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Pythogoras Detailed Lesson Plans

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Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Pythagoras' Introduction to
Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 1 Pythagoras' Theorem

Activity Notes
Ps will need scissors for this
1A Introduction lesson (Activity 2)

T: We looked at angles between 0 ° and 360 ° two weeks ago. Can Whole class activity: a short
you list the different types of angles? review of triangles before
(Acute, right, reflex, obtuse angles; Pythagoras' Theorem.
angles on straight lines, angles round a point) T asks, Ps volunteer, Ps answer,
T: Which of these can be inside a triangle? T praises/waits for correction.
(Acute, right and obtuse angles)
T: Why?
(Because the sum of the interior angles
of a triangle is exactly 180 ° )
T: How many acute angles can there be in one triangle?
(Two or three)
T: How many right angles? (At most one)
T: And how many obtuse angles? (At most one)
T: In this unit we're going to deal with right-angled triangles.
A volunteer P draws a right-
Who'd like to draw one on BB? Please mark the right angle.
angled triangle on BB, and T
introduces the words 'hypotenuse'
for the side opposite the right
angle, and 'perpendicular sides'
for the other two sides.
Whole class activity. Task appears
1B Practice identifying the hypotenuse on OHP and volunteer Ps come
PB 3.1, Q1 (a) PQ (b) YZ (c) JK (d) ST out to show and explain their
7 mins

2 Practical work with Pythagoras' Theorem

Activity 3.1 (changed) Whole class activity.
T should write letters a and b instead of '4 cm' and '3 cm' on the two Each P has a copy of Activity
figures, and the letter c on the hypotenuse of the triangles. Q4 must be 3.1.1 (amended) and a pair of
deleted before the page is copied for Ps. scissors. (T has spare pairs of
T: Compare the sizes of the original and the new figures. What do scissors, in case they are needed.)
you notice? (They are both squares with a + b side lengths) T directs Ps to carry out
instructions 2 and 3.
When Ps have cut out and
rearranged the triangles,
discussion follows.
T: What is the area of square A? ( a2 )

T: What is the area of square B? ( b2 )

T: What is their total area? ( a2 + b2 ) T writes on BB.

T: What is the area of square C inside the second figure?
( c2 ) T writes on BB.
T: What can you say about the three areas? ...Why?
(Area of square A + area of square B = area of square C,
because C and the 4 triangles cover the same area as A, B and
the 4 triangles)
(continued) T: Say this using the letters a, b and c. ( a2 + b2 = c2 )

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Pythagoras' Introduction to
Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 1 Pythagoras' Theorem

Activity Notes
2 T: What is this? (This is a connection between the three sides)
T helps, ensuring that correct
(continued) T: Was this an unusual right-angled triangle? (No) and precise wording is used.
T: So we have just found a formula for all right-angled triangles. Ps write in Ex.Bs.
Can you give it in words? Praising.
(The square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum
of the squares on the two perpendicular sides)
17 mins
3 Pythagoras At the end of the last lesson, Ps
T: What have you found out about Pythagoras? were asked to find some facts
about Pythagoras (who he was,
when he lived, etc.). Now they
can write information on BB.
Discussion. Praising.
20 mins
4A Measuring triangles to check the formula
T: Let's check the formula. You've just cut out some right-angled Whole class activity.
triangles. Measure their sides in cm. All Ps use rulers to measure
T (writes, Ps dictate): triangles, then T asks length of
sides and writes them on BB. Ps
a ≈ 3.8 cm → a 2 = 14.44 cm 2
square the numbers, dictating to
b ≈ 2.8 cm → b 2 = 7.84 cm 2 T and writing them in Ex.Bs. Ps
and T together check the
b ≈ 4.7 cm → c 2 = 22.09 cm 2 formula.
a2 + b2 ≈ c2

T: Why is a 2 + b 2 not exactly c 2 ?

(Our cutting out or measurement could
not have been accurate enough)
4B Checking the formula inversely
T: Let's check the formula inversely. Look at a triangle with sides of
5 cm, 12 cm and 13 cm. Do these numbers fit the formula?
( a = 5 cm → a 2 = 25 cm 2
b = 12 cm → b 2 = 144 cm 2
c = 13 cm → c 2 = 169 cm 2
25 + 144 = 169 )
T: So what kind of triangle must it be?
(Right-angled triangle)
T: Construct the triangle and see if it is right-angled.
Individual work, monitored,
Before they start work, T should
make Ps recall how to construct
a triangle when the length of its
sides are known. (Ps will need
After constructing, Ps have to
measure the angle opposite the
longest side and decide whether
or not it is 90 ° .
Agreement. Praising.
40 mins

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 1
Introduction to
Pythagoras' Theorem
Activity Notes
5A Verifying Pythagoras' Theorem
PB 3.1, Q3 (a)
T: Let's look again at how we check Pythagoras' Theorem for a T sketches the triangle in Q3 (a)
particular right-angled triangle. on BB and encourages a slower
T/Ps: Calculating the area of the square, we can draw on the 10 m P to check the theorem with help
side. of T and other Ps. Other Ps can
prompt by asking questions to
Slower P: a 2 = 10 2 = 100 m 2 help P at BB.
T/Ps: Calculating the area of the square, we can draw on the 24 m
Slower P: b 2 = 24 2 = 576 m 2
T/Ps: Calculate the sum of these areas.
Slower P: 100 m 2 + 576 m 2 = 676 m 2
T/Ps: Calculate the area of the square on the longest side of the
triangle, and verify Pythagoras' Theorem.
Slower P: c 2 = 26 2 = 676 m 2 = a 2 + b 2 Praising
5B Further practice Individual work, monitored,
PB 3.1, Q3 (b), (c) (b) 9 2 + 12 2 = 81 + 144 = 225 helped. Verbal checking.
and 152 = 225 i.e. equal Agreement, feedback, self-
(c) 132 + 84 2 = 169 + 7056 = 7225 correction.
and 852 = 7225 i.e. equal Praising.
38 mins

6A Pythagorean triples
T: Since ancient times the construction of right angles has been very T gives background to
important for uses such as marking out territory. A possible way Pythagorean triples.
of finding a right angle is to use three numbers, e.g. 9, 12 15,
which we know, from the previous Activity, fit Pythagoras' rule.
Since 9 2 + 12 2 = 152 , these numbers will always give a triangle
with a right angle opposite the longest side, whatever unit of
measurement is used.
It is not surprising that more than 100 years before Pythagoras',
lots of triples were already known to give right angles - we call
these sets of numbers Pythagorean triples.
Let's look at the set of numbers 7, 24, 25 and see if it is a
Pythagorean triple.
Ps calculate, dictate, T writes on
Ps: 72 = 49 BB.
24 2 = 576
252 = 625
49 + 576 = 625 → the triple is Pythagorean. Praising.

6B Practice with Pythagorean triples Individual work, monitored,

PB 3.1, Q4 (a) (Yes), (d) (No) helped. Verbal checking,
Agreement, feedback, self-
correction. Praising.
45 mins
Set homework
PB 3.1, Q2
PB 3.1, Q4 (b), (c)

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Pythagoras' Finding the Length

Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 2 of the Hypotenuse
Activity Notes
1 Checking homework
PB 3.1, Q2 Verbal checking with
(a) (b) (c) explanations, at the same time
reviewing Pythagoras' Theorem.
(i) 25 64 121
Feedback, self-correction.
(ii) 144 225 3600 Praising.
(iii) 169 289 3721
(iv) 169 289 3721
(v) 25 + 144 = 169 64 + 225 = 289 121 + 3600 = 3721

PB 3.1, Q4 (b) Yes (c) No

5 mins
2 Deciding whether or not triangles are right-angled
OS 3.2
T: How can we decide whether or not a triangle contains a right angle? Mental work.
P: We should find out if the sides are Pythagorean triples. Task appears on OHP.
T: Be careful! In a Pythagorean triple, all numbers must be integers, but Volunteer Ps will see whether
there are right-angled triangles with sides lengths that are not integers. the triangle is or is not right-
T: Who would like to do the first one? angled, but slower Ps must be
P1: The shorter sides are those of lengths 5 m and 12 m. The sum of given time to work it out in their
their squares is 25 + 144 = 169 . This is equal to the square of the Ex.Bs.
longest side, so the triangle does contain a right angle. Agreement, praising, and then
short discussion.
P2 and P3 continue with the triangles in (b) and (c).
T: Comparing a 2 + b 2 with c 2 , what do we see for the third triangle?
(In the first triangle c 2 was equal, in the second c 2 was
less, and in the third triangle c 2 was more than a 2 + b 2 )
T: What type of triangle is each one of these?
(The first triangle is right-angled, the others are not.
The third triangle might contain an obtuse angle.)
T: Right. We'll come back to this later.
11 mins
3 Pythagorean triples Working in pairs. Each pair has a
Activity 3.4 copy of Activity 3.4.
T monitors the work and helps if
T stops the work when several
pairs of Ps have found one or two
of the triples asked for in Q3.
Verbal checking. Agreement,
feedback, self-correction.
20 mins
4A Finding Pythagorean triples
T: In the last question, you had to find two unknown numbers which, Whole class activity.
together with a known number, gave a Pythagorean triple. Would Discussion on how to find the
it be easier if I gave you two of the numbers? largest member of a Pythagorean
triple, given the other two
(continued) numbers.

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Pythagoras' Finding the Length

Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 2 of the Hypotenuse

Activity Notes
4A T: Find the largest member of a Pythagorean triple if the smaller Ps can calculate in their Ex.Bs,
numbers are 12 and 16. and T can write on BB what Ps
(The square of the unknown number has to be equal to 12 2 + 16 2 . say.
Since 144 + 156 = 400 , we have to find a number which, when
squared, gives 400. The number is 20.)
T: Find the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle if the lengths of the
other sides are 6 cm and 8 cm.
( 6 2 + 82 = 100 . Since 10 2 = 100 , the length of the hypotenuse
must be 10 cm, by Pythagoras' Theorem.)
4B Finding the hypotenuse
Individual work.
OS 3.3
T gives no explanation or
guidance, but puts OS on OHP
and says, "Find the hypotenuse."
T monitors Ps' work, noting
which Ps use calculators and
P (at OHP): h 2 = 82 + 72 which use what they learned
about square roots in Unit 2.
h 2 = 64 + 49
Checking: a volunteer P come to
h 2 = 113 front and writes and explains
h = 113 solution.
When P reaches the point
h ≈ 10.63 m, correct to 2 d.p. ' h = 113 ', T can get Ps to
repeat the definition of a square
Agreement, feedback, self-
correction. Praising.
29 mins
5 Further work with Pythagoras' Theorem
PB 3.2, Q1 (b)
Individual work, monitored,
PB 3.2, Q2 (b)
P1: c2 = a2 + b2
Checking at BB: a volunteer P
c 2 = 152 + 36 2 works through the first question
at BB and another (encouraged)
c 2 = 225 + 1296
P works through the second one.
c 2 = 1521
c = 1521
c = 39 (cm), the length of the hypotenuse

P2: h 2 = 52 + 82

h 2 = 25 + 64
h 2 = 89
h = 89
Feedback, self-correction.
h ≈ 9.4 (cm), correct to 1 d.p.

37 mins

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Pythagoras' Finding the Length

Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 2
of the Hypotenuse

Activity Notes
6 Diagonal of a rectangle
T: You'll see that many problems in geometry can be solved by
dividing the particular figure into triangles. That's why
Pythagoras' Theorem is so important.
Whole class activity.
OS 3.4
T (writes, Ps dictate): Task appears on OHP.
d 2 = 16 2 + 82 First, T covers the second figure,
writes the lengths close to the
d 2 = 256 + 64 sides of the top rectangle, and
d 2 = 320 makes Ps find the suitable right-
angled triangle.
d = 320
Then T uncovers the second
d ≈ 17.9 (cm), correct to 1 d.p.
figure and asks Ps to determine
the diagonal.
Ps dictate, T agrees, writes on
OS, praises.
41 mins
7 Finding the diagonal, individual work Individual work, monitored,
PB 3.2, Q3 helped.
P (at BB): d 2 = a 2 + b 2 Checking at BB: T sketches the
rectangle on BB, writes data on it
d 2 = 52 + 10 2 and points to a volunteer P to
come to BB and show and
d 2 = 25 + 100 explain solution.
d 2 = 125
d = 125
Agreement, feedback, self-
d ≈ 11.2 cm is the diagonal (correct to 1 d.p.) correction. Praising.
45 mins
Set homework
PB 3.2, Q1 (c), (d)
PB 3.2, Q2 (a), (d)
PB 3.2, Q9

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Pythagoras' Calculating the Lengths

Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 3 of Other Sides

Activity Notes
Checking homework Verbal checking of the first three
1A PB 3.2, Q1 (c) 41 mm (d) 34 mm problems. Agreement, feedback,
PB 3.2, Q2 (a) 12.8 cm self-correction. Praising.
In Q2 (d) Ps experienced the
length of a side being a decimal.
1B PB 3.2, Q2 (d) T asks a P to show solution at
P (at BB): h 2 = 4 2 + 3.52 BB, and, at the same review how
to deduce the length of the
h 2 = 16 + 12.25 hypotenuse.
h 2 = 28.25 Feedback, self-correction.
h ≈ 5.3 (m), correct to 1 d.p.
1C PB 3.2, Q9 Then another P is asked to
P (at BB): for rect. A: d = 3 + 5
2 2 2 explain the solution to this final
part of the homework.
d 2 = 9 + 25
d = 34 cm Note that there is no need to find
the actual values as 34 > 32.5 .
for rect. B: d 2 = 3.52 + 4.52

d 2 = 12.25 + 20.25
d = 32.5 cm
Feedback, self-correction.
So rectangle A has the longer diagonal. Praising.
6 mins
2 Practice with Pythagorean triples
T: Can you remember the work we did on Pythagorean triples? Whole class activity.
I'll say the two largest numbers of a triple, and you have to find T asks a (stronger?) volunteer to
the third number. answer and explain the first
T: 10 and 8 ... question.
P1: 6
T: How did you find it?
P1: In a Pythagorean triple, c 2 = a 2 + b 2 , so b 2 = c 2 − a 2 .
Here b 2 = 10 2 − 82 = 36 ⇒ the unknown number as 6. Praising.
T: The next pair of numbers are 5 and 4. What is the third number? The second question is easier, so
a slower P should be encouraged
P2: We are looking for x, and we know that x 2 + 4 2 = 52 . to answer and explain in the same
Since x 2 = 25 − 16 = 9 , the unknown number is 3. way as in the first question,
writing in Ex.B. if necessary.
T: The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is 13 m long. One of the For the third question, T calls a
perpendicular sides is 12 m long. Find the length of the other side. volunteer to BB to deduce
P3: a2 + b2 = c2 solution. Other Ps write in Ex.Bs.

a 2 + 12 2 = 132
a 2 = 169 − 144
a 2 = 25
a = 5 (m) Praising.
T: We know the that the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled Finally, T encourages a slower P to
triangle is 7 cm and that the length of another side is 3 cm. Find come to BB to show how to deduce
the length of the unknown side. the unknown perpendicular side (P
brings calculator to BB).

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Pythagoras' Calculating the Lengths

Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 3 of Other Sides

Activity Notes

2 P4: a2 + b2 = c2
(continued) a 2 + 32 = 7 2
a 2 + 9 = 49
a 2 = 40
a= 40
a ≈ 6.3 cm, correct to 1 d.p. Praising.

16 mins
3 Practice using Pythagoras' Theorem to calculate lengths of sides Individual work, monitored,
PB 3.3, Q1 (a) 16 cm helped. Verbal checking or
detailed checking at BB, if
PB 3.3, Q2 (c) 3.3 cm
needed. Agreement, feedback,
self-correction. Praising.
23 mins
4 Finding the perpendicular height of an isosceles triangle
T: We have seen that Pythagoras' Theorem is very important, not only
in right-angled triangles, but also when we can find a right-angled
triangle in a figure, for example, by dividing it into parts.
So let's look at the next problem, which is shown on this slide. Whole class activity. Task
OS 3.6 appears on OHP.
First, T covers the second figure,
asks a volunteer P to draw the
perpendicular height, and lets Ps
discover the right-angled triangle
in the figure. Then T uncovers the
second figure and asks Ps to
determine h. Ps dictate, T agrees,
writes on OS (Ps write in Ex.Bs.),
T (writes, Ps dictate): T praises.
h2 + 22 = 62
h 2 + 4 = 36
h 2 = 32
h = 32
h ≈ 5.7 (cm), correct to 1 d.p.
28 mins
5 Finding perpendicular height of equilateral triangle Individual work, monitored,
PB 3.3, Q3 helped.
P (at BB): Checking at BB: T sketches the
equilateral triangle (without
h2 + 22 = 42 drawing the perpendicular
height) on BB, writes data on it
h 2 + 4 = 16 and points to volunteer Ps to
h 2 = 12 come to BB, draw h on the
h = 12 triangle, show the right-angled
triangle as part of the figure,
h ≈ 3.5 (cm), correct to 1 d.p. and deduce solution.
Agreement, feedback, self-
correction. Praising.
36 mins

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Calculating the Lengths

Y8 Pythagoras'
UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 3 of Other Sides
Activity Notes
6 Finding side lengths in other types of triangle
PB 3.2, Q5
6A T: As you can see, if the triangle is not isosceles and not equilateral, T sketches the figure on BB.
the perpendicular height will not divide the base into two equal
parts. However, we do get two right-angled triangles when we
divide a scalene triangle in this way.
T: So, use Pythagoras' Theorem to find PQ and QS and hence to
calculate the perimeter if this triangle.

P1: QS2 = 32 + 4 2 Whole class activity.

Two slower Ps are asked to
QS = 5 m , because it's one of the Pythagorean triples deduce the lengths of the
P2: PQ 2 = 32 + 3.52 unknown sides at BB.
T encourages P1 to apply
PQ 2 = 9 + 12.25 knowledge about Pythagorean
triples by using them in the
PQ 2 = 21.25 calculations.
PQ 2 = 21.25
PQ ≈ 4.6 m, correct to 1 d.p.
P3: P ≈ 4.6 m + 7.5 m + 5 m = 17.1 m Agreement. Praising.

6B PB 3.3, Q9 Individual work.

Before starting T leads a short
discussion on how to get the
missing section of the
framework. Then T monitors and
P1: XZ 2 + 4 2 = 52 helps Ps.
Checking at BB: T sketches the
XZ 2 = 3 m (Pythagorean triple)
figure on BB, volunteer Ps come
out and show solution as
P2: YZ 2 + XZ 2 = 4 2
previously agreed.
YZ 2 + 9 = 16 T can also point out the possible
YZ 2 = 7 misconception of using
Pythagorean triples for the XYZ
YZ = 7 m ≈ 2.6 m, correct to 1 d.p. triangle. (The known sides are
3 m and 4 m but the unknown
side is not 5 m, as the
hypotenuse, the longest side, is
4 m.)
45 mins
Set homework
PB 3.3, Q1 (c)
PB 3.3, Q2 (b)
PB 3.3, Q5

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 4 Problems in Context

Activity Notes
1 Checking homework Verbal checking with questions:
PB 3.3, Q1 (c) 60 cm - What equation have you
PB 3.3, Q2 (b) 6.6 cm written using Pythagoras'
PB 3.3, Q5 7.4 cm, correct to 1 d.p.
- What was the result?
Agreement, feedback, self-
correction. Praising.
4 mins
2 Problems in context
T: So far, we've always looked at a figure and been able to find the
right-angled triangle in it using Pythagoras' Theorem. Today we
don't have a figure to look at. You will have to imagine and draw
the figure from the problem given. Let's start with something
familiar ...

T: Calculate the area of the equilateral triangle with T reads out task - it can also
sides of length 6 cm. appear on OHP.
T: How do we calculate the area of a triangle? Whole class activity.
T asks, Ps volunteer, answer and/
P1: Area = × base × perpendicular height. or come to BB to draw or deduce
2 solution.
T: Have we got all the data we need? What's missing?
P2: The perpendicular height.
T: Who'd like to draw an equilateral triangle with the perpendicular P3 draws, writes data onto the
height marked on it? figure.
T: From now on, this is similar to the work you have just done.
T: Who'd like to show a right-angled triangle in the figure and write
down the equation using Pythagoras' Theorem?

P4 (at BB): h 2 + 32 = 6 2
T: Deduce the length of the height.

P4: h 2 + 9 = 36

h 2 = 27

h= 27 = 5.196 ≈ 5.2 cm, correct to 1 d.p. Praising.

T: And the area?
P5 (at BB): A = ×b×h
A= × 6 × 5.196 cm 2

A = 3 × 5.196 cm 2
T encourages P5 to calculate
A ≈ 15.6 cm , correct to 1 d.p.

10 mins

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 4 Problems in Context

Activity Notes
3 Individual work finding areas of rectangles using triangles
Individual work.
What is the area of the rectangle with width 8 cm and a diagonal
of 11 cm? Give your answer correct to 2 decimal places. Task appears on OHP or BB.
T monitors Ps' work, helps
Ps (dictate, T writes): struggling Ps to draw the figure,
A = a × b , 'b' is missing. write down equation and recall
the formula for the area of a
a2 + b2 = d 2 rectangle. Checking at BB: T
draws figure on BB, makes Ps
82 + b 2 = 112 dictate solution and writes it on
b 2 = 112 − 82

b 2 = 57

b= 57 ≈ 7.55 (cm), correct to 2 d.p.

A = 8 × 7.55 cm 2
Agreement, feedback, self-
A = 60.4 cm 2
correction. Praising.
17 mins
4 Drawing and calculating to solve problems
T: You've had to draw the figures for the last two problems, but the
method has been familiar to you. Let's look at some new types of
OS 3.7 OS 3.7 appears on OHP, but T
covers the figure and encourages
T: Are these numbers easy to work with? Will you be able to work Ps to draw the problem in their
out h in your head? Let's start. What do we do first? Ex.Bs. Then a volunteer P draws
P1: We have to write down the equation using Pythagoras' Theorem. figure on BB and other Ps agree
T: Can you say it, please; we won't write it down. or not. T uncovers figure on OS
and Ps can check (correct) their
P2: h 2 + 2 2 = 6 2 work.
T: And the next step? Finally Ps calculate h mentally,
led by T.
P2: h 2 = 6 2 − 2 2 = 32
T: Finally?
P4: We have to find the square root.
T (to all Ps): Use your calculators to do this.
Ps: 5.7 m, correct to 1 decimal place. Praising.
23 mins
5 Individual work Individual work.
T: Try this on your own. OS 3.8 appears on OHP with
OS 3.8 compass rose and wording
showing, but with diagram
T monitors Ps' work, helping
T (writes on OS): struggling ones to draw the ship's
d 2 = 300 2 + 100 2 Checking at OHP: T uncovers the
d ≈ 316.2 m figure, writes equation and result
on OS.
Feedback, self-correction.
30 mins

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 4 Problems in Context

Activity Notes
6 Discussing problems Whole class activity.
PB 3.4, Q8-10 T points to Ps to read out the
questions PB 3.4, Q8-10, asks Ps
to say what is required and then,
after discussion, asks Ps to draw
suitable figures on BB, one
problem at a time. At this stage,
no solution is required.
39 mins
7 Mental work to 'wind down' T asks, points to a P, P answers,
T: You've had to think a lot during this lesson. You can relax now, T agrees/waits for correction and
and finish with some questions you will probably find quite easy. then praises, question by
M 3.2
45 mins
Set homework T tells Ps that they will each
PB 3.4, Q3 need a ruler, a pair of compasses
and a protractor for the next
PB 3.4, Q8
PB 3.4, Q10

28 mins
© CIMT, University of Exeter
Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Pythagoras' Constructions and More

Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 5 Problems in Context
Activity Notes
1 Checking homework T has asked three Ps to draw and
PB 3.4, Q3 25 m write solutions on BB (one task
for each P) as soon as Ps arrive.
PB 2.4, Q3 9.17 m, to nearest cm
Self-correction, agreement.
PB 2.4, Q4 7.13 m, to nearest cm Praising.
4 mins
2 Does the triangle contain a right angle?
T: We've seen that the formula for Pythagoras' Theorem is useful for
deciding whether or not a triangle is right-angled. We saw that c 2
can be greater or smaller than a 2 + b 2 and we have also looked at
its connection with the type of angle opposite c.
2A T: Let's look at these triangles. Whole class activity.
PB 3.5, page 60, Example 2 The figures from p60 of PB Y8A
T (looking at the triangles on OHP): When you look at them quickly appear on OHP.
they all seem to be right-angled. Let's check if the formula is true.
P1: a 2 + b 2 = 25 + 144 = 169 Three volunteer Ps come to BB
at the same time to work through
c 2
= 169
the calculations and compare c 2
c 2
= a 2 + b 2 , so the triangle is right-angled with a 2 + b 2 . Other Ps listen
and correct if necessary.
P2: a 2 + b 2 = 36 + 49 = 85
c 2 = 64
c 2 < a 2 + b 2 , so the triangle is not right-angled

P3: a 2 + b 2 = 36 + 121 = 157

c 2 = 196
c 2 > a 2 + b 2 , so the triangle is not right-angled

2B T: So, figures (b) and (c) on OS are deceptive. Let's construct all Individual work.
three of the triangles and see what types they are. In Lesson 2, Ps recalled how to
construct a triangle, given all its
sides. Now T monitors and helps
slower ones to use their
Then T and Ps discuss connection
raised at beginning of Activity 2
(see top of p59 in PB Y8A).
15 mins
3 Types of angles in triangles Individual work, monitored,
PB 3.5, Q3 helped.

P1: a 2 + b 2 = 100 + 121 = 221 Checking at BB: three volunteer

c = 196
2 Ps work at the same time to show
if each triangle is right-angled,
c 2 < a 2 + b 2 → the triangle has three acute angles contains an obtuse angle, or has
three acute angles.
P2: a 2 + b 2 = 100 + 144 = 244

c 2 = 256
Agreement, feedback, self-
c 2 > a 2 + b 2 → the triangle contains an obtuse angle correction. Praising.

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Pythagoras' Constructions and More

Y8 UNIT 3 Theorem Lesson Plan 5
Problems in Context

Activity Notes
3 P3: a 2 + b 2 = 81 + 144 = 225
c 2 = 225
c 2 = a 2 + b 2 → the triangle is right-angled
23 mins
4 More problems in context
Team work. T divides class into
1. What is the distance between point A (–3, 5) and point B four mixed-ability teams, each
(9, 0) in a coordinate system? containing at least one stronger P
2. A rope is 2001 m long. Its two ends are pegged to to help the others understand the
two points 2000 m apart on level ground. problems.
The midpoint of the rope is raised until the rope is Each pair of Ps in a team has a
pulled tight. How high is its midpoint above the ground? copy of the four problems, and
(Make an estimate first; after finding the solution, they work together in their groups,
check it with your estimate.) writing answers in Ex.Bs.
3. On a map, the distance between the beginning and the end T monitors discussions and
of a straight road with a constant gradient is 2 cm. calculations.
What is the height difference (the slope of the road) T prepares a 4 × 4 scoring grid
between the start and the end points, if the map was drawn (for 4 teams and 4 questions) on
to a scale of 1 : 100 000, and the length of the road in BB (or OHP) while Ps work on
reality is 2.5 m more than the length you can read from the Q1. Each questions is worth two
map? points, awarded if all the team's
4. Using 3 pegs stuck in the ground and a loop of rope members have the correct answer
with 12 knots in it, equal distances apart , the ancient in their Ex.Bs.
Egyptians could mark out right angles. Show and
Teams can be awarded an extra
explain how they might have done this.
- each question is answered at BB
Solutions by a P from a different team.
1. The distance between the two points in the x direction is 12 units, That team will be awarded an
and in the y direction, 5 units. A
extra point if the team member
d 2 = 12 2 + 52 5 explains the solution clearly (i.e.
d = 13 units each team member must
12 B understand the solutions in case
2. 1000.5 m 1000.5 m they are asked to give answers
h at BB).
From half of the figure 2000 m T interrupts the work when all
h + 1000 = 1000.5
2 2 2
1000.5 m teams have finished Q1: points to
h ≈ 31.6 m , correct to 1 d.p. a slower P from a team to draw
1000 m the figure and explain and write
(The actual result will probably be much more than Ps' estimation.) down the formula of Pythagoras'
Theorem and give the result. This
3. 2 cm on the map → 200 000 cm = 2000 m in reality. process is repeated for the other
The length of the road is 2002.5 m. three questions.
If h marks the height difference,
Finally, T gives the results of the
h 2 + 2000 2 = 2002.52 competition (maximum of 9 points
h ≈ 100.03 m correct to 2 d.p. per group), praises and, maybe,
gives winning team a prize.
4. 12 is the sum of the members of the
smallest Pythagorean triple ...

45 mins

© CIMT, University of Exeter

Mathematics Enhancement Programme

UNIT 3 Pythagoras'
Constructions and More
Y8 Theorem Lesson Plan 5
Problems in Context

Activity Notes
Set homework
PB 3.4, Q1
PB 3.4, Q2
PB 3.5, Q6
PB 3.5, Q7

© CIMT, University of Exeter

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