Maharashtra National Law University Semester I: Synopsis and Data Collection Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Sangeeta Shinde
Maharashtra National Law University Semester I: Synopsis and Data Collection Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Sangeeta Shinde
Maharashtra National Law University Semester I: Synopsis and Data Collection Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Sangeeta Shinde
After the completion of research work, researcher will be able to look into the law from the
perspective of Mrs. Sangeeta Shinde and will be able to get the new outlook of the law.
Research will be conducted from various primary sources of data. The researcher will opt to
take an interview of the eminent lawyer, articles and research papers written or referred by
the lawyer would be studied and analysed to reach a conclusion on the proposed hypothesis.
The major limitation of this project does not deal about the personal life of the lawyer
because of time constraint. This research will not bee including any matter related to the
marital life of the public prosecutor.
Chapter I: Biographical Information:
Mrs. Sangeeta Shinde was born in Mumbai. She is a Public Prosecutor practising in Bombay
High Court. Also, she did her specialisation from National Law College, Mumbai in Hindu
and criminal law.