Lavender Issue 408
Lavender Issue 408
Lavender Issue 408
com 3
20 40 46
Photo by Philip Hussong Photo by Mike Hnida Photo by Christian Alsing
New Year's Resolution: Watch Wanda's Holiday Movie!
What happens when you take the ORIGINAL podcasting drag queen and a cast of wacky, today!
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Top Headlines
✓ Uganda Court Bans Gay Outing
OUR FULL SCREEN LAVENDER DIGITAL ✓ Same-Sex Marriage Threatened in New Hampshire
EDITION @ LAVENDERMAGAZINE.COM ✓ Gay Groups Praise Navy’s Condemnation of Videos
✓ Oakland County Takes Back Transgender Man’s Marriage License
Editor Emeritus Ethan Boatner 612-436-4670
Editorial Director Sede Vacante 612-436-4671
Editorial Associate George Holdgrafer 612-436-4672
Copy Editor Bridget Rocheford-Kearney
Podmaster Bradley Traynor 612-436-4669
Contributors Kolina Cicero, Meryl Cohn, Carla Continenza,
Julie Dafydd, Heidi Fellner, Terrance Griep, Chris Homan,
Ed Huyck, Justin Jones, Steve Lenius, Casey Merkwan, Jennifer
Parello, Todd Park, Amber Schadewald, Laura Smidzik,
Elizabeth Stiras, Abigail Stoddard, John Townsend, Carla
Sales & Advertising Director Barry Leavitt 612-436-4690
Senior Account Executive Suzanne Farrell 612-436-4699
Account Executives Scott Belcher 612-436-4675
Heath Bryant 612-436-4697
Advertising Associate George Holdgrafer 612-436-4672
Sales & Advertising Traffic Coordinator
Linda Raines 612-436-4694
Classifieds Suzanne Farrell 612-436-4699
National Sales Representative Rivendell Media
Creative Director Hubert Bonnet 612-436-4678
Creative Assistant Mike Hnida 612-436-4679
Photographer Sophia Hantzes
Cartoonist Rodro
Lavender Studios Hubert Bonnet, Mike Hnida
Publisher Lavender Media, Inc.
President & CEO Stephen Rocheford 612-436-4665
Vice President & CC Pierre Tardif 612-436-4666
Chief Financial Officer Carolyn Lima 612-436-4664
Administrative Assistant Austin Lindstrom 612-436-
Founders George Holdgrafer, Stephen Rocheford
Inspiration Steven W. Anderson (1954-1994), Timothy J. Lee
(1968-2002), Russell Berg (1957-2005), Kathryn Rocheford
(1914-2006), Jonathan Halverson (1974-2010)
Entire contents copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Publication of the name or
photograph of any person, organization, or business in this magazine does not
reflect upon one’s sexual orientation whatsoever. Lavender® Magazine reserves
the right to refuse any advertising. This issue of Lavender® Magazine is available
free of charge during the time period published on the cover. Pickup at one of our
distribution sites is limited to one copy per person.
Mer yl Cohn
Julie Dafydd
Ed Huyck
Justin Jones
Jennifer Parello
John Townsend
Bradley Traynor
Carla Waldemar 7
Daniel Boyer’s Sister Thanks Lavender ship in the community, for obvi- If Reitan gets killed, suffers
ous reasons. All I ever wished from posttraumatic stress syn-
Thank you so much for all the December 16 Laven-
for, however, was a small piece drome, and/or suffers perma-
der magazines sent. The cover article and pictures on of acceptance. nent injury by having his limbs
my brother, Daniel Boyer, were absolutely perfect! I I feel that as teenagers are blown off, at least his family will
have been sharing the magazines with his many family continuing to struggle with know that it was for American
their sexualities and their freedom and GLBT equality.
members and friends from Michigan. What a lovely
places within the gay commu- PHIL WILLKIE
Christmas present for all of us. At a time that has been nity, it should be the duty of
difficult, it has brought such happy thoughts and the bear community to make Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal
memories! Give our gratitude to all of your staff. its presence known, and to give Logical
MARY ANNE PUTT teenagers hope for acceptance To paraphrase our First
and love within the gay commu- Lady on the day her hubby be-
nity, no matter what they may came President, “I am proud to
having the bear community as
look like or act like. As much as be an American today!” Millions
a constant reminder of a better
I thank the bear community, I of us across the United States
just wish that I could’ve been a are thrilled to see the American
When I was in eighth grade,
part of it more. “Berlin Wall” of prejudice and
I was in my awkward stage. I
As a gay teenager living hatred fall with the repeal of
gained a little bit of weight, my
just outside Minneapolis (the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
acne was at its worst, and I was
suburbs), and therefore, just I am in my 60s, and I have
in the closet.
outside of mainstream gay watched our Armed Forces
Naturally, though many
culture both in location and grudgingly accept Japanese-
people seem to want to doubt it,
age, I greatly love Lavender for Americans, men of color, and
I, like every other teenage boy,
providing a way for me to stay women. Our defenses did not
liked porn. But I never liked
connected to the community I collapse, as the prejudicial
looking at disgusting-looking
was born into. fear-mongers predicted. Anyone
boys without a single hair on
SKYLER DORR who is passionate about serving
their chest. I gravitated towards
this country should be allowed
bears, first for their looks, and
Willkie Exhorts Reitan to serve—in all places, in all
then for their culture.
In 2006, GLBT activist Jacob ways.
I found, and still find, bear
Reitan tried to enlist as an As Spock (Star Trek) would
Daniel Boyer Article Was culture beyond amazing. It’s a
openly gay soldier. In the Star say, “It’s logical!”
Fantastic culture where people who are
Tribune on December 19, he NANCY LANTHIER CARROLL
I wanted to share with you often seen as ugly are seen as
that the article on Daniel Boyer sexy, and that makes me feel said, “Many of the 14,000 veter-
in your December 16 issue was comfortable. I’ve always wanted ans who were kicked out will be
Letters are subject to editing for
fantastic. I was choking back a place in the bear community. eager to reenlist, and some of grammar, punctuation, space, and
tears in the Uptown Diner read- Sadly, for as long as I’ve those who never joined because libel. They should be no more than 300
words. Letters must include name,
ing it. He was a great man and known I was gay, I’ve always of it many will reconsider. address, and phone number. Unsigned
a great friend, and I thought it been a teenager. As much as You’re going to see a real uptick letters will not be published. Priority
in recruitment numbers as a will be given to letters that refer to ma-
was really special that he was being a part of the bear commu- terial previously published in Lavender
honored that way. nity in the future was certain, result of the ban being lifted.” Magazine. Submit letters to Lavender
DAVID A. OLSON I’m of Russian decent, so chest I am sure Reitan will be one Magazine, Letters to the Editor, 3715
Chicago Avenue South, Minneapolis,
SENIOR FINANCIAL ADVISOR hair is a given. of the first openly-gay soldiers MN 55407; or e-mail <editor@laven
AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES I still needed that connection to enlist. I recommend he join>.
in my awkward middle-teenage the Marines, and request going
Bear Community and Youth years more than at any other into the infantry in Afghanistan,
I was just thinking about time. Sadly, the young gays are where there was strong resis-
growing up as a teenager, and given no outreach or member- tance to lifting the ban.
hen life barrages rience real winter, they returned East, and Ice Palace cost $1,900,000, and was 165 feet
them with lemons, trumpeted that Minnesota in general was tall—a Guinness record).
some folks make “another Siberia, unfit for human habita-
Minnesotans are del- A group of Minnesota chauvinists—local Where Montreal had an Ice King accom-
uged with snow, they St. Paul business owners—felt compelled to panied by Queen Aurora, in St. Paul, the pair
make…Winter Carnival! retaliate. After conferring with their “Sibe- became King Boreas and Aurora, Queen of
Since 1886—125 years, now—that is ex- rian” cohorts in Montreal, they decided on the Snows. The mischievous Vulcan and his
actly what St. Paulites have done, and are a wintertime festival showcasing the beauty red-caped Krewe were drawn from the Ger-
preparing to do again. The St. Paul Winter and grandeur of snowbound Minnesota. manic traditions of the energy and disrup-
Carnival is the oldest such event in the Unit- Montreal already had scheduled an 1886 tion that springtime brings to the final days
ed States, predating Pasadena’s Tournament festival, but serendipitously for St. Paul sus- of winter.
of Roses Festival by a good two years. pended it because of a smallpox epidemic. 2011’s Boreas Rex, King of the Winds,
The St. Paul consortium immediately in- and Aurora, Queen of the Snows, rule over
EARLY DAYS OF THE CARNIVAL veigled Alexander Hutchinson, designer of approximately 21 Royal Family members,
As the story goes, the St. Paul Winter Montreal’s 1883 and 1885 ice palaces, to cre- including his four brother winds, Titan
Carnival initially was created as an indignant ate a blueprint for St. Paul’s first ice castle. It (North), Euros (East), Zephyrus (West),
response to the chilly reaction to St. Paul by duly was constructed on February 1, 1886, and Notos (South), together with their four
visiting Eastern newspaper correspondents at a cost of $5,210 (1886) dollars, soaring to a princesses, the Prime Minister, and up to ten
in the fall of 1885. Without waiting to expe- height of 106 feet. (The Carnival’s 1992 Pepsi Royal Guards. The culmination of the
Photos Courtesy of St. Paul Winter Carnival 15
Grand Day Parade, and the Torchlight (Februar y 6). All day at the Minnesota
Parade (January 28, January 29, and Febru- State Fairgrounds.
ary 5, respectively) highlight the Carnival.
The magnificent ice sculptures preside WINTER WONDERLAND
throughout in Rice Park in Downtown St. Paul— The St. Paul Winter Carnival is just that—
stunning whether viewed by day or night. a spectacular show—but like all carnivals, it
A small sampling of the 125 events in- also embraces a family. While the Royal Fam-
cludes: ily and others originally were drawn from
Klondike Kate Winter Carnival Caba- the Montreal template, the local family has
ret (Januar y 22). On January 6, Anita Mc- taken on a life of its own. The Royal Family
Colley of Minneapolis was chosen to be “St. and Vulcan Krewe are made up of volunteers
Paul’s mistress of fun, frivolity, and good fel- who make more than 400 appearances during
the year to local and national festivals, nursing
homes, schools, and hospitals on behalf of
the Winter Carnival and the City of St. Paul.
So, too, the Royal Order of Klondike Kates— 17
youth and friends over a weekend when time March 5-6
can stand still, and everyone can be kids for The Midwest Skijorers Club has several
three days. This year, it takes place on Lake events for dogs and their people. On February
Nokomis, Minneapolis. For a full schedule of 12, the Puppy Love Race features skijor and
events, registration information, and times, four dog spring classes, kid and mutt race, and
visit <>. purebred awards in Skijor and Sled. Skijoring
is a winter sport that combines cross-country
CITY OF LAKES LOPPET skiing with dog power. The skier is attached
February 5-6 to a dog with a belt and towline, and is pulled
The City of Lakes Loppet is a cross-country by the dog across the snow. Skijoring is a
ski festival featuring the beautiful trails and team sport that allows both human and canine
lakes of the Twin Cities. Join the fun for this counterparts to exercise, and enjoy the great
celebration of winter in Minnesota. Events outdoors. No same-day registration. On March City of Lakes Loppet . Photo by Sophia Hantzes
include snow-sculpture contests; skijoring; 5-6, the Snowflake Skijor and Spring Classic cess at the Barkers Island Inn Resort last
Beer, BBQ, and Vendor Village; and Min- features an option for a 10 to 12 K course for year that NCB reserved it again, and has got
nesota Youth Ski League SuperCarnival—in those interested in a longer race format (ski- the entire hotel. A restaurant is onsite. Com-
addition to other great outdoor activities for joring only). No same day registration. For all plimentary cocktails will be available in the
all ages. For information on registering for the details, plus information on registering for hospitality suite as part of the run package,
events, volunteering, or just coming out to events, visit <>. along with discounts at the Duluth Sauna,
watch the fun, visit <www.cityoflakesloppet. Beer Bust/Liquor specials, access to Pool
com>. NORTH COUNTRY BEARS FUR FLEE: Parties, and much more. Don’t miss out: Get
FOUREVER your Flee Collar now! Reminder: All the Wis-
MIDWEST SKIJORERS CLUB WINTER March 4-6 consin bars are smoke-free this year. Tickets
EVENTS This year’s North Country Bears (NCB) bought before January 31 are $50. Tickets
PUPPY LOVE RACE getaway to Duluth-Superior promises to be purchased between February 1 and March
February 12 the biggest and best yet, so get your room are $60. Barker’s Island Inn Resort, Superior,
SNOWFLAKE SKIJOR AND SPRING reserved and your Flee Collar/Pass before Wisconsin: (715) 392-7152. For more infor-
CLASSIC prices go up. Fur Flee was such a great suc- mation, visit <>.
Big Brother Bruce and Little Brother Eli. Photo by Philip Hussong
vividly can recall the day Johnny Cities was on hand to facilitate that initial make plans to hang out together.
Hughes drove up in his black jeep meeting, and get the mentoring match off on My oldest son, Quintin, was fortunate to
with his Rolling Stones cap on his the right foot. The connection was instant. be matched with an equally fitting mentor.
head. Our son, Corbin, was meet- Johnny and Corbin’s first activity was walk- He and Rob Reidy spend time barbecuing,
ing his “Big” for the first time. A ing the dogs at the Animal Humane Society. going to sports games, watching movies, or
match coordinator from Big Broth- Four years later, the two sound like old getting a bite to eat.
ers Big Sisters (BBBS) of the Greater Twin friends when they talk on the phone, and As lesbian moms, my partner, Linda, and
I could not be more grateful for these two mon interests. Memories of doing simple agency-sponsored events, such as karaoke
men who have devoted their time and inter- activities—like cooking together, working night, a day at Grand Slam, and the annual
est to our sons. January is National Mentor- in the garden, or playing Uno—were the Metrodome (now Mall of America Field)
ing Month, and it’s a time when I reflect on most meaningful for all of them. Holiday Party. They even performed a mu-
the immeasurable gift that Johnny and Rob Jane, a St. Paul attorney who is a lesbian, sical comedy routine at last year’s BBBS
have given to our sons. and Ashley, a St. Paul teen, spent their first Talent Showcase at the Mall of America.
BBBS of the Greater Twin Cities has few meetings getting to know each other, When asked about a particular memora-
been matching “Bigs” and “Littles” for more and exploring the Twin Cities. I spoke with ble outing, Bruce thought for a while, then
than 90 years. Last year, it served nearly them at the State Capitol after they had just pointed out the time he picked Eli up, and
3,400 kids in 10 counties in the Twin Cities met with Senator Scott Dibble. his mother warned him of her son’s mood.
metro area. Bowman recounts, “Over the past two Bruce recalls, “Once we were a few
As a previous volunteer and now a new years, we met with a judge, sat in on my blocks from his house, his mood changed.
staff member for the agency, I’ve talked friend’s Minnesota Public Radio show, and Apparently, he wasn’t interested in doing
about it with many individuals from the have done a lot of cooking together.” his math homework. We happened to be
GLBT community. I often hear the percep- Ashley is a quiet 14-year-old, and Jane’s going to The Works in Edina. One of the
tion that it is not open to GBLT volunteers. goal is to share a wide variety of experienc- exhibits was on binary. Eli picked up on it
In reality, the agency welcomes mentors es with her. Jane, who had a middle-class really fast, and even said it was easy. I said,
from all communities. upbringing, often is struck by the challeng- ‘See, you are good at math. The binary stuff
Jane Bowman, Bruce Rehberg, Chas Sal- es in Ashley’s life. is really hard.’ Afterwards, he went home,
men, and Russ Testa are four mentors who Of the kids served by BBBS, 90 percent and finished his math homework.”
have served as openly gay and lesbian Bigs. come from single-parent families, and 76 per- All four mentors spoke of their initial
I hope their stories inspire you to serve one cent are in low-income families. An increas- worries of the time commitment, and of be-
of the hundreds of young people who cur- ing number of children are in the Mentoring ing “out” to BBBS. Looking back, they all
rently are waiting for a mentor. Children of Prisoners (MCP) program. agree that every hour being a mentor has
Russ and Chas, who said that they sought Bruce, a Coon Rapids resident, has been been time well spent, and that being gay or
to do something bigger than just the two of a Big for more than two years. He has par- lesbian was never an issue.
them, shared, “We wanted to do something ticipated in volunteer orientations, sharing As Bruce puts it, “It is a good way to
together that would stretch us beyond our his experiences and photos from all the ad- be an ambassador of our community into
friendships and dinner parties.” ventures that he and his Little Brother, Eli, someone’s life that might not otherwise
Both men enjoyed spending time with have had. have the chance to know or meet someone
kids, and discovered the option of enrolling Believing that being a gay male has been who is gay. Believe it or not, if you accept
in the Big Couples program at BBBS. This positive for his relationship with Eli, Bruce them for who they are, they will accept you
program matches couples or colleagues explains, “I’ve been accepted for who I am. I for who you are.”
with a “Little.” They were matched for two tend to bring the softer side of things to the Better yet, you may change a young per-
years with their Little. relationship, and show that there are lots of son’s life forever. LAURA SMIDZIK
Reflecting back, Russ states, “No mat- things out there in the world to experience.”
ter how busy you are, everyone has some Bruce and Eli’s list of activities, which Laura Smidzik is past Executive Director of
discretionary time. Why not spend it doing is long and varied, includes shopping for a Rainbow Families and Project 515. She now is recruit-
ing “Bigs” at Big Brothers Big Sisters, and seeking a
something like this that impacts someone’s soldier through “Soldier’s Angels,” driving
Master’s in Divinity at United Seminary.
life directly?” around to look at holiday lights, riding bikes
BBBS encourages and often hosts low- down by the Mississippi River, attending a Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater
cost or free activities for matches, but ulti- Twin Cities Gay Men’s Chorus holiday con- Twin Cities
mately, Bigs and Littles decide on how they cert, and going to the Living Green Expo. (651) 789-2400
spend their time together, based on com- In addition, the two have attended many 21
Pregame Brunch
December 5
Vikings Game
December 5
Mall of America Field 23
President Barack Obama signed
legislation in December that begins the
process of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell, the military’s ban on openly gay
service members. The legislation alone
does not repeal the policy, but allows the
President and the Pentagon to deter-
mine how and when it happens. Obama
has said the process will take months,
not years. The legislation does not grant
gay and lesbian service members equal
treatment in the military. For example,
once they can serve, their partners will
not be entitled to the same benefits het-
erosexual service members receive.
In response to the repeal of Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell, Virginia state legislator Bob
Marshall has announced he is drafting
legislation that would ban “active homo-
sexuals” from the state’s National Guard
units. He said in a statement, “This policy
will weaken military recruitment and re-
tention, and will increase pressure for a
military draft.” He alleged that Congress
was “conducting a social experiment with
our troops and our national security.”
Even if the legislation were brought up
for a vote, it is unlikely it would pass, or
be signed by the governor.
Reuters reports that the United Nations
has voted to restore a sexual orientation
reference to a resolution condemning un-
just killings for a variety of reasons, includ-
ing race, national origin, religion, and eth-
nicity. It was removed in November after a
proposal by African and Arab nations. The
resulting outcry from Western nations led
to an amendment from the United States
to restore it. Cary Alan Johnson, Execu-
tive Director of the International Gay and
Lesbian Human Rights Commission, told
reporters, “The outpouring of support
from the international community sent
the strong message to our representatives
at the UN that it is unacceptable to make
invisible the deadly violence LGBT people
face because of their actual or perceived
sexual orientation.” 25
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy Heaven is Whenever BEST 2009 ALBUM I DIDN’T
Maybe he’s a jerk—then again, it’s not like (Even though a copy of it was sitting on
he beat up his girlfriend, or packed his Wake Up!
my desk for months. I really need to clean
tour bus with loaded guns—but West al- JOHN LEGEND AND THE ROOTS
it off more often. OK, that’s my new year’s
ways can bring the musical fire, as he does resolution.)
The Outsiders are Back
on this dense, driving, and thrilling record.
High Violet
Spiral Shadow
These Ohio expats skipped out on all the
hyphens, and made the best pure rock Maya
record of the year. Like a lot of the best M.I.A.
albums of the year, real sadness is here,
but it doesn’t take the easy way out, or Together Lungs
descend into pure maudlin emo-core. NEW PORNOGRAPHERS FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE
2 Eyelid Movies
I’m a sucker for tuneful, noisy guitars. ARTISTS WHO ARE
Andy Sparhawk and company have them in Inter-Be PROBABLY GREAT GUYS
spades on this set. AND WRITE NOT-BAD
Body Talk Band of Joy SONGS, BUT I COULD USE A
Electro-pop was everywhere in 2010, but
it was rarely better than on this trilogy of CORINNE BAILEY RAE
mini-LPs that let the Swede explore the
outer reaches of her sexuality and mind. The Bookseller’s House
22 MORE GREAT ALBUMS I Learned the Hard Way
Majesty Shredding
Odd Blood LIL’ WAYNE
YEASAYER OK, you made a rock album, Lil’ Wayne.
Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico
Dusty Let us never speak of it again.
Through Jan. 22
Red Eye Theater
14 W. 15th St., Mpls.
(651) 646-1764
Carl Jung died 50 years ago,
but his groundbreaking work with
dreams, gender, and folklore still
magically reverberates. Director
Maggie Scanlan draws from his
psychological theories to illumi-
nate one of Shakespeare’s grisliest
In her current deconstruc-
tion, Scanlan says, “I continue
to explore the concepts of the
masculine and the feminine in
Shakespeare. There are multiple
allusions to ‘manliness’ through-
out Macbeth, and the concept is
connected to everything from
being willing to kill for desire to
bravery on the battlefield to wis-
dom and charity. For Shakespeare,
the true meaning of manliness
is connected to being a human.
The play champions balance, and
shows the danger of stereotyping
and pigeonholing masculinity, thus
shoving it into a ghetto filled with
murder, treachery, and ‘strange
images of death.’”
Two women, Kristin Foster and
Andie Olthoff, play the male roles of
Banquo and Malcolm.
Glengarr y Glenn Ross • Through Jan. 29 • Theatre Garage • 711 W. Franklin Ave., Berlin is the name of the
Mpls. • (952) 929-9097 • group, but it’s based in Antwerp,
Director David Mann calls playwright David Mamet’s 1982 masterwork “a violent, Belgium. Its acclaimed and quirky
Bonanza: A Documentary for Five
funny, and painful look at men trying to be men. The subject of manhood comes up
Screens actually was shot in Colo-
repeatedly, often in vitriolic exchanges about a character’s lack of it. In this play, Mamet’s rado’s smallest town, Bonanza:
primary purpose is to examine the savage underpinnings of capitalism, greed, and a population 7. It’s not only a movie
system that rewards privilege with further opportunity. Along the way, it illuminates the on five screens, but also includes
agonizing limitation of conventional male gender roles. These men are forced to define a large-scale model of the houses
where the citizens gossip, sue,
their identities by their ranking on a sales contest board. Only he who achieves the high-
fight, and murder! Screens Janu-
est sales figure is a man. Because the sales figures continually change, their identities are ary 20-22.
never secure. Frustration breeds violence, as they wrestle with the truth that, according Hailing from Paris’s Vivarium
to these rules, manhood and success can never fully be realized.” Studio, theater-maker Philippe
Quesne’s L’Effet de Serge involves
so-called “microperformances” in
3rd A
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S t. olle University Ave. hS
01 Nic 06 7t
26th Ave. S.
Selby Ave. Ro
Lake St. tS
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01 19 BAR 05 TICKLES
19 W. 15th St., Mpls. 420 S. 4th St., Mpls.
(612) 871-5553 (612) 354-3846 WHO
Shoot pool or play darts at your
neighborhood bar—the Twin Cities’s Live Piano Music. Full-Service Menu, Craig
oldest GLBT establishment. Happy Hour, Sports on 10 Flat-Panel TVs,
Pool, Darts. WHAT
Recipe: Minnesota Bull Rider
2 parts Absolut Vanil
1 part Kahlua
02 BRASS RAIL Splash of Coke
422 Hennepin. Ave., Mpls. 06 TOWN HOUSE
(612) 332-RAIL (7245) 1415 University Ave. W., St. Paul (651) 646-7087
Completely remodeled elegant lounge Mon., Tue., Thu. • 8 PM-2 AM
featuring variety of entertainment: Fun neighborhood bar with a great mix of Wed., Fri. • 3-8 PM
karaoke, male dancers, and more. men and women. Karaoke. Drag shows.
719 N. Dale St., St. Paul
(651) 487-5829
719 N. Dale St.
St. Paul, MN (651) 487-5829 “Straight-friendly bar with new
Areanna Coale, proprietor. faces and new ideas—like Boys in
An eclectic enigma filled with joy and the Attic upstairs, featuring Men’s
happiness. Everyone welcome! Night on Thursdays. Smooches,
Social & Smiles.”
04 GAY 90’S
408 Hennepin Ave., Mpls.
(612) 333-7755
Upper Midwest’s Largest Gay Entertain-
ment Complex. Serving reasonably priced
menu in main bar Wednesday-Sunday.
Photo by George Holdgrafer
Januar y 2 35
December 16
Gay 90’s
Gary Collins
5 PM. Tickles.
Jeff Olson
8:30 PM. Tickles.
9 PM. Town House.
Imperial Start to the New Year
Imperial Court of Minnesota
Benefit for The Trevor Project
5:30 PM. Dance Annex. Gay 90’s.
Whitney Rhodes
8:30 PM. Tickles.
TNT Show
9 PM. Town House.
The Atons Bar Night
9:30 PM. 19 Bar.
Singles Pool Tournament
4 PM. 19 Bar.
Lavender’s ThirstDays
5:30 PM. Coale’s.
Gary Collins
5 PM. Tickles.
Jeff Olson
8:30 PM. Tickles.
Dragged Out
9:30 PM. Town House.
Foam Party
Dance Annex. Gay 90’s.
Olde Tymers Party
4 PM. Town House.
Jimmy Martin
8:30 PM. Tickles.
Gary Collins
5 PM. Tickles.
Mia Dorr
9 PM. Tickles.
Mia Dorr
9 PM. Tickles.
9 PM. Town House. 37
November 20
The Main Club
Joseph Yankovich
Joseph A. Yankovich, 73, passed away peacefully at his home
in Minneapolis in his favorite recliner chair on December 20. He
was born July 7, 1937, in Glendale, West Virginia.
Yankovich was prominent in the local gay bar scene for a half-
century. He started out at the 19 Bar in Minneapolis in the late
1950s. When the Town House bar in St. Paul went gay in 1969, he
was its first manager for several years.
But Yankovich was best-known as the longtime manager of
the Gay 90’s in Downtown Minneapolis, where he worked from
the 1970s until he retired when the Blooms sold it in 2008.
Recently, Yankovich again worked for the Blooms at their new
establishment, Mort’s Deli in Golden Valley.
In the local film Faux released this year, Yankovich appeared
briefly in the Weisman Art Museum segment, for which he was
listed in the credits.
Yankovich is survived by his partner and best friend of 36
years, Bob Stafford, and Stafford’s family, including the Mars
family; the Blooms; and kitties, Tiki and Stormy.
Memorials are preferred to the Diabetes Association.
Yankovich’s notice will remain on until December
2011. Messages may be left there. GEORGE HOLDGRAFER 39
40 LAVENDER JANUARY 13-26, 2011
HAUTE DISH e finally got the memo. Min-
Steak and Eggs: steak
tartare, Bloody Mary
oyster shooter, romaine
nesotans weren’t meant to
hearts, toasted brioche,
egg in a hole.
feast on sweet corn and
Photo by Hubert Bonnet
strawberries in winter.
The best restaurants to debut in 2010, by
coincidence or perhaps the power of their
mantra, were those that marched to the lo-
covorian cadence: Hup, hup. Eat regional
and seasonal. 41
Leading off is a winner recently launched
by Chef Don Saunders. In fact, he calls it In
Season. To get the point across, he lists win-
ter’s ingredients on one side of the menu—
butternut squash, rabbit, pomegranates,
chestnuts, etc.—while the flip side details
their magical unions in dishes such as oys-
ters and pork belly with sweet-and-sour cab-
bage; pappardelle noodles with rabbit ragout;
beef cheeks with root veggies and red wine;
and so on. Having learned his lesson at the
former now-shuttered La Fugaise, this time,
the menu won’t challenge your pocketbook.
In Season
5416 Penn Ave. S., Mpls.
(612) 926-0105
Several of the year’s best new places rep-
resent fortunate rebirths after a hiatus be-
cause of fire or fortune. Blackbird has roost-
ed newly in digs twice as big as formerly. The
decor has skewed a little more urbane, but
not to worry—the romantic chandeliers, the
glam mirrors, and the quirky antler collection
remain. So do several don’t-you-dare-touch-
them menu items: the iconic walleye po’ boy
and banh mi sandwiches; the duck roll; and
the empanadas. But pay attention to new
ventures, too, such as the butternut squash/
ricotta brûlée, or the grilled squid with fennel
sausage and smoked tomato beurre blanc.
Speaking of regional/seasonal, nothing says
it like chicken with fried livers, frisée, apples,
and walnuts in mustard vinaigrette.
3800 Nicollet Ave., Mpls.
(612) 823-4790
Blackbird’s former neighbor, Heidi’s—
also up in flames last winter—is reopening in
January at a new location at Lake and Lyn-
dale in Minneapolis. Expect some of Chef/
Patron Stewart Woodman’s all-time faves, ac-
cented by new dishes he has worked on in
the interim. Larger room, more seating, and
a tree—a big one!—smack in the center of
the room.
2903 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls.
(612) 354-3512
Heartland left the heart of Mac/Grove-
land to head to St. Paul’s Lowertown, and
a bigger, spiffier site in which to consume her Vietnamese village; the sweet and tender
Chef Lenny Russo’s all-consuming passion coconut shrimp; the Ruby and Jade Curry,
for crafting from the here-and-now. Choose named for its colorful ribbons of cabbage;
from daily-changing
daily-chang prix-fixe carnivore and the South Sea Mussels, bobbing in their
or veggie menus
me touting provender garlic-laced broth. Nice wine list, too.
so local, it probably
p never saw the
insides of a semi. Rice Paper
3948 W. 50th St., Edina
Heartland (952) 288-2888
289 E.
E 5th St., St. Paul
(651) 699-3536
www. heartlandrestau
ra In the Minneapolis Warehouse District,
Haute Dish borrows classic dishes from your
R Minnesota granny’s cookbook, and decon-
Rice Paper made the structs them to wow more modern palates—
m from a room tiny sort of like taking a Grant Wood painting,
as a closet to a larger, and letting Picasso have at it. Case in point:
b and cheery site the Steak and Eggs. Instead of medium-rare
a 50th and France in and over-easy, the beef comes tartare-style,
E Owner An Nguy- and the egg appears in a hole—à la an Eng-
e leads the culinary lish pub—except the bread with the hole is
va by presenting uberrich brioche, and it comes with a bonus
foo that’s fresh, colorful, shooter of tomato water with a raw oyster in
and healthy, but stripped the bottom. Here’s how the nouveau Tater
of grease
gr and MSG. Try the Tot Hot Dish goes: succulent, insanely ten-
Tamarind Rice Trio, reminis- der short ribs ringed by a mighty mound of
cent of treats she savored in haricots verts (anorexic string beans) and
ARY 13-
3- 26
6, 20
6, 2
“tots” composed of white sauce with a lode of our server—as the credit card companies classical music, but everything else needed
of molten cheese in the center. The café oc- say, priceless. for a night out: bowling, bocce, and bistro
cupies the former Café Havana space, still all dining. Soaring window walls overlook snow-
dark and clubby. Northeast Social Club capped pines, while indoors, a stone fireplace
350 13th Ave. NE, Mpls. blazes. Backstage, the kitchen’s smokin’, too.
Haute Dish (612) 877-8111
Can’t miss on the soups du jour, including a
119 Washington Ave. N., Mpls.
homemade tomato that’ll put Campbell’s out
(612) 338-8484
of business. Gotta love the trio of tenderloin MOZZA MIA
sliders, too, with foie gras-scented mayo, and
Although the guerillas of the corner cafés
topped with a blizzard of shoestring fries. The
NORTHEAST SOCIAL CLUB seem to be winning our loyalty and dining
wondrous Eggplant, Parmesan, and Portobel-
In what fast is becoming a rockin’ stretch dollars, several corporations have captured
lo panino converted the veggiephobe at our
of dining real estate, 13th Avenue NE in our hearts, too. Parasole’s latest love child,
table. We went nuts over the Italian jambalaya
Minneapolis—home of the lovely Modern, Mozza Mia, took over the former Tejas space
risotto (fusion cooking at its best), as well as
quirky 331 Club, boho Erté, and Eire-centric at 50th and France in Edina. It’s slick; it’s
the flaky halibut dressed for success in pine
Anchor—is joined by the Northeast Social chic; and it’s a dead-simple, two-beat menu:
nuts and a side of spinach-artichoke risotto.
Club. Although new, the storefront café is mozzarella in several mutations and wood-
Let me warn you about the cheesecake with
as old-timey as its title indicates, thanks to fired pizzas. Both are housemade daily. Both
its brûléed topping, and the apple-pear bread
a lengthy bar to belly up to, an antique tin are divine
pudding: Don’t let anybody tell you that crime
ceiling, and beneath it a bellicose mural of
Mozza Mia doesn’t pay.
epic proportions. Eddie, the chef, doesn’t fall
into lockstep behind the town’s trendsters. 3910 W. 50th St., Edina
(952) 288-2882 Pinstripes
Instead, consider his offbeat salad of grilled 3849 Gallagher Dr., Edina
asparagus sided by fresh-pulled mozz; the (962) 835-6440
housemade lamb sausage served up with
watercress pesto; or the St. Louis-style ribs
Coming our way from Chicago, Pinstripes
sided with a swell smoked-tomato barbecue
took me by pleasant surprise. Also in Edina,
sauce. In line with the neighborhood’s ethos,
the complex offers the modern 3 B’s—no, not
nothing’s over $20, either. Except the attitude 45
SAS: “You can put away
your passports, but smiles
are mandatory.”
Ugly Americans, re-
think your destination.
Everybody else, welcome to Scandinavia.
I landed in Copenhagen, and took off from
Stockholm a week later. Off-season, the nights
were long and the weather cool, yet the wel-
come couldn’t have been warmer. Only one
precaution: Leave that Viking logo sweatshirt
at home. Here in the realm of the original Vi-
kings, style rules. It’s a clean, understated,
“Wish I looked like that” brand of chic.
Patrol Copenhagen’s Stroget—the longest
pedestrian shopping street in Europe—punc-
tuated by vast public squares anchored by
Somebody on a Horse, and you’ll see what I
mean. One end is high-end—Royal Copenha-
gen, Georg Jensen, Gucci—the other, OK, Mc-
Donald’s, filled with cherubic blond moppets.
In between, Illums, the Nordstrom’s of the city,
delivers fashion that makes you want to burn
everything in your wardrobe, plus a Design
Department featuring home accessories you
cannot (trust me) live without. Outside H&M
(of Scandinavian origin), an accordion and
oboe duo. More buskers down the block, from
dueling marimbas to sweet violins. At an out-
(Above) Amalienborg Palace. Photo by Klaus Bentzen (Below) Tour of the Canals. Photo by Christian Alsing
door stall, a cook flips pancakes. night, scores of fishing boats smuggled their Skt. Annee, housed amid the historic bricks
Design is in the Danish DNA. Step into fellow citizens to Sweden. near Nyhavn. Its forte is herring (seven
the National Museum, and gaze at Viking Design of quite another sort—flamboy- styles), but I’d wolfed my own weight in that
jewelry and skeleton of 986 AD, hairdo intact. ant psychedelic murals of the hippie 1960s— fragrant fish at breakfast at the uberhistoric
Forge forward to the Reformation to view blanket the communal, countercultural Admiral Hotel. So, a salad lush with lobster,
Martin Luther in papier mache. The Danish enclave called Christiania. The gayborhood then fillet of plaice, a tender white fish, with
Museum of Art & Design travels from early just west of that island hosts hot-hot gay snappy homemade remoulade. Or choose
times through sleek melamine kitchenware bars, dance clubs, B&Bs, and saunas (free homemade pork sausage or smoked eel with
and Bang & Olufsen’s radios to designs of condoms everywhere). Check out <www. scrambled eggs, amid other rehabs of Dan-
the future (well, maybe), such as a gent in>. ish classics. It has won a Michelin mention.
a pink-and-white Piggy Suit with matching Nyhavn, the historic canal district, is So has Koeffoed, another cosy setting
valise. The Danish Design Center—LEGOs lined with sherbet-hued houses (one was that calls on, and then reinvents, country
to BIOM sneakers, paper clips to lawn clip- home to Hans Christian Andersen), newly- fare: rooster with potato foam and chanter-
pers—captures everyday style. vivacious as outdoor cafés. Here, join a boat elles; veal carpaccio with buckthorn, malt,
The Glyptotek salutes Danish painting tour—free, along with museums and other and beets; and my choice, cod topped with
from 1800 onward. In contrast, at the Jewish transportation, with purchase of the Copen- “Danish foie gras” (liver from that self-same
Museum, architect-of-the-moment Daniel hagen Card—to glide past the new Opera rooster) atop spinach, pumpkin puree, and
Libeskind (World Trade Center Memorial House and the Little Mermaid, with glimps- herbed potatoes.
coming up) employs confining, slanted slabs es of Amalienborg Castle, home of the roy- Nimb offers two-fer views: on one side,
to convey the disorientation that displace- als since 1794, where stoic, beaver-hatted the sparkling lights of Tivoli amusement
ment fostered. The Resistance Museum soldiers click heels on the cobblestones. park; and on the other, an open kitchen fea-
examines national stress under Nazi rule: Dining ignites more design fervor in this turing elite inventions such as veal tartare
capitulate, collaborate, or sabotage? Most fa- stylish city, starting with its 13-Michelin- with mushroom foam, chestnuts, and cress,
mously, and heroically, when Hitler decreed starred restaurants (more than Milan). I topped with a dainty quail egg, then Western
Jewish deportation in 1943, almost over- chose more affordable up-and-comers like Sea skate with apples and leeks, or roe 47
You thrive on design? Well, Sweden can
satisfy, too. Stockholm makes a strong state-
ment, starting with the new Photography
Museum’s Fashion Through the Ages show,
featuring bold-name photogs like Richard
Avedon, Helmut Newton, and Annie Liebow-
itz shooting supermodels in offrunway mo-
ments: Elle McPherson to Naomi Campbell,
and Kate Moon all nude and skinny.
Just as outrageous is the Nordic Muse-
um’s show Dandy, showcasing top design-
ers’ essentials for men, along with explana-
tory statements such as “It’s simple—just
dress impeccably” to “The Dandy is a bit of
a queer,” with a lavender suit, pink shirt, and
tie as role models. Other rooms trace Swed-
ish styles from the 1870s through the not-
entirely-admirable invention of polyester.
The National Museum gets into the act
with its Century of Design show—laptops
to shopping carts and spatulas. Remember,
IKEA was born here. And the arresting Mu-
seum of Modern Art uses its white, soaring
walls to trace avant-garde canvases from
old-timers Picasso and Dali to Warhol, Old-
enberg, and Yves Klein. Use your Stockholm
Card for free admission and transportation
via metro, whose gawkworthy stations are
called “the longest art gallery in the world.”
Luxe shops clustered near the National
Theater (once home to Ingmar Bergman)
are minigalleries of fine taste: Svenskt Tenn
for playful fabrics fashioned into everything
from pillows to purses; Palmquist, supplying
leather goods to the Royals and us mere mor-
tals, too; MarZio for boots or ballerina shoes
in 20 colors; Orrefors for collectors’ crystal;
Acne for collectors’ jeans (and impossible
Stockholm street scenes. Photos Courtesy of
shoes); oddmollys for clothes it rightly dubs open-faced sandwiches) of beef with horse- ing in the historic military barracks that an-
“Bohemian Scandinavian chic”; Fifth Avenue radish sauce, shrimp married with aspara- chor the island’s park-like setting. First, dig
Shoe Repair for svelte everything-but-shoes; gus, and more. into this: a cocktail of shrimp, grapefruit,
and DesignTorget for fun ways to spice your Locovores reach heaven at Gubbhyllan, horseradish and avocado.
home, and life. an 1880s house-turned-restaurant in Skanska, For GLBT info, pick up QX Magazine.
Wander the Medieval island of Gamla a Sweden-in-microcosm collection of build- Across the bridge, B.A.R. serves as a
Stan with the 600-room Royal Castle (about ings and costumed craftsmen. Here, Chef K. shrine for fish fanatics. Choose your fillet
as cozy as the Pentagon). Cross another of C. Wallberg, AKA “the King of Slow Food,” from the iced array at the counter, then se-
the town’s 53 bridges to yet-another island, crafts Swedish all-stars, such as boar sausage lect sides (coleslaw to risotto) and sauces
Sodermalm. SoFo, the city’s boho hub and or reindeer stew, further brightened with a (aioli for me, chili for my partner).
showcase of design for the alternative set, cabbage-dill-lentil salad. To gild his creamy One last meal? Head back to romantic
offers: Beyond Vintage for period rags; cheesecake, he has saved the heritage, sweet- Gamla Stan, where Den Glydene Freden
Cocktail Deluxe for classy kitsch (penguin sour seabuckthorn berry from extinction. launched its kitchen in 1722. Nothing dated
salt and pepper shakers, red polka-dot tango Celebrate classics at Prinzen, itself a clas- about the menu, however, forcing hard choic-
shoes); Grandpa for retro menswear; and 10 sic setting, where my bossy waiter insisted es like crab salad with apples, basil, and vanil-
Swedish Designers for just that, the collec- I order the Swedish dumplings—meatballs la, or duck-liver pâté paired with preserved
tive’s swell clothes. Cafés include Mellqvist, coated in mashed potatoes, boiled, halved, figs. Then, lamb with cabbage, beets, pureed
featured in Stieg Larsson’s books and tours and fried in butter, then topped with a gar- potatoes, and roasted garlic sauce? Or maybe
for cultists, and Spring, hangout for the “latte land of tart lingonberries to scrub the palate. cod with mussels? They’ll have to forklift me
mamas” caffeinating their year-long parental PS: He was right. onto the plane. CARLA WALDEMAR
leave (papas, too). And what’s more iconic than Swedish
Shopping for food is another exercise in meatballs? I wolfed more than my share, For your own flight of fantasy contact
fashion at Ostermalms Saluhall, the Harrod’s sweetened once again with lingonberries, <> and <VisitSweden.
Food Court of Sweden. Rub elbows with at my hotel, the lovely (and GLBT-friendly)
the locals over smorrebrod (those luscious, Skeppsholmen, boasting spare, modern styl- 49
52 LAVENDER JANUARY 13-26, 2011
Januar y 6
Bar Abilene 53
54 LAVENDER JANUARY 13-26, 2011
bon Ride. New to the Launch Party this
year is a potluck. Bring a dish to share. See
the Ride’s new sleeveless bike jersey, and
be the first to preorder one for only $60.
Saturday, January 15
Learn about the Ride; meet the beneficia-
ries; talk with past Riders and Crew; and
see the 2010 video coverage courtesy of
Saturday, January Friday, January LifeImage, LLC. Take part in a breakout
session where topics include fundrais- Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean,
Jimmy Dean. Copyright Act One, Too, Ltd.
ing. Register to a Rider, a Crew, or a Gen-
eral Volunteer. Noon-2 PM. St. Joan of Arc
Church Gym, 4537 3 rd Ave. S., Mpls. (612)
THE ODYSSEY. In Park Square Theatre’s In the Woolworth’s store in McCarthy, Texas,
THE BIG GAY COMEDY SHOW 2. We’re the Disciples of James Dean are gathering
here! We’re funny! Get used to it! Stars co- world-premiere commission of The Odys-
sey, Minneapolis Playwright William Randall for their 20th reunion. They were teenag-
medians Jason Schommer, Jodie Maruska, ers when movie star Dean filmed Giant in a
Tom Steffen, Maggie Faris, and Mrs. Smith. Beard reimagines Homer’s epic not just as
Odysseus’ adventure, but as a family saga. nearby town, and their memories intermin-
Doors open at 6:30 PM. Performance at 7
Legendary warrior Odysseus (J.C. Cutler) gle with flashbacks to that eventful time.
PM. The Parkway Theater, 4814 Chicago This year, though, their reunion attracts a
Ave. S., Mpls. (612) 822-3030. battles beasts, tides, and his own arrogance—
often with no weapon except his passion. His mystery guest. It’s a comedy of Southern
wife, Penelope (Jodi Kellogg), fights the urge sass and spice, and emotional surprises,
to give up on the world. His son, Telemachus directed by David Coral. Audience discus-
Sunday, January 23 sion with director Coral and members of the
(Sasha Andreev), wrestles with his transi-
tion to adulthood. Reunited, they discover company follow the matinee performance
Sunday, January
they can claim new lives, despite the some- on Jan. 16. Through Jan. 30. Theater in the
times-wicked blows of the gods. Through Round. Players, 245 Cedar Ave., Mpls. (612)
Feb. 6. Park Square Theatre, 20 W. 7th Pl., 333-3010. <>.
matinees in the classic 1920’s cinema The
Loring Theater. Enjoy mimosas, coffee, University of Minnesota, Elmer L. Ander-
beer, or wine from the theater bar, while sen Library. <
Saturday, January 22 enjoying 20th-Century classic movies as events>.
TIONAL MEETING. On any given night in they were meant to be seen—on the big
Minnesota, approximately 200 GLBT youth screen. You’re encouraged to dress for the TRICK HORIZONS: NEW WORK BY DAVID
are homeless. One of the ways the Twin Cit- movie theme. Enjoy a bite to eat before or WHANNEL. Influenced by the ordinary, sur-
ies community is addressing the problem
Saturday, January after the movie at Loring Kitchen & Bar. To real aspects of everyday objects, maximalist
is through the GLBT Host Home Program get a free mimosa or Bloody Mary with your artist Whannel will use just about anything
of Avenues for the Homeless, which offers lunch or breakfast entrée order, just men- in his paintings and drawings to add inter-
a transformative and community-based tion “Mimosa Movies.” 2-5 PM. The Loring est and layers. Push and pull, inside out,
approach to providing GLBT youth with Theater, 1407 Nicollet Ave., Mpls. jets streaming off the edge, little safe areas,
safe homes. As volunteers of the program, BISEXUAL ORGANIZING PROJECT ANNU- bold colors, texture, funny stuff, vibrating
adults open their homes and their hearts
to young people who need and are looking
for a healthy and nurturing connection.
AL MEETING. Whether you are interested
in getting involved as a board member,
committee chair, or volunteer, t h e
ONGOING edges, distorted perspective—with collage
create a truly unique experience in each
picture. Whannel doesn’t consider himself
Learn about the history of the GLBT Host Bisexual Organizing Project (BOP) annual an abstract artist, rather he’s a fan of art. He
BRETT FAVRE’S CHRISTMAS SPECTACU- believes there are no mistakes, just opportu-
Home Program, and about the application meeting is the perfect place to find out LAR II: THE SECOND COMING. Break from
and screening process for potential volun- more about this growing organization. At nity to improve and to further an image. This
the family fumbles of the holiday season, causes most pictures to be layered heavily
teers. You will have an opportunity to hear the meeting, BOP will have elections for and cheer as the all-star holiday lineup
from hosts who shared their homes with Vice Chair and Treasurer, which are two- with paper, objects, and paint. In fact, he con-
takes the field for Brett Favre’s Christmas siders white glue and scissors as his most
youth. 6-8 PM. Common Roots Café (Meet- year terms. At-large board member posi- Spectacular II: The Second Coming. Brave
ing Room), 2558 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls. For tions are to be filled, each of which carries valuable tools. What ends up being “behind”
New Workshop spike the holiday sea- becomes just as important to the finished
more info, call Rocki at (612) 522-1690, a one-year term. Submit nominations for son with seasonal favorites, plus all-new
ext. 110, or e-mail her at <hosthome@av- yourself or others to <tcbop1@yahoo. product as the foreground. When complete,
sketches and songs, to leave audiences a picture should be a total experience for all>. com>. Nominations also can be made at laughing through the New Year. Through
the meeting, where voting will take place. the senses. Through Jan. 30. Rosalux Gal-
Jan. 29. Brave New Workshop, 2605 Hen- lery, 1224 2nd St. NE, Mpls. (612) 703-5785.
Refreshments will be served. 12:30-3:30 nepin Ave. S., Mpls. (612) 332-6620. <www.
PM. Minneapolis North Regional Library, <>.>.
1315 Lowry Ave. N., Mpls. <www.bisexu>. For additional calendar events, visit <www.
HOUSING SPECIALIST - WASHINGTON get lazed. Laser Hair Removal in Uptown. TILSNER ARTIST COOP – 1, 2, & 3 BR
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Story of My Life
Before I begin this column, let me state that I am not a movie outfit, and carrying a stunning bag that
snob. I am amused fairly easily. In fact, I’m probably the only per- doubles as a portfolio. I’m a successful ca-
reer gal on the go!
son on Earth who actually enjoyed The Beverly Hillbillies movie, and And then, though a series of comic mis-
genuinely was baffled when Roger Ebert gave it zero stars. adventures, I meet a girl. She’s beautiful and
I know that you all think of me as an intellectual and an aesthete. cunning. She makes me believe that she
loves me. Because I am young, and filled
What other type of person could churn out such sophisticated and
with hope, I believe her! But she’s a cad, and
thoughtful prose in column form every couple of weeks? breaks my heart. I mope around for several
years, making a lot of bad choices, and hurt-
Yet, even a person of my refined taste and ing innocent people in the process.
great wit likes to wallow with the hoi polloi Through a montage that shows me grow-
on occasion, which is why I found myself ing older, eating TV dinners alone with the
buying a ticket to a movie called How Do You monkey, and getting drinks tossed on me by
Know last weekend. angry girlfriends, we see me slowly evolving.
I went to the movies in order to avoid ar- The montage ends when the monkey
riving at my parents’ home two hours early. dies. I look up from his grave, and realize
If you have parents, you’ll understand this. with a smile—the monkey lived a good life,
Several movies on the marquee looked so no reason to mourn—that it’s time to
like they might be challenging and reward- grow up, and find true love. Because this is
ing. But I picked How Do You Know because a rom com, I do!
it stars Reese Witherspoon, who has played There she is, looking like a nonanorexic
a supporting role in some of my minor sex Renee Zellweger. She’s a great cook and a
fantasies. pain in my ass. She loves rom coms, and she
I’m not going to get into the intricacies of loves me.
the plot, because it had none. It was one of the Both movies end—the one on screen and
worst romantic comedies I ever have seen. As the one in my head. I glance at the person
I’m involved romantically with a woman who who has been clutching my hand for the past
loves romantic comedies, I’ve been forced to two hours.
watch every awful rom com movie ever made. It’s the fat Renee Zellweger! I didn’t make
Sadly, I’ve seen so many of these idiotic films her up. Remarkably, she’s not weeping, as
that I feel comfortable using the term “rom she usually does at the end of a rom com. She
com” in polite conversation. tells me that she hated the movie as much as
I would have walked out of the theater in I did. True love, at last! We hear the swell of
disgust, but that would have meant arriving dication that I’ve suspended disbelief. music, and see a rush of end credits.
early at my parents’ home. So, I tuned out the I’m skipping down a city street accompa- Author’s Note: The fat Renee Zellweger
movie, and pretended that I was watching a nied by a small monkey, which always is in insists that I tell you she weighs only 130
romantic comedy about my life instead. my fantasies. He usually is wearing a little pounds, which is the real Renee Zellweger’s
Suddenly, there I was on the big screen! usher’s jacket and a cap. definition of obese. JENNIFER PARELLO
My hair looks perfect, which is always an in- I’m in my mid-20s, dressed in a smart 61
University of Minnesota Theatre Arts Edina Community Lutheran Church Wesley Church STUDENT/CAMPUS/ALUMNI
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Educating artists and audiences through a diverse to inclusion, justice, peace, community and people. An embracing congregation.
proclaiming God’s YES to all. 101 E. Grant St. Programs Office
mix of performances on both land and water. Dedicated to improving campus climate by
4113 W. 54th St. Minneapolis, MN
U of M Theatre Office: (612) 871-3585 developing and supporting more inclusive
Edina, MN
330 21st Ave S, Minneapolis, MN (952) 926-3808 Pastor: (612) 886-2863 understandings of gender and sexuality.
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Minneapolis, MN
(612) 305-6900 63
Olfactorily Challenged
Dear Ms. Behavior: Dear Olfactorily Challenged: Dear Ms. Behavior:
I love my girlfriend, but I don’t love the Most excuses that possibly could be used My family always has been critical of me.
way she smells. Her breath, sweat, and body for an exemption from muff diving would They never have been happy that I’m a les-
smell are OK (not great), but I seriously dis- seem both hypochondriacal and temporary: bian, and they never have been fans of my
like the smell of her…um…lady parts. (1) Whiplash girlfriends.
I told my two closest friends about this (2) Sprained tongue My relationship with my current partner, Lee,
when we first got together, but they encour- (3) Headache is serious, but we’ve been together for less than a
aged me to go for it, because everything else So, what else can you do? year. I haven’t introduced her to my family.
about her is nearly perfect. It would be awkward and hurtful to say When we first met, Lee was an extremely
We have a fun sex life—and she’s always that you like the taste of a vagina in general, butch woman. However, shortly after we got
perfectly happy to go down on me—but I but not hers specifically. You might be bet- involved, he decided to follow his lifelong de-
ter off with a little white lie: Explain that you sire to become a man. Once he started tak-
am running out of excuses about not going
don’t like giving oral sex, and you don’t think ing hormones, the physical transformation
down on her. I only have done it two or three
it ever is going to change. happened quickly.
times. I hated it. I can’t do it again.
This gives her several options: It’s nearly impossible to tell that he’s trans.
I don’t know how I would tell her that I don’t
(1) She can decide not to go down on you, My friends have said that they’d never know.
like her smell, especially because she can’t fix
too, if it feels bad to her that oral sex isn’t I haven’t known what to tell my family.
it. She bathes regularly, and doesn’t eat any-
reciprocal. My sisters and my Mom are calling, asking
thing strange. It’s just her personal odor. I nev- (2) She can work on accepting that she’s where I’ve been. They want to know why I’ve
er have had this problem with anyone else. in a relationship with someone who never is been so scarce.
Should I tell her the truth, so that she going to go down on her. Frankly, I just haven’t known how to
stops asking me to do it? Or should I just keep (3) She can leave the relationship with handle it. I’m tempted just to introduce Lee
coming up with excuses forever and ever? the hope of finding someone who loves to as my boyfriend, and let them think he’s a
—OLFACTORILY CHALLENGED give lip service. biological man.
Dear Eva:
It’s easy to see why you’re tempted
just to refer to Lee as your boyfriend with-
out further explanation. You have the op-
portunity to cash in on heterosexual privi-
lege, while still privately maintaining your
somewhat queer identity.
It’s also true that if you mention Lee
was born a biological female, your family
is likely to think of him as a woman no
matter what else you say. But it’s sad to
think that you only can gain family accep-
tance by bringing home a man. Trolon insists…..
He wants me to enlarge my little tail
He brought me catalogs showing
different styles of little tails
Lee may have strong feelings about
whether to disclose his trans status, so
your decision about whether to tell your
family obviously should be made in consul-
tation with him. He may want to be totally
out about it, or he may want to be private.
You’ll need to work this out together.
If your family is as ignorant as you say,
their acceptance of you—contingent upon
your pretending to be heterosexual—will
be a mixed bag.
Ultimately, you have to decide if you
want the gratification of your family’s
support, even if it means you have to hide
who you (and Lee) really are.
Under these conditions, the thrill of
your family’s newfound respect for you
may wear off rather quickly, and their
small-mindedness probably will reveal A catalog showing sleepy A catalog showing awakens little tails
little tails and…..
itself in other ways. MERYL COHN
© 2010 Meryl Cohn. Address questions and correspondence
to <>. She is the author of Do What
I Say: Ms. Behavior’s Guide to Gay and Lesbian Etiquette
(Houghton Mifflin). Signed copies are available directly from
the author. 65
Grandview Grill