Automatic Pupillometry From Digital Images
Automatic Pupillometry From Digital Images
Automatic Pupillometry From Digital Images
Abstract—Determination of two-dimensional characteristics of sources report smaller shifts from 0.4 to 0.5 mm [2], [4]. It has
the anterior surface of the eye is becoming increasingly important also been found that the alternations in the pupil centration are
in modern optometry and ophthalmology practice. In particular, not regular across the population.
accurate estimation of the pupil size and centration is crucial
in customized refractive surgery, corneal transplantation, and Recently, an accurate measurement of pupil size and center
advanced contact lens fitting. The pupil parameters change under has become increasingly important in keratorefractive proce-
different lighting conditions so they often need to be related to dures, such as laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery,
some fixed reference such as the limbus outline. However, current where it has a profound effect on the predicted outcome of
commercial pupillometers do not estimate limbus position. We
the procedure [5], [6]. It may also determine whether a pa-
present a novel algorithm for automatic extraction of pupil
parameters from digital images that takes the relative limbus in- tient is suitable for refractive surgery [7]. Another aspect of
formation into account. The algorithm utilizes several customized pupillometry in refractive surgical correction arises in the area
image processing techniques that form a robust procedure which of eye-tracking [8], [9]. Eye trackers are being routinely used
performs well for a wide range of clinical images. We apply the in customized refractive surgery where the output of an eye-
developed algorithm to images obtained by a standard digital
tracking system is used for control of a corneal laser ablation
camera, and specialized ophthalmic instruments such as a wave-
front sensor and a high-speed imaging system. pattern. Other medical applications of accurate pupillometry
include monitoring sleep patterns in hypersomnolent patients
Index Terms—Eye biometrics, limbus, pupil.
[10], the reaction of pupils to light in psychophysiological anal-
ysis [11], and forensic medicine [12].
I. INTRODUCTION The growing interest in customized refractive surgeries is not
the only factor that drives the need for improved pupillometry.
P UPILLOMETRY is essentially concerned with the mea-
surement of two important geometrical characteristics of
the pupil: pupil size and pupil location with respect to other
Current advances in soft contact lens correction and human
corneal transplantation place a significant demand on eye
anatomical structures of the eye. In general, pupil size deter- biometrics in general and particularly on the determination of
mines the amount of light falling on the retina and defines the pupil parameters. For example, in a bifocal contact lens fitting,
optical characteristics of the eye [1]. The center of the pupil is the relation between corneal apex, the pupil center, and the
close to the major optical axis and decentration is responsible for limbus center will influence the lens position on the eye [13].
asymmetries in the optical system of the eye. It is well known Also, the relation between the center of the pupil and the center
that the pupil changes its size under different lighting condi- of the limbus is crucial in corneal transplantation where the
tions. These changes, however, are not concentric. With changes centration of the corneal graft relative to the pupil and limbus
in pupil dimension the pupil center often moves in relation to centers, or the point of the greatest corneal curvature, has to be
other ocular landmarks [2]. established [14], [15].
For some time vision researchers have been interested in the Several commercial pupillometers exist. They range from
magnitude and direction of changes of the pupil center for dif- specially designed rulers or gauges to highly sophisticated
ferent light conditions. A significant shift of the pupil center of infrared video-based systems. Over the last few years several
up to 0.7 mm has been observed for dilated pupils [3]. Other studies of accuracy and reliability of popular pupillometers
have been conducted [16]–[19]. As noted in [6], using gauges
we can estimate the pupil diameter with accuracy.
Manuscript received August 8, 2003; December 21, 2003. The work was sup-
ported by the QUT Strategic Collaborative Program scheme. Asterisk indicates Infrared tube-based pupillometers are more accurate than the
corresponding author. gauges. They often provide a digital read out of pupil size
*D. R. Iskander is with the Contact Lens and Visual Optics Laboratory, to . Most accurate systems are based on objective
School of Optometry, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove
Q4059, Brisbane, Australia (e-mail: infrared video systems with accuracy of about .
M. J. Collins is with the Contact Lens and Visual Optics Laboratory, School of Comparison between these instruments show that the final
Optometry, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove Q4059, Bris- result depends to a large extent on the technical experience
bane, Australia (e-mail:
S. Mioschek was with the Contact Lens and Visual Optics Laboratory, of the person performing the measurement. Pupil parameters
School of Optometry, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove can also be estimated with a videokeratoscope, an instrument
Q4059, Brisbane, Australia, and also with the School of Electronics, Carinthia primarily used for measuring corneal elevation [20]. However,
Tech Institute, Villach 9524, Austria.
M. Trunk was with the Contact Lens and Visual Optics Laboratory, School of the accuracy of this methodology has been questioned for eyes
Optometry, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove Q4059, Bris- with dark irides [21].
bane Australia and also with the School of Electronics, Carinthia Tech Institute, There is one common deficiency in current pupillometers that
Villach 9524, Austria. He is now with Byometric Systems GmbH, Mitterfelden
D-83404, Germany. they do not measure the location of the pupil center in refer-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBME.2004.827546 ence to the corneal limbus. As a consequence, measurement of
0018-9294/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE
Fig. 2. A typical image used in the study that was taken outdoors. Note the
irregular illumination, reflections on the ocular surface, and small depth of
focus. The two crosses separated by a distance of 30 mm are used for scale
Fig. 6. The image of the eye with superimposed limbus and pupil candidate
points and the estimated centers of the eye. The initial eye center (via QSI) is
indicated by a circle, the limbus center by a star, and the pupil center by a cross
(see inset image).
Fig. 7. The image of the eye with superimposed estimated limbus (solid line)
and pupil outlines (dashed line).
Fig. 8. Averaged intensity profiles (top) and their derivatives (bottom) for the
This is followed by general remarks regarding the differences RHS (solid lines) and LHS (dashed lines) limbus sectors at iteration i = 0.
in the methodology that need to be taken into account when ex-
tracting pupil information. apart and the angular samples are taken at equidistant angular
Thus, for each limbus sector, we define a radial image pro-
A. Limbus Extraction
file , ,
Let , , and be the inten- , where is a predetermined angular step. We
sity of a gray-scale image, where and denote the number can then form an polar-grid matrix with columns cor-
of pixels in the image in the and directions, respectively. responding to sampled radial profiles
From now on we will refer to as an image.
First, we set the limbus iteration counter to zero and
choose the initial origin by using the QSI-based .. .. ..
detector [30] or simply by selecting the center of the image, . . .
i.e., and , where denotes
the floor operator. In the latter case, care should be taken where and . An example
to ensure that the initial origin lies within the pupil or iris of limbus sector matrices is shown in Fig. 4. To detect the limbus
areas. Next, we select the initial angular range for the limbus outline, we first find the average radial intensity, as shown in
sectors for the right-hand and left-hand the equation at the bottom of the page, where ,
sides of the image as well as the maximum which is further smoothed with a Gaussian kernel to remove
local noise such as reflections in the iris. Fig. 8 (top) shows
radius of a circle inscribed in the an example of average intensity profiles for the image of an
image and centered on . For clarity of eye. We note that for both the right and left-hand side limbus
sectors there are two quick transitions in the intensity profile.
presentation, we will omit the superscripts RHS and LHS and
The first transition corresponds to the pupil outline while the
return to them only when they are essential.
second one to the limbus outline. These two transitions can be
Several methods exist that allow us to transform an image
easily detected by calculating the average intensity gradient
from the Cartesian to polar coordinates [22], [34]. Typically,
a set of equidistant concentric rings is chosen to which uni-
form angular sampling is applied (samples taken at zeros of
an angular harmonic function). Alternatively, one may choose and searching for the strongest local maxima as shown at the
sampling at points that are roots of another function such as bottom of Fig. 8. We note that the maxima in the right and
the Bessel function [35]. Since the transformation from the left-hand side limbus sectors are not at the same radial distance
Cartesian to polar coordinates is not critical in our application, from the origin. This means that the initial origin
we choose a zero-order (nearest neighbor) interpolation at a does no coincide with the center of the limbus and the procedure
basic concentric grid where the radial rings are spaced one pixel needs to be reiterated.
Before we proceed any further, we need to define certain char- The procedure of setting the limbus sectors, detection and es-
acteristic features in the image radial intensity profile. We are timation is then repeated until the Euclidean distance between
interested in extracting the two strongest maxima in the gra- the origins at two consecutive iterations satisfies
dient of the intensity profile. This can be achieved by calculating
the second derivative of the radial intensity profile and using a
zero-crossing technique. The first peak in the decreasing order
of the radial sample corresponds to the average limbus edge, where is predetermined threshold often set to zero.
which we denote by . Similarly the second peak corre- One may ask whether the algorithm is guaranteed to con-
sponds to the average pupil edge, though this characteristic is verge. Deriving a mathematical proof for the algorithm’s con-
not of interest in this particular step of the procedure. We will vergence is not feasible for the range of images encountered in
return to the pupil edge characterization later. clinical practice. Our practical experience with hundreds of im-
Next, let us define the average limbus band as the difference ages has shown that for most of them the algorithm converges
between the left and the right-hand side average limbus edges, after three iterations. However, the algorithm could diverge if
i.e., the initial estimator of the pupil center, performed with the QSI
detector, lies outside the pupil area. In such cases, the algorithm
is stopped and an operator is asked to manually adjust the initial
To detect the limbus outline, the following approach pupil center.
is used. Essentially, for each of the radial profiles,
, we smooth the data with a B. Pupil Extraction
Gaussian kernel, calculate the derivative, find the local limbus As mentioned earlier, the procedure of extracting the pupil
edge, and test it against the . However, it has been outline is analogous to what we have described for detecting
observed that smoothing (averaging) is also necessary in the the limbus. The main differences are outlined below.
angular direction. Thus, we decide to run an angular mask of 1) The radial sampling is bounded to about 80% of the
size across the extracted portion of angular data, and limbus edge . However, this ratio may need to be
each time calculate the average limbus edge as outlined above. changed for some pathological cases.
The decision of inclusion depends on whether the local estimate 2) The pupil sectors, and
of the limbus edge lies within the average band centered
on . A more rigorous hypothesis testing procedure could are selected independently to
be employed. However, the feasibility of such an approach is limbus sectors.
questionable taking into account that the distribution of the test 3) The algorithm for pupil extraction is iterated indepen-
statistic under the null hypothesis is usually unknown. dently; hence, the superscript in the pupil sectors
In the next step, the detected candidate points of the limbus above.
outline are used to estimate the parameters of a limbus model. 4) The pupil sectors form a new polar-grid matrix
As mentioned in Section II, fitting a circle or an ellipse to the of size where and
limbus is typically sufficient from a clinical point of view. In the . An example of polar sector
case of the ellipse we use a 5-parameter model described by the matrices is shown in Fig. 5.
following equation: We note that at the first iteration, the detected
points do not form a straight line, which clearly indicates
that the center of limbus does not coincide with the center
of pupil. This is quickly rectified in the second iteration
, as shown in Fig. 5(b). As in the case of the limbus,
the procedure converges within several iterations for most
where images.
5) After selecting the candidate points, a parametric pupil
model is applied. Again a circle or an ellipse provide
a good estimate. However, in clinical studies where the
noncircularity of the pupil is of interest a finite Fourier
series is used.
and . is the ellipse center, determines the The output of the pupillometry procedure consists of a set of
angular rotation while and are the two principal axes in the pupil and limbus parameters including pupil/limbus sizes and
and directions, respectively. A linear in parameters centers.
least square procedure for estimating the parameters of model
(1) is given in [22]. IV. APPLICATIONS
The estimated limbus center at iteration be- In the following, we show two applications of the proposed
comes the location of the new origin, i.e., procedure. First we use images from a pupil viewer of a
wavefront sensor. Next, we apply our algorithm to a high-speed
imaging system.
A. Wavefront Sensing
A Hartmann–Shack sensor is used to measure the optical
aberrations of the eye [36]. It is equipped with a laser, an array of
small lenses, and an imaging device. The monochromatic light Fig. 10. An example of eight consecutive frames taken during the first phase of
reflected from the retina and passing through the array of lenses the blink with the estimated pupil (dashed line) and limbus (solid line) outlines.
The sampling rate was set to 250 fps.
forms the image that is captured with a CCD camera. This image
is used to calculate the wavefront aberrations of the eye. An ad-
ditional CCD camera is used as the pupil viewer. We have experimented with additional illumination achieved
Since the measurement of the wavefront aberration is often by two red LEDs placed at the front of the instrument. In
performed in scotopic conditions, it is of interest to relate the Fig. 9(b) we show the result of finding the pupil and limbus
measurement back to that of the photopic condition. However, outlines in such a scenario. For this particular image we
the pupil size and center changes and the only way to control have adjusted the pupil sectors to avoid reflections from the
this is to measure these two parameters relative to the limbus additional LEDs. Specifically, we have set the right-hand sector
outline. We use the image from the pupil viewer for this task. An between and and left-hand sector between
example of the wavefront sensor image1 of the pupil is shown in and . The examples given show the versatility of the
Fig. 9(a). The reflections in the pupil are from the six light-emit- proposed method.
ting diodes (LED) that are used for targeting. The position of the
LEDs are known a priori and can be excluded from the analysis B. High-Speed Imaging
in the algorithm. We note that despite the very low intensity of
To assess the dynamic changes in pupil size and centration,
the image, the algorithm can successfully detect the limbus and
we used a high-speed camera (Redlake MotionPro) with
pupil outlines. We used default settings for the limbus and pupil
1280 1204 pixels. The sampling rate was set to 250 frames
sectors as outlined in Section II.
per second (fps). Since it is a CMOS camera, it requires
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[36] J. Liang, B. Grimm, S. Goelz, and J. F. Bille, “Objective measurement Dr. Collins is a member of the Optometrists Asso-
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In 2002, he joined the Contact Lens and Visual
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D. Robert Iskander (M’98) received the M. Ing.
image processing.
degree in electronic engineering from the Technical
University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, in 1991, and the
Ph.D. degree in signal processing from Queensland
University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Aus-
tralia, in 1997.
From 1996 to 2000, he was a Research Fellow at
the Signal Processing Research Centre, the Cooper- Martin Trunk (M’03) received the Dipl. Ing. degree
ative Research Centre for Satellite Systems, and the in electronic engineering from the School of Elec-
Centre for Eye Research, QUT. In 2001, he joined tronics, Carinthia Tech Institute, Villach, Austria, in
the School of Engineering, Griffith University, as a 2003.
Senior Lecturer. In July 2003, he returned to the Centre for Health Research In 2002, he joined the Contact Lens and Visual
(Optometry) as a Principal Research Fellow. He is also an Honorary Fellow at Optics Laboratory, Queensland University of Tech-
Griffith University. His current research interests include statistical signal pro- nology, Brisbane, Australia, as a Visiting Research
cessing, visual optics and optometry. Student. Currently, he is with Byometric Systems
Dr. Iskander is a member of the Association for Research in Vision and GmbH, Mitterfelden, Germany. His interests include
Ophthalmology. image processing and biometrics.