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Stay With Us, Lord

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Year 33 No.

62 3rd Sunday of Easter (A) — White April 26, 2020


W hen a significant person
dies, especially if he/she is
a breadwinner, the whole family
in the Gospel: all these might
seem nothing as the two disciples
of Jesus walked downcast away
Eucharist, at the breaking of the
bread and the sharing of the
cup. This mystical communion
is exceedingly affected. It is as if from Jerusalem on the road to happens to join the whole church
the whole world comes crushing Emmaus. Even as Jesus joined (the people of God with Jesus) as
down and the family members them in their journey, “their eyes the one body is joined to its head.
become disoriented. The future were prevented from recognizing Then, “their eyes were opened and
becomes blurred and bleak, and him”; they were simply blinded they recognized him” when Jesus is
the scenario ahead is uncertain. by their own unmet expectations presented as the ultimate sacrifice
The situation becomes bearable that Jesus could be the Messiah, that joins us to the Trinity (as the
only when there are people around until Jesus revealed himself at the Doxology declares: “Through him,
who provide soothing presence breaking of the bread. and with him, and in him, O God,
as well as emotional, moral, Truly, the disciples of today almighty Father, in the unity of the
spiritual and financial support could also be like Cleopas and the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is
and to whom the family can share other disciple, who might forget yours, for ever and ever). And then,
stories. Nevertheless, the absence the wonderful words and deeds of as one voice, the whole assembly
of the loved one is deeply felt. Jesus, until someone relates back of believers makes their assent:
How much more if the person is to us the meaning of the Scriptures “Amen, Amen, Amen.”
of far greater value than imagined? “beginning with Moses and all Our hope rests on Jesus, the
Such is the case of Jesus’ death. the prophets”. This is exactly resurrected Lord. As in the first
The followers of Jesus––his mother, what happens in the Holy Mass. reading, Peter proclaims in the Acts
relatives and the disciples and When “two or three are gathered of the Apostles: “God raised this
apostles––were all devastated in my [Jesus’] name, there am I Jesus: of this we are all witnesses.
by his crucifixion and death. in the midst of them” (Mt 18:20). Exalted at the right hand of God,
All people in Jerusalem were In the first part of the Holy Mass, he received the promise of the
talking about him. He was a man the Holy Scriptures is read and Holy Spirit from the Father and
of incredible stature––a rabbi/ proclaimed with some parts from poured it forth, as you both see and
teacher, a healer, a man of spiritual the Old Testament, the Letters and hear” (Acts 2:32-33). The whole
authority who could drive out the Acts of the Apostles, and the season of Easter is a prolonged
demons and forgive sins, a miracle Gospels––linking the stories of recounting of the resurrection
worker who multiplied bread and salvation from the Old Covenant stories. Yet, let every Sunday be
fishes that fed thousands, someone to the New Covenant fulfilled an Easter celebration of Christ
who commanded the winds and in Jesus, the Anointed One (the risen from the dead, and who dies
the seas, who raised dead people Messiah/the Christ). no more; and an invitation “Stay
to life, etc.––fitting to be called a The sacrificial offering at the with us Lord!”
“Messiah”. As St. Luke narrates cross is made present in the — Fr. Ruben C. Areño, SSP
The Dialogue Vision of Vatican II Nostra Aetate (“in our time”) transformed the Church’s
view and relationship with other religions; NA asserts:
Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM “The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy
Most Catholics are unaware that the Second Vatican in these religions. She regards with sincere reverence
Council (1962-1965) produced one entire document those ways of conduct and life, those precepts and
on approaches to other faith traditions, Nostra Aetate teachings … [which] often reflect a ray of that Truth
(NA), the Declaration on the Relation of the Church which enlightens all people” (NA 2).
to Other Religions. Although the shortest document of “The Church, therefore, exhorts her children, that
the Council, it has had a wide-ranging impact on the through dialogue and collaboration with the followers
life of the Church, especially in her relations with the of other religions, … they recognize, preserve, and
followers of other living faiths (e.g. Islam, Buddhism, promote the good things, spiritual and moral, as well
and Hinduism). This is particularly true here in Asia, as the socio-cultural values found among these people”
where less than three percent of Asia’s more than four (NA 2). How do Catholics in the Philippines live this
billion people are Christian. teaching in daily life?
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES O God, almighty Father. Lord because it was impossible for him
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten to be held by it. For David says of
Entrance Antiphon Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, him: I saw the Lord ever before
(Cf. Ps 66 [65]:1–2) Son of the Father, you take me, with him at my right hand I
(Recited when there is no opening song.) away the sins of the world, shall not be disturbed. Therefore
Cry out with joy to God, all have mercy on us; you take my heart has been glad and my
the earth; O sing to the glory away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer; you are tongue has exulted; my flesh, too,
of his name. O render him will dwell in hope, because you
glorious praise, alleluia. seated at the right hand of
the Father, have mercy on us. will not abandon my soul to the
Greeting For you alone are the Holy netherworld, nor will you suffer
(The sign of the cross is made here.) One, you alone are the Lord, your holy one to see corruption.
P — Grace to you and peace you alone are the Most High, You have made known to me the
from God our Father and the Jesus Christ, with the Holy paths of life; you will fill me with
Lord Jesus Christ. Spirit, in the glory of God the joy in your presence.
All — And with your spirit. Father. Amen. “My brothers, one can confi­
Introduction Collect dently say to you about the
(These [or similar words] may be P — Let us pray. (Pause) patriarch David that he died and
used to address the assembly.) was buried, and his tomb is in our
May your people exult
P — The road to Emmaus for ever, O God, in renewed midst to this day. But since he was
traveled by the two disciples youthfulness of spirit, so that, a prophet and knew that God
is the path taken by those rejoicing now in the restored had sworn an oath to him that he
whose hopes in life have been glory of our adoption, we may would set one of his descendants
crushed. Like the disciples, look forward in confident hope upon his throne, he foresaw
may we turn to the Lord and to the rejoicing of the day of and spoke of the resurrection of
invite him: “Stay with us, Lord.” resurrection. the Christ, that neither was he
May we recognize him in the Through our Lord Jesus abandoned to the netherworld
Eucharist where he explains Christ, your Son, who lives and nor did his flesh see corruption.
the Scriptures to us and breaks reigns with you in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, one God, for God raised this Jesus; of this we
bread with us, setting our hearts
ever and ever. are all witnesses. Exalted at the
on fire and making us witnesses
that indeed he is truly risen and All — Amen. right hand of God, he received
is alive in our midst. the promise of the Holy Spirit
THE LITURGY from the Father and poured him
Penitential Act
OF THE WORD forth, as you see and hear.”
P — Brethren (brothers and — The word of the Lord.
sisters), let us acknowledge our First Reading
sins, and so prepare ourselves to (Acts 2:14, 22–33) (Sit) All — Thanks be to God.
celebrate the sacred mysteries. The greatest proof that he is Responsorial Psalm (Ps 16)
(Pause) indeed the Messiah of God is his
P — You were sent to heal the resurrection from the dead. It is the R — Lord, you will show us
core and the foundation of our faith. the path of life.
contrite of heart: Lord, have Cl. R.S. Rivera, SSP
mercy. A reading from the Acts of the

All — Lord, have mercy.
  
Apostles  
P — You came to call sinners:
Christ, have mercy. THEN PETER stood up with Lord, you will show

All — Christ, have mercy. the Eleven, raised his voice,

Am F G C
and proclaimed: “You who are 2

P — You are seated at the right

Jews, indeed all of you staying       
hand of the Father to intercede
for us: Lord, have mercy. in Jerusalem. Let this be known us the path of life.

All — Lord, have mercy. to you, and listen to my words. 1. Keep me, O God, for in you
P — May almighty God have You who are Israelites, hear these I take refuge;/ I say to the Lord,
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, words. Jesus the Nazorean was a “My Lord are you.”/ O Lord, my
and bring us to everlasting life. man commended to you by God allotted portion and my cup,/ you
All — Amen. with mighty deeds, wonders, it is who hold fast my lot.” (R)
Gloria and signs, which God worked
through him in your midst, as 2. I bless the Lord who counsels
All — Glory to God in the me;/ even in the night my heart
highest, and on earth peace you yourselves know. This man,
delivered up by the set plan and exhorts me./ I set the Lord ever
to people of good will. We before me;/ with him at my right
praise you, we bless you, we foreknowledge of God, you killed,
using lawless men to crucify him. hand I shall not be disturbed. (R)
adore you, we glorify you, we
give you thanks for your great But God raised him up, releasing 3. Therefore my heart is glad and
glory, Lord God, heavenly King, him from the throes of death, my soul rejoices,/ my body, too,
abides in confidence;/ because himself drew near and walked they said to each other, “Were
you will not abandon my soul with them, but their eyes were not our hearts burning within
to the netherworld,/ nor will prevented from recognizing him. us while he spoke to us on the
you suffer your faithful one to He asked them, “What are you way and opened the Scriptures
undergo corruption. (R) discussing as you walk along?” to us?” So they set out at once
4. You will show me the path They stopped, looking downcast. and returned to Jerusalem where
to life,/ abounding joy in your One of them, named Cleopas, they found gathered together
presence,/ the delights at your said to him in reply, “Are you the Eleven and those with them
right hand forever. (R) the only visitor to Jerusalem who were saying, “The Lord
who does not know of the things has truly been raised and has
Second Reading (1 Pt 1:17–21) that have taken place there in appeared to Simon!” Then the
Our Christian faith and hope these days?” And he replied to two recounted what had taken
rest on Jesus who died and rose them, “What sort of things?” place on the way and how he
from the dead. With such a solid They said to him, “The things that was made known to them in the
foundation we have no reason to happened to Jesus the Nazorean, breaking of bread.
be discouraged. who was a prophet mighty in — The Gospel of the Lord.
A reading from the first Letter deed and word before God and All — Praise to you, Lord Jesus
of Saint Peter all the people, how our chief Christ.
BELOVED: If you invoke as Father priests and rulers both handed Homily (Sit)
him who judges impartially him over to a sentence of death
according to each one’s works, and crucified him. But we were Profession of Faith (Stand)
conduct yourselves with hoping that he would be the one
to redeem Israel; and besides all All — I believe in God, the
reverence during the time of Father almighty, Creator of
your sojourning, realizing that this, it is now the third day since
heaven and earth, and in Jesus
you were ransomed from your this took place. Some women Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
futile conduct, handed on by your from our group, however, have
astounded us: they were at the (At the words that follow, up to
ancestors, not with perishable and including the Virgin Mary,
things like silver or gold but with tomb early in the morning and
all bow.)
the precious blood of Christ as did not find his body; they came who was conceived by the
of a spotless unblemished lamb. back and reported that they had Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin
He was known before the indeed seen a vision of angels Mary, suffered under Pontius
foundation of the world but who announced that he was Pilate, was crucified, died and
revealed in the final time for alive. Then some of those with was buried; he descended
you, who through him believe us went to the tomb and found into hell; on the third day he
in God who raised him from the things just as the women had rose again from the dead; he
described, but him they did ascended into heaven, and
dead and gave him glory, so that
not see.” And he said to them, is seated at the right hand of
your faith and hope are in God. God the Father almighty; from
“Oh, how foolish you are! How
— The word of the Lord. there he will come to judge
slow of heart to believe all that
All — Thanks be to God. the living and the dead.
the prophets spoke! Was it not
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
Alleluia (Cf. Lk 24:32) (Stand) necessary that the Christ should the holy catholic Church,
suffer these things and enter into the communion of saints,
All — Alleluia, alleluia. Lord his glory?” Then beginning with the forgiveness of sins, the
Jesus, open the Scriptures
to us; make our hearts burn Moses and all the prophets, he resurrection of the body, and
while you speak to us. Alleluia, interpreted to them what referred life everlasting. Amen.
alleluia. to him in all the Scriptures. As
they approached the village to Prayer of the Faithful
Gospel (Lk 24:13–35) which they were going, he gave P — Let us put our petitions
P — A reading from the holy the impression that he was going to the loving Father who
Gospel according to Luke on farther. But they urged him, accompanies us in our journey.
All — Glory to you, O Lord. “Stay with us, for it is nearly With Jesus, let us address him
THAT VERY DAY, the first day evening and the day is almost as we pray:
of the week, two of Jesus’ over.” So he went in to stay with R — Father, give strength to
disciples were going to a village them. And it happened that, your people.
seven miles from Jerusalem while he was with them at table,
he took bread, said the blessing, C — Father, bless our Church
called Emmaus, and they and civil leaders that they may
were conversing about all the broke it, and gave it to them. not tire of serving you in your
things that had occurred. And it With that their eyes were opened people, especially the poor, the
happened that while they were and they recognized him, but he outcast, and those who have no
conversing and debating, Jesus vanished from their sight. Then voice in society. We pray: (R)
C — Father, be with those who
are burdened with doubt and
discouragement and those who
undergo crises. We pray: (R)
C — Father, bless our efforts and
the work of our hands. Protect us
from all harm, give us plentiful
harvest, and guide those who
travel by air, land, and sea. We
pray: (R)
C — Father, in the evening of our
life, when our days are coming
to a close, comfort us with your
merciful love. Look not on our
sins, but remember your fatherly
care for us. We pray: (R)
C — Let us pray for the urgent
concerns of our community and
our personal intentions (pause).
We pray: (R)
P — Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ our Passover has been Communion Antiphon (Lk 24:35)
Christ, strengthen us in this table
fellowship as Christ once did to The disciples recognized the
Through him the children of
his disciples at Emmaus. This Lord Jesus in the breaking of
light rise to eternal life and the
we ask through the same Christ bread, alleluia.
halls of the heavenly Kingdom
our Lord. Prayer after Communion (Stand)
are thrown open to the faithful;
All — Amen.
for his Death is our ransom from
P — Let us pray. (Pause)
death, and in his rising the life
THE LITURGY OF of all has risen.
Look with kindness upon your
THE EUCHARIST Therefore, overcome with
people, O Lord, and grant, we
Presentation of the Gifts pray, that those you were pleased
paschal joy, every land, every
(Stand) to renew by eternal mysteries may
people exults in your praise and
attain in their flesh the incorruptible
P — Pray, brethren… even the heavenly Powers, with
glory of the resurrection.
All — May the Lord accept the angelic hosts, sing together the
Through Christ our Lord.
sacrifice at your hands for the unending hymn of your glory,
All — Amen.
praise and glory of his name, as they acclaim:
for our good and the good of All — Holy, Holy, Holy... (Kneel) THE CONCLUDING RITES
all his holy Church. Acclamation (Stand) P — The Lord be with you.
Prayer over the Offerings All — And with your spirit.
All — Save us, Savior of the
world, for by your Cross and Solemn Blessing
P — Receive, O Lord, we pray,
these offerings of your exultant Resurrection you have set us free. P — Bow down for the blessing.
Church, and, as you have given (Pause)
her cause for such great gladness,
THE COMMUNION RITE Be near to those who call
grant also that the gifts we bring The Lord’s Prayer on you, O Lord, and graciously
may bear fruit in perpetual grant your protection to all
All — Our Father… who place their hope in your
happiness. mercy, that they may remain
Through Christ our Lord. P — Deliver us, Lord…
All — For the kingdom, the faithful in holiness of life and,
All — Amen. having enough for their needs
power and the glory are yours in this world, they may be made
Preface II of Easter now and for ever. full heirs of your promise of
Invitation to Peace eternity.
P — The Lord be with you. Through Christ our Lord.
All — And with your spirit. Invitation to Communion All — Amen
P — Lift up your hearts. (Kneel) P — And may the blessing of
All — We lift them up to the Lord. almighty God, the Father, and
P — Let us give thanks to the P — Behold the Lamb of God, the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
Lord our God. behold him who takes away the come down on you and remain
All — It is right and just. sins of the world. Blessed are those with you for ever.
P — It is truly right and just, our called to the supper of the Lamb. All — Amen.
duty and our salvation, at all All — Lord, I am not worthy that
times to acclaim you, O Lord, you should enter under my roof, Dismissal
but in this time above all to laud but only say the word and my P — Go forth, the Mass is ended.
you yet more gloriously, when soul shall be healed. All — Thanks be to God.

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