Taxation Law 1111111
Taxation Law 1111111
Taxation Law 1111111
CIR vs. Algue, L-28896, February 17, 1988 A. No, the law appropriating public funds for
Taxes are what we pay for civilized society. the construction of feeder roads on land
Without taxes, the government would be belonging to a private person is not valid,
paralyzed for lack of the motive power to and donation to the government of the said
activate and operate it. Hence, despite the land made over five (5) months after the
natural reluctance to surrender part of one's approval and effectivity of the Act for the
hard-earned income to the taxing purpose of giving a semblance of legality to
authorities, every person who is able to the appropriation does not cure the basic
must contribute his share in the, running of defect. The rule is that if the public
the government. The government for its part advantage or benefit is merely incidental in
is expected to respond in the form of the promotion of a particular enterprise,
tangible and intangible benefits intended to such defect shall render the law invalid. On
improve the lives of the people and enhance the other hand, if what is incidental is the
their moral and material values. This promotion of a private enterprise, the tax
symbiotic relationship is the rationale of law shall be deemed for a public purpose.
taxation and should dispel the erroneous
notion that it is an arbitrary method of
exaction by those in the seat of power. Q: Define taxation.
Q: Discuss the meaning and the Special benefits to taxpayers are not
implications of the statement: “Taxes are required. A person cannot object to or resist
the lifeblood of the government and their the payment of taxes solely because no
prompt and certain availability is an personal benefit to him can be pointed out
imperious need.” arising from the tax. (Lorenzo v. Posadas,
64 Phil. 353)
A: The phrase expresses the underlying
basis of taxation which is governmental Q: What are the principles involving the
necessity, for indeed, without taxation, a doctrine of symbiotic relationship/benefits
government can neither exist nor endure. protection?
Taxation is a principal attribute of
A: It is a legal duty on the part of the citizen
sovereignty. The exercise of the taxing
to pay taxes to support the Government. On
power derives its source from the very
the other hand, it is a reciprocal duty on the
existence of the State whose social contract
part of the Government to provide protection
and benefits.
(g) Such other taxes as are or hereafter
may be imposed and collected by the
Q: Define double taxation. Bureau of Internal Revenue.
Q: What are the purposes of income tax? Note: Tax rate is seen on the table
A: To: 1. Provide large amounts of revenue
5. Rents;
2. Offset regressive sales and consumption
taxes Q: What is rental income and what is its
3. Mitigate the evils arising from the A: Rental income is a fixed sum, either in
inequality in the distribution of income and cash or in property equivalent, to be paid at
wealth which are considered deterrents to a definite period for the use or enjoyment of
social progress, by a progressive scheme of a thing or right.
taxation All rentals derived from lease of real estate
or personal property, of copyrights,
Q: What is gross income taxation? trademarks, patents and natural resources
under lease.
A: It is a system of taxation where the Q: When is prepaid rent taxable?
income is taxed at gross. The taxpayer A: Prepaid or advance rental is taxable
under this system is not entitled to any income to the lessor in the year received, if
deduction. received under a claim of right and without
restriction as to its use, regardless of
method of accounting employed.
Q: What is the definition of “gross
income” under the NIRC?
Note: Security deposit applied to the rental
of terminal month or period of contract must
A: Except when otherwise provided, gross
be recognized as income at the time it is
income means all income derived from
applied. Security deposit is to ensure
whatever source, including (but not limited
contract compliance, it is not income to the
to) to the following items: [CG2 I- R 2
lessor until the lessee violates any provision
DAP3 ]
of the contract.
1. Compensation for services in whatever
6. Royalties;
form paid, including, but not limited to fees,
salaries, wages, commissions and similar
items; Q: What are royalties?
2. Gross income derived from the conduct A: Royalties are sums of money paid to a
of trade or business or the exercise of a creator or a participant in an artistic work,
profession; based on individual sales of the work. In
order to receive royalties, the work must
generally have a copyright or patent.
3. Gains derived from dealings in property;
7. Dividends time, whichever is longer, in consideration
of capital paid by him.
Q: Define dividend.
The portion representing return of premium
A: Dividend is any distribution made by a is not taxable while that portion that
corporation to its shareholders out of its represents interest is taxable.
earnings or profits and payable to its
shareholders, whether in money or in other Q: What is an annuity?
property. A: It refers to the periodic installment
payments of income or pension by
Q: What is dividend income? insurance companies during the life of a
A: Dividend income is a corporate profit set person or for a guaranteed fixed period of
aside, declared and distributed by the board time, whichever is longer, in consideration
of director of a corporation to be paid to of capital paid by him.
stockholders on demand or at a fixed time.
Q: How is dividend income taxed? The portion representing return of premium
A: Dividend income is considered as is not taxable while that portion that
passive income subject to final tax. represents interest is taxable.
Note: Tax rate is seen on the table
provided. 9. Prizes and winnings;
Q: Are stock dividends taxable?
A: Q: What is the meaning of prizes and
GR: No, stock dividends are considered winnings for the purposes of income
unrealized gain since there is a mere taxation?
transfer of surplus to the capital account. A: It refers to amount of money in cash or in
Thus, it is not subject to income tax until kind received by chance or through luck and
that gain has been realized. are generally taxable except if specifically
A stock dividend, when declared is merely a mentioned under the exclusion from
certificate of stock which shows the interest computation of gross income under Sec.
of the stockholder in the increased capital of 32[B] of NIRC.
the corporation. Q: What prizes and winning are subject
XPN: A stock dividend constitutes taxable to Philippine income tax?
income if it gives the shareholder a higher A:
interest compared with what his former 1. Prizes derived from sources within the
stockholdings represented. Philippines not exceeding P10,000 is
included in the gross income; if over
Note: A stock dividend does not constitute P10,000, it is subject to final tax on passive
taxable income if the new shares did not income.
confer new rights nor interests than those 2. Winning from sources within is subject to
previously existing, and that the recipient final tax on passive income except PCSO
owns the same proportionate interest in the and lotto winnings which are tax exempt;
net assets of the corporation 3. Prizes and winnings from sources outside
the Philippines.
8. Annuities
10. Pensions;
Q: What is an annuity?
A: It refers to the periodic installment Q: What is pension?
payments of income or pension by A: It refers to amount of money received in
insurance companies during the life of a lump sum or on staggered basis in
person or for a guaranteed fixed period of consideration of services rendered given
after an individual reaches the age of a system employed where the tax system
retirement. views
Q: When is pension taxable? indifferently the tax base and generally
treats in
A: Pension being part of gross income is common all categories of taxable income of
taxable to the extent of the amount received the individual.
except if there is a BIR approved pension
plan. (Sec. 32 B [6], NIRC) A system which taxes all categories of
income except certain passive incomes and
11. Partner’s distributive share from the net capital gains. It
income of the general professional prescribes a unitary but progressive rate
partnership. (Sec. 32 [A], NIRC) Note: for the taxable aggregate incomes and flat
Gross income under Sec. 32 is different rates for
from the limited meaning of Gross Income certain passive incomes derived by
for purpose of Minimum Corporate Income individuals.
Tax (MCIT), which means Gross Sales less
Sales Returns, Discounts, and Allowances SCHEDULAR SYSTEM
and Cost of Goods Sold. A system employed where the income tax
treatment varies and is made to depend on
The above enumeration can be simplified the kind or category
into 5 categories: of taxable income of the taxpayer.