Nursing Care Plan: References: Nurse's Pocket Guide Pages 151-155
Nursing Care Plan: References: Nurse's Pocket Guide Pages 151-155
Nursing Care Plan: References: Nurse's Pocket Guide Pages 151-155
Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective breathing pattern related to decreased lung expansion secondary to surgery as evidenced by decreased respiratory depth.
Cause Analysis: Respiratory depression is the most serious adverse effect of opioid analgesics administered by IV, SubQ, or epidural routes. Specific notable changes are
decreasing respiratory rate or shallow respirations. (Brunner & Suddarth’s Medical Surgical Nursing, Page 190)
Tachypnea: 26 breathes After 10 minutes of nursing 1. Administer oxygen at lowest 1. For management of underlying Goal met, the patient
per minute intervention, the patient will be concentration indicated and pulmonary condition, respiratory was able to decrease
Decreased respiratory able to decrease breathes per prescribed respiratory medications. distress, or cyanosis. breathes per minute
depth minute from 26 to 12-20. 2. Monitor pulse oximeter, as indicated. 2. To verify maintenance and from 26 to 12-20.
Cyanotic 3. Suction airway, as needed. improvement in oxygen saturation.
LTO: 4. Elevate head of bed, as appropriate. 3. To clear secretions. LTO:
5. Provide/encourage use of adjuncts, 4. To promote physiological ease of
After 20 minutes of nursing such as incentive spirometer. maximal inspiration. Goal met, the patient
intervention, the patient will 5. To facilitate deeper respiratory established normal
establish normal breathing effort. breathing pattern as
pattern as evidenced by the evidenced by the
absence of cyanosis. absence of cyanosis.