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Startup, Taxi and Takeoff: @night: Turn On Flood Light

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Startup, Taxi and Takeoff (DCS A-10C v1.1.0.

Initiate electrical power 1. Right console → Electrical Panel → BATTERY switch: PWR (up position)
@Night: Turn on Flood Light
2. Right console → Electrical Panel → INVERTER switch: STBY (up position)
→ Electrical power running
Test caution and 1. Test cockpit indication lights
warning systems, Left console → Auxiliary Lighting (AUX LTG) Panel → press and hold LAMP TEST button
activate oxygen supply
2. Test fuel indicator: Front dash → press and hold TEST IND button
→ Both needles point to ~3000 lbs, digital totalizer readout: ~5900 lbs
3. Right console → Oxygen Regulator Panel → Oxygen SUPPLY switch: ON
→ Oxygen flow indicated in the FLOW window
4. Test the oxygen remaining indicator: Hold OXY IND TEST (Oxygen Indicator Test) button
→ OXY LOW caution light flashing when indication < 0,5l
Power the radios Left console →
1. VHF/AM Frequency Mode Dial: TR (left position)
2. VHF/FM Frequency Mode Dial: TR (left position)
3. UHF Radio Function Dial: MAIN (up position)
Initiate engine start 1. Close canopy to minimize the noise
sequence Right console → Canopy Control Switch: Right click and hold (LCTRL+C)
2. Provide power to boost pumps of left/right wing tanks and left/right fuselage tanks
Left console → Fuel System Control Panel →
Boost Pumps Left Wing switch: ON (up position)
Boost Pumps Right Wing switch: ON (up position)
Boost Pumps Main Fuselage Left switch: ON (up position)
Boost Pumps Main Fuselage Right switch: ON (up position)
3. Start APU: Left console → Throttle Panel → APU switch: START (up position)
→ Monitor front dash → EMI Panel → APU EGT and RPM gauges
→ Wait until APU EPM @100%!
4. Right console → Electrical Panel → APU GEN (Generator) switch: PWR (up position)
→ APU generator powers aircraft and relieves battery drain
5. Right console → Electrical Panel → Left AC Generator Power: PWR (up position)
Right AC Generator Power: PWR (up position)
Request startup from 1. Tune VHF-AM radio to ATC frequency
2. Broadcast on VHF-AM: HOTAS Mic Switch FORWARD (LALT+NUM+)
3. Main → ATCs... (F5) → <AIRFIELD> (FX) → Request startup (F3)
Crank up left engine 1. Left throttle from OFF to IDLE (RALT+POS1)
2. Monitor EMI panel
→ APU GEN caution light starts flashing once left engine is at ~50% core fan RPM
→ APU GEN no longer providing power to the aircraft systems and can be switched off:
Right console → Electrical Panel → APU GEN switch: OFF
→ Core fan RPM stabilizes at ~60%
→ Left Hydraulic system pressure normalizes between 2800 and 3350 PSI
Power up CDU and EGI 1. Right console → CDU power switch: ON (up position)
2. Right console → EGI power switch: ON (up position)
→ Automated BIT begins
Crank up right engine 1. Right throttle from OFF to IDLE (RCTRL+POS1)
2. Monitor EMI panel
→ Core fan RPM stabilizes at ~60%
→ Right Hydraulic system pressure normalizes between 2800 and 3350 PSI
Flight controls check Check
• stick/rudder input: rudder left (Y) / rudder right (X)
• speedbrakes: extract (LCTRL+B) / retract (LSHIFT+B)
• flaps: extract (F) / retract (LSHIFT+F)
Turn off APU Left console → Throttle Panel → APU switch: OFF
Uncage SAI Front dash → Turn left SAI cage knob (Hold RMB and move mouse up/down or rotate scroll
Once uncaged, roll the wheel back to set SAI aircraft indicator level on the horizon
Change HUD mode @Night: Front dash → AHCP → HUD Mode switch: NIGHT (down position)
Turn on CICU and 1. Front dash → AHCP → CICU switch: ON (up position)
2. Left MFCD → Power knob: DAY (up position)
@Night: Left MFCD → Power knob: NT (middle position)
3. Right MFCD → Power knob: DAY (up position)
@Night: Right MFCD → Power knob: NT (middle position)
→ MFCDs turned on and showing DTS page
Initiate IFFCC BIT 1. Front dash → AHCP → IFFCC switch: TEST (middle position)
Set up flight control 1. Set left and right Yaw and Pitch SAS channels to ON
systems Left console → SAS panel →
1. Yaw SAS Engage Left switch: ON (up position)
2. Yaw SAS Engage Right switch: ON (up position)
3. Pitch SAS Engage Left switch: ON (up position)
4. Pitch SAS Engage Right switch: ON (up position)
2. Left console → SAS panel → press and hold T/O TRIM button
Upload data from the Left MFCD → OSB-10 (LOAD ALL)
data cartridge → MFCDs busy until asterisks reappear
Leave IFFCC test mode Front dash → AHCP → IFFCC switch: ON (up position)
Activate JTRS Front dash → AHCP → JTRS switch: ON (up position)
→ JTRS provides power to the SADL
Prepare 1. Right console → CMSP panel → CMSP mode switch: STBY (left position)
2. Turn on four system select switches:
Missile Warning System (MWS): ON (middle position)
Electronic Countermeasure Jammer (JMR): ON (middle position)
Radar Warning Receiver (RWR): ON (middle position)
Countermeasure Dispenser (DISP): ON (middle position)
Turn on anti-skid and Front dash → ANTI-SKID switch: ON (up position)
pitot tube heating
Right console → Environmental Control Panel → Pitot Tube Heating: ON (up position)
Arm ejection seat Click yellow seat arm handle
Select MFCD pages View TAD page on left MFCD: Left MFCD → OSB-15 (TAD)
View CDU page on right MFCD: Right MFCD → OSB-13 (CDU)
Turn on NWS Press HOTAS Pinky Button (EINFG)
→ STEERING ENGAGED indicator lights up
Calibrate altimeter Set altimeter to airfield elevation
Front dash → Altimeter → rotate Pressure Set Knob as desired
Set IDs (optional) Enter TAD Network Configuration Page: Left MFCD → OSB-10 (NET)
Enter OID in UFC scratchpad followed by OSB-7 (OWN ID)
Enter GID in UFC scratchpad followed by OSB-8 (GRP ID)
Switch to EGI mode Wait until INS fully aligned
→ CDU displaying “T= 4.0 0.8” and flashing “INS NAV RDY”
Right MFCD → OSB-9 (NAV)
Right console → AAP panel → STEER PT switch: FL. PLAN (left position)
→ Flight route appears on the TAD
Switch from HARS to EGI mode: Front dash → NMSP → press EGI button
→ FPM and VVI are displayed, arming of EAC now possible
Switch on EAC and Left Console → LASTE panel → EAC switch: ARM (up position)
radar altimeter
Left Console → LASTE panel → Radar altimeter switch: NRM (up position)
Request taxi to runway 1. Broadcast on VHF-AM: HOTAS Mic Switch FORWARD (LALT+NUM+)
from ATC
2. Main → ATCs... (F5) → <AIRFIELD> (FX) → Request taxi to runway (F1)
Turn on lights for taxiing Nosegear Main headlight: Front dash → Lights switch: TAXI (down position)
Lights according to panel: Throttle Pinkie switch AFT (LCTRL+P)
Right console → Position Lights switch: FLASH (up position)
Taxi Taxi to the active runway
Holding Short Come to a stop at the holding point
Request take-off from ATC
1. Broadcast on VHF-AM: HOTAS Mic Switch FORWARD (LALT+NUM+)
2. Main → ATCs... (F5) → <AIRFIELD> (FX) → Request takeoff (F1)
Lining Up Turn onto the active runway
Set flaps to MVR (7-degrees): (F)
Set takeoff lights
• Nosegear Main headlight: Front dash → Lights switch: TAXI (down position)
• Lights according to panel: Throttle Pinkie switch AFT (LCTRL+P)
• Right console → Lights panel → Formation Lights dial: ON
• Right console → Lights panel → Position Lights switch: STEADY (down
• Right console → Lights panel → Anti-Collision Lights switch: ON (up position)
0 knots Final checks. Ensure the following:
• Front dash → ANTI-SKID switch: ON (up position)
• Right console → Environmental Control Panel → Pitot Tube Heating: ON (up
• Flaps to MVR (7-degrees)
Optional: Hold down wheel brakes (press and hold W)
Increase throttle to 85% core RPM
Check caution lights panel for abnormalities
Begin to roll at max engine power
• Optional: Release wheel brakes (let go W)
• Advance throttles to MAX
< 50 knots Use NWS to maintain aircraft on runway center
~50 knots Disable NWS (EINFG), because the rudders are now effective
VR (~120 knots) “Rotate” (the aircraft's nosewheel leaves the ground)
Raise nose to ~10 degrees pitch on the ADI
Raise landing gear (G) at positive rate of climb
→ Landing gear horn will sound while landing gear is in transition
V3 (~170 knots) Raise flaps (LSHIFT+F)
180 knots Adjust pitch angle to maintain 180 KIAS (“good average climb speed”)
→ Below 160 KIAS: reduce climb rate to avoid a stall

In order to achieve greater realism, the speeds for rotation (VR) and flaps retraction (V3) can be
determined using charts.
Homing in on a Select TCN navigation mode: Front dash → NMSP → press TCN button
TACAN ground
Set desired TACAN channel (Right dash → TACAN panel):


1 Batumi 16X BTM -... - --
2 Senaki 31X TSK - ... -.-
3 Kobuleti 67X KBL -.- -... .-..
4 Kopitnaryi 44X KTS -.- - ...
5 Vaziani 22X VAS ...- .- ...

1. Set tens channel digit: roll mouse wheel up/down over left channel selector knob
2. Change function of right channel selector knob to “value select”:
right-click right channel selector knob
3. Set ones channel digit: roll mouse wheel up/down over right channel selector knob
Power up TACAN receiver:
Right dash → TACAN panel → Mode dial: T-R (Transmit-Receive) (up position)

TACAN station outside operative range TACAN station within operative range (~110 NM)
→ TACAN receiver doesn't receive a signal → HSI Bearing Pointer 1 needle indicates
→ HSI Bearing Pointer 1 needle spinning bearing to selected TACAN station
clockwise → HSI-range indicator indicates the range
→ ID of TACAN station is transmitted in Morse

Adjust TACAN volume: Right dash → TACAN panel → roll mouse wheel up/down over Volume knob
• Volume up: roll mouse wheel up
• Volume down: roll mouse wheel down
If TACAN approach desires a particular heading, turn HSI Set Course knob to desired course.
→ HSI CDI and ADI Steering Bar will indicate steering commands for the set course toward the
TACAN station
Navigate to Access CDU DIVERT page
destination 1. Right MFCD → OSB-13 (CDU)
airfield using GPS 2. Open CDU NAV page: UFC → FUNC, 2 (NAV)
component of the 3. Right MFCD → OSB-10 (DIVERT)
EGI → lists the four closest airbases with their corresponding bearing, range and TTG programmed in
the CDU as selectable waypoints
Set specified airbase as steerpoint: press OSB-xx
→ HUD → navigation data block now indicates range and TTG to airbase
Set VHF/AM radio to ATC radio frequency of airbase
(airbase's ATC radio frequency is displayed in the TWR line of CDU FLDINFO (Field Info) page)
1. Set first two digits of the frequency: left/right-click Frequency Selector 1st dial
2. Set third digit of the frequency: left/right-click Frequency Selector 2nd dial
Set up ILS panel (Right console → ILS panel) for approach
→ ILS is a ground-based precision approach system
→ ILS beacons operate at specific frequencies that need to be tuned to by the approaching aircraft
1. Configure the ILS receiver to the airfield's ILS frequency
• Change the MHz-value: roll mouse wheel over left frequency wheel
• Change the kHz-value: roll mouse wheel over right frequency wheel
2. Power up ILS receiver: right-click left frequency wheel
Check in with approach and call flight inbound
1. Open VHF/AM radio menu: HOTAS Mic Switch FORWARD (LALT+NUM+)
2. Select ATC Radio Page (F5)
3. Select XXX Approach (FX)
4. Call inbound (F1)
5. Receive the vector to Final Approach Fix from ATC
6. Exit the radio menu (ESC)
Navigate to Final Approach Fix (~10nm off the runway) as directed by ATC
1. Make a turn to heading transmitted by ATC
2. Descend to pattern altitude (generally between 2000 and 3000 ft. AGL)
Set HSI Course to runway heading to get correct CDI indication for final approach
(runway heading can be deduced by the runway ID, e.g. runway 13 has a heading of ~130)
1. Roll mouse wheel over HSI COURSE SET knob and set needle to correct value
Scale TAD map in/out to see airbase steerpoint on the map
1. Make TAD SOI: Left MFCD → OSB-15 (TAD)
2. Zoom in: HOTAS DMS UP (POS1)
Set HUD as SOI: HOTAS Coolie Hat UP (U)
Hit approach fix Hit approach fix at ~2500 ft. and ~230 KIAS
1. CDI needle on the HSI begins to move down toward the course needle
2. Turn toward the runway to keep the two needles aligned to pick up the glideslope along
the runway heading
3. As you turn, bleed off speed to below 200 kts, extend landing gear and flaps for landing
Select ILS Mode: Front Dash → NMSP → press ILS mode button
ABLE/STOW ADI Localizer Bar switch: ABLE (left position)
→ far from the runway: red Glideslope Warning Flag on ADI, not currently receiving ILS signal
→ near the runway: flag stowed and GDI needle appearing
→ ILS guides approaching aircraft to the runway using vertical (glideslope) and horizontal (localizer)
radio signals
Once ILS signal is picked up by the ILS receiver, the Glideslope Deviation Indicator will appear on
the ADI
→ Center this needle by gaining or losing altitude
→ Pitch steering bar appears on the ADI for precise pitch control down the glidepath
→ Bank steering bar appears on the ADI for precise directional control
Once established Set the aircraft to landing configuration
on the glidepath – • Flaps to DN (down) position (F 2x)
final approach • Lower landing gear (LSHIFT+G)
Fly the aircraft precisely down the glidepath toward the runway's touchdown point

Use AoA Indexer to maintain an onspeed approach, around 120 kts:

• ^ : speed too fast
• o : proper speed
• v : speed too low
Use PAPI lights system, if available on airfield:
• assists pilot in maintaining glideslope during final approach
• consists of four lights lined up horizontally near the runway threshold
• goal is to see two red and two white lights going from left to right
◦ more red: below glideslope
◦ more white: above glideslope

Request landing clearance

• Open VHF/AM radio command menu: HOTAS Mic Switch FORWARD (LALT+NUM+)
• Request permission to land (F1)
• Exit menu (ESC)
Touchdown Use the rudder (X/Y) to keep aircraft running down center of runway
Engage wheel brakes (press and hold W)
Speed < 70 kts Engage NWS: HOTAS Pinky Button (EINFG)
Taxi Taxi off the runway
Shutting down the Set ANTI-SKID Switch and Pitot Tube Heat Switch to OFF
aircraft 1. Front dash → ANTI-SKID switch: OFF (down position)
2. Right console → Environmental Control Panel → Pitot Tube Heating: OFF (down position)
Turn off ILS receiver: Right console → ILS panel → right-click left frequency wheel
Turn off IFFCC and CICU
1. Front dash → AHCP → IFFCC switch: OFF (down position)
2. Front dash → AHCP → CICU switch: OFF (down position)
Turn off left and right MFCDs
1. Left MFCD → DAY/NIGHT/OFF knob: OFF (down-right position)
2. Right MFCD → DAY/NIGHT/OFF knob: OFF (down-right position)
Turn off Countermeasures system
Right console → CMSP panel → CMSP mode switch: OFF (down-left position)
Retract Flaps to UP position (LSHIFT+F 2x)
Turn off EGI and CDU
1. Right console → EGI power switch: OFF (down position)
2. Right console → CDU power switch: OFF (down position)
Spool down engines
1. Spool down left engine (RALT+ENDE)
→ Monitor EMI panel: Safe spool down to 0 core speed RPM / ITT below 200 deg
2. Spool down right engine (RCTRL+ENDE)
→ Monitor EMI panel: Safe spool down to 0 core speed RPM / ITT below 200 deg
Turn off inverter and battery switch
1. Right console → Electrical Panel → INVERTER switch: OFF (middle position)
2. Right console → Electrical Panel → BATTERY switch: OFF (down position)
Turn off radios
1. Left console → VHF/AM Frequency Mode Dial: OFF (down-left position)
2. Left console → VHF/FM Frequency Mode Dial: OFF (down-left position)
3. Left console → UHF Radio Function Dial: OFF (up-left position)
Use of AN/AAQ-28 LITENING-II AT targeting pod (TGP)

• used to conduct visual target search and designation for weapons delivery at long ranges in
day and night time conditions
• needs to be equipped (on either station 2 or 10)
• best used above 10.000ft. to take advantage of its sight range

Provide power to TGP Front dash → AHCP → TGP switch: ON (up position)
→ Takes a while to boot up, enters STBY mode when ready to use
Prepare use of TGP Select TGP page: Right MFCD → OSB-15 (TGP)
Select A-G page: Right MFCD → OSB-2 (A-G)
→ TGP is now in A-G mode and displaying video
• Brackets indicate visible area in NFOV mode
• To the right of the crosshairs is the Yardstick which indicates the ground distance
covered by the right half of the crosshair
• Bottom-right corner indicates slant range to the center of the crosshairs
• Upper-right corner indicates the North Arrow which is stabilized to the ground plane
and indicates bearing due North
• Top-left corner indicates current FOV and zoom level
• Bottom of the display indicates current location coordinates
• Bottom-left corner indicates Attitude Reference Symbol and clock
Set TGP as SOI: HOTAS Coolie Hat RIGHT long (hold K)
Change TGP settings Select TGP Control page: Right MFCD → OSB-1 (CNTL)
Change TGP settings as desired

• Select coordinate system for current location indication: OSB-7

◦ LL: lat/long e.g. N42 25.559 E042 31.812
◦ MGRS: e.g. 38T KN 97681 00884
• Toggle latch setting: OSB-8 (LATCH)
◦ LATCH ON: Laser will be switched on and off with each press of the button
◦ LATCH OFF: When laser is fired manually by pressing HOTAS NWS button
(EINFG), it will only fire as long as the button is pressed down
• Toggle Yardstick unit: OSB-9
◦ METRIC: meters (m), displayed as “xxM”
◦ U.S.: feet (ft), displayed as “xxF”
• Enter LSS Code: OSB-17 (LSS)
◦ Enter 4-digit laser code in UFC scratchpad followed by OSB-17
→ This laser code will be searched for when in laser spot search (LSS) mode
• Enter Laser Designation Code: OSB-18 (L)
◦ Enter 4-digit laser code in UFC scratchpad followed by OSB-18
Default laser code: 1688
• Change Advisory Alert altitude: OSB-20 (TAAF)
◦ Enter altitude value (in feet) in UFC scratchpad followed by OSB-20
◦ Enter altitude value “0” to disable TAAF
→ CHECK ATTITUDE warning message appears on both MFCDs if …
◦ TGP is on at least one MFCD
◦ [AND] aircraft flies below preselected altitude
◦ [AND] aircraft exceeds pitch/roll limits
(bank angle ≥ 75° AND pitch ≤ 0°) OR (pitch ≤ -20°)
Return to A-G mode: Right MFCD → OSB-1 (RTN)
Slew the pod around Move the LOS: HOTAS Slew Control switch ( , . - ö )
→ HUD/TAD: TGP LOS diamond moves to indicate its position over the terrain
→ Situation Awareness Cue on TGP display (small square dot) indicates TGP LOS to either
side and down relative to the nose of the aircraft
→ Once slewing is stopped, TGP enters AREA track mode
Slew TGP to boresight: HOTAS China Hat AFT (C)
Slew TGP to steerpoint: HOTAS China Hat AFT long (hold C)
Configure view options Toggle tracking mode: HOTAS TMS UP (LCTRL+UP)
• AREA tracking mode
Pod is tracking a general area picture and not any individual object
• POINT tracking mode
Pod is tracking a specific object, including a moving one
→ If tracking is lost due to masking or other LOS obstructions, AREA and POINT tracking
modes are discontinued and replaced by INR A or INR P modes
• NARO (NFOV): Narrow FOV
• WIDE: Wide FOV
Zoom the video picture
• Zoom in: press and hold HOTAS DMS UP (POS1)
• Zoom out: press and hold HOTAS DMS DOWN (ENDE)
Select one of three live video modes
• CCD (daytime): HOTAS Boat Switch CENTER (RALT+DOWN)
• FLIR (usable day and night)
◦ BHOT black-hot FLIR: HOTAS Boat Switch AFT (RALT+LEFT)
• LSS/LST to track a laser designator from another source on the ground or in the air
→ Top-right corner indicates current video mode (WHOT/CCD/BHOT)
Set level and gain (FLIR video modes only)
• Toggle level/gain: OSB-18 (LVL/GAIN)
• Decrease value: OSB-19 (↓) min. 0L / 0G
• Increase value: OSB-20 (↑) max. 8L / 8G
Toggle Laser Spot Search Mode: OSB-6 (LSS)
• When LSS operation starts, TGP will be searching for a laser designation to track
→ “LSRCH” displayed in lower center of the display
• When a laser energy reflection has been detected, OSB label will change from
“LSS” to “LST” to indicate Laser Spot Track
→ “DETECT” displayed in lower center of the display
→ TGP line of sight will automatically slew to the detected laser reflection
• After 1 second, a box (container) measuring the size of the tracking gate will
overlay the laser energy spot
→ “LTRACK” displayed in lower center of the display
Select designator: OSB-7
• LSR: Laser
• IR: Infrared Pointer
• BTH: Both Laser and IR Pointer simultaneously
Designate target Choose a target and initiate either AREA or POINT track
• Set this point as SPI: HOTAS TMS UP long (hold LCTRL+UP)
• Create mark point at this location: HOTAS TMS RIGHT (LCTRL+RIGHT)
→ Mark point is stored in the CDU database
• Laser-/IR-designate target HOTAS NWS button (EINFG)
→ Flashing “L”: Laser active
→ Flashing “P”: IR Pointer active
→ Flashing “B”: Both Laser and IR Pointer active
→ “M” on TGP display indicates a masking obstruction. Tracking may not be possible in this
case. Turn nose more on-target.
Attack using GAU-8/A Avenger 30mm gun
Configure settings Select gun ammo type and minimum altitude
for sortie (before 1. Front dash → AHCP → IFFCC switch: TEST (middle position)
takeoff, optional) 2. Scroll down to WEAPONS page: UFC → SEL, ENT
3. Enter 30mm page: UFC → ENT
◦ CM: Combat Mix
◦ HEI: High Explosive Incendiary
◦ TP: Target Practice
• MIN ALT: 500 ft. (Minimum Altitude)
4. Press STORE to save settings
5. Return to main menu
6. Front dash → AHCP → IFFCC switch: ON (up position)
Review payload Enter DSMS page: Left MFCD → OSB-14 (DSMS)
for flight
Three types of gun ammunition:
Type Description
CM Combat Mix, one HEI round for five armor-piercing rounds, best for armored vehicles
HEI High Explosive Incendiary rounds only, 5m blast radius, best for light-armored vehicles
and infantry
TP Training Practice, inert rounds with tracers

Enable Gun Front dash → AHCP → MASTER Arm switch: ARM (up position)
Configure PAC (helps keeping the aircraft stable when first stage of trigger is depressed)

PAC ON (concentrated fire on targets, best for tanks)

Front dash → AHCP → GUN/PAC switch: ARM (up position)
→ Slight stick-forward input as PAC is engaged
PAC OFF (nose will rise when firing, impacting gun rounds cover a much larger area)
Front dash → AHCP → GUN/PAC switch: GUNARM (down position)

→ Gun Ready light turns on

Switch to GUNS Cycle HUD modes: HOTAS Master Mode button (M)
Master mode
→ GBL cross (+) is displayed above the center of the HUD
• represents longitudinal axis of the gun
→ Gun ammo type and amount remaining are displayed in the data block of the left corner of the
HUD (e.g. CM/1150 for 1150 rounds of Combat Mix)
Select desired A- Toggle between four A-G gunsight reticle options
G gunsight reticle With HUD as SOI:
• Cycle left: HOTAS DMS LEFT (ENTF)

CCIP Gun Reticle (default, most informative)

• Pipper dot in center of reticle
• Unwinding range bar around the circumference
• Four hash marks at 12, 3, 6, 9 o'clock positions: reference slant range to target in
thousands of feet. When in range, range-bar unwinds counter-clockwise
• Numerical indication of slant range to target in nautical miles below reticle
• Two moving target index marks inside the reticle indicate the aiming lead required for a
moving target traveling at 20 kts in a perpendicular direction to the pipper LOS
CCIP Gun Cross
• More compact version of CCIP Gun Reticle, less obtrusive on the HUD
• Does not include Moving Target Index marks
4/8/12 Gun Reticle
• Degraded version of CCIP Gun Reticle
• Provides three impact point pippers inside reticle for preset ranges of 4000, 8000 and
12000 ft.
• Use only if accurate target elevation data is not available for a CCIP solution
4000 ft. Gun Cross
• Presets a gun solution for a range of 4000 ft.
• Only used in cases of inaccurate target elevation data preventing a CCIP solution

→ All gunsights will indicate a MRC as a triangular index to the right of the reticle when you are
within 5 seconds of the minimum altitude set in the IFFCC 30MM menu
Fire at target

PAC-1 (First stage) Pull trigger all the way in to fire

Pull trigger in a bit and hold → Fire along length of convoys for best effect
→ Aircraft stabilized
PAC-2 (Second stage)
@ ~0.7 miles: Pull trigger all the way in to fire
@ ~0.5 miles: Break off

→ Use short, small bursts for best accuracy

→ Optimal firing range between 0.7 and 0.5 miles, seize fire/break off at 0.5 miles
→ When breaking away, always change horizontal and vertical direction of travel
→ Attack tanks from the rear where their armor is thinnest
→ Most tanks have machine guns, so don't get too close
→ Don't attack slow – that makes you an easy target
→ HUD CCIP Invalid message: current aircraft altitude lower than gun pipper
Attack using unguided rockets (in CCIP mode)
Review payload Enter DSMS page: Left MFCD → OSB-14 (DSMS)
for flight
The A-10C can carry 2,75” rockets with the following “Hydra 70 family” warheads:
Category Profile Description
Training MK-1 MK1 Inert warhead practice rocket
MK-61 MK61 Inert warhead practice rocket
WTU WTU1B Inert warhead practice rocket
M-274 M274 Training smoke marker
Combat M-151 M151 Anti-personnel fragmentation warhead
M-156 M156 White phosphorus smoke warhead
M-257 M257 Parachute-retarded illumination flare
MK-5 MK5 High explosive anti-tank warhead
Note: DSMS Profile name of a rocket is derived from its warhead type

The A-10C can carry the following rocket launchers:

Launcher Description
10 9 8 4 3 2
LAU-68 X X X X X X Naval Aircraft 7*2.75” launcher (empty weight: 86 pounds)
LAU-68*3 X X X X Three LAU-68s on a Triple Ejector Rack: 3*7*2,75”
LAU-131 X X X X X X Air force 7*2.75” launcher (empty weight: 97 pounds)
LAU-131*3 X X X X Three LAU-131s on a Triple Ejector Rack: 3*7*2,75”
→ Difference between LAU-68 and LAU-131 just graphical in the game
→ Max. 2x7+4x(3x7) = 98 rockets in total
Enable weapons Front dash → AHCP → MASTER Arm switch: ARM (up position)
Switch HUD to Cycle HUD modes: HOTAS Master Mode button (M)
CCIP mode
Select rockets Two different methods for selecting rockets:

Method 1: Select rockets as active profile:

• UFC → SEL UP/DOWN rocker key
Method 2: Select desired weapon station(s) manually (faster)
• Manually left-click one or more rocket pods

HUD indication for unguided rockets:

→ Rocket CCIP Reticle is very similar to CCIP Gun Reticle, but without Moving Target Index marks
→ “RKT” indication added to bottom of reticle to identify this as a rocket sight
→ HUD continues to display CCIP Gun Cross sight to quickly follow a rocket attack with a gun strafe
→ TOF numeric indication at the top of the data block in bottom-left corner of HUD
Configure Go to Profile Main page: OSB-1 (PROF)
rockets (optional)
Scroll up/down to select profile: OSB-20/OSB-19 Method 1 only!
Enter Profile Control page: OSB-3 (VIEW PRO) Method 1 only!
Change weapon release parameters:

• Select Weapon Release Mode: OSB-6

• Set ripple quantity for ripple modes: OSB-8 (RIP QTY)
Mode Short press Weapon Release Long press (hold) Weapon Release
SGL a single rocket a single rocket
PRS two rockets (one left, one right) two rockets (one left, one right)
→ Two adjacent weapon stations need to be selected!
RIP SGL a single rocket up to [RIP QTY] rockets
RIP PRS two rockets (one left, one right) up to [RIP QTY] rockets
([RIP QTY]/2 left, [RIP QTY]/2 right)
→ Two adjacent weapon stations need to be selected!

Change HUD mode: OSB-10 (MODE)

• CCIP: Default. Pilot places pipper on target and fires (“point and shoot”).
→ Most straight forward, but requires a dive
→ Brings you closer to the enemy and the ground
• CCRP: Indicates a desired weapons release point in the air
→ Rockets can also be employed in CCRP mode by designating a SPI over the target
using the HUD TDC, the TAD cursor or the TGP.
→ Highly inaccurate and therefore not recommended!
Return to DSMS Status page: OSB-1 (STAT) Method 1 only!
Save profile changes: OSB-3 (SAVE)
Within 4 nm Reduce power if necessary
Begin to dive toward target
Within 2 nm → Inner circle (range bar) will begin to unwind
Keep pipper on target and press (and hold if desired) Weapon Release button to fire
Employment of unguided (free-fall) bombs using CCIP and CCRP
Review Enter DSMS page: Left MFCD → OSB-14 (DSMS)
payload for
flight Free-fall bombs:
Category Profile Description
LDGP free-fall MK-82 Mk-82 500 lbs. Using a TER you can load 3 on a single station
MK-84 Mk-84 2000 lbs
HDGP free-fall MK-82AIR Mk-82 AIR high-drag version for retarded delivery at low altitudes. Has a
bombs "ballute" (small parachute) attached to its rear that causes the bomb to fall
slowly due to the increased drag
Free-fall CBUs CBU-87 1000 lbs CEM cluster bomb for use against lightly armored area targets,
such as concentrations of vehicles
CBU-97 1000 lbs SFW containing 10 BLU-108/B submunitions + 40 IR-sensing
Training BDU-33 Miniaturized training bomb (“dumb bomb”)
BDU-50 BDU-50LD low-drag training version of Mk-82, inert warhead, mountable
on SER + TER
BDU-50 BDU-50HD high-drag training version of Mk-82 AIR, inert warhead,
mountable on SER + TER

Low-drag: for higher-level bombing runs, used in most bombing operations
High-drag: for low-level bombing runs, has a "drag chute" at the back after weapons release to
prevent blast damage to aircraft at low level giving more time before impact.
Change Enter DSMS Profile Main page: Left MFCD → OSB-1 (PROF)
Scroll up/down to select profile: OSB-20/OSB-19 (e.g. MK-82, MK82APO)
Enter Profile Control page: Left MFCD → OSB-3 (VIEW PRO)
Change settings as desired
• Select release mode: OSB-6
◦ PRS (pairs): each press of the Weapon Release Button will unload a single Mk-82 from each
of the TER stations on both of the sides of the aircraft
◦ RIP SGL: release bombs individually in sequence
• Change fuse setting: OSB-7
◦ N/T: nose/tail: deployed chute for a high drag delivery from low altitude (default)
◦ NOSE: release as a low-drag bomb
• Ripple Modes:
◦ Set ripple quantity: enter number in UFC scratchpad followed by OSB-8 (RIP QTY)
◦ Change impact interval setting: enter number in UFC scratchpad followed by OSB-9 (FT)
• Change HUD mode for this profile: OSB-10 (MODE)
◦ CCIP: indicates calculated point of bomb impact on the ground. Pilot places pipper on target
and fires. Most straight forward, but requires a significant dive angle for the reticle to become
visible on the HUD → brings you closer to the enemy and the ground
◦ CCRP: indicates a desired weapons release point in the air
Change Enter Profile Settings page: Left MFCD → OSB-16 (CHG SET)
Change settings as desired:
• Select safe escape maneuver: Left MFCD → OSB-20 (SEM)
◦ NONE (default SEM)
◦ CLM: climb
◦ TLT: turn level turn
◦ TRN: turn
• Set bomb desired time of fall: Left MFCD → OSB-19 (DES TOF)
• Set minimum release altitude: Left MFCD → OSB-18 (MIN ALT)
◦ enter MIN ALT (ft.) into UFC scratchpad, e.g. 1500
◦ store value in DSMS: OSB-18 (MIN ALT)
→ settings will determine positions of MRS and DRC of the CCIP
Save changes to profile: Left MFCD → OSB-3 (SAVE)
Return to DSMS Status page: Left MFCD → OSB-1 (STAT)
Enable Front dash → AHCP → Master Arm switch: ARM (up position)
Select weapons profile:
• UFC → SEL UP/DOWN rocker key
Attack CCIP indication
using • Visible on the HUD as a dashed line that projects the bomb impact (PBIL)
(standard) • Dashed indication: pipper is below the HUD FOV → perform dive to see reticle with pipper
CCIP • Aiming reticle contains
◦ pipper dot in the center
◦ unwinding range bar indicating slant range to the impact point in thousands of feet
◦ minimum range caret MRC
• Along the PBIL
◦ MRS: has to remain above the reticle
◦ Desired Release Cue (if DES TOF is set in weapons profile). Keeping the DRC over the
target as you dive toward it will guide you toward a release point that matches the time of fall
set in the profile.
Perform a dive toward the target
→ CCIP reticle comes into view
• Minimize acceleration in the dive
◦ reduce engine power
◦ open speedbrakes if necessary
• Pitch the nose down to between -30 and -40 degrees
• Maintain a stable flight path to maximize accuracy of the CCIP solution
• Try to maintain TVV on a point on the ground above the target
→ CCIP pipper “crawls” to the target
• Don't keep CCIP reticle stable over one point as this will produce negative G
Bring the pipper on target
• run the target down the PBIL
Press and hold Weapons Release Button until bomb is released
Recover altitude and try another run if necessary
Attack • In standard CCIP mode reticle disappears out of view when impact point is below the HUD.
using • In CCIP CR (Consent to Release) mode, CCIP reticle is always visible on the HUD.
CCIP CR • In CR mode it remains dashed and latched to the button of the HUD.
• Allows to designate a target by placing the pipper over it and perform the attack by pressing down
and holding the Weapons Release Button. Doing so adds indication to the HUD to guide you to
the desired weapons release point.
• Weapons are released automatically as you pass the release point as long as the Weapons
Release Button is held down.
Select CR mode
• Show IFFCC TEST menu in the HUD:
Front dash → AHCP → IFFCC switch: TEST (middle position)
• Select CR mode: CCIP CONSENT OPT: UFC DATA rocker key
◦ 3/9: allows more error in the delivery, 3/9 indication on the HUD as the weapon release mode
◦ 5 MIL: identically to 3/9, except that weapons are released only if the CCIP reticle pipper
passes directly through the 5-mil Solution Cue
• Set IFFCC to ON:
Front dash → AHCP → IFFCC switch: ON (up position)
• Return HUD to CCIP mode: HOTAS Master Mode (M)
Take nose down about 5 degrees to see CCIP CR indication on the HUD
• Shift view up to better see the reticle (RCTRL+RSHIFT+NUMPAD8)
Place pipper over target point and press and hold Weapons Release Button
→ CR post-designate indication: Indication is now solid
→ ASL with the 5-mil Solution Cue and TTRN is added to the HUD
Fly aircraft so that PBIL and ASL remain aligned
→ As you approach the target TTRN will begin countdown to release and Solution Cue will move down the
Fly aircraft so that the Solution Cue runs down the PBIL and passes through the center of the CCIP reticle
Attack Switch to CCRP mode: HOTAS Master Mode Button (M)
using → In CCRP mode target is marked by a Sensor Point of Interest (SPI)
Use the HUD to designate a SPI location using the TDC
• Set HUD as SOI: HOTAS Coolie Hat UP (U)
• Reset SPI to the steerpoint: HOTAS TMS DOWN long (hold LCTRL+DOWN)
• Slew HUD TDC
◦ Up HOTAS Slew Control UP (ö)
◦ Down HOTAS Slew Control DOWN (.)
◦ Left HOTAS Slew Control LEFT (,)
◦ Right HOTAS Slew Control RIGHT (-)
• Set point as SPI: HOTAS TMS UP long (hold LCTRL+UP)
→ CCRP indication is now visible on the HUD
• 5-mil Solution Cue
As you approach the target, …
• Solution Cue and TTRN timer will move down the ASL
• Weapons will release as they pass through CCRP reticle while Weapons Release button is held
Employment of PGM
Review Enter DSMS page: Left MFCD → OSB-14 (DSMS)
payload for
flight Category Profile Description
LGB GBU-10 Guided Bomb Unit-10 Paveway II
laser-guided bombs that Mk84 2000 pound bomb with an added laser guidance package
home in on laser energy
reflected from a target being
“painted” by a laser GBU-12 Guided Bomb Unit-12 Paveway II
designator (e.g. TGP, Mk82 500 pound bomb with an added laser guidance package.
another source on ground /
in the air) Up to three can be carried on TERs on stations 3, 4, 8, 9
IAM GBU-31 Mk84 2000 pound bomb fitted with a JDAM, passive, “fire and forget”,
inertially-aided Munition uses a GPS receiver to determine target and own position
GBU-38 Mk82 500 pound bomb fitted with a JDAM, passive, “fire and forget”,
uses a GPS receiver to determine target and own position
CBU-103 WCMD (conversion of CBU-87 cluster bomb): passive, “fire and
forget”, added INS for autonomous guidance toward the target

Change DSMS Profile Main page: OSB-1 (PROF)

Scroll up/down to select profile: OSB-20/OSB-19 (e.g. GBU-12, GBU-38)
Enter Profile Control page: OSB-3 (VIEW PRO)
Change settings as desired (LGB only)
• Select release mode: OSB-6
◦ PRS (pairs): each press of the Weapon Release button will unload a single bomb from
each of the TER stations on both of the sides of the aircraft
◦ RIP SGL: release bombs individually in sequence
• Change fuse setting: OSB-7
◦ N/T: nose/tail: deployed chute for a high drag delivery from low altitude (default)
◦ NOSE: release as a low-drag bomb
• Ripple Modes:
◦ Set ripple quantity: enter number in UFC scratchpad followed by OSB-8 (RIP QTY)
◦ Change impact interval setting: enter number in UFC scratchpad followed by OSB-9 (FT)
• Change HUD mode for this profile: OSB-10 (MODE)
◦ CCIP: indicates calculated point of bomb impact on the ground. Pilot places pipper on
target and fires. Most straight forward, but requires a significant dive angle for the reticle to
become visible on the HUD → brings you closer to the enemy and the ground
◦ CCRP: indicates a desired weapons release point in the air
Change Enter Profile Settings page: OSB-16 (CHG SET)
Change settings as desired (LGB only – except MIN ALT)
• Select safe escape maneuver: OSB-20 (SEM)
◦ NONE (default SEM)
◦ CLM: climb
◦ TLT: turn level turn
◦ TRN: turn
• Set bomb desired time of fall: OSB-19 (DES TOF)
• Set minimum release altitude: OSB-18 (MIN ALT)
◦ Enter MIN ALT (ft.) into UFC scratchpad, e.g. 1500
◦ Store value in DSMS: OSB-18 (MIN ALT)
• → Settings will determine positions of MRS and DRC of the CCIP
• Select auto-lase: OSB-6 (AUTO LS)
◦ OFF: manual laser firing. Laser fired manually by pilot using HOTAS NWS button (EINFG).
TGP LATCH OFF: the laser only fires as long as the NWS button is held down
TGP LATCH ON: laser fires automatically and keeps firing once NWS button is pressed
◦ ON: laser is fired automatically after weapon release, LS TIME seconds before impact
• Set time in seconds before bomb impact for the laser to fire: OSB-17 (LS TIME)
◦ 0: laser will not fire
◦ value > projected time of fall: laser will fire immediately after weapon release
• Select solution cue for a CCRP release: OSB-16 (SOLN)
◦ ORP: optical release point
◦ BAL: ballistic release point
Save changes to profile: OSB-3 (SAVE)
Return to DSMS Status page: OSB-1 (STAT)
Enable Front dash → AHCP → Master Arm switch: ARM (up position)
Select weapons profile:
• UFC → SEL UP/DOWN rocker key
Attack Switch to CCRP mode: HOTAS Master Mode Button (M)
using → In CCRP mode target is marked by a Sensor Point of Interest (SPI)
Designate target point as SPI
→ SPI location sets location for bomb delivery

Use the HUD to designate a SPI location using the TDC

• Set HUD as SOI: HOTAS Coolie Hat UP (U)
• Reset SPI to the steerpoint: HOTAS TMS DOWN long (hold LCTRL+DOWN)
• Slew HUD TDC
◦ Up HOTAS Slew Control UP (ö)
◦ Down HOTAS Slew Control DOWN (.)
◦ Left HOTAS Slew Control LEFT (,)
◦ Right HOTAS Slew Control RIGHT (-)
• Set point as SPI: HOTAS TMS UP long (hold LCTRL+UP)
Use the TGP to designate a SPI location
• Select TGP page: Right MFCD → OSB-15 (TGP)
• Set TGP to A-G mode: Right MFCD → OSB-2 (A-G)
• Slave all sensors to SPI: HOTAS China Hat FORWARD long (hold V)
• Set TGP as SOI: HOTAS Coolie Hat RIGHT long (hold K)
• Zoom in/out: HOTAS DMS UP/DOWN (POS1/ENDE)
• Slew TGP to target HOTAS Slew Control switch ( , . - ö )
• Once crosshairs are over target:
Set TGP to AREA track mode: HOTAS TMS UP (LCTRL+UP)
Set TGP to POINT track mode: HOTAS TMS UP (LCTRL+UP)
Set point as SPI: HOTAS TMS UP long (hold LCTRL+UP)

LGB CCRP Release IAM Release

CCRP indication is now visible on the HUD IAM indication is similar to LGB CCRP release
• ASL • Range carets are indicated inside the
• 5-mil Solution Cue reticle for Maximum and Minimum range
As you approach target, …
• Maneuver aircraft to line up the ASL with • ASL will begin to fall down the HUD and
the PBIL of the CCRP reticle range bar of reticle will begin to unwind.
• Keep reticle pipper dot on the ASL • When range bar is between maximum
• About 20 secs from the release point, and minimum range carets of the reticle,
TTRN will appear at the top of the ASL press and hold Weapon Release button
• About 5 secs before release, Solution Cue until bomb separates.
and TTRN timer will begin to move down
the ASL toward the CCRP reticle. At that
point press and hold Weapon Release
→ Bomb will separate as solution cue passes
through CCRP reticle while Weapon Release button
is held down
→ Laser must be firing (flashing L in TGP) for the
bomb to hit the target
→ Countdown-Timer until impact displayed in
bottom right corner of the TGP

Releasing the Weapon Release button too quickly may result in a Hung Store error.
→ In case of hung store perform “Clear Hung Store” procedure.
Employment of AGM-65 Maverick Air-to-Surface Missile
Review Enter DSMS page: Left MFCD → OSB-14 (DSMS)
payload for
flight AGM-65: precision-guided, air-to-ground missile, fire-and-forget
→ Several versions that differ in seeker and warhead types:
Category Profile Seeker Warhead Launcher
Combat AGM-65D Imaging infrared 125 lb. shaped LAU-117 / LAU-88
AGM-65G Imaging infrared 300 lb. heavyweight penetrator LAU-117
AGM-65H Electro-optical 125 lb. shaped LAU-117 / LAU-88
AGM-65K Electro-optical 300 lb. heavyweight penetrator LAU-117
Training TGM-65D Imaging infrared inert (but launchable) LAU-117 / LAU-88
TGM-65G Imaging infrared inert (but launchable) LAU-117
TGM-65H Electro-optical inert (but launchable) LAU-117 / LAU-88
CATM-65K Electro-optical inert (NOT launchable) LAU-117

• Maverick can only be loaded on stations 3 and 9 either from LAU-117 single rail launcher or LAU-
88 triple rail launcher
• Typical strategy when entering a combat area: First use maverick to eliminate any air defense
units before approaching the target
• Maverick engagement range restricted by seeker lock on range (between 3 and 7 nm)
Configure Enter DSMS Missile Control page: LEFT MFCD → OSB-2 (MSL)
Enable seeker power
→ All Maverick types require approx. 3 minutes to align the seeker gyroscope before being available for
use or displaying a video signal from the seeker

Apply seeker power automatically at a specific clock time

• Select mode of applying EO power: OSB-5
• TIME (Time automatic power on)
• Specifiy time
• Enter time in UFC scratchpad (e.g. 121530 for 12:15:30) followed by OSB-10 (TIME)
Apply seeker power automatically at a specific location (relative to a specific waypoint)
• Select mode of applying EO power: OSB-5
• LOC (Location automatic power on): apply power automatically at a set range and
bearing from a specified waypoint
• Specify location
• Enter bearing from waypoint in UFC scratchpad followed by OSB-7 (BRG)
• Enter range from waypoint in UFC scratchpad followed by OSB-8 (RNG)
• Enter waypoint in UFC scratchpad followed by OSB-9 (WYPT)
Apply seeker power manually
• Select mode of applying EO power: OSB-5
• MAN (Manual): only by the pilot pressing the EO power OSB
• Enable EO power to Maverick seeker head: OSB-4 (EO OFF/ON)
→ EO timer in the bottom-right corner of the DSMS indicates time since EO power was applied
Set right MFCD to MAV page: Right MFCD → OSB-14 (MAV)
Missile seekers still aligning Alignment process complete
→ MAV page indicating “ALIGN” → Displaying video from the priority missile

If SENSOR indication on the left side: no Maverick selected for fire

→ Missile is used as a sensor only, no weapon can be launched
Enable Front dash → AHCP → Master Arm switch: ARM (up position)
Select weapons profile:
• UFC → SEL UP/DOWN rocker key
→ DLZ displayed on the left side of the MAV page (replacing the SENSOR indication) indicating:
• Maverick's minimum and maximum range
• Allowable launch window
• Current target range
• Estimated flight time of the missile (at the bottom of the DLZ)
→ DLZ duplicated on the HUD
→ Maverick “wagon wheel” displayed in the HUD indicating Missile LOS (moves when slewing the seeker)
Attack Designate a SPI in the target area (current steerpoint set as SPI by default)

Use the HUD to designate a SPI location using the TDC

• Set HUD as SOI: HOTAS Coolie Hat UP (U)
• Reset SPI to the steerpoint: HOTAS TMS DOWN long (hold LCTRL+DOWN)
• Slew HUD TDC
◦ Up HOTAS Slew Control UP (ö)
◦ Down HOTAS Slew Control DOWN (.)
◦ Left HOTAS Slew Control LEFT (,)
◦ Right HOTAS Slew Control RIGHT (-)
• Set point as SPI: HOTAS TMS UP long (hold LCTRL+UP)
Use the TGP to designate a SPI location
• Select TGP page: Right MFCD → OSB-15 (TGP)
• Set TGP to A-G mode: Right MFCD → OSB-2 (A-G)
• Slave all sensors to SPI: HOTAS China Hat FORWARD long (hold V)
• Set TGP as SOI: HOTAS Coolie Hat RIGHT long (hold K)
• Zoom in/out: HOTAS DMS UP/DOWN (POS1/ENDE)
• Slew TGP to target HOTAS Slew Control switch ( , . - ö )
• Once crosshairs are over target:
Set TGP to AREA track mode: HOTAS TMS UP (LCTRL+UP)
Set TGP to POINT track mode: HOTAS TMS UP (LCTRL+UP)
Set point as SPI: HOTAS TMS UP long (hold LCTRL+UP)

Slave Maverick to the SPI

Slave all sensors to SPI: HOTAS China Hat FORWARD long (hold V)
Set Maverick as SOI: HOTAS Coolie Hat RIGHT long (hold K)
Slew seeker to target until it acquires a lock (not needed if target designated via TGP)
• Slew seeker: HOTAS Slew Control switch ( , . - ö )
→ Seeker will attempt to automatically lock onto a contrasting target whenever Slew Control
Switch is released
→ It may take some time and a few attempts before seeker is able to find a target
→ Pointing cross below the center of the crosshairs indicates seeker LOS relative to the nose of
the aircraft
• Adjust Slew Rate: Right MFCD → OSB-8 (SLEW)
• Enter number in UFC scratchpad (e.g. 2, 3, …)
• Press OSB-8 on MAV page to set the value
• Zoom in/out (toggle MAV FOV): HOTAS China Hat FORWARD (V)
• Ground-stabilize missile in target vicinity: HOTAS TMS DOWN (LCTRL+DOWN)
• Reset Maverick to boresight (HUD center): HOTAS China Hat AFT (C)
• Select IR mode (Infrared video imaging models only, e.g. AGM-65D)
• Black symbols HOTAS Boat Switch FORWARD (RALT+RIGHT)
• White symbols HOTAS Boat Switch AFT (RALT+LEFT)
• MAV Force Correlate mode HOTAS Boat Switch CENTER (RALT+DOWN)
(used to track a specific point of a larger target, such as a building)
Once target in range and missile is tracking (crosshairs clamp on target, pointing cross flashing):
• Fire away: HOTAS Weapon Release
→ Shout “Rifle!”
Air-to-Air employment using AIM-9M sidewinder missiles
Review Enter DSMS page: Left MFCD → OSB-14 (DSMS)
payload for
flight Possible Weapons
Category Profile Description
Combat AIM-9 AIM-9M sidewinder IR-guided short-range air-to-air missile
Training CATM-9 CATM-9M training missile (captive AIM-9M: same seeker as AIM-9M, but
rocket motor and warhead are disabled)

→ Both mounted on Dual Rail Adapter (DRA) which can be mounted only on stations 1 and 11
Enable Front dash → AHCP → Master Arm switch: ARM (up position)
Set HUD Set HUD to Air to Air mode: press and hold HOTAS Master Mode Button (hold M)
to Air to Air → HUD is displaying AIM-9M reticle
mode → Audible growl is an indication of the AIM-9 seeker lock status
→ The higher the pitch of the signal, the more valid the seeker lock
Select Set HUD as SOI: HOTAS Coolie Hat UP (U)
AIM-9 seeker modes
mode • Boresight mode (default)
◦ Seeker fixed to boresight line
◦ When attacking a target in boresight mode,
▪ uncage seeker prior to launch to confirm seeker has a good lock.
→ Seeker will track if IR intensity is strong enough; otherwise seeker will start to drift and
will need to be recaged.
▪ maneuver aircraft to place and maintain reticle over target for a valid lock prior to launch
• Uncaged mode
◦ Seeker no longer bound to boresight line and floating around the scan zone
• Scan mode
◦ Seeker performs a conical scan pattern around boresight line to cover a greater volume of
airspace ahead of aircraft
◦ Missile Reject takes missile out of service by disabling power to the missile
◦ If all missiles are rejected, system will return them all to active status

HOTAS commands
Missile Reject HOTAS China Hat AFT
Uncage Seeker HOTAS China Hat

All modes allow slewing of the
AIM-9 seeker head using HOTAS
Slew Control Switch. Once
slewing stops, seeker returns to
uncaged mode.
Locate / Set depressible pipper to 41 mils / 3 degrees (optional)
track air → The depressible pipper is a dot at the center of a dashed circle that consists of eight equally spaced
target dashes and gaps. It provides a fixed point of reference on the HUD.
using TGP → When TGP is in A-A mode, there is no diamond on the HUD. But if the depressible pipper is moved
(optional) down 41 milliradians (mils), it will be at the location of the TGP when it's caged/centered (“boresight”).

Set depressible pipper to 41 mils: UFC → DEPR rocker key

→ Each depression of the rocker key moves the pipper up or down one milliradian.
→ The mil depression is displayed on the HUD while adjusting the pipper and for 3 seconds afterward.
Prepare TGP
• Provide power to TGP: Front dash → AHCP → TGP switch: ON (up position)
• Select TGP page: Right MFCD → OSB-15 (TGP)
• Set TGP to A-A mode: Right MFCD → OSB-4 (A-A)
Locate and track air target using the TGP
→ No TGP indicator on HUD in A-A mode!
→ If target position known, point at it while slewed to boresight, then slew to the target.
• Set TGP as SOI: HOTAS Coolie Hat RIGHT long (hold K)
• Zoom in/out: HOTAS DMS UP/DOWN (POS1/ENDE)
• Select video mode
◦ CCD (daytime): HOTAS Boat Switch CENTER (RALT+DOWN)
◦ FLIR (usable day and night)
▪ BHOT black-hot FLIR: HOTAS Boat Switch AFT (RALT+LEFT)
→ Top-right corner indicates current video mode (WHOT/CCD/BHOT)
• Slew TGP to boresight: HOTAS China Hat AFT (C)
• Slew TGP to target: HOTAS Slew Control switch ( , . - ö )
→ Cross cue on TGP display indicates an object the TGP can track
• Start tracking target
Set TGP to POINT track mode: HOTAS TMS UP (LCTRL+UP)
→ No need to maintain visual. As long as target is being tracked, TGP indicates its position.
→ When ready to engage, turn nose-on, identify and fire.
Set HUD as SOI: HOTAS Coolie Hat UP (U)
Slave AIM-9 to TGP LOS: HOTAS China Hat FORWARD long (hold V)
Attack Maneuver directly behind target to obtain a seeker lock
→ Sidewinder shots are best taken under 2 nm
Fire at target: HOTAS Weapon Release
→ Shout “Fox Two” (indicating launch of an infrared-guided missile)

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