Blue Room 1.6-1.10: Theme(s) : Holidays/Gingerbread
Blue Room 1.6-1.10: Theme(s) : Holidays/Gingerbread
Blue Room 1.6-1.10: Theme(s) : Holidays/Gingerbread
Theme(s): Holidays/Gingerbread
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Small Group Math Small Group (Literacy) Small Group (Writing) Small Group (Literacy) Small Group
Title: Snowflake Counting Title: Sequencing Title: Mitten lacing Title: Snowman Names Title: Letter of the Week M
Learning Standard: Children on the graph that matches the turn taking, social skills,
find Show the animated book. Sing claps did you here? Have each
demonstrate that they number on your house. Compare- letter that their name starts the songs and lesson. child come up and place their
understand what they observe Which number has the least with name above the appropriate
houses? /which number has the Target Skills: Listening skills, number on the graph. Ask
most houses? Learning Standard: Children turn taking, social skills questions about the graph.
Gross Motor Gross Motor Gross Motor Gross Motor Gross Motor
Title: Scooters Title: Duck, Duck, Goose Title: Wheel Barrel Race Title: Tricycles Title: Duck, Duck, Goose
Materials: Scooters Materials: children and Materials: children and Materials: tricycles Materials: children and
teachers teachers teachers
Procedure: Talk with the Procedure: Talk with the
children about spring and Procedure: Talk with the Procedure: Talk with the children about spring and Procedure: Talk with the
summer activities. Discuss with children about games we can children about spring and summer activities. Outside we children about games we can
children; sit on the scooters play with our friends. Tell them summer activities. Outside we might use a tricycle to exercise play with our friends. Tell them
only, keep hands on the handles, that we are going to play duck, might use a wheel barrel to do our legs. Ride the tricycle in one that we are going to play duck,
use your feet to move, move in duck, goose. Go over the rules yard work. Tell the children direction around in a circle. duck, goose. Go over the rules
the same direction as our of the game. One child ducks that we are going to have wheel of the game. One child ducks
friends. while the other children sit in a barrel races. Show the children Target Skills: Listening skills, while the other children sit in a
circle. If you are goosed, you how we do this (teacher hangs turn taking, large motor skills circle. If you are goosed, you
Target Skills: Listening skills, stand up and chase the ducker on to the child’s feet). stand up and chase the ducker
turn taking, large motor skills around 1 time. The ducker sits Learning Standard: Children around 1 time. The ducker sits
where the goose was sitting. Target Skills: Listening skills, demonstrate coordination and where the goose was sitting.
Learning Standard: Children turn taking, large motor skills control of large muscles
demonstrate coordination and Target Skills: Listening skills, Target Skills: Listening skills,
control of large muscles turn taking, large motor skills Learning Standard: Children turn taking, large motor skills
demonstrate coordination and
Learning Standard: Children control of large muscles Learning Standard: Children
demonstrate coordination and demonstrate coordination and
control of large muscles control of large muscles
Individual adaptations and modifications are highlighted and located in small group folders.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Small Group Math Small Group (Science) Small Group (Writing) Small Group (Literacy) Small Group
Title: Patterning Title: Pumpkin Volcano Title: I am thankful for…… Title: Title: Letter of the Week “M”