Cambridge O Level: Economics 2281/12
Cambridge O Level: Economics 2281/12
Cambridge O Level: Economics 2281/12
Paper 1 Multiple Choice May/June 2020
45 minutes
• There are thirty questions on this paper. Answer all questions.
• For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct
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• The total mark for this paper is 30.
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1 In 2016, 20 billion barrels of oil and 1.6 billion barrels of natural gas were discovered in Texas,
A capital
B enterprise
C labour
D land
Which of these points shows the largest possible output of product Y currently achievable?
product Y
product X
3 A student decides to take up a two year apprenticeship for which she will earn $10 000 per year.
After that she expects to earn $25 000 per year. She could take an unskilled job which pays
$16 000 per year instead of the apprenticeship.
What is the opportunity cost in the two years of completing the apprenticeship?
A many firms
B monopoly
C profit maximisation
D specialisation
6 The diagrams show the supply curve for an individual grower of tomatoes and for the total market
supply of tomatoes.
3.0 3.0
price price
per kg per kg
($) ($)
1.5 1.5
0.5 0.5
0 0
1000 3000 6000 100 000 300 000 600 000
quantity quantity
(kilograms) (tonnes)
7 The price of bread rose by 5% and the quantity demanded fell by 4%.
8 Saudi Arabia specialises in oil extraction and refining. This is a capital-intensive industry with
highly skilled labour.
A Oil companies have increased training costs as each worker needs many different skills.
B Oil companies may find it difficult to achieve economies of scale.
C Resource allocation is not efficient because a narrow range of goods is being produced.
D Workers may face a restricted range of job opportunities.
10 The graph shows women’s wages as a percentage of men’s wages in year 1 and year 2.
percent 80
75 year 2
year 1
27 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 62
food leisure
A decrease decrease
B decrease increase
C increase decrease
D increase increase
12 The table shows total fixed and total variable costs at different levels of output for a firm.
total total
output fixed cost variable cost
$ $
14 Which statement proves there has been an increase in productivity for a factory making tractors?
A 10% more workers results in a 10% increase in tractors produced each week.
B Output per worker increases from 3 tractors to 4 tractors per month.
C Production increases as more workers are hired.
D Starting a night shift leads to an increase in production of 10 tractors a day.
A inheritance tax
B profits tax
C sales tax
D value added tax
20 Information about job vacancies on a government website has led to a decrease in short-term
A cyclical unemployment
B frictional unemployment
C structural unemployment
D technological unemployment
100 101 99 98
A quarters 1 and 2
B quarters 2 and 3
C quarters 3 and 4
D the entire period
23 The table gives information about three economic indicators in four countries.
25 Which country would be classified as the most developed based on the data in the table?
gross domestic
country product per year
A 600 3
B 700 2
C 12 000 40
D 15 000 100
26 Which changes usually result when a country develops and is able to provide free healthcare and
good living conditions?
birth rate death rate
27 Which protectionist measure would be most suitable for a government to use to support the
growth in exports of an industry?
A embargo
B quota
C subsidy
D tariff
28 There has been an appreciation of the value of a country’s currency against other currencies.
What effects will this have on prices of imports of raw materials and prices of exports of
manufactured goods?
A cheaper cheaper
B cheaper more expensive
C more expensive cheaper
D more expensive more expensive
30 The table shows components of Japan’s current account balance in trillion Yen (¥) for 2011 and
A balance of goods
B balance of services
C balance of primary income
D balance of secondary income
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