Wavin PE Pressure Pipe Systems Product and Technical Guide: Intelligent Solutions For
Wavin PE Pressure Pipe Systems Product and Technical Guide: Intelligent Solutions For
Wavin PE Pressure Pipe Systems Product and Technical Guide: Intelligent Solutions For
7. Installation page 29
7.1 Installation methods page 29
7.2 Jointing page 33
9. Anchorage page 42
PE Pressure Pipes
Materials for gas and water distribution
2.1 Classification of plastics stress is applied over the appropriate load From classification to
for piping systems time. This results in the load duration application
The development of plastics used in gas graph. The MRS value represents the long-term
and water distribution is continuous. In The circumferential stress values for 20˚C circumferential stress in the pipe where
recent years outstanding progress has are extrapolated to 50 years according to the break may occur after 50 years at the
been achieved. ISO/DIS 9080 and lead to earliest. The calculation stress ss is
The creation of new material types with the LTHS anticipated value, 50 years applied for dimensioning of the piping
increased strength, higher property con- (Long Term Hydrostatic Strength), network. This is calculated from:
sistency and at the same time good or the 97.5 % LCL (Lower Confidence
better processability are paramount. Limit). MRS
Moreover, European standardisation σs = ----------
already shows the first conceivable This LCL value is categorised in accor- C
effects in as far as classification systems dance with the Renard series of numbers
come into use today, with subsequent (R10 or R20 in accordance with ISO 3 with C= total operating coefficient.
lasting influences on pipe construction and ISO 497). The calculated LCL value is
with plastics (prEN 1555, prEN 12201, reduced to the next lower Renard num- The total operating coefficient replaces
EN1452). ber. This results in the required MRS the classical "safety coefficient” and
(Minimum Required Strength) considers the facts of application, the
The starting point for the new classifica- This MRS value in MPa is the basis for installation conditions etc.
tion system according to ISO 12162 and the classification. The MRS value
EN 32162 is the long-term behaviour of multiplied by 10 results in the Within the course of harmonisation of
the respective material under internal "classification" of the material. As standards in Europe, uniform guidelines
pressure. For this purpose, values are example, common PE pipe materials. were also created by defining the
obtained with a pipe-type specimen filled They have a MRS of 10 MPa. They are "minimum applied total operating
with water at different temperatures and therefore called PE 100 in accordance coefficient'. For PE materials primarily
evaluated by means of the Standard with the new system. used in the distribution industry, the
Extrapolation Method in accordance with minimum values for C are as follows:
ISO/DIS 9080. Unlike the existing classification methods
based upon the dimensional stress and Material Application C min
Procedure the "safety coefficients" (sometimes PE Water 1.25
At different temperatures, different different in each nation), the new system PE Gas 2
internal pressures (= circumferential refers to a uniformly determined material
stress in the pipe wall) are applied to the parameter. This eliminates earlier The responsibility of selecting the C factor
specimens. The (load) duration until break misunderstandings due to the different to be applied lies with the planning
is determined. The respective breaking starting points. engineer, who can/must also apply higher
values after taking into consideration all
relevant operating and ambient
or SDR = 20 x (σzul./p) + 1
The essential pipe series used for gas SDR = (( 20/p) x (MRS/C)) + 1
and water distribution are described by
the pipe outer diameter d and the pipe As alternate you can use
wall thickness e.
outside diameter
wall thickness
3.1 Polyethylene PE The PE types used by Wavin are suitable Features & Benefits
Polyethylene is the most widely known for drinking water applications and for
mass-produced plastic material. It is the storing foodstuff. The fittings are odour- High reliability and proven service
classical member of the polyolefine fami- less, tasteless and physiologically safe. performance
ly. The chemical formula is: -(CH2-CH2)n, They can therefore be used in all relevant PE is the preferred choice, particularly
so it is an environmentally compatible applications. in buried pipe systems like gas
hydro-carbon product. distribution systems.
PE is a covalent material. The material Resistance to low temperatures
Wavin offers a comprehensive range of can neither swell nor dissolve. Therefore Due to its high ductility, toughness
PE (polyethylene) pressure pipe systems PE pipes cannot be joined with fittings by and elasticity, Wavin PE gives no
designed for potable water and gas means of solvent cement. The problems during installation and
applications (according to EN1555 and appropriate jointing method for the operation at low temperatures.
EN12201), as well as for many other material is fusion jointing. We offer four High impact resistance
pressure and non-pressure applications. jointing methods for pipeline systems in The enormous resistance against
These provide the professionals the our range: electrofusion, compression surge and fatigue eliminates the
option to choose the best system even coupling, heating element butt fusion and necessity of a higher pressure rating
for the most demanding of projects. heating element socket fusion. The first and investments in anti surge
Wavin PE pressure pipes are manufactu- of these jointing methods is favoured for devices.
red from high-density polyethylene, PE 80 pipelines carrying gas, water, Abrasion resistance
and PE 100. PE is especially suitable for compressed air or other less aggressive Comparisons have shown that PE
the transport and distribution of gas and media. pipes have a higher abrasion resistan-
potable water, for industrial applications ce than other materials, therefore PE
and pressure sewers. PE has a high flexi- In buried pipe construction, a high mole- pipes are the most preferred for slurry
bility level and guarantees impact resi- cular type with average to high density is transporting pipe systems.
stance even at low temperatures. accepted. The shortform is: PE80 (PE Excellent flow characteristics
second generation) or PE100 (PE third The smooth bore and resistance
PE has become most widely used in generation). There are hardly any repre- against surge allows higher flow
pipelines systems for the assembly of sentatives of the PE types from the first velocities.
buried gas and water piping together with generation - in accordance with the pre- Excellent chemical resistance
PVC. It has become one of the dominant sent classification PE63 - in the market. To a great number of chemical
piping material in this sphere of agents.
applications in many countries. However, In the past the above mentioned mate- Weldability
this material also offers many advantages rials were named differently. Below you Because of the good weldability and
in domestic installations and industrial can see an overview of the former and elasticity of PE, long lengths can be
piping systems. These include low current material names. assembled outside the (narrow)
weight, excellent flexibility, low pipe fric- trench. The welded joints are strong
tion losses, ductile fracture properties, Old name New name and highly reliable.
toughness even at very low temperatu- LDPE PE 40 Wide variety of installation methods
res, good chemical resistance, fusionable MDPE PE 80 PE pipes offer the installer all possible
and low price. PE has predominantly HDPE PE 63, PE 80, PE 100 solutions for installation, which can
good resistance against acids and caus- provide considerable time and costs
tic substances. It is insoluble in all organic savings. PE pipes are for example
and inorganic solvents at 20 ˚C. PE is preferred in trenchless and “narrow
destroyed by highly oxidized acids over trenching” installation.
the course of time.
General material
TEL. 7
www.wavinoverseas.com properties
PE Pressure Pipes
General material properties
PE 80 PE 100
Properties Typical Value TypicalValue Unit Test method
Density > 0.93 > 0.95 g/cm3 ISO 1183
Melt flow index MFI 190°C /50N 0.4-1.3 0.4-0.55 g/10 min ISO 1133 cond. 18
Yield stress 22 25 N/mm3 Test rate 125 mm/ min
Elongation at fracture > 800 > 600 %
Bend creep module (1 min. value) 800 840 N/mm2
Crystallite melting range 127-131 127-131 °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 0.20 0.13 mm/m*K
Heat conductivity at 20°C 0.43 0.38 W/m*K
Surface resistance 1013 >1014 Ω
Modulus of elasticity (1 mm/min.) 1200 MPa ISO 527
Linear coefficient of thermal expansion 1.3x10-4 ° K-1 VDE 0304
Specific heat 1.9 J/g ° K Calorimetric at 23 °C
Thermal conductivity 0.38 W/m ° K DIN 52 612 at 23 °C
Min. radius of curvature 25 x dy * at 20°C
*dy = outside diameter of plastic pipe
Environmental technical properties Wavin’s pressure pipes and fittings are tested and approved according to The
Environmental Agency’s demands and found suitable for conducting potable water in
water supply systems.
General material
TEL. 9
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PE Pressure Pipes
General material properties
Low Temperature Usage For design purposes pipe expansion can As a non-conducting material PE should
Site practices do not generally allow pipe be more practically understood if we not be used for the earthing of electrical
laying to continue below 0˚C, however consider the expansion as 1.5mm/10˚C/ equipment nor can it be used as a
there may be instances during installation m. In above ground installations careful conductor for frost protection systems.
or pipeline operation where temperatures consideration should be given to the Similarly PE should not be used where
below 0˚C are encountered. positioning of support brackets and there are high levels of static electricity,
anchor points and the use of fully end eg. in mines.
The mechanical properties of PE, opera- load bearing joints. Where possible
ting pressure and impact resistance are expansion and contraction may be Permeability
maintained at temperatures as low as accommodated at changes of direction. PE pipework for potable water can be
-60˚C and therefore moderate winter Where non-end load bearing fittings are laid in close proximity to PE gas mains.
temperatures do not pose any particular used it is important that such fittings are The presence of naturally occurring gas,
problems to the performance of PE pipe. securely anchored to prevent pipe such as is found in landfill sites, similarly
pullout. has no effect on PE pipework.
Polyethylene is a particularly low thermal
conductor and will delay the freezing of With below ground installations new pipe- Notch sensitivity
water within the pipe. Where the water lines should be allowed to stabilise to Polyethylene is known to be extremely
does become frozen, the flexibility of PE ambient temperatures before making the durable in normal use and it is not
and its ability to expand without rupture final tie-in connections, partial backfilling uncommon for pipes to be scratched and
ensures the security of the pipeline. of the pipe will assist in minimising the scuffed during handling and installation,
effects of direct sunlight. particularly with re-habilitation methods
Expansion & Contraction such as slip lining and mains bursting.
Polyethylene has a co-efficient of linear Electrolytic reaction/ This sort of typical site damage will have
expansion of approximately 1.5 x 10-4˚C-1 Electrical conduction no adverse long-term effect on the pipe
which is approximately 10 times greater Polyethylene is a poor conductor of provided the damage does not exceed
than metallic pipes. Expansion is an electricity and does not suffer from 10% pipe wall thickness. If the damage is
important factor which should therefore electrolytic corrosion when in contact greater than 10% the pipe should not be
be considered in the design of pipelines with metal components (valves etc) or used.
where a significant variation in temperatu- when connected into existing metal
re is expected, particularly above ground pipelines.
55 addition there are point losses caused by 90˚ Long Radius bend 0.020
36 fittings in the system. 45˚ Long Radius bend 0.010
General material
TEL. 11
www.wavinoverseas.com properties
PE Pressure Pipes
Design & Testing
Although a polyethylene pipeline, like any Design for internal TYPE MRS
other pressure system, is primarily pressure PE80 8.0
designed to take the wall stresses produ- The burst pressure of polyethylene pipe is PE100 10.0
ced by the internal pressure of the sys- time dependent and therefore it is neces-
tem, it is important to consider other sary to define the strength of the material Within the classification system develo-
potential loading conditions. This is parti- at a reference lifetime. ped at ISO/CEN, there has also been
cularly true if full benefit is to be made of considerable discussion of the application
the flexibility of the system in the use of The lifetime chosen for this reference of design factors that should be used to
modern installation techniques. value is 50 years - it should be noted that determine the allowable operating pres-
this does not mean that the pipeline will sures (PFA) of a particular plastic pipe
For example, in close-fit insertion or fail after 50 years, as the various safety system. This design factor is applied to
moleplough operations there is a factors that are incorporated into the account for any ‘unknown’ loading or
tendency to score the outside diameter design mean that the actual lifetime will environmental conditions.
of the pipe. Therefore it is essential to be many times greater. In order to gene-
ensure that the pipe has sufficient rate the burst strength of the material at The classification group has recommen-
resistance to the growth of cracks that 50 years, a number of pipe samples are ded minimum values only, which allow
could arise from these external notches. pressure tested to failure at lifetimes the pipeline engineer to use additional
This and many other potential hazards between 10 and 10,000 hours. The factors if difficult conditions exist (eg
are taken into account in the design and results of these tests are graphically or surge, elevated temperature or poor
performance testing of the Wavin range numerically analysed to obtain the mini- ground conditions). For polyethylene
of polyethylene water systems to ensure mum required strength (MRS) at 50 pipeline systems, the recommended
that they have a long and maintenance years. A graphical representation of this design factor is 1.25, which enables the
free service life under design operating process is shown in Figure 4. allowable operating pressure to be calcu-
conditions. In addition to a sound design lated for each system using Lame’s for-
is to be maintained in day-to-day 2t
production. This is best carried out where:
under a third party certification scheme 10 Log Time Hrs 10,000 50 yrs s = Hoop stress MPa
where an external body regularly checks Figure 4. Hydrostatic Pressure Test Curve P = Max. operating pressure bar
test procedures and product D = Outside Diameter mm
performance. Within the CEN and ISO Standards, it is t = Wall thickness mm
recommended that the MRS value is Therefore:
This provides the end user with complete based upon the 97.5% lower confidence s = P (D - 1)
assurance of quality for the product limit obtained by regression analysis, in 2 t
range. At the present time the Wavin accordance with the method outlined in
range of polyethylene water systems are ISO / DTR 9080.2. Now the Standard Dimensional Ratio
manufactured and tested in accordance (SDR) is related to the diameter and wall
with ISO & CEN Standards. Within the Wavin range of polyethylene thickness of the pipe by the formula:
water systems, one basic polymer is SDR = D
included – High Performance t
Polyethylene (PE100). Therefore:
s= P (SDR - 1)
PE80 has a minimum required strength of 2
8MPa while PE100 has a minimum or
required strength of 10MPa as shown in P= 2s
the following table. (SDR - 1)
If this equation is applied to polyethylene When operating a pipeline above 20˚C, it This is particularly true when the pipe is
pipe systems it is possible to calculate is important to allow for the reduction in being inserted into an existing main, or
the allowable operating pressure (PFA) as the strength of the material at elevated where trenchless laying methods are
shown below: temperatures. Within the ISO TC 138 being used. In order to ensure that brittle
SC5 committee some work has been failure will not develop in the short or long
PFA = 2 x MRS carried out to establish the relationship term from these surface notches, it is
(SDR - 1) a between the maximum operating pres- usual to carry out elevated temperature
where: sure and the operating temperature of pressure tests on notched pipe samples.
a = minimum design factor the pipeline. It should be noted that this test is only
This equation gives the stress in MPa. used within the UK, although discussions
For conventional use, and to express the Their recommendations are given in are now taking place within ISO/CEN
pressure in bar rating, the value in MPa is Figure 6. committees for a wider adoption of these
multiplyed by 10. For example: tests.
For PE80: 82 In practice, during installation it is recom-
% Rating
PFA 50
63 mended that pipe with notches up to a
= 2 x 8 x 10 46 maximum of 10% of the wall thickness
(SDR - 1) x 1.25 can be used.
= 128
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
(SDR - 1) Operating T emperature ˚C Fast fracture
For virtually all materials it is possible for a
For PE100: If the temperature falls within this dynamic crack to grow along the pipe
PFA = 2 x 10 x 10 range the life expectancy of the pipe length provided that sufficient energy is
(SDR - 1) x 1.25 can be affected. Please contact the available to overcome the material’s resi-
= 160 Wavin Technical Services Helpdesk stance to crack growth. Fractures of this
(SDR - 1) for further details. type have travelled many kilometres in
welded steel pipelines and are only arres-
In calculating the operating pressure, it is Figure 6. Pressure Reduction Factors for ted by a valve or other pipeline fittings.
normal to round up or down the values to Polyethylene Pipe at Elevated
the nearest useful pressure class. Temperatures Over the past 10 years considerable test
work has been carried out to investigate
It should be noted that the above repre- Notch sensitivity the relevance of this mode of fracture to
sent the maximum operating pressures Many materials may be extremely strong polyethylene pressure pipelines.
for the pipeline and additional considera- in laboratory tests but when they are The conclusions of this work may be
tion may cause engineers to reduce the notched or scored in handling they can summarised as follows:
operating pressure to a lower level. For become very brittle. The classic material
example, on large diameter PE80 pipeli- in this category is glass, which is brittle Crack propagation cannot occur if the
nes where rapid crack propagation may enough to snap along a defined line pipeline is full of water. However, if
be of concern (please refer to the section when it is lightly scored. When laying the pipeline contains 10% or more air
on Fast Fracture). pipelines it is common for the pipe sur- then propagation can occur.
face to become lightly scored.
Cracks will not propagate through fit- Additional design details Elevated temperature test
tings including flanges or electrofu- Yield Strength Samples from all production of pipe from
sion couplers. Therefore the crack PE100 23 N/mm2 PE80 material are notched to 20% of wall
will be limited to one pipe length in PE80 18 N/mm2 thickness at four points around the cir-
these cases. Linear Thermal Co-efficient of cumference and subjected to a wall
Crack propagation canno occur in expansion stress of 4.0MPa (8 bar for SDR 11) at
small diameter pipelines and therefo- PE80 1.5 x 10 -4˚C-1 80˚C for a minimum period of 170 hours,
re only large pipelines need be consi- PE100 1.3 x 10 -4˚C-1 to establish comparative performance
dered: trends in relation to the resistance of the
PE80 - pipe diameter This equates to the following more useful system to failure by stress cracking.
250mm or above. terms: For PE100 material, the notched pipe is
PE100 - pipe diameters PE80 0.15mm/m/˚C subjected to a wall stress of 4.6MPa (9.2
above 500mm. PE100 0.13mm/m/˚C bar for SDR 11). The purpose of this test
The critical pressure at which rapid is to monitor the stress crack resistance
crack propagation will occur is (eg for 1 metre of PE80 pipe its length of the system and to ensure that crack
dependent upon the pipe material increases 0.15mm for every 1˚C rise in growth does not occur in less than the
and the pipe diameter. temperature). required test life represented by the test.
(see Figure 8).
Quality assurance
Continuous performance tests are carried
For fewer than 200 housing For a normal single-family house with tour Calculations
units occupants this gives a design water flow
Here the design water flow (qd) is deter- qmax of: Water consumption/house:
mined using DS 439, the DIF (Danish qmax = 167l / hour = 0,046 l/s
Association of Engineers) code of practi- 400 l/24 hours/pe x 4 (pe) x 2.5
ce for water installations. DS 439 states q max
= 24 Water quantity is calculated for each pipe
that the sum of the predicted water flows = 167 l/hour = 0.046 l/s section for instance:
can be set at 1.6 I/s per housing unit,
which gives a (qd) of 0.36 I/s per unit. Example of design of water A - B: (10 + 15 + 8) houses x 0,046 l/s =
supply pipeline 1,52 l/s
For more than 200 housing
units The example is based upon the following Pressure loss is found by means of the
Here the design water flow (qmax) is deter- data: water flow diagram for PE 80 pressure
mined using DS 442, the DIF code of pipes PN 10, diagram on the next page.
practice for public water supply systems. Pressure at station A is measured at
DS 442 states that qmax can be determi- 3.5 bars (35 m Wat.Col.) Using the pipe dimensions below the fol-
ned from the following formula: PE 80 pipes PN 10 are used as lowing pressure will be available at the
pipeline material consumer in station D:
Formula 1 Maximum daily water consumption
(Qmax )= 400 l/24 hours/pe 35 m Wat.Col. – 13 m Wat.Col. = 22 m
Q max
x ft max
Maximum consumption per hour = Wat.Col. > 20 m Wat.Col. OK
= 2,5 x Q max
Section Quantity of water (l/s) Length (m) Pipe-dimension (mm) Pressure loss Pressure loss of
M Wat.Col./km) section (m Wat.Col.)
A-B 1,52 500 Ø 63 15 7,5
B-C 1,06 650 Ø 63 7 4,6
C-D 0,37 250 Ø 63 3,7 0,9
Sum 13
∆t = T1 - T1 [°C]
Formula 3
PNt = PN x Ct
For most water supply projects the diffe- pressure cannot escape. The risk of All known materials show to a varying
rent individual resistances will normally water hammer may necessitate the degree a tendency to suffer fatigue when
not be calculated. In such a case 2 - 5% installation of devices to minimize the subjected to dynamic forces. Incidences
is added to the frictional loss of the pipe- effect of the pressure waves and will of water hammer will therefore reduce the
line. often require special operating service life of the pipes - the extent of
instructions. such reduction depending upon the com-
High water velocity position of the dynamic forces i.e.:
For projects with much higher water velo- There is ample technical literature
city or projects for which a detailed cal- available on the subject. Comprehensive The duration of the pressure rise
culation of different individual resistances guidance is given on calculation methods The maximum value of the above
is desirable the following formula can be but these are both complicated and compared with the level of the static
used: time-consuming. However, data mean stress
programs have been produced which are The time interval between rises in
Formula 5 able to solve even the most complicated pressure (frequency) etc.
problems. In compiling these programs,
v2 information concerning the special The following permissible pressure rises
∆H = ζ x ––– characteristics of the pump, pressure apply for pressure pipes used in water
head and torque, the valve closure, the supply systems:
2g air valves and various designs of the
longitudinal profile etc. has been inclu- Where pressure rises occur infrequently,
where ∆H = pressure head loss(m) ded. As a result there is a risk of pressure e.g. pressure testing, power failure etc.,
ζ = resistance (number) variations, rates of flow, vibration the permissible maximum pressure may
frequencies, volumes of air valve and exceed the nominal pressure by 50%.
v = velocity (m/s) pressure changes along the pipe line
g = gravity = (9.81 m/s2) as a function of time. For plastic pipes it furthermore applies
that where pressure rises occur frequent-
If the ζ -values of our products are Rapid filling of a pressure pipe line and ly (maximum 106 instances in a 50-year
variations between trapped air masses period) the permissible maximum pres-
required please contact Wavin. may also cause sharp rises in pressure. sure may exceed the nominal pressure
Pipe lines should therefore be designed by 25%, but such pressure rises must
Pressure variations to allow bleeding wherever required and not result in a pressure amplitude higher
filling speeds should be kept low. than 30%.
Water Hammer
Each time the rate of flow in a pipe The speed of the pressure wave depends In case of doubt please contact Wavin.
system changes, a pressure wave is on the pipe material, wall thickness and
created. This can result in such large the substance carried by the pipe.
variations in pressure as to cause a
water hammer, which may exceed the The following pressure wave speed
permissible load on the pipes (force values a [m/s] apply for water carrying
acting upon it). (incl. waste water) Wavin pipes:
Please note: this diagram is for water at 15˚c. and utilises a roghness factor (ks) of 0.003 mm
Please note: this diagram is for water at 15˚c. and utilises a roghness factor (ks) of 0.003 mm
Testing & Pipework must not be tested at Take a further reading of pressure P3
commissioning temperatures in excess of 30˚C. at a decay time of not less than 15tL,
Air valves should be placed at all high this is time t3.
Site pressure testing points in the system. t3c = t3 + 0.4tL
The traditional testing procedures used Data loggers with pressure transdu- Calculate Nz = log Pz - log P3
for most pipeline materials are generally cers should be used to provide a log t3c - log t2c
intended for linearly elastic materials, eg precise analysis of the pressure test
ductile iron and steel, and are not data and can provide the engineer The ratio N2 should again be as those
suitable without modification for visco with an early indication of any identified above. The test sensitivity can
elastic materials such as polyethylene. leakage. be increased by extending the value of
Pipe manufactured from such materials For on site calculations a pocket t3.
exhibit creep and stress relaxation. With calculator is sufficient.
a PE pipe sealed under a test pressure, If an unacceptable leak is indicated,
there will be a reduction in pressure Test procedure all mechanical joints should first be
(pressure decay) due to the visco elastic Upon reaching the test pressure, the checked, followed by checks on any
(creep) response of the material. test section is isolated. Butt or Electrofusion joints.
This will occur even in a leak free system. Pressure loading time is used as the If a further test is necessary, a period
This pressure decay is non-linear in an base reference point,(t1). of at least five times the first test
unrestrained pipe. In view of this charac- A correction factor, 0.4tL, is used to period should elapse before re-
teristic a pressure test has been develo- calculate ratios (N), this accounts for testing. This allows the pipeline to
ped which accounts for the effects of the pipeline beginning to relax during recover from the previous pressurisa-
creep and stress relaxation. the pressurisation period. tion.
Take a first reading of pressure P1 at
t1 where t1 is equal to the pressure Commissioning procedure
loading tL. Corrected value = t1c
t1c = t1 + 0.4tL Upon the successful completion of a
Pressure Take a second reading of pressure test, the remaining pressure in the
P2 at a decay time of 7tL this is time pipeline should be released slowly.
Corrected value = t2c Following successful pressure testing all
t2c = t2 + 0.4tL. new mains, lined or re-furbished, should
Calculate N1 = log P1-log P2 be commissioned in the following manner
Figure 11. Test Pressure Curve log t2c-log t1c and in accordance with any local require-
Test pressures For a pipeline without leaks, N1 should
PE pipe systems could be pressure be: Cleaning and/or swabbing of the
tested up to a maximum of 1.5 times the a) 0.08 to 0.10 for pipes without main
rated pressure of the pipe. However, for constraint (eg sliplined, or not Filling and sterilisation
practical purposes it is usual and may backfilled) Flushing and/or neutralisation
only be necessary to pressure test up to b) 0.04 to 0.05 for pipes with compacted Refilling the main
1.5 times the pipeline working pressure backfill. If the resultant values are Bacteriological sampling
(operating pressure). significantly less than those specified, Acceptance certification
this indicates that there is too great a Introduction of the main into service
Test section preparation volume of air in the pipeline. This air
must be removed before a re-test can
Test in sections of 1000 metres or be satisfactorily carried out.
Pipework should be backfilled, with
joints left exposed at the engineers
The Wavin PE pressure pipe range consists of a wide assortment of pipes available in many diameters, different pressure classes
and a variety of colours.
Wavin PE pipe systems are available in sizes 20 mm - 630 mm.
The small sizes are available on coils. Larger sizes are available in pipe lengths.
PE 80 PE 80 PE 100 PE 100
Yellow Yellow Orange Orange
SDR 17.6 SDR 11 SDR 17 SDR 11
OD wall/weight wall/weight wall/weight wall/weight
32 2,0 / 0,194 3,0 / 0,277 -/- 3,0 / 0,277
40 2,3 / 0,283 3,7 / 0,427 -/- 3,7 / 0,427
50 2,9 / 0,437 4,6 / 0,661 -/- 4,6 / 0,661
63 3,6 / 0,683 5,8 / 1,043 -/- 5,8 / 1,043
75 -/- 6,8 / 1,455 -/- 6,8 / 1,455
90 5,2 / 1,433 8,2 / 2,106 5,4 / 1,447 8,2 / 2,106
110 6,3 / 2,00 10,0 / 3,121 6,6 / 2,150 10,0 / 3,121
125 7,1 / 2,643 11,4 / 4,074 7,4 / 2, 741 11,4 / 4,047
140 -/- -/- 8,3* / 3,439 -/-
160 9,1 / 4,319 14,6 / 6,616 9,5 / 4,485 14,6 / 6,616
180 10,3 / 5,484 16,4 / 8,360 10,7 / 5,671 16,4 / 8,360
200 -/- -/- 11,9* / 6,995 18,2* / 10,308
225 12,8 / 8,488 20,5 / 13,043 13,4 / 8,868 20,5 / 13,043
250 14,2 / 10,475 -/- 14,8 / 10,865 22,7 / 16,039
280 -/- -/- 16,6 / 13,645 -/-
315 17,9 / 16,579 28,6 / 25,443 18,7 / 17,275 28,6 / 25,443
Product range
TEL. 23
PE Pressure Pipes
Product range
Note: Grade V tolerances are in accordance with ISO 11922-1:1997[1] and calculated
from the following formula: (0,1 emin + 0,1) mm, rounded to the next 0,1 mm higher.
Coil dimensions
The smaller PE pipe sizes are available on coil.
Please find below a coil dimensions overview.
Coil Dimensions
OD id od width length weight
20 660 840 190 100 16,7
670 950 250 200 33,4
25 660 880 240 100 21,6
660 1060 240 200 43,2
32 880 1060 210 50 14,3
880 1170 240 100 28,5
880 1330 270 200 57,0
880 1440 300 300 85,5
40 880 1100 260 50 17,8
880 1240 300 100 35,6
880 1380 380 200 71,2
880 1510 420 300 106,8
880 1900 420 500 178,0
50 1000 1280 330 50 22,7
1000 1450 330 100 45,3
1000 1790 330 200 90,6
1000 1710 530 300 135,9
1000 1880 530 400 181,2
1000 2050 530 500 226,5
63 1750 1990 350 50 36,1
1750 2090 410 100 72,1
75 1750 2290 410 100 101,5
Product range
TEL. 25
PE Pressure Pipes
Product range
Wavin products meet the requirements of AII European product standards have a prEN 1452: PVC in water distribution
the relevant international and national uniform structure. They consist of 7 parts prEN 12201: PE in water distribution
standards and regulations with regard to with the following structure: prEN 1555: PE in gas distribution
dimensions, identification, materials and The Wavin range of products is designed
mechanical and physical properties. Part 1: General in such a way that they comply with
Part 2: Pipes these standards. Our commitment to
The relevant standards can primarily be Part 3: Fittings quality and the knowledge that standards
divided into three main groups, as shown Part 4: Valves only include the minimum requirements,
below, Part 5: Fitness for purpose have resulted in internal quality standards
Part 6: Recommended practice for at Wavin, which are more or less above
Norms Committees installation the "Norm level”.
ISO International Organisation for Part 7: Assessment of conformity
Standardisation. Organisation ISO certification
Internationale de Normalisation Plastic products that are used for Wavin Overseas operates under a Quality
underground piping for gas and water Management System, which is accredi-
EN Europäisches Komitee für distribution, are subject to the following ted to EN ISO 9001:2000 by the Dutch
Normung. Comité Européen de standards: Council for Accreditation. We constantly
Normalisation. European strive to enhance this QA-system in order
Committee for Standardisation to improve customer satisfaction.
European product
The harmonisation of European stan-
dards is one of the key achievements of
the common European market. Technical
regulations and national standards are no
longer allowed to restrict the free exchan-
ge of goods and services.
7. Installation
Buried pipework
One of the key strengths of polyethylene Figure 12. Typical Open-Cut Figure 13. Recommended Protection for
is its ability to be fusion welded, either by Trench Detail Shallow Pipes
Butt or Electrofusion. This results in a
continuous, flexible pipe string which can
be easily snaked into pre-dug trenches. The width of the trench should be the Backfilling
Where site conditions permit welding can minimum of pipe O.D. plus 250 mm to Polyethylene is a flexible material and can
be very easily carried out above ground. allow for the correct compaction of side- deform under load without damage. It is
Polyethylene lends itself to a number of fill. The location of cables and pipes from however, important that any deformation
minimum dig and no-dig techniques, other utilities should be identified prior to is minimised and that the placement of
many of which were developed specifi- excavation and generally at least 3 pipe the correct sidefill and initial backfill mate-
cally around PE pipe systems, eg: lengths should be excavated prior to pipe rials is carried out correctly with adequate
installation to allow for obstructions to compaction. A minimum 100 mm cover
Narrow Trenching be avoided. should be placed above the crown of the
Ploughing pipe, with heavy compaction equipment
Moling Polyethylene may in some instances be not being used with less than 300mm
Pipe Bursting laid directly onto the trimmed trench cover. Backfilling can then proceed in
Slip Lining bottom where the soil is uniform, fine 300 mm layers.
Folded PE, lining systems grained and free from large stones and
Directional Drilling flints. Trench backfilling should commence as
soon as possible after pipe laying to give
Conventional open cut In other cases the trench should be the pipe protection from damage from
trenching excavated to a depth to allow for a objects possibly falling into the trench.
Excavation and disposal of waste spoil minimum 100 mm bed of gravel, crushed To protect the pipe from potential future
are major factors in pipe installation. stone or coarse sand. A sand/gravel mix interference damage it is good practice to
Landfill taxes are becoming a significant is also acceptable, provided the gravel is install a marker tape 300 mm above pipe
cost and environmental factors are less than 20 mm insize. crown. Marker tapes can also include
forcing Engineers to look at new a tracer wire to allow future identification
installation methods to minimise the of the pipeline.
disruption and amount of waste spoil
TEL. 29
PE Pressure Pipes
Shallow cover
There may be situations where pipes buckets or chain trenchers, trenches existing pipe is cracked open and the
cannot be laid at the recommended 100mm wider than the pipe being instal- new PE pipe is drawn into the hole cre-
depths of cover. In these situations for led are excavated. Coiled, drummed or ated, and provides either a size for size
highways or traffic areas the pipe should pre-welded pipe strings can be quickly replacement pipe or by use of reamers
be protected by placing a 150mm thick installed. Significant savings can be the original main can be upsized.
reinforced concrete bridging slab above achieved through reductions in less exca-
the pipe. A 150 mm thick granular cus- vated spoil, less imported fill materials The present day hydraulic bursting tools
hion should be placed between the pipe and reduced labour. are capable of cracking out both pipes
crown and concrete, fig. 13 on the pre- and fittings in very demanding situations,
vious page details the typical application. Ploughing techniques and further adaptations are now capable
Developed from agricultural machines of splitting ductile iron and steel mains.
Installation techniques laying land drainage, these machines are
As discussed earlier a number of techni- used for laying cross-country water and With this technique, damage to adjacent
ques have been developed to maximise gas pipelines. utilities plant is possible and therefore
the benefits of using polyethylene, these care is required in the planning and ope-
techniques are briefly discussed below. Pipes are laid with little disruption to the ration of bursting.
land which is quickly reinstated to agricul-
ture. Pipe is installed continuously Moling
through a hollow plough with bed & sur- Moling has become an established no-
round material plus marker tape installed dig method for the installation of small
simultaneously as required. diameter service pipes and mains, and
can give significant cost savings over
Figure 14. Typical Bursting Operation Pipe bursting open-cut trenching. Excavation is limited
This is an ever-increasing method of re- to launch and reception pits and moling
Narrow trenching habilitating an existing pipeline where a is ideally suited for road crossings and
A modification of traditional open-cut non-structural lining method would be installations under expensive paved areas
trenching. Using either narrow backhoe unacceptable. With pipe bursting the and gardens where open-cut trenches
would be very disruptive.
Note: The presence of other services
should be established prior to moling.
Directional drilling
This technique has also become an esta-
blished installation method for PE pipe
and is used for road, rail and river
crossings where open-cut work would be
usually impracticable and prohibitively
Figure 15. Typical Directional Drilling Operation
The hole is bored by either high-pressure PERMISSIBLE GROUTING PRESSURES FOR PE PIPES
liquid jets or with drill bits, and fully Deformation 0% 1% 3% 6%
steerable systems are available by SDR Permissible Grouting Pressure (KN/M2)
monitoring transmitters in the cutting 33 13 12 10 7
head.The operation involves drilling a 26 27 25 20 15
small diameter ‘pilot’ hole beneath the 17 96 88 73 59
obstacle and the final hole size is achie- 11 417 383 317 242
ved by progressively back reaming up to
the diameter required. Figure 16. Permissible Grouting Pressures
The PE pipe (coil or pre-welded string) is
finally pulled through on the last pass.
Experienced contractors are necessary
with this technique to ensure the PE
string is not over stressed on the final pull
Slip lining
The insertion of a smaller diameter PE
pipe, slip-lining, into an existing pipeline is
one of many no-dig techniques for Figure 17. Typical Slip Lining Operation
re-habilitation of ageing pipelines.
With slip-lining there is inevitably a reduc- Two methods rely on physically reducing to reduce its diameter for ease of installa-
tion in pipe bore, although this can be the outside diameter of the liner pipe to tion into the existing main.
minimised by thorough cleaning of the provide a clearance gap for insertion. Lengths of up to 700m can be pulled in,
old main and choosing the largest possi- Both work by either passing the pre- in one operation, and when in place the
ble pipe size for insertion. welded pipe through rollers or a reducing folded pipe is reverted with mains water,
die. The pipe is either re-expanded using to form a close-fitting liner.
The smaller bore is also compensated for water pressure or allowed to recover The technique is particularly effective on
by the greatly improved flow characteris- naturally when the winch load has been small diameter mains, 3 - 12" diameter,
tics of polyethylene and in many cases removed. with the full system comprising termina-
the higher operating pressure capability tion fittings and ferrule connections.
of the new pipe. Wavin have developed and patented their
Pressure grouting of the annular gap own re-habilitation method based on Pipe bending
provides structural rehabilitation of the reducing the liner pipe O.D. by physically One of the major benefits of PE is its
existing pipe and reinforces the overall deforming the pipe into a ‘C’ shape. This flexibility and this can be utilised to full
strength of the new pipe. Grouting may product which is factory formed is known advantage for buried pipework. Gradual
also offer a more economical total instal- as ‘Compact Pipe’ and is available in a changes of direction up to 11.5˚ can
lation by allowing the use of a thinner range of diameters and SDR’s . normally be accommodated by the pipe
walled PE pipe. Consideration should be itself, without the need for additional
given to the resistance of the pipeline to For further details on Compact Pipe fittings and the costs of jointing.
grouting pressures and this will be please contact Wavin.
dependent on pipe SDR and ovality The accepted rule of thumb for Wavin PE
(especially coiled or drummed pipe). Thin wall polyethylene liners pipe systems (warm conditions for SDR
For pipelines, which are still structurally 11 pipe) is, Bend radius = 15 x pipe O.D.
Close Fit insertion methods sound and require rehabilitation for For colder weather and SDR 17 pipe a
A number of methods are available for leakage or water quality problems, thin safe bending radius is 25 x pipe O.D.
the structural lining ofexisting pipes, wall PE liners can provide the solution. In very cold winter temperatures this
maximising the overall cost savings of With SDR’s of 33 - 61 the pipe is either increases to 35 x pipe O.D. Where
using the existing ‘hole in the ground’. factory or site formed into a folded profile thinner walled SDR 26 and SDR 33 pipes
TEL. 31
PE Pressure Pipes
are being used these values should be Pipe entry into structures Contaminated Ground
increased by 50%. Fittings and pipe Pipe entry into rigid concrete or brick- Polyethylene is resistant to most naturally
joints should not be included in bent pipe work structures needs to take account of occurring ground contaminants.
sections; formed bends and elbows a number of design factors and should However, the greater use of previously
should be used instead to prevent undue include: developed land (brownfield sites) is resul-
stresses in the pipeline. ting in a greater potential exposure to
Differential settlement harmful contaminants.
Pipe detection This can usually be accommodated
For future location of PE pipelines and in by the flexibility of the pipe itself and The main concern for potable water
line with good pipe laying practice, the by incorporating a flexible annular pipework is the risk of long term mecha-
simplest and most economical method is seal to the pipe sleeve through the nical damage to the material and of more
to lay a marker tape/ mesh which incor- structure. importance, the contamination may
porates a tracer wire. This should be cause water quality problems, taste and
installed 300mm above the pipe crown Watertight seal odour, due to permeation through the
and also provides protection from any The protective sleeve should provide pipe wall. Former industrial sites pose
future third party damage. both a watertight seal to the structure the greatest problem. Development of the
and to the PE pipe passing through following sites should be carefully
Pipe anchorage & thrust the sleeve. assessed:
A key feature of a welded PE pipeline is In some situations PE pipe may be Coal workings, including coking and
that it is a fully end load resistant system connected to the structure by a rigid town gas production.
and thrust blocks are not required at flanged joint. To prevent undue Chemical works
changes of direction/diameter or stresses through movement and Gas works
branches, providing significant time and settlement, support can be provided Paint and varnish works
cost benefits to the total installed cost of by a reinforced concrete plinth. The Wood plants (preservatives)
the system. It should be remembered plinth should extend one pipe diame- Landfill sites
that any connection to a non-end load- ter or 300mm (min) from the flange Garages/petrol stations
bearing fitting will require anchorage to face, with pipe straps bolted to the
prevent pipe pull-out. plinth. Where there is a known risk of contami-
nation, professional guidance should be
Where heavy ancillary plant is installed on sought on soils analysis to identify the
a PE pipeline, provision should be consi- range and degree of contaminants. The
dered for concrete support. This should analysis can then be used to determine
provide support both for the dead weight the suitability for polyethylene potable
and resist any turning movements under mains and services and whether suitable
operating conditions, eg. valves and hyd- protection can be provided.
In some instances where contamination
is negligible protection can be given with
a clean sand/granular surround and a
heavy gauge polyethylene membrane
lining to the trench. If conditions are such
that the use of polyethylene would not be
suitable, the ‘Trigon’ barrier pipe has
been developed specifically for carrying
potable water through contaminated
land. Further guidance is available from
7.2 Jointing SDR 11 – SDR 11 a Trim the pipe ends until a continuous
Polyethylene pipe systems are relatively SDR 11 – SDR 17 r shaving is seen from each pipe end.
simple to joint and install. Two jointing Site fusion welding methods cover the Remove loose shavings and impor-
methods are available to cater for the single and dual pressure methods. Dual tantly, do not touch the prepared pipe
components that are used to build an pressure welding was introduced as a ends.
operational system. result of investigations into joint quality Close the clamps and check for good
and this procedure should be used for all alignment of the pipe ends, the
Fusion Welded Joints pipes with a wall thickness greater than allowable mismatch is; 90mm-
20mm. Due to the low pressures invol-
a) Butt Fusion 315mm pipe, 1 mm 355mm-630mm
ved in the dual pressure procedure, only
b) Electrofusion pipe, 2 mm Re-trim if mismatch is
fully automatic machines should be used;
Mechanical fittings greater than these values.
manual machines may still be used for
a) Compression fittings Open and close the clamps, noting
single pressure Butt Fusion jointing. The
b) Flanged Joints butt fusion process can be used for join- the gauge pressure to close the
ting PE pipes and fittings in sizes of 90 clamps - This is the drag pressure.
Fusion welding mm and above. In general this jointing The fusion (jointing) pressure is obtai-
Both Butt Fusion and Electrofusion use operation will be carried out to the side of ned by adding the drag pressure to
specialist equipment to carry out field the trench and the complete pipeline then the hydraulic ram pressure given on
jointing. Modern machine developments lowered in. All “in trench” jointing will usu- the machine data plate.
now provide totally automatic jointing, ally be carried out using electrofusion fit- Place the heater plate in the machine,
eliminating the risk of operator error and tings. checking it is clean and undamaged
providing a full record of joint history for and up to temperature, 225˚C -
Quality Assurance of site welding. Equipment required 240˚C.
Butt Fusion machine, inclusive of Close the clamps and apply the pre-
Machinery can be either purchased or trimmer, heater plate and hydraulic viously determined pressure until a
hired from manufacturers and detailed pump. bead of 2-3mm is formed.
product literature is available together 110v Generator, fuel Reduce the pressure in the system to
with familiarisation courses to ensure Welding Tent/Base board between 0 and drag, the heat soak
correct use of the machinery. Pipe support rollers time commences. Ensure the pipes
Operatives should however receive full Clean water, lint free cloths maintain contact with the heater
training. Training is available from Wavin External de-beading tool plate.
either at its Customer Training facility or Bead gauge Upon completion of the heat soak
at the customers premises. For more Pipe end covers time, remove the heater plate and
information, please contact Wavin. Indelible marker pen close the clamps immediately, (within
Pipe cutting tools 10 seconds).
Butt fusion Maintain the required fusion (jointing)
Butt Fusion jointing involves the fusing Note: Wavin Overseas can supply the pressure for the specified cooling
together of two pipe ends in a specialist necessary equipment. period.
machine which prepares the pipe ends, Remove the joint & allow to cool for a
heats them and brings them together Procedures of manual similar period.
under pressure to form a homogeneous butt fusion Clearly mark the joint and bead for
weld. The joint is fully end load resistant identification with an indelible pen.
and is at least as strong as the parent Ensure the pipe ends are clean and if Check the joint is free from any con-
pipe. necessary, wash with clean water tamination, and check the bead
and dry. widths meet the specified limits and
With Butt Fusion it is essential only similar Cut the pipe ends square and clamp are uniform.
grades of PE are welded, eg: securely in the B/F machine. Remove the external bead and twist
PE 100 – PE 100 a Align and level the pipes with pipe in several positions. If the bead splits
PE 100 – PE 80 r support rollers. at any position the joint should be cut
To prevent cooling of the heater plate out and re-made.
and similar SDR’s are used, eg: blank off the free pipe ends.
TEL. 33
PE Pressure Pipes
Additional notes for butt and over the full fusion area. The melt Equipment required
fusion must be adequately controlled within the A number of manufacturers produce E/F
If the heater plate requires cleaning hot and cold zones to ensure a fully wel- control boxes and the ancillary tooling
this should be done when the plate is ded, homogeneous joint. The different required. The correct tooling must be
cold. The plate can be washed with zones of an E/F fitting are shown in used to ensure consistently reliable joints
clean water and lint free cloth and Figure 18. and this may be either purchased or
dried thoroughly. Isopropanol may be hired from the tooling manufacturer or
used to remove any oil or grease. their agents. The site equipment should
Washing the heater plate may not include:
remove very fine dusty particles, Indicator E/F control unit
therefore at the start of each welding 110 volt generator
session a dummy weld should be 3 - 3.5 KVA for 39.5 volt fittings
carried out for pipes up to 180mm in 6 - 7 KVA for 80 volt fittings
diameter. For pipe sizes greater than Zone Jointing shelter
180mm, two dummy welds should be Pipe scraping tool, including mecha-
made. An actual joint need not be nical scrapers for pipe end prepara-
made, the dummy weld can be abor- Zones tion and hand scrapers for saddle
ted at the end of the heat soak Figure 18. Cross section through an joints
period. Pipe offcuts may be used. Electrofusion Coupler Pipe cutting tool
In very cold conditions, below 5˚C, Marker pen, solvent wipes, lint free
additional space heating must be Automatic & manual fittings cloths/paper towels
provided in the fusion welding tent to Many manufacturers now offer Automatic
maintain the required minimum and Manual fittings and it is important to Note: Wavin Overseas can supply the
ambient temperature for welding. ensure the E/F control unit is compatible necessary equipment.
Electrofusion "wet wipes" should not with the fittings being used. Most control
be used after the pipe ends have units can be operated in both Automatic Principles of EF Jointing
been trimmed, if any contamination and Manual mode. Pipe ends must be cut
does occur the pipe ends should be square and de-burred.
re-trimmed. Saddle Fittings (Tapping If necessary clean the pipe ends with
Tees) clean water and dry.
Electrofusion The style of saddle fittings available; Clearly mark the depth of entry, plus
Electrofusion fittings incorporate an elec- clamp saddles 25 mm, around the pipe circumferen-
trical heating element which is energised ce. Use the fitting as a guide, without
via an E/F control box to heat the These provide a service connection to removing from its sealed bag at this
elements. polyethylene mains. stage.
Using the mechanical pipe-scraping
When the fitting is energised the material With clamp saddles the jointing force is tool, remove the entire pipe surface
next to it becomes molten and in turn provided by a clamp device, located over the marked area in a continuous
causes the pipe surface to melt, resulting beneath the fitting and pulls the fitting ribbon of material if possible.
in a molten pool of material fusing the down onto the pipe.
materials of fitting and pipe. NOTE: Do not touch the cleaned scraped
Once cooled this produces a fully fused surface.
and leak free joint.
Mechanical scrapers are preferred over
Electrofusion fitting design hand scrapers as skill and practice is
The design of an E/F fitting is crucial to required with hand scraping and can be
its performance and is dependent on the quite time consuming for larger diameter
position and pitch of the heating coil. pipes.
The heat distribution should Remove the fitting from its bag,
be consistent throughout the fusion cycle check it is clean and undamaged,
Attach the control unit leads, check low installation costs owing to simple and
the generator has sufficient fuel and quick assembly. Compression jointing
commence the fusion cycle following can be loaded immediately after assem- Figure 19. Cross Section through an
the control unit instructions for the bly. It is sealed with elastomeric ele- Elastomeric Ring Seal
type of fitting being used. ments. Typical applications are domestic
Check the melt indicators have risen, lines in drinking water supply, irrigation a polyethylene stub flange.
these indicate the fitting has been systems, telecommunication applications, Stub flanges are supplied pre-fabricated
energised and has completed a water supply at construction sites and with either spigot or pupped pipe lengths
fusion cycle. sprinkler systems. There are numerous and steel backing ring, drilled to suit
Allow the joint to cool for the required manufacturers of compression fittings metric PN16 flanges. Other flange dril-
time, full fusion details are given on suitable for use with polyethylene pipe, lings are available upon request.
each fitting. they are all based on the same design As polyethylene pipe is sized on the O.D.
principle where an elastomeric ring seal is and Ductile Iron, for example, is sized by
Additional notes for compressed between pipe and fitting. its internal bore, allowances must be
electrofusion Some fittings require the use of pipe bore made for differences in pipe bore and
Jointing must always be carried out in inserts to provide sufficient rigidity for the discrepancies in corresponding mating
dry and dust free conditions. compression seal to be effective. flanges. This occurs more with larger dia-
Do not use rasps/files or abrasive Wavin offers polypropylene compression meter pipes and a flange converter will
sheets to prepare pipe ends. fittings, which offer exceptional joint secu- be required in these instances to ensure
Always use the correct clamps for rity for metric OD PE pipes and form a compatibility of pipe bores.
jointing. seal without distorting the pipe or restric-
When jointing coiled pipe, additional ting the pipe bore. Flange convertor
re-rounding and pipe straightening Where a change in pipe bore is not
tooling should be used to assist in the Flanged joints acceptable, a steel flange converter can
process. One of the simplest and earliest methods be used to maintain a clear bore, the dia-
Do not extend control unit leads to for connecting PE pipe to valves, hyd- gram below shows a typical flange confi-
the fittings and ensure the lead rants and existing pipe materials is to use guration for a 450mm PE stub flange to a
between generator and control unit is 400mm D.I. flange.
not excessive as an unacceptable
power drop can be created. TYPICAL BOLTING TORQUES (PE TO PE)
If the fusion cycle stops in mid-cycle Pipe Nominal Bolts Torque (nm)
first check for any control unit faults. Diameter Flange ± 10%
Check for fuel. If the fault can be 63 (mm) 50 (mm) M16 x 4 35
rectified, welding can recommence 90 (mm) 80 (mm) M16 x 8 35
providing the joint has cooled to 125 (mm) 100 (mm) M16 x 8 35
ambient temperature and the fusion 180 (mm) 150 (mm) M20 x 8 60
time is re-set for a further full cycle. 225 (mm) 200 (mm) M20 x 12 80
For live connections, tapping into the 250 (mm) 250 (mm) M24 x 12 100
water main should be carried out 315 (mm) 300 (mm) M24 x 12 120
after all joints have cooled for a 355 (mm) 350 (mm) M24 x 16 150
minimum of 30 minutes. 400 (mm) 400 (mm) M27 x 16 200
Where E/F couplers are to be used 450 (mm) 450 (mm) M27 x 20 250
for repair situations the existing main 500 (mm) 500 (mm) M35 x 20 300
should be completely dry with no
running water. Figure 20. Typical Bolting Torques
TEL. 35
PE Pressure Pipes
Table 9
A torque wrench should also be used to tighten a flanged joint with flat gaskets. Bolts should always be cross-tightened.
TEL. 37
PE Pressure Pipes
Flange dimensions
TEL. 39
PE Pressure Pipes
Laying Instructions
8. Laying instructions
European standard EN 1452-6 “Plastic Sharp flints or other crushed material 1) The longitudinal profile should be
piping systems for water supply” guidan- must not be employed projected with a slight upward incline
ce for installation applies for the laying of for ventilation purposes.
pressure pipes. The back fill must conform with the requi- 2) A form of ventilation (manual -
rements placed upon it by the type of automatic) should be installed in all
The standard lays down that a pipeline construction (road, pavement or the like) summits - correct installation of
should be located at such a distance above the pipeline. ventilation: In the direction of flow a
from other pipelines and installations that little below exact summit.
it causes no damage to these and allows The standard states that the soil covering 3) Barring procedures should be
the repair of other installations. Reference (hd) must not be less than 0.6 m where established enabling pressure testing
should be made to the standard for the the pipeline will be exposed to traffic of the line by stages.
distances in question. load, unless special measures are taken. 4) It should be possible to connect a fil-
In view of the requirement that pipelines ter socket in the lowest point and
Requirements are also attached to the are laid in frost-free soil, pipelines ventilation (air escape) in the summit
design of the pipe trench. carrying, e.g. potable water, are normally to the starting and end points of the
laid with a 1.1 m soil cover. line respectively.
The levelling layer must be laid or 5) Bends, tees, reducers, valves, end
loosened and subsequently levelled so Pressure testing caps etc. should be anchored for the
that the pipes are evenly supported. increased testing pressure.
Pressure testing of PE 6) The demands placed by the owner on
The side fill layer must provide adequate pressure lines possible pressure testing should
side support for the pipes and it is It is possible to pressure test a PE appear from the project description
therefore important that this layer is pressure line, before it is put into service enabling the contractor to take the
compacted, e.g. by stamping with the (taken over by the client). necessary measures for pressure
foot. testing.
Pressure testing is carried out according 7) Choice of pipe and fitting material
The materials employed for the levelling to DS 455. If pressure testing is reques- should be made under reference to
layer and the side tilt must meet the ted, it should form part of the project, EN1555/12201/1452
following criteria: and here the following conditions should
be observed: When the above conditions have been
The particle size must not exceed fulfilled the next step is the practical
16 mm accomplishment of the job, and here the
The content of particles of between following points may contribute to pro-
8 and 16 mm must not exceed 10% blem-free pressure testing:
The material must not be frozen
Correct transport, storage and hand-
ling of pipes and fittings
Correct excavation, laying, filling and
Correctly used jointing components
and methods
Laying Instructions
TEL. 41
PE Pressure Pipes
9. Anchorage
p = 9 bar
Figure 30. Diagram of anchorage of
N1 = 3.15 according to table of reducer
the previous page
TEL. 43
PE Pressure Pipes
Example of anchorage of
- Ø 200/110 reducer
- Testing pressure (maximum pressure) 9
π x (2002 - 1102) x 9
104 x 4
N = 19.72 kN
hx σ earth
0.2 x 200
b = 0.49 m
Figure 34
Small-diameter pipes can easily be
carried without the use of auxiliary
Figure 35
Figure 32. Pipes should be handled and Do not drag the pipes across the ground
stored in bundles as delivered and avoid sharp edges.
from Wavin for as long as
Vehicles for transporting pipes should be
selected in such a way that the pipes lie Figure 36
completely on the floor of the vehicle, Small-diameter pipes can be manually
without jutting out of the vehicle. Sagging placed in the trench.
is to be prevented. Impacts are to be
avoided under all circumstances,
particularly at temperatures near the
freezing point. To protect the pipes and
fittings from damage, they should not
grind against the load area of the vehicle Figure 37
or against the floor of the vehicle during Pipes in larger diameter may necessitate
transportation. Pipes and fittings should slings. Always use at least 2 slings.
be loaded and unloaded with extreme
caution and care. If hoists are used, then
pipe components may not be thrown
from the vehicle into the storage area.
Figure 38
Larger diameters may necessitate a
special lifting bar.
11. Notes
TEL. 47
PE Pressure Pipes
TEL. 49
Wavin PE Pressure Product and
Pipe Systems Technical Guide
These include:
Above Ground Projects
Wavin Soil & Waste Systems
Wavin Rainwater Systems
Wavin Electrical Conduit Systems
Plumbing & Heating Projects
Wavin Hot & Cold Water Systems
Wavin Underfloor Heating Systems
Below Ground Projects
Wavin Sewer Systems
Wavin Inspection Chambers & Manholes
Wavin Road Gullies
Wavin Stormwater Infiltration Systems
Wavin Cable Duct Systems
Wavin Land Drainage
Pressure Pipe Projects
Wavin PE Pressure Systems
Wavin operates a programme of continual product development, and therefore reserves the right to modify or amend
Wavin PVC Pressure Systems the specification of their products without notice. All information in this publication is given in good faith, and believed to
be correct at the time of going to press. However, no responsibility can be accepted for any errors, omissions or incor-
Wavin Pipe Relining Systems rect assumptions. Users should satisfy themselves that products are suitable for the purpose and application intended.