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Reception Long Term Plan 2020 - 21

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They follow an approach called 'In the Moment Planning' where learning is child-led through play rather than predetermined by adults. The environment and children's interests guide provision.

They follow 'In the Moment Planning' developed by Anna Ephgrave where learning happens through play the children have chosen rather than adults deciding outcomes ahead of time.

Term 1 literacy theme is Crunchy Leaves. Hook/Wow events include reenacting The Bear Hunt outside and an Autumn walk. Focus books include We're Going on a Bear Hunt and Leaf Man.

2020-2021 Yearly Overview

In Reception at Ashton Vale, we follow ‘In the Moment Planning’. This is a model developed by Anna Ephgrave, rather than adults deciding what children will be learning ahead of time and calling children to the adult to follow a pre determined
outcome, we engage with the children through play that they have chosen and teach the children 'in the moment'. Therefore, through play, children have access to all aspects of the curriculum, all of the time, without limits, imposed outcomes or adult

This means that we can meet the needs of individuals more effectively, with them being highly engaged and motivated to do what they are doing, as we are targeting their own very specific next step in learning.

This also means that although we have mapped out a rough guide to the Reception year which may shape whole class focused teaching sessions, the provision may change depending on the children’s interests, development and what practioners
observe the children doing during periods of free play. The plan is therefore an idea of what the children may be engaging with this year.

The environment is the third teacher and will provide children with the opportunity for various rich experiences across the curriculum; this is known as ‘continuous provision’ and further developed as the ‘core provision’ and ‘enhanced provision’.
The classroom acts a ‘workshop’ for the child and pre determined outcome activity based play is avoided.

Theme Festivals Hook/Wow event Focus Book Possible additional texts Genre Communication and Language (oracy)-
Oracy outcome
Term 1 Crunchy Leaves Diwali Opening – Reenact the ‘We’re Going On A Bear ‘Going To School’ Fiction PofR ‘We’re Going on A Bear Hunt’
8 weeks Do you know Autumn Bear Hunt outside Hunt’ (T4W & PofR) ‘The Diwali Story – Rama and Sita’ Poetry Daily phonics- RWI Set 1 (Reception only) Physical
some routines of a ‘Pumpkin Soup’ Rhyme Daily writing tailored to each child’s next steps Are they speaking at an
school day? Autumnal walk with ‘We’re Going On A Leaf ‘Tidy’ appropriate volume?
What changes do collection bags Hunt’ ‘Leaf Man’ Oracy focus- How do they vary their
you notice? Experience- Autumnal walk in local community tone of voice? Are they
Finale – We’re Going On Poetry – ‘Finger rhymes and ‘Story a day’ magpie words using hand gestures to
A Bear Hunt T4W songs’ ‘Show and Tell Friday’ support their ideas?
performance Focus child interview
Practioner interaction expectation during ITMP Cognitive
Child led parent meeting for focus week Do their responses build
Term 2 Frosty Mornings Winter Solstice Opening – Igloo classroom, ‘Blue Penguin’ (T4W & PoR) ‘Where The Poppies Now Grow’ Fiction PofR ‘Blue Penguin’ on each other’s ideas?
7 weeks How do we Firework night tuff tray polar scene with ‘Elf Missions’ Multimedia Daily phonics- RWI Streamed Do they give reasons for
celebrate festivals? Halloween ice cubes/ snow Film Clip ‘Poppies’ ‘Christmas In Bristol’ Historical non PofR ‘Blue Penguin’ their opinions?
What would we Remembrance ‘Mog’s Christmas’ fiction Daily writing tailored to each child’s next steps Do they critically engage
find in Antarctica? Day Introduction to forest school ‘Have You Filled Your Bucket ‘The Snowflake Mistake’ Religious with other’s ideas? Do
Anti Bullying Today?’ ‘Secrets of Winter’ ‘Card writing’ Oracy focus- they ask questions?
Week Theatre Trip to Tobacco Experience- Post a letter
Nativity Factory ‘Noisy Nativity’ ‘A Letter To Santa’ Story a day’ magpie words Linguistic
‘Show and Tell Friday’ Do they use ambitious,
Finale – Showcase nativity ‘The Christmas Story’ Focus child interview technical or subject-
performance and ‘My clay Practioner interaction expectation during ITMP specific vocabulary?
decoration project’ Child led parent meeting for focus week Do they speak with an
Term 3 Starry Nights Chinese New Opening – Animal ‘Owl Babies’ (T4W & PoR) ‘Fox in the Dark’ Fiction PofR ‘Owl Babies’ appropriate level of
6 weeks Is everything Year handling experience ‘Hoot Owl Master of Disguise ‘ Scientific non Daily phonics- RWI Streamed formality?
awake in the Safer Internet (nocturnal/ diurnal and ‘Naughty Bus’ (night bus) ‘Whatever Next!’ fiction Daily writing tailored to each child’s next steps
daytime? Week hibernation, migration and (PoR) Cultural non fiction Social and emotional
adaption) Oracy focus- How do they show they
‘What The Ladybird Heard’ Experience- Visit a café are listening?
Chinese Restaurant (night plan) (PoR) Story a day’ magpie words Do they make sure
‘Show and Tell Friday’ everyone gets a turn to
Finale – Showcase ‘My ‘Chelsea’s Chinese New Year’ Focus child interview speak? Is there an
hibernation home project’ Practioner interaction expectation during ITMP appropriate balance of
Various Child led parent meeting for focus week contributions?
non fiction- Hibernation and
Migration, Nocturnal and
Term 4 Step Into Spring Spring Equinox Opening – Forest School Text lead by science week ‘Tadpole Diary’ Fiction Bristol book project focus TBC
6 weeks What’s in the Science Week pond visit theme ‘Peter Rabbit’ Animal non- fiction
pond? Valentine’s Day ‘Gruffalo’s Child’ Religious Daily phonics- RWI Streamed
What is an Mother’s Day Science focus TBC Text lead by the Bristol Book ‘Give Me Half’ (non fiction) Diary
experiment? Easter Project theme TBC Bristol Book Project and Science Week
Science Week Mother’s Day Assembly
Bristol Book ‘Guess How Much I Love Daily writing tailored to each child’s next steps
Project Tadpoles You’
Oracy focus-
Finale – Showcase tadpole ‘The Easter Story’ Experience- Look after an animal
diary Story a day’ magpie words
‘Lifecycles Frog to Tadpole’ ‘Show and Tell Friday’
(non fiction) Focus child interview
Practioner interaction expectation during ITMP
Child led parent meeting for focus week
Term 5 Let’s Plant It Opening – Shopping trip ‘Handa’s Surprise’ (fruit) ‘Jack and The Beanstalk’ Fiction PofR ‘Handa’s Surprise’
6 weeks Can we eat things (Handa’s fruit/ Supertato (T4W and PoR) ‘The Great Pet Sale’ Daily phonics- RWI Streamed
that grow? veggies) ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ Daily writing tailored to each child’s next steps
‘Supertato’ (vegetables) ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’
African visitor ‘How Big Is A Million’ Oracy focus-
‘Superworm’ Experience- Pay for food in the supermarket
African Land Snails/ Ant ‘Story a day’ magpie words
Farm ‘Show and Tell Friday’
Focus child interview
Planting up Practioner interaction expectation during ITMP
Child led parent meeting for focus week
Finale – Showcase Handa’s
Surprise innovated story
Term 6 Curious Summer Opening – Forest school Text led by art’s week theme ‘The Very Hungry Catterpillar’ Fiction PofR ‘Arrrggghhh Spider’
6.5 Creatures Solstice (stickman making) ‘Stanley’s Stick‘ Non- fiction Daily phonics- RWI Streamed
weeks What do creatures Eid ‘Stickman’ ‘Snail Trail’ Daily writing tailored to each child’s next steps
need to stay Art’s Week Caterpillars and butterfly ‘Spyder’
healthy? Father’s Day habitat ‘Arrrggghh Spider’ (PoR) ‘Lifecycles- butterfly’ Oracy focus-
Health Week ‘Yucky Worms’ Experience- Watch a plant grow from a seed
Dentist/ doctor/ nurse visit ‘Surprising Sharks’ (non ‘Huge Bag of Worries’ Story a day’ magpie words
fiction) (PoR) ‘Show and Tell Friday’
Finale – Showcase forest Focus child interview
school and arts week Practioner interaction expectation during ITMP
creations Child led parent meeting for focus week

Maths Resources
Term Unit EYFS Key learning points Earlybird Kindegarten Maths No Problem 1A and 1B
Mathematics Book K1A/K1B book

Term 1 Unit 1  count, collect, record K1B: Unit 5- Shapes K1B Unit 6- Chapter 8- Shapes and Pattern
 recognise, create and describe patterns Pattern
Pattern and shape  explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them (K1A: Unit 1- Match and sort= Pre
 explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes (focusing on 2d shapes) FS2. Use as table top activities in
2 weeks  use mathematical language associated with shape Autumn only for consolidation

Unit 2  estimate a number of objects and check by counting 1B: Unit 10- Comparing setsK2A:
 estimate and check by counting 1 or 2 objects reliably Unit 1- Comparing numbers
Same and different  recognise if a number of objects is the same or different (working with numbers 1 and 2)
 count one or two reliably using abstract materials
1 week  describe and create patterns that are the same and different
 recognise the numerals 1 and 2
Unit 3  say which number is one more or one less than a given number K1A: Unit2- Numbers to 5 Chapter 1- Numbers to 10
 estimate a number of objects and check by counting
Numbers within 5  count reliably with numbers from 1 to 5
 place numbers 1-5 in order
2 weeks  say which number from 1-5 is one more or one less than a given number
 recognise the numerals 1-5
 understand the conservation of number
Unit 4  use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity K1B: Unit7- Length and size K1B: Chapter 9- Length and height
 estimate, measure, weigh and compare and order objects Unit 8- WeightK1B: Unit9-
Measure  compare objects and quantities Capacity
 solve size problems (i.e. length)
1 week  solve weight and capacity problems
Term 1/2 Unit 5  say which number is one more or one less than a given number K1A: Unit3- Numbers to 10 K1A: Chapter 1- Numbers to 10
 estimate a number of objects and check by counting Unit 4- Count to 10
Numbers within 10  count reliably with numbers from 1 to 10
 place numbers 0-10 in order
3 weeks  say which number from 1-10 is one more or one less than a given number
 recognise the numerals 0-10
 use ordinal numbers: 1st, 2nd...last
 understand the conservation of number
 Understand zero
Term 2 Unit 6  explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them Chapter 5- Position (ordinal
 explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes (focusing on 2d shapes) numbers)
Shape and calendar  use mathematical language associated with shape
 use everyday language to talk about time (days and months)
1 week
 use ordinal numbers: 1st, 2nd last
Unit 7  use everyday language to talk about time K2B: Unit 8- Time
 use mathematical language to describe size and position
Position and Time

1 week
Unit 8  say which number is one more or one less than a given number Chapter 6- Numbers to 20 (Use
 estimate a number of objects and check by counting ideas and methods of
Numbers within 15  count reliably with numbers from 0 to 15 presentation but keep all numbers
 place numbers from 0-15 in order below 15)
2 weeks  say which number is one more or one less than a given number within 15
 estimate a number of objects and check by counting
 considering equal and unequal groups
Term 2/ 3 Unit 9  count reliably with numbers from one to 20 K2A: Unit 2- Numbers to 20 Chapter 6- Numbers to 20
 say which number is one more or one less than a given number
Numbers within 20  count reliably with numbers from 0 to 20
 place numbers from 0-20 in order
2 weeks  say which number is one more or one less than a given number within 20
 estimate a number of objects and check by counting
 considering equal and unequal groups
Term 3 Unit 10  talk about properties of shapes Chapter 8: Shape and pattern
 explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them
Shape and pattern  explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes (focusing on 3d shapes)
 use mathematical language associated with shape
1 week  classify and sort shapes
 recognise, create and describe patterns with shapes
Unit 11  add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer K2A: Unit 3- Number Bonds K2A: Chapter 3- Addition within 10
 estimate a number of objects and check by counting up to 20 Unit 5- Subtraction Chapter 4- Subtraction within 10
Addition and  use quantities and objects, count on or back to add and subtract Chapter 2- Number bonds
Subtraction (1)  estimate a number of objects and check by counting
 subitise within 5
3 weeks  represent and use number bonds within 5
Term 4 Unit 12  One less
 Counting totals of problems
Numbers beyond 20  Recording
(1)  say which number is one more or one less than a given number
 count reliably to 50
1 week  explore counting on and back from any number within 50
 place numbers from 0-50 in order
 say which number is one more or one less than a given number
 estimate a number of objects and check by counting
Unit 13  use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity K1B: Unit 7- Length and sizeK1B: K1B: Unit 7- Length and size
 estimate, measure, weigh and compare and order objects Unit 8- Weight K1B: Unit 9- K1B: Unit 8- Weight K1B: Unit
Measure  compare objects and quantities Capacity 9- Capacity
 solve size problems (i.e. length)
1 week  solve weight and capacity problems
 explore measuring objects using non-standard units
Unit 14  solve practical problems that involve combining groups of 2, 5 or 10, or sharing into equal groups
 solve practical problems that involve grouping and sharing
Grouping and  explore counting on in steps of 2 from zero

2 weeks
Unit 15  Recognise coins and their values K2B: Unit 10- Money
 compare quantities and objects to solve problems
Money  use everyday language to talk about money
 compare the value of coins
1 week  use quantities and objects to count on and back to add and subtract

Unit 16  solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing

 Explore the relationship between doubling and halving
Doubling and

1 week

Term 5 Unit 17 • add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer K2A: Unit – Number Bonds K2A: Chapter 3- Addition within 10
• compare quantities and objects to solve problems Unit 4- AdditionK2A: Unit 5- Chapter 4- Subtraction within 10
Addition and • solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing Subtraction K2B: Unit 6- Addition
Subtraction (2) • say which number is one more or one less than a given number and subtraction
• use quantities and objects to add and subtract two single-digit numbers
3 weeks
Unit 18 • say which number is one more or one less than a given number K2B: Unit 7- Numbers to 30 K2B:
• estimate a number of objects and check by counting Unit 9- Numbers to 100
Numbers beyond 20 • solve practical problems that involve combining groups of 2, 5 or 10, or sharing into equal groups
(2) • count reliably to 100
• explore counting on and back from any number within 50
1 week • place numbers from 0-100 in order
• say which number is one more or one less than a given number
• solve problems, including grouping and sharing
• estimate a number of objects and check by counting
• explore counting on in steps of 5 and 10 from zero
Onwards Revise, recap and explore ‘exceeding descriptors’
Other Curriculum Areas Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
Personal, social and Jigsaw SOW Being Me in My Celebrating Difference Dreams and Goals Healthy Me Relationships Changing Me
emotional World

Physical Fine motor skill focus  Differentiated  Provision as  As previous  As previous  As previous  As previous
development (more ‘writing skill resources in previous terms  General focus on  General focus on  General focus on  Consolidation of
progression’ here as continuous  Daily ‘writing’ CVCC/ CCVC finger spaces- simple sentences sentence
this skill development provision (see focus in phonics, written next to two words inc capital letters grammar and
is very individual) continuous letter direction each other written on a line and full stops on extension of
See provision plan for provision plan) eg shapes, tracing separated by a line sentences (inc
more detail different paint tools and specific letter finger space ‘Tales Toolkit’)-
sponges, rollers,
grippers, thick and thin formation writing more at
brushes  Individualised length with a
 Dough disco motor next steps more fluent style
sessions in adult-led
group time
Gross motor provision Sand pit
(see provision plan for Mud kitchen
more detail) Indoor and Outdoor
Wheeled toys
Once weekly focus
Focus on changing and Focus on space- Focus on balance, Focus on balance, Focus on balance, Multi skills- Sports
hall routines finding and invading agility and agility and agility and day practice
coordination indoors coordination with coordination outdoors
with body weight as equipment as ‘Real as ‘Real PE’
‘Real PE’ PE’
Communication Communication Interactive puppet/ lift Bonfire/ fireworks Nocturnal/ diurnal Lifecycles Planting Minibeasts
and Language possible the flap books Christmas animals Pond life including Growing Holidays
enhancements Families Polar animals Hibernation and tadpoles Fruit Nature- natural
(books, audio and Starting school Nativity production migration (tortoises/ Mother’s day Vegetables environment
talking prompt Bears songs hamster) African culture Sun/ safety
frames) Travel/ prepositions Vincent Van Gough Artists
Halloween ‘starry night’ Countries
Transport including
Chinese culture (CNY
Valentine’s day
The World People and ‘Ted’s diary Friday’ Ted’s diary Friday Ted’s diary Friday Ted’s diary Friday Ted’s diary Friday Ted’s diary Friday
communities possible Autumn natural world Christmas props Chinese culture props Family props African culture props Holiday/ summer
enhancements props Easter props props
Halloween props Changing Me
Understanding the Magnets Ice and water Hamster/ cat/ tortoise Tadpoles from the African land snails Caterpillars in habitat
world possible Decomposing Conkers visit (nocturnal) pond African instruments
enhancements observation Nativity scene Chinese culture props/ Vegetables
‘Signs of autumn’ food try/ senses
Pumpkins, squashes
and gourds
Technology possible See continuous As term 1 As term 1 Microwave As term 1 As term 1 As term 1
enhancements provision plan Ipads Till Torches Till
Beebots Card machine
Expressive Arts Exploring media and Levelled skill focus- Levelled skill focus- Levelled skill focus- Levelled skill focus- Levelled skill focus- Levelled skill focus-
and Design materials possible pattern (paint, pencil, texture (textiles, clay, form drawing (pencil, colour (painting, ink, printing
enhancements textiles, clay, printing) sand, plaster, stone) (3D work, clay, charcoal, inks, dye, textiles, pencils, (found materials,
 Repeating patterns  Handling, dough, chalk, pastels, ICT crayon, pastels) fruit/veg, wood blocks,
irregular painting manipulating and boxes, wire, paper software)  Experimenting press print, lino,
patterns enjoying using sculpture, mod roc)  Begin to use a with and using string)
 Simple symmetry materials  Handling, variety of primary colours  Rubbings
 Sensory feeling, enjoying drawing tools  Naming  Print with variety
experience and manipulating  Use drawings to  Mixing (not of objects
 Simple collages materials tell a story formal)  Print with block
 Simple weaving  Constructing  Investigate  Learn the names colours
 Building and different lines of different tools
Suggested artists- Joan Suggested artists- destroying  Explore different that bring colour
Miro, Bridget Riley, Linda Caverley, Molly  Shape and model textures  Use a range of
Escher, Paul Klee Williams, William Suggested artists-  Encourage tools to make
Morris, Gustav Klimt Henry Moore, Barbara accurate coloured marks
Self portraits- mirrors Hepworth, Andy drawings of on paper Suggested artists-
Rangoli Blow art fireworks Goldsworthy people Suggested artists- Picasso, Dan Mather,
Mud, water, snow, 3D poppy making Suggested artists- Pollock, Monet, Andy Warhol
grass malleable Fireworks black paper/ White card and paper Leonardo Da Vinci, Chagall, Ben Moseley,
RWI set 1 sound of the card Chinese inspired red Vincent Van Gogh, Van Gogh Monet’s watercolours
day creation Snowy scenes- cotton and gold Poonac
Leaf collaging wool and snow shaker Transport tracks African inspired Vegetable printing
Fruit kebabs patterns Weaving wheels- Hibernation boxes and Tadpole sketches painting Art’s Week TBC
Junk modeling lollysticks stuck signs Valentines gifts African instruments Junk modeling
Playdough/ clay together Torches and materials Mother portraits Fruit and vegetable Playdough/clay
Loom bands (den/ cave/ space) Mother’s day cards printing/ craft
White sensory- sugar, Junk modeling Easter prompts African animal masks
foam, flour Playdough/clay/ Junk modeling Junk modelling
Foil wintery pictures plasticine/ bluetac Playdough/ clay Playdough/ clay
Potion making
Christmas cards
Clay decorations
Tin foil painting
Junk modeling
Playdough/ clay
Being imaginative Home/ domestic props Halloween costumes Animal costumes inc ‘Pond’ props Superhero costumes Doctor/ dentist props
Deconstructed role Sofa, cooker, doorway, Cauldron ladybird TBC re science week Fruit/ vegetables Vets
play possible curtain, dolls, cot Potion writing Owl Babies story map and re book project Allotment/ farm shop Hairdressers
enhancements Bear costumes proformas Dark tent ‘Easter/ spring’ Various culture
Bear Hunt story map ‘Toy shop/ workshop Nocturnal animals themed props/ dressing up
Bears (Christmas theme) Animals that hibernate dressing up
Nets List writing profor as ‘Bus building
Materials ‘Restaurant’ props

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