Professor, State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, P.R. China
Doctoral Candidate, State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, P.R. China
Doctor, State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, P.R. China
Master Student, State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, P.R. China
Deformation capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) shear walls is mainly influenced by concrete
confinement at the boundaries of shear walls, axial force ratio and wall aspect ratio. In this paper, the
relationship among the wall boundary transverse reinforcement characteristic value λ vw, the axial force ratio
n, the wall aspect ratio r and the ultimate displacement ∆uw is established first. Then, the relationship between
λ vw − n − r − ∆uw is verified against the results of 71 RC shear wall experiments conducted by eight different
research institutions. Based on the established relationship, the performance-based seismic design (PBSD)
method for RC shear walls is proposed. According to the method presented in the paper, the amount of
transverse reinforcement at wall boundaries could be determined, if the inter-storey drift demand θ and the
damage index Dw are predetermined. The use of the proposed PBSD method, which may guide future RC
shear wall design, is illustrated in detail by an example.
Suppose that the shear wall inter-storey drift angle
demand is:
Substituting Eq. 21 into Eq. 20 and rearranging gives
Fig.4. Comparison between the Calculation Results λ vw,c and the Now the performance-based seismic design of
Experimental Data λ vw,e shear walls is applicable using Eq. 21. It is also clear
that the option of the damage index of shear walls is
4. Performance-based Seismic Design of RC Shear
involved. In this paper, the damage index based on four
performance levels suggested by Zhang and Lu (2007)
Suppose the shear wall deformation demand is ∆ w,
is employed, as illustrated in Table 2.
and define the damage index of shear walls D w as
The performance-based seismic design of RC shear
walls procedure is illustrated in Fig.5. and the design
(18) example is presented next.
= 0.174
5. Determine the wall-boundary transverse
reinforcement ratio ρ v = 1.58% , and consequently
determine the transverse stirrup Φ14@100 mm.
Similarly, for the same RC shear wall from the
previous example when the damage index is selected to
be Dw = 0.8 and the inter-storey drift demand calculated
as θ = 1/100, engineers could determine the transverse
reinforcement characteristic value λ vw = 0.302. This is
equivalent to wall boundary transverse reinforcement
ratio ρ v = 2.75%, and therefore engineers would choose
Φ18@100 mm as transverse reinforcement.
5. Conclusions
Properly designed RC shear walls largely influence
Fig.5. Flow Chart of the Performance-Based Seismic Design of the safety of buildings under earthquakes and it is
RC Shear Walls important to use performance-based seismic design in
RC shear wall design. The deformation capacity design
Given the grade C40-concrete wall with a height, of structural members is required in performance-
width and thickness of 4000mm, 3200mm and 300mm, based design, in order to build a relationship
respectively; which has 450mm-long boundary between member deformations and the deformation-
confinement on both sides, and the reinforcement related parameters. The deformation capacity of RC
determined by the first stage of the design as illustrated shear walls is dominated by boundary confinement
in Fig.6., performance-based seismic design proceeds conditions, axial force ratio, and wall aspect ratio. In
as below: this paper, the relationship among the wall-boundary
1. Suppose the damage index of the shear wall transverse reinforcement characteristic value λ vw, axial
Dw=0.4; force ratio n, wall aspect ratio r and shear wall ultimate
2. Calculate the inter-story drift demand θ of the displacement ∆uw is established, namely the λ vw − n − r
storey in the shear wall (refer to Zhou et al. 2012), − ∆uw equation. The theoretical values of λ vw computed
which in this example is determined to be 1/300; with this equation are compared with 71 shear wall
3. Calculate n=0.5 and wall aspect ratio r=h w/l w experiments carried out by eight research institutes to
=4000/3200=1.25; verify the proposed λ vw − n − r − ∆uw equation. On the
4. Determine the wall-boundary transverse basis of the equation, a performance-based seismic
reinforcement characteristic value λ vw using Eq. 21: design method for RC shear walls is presented. Using