heaped on (c) William Stephen (a) Article 37 (b) Article 38 In a release, the association noted that
refugees to the island. If all falls into
(d) Steven Spielberg doctors and hospitals remain a silver
place, Mr. Mukherji intends shooting in (c) Article 43 (d) Article 44 lining in otherwise clueless situations
January-February 2021.
(Q.7-Q.11): A Hindu adoption is not valid for the common man, and every doctor
1. Which is the highest rank award to be 10. Which Constitutional provision deals should function as a source of credible
unless the man (2)” the Supreme with the appeals of the civil suit from
given to best feature film at Cannes? Court has held. information in their locality and instil
the High Court to Supreme Court? confidence and trust in the public.
(a) Golden Lion A Bench led by Justice L. (a) Article 133 (b) Article 144 The International Federation of the
(b) Volpi Cup NageswaraRao said the mandate of
the (1) was that no adoption was valid (c) Article 134 (d) Article 135 Red Cross (IFRC), UNICEF and the
(c) Palme d’Or unless the two essential conditions World Health Organization (WHO)
of the consent of the wife and the 11. In which Indian state (HAM) is not also issued new guidance to help
(d) None of the above
actual ceremony of adoption were applicable? protect children and schools from
established. transmission of the COVID-19.
2. Which project of BauddhayanMukherji (a) Goa (b) Maharashtra
has been selected Cinefondation’s The March 6 judgment came on an
(c) Tamilnadu (d) Kerala 12. Which City is the ground zero of
prestigious L’Atelierprogramme at the appeal by M. Vanaja, who claimed she COVID- 19?
Cannes Film Festival? is the adopted daughter of the late
(Q.12-Q.16):“It has been decided that all (a) Beijing (b) New York
(a) Marichjhapi (b) Sunderbans Narasimhulu Naidu. She had filed a
States/Union Territories should be
civil suit for partition of property. The (c) Wuhan (d) None of the above
(c) Refugee (d) Riot advised to invoke provisions of Section
suit was dismissed. The Hyderabad

Answer Key & Explanations

1. Ans- c) The Palme d’Or is the highest Market in October 2019. with the legal process of adopting to the Supreme Court from any judgement,
prize awarded at the Cannes Film Festival. children by a Hindu adult, and with the order or decree from any proceeding of a
5. Ans-a) Marichjhapi Massacre refers to
It was introduced in 1955 by the festival’s legal obligations of a Hindu to provide High Court.
the forcible eviction of around 40000
organizing committee. “maintenance” to various family members
Bangladeshi Hindu Dalit refugees who 11. Ans-a) Goa has a common family law,
2. Ans-a) Marichjhapi, written by Mr. Mukherji occupied legally protected reserve forest including their wife or parents, and in-laws.
thus being the only Indian state to have
and Abhinandan Banerjee.Set in the land on Marichjhapiisland in Sundarban, 8. Ans-c) A Hindu adoption is not valid a uniform civil code, hence, (HAM) is not
Sunderbans in January 1979, the movie West Bengal, in 1979. unless the man takes prior consent from applicable in Goa.
is based on real incidents of atrocities and his wife and there is a ceremony of giving
6. Ans-a) It was created in 1998 by Gilles 12. Ans-c) The 2019–20 coronavirus
violence heaped on refugees to the island. and taking in adoption.
Jacob. Since then it has developed pandemic is an ongoing global pandemic
3. Ans- d) Neecha Nagar, India’s first official complementary programmes to help 9. Ans-d) Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
entry in the Cannes Film Festival, was one achieve its goal. Today it is divided into defined in our Constitution under Article caused by the severe acute respiratory
of the winners to share the Best Film Award three different parts: The Selection, The 44 of Directive Principles of State Policy. syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
in 1946. Residence and The Atelier. It states that it is the duty of the state to The virus was first reported in Wuhan,
4. Ans-a) Marichjhapi was one of the 7. Ans- a) Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance secure for the citizens a Uniform Civil Code Hubei, China, in December 2019.
new projects introduced at the Busan Act (1956). The Adoptions and throughout the territory of India.
International Film Festival’s Asian Project Maintenance Act of 1956 dealt specifically 10. Ans- a) Article 133 provides for an appeal
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2 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
13. WHO defined _______ as the problem of parliamentary seats, effectively some amount of property right is (c) Both (a) and (b)
that is grown out of control. giving it a veto over any legislation. an indispensable safeguard against
(d) None
The Parliament rejected Ms. SuuKyi, tyranny and economic oppression of
(a) Pandemic (b) Epidemic
to officially become President. Article the government. Property itself is the
24. Which law governs the acquisition
(c) Outbreak (d) Endemic 59(f) of the constitution bars a person seed bed which must be conserved
of land by government for public
from becoming President if his or her if other constitutional values are to
14. In 2018, Section 2 of the Epidemic spouse or children are foreign citizens. flourish,” the judgment quoted a
Disease Act, 1897 was invoked in Her two sons are British nationals, as precedent. (a) Land Acquisition Act, 2013
which city? was her late husband.
The verdict came on the acquisition (b) Acquisition of Land for Public Act,
(a) Vadodra of a few acres in Sikkim by the State’s 1894
17. What is the Capital of Myanmar?
Agriculture department in 1980
(b) Ahemdabad (c) Land Acquisition Act, 1894
(a) Yangon for building the Progeny Orchard
(c) Gandhinagar Regional Centre. The land was (d) Acquisition of Land for Public Act,
(b) Nay Pyi Taw
recorded in two names — 1.29 acres 2013
(d) None of the above in the name of the Maharaja of Sikkim
(c) Vienetine
and 7.07 acres in the name of Man 25. Which article of the Constitution of
15. A new health and fitness app was (d) None of the above BahadurBasnett, who was the father India talks about the acquisition of
launched by Punjab Chief Secretary to of the original appellant in this case. land and compensation in lieu of such
raise awareness about Corona virus. 18. The vote of constitutional reforms that The judgment found that “in this case, acquisition?
What is the name of the App? took place in Myanmar Parliament was the appellant could not have been
regarding; forcibly dispossessed of her property (a) Article 31 (b) Article 31A
(a) COVA India
(a) To reduce the power of military. without any legal sanction...” (c) Article 31B (d) Article 3C
(b) COVA Punjab
(b) To remove military from the The court gave the State three months’ (Q.26-Q.30): The [2] Amendment bill
(c) COVA Awareness time from the date of the judgment
politics. introduces changes in the terms and
(d) None of the above for it to “make up their mind as to conditions of appointment of the
(c) To amend the provision regarding what they want to do”. “Would they chief information commissioner (CIC)
the election of the President. still like to retain the land by issuing a
16. Which of the following are not declared at the Centre and the information
by WHO as pandemic or epidemic? (d) Both (a) and (c) proper notification, or would they like commissioners in states. The [2]
to surrender possession of the land. amendment bill has three provisions
(a) Elephantiasis In either eventuality, the question
19. Who is the current President of that have been challenged by the
(b) Nipah Virus infection Myanmar? of payment for use and occupation Opposition members in Parliament
would still arise, which will have to be and by activists working in the field.
(c) Cholera (a) Win Myint determined in accordance with law,”
the judgment said. But before proceeding ahead, let’s
(d) Monkeypox (b) MyintSwe
have a look at the basic things that
(c) Aung San SuuKyi 21. Which of the following is true the [3] Act of 2005 does. The existing
regarding Article 300A of the Indian law says that the public authorities are
(d) None of the above Constitution? required to make disclosures on their
(a) It is not a fundamental right. organisation, functions and structure
20. Fill [5] with a suitable option. powers and duties of its officers and
(a) National League for Democracy (b) It was added by 44th employees financial information.
constitutional amendment.
(b) Republic Party of Myanmar In the 2019 [2] amendment bill,
(c) It is not absolute in nature. the NarendraModi government has
(c) Congress for Democracy done away with the fixed tenure of
(d) All of the above
(d) None of the above five years for the chief information
22. In which part of the constitution right commissioners and the information
(Q.21-Q.25): The Supreme Court has commissioners. Their salaries too
reiterated that forcible dispossession to property was protected before
1978? have been altered. Both will now be
(Q.17-Q.20): Myanmar’s military quashed of a person of his private property separately notified by the government
proposals in Parliament that would without due process of law is a (a) Part I (b) Part II of the day.
mean its MPs relinquish power, in violation of human rights.
a vote pitting the armed forces in (c) Part III (d) Part IV
In a recent judgment by a Bench led by 26. Who appoints the Chief Information
open opposition against Aung San
Justice S.K. Kaul, the court stressed Commissioner?
SuuKyi as elections loom. The vote 23. Which of the following is remedy
was the climax of a year of fierce that right to property is both a human available to an aggrieved individual to (a) Parliamentary Committee
debates between MPs as the civilian right and a constitutional right — protect his right to property?
the latter under Article 300A of the (b) President
government attempted to reform the (a) Writ petition under Article 32
Constitution to (2). Ms. SuuKyi’s ruling Constitution. (c) Cabinet Minister
party named (5) has been fighting for “It is accepted in every jurisprudence (b) Writ petition under Article 226
(d) None of the above
reforms. Crucially, it holds a quarter and by different political thinkers that

Answer Key & Explanations

13. Ans–b) Before 11thMarch WHO the COVID-19. Here, COVA stands for commander-in-chief of the defence abolished by 44 th Amendment Act ,1978.
announcement, the COVID-19 outbreak Coronavirus Alert. services as the “supreme commander of all
23. Ans-b) The aggrieved person has no
was described by the UN health agency armed forces”. The Parliament also rejected
16. Ans – a) Pandemic, Epidemic Diseases right to manoeuvre the court under Article
as an epidemic, meaning that it has been a proposed constitutional amendment that
• Chikungunya 32 since the right to property is no longer
spreading to many people, and many would have allowed the country’s de facto
• Cholera a fundamental right, though it’s still a
communities, at the same time. Labelling leader, Ms. SuuKyi, to officially become
• Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever constitutional right. And only fundamental
the spread a pandemic, indicates that it President. Article 59(f) of the constitution
• Ebola virus disease rights can be claimed under Article 32;
has officially spread around the world, and bars a person from becoming President
• Hendra virus infection however, such right can be claimed under
is also a reflection of the WHO’s concern if his or her spouse or children are foreign
• Influenza (pandemic, seasonal, zoonotic) Article 226.
at what it calls the “alarming levels of the citizens.
• Lassa fever
coronavirus spread, severity and inaction”, 24. Ans-a) The Right to Fair Compensation
• Marburg virus disease 19. Ans- a) The incumbent president is Win
and the expectation that the number of and Transparency in Land Acquisition,
• Meningitis Myint. While he is the head of state and de
cases, deaths and affected countries will Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013
• MERS-CoV jure head of government, the de facto head
continue to climb.Whereas epidemic is an (also Land Acquisition Act, 2013) is an Act
• Monkeypox of government and the dominant state
event when disease spreads actively and of Indian Parliament that regulates land
• Nipah virus infection figure is the State Counsellor of Myanmar
often problem grown out of control. acquisition and lays down the procedure
• Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and leader of the ruling National League for
and rules for granting compensation,
14. Ans-a) The 1897 law, which was • Plague Democracy, Aung San SuuKyi
rehabilitation and resettlement to the
enacted to tackle bubonic plague in the • Rift Valley fever
20. Ans-a) The National League for is a political affected persons in India.
then Bombay state, is meant to contain • SARS
party in Myanmar (Burma), currently
dangerous epidemic diseases. It confers • Smallpox 25. Ans-b) Article 31A gives power to
serving as the governing party. Founded on
special powers upon local authorities to • Tularaemia authorities to acquire land for public
27 September 1988.Aung San SuuKyi, the
implement measures necessary to control • Yellow fever purpose and mandates to make
Special Honorary President of the Socialist
epidemics. In the past, the Act has been • Zika virus disease compensation.
International Nobel Peace Prize laureate,
used to fight various epidemics such as
17. Ans-b) Yangon, also called Rangoon, and current State Counsellor of Myanmar, 26. Ans-b) The Chief Information
swine flu, dengue, and cholera. In 2018, it
city, capital of independent Myanmar serves as its chairperson. Commissioner and Information
was invoked in Vadodara to fight cholera.
(Burma) from 1948 to 2006, In late 2005, Commissioners are appointed by the
As per reports, in Chandigarh it was 21. Ans- d) Article 300A was inserted by 44th
the government moved the capital to President on the recommendation of a
invoked to tackle malaria in 2015. constitutional amendment. Article 300A
Naypyidaw as it has a more centralized committee consisting of— (i) the Prime
states that - No person shall be deprived
15. Ans-b) Multiple coronavirus cases in location in the country and is a crossroads Minister, who shall be the Chairperson of
of his property save by the authority of law.
India have been confirmed, causing alarm for many popular Myanmar regions. the committee; (ii) the Leader of Opposition
Further, it is not a fundamental right but a
among the people. A new app dubbed in the LokSabha; and (iii) a Union Cabinet
18. Ans-d) The rejected amendments would constitutional right.
COVA Punjab has appeared on the Google Minister to be nominated by the Prime
have gradually reduced the number of
Play Store and the Apple App Store. 22. Ans- c) The right to property was initially Minister.
military MPs over a period of 15 years
The COVA Punjab app aims to sensitize present in Indian constitution under part III
and abolished a section that names the
people and spread awareness about : Fundamental right , Article 31 but it was
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3 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020

27. Which bill can be replaced by [2] in the rest doubts about the viability of BS-IV emission standards instituted Kedarnath judgment and said there
above passage? vehicles post the deadline. by the Government of India was a need to lay down parameters
to regulate the output of air for the invocation of Section 124A.
(a) Right to Information Bill, 2019 According to Maruti Suzuki, [1] pollutants from motor vehicles. “Otherwise a situation would result
compliant petrol vehicles can run
(b) Chief Information Commissioner in which an unrestricted recourse
on BS4 petrol also. The [1] petrol (c) With the implementation of
Bill, 2019 to Section 124A would result in a
cars from Maruti Suzuki have been new norms, pollution levels
(c) Public Grievances Bill, 2019 are expected to come down serious encroachment of guarantee of
extensively tested with BS-IV fuel and
significantly as the particulate personal liberty conferred upon every
(d) Public Grievances Bill, 1990 there are no operational concerns,
matter (PM) will decrease. citizen of a free society,” the court had
it said recently. Similarly, BS-IV cars
28. Which can be asked to give information can also run on [1] fuel, according to (d) All the above
under the act which can be replaced reports. 36. The sedition law can be said to
by [3] in the above passage? 34. The major difference in standards be a restriction on which article of
Maruti Suzuki, the country’s largest
between the existing BS-IV and new constitution?
(a) Any public authority passenger vehicle manufacturer, said
in the same release that it sold 2 lakh BS-VI auto fuel norms is presence of: (a) Article 19(1)(a)
(b) Any public and private authority [1] compliant vehicles, six months (a) Sulphur (b) Article 19(1)(b)
(c) Any private organization having ahead of its actual enforcement. The
carmaker has eight [1] compliant (b) Sulphur di oxide (c) Article 19(1)(c)
substantial funding from the
government. models in its portfolio currently. (c) Sulphur mono oxide (d) Article 19(1)(d)
Hyundai, Kia Motors, and Mercedes
(d) Both (a) and (c) have also launched some of their (d) Nitrogen dioxide
37. Which famous historical movement is
models with [1] compliant engines.
29. Which Article of the Indian Constitution 35. Which was the first Indian city to considered to be the origin of sedition
can be considered as the basis of the Carmakers have already started rolling supply ultra-clean Bharat Stage (BS) laws?
Act which can be replaced by [3] in out discounts and offers, to revive VI grade fuel? (a) Khilafat Movement
the above passage? customer demand now that the festive
season is around the corner. Buying a (a) Mumbai (b) Gurgaon (b) Civil Disobedience Movement
(a) Article 16 (b) Article 17 BS-IV car now can be a viable option if (c) Bangalore (d) Delhi (c) Wahabi Movement
(c) Article 18 (d) Article 19 customers don’t want to pay extra for
the same car with a [1] engine a few (Q.36-Q.40): A session court in Mumbai (d) Quit India Movement
months later. rejected the anticipatory bail
30. Which United Nations document
application of a 22-year-old student 38. Who was the first known person to be
recognizes right to information?
31. Which emission standard can be charged with sedition law in India?
(a) Charter of the United Nations replaced by [1] in the above passage?
(a) Bal Ganga DharTilak
(b) Universal Declaration of Human
(a) BS-IV
Rights (b) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) BS-V
(c) United Nations General Assembly (c) Jagdish Chandra Basu
Resolution no. 59 (c) BS-VI
(d) Jogendra Chandra Bose
(d) Both (b) and (c) (d) BS-VII
39. Which of the following countries
(Q.31-Q.35): The automotive industry, deleted seditious libel through an act?
32. Which is the first two wheeler
which has been reeling under the
manufacturer in India to receive BS-VI (a) Pakistan
impact of a host of adverse factors and
one of the worst slowdowns ever, is set (b) Saudi Arabia
to transition to [1] emission standards
(c) UK
on April 1, 2020, a fact which was
reiterated by the government two booked under Section 124A (sedition) (d) Malaysia
days ago. This transition has been of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) along
the talk of motown ever since it was with 50 others. The sedition charge 40. Who is the drafter of sedition law in
announced last year, and it is pertinent was filed on the basis of slogans that India?
to demystify its implications as the the student had raised in favour of (a) Lord Thomas Babington
deadline looms closer. another student who has already been Macaulay
booked for sedition. The court said
the slogan “attracts the ingredients of (b) Warren Hastings
sedition”. (c) Lord William Bentick

(a) Bajaj Auto Section 124A IPC states: “Whoever, by (d) Robert Browning
words, either spoken or written, or by
(b) Hero MotoCorp signs, or by visible representation, or
(c) Royal Enfield otherwise, brings or attempts to bring
into hatred or contempt, or excites
(d) Yamaha Motorcycle or attempts to excite disaffection
towards, the Government established
33. Which of the following is true regarding by law in India, shall be punished with
In August Finance Minister Bharat Stage standards? imprisonment for life, to which a fine
NirmalaSitharaman clarified in a may be added; or, with imprisonment
(a) The Environment Ministry is
press conference that BS-IV vehicles which may extend to three years, to
responsible for deciding the fuel
purchased up to March 2020, will standard in the country. which a fine may be added; or, with
remain operational for the entire fine.”
duration of their registration, putting to (b) The Bharat Stage (BS) are
The High Court in 2015 referred to the

Answer Key & Explanations

27. Ans-a) The government has introduced integral part of the fundamental right of 34. Ans- a) BS-VI fuel will bring down sulphur editor of “Bangobasi”,who was charged
the Right to Information (Amendment) freedom of expression, as recognized by content by 5 times from the current BS-IV in 1891 for his criticism of the “Age of
Bill, 2019 in the Lok Sabha. The bill seeks resolution 59 of the UN General Assembly levels. It has 10 ppm of sulphur as against Consent Bill”.
to overhaul the terms and conditions adopted in 1946, as well as by Article 19 50 ppm in BS-IV.
39. Ans- c)
of service of the CIC and Information of the Universal Declaration of Human
35. Ans- d) Delhi became the first city in India
Commissioners at the centre and in states. Rights (1948), which states that the • The United Kingdom deleted the seditious
to supply ultra-clean Bharat Stage (BS)
fundamental right of freedom of expression libel through the Coroners and Justice Act,
28. Ans-d) “Right to Information” means the VI grade fuel (both petrol and diesel) with
encompasses the freedom to “to seek, 2009.
right to information accessible under this an aim to combat the rising levels of air
receive and impart information and ideas
Act which is held by or under the control of pollution in Delhi-NCR region. • In Australia, following the recommendations
through any media and regardless of
any public authority. of the Australian Law Reform Commission
frontiers”. 36. Ans- a) Article 19(1)(a) gives freedom of
(ALRC) the term sedition was removed
Public authority includes non-Government speech and expression; however sedition
31. Ans-c) The government has mandated and replaced with references to ‘urging
organisation substantially financed, laws are restriction on such right.
that vehicles conforming to the BS-IV violence offenses’.
directly or indirectly by funds provided by
emission standards will not be permitted to 37. Ans- c) The origin of sedition law in India
the appropriate Government. 40. Ans- a) Section 124A of the Indian Penal
be sold or registered with effect from April is linked to the Wahabi Movement of 19th
1, 2020. All vehicles have to adhere to the Code (IPC), which deals with sedition, was
29. Ans-d) The Supreme Court of India has century. This movement, centredaround
BS-VI emission standards. drafted by Thomas Babington Macaulay
recognized the right to information as a Patna was an Islamic revivalist movement,
and included in the IPC in 1870.
constitutionally protected fundamental whose stress was to condemn any change
32. Ans- b) Hero MotoCorp, the world’s largest
right, established under the Article 19 (right into the original Islam and return to its true
two-wheeler manufacturer, has become
to freedom of speech and expression) and spirit.
the first two-wheeler manufacturer in India
Article 21 (right to life) of the Constitution.
to receive the BS-VI certification. 38. Ans-d) The first known use of Sedition
30. Ans-d) Freedom of information is an law was against Jogendra Chandra Bose,
33. Ans- d)
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E: query@legaledge.in
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The CLAT Post • March 2020
(Q.41-Q.45): The World Health (a) 11th (b) 12th the two elections last year. has been victimized. Her reports of
Organization (WHO) on Wednesday irregularities in the branch met with a
(c) 16th (d) 17th
said that according to its assessment, 46. Who is the current Prime Minister of reprisal. She was transferred out and
COVID-19 “can be characterised as a Israel as marked as [1]? sent to a branch which was expected
43. Which is first Indian state/UT to report
[1]”. to be occupied by a scale-I officer,”
case of corona virus? (a) Benny Gantz
the bench said.
(a) Kerala (b) Delhi (b) NaftaliBennet
“This is symptomatic of a carrot and
(c) Rajasthan (d) Maharashtra (c) Ehud Olmert stick policy adopted to suborn the
dignity of a woman who is aggrieved
(d) Benjamin Netanyahu by unfair treatment at her workplace.
44. International agency OECD recently
lowered India’s GDP growth forecast The law cannot countenance this.
47. Who was the first Israeli prime minister The order of transfer was an act of
because of corona virus. What is the
to visit India? unfair treatment and is vitiated by
predicted growth forecast?
(a) Ariel Sharon malafides,” it said.
(a) 5.1% (b) 4.9%
(b) Ehud Olmert The top court noted in its judgement
(c) 6.2% (d) 4.7% that the woman officer had not
(c) Benjamin Netanyahu participated in the proceedings before
“WHO has been assessing this 45. Which of the following is NOT a type
(d) NaftaliBennet the Internal Complaints Committee
outbreak round-the-clock and we of corona virus? (ICC) of the bank, which dealt with her
are deeply concerned both by the
(a) SARS-CoV (b) MERS-CoV 48. Which of the following has been allegations of sexual harassment, and
alarming levels of spread and severity,
recently inaugurated by Israeli and there was a fundamental defect in the
and by the alarming levels of inaction,” (c) 2019-nCoV (d) SERS- CoV
Indian Prime Minister in Gujarat? constitution of the ICC.
it said.
(Q.46-Q.49): Israel’s ex-military chief
According to the WHO, a [1] is declared (a) iCREATE (b) iTECH 50. Right to equality is a fundamental
Benny Gantz was nominated to try to
when a new disease for which people form a government but further talks (c) i CONNECT (d) iSPACE right given under which article of
do not have immunity spreads around were expected with his bitter rival, Constitution of India?
the world beyond expectations. It Premier [1], on an emergency alliance 49. What is the name Israeli legislature (a) Article 13
noted with concern that 1,18,000 to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. which can be replaced by [5] in the
positive cases had been reported in above passage? (b) Article 14
114 countries, and more than 90% of
cases were in just four. (a) Federal Assembly (c) Article 15

The new advisory, issued following (b) Knesset (d) None of the above
a meeting of the Group of Ministers, (c) Council of Ministers
noted that visa-free travel facility 51. Which was one of the first countries
granted to OCI card holders would be (d) National Assembly to pass a law against harassment of
kept in abeyance till April 15. female slaves?
(Q.50-Q.54): Sexual harassment at
“Provision for testing primarily for the workplace is an “affront” to the (a) United States of America
students/compassionate cases in fundamental rights of a woman to (b) United Kingdom
Italy to be made and collection for “We must not have a fourth election,” equality, her right to live with dignity
samples to be organised accordingly. Benny Gantz said, after he was and to practice any profession or carry (c) China
Those tested negative will be allowed formally nominated to attempt to form out any occupation, the Supreme (d) India
to travel and will be quarantined on an administration by President Reuven Court has said.
arrival in India for 14 days,” the release Rivlin. “I’ll do everything to form in
52. According to the Women Danger
added. as few days as possible a national,
Index 2019 which is the least safe
patriotic and broad government.”
India has so far evacuated 948 country for women?
passengers from coronavirus- Benny Gantz, 60, won
(a) South Africa (b) India
affected countries. Of these, 900 are recommendations from 61 lawmakers,
Indian citizens and 48 belong to other a razor thin majority in the 120-member (c) Russia (d) Mexico
nationalities. [5], or Parliament. His backers did not
include Mr. [1]’s right-wing Likud, 53. Which Article of the Indian Constitution
The Union Ministry of Road Transport but Mr. Rivlin has urged the two men guarantees the protection of life and
and Highways has issued an advisory to work together in an emergency The apex court observed this personal liberty to every individual?
to reduce the spread of the virus by unity government, in order to avoid a while upholding the verdict of the
taking steps to ensure sanitation of national policy vacuum in response to (a) Article 22 (b) Article 23
Madhya Pradesh High Court which
seats, handles and bars in public the pandemic. had quashed an order of transfer (c) Article 21 (d) None of the above
transport. “The hygiene and sanitation of a woman bank employee who
may be stepped up at all the bus “It is possible that forming a
government quickly will require interim had levelled allegations of sexual 54. What is the main purpose of the law
terminals and the display of public harassment against her senior officer. The Sexual Harassment of Women at
health massages may be ensured on arrangements for the coming months”,
Mr. Rivlin. Workplace 2013?
public transport vehicles,”it said. The bench said the material placed
Benny Gantz path to a longer-term before it indicated that the woman (a) To provide protection against
41. Which of the following term can be stable coalition is difficult given the officer, during her posting at Indore sexual harassment of women at
replaced by [1] in the above passage? deep divisions within the factions that branch of the bank, had written the workplace
backed him, which include the mainly repeated communications to
(a) Endemic (b) Epidemic (b) For redressal of such complaints.
Arab Joint List and the nationalist authorities drawing their attention to
(c) Pandemic (d) Enodemic Yisrael Beiteinu. serious irregularities in maintenance (c) To help women to open their
of accounts of liquor contractors and offices
42. According to Robert Koch institute Mr. Rivlin officially granted Benny had levelled specific allegations of
Gantz 28 days to try to form a (d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
Germany, what is the rank of India corruption.
among countries risked of corona government, a task which proved
impossible for any candidate following “There can be no manner of doubt
virus? that the respondent (woman officer)

Answer Key & Explanations

41. Ans-c) The coronavirus outbreak has (SARS-CoV) and Middle East Respiratory fixed its membership at 120 from the alone, followed closely by Brazil and
been labelled a pandemic by the World Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), Knesset Hagedolah (Great Assembly), the Russia. Spain, Singapore, and Ireland were
Health Organization (WHO). can cause severe respiratory infections. representative Jewish council convened the three safest places for solo travel,
The seventh type (2019-nCoV) is a new in Jerusalem by Ezra and Nehemiah in the according to the Fergussons’ findings.
42. Ans- d) The researchers of Robert Koch
coronavirus recently discovered in China. 5th century BCE.
institute in Germany and Humboldt 53. Ans-a) Article 21 guarantees the protection
University have founded mathematical 46. Ans-d) Benjamin Netanyahu is an Israeli 50. Ans-b) Article 14 provides for equality of life and personal liberty to every
model to predict global spread of novel politician who has been Prime Minister of before law The State shall not deny to any individual and states that, “No person shall
corona virus cases. India was ranked 17th Israel since 2009, having previously held person equality before the law or the equal be deprived of his life and personal liberty
in the ranking system. the position from 1996 to 1999. protection of the laws within the territory except according to procedure established
of India Prohibition of discrimination on by law.”
43. Ans- a) Kerala was the first Indian state to 47. Ans-a) Netanyahu is first Israeli Prime
grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or
report a positive COVID- 19 case, back in Minister to visit India in span of last 15 54. Ans- d) The Sexual Harassment of Women
place of birth.
January. years and second one overall. Ariel Sharon at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
was first and only Israeli Prime Minister to 51. Ans-a) The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is Redressal) Act, 2013 is a legislative act
44. Ans-a) International agency OECD
visit India in 2003. passed which prohibits employment in India that seeks to protect women from
recently lowered India’s GDP growth
discrimination based on race, color, sex, sexual harassment at their place of work.
forecast to 5.1 per cent from the earlier 48. Ans-a) Prime Minister NarendraModi and
religion, or national origin its original intent
projection of 6.2 per cent for 2020-21. his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu
was to protect women in the workplace.
inaugurated iCREATE facility at DeoDholera
45. Ans-d) Four types (229E, NL63, OC43, This remains its main emphasis today.
Village in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
and KHU1) are common and cause mild
52. Ans-a) According to the authors of the
to moderate respiratory infections, like 49. Ans-b) The Knesset (Israel’s unicameral
Women’s Danger Index, Asher and Lyric
the common cold. Two types, Severe parliament) is the country’s legislative
Fergusson,South Africa is the most
Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus body. The Knesset took its name and
dangerous country for women to visit
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5 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
(Q.55-Q.59): The patrol on the M4 (c) Azerbaijanis (d) Kurds (c) Disease modelling BJP spokesperson Baijayant Panda
highway in [1] province was the result slammed the UN body for its move.
(Q.60-Q.64): In an unprecedented (d) Count the number of affected
of a March 5 ceasefire accord between
initiative, as SAARC leaders held patients The plea maintained that all migrants
a summit via video-conference to regardless of their race, ethnicity,
discuss the way forward to fight the 62. Which is the newest member state of religion, nationality or immigration
coronavirus pandemic, India proposed SAARC? status enjoy human rights and are
creation of a COVID-19 emergency entitled to protection.
(a) Afghanistan
fund, for which it committed “an initial
“Without prejudice to the power of
offer of US$ 10 million”. (b) Bhutan
States to establish migration policies
During the hour-and-a-half- (c) China as a manifestation of their sovereignty,
long summit, many of the leaders including measures in favour of
expressed concern over the economic (d) None of the above migrants that may be subject to
impact and called for a strategy to deal persecution and other serious human
with the aftermath. 63. Which among the following are true rights violations/irreparable harm in
with respect to SAARC? their countries of origin or previous
While the SAARC region has reported
Moscow and Ankara, which back (a) It includes 8 nations in the region residence, States must ensure
174 cases so far, including 107 in India,
opposing sides in Syria’s nine-year from the time of its establishment. migration governance measures
the region accounts for one-fifth of
war. The ceasefire has largely held are in accordance with international
the world’s population, is densely- (b) It was established in 1985.
since then. Under the deal, Turkish human rights law, including the right
populated and doesn’t have robust
and Russian forces are to establish a (c) First SAARC summit was held in to equality before the law, equal
public health infrastructure.
security corridor on either side of the Nepal. protection of the law …,” it said.
M4, as well as carry out joint patrols “We are assembling a rapid response
(d) Only (b) The plea urged the top court to take
along it. team of doctors and specialists in
into account the international human
India, along with testing kits and other
But on Sunday, hundreds of civilians 64. Where the 19th summit was going to rights law, norms and standards, in
equipment. They will be on stand-
and rebels cut off the roadway, take place? the proceedings related to CAA and
by, to be placed at your disposal, if
rejecting the presence of Russian termed it “important” for India and its
required,” he said. “We can also quickly (a) Dhaka (b) New Delhi
forces and what they said was an diverse communities which have been
arrange online training capsules for
agreement that did not guarantee (c) Islamabad (d) Kathmandu welcomed by the State.
your emergency response teams. This
their re-settlement after being pushed
will be based on the model we have
out by violence. “If the patrols happen (Q.65-Q.69): In an unprecedented 65. Which can be replaced by [1] in the
used in our own country, to raise the
without people being able to return intervention, the [1] chief has moved above passage?
capacity of all our emergency staff,”
to their lands, we oppose them,” said the Supreme Court against the
Modi said. (a) United Nations Secretary
Osama Rahal, a military commander Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA),
with the rebels. “We had set up an Integrated Disease (b) United Nations Commissioner for
Surveillance Portal to better trace Human Rights
The Russian Defence Ministry said the
possible virus carriers and the people
joint patrols were cut short because (c) United Nations General Assembly
they contacted. We could share this
of rebel “provocations” and civilians
disease surveillance software with (d) International Court of Justice
being used as a human shield, forcing
SAARC partners, and training on using
them to take a shorter route, according
this,” he said. 66. Which of the following religion has not
to Russian news agency RIA.
been included in CAA?
60. Which of the following is not the
55. Which joint patrol exercise can be (a) Buddhist (b) Jews
member of SAARC?
replaced by [1] in the above passage?
(c) Christian (d) Parsi
(a) Latakia (b) Idlib drawing a strong condemnation from
(c) Kobane (d) Homs India that no foreign party has “any 67. Which of the following is not among
locus standi” on matters relating to its six principal organ of UN?
56. Which was the recently conducted sovereignty.
(a) Economic and Social Council
joint military exercise conducted The apex court is currently hearing
between India and Russia in December (b) Trusteeship Council
a batch of petitions challenging the
2019? constitutional validity of the amended (c) UNICEF
(a) Neer (b) Vayu citizenship law and had on December
(d) Office of the United Nations High
18 sought the response of the Centre.
(c) Garud (d) Indra Commissioner for Human Rights
In its 12-page intervention application,
68. Which country’s non-muslim
57. When was ongoing Syrian civil war (a) China the Office of the [1] sought to
minorities have not been included to
started? “assist the Court, in examining
(b) Bhutan grant citizenship under CAA?
the compatibility of the CAA with
(a) 2010 (b) 2011 India’s Constitution, in light of India’s (a) Afghanistan (b) Myanmar
(c) Maldives
(c) 2012 (d) 2013 obligations under the international
(d) None of the above (c) Bangladesh (d) Pakistan
human rights law”.
58. Which of the following countries The country has witnessed protests 69. Which is the first Indian state to pass
61. Covid-19 ArcGIS Hub is an initiative
are not present between Russia and in the last two months over the new resolution against CAA?
of Esri, the world’s biggest location
Syria? law with the opposition parties and
intelligence company. What is the (a) West Bengal
(a) Georgia (b) Azerbaijaan objective of it? rights groups terming it as violative of
founding principles of the Constitution. (b) Kerala
(c) Jordan (d) Turkey (a) To gather and share relevant
information from all across the Rejecting the criticism, the government (c) Madhya Pradesh
globe regarding coronavirus has been accusing the opposition
59. Who are considered to be the largest (d) Rajasthan
parties of misleading people on the
stateless nation of the world? (b) Risk assessment of COVID -19 law for political gains.
(a) Turks (b) Persians and enabling decision-making

Answer Key & Explanations

55. Ans- b) Turkish and Russian troops who 59. Ans- d) Indigenous to a mountain region in in 1985 in Dhaka. Trusteeship Council, International Court of
began joint patrols Idlib on March, 15 on the the northern Middle East, the Kurds are the Justice (ICJ), and the UN Secretariat.
64. Ans-c) The 19th SAARC summit was
key east-west M4 highway in northwest largest stateless nation in the world.
a scheduled diplomatic conference, 68. Ans – b) The CAA, grants Indian citizenship
Syria faced protests and roadblocks set up
60. Ans- a) The South Asian Association for which was originally planned to be held in to non-Muslim minorities—Hindu, Sikh,
by local residents.
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is the Islamabad, Pakistan but got cancelled after Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian—
56. Ans-d) Indo-Russian bilateral military regional intergovernmental organization an attack on Indian army camp in Kashmir. who migrated to India from Afghanistan,
exercise, dubbed Indra-2019, will be and geopolitical union of states in South Pakistan and Bangladesh till December 31,
65. Ans- b) The Office of the United Nations
held in three Indian states and include air, Asia. Its member states are Afghanistan, 2014, following persecution over their faith.
High Commissioner for Human Rights had
ground, and naval forces of both countries. Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives,
filed an intervention in the Supreme Court 69. Ans-b) The Kerala Government on
Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
57. Ans- b) The Syrian civil war, which started on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). December 31, 2019, passed a resolution
in 2011, is an ongoing multi-sided civil war 61. Ans- a) Esri, the world’s biggest location to rollback the Citizenship Amendment
66. Ans- b) The CAA, grants Indian citizenship
in Syria fought between the Ba’athist Syrian intelligence company, which is always Act (CAA) that was passed during this
to non-Muslim minorities—Hindu, Sikh,
Arab Republic led by Syrian President at the forefront in disaster mapping and winter session of Parliament. According
Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian—
Bashar al-Assad, along with domestic and helping agencies with data gathering, has to the Kerala Government, the CAA
who migrated to India from Afghanistan,
foreign allies, and various domestic and designed a special Covid-19 ArcGIS Hub act contradicts the basic principles of
Pakistan and Bangladesh till December 31,
foreign forces opposing both the Syrian to gather and share relevant information Constitution.
2014, following persecution over their faith.
government and each other in varying from all across the globe.
combinations. 67. Ans-d) The United Nations System
62. Ans-a) Afghanistan became the newest
consists of the United Nations, and the
58. Ans-c) Between Russia and Syria – member of SAARC at the 13th annual
six principal organs of the United Nations:
Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armania and Turkey summit in 2005
the General Assembly, Security Council,
are present.
63. Ans- b) The foundation of SAARC was laid Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC),
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E: query@legaledge.in
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6 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
(Q.70-Q.74): In a major observation, the (c) Mahatma Gandhi media. When we say wide publicity, holding to below [3] before three years
Allahabad High Court has made we mean that same shall be done at from the date of capital infusion.
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
public view mandatory for an offence least thrice after filing of nomination
to be qualified and tried under the [1]. papers,” the bench had ordered in 79. Which of the following will replace [1]?
73. Which of the following provisions have
The court said that for constituting an 2018.
been excluded by 2018 amendment (a) PMC Bank (b) PNB
offence under this act and summoning
to the above said act? Fielding candidates with criminal
the culprit, public view was mandatory. (c) Yes Bank (d) Dena Bank
antecedents has been one of the key
(a) Anticipatory Bail (b) Arrest
The court also made it clear that if concerns in the recent elections. The
the offence was allegedly committed extent of this can be understood from 80. Consider the following problems that a
(c) FIR
behind closed doors -- where no the fact that according to an analysis bank might face –
witness was present -- the [1] Act (d) Cognizance by magistrate by New Delhi based Association of 1. Mounting debts
could not be applied. The ruling was Democratic Reforms (ADR), nearly half
given by Justice RK Gautam while 74. Which of the following Constitutional the MPs of the 17th Lok Sabha elected 2. Bad loans issued
quoting a Supreme Court ruling and Article removes untouchability? in May last year had declared criminal 3. Capital-crunch
hearing a petition filed by a Sonbhadra (a) Article 17 (b) Article 28 cases against them. Out of the 539
resident KP Thakur against the order MPs which ADR analysed, 233 had Which of the above problems have
of Duddhi judicial magistrate. (c) Article 29 (d) Article 15 declared criminal cases against them been faced by [1]?
which was an increase of 44% in the (a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 2 and 3
The petitioner was the probe officer (Q.75-Q.78): The Supreme Court asked number of MPs with declared criminal
in a departmental inquiry against one the [1] to work out a mechanism (c) Only 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
cases since 2009.
Vinod Kumar Tanay. According to the to curb criminalization of politics in
petition, Thakur had called Tanay to his nation’s interest as the poll watchdog 75. Which commission can be replaced 81. Which of the following will replace [2]?
chamber for the recording of evidence said that the 2018 order to declare by [1] in the above passage?
on the day of incidence. The latter had (a) Rs. 5,000 (b) Rs. 25,000
criminal antecedents by the apex (a) Standing committee of parliament
brought along a colleague MP Tiwari. court to curb the problem has not (c) Rs. 50,000 (d) Rs. 1 lakh
However, Thakur asked Tiwari to go been helpful. (b) Election Commission
out of his chamber as it would have 82. Which of the following will replace [3]?
(c) Central Vigilance Commission
hindered the process of recording
the evidence and statement, said the (d) None of the above (a) 21% (b) 26%
petition. (c) 31% (d) 34%
Following this, Tanay moved a petition 76. When the above said commission was
before the judicial magistrate against established? 83. Who is the CEO of [1]?
Thakur under the [1] Act and other (a) 1950 (b) 1951 (a) Rana Kapoor
sections of Indian Penal Code. After
the court summoned Thakur, he (c) 1952 (d) 1953 (b) Ravneet Gill
challenged the order in High Court. (c) Amitabh Chaudhary
77. Which part of the Indian Constitution
The court quashed the summoning for deals with elections? (d) Aditya Puri
an offence punishable under the [1]
Act. However, the judge made it clear (a) XIII (b) XIV (Q.84-Q.89)The US and Nato allies have
that for rest of the offences, no relief The bench comprising of Justices agreed to withdraw all troops within
(c) XV (d) XVI
was given to the petitioner. R.F. Nariman and S. Ravindra Bhat 14 months if the militants uphold
was hearing a plea by BJP leader and the deal. President Trump said it had
The case was sent back to the Duddhi 78. Which of the following offices can
advocate Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay been a “long and hard journey” in
judicial magistrate to be tried under only be removed special majority of
that alleged that [1] neither amended Afghanistan. “It’s time after all these
Sections 323 (simple hurt) and 2/3rd members present and voting
the Election Symbol Order, 1968 nor the years to bring our people back home,”
506 (criminal intimidation) of the supported by more than 50% of the
model code of conduct (MCC) so the he said. Talks between the Afghan
complainant under Indian Penal Code. total strength of the house?
said notification has no legal sanction. government and the Taliban are due
(a) Chief Justice of India to follow. Under the agreement, the
70. Which is the law that can be replaced The court also asked the poll body to
come up with a framework within one (b) Comptroller and Auditor General militants also agreed not to allow [1] or
by [1] enacted to prevent atrocities any other extremist group to operate in
against scheduled castes and week, which can contribute towards
the larger issue of containing the (c) Chief Election Commissioner the areas they control.
scheduled tribes?
entry of candidates having criminal (d) All the above The deal was signed by US special
(a) Indian Penal Code background into politics, which will envoy [2] and Taliban political chief
(b) The Scheduled Castes and Tribes eventually serve the national interest. (Q.79-Q.83.) Panicked [1] customers were [3] with US Secretary of State Mike
(Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 The top court had said measures seen queuing up at the bank’s ATMs Pompeo as a witness. Within the
to weed out criminal elements from at various locations, but to no avail as first 135 days of the deal the US will
(c) Tribal Act, 1990 most cash-dispensing machines ran reduce its forces in Afghanistan to
politics if implemented in true spirit
(d) Both (a) and (b) and right earnestness will strengthen dry, after the Reserve Bank placed the 8,600, with allies also drawing down
the democratic set-up. crisis-hit lender under a moratorium. their forces proportionately. The deal
71. Which ministry is the nodal agency to However, many a customers said they also provides for a prisoner swap.
A five-judge Constitution bench in were able to withdraw the stipulated Some 5,000 Taliban prisoners and
enforce the above said act?
2018 had unanimously held that all amount of [2] through cheques at [1] 1,000 Afghan security force prisoners
(a) Ministry of Tribal Affairs candidates will have to declare their branches. As the Reserve Bank has would be exchanged by 10 March,
criminal background to the poll panel superseded the board of the private when talks between the Taliban and
(b) Ministry of Tribal Affairs
before contesting polls and called for sector lender on a precarious financial the Afghan government are due to
(c) Ministry of Social Justice and a wider publicity, through print and condition and has appointed a former start.
Empowerment electronic media about antecedents SBI executive as its administrator,
of candidates. customers cannot withdraw more 84. Which of the following will replace [1]?
(d) Ministry of Home Affairs
“The candidate as well as the than [2] under the moratorium period
till April 3, 2020. (a) Al Qaeda
72. Who gave the term ‘Harijan’ to Dalits? concerned political party shall issue
a declaration in the widely circulated In its draft ‘[1] Ltd. Reconstruction (b) Lashkar-e-Toiba
(a) BR Ambedkar
newspapers in the locality about the Scheme, 2020’, RBI said the strategic (c) Jaish-e-Mohammad
(b) Chandra Shekhar Azad antecedents of the candidate and also investor bank will have to pick up 49
give wide publicity in the electronic percent stake and it cannot reduce (d) All off the above

Answer Key & Explanations

70. Ans-b) The Scheduled Castes and Tribes 74. Ans- a) Article 17 of the Indian Constitution misbehaviour or incapacity’. Hint (Q.84-Q.89)The deal was signed in the
(Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 is an is a legislation that abolishes practice of Qatari capital Doha by U.S. Special Envoy
Hint (Q.79-Q.83)The bank being talked about
Act of the Parliament of India enacted untouchability in any form. Zalmay Khalilzad and Taliban political chief
is the Yes Bank, which has recently faced
to prevent atrocities against scheduled Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar. The main
75. Ans-b) The Election Commission of India a lot of problems due to bad loans and
castes and scheduled tribes. The Act is counter-terrorism commitment by the
is an autonomous constitutional authority capital-crunch. As the Reserve Bank has
popularly known as the SC/ST Act, POA, Taliban is that “Taliban will not allow any of
responsible for administering election superseded the board of the private sector
the Prevention of Atrocities Act, or simply its members, other individuals or groups,
processes in India at national, state and lender on a precarious financial condition
the Atrocities Act. including al-Qaeda, to use the soil of
district level. and has appointed a former SBI executive
Afghanistan to threaten the security of the
71. Ans-c) Ministry of Social Justice is the as its administrator, customers cannot
76. Ans-a) The Election Commission was United States and its allies”. While Miller
nodal ministry to enforce the Scheduled withdraw more than Rs. 50,000 under the
established in accordance with the said the reference to al-Qaeda is important,
Castes and the Scheduled Tribes moratorium period till April 3, 2020. SBI’s
Constitution on 25th January 1950. the pact is silent on other terrorist groups
(Prevention of Atrocities) Act. share at no point of time can go below 26%.
— such as anti-India groups Lashkar-e-
77. Ans-c) Part XV of the Indian constitution The CEO of Yes Bank is Ravneet Gill.
72. Ans- c) ‘Harijan’, meaning ‘children of God’, Toiba or Jaish-e-Mohammed. Again, India,
deals with elections, and establishes a not being an US ally, is not covered under
was a term first used by Gandhi to refer to 79. (c) is the correct answer.
commission for these matters. this pact. The US invaded Afghanistan
Dalits in 1932.
80. (b) is the correct answer. weeks after the September 2001 attacks
78. Ans-d) Judges of High Courts and
73. Ans- a) The SC/ST Amendment Act 2018 in New York by the Afghanistan-based
Supreme Court, CEC, Comptroller and 81. (c) is the correct answer.
excludes the provision of anticipatory bail al-Qaeda group. Jens Stoltenberg is the
Auditor General (CAG) may be Removed
for a person who has been accused of 82. (b) is the correct answer. secretary-general of NATO.
from office through a motion adopted
atrocities against SC and STs.
by Parliament on grounds of ‘Proven 83. (b) is the correct answer. 84. (a) is the correct answer.
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7 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
85. Which of the following will replace [2]? (a) 2033 (b) 2030 Jaishankar, the government had Jews?
reiterated its traditional stand on the
(a) Mark Esper (c) 2025 (d) 2035 (a) Jerusalem
(b) Amrullah Saleh (b) Gaza
91. Nikshay Poshan Yojana, launched “We would like countries like India that
(c) Ian O Lesser to ensure economic support and have good relations with both Israel (c) Tel Aviv
nutrition during the required period and Palestine, and are also attached
(d) Zalmay Khalilzad (d) None of the above
for the tuberculosis patients provides to multilateral principles, to play a
_________ per month. bigger role in the resolution of the
86. Which of the following will replace [3]? 99. Which of the following terms can
issue,” Cheikh Niang, Chairman of
A. Rs 550/ Month be associated with Israel- Palestine
(a) Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar the committee, who visited Delhi this
week told presspersons. Mr. Niang conflict?
B. Rs 350/ Month
(b) Mullah Akhtar Mansour explained that part of the reason for (a) Egypt accord
C. Rs 400/ Month the first such country visit by the
(c) Mullah Mohammed Omar
panel was that India was expected to (b) Oslo accord
D. Rs 500/ Month.
(d) Mullah Hamid Gul become a non-permanent member of (c) Both (a) and (b)
92. “World Health Day” is a Global Health the UN Security Council for 2021-22.
87. Where was the peace-deal between (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
awareness Day celebrated every year, Asked about India’s recent votes that
US and the Taliban signed?
appeared to support Israel, including (Q.100-Q.104) The landmark rail line to
(a) Dubai (b) Doha one at the UN’s ECOSOC in June connect the northeastern region with
(c) Riyadh (d) Abu Dhabi 2019 which ended the consultative Bangladesh will be ready by the end
status for a Palestinian NGO that Israel of 2021.
88. Since which year has the Americans claimed had terror links, the committee
members said those actions were Union Minister for Development
invaded Afghanistan?
not reflective of India’s stand on the of North Eastern Region said the
(a) 2000 (b) 2001 resolution of the Israel-Palestine completion of the line between [1]
conflict. would pave the way for the first train
(c) 2002 (d) 2003
to run from the northeastern region
They pointed to several other votes to Bangladesh on the eve of the 75th
89. Who out of the following is the NATO by India, including the UN General anniversary of India’s independence in
Secretary General? Assembly vote, that had sharply 2022.
(a) Antonio Guterres criticised the United States for
recognising Jerusalem as the Israeli The ine between [1]would be
(b) Jens Stoltenberg under the sponsorship of World Health capital in December 2017. India completed before the end of next year.
(c) Ben Wallace Organisation (WHO), on - had also voted in favour of another Briefing journalists about some of the
UNGA resolution “deploring the use upcoming projects in the region, Mr.
(d) Richard V. Spencer (a) April 12 (b) April 10 of excessive, disproportionate and Singh, Minister for Development of
(Q.90-Q.94)Tuberculosis (TB) is amongst (c) April 7 (d) April 15 indiscriminate force by Israeli forces North Eastern Region (DoNER), said
the oldest diseases known to mankind, against Palestinian civilians” in June his Ministry would bear the cost of the
yet remains one of the top 10 causes of 93. World Health Organisation (WHO), a 2018. 5.46-km track on the Indian side, and
death worldwide today, as well as the specialised agency of United Nation the cost of the 10.6-km track on the
leading global infectious disease killer. is concerned with international public 95. What of the followings can be referred Bangladesh side was being borne by
With 10 million people with active TB health. It has its headquarters at - as the root cause of Israel- Palestine the Ministry of External Affairs.
disease every year and 1.6 million conflict?
(a) Geneva (b) Monaco The link will connect Gangasagar in
deaths, the challenge is enormous. (a) Shia-Sunni conflict Bangladesh to Nischintapur in India
(c) Vienna (d) New York
Under Sustainable Development (b) Jews-Shia conflict and from there to Agartala.
Goals (SDGs), the United Nation 94. Black Death or the Great Plague Land handed over Mr. Singh said
member countries have united to fight (c) Jews-ISIS conflict
was one of the most devastating land had been bought and handed
TB and eliminate it by [1]. However, pandemics in human history, spread in (d) Jews- Arab conflict over to the executing agencies in
given the prevalence of TB, India which century? both countries, and ₹580 crore had
needs to achieve the target at least 96. Which is the first Non- Arab country been sanctioned for the work on the
five earlier to the global schedule. The (a) 1400-1410 (b) 1360-1370 to recognize Palestine Liberation Indian side. The soil condition on the
country shares around 23% burden of (c) 1300-1310 (d) 1347-1351 Organization? Indian side is soft, therefore the latest
the active tuberculosis patients in the technology was being used. Around
world and 27% of the unreported or (Q.95-Q.99) India has remained (a) India
600 skilled workers were working
“missing” TB cases of the world. “steadfast” in its support for (b) The United States of America round the clock to complete the work.
Palestinian rights and has consistently
According to WHO reports India has a voted in favour of Palestine at the UN (c) Germany
global contribution of about 1.8 million 100. What is the name of the first rail line
on “15 key resolutions”, said members (d) None of the above
TB related deaths. Statistics show that connected Bangladesh and India
of a key UN body, calling for New
that over 1400 lives are claimed by TB after partition?
Delhi to play an “enhanced” role in
every day. The Government has taken 97. Which of the following territories have
the search for a solution to the Israel- (a) Maitri Express
an initiative to curb the problem with been occupied by Israel since 1967?
Palestine conflict.
eventual eradication of TB from India (b) Samjhota Express
(a) West bank (b) Gaza strip
by the year 2025. A four-member delegation of the
(c) Dosti Express
Committee on the Exercise of the (c) Only a) (d) Both (a) and (b)
90. Which of the following can be filled in Inalienable rights of the Palestinian (d) None of the above
(1)? People said that during discussions 98. Which of the following city has been
with External Affairs Minister S. considered as the holiest city for

Answer Key & Explanations

85. (d) is the correct answer. rupees 500 per month. the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Dhaka that had been shut for 43 years.
Previously train services between the two
86. (a) is the correct answer. WHO serves as a blueprint for countries to Jerusalem has been the holiest city in
countries existed before the partition of
reduce TB incidence by 80% , TB deaths by Judaism and the ancestral and spiritual
87. (b) is the correct answer. India by the British and the Maitree Express
90%, and to eliminate catastrophic costs homeland of the Jewish people since
re-established this connection between
88. (b) is the correct answer. for TB-affected households by 2030. the 10th century BCE. During classical
Dhaka and Kolkata in 2008 after being
antiquity, Jerusalem was considered the
89. (b) is the correct answer. 90. (b) is the correct answer. closed for 43 years.
center of the world, where God resided.
Hint (Q.90-Q.94) The World Health 91. (d) is the correct answer. The Purbachal (operating zero-line) with
The Oslo Agreement, also knows as the
Organization (WHO) is a specialized 4096.1 km was the boundary demarcation
92. (c) is the correct answer. Oslo Accords, is an agreement signed
agency of the United Nations that is line between India and Bangladesh.
between the State of Israel and the
concerned with international public health. 93. (a) is the correct answer. Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) on Agartala in Tripura and Akhaura in
It was established on 7 April 1948, and is September 13, 1993, meant to effectively Bangladesh will be connected by this new
94. (d) is the correct answer.
headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. bring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to its railway line.
Hint (Q.95-Q.99) In 1974, India became the end by means of territorial concessions and
The Black Death, also known as the Indian states that share borders with
first Non-Arab State to recognize Palestine facilitating the creation of the Palestinian
Pestilence (Pest for short), the Great Bangladesh are: Assam, West Bengal,
Liberation Organization (PLO) as the Authority.
Plague or the Plague, or less commonly Mizoram, Meghalaya and Tripura.
sole and legitimate representative of the
the Black Plague, was one of the most 95. (d) is the correct answer.
Palestinian people. Jitendra Singh is Minister of State for
devastating pandemics in human history,
resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 the term “Palestinian territories” has 96. (a) is the correct answer. the Ministry of Development of North
to 200 million people in Eurasia, peaking in been used for many years to describe the Eastern Region and Minister of State for
97. (d) is the correct answer.
Europe from 1347 to 1351. territories occupied by Israel since 1967, Prime Minister’s Office; Personnel, Public
namely the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. 98. (a) is the correct answer. Grievances and Pensions; Department of
World Health Day is celebrated on 7th April Atomic Energy and Department of Space.
to draw the attention among people about the roots of the Arab–Israeli (a Jewish state) 99. (b) is the correct answer.
health and healthy life. conflict have been attributed to the support 100. (a) is the correct answer.
Hint (Q100.-Q.104) The Maitri Express
by Arab League member countries for the
Under Nikshay Poshan Yojana, economic (Friendship Express) was launched to
Palestinians, a fellow League member, in
support provided by the government is revive a railway link between Kolkata and
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E: query@legaledge.in
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The CLAT Post • March 2020
101. What is the name of border line cryptography equipment, the report [1], adding to concerns that an ageing were added later. They are the Asian
between India and Bangladesh? said. For more than half a century, society and shrinking workforce will elephant, great Indian bustard, Bengal
governments all over the world trusted pile pressure on a slowing economy. florican, oceanic white-tip shark, urial
(a) Mcmohan line
the firm to keep the communications and smooth hammerhead shark.
To avoid a demographic crisis, the
(b) Radcliff Line of their spies, soldiers and diplomats
government relaxed its [2] policy in [3] There is a compiled list of the 451
secret, the newspaper said. The firm
(c) Purbachal Line to allow people to have two children, species of migratory animals found
had clients such as Iran, military juntas
but the change has not resulted in an in India. With the addition of new
(d) None of the above in Latin America, India, Pakistan and
increase in pregnancies. In 2019, the species to the CMS Appendices, the
the Vatican, it said. There was no
birth rate stood at 10.48 per 1,000 number is now 457. Globally, more
102. The new landmark train line will run official reaction from New Delhi.
people, down slightly from the year than 650 species are listed under the
between which stations – [1]? Rigged devices However, none of its before, according to data from the CMS appendices and India, with over
(a) Agartala and Akhaura customers ever knew that the firm was National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). 450 species, plays a very important
secretly owned by the [3] in a highly The number of births has now fallen role in their conservation. Gopinathan
(b) Agartala and Dhaka classified partnership with West for three consecutive years, still, there Maheshwaran, who heads the avian
(c) Kolkata and Dhaka German intelligence. were 14.65 million babies born in 2019. section of the ZSI, said that birds make
up the bulk of migratory species.
(d) None of the above These spy agencies rigged the He Yafu, an independent demographer
company’s devices so they could based in southern Guangdong Before COP 13, the number of
103. Which of the following Indian easily break the codes that countries province, said the number of births migratory bird species stood at 378
states does not share border with used to send encrypted messages, was the lowest since 1961, the last and now it has reached 380. The bird
Bangladesh? according to the report. year of a famine that left tens of millions family Muscicapidae has the highest
dead. U.S.-based academic Yi Fuxian, number of migratory species. The next
(a) Assam (b) Sikkim “It was the intelligence coup of
senior scientist at the University of highest group of migratory birds is
the century. Foreign governments
(c) Meghalaya (d) Mizoram Wisconsin-Madison, said that even raptors or birds of prey, such as eagles,
were paying good money to the
though China has abolished its one- owls, vultures and kites which are from
U.S. and West Germany for the
104. Who is the Union Minister for child policy, there has been a shift in the family Accipitridae.
privilege of having their most secret
Development of North Eastern the mindset of the population.
communications read by at least two
Region? 114. The 13th Conference of Parties (COP)
[and possibly as many as five or six]
110. Which of the following can fill in [1]? of the Convention on the conservation
(a) Rajnath Singh (b) Jitendra Singh foreign countries,” the [3] report reads
of migratory species of wild animals
(a) 1947 (b) 1949
(c) Gen V.K. Singh (d) Paban Singh (CMS) was held in [1] -
105. Which Company was involved with
(c) 1948 (d) 1945
(Q.105-Q.109)The CIA read the encrypted the US agency for spying on other (a) Ahemdabad, Gujrat.
messages of several countries, countries – [1]? 111. Which of the following can be written
(b) Gandhinagar, Gujrat.
including India, for decades through its in [2] with respect to population policy
secretly owned [2]-based company (a) Crypto AG (b) Ghost of China ? (c) Rann of Kutch, Gujrat.
trusted by governments all over the (c) Crypto Tec (d) None of the above (a) One - Child (b) Two - Child (d) Sabarmati, Gujrat.
106. Where was the headquarters of the (c) Three - Child (d) Four - Child
115. Convention on the Conservation
said company – [2]?
of Migratory Species(CMS) has its
112. What is the Official Language of China ?
(a) USA (b) Russia headquarters in
(a) Zhuang (b) Mongolian
(c) Switzerland (d) China (a) Germany (b) France
(c) Tibetan (d) Mandarin
(c) Australia (d) India
107. Which mobile company was recently
put in US trade blacklist, ‘Entity 113. What will replace [3]?
116. Who is the current director of
List’, in May 2019 by US Commerce
(a) 2014 (b) 2015 Zoological Survey of India?
world to keep the communications Department for posing a threat to US
of their spies, soldiers and diplomats national security? (c) 2016 (d) 2017 (a) Satish Chandra
secret, according to a leading (a) Apple (b) Oppo (Q.114-Q.118): With new additions to the (b) Kailash Chandra
American daily.
wildlife list put out by the Convention
(c) Oneplus (d) Huawei (c) Ram Verma
The report by [4] and German on the Conservation of Migratory
public broadcaster ZDF published (d) None of the above
108. Which US agency was also involved in
on Tuesday said the company, [1],
spying other countries – [3]?
entered into a deal with the U.S. [3] in 117. Who was the mascot for CMS COP13?
1951 and came under its ownership in (a) FBI (b) CIA
(a) The Great Indian Bustard
the 1970s. The joint reporting project,
(c) US Army (d) none of the above
which uncovered the secret operation (b) Indian Gharial
from [3]-classified documents, 109. Which newspaper jointly released
(c) Salt water Crocodile
described how the U.S. and its allies the report along with German public
exploited other nations’ gullibility for broadcaster ZDF – [4]? (d) Peacock
years, taking their money and stealing Species (CMS), scientists say that the
(a) The Washington Herald
their secrets. total number of migratory fauna from 118. Who is the current Union Minister
(b) The NewYork Times India comes to 457 species. Birds for Environment, Forests and Climate
The company specialised in
comprise 83% (380 species) of this Change?
communications and information (c) The Washington Post figure. The Zoological Survey of India
security and was founded in the (a) Akshay Pratap
(d) Cnet (ZSI) had for the first time compiled the
1940s as an independent firm. The
list of migratory species of India under (b) Prakash Narayan
[3] and the National Security Agency (Q.110-Q.113): China’s birth rate dropped the CMS before the Conference of
spied on allies and adversaries alike last year to its lowest level since the (c) Prakash Javadekar
Parties (COP 13) held in [1] recently. It
through [1] specialising in making Communist country was founded in had put the number at 451. Six species (d) none of the above

Answer Key & Explanations

101. (c) is the correct answer. The decades-long arrangement, among Mandarin is the Official language of terrestrial, marine and avian migratory
the most closely guarded secrets of the People’s Republic of China. One-child species throughout their range. It was
102. (a) is the correct answer.
Cold War, comprehensive CIA history policy, official program initiated in the signed in 1979 in Bonn (hence the name),
103. (b) is the correct answer. of the operation was obtained by The late 1970s and early 80’s by the central Germany and entered into force in 1983. Its
Washington Post and ZDF, a German government of China, the purpose of which headquarters are in Bonn, Germany.
104. (b) is the correct answer. public broadcaster, in a joint reporting was to limit the great majority of family
The mascot for CMS COP13, “Gibi -
Hint (Q.105-Q.109): The company, Crypto AG, project. units in the country to one child each. It was
The Great Indian Bustard” is a critically
was acquired by the CIA t the height of the relaxed in 2016.
105. (a) is the correct answer. endangered species that has been
Cold War. Through a classified partnership 110. (b) is the correct answer. accorded the highest protection status
with West Germany’s spy agency, the 106. (c) is the correct answer.
under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
CIA designed Crypto AG’s encryption 111. (a) is the correct answer.
107. (d) is the correct answer.
devices in a way that let the agency easily Prakash Keshav Javadekar (born 30
112. (d) is the correct answer.
decrypt and read all messages sent by the 108. (b) is the correct answer. January 1951) is an Indian politician. He
company’s clients. 113. (c) is the correct answer. is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party
109. (c) is the correct answer. (BJP) and currently serving as the Minister
Crypto AG had its headquarters in Hint (Q.114-Q.118): The 13th Conference of of Environment, Forest and Climate
Hint (Q.110-Q.113): Xi Jinping is a Chinese
Steinhausen, Switzerland. Parties (COP) of the Convention on the Change and Minister of Information and
politician serving as the general secretary
conservation of migratory species of Broadcasting.
In January 2019, the US charged Huawei of the Communist Party of China (CPC),
wild animals (CMS), an environmental
with 23 incidents of alleged trade secret president of the People’s Republic of China 114. (b) is the correct answer.
treaty under the aegis of United Nations
theft and fraud. The US had earlier banned (PRC).
Environment Programme, was hosted by
Huawei from selling networking equipment 115. (a) is the correct answer.
Beijing is the capital of the People’s India during 15th to 22nd February, 2020
in the US.
Republic of China, the world’s third most at Gandhinagar in Gujarat. 116. (b) is the correct answer.
The Central Intelligence Academy was populous city proper, and most populous

It is commonly abbreviated as Convention 117. (a) is the correct answer.
involved with Crypto AG. capital city.
on Migratory Species (CMS) or the Bonn
118. (c) is the correct answer.
Convention. CMS aims to conserve
Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E: query@legaledge.in
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9 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
(Q.119-Q.123): The conflict in the oil-rich comprising ECI officials and State 130. Which of the following will replace [2]? a moratorium on Yes Bank till April 3
nation of Libya has been complicated Chief Electoral Officers, had presented following its deteriorating financial
(a) Abdullah Abdullah
by the role of foreign states. [1] passed their draft recommendations on condition, and the banking regulator
a controversial law in January to February 18. (b) Gulbuddin Hekmatyar superseding the board and appointed
deploy troops to help GNA forces in an administrator. The new board will
Among the proposals is to issue (c) Mohammad Mohaqiq
Tripoli. Qatar also backs the GNA, have at least six members, an MD &
electronic versions of the voter ID card
led by Prime Minister [2]. [3] Libyan (d) Burhanuddin Rabbani CEO, a non-executive chairman and
— EPIC — for convenience of voters.
National Army (LNA), has the backing two non-executive directors, while
Among the recommendations being
of Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the 131. Which of the following statements the remaining two nominee directors
considered is replacing all the forms
United Arab Emirates (UAE) and about the present Afghan situation is would be appointed by the [1]. “The
for various voter services, including
Jordan. UN chief António Guterres incorrect? members of the board so appointed
registration of new voter and change
recently termed the conflict a “proxy shall continue for a period of one year,
of address, with one single form. (a) The February 2020 declaration of
war”, adding in a recent interview that or until an alternate board is constituted
it was “unacceptable”. the Afghan Election Commission by Yes Bank Ltd., whichever is later,”
124. Which of the following will replace [1]? that [1] is the winner, has been the RBI said. The Central bank said all
The fighting has left more than 1,000 challenged by [2]
(a) 15 (b) 16 the deposits and liabilities of the bank
people dead and forced some 140,000
(b) It can’t be denied that [1] has an would continue in the same manner in
from their homes, according to the UN. (c) 17 (d) 18
anti-Indian outlook the reconstructed bank, unaffected by
Earlier, European foreign ministers
the scheme. “All the deposits with and
meeting in the Belgian capital, Brussels, 125. Which of the following will replace [2]? (c) Both (a) and (b) liabilities of the reconstructed bank,
agreed to a new naval and air mission to
(a) 12 (b) 24 (d) Neither (a) nor (b) except as provided in the scheme, and
stop more arms from reaching warring
the rights, liabilities and obligations of
factions in Libya. (c) 36 (d) 48
132. Which of the following statements its creditors, will continue in the same
Libya has been torn by conflict since about the US-Taliban Peace Deal manner and with the same terms and
the uprising which ousted long-time 126. The ECI has recommended 4 cut- conditions, completely unaffected
strongman Muammar Gaddafi. off dates in a year to enroll as a voter. by the scheme,” it said. However,
Currently there is/are ______ cut-off (a) “All” of the US and NATO troops additional tier 1 capital, which was
119. Which of the following will replace [1]? date/s in a year. will be pulled out of Afghanistan issued by Yes Bank under the Basel III
within 14 months framework, “shall stand written down
(a) USA (b) Israel (a) 1 (b) 2
(b) The US will draw down to 8,600 permanently, in full, with effect from
(c) Oman (d) Turkey (c) 3 (d) 4 the appointed date,” according to the
troops in 135 days
scheme .The central bank said all the
120. Which of the following will replace [2]? 127. Who is the Chief Election (c) The non-diplomatic civilian deposits and liabilities of the bank will
Commissioner of India? personnel are not included in “all” continue in the same manner in the
(a) Aguila Salleh Isa troops reconstructed bank, unaffected by
(a) Sunil Arora (b) Ashok Lavasa
(b) Ghassan Salame (d) The Taliban has not mentioned to the scheme.“All the deposits with and
(c) Sushil Chandra (d) O P Rawat liabilities of the reconstructed bank,
(c) Fayez al-Sarraj exercise control on the anti-India
groups like Lashkar-e-toiba etc. except as provided in the scheme, and
(d) Ahmed Maiteeq 128. Which of the following articles of the the rights, liabilities and obligations of
in the deal
Indian Constitution provides for the its creditors, will continue in the same
121. Which of the following will replace [3]? Election Commission in India? manner and with the same terms and
133. India has recently signed deals with
(a) Article 262 (b) Article 289 Afghanistan for road projects in - conditions, completely unaffected
(a) General Mahmoud al-Werfalli by the Scheme,” it said. However,
(c) Article 324 (d) Article 335 (a) Bamyan (b) Mazar-e-Sharif Additional Tier 1 capital which was
(b) General Khalifa Haftar
(c) Both a and b (d) Neither a nor b issued by the Yes Bank under Basel III
(c) General Khalifa al-Ghawli (Q.129-Q.133): The U.S.-Taliban deal in framework, “shall stand written down
Doha will probably lead to another civil (Q.134-Q.138): The Reserve Bank of permanently, in full, with effect from
(d) General Sadiq al-Ghariani
war in Afghanistan, instead of a lasting India (RBI) has announced a draft the Appointed date,” the scheme
peace. The deal should have followed reconstruction scheme for the said. The RBI Governor has said the
122. Which of the following portion is under
an intra-Afghan dialogue between beleaguered Yes Bank, aimed at resolution of Yes Bank would be done
the capture of LNA?
President [1] and Chief Executive protecting depositors’ funds while swiftly.“The resolution (of Yes Bank)
(a) Eastern Libya [2]. Instead, it expects that an intra- bringing in the [1] as an investor. will be done very swiftly, it will be done
Afghan dialogue will follow, leading to For employees of the bank, service very fast. The 30 days which we have
(b) Western Libya
peace and stability. An intra-Afghan conditions, including remuneration, given, is the outer limit,” Mr. Das said at
(c) Northern Libya dialogue has been elusive since will remain the same, at least for one the sidelines of an event. The scheme
the establishment of the Afghan year. This does not, however, include has taken care of the employees as
(d) Southern Libya
High Peace Council in 2010 by then key managerial personnel, on whom it mandates that they will continue to
President Hamid Karzai. the board can take a call. According to with same remuneration and service
123. In which year was Muammar Gaddafi
the draft plan, the authorised capital for conditions at least for one year.
ousted? At the most, the Doha deal is likely to
the reconstructed bank will be ₹5,000 However, the board will have the
provide a face-saving exit for the U.S.
(a) 2010 (b) 2011 crore, with 2,400 crore equity shares freedom to discontinue the services of
and an electoral trump card for U.S.
of ₹2 each, aggregating to ₹4,800 the Key Managerial Personnel (KMPs)
(c) 2012 (d) 2013 President Donald Trump. It will also
crore. The [1], which had earlier said at any point of time after following the
legitimise the Taliban as a political
(Q.124-Q.128): The Election Commission its board was exploring an investment due procedure. There will be no change
actor in Afghanistan.
of India (ECI) is considering new voting in Yes Bank, will pick up a 49% stake, in the offices or branch network of the
methods, capping the campaign according to the scheme. The deal reconstructed bank. Comments have
129. Which of the following will replace [1]? would be at a price not less than ₹10
expenditure of political parties, online been invited for this draft scheme by
registration of new voters at [1] years (a) Ashraf Ghani per share with a face value of ₹2. The Monday, March 9, after which RBI will
and ending social media campaigning [1] cannot reduce its holding below take a final view. The RBI appointed
(b) Abdul Rashid Dostum 26% before completion of three years
[2] hours before polling among the administrator of Yes Bank assured that
recommendations proposed by (c) Zalmay Khalilzad from the date of infusion of the capital, the lender is taking necessary steps to
working groups it set up in June 2019. the RBI said. To pick up a 49% stake, ensure seamless transactions for the
(d) Atta Muhammad Nur the [1] will have to invest ₹2,450 crore,
The nine working groups, constituted customers and there is no reason for
after the Lok Sabha election and sources said. The government had put depositors to panic.

Answer Key & Explanations

Hint (Q.119-Q.123): Muammar Gaddafi was 48 hours before polling among the 128. (c) is the correct answer. 133. (c) is the correct answer.
ousted in the year 2011. Turkey passed recommendations proposed by working
Hint (Q.129-Q.133): The Prime Minister of Hint (Q.134-Q.138): Shaktikanta Das is an Indian
a controversial law in January to deploy groups it set up in June 2019.
Afghanistan is Ashraf Ghani and the Chief retired 1980 batch Indian Administrative
troops to help GNA forces in Tripoli. Qatar
The ECI has recommended 4 cut-off dates Executive is Abdullah Abdullah. Service (IAS) officer of Tamil Nadu cadre,
also backs the GNA, led by Prime Minister
in a year to enroll as a voter. Currently there currently serving as the 25th governor of
Fayez al-Sarraj, Gen Haftar’s Libyan Ashraf Ghani has a pro-India outlook.
is 1 cut-off date in a year. the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
National Army (LNA), which controls much
of eastern Libya, has the backing of Russia, The US will draw down to 8,600 troops
Sunil Arora is the current 23rd Chief Mr. Prashant Kumar was appointed by the
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab in 135 days and the NATO or coalition
Election Commissioner and the two RBI as the current administrator of Yes
Emirates (UAE) and Jordan. troop numbers will also be brought down,
Election Commissioners are Ashok Lavasa Bank.
proportionately and simultaneously. And
and Sushil Chandra.
119. (d) is the correct answer. all troops will be out within 14 months SBI will be putting an capital of
Article 324 of the Constitution provides that — “all” would include “non-diplomatic around2,450 crores out of 5000 crores
120. (c) is the correct answer.
the power of superintendence, direction civilian personnel” (could be interpreted to and will be gaining a 49% stake out.
121. (b) is the correct answer. and control of elections to parliament, state mean “intelligence” personnel). India has
The insolvency and bankruptcy code 2016
legislatures, the office of president of India recently signed deals with Afghanistan for
122. (a) is the correct answer. was enacted with a view to consolidate
and the office of vice-president of India road projects in Bamyan, Mazar-e-Sharif.
all the existing laws in India regarding
123. (b) is the correct answer. shall be vested in the election commission.
129. (a) is the correct answer. Insolvency and Bankruptcy.
Hint (Q.124-Q.128): The Election Commission 124. (c) is the correct answer.
130. (a) is the correct answer. Rana Kapoor is an Indian banker. He is the
of India (ECI) is considering new voting
125. (d) is the correct answer. founder, and former managing director and
methods, capping the campaign 131. (b) is the correct answer.
CEO of Yes Bank, an Indian private sector
expenditure of political parties, online 126. (a) is the correct answer.
132. (c) is the correct answer. bank, with its registered office in Mumbai.
registration of new voters at 17 years
127. (a) is the correct answer.
and ending social media campaigning
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10 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
134. Who is the current RBI Governor? a plea, stated that “the time had come was first announced in 2010-11, has (a) 15 August, Independence Day
to make citizens and stake holders been a non-starter over the years
(a) Shaktikanta Das (b) 29 August, National Sports Day
aware of their duties and liabilities”. but gained momentum under over
(b) Urjit Patel the past year with railways looking at (c) 2 October, Gandhi Jayanti
139. What is the deadline given by Prime falling revenues.
(c) Raghuram Rajan (d) None of the above
Minister to ban single use plastic?
To meet the shortfall in revenue,
(d) D Subbarao railways have also implemented a hike
(a) 2021 (b) 2022 (Q.149-Q.150): Chief Minister [1] has
in their long-distance train to generate announced that the Cauvery delta
135. Who is the RBI appointed administrator (c) 2023 (d) None of the above. about Rs 2,300 crore with increased region would be declared a Protected
of Yes Bank? fares. An official from the railway Special Agriculture Zone as a step
140. Which bench gave the order in the explained, “the NFR is an important
(a) Prahsant Verma towards ensuring food security of the
above passage? aspect of revenue generation apart State.
(b) Prashant Kumar from ticketing. The targets are to
(a) Single bench
generate about 10-20 per cent of the The announcement was widely
(c) Urjit das hailed by political parties and farmers’
(b) Divisional bench annual expenditure through NFR. But
(d) None of the above. sadly under NFR, advertisements were organisations, while the DMK termed it
(c) Full bench a “diversionary tactic”.
only thought as a way of generating
136. Which Bank/company has agreed (d) Constitutional bench revenue until now”. These Heath ATMs At an official function at Thalaivasal
to take 49% of the 5000 crore fund have also been successfully operating in his native Salem district, Mr.
scheme to save Yes Bank – [1]? 141. Which of the following cities has High at Nagpur, Lucknow, Bhopal and other Palaniswami said the State
Court of Madhya Pradesh? stations. government would never give
(a) Union Bank of India
(a) Bhopal (b) Indore “Though we’ll be getting about a little its approval for projects such as
(b) Oriental Bank hydrocarbon exploration in the delta
(c) Gwalior (d) Jabalpur over a lakh as annual contract fees
(c) State Bank of India from per Health ATM as but every lakh region.
(d) HDFC bank 142. Which Indian State was the first to ban adds to make a crore,” said an official The Cauvery delta region is an
single use plastic bags? from Western Railways, which has a important agriculture region in [2] and
137. Which law deals with financial target of Rs 100 crore towards NFR in farmers continue to do agriculture,
(a) Telangan (b) Tamil Nadu 2019-20. despite climate challenges. It is just
restructuring of the companies?
(c) Maharastra (d) Sikkim and reasonable that projects like
(a) The Code of Civil Procedure 1908 144. Which was the first railway station in hydrocarbon exploration have raised
(b) Companies Act 2013 143. Which is the nodal ministry responsible India to install Health ATM? concerns among farmers and other
for scheme to eradicate single use agriculture-based labourers. Since the
(c) Contracts Act 1872 (a) Charbagh Railway Station,
plastic? delta region is close to the sea, there
(d) Insolvency and Bankruptcy code is a need to safeguard the region.
(a) Ministry of Environment, Forests (b) Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, To ensure that agriculture is not
and Climate Change Mumbai affected, the Cauvery delta regions in
138. Who has become the new CEO and (b) Ministry of New and Renewable Thanjavur, Tiruvarur, Nagapattinam,
(c) Hazrat Nizamuddin Station, Delhi
MD of Yes Bank? Energy Pudukottai, Cuddalore, Ariyalur, Karur
(d) NDLS, New Delhi and Tiruchirapalli will be converted
(a) Prashant Kumar (b) P.K Gupta (c) Ministry of Health and Family into a Protected Special Agriculture
Welfare 145. Under which movement Health ATMs Zone.
(c) Arjit Basu (d) C.S Shetty
(d) Ministry of Earth Sciences have been installed?
[1] said the State government would
(Q.139-Q.143): The Madhya Pradesh High (a) Healthy India movement hold consultations with legal experts,
Court has passed an order directing (Q.144-Q.148): Health ATMs have been and steps would be taken to enact
the State government to ban single- introduced by the Indian Railways. (b) Fit citizens movement special legislation.
use plastic in the State, curb use of These Health ATMs have brought (c) Fit India movement
plastic altogether across educational together “point of care devises” 149. Who is the CM of Tamil Nadu?
institutions and make biodegradable assembled with software to give (d) None of the above
carry bags of other material affordable (a) Edappadi K. Palaniswami
for consumers. 146. Under which scheme Indian railway (b) O. Panneerselvam
has setup Health ATMs?
The (2) in gwalior, comprising Justices (c) Sellur K. Raju
Sheel Nagu and Rajeev Kumar (a) New Innovative and Idea Scheme
Shrivastava, on February 26, directed (d) None of the above
(b) New Fitness India Scheme
the State government to issue
directions to industries to immediately (c) New Scheme for Fit India 150. Why was Cauvery delta region
stop the production and use of single- declared a Protected Special
(d) None of the above Agriculture Zone?
use plastic.
Furthermore, the Bench ordered the 147. Who is the current health minister of (a) To prevent the use of land for
government to ensure that bags and out medical reports instantly. The India? other than agricultural purposes.
packets made of biodegradable material machines can test for 16 different (a) DV Sadanad Gowda (b) To stop private firms from
are sold at subsidised rates. The Bench non-invasive nutritional parameters. exploring the oil in that region
also stated that plastic waste shall be They have reinvented health testing (b) Dr. Harsh Vardan without the permission of the
used at thermal power plants. and made it affordable. State Govt.
(c) Dharmendra Pradhan
To ensure compliance, the court These machines come as a perfect (c) None of the Above
(d) Jagat Prakash Nadda
directed all stakeholders to submit fit in “[1]” of Indian Railway for
progress reports every three months. generating revenue under Non-Fare (d) Both (a) and (b)
148. On which day Fit India Movement was
Revenue (NFR). The NFR, which
The Bench, while passing the order on announced by Indian prime minister?

Answer Key & Explanations

134. (a) is the correct answer. the Ministry of Environment, Forests and of the Indian Railways for generating for With the zone being Agricultural protected
Climate Change (MoEF&CC) ensured with generating revenue. Zone, the permission of State government
135. (b) is the correct answer.
the task of making India free of single-use is required to undertake projects. This
Dr. Harsh Vardhan is an Otolaryngologist
136. (c) is the correct answer. plastics by 2022. infers that oil exploration. When a land
and is the incumbent minister at Ministry of
is announced as Protected Agricultural
137. (d) is the correct answer. 139. (b) is the correct answer. Science & Technology, Ministry of Health
Zone, it cannot be used for any other non-
and Family Welfare and Ministry of Earth
138. (a) is the correct answer. 140. (b) is the correct answer. agricultural activities.
Sciences in the BJP-led NDA government
Hint (Q.139-Q.143): Addressing Swachh 141. (d) is the correct answer. of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Kaveri (also known as Cauvery, the
Bharat Diwas 2019 at the bank of River anglicized name and Ponni), is an Indian
142. (d) is the correct answer. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched
Sabarmati, Prime Minister Narendra Modi river flowing through the states of
nation-wide Fit India Movement from event
urged the people of India to give up single- 143. (a) is the correct answer. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. It is the third
held in Indira Gandhi Stadium Complex
use plastic by 2022. largest river – after Godavari and Krishna.
Hint (Q.144-Q.148): Under the Fit India in New Delhi on the occasion of National
The decision was passed by divisional Movement which was spearheaded by the Sports Day (observed on 29 August). Thanjavur is also home to Tanjore painting,
Bench comprising of 2 judges, a full bench Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, the “Health a painting style unique to the region.
144. (a) is the correct answer.
comprises of 3 judges and a constitutional ATMs” was installed at the Lucknow Thanjavur is the headquarters of the
bench comprises of 5 or more judges. Railway Station on November 4. 145. (c) is the correct answer. Thanjavur District. The city is an important
agricultural centre located in the Cauvery
The High Court of Madhya Pradesh is in Under the Fit India Movement which 146. (a) is the correct answer. Delta and is known as the Rice bowl of
Jabalpur. The other benches of High Court was spearheaded by the Prime Minister, Tamil Nadu.
147. (b) is the correct answer.
are in Gwalior and Indore. Narendra Modi, the “Health ATMs” have
been installed at the Railway Stations. The 148. (b) is the correct answer. Talacauvery (also Talakaveri) located about
Sikkim in 1998 was the first state to ban 5000 ft above sea level is considered the
kiosks were promoted by the YOLO Health
plastic bags. It is also the first state to Hint (Q.149-Q.150): Edappadi K. Palaniswami source of the Cauvery. Talacauvery is
ATM, as a collaboration with the Indian
target single use plastic bottles which were is an Indian politician and the current Chief located in Coorg district
banned in 2016. Minister of Tamil Nadu, having assumed
The Health ATMs have been set up under the office on 16 February 2017. 149. (a) is the correct answer.
The Nodal Ministry for the scheme is
the “New Innovative and Idea Scheme” 150. (d) is the correct answer.
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11 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020

1. SBI will infuse Rs 7,250 crore into ailing 10. The 5th edition of BIMSTEC (Bay of 18. Microsoft has appointed Eric Horvitz 26. Tahira Kashyap Khurrana, writer-
YES Bank to pick up to 49 per cent Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral producer, professor, announced her 4th
Technical and Economic Cooperation) book titled “The 12 Commandments
Summit 2020 to be held in Colombo, Of Being A Woman” on the occasion of
Sri Lanka in the month of September Women’s Day and the new book will be
2020. published by Juggernaut Books, New
11. The High Court of Bangladesh has
27. Odisha Chief Minister (CM) Naveen
Patnaik released the comic book titled

as its first-ever Chief Scientific Officer

equity as part of the Reserve Bank of
India-mandated bailout plan. 19. Indian Police Service (IPS) officer of
Haryana cadre Surjit Singh Deswal took
2. ICICI Bank approves an investment of
Rs1,000 crore to revive capital-starved
Yes Bank. ordered that ‘Joy Bangla’ will be the
national slogan of Bangladesh. “The Adventures of the Daredevil
3. The Centre is to make it mandatory Democrat” on the occasion of the
for the sanitary napkin companies to 12. United Nations Development 104th birth anniversary of former
Programme (UNDP) released the new Odisha CM Late Biju Patnaik in
Gender Social Norms Index (GSNI) on Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
5 March.
28. President Ram Nath Kovind presented
13. As per Government data, Gujarat has Nari Shakti Puraskar or Woman
topped the list in the installations of

over the additional charge of Director

provide bio-degradable disposal bags General (DG) of Border Security Force
from January 2021. (BSF).

4. National Archives of India (NAI) is to 20. Defending champions Australia wins

celebrate its 130th Foundation Day on Women’s T20 World Cup 2020 Power Award for the year 2019 on
11 March 2020. solar rooftop plants. It is followed by International Women’s Day, which is
Maharashtra 21. West Indies skipper Kieron Pollard has March 8, at a special ceremony held in
5. GoI has constituted a high-level Group become the 1st player in the history of Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.
of Ministers (GOM) to review, monitor, 14. Bloomberg Billionaires Index reported T20 (Twenty 20) cricket to feature in
and evaluate the current preparedness that Jack Ma became Asia’s richest 500 matches during the field against 29. Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the 19th-
and measures taken regarding the man. Mukesh Ambani, who stood Sri Lanka for the first T20I in Pallekele, century ruler of the Sikh Empire in
management of Novel Coronavirus as Asia’s richest man, has moved to Srilanka.
Disease (COVID-19). the second position after oil prices
collapsed along with global stocks. 22. Top Indian shuttler PV Sindhu won the
6. India offered 600 tonnes of rice to flood
victims of Madagascar. Indian Naval 15. India stands as the world’s second-
Ship (INS) Shardul brought the relief
material and arrived at Port Antsiranana
in Madagascar.

7. Government of India brings masks and

hand sanitizers under the Essential India named the “Greatest Leader of
All Time” in a poll conducted by ‘BBC
World Histories Magazine’.

BBC Indian Sports woman of the Year 30. Indian Mountaineer Bhawna Dehariya
2019. hails from Madhya Pradesh (MP) has

23. The rise in the number of coronavirus

largest arms importer as per the “Trends cases has prompted Board of Control
in international arms transfers 2019”
report of Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) data.
Commodities Act.
16. Google has shared the data on the most
8. The Minister of State (I/C) for Shipping looked-up women on the Internet on
and Chemical & Fertilizers Shri the occasion of International Women’s
Mansukh Mandaviya is to inaugurate Day i.e. on 8th of March 2020.
five projects completed under
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) at 17. State Bank of India has been given
JNPT, Mumbai on 14 March. additional charge of deputy managing
for Cricket in India (BCCI) to postpone
9. Ukraine parliament approved Denys IPL 2020 successfully scaled Mount Kosciuszko
[2, 228 meters], the highest mountain
24. Saurashtra won their maiden Ranji peak in Australia on the occasion of
Trophy title after earning a 44-run Holi.
lead in the first innings against Bengal
which eventually ended in a draw in the 31. IDFC FIRST Bank has signed Amitabh
final in Rajkot, Gujarat. Jaydev Unadkat Bachchan as its brand ambassador.
led the Saurashtra Team
32. India, for the first time, used a
25. National level Search, and Rescue combination of two drugs, namely
director and chief financial officer Exercise and Workshop (Exercise lopinavir and ritonavir was administered
(CFO) of the bank to Chalasani Venkat SAREX 2020) concluded in the sea at on an elderly Italian couple undergoing
Shmygal as a new prime minister of Nageswar. Vasco, Goa. treatment at a Jaipur hospital for
Ukraine. Covid-19.

Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E: query@legaledge.in
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12 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020
33. The world’s first Digital Solutions 42. The Maharashtra Government Bhushan Pandey as the new Finance 63. The Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA)
Exchange in the cloud “GOKADDAL” renamed Aurangabad Airport as Secretary in Ministry of Finance. flagged off the first-ever thrice-weekly
Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj Airport.
54. World Number 2 Rafael Nadal wins
43. Former Home Affairs Minister, his first title of the year, defeating
Muhyiddin Yassin, was sworn in as unseeded Taylor Fritz in straight sets,
6-3, 6-2, in the final of the ATP Mexico

55. Khelo India University Games ended

has been launched in India. in Bhubaneswar, Odisha Panjab
University Chandigarh took home the
34. Former Union Law Minister and champions trophy-winning 46 medals,
Congress veteran Hans Raj Bhardwaj including 17 gold 19 silver and ten flight from Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
died after a cardiac arrest. Hans Raj bronze. to Kishangarh (Ajmer, Rajasthan) on
Bhardwaj was 83. Malaysia’s new Prime Minister. 16 March Under the UDAN scheme of
56. Khelo India University Games 2020 Government of India.
35. The Union Cabinet led by Prime 44. Luxembourg, the 7th smallest country was held for the first time at Kalinga
Minister Narendra Modi approved in Europe, has been made public 64. Urban Development Minister Hardeep
transport free to reduce traffic pressure Singh Puri announced that the target
on the road. of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana will
be achieved well before 2022, its
45. The 20th Session of the senior officials’ scheduled time.
meeting (SoM) was held in Colombo,
Sri Lanka, on 3 March 2020. 65. The four convicts, Pawan Gupta (25),

46. PRAGYAN CONCLAVE 2020, a two-

day Indian Army International Seminar

Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT)

the consolidation of ten Public University, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha.
Sector Banks (PSBs) into four. The
amalgamation of the PSBs will be 57. The Badminton Asia Championships
effective from 1 April 2020. will be held in the capital of Philippines
i.e. Manila.
36. Zomato, an Indian restaurant
aggregator and food delivery startup 58. The Minister of State for Defence,
Shripad Naik has been decided to set
up two Defence industrial corridors in
being organised by Centre for Land the country, one in Uttar Pradesh and
Warfare Studies, commenced at New another in Tamil Nadu.
59. Columbia researchers have discovered
47. Former Indian PM Indira Gandhi and
freedom fighter Amrit Kaur was named
by the TIME magazine among the Vinay Sharma (26), Akshay Kumar
world’s 100 powerful women in the last (31), and Mukesh Kumar (32), of
has acquired Uber’s food delivery century. Nirbhaya Gang Rape were hanged to
business in India. death in Tihar Jail on 20 March 2020.
48. The desi “Air Force One” will be ready
37. The Union Minister for Agriculture & 66. Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Farmers’ Welfare, Rural Development & announced for a Janata Curfew on 22
Panchayati Raj Narendra Singh Tomar March 2020.
inaugurated the Pusa Krishi Vigyan 17 new planets by combing through
Mela 2020 on 1 March. data gathered by NASA’s Kepler space 67. Niue has become the world’s first
telescope. whole country recognised as a ‘Dark
38. Union Minister for Home Affairs Amit Sky Place’ by the International Dark-
Shah inaugurated the National Security 60. The Union Minister Jitendra Singh Sky Association’s (IDA), which has
announced that ISRO’s Chandrayaan- approved the island’s application for
III would be launched in the first half of the protection of its sky, land and sea.
to fly the President or Prime Minister by 2021.
2021. 68. The Phillipines has become the first
61. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has country of the world to suspend all
49. Pekka Lundmark has been announced announced that, in the wake of the
as the new Chief Executive Officer &
President of Nokia.

50. Former Indian cricketer Sunil Joshi

becomes the new chairman of the
Guard (NSG) Regional Hub campus at
Kolkata, West Bengal.

39. Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the

foundation stone for the Bundelkhand epidemic Covid-19, the central bank financial markets.
Expressway at Chitrakoot on 29 would use Forex swap and long-term
February. repo operations (LTROs) to mitigate 69. India has been ranked 12th in the world
the effects of the Covid-19 on the as per study titled ‘Women On Board
40. Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Indian Economy. 2020’. The list was topped by Norway
with 40.72% women on board.
national selection panel by the BCCI’s 62. The Chief Justice of India (CJI) ruled
Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC) in 70. The World Energy Statistics published
Mumbai. by the International Energy Agency

51. Smt. Amita Pandove was sworn in as

the Information Commissioner, Central
Information Commission (CIC).

Sonowal was conferred the Dr. Syama 52. Global sports brand PUMA has signed
Prasad Mukherjee award 2020 for bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor Khan
Politics on 28 February. as its new brand ambassador.

41. The government of Jammu and 53. Appointments Committee of the out the complete shutdown of the (IEA) in 2019 states that India is the
Kashmir adopted a nine pronged Cabinet (ACC) headed by Prime Supreme court (SC) and other courts. 3rd largest producer of electricity in the
strategy to realize the goal of doubling Minister (PM) Narendra Modi has SC is to launch virtual courts. world.
farmer’s income by 2022. approved the appointment of Ajay

Bhopal +91-9111555433 Indore +91-9589613810, +91-731-4987379 Prayagraj +91-8114000926, +91-8114000927 Gurugram +91-8448444207 E: query@legaledge.in
Kanpur +91-8576066660, +91-8707605589 Raipur +91-9425584840, +91-8602268880 Ranchi +91-9334969993 Lucknow +91-6390576666 W: www.legaledge.in
13 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020

71. India’s second-largest national oil 78. Indian Navy has established a International Space Station (ISS) in 91. To protect the poor from the economic
explorer Oil India Ltd (OIL), signed an Quarantine Camp at INS Vishwakarma May 2020. impact of the 21-day nationwide
agreement with Numaligarh Refinery in Eastern Naval Command (ENC). lockdown, the Narendra Modi
85. Bollywood actor Imtiaz Khan passed government today announced a Rs1.7
79. “An Extraordinary Life: A biography of lakh crore Prime Minister Gareeb
Manohar Parrikar” is a book on the life Kalyan Yojana.
of the former defence minister and Goa
chief minister Manohar Parrikar. 92. To help tide over hardship caused by
the coronavirus lockdown, Employees’
80. A new book entitled ‘Messiah Modi: Provident Fund (EPF) rules will be
relaxed, finance minister Nirmala
Sitharaman announced today. EPF
subscribers can now withdraw 75% of
their PF balance or 3 month wages as a
non-refundable advance, whichever is
for purchase and sale of crude oil for a lower.
term of five years.
93. Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC)
72. Prashant Kumar has been appointed as
Chief Executive and Managing Director
of the Yes Bank. away. He starred in movies like Yaadon
Ki Baraat, Dharmatama, Dayavan and
73. Indian cricketer Shardul Thakur Noor Jahan among more.
appointed as the brand ambassador
of Tata Power, the largest power 86. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
generation company in India which has extended the last date for filing
aims to provide uninterrupted power GST returns for March, April, and May
supply from its various plants located to 30 June.
across India.
87. The South Asia Association of Regional has developed a health app named
74. Former Chief Justice of India (CJI) A Great Tale of Expectations’ written Cooperation (SAARC) Disaster “COVID-19”, after the virus itself,
Ranjan Gogoi was nominated to Rajya by senior journalist & author Tavleen Management Centre has launched a under the guidance of Municipal
Singh has been released. website for information related to the Commissioner, Tukaram Mundhe.
COVID-19 pandemic in the region.
81. Arfa Khanum Sherwani of “The Wire” 94. Shivraj Singh Chouhan was sworn in as
and Bengaluru-based freelancer 88. Actor Priyanka Chopra works jointly Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. He
Rohini Mohan have been jointly with the World Health Organisation took oath for the fourth time as Chief
awarded Chameli Devi Jain Award for (WHO) to spread awareness over Minister.
outstanding woman journalist. COVID-19.
95. The Maharashtra state government
82. Microsoft has launched a web portal 89. Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has has decided to stamp the left hand of
to track the spread of COVID-19 set up India’s first COVID-19 dedicated the people who have been kept under
quarantine amid coronavirus pandemic
in the country.
Sabha on 16 March 2020. He was
nominated by President Ram Nath 96. Indore (Madhya Pradesh), the cleanest
Kovind. city in India becomes the 1st city in
India to use drones to sanitize the city
75. Google appointed Karan Bajwa as against COVID-19 scare.
Managing Director (MD) of Google
Cloud in India. 97. Indian footballer Sunil Chhetri chosen

76. The French Open tennis tournament worldwide. The web portal has been
has been postponed by the French launched by Microsoft’s Bing team.
Tennis Federation due to the hospital in Mumbai.
coronavirus pandemic. 83. Union Minister of State (Independent
Charge) Atomic Energy and Space, 90. The Census 2021 which was scheduled
77. The Defence Ministry’s Defence Dr. Jitendra Singh, announced that the to be conducted in two phases has
Acquisition Council (DAC) approved Indian Space Research Organization
for the procurement of 83 indigenous (ISRO) had planned 36 missions for the
fiscal year 2020-21. for FIFA campaign against Covid-19.

84. SpaceX has announced that it is to 98. A report from China stated that a man
died from Hantavirus.

99. United Nations released the World

Happiness Report 2020. Finland
topped the index and India ranked 144.
bee postponed by the Government of
Tejas fighter jets for Indian Air Force India due to the outbreak of COVID-19 100.Sameer Aggarwal has been appointed
(IAF) with the more advanced pandemic. as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of
configuration on 18 March. launch its first manned flight to the Walmart India.

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Legal Current Affairs

1. The changes introduced by the Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit aims to bring the appeals filed by the
23 membered select committee Vidyapeeth, New Delhi. Further, Income Tax Department under the act.
of RajyaSabha, to the Surrogacy the Universities will work towards And for the taxpayers, the bill says that
(Regulation) Bill, 2019 are approved promoting the knowledge of Sanskrit, if the tax payment is made after March
by the Union Cabinet. The bill was train manpower in preservation of 31, 2020, the tax payer has to pay 110%
passed by the Lok sabha in 2019. This Sanskrit and other allied subjects and of the disputed tax.Vivad Se Viswas is
also make provisions for integrated “No Dispute, But Only Trust” in English.
courses in social sciences, humanities
and sciences. 11. The Delhi Legislative Assembly
has passed a resolution against the
4. The Central Government has the Authority, the costs of admissible implementation of NRC and NPR in
appointed Information Commissioner, medical expenses during the course
Bimal Julka as the new Chief of treatment including the treatment
Information Commissioner. Also, Ms. during the quarantine period shall be
settled in accordance to the applicable
terms and conditions of policy contract
and the extant regulatory framework.
Further, all the claims reported under
COVID 19 shall be thoroughly reviewed
bill prevents commercial surrogacy and by the claims review committee before
promotes altruistic surrogacy (without repudiating the claims.
monetary compensation apart from
medical expenses and insurance). 8. The Epidemic Disease Act, 1897 is Delhi. In a one day special session of
The changes approved include the invoked by the Group of Ministers the Assembly, members requested
increment of insurance cover for the central government to withdraw
surrogate mothers from 16 months to the NPR and NRC. The Minister of
new 36 months. It also includesthat Delhi Assembly Shri Gopal Rai tabled
not only a close relative but any women the resolution seeking clarification
willing to be a surrogate mother should of Centre on NPR/NRC. Similar
be allowed. The committee also resolutions, disapproving of the
believed that the term infertility which Amita Pandove was appointed as CAA, have also been passed by the
was defined as unable to conceive Information Commissioner, both of assemblies of Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan,
even after 5 years of unprotected them were administered oath by the Punjab and West Bengal. Thisis the first
intercourse, is a long time to wait for a President. The office of the CIC had resolution however, which has been
couple. been lying vacant since the retirement formed by the Union Government to passed against the implementation of
of former CIC, Sudhir Bhargava. With fight against the COVID-19 in India. NRC and NPR.
2. A Central Consumer Protection both these appointments, the office Section 2 of the act is invoked by the
Authority is to be set up by the of CIC has reached the strength of Government. The Government of India 12. The Supreme Court, for the first time,
Government of India, in order to seven Commissioners, as against the has also advised international travel removed Minister Thounaojam Shyam
strength of 11 (including the CIC). ban. Also, existing visas to India has kumar Singh from the Manipur’s State
been suspended till April 15, 2020.
5. The United Nation Human Rights Further, according to the act, person
Commission (UNHRC) has filed a case disobeying the regulations of the act
are punishable under the Section 188
of Indian Penal Code.

9. The Central government has appointed

Justice (Retd.) Bansi Lal Bhat, Judicial

Cabinet. He won the 2017 assembly

elections on Congress Ticket and
implement the Consumer Protection switched over to BJP. When the issue
Act. The authority will start its working was appealed to SC, the apex court has
from April 2020. The Consumer challenging the CAA in the Supreme invoked Article 142 and has removed
Protection Act, 1986 was replaced by Court on the matter of CAA. India the minister from the cabinet. The SC
the Consumer Protection Bill, 2019 believes that the CAA is an internal also said that the speaker is to act as
which was approved by the Parliament matter of the country. Also, according a tribunal in cases of disqualification
in 2019. The act aims to on rapid to India, CAA is constitutionally valid. petition under the tenth schedule.
settlement of consumer disputes, The apex court has further also been
strict penalties for wrong doings that 6. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman restrained him from entering the
include misleading ads by firms and introduced Banking Regulation Member of NCLAT (National Company Legislative assembly.
adulteration.It also holds celebrities Law Appellant Tribunal), as the
accountable for promoting wrong officiating Chairperson. This was in 13. Shri Rakesh Sinha, member of Rajya
products. Under the act, the celebrities pursuant to the completion of the term Sabha and BJP, issued a notice to the
can be fined up to Rs. 10 lakhs for their of Justice (Retd.) SJ Mukhopadhaya
misleading acts. The authority will as the Chairperson. He will take charge
check the implementation of the act. for a period of three months or until
a regular Chairperson is appointed,
3. Human Resource Development whichever is earlier.The government
Minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal has also appointed Justice (Retd.)
Anant Bijay Singh as a Judicial Member
(Amendment) Bill, 2020 to amend of the Tribunal.
the banking regulation law, so as to
prevent the frauds as seen at the 10. The Direct Tax Vivad Se Viswas Bill,
Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative 2020, which aims to reduce the
Banks (PMC). The bill seeks to regulate number of litigation that are associated
cooperative banks having total savings with direct tax payments, was passed
of 5 lakh crores. It also aims to protect
the small depositors that struggle a lot
during frauds like that of PMC. After the
amendment, RBI will have more powers
introduced in Rajya Sabha, the Central on the Cooperative Banks, apart from
Sanskrit University Bill, 2019, which their regulatory functions.
was introduced and passed in the Lok
Sabha in 2019.The bill aims to convert 7. The Insurance Regulatory and
deemed Sanskrit universities to central Development Authority of India (IRDA) Chairman to permit to move a resolution.
Sanskrit universities. These Universities have instructed all the health insurance The resolution aims to drop the word
includes, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, companies to include medical cover by the Parliament. The Direct Tax Vivad “Socialist” in the Constitution. It further
New Delhi, Rashtriya Sanskrit for COVID-19, irrespective of the type Se Viswas concept was introduced by claims that the word is redundant in the
Vidyapeeth, Tirupati and Shri Lal of policy.According to the circular by the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman current scenario. It has to be dropped
during the Union Budget 2020-21.it
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The CLAT Post • March 2020
to create space for economic thinking. 15. Medical Termination of Pregnancy 16. Lok Sabha passed the Aircraft 17. The National Commission for
The resolution claims that word was (Amendment) Bill, 2020 is passed (Amendment) Bill, 2020, to bring Homoeopathy Bill, 2019 and the
included without enough debate in the the Aircraft Act, 1934 in line with the National Commission for Indian System
Parliament as it was introduced during internationally accepted standards, of Medicine Bill, 2019 were passed
emergency. procedures and practices as laid
down by the International Civil
14. Mineral Laws (Amendment) bill, Aviation Organisation (ICAO). The bill
2020 has been passed by the Lok was presented by Minister of State
for Parliamentary Affairs Arjun Ram
Meghwalon behalf of Minister of Civil
Aviation Hardeep Singh Puri, to give
effect to the recommendations made
by the ICAO; the Bill converts the
by the Lok Sabha, which amends the by the Rajya Sabha, which arefor
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, availability of high quality medical
1971,in light of the need and demand professionals both for homeopathic
for increased gestational limit and to treatment as well as in the Indian
Sabha, which will amend the Mines ensure safety and well-being of women. System of Medicine respectively. The
and Minerals (Development and It was introduced by Health Minister Dr. Bills were introduced in the house
Regulation) act, 1957 and also Coal Harsh Vardhanto extend the upper limit by the Minister of State for AYUSH,
Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015. for medical termination of pregnancy to ShripadYessoNaik. The bills further
The bill aims to open the coal sector 24 weeks, from the present stipulation seek to repeal the Homoeopathy
for the commercial mining completely. of 20 weeks. This is a response to the Central Council Act, 1973 and to
It also intends to remove end use various petitions which are filed in Directorate General of Civil Aviation, set up a National Commission for
restrictions to participate in coal mine the Supreme and High Court seeking Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) Homoeopathy and to repeal the Indian
auctions. This will mainly help reduce permission for aborting pregnancies and Aircraft Accidents Investigation Medicine Central Council Act, 1970
coal imports. at gestational age beyond the present Bureau (AAIB) into statutory bodies. and set up a National Commission for
permissible limit of 20 weeks. Indian System of Medicine.

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Articles You Cannot Afford To Miss

MTP (Amendment) Bill 2020
Still A Long Way To Go In Recognizing Women’s Autonomy
the termination impermissible but imposed The new amendment Bill demonstrates
hefty fine on the State. that the ‘pro-life v. pro-choice’ debate
is still not on the horizon in India and
Another welcome change brought by the State interest (in preserving the foetal
Bill is that in cases where the termination life) though diluted to some extent still
of pregnancy is deemed necessary supersedes the reproductive autonomy of
on the diagnosis of ‘substantial’ foetal women. ‘Abortion on demand’, within the
abnormalities by a Medical Board, the upper gestational limit, without providing
upper limit of termination provided under the registered medical practitioners any
section 3 would not apply. In recent times reasons whatsoever, is still conspicuous by
Supreme Court of India in several cases has its absence in the amendment Bill. From an
permitted the termination of pregnancies international human rights perspective, the
due to substantial foetal abnormalities and Human Rights Committee has recognised
not just when the life of the woman was in the threat that hurdles to access to safe
substantial danger, despite the fact that abortion present to rights of the women.
nowhere in the principal Act such a ground Criminalisation and other hurdles in access
is provided (Refer Miss X v. Union of India to abortions compel women to seek
(2016), Tapasya Umesh v. Union of India perilous and unsafe abortions, thus causing
(2017), Meera Santosh Pal v. Union of India a violation of the right to life under Article
(2017). At least now, the interpretation of 6 of ICCPR. The Committee on Economic,
law, which was up to the creativity and Social and Cultural Rights has consistently
wisdom of the judges till now, would be called on States that limit access to abortion,
more uniform across all tiers of the judiciary to review and amend their municipal laws to
The Lok Sabha passed the Medical grave injury to a pregnant woman’s mental of the country. ensure their compatibility with other rights
Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Bill, 2020 health as it more subjective in nature? such as that of health and life. General
on 17th March 2020 to amend section 3 of Also what would have been desirable was an Comment 28 calls upon States reporting on
MTP Act, 1971. In its Statement of Objects The section answers this question by way interpretation of the word ‘substantial’ not women’s enjoyment of Article 6 of ICCPR,
and Reasons, the Bill identifies that with the of explanation that if the pregnancy was leaving it just to untrammelled interpretative to “give information on any measures
advancement of medical technology there a result of a failed device or method used discretion of courts. If not an exhaustive taken by the State to help women prevent
is a scope to increase the upper gestational by the woman or her partner (note the list of substantial foetal abnormalities unwanted pregnancies, and to ensure that
limit for terminating pregnancies, which word ‘partner’ in place of ‘husband’ used (which would be counterintuitive) some they do not have to undergo life-threatening
up till now stood at twenty weeks, but in the 1971 Act) to prevent the pregnancy abnormalities should be mentioned clandestine abortions.” Clearly, barriers
with the passing of the Bill, would stand or limiting the number of children, then such Down syndrome or severe cases of to safe abortions are a violation of human
at twenty-four weeks. The Bill does away it would be considered that the resulting autism or where extra uterine life would be right to life of women. Domestically, in K.S.
with the anachronistic lower limit of twelve pregnancy would constitute grave mental impossible without artificial sustenance, so Puttaswamy v. Union of India (2017) it was
weeks and upper limit of twenty weeks as injury to the pregnant woman. This is a that the courts may be able to apply ejusdem held by the Supreme Court of India that the
threshold for termination of pregnancies. remarkable and a welcome amendment generis while determining whether a case statutory recognition of a woman’s right to
as it would include pregnancies resulting should fall in the ‘substantial’ category. terminate her pregnancy is interlinked with
That being said, there are certain riders from live-in relationships or even casual her constitutional right to make reproductive
to these thresholds. First, even up till the sexual relations as opposed to pregnancies The Bill also misses out on the opportunity choices, which in turn has been held to be
increased twenty-weeks lower-limit, the resulting from the institution of marriage to make termination of pregnancies more an essential ingredient of personal liberty
decision to continue or terminate the only. accessible by not replacing ‘registered under Article 21 of the Constitution. The
pregnancy is still not at the discretion of the medical practitioners’ with trained Apex Court further added that, a woman’s
pregnant woman. If the pregnancy is within Additionally, if the pregnant woman alleges and qualified ‘registered healthcare freedom of choice whether to bear a child
twenty weeks, one registered medical that the pregnancy is the result of rape then providers’ as was envisaged by the MTP or not falls in the realm of privacy.
practitioner should be of the opinion that would be sufficient to constitute a grave (Amendment) Bill, 2014. Such a change
formed in good faith that the pregnancy, mental injury. Notably, if the pregnancy would have included doctors trained in To sum up, indeed the MTP (Amendment)
if continued would result entail a risk to resulting from rape has crossed the twenty- Ayurveda and Homeopathy, auxiliary nurse Bill, 2020 substantially improves upon
the life of the pregnant woman or a grave four week threshold then the termination is midwives, general nurse midwives etc. the principal Act of 1971, by raising the
injury to her physical or mental health; or impermissible. The amendment Bill misses The government can carry out training upper gestational limit for termination of
a substantial risk that if the child is born, the chance to address the kind of situation programmes for such healthcare providers pregnancy, however, one would be remiss
it would suffer from a serious physical or that arose in Ms. Z v. State of Bihar (2017) to enable them to carry out medical in not pointing out that it leaves a lot to be
mental abnormality. where the rape victim missed the upper terminations in non ‘high-risk’ pregnancies. desired when it comes to building a nation’s
limit for termination owing to the laxity of In a country where the health-care system narrative of reproductive autonomy of
Now, while injury to physical health is quite the government hospital and subsequent is already constrained and resources are women in the twenty-first century.
straightforward to determine, this raises delays due to procedural red-tape. The limited, this move could have been a viable
the question as to what would constitute a Supreme Court was compelled to render option.

COVID 19 And Patent - A Cautious Note

COVID -19 is now over 198 countries with around the world are taking immediate
a reported case of 492,465 and mounting steps to ensure affordable access to
day by day. WHO has declared the COVID effective medicines and other COVID
19 as pandemic. From a public health 19 related technologies. Some countries
issue it is now driving the global economy have issues compulsory/government use
into a recession. The Chief of International licenses for very specific whereas other
Monetary Fund stated that the rescission is countries prefer a blanket license for any
started. useful line of treatment. For instance, Israeli
government was the first to approve a
Currently there is no vaccine for COVID-19 license to purchase a generic production
and a new vaccine is still at least another of the Kaletra (Lopinavir/Ritonavir), an HIV
12-18 months away for public use. Many medicine after reports that the drug could
a different treatment options have been be used to combat the coronavirus. The
proposed and some older drug seems to licence allows the importation of lopinavir/
be associated with positive outcomes. ritonavir from a generic company. Chile’s
For instance, it is reported that in India, lower house of Congress passed nearly
we have successfully treated a patient unanimously a resolution that would permit
using a combination of HIV, swine flu and the government to issue compulsory
malaria drugs whereas in China and Japan, licenses for any medicines, vaccines,
they are said to be administering ‘avigan’ diagnostics devices, supplies, and other
(Favipiravir) and had produced encouraging technologies useful for the surveillance,
outcomes. However, the drug Remdesivir Regarding Remdesivir, the drug is the supply of the drug.
developed and patented by the US prevention, detection, diagnosis and
that was developed to treat Ebola virus is Amidst, Remdesivir has been granted an treatment of people for combating the
now being seen as the best available option pharmaceutical giant, Gilead Science.
Gilead is infamous of charging high price “orphan” drug status by the US the Food pandemic. Ecuador has become the latest
to treat COVID-19. It is currently the subject and Drug Administration as a result of which country in which lawmakers are looking to
of at least four trials on coronavirus patients, for their drugs. For instance, Gilead priced
its hepatitis C drug sofosbuvir USD 84000 the drug is going to get many privileges. issue compulsory licenses for medicines
including two in China. According to WHO The 1983 Orphan Drug Act gives special and vaccines to combat Covid-19 and
assistant director-general Bruce Aylward: for a three months treatment. Initially the
company has provided it to several hundred inducements to pharmaceutical companies ensure their citizens have access to any
“There is only one drug right now that we to make products that treat rare diseases medical products. Several other countries
think may have real efficacy, and that’s severely ill COVID-19 patients in China, U.S,
Europe and Japan under “compassionate including a 7 years exclusivity rights. As a are also thinking in the same line to ensure
remdesivir.” WHO has included this drug its result of public criticism the company has affordable access.
large global trial to evaluate its efficacy. use” provisions. But it got abruptly halted
due to “overwhelming demand” from asked FDA to rescind its newly granted
status. This being the global scenario, back home,
Patent rights have always come up in the several quarters which the company is drug is patented in India also by Gilead. But
way of ensuring access to medicines. unable to manage. And they are trying out as the reports states it is yet to receive an
various other alternate avenues to sustain In the wake of this pandemic, countries
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approval from the Drug Controller of India. Even then the license arrangement was the issue. Since patent is granted in the government to issue a government use
It is being reported once it is being tried not without criticisms. First of all, the February 2020 we cannot use compulsory license to one or more generic companies to
out successfully expected towards end of agreement is being viewed as a strategical license under Section 84, because it produce the medicine. Under Section 103
as April, Gilead may offer the same to local move to counters several problems Gilead prescribes 3 years cooling period. We government can acquire the patent after
partners in India under mutually agreed could otherwise face in India. Then there have Section 92 which allows the Central paying compensation to the patent holder.
terms and conditions. There are earlier were restrictions on exporting sofosbuvir’s Government to notify the relevant patents
instances where Gilead has entered into Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, curtailing for granting a compulsory license provided India as the hub of generic manufacturers
license agreement with Indian generics access to the raw ingredients for generic there is a national emergency or an extreme did have many takers to produce the required
or the production and supply of high manufacturers across the world. Also, there urgent situation. The COVID 19 has already quantity of drugs at affordable price. Cipla
priced sofosbuvir for treating hepatitis are certain conditions to be adhered to been declared as a case of national health had already come forward to engage with
C virus. Under the agreements, Gilead’s before accessing the drug. Keep apart, as emergency. Apart from that before notifying CSIR-IICT to take up the manufacture
generic licensees have the right to develop a result of such license the price of generic the govt. has to make sure that if notified, of chemical compounds with anti-viral
and market generic versions of Gilead Sofosbuvir has come down heavily in India. there are takers for producing and supplying properties including Remdesivir along with
HCV medicines in certain developing We need to wait and watch how the pharma the drugs at affordable access rates. The Favipiravir and Baloxavir. Hence the ball is
countries. The generic drug companies giant is going to behave in this pandemic govt. may even think of a consultation on the government’s court now to exercise
may set their own prices and receive a situation in the coming days. Are we at the with the industry concerned as to their the political will to fulfill its constitutional
complete technology transfer of the Gilead mercy of the global Pharma giant answer is competency to carry out the production obligation to ensure the enjoyment of right
manufacturing process, enabling them to Big No. process before notifying the patents. Further to health under the Article 21.
scale up production as quickly as possible Sections 100 and 102 of the Patents Act
in exchange for 7% royalties on all sales. Indian Patent Law is well armed to address could also be invoked. Section 100 allows

Situating Death Penalty Discourse

Beyond Abolition-Retention Discourse
satisfying individual and society’s sense Fifthly, the debate on death penalty often
of retribution. This rationale behind death tries to generate a common narrative
penalty is not different from the other forms applicable to all cases whereas these cases
of punishment. It is only about severity differ drastically in terms of nature and
or simplicity of the offence. Applying the manner of crime commission, aggravating
doctrine of proportionality, the severity of and mitigating factors and profile of the
the act committed and other aggravating victim and the offender. Our senses get
factors, death penalty may very well blunted by landmark cases of injustice
emerge as the most appropriate response. and arbitrariness which are often cited to
Criminal law and its social foundation are decry this form of punishment. Even so, the
inseparable and the justification to death acceptability of death penalty should not
sentence does not flow from the law, it be seen in generalised terms.
emerges from the societal expectations.
Arguably, criminal law has not yet reached The death penalty debate world over is
to the level of maturity capable of reforming devoid of contextual analysis which is
or altering social expectations that may capable of altering the contours of the
reject death penalty. debate itself. A case specific approach
ascertaining the suitability of death penalty
Fourthly, to be reasonable, the death is imperative. The quest of justice varies
penalty needs to perfectly or proportionally significantly and there may be cases where
– fit the crime. Our criminal jurisprudence is individual sense of justice, even from the
replete with discussions as to when a case lenses of the judiciary and society, would
becomes fit for death penalty, albeit with be contingent upon the award of death
A sufficiently just and analytically coherent is the product of the frustration stemming much ambiguity. The factors of discretion penalty.
system of criminal law is an unrealistic from the alleged arbitrariness and resultant and arbitrariness in sentencing are indeed
expectation- Allen Norrie disparities in the sentencing process. crucial issues. However, these are not Lastly, death penalty in India co-exists
unsurmountable challenges. The Supreme with all other forms of punishments and
As was expected, the hanging of the Secondly, the argument of death penalty Court in the Dhananjoy Chatterjee case alternatives in the direction of reforming,
convicts in Nirbhaya gang rape case has not having any effect on crime rate also observed that guilty people deserve to be rehabilitation of offenders and access to
evoked sharp reactions and criticism from does not seem very convincing. Linking punished in proportion to the severity of justice goals of criminal justice. Therefore,
several quarters including the Amnesty the death penalty with the prevention of their crime. the argument that access to justice for
International, the International Commission crime is an incorrect proposition given that women and prevention of sexual violence
of Jurists and the United Nations. The same the frequency and probability of awarding The measure of punishment in a given are more important and ought to be given
has reignited the debate on the tenability of death penalty in India is highly limited. The case must depend upon the atrocity of the more consideration does seem to be valid.
death penalty in the modern society. On lack of certainty may be responsible for crime, the conduct of the criminal and the In fact, having death penalty on the book
the other hand, the award of death penalty death penalty not being effective in crime defenceless and unprotected state of the of statute does not bar the state and others
in the present case has, by and large, been prevention. victim. Justice demands that courts should to mobilize non-punitive and progressive
welcomed across all quarters in India. It impose punishment befitting the crime so measures in the direction of prevention
was the ‘certainty’ of the punishment that Moreover, even though the statistical that the courts reflect public abhorrence of of sexual violence and the preservation of
echoed more loudly in the social reactions evidence doesn’t confirm that death the crime. It must be mentioned here that gender justice in India.
than its ‘severity’. The death penalty debate penalty works as a deterrent, but it doesn’t in this regard, the use of death penalty has
is invariably stretched too far disallowing us show that deterrence doesn’t work either. become principally unsound. The countries with or without death
to think its application and utility in a precise The points on both sides of this argument penalty face almost similar challenges in
manner. are valid for most forms of punishment It is already settled by the court that death crime control and criminal justice reforms.
under our criminal laws at large and as such penalty is not mandatory – it is not the norm Reforming criminal justice in India as
Here, I intend to pose some critical the issue is not confined to death penalty and there are several stages designed to such is not necessarily contingent upon
arguments which travel to the core of this alone. It is also untrue that the death penalty make sure that the punishment given is in the abolition of death penalty as we have
debate unravelling some facets of this is given solely to deter other criminals – fact proportionate to the crime committed. constructed a regime of criminal law where
discourse. Firstly, the reality is that the deterrence and prevention being only a If the existence of death penalty can be the liberal and harsh reactions (e.g. open
death penalty is a part and parcel of criminal part of the rationale behind punishments. justified in select cases on grounds of prisons and death sentence) co-exist. A
laws in India. It is a statutory punishment Criminal justice system in India largely proportionality, the Nirbhaya case is a fit reformed criminal justice system may even
available to the judiciary in the delivery of works for ‘general deterrence’ as against example as it satisfies most ingredients of bring more clarity in the application of death
justice. Whether it is correct or inhumane, ‘specific deterrence’. this punishment quite reasonably. Even the sentence in this country. The underlying
or even deterrent, are larger questions that Supreme Court while affirming the death argument is therefore about whether we
challenge the criminal justice system of Thirdly, though it is not openly acceptable penalty was led to comment on the nature need to throw the baby out with the bath
the country as a whole. But as long as it is in today’s discourse, retribution has of offence as being committed in a “devilish water by abolishing death penalty or do we
so available, its’ use is inevitable. Primarily, always been an underlying objective of manner” and manner in which they played merely need to reform the current practice
therefore, all radical arguments in favour of the criminal justice system. Victims and with the victims’ identity and dignity as and procedure relating to death penalty. In
its abolition ought to focus on the manner of society both want the guilty to be punished. being “humanely inconceivable.” any case, our efforts in the both directions
its exercise. The abolition argument in India It is in this that context death penalty helps must continue.

India accepted as observer in Indian Ocean Commision

India was accepted as an observer in the The Indian Ocean Commission consists of power in the western Indian Ocean. “It
Indian Ocean Commision on Friday, getting Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion lends depth to India’s SAGAR (security and
a seat at the table of the organization (French overseas territory) and Seychelles. growth for all in the region) policy unveiled
that handles maritime governance in the by PM Modi in 2015”, an official said. The
western Indian Ocean. India’s entry is a For India, the importance of joining this move, India hopes, would lead to greater
consequence of its deepening strategic organization lies in several things. First, security cooperation with countries in East
partnership with France as well as its India will get an official foothold in a premier Africa.
expanding ties with the Vanilla Islands. regional institution in the western Indian
Ocean, boosting engagement with islands For the moment, India would showcase
Sources said the decision came at Friday’s in this part of the Indian Ocean. These its growing capability and intent as a
meeting of the Commission’s council of island nations are increasingly important for first responder for crises in this region,
ministers in Seychelles. India had made the India’s strategic outreach as part of its Indo- as was seen during the recent floods in
application to be an observer last month. Pacific policy. Madagascar when India sent the INS Airavat
The Commission has four observers with relief supplies to the country, India will
— China, EU, Malta and International Sources said this move would enhance also promote development cooperation in
Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF). ties with France which is the strong global this region.

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The CLAT Post • March 2020

Analysis Of Supreme Court’s Cryptocurrency Judgment

On 31 October 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto, those who used and traded in VCs, and of
a presumed pseudonymous person(s), those who facilitated such use and trade.
presented a paper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer- On this, there were four primary arguments
to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. The that were made. First, it was argued that the
intention was to create a decentralized Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act
digital currency that would operate without required RBI to “satisfy” itself, among other
a central bank through an open-sourced things, that “public interest” or “the interest
network using cryptography to verify and of banking policy” required it to issue
validate transactions. There would, under directions. In this case, the petitioners said,
this model, be no need for any intermediaries, no such “satisfaction” had been arrived
and each transaction would be recorded at. In other words, the RBI, according to
on a public ledger called a blockchain. them, had failed to apply its mind. The
At least since 1983, when an American court rejected this argument outright. At
cryptographer David Chaum introduced an least from June 2013 onwards, the RBI,
anonymous cryptographic digital money it held, had been studying the use of VCs
called “ecash”, efforts had been made by and pondering over what action ought to be
many persons to create an alternative to fiat taken.
money, that is currencies which derive their
value through government regulation. But Second, the petitioners argued that
the invention of Bitcoin was the first time a the exercise of power in this case was
real breakthrough was made. colourable. In making this argument,
they relied, on a reply to an RTI query, in
vSince then, various other cryptocurrencies that would make the “possession, trade as a “new electronic cash system that’s which the RBI had claimed that it had no
have cropped up, each using blockchain and use of crypto-currencies expressly fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third power to freeze the accounts of defaulting
technology to record the transactions. The illegal and punishable.” party.” The judgment found that this basic companies or of shell companies. But as
social media giant Facebook announced objective had promoted states across the court held here, what the circular did
But, as is clear, there was, in fact, no law jurisdictions to treat VCs—even though
in June 2019 that it intended to launch was not to freeze bank accounts, but to
that banned the use of VCs, and that made they had not acquired the status of a “legal
its open form of cryptocurrency, Libra. In simply order entities regulated by the RBI
trading in them illegal. Even as on the tender”—as “digital representations of
India, after the launch of Bitcoin a number from exiting any relationship that they might
date of the judgment, while draft bills had value.” But even still, did this mean VCs
of cryptocurrency exchanges began to have with a person or entity that deals with
been shared and circulated, with a view to are money? And ought that to matter, in
operate. But they were working in what VCs.
bringing about legislation banning the use deciding whether the RBI could regulate it?
was really a regulatory vacuum. There
of cryptocurrencies, there was no statutory Third, the petitioners argued that the
was not only no clear definition of what a
command expressly debarring their use. Traditionally—in a theory which harks back RBI had sought to illegitimately improve
cryptocurrency was but there was also no
But the RBI through its circular had, for all to the time of Aristotle—money has been its case by supplying reasons for the
law that prohibited or regulated their use.
practical purposes, put an end to the use of seen as anything that can serve as (a) a circular through counter affidavits and
This situation prevailed until April 2018,
VCs in India by severing the ties between store of value, which means people can use submissions. Here, the court held that
when the Reserve Bank of India issued
the cryptocurrency market and formal it as an asset that can be saved, retrieved while the test employed in MS Gill v The
a circular, not banning the use of crypto
Indian economy. and exchanged at a later time; (b) as a unit Chief Election Commissioner (1978)
currencies themselves, but the provision
of account, that is a measure to provide prohibits an authority from improving its
of banking services to any person who Two different petitioners went to court a common base for prices; and (c) as a case—in that the impugned order should
dealt with such currencies. This effectively against this move. One, the Internet and medium of exchange, not as a commodity, speak for itself—the court is always free
meant, though, that any exchange which Mobile Association of India, a non-profit but as something that persons can use to to examine subsequent materials in larger
facilitated the use of cryptocurrencies group that aims to represent the interests of intermediate the swapping of goods and public interest. In this case, the court had
stood thwarted. But now, in what might the online and digital services industry, and services. In the case of the Indian rupee, expressly directed RBI to issue a detailed
come as a temporary relief, if nothing else, two, a group of corporations that were in for example, it fulfils all three of these reply to representations made by the writ
to those who deal in these currencies, the the business of running of crypto exchange conditions. But the rupee represents that petitioners, and, therefore, the argument
Supreme Court has, in Internet and Mobile platforms. Broadly, both the petitioners form of currency, which is typically referred based on MS Gill could not be sustained.
Association of India v. RBI, quashed the attacked the circular on the following to as “fiat” money, that is money whose
RBI’s circular. grounds: first, that VCs are not legal tender value has been determined by the state. Fourth, the petitioners argued that
but tradeable commodities and therefore The fixing of this value, as the writer John the circular did not meet the test of
Also Read - Coronavirus And The
that they fell outside the RBI’s regulatory Lanchester puts is, is “act of faith”. Under proportionality. By virtually choking into
Constitution – III: The Curfew And The
ambit; and second, even assuming VCs this conception, a Rs. 10 note is worth what submission any VC exchange, the circular,
were amenable to regulation by the RBI, it is because of what the state claims its according to them, infringed the right
In a 180-page long judgment, authored the circular nonetheless disproportionately value to be. to practice any profession, or to carry
by Justice V. Ramasubramanian, the court impinged on the petitioners’ rights. While on any occupation, trade or business,
found that while the RBI has the power the former ground proved unsuccessful, the If one were to use this definition, VCs contained in Article 19(1)(g). While this
to regulate Virtual Currencies [VCs], the court accepted the latter. These findings, as too would likely fall within the meaning right can be restricted through reasonable
prohibition imposed through the April we will see, are likely to have serious long- of money. They may not yet work well measures imposed in the “interest of the
2018 circular is disproportionate, and, term ramifications. enough as a store of value or as a general public” under Article 19(6), such
therefore, ultra vires the Constitution. In means of exchange, and given that they measures must conform to the doctrine of
In the petitioners’ contention, VCs were operate through a blockchain—which
the court’s belief, in the absence of any proportionality.
neither money nor any other form of legal has no central server and uses digital,
legislative proscription, the business
tender. They were, on the contrary, goods/ cryptographic technologies to authenticate This test, as it exists in India, was first
of dealing in these currencies ought to
commodities that fell entirely outside the a transaction—it is possible that they might expounded by a constitution bench in
be treated as a legitimate trade that is
purview of the legislation under which the never come to act as a real substitute for Modern Dental College and Research
protected by the fundamental right to
impugned circular had been issued, that is money. But that they have elements of Centre v. State of Madhya Pradesh (2016).
carry on any occupation, trade or business
the RBI Act, 1934, the Banking Regulation each of the fundamental features of money There, the court held, that this doctrine
under Article 19(1)(g) of the Constitution.
Act, 1949 and the Payment and Settlement means, as the court has held here, that they is inherent in Article 19 and partakes four
According to the court, the RBI’s circular,
Systems Act, 2007. Therefore, according ought to be treated as such. The petitioners, separate lines of analyses: (1) that the
in imposing a wholesale moratorium on
to them, the RBI lacked the authority to however, contended that a fourth element measure has to be designated for a proper
the provision of banking services to these
regulate these currencies. has been added to the existing definition of purpose; (2) that the measure undertaken
dealers, unreasonably impinged on what is
otherwise a valid vocation, by going beyond money, and that for something to constitute is rationally connected to the fulfilment of
The court, in responding to this contention, money today it ought to also serve as a
the limitations permitted under Article analysed the role and the power of the that purpose; (3) that there are no alterative
19(6). means towards the final discharge of a debt and less intrusive measures available that
RBI under these statutes, and sought to or as standard for deferred payment. In their
determine whether VCs did, in fact, fall may similarly achieve that same purpose
As the Court recognized in its judgment, belief, VCs did not fulfil this fourth function, with a lesser degree of limitation; and (4)
within the scope of that power or not. In either in the sense of being regarded as
the circular, issued on 6 April 2018, was that there needs to be a proper relation
engaging in this analysis, it noted a rather money by society or as being understood
a culmination of a series of measures between the importance of achieving the
thorny difficulty: that VCs eluded precise as money under the law.
undertaken by the RBI concerning the aim and the social importance of preventing
definition. While there were some who
regulation of VCs. In 2013, the RBI first the limitation on the constitutional right.
described the currencies as an exchange The Court rejected this argument. It held
began to take stock of the proliferation of
of value, and while some others called it a that as long as there are certain institutions Having noted that the proportionality test
these currencies, and in June that year
stock, there were many that pronounced it who accept VCs as valid payment for the represents the relevant standard—and
it released a Financial Stability Report
as a good/commodity. There was a belief purchase of goods and services, it was the judgment needs to be commended
in which it defined VCs as “a type of
that this lack of precise definition could sufficient to bring the currencies within for this, given how rare it is that our apex
unregulated digital money, issued and
easily see VCs slip out of all regulatory the regulatory power of the RBI. “Anything constitutional court respects its own
controlled by its developers and used and
control. Therefore, one ought to examine, that may pose a threat to or have an impact precedents—the court then plunged not
accepted by the members of a specific
the court believed, what the basic, on the financial system of the country,” into an analysis of the four prongs and
virtual community” In December of the
foundational objective of these currencies the judgment held, “can be regulated or whether they were met by the circular
same year, the RBI issued a caution to the
was. prohibited by RBI, despite the said activity but rather into a consideration of the UK
users, holders and traders of VCs, which,
it said, would include Bitcoins, about the not forming part of the credit system or Supreme Court’s verdict in Bank Mellat v.
From a reading of Nathaniel Popper’s payment system.” This power to regulate,
potential financial, legal, and security book, “Digital Gold: The Untold Story of HM Treasury (No. 2) (2013). Bank Mellat
related risks that they were exposing the Court added, also included the power concerned the Financial Restrictions
Bitcoin” the court noted that even Satoshi to prohibit. And, in any event, what was
themselves to, and also pointed out that Nakamoto saw cryptocurrencies as a (Iran) Order 2009 issued by the Treasury
the RBI was in the process of examining the prohibited here wasn’t the very act of under the Counter Terrorism Act of 2008.
“digital analog to old-fashioned gold, a trading in VCs, but merely the provision of
very legality of the use of these currencies. new kind of universal money that could be Through the order, persons operating in
More press releases followed, before an banking services to those who trade in VCs. the UK’s financial sector were directed to
owned by everyone and spent anywhere.”
Inter-Disciplinary Committee, set up by the Hence, the currency’s very design was discontinue any transaction or business
Having answered the first question thus, relationship with the Bank, with immediate
Government, released a report in July 2017. aimed at creating a “cleverly constructed the court proceeded to examine whether effect. As Justice Ramasubramanian held,
In this, the committee, once again, advised decentralized network without central the practical prohibition of VCs that this order, which was under challenge in the
against dealership in VCs. What is more, the authority.” Moreover, Nakamoto itself, resulted from the circular unreasonably UK Supreme Court, was somewhat identical
committee also made a recommendation to the court observed, had defined bitcoin impinged on the fundamental rights of to the RBI’s circular. There, as he noted, the
the government seeking legislative changes
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The CLAT Post • March 2020

majority on the bench struck the Treasury’s the State must show the court that the safeguards were in place “protecting the NBFCs—had suffered any actual harm or
order down on the grounds that the issues nature of such an activity is either inherently formal financial sector and more in general loss either directly or indirectly on account of
which the order sought to address, that is the pernicious or has a capacity or tendency to society as a whole, such as rules combating their dealings with the exchanges that have
financing of nuclear proliferation activities, be harmful to the general public. money laundering, terrorist financing, tax facilitated trading in VCs. Moreover, the RBI,
were inherent to banking in general and evasion and maybe a more comprehensive the judgment found, submitted no empirical
were not special to Bank Mellat, and that in Before proceeding with an analysis on these set of rules aiming at protecting legitimate data on the degree of harm occasioned
picking and choosing a single Iranian bank lines, though, the Court made two critical users (such as ordinary consumers and by dealing with these traders. And in the
the order was arbitrary, disproportionate and interventions. First, it held that given that investors.” absence of such data, as the Court had
irrational. What is more, the majority also a person who is denied access to banking held previously, in State of Maharashtra v.
found, through Lord Sumption’s opinion, services faces onerous consequences, The RBI, the court held, clearly did not Indian Hotel and Restaurants Association
that the order did not arise out of a matter of including the effective shutting down of consider such alternatives before issuing (2013), the State could not be held to have
necessity when less drastic measures were his or her trade, the burden in this case the circular, but it had, after the writ petitions discharged its burden. Therefore, the court
considered to provide protection in relation is on the RBI to show that its circular were filed, done so by providing specific held, that the circular offended the doctrine
to other Iranian banks. does not unreasonably infract on the rebuttals to the petitioners’ contentions. In of proportionately and was in violation of
petitioners’ rights. Second, it rejected the the court’s belief, once the RBI has applied Article 19(1)(g).
In Internet and Mobile Association, the RBI’s argument that there is, in fact, no its mind to the issue and considered
Supreme Court held that it could not go as fundamental right to trade, sell and invest alternatives measures it could not sit on There are a number of positives to take from
far as the UK Supreme Court had in Bank in VCs and therefore that the petitioners judgment over whether such measures are the judgment. Not least the reaffirmation of
Mellat, because the UK has a statute where could not invoke Article 19(1)(g). This is merely illusory. It noted: “While exercising the doctrine of proportionality as the bright-
standards for judicial review are clearly because there was no legislation, as on the power of judicial review we may not line rule to determine claims made under
set out. This finding though is perplexing date, that prohibited the use of VCs. Given scan the response of RBI in greater detail Article 19, and the actual application of
because the Supreme Court has previously that, to thwart any exchange that facilitates to find out if the response to the additional principle to facts. Remember, in Anuradha
held in Modern Dental that the doctrine such functioning by altogether denying safeguards suggested by the petitioners Bhasin v. Union of India, the court invoked
of proportionality, and the four-prong test them access to banking services would was just imaginary.” This is disappointing. the doctrine but still didn’t apply it to the
it entails, is inherent in Article 19 itself. In certainly constitute an encroachment on The test, as laid down in Modern Dental, as facts before it. Here the court doesn’t shy
any event, having said so, the Court, in fundamental right. The only question was we saw earlier, is to examine whether “there away from doing so, and for that it must be
Internet and Mobil Association, nonetheless whether such a restriction is a reasonable are alterative and less intrusive measures lauded. What is more, given that the circular
proceeded to examine the circular on one or not. available that may similarly achieve that under challenge here was in the nature of a
the doctrine. It did this not by testing the same purpose with a lesser degree of statutory direction any eventual legislation
circular on each prong as laid down in On that, the court proceeded to examine limitation.” The test isn’t, as the court held that seeks to regulate cryptocurrencies—
Modern Dental, but only on the question whether there were less intrusive measures here, whether the state authority considered or perhaps even ban their use and trade—
of whether the RBI considered alternative available and whether RBI had considered alternative measures, but whether such will have to still conform to the doctrine of
and less intrusive measures than that which the adoption of such measures. Potential measures as a matter of fact do exist. proportionality. But when the court tests
the circular adopted. To this, however, the solution that could have been considered, such a law, it must go further than this. It
court added an additional test, seemingly the judgment held, includes those Yet, the court still held, based on an must also ask the State to show it that it not
derived from a 1969 judgment in Md. Faruk suggested by the EU’s Parliament: a report application of the judgment in Md. merely considered all potential measures to
v. State of MP. There, a constitution bench by the Union, that examined whether Faruk, that none of the entities under regulate the currency but that the eventual
of the Court had held that when a right cryptocurrencies ought to be banned the direct regulatory control of the RBI— measure adopted was, in fact, the least
under Article 19(1)(g) is encroached upon outright, for example, recommended that the nationalised banks, the scheduled invasive one.
by a complete prohibition of any activity, no such ban was necessary so long as good commercial banks, cooperative banks or

The Probation of Offenders Act, 1958:

A forgotten necessity
In India, case law would show that more often than not,
the provisions of the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 are seldom invoked.
Salvi v. State Of Maharashtra noted plainly being merciful and allowing the
several instances where the Act has been convict to remain in circulation in society
interpreted. In Para 9, it has observed, - with the Damocles’ Sword of being
sent to prison hanging over hs head as a
“The P. O. Act is still in force, but 50 years deterrent - there is probably less chance
down the line with ever increasing crime of the offender, reoffending.
rate, the benefits of the P.O. Act, by judicial
trend are not being extended to large The biggest benefit is mutual - to
number of cases. This is not to say that the offender thus let off, as well as to
it ought not to be extended in appropriate those who are already in prison. The
cases. The benefits have not been prison population is minimized, thereby
encouraged in cases involving socio- maximizing the sparse facilities for the
economic offences, offences involving existing prison population. The other by-
sex perversity cases involving moral product of such a situation is preventing
turpitude or moral delinquency, cases a “soft criminal” from having to spend
involving misappropriation of property, quality time with the hardened ones.
gold smuggling, food adulteration
offences, offences under Prevention of On being invited by the Haryana State
Corruption Act, and even in cases under Legal Services Authority, two judges
Section 304A of IPC. Judicial trend has of the Supreme Court, namely, Justice
As early as the late nineteenth There is no doubt that there is a slight Adarsh Kumar Goel (now retired) and
century, the criminal justice system in variation in the concepts of “probation” been cautious in not extending probation
to persons who are educated and Justice Uday Umesh Lalit visited the
India incorporated the philosophy of and “suspended sentencing” inasmuch Faridabad Jail and Observation Home on
“Probation of offenders”. as, it is possible as in many countries of an experienced in life and deliberately flout
the law with impunity and to those who June 3, 2018. On their visit, they found
offender receiving a suspended sentence countless deficiencies and noted that
Section 562 of the Code of Criminal without any conditions attached or are potential dangers to the society.”
Procedure, 1898 provided that any lack of facilities and the impediments
any person/authority supervising the The 41st report of the Law Commission, for speedy trials are to be dealt with
person not under twenty-one years released offender.
of age convicted of an offence not in 1969, introduced the concept of throughout the country.
punishable with imprisonment for not Whereas, under the scheme of probation, “suspension of sentence”, which later on
came to be embodied in section 389 of Thereafter, the Supreme Court by
more than seven years, or any person particularly under the Act of 1958, the its order dated September 25, 2018,
under 21 or any woman convicted of an release of a convict is only upon him the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973. It
was to be imposed in a very limited area observed that there is dire necessity
offence not punishable with death or entering into a bond while remaining of reforms in prison administration and
[imprisonment for life], and without being under the supervision of a probation of operation, where convicts seeking
appeal, in certain cases, could have their prison management. The Supreme
previously convicted, can be released on officer, who is a public servant obligated Court then proceeded to constitute a
probation of good conduct. to perform the duties entrusted under the sentences suspended and consequently
let off on bail, pending the appeal. Committee on Prison Reforms headed by
ct. Justice Amitava Roy.
Eventually, the Probation of Offenders
Act, 1958 was enacted by the Indian In India, case law would show that more For many years, several countries have
had a well-grounded system ingrained Thus there should be a concerted effort
Parliament. Section 19 of the Act of 1958 often than not, the provisions of the in alleviating the lot of the incarcerated.
repealed Section 562 from the old Code. Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 are in their administration of criminal justice
where in several cases, (where the This effort cannot succeed unless a
seldom invoked. The courts lean against multidisciplinary approach is undertaken
In the nearly 62 years that have followed, the release of an offender on probation offences are mostly petty/common and
it can be safely concluded that these the maximum sentence is less than two in that regard. The problems of lack of
rather than interpreting the Act in a speedy trial, long under trial detentions,
salutary provisions have been left only to manner that subserves the purpose of its or three years as the case may be) a
collect dust and bear silent testimony to suspended sentence is awarded. suffering in prison due to sub-human
legislation. facilities are not isolated and can be
what could have been if the concept of
probation or suspended sentencing were The recent judgment of the Bombay When a Court imposes a suspended substantially improved by judicial,
to be followed by the Courts in India. High Court in Nishanth Harishchandra sentence, it is not that the seriousness of political and executive will.
the crime is not recognized. Apart from

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The CLAT Post • March 2020

The unassailable keywords for the Judiciary

India’s judges must remind themselves constantly of the need to uphold an independent,
strong and respected judiciary
Justice Arun Mishra’s public praise of concept and delivery of social justice to It was also declared, “The Judges of higher The Charter is “a complete code of the
the Prime Minister at a public forum on the vulnerable sections of the community. echelons, therefore, should not be mere canons of judicial ethics” and categorically
Saturday raises serious questions about It is this principle of independence of the men of clay with all the frailties and foibles, declares among many others the following
the independence of the judiciary. What is judiciary which we must keep in mind while human failings and weak character which values: “6. A Judge should practise a
more disturbing is that he was speaking at interpreting the relevant provisions of the may be found in those in other walks of life. degree of aloofness consistent with the
the inaugural session of the International Constitution.” They should be men of fighting faith with dignity of his office” and “16. Every Judge
Judicial Conference 2020, ‘Judiciary and tough fibre not susceptible to any pressure, must at all times be conscious that he is
the Changing World’. In the same judgment another learned economic, political or any sort.” under the public gaze and there should
judge holds, be no act or omission by him which is
The damage his statement has caused It concluded, “In short, the behaviour of unbecoming of the high office he occupies
is incalculable. The international judicial “...While the administration of justice draws the Judge is the bastion for the people to and the public esteem in which the office is
community must have been left aghast as its legal sanction from the Constitution, reap the fruits of the democracy, liberty and held.” To my mind, both stand violated now.
far as the very independence of the Indian its credibility rests in the faith of the justice and the antithesis rocks the bottom
judiciary is concerned. Judges across India people. Indispensable to that faith is the of the rule of law.” In a Constituent Assembly Debate,
must be left bewildered wondering whether independence of the judiciary... the framers Professor K.T. Shah (Bihar) spoke of the
they should indulge in similar praises or not. of the Constitution took great pains to Ironically, Justice Mishra himself in a dangers lying ahead on May 24, 1949:
ensure that an even better and more judgment in R. Muthukrishnan versus The
One cannot forget that Justice Mishra effective judicial structure was incorporated Registrar General Of The High Court Of “In my opinion, Sir, if I may so with all respect,
is one of the seniormost judges of the in the Constitution, one which would Judicature At Madras observes, “Judicial this Constitution concentrates so much
Supreme Court of India and every word meet the highest expectations of judicial independence is a privilege of and power and influence in the hands of the
spoken by him may be taken seriously by independence....” protection for the people.” Prime Minister in regard to the appointment
those connected with the administration of of judges, ambassadors, or Governors to
justice. That structure seems to be crumbling under He holds, “Francis Bacon has said about such an extent, that there is every danger
its own weight. the Judges that Judges ought to be more to apprehend that the Prime Minister may
The Prime Minister himself applauded learned than witty, more reverend than become a Dictator if he chooses to do so.
the Supreme Court by referring to some Later in 1993, another Constitution Bench plausible, and more advised than confident. I think there are cases which ought to be
recent “critical judgments”, adding that 1.3 in the Second Judges Appointment Case, Above all things, integrity is their potion and removed from the political influence, of
billion Indians wholeheartedly accepted declared: proper virtue. .... The balancing of values, party manoeuvres. And here is one case,
the judicial verdicts. The Prime Minister’s reverence between the Bar and the Bench viz. Judges of the Supreme Court, who I
claim certainly appears to be off the mark “It is obvious that only those persons is the edifice of the independent judicial think should be completely outside that
considering that large numbers have should be considered fit for appointment system. Time has come to restore the glory influence.”
questioned these judgments. as Judges of the superior judiciary who and cherish the time-tested enduring ideals
combine the attributes essential for making and principles.” He again said, “I have been trying to
The Law Minister, who was also speaking an able, independent and fearless judge. lay before the Houses viz., or keeping
at the inaugural session, himself took the Several attributes together combine He also says, “Independent Bar and the Judiciary completely out of any
opportunity to attack many of those who to constitute such a personality. Legal Independent Bench form the backbone of temptation, and contact with the executive
criticise the functioning of the judiciary expertise, ability to handle cases, proper the democracy.” or the legislative side. Whether during his
and its judgments. The Executive and the personal conduct and ethical behaviour, tenure of office... or even on retirement,
Judiciary appear to be in tandem, something firmness and fearlessness are obvious So why these remarks about the country’s I would suggest that there should be
which was clearly not designed under essential attributes of a person suitable for leader? a constitutional prohibition against his
the Constitution. Was the international appointment as a superior Judge.” employment in any executive office, so
conference a platform for these? Key judicial charter that no temptation should be available to
Standard of conduct a judge for greater emoluments, or greater
Reiterating independence So, what can a citizen make out of this prestige which would in any way affect his
Among the several attributes that have completely avoidable public praise by such independence as a judge.”
In a 1981 judgment, the Constitution Bench been prescribed of a judge is “proper a senior judge? Have those in positions of
of the Supreme Court held that, personal conduct.” responsibility and even others who have One thing is clear, the judiciary is fast
publicly praised the Prime Minister in the eroding the hopes and aspirations of great
“Judges should be stern stuff and tough In a case in 1995, C. Ravichandran Iyer recent past forgotten the Charter called men and women who sat in the Constituent
fire, unbending before power, economic v. Justice A.M. Bhattacharjee & Ors., the “The Restatement of Values of Judicial Assembly debating and giving us the great
or political, and they must uphold the core Supreme Court went to the extent of Life”? This was adopted by the full Court, in document, the Constitution of India. Any
principle of the rule of law which says: ‘Be holding that for a judge, “the standard of 1997, to serve as a guide to be observed by correction, if at all, must come from within
you ever so high, the law is above you.’. conduct is higher than that expected of the judges which, according to the charter, the judiciary. Will it? We the Citizens of India
This is the principle of independence of the layman” and that “therefore the judge can was “essential for an independent, strong can only sit back and watch bemused and
judiciary which is vital for the establishment ill-afford to seek shelter from the fallen and respected judiciary, indispensable in deeply disappointed.
of real participatory democracy, standard in society.” the impartial administration of justice.”
maintenance of the rule of law as a dynamic

Oath : A swearing to tell the truth 20. alter : ego A second identity living within a person 10.
adhoc : For a particular purpose 19. citation : A reference to a previous court decision 9.
surety : A Guarantor 18. treason : A crime of betraying one's own country 8.
heinous : Extremely horrible 17. ordain : To command or order 7.
quash : To annul or set aside 16. moratorium : Stopping an activity for a limited period by formal agreement 6.
coerce: To force someone to do something 15. wager : A bet 5.
embezzlement : The crime of stealing the funds or property of employer 14. accomplice : A partner in crime 4.
abscond : To avoid being arrested 13. bequeath : To give a gift to someone through a will 3.
illicit : Illegal 12. litigant : Any party to a law suit 2.
reversion : Future interest in property retained by the owner or his heir 11. arguendo : For the sake of argument 1.
Answer Key

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23 India’s Best Institute for CLAT | Other Law Entrances
The CLAT Post • March 2020

Sustainable Development Goals:

36 changes in global indicator framework
A new indicator on reducing the percentage When a total of 13.6 per cent of young
of bloodstream infections due to selected people globally are unemployed,
antimicrobial-resistant organisms has been sustainable tourism could be an important
added under the Global health goal (SDG source of employment and an important
3). indicator under the SDGs.
Indicator 10.7.3 on the number of migrants But the indicator 8.9.2 on the proportion of
killed while attempting to cross maritime, jobs in sustainable tourism industries out
land and air borders. of total tourism jobs has been deleted by
the UNSC from the global SDG framework.
Indicator 10.7.4 on the proportion of the Speakers present at the session voiced
population who are refugees, by country of their concern on deletion of this indicator.
Besides the additions and deletions, eight
Six indicators across six SDG goals — 1, indicators have been revised and 14 have
4, 8, 11, 13 and 17 — have been deleted. been replaced.
These include:
The member states acknowledged the
Indicator 1.a.1 on the proportion of significance of revising the indicator 15.9.1
domestically-generated resources that measures integration of biodiversity
allocated by the government directly to into national accounting under the system
poverty reduction programmes. of environmental-economic accounting.
Thirty-six major changes to the global said. The global indicator framework was Indicator 4.2.1 on the proportion of “It is positive that a greenhouse gas
indicator framework for the Sustainable adopted by the UN General Assembly on children under five years of age who are focussed indicator has been added, but
Development Goals (SDGs) were approved July 6, 2017. developmentally on track in health, learning climate equity would have ideally required a
and adopted by the United Nations and psychosocial well-being, by sex. per capita indicator”, Tarun Gopalakrishnan,
Statistical Commission (UNSC), at its 51st Eight additional indicators were added deputy programme manager, Climate
session that concluded on March 6, 2020, across six SDG goals — 2, 3, 4, 10, 13 and The portion of the indicator that measures Change, Centre For Science and
in New York. 16. These include: progress for children between 0 and 23 Environment, New Delhi, said.
months of age, which is currently in tier III
These changes are based on the ‘2020 Indicator 13.2.2 on the total greenhouse gas was proposed for deletion by the IAEG. “Humanity is already living in a one
comprehensive review’ conducted by the emissions per year for the SDG target 13.2 degree warmer world, with some amount
UN Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG to integrate climate change measures into Under the SDG goal on combating of locked-in warming and the removal of
Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) and presented to national policies, strategies and planning. climate change, the indicator 13.3.2, adaptation plans as an indicator ignores
the UNSC on the first day of the three-day quantifying the number of countries that the critical need to scale up finance and
session, according to an official statement. Prevalence of anaemia in women aged 15- have communicated the strengthening capacity for climate vulnerable countries /
49 years, by pregnancy status (percentage) of capacity-building for implementing communities,” he added.
The revised global framework will have 231 under the target 2.2 to end forms of adaptation, mitigation and technology
indicators, approximately the same number malnutrition by 2030. transfer, and development actions has
as in the original framework, the statement been deleted.

What the RBI has done

But previous rate cuts have not been but on what the price should be given the and others with what are called ‘term loans’.
‘transmitted’ by the banks who have not rate of interest of the bond, the holding RBI will allow a moratorium of three months
reduced lending rates and have preferred period and the rating of the bond. Basically, for loan repayment.
to keep money with the RBI at the ‘reverse it allows trades to happen at a price that is
repo rate’. This is the rate at which banks not confused with the current pandemic in This means if you can’t pay, you have a
lend to the RBI. The RBI has now reduced the market. window of three months before the bank,
the reverse repo rate by 90 basis points to NBFC, housing finance company, micro
4%, making the cut sharper than the one on Two, reduced the cash reserve ratio by a full finance firm can haul you up or spoil your
the repo rate to encourage banks to borrow percentage point down to 3% for a year. The credit report. This is a relief especially for
• To keep the wheels of the economy CRR is the percentage of demand and time small entrepreneurs who have been forced
turning, the RBI has taken four key steps from the RBI rather than lend to it.
deposits banks have to keep with the RBI. to shut shop and for employees whose
• When the repo rate is high, banks find it Banks have preferred to deposit money So if you deposit ₹1 lakh, ₹4,000 cannot be incomes have stopped since their place
costly to borrow and in turn raise the price with the RBI rather than lend it out with an used by the bank to lend since it needs to of work is shut. It is good that the RBI has
of loans to their borrowers average daily amount of ₹3 trillion being keep this with the RBI as a ‘reserve’. looked at the retail part of the market along
kept with the RBI. A reduction of the reverse with the corporate sector for once. Working
The RBI’s Governor’s ‘bazooka’ repo to 4% makes it unattractive to banks Remember that there is another 18.25% of capital loans don’t come under the ‘term
announcement earlier today has seen to park it with the RBI and banks will be deposits that is also not used for lending loan’ category, and these borrowers can
the usually conservative institution and nudged to lend. under the Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR), defer paying interest for three months till
its head pull out the big guns in word and further reducing the money banks have June 2020. But will have to pay the entire
action. In a never-before statement he said: Bank lending provides the needed oxygen to lend. RBI has reduced the CRR to 3%, interest at the end of the period. Neither will
“The time has come for the Reserve Bank to businesses for their working capital and freeing up ₹1.37 trillion for banks to lend. the assets be classified as NPAs, nor will
to unleash an array of instruments from its longer-term loans. Read this as a measure CRR has been chosen rather than SLR they see a credit rating downgrade, nor will
arsenal to staunch and mitigate the impact to help banks take the decision to lend because this increases ‘primary liquidity’ individual credit scores get hit.
of COVID-19, revive growth and, above all, rather than play it safe by keeping money with the banks a bit better. Not only is there
preserve financial stability.” with the RBI. CRR rate down, banks now need to maintain
80% of the limit on a daily basis instead of
Here is an attempt to decode it for you. To If people are in a lock-down, the wheels 90% till June 26, 2020. Fourth is a measure to reduce the volatility
keep the wheels of the economy turning, the of the economy begin to grind down and of the price of the rupee in international
RBI has taken four key steps. One, increase there is a rush to safety for money in the Three, ₹1.37 trillion will be made available markets by allowing banks to deal in off-
the liquidity in the system Two, make sure system. Investors begin to redeem their under the emergency lending window shore non-deliverable pee derivative
the lower policy rate is transmitted. Three, shares, bonds and mutual funds. These called the marginal standing facility (MSF). markets. It looks like reform using the crisis
give a three-month window for a payback redemptions cause a fire sale of assets. Banks will now be able to borrow 3% of their to bring about this long-awaited change.
on all term loans. Four, take steps to reduce Finally, when there are no buyers, markets deposits under this window, up from the
begin to freeze. current 2%. Basically, RBI is willing to lend RBI has come out all guns blazing trying
volatility and provide stability. to inject liquidity, nudge banks to lend and
more than before. How much more? ₹1.37
Steps one and two are linked and I will To keep the wheels of the markets well- trillion under this window. allow slack in loan repayments to deal with
explain them together. He announced a oiled with cash, the RBI has made ₹3.74 the economic pandemic caused by the
big cut in the repo rate by 75 basis points trillion available. This it has done using Four, hiked the corridor by 15 basis points. microvirus that has brought the world to its
(100 basis points makes a percent, so three four weapons. One, it has used targeted This means that the cost of lending to the knees. We don’t know if this is enough. But
quarters of a percentage point) to 4.4%. long-term repo operations. RBI will lend RBI has gone down more than the cost of what is comforting is that the government
Repo rate is the rate at which the banks money to banks (a total of ₹1 trillion) that borrowing. Both costs have gone down, and the RBI are working in tandem to deal
borrow from the RBI. Banks give ‘eligible can be invested in bonds and other forms but when banks lend to the RBI, they get with this giant killer of a virus.
securities’ they hold for cash that RBI gives of lending instruments. The key part in a lower return than before, in comparison
this is that these investments will not be to the rate at which they borrow. In effect, Other than one earlier example, RBI
as an overnight loan. Banks pay the repo governors are usually conservative in
rate as interest for this borrowing. considered under the mark-to-market banks are being pushed to lend more.
system but under the held-to-maturity their speech and action. This governor is
When the repo rate is high, banks find it classification. What this means is that the Third, this what the experts have been no different in his conservatism. For him
costly to borrow and in turn raise the price MTM road values the bonds at the price talking about the past two weeks – to say “Yet, it is worthwhile to remember
of loans to their borrowers. A low repo rate they get in the market today, but when regulatory forbearance. What this means that tough times never last; only tough
has the overall effect of reducing interest markets are in distress the prices could be is that as economic activity grinds to a people and tough institutions do” is a big
rates for the system. Lower rates makes wrong or not available. slowdown, people will not be able to pay statement. It is confidence inspiring to a
it easier for entrepreneurs to take loans back the loans they have taken for no fault market, economy and household sector
for working capital and for households for Under the hold-to-maturity way the of theirs. This could be businesses with that is dealing with a never-before situation.
homes, vehicles and so on. portfolio is valued not on the market price loans, households with EMIs on home loans

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The CLAT Post • March 2020

Highlights: FM announces economic

package to deal with Covid-19 impact
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharama on • Beneficiaries of the Ujjwala scheme: 80
Thursday announced the Pradhan Mantri million households benefitted from the
Garib Kalyan Scheme, under which the gas cylinders provided under the scheme.
government would provide a relief package These beneficiaries will get free cylinders
of Rs 1.7 trillion to the underprivileged, for three months in view of the disruption
poor and migrant workers affected by a the coronavirus lockdown will cause.
lockdown amid the Covid-19 crisis.
• Women in self-help groups: 6.3 million
The FM also stated that workers like nurses, SHGs get up to Rs 10 lakh collateral-free
paramedics and sanitation staff, who were loans under the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
on the frontline of the war against the virus, National Rural Mission scheme. The cap
would be provided a medical insurance has been doubled to Rs 20 lakh. The move
cover of Rs 50 lakh per person. will benefit 70 million households
FM Nirmala Sitharaman press conference • Organised sector workers: Two parts to
highlights: this. First, the Government of India will pay
the EPF contribution of both employee and
• Prime Minister Gareeb Kalyan scheme to employer for the next three months. This
have two parts — cash transfer and food will be for all those establishments which
security have up to 100 employees, 90 per cent of
whom earn less than Rs 15,000 a month
• Covid-19 package to take care of the
welfare concerns of the poor and migrant And second, in what will benefit 8 million
workers who have been suffering because employees and 400,000 establishments,
of a nationwide lockdown the EPFO regulation will be amended to
allow the withdrawal of up to 75 per cent of
• Insurance cover for healthcare workers their corpus as non-refundable advance, or
attending to Covid-19 patients: Rs 50 lakh three months’ salary, whichever is less
per person get 1 kg of preferred dal for free for the next 2000 increase in their income
three months • Construction workers: States to be
• Two million health workers to benefit from • Poor widows, aged, and divyang: Ex-
2. Cash transfer scheme: Nine sub-parts gratia of Rs 1,000 for the next three months, directed to utilise the Rs 31,000 crore
the insurance scheme welfare fund for building and construction
in two instalments. 30 million people to
• Farmers: First instalment of the PM-KISAN benefit. transfers to be done through direct workers for the benefit of 35 million workers
Two silos of PM Gareeb Kalyan scheme in the midst of the coronavirus crisis
payment of Rs 2,000 to be frontloaded; benefits transfer (DBT)
1. Pradjhan Mantri Gareeb Kalyan Anna move to benefit 87 million
• Women with Jan Dhan Yojana accounts: • District mineral fund: State govts to
Yojana: 800 million poor people in the be urged to utilise this fund for medical
country to get 5 kg of rice/wheat per month • MGNREGS: Wage increased from Rs 182 200 million to benefit from Rs 500 ex-
to Rs 202 per day. Wage increase to benefit gratia for the next 3 months screening, medical testing and providing
free of cost, in addition to the 5 kg they health care services in the wake of the
already get. Additionally, each household to 50 million families, as there will be about
coronavirus crisis

Why Yes Bank AT1 bonds are being

written down to zero and not the shares
Additional tier 1 (AT1) bonds are in the continue forever (no maturity date), but the be diluted substantially (in Bhushan’s case, in RBI’s Prompt and Corrective Action and
news for all the wrong reasons. Yes Bank bank can “call” the bond back by paying over 90%) by a new buyer. The State Bank they forcibly bought back all the AT1 bonds
has issued such bonds worth over ₹8,000 the maturity value, after 10 years from the of India (SBI) will buy enough to own 49% at par. This was done to keep the tier 1 bond
crore and it turns out that the Reserve Bank issue. The bank will pay interest only when of Yes Bank, and it’s quite likely they will market from collapsing, if the bond was
of India (RBI) has exercised a clause no it has enough profits to do so. And the bank, bring in other investors too at the ₹10 price, written off then. Again, recently, a public
one thought they would, and the bonds
are going to be worthless. This has taken
a large number of investors by surprise
because bonds are generally considered
to be superior to equity, and why should
bonds be written down while shares are
not? The answer, my friends, is blowing in
the offer document of such bonds.
AT1 bonds are quasi-equity instruments.
These are meant to be like equity, but are
structured as bonds. The promise of equity
is: give a company some money as equity,
and it will use that money to grow. There
is no obligation to pay any dividend. There
is no obligation to return the money ever,
and the company can use the money as it
wishes. That’s the essence of equity capital.
Banks require capital so that they can
grow their lending books. For each ₹100 with RBI’s approval, can actually say it won’t so much that the current investors will go sector bank warned that it will not pay up
lent, they need to have, say, ₹10 as capital, pay back any interest or principal at all, if down to a fraction of the new Yes Bank. for the bonds at the “call” option date,
according to RBI regulations. This capital is there’s a trigger, such as losing so much the date on which an otherwise perpetual
“Tier 1 capital”, which is as flexible as equity money that the bank’s tier 1 capital ratios It’s a “resolution”, not a liquidation. In a bond can be redeemed. The reaction was
capital (where there’s no need to return the fall below a certain limit or when the bank resolution, bondholders can agree to intense, and the bank relented and called
money or to pay dividends). needs massive capital infusion. In the case take a haircut and dilute equity instead. the bonds. But these were signs that there
of Yes Bank, this is what has happened. In AT1 bonds, bondholders have agreed was stress, but the institutions paid no heed
But equity capital is expensive and dilutive. beforehand that they can be written down and continued to hold such bonds. Now,
If you issue more, you spread profits across AT1 bondholders are in shock, and are asking to zero in case the bank has to be rescued. the risk is really upon us all.
more shares, which reduces the price why their bonds have to be written down to And that’s why they’re getting nothing.
of each share. To avoid this, the Basel III zero when shareholders get to continue. But The market is now realizing, slowly, that
regulations provide for something called let’s be clear about what’s happening here: This has happened in Europe earlier. such bonds are not supposed to be cheap.
“Tier 1 capital instruments”—they are it’s not a liquidation. Seniority of bonds over Such bonds are called “bail-in” bonds, The yields in the market have gone up,
not equity, but can be considered close equity matters only in liquidation. As we and in many banks in Italy and Spain, signifying that people want higher interest
enough. Among them, Indian banks chose have seen in the case of Bhushan Steel or holders of these kind of bonds have seen rates if they are to take such risks. This is
to issue “perpetual debt instruments” as other bankruptcy resolutions, bondholders either conversion to equity or a haircut on healthy, but at high rates, no one may want
AT1 bonds. may take a hit (in Bhushan, lenders took a repayment, or been completely wiped out. to issue AT1 bonds at all. But that might be
30%-plus hit) but equity holders remain good, since it is a financial instrument that
These are high interest-bearing bonds as they are (Bhushan Steel equity shares Investors in AT1 bonds have been seeing is actually as risky as equity, but disguises
that have no maturity date. Banks pay the traded at ₹30 or so throughout). Equity can situations that warned them of trouble. A itself as a bond.
interest rate every year. The bonds will few years ago, certain banks were placed

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How LegalEdge is Transforming

the Online Education Industry
LegalEdge is a name synonymous with Each LE student is now getting a 5. The next level?
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Relative clauses describe or tell us more about a person or thing that has just been I listened to the CD that I got for my birthday.
mentioned in the sentence.
main clause relative clause
Relative pronouns are words that act as a subject or object in a relative clause.
The following words can be relative pronouns: that, what, where, when, which, Defining relative clauses
who,whom, why.
These are clauses that tell us exactly who or what is being referred to. Without the
defining relative clause the sentence will not make sense. It needs to be there.


I hate people who are insincere For people you can use who or that, but who is more I enjoyed the books that you lent me.
usual. In the above sentence, who is the subject of the relative clause. For things you can use that or which, but that is more usual.In the above sentence,
that is theobject of the relative clause.

You cannot miss out the relative pronoun if it is the subject of the relative clause: Note: There are no commas in defining relative clauses.
I hate people are insincere Non-defining relative clauses
The relative pronoun can be missed out if it is the object of the relative clause: These are clauses that give us extra information about something or someone already
mentioned. The sentence will still make sense without the non-defining relative
I enjoyed the books you lent me. ORI enjoyed the books you lent me. clause, but the clause gives you extra information.
She’s the girl that I love. OR She’s the girl I love.

I hate people who are insincere For people you can use who or that, but who is more enjoyed the books that you lent me.
usual. In the above sentence, who is the subject of the relative clause. For things you can use that or which, but that is more usual.In the above sentence,
that is theobject of the relative clause.


The finance minister, who has beenunder pressure to resign, will beholding a press His latest novel,which is set in India,has received good reviews.
conference today. For things you must use which.
For people you must use who. For things you must use which.

You cannot leave out the relative pronoun in non-defining clauses.

Note: Who and which are always preceded by a comma in non-defining relative clauses. In spoken English they are preceded by a pause.

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Reasoning: Deduction and Induction A syllogism has two premises, and a

categorical syllogism is a two-premise
Logicians divide all arguments into two argument in whicheach premise and the
broad categories: deductive arguments and conclusion begin with the words “All,” “No,”
inductive arguments. Every argument falls or “Some,” in anycombination.

into one of these two categories. Of course
people offering arguments often do not E.g., All dogs are hairy things, and all hairy
fully understand what they are doing. That things are mammals. Thus all dogs are
is, they may be unclear how powerful their mammals.
arguments could be, assuming they are
arguing well. Still, once we understand what E.g., No dogs are cats. Some cats are white

their arguments are, it’s usually not difficult animals. Thus some dogs are not white
to determine if each is best understood as animals.
deductive or inductive.
• Conditional syllogisms
Deductive Arguments
A “conditional syllogism” is a two-premise
A deductive argument claims (explicitly argument in which at least one premise
or implicitly) that if the premises all are is an “if…, then…” statement, known as a
true, then the conclusion must be true. conditional, or implication.
Deductive arguments thus aim to establish
their conclusions with complete certainty E.g., If Yogi is a bear, then Yogi is an animal.
in such a way that the conclusion is Yogi is a bear. Thus Yogi is an animal.
guaranteed to be true if the premises all are
E.g., If it rains today, then the picnic is
true. Note that the argument may fail in its
canceled. If the picnic is canceled, then I’ll
aim; what makes the argument deductive
be sad.
is that it is the kind of argument that—if it
were successful—would have the premises Hence, if it rains today, then I’ll be sad.
absolutely guarantee the conclusion to be
true. • Disjunctive syllogisms
The following four arguments are all A disjunction is an “…or…” statement, so
deductive: a disjunctive syllogism is a two-premise
argument in which one of the premises is
• All bats are cute animals. No cute animals an “…or…” statement (with or without an
are mean. So, certainly, no bats are mean. “either”). E.g., Either Bob is logical or Sue is
happy. But Bob is not logical. Therefore Sue
• Joan is Lauren’s mother. Therefore, Joan
is happy. Inductive patterns:
must be older than Lauren.
• Predictions
• Nobody knows Ned. Therefore, it must be
that Ned does not know himself. If the conclusion is a prediction (about
the future), then it is likely an inductive
• Some cats are pets. Thus, some pets
argument, since we cannot know the future
must be cats. thumb is to ask yourself: Is the arguer aiming are intended as inductive or deductive.
with total certainty.
to show that the conclusion is guaranteed But none of this is the case, unfortunately.
to be true, or is he or she aiming only to Too many people don’t understand or care E.g., It has rained every day for the past five
show that the conclusion is likely to be true, about the difference between induction and weeks. Thus it will probably rain tomorrow,
Inductive Arguments i.e., is probably true but less than certain? If deduction, or try to overstate the strength too.
An inductive argument claims (explicitly or the arguer’s reasoning is expressed clearly, of their inductive position by couching their
implicitly) that if the premises all are true, then there will often be words or other arguments in deductive indicator words. • Arguments from analogy
the conclusion is thereby probably, or likely, clues indicating which type of argument We need additional hints to be confident
(deductive or inductive) is intended. If a that we are dealing with a deductive (or An argument from analogy compares two
true, although not absolutely guaranteed.
deductive argument is intended, then the inductive) argument. things or two groups of things, notes many
Inductive arguments thus aim to establish
conclusion may be introduced with words relevant similarities between the two, and
their conclusions with probability, or Argument Patterns
or phrases indicating necessity or certainty, concludes that probably what is known to
likelihood, but not with complete certainty.
such as: be true of one will be true of the other.
An inductive argument does not attempt Since so few people use indicator words at
to guarantee that its conclusion is true; • It is certain that all or correctly, it’s of great use to become E.g., I’ve eaten at Dick’s Drive-In 20 times
however, it aims to show that we have good familiar with patterns of argument that this past month and enjoyed my dining
reasons to accept the conclusion as true • Absolutely usually are associated with deduction or experience each time. Dick’s has not
nevertheless. “Probably,” in this context, induction. These tips are not fail-safe, as changed recently in any relevant way, so
means greater than 50 percent chance. • Undeniably, it must be that occasionally odd counterexamples can be I will likely enjoy my dining experience at
Admittedly, quantifying the likelihood of a imagined. Still, the patterns provide good Dick’s when I go there later today.
conclusion being true is not always easy, • For sure reason for saying that a given argument is
but “better than a 50 percent chance” gets deductive, or inductive. Examples of such E.g., After studying only one night
the idea across. Note that the inductive • It is necessarily true that
patterns include the following. beforehand, I’ve aced the last three logic
argument may fail in its aim; what makes quizzes in this class. So even though I’ve
However, if an inductive argument is
the argument inductive is that it is the kind Deductive patterns: studied only one night for this class’s
intended, then the conclusion may be
of argument that—done well—can give upcoming logic quiz, I’ll probably ace it, too.
introduced with words or phrases indicating • Arguments based on math
good but less than 100 percent conclusive
probability, such as:
reason to believe the conclusion. • Appeal to authority
Since we know basic math truths (e.g.,
• The most reasonable conclusion is 2+2=4) with our highest degree of certitude,
Examples of induction are found in An appeal to authority argues that because
everyday life, where people use less than • Probably any argument based (not merely about) an expert says such-and-such, then such-
guaranteedreasoning to go about their daily math will have a similar degree of certitude. and-such is likely to be true. As long as the
business. You’ve never (or rarely) been • It is likely that E.g., Joe passed two touchdowns in the first expert is truly expert (i.e., authoritative) in
poisoned at the school cafeteria, so you half of the football game, and he passed his, her, their, or its field, then the argument
feel safe eating there later today. Your past • It is reasonable to suppose that one touchdown in the second half of the can be quite strong.
experiences do not absolutely guarantee game. Thus Joe passed three touchdowns
that you won’t get sick eating there today, • I’ll bet that in that game. E.g., This Euclidian triangle E.g., Every biology instructor will say that
but you will eat there nonetheless…and be has one right interior angle and one 10 mice are mammals. Thus we have good
perfectly rational in doing so. You’ll be using Some common phrases are found in both degree interior angle. Thus the third interior reason to believe that mice are mammals.
a strong form of inductive reasoning. The deductive and inductive arguments, and angle must be 80 degrees. (A strong argument, because biology
following four arguments are also inductive: thus do not help much in determining which instructors are very knowledgeable on such
kind of argument you are dealing with. “It Note: The following argument is not based matters.)
• Pat and Jan are lifelong best friends. So must be the case that” is an example of on math, it is about math; it is not deductive:
Jan probably knows Pat’s parents. a phrase you often find attached to both “All my math teachers say that two plus two E.g., My chemistry teacher says that God
premises and the conclusion, of both equals four. Thus two plus two equals four.” does not exist. We can conclude that God
• It has been sunny for ten days in a row, deductive and inductive arguments. does not exist. (A weak argument, because
and there are no clouds in the sky. So • Arguments based on definitions (a) chemistry teachers qua chemistry
probably it will be sunny tomorrow. Notice, though, that whereas deductive teachers are not experts on God’s
arguments have an air of certainty, If an inference is based on the definition existence, and (b) it makes little sense
• Joe hasn’t had a drink in ten years. So it confidence, andconclusiveness, inductive of a word, then (even if the definition is to consider anyone an expert on God’s
is likely he won’t drink at the party tonight. arguments have an air of uncertainty mistaken) the argument is best understood existence. The same would be the case if
and incompleteness. While adeductive as deductive. the teacher had said that God does exist. If
• Most dogs are loving animals. Fido is a argument claims its conclusion must the chemistry teacher came up with a good
dog. Therefore Fido is probably a loving be true, and with certainty, an inductive E.g., Sara is a physician. Thus Sara is [by
argument against (or for) God’s existence,
animal. argument claims only that if its premises definition] a doctor.
then perhaps that argument might give us
all are true then its conclusion is probable good reason to disbelieve (or believe) in
Deductive or Inductive? although not completely certain. E.g., This shirt is damp. Thus this shirt is
moist. God.
Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether a If everyone were honest or understood
E.g., Bob has no hair on his head. Therefore E.g., The Washington State highway sign we
person’s argument is deductive or inductive inductive and deductive indicator words,
Bob is bald. just passed said that we’re entering the city
because the reasoning is not clearly stated. and if everyone offering an argument used of Seattle. Thus we are probably entering
When trying to decide whether an argument such vocabulary accurately, we’d have a • Categorical syllogisms the city of Seattle. (A strong argument, as
is deductive or inductive, a good rule of fairly easy time determining if arguments

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state highway signs are usually reliable This argument is an appeal to authority and three sides. Thus, on that basis, we can say Atlantic Ocean.
regarding city names.) its conclusion is a prediction. It’s quite clear that triangles have three sides.
that it’s best understood as inductive. The 14. The sign placed by officials on
• Generalizations indicator word “likely” makes its inductive 4. Some diseases can spread easily the Statue of Liberty in New York City says
nature all the more clear. from one person to another by skin contact. that it was made by Peruvian artists. Thus
Think of polls as common examples Thus it is guaranteed that some diseases the Statue of Liberty was likely made by
of generalizations. You determine that If an argument clearly fits both an inductive are contagious. Peruvian artists.
something is true of a portion of a group, and a deductive pattern, then it’s generally
and conclude that the same thing must be safe to figure the argument is deductive. This 5. No human has ever lived for 2000 15. Every rock-n-roll musician says
true of the group as a whole. is because if an argument is constructed so years. Thus the current prime minister of that we should all eat corn for dinner every
that if the premises are true the conclusion England will not live for 2000 years. night. Thus we should eat corn for dinner
E.g., Twenty percent of my Bellevue College can be guaranteed to be true, it will also be every night.
logic students are fans of Miles Davis. the case that the conclusion is likely true. 6. The official sign posted at the edge
Thus twenty percent of Bellevue College’s If a conclusion is sure to be true, then it’s of our campus says that this is Catatonic 16. The label on this bottle says,
students are fans of Miles Davis. obviously going to be probably true. But State University. Therefore, this must be “Poison.” Therefore the bottle must contain
only deductive arguments have premises Bellevue College. poison.
E.g., Most Roman Catholics living in North
Bend, Washington believe in a Christian that absolutely guarantee the conclusion;
7. If Michael Jackson was president 17. Three is larger than two, and two is
concept of God. Thus most people in the so if an argument can do that, it’s deductive.
of the United States, then he was a larger than one. Thus one is less than three.
world believe in a Christian concept of God. For example: If a blizzard dropped four feet
politician. Michael Jackson was a politician.
of snow on the city park last night, then 18. Most people in our society are
Thus Michael Jackson was president of the
• Causal arguments today’s picnic will be canceled. A blizzard opposed to murder. Thus murder is probably
United States.
did indeed drop four feet of snow on the city wrong.
A causal argument appeals to well-known park last night. Thus, today’s picnic will be 8. The U.S. military dropped many
causal relations to argue from cause canceled. bombs on Iraq while fighting there. Bombs 19. God has all perfections. Existence
to effect or from effect to cause. Police almost always explode, destroying things is a perfection. Thus it is necessary that God
detectives do this when they see a crime The argument fits both the conditional has the perfection of existence. Thus it is
near them. Thus the U.S. military probably
scene with effects (e.g., a dead body with syllogism pattern for deduction and the necessary that God exists.
destroyed things in Iraq.
a knife in its back) and try to argue towards prediction pattern of induction. But if the
the cause (e.g., who did it, why, when, how, premises are true, they guarantee that the 9. If Lady Gaga [the female singer] is 20. There is much evil in the world.
etc.). Doctors and auto mechanics trying conclusion will be true; and only a deductive an adult man, then Lady Gaga is a male. But And since God is supposed to be all-good
to figure out the cause of a medical or argument can do that. So we’re justified in Lady Gaga is not an adult man. Thus Lady and all-powerful, God would not want or
mechanical problem argue the same way. interpreting this as a deductive argument. Gaga is not a male. need to allow evil. Thus God likely does not
E.g., I placed a jug of water in my freezer last Practice Problems: Deduction and 10. German philosopher Georg Hegel
night. Thus that jug of water is now likely Induction was a space alien. Thus Georg Hegel was a Answers:
frozen. (The argument here is from cause to space alien.
effect.) For each argument, state whether it is 1. Deductive 6. Inductive 11.Deductive 16.
deductive or inductive. Some contain 11. No dogs are cats. No cats are Inductive
E.g., The instructor just passed back our deduction or induction indicator words; mice. Thus it is guaranteed that some cats
logic tests, and Maria is holding hers and others do not. are not mice. 2. Deductive 7. Deductive 12.Inductive 17.
smiling. I conclude that she must have Deductive
received a high score on that test. (The 1. Some dogs are mammals. Some 12. Large, naturally occurring icebergs
mammals are animals. Thus some dogs are have yet to be found in the middle of the 3. Inductive 8. Inductive 13.Deductive 18.
argument here is from effect to cause.)
animals. Sahara Desert. Thus it is likely that no such Inductive
An argument can fit more than one pattern, ice berg will be found there next year.
2. Either Thomas Aquinas was a 4. Deductive 9. Deductive 14.Inductive 19.
and that’s not a problem. For instanceMy
writer or he was an astronaut. But he was not 13. The Atlantic Ocean lies between Deductive
trustworthy wife said that she will buy some
bread this evening. Thus she will likely a writer. Thus he definitely was an astronaut. Africa and South America. Africa is
5. Inductive 10. Deductive 15.Inductive 20.
buysome bread this evening. immediately east of the Atlantic Ocean.
3. Nearly all geometry teachers are Inductive
Thus South America is certainly west of the
serious when they say that triangles have

Section on Quantitative Techniques

Some Important Results on Operations on Sets Some Important Results on Numbers of Elements in Sets
A-B=A∩B’ In A,B and C are finite sets, and U be the finite universal set then
B-A=B∩A’ n(A∪B)=n(A)+n(B)-n(A∩B)
A-B=A⟺A∪B=∅ n(A∪B)=n(A)+n(B)⟺A,Bare disjoint non-void sets.
(A-B)∪B=A∪B n(A-B)=n(A)-n(A∩B)i.e., n(A-B)+n(A∩B)=n(A)
(A-B)∩B=∅ n(A ∪B∪C=)=n(A)+n(B)+n(C)-n(A∩B)-n(B∩C)-n(C∩A)+n(A∩B∩C)

Venn diagram for three sets Set language and notations

Q.14: In a group of 100 children, 32% play hockey, 64% play football and 40% play cricket.
14% play hockey and football, 15% play football and cricket, 13% play hockey and cricket.
Only 6% play all the three games. How many children play only one game?
(a) 70 (b) 75 (c) 80 (d) 65

Solution:(a) 11 + 41 + 18 = 70

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155 Words to Describe an Author’s Tone

What is tone? Tone (attitude) and voice (personality) is the way you express yourself in speech 3. zWhat do I want the reader to learn,
create a writing style. You may not be able or writing. understand, or think about?
Tone refers to an author’s use of words and to alter your personality but you can adjust
writing style to convey his or her attitude your attitude. This gives you ways to create How do you find the correct tone? In formal writing, your tone should be clear,
towards a topic. Tone is often defined as writing that affects your audience’s mood. concise, confident, and courteous. The
what the author feels about the subject. You can usually find a tone by asking these writing level should be sophisticated, but
What the reader feels is known as the mood. The mechanics three questions: not pretentious.
Tip: Don’t confuse tone with voice. Voice Tone is conveyed through diction (choice 1. Why am I writing this? In creative writing, your tone is more
can be explained as the author’s personality and use of words and phrases), viewpoint, subjective, but you should always aim to
expressed in writing. Tone = Attitude. Voice syntax (grammar; how you put words and 2. Who is my intended audience? communicate clearly. Genre sometimes
= Personality. phrases together), and level of formality. It determines the tone.

Tone Meaning Detached aloof; objective; unfeeling; distant

Dignified serious; respectful; formal; proper
Absurd illogical; ridiculous; silly; implausible; foolish
Diplomatic tactful; subtle; sensitive; thoughtful
Accusatory suggesting someone has done something wrong,
complaining Disapproving displeased; critical; condemnatory

Acerbic sharp; forthright; biting; hurtful; abrasive; severe Disheartening discouraging; demoralizing; undermining; depressing

Admiring approving; think highly of; respectful; praising Disparaging dismissive; critical; scornful

Aggressive hostile; determined; forceful; argumentative Direct straightforward; honest

Aggrieved indignant; annoyed; offended; disgruntled Disappointed discouraged; unhappy because something has gone
Ambivalent having mixed feelings; uncertain; in a dilemma; unde-
cided Dispassionate impartial; indifferent; unsentimental; cold; unsympa-
Amused entertained; diverted; pleased
Distressing heart-breaking; sad; troubling
Angry incensed or enraged; threatening or menacing
Docile compliant; submissive; deferential; accommodating
Animated full of life or excitement; lively; spirited; impassioned;
vibrant Earnest showing deep sincerity or feeling; serious

Apathetic showing little interest; lacking concern; indifferent; Egotistical self-absorbed; selfish; conceited; boastful
unemotional Empathetic understanding; kind; sensitive
Apologetic full of regret; repentant; remorseful; acknowledging Encouraging optimistic; supportive
Enthusiastic excited; energetic
Appreciative grateful; thankful; showing pleasure; enthusiastic
Evasive ambiguous; cryptic; unclear
Ardent enthusiastic; passionate
Excited emotionally aroused; stirred
Arrogant pompous; disdainful; overbearing; condescending;
vain; scoffing Facetious inappropriate; flippant

Assertive self-confident; strong-willed; authoritative; insistent Farcical ludicrous; absurd; mocking; humorous and highly
Awestruck amazed, filled with wonder/awe; reverential
Flippant superficial; glib; shallow; thoughtless; frivolous
Belligerent hostile; aggressive; combatant
Forceful powerful; energetic; confident; assertive
Benevolent sympathetic; tolerant; generous; caring; well meaning
Formal respectful; stilted; factual; following accepted styles/
Bitter angry; acrimonious; antagonistic; spiteful; nasty rules
Callous cruel disregard; unfeeling; uncaring; indifferent; ruth- Frank honest; direct; plain; matter-of-fact
Frustrated annoyed; discouraged
Candid truthful, straightforward; honest; unreserved
Gentle kind; considerate; mild; soft
Caustic making biting, corrosive comments; critical
Ghoulish delighting in the revolting or the loathsome
Cautionary gives warning; raises awareness; reminding
Grim serious; gloomy; depressing; lacking humour; macabre
Celebratory praising; pay tribute to; glorify; honour
Gullible naïve; innocent; ignorant
Chatty informal; lively; conversational; familiar
Hard unfeeling; hard-hearted; unyielding
Colloquial familiar; everyday language; informal; colloquial; casual
Humble deferential; modest
Comic humorous; witty; entertaining; diverting
Humorous amusing; entertaining; playful
Compassionate sympathetic; empathetic; warm-hearted; tolerant; kind
Hypercritical unreasonably critical; hair splitting; nitpicking
Complex having many varying characteristics; complicated
Impartial unbiased; neutral; objective
Compliant agree or obey rules; acquiescent; flexible; submissive
Impassioned filled with emotion; ardent
Concerned worried; anxious; apprehensive
Imploring pleading; begging
Conciliatory intended to placate or pacify; appeasing
Impressionable trusting; child-like
Condescending stooping to the level of one’s inferiors; patronising
Inane silly; foolish; stupid; nonsensical
Confused unable to think clearly; bewildered; vague
Incensed enraged
Contemptuous showing contempt; scornful; insolent; mocking
Incredulous disbelieving; unconvinced; questioning; suspicious
Critical finding fault; disapproving; scathing; criticizing
Indignant annoyed; angry; dissatisfied
Cruel causing pain and suffering; unkind; spiteful; severe
Informative instructive; factual; educational
Curious wanting to find out more; inquisitive; questioning
Inspirational encouraging; reassuring
Cynical scornful of motives/virtues of others; mocking; sneer-
ing Intense earnest; passionate; concentrated; deeply felt

Defensive defending a position; shielding; guarding; watchful Intimate familiar; informal; confidential; confessional

Defiant obstinate; argumentative; defiant; contentious Ironic the opposite of what is meant

Demeaning disrespectful; undignified Irreverent lacking respect for things that are generally taken
Depressing sad, melancholic; discouraging; pessimistic
Jaded bored; having had too much of the same thing; lack
Derisive snide; sarcastic; mocking; dismissive; scornful enthusiasm

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Joyful positive; optimistic; cheerful; elated Resentful aggrieved; offended; displeased; bitter
Judgmental critical; finding fault; disparaging Resigned accepting; unhappy
Laudatory praising; recommending Restrained controlled; quiet; unemotional
Light-Hearted carefree; relaxed; chatty; humorous Reverent showing deep respect and esteem
Loving affectionate; showing intense, deep concern Righteous morally right and just; guiltless; pious; god-fearing
Macabre gruesome; horrifying; frightening Satirical making fun to show a weakness; ridiculing; derisive
Malicious desiring to harm others or to see others suffer; ill- Sarcastic scornful; mocking; ridiculing
willed; spiteful
Scathing critical; stinging; unsparing; harsh
Mean-Spirited inconsiderate; unsympathetic
Scornful expressing contempt or derision; scathing; dismissive
Mocking scornful; ridiculing; making fun of someone
Sensationalistic provocative; inaccurate; distasteful
Mourning grieving; lamenting; woeful
Sentimental thinking about feelings, especially when remembering
Naïve innocent; unsophisticated; immature the past
Narcissistic self-admiring; selfish; boastful; self-pitying Sincere honest; truthful; earnest
Nasty unpleasant; unkind; disagreeable; abusive Skeptical disbelieving; unconvinced; doubting
Negative unhappy, pessimistic Solemn not funny; in earnest; serious
Nostalgic thinking about the past; wishing for something from Subjective prejudiced; biased
the past
Submissive compliant; passive; accommodating; obedient
Objective without prejudice; without discrimination; fair; based
Sulking bad-tempered; grumpy; resentful; sullen
on fact
Sympathetic compassionate; understanding of how someone feels
Obsequious overly obedient and/or submissive; fawning; grovelling
Thoughtful reflective; serious; absorbed
Optimistic hopeful; cheerful
Tolerant open-minded; charitable; patient; sympathetic; lenient
Outraged angered and resentful; furious; extremely angered
Tragic disastrous; calamitous
Outspoken frank; candid; spoken without reserve
Unassuming modest; self-effacing; restrained
Pathetic expressing pity, sympathy, tenderness
Uneasy worried; uncomfortable; edgy; nervous
Patronizing condescending; scornful; pompous
Urgent insistent; saying something must be done soon
Pensive reflective; introspective; philosophical; contemplative
Vindictive vengeful; spiteful; bitter; unforgiving
Persuasive convincing; eloquent; influential; plausible
Virtuous lawful; righteous; moral; upstanding
Pessimistic seeing the negative side of things
Whimsical quaint; playful; mischievous; offbeat
Philosophical theoretical; analytical; rational; logical
Witty clever; quick-witted; entertaining
Playful full of fun and good spirits; humorous; jesting
Wonder awe-struck; admiring; fascinating
Pragmatic realistic; sensible
World-Weary bored; cynical; tired
Pretentious affected; artificial; grandiose; rhetorical; flashy
Worried anxious; stressed; fearful
Regretful apologetic; remorseful
Wretched miserable; despairing; sorrowful; distressed

Helpful Tip
Finding the correct tone is a matter of practice. Try and write for different audiences. Even if you only want to write novels, it is an apprenticeship of sorts. Write press releases.
Write opinion pieces. Write interviews. Write copy. Write a business plan. The more you write, the better you will become at pitching your work with the nuances needed to
create the perfect book.

Conveying Tone in a Story

Tone in writing is conveyed by both the from the trees and fall. Christmas will come, Place the tone is calm and peaceful. peaceful and moving towards acceptance
choices of words and the narrator of the and the snows of winter. You will live to nonetheless.
story. enjoy the beauty of the frozen world, for It was very late and everyone had left the
you mean a great deal to Zuckerman and cafe except an old man who sat in the This was the last fish we were ever to see
In Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White, although he will not harm you, ever. Winter will pass, shadow the leaves of the tree made against Paul catch. My father and I talked about this
the book is sad, the tone is one of peace the days will lengthen, the ice will melt in the the electric light. In the day time the street moment several times later, and whatever
and acceptance: pasture pond. The song sparrow will return was dusty, but at night the dew settled our other feelings, we always felt it fitting
and sing, the frogs will awake, the warm the dust and the old man liked to sit late that, when we saw him catch his last fish,
“But I feel peaceful. Your success in the wind will blow again. All these sights and because he was deaf and now at night it we never saw the fish but only the artistry
ring this morning was, to a small degree, my sounds and smells will be yours to enjoy, was quiet and he felt the difference. of the fisherman.
success. Your future is assured. You will live, Wilbur-this lovely world, these precious
secure and safe, Wilbur. Nothing can harm days…” In A River Runs Through It by Norman
you now. These autumn days will shorten Maclean loss is also addressed with a kind
and grow cold. The leaves will shake loose In Hemingway’s A Clean, Well-Lighted of acceptance. The tone here is wistful, yet

Choosing Words for Tone

Consider the tone of The School by Donald In the following excerpt from Edgar Allen with heavy strides, as if excited to fury by There was a steaming mist in all the
Barthelme. Here, words like “death” and Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart,” notice the many the observations of the men, but the noise hollows, and it had roamed in its forlornness
“depressing” set a negative or unhappy adjectives and verbs that imply insane, steadily increased. O God! What COULD I up the hill, like an evil spirit, seeking rest
tone: nervous, and guilty tones. do? I foamed -- I raved -- I swore! I swung and finding none. A clammy and intensely
the chair upon which I had been sitting, and cold mist, it made its slow way through
And the trees all died. They were orange It was A LOW, DULL, QUICK SOUND -- grated it upon the boards, but the noise the air in ripples that visibly followed and
trees. I don’t know why they died, they MUCH SUCH A SOUND AS A WATCH arose over all and continually increased. It overspread one another, as the waves of an
just died. Something wrong with the soil MAKES WHEN ENVELOPED IN COTTON. grew louder -- louder -- louder! unwholesome sea might do. It was dense
possibly or maybe the stuff we got from the I gasped for breath, and yet the officers enough to shut out everything from the
nursery wasn’t the best. We complained heard it not. I talked more quickly, more In A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, light of the coach-lamps but these its own
about it. So we’ve got thirty kids there, each vehemently but the noise steadily increased. the tone could be said to be mysterious, workings, and a few yards of road; and the
kid had his or her own little tree to plant and I arose and argued about trifles, in a high secretive, ominous, or evil through the use reek of the labouring horses steamed into it,
we’ve got these thirty dead trees. All these key and with violent gesticulations; but the of words like “clammy,” “followed,” and as if they had made it all.
kids looking at these little brown sticks, it noise steadily increased. Why WOULD they “unwholesome.”
was depressing. not be gone? I paced the floor to and fro

Formal and Casual Tones

An example of a casual tone is: big deal? People are dying. But the average A formal tone is shown in this example: control of all relevant parties. Progress came
person doesn’t think twice about it until it to a standstill, and no one was prepared to
The way I look at it, someone needs to start affects them. Or someone they know. There was a delay in the start of the project, undertake the assessment of the problem
doing something about disease. What’s the attributable to circumstances beyond the and determination of the solution.

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