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Linked Problems 3-4: Technological Institute of The Philippines Manila Che 304 Pre Board Exam Day 3

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1. A developer of a new subdivision offers a prospective home buyer a choice of 4 designs, 3 different heating
systems, a garage or carport, and a patio or screened porch. How many different plans are available to this buyer?
a. 34 b. 42 c. 48 d. 52

2. On a very cold day, a child puts his tongue against a fence post. It is much more likely that his tongue will stick
to a steel post than to a wooden post. This is because:
A.steel has a higher specific heat
B.steel is a better radiator of heat
C.steel has a higher specific gravity
D.steel is a better heat conductor

Linked Problems 3-4

A metal bar at a temperature of 100°F is placed in a room at a constant temperature of 0°F. If after 20 minutes the
temperature of the bar is 50°F, find (3) the time it will take the bar to reach a
temperature of 25°F? (4) Find the temperature of the bar after 10 minutes?

3. The time it will take the bar to reach a T of 25°F?

a. 25.2 min b. 39.6 min c. 45 min d. NOTG

4. Find the temperature of the bar after 10 minutes?

a. 65.2°F b. 68.9°F c. 70.5°F d. NOTG

5. A feather is dropped on the moon from a height of 1.40 meters. The acceleration of gravity on the moon is
1.67 m/s2. Determine the time for the feather to fall to the surface of the moon.
a. 5.2 s b. 4.3 s c. 2.8 s d.1.29 s
6. Rain is falling into a cylindrical barrel at the rate of 20 cm 3/min. If the radius of the base is 18 cm, how fast is
the water rising?
a.5.81 cm/min b. 3.10 cm/min

c. 0.3 cm/min d. 4.28 cm/min

7. Three unbiased coins are tossed. What is the probability of getting at most two heads?
a. ¾ b.1/4 c. 3/8 d. 7/8
8. A circular cone is inscribed in a sphere of radius 9 cm. If the circular cone has a maximum convex surface, what
is the altitude of the cone?
a. 8 cm b. 9 cm c. 12 cm d. notg

9. A stone is dropped down a well and 5 sec later, the sounds of the splash is heard. If the velocity of sound is
341.376 m/s, what is the depth of the well?
a. 89.2 m b. 95.4 m c 107.64 m d. 124.5m


15 KN
10 m Figure

10. Determine the resultant of the line load acting on the beam shown in Figure 10.
a. P = 105 KN b. P=75 KN c. P=90 KN d. NOTG

11. The point of inflection is a point at which the curve changes from concave upward to concave downward, or
vice versa. Locate the points of inflection of the curve 12y = x4 – 294x2 +180x.
A. 0 B.7 and -7 C. 5 and -6 D. 2 and -5

12. Find the equation of the directrix of the parabola (Y-2)2 = -8(X-1).
a. X = -3 b. X= 3 c. Y =3 d. Y = -3

The perimeter of an isosceles right triangle is 6. 8284. Compute the area of the triangle in square units.
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8
14. Find the area of hexadecagon of perimeter 32 units.
a. 67.21 b. 74.23 c. 80.44 d. 85.16

15. The equation 25 X2 + 16Y2- 150X + 128Y + 81 = 0 has its minor axis as
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. NOTG

16. A member which is subjected to reversible tensile or compressive stress may fail at a stress lower than the
stress of the material. This property of metal, is called
a. fatigue of the metal b. creep c. yield point d. ductility

17. Vector A has magnitude 6 units and is in the direction of +z axis while vector B has magnitude 4 units and lies
in the xy plane, making an angle of 30 degrees with the +x axis. Find the vector product AxB.
a. 12 b. 16 c. 20 d. NOTG

Linked Problems 18
Two identical light bulbs are to be connected in series to a source with E=8V and negligible internal resistance.
Each light bulb has a resistance R=2 ohms. Find the current (I) through each bulb, the potential difference across
each bulb (V), if the bulbs are connected

18.a) in series; 18.b) in parallel(0.5 pt. each letter)

18. a Current(I) through each bulb
a. 1A b. 2A c. 4A d. 6A

18.b The potential difference across each bulb

a. 4V b. 6V c. 8V d. 16V
19 A simply supported beam of length L carries a uniformly distributed load of 6000 N/m and has the cross
section shown in Fig. 19. It takes length L to cause a maximum flexural stress of 16 MPa. What maximum shearing
stress is then developed? a. 1.21 MPa b.1.36 MPa c. 1.48 MPa d. 1.67 MPa

20. Find the coordinates of the centroid of the shaded area shown in Fig. 6 (NO FIGURE GIVEN)

a. (6.752, 4.324) b. (7.736, 5.075)

c. (6.452, 4.028) d. (7.028, 5.254)

21. Find the slope of the tangent to the curve y = 3x3 – x2 + x at point ( 0 , 2 )
A. 0 B. 1 C. -1 D. 2

22. A cylindrical tank of radius 10 feet is being filled with wheat at the rate of 314 cubic feet per minute. How
fast is the depth of the wheat increasing?
a.2 ft/min b. 3 ft/min c. 1ft3/min d.5 ft/min

23. A farmer has enough money to build only 100 meters of fence. What maximum area of a rectangular field can
he enclose with this fencing?
a. 625m2 b. 621 m2 c. 729 m2 d. 676m2

24. It is the stress that depends on the bending moment of a member or part
a) tensile stress b) compressive stress
c) flexural stress d) bearing stress
25. A parabolic arc over a tunnel for a road through a mountain is 27 ft high. The width of the arc 12 ft from the
top is 56 ft. How wide is the arc at the bottom?
a. 88 ft b. 96 ft c. 78 ft
d. 84 ft

26. Find the volume of the largest circular cylinder that can be cut from a circular cone of radius 6cm and
height 9cm.
a.36/cm3 b. 48/cm3
c. 54/cm3 d. 49/cm3

27. Poisson’s Ratio. A 150 – mm long bronze tube, closed at its ends, is 80 – mm in diameter and has a wall
thickness of 3 mm. It fits without clearance in an 80 – mm hole in a rigid block. The tube is then subjected to an
internal pressure of 4.00 Mpa. Assuming v = 1/3 and E = 83 Gpa, determine the tangential stress in the tube.
10 MPa b. 8.89 MPa c. 7 MPa d. NOTA

28. A small countershaft is 1½ in in diameter and has an allowable stress of 8500 psi. What horsepower can be
delivered by the shaft at a speed of 15.7 rad/s? (1 hp=33000 ft-lb/min)
a) 7.2 b) 1.4 c) 13.39 d) 14.72

Linked Problems 29 - 30
Water enters a house through a pipe with an inside diameter of 2.0 cm at an absolute pressure of 4.0 x 10+5 Pa.
A 1.0 cm diameter pipe leads to the second floor bathroom 5.0 m above. When the flow speed at the inlet pipe
is 1.5 m/s, find the;
29) flow speed, 29. Flow speed
a. 4 m/s b. 5.3 m/s c. 6.0 m/s
30. Two balls of equal mass and of perfectly elastic material are lying on the floor. One of the ball with velocity v
is made to struck the second ball. Both the balls after impact will move with a velocity
a. v b. v/2 c. v/4 d. 2v

31. If an experiment consists of throwing a die and then drawing a letter at random from the English alphabet,
how many points are in the sample space?
a. 56 b. 236 c. 156 d. 456

32. A 30 kg child sits on the edge of a carnival ride at a radius of 2 m. The ride makes 2 revolutions in 4 sec. The
speed of the child is most nearly
a. 4m/s b. 6 m/s c. 24 m/s d. 120 m/s

33. Aluminum has a density 2.7 times that of water (1 g/cm3) and a specific heat 0.217 times that of water (1 cal/g
· C◦). When the internal energy of the cube increases by 47000 cal its temperature increases by:
A. 5°C B. 10 °C C. 20 °C D. 100°C

34. A tensile stress is to be applied along the long axis of a cylindrical brass rod that has a diameter of 10 mm (0.4
in.). Determine the magnitude of the load required to produce a 2.5 X 10-3 mm change in diameter if the
deformation is entirely elastic. the modulus of elasticity is given as 97 GPa
a. 2500N b. 5600N c. 6800N d. 7200N
35. A vector makes an angle θ with the horizontal. The horizontal and vertical components of the vector will be
equal in magnitude if θ is
a) 30 deg b) 45 deg c) 60 deg d) 90 deg

36. An elevator weighing 15 kN starts from rest and acquires an upward velocity of 3 m/s in a distance of 6 m. If
the acceleration is constant, what is the tension in the cable, kN?
a) 16.15 b) 15.16 c) 11.56 d) 6.511

37. The lower edge of a picture frame is 4ft. while its upper edge is 9ft. above the eyes of the observer who is 6 ft.
tall. How far horizontally from the picture should the observer stand such that the angle subtended by the picture at
the observers eyes would be maximum?
a. 2 ft b. 4 ft c. 6 ft d. 10 ft

38. An open box is to be made of cardboard 10 cm by 16 cm cutting equal squares out of the corners and turning
up the edges to form sides. Determine the maximum capacity of the box.
a. 186cm3 b. 200 cm3 c. 100 cm3 d. 144 cm3

39. As shown in Fig. 39, there is a gap between the aluminum bar and the rigid slab that is supported by two copper
bars. At 10°C, Δ = 0.18 mm. Neglecting the mass of the slab, calculate the stress in the Al rod when the
temperature in the assembly is increased to 95°C. For each copper bar, A = 500 mm2, E = 120 GPa, and α = 16.8
µm/(m·°C). For the aluminum bar, A = 400 mm2, E = 70 GPa, and α = 23.1 µm/(m·°C).

a. 25.65MPa b. 30.35 MPa c. 43.3 MPa d. 45.63MPa

40. To help keep buildings cool in the summer, dark colored window shades have been replaced by light colored
shades. This is because light colored shades:
A. are more pleasing to the eye B. absorb more sunlight
C. reflect more sunlight D. transmit more sunlight

41. Two point charges separated by a distance of 0.5 m produce an electric force of F. If the distance between the
point charges is decreased to 0.05 m, the electric force would
a. decrease by a factor of 10 b. decrease by a factor of 100
c. increase by a factor of 10 d. increase by a factor of 100

42. Towns A and B are on a north-south line and 34.6 miles apart. An observer on the east of that line finds that the
direction of A and B are N37o 20’ W and S 52o 40’ W. How far is the nearer town from the observer?
a. 12.0 miles b. 21.0 miles c. 27.5 mile d. 25.7 miles

43. A wheel is rotating at 4000 rpm. If it experience a deceleration of 20 rad/s 2, through how many revolutions will
it rotate before it stops?
a) 400 b) 698 c) 520 d) 720

44. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction required of a curvature car traveling at 60 kph to make a
level turn 40m in radius?
a. 0.65 b. 0.68 c. 0.71 d. 0.75

45. In a class, there are 15 boys and 10 girls. Three students are selected at random. The probability that 1 girl and
2 boys are selected, is:
a. 21/46 b. 25/117 c. 1/50 d. 3/25

46 It is desired to give a spherical tank of diameter 20 feet ( 240 inches) a coat of point 0.1 inch thick. Estimate
how many gallons of paint will be required, if 1 gallon is about 231 cubic inches.
a. 9.44 gal b. 21gal c. 7.83 gal d.32 gal

47. The sum of the base and altitude of an isosceles triangle is 36 cm. Find the altitude of the triangle if its area is
to be a maximum.
a. 16 cm b. 17 cm c. 18 cm d. 9 cm

48. If the electric force between two charges is attractive, which of the following must be true?
a. One charge is positive and the other charge is negative.
b.Both charges are positive.
c. Both charges are negative.
d.The force must be directed toward the larger charge

49. From a pack of 52 cards, two cards are drawn together at random. What is the probability of both the cards
being kings?
a. 1/15 b. 25/57 c. 35/256 d. 1/221

50. When a coin and a die are thrown, the number of all possible cases is
(a) 7 (b) (c)12 (d) 0

51. Copper wire which has an area of 2.9 x 10 -4 m2 is pulled in tension with 44,500 N force, producing only elastic
deformation. Calculate the resulting strain if the modulus of elasticity is 110 x 10+3 MPa.
a. 0.01390 b. 0.00139 c. 0.03190 d. 0.00319

52. 6 people are lined up to get on a bus. If a certain 3 people insist on following each other, how many ways are
a. 144 b. 182 c. 250 d. 480

Linked Problems 53 - 57
A batter hits a baseball so that it leaves the bat at speed vi=37 m/s at an angle 53.1 degrees at a location where g =
9.8 m/s Find 53) the position of the ball and 54) the magnitude of its velocity, at t=2.00 s 55) the time when the ball
reaches the highest point of its flight and 56) the height 57) horizontal range R that it hits the ground.
53. The position of the ball after t=2.00 s
a. 40 m b. 42.5 m c. 44.4 m d. NOTG

54. The time when the ball reaches the highest point of its flight.
a. 5.25s b. 6.04s c. 7.5s d. 8.2s
55.The highest point (maximum height)
a. 42.5 m b. 44.7 m c. 48.2m d.50.2m

56. horizontal range R when it hits the ground.

a. 85m b. 134m c. 140 m d.154 m

57. A truss is subjected to three loads. The truss is supported by a roller at A and by a pin joint at B. What is most
nearly the reaction force at A?
a. 3800 kN b. 4400 kN c. 4900 kN d. 5000 kN

58. In a particular gasoline camp stove. 30% of the energy released in burning the fuel actually goes to heating the
water in the pot on the stove. If we heat 1 L of water from 20°C to 100°C and boil 0.25 kg of it away, how much
gasoline do we burn in the process?
a. 45g b. 65g c. 85g d. NOTG

59. A balloon is filled with cold air and placed in a warm room. It is NOT in thermal equilibrium with the air of the
room until:
A. it rises to the ceiling B. it sinks to the floor
C. it stops expanding D. it starts to contract

60. A stone is dropped down a well and 5 sec later, the sounds of the splash is heard. If the velocity of sound is
1120 ft/sec (341.376 m/s), what is the depth of the well?
a. 246.2 ft b. 353.31 ft c. 398.25 ft d. NOTG

61.-62 Determine the force in members (59) CE and(60) Cd

61. a. 106.67 b. 280 c. 373 d.NOTG
62. a. 133 b. 266.7 c. 373 d.NOTG
120 kN

Figure 61

63. The three forces shown in Fig. 59 are required to cause a horizontal resultant acting through point A. If F =
316 lb, determine the value of P.
a. 474.82 lb b. 502.65 lb c. 534.87 lb d. 568.90 lb

Figure 63

64. Locate the centroid of the shaded area

a. (28.57, 36.53) b. (30.39, 39.71) c. (34.67, 40.02) d. (37.89, 42.18)

65. The diameter of a closed cylindrical tank that requires the minimum amount of materials to make it if its
volume is 16π m3.
a.3 b. 1 c. 2 d. 4

66. Find the tension on a wire weighing 0.15 kg/m, stretched between supports 30 m apart with a sag of 0.06
m. Assume the cable to be parabolic.
a) 261.26 kg b) 212.86 kg c) 281.26 kg d) 218.62 kg
67. A point P (x,2) is equidistant from the points (-2,9) and (4,-7). The value of x is
a. 11/3 b. 20/3 c. 19/3 d. 6

68. Find the equation of the circle having (10,2) and (6,4) as ends of a diameter?
a. x2+y2-16x+2y+52=0 b. x2+y2-14x+2y+25=0
c. x2+y2-16x+8y+15=0 d. x2+y2+18x+2y+52=0

69. Find the equation of the hyperbola whose asymptotes are y = ± 2x and which passes through ( 5/2 , 3 ).
A. x2 – 4y2 -16 =0 B. 4x2 – y2 = 16 B. 4x2 + y2 +16 = 0 C. None of given

70. Refers to the altering of transverse waves so that vibrations occur in one direction perpendicular to the
direction of propagation?
a. diffraction b. refraction c. polarization d. reflection

71. A copier machine uses a converging lens system to create copies of an original image. The converging lens
may be moved, thereby altering the effective object length. The focal length of the converging lens of this
machine is 10 cm. If the machine produces copies that are the same size as the original, what is the distance
between the original and the lens?
a. 15 cm b. 15 cm c. 20 cm
d. 40 cm

72. In a Trigonometry class, a student got a raw score of 70, if the arithmetic mean of the raw scores in his class is
60 and the calculated standard deviation is 10, what is his standard score?
a. 1 b. 1.5 c. 2.5 d. 3.92

73. Take the speed of sound to be 340 m/s. A thunder clap is heard about 3 s after the lightning is seen. The
source of both light and sound is:
A. moving overhead faster than the speed of sound
B.emitting a much higher frequency than is heard
C.emitting a much lower frequency than is heard
D.about 1000 m away

74. When doing a chin-up, a physics student lifts her 42.0-kg body a distance of 0.25 meters in 2 seconds. What is
the power delivered by the student's biceps?
a. 27.3 W b. 51.5 W c. 62.4 W d. 74.5W

75. The velocity 4 ft below the starting point is 12 ft.per sec. If the starting point is at a height of 176 ft., when
does the body reach the earth?
a.1 sec b. 2 sec c. 3 sec d. 4sec

76. Each of the following waves travels at the speed of light except
a. microwaves b. ultrasonic waves c. x rays d. radio

77. A current of 2 amperes flows through a conductor with a resistance of 6 ohms. The current flows for 2 seconds.
How much heat energy develops in the conductor as a result of current flow?
a. 24J b. 48J c. 96 d. 96J

78. A total of 100 J of energy is supplied to a machine. The machine is then capable of displacing a 30N object
1.5m. What is the approximate efficiency of the machine?
a. 20% b. 30% c. 45% d. 60%

79. The formation of a rainbow occurs as a result of

a. reflection b. dispersion
c. polarization d. luminous intensity

80. A liquid is poured into a pan and heated over a flame. The hot liquid begins rising to the top. This type of heat
transfer is called
a. conduction b. convection
c. radiation d. thermal expansion

81. Find the slope of the curve y = (x3/4) - 2x + 1 at point ( 1 , 1 ).

A. 5/4 B. -5/4 C. 4/5 D. -4/5
82. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability that
the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5?
a. ½ b. 2/5 c. 8/15 d. 9/20

83. From a group of 4 men, and 5 women, committees of size 3 are formed. How many committees of size three
are formed with one man and two women?
a. 84 b. 65 c. 54 d. 40

84. Find the radical axis of the circle x2+ y2+ 8x – 6y=0 and the circle x2+ y2 – 12x – 16y + 20 =0.
a. 2x + y =2 b. 2x-y =2 c. x + 2y = 2 d. x – 2y = 2

85. If the lines 4x-y+2=0 and x+2ky+1=0 are perpendicular to each other, determine the value of k.
a. 3 b. 4 c. 1 d. 2

86. The yield strength is the stress at which noticeable plastic deformation has occurred that is when ε is equivalent
to ____
a. 0.2 b. 0.02 c. 0.002 d. 0.0002

87. A projectile is fired up the inclined plane at an initial velocity of 15 m/s. The plane is making an angle of 30°
from the horizontal. If the projectile was fired at 30° from the incline, compute the maximum height z
measured perpendicular to the incline that is reached by the projectile. Neglect air resistance.
a. 1.35m b. 3.82 m c. 3.96 m
88. Find the equation of an ellipse with its major axis parallel to x-axis, center at ( -3 , 1 ), one of vertices at ( -5 , 1
) and length of latus rectum equal to 1.
a. b.

89. If s = t2 - t3, find the velocity when the acceleration is zero.

a. v = 1/3 b.v = ½
c. v = 1/5 d.v = 1/6

90. A conical tank 20 feet in diameter and 30 feet tall (with vertex down) leaks water at a rate of 5
cubic feet per hour. At what rate is the water level dropping when the water is 15 feet deep?
a. 1/9π b. 1/5π c. 3/7π d. 4/7

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