Midterm Name: - Course and Year - Date: - Score
Midterm Name: - Course and Year - Date: - Score
Midterm Name: - Course and Year - Date: - Score
Date:_______________________________ Score:____________________________
Instructions: Encircle the letter of your answer. No changing/erasure of answers.
12. In polygraph examination pneumograph 18. What will happen to the heart when the
tracing is found in the blood will go back to heart.
a. Bottom a. Heart relax
b. Center of the chart B. Heart expand
c. Topmost portion C. Heart Contract
d. Uppermost portion of the chart D.Heart extract
19. Who invented the control question test?
13. In polygraph examination, galvanic skin a. Leonarde Keeler
reflex tracing is found in the b. John Reid
a. Bottom c. James Reid
b. Center of the chart d. John Larson
c. Topmost portion
d. Uppermost portion of the chart
20. The components of polygraph are
14. Decide if the statement is correct galvanograph, kymograph, cardiograph and
a. Correct d. Sphygmograph
b. Incorrect 21. In polygraphy, the second most important
c. Partly Correct section that records the subject’s respiratory
15. In polygraph , what is the downward movement (BREATHING) and the changes
movement of the cardio pen caused by the and variations of the graph is what section?
rest cycle of the heart? a. Pneumograph
a. Diastolic b. Cardio
b. Cardiolic c. Galvanograph
c. Systolic d. None of these.
d. Cyclic 22. It refers to little reaction or no reaction.
a. Positive response
16. In polygraph , what is the upward movement b. Specific Response
of the cardio pen caused by the rest cycle of c. Normal Response
the heart? d. Reaction
a. Diastolic 23. The use of “truth serums’ such as sodium
b. Cardiolic pentothal or phenobarbital in the questioning
c. Systolic of the suspects is called?
d. Cyclic a. Sugar and Vinegar
b. The Detector Test
17. The person who devised an instrument that c. Narcoanalysis
can record changes of blood pressure, pulse d. Word Association Method
24. He is known for the phrases “There is no 30. . He is the Father of Lie Detection Test.
such thing as perfect crime”. a. Leonarde Keeler
a. Leonarde Keeler b. James Reid
b. John Reid c. Cleve Backster
c. James Reid d. John Larson
d. John Larson
25. An instrument that measures stress-induced 31. He coined the word “POLYGRAPH”.
changes in the tonal quality of the voice. a. Leonarde Keeler
a. Kymograph b. John Reid
b. Pneumograph c. Cleve Backster
c. Psychological Stress Analyzer d. Sir James Mackenzie
d. Psychological Stress Evaluator
26. The polygraph instrument is also known as a 32. It is the first instrument invented to detect
lie detector, but research clearly shows that deception.
it cannot determine or detect a lying person. a. Lie Machine
What then is the use of polygraph b. Hydrosphygmograph
instrument? c. Electric Lie Detector
a. To record and determine the facts of the d. None of these
case based on the chart taken 33. He was considered as the Father of
b. To record psychological reactions of the Polygraphy. He dealth with the
subject sphygmomanometer and made researches
c. To record physiological reactions of the on the usefulness of sphygmomanometer in
subject detecting lies.
d. To record psychovolcanic reflex of the a. Hans Gross
subject b. Angelo Mosso
c. Cesare Lombroso
27. Detects slight trembling in the voice, which d. William Moulton Marston
maybe interpreted to determine if person is
telling the truth. 34. Records changes of breathing of the
a. Kymograph
a. . Kymograph
b. Pneumograph
b. . pneumograph
c. Psychological Stress Analyzer
c. galvanograph
d. Psychological Stress Evaluator
d. cardiosphymograph
a. Relevant Question
b. Irrelevant Question
c. Control Question
d. Knowledge Question
49. Intense relationship to crime/problem; to
produce strong emotional response in guilty subjects
A. Secondary Relevant
B.Weak Relevant Question
C. Strong Relevant Question
D. None of these
a. Relevant Question
b. Irrelevant Question
c. Control Question
d. Knowledge Question