The Fractal Dimension of The Lorenz Attractor lp2
The Fractal Dimension of The Lorenz Attractor lp2
The Fractal Dimension of The Lorenz Attractor lp2
Mark J. McGUlNNESS l p2
Applied Mathematics, CaliforniaInstitute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Taken’s boxcounting algorithm for computing the fractal dimension of a strange attractor is applied to the Lorenz equa-
tions. A convergence problem is discussed, and an approximate dimension is computed.
Lorenz’s dicovery [l] of random motion on a The rate at which this probability tends to zero is found
“strange attractor” in phase space for a simple set of to be algebraic, in the region of the attractor which
nonlinear ordinary differential equations has prompted yields a one-dimensional cuspshaped return map. If
much subsequent interest in this type of behaviour, the algebraic decay rate holds on the whole attractor,
in one-dimensional maps, ordinary and partial differ- it implies an algebraically slow rate of convergence in
ential equations, and turbulent flow experiments. A time of the number of boxes visited by a solution tra-
distinctive feature of the “strange attractor” is its frac- jectory (over some intermediate time range). This sug-
tal (noninteger) dimension [2] - in the Lorenz equa- gests an extrapolation in time to iind the total number
tions the noninteger part allows the motion to be ape- of boxes covering the attractor.
riodic. In particular, the measurement of a fractal di- Lorenz obtained the equations
mension in a fluid experiment would suggest the pres-
ence of a strange attractor, and would indicate the min-
imum size phase space needed to reproduce the attrac-
tor (e.g. with a set of ordinary differential equations).
i=xy-bz, (1)
A step in this direction is to be able to measure the
fractal dimension of strange attractors in multi-dimen- by truncating a Fourier series expansion of a convect-
sional maps and ordinary and partial differential equa- ing fluid model. They also appear at the onset of tur-
tions. Takens [3] has suggested a box-counting algo- bulence in baroclinic flow [8,9] and alaser model [8],
rithm, which has been succesfully applied to 2D maps and they model a convecting fluid annulus and a disc
[4,5] a set of three ordinary differential equations [4], dynamo [lO].Wheno= 16,r=40andb=4,the
and a delay differential equation [6]. (numerical) solution trajectories in phase space are
However, the algorithm fails to converge for the aperiodic [ 111, and they all appear to approach and
Lorenz equations. This convergence problem has been remain close to a “double-screw” shaped surface.
encountered by others [5], for the Lorenz equations These are the parameter values used in this paper.
and for the Curry modeL As they suggest, a major rea- The firactal dimension or limit capacity of an at-
son for the problem is that some parts of the attractor tractor is given by [2]
are visited with a probability that tends to zero [7].
D=eyo -htN(e)/lne, (2)
where N(e) is the number of boxes of side E in phase
’ This work supported by Control Data Dorporation, through space needed to cover the attractor. This definition,
access to Cyber 205 computing time, and by the Office of
Naval Research.
analogous to the Hausdorff dimension, may be arrived
2 Current Address: Applied Mathematics Division, DSIR, at intuitively by realising that if the attractor has vol-
P.O. Box 1335, Wellington, New Zeeland. ume V, then
0.031-9163/83/0000-0000/$03.00 0 1983 North-Holland
Volume 99A, number 1 PHYSICS LETTERS 14 November 1983
V+N&‘, (3)
for small enough e, that is
lnN=-Dlne+ln V. (4) N / ./
Volume 99A, number 1 PHYSICS LETTERS 14 November 1983
Pl-J=l-P1, (13)
g(z) = [g(zc)/d/u] (1 - z)llV-l ) z + 1. (7)
and taking the limit At + 0,
Near the ends the map is linear, with a slope greater
than 1 in absolute value. This and eqs. (6) and (7) give W(n, t) = a(n + l)P+lP(n + 1, t)
g(z) - [&,)/~I [Y/W(Y - 1)] l” z~“-~ , z + 0, (8) - unp+1 P(n, t). (14)
This is a “deaths” equation in queuing theory [ 181 -
r(z) - -yz , 2+ 0 ) (9) intervals are “killed” by being visited. It holds for n G
M where M is the number of unvisited intervals at time
origin, andP(il4 + 1, t) is zero for all t.
7(z)-/J(l -z), z-+1. (10) Eq. (14) may be solved by taking a Laplace trans-
form in time and solving the resulting fust-order dif-
That is, the “tails” of the probability density g(z)
ference equation directly. The solution is
decay algebraically, at the rate (l/v - 1). Compare
the exact results in ref. [ 131. Assuming a similar decay
on other Poincare sections through the attractor (as
suggested by the results in ref. [7] ). the rate at which
P(n, t) = k t+lkfl+l E
I j=n
(exp(-@+l r)
mediate times by considering P(n, t), the probability The expected value of n(t), the number of unvisited
that exactly n intervals remain unvisited at time t *2. intervals remaining at time t, is
P(n,t+At)=P(n,f)~~+P(n+ l,f)p,, (11) (16)
where p. is the probability that no new intervals are
visited in time At, pl is the probability that one new An approximation to A(t) for small t and large M fol-
interval is visited in time At, and At is small enough lows from a consideration of the Laplace transform
to neglect the probability of visiting two or more new for large values of the transform variable [ 141. This
intervals. To approximate po, assume counting of inter- Indicates that the dominant contribution to the sums
vals has proceeded long enough that the probability in (16) comes from large values of k, and
density has converged to the invariant density, and
P(k, t) - [l/u(M+ l)Pl] 6 (t + l/&W@- l/u/3k@),
that (mostly) only those intervals in the “tails” remain
unvisited. Since some of these intervals may have been
k+=. (17)
visited, assume further that the (discontinuous) prob-
ability density over unvisited intervals may still be ap Hence for large N,
proximated by an algebraic decay. Then given that n
t?(t) N (M-0 t’ f@t)-lI@ , t + 0, (18)
intervals remain unvisited at time t, the probability of
visiting one new interval in time At is approximated by or to leading order
p1 w a&+1 At (12) A(t) - (apt)-l/O , t+O,M+m,t.M+. (19)
for n large enough and At small enough. Here II is some The result suggests that N, the number of boxes
constant (dependent on e) and /3> l/u - 1. Then visited in phase space, converges algebraically in time
to N(e), provided enough time has elapsed that the
“tails” of the probability density are being entered.
*2 This approach was suggested by Jose-Luis Farah, IIMAS, Since p is not known, a nonlinear least-squares program
UNAM. is used to find p and M(e) by fitting
Volume 99A, number 1 PHYSICS LETTERS 14 November 1983
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Volume 99A, number 1 PHYSICS LETTERS 14 November 1983
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