SPV Formation: Solution Design Document
SPV Formation: Solution Design Document
SPV Formation: Solution Design Document
SPV Formation
Document Control:
GL Master Data
Table of Content
Process ID
Process Description
VBSL SPV Formation & General Ledger
Initials Description
COA Chart of Accounts
GL Account General Ledger Account
SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
CAFO Chief Accounts and Finance Officer
CFO Chief Finance Officer
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
This document describes the proposed (TO-BE) SPV Formation and GL Structure for MSRDC.
The process flow described in this document is based on the ‘AS-IS’ documents. The detailed
workflow of the TO-BE process is mentioned in ‘Process Flow’ Section of this document.
The content of this document forms the basis for system configuration and testing phase.
After a detailed department wise process evaluation viz Finance, Engineering, Legal, it is
observed that, VBSL will be created as one Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Entity and the same
will have the Enterprise Structure that replicates their operational structure for the business
operations in SAP.
SPV‘s Enterprise Structure is the basis on which the business processes are designed and
relevant master data objects are maintained in different modules of SAP. The To-Be processes
defined in this document can be adapted by following departments.
VBSL will have its Chart of Accounts (COA) adopted from its parent organization – MSRDC.
The COA contains the list of General Ledger accounts categorized into a broad classification of
Assets, Liabilities, Incomes and Expenses.
The SAP general ledger account is an account that is updated each time a user posts a
financial transaction in the SAP system. General Ledger Accounts constitute master data
in Financial Accounting.
From the reporting perspective, Assets and Liability Accounts will form part of the Balance
Sheet and Income & Expenses will be reflected in the Trial Balance in SAP.
This document is prepared on the basis of best practices, which have been considered to
ensure a reliable accounting system with minimum governance of MSRDC
Special periods in SAP will be defined for VBSL to effect the year-end adjustments during
the audit period.
Accounting document numbers are internally generated with no dependence on the year.
In other words, the document number generated in one year will never be found in any
other year for the given document type.
GL Accounts will be structured with 8 digits number code in various categories like
Liabilities, Assets, Incomes and Expenses.
Accruals are expected to be posted into General Ledger on a monthly mode and will be
reversed at the beginning of next month.
SAP Component Component Description
t Values
Funds Management
2000 VBSL Funds Management Area
Controlling Area 2000 VBSL Controlling Area
Company Code 2000 VBSL Company Code
Plant 2000 VBSL Plant Code
2001 VBSL Corporate Office
2002 Site Camp1
Storage Location 2003 Site Camp2
2004 Casting Yard 1
2005 Casting Yard 2
2000 VBSL Purchasing Organization
P01 Engineering Construction
P02 Engineering Consultancy
Purchasing Group P03 Legal Consultancy
P04 Administration
P05 Operation & Maintenance
Profit center Standard
2000 VBSL Profit center Standard Hierarchy
Cost Center Standard
2000 VBSL Cost Center Standard Hierarchy
Enterprise Structure:
Following steps are required to create a relationship between various master data associated
with Funds Allocation Process.
5. Gap Analysis
The design of this process is based on the following critical configuration and master data
FM Area: The Funds Management Area (FM Area) is the commercial organizational unit,
within which Budget Management is conducted. It structures the business as viewed from
Budget Management point of view.
Controlling Area: Controlling Area is an Organizational Unit in which the costs and
revenues that are posted to the objects like Projects (WBS Elements), Real Estate Objects,
Internal Orders and Cost Centres are updated in the controlling module.
Company Code: Company Code is the Organizational Unit of Financial Accounting for
which a complete self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external
reporting. At each Company Code Level, Balance-Sheet and Profit and Loss Account and
other financial statements such as Trial-Balance, Cash Flow etc. can be generated.
Fiscal Year: Financial Accounting period is also called “fiscal year” which consists usually
of 12 months, for which the company produces financial statements and ensures its
statutory compliances.
SAP has several fiscal year variants pre-defined and Indian Companies follow variant V3
which is defined with April as first period and March as last period. The example for fiscal
year numbers is shown below:
Posting Period: A “posting period” is a period within a fiscal year for which transaction
figures are updated. Every transaction that is posted is assigned to a particular posting
Posting periods can be maintained for each account type, i.e. Assets (A), Customers (D),
Vendors (K),Materials (M), G/L Accounts (S), and Contract Accounts (V). It is not mandatory
to maintain the posting periods for each account type because by specifying account type
“+” (all account types) posting periods can be maintained for all account types in a company
Special Periods: Special posting period is defined while defining the fiscal year variant. At
the year end, external auditor will audit the company’s books of accounts. During this audit,
year-end closing entries will be entered for adjustments to the books of accounts in these
special periods. Since the audit happens after the relevant fiscal year and the periods are
locked in the system, the relevance of special periods assumes importance for the
adjustment entries.
In VBSL, the V3 Fiscal Year Variant will be used with 12 posting periods for the day to day
postings and 4 special periods for audit and other compliance adjustment entries after the
last normal period is locked. The special period postings for the financial year will be
posted into 12th period date (last date) by providing special period input (13, 14, 15, 16)
during the transaction posting.
AA Asset Posting
DR Customer Invoice
DZ Customer Payment
KA Vendor Document
Plant: Operational unit within a company code; who can Procure, produce goods / services
and make them available for the company.
Purchasing Group: Purchasing groups (buyer groups), which are responsible for day-to-
day buying activities
The chart of accounts provides a framework to a Legal Entity for the codification and
standardization of GL Accounts, based on the nature of transactions and facilitate reporting
of accounting information, that meets the statutory and other managerial requirements. In
VBSL, below nomenclature can be adopted to define Chart of Accounts.
The General Ledger operations are carried out in Financial Accounting module of SAP and two
types of activities influence such operations in SAP – Master Data and Transactions.
In SAP, the master data that needs to be maintained for a legal entity, is dependent on the
processes it has. For VBSL, the master data for Accounts and Finance processes include
Funds Centre, Fund and Commitment Item are described in the SDD document for Funds
The other elements of master data are explained in the below pages:
The General Ledger forms the backbone of all the financial systems. General ledger is the main
accounting record of a business which uses double-entry book-keeping. It captures all business
transactions through integration with other operational areas of the company to ensure that
accounting data is always complete and accurate.
In SAP, a ledger code will be defined to represent a Leading Ledger with INR currency and
assigned to VBSL Company Code to effect the Financial Postings into General Ledger and all
the transactions of Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Assets are integrated with
General Ledger with Control Accounts defined within the General Ledger.
In VBSL, the numbering convention of GL Accounts will be done in a way where the user can
identify the nature of GL based on its first digit as an Asset / Liability / Income / Expense.
As a best practice, it is suggested to define the GL Structure as an 8 digit code in the Chart of
Accounts with an intelligence to differentiate subgroups in the broader categories of Asset /
Liability / Income / Expense as follows
2.1 2 00 100 01 Assets / Fixed Assets / Type of Fixed Assets / Sequence number
3.0 3XXXXXXX Incomes Accounts
3.1 3 00 100 01 Incomes / From Operations / Type of Revenue / Sequence number
4.0 4XXXXXXX Expenses Accounts
4.1 4 00 100 01 Expenses / Operating Expenses / Type of Expense / Sequence number
Master records for each G/L account will be created and maintained at each company code
The master record contains information and controlling parameters that which control the
entry and processing of business transactions in G/L account.
G/L accounts will also be used for posting transactions from other modules of SAP.
(MM/PS/ PM, etc.)
In this segment, specifications that apply to the entire G/L account master record are captured.
These include:
The G/L account number and G/L account name
Data that controls the creation of a master record in a company code, such as the account
The information, which is specific to a particular Company, is maintained in the Company code
segment of the General Ledger Master record. This data controls how one enters and
processes business transaction data in the appropriate account as well as how the account is
managed within a company code.
Below are some of the specifications which will be made for each G/L account:
Reconciliation Account for Account Type: This will specify the control accounts for the sub
Open Item Management: It will be maintained for accounts that require open item
management. E.g. Bank sub-accounts, GR/IR Clearing account, etc. are maintained in
Open Item Management.
Line Item Display: It will be retained for accounts for which line items are to be stored
separately. E.g. Bank main accounts, all expense accounts, all balance sheet accounts,
excepting accounts which are of the nature of reconciliation accounts.
Cost Elements
Cost elements are defined in the controlling module of SAP and are assigned to various objects
such as cost centers, internal orders, etc. Basically, their function is to classify and analyze the
cost for internal reporting purposes. The integration between the expense accounts in financial
accounting and cost elements in management accounting is essential for reconciliation
purposes. Therefore, posting to a Cost Element is done through a posting to an
Income/Expense type G/L account.
Profit Centre
Profit Centers in SAP are created to understand operating profit of each area of responsibility. A
Profit Center is an organizational unit that operates independently within the company and
monitored for all Financial Accounting transactions. Typically, SAP systems derive Profit
Centers based on the assignment to other objects that could be material master, cost center,
WBS Element and Internal Order.
For VBSL, the Profit Centers are codified as listed below: In the 6-digit code of profit center, first
4 digit represents Company Code and the remaining two digits represent department code.
Cost Center
An organizational unit that represents a defined location of cost incurrence and can be used for
tracking the origin of the cost. Cost Centers can be defined on the basis of Department,
Functional requirements, Allocation criteria, Physical location or Responsibility for costs. It is
proposed to consider Departments as Cost Centers.
Cost Centers are codified as a combination of Profit Center and Department. For the purpose
of codification, department codes have been mentioned in Department list.
1 01 Common
2 02 Toll Monitoring
3 03 Administration
4 04 Engineering
5 05 Finance & Accounts
6 06 Legal
7 07 Secretarial
Cost Center Group is used for grouping of Cost Centers for cost allocation and reporting
I. Post
A document consists of a document header and at least two document line items:
The document line item is a part of the document that contains information on an item. This
includes the amount, an account number, whether the item is a debit or credit and
additional information depending on the transaction to be posted. A document line item can
also contain additional account assignments (for example, profit centre, cost centre) and an
explanatory text. Also ‘Search’ feature is available at line item level in standard for account
number, cost objects, additional account assignment by its name, company code etc. which
will be used to find the related codes for the transaction posting activity.
II. Clear
The clear function is associated with General Ledger Accounts that are maintained with
open item management in the legal entity segment. The post function will generate open
items in the GL accounts which are maintained with open item management in its master
data. The open items can be cleared from the account either by post with clearing function
or by clear option. Both the functions are available in automatic and manual mode in SAP.
Post with clearing will generate net amount in the same account on the opposite side of its
balance and make the account balance zero and set all the open items as cleared items in
the respective General Ledger Account.
For Clear function, the open items posted must be equal to zero as a balance and the
function will generate a clearing document number and set all the open items as cleared
items in the respective General Ledger Account.
III. Reversal
An accounting document that has been already posted can be reversed if any of the details
entered were found to be incorrect. If the original document contains the open item account,
the reversal will convert such account open items to cleared items and for non-open item
accounts it will post to the opposite side of the account. A document once reversed, cannot
be re-reversed in SAP.
In Accrual/Deferral document method, provisions are made at the month end and the same
are reversed on the first day of the next month.
Tolerance Group for GL Accounts : For G/L account clearing, tolerance groups define the
limits within which differences are accepted and automatically posted to predefined accounts.
The groups defined here can be assigned in the general ledger account master record. The G/L
account clearing tolerance can be specified both, in amount as well as percentage rate.
The maximum amount the employee can enter as a line item in a customer or vendor account.
The maximum cash discount percentage the employee can grant in a line item.
The maximum acceptable tolerance for payment differences for the employee.
Payment differences are posted automatically within certain employee tolerance groups. This
way, the system can post the difference either by correcting the cash discount or by posting to
a separate expense or revenue account. In this respect you define:
The amounts or percentage rates up to which the system has to automatically post to a
separate expense or revenue account, else, if it is not possible to correct the cash discount or
up to which difference amounts the system is to correct the cash discount. In this case the cash
discount is automatically increased or decreased by the difference using employee tolerance
Retained Earnings Account : At the end of a fiscal year, the system carries forward the balance
of the P&L account to the “retained earnings account”. Retained earnings account is specific to
the chart of accounts.
IMG Path: SPRO → Financial Accounting → General Ledger Accounting → Master Data
→ G/L Accounts Preparations Define Retained Earnings Account
Operations and
Maintenance In-Charge
11. Reports
Following are the standard reports that are available in the SAP System
Report FC10N
Field Name Field Description
Account Number GL Account Number
Text for B/S P&L Item GL Account Number Description
Total of Reporting Period Amount of Reporting Period
Total of the Comparison Amount of Comparison Period
Absolute Difference (Difference between Reporting
Absolute Difference
and Comparison period)
Report S_ALR_87012277
Field Name Field Description
CoCd Company Code
G/L acct GL Account Number
Short Text GL Code Short Description
Crcy Currency
Balance Carry forward Balance Carry forward from Last Fiscal Year
Debit Blnce of Reportng
Debit Balance of Current Year
Credit Balance Reporting Per. Credit Balance of Current Year
Accumulated Balance Accumulated balance till Date
Report S_ALR_87012291
Field Name Field Description
CoCd Company Code
Pstng Date Posting Date
Entry Date Entry Date
DocumentNo Document Number
Itm Line item
Doc..Date Document Date
PK Posting Key
SG Special G/L Ind.
Account GL Account Number
User Name User Name
Local Currency Local Currency
Debit/Credit Amount Debit/Credit Amount
Tax Code Tax Code
Assignment Assignment (Narration)
Report S_ALR_87012333
Field Name Field Description
ChAc Chart of Accounts
Report S_ALR_87013611
Field Name Field Description
Cost Elements Cost Elements
Act. Costs Actuals Costs posted for respective period
Plan Costs Plan Cost maintained for Cost Element
Var.(Abs.) Variance in Actuals and Plans Value
Var.(%) Variance in %
12. Assumptions
Following are the assumptions on which the SDD has been prepared and they had to be
considered in view of relevant information not being available from MSRDC for VBSL:
The Financial Closure for VBSL Project is not yet obtained by MSRDC and that
determines the TRA Structure of VBSL. In SAP, the Funds Management and the project
budgeting activities are associated with this assumption, hence any variation in the terms
of TRA structure might have an influence on these processes in SAP.
As VBSL is not a Profit oriented project, Profit Centre does not denote the Actual profit
earned, however, considering the technical requirements of SAP in S4 HANA, Profit
Centre has been derived based on the Cost Centre Structure of MSRDC.