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Book Dealers World Fall 2020

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Book Dealers

National Association of Book Entrepreneurs
Vol. 42 No. 3 Fall 2020

How to Effectively
Use YouTube
to Market Your Books And
Position Your Expertise
By Kathleen Gage

How E-Books Are Changing

The Publishing Industry
by Manoj Lam Kumar

How to Presell Your

Book With Targeted
Content Marketing
By Amy Harrop

When Your Book

Marketing Stalls
by Harriet Hodgson

The 4 Components to
Building an Author Platform
by Sandra N. Peoples

Simple Steps for Virtual

Blog Tour Success
by Ginger Marks

Anna DeSimone. author of ‘Welcome to the Agrihood,” a Pinnacle Book Achievement Award
winner, and “Housing Finance 2020,” dealing with current mortgage options for homeowners.
ISSN 1098-8521

Editor’s Our 40th Year

P.O. Box 606
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Dear Friends,
When I first began NABE in 1980, I never expected to celebrate bookmarketingprofits.com
our 40th Anniversary during such trying times. Our nation is in the
biggest crisis since World War II. This pandemic has spread all Web Site
over the United States and the world and has changed our way of
life. If it were not for technology we would all be isolated even
Executive Director
more. Thanks to video apps we can at least get to see and talk to
Al Galasso
each other. Hopefully, there will be light at this end of this tunnel
soon. Associate Director
Ingrid Crawford
This issue of BDW spotlights our Summer 2020 Pinnacle Book
Achievement Award Winners, honoring many of our great members
and their fine books. Reading is a great way to explore interesting
fields, interests and adventures. See pages 22 to 25 for a list of
the award winning books. Check out some of our wonderful entries
and new authors today. Get away from the TV a few hours hours a
day and make time for reading.

This is the first year we will not be doing actual trade shows. We
have done hundreds of them and will miss meeting with our many
National Association Of
friends and customers. But we will be doing Virtual Exhibits from
Book Entrepreneurs
the end of September to the end of October. Check out our web-
site for more details.
If you have not joined NABE yet, you can sign up on page 17 and Copyright 2020. Al Galasso.
All Rights Reserved.
check out the many money saving benefits, including Pinnacle Book Published three times a year in mid January,
Achievement Award eligibility. mid-May and mid September by NABE, PO
Box 606, Cottage Grove, OR 97424. One
year subscription for non-NABE members:
Hope the Fall brings all of us health, happiness and a chance to hear U.S. $50.00, Canada $55.00, Foreign $70.00.
BDW will not knowingly accept fraudulent or
good news about the end of this virus. Stay in touch with your
objectionable advertising. Articles in BDW
friends and family. may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the express written permission of the
Al Galasso, NABE .

She is the author of Housing Fi-
nance 2020—New Mortgage Pro-
grams for the New Generation of
PUBLISHER’S Homebuyers along with the Span-
ish edition, Hipoteca 2020, Silver
PROFILE Medalist winner of Axiom Book
Awards in Personal Finance, Re-
tirement Planning and Investing.
The 300-page book introduces a
new landscape of safe and sound
Anna DeSimone, mortgage programs and clarifies
Author of qualifying rules. The book includes
“Housing Finance 2020” and a 50-state resource directory of
“Welcome to the Agrihood” affordable mortgages, grants, and
Anna DeSimone down payment assistance from lo-
cal housing partnership agencies.
Anna DeSimone is a nationally rec-
Employees of banks and mortgage
ognized expert in housing finance
lending institutions throughout the Her latest effort is Welcome to the
and author of more than 40 profes-
nation have relied on DeSimone’s Agrihood—Housing, Shopping,
sional guidebooks and over 600
guidance for regulatory compli- and Gardening for a Farm-to-Table
articles on the topic of fair and
ance and mortgage best practices. Lifestyle, just released in May 2020.
responsible lending. In 1986 she
A Pinnacle Book Achievement
founded Bankers Advisory, a mort-
Anna was retained by banks Award Winner, it drew immediate
gage compliance audit services
around the country to provide em- attention as the nation’s first nation-
company based in Lexington, Mas-
ployee training based on the princi- al directory of agrihoods which are
sachusetts. DeSimone’s team of
ples and practices outlined in her residential communities centered
attorneys and banking experts au-
fair lending books. Over the course around a working farm. DeSimone
dited more than a half-million mort-
of 20 years, she conducted semi- takes readers through a virtual tour
gage files representing all
nars to 10,000 employees of finan- of agrihoods, and also describes
geographic areas of the nation.
cial institutions and housing ways for people to enjoy an “agri-
agencies. Much of the inspiration hood lifestyle” through backyard
“I identified a need for consumer
for Anna’s work was based on the gardening or buying food from “the
education after studying the data
feedback she received from her farmer you know.” Infographics
from thousands of mortgage appli-
students, who shared their own and clear commentary explain ur-
cants who were either denied cred-
experiences in dealing with home- ban agriculture initiatives, organic
it, or offered unfavorable loan
buyers. Through teaching, she certification, food safety, how far
terms,” says DeSimone. Her writ-
was able to develop a unique writ- food travels, and includes planting
ing helps homebuyers understand
ing style that would provide con- guides. The book includes a 50-
all the aspects of the home buying
sumers with sound, practical state directory of 2,200 farms with
and financing process, and how to
advice. on-site markets, food hubs, and
get approved for a safe and secure
community-supported agriculture
Anna has served as an expert wit- (CSA) programs.
ness and provided court testimony
In 1994, she was commissioned
on predatory lending and mort- DeSimone believes that if you are
under a White House Executive
gage fraud. Many innocent Ameri- an aspiring author, look to your
Order commissioned to the Mort-
cans have been harmed by own work experience to help oth-
gage Bankers Association of Amer-
deceptive practices, identity theft, ers. This is her personal secret to
ica to write educational handbooks
and fraud in the real estate industry. success. For more information
to help end mortgage discrimina-
DeSimone’s consulting experience about Anna DeSimone and her
tion. She has authored numerous
has contributed to her skills to help works, please visit her website at
books and training programs for
consumers learn more about their www.annadesimone.net
the MBA of America, Ellie Mae,
housing finance options.
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Fed-
eral Reserve Bank of Boston and
various trade associations.

Target Your Book or Product to Thousands of Bookstores,
Libraries, Mail Order Firms, Online Catalogs, Educational
Buyers and more at the NABE Book Showcase Exhibits
• Save 90% on Trade Show Costs • Attractive Face Our Display
• Professional Sales Staff • Follow Up Leads Mailed to You

Here's Your Opportunity to give your book, Oregon Library Assn Show
audio/video tape or other product exposure to the Salem, Oregon
book market, library field, mail order arena, media April 21-24th 2021
Reach public and academic libraries from all over
outlets, and internet book buyers at a cost you can Oregon in this popular annual event. Expose your
afford. The average trade show booth now rents for book not only to librarians but to hundreds of potential
$1800 and up. That doesn't include tables, carpeting, buyers who will see your book for the first time and
lighting, union labor, drayage service, book racks, then wish to purchase it for themselves or as a gift.
airfare, shipping, car expenses, meals, hotel bills, etc.
You could spend more than $3500 on just one exhibit gggg
alone. By becoming a part of the NABE Book Show-
California Book Trade Show
case Exhibits, you can have your books on display South San Francisco, California
for less than 10% of what it would cost to exhibit your Sept. 2021
books yourself.
This energetic book show draws booksellers from
areas with the highest per-capita book sales in the
Our NABE BOOK SHOWCASE EXHIBITS are country. Bookstore owners, large chain stores, major
different from any exhibiting service. Your book book distributors, and more will be attending from all
is displayed face-out within a special subject over California, and Nevada as well. These stores are
looking for new titles and authors and will help promote
category, such as Health, Cooking, Children's your title to their buyers. Make certain your book is
Interest, etc. Only 50 to 100 books are dis- displayed to this great audience!
played in each show so your book is not gggg
buried amidst thousands of titles. Then, a Pacific NW Booksellers Show
professional sales staff, full of enthusiasm and Tacoma, Washington
warmth, who also speak Spanish and French, October 2021
greet potential buyers. We take time to get to
Reach thousands of book stores, book distributors,
know you and your book. We pass out your wholesalers, libraries, young adult bookstores, and a
flyers and send you the names of all the buy- wide range of book buyers from all over Oregon, Wash-
ers who visited us so you can follow up on ington, Idaho and Northern California. Many of these
booksellers are seeking independently published titles
potential orders. on a variety of different topics including children's
books, fiction, non-fiction, how-to, self-help and much
Our NABE BOOK SHOWCASE EXHIBITS are bright, more. This show gets bigger every year.
well-decorated, and colorful. We offer drawings, free
gifts and giveaways to increase booth traffic. A few
years ago, a publisher who had placed her book in 3
different combined exhibits in the same show, told us Washington Library Assn. Show
Spokane, Washington
that after visiting the other two places, she couldn't October 2021
believe all the buyers and the activity that was taking
place at the NABE Booth. Authors are encouraged to Showcase your books, audios, videos and more in one
make an appearance at shows if they wish. Even if of the largest library market shows of the year. You
can sell direct to libraries and pocket more profits. Or,
you cannot attend any of the shows, you can be
you can help your distributor sell more books with this
assured your book will be shown to all potential exposure to librarians from all over Washington, Idaho
buyers. We are unlike any exhibiting service you and other neighboring states.
have ever used. This is our 40th successful year of gggg
showcasing books, experience you can count on!

Here's What You Receive at What Past Exhibitors Have
the N.A.B.E. BOOK Said About Our Service:
“Thanks for putting me in touch with the distribu-
tor you spoke with at the show. We have a deal EXHIBIT FEES
g YOUR BOOK will be displayed face-
to put copies of the novels in two Portland Cost- NABE Members
co Warehouse stores, and in the Eugene Costco.
out in its own special category section I'll do a book signing in all three stores. If that
with a friendly, professional Tri-Lingual goes well, and I'm confident that it will, there is a One Book in 1 Exhibit:
(Spanish, French & English) Sales Staff great opportunity to expand into other Costco $110.00
stores, Wal-Mart and the big box book stores. It One Book in 2 Exhibits
attending. We also showcase CDs, and looks like the book show exposure paid off.
DVD’s. You do not have to attend any Rod Collins
show unless you wish to. One Book in 3 Exhibits
“You and Ingrid did a superb NABE job at the $300.00
California Library Association Trade Show. We Additional Titles in any Exhibit:
g YOUR BOOK will be featured in our appreciated how well you displayed "Grandpa Only $90.00 each
NABE BOOK SHOWCASE CATALOG, Grouper, The Fish With Glasses' and steered
children¹s book buyers to us. Thank you. Grand-
which will be passed out free to buyers pa Grouper sold out! It pays to join NABE and ---------------------------------------
at each show with your web site info. I highly recommend participating in your trade ***SPECIAL***
show program." Don Arends
One Book in All Four Exhibits
g 25 of YOUR BOOK PROMOTION FLY- $370.00
"I just received a call from a gift store in California,
ERS will be placed beside your book. whose owner told me that she saw our book at ---------------------------------------
When a buyer expresses interest in your the NABE Book Showcase Exhibit. She proceed- Non-Members
title, a flyer will be handed out. If addition- ed to order every book and label in our line. This
$185.00 per book per show
one account certainly paid for our exhibit fee,
al flyers are needed, they will be xeroxed and we expect much repeat business.”
at the show. Cheryl Long, Culinary Arts, Ltd.

g Once you sign up, you'll receive the "We consider your showing of our books at the
NABE Book Showcase to be a success. So far,
Free Report: How to Get The Max From we've received five solid wholesale contracts To Get Your Book Into the
A Show. It gives you tips on how to de- and are in the process of securing some large NABE Showcase Exhibits
sign order-pulling flyers and what to put orders.” M. Waters, Mutual Press
on them, ways to attract more customers, "Al, thanks for the leads from the last trade show. P Fill out the Showcase Order
best follow-up methods, and much more. The first five I contacted remembered my book
and also taking the flyer you handed out. Four
Form below. Print or type legibly.
g A SPECIAL PARTICIPANT PACK- out of five already ordered for their libraries. You Include your remittance by check,
did a great job representing my book. I am very money order or credit card.
AGE will be e-mailed to you, approximate- pleased with your service." Joan Shih
ly 2 weeks after the Showcase, P For each Showcase that you
containing the list of buyers for follow up. participate in: Send One copy
They will be sent both in Adobe Reader of your Book plus 25 Flyers.
PDF Format as well as in Ascii Text so Special Hot Books (We need a fresh book for each
they can be imported into any database. exhibit). If your book isn't ready
Prime Feature Section
Plus, you will receive a Show Report. If
At Calif. Book Show & now, you can ship it later, but
you prefer, the names & report can be
Washington Library Show please sign up as soon as possi-
sent by regular mail.
Only $50.00 add. per show ble because of limited space in
EXTRA BONUS Limited Amount of space the exhibits. Flyers can also be
When You Sign Up For sent after you sign up.
3 or More Shows
Success Secrets of NABE P.O.Box 606 Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Self-Publishers CD ____ Reserve a space for ______book(s) in the □ Place book in Hot Books at
Learn master marketing tips      Oregon Library Show    California Book Show Cal. Book Show. Add. $50.00
and the Inside Secrets of sell-     Pacific NW Book Show     Washington Lib Assn Show  □ Place book in Hot Books at
    All Four Showcases for $370.00 for NABE Members. Washington Lib. Show Add. $50.00
ing more books at the trade
shows, in mail order, through ____ Enclosed find my check or money order in the total amount of $_______ as payment in full.
special markets, with publicity ____ I am enclosing $90.00 to join NABE and to receive the special NABE Member Exhibit prices.
tie-Ins, and more. Boost your ____ Please charge my Visa/Mastercard Number______________________________________
bookselling profits! Exp. Date________ Signature__________________________________
Card Verification No. ______ (Last 3 digits on back of signature panel of card)

__Check here if your would Title of Book__________________________________________________________________

like us to design your flyer with Author__________________________________________________Retail Price____________
our new low cost Book Flyer Publisher__________________________________________________________________
Service. Includes typesetting Address_____________________________________________________________________
and printing. Only available for City______________________________________________State_______Zip_____________
NABE Members who partici- Telephone__________________E-Mail_______________________________________
pate in our Showcase Exhibits.

How to Effectively Use YouTube Be Clear on Your Purpose and Description
to Market Your Books And Goals The video description is an impor-
Position Your Expertise tant part of getting lots of views.
By Kathleen Gage To get the most out of your efforts Keep descriptions concise and
you need to be extremely clear on compelling. Add in a link to your
I've had a YouTube channel for the purpose of your channel. blog or website at the beginning of
years. Until recently, I didn't have a the description. Be sure to add in
focused theme. I was all over the You also need to optimize your the http:// to the URL.
place uploading videos that ad- videos with a few simple strategies
dressed many topics. including the title of your video, At the end of your description, add
playlist names, description and call in a CTA - call to action. For exam-
Whatever struck my fancy, I would to action. ple, if you have a giveaway that is
turn on my camera or iPhone and directly related to the topic of the
presto! a video was created. My focus is all about book market- video, add that in at the end of the
ing and sales. As I create content description. Granted, not everyone
Although some of my videos re- driven videos, my focus MUST be will take you up on the free offer,
ceived thousands of views, the ma- on the theme at hand. To do so will but even if 10% of viewers do, this
jority had under 100 views each. get me greater results and make it can equate to lots of new subscrib-
Not a good return on investment much easier for viewers to benefit ers over time.
for the time it takes to shoot a from the content.
video and upload it. Even though YouTube has a
Video Title 5,000-character limit for descrip-
Your title must appeal to your ideal tions, you don't need to use all
The amount of work that goes into viewer. Create a title that is accu- 5,000 characters. People want in-
a video with 10 views compared to rate and clearly describes what formation fast and easy. Less is
10,000 views is the same. people will see. If your videos are more in most cases.
part of a series, or theme, add a
This supports the philosophy to common phrase to the title. Call to Action (CTA)
plan out marketing regardless of As the name implies, a CTA is
the avenues you choose. For example, for my book market- designed to get viewers to take a
ing videos I start the title with either specific action. You can have a
YouTube is Powerful for Marketing "Book marketing" or "Book market- CTA in the video and in the descrip-
ing strategies." This makes it much tion. Admittedly, I have not utilized
YouTube is one of the most power- easier for those interested in book the CTA in videos as effectively as
ful resources for marketing and marketing to find the videos. possible... until now. Moving for-
visibility. However, as I discovered ward, I plan to add a CTA to my
through careful analysis, it takes Playlists videos, especially those about
more, much more, than simply up- book marketing.
loading videos. The playlist feature keeps your vid-
eos organized in a way that they Something as simple as "Remem-
are easier to find for your viewer. A ber to subscribe to this channel"
My goal with my YouTube Channel playlist is a collection of videos. can result in your viewers taking
and videos is to teach viewers how action.
to market their books, sell more Viewers usually enjoy watching
books and make more money in more than one video on a topic. A CTA in your description can in-
their business. With this in mind, I Playlists allow them to do so with crease your subscriber list size by
am adjusting my efforts to achieve ease. Playlists allow you to orga- offering a high-value gift. The bot-
greater results from my efforts. nize your videos into easy-to-find tom line is this, YouTube can be a
You will be well-served to do the sections. great way to serve your market
same. AND increase your influence. As
with anything, the more strategic
you are, the better.

Reach Thousands of Book Buyers
In the Publishers Preview Section of Book Dealers World and the
A Two For One Special Marketing Opportunity

Book Dealers World

Hot Books To Promote
Publishers Preview
You receive a 1/3 page display unit, completely de- Feature Page
signed by us with your book cover photo, a 70-word
description of your book, retail price, wholesale, drop- This Special Web Page will be featured on our
ship and sample costs, plus your company name, Web Site, promoted in quarterly e-mails to
address and phone number. This ad will appear in the bookstores, libraries and a wide variety of
Winter 2021 edition of BOOK DEALERS WORLD, Internet Book Buyers, and advertised in our
which will be seen by 5000 or more prospects each bi-monthly Marketsmart Newsletter.
As a Publisher, here’s what you will get:
Buyers From All Over The
1. A 70-word Description of Your Book
United States, Canada and the World 2. A Color Cover Photo of Your Book
Will See Your Book 3. A Direct Link to Your Own Web Page
The PUBLISHERS PREVIEW section is designed for or Web Site.
ease of use. Internet firms and mail order companies 4. One Complete Year on Hot Books
can request additional sales information or order direct-
ly from you. We even forward any inquiries we receive 20,000 to 25,000 visitors come to our Web
here at N.A.B.E. to you at no additional charge. Site each month. 4000 copies of our popular
newsletter Marketsmart are e-mailed each
Save Yourself Time and Money! issue and more than 1000 e-mails will be sent
If you rented e-mail lists of potential prospects it would to book buyers.
cost you up to a thousand dollars to reach these top
prospects not to mention all the time and work in- Get This Complete Promotion
volved in securing the right lists. We do everything for
Package a $275.00 value for just
you in one easy operation. 2021 marks our 41st year
$125.00 as a NABE Member
of publishing.
Publishers Preview Ad in BDW plus
Remember That Even One Contact Made the Hot Books To Promote Feature on
Through This Offer Could Result In our Website for a Full Year.
Thousands of Dollars of Sales
For Your Book!


NABE, Publishers Preview, Box 606, Cottage Grove, OR 97424 NABE MEMBERS:
___Please sign me up for the next PUBLISHERS PREVIEW and $125.00 per book
the Hot Books To Promote Feature on the web. I've enclosed my Non-Members:
remittance plus my book, (and a JPEG of the cover by e-mail) plus a
70-word description of the book on a separate page.
$150.00 per book
___Please charge my Visa, MC Number or American Express. BookTitle_________________________________
____________________________________________________ ________________________________________
Exp. Date_____________Signature______________________________ Retail Price:_________ Sample Price:__________
Card Verification No.______ (Last 3 digits on back of signature panel of card) Website:__________________________________
Name____________________________________________ Please include a 70-word description of
Company_________________________________________ your book on a separate page. If you want
us to write the copy, send your book &
Address__________________________________________ sales info.
Telephone__________________Fax___________________ Final Deadline: December. 20th, 2020
E-Mail____________________________________________ See Next Page For Publishers Preview

Mallory M. O’Connor Archway Publishing
9908 SW 52 Rd Gainesille, FL 32608
Phone: 352-466-3711
E-Mail: oconnormallm@gmail.com
Web: www.malloymoconor.com

Psychic medium Epiphany Mayall lives and works in the small

spiritualist community of Watoolahatchee, Florida. But when she
visits her childhood home in Ohio to see her mother, Epiphany has no
idea she will soon be swept into a maelstrom of corporate corruption,
environmental disasters, art theft and murder.

Retail: $18.95, Sample: $18.95 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Sheila Kovach Christian Faith Publishing

PO Box 220 Cora, WY 82925
Phone: 307-421-5635
E-Mail: skinthewinds@gmail.com

These 40 short stories are a fictional reflection of the day to day stories
that anyone can be experiencing as they walk the daily walk of life. Set
in a park the author says Hello to fellow walkers, and their response is
what created these very interesting stories. Haven't you ever passed
someone and wondered "What's their story". Each story has a thought
provoking idea or lesson.
Retail: $15.95, Sample: $15.95 ppd
Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Rev. Dr. Mushtaq H. Jaafri, Mushtaq Publishing Company

919 Sonora Ct. San Dimas, CA 91773-1488
Phone 909-344-0167 E-Mail: mushtaqjaafri@gmail.com
Web Site: http://www.godconnectionstory.com

The Corona Virus has prompted most American believers to feel that God is
telling humanity to change how it lives. But the author of this new book sees
a much bigger message in the virus. He believes that it is the ego’s power
that started it to discredit God and only the power of God can change our
fate. Based on the author’s knowledge that he has experienced for forty-
plus years. Amazing secret revealed. Results guaranteed. For your Free
Report, send your e-mail today or write directly to the author.

Retail: $17.99, Sample Book $17.99 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

June Norman, Austin Macauley Publishers
25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, UK E14 5LQ
Telephone: +44 20 7038 8212
E-Mail norman.bj2@bigpond.com
Web: www.austinmacauley.com

Disgruntled businesswoman Catherine uses surrogacy as a means of financ-

ing a new career. The novel follows her journey and that of the recipient
family, the McAllisters. She later faces an ethical dilemma when she learns
her husband is infertile and makes a decision quickly to solve the problem.
She unknowingly meets the McAllisters and her world threatens to fall apart
when the truth is revealed. The outcome is surprising.

Retail: $19.95 Sample: $19.95 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Sharon Dexter 213 Forest Street, Lake Geneva. WI 53147

Phone (262) 248-4845
E-Mail sdkd1961@gmail.com
Web Site www.godsfaithfulpromise.com

Would you rather be a conduit or an overflowing vessel? A conduit, something

through which something flows. An overflowing vessel, something which is
utterly filled to overflowing. Both can spread God's love, but I think the
blessings of grace, of hope, and of love have filled me to overflowing. Being a
vessel of his grace, I do not try to hold fast to his blessings. I can let them freely
flow out, over, and through me, all the way to you. And I find that, as I let them
flow beyond me, his blessings continue to flow and to fill me, creating an
overflowing vessel of his grace.

Retail: $10.95 Sample: $10.95 ppd.

Write For Wholesale quantity discounts.

Diamante Lavendar D&L Productions

PO Box 8213 Green Bay, WI 54308
Phone: 920-288-9929
E-Mail: diamantelavendar@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.diamantelavendar.com

A winner of six awards for Inspirational Fiction! Based on a true story. A book to
inspire, to bring hope and healing. Written from a Christian perspective, Break-
ing The Silence addresses issues such as abuse, loss, grief, depression, anxiety
and healing. Reviewed as "an amazing story of hope" and "moving, brilliant and
inspiring". Breaking The Silence speaks of jumping the hurdles in life no matter
how big they may be and of seeking and finding your destiny.

Retail: $12.99, Sample: $12.99 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Lee Dobry Christian Faith Publishing
832 Park Avenue Meadville, PA 16335
E-Mail: taylor@christianfaithpublishing.com
Web Site www.christianfaithpublishing.com

God for Dummies, is a book about God written for the user, not for
theologians or philosophers. It lays out some basic truths about God and
Jesus that God wants us to understand but too often are either over-thunk or
just excused with "It's a mystery." What is the evidence that God really does
exist? Is there a conflict between the creation story and the "Big Bang
Theory"? What is the story of the Garden of Eden really about?. Why did
Jesus have to die for us? Was Jesus really born of a virgin?

Price: $13.95 Sample: $13.95 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Franklin Hook, MD Fall River Publishing

PO Box 133 Hot Springs, SD 57747
Phone 605-745-4330 E-Mail: wf@earthlink.net
Web Site ~ www.franklinhookbooks.com

You will find Hook's book is scientifically written like the doctor he is. It's well
researched & documented with many recognizable authors and figures
such as Edgar Cayce, America's greatest mystic. You will also be impressed
by the breadth of the author's research on reincarnation, extending from
the first century A.D. to the current century including the experience of
Florida's Dr. Brian Weiss, a Chairman Emeritus and Psychoanalyst at Mount
Sinai, Miami, Florida, Enjoy!

Retail: $9.99, Sample: $9.99 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Richard A Pazasis Page Publishing

320 Water Street Conneaut, PA 16316
Phone: 866-315-2708 E-Mail: rap-authorconsultant@charter.net

It is a very focused, succinct, and easy-to-read book for those wishing

to develop and perfect leadership and management skills and for
employees to understand what type of leadership they should expect
to help them successfully meet the mission and goals of their employ-
er while at the same time being fulfilled in their jobs

Retail: $14.95 Sample: $14.95 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Susan Robertson Page Publishing
PO Box 470 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Telephone: 405-706-3704
E-Mail: larruping@aol.com

My husband was Dale Robertson a very famous and talented actor

who starred in many films. Mostly in the 1950’s. Also starred in
Western Series during the golden era of the TV Western, one of the
most popular genres ever produced for the small screen. One of the
most popular was Tales of Wells Fargo that Dale starred in every
episode. Starred in The Iron Horse, Death Valley Days. etc.

Retail: $62.95
Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Karen Rita Rautenberg Wonderberry Press

418 E. 77th Street Apt. 2A New York, NY 10075
Phone: 917-892-1410
E-Mail: karenrita123@gmail.com
Web Site www.karenritarautenberg.com

In this children's novel, ages 8-13, that takes place in the Middle Ages, noble girl
meets peasant boy desiring to become a knight and they have many exciting
adventures together. Experience witches, feasts, games, hunting, jousting, and
town fairs full of surprises. Winner: Foreword Book Award, Royal Dragonfly Book
Award, Purple Dragonfly Book Award, International Book Award, Book Excellence
Book Award, National Indie Excellence Book Award,. "…Great book…" Midwest
Book Review.

Retail: $8.99, Sample: $8.99 ppd

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Robert H Kono
Christian Faith Publishing
5450 SW Erickson Ave. Apt. B212 Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: 503-644-1939
E-Mail: hiroshicarob@aol.com

Greg Sonoda, a Japanese American attorney, is on a quest to under-

stand the influence God has had on his life as he seeks an insight into
his higher self. He and his family are shipwrecked on an uninhabited
island in Micronesia while on a vacation, and he is forced to evaluate
his standing with God and his knowledge of himself as a Japanese, as
an American and as a man.
Retail: $17.95 Sample: $17.95 ppd.
Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Jay Diedreck Christian Faith Publishing
Phone 585-617-4444
E-Mail jdiedreck@rochester.rr.com

“Amazing! I am truly uplifted, and at peace! This novel has replen-

ished my self-worth; I feel valued and am actually smiling for the first
time in months!” Coastal Maine lighthouse keepers, Klem and his
lovely wife Jane, bring you as their friend, into the wholesome and
fascinating way of coastal life. Fun adventures awaits along sea
kissed beaches and villages but there are also some very unexpected
and thrilling twists.

Retail: $13.95, Sample: $13.95 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Clark and Lourine Gist Christian Faith Publishing

1024 Black Canyon Rd Simi Valley, CA 93063
Phone: 805-428-0692 E-Mail lourinegist@earthlink.net
Web: You Tube Alice in God’s Wonderland

“Alice in God's Wonderland” is a charming adaptation of the original Alice in

Wonderland; a complete original story following Alice in Wonderland as a
model. An inspirational and creative narrative celebrating the King of Kings,
emphasizing the Golden Rule while highlighting the acceptance of individuals.
Join Alice down the rabbit hole and her adventures with the Cheshire Cat,
Mad Hatter, March Hare, Mock Turtle and even some new friends.

Retail: $29.95 Hdcover $19.95 Paperback Sample: PB: $19.95 ppd

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

B.A.Vonsik Celestial Fury Publishing

5617 Rocking Horse Rd Orlando FL 32817
Phone 407-252-0341
E-Mail po@primevalorigins.com
Web Site www.primevalorigins.com

Book Three in the multiple award-winning science fantasy epic saga

revealing mankind’s origins and rise of the Four Horsemen. Join Nikki, a
graduate student with her life upside-down running from forces unknown as
she learns of and experiences our undiscovered history filled with terrible
tyrannies, brutal beasts, ancient gods, and heroic hearts as our End Times
near, answering the question, “What if all of our myths and legends are true?”

Retail: $19/95. Sample: $19.95 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Reverend Peter G. Vu Book art Press 1253 52nd St Kentwood, MI 49508
Phone 616-634-1943 E-Mail pvu@stmmagdalen.org
Web Site www.FatherPeterVu.org

“Living for a Higher Purpose” is an enthralling story that will keep readers
interested at every turn of the page as it gives a unique perspective of the Viet
Nam War from an eye-witness and survivor. The book is not just a story of
struggles, difficulties, and despair but also a story of hope, redemption, and
transformation. Anyone who has been through the toughest times of their lives
can find comfort and security in reading this book. Viet’s story inspires readers
to find their own higher purpose in life.

Retail $27.00, Sample: $27.00 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Tara S. Reidenbaugh Christian Faith Publishing

832 Park Avenue Meadville, PA 16335
Phone: 1-800-955-3794
E-Mail: taras.reidenbaugh@gmail.com
Web Site: www.christianfaithpublishing.com

This true story about a lost dog teaches one family about faith and the
power of prayer. The sweet tale is about the author's family endeavors
while their beloved pet has gone missing for nearly a month. Original
watercolor illustrations chronicle the events to keep both children and
adults engaged. Delivering a powerful ending that blesses the heart.

Retail: $14.95 Sample: $14.95 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Barbara Jean Lonsdorf, Ph.D. Createspace

1320 McIndoe St. Wausau, WI 54403
Phone: 715-842-2444 E-Mail: bjlonsdorf@aol.com

This couples workbook is a hands-on, step-by-step guide to help partners

replace habitual negativity with behavior that promotes positive communica-
tion and problem solving. One goal is to change habits of HOW things are
said that create barriers to working out problems. Couples in long term
relationships carry unhelpful thoughts and scripts about their partner that
are additional barriers to intimacy.

Retail: $20.00 Sample: $20.00 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

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Get Noticed by the Media by With all the forms of social media During your launch, keep an eye
Newsjacking Your Book including blogs, podcast shows, out for anything trending that
By Kathleen Gage videos and social networks like would allow for your book to have
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and a connection to. This is Newsjack-
The first time I heard the term so many others, this is one strate- ing at its best.
Newsjacking I was a bit taken back. gy that can be absolute game
Newsjacking? What the heck is changer for you and your business. Hit #1 on Amazon - FREE report
that? It brought up images of crimi- shows you how. If you're an expert
nal activity. Specifics to Finding Trends who has written a book, or plans to,
learn how to get to the top of the
But upon a bit of research, I real- There are quite a few ways you can Amazon charts, by visiting
ized that Newsjacking is a power- find what's trending in an up to the .http://www.oneonamazon.com
house way to get noticed by the minute fashion.
media AND potential clients.
A simple Google search with the
According to the official site for key words, "Trending news stories"
Newsjacking it is the art and sci- will bring up lots of locations you
Author’s Secrets
ence of injecting your ideas into a can get ideas for how to position
breaking news story and generat- your message.
ing tons of media coverage and Packed with amazing tips
social media engagement. Every major news outlet stays on and tricks, to get you un-
top of trends. You can also go to stuck from writer’s block
and to improve your writ-
That's quite a mouthful to basically Twitter and find out what is trend- ing in dozens of little
say, "Newsjacking is a way to uti- ing for Twitter users. ways, there are tips
about all aspects of writing, for both fic-
lize trends in the media to enhance tion and non-fiction authors. For details,
traffic to various locations including For example, let's say you are a visit www.dreamstonepublishing.com or
your social media channels and company that provides storm pro- send Kim Lambert an e-mail at
your blog posts." tection insurance. At the time of
me writing this post, there was a
Finding Trends trending topic about a huge storm
brewing off the coast of the United
So how do you find trending sto- States.
ries? It's actually as close as Twit- Translate Your
ter, Google, and virtually any What about those who deal with Children’s Book
search engine. ethics in fundraising. With the Don-
ald Trump situation about his fund- Into Spanish
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ing, "When there is news in your the topic. professional translation services
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lysts are looking for experts to com- Then there is the trending topic of children’s books between 25 to
National Boyfriend Day. If you are 50 pages at a cost you can af-
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pening right now. celebration days you might be able no obligation quote.
to position a story around. As you
get closer to your launch, check for Ingrid Crawford
PO Box 606
hot trends.
Cottage Grove, OR 97424

How E-Books Are Changing books, as no paper and no transpor- The total global publishing revenue
The Publishing Industry tation is required for e-book publish- stood at USD 122 billion in 2018 and
by Manoj Lam Kumar ing. was expected to touch USD 129
billion by 2023. Of this, e-book share
The concept of electronic books or How have the publishing houses is approximately USD 16 billion,
e-books has been around for a while dealt with this onslaught of technolo- which indicates that e-books still
now, early contraptions were being gy? Publishers have been using dig- have a long way to go.
designed and made since the late ital technologies for writing,
1930s. In 1971, Michael S. Hart proofreading, graphic designing and I am a full-time content writer for
created the first electronic docu- printing for quite some time. Howev- reality premedia services. My key
ment by typing the US declaration of er, what has really changed in the domain expertise is eBook conver-
Independence on his computer in last decade is the impact of these sion services. For more info, people
text format so that the document technologies on the way we commu- can visit the company website
could be viewed on other devices. nicate, promote, market and espe- https://www.realitypremedia.com/bo
The e-book reading devices were cially the way that we read digital ok-services/ebook-conversion-ser-
meant to store technical or refer- content. The omnipresence of the vice.
ence documents which would have smartphones and internet means
become too heavy if printed as pa- that we have easy access to our
per books for the intended users. preferred choice of digital content.
During this time, most of the proj-
In terms of cost comparison be-
ects related to e-books were under-
taken at the behest of the tween e-books and printed books, Your
government agencies. Sharing of e-books are cheaper to publish.
While we can take author fees, mar-
documents became easier with the
Internet services being introduced in keting costs and publishers staff sal- In the
aries for both types of published
the late 1980s and e-book Readers
became more reader friendly. In material to be the same, e-books Fall 2020
1992, Sony introduced the 'Data have negligible costs associated
with retail and wholesale margins,
Discman' which could read books
stored on CDs. The cost of this de- printing/re-printing of copies, paper, Book
vice then was more than USD 500, storage, maintenance & logistics.
which was too high for it to be viable A more recent development has Achievement
been the emergence of self-publish-
and was discontinued within a cou-
ple of years. ing, wherein authors instead of wait- Awards
ing to be accepted by large
e-Book reading devices like Kindle, publishing houses, publish their ma-
iBooks, Nook, Kobo etc. soon be- terial themselves through self-help
came popular as alternatives to pa- portals.
per books. The reasons for this
change of habit are several, e-
books are cheaper, extremely porta- With the digital age, publishers have
ble, customizable in terms of font had to adopt more stringent policies
and color, each device can store towards intellectual property piracy
hundreds of titles/books, saving of caused due to indiscriminate shar-
space, users can also index informa- ing of online digital content. This has
tion, get details about other books led the publishers to organize work-
from their favourite authors or down- shops promoting the author and
load sample chapters. These devic- books, conferences and webinars.
es are literally putting the library or Adoption of technology which stud-
the bookstore in our hands, and all ies data pertaining to existing and
this without moving out of our chair. potential customers, trends and pref-
From the long-term perspective one erences of the target audience are
can also argue about the environ- also playing a key role in the survival
mental benefits of adopting e- of publishing houses.

Edge: Turning Adversity Into Advan- Owly Who: Any Hue of Blue is Okay
Book tage by Laura Huang, a preeminent Har-
vard Business School professor, shows
Too by Jaci M is an inspiring tale of
rediscovering one's true self. Enjoy a
that success is about gaining an edge: majical adventure full of all hues of blues
Dealers that elusive quality that gives you an
upper hand and attracts attention and
& with loving friends too! Owly Who
finally realizes the beauty of flying free
with the loving support & encouragement
Diary support. Some people seem to naturally
have it. Now, Huang teaches the rest of from his beloved tree Analeigh. Our wish
for you dear friends, is that you all
us how to create our own from the chal-
lenges and biases we think hold us back, rediscover anew with clear inner sight
A Grand Madness U2 Twenty Years Af-
and turning them to work in our favor. For the true beauty & joyful light of sparkling
ter by Diane Ebertt Beeaff is a sequel to a
more info visit https://laurahuang.net cerulean you! For more info and dealer
previous bestselling memoir. It offers read-
details visit www.whimsicalmajic.com
ers a tour-side glimpse of Ireland's iconic
rock sensation, U2. Spanning nearly two Alice in God’s Wonderland by Clark
and Lourine Gist celebrates the King of Profiteering, Corruption and Fraud in
decades and six tours, Beeaff's sharply
Kings, emphasizing The Golden Rule, U. S. Health Care are emblematic of our
detailed second book is an inspirational
while highlighting the acceptance of indi- profit-driven, corporatized marketplace.
depiction of one fan's journey on the road,
viduals who make up this world. Join Author John Geyman, MD reveals the
brimming with insights into one of the most
Alice down the rabbit hole to the wonder- urgent need for health care reform is at
famous rock bands of our time. For more
ful world of Alice in God's Wonderland an all-time high as the U. S. struggles to
info visit www.debeeaff.wordpress.com
and her adventures with the Cheshire deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and
Cat, Mad Hatter, March Hare, Mock Tur- the recession. Compares three major
Exit The Maze: One Addiction, One
tle, and even some new friends, in this alternatives for reform—building on the
Cause, One Cure arose from Dr. Donna
enlightening tale. For more info, send an ACA, the public option, and Medicare for
Marks’ three decades of personal and pro-
e-mail to lourinegist@earthlink.net All. For more info and dealer details visit
fessional experience as a psychotherapist
and educator. Learn about the one addic-
tion, and how once we acknowledge and Kidnapped. In 1990, Alice Weil was kid-
napped in Colombia and held captive in The Miles and Trials of a Marathon
identify the originating cause, we can em-
a dark, windowless cell for 269 days. She Goddess by Julie Weiss tells Julie’s
ploy the one cure. Discover why willpow-
tells the story of how she found the re- amazing story. In 2012-2013 she ran 52
er doesn’t work, and what you can do to
sources hidden deep inside her to sur- marathons in 52 weeks. Along the way
leave your addiction behind like a bad rela-
vive captivity without taking her own life, she was featured in a major
tionship. Find out the number one reason
losing her sanity or developing Stock- documentary film, Spirit of the Marathon
most addiction treatment fails and what to
holm syndrome. Upon her release, she II, appeared on national television and
do about it. For more info and dealer de-
was able to face her beloved father's attracted a passionate social media
tails, visit www.drdonnamarks.com
passing, continue being a devoted moth- following, as she logged the miles of
er and wife, and lead a normal, produc- each of her 52 marathons in honor of
Squire With Fire: A Happy Dragon Tale
tive life. E-Mail aliceweil@aol.com individuals lost to or fighting pancreatic
by Joseph Cassis is a delightful Medieval
cancer, ultimately raising over a half
adventure that illuminates, educates and
million dollars for the cause. For more
even surprises. It explodes expectations
info, visit www.marathongoddess.com
around gender roles and throws wide the
assumptions about what little girls and little How to Master Your Inner Superman
by Kenneth Rogers, Jr. uses the DC LUNA, The Mare With The Sky Blue
boys might do with their lives. Beautifully
comic book superhero Superman to help Eyes is a story for everyone who loves
illustrated. For more dealer info, vist
male survivors of childhood sexual horses, real and imaginary. A tale of a
abuse understand and heal from their young mare nearly forgotten and left
childhood trauma. This self-help guide behind and the story of those who saved
The Politics of Public Higher Education
explores the use of internal family sys- her. Two very different artists collaborate
by Tom Anderes is the third in a set of three
tem therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, to tell the story of a very different horse.
books that provides higher education lead-
and dialectical behavior therapy to con- The true story is written by Dora
ers, faculty, and system and institutional
quer the need to cope with the trauma of Dillistone and beautifully illustrated by
planners a reality-based view of decision-
childhood sexual assault. For more Taos Pueblo artist Jonathan Warm Day
making in higher education. The focus is
info,visit www.lostimaginations.com Coming. For more info and dealer details,
on how issues and related problems are
visit www.thestoryofluna.com
translated into strategic initiatives that be-
come the basis for leadership solutions. Bicycling Dog Tales by Deborah Gib-
son wants for the reader to imagine bicy- Earth Angels by Karen Nicksich is a
For more info e-mail tanderes@gmail.com
cling alongside of a dog, being a pet care pictorial documentary chronicling the
My Name is Saul by Lin Wilder propels us handler, and dog safety. These short lives of “specially-abled” children.
back through the life of the man who would stories on bicycling and the pet care Features the personal stories of nine
become St. Paul. Her vividly imagined, experience will be uniquely narrated and families who have children with special
well-founded tale of loss, transformation, presented by each dog. For more info needs and chronicles their joys and
and divine intervention will captivate believ- and dealer details send an e-mail to challenges A book about self-expression,
ers and non-believers alike who yearn for thankugrateful@gmail.com self-esteem and love. For more info, visit
the human truth and drama behind the www.pet-angelreader.com
scriptures. Visit www.linwilder.com

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50 Word Book Description

Best Book in the Best Book in the
Summer 2020 Category of Category of CHRISTIAN
Pinnacle CHILDREN'S CHRISTIAN Messages of Encouragement:
Alice in God’s Wonderland The Bible Made Simple to Understand
Book Achievement Clark & Lourine Gist Wanda Levy
Awards lourinegist@earthlink.net wandalevy63@gmail.com

Best Book in the

Category of Best Books in the
Category of ANIMALS & PETS The Legend of Dragonfly Pond DEVOTIONAL
Coloring Book I Will Not Be Silent:
My Brother Javi: a Dog’s Tale Alene Roy Praying the Psalms
Tracy Stopler www.author-aleneroy.com Sharon D Dexter
tracystopler@gmail.com www.godsfaithfulpromises.com

Kitty Ballou’s Sanctuary Zoo In The Father’s Garden

Best Book in the
Cindy L. Shirley Donald E. Clark
Category of CHILDREN'S
GRAPHIC NOVEL www.inthefathersgarden.com

Best Book in the Lions and Tigers

Category of BODY MIND SPIRIT Ted Rechlin
www.rextooth.com Best Book in the
Allowing The Magic
Allowing The Miracles:
Best Book in the The Earth Trek:
A Blueprint For Ascension
Category of CHILDREN'S A Hypothesis of Earth’s
Brenda M Hardwick
PICTURE BOOK and Mankind’s Destinies
The Twelve Months of America Adolfo R Zambrano
AnnieMarie Chiaverilla www.christianfaithpublishing.com

Best Book in the www.thepeartreepress.com

Best Book in the
Category of BUSINESS Category of EDUCATIONAL
Edge: Turning Adversity Women of Color in Tech:
Into Advantage Best Books in the
Category of CHILDREN’S INTEREST A Blueprint For Inspiring
Laura Huang and Mentoring the
https://laurahuang.net Next Generation of
Luna, The Mare
with the Sky Blue Eyes Technology Innovators
Dora Dillistone Susanne Tedrick
Best Books in the http://webelongintech.com/
Category of CHILDREN'S
ADVENTURE Rooster’s Voice Best Book in the
Squire With Fire: Adriana Pernetz Category of
A Happy Dragon Tale adrianamull97@gmail.com FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS
Joseph Cassis Not a Blueprint It’s the
www.squirewithfire.com Elephants Love Cowboys Too! Shoe Prints That Matter:
Written by Carole N Sondrup A Journey Through
Jimmy Paul Illustrated by Richard L Marks Toxic Relationships
The Pug Tooth Fairy www.CowboysandElephants.com Nina Norstrom
Beth Roose www.ninanorstrom.com
www.BethRooseBooks.com Winging It!
A Monarch Love Story Best Book in the
Owly Who: Bev Davis
Any Hue of Blue is Okay Too
Category of FANTASY
www.bevdavisauthor.com The Mermaids Melt at Dawn
Jaci M
www.whimsicalmajic.com Grendolyn Peach Soleil

Best Books in the Best Books in the
Summer 2020 Category of INSPIRATIONAL Category of
Safe IN A HARD PLACE Yankee Gone Home
Achievement Kay Jantzi Franklin Hook, MD
Awards www.chariskaypublishing.com www.franklinhookbooks.com

Awards Best Book in the

Category of INSPIRATIONAL Best Book in the
POETRY Category of
Best Book in the The Wings of Adversity MULTICULTURAL NOVEL
Category of FICTION Vanessa Caraveo Goodbye, Orchid
Rainbow Farm www.amazon.com Carol Van Den Hende
Robert R. Williams www.carolvandenhende.com
rwill15@hotmail.com Best Book in the
Susanna’s Midnight Ride Best Book in the
Best Book in the Libby Carty McNamee Category of
Profiteering, Corruption and Fraud in
Sissy Goes Tiny
U.S. Health Care
Rebecca Flansburg & B.A. Norrgard
John Geyman, MD.
Best Book in the https://audreypress.com
Category of LGBT MEMOIR
Farm Boy, City Girl:
Best Book in the From Gene to Miss Gina Best Book in the
Category of John “Gene” E. Dawson Category of NEW AGE
HISTORICAL FICTION www.facebook.com/farmboycitygirlbook/ Return of the Divine Feminine,
The Dung Beetles of Liberia
Rise of the Divine Masculine:
Daniel V Meier, Jr.
The Men Who Are
https://danielmeierauthor.com Best Book in the Calling For Her Return
Category of LGBT POETRY Duann Kier
Anyone’s Son www.DuannKier.com
Best Book in the David Meischen
Category of HOME AND GARDEN www.meischenink.com Life in the Chastity Zone
Welcome to the Agrihood: Housing, Holly Brandon
Shopping and Gardening www.authorhollybrandon.com
for a Farm-to-Table Lifestyle Best Book in the
Anna DeSimone Category of MEMOIR
www.annadesimone.net 52 Weeks 52 Marathons: Best Books in the
The Miles and Trials Category of NOVEL
of a Marathon Goddess
Best Books in the Julie Weiss with Ali Nolan & John Hanc Sketches of Life
Category of INSPIRATIONAL www.marathongoddess.com A. Gavazzoni
Saying I Love You and Beyond www.agavazzoni.com
Is Saying I Love You Enough? Kidnapped
Ralph Mosgrove Alice Weil
www.writingsbyralph.com aliceweil@aol.com Unicorn: Addiction, Guilt And
a Decision That Will Change Her Life
Born to Lose L.E. Get
Christmas Is...Faith, Hope, Love Rebekah Right l.e.get1234@gmail.com
Ann-Marie F Neal kingwoman@sbcglobal.net

Best Book in the Best Book in the
Summer 2020 Category of Category of
Recreating Eden Abby & Holly: Book 4:
Achievement John Mazurk The Hidden Stairway
Awards www.ImmortalPurpose.com Janice Spina

Ice Queen
Best Book in the Best Book in the Felicia Farber
Category of Category of SELF HELP www.feliciafarber.com
Love Poems From Vermont: Overcome Mental Illness The Best Week
Reflections on an Inner Nancy Lynne Harris, MA That Never Happened
and Outer State www.nancylynneharris.com Dallas Woodburn
Jon Meyer www.DallasWoodburnAuthor.com
www.jonmeyerpoetry.com Exit The Maze:
One Addiction, One Cause,
Best Book in the One Cure
Dr. Donna Marks
Category of POETRY
Dead Shark on the N Train
Susana H Case
How to Master Your Inner Superman
Kenneth Rogers Jr.
Best Book in the
Category of POLITICAL Best Books in the
The Politics of Higher Education Category of
Tom Anderes
Eliot Parker
Best Books in the
Category of
The Barn Light Best Books in the
Catherine Green Category of THRILLER
www.catherinegreenbooks.com Marathon Murders: 26
Marathon Murders
Best Book in the in 26 States Over 26 Years
Category of RELATIONSHIPS Dr. Gary Evans
Baking Pies and Making Love www.pagepublishing.com
C Nathaniel Brown
Best Books in the
Category of
Best Book in the
Category of
Keep On Sailing: The Wine Dark Sea
Dreamer of Destiny
Barbara Woster

How to Presell Your It could have been a small bite know who you are and what
Book With Targeted of food at a wholesale shopping you have to offer.
Content Marketing club, a tiny pouch of conditioner
By Amy Harrop slipped into your shopping bag Even if you've been on the liter-
during a trip to the beauty sup- ary scene for years, chances
If you've ever heard of 'presell- ply store or a short free trial are that there are still many
ing', you likely think it's the pro- period of a new software you've potential readers out there who
cess of selling several units of a been thinking about buying. have never heard of you or any
product or service before the of your books.
official launch date. And you'd Why do you think any of these
be correct. instances happened? Human beings tend to be crea-
tures of habit, which means we
However, there's another defini- You got the free samples be- are tremendously stuck in our
tion of the word that centers on cause the companies behind ways.
the things you do before even each of the products being of-
getting to the point where you fered wanted to presell you on Left to our own devices we will
would ask a prospective reader their offer and build a relation- continue to eat the same break-
to buy your book. ship with you before asking for fast, watch the same TV shows
the sale. and read books from the same
You can think of preselling as a authors until something or
form of relationship-building. It'sAnd what is the typical outcome someone comes along to snap
any activity that facilitates the of this preselling step? us out of our trance.
movement of a person who
stumbles upon your work from What happens more often than Preselling and offering up some-
total stranger, to prospect, to not, is that if you enjoy the prod- thing of value in exchange for a
loyal reader. uct you actually end up buying moment of your prospects' time
it and you'll likely continue to helps to break down this first
patronize its creators as long as barrier to getting your prospects
Done correctly, preselling re- their product keeps meeting full attention.
moves much of the resistance and satisfying your needs.
that typically comes along with Preselling is a Stepping Stone
getting someone who was com- It's human nature to be a bit to Cross-selling
pletely unaware of you and your aloof and apprehensive about
books to take a closer look and things and people we know If your goal is to sell more
actually give them a try. nothing about. This is why us- books, one of the simplest ways
ing a tool like preselling works to do this is by selling each new
If you take the steps to make so well for breaking the ice and release of your book to the
preselling a part of your overall getting onto a prospects radar. same people who bought your
marketing strategy, you'll soon Which brings us to the first of previous release, along with the
find that many more of your two major benefits of preselling: new prospects who have found
prospects are ready and willing their way into your circle of influ-
to buy when you present them Preselling Increases the Aware- ence.
with an opportunity to do so. ness of Your Brand
Selling to an existing customer
How to Use Targeted Content Of course, this factor only ap- is known as cross-selling and is
Marketing to Presell Your Books plies to anyone who is com- one of the biggest secrets of
pletely unaware of your brand. success for major brands
Have you ever received a free around the world.
sample? The fact is that no one can buy
your book if they don't even

Consider your preference of As an example, imagine that Remember the idea of relation-
food items, small appliances you've written a book about nu- ship-building through offering
and even the movies you like to trition and healthy eating. samples? It works for self-pub-
watch. lished authors as well.
One of your prospects may be
If you've ever bought an item for interested in eating better in or- When you're getting close to ask-
your pantry and enjoyed it, you der to lose weight, while another ing for the sale, you can offer up
would be much more likely to may be concerned about lower- a free sample of the first few
buy another product made by ing their blood pressure and yet chapters of your book.
the same brand manufacturer, another may want to improve If you've laid the right founda-
even if you'd never tried it before. their chances of living a longer tion and your book is in line with
life. your prospects desires they will
The same goes for your favorite practically beg you to let them
household gadgets and produc- It's the same book, with three buy it so they can finish reading.
ers of blockbuster movies. different reader perspectives
and several ways you could ap- As you create your presell mate-
Over time, you come to expect proach preselling with direct tar- rial keep the following factors in
and associate quality and satis- geting. mind for best results. Keep your
faction with your favorite brands content and message as consis-
and don't have to think twice Your goal is to give each of your tent and relevant as possible.
about trying anything new that main prospect personas a tanta- Keep the focus on the big idea
they release. lizing taste of what to expect behind your books and brand at
when the time comes for them all times.
to buy your book. To make
This proven track record also things easier, think of each Even if you write a thousand
keeps the particular brand at the piece of marketing content as a blog posts, articles and email
forefront of your mind to the sample of food, a sip of wine or messages, always make sure
point that you look forward to a movie preview. that they point to the major
hearing about the new products theme of your books. Aim to
and services you can buy from As you create your content piec- make each piece of content
your favorite producers. es, gear each one to the specific build upon the last.
type of reader you're trying to
You should think about presell- reach and write in a way that Write content that entertains, ed-
ing and promoting your books to would most appeal to them and ucates and informs.
potential buyers in the exact their interests. The fact is that no one reads
same way. your content because they have
What Makes for Effective Presell nothing better to do.
How to Use Targeted Content to Material? In this fast paced world, people
Presell To get and stay on your pros- take time to read things in hope
pects radar it's best to use a mix that it will make them laugh,
Now that you're aware of what of several content marketing inspire them or show them a
preselling is and can appreciate methods. new way to look at an old idea.
the potential it has for putting Guest posts Create presell content that hits
you and your books in the fore- Email marketing these targets and you'll be well
front of prospective readers Blogging on your way to selling more
minds, let's look at how you can Articles books with your next release.
achieve this through the power Social Media
of targeted content marketing. You can even give away snip- Check out my blog for more pub-
pets of your books. lishing tips. Amy Harrop Blog

When Your Book Try a different route. My next re- If you aren't keeping a book mar-
Marketing Stalls lease is a cookbook for family care- keting log, I hope you'll start one.
by Harriet Hodgson givers. I brainstormed on ways to You worked hard on your book.
publicize the book and this led to Now it's time to work even harder
Book marketing takes constant an "off-the-wall" idea--partnering on book marketing. Let your light
work, energy, and patience in or- with a local grocery store. I shared shine!
der to generate sales. Long ago, I my idea with the store dietitian.
learned that book marketing was, She would create a display of --------------------------------------------
and continues to be, a never-end- healthy products, I would talk Harriet Hodgson has been a free-
ing task. Since I'm not a natural about the cookbook, sell auto- lancer for 37 years and is the au-
marketer (I could barely sell Girl graphed copies, and give away thor of 35 books. Her latest
Scout cookies),book marketing is handouts with sample recipes. releases include Happy Again!
a challenge. In recent months I've The store director is considering Your New and Meaningful Life Af-
intensified my marketing efforts. this idea now. ter Loss, The Family Caregiver's
Guide, Affirmations for Family
Connect with other authors. I post- Caregivers, A Journal for Family
My granddaughter made a 30-sec- ed on my publisher's author portal Caregivers, and soon-to-be-re-
ond video and posted it on the and am posting more often on leased The Family Caregiver's
Internet. I'm working with a local Twitter and Facebook. The results Guide. Visit her website to learn
winery and hope to do a book have been amazing. For example, more about this author, grand-
launch there. Although I've been one author gives away information mother, and caregiver. Visit
hard at it, the increase in sales has cards about her book. Following http://www.harriethodgson.com
been minimal. Yes, I'm discour- her example, I ordered cards from
aged, and you may be discour- an online company. Four book
aged too. What can authors do covers are on the front of the card
when sales stall? That's the ques- and book descriptions are on the
tion I asked myself and here are back. I distribute these cards
some answers to it. when I speak.

Don't give up. According to one of Take a chance. On the spur of the
my publishers, customers think moment, I called the community
they act immediately after hearing manager of a local bookstore. (I'd
about a book, but this isn't reallyworked with her before.) We had
what happens. In truth, three or an excellent conversation,
four weeks may pass before a swapped ideas, and agreed that
customer buys a book. So authors this is a tough marketing town. I
like you and me need to continue think the manager understands
our efforts. The smallest step may me better now and I understand
yield big results. her better. The following day I
emailed her and thanked her for
Learn more about marketing. My her phone time. And time will tell if
current publisher, WriteLife, has anything comes from this conver-
an authors' portal on its website. sation.
Authors can click on the portal,
enter a password, and find infor- Increase social media posts. So-
mation on a broad range of topics, cial media are the conduit to book
including copyright information, sales. I've joined several new
wholesale pricing, and marketing groups and pay close attention to
ideas. You can also watch You- what other authors are saying.
Tube and Facebook tutorials What isn't working for them? What
about book marketing. is working? You may be able to
adapt an idea to your book genre.
These posts may spark marketing
ideas and actions.

The 4 Components to You must spend time doing the 4. Brand. What do you stand for
Building an Author Platform things that will get you in front of in the eyes of your readers? Are
by Sandra N. Peoples the people who will be reading you a hot male romance author?
and promoting both you and Do you write Christian erotica?
What is an author platform? your work. Having a presence Whatever it is that makes you
opens doors for opportunities unique, is a part of your brand.
An author platform focuses on you may have never imagined in
who you are as the author, and your life. Social media has made Focus on building your platform
how many people you influence. it easy to build your presence as an author. It will determine
It is what you represent. It is online. the success or failure of your
what comes to mind when peo- career. Though it may take time,
ple hear your name. 2. Relationships. This has to do effort, energy, and even financ-
with the people who can help es, having a solid foundation is
There are four components to further your reach and exposure well worth the sacrifice.
building a platform as an author. as an author. It is the bloggers,
the radio show hosts, the news- ----------------------------------------
Authors should think of them- papers, magazines, and other Sandra N. Peoples is an author
selves in the same way as celeb- forms of media. What connec- and publisher with a business
rities do. Becoming famous tions are you building with the brain. Over the years, her
does not happen overnight. In people that can help you get in amassed skill set has allowed
fact, you don't become famous front of the people who will one her to be able to train countless
without having a following. day become your fans and sup- authors & entrepreneurs on how
porters? The relationships you to use books as a business tool
And you can't have a following build determine how big you can to get clients. An award winning
without first having a presence. play in the world. blogger and author, Sandra has
People have to come to know been featured in Publishing
you as an author. They must 3. Tribe. You have to become World Magazine, brass Maga-
encounter your brand in order to the person your reader wants zine, BlogTalk Radio, AAMBC,
get to you. and needs to meet. The person The Flint Journal & NBC25
Many new authors tend to be- your reader wants to connect News. She is also a Platinum
lieve that the only thing they with. Take time to get to know Expert Author with Ezine Arti-
need to focus on is writing the your readers. Authors become cles and was a Shorty Award
book; when that is so far from their readers BFIMH (Best nominee for her content. You
the truth. As an author, yes, you Friend In My Head). But you can read more about Sandra at
must write books; but, you also can't become that, if they don't http://sandranpeoples.com
have to think about how you are know you, and you don't know
going to get in front of the peo- them. Once your readers have
ple who matter the most to your to come to know you, and love
career: your readers. you, they will become a member
of your tribe. They will be your
What are the four components to biggest supporters, and will help
building your platform as an au- spread the news of your works,
thor? appearances, and more. Tribe
members don't ask to be com-
1. Presence. How will people pensated; they support you be-
find you if they don't even know cause they love you.
that you exist in the first place?

Simple Steps for Virtual Questions you need to ask are: gines give higher weight to for
Blog Tour Success Search Engine Optimization
by Ginger Marks Are they interested in hosting (SEO) purposes.
your VBT
A Virtual Blog Tour (VBT) takes Once your tour is over be sure
both time and energy to ensure Their actual schedule and de- to thank your host. These two
its success. Most often authors mographics acts will ingratiate your host
use these to announce and and ensure a repeat visit in the
launch their books. However, Their requirements (these will future for the same or even
even coaches and speakers on help you to see if their blog is a your next book.
a specific subject may find good fit for your book or subject
VBTs a worthwhile endeavor. matter.)
How do you ensure your VBT If you find putting together your
doesn't fall short of its goal? Since VBTs don't really require own VBT too daunting of a task
Proper planning and prepara- you to visit the blog, each host or you simply don't have the
tion are the key. will have different requirements. time to organize it yourself, you
Your host may post a blog always have the option of using
about your book after you have a VBT service. In the end, I
When launching your book given them a copy to read it. chose to use a VBT service.
there should be no doubt in Another VBT post may be an There are many VBT services
your mind that a VBT should be article you have submitted, a to choose from. Be sure to use
a part of your overall book mar- book review, or even an inter- one that you feel is a good 'fit'
keting plan. view, which is usually done via for you and your book or service.
an emailed formal interview
questionnaire. Visit my book page at
After investigating the steps re- http://www.CLEWbook.com to
quired for a successful launch, As I mentioned before, a VBT get a copy of the spreadsheet I
participating in book blog tour doesn't require you to visit but I used to prepare for my VBT.
webinars, and speaking with highly recommend you do. Try
others who have knowledge on to engage your audience. Start ---------------------------------------
the subject, it's time to go to by asking a question or giving a
work. juicy tidbit that will spark your Ginger Marks is the founder of
audience's participation. If your DocUmeant, a family of publish-
book is a novel, you might even ing and design companies. She
First, pull together a list of blogs want to do it in your main char- is the author of Complete Li-
that are relevant to your subject acter's voice. Character inter- brary of Entrepreneurial Wis-
matter. This can be a daunting views are fast becoming dom; an annual edition eBook,
task to say the least, neverthe- desired by VBT hosts and their Weird & Wacky Holiday Market-
less, putting this list of related audiences. ing Guide available through Am-
blogs together is a must do of azon; Presentational Skills for
the highest order. After putting Your host is hoping to increase the Next Generation; and also
together your blog tour spread- readership and traffic to their offers insight into marketing,
sheet, the next step is to begin blog. Your job is to help them design and publishing solutions
contacting the blog owners. do so. Besides which, your sig- through her ezine, Words of
nature in their comments gives Wisdom, available through her
you the added benefit of an websites. For more information,
unreciprocated back link, which visit DocUmeant Publishing.
Google and other search en-

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