Fact Sheet: What Is Iron? What Is The Iron Concentration in Drinking Water in Longview?
Fact Sheet: What Is Iron? What Is The Iron Concentration in Drinking Water in Longview?
Fact Sheet: What Is Iron? What Is The Iron Concentration in Drinking Water in Longview?
In response to concerns regarding water quality issues, the City of Longview has asked a team of health science experts to review
water quality data and determine whether some of the components of Longview’s drinking water might have health impacts. This
fact sheet was prepared by Intertox, Inc.* for City of Longview customers to address commonly asked questions.
What is iron? hat is the iron concentration in drinking water in
Iron is the second most abundant Longview?
metal in the Earth’s crust.1 Data from water sampling
Rainwater dissolves iron as it filters conducted from October 2013
through the soil and underlying to April 2014 at 23 locations
geologic formations, causing it to in Longview show a mid-level
seep into aquifers that serve as (median) total iron concentration
sources of groundwater for wells. of 0.05 mg/L and a mid-level
Iron is most commonly found in soluble iron concentration of 0.01
nature in the form of compounds mg/L. Total iron concentrations
of iron and oxygen, known as iron ranged up to 5.8 mg/L. Soluble
oxides, such as rust.1 iron concentrations ranged up to 1
mg/L. The highest concentrations
How is iron measured? were measured during re-
Iron is mainly present in water equilibration of the distribution system and have dropped as the system has
in two forms: either the soluble stabilized.
form (as ferrous iron or Fe2+) or the hat does the government say about how much iron is
insoluble form (as ferric iron or Fe3+). acceptable in drinking water?
It is measured in milligrams (mg) of
The U.S. EPA establishes Primary Drinking Water Standards based on health
iron (either soluble or total) per liter
considerations, and Secondary Drinking Water Standards based on aesthetics
(L) of water, or mg/L. One mg/L is
such as taste, odor, color, or corrosivity. U.S. EPA has no Primary Standard for
sometimes referred to as a part per
iron. The Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (SMCL) for iron is 0.3 mg/L
million (ppm).
due to rusty color, sediment, metallic taste, and reddish or orange staining.2
Concentrations of iron in drinking
How much iron am I exposed to?
water are normally less than 0.3
mg/L but may be higher where cast Iron is an essential mineral, and is beneficial to human health. It is found in
iron, steel, and galvanized iron pipes many foods, including meat, seafood, raisins, and prunes. Recommended
are used for water distribution.1 dietary allowances (RDAs) for iron range from about 11-18 mg/day for children
and non-pregnant adults, and 27 mg/day for pregnant females.3 The tolerable
In groundwater where iron is in upper intake level (UL) for iron is set by the U.S. Institute of Medicine at 40 mg/
the soluble form, concentrations day for infants and children, and 45 mg/day for adults.3
will usually be 0.5–10 mg/L, but
concentrations up to 50 mg/L can Average Amount of Iron in Milligrams (mg) per Serving3
sometimes be found.1 FOOD OR BEVERAGE MG PER SERVING
Raisin bran cereal (1 cup) 6-18
Beef (3 ounces) 2
How small is one part per Prune juce (6 ounces) 2
million? Kidney beans (1/2 cup) 2
Cashew nuts (1 ounce) 2
One part per million is equal to:
• One penny in $10,000 A person drinking 2 liters (about 8 ½ cups) of water a day containing the highest
level of total iron from the sampling done by the City of Longview would receive
• One hour in 120 years
at most 12 mg of iron per day from drinking water, less than the amount in one
serving of some brands of raisin bran.
What can I do about iron? What happens to iron when it enters the body?
While iron does not pose any health Iron present in drinking water is absorbed in the digestive tract.1 Little iron is
risks at the levels found in drinking absorbed through the skin.
water, it can be a nuisance for
The amount of absorption in the digestive tract depends on how much iron
customers. Iron may result in the
a person has in their body due to typical daily intake and is controlled so that
appearance of red or orange stains
excessive amounts of iron are not stored in the body.1
on sinks, toilets, and faucets. Here
are some helpful hints for dealing Iron is an essential component of hundreds of proteins and enzymes and
with iron: supports normal red blood cell formation. Iron deficiency can result in anemia.3
• Use a pumice stick or lemon What type of health effects can be caused by exposure to
juice and salt to remove iron?
mineral stains on toilets, tubs,
Iron supplements can cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting,
and sinks.
diarrhea, or constipation in some people.3
• For bathroom or kitchen
cleaning, use detergents that Are any health effects expected from the iron in Longview’s
include phrases like “removes water?
mineral stains” on the label.
Based on the data analyzed for Longview’s water, no adverse health effects are
• Cleaners containing oxalic
expected from iron, even at the highest concentration measured.
acid or hydrochloric acid
(muriatic acid) are effective An infant (up to 12 months of age) or child
at removing mineral stains. would have to drink about (28) 8-ounce
However, these products are glasses of water a day containing the
not recommended for septic highest level of iron measured by the City
systems. Read and follow of Longview to ingest an amount equal to
directions for these products the maximum tolerable daily intake for iron
carefully. of 40 mg/day for an infant or child. The
number of glasses is greater for adults (32) due to their greater size.
Where can I get more information?
The U.S. EPA has a searchable website for Frequently Asked Questions regarding water quality at http://safewater.
1. World Health Organization, 2003. Iron in Drinking Water, from http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/chemicals/iron.pdf
2. U.S. EPA, 2013. Drinking Water Contaminants, from http://water.epa.gov/drink/contaminants/index.cfm
3. Linus Pauling Institute, 2001. Micronutrient Information Center: Iron, from http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/minerals/iron/
* Intertox is a health science research firm headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Intertox consists of a multidisciplinary team of experts
in the medical and environmental sciences who work with clients to evaluate risks posed by chemicals and biological agents affecting
human health.