Copyright Outline
Copyright Outline
Copyright Outline
1. Fixation
Copyrightable works must be “fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now
known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or
otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.” 17
§ 102(a).
a. Definitions
i. Fixation
“A work is fixed in a tangible medium of expression when its embodiment
in a copy or phonorecord, by or under the authority of the author, is
sufficiently permanent or stable to permit it to be perceived, reproduced, or
otherwise communicated for a period of more than transitory duration.
A work consisting of sounds, images, or both, that are being transmitted,
is fixed for purposes of this title if a fixation of the work is being made
simultaneously with its transmission.” 17 U.S.C. § 101 (“fixed”)
ii. Copies
“Copies are material objects, other than phonorecords, in which a work is
fixed by any method now known or later developed, and from which the
work can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either
directly or with the aid of a machine or device. The term copies includes
the material object, other than phonorecord, in which the work is first
fixed.” 17 U.S.C. § 101 (“copies”)
iii. Phonorecords
“Phonorecords are material objects in which sounds, other than those
accompanying a motion picture or other audiovisual work, are fixed by
any method now known or later developed, and from which the sounds can
be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or
with the aid of a machine or device. The term phonorecords includes the
material object in which sounds are first fixed.” 17 U.S.C. § 101
b. Requirements
i. Embodiment Requirement
1) “Tangible”
Any medium of expression is tangible except the mind or an
unrecorded impromptu or extemporaneous speech. The Cloud operates
through hardrives all around the world, so it is a tangible. The content of
an unsaved Microsoft Word document is in RAM, so it is tangible.
2) Communicable
An embodiment must be perceptible, reproducible, or otherwise
communicable either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.
i. User Interaction
An audiovisual copyright on a video game that responds to player
participation satisfies fixation inasmuch as a substantial portion of sights
and sounds repeat from game to game regardless of how the player
operates the controls. Id.
a) Buffer
Cablevision’s embodiments of recorded DVR programs in data
buffers were transitory because no bit of data lasted for more than 1.2
seconds before it was automatically overwritten. Cartoon Network
LP, LLLP v. CSC Holdings, Inc, (2d Cir. 2008).
b) RAM
Although RAM is constantly rewritten every 500 milliseconds,
content saved in it until a computer turns off can satisfy the duration
requirement if the program runs for more than a transitory period.
MAI Systems Corp. v. Peak Computers, Inc., (9th Cir. 1993).
i) Legislative History
“[T]he definition of fixation would exclude from the concept purely
evanescent or transient reproductions such as those projected briefly
on a screen, shown electronically on a television or other cathode ray
tube, or captured momentarily in the memory of a computer.” H.R.
Rep. No. 94-1476, 94th Cong., 2d. Sess. 53 (1976).
c. Performances
i. Simultaneous Broadcast
A consensual recording made simultanteously with its transmission is
It is a copyright violation to record at the same time as a live broadcast.
d. Hypotheticals
i. A famous author working in a coffee shop writes a stunning first sentence,
which he saves to his computer’s hard drive. 1.2 seconds later, a barista looks
over his shoulder and is so moved at this first sentence that he spills a jug of
boiling water on the author’s computer, making the hard drive unreadable.
The barista then uses the line in his own novel. In contrast to Cartoon
Network, the author reasonably foresaw that the hard drive would last for
more than
1.2 seconds. So it is potentially distinguishable but a tough case.
ii. The “Rimp-Rovisers” are Toledo’s most popular improv comedy troupe.
A friend of the group records a video of their show. Is it fixed? Only if the
recording was authorized. Fixation can only occur “by or under the
authority of the author.” 17 U.S.C. § 101 (“fixed”).
iii. A friend of the Rimp-Rovisers records the video with permission. Can a
different audience member record the show as well? Yes, if it is only a live
performance but not a live broadcast, then the consensual recording is not
yet fixed but only in the process of being fixed. So an audience member
recording it at the same time as another person is not a copyright violation.
iv. The Rimp-Rovisers break out into song. There is no consensual recording,
no broadcast, and no copyright. Can an audience member record this part of
the show? No, this violates the anti-bootlegging provision in 17 U.S.C. § 101.
v. The Browns are one of Cleveland’s most popular football teams. An
employee of the team records the game, and a local TV station broadcasts it
as well.
Can a TV viewer record the broadcast? This is a prima facie copyright
violation that falls under fair use.
2. Originality
Originality is a constitutional requirement. (Sarony).
a. Originality is not
i. An aesthetic judgment about the value/quality of work (Bleistein)
ii. Absolute novelty (Bleistein)
iii. Hard work (Feist)
iv. Fact collection
d. Exclusions
i. Copyright protection cannot extend to mere facts or historical theories
(All that matters is whether it is presented as fact, e.g., If a book is presented
as historical fiction, the content would be copyrightable and protectable
against a retelling of the story in different words.)
ii. Copyright protection cannot extend to systems/methods/ideas.
1) 17 U.S.C. 102(b): “In no case does copyright protection for an original
work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system,
method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the
form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such
2) Baker: “Where the truths of a science or the methods of an art are the
common property of the whole world, any author has the right to express
the one, or explain and use the other, in his own way” (no copyright
protection for the accounting system but thin copyright protection for the
forms themselves)
iii. Copyright protection cannot extend to scenes à faire, i.e., incidents,
characters, or settings which are as a practical matter indispensible,
or at least standard, for treatment of a certain topic or for a certain genre
(e.g., “Heil Hitler” in Nazi Germany). It is virtually impossible to write
about a particular historical era or fictional theme without employing certain
stock literary devises. (Hoehling)
e. Compilations
Compilations of facts or otherwise uncopyrightable material may receive a
copyright under Feist if there is some modicum of creativity in organization.
f. Authorial Revisions
If a person copyrights a book but later revises it, he can copyright the tweeks,
but the first edition still goes into the public domain. (Same for the Bluebook.)
g. Merger Doctrine
When there are a limited number of ways to express an idea, the expression and
the idea “merge” into one. Thus, there may be little to no protectible expression.
The work might receive a thin copyright protecting only from verbatim copying.
Examples: Forms, contest rules, data organization. There is a circuit split as to
whether merger is a bar to copyright or a defense to copyright.
j. Poetry Hypotheticals
i. Poetic Recipe Hypo: John writes a beautiful, poetic explanation of how to
make beef carpaccio. Paula reads John’s work and writes her own poetic
rendition of the recipe, borrowing the key prep steps from John. Is this
infringement? No, because the recipe was in the public domain (even if John
discovered it) and the poetic expression was changed.
ii. Poetic Fiction Hypo: John writes a beautiful poetic explanation of how the
Morgs swarmed Doodledorf. Paula reads John’s work and writes her own
poetic rendition of the story, borrowing the key plot points from John.
Is this infringement? Yes, fiction receives thicker protection.
3. Authorship
a. Ownership
Authorship is distinct from ownership. Authorship affects duration, and authors
receive additional rights later in copyright term.
17 U.S.C. § 201(a)—Initial Ownership: “Copyright in a work protected under this
title vests initially in the author or authors of the work. The authors of a joint work
are coowners of copyright in the work.”
17 U.S.C. § 101: A joint work is a work prepared by two or more authors with the
intention that their contributions be merged into inseparable or interdependent
parts of a unitary whole. (E.g., a volume of a law review.)
b. Who is an Author
A contributor becomes an author when:
i. He adds original expression that could stand on its own as the subject matter
of copyright (Goldstein) and
ii. The parties intend for that contributor to be a coauthor (look at objective
indicia of intent, such as how the parties bill themselves) (Lee)
The person who performs the fixation is not necessarily the author (Titanic).
ii. Employer is Author: 17 USC § 201(b)—“Works Made for Hire: “In the
case of a work made for hire, the employer or other person for whom the
work was prepared is considered the author for purposes of this title, and,
unless the parties have expressly agreed otherwise in a signed written
instrument, owns all of the rights comprised in the copyright.”
d. Rimp-Rovisers. Hypothetical
The “Rimp-Rovisers” are Toledo’s most popular improv comedy troupe.
A friend of the group records a video of their show. Who is the author? Ignoring
the possibility of corporate ownership, the members of the improv troop on stage
are authors because they are writing the material in real time.
If the friend simply put the camera on the tripod, he would analogous to the
photographer in the submarine in Lindsay v R.M.S. Titanic. If he made creative
shooting decisions, that would be an original expression that could stand on its
own as the subject matter, which could satisfy Goldstein. But Aalmuhammed
requires intent for coauthorship, and there is no evidence the improvisers
intended the friend to be a co-author. We would need more context.
17 U.S.C. § 102(a)
Works of authorship include
1. Literary works (non-audiovisual works, such as scripts and software)
2. Musical works, including words (a separate copyright from the sound recording)
3. Dramatic works, including music
4. Pantomimes and choreographic works
5. Pictorial, graphic, and sculptural (PGS) works;
6. Motion pictures and other audiovisual works;
7. Sound recordings; (e.g., music, poetry recording, or audiobooks, but not sounds
accompaying an audiovisual work)
8. Architectural work (added in 1990)
The fact that you can make a toy version of a car is insufficient to thwart
separability. The policy rationale is that everything can be turned into a toy.
B. Formalities
Current formalities
No notice required (but can still be helpful for damages)
No registration required (Registration creates presumption of validity that must be
refuted by D)
Can’t file suit until Copyright Office registers or denies application
(Fourth Estate)
Deposit of work (enforced by fine rather than forfeiture)
**Basically, copyright is now an opt out system.
1976- same as present except notice was required but more forgiving than previous
regimes because you could cure a publication without notice within 5 years.
o Publication- was trigger point to get authors out of state copyright and into federal
Publication without formalities resulted in loss of both state copyright
protection and federal protections. So states set a high bar for what counts
as publication
Estate of MLK v. CBS- Publication: (affected by technical limitations of
the time)
Tangible copies distributed to the public in a way that gives them
dominion and control over the work
Work is exhibited or displayed in such a way as to permit
unrestricted copying
o Notice
o Registration
o Deposit
C. Duration
Copyright always expires on New Year’s Eve & you round up to get the extra days
o In works published pre-1978 based on date of publication
Just have to know Yeldy’s four categories
o Category 1: Anything published before 1924, now in public domain
o Category 2: Published after 1977
Single author= life + 70
Joint Works= last author to die + 70 years
Anonymous/Pseudonymous/Work for Hire= shorter of 95 years after
publication or 120 years after creation
o Category 3: Published 1924-77
o Category 4: Works Created but not Published on 1/1/1978
Category 3 (renewal terms):
Policy- purpose of these is to protect authors from themselves and keep them from losing
surprising value in works
Renewal term goes to: Author (if alive), widow(er) or children when author is dead,
author’s executor, author’s next of kin (intestacy)
Renewal Term Begins when renewal notice is filed and you can file it one year prior to
o Pre-1964: you had to file renewal notice
o Post- 1964: Automatically done but if you didn’t renew yourself, the owner of the
derivative work gets to continue using the work under the same terms of the
previous license.
Derivative works lawfully created during the base term are considered infringing in the
renewal term, forcing parties back to the bargaining table (Abend); Unless you rely on
automatic renewal and then you lose the benefit of the Abend rule.
Termination of Transfer
Unpublished anonymous and pseudonymous works, 120 years from date Works created before 1899
and works made for hire (corporate authorship) of creation
Unpublished works when the death date of the author 120 years from date Works created before 18995
is not known4 of creation5
1924 through Published without a copyright notice None. In the public domain due to failure to
1977 comply with required formalities
1978 to 1 March Published without notice, and without None. In the public domain due to failure to
1989 subsequent registration within 5 years comply with required formalities
1978 to 1 March Published without notice, but with 70 years after the death of author. If a work of
1989 subsequent registration within 5 years corporate authorship, 95 years from
publication or 120 years from creation,
Date of Conditions7 Copyright Term 3
1924 through Published with notice but copyright None. In the public domain due to copyright
1963 was not renewed8 expiration
1924 through Published with notice and the copyright 95 years after publication date
1963 was renewed8
1978 to 1 March Created after 1977 and published with 70 years after the death of author. If a work of
1989 notice corporate authorship, 95 years from
publication or 120 years from creation,
whichever expires first
1978 to 1 March Created before 1978 and first published The greater of the term specified in the
1989 with notice in the specified period previous entry or 31 December 2047
From 1 March Created after 1977 70 years after the death of author. If a work of
1989 through corporate authorship, 95 years from
2002 publication or 120 years from creation,
whichever expires first
From 1 March Created before 1978 and first published The greater of the term specified in the
1989 through in this period previous entry or 31 December 2047
Anytime Works prepared by an officer or None. In the public domain in the United
employee of the United States States (17 U.S.C. § 105)
Government as part of that person's
official duties. 19
Works First Published Outside the U.S. by Foreign Nationals or U.S. Citizens Living
1924 through Published without compliance with US formalities, and in In the public domain
1977 the public domain in its source country as of 1 January 1996
(but see special cases) 20
1924 through Published in compliance with all US formalities (i.e., notice, 95 years after publication
1977 renewal)11 date
1924 through Solely published abroad, without compliance with US 95 years after publication
1977 formalities or republication in the US, and not in the public date
domain in its home country as of 1 January 1996 (but see
special cases)
1924 through Published in the US less than 30 days after publication Use the US publication chart
1977 abroad to determine duration
1924 through Published in the US more than 30 days after publication 95 years after publication
1977 abroad, without compliance with US formalities, and not in date
the public domain in its home country as of 1 January 1996
(but see special cases)
Date of Conditions Copyright Term in the
Publication United States
1978 to 2002 Created before 1978 and first published in a country that is a The greater of 70 years after
signatory to the Berne Convention or other 17 USC § the death of author (or if
104A(h)(3) treaties 20 work of corporate
authorship, 95 years from
publication) or 31 December
2003- Created before 1978 and first published after 2002 in a 70 years after the death of
country that is a signatory to the Berne Convention or other the author, or if work of
17 USC § 104A(h)(3) treaties 20 corporate authorship, 95
years from publication
1 January Published without copyright notice, and in the public domain In the public domain
1978 - 1 in its source country as of 1 January 1996 (but see special
March 1989 cases)18
1 January Published without copyright notice in a country that is a 70 years after the death of
1978 - 1 signatory to the Berne Convention or other 17 USC § author, or if work of
March 1989 104A(h)(3) treaties and is not in the public domain in its corporate authorship, 95
source country as of 1 January 1996 (but see special cases) 18 years from publication
1 January Published with copyright notice in a country that has 70 years after the death of
1978 - 1 copyright relations with the US (but see special cases) 13 author, or if work of
March 1989 corporate authorship, 95
years from publication
After 1 Published in a country that has copyright relations with the 70 years after the death of
March 1989 US13 author, or if work of
corporate authorship, 95
years from publication
After 1 Published in a country with which the United States does not In the public domain
March 1989 have copyright relations under a treaty
Special Cases
1 July 1909 In Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Treat as an unpublished work
through 1978 Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Guam, and the Northern until such date as first US-
Date of Conditions Copyright Term in the
Publication United States
Anytime Works whose copyright was once owned or administered by Not protected by US
the Alien Property Custodian, and whose copyright, if copyright law
restored, would as of January 1, 1996, be owned by a
Sound recordings
(Note: The following information applies only to the sound recording itself, and not to any
copyrights in underlying compositions or texts.)
Unpublished Sound Recordings, Domestic and
After 15 Feb. 1972 Life of the author + 70 years. For unpublished Nothing. The soonest
anonymous and pseudonymous works and works anything enters the public
made for hire (corporate authorship), 120 years from domain is 15 Feb. 2067
the date of fixation
15 Feb 1972 to 1978 Published without notice (i.e, ©, year of publication, In the public domain
and name of copyright owner)15
1978 to 1 March Published without notice, and without subsequent In the public domain
1989 registration
15 Feb 1972 to 1 In the public domain in its home country as of 1 Jan. Subject to state common law
March 1989 1996 or there was US publication within 30 days of protection. Enters the public
the foreign publication (but see special cases) domain on 15 Feb. 2067
15 Feb. 1972 to 1978 Not in the public domain in its home country as of 1 95 years from date of
Jan. 1996. At least one author of the work was not a publication. 2068 at the
US citizen or was living abroad, and there was no US earliest
publication within 30 days of the foreign publication
(but see special cases)
1978 to 1 March Not in the public domain in its home country as of 1 70 years after death of
1989 Jan. 1996. At least one author of the work was not a author, or if work of
US citizen or was living abroad, and there was no US corporate authorship, the
publication within 30 days of the foreign publication shorter of 95 years from
(but see special cases) publication, or 120 years
from creation
from creation
Special Cases
Fixed at any time Created by a resident of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Not protected by US federal
Marshall Islands, San Marino, or Timor-Leste and copyright law because they
published in one of these countries. Works from are not party to international
Nauru, Palau, Somalia, or South Sudan may also be copyright agreements
Fixed prior to 1996 Works whose copyright was once owned or Not protected by US federal
administered by the Alien Property Custodian, and copyright law
whose copyright, if restored, would as of 1 January
1996 be owned by a government14
Architectural Works16
(Note: Architectural plans and drawings may also be protected as textual/graphics works)
Date of Date of Construction Copyright Status
Prior to 1 Constructed between 30 Building is protected for 70 years after death of author, or if
Dec. 1990 Nov. 1990 and 31 Dec. work of corporate authorship, the shorter of 95 years from
2002 publication, or 120 years from creation17
A. Copying in fact
Copying in fact may be conscious or subconscious (Bolton)
a. Access
“Reasonable posibility” or “reasonable opportunity” requires a specific chain of
events or widespread dissemination. No matter how similar two works are, there
needs to be some evidence of access (Selle v. Gibb). But many courts treat this as
a sliding scale (i.e. the more similar the works, the weaker the evidence of access
that the court will accept)
De minimis use
When considering whether use is de minimis, courts consider:
a. The observability of the copyrighted work
b. The length of time it is observable
c. Focus, lighting, camera angles, and prominence. Gottlieb v. Paramount Pictures
(a copyright pinball machine in a movie was de minimus)
Learned Hand in Sheldon v MGM: “True, much of the picture owes nothing to the
play; some of it is plainly drawn from the novel; but that is entirely immaterial; it is
enough that substantial parts were lifted; no plagiarist csan excuse the wrong by
showing how much of his work he did not pirate” (unless copying was de minimus)
a. Extrinsic Test- judged on specific criteria that can be listed and analyzed
Usually done with expert testimony
Involves objective manifestations of expressions (plot, themes, dialogues,
characters, sequence of events)
CAN be determined as a matter of law
2nd Cir.: P must prove access and get do technical analysis to prove copying in
Then the lay observer comes along to decide if 106 right was infringed
Character Copyrights
Not really a thing because characters are not works of authorship eligible for
But the copyright protection afforded to a book/movie/comic extends to the
characters themselves, to the extent that the characters are sufficiently distinctive
(X One X)
o We still analyze infringement using substantial similarity, we just use a
narrower test for characters (comparing character to character rather than
the total look and feel of two larger works)
3. Distribution
Owner of copyright has the exclusive right “to distribute copies...of the copyrighted
work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or
lending” 106(3)
Merely offering/making a work available does not count as distribution (Capitol
Records v. Thomas)
When there’s no evidence of distribution→ we assume the work was distributed
(Hotaling 4th Cir.)
File-sharing does count as distribution
We ignore what’s happening at a technical level and just consider what’s happening at
a global level
A BIG THEME OF COPYRIGHT LAW: Should a court consider what’s happening
at a technical level or just consider what the user experiences?
If you are the owner of a lawful copy of a work, you can sell or lend or otherwise
transfer ownership of that copy without infringing copyright
o The copy must be lawful, i.e., not pirated
o Cannot be leasing or renting the copy (17 U.S.C. 109(d))
o Only a defense to distribution, NOT reproduction
o Does not apply to:
Owners engaged in renting/lending musical works or software (but
nonprofit libraries are excluded from this)
ReDigi was “reslling” digital music and asserted the first sale doctrine as a
Court says this violates both the reproduction right and the distribution right
o On a technical level, this is reproduction
o On a global level, this is distribution
First sale doesn’t apply because the work being transferred is an
unlawful reproduction
“Public” is the key element: is the work being performed or displayed to the
It doesn’t matter how many people are actually present, it matters if some
place is open to the public
17 U.S.C 109(e)
special exception from right to display/perform for owners of coin-operated
equipment (basically exception for arcade games)
17 U.S.C 110
Includes a bunch of exceptions to public performance right.
Sports bars and coffee shops can put on TV and music subject to certain very
specific limitations about the number of speakers and the sizes of TV
If you have a copy machine and were offering copyrighted books, the copying of books would be
a volitional act. Any automated user-control system will likely lack a volitional act. The
exception in Aero: If it looks too much like a cable company, no volitional act required for direct
Indirect liability – Good when direct infringers are anonymous, e.g., on torrent sites, so you
cannot get to them. Also good when you want a defendant with
Aereo Theory
o If you look too much like a cable company
o This theory is newer and puts pressure on the volitional act requirement (you
should still bet on volitional act)
Indirect liability
Useful when you can’t reach a direct infringer or you want to sue someone with a lot of $$$$$
You NEED direct infringement to even get to this step
So talk about who the direct infringer is and what 106 rights the direct infringer is violating AND
THEN consider indirect infringement
Usually practical ability depends on whether technology is available, not on whether the specific
firm can provide it
Indirect: Contributory Infringement
Red flag knowledge- Lack subjective awareness of facts that would have made specific
infringement objectively obvious
Ex. NOT red flag knowledge- through spot checks D knows that 25% of their content is
infringement. General knowledge of rampant infringement.
Ex. Red Flag Knowledge- D is subjectively aware that a user called “deathtohollywood”
uploaded a major motion picture currently in theater
Red flag knowledge = specific infringement objectively obvious. E.g., can objectively prove a
user named “deathtohollywood” who had uploaded a movie in theatres was intending to infringe
E.g., a torrenting software
If have a direct financial benefit, cannot have right/ability for human control pre-posting
Device Liability
Staple Article of Commerce Doctrine (Sony Rule)- “[T]he sale of copying equipment, like the
sale of other articles of commerce, does not constitute contributory infringement if the product is
widely used for legitimate, unobjectionable purposes. Indeed, it need merely be capable of
substantial noninfringing uses.”
Sony was about time-shifting VCRs which some used to infringe
1. Not a safe harbor, just no imputed knowledge or intent for simply
selling a product capable of substantial lawful use (Grokster)
1. For a while, this was a complete and total safe harbor. As a policy matter,
copyright holders weren’t totally sure that VCRs and stuff like that were
ultimately that bad but then file sharing really starting killing certain industries
and so this had to change
Inducement Doctrine (Grokster)- One who distributes a device with the object of promoting its
use to infringe copyright, as shown by a clear expression of intent or other affirmative steps taken
to foster infringement, is liable for contributory infringement
1. This modifies the Napster definition of “knowingly” for contributory infringement
2. You still need the material contribution element satisfied by providing the tool
3. Why can’t you get to infringement another way?
File-sharing tools are designed without centralized servers, which means they are
purposefully designed to not have liability-inducing knowledge (contributory
infringement) and since the user downloads the software and controls it
themselves there’s no ability to control
1. Injunctions- 502
2. Impoundment/Destruction- 503
3. Actual Damages and Profits- 504(b)
4. Statutory Damages- 504(c)
5. Costs and Attorney’s Fees- 505
6. Criminal Penalties- 506
*You either get actual damages & profits OR statutory damages, you can’t get both
o Strategic considerations:
you don’t want to get overturned on appeal
The infringer might not have any real profits (ex. file sharing)
Direct profits:
Statutory Damages
Default: sum of not less than $750 or more than $30,000 as the court considers just
o Willfulness= max goes to $150,000
o Innocent= min goes to $200
Based on a PER WORK basis
o compilations, like albums, are counted as one work. Circuits have different rules
about episodes of shows, etc.
For 7th Amendment, juries assess statutory damages (Feltner)
Willfulness= D knew or had reason to know, or recklessly disregarded the fact that his
conduct constituted copyright infringement
After notice (piracy warnings or actual), D is willful unless he reasonably and in good
faith believes he is not infringing (Princeton Univ. Press)
o Subjective- good faith belief
o Objective- A belief is unreasonable when “law supported the other position so
clearly that there was a reckless disregard for P’s property” (Princeton Univ.
Injunctions (eBay)
1. Irreparable injury
1. Judgement-proof defendant or some other specific njury that is hard to
compensate for
2. NOT just a violation of your IP rights/right to exclude
b. Remedies available at law are inadequate to compensate for that injury
c. Considering balance of hardships between P and D, a remedy in equity is warranted
d. Public interest not disserved by injunction
Criminal Penalties