TIR Handbook - en
TIR Handbook - en
TIR Handbook - en
TIR Handbook
New York and Geneva, 2013
Only the text which is kept in custody by the Secretary General of the United
Nations in his capacity as depositary of the TIR Convention constitutes the authoritative
text of the TIR Convention. Therefore, the Contracting Parties to the TIR Convention
are advised to base their national legislation on the authoritative legal text of the TIR
Convention and not on this publication.
The previous revised editions of the TIR Handbook have the following symbols:
The present publication has been prepared by the secretariat of the United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in cooperation with the TIR
secretariat in accordance with a request made by the Administrative Committee of the
TIR Convention, 1975 at its sixth session held in October 1983. The Committee had
decided that a TIR Handbook should be issued containing the text of the TIR
Convention, 1975, relevant comments made on specific provisions and other useful
information for Customs authorities and transport operators.
This edition of the TIR Handbook, which replaces the previous edition
published in 2010, contains three major sections:
The first section describes the TIR Customs transit system, its coverage,
objective and functioning and analyses possible future developments.
The second section contains the complete text of the TIR Convention, 1975, as
of 10 October 2013. The lay-out of this section basically follows the structure of the
TIR Convention, 1975. However, Explanatory Notes contained in Annex 6 and
Annex 7, Part III of the Convention have been placed with the provisions in the
Convention to which they relate (with the exception of the sketches contained in
Annex 6).
Comments are also placed with the provisions of the Convention to which they
refer. Comments contained in the TIR Handbook are not legally binding for Contracting
Parties of the TIR Convention, 1975. They are, however, important for the
interpretation, harmonization and application of the Convention as they reflect the
opinion of the Administrative Committee for the TIR Convention, 1975 and of the
Working Party on Customs Questions affecting Transport of the United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), as is indicated in connection with each
"TIR" stands for: "Transports Internationaux Routiers".
1.2 Principles.......................................................................................................... 6
1.9. Roles and responsibilities of different parties involved in the TIR system ..... 25
2.1 Body of the TIR Convention, 1975 (including Explanatory Notes and
comments thereto) ............................................................................................ 37
2.2 Annexes to the TIR Convention, 1975 (including Explanatory Notes and
comments thereto) ............................................................................................ 99
4. Resolutions and recommendations related to the TIR Convention, 1975 ....... 261
Resolution No. 49 ................................................................................................... 261
Recommendation: Introduction of the HS Code of goods in the TIR Carnet ......... 265
5.10 Example of best practice with regard to the application of Annex 9, Part II .. 298
5.11 Example of best practice with regard to the application of Annex 10 ............ 302
5.12 Procedure prior to suspension of the guarantee coverage ............................... 306
Anyone who has ever travelled on European roads will recognize the familiar
blue and white TIR plate borne by thousands of lorries and semi-trailers using the TIR
Customs transit system. For the driver, the transport operator and the shipper, this plate
stands for fast and efficient international transportation by road.
Work on the TIR transit system started soon after the Second World War under
the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The
first TIR Agreement was concluded in 1949 between a small number of European
countries. The success of this limited scheme led to the negotiation of a TIR Convention
which was adopted in 1959 by the UNECE Inland Transport Committee and entered
into force in 1960. This first TIR Convention was revised in 1975 to take account of
practical experience in operating the system and to give effect to technical advances and
changing Customs and transportation requirements.
The experience gained in the first 10 to 15 years of operating the system was
thus used to make the TIR system more efficient, less complex and at the same time
more Customs secure. Another reason why the original TIR system had to be modified
was that in the early 1960's a new transport technique emerged: the maritime container.
That was followed a little later by the inland container used by the European railways
and by the swap-body introduced for improving the efficiency of road/rail transport.
Upon its entry into force, the new Convention terminated and replaced the old
Convention of 1959. However, the former Convention is still in force for various
reasons, one of which is that one of the Contracting Parties to the old Convention
(Japan) has not yet acceded to the TIR Convention of 1975.
The TIR Convention has proved to be one of the most effective international
instruments prepared under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission
for Europe (UNECE). To date, it has 68 Contracting Parties, including the European
Union. It covers the whole of Europe and reaches out to North Africa and the Near and
Middle East. Countries in Asia have been informed about the facilities of this global
Customs transit system and their interest has shown that they may well join the TIR
Convention in the not too distant future. Already today, the United States of America
and Canada are Contracting Parties as well as Chile and Uruguay in South America (see
Chapter 3 of the TIR Handbook).
The success of the TIR system may also be attested by the number of TIR
Carnets distributed and issued every year. Whilst in 1952 only a little over 3,000 TIR
Carnets were issued, this number increased steadily reaching 100,000 in 1960, then
800,000 in 1970. During the seventies and eighties the demand for TIR Carnets floated
between around 500,000 and 900,000. This can be explained by the enlargement of the
European Union which utilizes its own Community Transit System within its territory.
Thus, TIR Carnets are not used for Customs transit operations within its member
The number of TIR Carnets issued in 2012 was 3,158,300
It should be noted that the EU enlargement in 2004 with ten countries and in 2007
with two more has not substantially affected the number of TIR transport operations in
this part of Europe.
The financial and economic crisis which became apparent in the last quarter of
2008 and which deeply affected the road transport industry, led to a severe decrease in
road transport activity. As a result and after decades of growth, the number of TIR
Carnets distributed by the International Road Transport Union (IRU) over 2009
dropped by 30 percent. However, modest improvement and signs of recovery were
already evident by the end of 2010 with an overall increase of twenty per cent compared
to 2009 and further increase in 2011-2012.
The continued success of the TIR Customs transit system can be explained by
the special features of the TIR regime which offer transport operators and Customs
authorities a simple, flexible, cost-effective and secure Customs regime for the
international transport of goods across frontiers.
Since 1975 the TIR Convention has been amended thirty one times. In 1995 the
UNECE Working Party on Customs Questions affecting Transport (WP.30), supported
by several ad hoc expert groups, began work on a major overhaul of the TIR system.
Phase I of the TIR revision process was successfully concluded in 1997 and its
amendment came into force in all Contracting States to the TIR Convention on
17 February 1999. It included controlled access to the TIR system for transport
operators, national TIR Carnet issuing and guaranteeing associations as well as for the
international organization responsible for the centralized printing and distribution of
TIR Carnets. Phase I also provided for transparency in the functioning of the
international guarantee system and established an inter-governmental supervisory organ,
the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB).
A second package of amendments to the TIR Convention (Phase II) came into
force on 12 May 2002. It clearly and unequivocally stipulates the legal and
administrative responsibilities of Customs authorities, transport operators and the
international organization which, since that date, has also become responsible for the
effective organization and functioning of the international guarantee system.
In the year 2000 work started on Phase III of the TIR revision process with a
view to allowing, inter alia, for the use of modern electronic data processing
mechanisms in the TIR system without changing its basic philosophy nor its recently
modernized legal and administrative structure.
One such amendment, which came into force on 12 August 2006, established an
international control system for TIR Carnets to hold data, transmitted by Customs
authorities and accessible by the associations and Customs administrations, about the
termination of TIR operations at offices of destination. The objective of the
international control system is to provide the transport industry and the international
guarantee chain with an important tool in the application of risk management in the
commercial operation of the TIR system and to facilitate the inquiry procedures by
Customs following the termination of national TIR.
With the conclusion of the TIR revision process, the TIR regime will be well
positioned to cope with the future requirements of efficient international transport and
trade as well as Customs procedures. At the same time, the revised TIR Convention will
provide Governmental control, security and, if necessary, intervention in order to ensure
an efficient Customs transit procedure indispensable for modern transport and trade.
Customs transit systems are devised to facilitate to the greatest possible extent
the movement of goods under Customs seals in international trade and to provide the
required Customs security and guarantees. For such a system to function satisfactorily,
it is essential that any formalities involved are neither too burdensome for the Customs
officials nor too complex for the transport operators and their agents. Therefore, a
balance needs to be struck between the requirements of the Customs authorities on the
one hand and those of the transport operators on the other.
Traditionally when goods crossed the territory of one or more States in the
course of an international transport of goods by road, the Customs authorities in each
State applied national controls and procedures. These varied from State to State, but
frequently involved the inspection of the load at each national frontier and the
imposition of national security requirements (guarantee, bond, deposit of duty, etc.) to
cover the potential duties and taxes at risk while the goods were in transit through each
territory. These measures, applied in each country of transit, led to considerable
expenses, delays and interferences with international transport.
The TIR system was devised in order to reduce these difficulties experienced by
transport operators and, at the same time, to offer Customs administrations an
international system of control replacing traditional national procedures, whilst
effectively protecting the revenue of each State through which goods were carried.
In addition, advantages arise from the fact that the international transit operation
is covered by a single transit document, the TIR Carnet, which reduces the risk of
presenting inaccurate information to Customs administrations.
In cases where irregularities are suspected, Customs authorities have the right to
inspect the goods under Customs seal at any time and, if necessary, to interrupt the TIR
transport and/or to take adequate measures in accordance with national legislation. In
view of the strict provisions of the TIR Convention and the interest of all Customs
authorities and transport operators to apply these provisions, such interventions should
remain exceptional. Customs authorities can therefore reduce routine administrative
Customs procedures to a minimum and devote their limited resources to specific control
measures based on risk assessment and intelligence.
The advantages of the TIR Convention for commerce and for transport interests
are also obvious. Goods may travel across national frontiers with minimum interference
from Customs administrations. By removing traditional impediments to the
international movement of goods, the TIR system encourages the development of
international trade. By reducing delays in transit, it enables significant savings to be
made in transport costs.
The TIR Convention also provides, through its international guarantee chain,
relatively simple access to the required guarantees which are a sine qua non for the
transport and trade industry to benefit from the facilities of Customs transit systems.
In order to ensure that goods may travel with a minimum interference "en route"
and yet offer maximum safeguards to Customs administrations, the TIR regime contains
five basic requirements – the five pillars of the TIR Customs transit system (see
Figure 1):
(2) Throughout the journey, duties and taxes at risk should be covered by an
internationally valid guarantee;
(4) Customs control measures taken in the country of departure should be accepted
by all countries of transit and destination;
Towards this aim, the Convention sets out standards of construction and
approval procedures, and goods may only be carried under cover of a TIR Carnet if the
load compartment of the road vehicle or the container is approved in accordance with
such requirements. If a container or a load compartment fulfils the requirements of the
Convention, relevant national approval or inspection authorities issue so-called approval
certificates for road vehicles or containers. In principle, these certificates shall be
recognized in all Contracting Parties to the TIR Convention.
The second basic element of the TIR transit regime is its international guarantee
system. This system was designed to ensure that Customs duties and taxes at risk during
transit operations are covered at any moment by a national guaranteeing association, if
the TIR transport operator cannot be held responsible.
Every country therefore has the benefit, for all TIR transport operations within
its territory, of a guarantee provided in its territory. There is, so to speak, always a
national partner from which the Customs authorities can seek payment in cases of
irregularity, irrespective of whether this irregularity was caused by a national or foreign
transport operator. The TIR transit system may therefore be considered as a succession
of national transit movements relying on international rather than national guarantees.
However, the arrangements governing the establishment of the guarantee are based on
national law and are usually contained in an agreement between the national Customs
authorities and the national associations (an example agreement is contained in
Chapter 6 of the TIR Handbook).
The monetary limits to the guarantee are determined for each country separately.
The maximum recommended amount to be claimed from each national association is at
present limited to $US 50,000 or Euro 60.000 for each TIR Carnet depending on the
Under the supervision of the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB), the IRU is, at
present, the only international organization authorized to centrally print and distribute
TIR Carnets to its national guaranteeing associations under conditions set out in the
Convention. Each national association in turn issues the TIR Carnets to transport
operators in its country in accordance with the conditions set out in the declaration of
commitment concluded between each transport operator and the association.
The cover page of the TIR Carnet and the series of vouchers and counterfoils, in
sets of two inside, represent the essential function of the TIR Carnet as regards the
controls to be carried out by Customs authorities and for the operation of the guarantee
system. A set of two vouchers and two counterfoils is used in each country where a TIR
operation is carried out.
The presentation of a valid TIR Carnet bearing the names, stamps and signatures
of the international organization and those of the issuing association and duly filled-in
by the transport operator is in itself proof of the existence and validity of the guarantee.
The TIR Carnet remains valid until the completion of the TIR transport at the Customs
office of final destination, provided it has been brought into operation at the Customs
office of departure within the time limit prescribed by the issuing association.
The fourth constituent element of the TIR transit system is the principle that
Customs control measures taken in the country of departure should be accepted by the
countries of transit and destination.
Pursuant to this principle, goods carried under the TIR procedure in sealed load
compartments of road vehicles or in containers will not, as a general rule, be examined
at Customs offices en route, and that is where the main advantages of the TIR system
for the transport operator come into play. This does not exclude the right of Customs
offices to carry out spot checks in cases where they suspect irregularities, but it is
understood and even stipulated in the Convention, that such checks should be
This procedure, which is very attractive for the transport operator, essentially
means that the checks performed by the Customs office of departure are acceptable to
all other Customs offices during the TIR transit operation. As a consequence, and in
order to have trust in the effective functioning of the TIR system by all Customs
authorities involved, the Customs office of departure plays a crucial role.
The TIR Convention, 1975, is one of the most modern and up-to-date
international Customs Conventions. It is working efficiently with only a limited number
of incidences of litigation, resulting mainly from unclear and vague provisions and
differing interpretations.
Another reason lies in the fact that the authors of the TIR Convention have
already provided some interpretation of the legal text through the introduction of
Explanatory Notes into the Convention. These Explanatory Notes, contained in Annex 6
of the Convention, form an integral part of the Convention. They interpret certain
provisions of the Convention and its Annexes and describe recommended practices for
the everyday functioning of the TIR system. These Explanatory Notes do not modify
the provisions of the Convention, but make their contents, meaning and scope more
Technological changes occur very rapidly today, and what was "state of the art"
in 1975 when the Convention was created, is not necessarily valid today. This affects
not only Customs techniques, but also vehicle and container manufacturing and
smuggling techniques. In addition, as smuggled goods - particularly drugs - become
more and more expensive, profits for smugglers soar, resulting in the evolution of more
elaborate smuggling techniques. In view of these developments, the TIR system and the
TIR Convention as its legal base, have to be constantly kept up-to-date. This task has
been entrusted to the TIR Administrative Committee, the TIR Executive Board
(TIRExB) and to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in
International Insurance
or Financial Guarantee
Decision or Approval
Advice or Consultation
International Insurance or Financial Guarantee System
Part of intergovernmental structure
The TIR Executive Board (TIRExB) was established by the Contracting Parties
to the Convention in 1999. Its objective is to enhance international cooperation among
Customs authorities in the application of the TIR Convention and to supervise and to
provide support in the application of the TIR system and the international guarantee
system. The TIRExB is composed of 9 members who are elected in their personal
capacity by the Governments which are Contracting Parties to the Convention for two
year terms of office.
The TIRExB is inter alia mandated to supervise the centralized printing and
distribution of TIR Carnets, to oversee the operation of the international guarantee and
insurance system and to coordinate and foster exchange of intelligence among Customs
and other Governmental authorities.
The decisions of the TIRExB are executed by the TIR Secretary who is assisted
by the TIR secretariat. The TIR Secretary is a member of the UNECE secretariat.
The operation of the TIRExB is financed, for the time being, through an amount
on each TIR Carnet issued.
The Working Party also regularly adopts comments on certain provisions of the
Convention. These comments are not legally binding for the Contracting Parties to the
Convention, such as are the Articles and the Explanatory Notes of the Convention.
However, they are important for the interpretation, harmonization and application of the
TIR Convention because they reflect a consensus opinion of the Working Party in
which the majority of the Contracting Parties and the major users of the TIR system are
represented (comments adopted by the Working Party are usually transmitted to the TIR
Administrative Committee for consideration and endorsement).
The procedures described below show in a schematic way the operation of the
TIR system in practice, with particular reference to the Customs control procedures (see
Figure 3 below).
TIR Carnet
distributed to
TIR Carnet
returned to
TIR Carnet
Discharge Discharge
procedure procedure
(en route) (en route) (en route) (en route)
TIR transport
At the Customs office of departure, which usually is the one where export
formalities are performed, the Customs authorities check the load on the basis of
information contained in the TIR Carnet (goods manifest) completed by the transport
operator. Customs authorities seal the load compartment, report it in the TIR Carnet,
keep one sheet (white voucher) and fill-in the corresponding counterfoil. The TIR
Carnet is handed back to the transport operator, who starts the transport operation.
When crossing the outgoing border of that country, Customs authorities check the seals,
detach a second sheet (green voucher) from the TIR Carnet and fill-in the corresponding
counterfoil. The vehicle may leave the country. The filled-in counterfoils by Customs
provide evidence to the transport operator that the TIR operation in that country has
been terminated.
Customs authorities will then proceed with the discharge of the TIR operation;
i.e. the recognition by Customs that the TIR operation has been terminated correctly
according to the required procedure as described below (although other procedures,
including the use of electronic means or central offices, may also be applied): the
outgoing Customs office (i.e. that at the border) sends the detached sheet (green
voucher) to the office of departure. The latter compares the received sheet with the one
it initially retained. If there are no objections and no reservations by the outgoing office,
the TIR operation can be discharged by the Customs authorities.
If the sheet, detached by the outgoing office, contains reservations, if it does not
reach the Customs office of departure or if Customs authorities have any other reason to
question the proper application of the TIR operation, an internal inquiry will be
launched. Also the transport operator and the national guaranteeing association
concerned will be informed that the termination of the TIR operation has been certified
with reservations, or has not taken place at all or that other reasons have led to doubts
about the proper application of the TIR operation and that they are requested to provide
explanations. If these explanations do not satisfy the Customs authorities, they apply the
provisions of the TIR Convention and national legislation to determine the taxes and
duties due to Customs. If it appears impossible to collect these from the person(s)
directly liable, Customs authorities advise the guaranteeing association that it will have
to pay the claimed amount in accordance with the deadlines stipulated in the
In every traversed country, the system is similar to the one implemented in the
country of departure. The incoming Customs office of transit checks the seals and
withdraws one sheet from the TIR Carnet, and the outgoing office proceeds likewise.
Both sheets are compared for a final control and the TIR operation can be discharged or,
in the case of irregularities, submitted to the procedure outlined above. In the country of
destination, if the incoming border office also is the office of destination, it fills-in the
TIR Carnet, retains two sheets and becomes responsible for the goods to be transferred
to another Customs procedure (warehousing, import clearance, etc.). If the load has to
be carried to another Customs office in the same country, the incoming office acts like
an incoming border office, and the next office inside the country becomes that of final
Examples of best practices for the termination, discharge and inquiry procedure
are contained in Chapter 5 of the TIR Handbook.
The TIR system is promoted under the auspices of the United Nations to make it
as widely available as possible for all countries wishing to make use of it. In 1984, the
Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) adopted a Resolution
(1984/79) which recommends that countries world-wide examine the possibility of
acceding to the Convention and introducing the TIR system. Furthermore, it
recommends that international, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations,
and in particular the Regional Commissions of the United Nations, promote the
introduction of the TIR system as a universal Customs transit system.
Work is continuously under way to extend the scope of the TIR system to more
countries in Asia, North Africa or the Middle East. This work is undertaken in particular
by the secretariats of the UNECE and the United Nations Economic and Social
Commissions for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and Western Asia (ESCWA) which
promote the TIR system as one of the cornerstones for efficient international land
transport in Asia and the Middle East. These efforts are supported by various
international bodies and financial institutions, such as the European Commission, the
World Bank, the Asian Development Bank or the Economic Cooperation Organization
which see the TIR system as an important element in facilitating road transport in their
areas of interest.
Taking into account the limitations of Customs manpower and the increasingly
sophisticated methods of Customs fraud and smuggling, there seems to be no other way
than to increase productivity and Customs control by adapting national and international
administrative procedures, making use of the latest technologies and electronic data
- the ever increasing need for improved efficiency of Customs procedures and
trade practices; and
- the fight against fraudulent activities which must be conducted with the most
appropriate and effective means.
Given the large number and the diversified administrative structure of the 68
Contracting Parties to the TIR Convention, any computerized system must be able to
function in a very decentralized and flexible manner on the basis of only a few
internationally accepted standard features, such as the establishment of an international
centralized database under Customs control and the management by Customs of data on
guarantees. This is a difficult, but challenging task which will have to be realized with
an appropriate level of connectivity with the existing TIR related IT systems. But
undoubtedly the TIR system must be kept in line with the latest developments in
electronic data processing techniques which have already and increasingly will change
all related Customs, transport and trade activities. If not, the TIR system, particularly
the paper-based TIR Carnet, will become an obstacle to efficient international transport
and trade and will jeopardize effective national Customs procedures and controls.
of advance cargo information and the exchange of information in real time will speed
up the TIR procedure.
The TIR system, created 60 years ago and the TIR Convention, have proved to
be a very effective international Customs transit system and have played an important
role in facilitating international trade and transport, primarily within Europe, but more
recently also between Europe and neighbouring areas.
With the rapid increase of East-West European traffic, the TIR system is today
faced with new and, to this extent, unprecedented challenges. At the same time Customs
authorities are faced with cases of Customs fraud and smuggling as a result of changing
political, economic and social situations in many countries in the region and due to
often heavily increasing Customs duties and taxes. Furthermore, the management and
the control of the TIR system pose problems for national Customs authorities which,
sometimes still have to acquire the necessary experience and often do not have
sufficient and adequately trained personnel.
While such measures may provide some temporary relief, they will induce in the
long run not only other countries to introduce similar measures, but they will also make
international trade and transport more expensive and, eventually, may lead to a total
collapse of the TIR transit system - with no viable alternative in sight.
Stable and long-term solutions can only be found in the TIR Administrative
Committee by all concerned Contracting Parties to the TIR Convention. The TIR
Executive Board (TIRExB) as well as the UNECE and its Working Party on Customs
Questions affecting Transport (WP.30) provide a forum for such cooperation and
coordination. Experience has shown that solutions to many recently emerged problems
in the application of the TIR Convention have been found within the organs and bodies
established in the framework of the TIR Convention and the UNECE.
It is the aim of the UNECE and the TIR secretariat to continue to work in this
direction and to provide a well-functioning international machinery to further improve
cooperation and coordination among Contracting Parties to the TIR Convention and the
transport industry. It is essential to continuously improve the legal framework within
which the TIR transit system operates and to streamline its operation so that the TIR
transit system is always in line with the requirements of the transport industry and of the
Customs authorities.
Apart from the present TIR Handbook which exists in hard copy and electronic
version in numerous languages, several other sources of information about the TIR
Convention and its application in its Contracting Parties exist.
The UNECE secretariat, the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB) and the TIR
secretariat can be reached as follows:
Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Albania 400 800 800 800 950 950 500 500 600
Armenia 200 300 550 300 500 350 800 2000 3,800
Austria 19,850 21,700 14,150 9,850 11,150 8,550 7,500 8,400 6,650
Azerbaijan 3,950 5,000 5,500 9,000 9,500 7,600 7,800 9,100 11,400
Belarus 187,000 182,200 197,500 194,300 213,600 161,400 158,100 173,200 215,000
Belgium 1,200 800 500 300 500 500 550 350 250
Bosnia and 0 600 900 900
Herzegovina (1) 0 0 0 0 0
Bulgaria 313,000 349,000 394,500 140,000 148,200 124,200 137,600 150,000 131,000
Croatia 9,700 9,500 9,300 6,300 5,300 2,900 4,250 6,250 6,8000
Cyprus 1,000 450 750 400 - - - - 0
Czech Republic 39,700 37,850 42,500 17,800 22,200 14,250 15,000 23,250 23,850
Denmark 2,600 300 1,000 1,000 800 300 600 600 850
Estonia 56,000 43,000 47,000 51,000 39,000 24,500 40,000 38,500 52,200
Finland 16,300 17,200 13,300 20,100 17,600 10,700 11,600 14,350 11,400
France 12,300 10,000 8,200 5’000 4,700 2,700 3,650 3,700 2,300
Georgia 1,050 3,600 4,300 4,100 4,000 4,000 4,200 7,000 8,200
Germany 42,050 35,200 32,300 40,450 31,400 7,650 18,950 24,900 16,450
Greece 40,500 33,200 30,700 19,800 21,900 9,550 16,000 16,600 5,000
Hungary 44,900 34,300 35,800 16,000 26,100 14,500 17,800 19,400 28,500
Iran (Islamic 48,000 54,000 78,000 85,000
Republic of) 33,000 33,000 48,000 52,000 58,000
Israel - - - - - - - - -
Italy 37,000 25,000 19,500 0 3,550 4,050 4,000 2,550 2000
Jordan 0 100 50 0 50 50 500 300 50
Kazakhstan 17,000 19,600 32,650 39,050 32,150 31,000 30,050 24,500 19,000
Kuwait 50 300 0 50 0 0 0 0 0
Kyrgyzstan 4,900 6,250 11,450 18,100 17,050 15,050 14,050 20,700 17,100
Latvia 91,000 90,000 105,500 90,600 108,900 57,000 86,200 100,100 97,800
Lebanon 0 0 50 100 0 50 0 50 50
Lithuania 148,700 151,600 165,000 174,500 218,500 111,500 157,500 185,200 191,600
Mongolia 150 0 0 50 0 0 0 50 100
Montenegro (1) - - - 0 150 150 50 100 300
Morocco 100 0 100 0 100 100 150 200 100
Netherlands 22,200 15,600 21,000 7,250 8,200 8,700 9,600 5,900 9,650
Norway 0 100 100 50 200 500 150 0 50
Countries 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Poland 273,500 188,000 291,500 185,100 286,050 205,100 283,100 310,050 296,000
Portugal 700 3,000 1,300 150 0 50 0 0 0
Republic of Moldova 46,900 58,500 61,050 77,100 77,850 65,950 68,000 79,100 81,550
Romania 486,300 514,700 397,200 17,800 27,300 25,900 43,500 62,000 53,300
Russian Federation 375,650 424,000 499,900 660,900 696,600 404,800 521,500 568,200 598,000
Serbia (1) - - 8,800 12,100 15,300 12,400 20,000 21,100 27,900
Serbia and - - - -
Montenegro 5,350 5,000 - - -
Slovakia 18,450 20,900 23,050 22,550 21,850 12,550 17,400 19,900 20,100
Slovenia 22,000 6,550 16,400 12,000 14,350 5,750 10,100 10,400 12,650
Spain 3,000 2,000 3,000 3,100 3,000 3,500 2,500 2,700 4,300
Sweden 1,500 1,550 1,200 850 900 300 800 400 650
Switzerland 1,600 1,450 1,600 550 550 800 600 600 400
Syrian Arab Republic 900 1,500 800 2,150 2,400 2,400 5,050 4,650 1,150
Total 3,211,050 3,240,650 3,599,850 3,076,250 3,253,800 2,230,400 2,822,200 3,074,500 3,158,300
Note (1) Serbia and Montenegro was one country until 2006. As from 2006 figures for Montenegro and
Serbia are separated The IRU started issuing TIR Carnets to Serbia in 2006 and to Montenegro in 2008.
Issuance of TIR Carnets to Bosnia and Herzegovina started in 2010.
- Deposit of the following documentation and information with the TIR Executive
Board (TIRExB):
- The particulars of Customs sealing devices and stamps approved and used in
the TIR Customs transit procedure (TRANS/WP.30/157, para. 93).
- Act as guarantor (Article 6, paragraph 1). This guarantee should also cover the
liabilities incurred in connection with operations under cover of TIR Carnets
issued by foreign associations affiliated to the same international organization as
that to which it is itself affiliated (Article 6, para. 2);
- Issue TIR Carnets only to persons who fulfil the minimum conditions and
requirements (Article 6, paragraph 4 and Annex 9, part II) and whose access to
the TIR Procedure has not been refused by the competent authorities of
Contracting Parties in which the person is resident or established (Article 6,
para. 3);
- Issue TIR Carnets on the basis of a risk management approach (Annex 9, Part I,
para. 3 (iii));
- Train its staff and TIR carnet holders for the proper implementation of TIR
- Provide the TIR Executive Board, annually, before 1 March, with the price of
each of TIR carnets it issues (Annex 9, Part I, para. 3 (vi)).
- Training of its staff, in particular drivers, for the proper implementation of TIR
- Possibly obtain the authorization to print and distribute TIR Carnets, granted by
the TIR Administrative Committee (Annex 8, Article 10 (b));
- Pursuant to the authorization in accordance with Annex 9, Part III, para. 2, the
international organization shall:
The Explanatory Notes do not modify the provisions of this Convention or of its
Annexes but merely make their contents, meaning and scope more precise. In particular,
having regard to the provisions of Article 12 of this Convention and of Annex 2 relating
to the technical conditions for the approval of road vehicles for transport under Customs
seal, the Explanatory Notes specify, where appropriate, the construction techniques to
be accepted by the Contracting Parties as complying with those provisions. The
Explanatory Notes also specify, where appropriate, which construction techniques do
not comply with those provisions.
Thus, the Explanatory Notes provide a means of applying the provisions of this
Convention and of its Annexes so as to take into account the development of technology
and economic requirements.
Comments are also placed with the provisions of the Convention to which they
refer. The comments contained in the TIR Handbook are not legally binding for
Contracting Parties of the TIR Convention, 1975. They are, however, important for the
interpretation, harmonization and application of the Convention as they reflect the
opinion of the Administrative Committee for the TIR Convention, 1975 and of the
Working Party on Customs Questions affecting Transport of the United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), as is indicated in connection with each
{TRANS/GE.30/55, paragraph 40}
Chapter I
Article 1
(a) The term "TIR transport" shall mean the transport of goods from a Customs
office of departure to a Customs office of destination under the procedure,
called the TIR procedure, laid down in this Convention;
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
(b) the term “TIR operation” shall mean the part of a TIR transport that is
carried out in a Contracting Party from a Customs office of departure or
entry (en route) to a Customs office of destination or exit (en route);
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
0.1 (b) Article 1 (b) implies that, where several Customs offices of departure or
destination are located in one or several countries, there may be more
than one TIR operation in a Contracting Party. Under these
circumstances the national leg of a TIR transport carried out between two
successive Customs offices, regardless of whether they are offices of
departure, destination or en route, can be considered as a TIR operation.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.25; entered into force on 1 October 2005}
(c) the term “start of a TIR operation” shall mean that the road vehicle, the
combination of vehicles or the container have been presented for purposes of
control to the Customs office of departure or entry (en route) together with
the load and the TIR Carnet relating thereto and that the TIR Carnet has
been accepted by the Customs office;
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
(d) the term “termination of a TIR operation” shall mean that the road vehicle,
the combination of vehicles or the container have been presented for
purposes of control to the Customs office of destination or of exit (en route)
together with the load and the TIR Carnet relating thereto;
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
(e) the term “discharge of a TIR operation” shall mean the recognition by
Customs authorities that the TIR operation has been terminated correctly in
a Contracting Party. This is established by the Customs authorities on the
basis of a comparison of the data or information available at the Customs
office of destination or exit (en route) and that available at the Customs office
of departure or entry (en route);
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
(f) the term "import or export duties and taxes" shall mean Customs duties and
all other duties, taxes, fees and other charges which are collected on, or in
connection with, the import or export of goods, but not including fees and
charges limited in amount to the approximate cost of services rendered;
0.1 (f) The fees and charges excepted in Article 1, subparagraph (f) mean all
sums, other than import or export duties and taxes, levied by Contracting
Parties on or in connection with importation or exportation. These sums
shall be limited in amount to the approximate cost of the services
rendered and shall not represent an indirect protection to domestic
products or a tax on imports or exports for fiscal purposes. Such fees and
charges include inter alia payments relating to:
(g) the term "road vehicle" shall mean not only any power-driven road vehicle
but also any trailer or semi-trailer designed to be coupled thereto;
(h) the term "combination of vehicles" shall mean coupled vehicles which travel
on the road as a unit;
(j) the term "container" shall mean an article of transport equipment (lift-van,
movable tank or other similar structure):
(iv) designed for ready handling, particularly when being transferred from
one mode of transport to another,
0.1 (j) The term "demountable body" means a load compartment which has no
means of locomotion and which is designed in particular to be
transported upon a road vehicle, the chassis of which, together with the
under-framing of the body, is especially adapted for this purpose. It
covers also a swap-body which is a load compartment designed
especially for combined road and rail transport.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
0.1 (j) (i) The term "partially enclosed", as applied to equipment in Article 1,
subparagraph (j) (i), relates to equipment generally consisting of a floor
and a superstructure marking off a loading space equivalent to that of a
closed container. The superstructure is generally made up of metal
members forming the frame of a container. Containers of this type may
also comprise one or more lateral or frontal walls. In some cases there is
only a roof attached to the floor by uprights. This type of container is
used in particular for the transport of bulky goods (motor cars, for
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
(k) the term "Customs office of departure" shall mean any Customs office of a
Contracting Party where the TIR transport of a load or part load of goods
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
(l) the term "Customs office of destination" shall mean any Customs office of a
Contracting Party where the TIR transport of a load or part load of goods
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
(m) the term "Customs office en route" shall mean any Customs office of a
Contracting Party through which a road vehicle, combination of vehicles or
container enters or leaves this Contracting Party in the course of a TIR
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
(n) the term "person" shall mean both natural and legal persons;
(o) the term “holder” of a TIR Carnet shall mean the person to whom a TIR
Carnet has been issued in accordance with the relevant provisions of the
Convention and on whose behalf a Customs declaration has been made in the
form of a TIR Carnet indicating a wish to place goods under the TIR
procedure at the Customs office of departure. He shall be responsible for
presentation of the road vehicle, the combination of vehicles or the container
together with the load and the TIR Carnet relating thereto at the Customs
office of departure, the Customs office en route and the Customs office of
destination and for due observance of the other relevant provisions of the
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
(p) the term "heavy or bulky goods" shall mean any heavy or bulky object which
because of its weight, size or nature is not normally carried in a closed road
vehicle or closed container;
Article 2
0.2-1 Article 2 provides that a transport operation under cover of a TIR Carnet
may begin and end in the same country on condition that part of the
journey is performed in foreign territory. In such cases there is nothing to
prevent the Customs authorities of the country of departure from
requiring, in addition to the TIR Carnet, a national document, intended to
ensure duty-free reimportation of the goods. It is nevertheless
recommended that Customs authorities should not insist on the use of
such a document but accept instead an appropriate endorsement on the
TIR Carnet.
0.2-2 The provisions of this Article allow goods to be carried under cover of a
TIR Carnet when only part of the journey is made by road. They do not
specify what part of the journey has to be made by road and it is
sufficient that this should occur at some point between the beginning and
the end of the TIR transport. However, it may happen that, for
unforeseen reasons of a commercial or accidental nature, no part of the
journey can be made by road, despite the intentions of the sender at the
start of the journey. In these exceptional cases the Contracting Parties
shall nevertheless accept the TIR Carnet and the liability of the
guaranteeing associations shall remain in force.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
Comments to Article 2
On some occasions TIR Carnets have been used for journeys entirely
within a country (for instance from an office in the interior of the
country to the frontier exit office, without presentation of the Carnet on
entry to the following country) for the purpose of obtaining Customs
seals for fraudulent purposes.
IRU undertakes to inform the national Customs authorities of such
{TRANS/GE.30/AC.2/12, paragraph 34; TRANS/GE.30/35,
paragraphs 64 and 65}
Use of the TIR procedure in case a part of the journey is not made by
- use the TIR procedure. However, in this case the holder should take
into account that a TIR operation in a given country may apply only
in case the national Customs authorities are in a position to ensure
the proper treatment of the TIR Carnet at the following points (as
applicable): entry (en route), exit (en route) and destination.
{TRANS/WP.30.AC.2/67, paragraph 64 and Annex 4}
Article 3
For the provisions of this Convention to become applicable:
0.3 (a) (iii) The provisions of Article 3(a) (iii) do not cover passenger cars (HS-code
8703) travelling by their own means. However, passenger cars may be
carried under the TIR procedure if transported by means of other
vehicles as referred to in subparagraphs (a) (i) and (a) (ii) of Article 3.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.28bis; entered into force on 1 October 2009}
Comments to Article 3
The provisions of Article 3 (a) (iii) of the Convention apply in the case of
road vehicles or special vehicles being exported from the country where
the Customs office of departure is located and being imported into
another country where the Customs office of destination is located. In
this case, the provisions of Article 15 of the Convention referring to the
temporary importation of a road vehicle are not applicable. Thus, the
Customs documents in respect of temporary importation of such vehicles
are not required.
{TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/65, paragraphs 39 and 40 and Annex 2;
TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/59, paragraphs 61 and 62 and Annex 6;
TRANS/WP.30/200, paragraph 72}
Article 4
Goods carried under the TIR procedure shall not be subjected to the
payment or deposit of import or export duties and taxes at Customs offices en
Comments to Article 4
Article 5
0.5 This Article does not exclude the right to carry out spot checks on the
goods but stresses that these checks should be very limited in number.
The international TIR Carnet procedure, in fact, provides protection
greater than that given by national procedures. Firstly the particulars on
the TIR Carnet relating to the goods must agree with the particulars
given on the Customs documents which may be required in the country
of departure. In addition the countries of transit and destination are given
protection by the controls which are carried out at departure and which
are certified by the Customs authorities at the office of departure (see
Explanatory Note to Article 19).
Chapter II
Article 6
0.6.2 bis-1 The relationship between an international organization and its member
associations shall be defined in written agreements on the functioning of
the international guarantee system.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
0.6.2 bis-2 The authorization granted in accordance with Article 6.2 bis shall be
reflected in a written agreement between the UNECE and the
international organization. The agreement shall stipulate that the
international organization shall fulfil the relevant provisions of the
Convention, shall respect the competences of the Contracting Parties to
the Convention and shall comply with the decisions of the
Administrative Committee and the requests of the TIR Executive Board.
By signing the agreement, the international organization confirms that it
accepts the responsibilities imposed by the authorization. The agreement
shall also apply to the responsibilities of the international organization
set out in Annex 8, Article 10 (b), in case the centralized printing and
distribution of TIR Carnets is performed by the above-mentioned
international organization. The agreement shall be adopted by the
Administrative Committee.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.27; entered into force on 12 August 2006}
3. An association shall issue TIR Carnets only to persons, whose access to the
TIR procedure has not been refused by the competent authorities of Contracting
Parties in which the person is resident or established.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.19; entered into force on 17 February 1999}
Article 7
Article 8
Administrative fines
3. Each Contracting Party shall determine the maximum sum per TIR
Carnet, which may be claimed from the guaranteeing association on the basis of
the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 above.
5. The liability of the guaranteeing association shall cover not only the goods
which are enumerated in the TIR Carnet but also any goods which, though not
enumerated therein, may be contained in the sealed section of the road vehicle or
in the sealed container. It shall not extend to any other goods.
Article 9
1. The guaranteeing association shall fix the period of validity of the TIR
Carnet by specifying a final date of validity after which the Carnet may not be
presented for acceptance at the Customs office of departure.
Article 10
0.10-2 The phrase “or no termination has taken place” includes those situations
where the certificate of termination has been falsified.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.30; entered into force on 13 September 2012}
Article 11
(a) notify the TIR Carnet holder at his address indicated in the TIR
Carnet of the non-discharge;
0.11-3-2 The competent authorities may inform the guaranteeing association that
administrative or legal proceedings concerning the payment obligation
were initiated. In any event, the competent authorities shall inform the
guaranteeing association of such proceedings that may be terminated
after the two year time limit before that time limit has expired.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.30; entered into force on 13 September 2012}
4. The guaranteeing association shall pay the amounts claimed within a period
of three months from the date when a claim for payment is made against it.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.30; entered into force on 13 September 2012}
Chapter III
Article 12
In order to fall within the provisions of sections (a) and (b) of this Chapter,
every road vehicle must as regards its construction and equipment fulfil the
conditions set out in Annex 2 to this Convention and must have been approved
according to the procedure laid down in Annex 3 to this Convention. The
Certificate of Approval shall conform to the specimen reproduced in Annex 4.
Comments to Article 12
Approval Certificate
Article 13
1. To fall within the provisions of sections (a) and (b) of this Chapter,
containers must be constructed in conformity with the conditions laid down in
Part I of Annex 7 and must have been approved according to the procedure laid
down in Part II of that Annex.
Article 14
1. Each Contracting Party reserves the right to refuse to recognize the validity
of the approval of road vehicles or containers which do not meet the conditions set
forth in Articles 12 and 13 above. Nevertheless, Contracting Parties shall avoid
delaying traffic when the defects found are of minor importance and do not involve
any risk of smuggling.
2. Before it is used again for the transport of goods under Customs seal, any
road vehicle or container which no longer meets the conditions which justified its
approval, shall be either restored to its original state, or presented for re-approval.
Article 15
0.15 Certain difficulties may arise in the case of vehicles not subject to
registration, such as in some countries trailers or semi-trailers, when
Customs documents are not required for temporary admission. In that
case, the provisions of Article 15 may be observed, while assuring
adequate protection for the Customs authorities, by recording particulars
of these vehicles (make and numbers) on vouchers No. 1 and No. 2 of
the TIR Carnet used by the countries concerned and on the
corresponding counterfoils.
Comments to Article 15
Customs documents
Customs procedures
Article 16
Comment to Article 16
Article 17
1. A single TIR Carnet shall be made out in respect of each road vehicle or
container. However, a single TIR Carnet may be made out in respect of a
combination of vehicles or for several containers loaded on to a single road vehicle
or on to a combination of vehicles. In that case the TIR manifest of the goods
covered by the TIR Carnet shall list separately the contents of each vehicle in the
combination of vehicles or of each container.
0.17-1 The provision that the manifest of the goods covered by the TIR Carnet
shall show separately the contents of each vehicle or a combination of
vehicles, or of each container, is only intended to simplify Customs
inspection of the contents of each vehicle or container. This provision
shall not therefore be interpreted so rigidly that each variation between
the actual contents of a vehicle or container and the contents of that
vehicle or container as shown on the manifest is considered a breach of
the provisions of the Convention.
2. The TIR Carnet shall be valid for one journey only. It shall contain at least
the number of detachable vouchers which are necessary for the TIR transport in
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
Comments to Article 17
Issuance of TIR Carnets for mixed cargo consisting of normal goods and
heavy or bulky goods
When taking a decision on the number of TIR Carnets required for the
transport of a mixed cargo consisting of both normal goods and heavy
or bulky goods, the Customs office of departure shall take into account
the specific provisions of Article 32 according to which for the transport
of heavy or bulky goods the cover and all vouchers of the TIR Carnet
shall bear the endorsement “heavy or bulky goods”. Since this
endorsement does not apply to normal goods transported under Customs
seal, a separate TIR Carnet (or TIR Carnets) shall be required to cover
the transport of normal goods.
{TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/71, Annex 3; TRANS/WP.30/206, paragraph 57}
Where the Customs office of departure has accepted several TIR Carnets
for one TIR transport, this office shall indicate all reference numbers of
these TIR Carnets in box “For official use” on all vouchers of each TIR
Carnet accepted.
{TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/71, Annex 3; TRANS/WP.30/208, paragraph 52}
Article 18
0.18-1 It is essential for the smooth operation of the TIR procedure that the
Customs authorities of one country should refuse to designate a Customs
office of exit as a Customs office of destination for a transport operation
which is going on to a neighbouring country when that country is also a
Contracting Party to this Convention, unless there are some special
circumstances to justify the request.
Comments to Article 18
A TIR transport may involve more than one Customs office of departure
and/or destination in one or in several countries, provided the total
number of Customs offices of departure and destination does not exceed
four. In accordance with No. 6 of the Rules regarding the use of the TIR
Carnet (Annex 1 to the Convention, Model of the TIR Carnet: Version 1
and Version 2, page 3 of the cover), for each additional Customs office
of departure or destination two extra vouchers are required. The filling
in of the vouchers of the TIR Carnet whenever several Customs offices of
departure/destination are involved should be done in such a way that
goods loaded/unloaded subsequently at different offices should be added
in/crossed out from the goods manifest (boxes 9, 10 and 11) and the
offices of departure/destination should endorse the goods
loaded/unloaded subsequently under item 16.
{TRANS/GE.30/55, paragraph 22; TRANS/WP.30/141, paragraphs 39-
41; TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/31, Annex 3; TRANS/WP.30/192,
paragraph 26; TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/59, paragraph 46 and Annex 5}
According to Article 18 and No.5 of the Rules regarding the use of the
TIR Carnet (Annex 1), one TIR transport may not involve more than four
points of loading and unloading. In order to increase the total number of
loading and unloading points in the course of one transport operation, a
road vehicle or a combination of vehicles or containers may perform
several TIR transports consecutively or at a time, each under cover of a
separate TIR Carnet. To this end, the following options may be used:
Article 19
The goods and the road vehicle, the combination of vehicles or the container
shall be produced with the TIR Carnet at the Customs office of departure. The
Customs authorities of the country of departure shall take such measures as are
necessary for satisfying themselves as to the accuracy of the goods manifest and
either for affixing the Customs seals or for checking Customs seals affixed under
the responsibility of the said Customs authorities by duly authorized persons.
0.19 The requirement that the Customs office of departure should check the
accuracy of the goods manifest implies the need to verify at least that the
particulars in the goods manifest tally with those in the export documents
and in the transport or other commercial documents relating to the goods;
the Customs office of departure may also have to examine the goods.
The Customs office of departure must also, before affixing seals, check
the condition of the road vehicle or container and, in the case of sheeted
vehicles or containers, the condition of the sheets and sheet fastenings, as
this equipment is not included in the Certificate of Approval.
Comments to Article 19
For the TIR system to operate smoothly it is essential that the Customs
inspection at the office of departure should be stringent and complete,
since the functioning of the TIR procedure depends upon it. The
following in particular should be prevented:
The TIR Convention does not address the issue of standards and
requirements for Customs seals. It only stipulates that, as a general rule,
Contracting Parties must accept Customs seals affixed by other
Contracting Parties. Thus, the specification of Customs seals is left to
the discretion of national Customs authorities. With a view to ensuring
the effectiveness of Customs sealing, it is desirable that Customs
administrations use seals which conform to the latest international
requirements in this field. In this context, the attention of the Customs
authorities is drawn to the minimum requirements laid down in Specific
Annex E, Chapter 1 of the International Convention on the
Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs procedures (revised
Kyoto Convention). In addition, reference could be made to the
guidelines to Chapter 6 of the General Annex to the said Convention, as
elaborated under the auspices of the World Customs Organisation
{TRANS/WP.30/216, paragraph 67 and Annex 2 and
TRANS/WP.30/216/Corr.1; TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/77, paragraph 54 and
Annex 3}
Article 20
For journeys in the territory of their country, the Customs authorities may
fix a time-limit and require the road vehicle, the combination of vehicles or the
container to follow a prescribed route.
0.20 When fixing time-limits for the transport of goods within their territory,
Customs authorities must likewise take into account inter alia any special
regulations to which carriers are subject, particularly regulations
concerning working hours and mandatory rest periods for drivers of road
vehicles. It is recommended that these authorities should exercise their
right to prescribe a route only when they consider it essential.
Comment to Article 20
Pecuniary penalties
Article 21
0.21-1 The provisions of this Article do not restrict the right of Customs
authorities to examine all parts of a vehicle in addition to the sealed load
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
0.21-2 The Customs office of entry may turn back the carrier to the Customs
office of exit of the adjacent country if it finds that no clearance has been
given by that office or that clearance has not been given in due form. In
such cases the Customs office of entry inserts a note in the TIR Carnet
for the Customs office of exit concerned.
Comments to Article 21
Termination en route
The road vehicle, the combination of vehicles or the container have been
presented for purposes of control to the Customs office of exit (en route)
together with the load and the TIR Carnet relating thereto.
Partial termination
The road vehicle, the combination of vehicles or the container have been
presented for purposes of control to the Customs office of destination
together with the load and the TIR Carnet relating thereto followed by
partial unloading.
Final termination
The road vehicle, the combination of vehicles or the container have been
presented for purposes of control to the last Customs office of
destination together with the load or the remaining load in case of
previous partial termination(s) and the TIR Carnet relating thereto.
{TRANS/WP.30/192, paragraph 26; TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/59,
paragraph 46 and Annex 5}
Article 22
1. As a general rule and except when they examine the goods in accordance
with Article 5, paragraph 2, the Customs authorities of the Customs offices en
route of each of the Contracting Parties shall accept the Customs seals of other
Contracting Parties, provided that they are intact. The said Customs authorities
may, however, if control requirements make it necessary, add their own seals.
2. The Customs seals thus accepted by a Contracting Party shall have in the
territory of that Contracting Party the benefit of the same legal protection as is
accorded to the national seals.
Comment to Article 22
The TIR Convention does not address the issue of standards and
requirements for Customs seals. It only stipulates that, as a general rule,
Contracting Parties must accept Customs seals affixed by other
Contracting Parties. Thus, specification of Customs seals is left at the
discretion of national Customs authorities. However, with a view to
ensuring high security of Customs sealing, it is essential that Customs
administrations use seals which conform to up-to-date international
standards and requirements in this field. In this context, the attention of
Customs authorities is drawn to the guidelines to Chapter 6 of the
General Annex to the International Convention on the Simplification
and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (revised Kyoto Convention)
as well as to minimum requirements for Customs seals laid down in
Specific Annex E, Chapter 1 of the said Convention elaborated under the
auspices of the World Customs Organization (WCO).
{TRANS/WP.30/216, paragraph 67 and Annex 2 and
TRANS/WP.30/216/Corr.1; TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/77 paragraph 54 and
Annex 3}
Article 23
Comment to Article 23
Article 24
Article 25
Article 26
1. When transport under cover of a TIR Carnet takes place in part in the
territory of a State which is not a Contracting Party to this Convention, the TIR
transport shall be suspended during that part of the journey. In that case, the
Customs authorities of the Contracting Party on whose territory the journey
continues shall accept the TIR Carnet for the resumption of the TIR transport,
provided that the Customs seals and/or identifying marks have remained intact.
Where the Customs seals have not remained intact, the Customs authorities may
accept the TIR Carnet for resumption of the TIR transport under the provisions of
Article 25.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002;
ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.24 ; entered into force on 19 September 2004}
2. The same shall apply where for a part of the journey the TIR Carnet is not
used by the holder of the Carnet in the territory of a Contracting Party because of
the existence of simpler Customs transit procedures or when the use of a Customs
transit regime is not necessary.
3. In such cases the Customs offices where the TIR transport is suspended or
resumed shall be deemed to be Customs offices of exit en route and Customs
offices of entry en route respectively. {ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into
force on 12 May 2002}
Comments to Article 26
Use of the TIR procedure in case a part of the journey is not made by
- use the TIR procedure. However, in this case the holder should take
into account that a TIR operation in a given country may apply only
in case the national Customs authorities are in a position to ensure
the proper treatment of the TIR Carnet at the following points (as
applicable): entry (en route), exit (en route) and destination.
{TRANS/WP.30.AC.2/67, paragraph 64 and Annex 4}
Article 27
Article 28
2. In cases where the goods are placed under another Customs procedure or
another system of Customs control, all irregularities that may be committed under
that other Customs procedure or system of Customs control shall not be attributed
to the TIR Carnet holder as such or any person acting on his behalf.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
0.28-1 The use of the TIR Carnet must be restricted to the function which it was
intended to cover, namely the transit operation. The TIR Carnet must
not, for example, be used to cover the storage of goods under Customs
control at destination.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21, entered into force on 12 May 2002;
ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.30; entered into force on 13 September 2012}
0.28-2 This Article provides that the termination of a TIR operation shall be
subjected to the goods being placed under another Customs procedure or
another system of Customs control. This includes clearing the goods for
home use (either full or conditionally), the transfer across the border to a
third party (export), or to a free zone, or the storage of the goods in a
Comments to Article 28
Return of TIR Carnets to the holder or any other person acting on his
It must be stressed that the immediate return of the TIR Carnet to the
holder or any other person acting on his behalf, whether certified as
terminated with or without reservation, is an essential duty of the
Customs office of destination. This not only facilitates checking by the
issuing association and the international organization referred to in
Article 6, but also enables these organizations, on return of the Carnet,
to issue a new Carnet to the holder, since the number of Carnets in use
(in the holder’s possession) at any one time may be limited.
{TRANS/GE.30/AC.2/12, paragraph 33; TRANS/GE.30/GRCC/11,
paragraphs 24 and 25; TRANS/WP.30/192, paragraph 26;
TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/59, paragraph 46 and Annex 5}
Indication of reservations
In some Contracting Parties the transport operator does not have direct
contacts with the competent Customs officials at the Customs office of
destination before the consignee or his agents undertake the necessary
Customs formalities for clearance of goods for home use or by any other
Customs procedure following the TIR transit operation. With a view to
allowing the transport operator or his driver to verify that the TIR
procedure is properly terminated by the competent Customs officials, the
transport operator or his driver are allowed, if they so wish, to keep the
TIR Carnet and to provide the consignee or his agents only with a copy
of the yellow voucher No. 1/No. 2 (not for Customs use) in the TIR
Carnet, together with any other required documentation. Following the
clearance of goods for home use or by any other Customs procedure, the
transport operator or his driver should then proceed in person to the
competent Customs officials to have his TIR Carnet certified.
^TRANS/WP.30/188, paragraph 54; TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/59,
paragraphs 61 and 62 and Annex 6`
Article 29
1. The provisions of this section apply only to the transport of heavy or bulky
goods as defined in Article 1, subparagraph (p), of this Convention.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.21; entered into force on 12 May 2002}
2. Where the provisions of this section apply, heavy or bulky goods may, if the
authorities at the Customs office of departure so decide, be carried by means of
non-sealed vehicles or containers.
3. The provisions of this section shall apply only if, in the opinion of the
authorities at the Customs office of departure, the heavy or bulky goods carried
and any accessories carried with them can be easily identified by reference to the
description given, or can be provided with Customs seals and/or identifying marks
so as to prevent any substitution, or removal of the goods, without it being obvious.
Comments to Article 29
The provisons of Article 3 (a) (iii) of the Convention apply in the case of
road vehicles or special vehicles being exported from the country where
the Customs office of departure is located and being imported into
another country where the Customs office of destination is located. In
this case, the provisions of Article 15 of the Convention referring to the
temporary importation of a road vehicle are not applicable. Thus, the
Customs documents in respect of temporary importation of such vehicles
are not required.
{TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/59, paragraphs 61 and 62 and Annex 6;
TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/65, paragraphs 39 and 40 and Annex 2;
TRANS/WP.30/200, paragraph 72}
Transport of livestock
Article 30
All the provisions of this Convention, save those to which the special
provisions of this section make an exception, shall apply to the transport of heavy
or bulky goods under the TIR procedure.
Article 31
The liability of the guaranteeing association shall cover not only the goods
enumerated in the TIR Carnet, but also any goods which, though not enumerated
in the Carnet, are on the load platform or among the goods enumerated in the TIR
Article 32
The cover and all vouchers of the TIR Carnet shall bear the endorsement
"heavy or bulky goods" in bold letters in English or in French.
Comment to Article 32
Article 33
Article 34
Article 35
Chapter IV
Article 36
Any breach of the provisions of this Convention shall render the offender
liable, in the country where the offence was committed, to the penalties prescribed
by the law of that country.
Article 37
Article 38
1. Each of the Contracting Parties shall have the right to exclude temporarily
or permanently from the operation of this Convention any person guilty of a
serious offence against the Customs laws or regulations applicable to the
international transport of goods.
Comments to Article 38
Article 39
Article 40
Article 41
Article 42
Comment to Article 42
Article 42 bis
Article 42 ter
Chapter V
Article 43
The Explanatory Notes set out in Annex 6 and Annex 7, Part III, interpret
certain provisions of this Convention and its Annexes. They also describe certain
recommended practices.
Chapter VI
Article 44
(a) the transfer of the currency necessary for the sums claimed by the authorities
of Contracting Parties by virtue of the provisions of Article 8 of this
Convention; and
(b) the transfer of currency for payment for TIR Carnet forms sent to the
guaranteeing associations by the corresponding foreign associations or by the
international organizations.
Article 45
Each Contracting Party shall cause to be published the list of the Customs
offices of departure, Customs offices en route and Customs offices of destination
approved by it for accomplishing TIR operations. The Contracting Parties of
adjacent territories shall consult each other to agree upon corresponding frontier
offices and upon their opening hours.
Article 46
2. Contracting Parties shall arrange to the fullest extent possible for Customs
operations concerning perishable goods at Customs offices to be facilitated.
Comment to Article 46
Article 47
Comments to Article 47
Accompanying documentation
Article 48
territories, provided that such provisions do not attenuate the facilities provided
for by this Convention.
Article 49
This Convention shall not prevent the application of greater facilities which
Contracting Parties grant or may wish to grant either by unilateral provisions or
by virtue of bilateral or multilateral agreements provided that such facilities do
not impede the application of the provisions of this Convention, and in particular,
TIR operations.
Article 50
Article 51
Chapter VII
Article 52
2. This Convention shall be open from 1 January 1976 until 1 December 1976
inclusive for signature at the Office of the United Nations at Geneva by the States
referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. Thereafter it shall be open for their
3. Customs or economic unions may, together with all their member States or
at any time after all their member States have become Contracting Parties to this
Convention, also become Contracting Parties to this Convention in accordance
with the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article. However, these unions
shall not have the right to vote.
Article 53
1. This Convention shall enter into force six months after the date on which
five States referred to in Article 52, paragraph 1, have signed it without
reservation of ratification, acceptance or approval or have deposited their
instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
4. Any such instrument deposited after an amendment has been accepted but
before it has entered into force shall be deemed to apply to this Convention as
amended on the date when the amendment enters into force.
Article 54
2. Denunciation shall take effect fifteen months after the date of receipt by the
Secretary-General of the notification of denunciation.
Article 55
If, after the entry into force of this Convention, the number of States which
are Contracting Parties is for any period of twelve consecutive months reduced to
less than five, the Convention shall cease to have effect from the end of the
twelve-month period.
Article 56
1. Upon its entry into force, this Convention shall terminate and replace, in
relations between the Contracting Parties to this Convention, the TIR
Convention, 1959.
Article 57
Settlement of disputes
6. Any controversy which may arise between the Parties to the dispute as
regards the interpretation and execution of the award may be submitted by any of
the Parties for judgment to the arbitration tribunal which made the award.
Article 58
Article 58 bis
Administrative Committee
Article 58 ter
Article 59
1. This Convention, including its Annexes, may be amended upon the proposal
of a Contracting Party by the procedure specified in this Article.
Article 60
Article 61
Article 62
Review Conference
2. A review conference to which all Contracting Parties and all States referred
to in Article 52, paragraph 1, shall be invited, shall be convened by the
Secretary-General of the United Nations if, within a period of six months following
the date of notification by the Secretary-General, not less than one-fourth of the
States which are Contracting Parties notify him of their concurrence with the
3. A review conference to which all Contracting Parties and all States referred
to in Article 52, paragraph 1, shall be invited shall also be convened by the
Secretary-General of the United Nations upon notification of a request by the
Administrative Committee. The Administrative Committee shall make a request if
agreed to by a majority of those present and voting in the Committee.
Article 63
(b) the dates of entry into force of this Convention in accordance with Article 53;
Article 64
Authentic text
Annex 1
1. The TIR Carnet is printed in French except for page 1 of the cover where
the items are also printed in English. The "Rules regarding the Use of the TIR
Carnet" given in French on page 2 of the cover are also printed in English on page
3 of the cover. The "Certified Report" may also appear, on its reverse side, in a
language other than French, as may be appropriate.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.18; entered into force on 1 August 1995}
2. Carnets used for TIR operations within a regional guarantee chain may be
printed in any other official language of the United Nations except for page 1 of the
cover where the items are also printed in English or French. The "Rules regarding
the Use of the TIR Carnet" are printed on page 2 of the cover in the official
language of the United Nations used and are also printed in English or French on
page 3 of the cover.
No. 10 (c) of the Rules regarding the Use of the TIR Carnet permits the
use of loading lists as Annex to the TIR Carnet even when there would
otherwise be enough space in the manifest to enter all the goods carried.
However, this is permissible only if the loading lists contain all the
particulars required by the goods manifest in legible and recognizable
form and all other provisions of Rule 10 (c) are complied with.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.2; entered into force on 1 October 1980}
If, in line with No. 10 (c) or No. 11 of the Rules regarding the Use of the
TIR Carnet, additional documents need to be attached to the vouchers or
the cover of the TIR Carnet, the Customs authorities should attach them
to the TIR Carnet by means of staples or other devices and by stamping
them in such a way that their removal would leave obvious traces on the
{TRANS/WP.30/139, paragraph 43; TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/29, Annex 3;
TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/59, paragraph 46 and Annex 5}
The fact that there is no declaration of the value of goods on the TIR
Carnet gives no ground for detention of the goods by Customs
{TRANS/GE.30/17, paragraph 44}
Language versions of the Rules regarding the Use of the TIR Carnet
It is recommended that the "Rules regarding the Use of the TIR Carnet"
should also appear on the reverse side of the goods manifest (not for
Customs use) contained in the TIR Carnet, in any language which might
be appropriate to facilitate the proper filling-in and use of the TIR
{TRANS/WP.30/159, paragraph 45}
Indication of reservations
Model of the TIR Carnet and TIR Carnet forms actually printed and
No. 10 (b) of the Rules regarding the Use of the TIR Carnet does not
forbid the filling-in by hand or by any other means, as long as the
particulars on all sheets are clearly legible.
{TRANS/WP.30/200, paragraph 77; TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/67,
paragraph 63 and Annex 3}
According to No. 6 of the Rules regarding the Use of the TIR Carnet,
two extra sheets are required for each additional Customs office of
departure or destination. In line with Explanatory Note 0.1 (b), each
national leg of a TIR transport carried out between two successive
Customs offices, whatever their status, can be considered as a TIR
operation. To ensure uninterrupted Customs control, it is recommended
to use one set of vouchers No. 1/No. 2 and to apply a separate discharge
procedure for each TIR operation. Where there are several Customs
offices of departure, the succeeding Customs office(s) of departure not
only start(s) a new TIR operation, but also certify(ies) the termination of
the previous TIR operation by filling-in the respective voucher No.2 and
counterfoil No.2 of the TIR Carnet. Thus, the succeeding Customs
office(s) of departure also fulfil(s) the role of the Customs office of
destination or exit (en route) for the goods loaded at the previous offices
of departure. This also applies, mutatis mutandis, where there are
several Customs offices of destination. The preceding office(s) of
destination not only certify(ies) termination of the previous TIR
operation, but also start(s) a new TIR operation by filling-in the
respective voucher No.1 and counterfoil No.1 of the TIR Carnet. Thus,
the preceding office(s) of destination also fulfil(s) the role of the
Customs office of departure or entry (en route) for the goods bound for
the subsequent office(s) of destination.
{TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2003/13, paragraph 25 and Annex;
TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/71, paragraph 68 and Annex 2}
Use of the TIR Carnet in case goods carried under the TIR procedure
are refused to enter the territory of a Contracting Party
Page 1 of cover
[Annex 1
page 3]
.....vouchers No
1. Valable pour prise en charge par le bureau de douane de départ jusqu'au inclus
Valid for the acceptance of goods by the Customs office of departure up to and including
2. Délivré par
Issued by
3. Titulaire
(numéro d'identification, nom, adresse, pays / identification number, name, address, country)
(A remplir avant l'utilisation par le titulaire du carnet / To be completed before use by the holder of the carnet)
6. Pays de depart
Country/Countries of departure (1)
7. Pays de destination
Country/Countries of destination (1)
Biffer la mention inutile
Strike out whichever does not apply
* Voir annexe 1 de la Convention TIR, 1975, élaborée sous les auspices de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe.
* See annex 1 of the TIR Convention, 1975, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
Page 2 of cover
[Annex 1
A. Généralités
1. Emission: Le carnet TIR sera émis dans le pays de départ ou dans le pays où le titulaire est établi ou domicilié.
2. Langue: Le carnet TIR est imprimé en français, à l’exception de la page 1 de la couverture dont les rubriques sont imprimées
également en anglais; les «Règles relatives à l’utilisation du carnet TIR» sont reproduites en version anglaise à la page 3 de ladite
couverture. Par ailleurs, des feuillets supplémentaires donnant une traduction en d’autres langues du texte imprimé peuvent être
Les carnets utilisés pour les transports TIR dans le cadre d’une chaîne de garantie régionale peuvent être imprimés dans l’une des
langues officielles de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, à l’exception de la page 1 de la couverture, dont les rubriques sont également
imprimées en anglais ou en français. Les «règles relatives à l’utilisation du carnet TlR» sont reproduites à la page 2 de la couverture
dans la langue officielle de l’Organisation des Nations Unies utilisée, ainsi qu’en anglais ou en français à la page placée après le
procès-verbal de constat.
3. Validité: Le carnet TlR demeure valable jusqu’à l’achèvement du transport TlR au bureau de douane de destination, pour autant qu’il
ait été pris en charge au bureau de douane de départ dans le délai fixé par l’association émettrice (rubrique 1 de la page 1 de la
4. Nombre de carnets: Il pourra être établi un seul carnet TIR pour un ensemble de véhicules (véhicules couplés) ou pour plusieurs
conteneurs chargés soit sur un seul véhicule soit sur un ensemble de véhicules (voir également la règle 10d) ci-dessous).
5. Nombre de bureaux de douane de départ et de destination: Les transports effectués sous le couvert d’un carnet TIR peuvent
comporter plusieurs bureaux de douane de départ et de destination, mais le nombre total des bureaux de douane de départ et de
destination ne pourra dépasser quatre. Le carnet TIR ne peut être présenté aux bureaux de douane de destination que si tous les
bureaux de douane de départ l’ont pris en charge. (Voir également la règle 10 e) ci-dessous).
6. Nombre de feuillets: Si le transport comporte un seul bureau de douane de départ et un seul bureau de douane de destination, le
carnet TIR devra comporter au moins 2 feuillets pour le pays de départ, 2 feuillets pour le pays de destination, puis 2 feuillets pour
chaque autre pays dont le territoire est emprunté. Pour chaque bureau de douane de départ (ou de destination) supplémentaire,
2 autres feuillets seront nécessaires.
7. Présentation aux bureaux de douane: Le carnet TIR sera présenté avec le véhicule routier, l’ensemble de véhicules, le ou les
conteneurs à chacun des bureaux de douane de départ, de passage et de destination. Au dernier bureau de douane de départ, la
signature de l’agent et le timbre à date du bureau de douane doivent être apposés au bas du manifeste de tous les volets à utiliser
pour la suite du transport (rubrique 17).
8. Grattage, surcharge: Le carnet TIR ne comportera ni grattage, ni surcharge. Toute rectification devra être effectuée en biffant les
indications erronées et en ajoutant, le cas échéant, les indications voulues. Toute modification devra être approuvée par son auteur et
visée par les autorités douanières.
9. Indication relative à l’immatriculation: Lorsque les dispositions nationales ne prévoient pas l’immatriculation des remorques et
semi-remorques, on indiquera, en lieu et place du No d’immatriculation, le No d’identification ou de fabrication.
10. Manifeste:
a) Le manifeste sera rempli dans la langue du pays de départ, à moins que les autorités douanières n’autorisent l’usage d’une
autre langue. Les autorités douanières des autres pays empruntés se réservent le droit d’en exiger une traduction dans leur
langue. En vue d’éviter des retards qui pourraient résulter de cette exigence, il est conseillé au transporteur de se munir des
traductions nécessaires.
b) Les indications portées sur le manifeste devraient être dactylographiées ou polycopiées de manière qu’elles soient
nettement lisibles sur tous les feuillets. Les feuillets illisibles seront refusés par les autorités douanières.
c) Des feuilles annexes du même modèle que le manifeste ou des documents commerciaux comportant toutes les indications du
manifeste peuvent être attachés aux volets. Dans ce cas, tous les volets devront porter les indications suivantes:
i) nombre de feuilles annexes (case 8);
ii) nombre et nature des colis ou des objets ainsi que le poids brut total des marchandises énumérées sur ces feuilles annexes
(cases 9 à 11).
d) Lorsque le carnet TIR couvre un ensemble de véhicules ou plusieurs conteneurs, le contenu de chaque véhicule ou de chaque
conteneur sera indiqué séparément sur le manifeste. Cette indication devra être précédée du No d’immatriculation du véhicule
ou du No d’identification du conteneur (rubrique 9 du manifeste).
e) De même, s’il y a plusieurs bureaux de douane de départ ou de destination, les inscriptions relatives aux marchandises prises
en charge ou destinées à chaque bureau de douane seront nettement séparées les unes des autres sur le manifeste.
11. Listes de colisage, photos, plans, etc: Lorsque, pour l’identification des marchandises pondéreuses ou volumineuses, les autorités
douanières exigeront que de tels documents soient annexés au carnet TIR, ces derniers seront visés par les autorités douanières et
attachés à la page 2 de la couverture. Au surplus, une mention de ces documents sera faite dans la case 8 de tous les volets.
12. Signature: Tous les volets (rubriques 14 et 15) seront datés et signés par le titulaire du carnet TIR ou par son représentant.
C. Incidents ou accidents
13. S’il arrive en cours de route, pour une cause fortuite, qu’un scellement douanier soit rompu ou que des marchandises périssent ou
soient endommagées, le transporteur s’adressera immédiatement aux autorités douanières s’il s’en trouve à proximité ou, à défaut, à
d’autres autorités compétentes du pays où il se trouve. Ces dernières établiront dans le plus bref délai le procès-verbal de constat
figurant dans le carnet TIR.
14. En cas d’accident nécessitant le transbordement sur un autre véhicule ou dans un autre conteneur, ce transbordement ne peut
s’effectuer qu’en présence de l’une des autorités désignées à la règle 13 ci-dessus. Ladite autorité établira le procès-verbal de
constat. A moins que le carnet ne porte la mention «marchandises pondéreuses ou volumineuses», le véhicule ou conteneur de
substitution devra être agréé pour le transport de marchandises sous scellements douaniers. En plus, il sera scellé et le
scellement apposé sera indiqué dans le procès-verbal de constat. Toutefois, si aucun véhicule ou conteneur agréé n’est
disponible, le transbordement pourra être effectué sur un véhicule ou dans un conteneur non agréé, pour autant qu’il offre des
garanties suffisantes. Dans ce dernier cas, les autorités douanières des pays suivants apprécieront si elles peuvent, elles
aussi, laisser continuer dans ce véhicule ou conteneur le transport sous le couvert du carnet TIR.
15. En cas de péril imminent nécessitant le déchargement immédiat, partiel ou total, le transporteur peut prendre des mesures de
son propre chef sans demander ou sans attendre l’intervention des autorités visées à la règle 13 ci-dessus. Il aura alors à
prouver qu’il a dû agir ainsi dans l’intérêt du véhicule ou conteneur ou de son chargement et, aussitôt après avoir pris les
mesures préventives de première urgence, avertira une des autorités visées à la règle 13 ci-dessus pour faire constater les
faits, vérifier le chargement, sceller le véhicule ou conteneur et établir le procès-verbal de constat.
16. Le procès-verbal de constat restera joint au carnet TIR jusqu’au bureau de douane de destination.
17. Il est recommandé aux associations de fournir aux transporteurs, outre au modèle inséré dans le carnet TIR lui-même, un
certain nombre de formules de P.V. de constat rédigées dans la ou les langues des pays à traverser.
[Annex 1
page 5
3. Name of the international organization
2. Customs office(s) of departure
1. 2.
9. (a) Load compartment(s) or 10. Number and type of packages or articles; description of goods 11. Gross 16. Seals or
container(s) weight identification
(b) Marks and Nos. of in kg marks
packages or articles applied,
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
Destination: and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office 15. Signature of holder or agent
2. Customs office
3. Customs office
2. Under No.
[Annex 1
page 6
3. Name of the international organization
2. Customs office(s) of departure
1. 2.
9. (a) Load compartment(s) or 10. Number and type of packages or articles; description of goods 11. Gross 16. Seals or
container(s) weight identification
(b) Marks and Nos. of in kg marks
packages or articles applied,
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
Destination: and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office 15. Signature of holder or agent
2. Customs office
3. Customs office
18. Certificate for goods taken under control (Customs office of 24. Certificate of termination of the TIR operation (Customs office
departure or of entry en route) of exit en route or of destination)
19. Seals or identification marks 20. Time-limit for transit 25. Seals or identification marks found to be intact
found to be intact
21. Registered by the Customs office at under No. 26. Number of packages for which the termination of the TIR
operation is certified
22. Miscellaneous (itinerary stipulated, Customs office at which the 27. Reservations
load must be produced, etc.)
23. Customs officer's signature and Customs 28. Customs officer's signature and
office date stamp Customs office date stamp
[Annex 1
Certified report page 7
Drawn up in accordance with article 25 of the TIR Convention (yellow)]
(See also Rules 13 to 17 regarding the use of the TIR carnet)
4. Registration No(s). of road vehicle(s) 5. Holder of the carnet (identification number, name, address
Identification No(s). of container(s) and country)
9. No goods appeared to be missing The goods indicated in items 10 to 13 are missing (M) or have been
destroyed (D) as indicated in column 12
10. (a) Load compartment(s) or 11. Number and type of packages or articles; 12. 13. Remarks (give particulars of
container(s) description of goods M or D quantities missing or destroyed)
(b) Marks and Nos. of
packages or articles
16. If the goods have been transferred: description of road vehicle(s)/container(s) substituted
Registration No. Approved No. of certificate Number and particulars
Yes No of approval of seals affixed
(a) vehicle /
Identification No.
(b) container
17. Authority which drew up this certified report 18. Endorsement of next Customs office reached by the TIR transport
Page 3 of cover
[Annex 1
A. General
1. Issue: The TIR carnet may be issued either in the country of departure or in the country in which the holder is established or resident.
2. Language: The TIR carnet is printed in French, except for page 1 of the cover where the items are also printed in English; this page is
a translation of the « Rules regarding the use of the TIR carnet » given in French on page 2 of the cover. Additional sheets giving a
translation of the printed text may also be inserted.
Carnets used for TIR transports within a regional guarantee chain may be printed in any other official language of the United Nations
except for page 1 of the cover where items are also printed in English or French. The "Rules regarding the use of the TIR Carnet" are
printed on page 2 of the cover in the official language of the United Nations used and are also printed in English or French on page 3 of
the cover.
3. Validity: The TIR carnet remains valid until the completion of the TIR transport at the Customs office of destination, provided that it has
been taken under Customs control at the Customs office of departure within the time-limit set by the issuing association (item 1 of
page 1 of the cover).
4. Number of carnets: Only one TIR carnet need be required for a combination of vehicles (coupled vehicles) or for several containers
loaded either on a single vehicle or on a combination of vehicles (see also rule 10 d) below).
5. Number of Customs offices of departure and Customs offices of destination: Transport under cover of a TIR carnet may involve
several Customs offices of departure and destination but the total number of Customs offices of departure and destination shall not
exceed four. The TlR carnet may only be presented to Customs offices of destination if all Customs offices of departure have accepted
the TlR carnet (see also rule 10 e) below).
6. Number of forms: Where there is only one Customs office of departure and one Customs office of destination, the TIR carnet must
contain at least 2 sheets for the country of departure, 2 sheets for the country of destination and 2 sheets for each country traversed.
For each additional Customs office of departure (or destination) 2 extra sheets shall be required.
7. Presentation at Customs offices: The TIR carnet shall be presented with the road vehicle, combination of vehicles, or container(s) at
each Customs office of departure, Customs office en route and Customs office of destination. At the last Customs office of departure,
the Customs Officer shall sign and date stamp item 17 below the manifest on all vouchers to be used on the remainder of the journey.
8. Erasures, over-writing: No erasures or over-writing shall be made on the TIR carnet. Any correction shall be made by crossing out the
incorrect particulars and adding, if necessary, the required particulars. Any change shall be initialled by the person making it and
endorsed by the Customs authorities.
9. Information concerning registration: When national legislation does not provide for registration of trailers and semi-trailers, the
identification or manufacturer’s no. shall be shown instead of the registration no.
(a) The manifest shall be completed in the language of the country of departure, unless the Customs authorities allow another
language to be used. The Customs authorities of the other countries traversed reserve the right to require its translation into their
own language. In order to avoid delays which might ensue from this requirement, carriers are advised to supply the driver of the
vehicle with the requisite translations.
(b) The information on the manifest should be typed or multicopied in such a way as to be clearly legible on all sheets.
Illegible sheets will not be accepted by the Customs authorities.
(c) Separate sheets of the same model as the manifest or commercial documents providing all the information required by the
manifest, may be attached to the vouchers. In such cases, all the vouchers must bear the following particulars:
(i) the number of sheets attached (box 8);
(ii) the number and type of the packages or articles and the total gross weight of the goods listed on the attached sheets
(boxes 9 to 11).
(d) When the TIR carnet covers a combination of vehicles or several containers, the contents of each vehicle or each container shall
be indicated separately on the manifest. This information shall be preceded by the registration no. of the vehicle or the
identification no. of the container (item 9 of the manifest).
(e) Likewise, if there are several Customs offices of departure or of destination, the entries concerning the goods taken under
Customs control at, or intended for, each Customs office shall be clearly separated from each other on the manifest.
11. Packing lists, photographs, plans, etc: When such documents are required by the Customs authorities for the identification of heavy
or bulky goods, they shall be endorsed by the Customs authorities and attached to page 2 of the cover of the carnet. In addition, a
reference shall be made to these documents in box 8 of all vouchers.
12. Signature: All vouchers (items 14 and 15) must be dated and signed by the holder of the carnet or his agent.
C. Incidents or accidents
13. In the event of Customs seals being broken or goods being destroyed or damaged by accident en route the carrier shall immediately
contact the Customs authorities, if there are any near at hand, or, if not, any other competent authorities of the country he is in. The
authorities concerned shall draw up with the minimum delay the certified report which is contained in the TIR carnet.
14. In the event of an accident necessitating transfer of the load to another vehicle or another container, this transfer may be carried out
only in the presence of one of the authorities mentioned in rule 13 above. The said authority shall draw up the certified report. Unless
the carnet carries the words « Heavy or bulky goods », the vehicle or container substituted must be one approved for the transport of
goods under Customs seals. Furthermore, it shall be sealed and details of the seal affixed shall be indicated in the certified report.
However, if no approved vehicle or container is available, the goods may be transferred to an unapproved vehicle or container,
provided it affords adequate safeguards. In the latter event, the Customs authorities of succeeding countries shall judge whether they,
too, can allow the transport under cover of the TIR carnet to continue in that vehicle or container.
15. In the event of imminent danger necessitating immediate unloading of the whole or of part of the load, the carrier may take action on his
own initiative, without requesting or waiting for action by the authorities mentioned in rule 13 above. It shall then be for him to furnish
proof that he was compelled to take such action in the interests of the vehicle or container or of the load and, as soon as he has taken
such preventive measures as the emergency may require, he shall notify one of the authorities mentioned in rule 13 above in order that
the facts may be verified, the load checked, the vehicle or container sealed and the certified report drawn up.
16. The certified report shall remain attached to the TIR carnet until the Customs office of destination is reached.
17. In addition to the model form inserted in the TIR carnet itself, associations are recommended to furnish carriers with a supply of certified
report forms in the language or languages of the countries of transit.
.....vouchers No
1. Valable pour prise en charge par le bureau de douane de départ jusqu'au inclus
Valid for the acceptance of goods by the Customs office of departure up to and including
2. Délivré par
Issued by
3. Titulaire
(numéro d'identification, nom, adresse, pays / identification number, name, address, country)
(A remplir avant l'utilisation par le titulaire du carnet / To be completed before use by the holder of the carnet)
6. Pays de depart
Country/Countries of departure (1)
7. Pays de destination
Country/Countries of destination (1)
Biffer la mention inutile
Strike out whichever does not apply
* Voir annexe 1 de la Convention TIR, 1975, élaborée sous les auspices de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe.
* See annex 1 of the TIR Convention, 1975, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
Page 2 of cover
[Annex 1
A. Généralités
1. Emission: Le carnet TIR sera émis dans le pays de départ ou dans le pays où le titulaire est établi ou domicilié.
2. Langue: Le carnet TIR est imprimé en français, à l’exception de la page 1 de la couverture dont les rubriques sont imprimées
également en anglais; les «Règles relatives à l’utilisation du carnet TIR» sont reproduites en version anglaise à la page 3 de ladite
couverture. Par ailleurs, des feuillets supplémentaires donnant une traduction en d’autres langues du texte imprimé peuvent être
Les carnets utilisés pour les transports TIR dans le cadre d’une chaîne de garantie régionale peuvent être imprimés dans l’une des
langues officielles de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, à l’exception de la page 1 de la couverture, dont les rubriques sont également
imprimées en anglais ou en français. Les «règles relatives à l’utilisation du carnet TlR» sont reproduites à la page 2 de la couverture
dans la langue officielle de l’Organisation des Nations Unies utilisée, ainsi qu’en anglais ou en français à la page placée après le
procès-verbal de constat.
3. Validité: Le carnet TlR demeure valable jusqu’à l’achèvement du transport TlR au bureau de douane de destination, pour autant qu’il
ait été pris en charge au bureau de douane de départ dans le délai fixé par l’association émettrice (rubrique 1 de la page 1 de la
4. Nombre de carnets: Il pourra être établi un seul carnet TIR pour un ensemble de véhicules (véhicules couplés) ou pour plusieurs
conteneurs chargés soit sur un seul véhicule soit sur un ensemble de véhicules (voir également la règle 10d) ci-dessous).
5. Nombre de bureaux de douane de départ et de destination: Les transports effectués sous le couvert d’un carnet TIR peuvent
comporter plusieurs bureaux de douane de départ et de destination, mais le nombre total des bureaux de douane de départ et de
destination ne pourra dépasser quatre. Le carnet TIR ne peut être présenté aux bureaux de douane de destination que si tous les
bureaux de douane de départ l’ont pris en charge. (Voir également la règle 10 e) ci-dessous).
6. Nombre de feuillets: Si le transport comporte un seul bureau de douane de départ et un seul bureau de douane de destination, le
carnet TIR devra comporter au moins 2 feuillets pour le pays de départ, 2 feuillets pour le pays de destination, puis 2 feuillets pour
chaque autre pays dont le territoire est emprunté. Pour chaque bureau de douane de départ (ou de destination) supplémentaire,
2 autres feuillets seront nécessaires.
7. Présentation aux bureaux de douane: Le carnet TIR sera présenté avec le véhicule routier, l’ensemble de véhicules, le ou les
conteneurs à chacun des bureaux de douane de départ, de passage et de destination. Au dernier bureau de douane de départ, la
signature de l’agent et le timbre à date du bureau de douane doivent être apposés au bas du manifeste de tous les volets à utiliser
pour la suite du transport (rubrique 17).
8. Grattage, surcharge: Le carnet TIR ne comportera ni grattage, ni surcharge. Toute rectification devra être effectuée en biffant les
indications erronées et en ajoutant, le cas échéant, les indications voulues. Toute modification devra être approuvée par son auteur et
visée par les autorités douanières.
9. Indication relative à l’immatriculation: Lorsque les dispositions nationales ne prévoient pas l’immatriculation des remorques et
semi-remorques, on indiquera, en lieu et place du No d’immatriculation, le No d’identification ou de fabrication.
10. Manifeste:
a) Le manifeste sera rempli dans la langue du pays de départ, à moins que les autorités douanières n’autorisent l’usage d’une
autre langue. Les autorités douanières des autres pays empruntés se réservent le droit d’en exiger une traduction dans leur
langue. En vue d’éviter des retards qui pourraient résulter de cette exigence, il est conseillé au transporteur de se munir des
traductions nécessaires.
b) Les indications portées sur le manifeste devraient être dactylographiées ou polycopiées de manière qu’elles soient
nettement lisibles sur tous les feuillets. Les feuillets illisibles seront refusés par les autorités douanières.
c) Des feuilles annexes du même modèle que le manifeste ou des documents commerciaux comportant toutes les indications du
manifeste peuvent être attachés aux volets. Dans ce cas, tous les volets devront porter les indications suivantes:
i) nombre de feuilles annexes (case 8);
ii) nombre et nature des colis ou des objets ainsi que le poids brut total des marchandises énumérées sur ces feuilles annexes
(cases 9 à 11).
d) Lorsque le carnet TIR couvre un ensemble de véhicules ou plusieurs conteneurs, le contenu de chaque véhicule ou de chaque
conteneur sera indiqué séparément sur le manifeste. Cette indication devra être précédée du No d’immatriculation du véhicule
ou du No d’identification du conteneur (rubrique 9 du manifeste).
e) De même, s’il y a plusieurs bureaux de douane de départ ou de destination, les inscriptions relatives aux marchandises prises
en charge ou destinées à chaque bureau de douane seront nettement séparées les unes des autres sur le manifeste.
11. Listes de colisage, photos, plans, etc: Lorsque, pour l’identification des marchandises pondéreuses ou volumineuses, les autorités
douanières exigeront que de tels documents soient annexés au carnet TIR, ces derniers seront visés par les autorités douanières et
attachés à la page 2 de la couverture. Au surplus, une mention de ces documents sera faite dans la case 8 de tous les volets.
12. Signature: Tous les volets (rubriques 14 et 15) seront datés et signés par le titulaire du carnet TIR ou par son représentant.
C. Incidents ou accidents
13. S’il arrive en cours de route, pour une cause fortuite, qu’un scellement douanier soit rompu ou que des marchandises périssent ou
soient endommagées, le transporteur s’adressera immédiatement aux autorités douanières s’il s’en trouve à proximité ou, à défaut, à
d’autres autorités compétentes du pays où il se trouve. Ces dernières établiront dans le plus bref délai le procès-verbal de constat
figurant dans le carnet TIR.
14. En cas d’accident nécessitant le transbordement sur un autre véhicule ou dans un autre conteneur, ce transbordement ne peut
s’effectuer qu’en présence de l’une des autorités désignées à la règle 13 ci-dessus. Ladite autorité établira le procès-verbal de
constat. A moins que le carnet ne porte la mention «marchandises pondéreuses ou volumineuses», le véhicule ou conteneur de
substitution devra être agréé pour le transport de marchandises sous scellements douaniers. En plus, il sera scellé et le
scellement apposé sera indiqué dans le procès-verbal de constat. Toutefois, si aucun véhicule ou conteneur agréé n’est
disponible, le transbordement pourra être effectué sur un véhicule ou dans un conteneur non agréé, pour autant qu’il offre des
garanties suffisantes. Dans ce dernier cas, les autorités douanières des pays suivants apprécieront si elles peuvent, elles
aussi, laisser continuer dans ce véhicule ou conteneur le transport sous le couvert du carnet TIR.
15. En cas de péril imminent nécessitant le déchargement immédiat, partiel ou total, le transporteur peut prendre des mesures de
son propre chef sans demander ou sans attendre l’intervention des autorités visées à la règle 13 ci-dessus. Il aura alors à
prouver qu’il a dû agir ainsi dans l’intérêt du véhicule ou conteneur ou de son chargement et, aussitôt après avoir pris les
mesures préventives de première urgence, avertira une des autorités visées à la règle 13 ci-dessus pour faire constater les
faits, vérifier le chargement, sceller le véhicule ou conteneur et établir le procès-verbal de constat.
16. Le procès-verbal de constat restera joint au carnet TIR jusqu’au bureau de douane de destination.
17. Il est recommandé aux associations de fournir aux transporteurs, outre au modèle inséré dans le carnet TIR lui-même, un
certain nombre de formules de P.V. de constat rédigées dans la ou les langues des pays à traverser.
[Annex 1
page 11]
3) Cigares (y compris ceux à bout coupé) et cigarillos, contenant du tabac (code SH:
(2) Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80% vol;
spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages; compound alcoholic preparations
of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages (HS code: 22.08)
(3) Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco (HS code: 24.02.10)
(5) Smoking tobacco, whether or not containing tobacco substitutes in any proportion
(HS code: 24.03.10)
[Annex 1
page 12
3. Name of the international organization
2. Customs office(s) of departure
1. 2.
9. (a) Load compartment(s) or 10. Number and type of packages or articles; description of goods 11. Gross 16. Seals or
container(s) weight identification
(b) Marks and Nos. of in kg marks
packages or articles applied,
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
Destination: and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office 15. Signature of holder or agent
2. Customs office
3. Customs office
2. Under No.
[Annex 1
page 13
3. Name of the international organization
2. Customs office(s) of departure
1. 2.
9. (a) Load compartment(s) or 10. Number and type of packages or articles; description of goods 11. Gross 16. Seals or
container(s) weight identification
(b) Marks and Nos. of in kg marks
packages or articles applied,
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office at departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
Destination: and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office 15. Signature of holder or agent
2. Customs office
3. Customs office
18. Certificate for goods taken under control (Customs office of 24. Certificate of termination of the TIR operation (Customs office
departure or of entry en route) of exit en route or of destination)
19. Seals or identification marks 20. Time-limit for transit 25. Seals or identification marks found to be intact
found to be intact
21. Registered by the Customs office at under No. 26. Number of packages for which the termination of the TIR
operation is certified
22. Miscellaneous (itinerary stipulated, Customs office at which the 27. Reservations
load must be produced, etc.)
23. Customs officer's signature and Customs 28. Customs officer's signature and
office date stamp Customs office date stamp
[Annex 1
Certified report page 14
Drawn up in accordance with article 25 of the TIR Convention (yellow)]
(See also Rules 13 to 17 regarding the use of the TIR carnet)
4. Registration No(s). of road vehicle(s) 5. Holder of the carnet (identification number, name, address
Identification No(s). of container(s) and country)
9. No goods appeared to be missing The goods indicated in items 10 to 13 are missing (M) or have been
destroyed (D) as indicated in column 12
10. (a) Load compartment(s) or 11. Number and type of packages or articles; 12. 13. Remarks (give particulars of
container(s) description of goods M or D quantities missing or destroyed)
(b) Marks and Nos. of
packages or articles
16. If the goods have been transferred: description of road vehicle(s)/container(s) substituted
RegistrationNo. Approved No.of certificate Number and particulars
Yes No of approval of seals affixed
(a) vehicle /
Identification No.
(b) container
17. Authority which drew up this certified report 18. Endorsement of next Customs office reached by the TIR transport
A. General
1. Issue: The TIR carnet may be issued either in the country of departure or in the country in which the holder is established or resident.
2. Language: The TIR carnet is printed in French, except for page 1 of the cover where the items are also printed in English; this page is
a translation of the « Rules regarding the use of the TIR carnet » given in French on page 2 of the cover. Additional sheets giving a
translation of the printed text may also be inserted.
Carnets used for TIR transports within a regional guarantee chain may be printed in any other official language of the United Nations
except for page 1 of the cover where items are also printed in English or French. The "Rules regarding the use of the TIR Carnet" are
printed on page 2 of the cover in the official language of the United Nations used and are also printed in English or French on page 3 of
the cover.
3. Validity: The TIR carnet remains valid until the completion of the TIR transport at the Customs office of destination, provided that it has
been taken under Customs control at the Customs office of departure within the time-limit set by the issuing association (item 1 of
page 1 of the cover).
4. Number of carnets: Only one TIR carnet need be required for a combination of vehicles (coupled vehicles) or for several containers
loaded either on a single vehicle or on a combination of vehicles (see also rule 10 d) below).
5. Number of Customs offices of departure and Customs offices of destination: Transport under cover of a TIR carnet may involve
several Customs offices of departure and destination but the total number of Customs offices of departure and destination shall not
exceed four. The TlR carnet may only be presented to Customs offices of destination if all Customs offices of departure have accepted
the TlR carnet (see also rule 10 e) below).
6. Number of forms: Where there is only one Customs office of departure and one Customs office of destination, the TIR carnet must
contain at least 2 sheets for the country of departure, 2 sheets for the country of destination and 2 sheets for each country traversed.
For each additional Customs office of departure (or destination) 2 extra sheets shall be required.
7. Presentation at Customs offices: The TIR carnet shall be presented with the road vehicle, combination of vehicles, or container(s) at
each Customs office of departure, Customs office en route and Customs office of destination. At the last Customs office of departure,
the Customs Officer shall sign and date stamp item 17 below the manifest on all vouchers to be used on the remainder of the journey.
8. Erasures, over-writing: No erasures or over-writing shall be made on the TIR carnet. Any correction shall be made by crossing out the
incorrect particulars and adding, if necessary, the required particulars. Any change shall be initialled by the person making it and
endorsed by the Customs authorities.
9. Information concerning registration: When national legislation does not provide for registration of trailers and semi-trailers, the
identification or manufacturer’s no. shall be shown instead of the registration no.
(a) The manifest shall be completed in the language of the country of departure, unless the Customs authorities allow another
language to be used. The Customs authorities of the other countries traversed reserve the right to require its translation into their
own language. In order to avoid delays which might ensue from this requirement, carriers are advised to supply the driver of the
vehicle with the requisite translations.
(b) The information on the manifest should be typed or multicopied in such a way as to be clearly legible on all sheets.
Illegible sheets will not be accepted by the Customs authorities.
(c) Separate sheets of the same model as the manifest or commercial documents providing all the information required by the
manifest, may be attached to the vouchers. In such cases, all the vouchers must bear the following particulars:
(i) the number of sheets attached (box 8);
(ii) the number and type of the packages or articles and the total gross weight of the goods listed on the attached sheets
(boxes 9 to 11).
(d) When the TIR carnet covers a combination of vehicles or several containers, the contents of each vehicle or each container shall
be indicated separately on the manifest. This information shall be preceded by the registration no. of the vehicle or the
identification no. of the container (item 9 of the manifest).
(e) Likewise, if there are several Customs offices of departure or of destination, the entries concerning the goods taken under
Customs control at, or intended for, each Customs office shall be clearly separated from each other on the manifest.
11. Packing lists, photographs, plans, etc: When such documents are required by the Customs authorities for the identification of heavy
or bulky goods, they shall be endorsed by the Customs authorities and attached to page 2 of the cover of the carnet. In addition, a
reference shall be made to these documents in box 8 of all vouchers.
12. Signature: All vouchers (items 14 and 15) must be dated and signed by the holder of the carnet or his agent.
C. Incidents or accidents
13. In the event of Customs seals being broken or goods being destroyed or damaged by accident en route the carrier shall immediately
contact the Customs authorities, if there are any near at hand, or, if not, any other competent authorities of the country he is in. The
authorities concerned shall draw up with the minimum delay the certified report which is contained in the TIR carnet.
14. In the event of an accident necessitating transfer of the load to another vehicle or another container, this transfer may be carried out
only in the presence of one of the authorities mentioned in rule 13 above. The said authority shall draw up the certified report. Unless
the carnet carries the words « Heavy or bulky goods », the vehicle or container substituted must be one approved for the transport of
goods under Customs seals. Furthermore, it shall be sealed and details of the seal affixed shall be indicated in the certified report.
However, if no approved vehicle or container is available, the goods may be transferred to an unapproved vehicle or container,
provided it affords adequate safeguards. In the latter event, the Customs authorities of succeeding countries shall judge whether they,
too, can allow the transport under cover of the TIR carnet to continue in that vehicle or container.
15. In the event of imminent danger necessitating immediate unloading of the whole or of part of the load, the carrier may take action on his
own initiative, without requesting or waiting for action by the authorities mentioned in rule 13 above. It shall then be for him to furnish
proof that he was compelled to take such action in the interests of the vehicle or container or of the load and, as soon as he has taken
such preventive measures as the emergency may require, he shall notify one of the authorities mentioned in rule 13 above in order that
the facts may be verified, the load checked, the vehicle or container sealed and the certified report drawn up.
16. The certified report shall remain attached to the TIR carnet until the Customs office of destination is reached.
17. In addition to the model form inserted in the TIR carnet itself, associations are recommended to furnish carriers with a supply of certified
report forms in the language or languages of the countries of transit.
Annex 2
Article 1
Basic principles
Approval for the international transport of goods under Customs seal may
be granted only to vehicles, the load compartments of which are constructed and
equipped in such a manner that:
(a) no goods can be removed from or introduced into, the sealed part of the
vehicle without leaving obvious traces of tampering or without breaking the
Customs seal;
(d) all spaces capable of holding goods are readily accessible for Customs
Comments to Article 1
Article 2
(a) the constituent parts of the load compartment (sides, floor, doors, roof,
uprights, frames, cross-pieces, etc.) shall be assembled either by means of
devices which cannot be removed and replaced from the outside without
leaving obvious traces or by such methods as will produce a structure which
cannot be modified without leaving obvious traces. When the sides, floor,
doors and roof are made up of various components, these shall meet the same
requirements and be of sufficient strength;
(a) Where joining devices (rivets, screws, bolts and nuts, etc.) are
used, a sufficient number of such devices shall be inserted from
outside, traverse the assembled constituent parts, protrude inside
and there be firmly secured (e.g. riveted, welded, bushed or
bolted and swaged or welded on the nut). However, conventional
rivets (i.e. rivets whose placing requires handling from both sides
of the assembly of constituent parts) may also be inserted from
the inside;
(c) Joining devices which can be removed and replaced from one
side without leaving obvious traces, i.e. without requiring
handling from both sides of the constituent parts to be assembled,
shall not be allowed under subparagraph (a) of this note.
Examples of such devices are expansion rivets, blind rivets and
the like;
1. Joining device
Installation sequence
1 2 3 4
2. Joining device
Knurled shoulder
Large low
profile head
Drive nut
Sketch 1
Structural component I (wood)
Structural component II (steel)
Setting procedure
1. Drilling into wood 2 3
2. Wood and steel purlin penetrated
(the wings break off on contact
with the metal)
3. Conclusion of thread formation II
(structural components I and II
fastened together)
Sketch 2
Section B-C
B Frontwall
View A
Sketch 3
Sketch 4
In general, the use of blind rivets for the assembly of constituent parts of
load compartment is not allowed under the Convention as stipulated in
Annex 6, Explanatory Note 2.2.1 (a) (c). However, blind rivets can be
used on condition that a sufficient number of joining devices as
described in Annex 6, Explanatory Note 2.2.1 (a) (a) of the Convention
are used to assemble constituent parts.
{TRANS/WP.30/137, paragraphs 54-58; TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/29,
Annex 3}
(b) doors and all other closing systems (including stopcocks, manhole-covers,
flanges etc.) shall be fitted with a device on which Customs seals can be fixed.
This device must be such that it cannot be removed and replaced from the
outside without leaving obvious traces, or the door or fastening be opened
without breaking the Customs seals. The latter shall be adequately protected.
Opening roofs shall be permitted;
It must also:
(b) Butt hinges, strap hinges, hinge-pins and other devices for
hanging doors and the like must be secured in conformity with
the requirements of subparagraphs (a) (i) and (ii) of this note.
Moreover, the various components of such devices (e.g.
hinge-plates, pins or swivels), provided that they are necessary to
guarantee Customs security of the load compartment, shall be so
fitted that they cannot be removed or dismantled when the load
compartment is closed and sealed without leaving obvious traces
(see sketch No. 1a appended to Annex 6).
However, where such a device is not accessible from outside it
will suffice if, when the door or the like has been closed and
sealed, it cannot be detached from the hinge or similar device
without leaving obvious traces. Where a door or closure-device
has more than two hinges, only those two hinges nearest to the
extremities of the door need to be fixed in conformity with the
requirements of subparagraph (a) (i) and (ii) above.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.8; entered into force on 1 August
In the case where a door or closure-device has more than two hinges,
the competent authorities may require additional hinges to be secured,
to fulfil the requirements of Annex 2, Article 1 of the Convention.
{TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/35, Annex 6; TRANS/WP.30/155, paragraph 45}
(without the
hexagonal head)
The pin and the bearing of this device have a special shape which makes
it impossible to dismantle these items when the hinge is closed. A screw
with a hexagonal head protruding beyond the pin should be used. The
space between the screw head and the bearing, when the hinge is closed,
should be so small as to prevent the removal of the screw without
leaving obvious traces. In this case it would not be necessary to weld the
{TRANS/WP.30/123, paragraphs 46 and 47 and Annex 2;
TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/23, Annex 3}
(i) Set bolts or set screws which are inserted from the outside
but which do not otherwise meet the requirements of
Explanatory Note 2.2.1 (a), subparagraph (a) above, on
condition that:
- the tails of the set bolts or set screws are fixed into
a tapping plate or similar device fitted behind the
outer layer or layers of the door structure, and
The text of the first indent could be better understood if, after the
wording: "assembled by pneumatic or hydraulic tooling" the words:
"and fixed" are replaced by: "securing the head of the pin".
{TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/29, paragraph 25}
(f) In cases where more than one Customs seal are required for
Customs secure sealing, the number of such seals shall be
indicated in the Certificate of Approval under point 5 (Annex 4 to
the TIR Convention, 1975). A sketch or photographs of the road
vehicle shall be attached to the Certificate of Approval showing
the exact location of the Customs seals.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.23; entered into force on 7 November
The provisions of Explanatory Note 2.2.1 (b) (f), which come into force
on 7 August 2003 shall be applicable for road vehicles to be approved
for the first time or on the occasion of the biennial inspection and
renewal of the approval after entry into force of Explanatory Note 2.2.1
(b)(f) where appropriate. As a consequence, as of 7 August 2005, all
road vehicles, requiring more than one seal for Customs secure sealing,
shall need to be equipped with a Certificate of Approval in line with
Explanatory Note 2.2.1 (b) (f).
{TRANS/WP.30/206, paragraph 62 and Annex 2;
TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/69, paragraph 59 and Annex 2;
Securing of doors
Figure 1
Example of a rear door load compartment and
container showing a Customs secure door closing system
Rear door
joining device Locking rod Sealing device
by riveting
Sealing device
Manoeuvre Secured
handle by welding
Manoeuvre handle Door
securing point
Locking rod
Locking rod bearing
or saddle Screw
Cam engaging
Figure 2
Example of a Customs sealing device
1 2
3 4
Bolt, screw,
Rivet welded rivet, etc.
to back plate affixing
Back plate
pivoting section
Back plate
Figure 3
Example of a Customs sealing device
Right door
Left door
Door joint
Bottom cross
section member
This Customs sealing device should preferably be used on metal containers and load
compartments. Care needs to be taken to avoid confusion as to where exactly the seals
need to be placed. Various types of seals may be used. If cable seals in the form of an
"eight" are used it is recommended that the cable goes through all four holes (a, b, c, d).
If rigid seals are used, the seals must pass through holes (c) or (d).
Figure 4
Example of a Customs sealing device
Cam engaging
Locking rod
Manoeuvre handle
Locking rod
Sealing device
Cam engaging
This type of Customs sealing device is used for securing the doors of insulated containers
and load compartments. The sealing point of this device may differ from one construction to
another depending on whether the hold for affixing seals goes horizontally or vertically.
From a Customs point of view the device with the vertical hole provides better security
whereas the device having a horizontal hold requires tight sealing in order to be Customs
Sketch 1 Sketch 2
Outside Inside
Section a-a1
(c) When drainage apertures do not permit direct access to the load
compartment, the devices referred to in subparagraph (b) of this
note will not be prescribed, on condition that the apertures are
provided with a reliable baffle system readily accessible from
inside the load compartment.
(i) where it covers the full height from floor to roof, or, in other cases,
where the space between it and the outer wall is completely enclosed,
the lining inside the load compartment shall be so fitted that it cannot
be removed and replaced without leaving obvious traces; and
(ii) where a lining is of less than full height and the spaces between the
lining and the outer wall are not completely enclosed, and in all other
cases where spaces occur in the construction of a load compartment, the
number of such spaces shall be kept to a minimum and these spaces
shall be readily accessible for Customs inspection.
Article 3
Sheeted vehicles
3. If the sheet is made up of several pieces, their edges shall be folded into one
another and sewn together with two seams at least 15 mm apart. These seams shall
be made as shown in sketch No. 1 appended to these Regulations; however, where
in the case of certain parts of the sheet (such as flaps and reinforced corners) it is
not possible to assemble the pieces in that way, it shall be sufficient to fold the edge
of the top section and make the seams as shown in sketches Nos. 2 or 2(a)
appended to these Regulations. One of the seams shall be visible only from the
inside and the colour of the thread used for that seam shall be clearly different
from the colour of the sheet itself and from the colour of the thread used for the
other seam. All seams shall be machine-sewn.
The requirement for the band of plastic material is essential for Customs
security purposes. Consequently, it should not be permitted to dispense
with it.
{TRANS/GE.30/17, paragraph 99}
Bands of reflective material which can be torn off and which cover up
the structure of the sheets of load compartments are permissible, if they
are completely welded to the sheets of plastic-covered cloth and are
secured in accordance with the requirements of Annex 2, Article 3,
paragraph 5 of the Convention (see sketch below).
{TRANS/WP.30/151, paragraph 40}
13 13
Band of reflective
3 3 material 3 3
7 7 Band of plastic material
Patch Band of plastic material
The following process is permitted for the repair of such sheets: Vinyl
liquefied under pressure and heat is used to secure the piece on the
sheet by melting. Obviously in such cases a band of plastic material
stamped with a relief pattern will be affixed to the edge of the piece on
both sides of the sheet.
{TRANS/GE.30/6, paragraph 40; TRANS/GE.30/GRCC/4,
paragraph 33}
6. The sheet shall be fixed to the vehicle in strict compliance with the
conditions set forth in Article 1(a) and (b) of these Regulations. The following
systems can be used:
(iii) a fastening passing through the rings above the sheet and
visible from the outside for its entire length.
The sheet shall overlap solid parts of the vehicle by at least 250 mm,
measured from the centre of the securing rings, unless the system of
construction of the vehicle in itself prevents all access to the load
Metal securing rings sliding on metal bars fixed to the vehicles are
acceptable for the purpose of this paragraph (see sketch No.2 appended
to Annex 6) provided that:
(a) the bars are affixed to the vehicle at maximum spacings of 60 cm
and in such a manner that they cannot be removed and replaced
without leaving obvious traces;
(b) the rings are made with a double hoop or equipped with a central
bar and made in one piece without the use of welding; and
(c) the sheet is fixed to the vehicle in strict compliance with the
conditions set forth in Annex 2, Article 1(a) of this Convention.
Metal swivel rings, each of which rotates in a metal bracket fixed to the
vehicle are acceptable for the purpose of this paragraph (see sketch
No. 2a appended to Annex 6) provided that:
(a) each bracket is affixed to the vehicle in such a manner that it
cannot be removed and replaced without leaving obvious traces;
Side view
min. 280
Sliding frontplate
Foldable TIR-ring
Locking bar
200 150
Shape of eyelets
Eyelets in the sheets could be round or oval and the rings should not
protrude more than necessary from the relevant parts of the vehicles. In
order to ensure that the sheets are properly fixed, Customs authorities
should make sure, when sealing the road vehicle, that the fastening rope
is properly tightened.
{TRANS/GE.30/57, paragraph 35}
In the welded metal pillars, which support and contain the locking
mechanisms for the side-boards, a folding type of metal TIR-ring is
integrated. The TIR-ring can be folded out by hand through a small
opening in the outside plate of the pillar. By spring-load the TIR-ring is
kept in either "in" or "out" position. The functioning of this special ring
is integrated in the side-board locking mechanism as follows:
This means, that in folded-out position, when secured by the sheet and
fastening rope passing through the ring, the TIR-ring will in the first
place secure the side-boards to the pillar and in the second place secure
the pillar to the floor of the load compartment (side-rave).
(b) When any edge of a sheet is to be permanently secured to a vehicle, the two
surfaces shall be joined together without a break and shall be held in place by
strong devices.
Where one or more edges of the sheet are permanently attached to the
body of the vehicle, the sheet shall be held in place by one or more strips
of metal or other suitable material secured to the body of the vehicle by
joining devices meeting the requirements of subparagraph (a) of
Explanatory Note 2.2.1(a) of Annex 6.
(c) When a sheet locking system is used it shall in locked position join the sheet
tightly to the outside of the load compartment (as an example see sketch No.6).
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.7; entered into force on 1 August 1986}
The hoops supporting the sheet are sometimes hollow and might be used
as a hiding place. It is, however, always possible to inspect them, as is
the case for many other vehicle parts. In these conditions, hollow hoops
are permissible.
{TRANS/GE.30/14, paragraph 90; TRANS/GE.30/12, paragraphs 100
and 101; TRANS/GE.30/6, paragraph 41}
8. The spaces between the rings and the spaces between the eyelets shall not
exceed 200 mm. The spaces may however be greater but shall not exceed 300 mm
between rings and eyelets on either side of the upright if the construction of the
vehicle and the sheet is such as to prevent all access to the load compartment. The
eyelets shall be reinforced.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.1; entered into force on 1 August 1979}
2.3.8 Spaces exceeding 200 mm but not exceeding 300 mm are acceptable
over the uprights if the rings are recessed in the side-boards and the
eyelets are oval and so small that they can just pass over the rings.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.1; entered into force on 1 August 1979}
(c) ropes consisting of batches of fibre-optic lines inside a spirally wound steel
housing encased in a transparent sheath of unstretchable plastic; or
(d) ropes comprising a textile cord surrounded by at least four strands consisting
solely of steel wire and completely covering the core, under the condition that
the ropes (without taking into account the transparent sheath, if any) are not
less than 3 mm in diameter.
Ropes in accordance with paragraph 9 (a) or (d) of this Article may have a
transparent sheath of unstretchable plastic.
Nylon ropes
Nylon ropes in plastics sheathing are not permitted, since they do not
meet the requirements of Annex 2, Article 3, paragraph 9.
{TRANS/GE.30/AC.2/12, paragraph 16; TRANS/GE.30/GRCC/11,
paragraphs 30-33; ECE/TRANS/WP.30/232, paragraph 34 and Annex;
ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/91, paragraph 24}
Fastening rope
10. Each type of rope shall be in one piece and shall have a hard metal end-
piece at each end. Each metal end-piece shall allow the introduction of the thread
or strap of the Customs seal. The fastener of each metal end-piece of ropes in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph 9 (a), (b) and (d) of this Article shall
include a hollow rivet passing through the rope so as to allow the introduction of
the thread or strap of the Customs seal. The rope shall remain visible on either
side of the hollow rivet so that it is possible to ensure that the rope is in one piece
(see sketch No. 5 appended to these Regulations).
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.25; entered into force on 1 October 2005}
11. At the openings in the sheet, used for loading and unloading, the two
surfaces shall be joined together. The following systems can be used:
(a) The two edges of the sheet shall have an adequate overlap. They shall also be
fastened by:
(ii) rings and eyelets meeting the conditions of paragraph 8 of this Article,
the rings shall be manufactured of metal, and
A flap shall not be required if a special device, such as a baffle plate, is fitted,
which prevents access to the load compartment without leaving obvious traces.
Neither shall a flap be required for vehicles with sliding sheets.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.14; entered into force on 1 August 1992;
ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.20 and Add.1; entered into force on 12 June 2001}
(a) tension flaps of similar design fixed on the inside of the sheet; or
(b) small individual flaps each pierced by one eyelet secured to the
outside surface of the sheets and spaced at such distances as will
permit an adequate tension of the sheet.
(a) leather;
Securing of thongs
The thong has to be passed through the upper eyelet (1) in the opening
of the sheet for loading and unloading, comes out of the load
compartment through the lower eyelet (2) and is then passed through the
reinforced eyelet (3) at the end of the thong.
{TRANS/WP.30/123, paragraphs 45-47 and Annex 3;
TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/23, Annex 3}
2.3.11 (a)-3 The device shown in sketch No.3 appended to Annex 6 meets the
requirements of the last part of Annex 2, Article 3, paragraph 11 (a). It
also meets the requirements of Annex 2, Article 3, paragraphs 6 (a)
and 6 (b).
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.15; entered into force on 1 August 1993;
ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.17; entered into force on 1 October 1994}
(b) A special locking system holding the edges of the sheets tightly locked when
the load compartment is closed and sealed. The system shall be provided with
an opening through which a metal ring mentioned in paragraph 6 of this
Article can pass and be secured by the rope mentioned in paragraph 9 of this
Article. Such a system is described in sketch No. 8 appended to this Annex.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.14; entered into force on 1 August 1992}
Article 4
2. The sliding sheets, floor, doors and all other constituent parts of the load
compartment shall fulfil either the requirements in Article 3, paragraphs 6, 8, 9
and 11 of these Regulations or the requirements set out in (i) to (vi) below.
(i) The sliding sheets, floor, doors and all other constituent parts of the
load compartment shall be assembled in such a way that they cannot be
opened or closed without leaving obvious traces.
(ii) The sheet shall overlap the solid parts at the top of the vehicle by at
least 1/4 of the actual distance between the tensioning straps. The sheet
shall overlap the solid parts at the bottom of the vehicle by at least 50
mm. The horizontal opening between the sheet and the solid parts of the
load compartment may not exceed 10 mm measured perpendicular to
the longitudinal axis of the vehicle at any place when the load
compartment is secured and sealed for Customs purposes.
(iii) The sliding sheet guidance and other movable parts shall be assembled
in such a way that closed and Customs sealed doors and other movable
parts cannot be opened or closed from the outside without leaving
obvious traces. The sliding sheet guidance and other movable parts
shall be assembled in such a way that it is impossible to gain access to
the load compartment without leaving obvious traces. The system is
described in sketch No. 9 appended to these Regulations.
(iv) The horizontal distance between the rings, used for Customs purposes,
on the solid parts of the vehicle shall not exceed 200 mm. The space
may, however, be greater but shall not exceed 300 mm between the
rings on either side of the upright if the construction of the vehicle and
the sheets is such as preventing all access to the load compartment. In
any case, the conditions laid down in (ii) above shall be complied with.
(v) The distance between the tensioning straps shall not exceed 600 mm.
(vi) The fastenings used to secure the sheets to the solid parts of the vehicle
shall fulfil the requirements in Article 3, paragraph 9 of these
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.20; entered into force on 12 June 2001}
Sketch No. 1
Outside view
a a1
Inside view
Seam Seam
(thread of a colour different
from that of the sheet and from
that of the other seam)
Section a-a
Double flat seam
a a1
Sketch No. 2
Corner seam a
Outside view
a a1
Sea Seam
(thread of a colour different
Outside view
from that of the sheet and
Section a-a1
Double flat seam
a a1
1 */
Section a-a a
Thread visible from the 40 mm
inside only and of a colour
different from that of the
sheet and from that of the
other seam
This sketch shows the top folded section of the sheet according to Annex 2, Article 3, paragraph 3.
Corner seam
Outside view
1 */
Section a-a
Thread visible from the 40 mm
inside only and of a colour
different from that of the
sheet and from that of the
other seam
This sketch shows the top folded section of the sheet according to Annex 2, Article 3, paragraph 3.
Sketch No. 3
a a1
Outside view
Section a-a1
3 7 3
Section a-a
Inside view
Sketch No. 4
Inside view
Seams */
Section a-a a1
At least
15 mm
Threads visible from the inside shall have a colour different from that of the threads visible from the
outside and from that of the sheet.
Sketch No. 5
Solid rivet
plastic sheath
Hard metal
Sketch No. 6
This sheet locking system is acceptable provided that it is fitted with at least one metal ring at each
gate end. The openings through which the ring passes are oval and of a size just sufficient to allow
the ring to pass through it. The visible part of the metal ring does not protrude more than twice the
maximum thickness of the fastening rope when the system is locked.
Sketch No. 7
Section a-a1
The fastening device of the sheet to the vehicle is acceptable provided that the rings are recessed in
the profile and do not protrude more than the maximum depth of the profile. The width of the profile
shall be as narrow as possible.
Sketch No. 8
Sketch No.8.1
Sketch No.8.2
for hem Locking rod
Sheet Locking profile profile
Top view
Ring and
Fastening rope eyelet
In this locking system the two edges at the openings in the sheet used for loading
and unloading are united by means of an aluminium locking rod. The sheet openings
are provided with a hem over its entire length enclosing a rope (see sketch No. 8.1).
This makes it impossible to pull the sheet out of the locking rod's profile. The hem
shall be on the outside and be welded in accordance with Annex 2, Article 3,
paragraph 4 of the Convention.
The edges are to be passed into the open profiles on the aluminium locking rod and
slid into two parallel longitudinal channels which should be closed at their lower
end. When the locking rod is in its upper position the edges of the sheet are united.
At the upper end of the opening the locking rod is stopped by a transparent plastic
cap fixed by riveting to the sheet (see sketch No. 8.2). The locking rod consists of
two sections, joined by a riveted hinge, to allow folding for easy fitting and removal.
This hinge must be designed in such a way so as not to allow the removal of the
swivel pin once the system is locked (see sketch No. 8.3).
At the lower part of the locking rod is an opening through which the ring passes. The
opening is oval and of a size just sufficient to allow the ring to pass through it (see
sketch No. 8.4). The TIR fastening rope will be pulled through this ring to secure the
locking rod.
Sketch No. 9
Sketch No.9.1
Sketch No.9.2
Pelmet floor Sheet
Tensioning straps
Securing rope
Sketch No.9.1
Sketch No.9.3
Distance between
tensioning straps
Roof Tensioning
Tensioning strap runner device
Upper cantrail
Pelmet Upright
Sliding sheet
Tensioning strap
The sheet overlap shall
be at least ¼ of the Load compartment
distance between the floor
Upright runner tensioning straps
The sheet overlap
shall be at least
Sliding sheet Curtain eyelet
Upright Lower cantrail
Fastening rope
Ring on lower cantrail
Tensioning strap hook
Annex 3
(a) individually; or
Comments to paragraph 2
Name on vehicles
In the same circumstances it may be that a name other than that actually
shown on the vehicle appears on the photograph attached to the
Certificate. The vehicle should not in such a case be refused entry, since
the sole purpose of the photograph is to indicate the general appearance
of the vehicle.
{TRANS/GE.30/12, paragraphs 38 and 39}
Comment to paragraph 3
4. Road vehicles shall be produced every two years, for the purposes of
inspection and of renewal of approval where appropriate, to the competent
authorities of the country in which the vehicle is registered or, in the case of
unregistered vehicles, of the country in which the owner or user is resident.
8. The owner, the operator or the representative of either shall apply to the
competent authority for individual approval. The competent authority shall
inspect the road vehicle produced in accordance with the general rules laid down
in paragraphs 1 to 7 above and shall satisfy itself that the vehicle complies with the
technical conditions prescribed in Annex 2, and after approval shall issue a
certificate conforming to the model in Annex 4.
10. The manufacturer shall state in his application the identification numbers
or letters which he assigns to the type of road vehicle to which his application for
approval relates.
(a) produce to the competent authority such vehicles of the type concerned as
that authority may wish to examine;
(b) permit the competent authority to examine further units at any time during
the production of the type series concerned;
(c) advise the competent authority of any change, however small, in the design or
specification before proceeding with such change;
(d) mark the road vehicles in a visible place with the identification numbers of
letters of the design-type and the serial number of the vehicle in the type
series (manufacturer's number);
13. The competent authority shall state what changes, if any, must be made to
the proposed design-type in order that approval may be granted.
15. The competent authority shall notify the manufacturer in writing of its
decision to grant approval by design-type. This decision shall be dated and
numbered. The authority which took the decision shall be clearly designated.
16. The competent authority shall take the necessary steps to issue an Approval
Certificate, which it has duly signed, in respect of every vehicle built in conformity
with an approved design-type.
17. The holder of the Approval Certificate shall, before using the vehicle for the
carriage of goods under the cover of a TIR Carnet, fill in, as may be required, on
the Approval Certificate:
19. When an approved vehicle, carrying goods under cover of a TIR Carnet, is
found to have major defects, the competent authorities of Contracting Parties may
either refuse to allow the vehicle to continue its journey under a TIR Carnet, or
allow the vehicle to continue its journey under a TIR Carnet on its territory while
taking the necessary security precautions. The approved vehicle must be restored
to a satisfactory state as rapidly as possible, and in any case before it is again used
for the transport of goods under cover of a TIR Carnet.
20. In each of these cases the Customs authorities shall make an appropriate
endorsement in item No. 10 of the Certificate of Approval of the vehicle. When the
vehicle has been restored to a condition which justifies approval, it shall be
presented to the competent authorities of a Contracting Party who shall revalidate
the Certificate by adding an endorsement to item No. 11 cancelling the earlier
observations. No vehicle, the Certificate of which has been endorsed at item No. 10
under the provisions of the preceding paragraph , may again be used for the
transport of goods under a TIR Carnet until it has been restored to a satisfactory
condition and until the endorsement in item No. 10 has been cancelled as stated
Comment to paragraph 20
21. Each endorsement made on the Certificate shall be dated and authenticated
by the competent authorities.
22. When a vehicle is found to have defects which the Customs authorities
consider to be of minor importance and not involving the risk of smuggling, the
continued use of the vehicle for the transport of goods under cover of a TIR Carnet
can be authorized. The holder of the Approval Certificate shall be notified of the
defects and shall restore his vehicle to a satisfactory state within a reasonable time.
Annex 4
Approval Certificate
In cases where more than one Customs seal are required for Customs
secure sealing, the number of such seals shall be indicated in the
Certificate of Approval under point 5 (Annex 4 to the TIR Convention,
1975). A sketch or photographs of the road vehicle shall be attached to
the Certificate of Approval showing the exact location of the Customs
seals. This provision, which comes into force on 7 August 2003, shall be
applicable for road vehicles to be approved for the first time or on the
occasion of the biennial inspection and renewal of the approval after
entry into force of Explanatory Note 2.2.1 (b)(f) where appropriate. As a
consequence, as of 7 August 2005, all road vehicles, requiring more
than one seal for Customs secure sealing, shall need to be equipped with
a Certificate of Approval in line with Explanatory Note 2.2.1 (b) (f).
{TRANS/WP.30/206, paragraph 62; TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/69, Annex 2;
of a road vehicle for the transport of goods
under Customs seal
Certificate No ……………………………………………………………………………………
[page 1]
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.18; entered into force on 1 August 1995}
Certificate No
1. Registration No ......................................................................................................
3. Chassis No ............................................................................................................
individual approval Stamp
approval by design type
Place .......................................................................................
Date .........................................................................................
Signature .................................................................................
Valid until
mark applicable alternative with an “x”.
Signature Signature
Signature Signature
Signature Signature
2. The certificate shall be kept on the road vehicle. This must be the
original of the certificate, not, however, a photocopy.
3. Road vehicles shall be produced every two years, for the purposes of
inspection and of renewal of approval where appropriate, to the competent
authorities of the country in which the vehicle is registered or, in the case of
unregistered vehicles, of the country in which the owner or user is resident.
[page 4]
Annex 5
2. The letters TIR in capital Latin characters shall be 200 mm high and their
strokes at least 20 mm wide. The letters shall be white on a blue ground.
400 mm
250 mm
Annex 6
Sketch No. 1
Hinge blade
Pivoting section
Pivot bush
Holes for Customs seals
Back plate
Head of set-bolt or set-screw
completely deformed by welding
Tapped metal plate
Insulating material
Sketch No. 1a
Sketch No. 2
Fastening wire
60 cm 60 cm
Sketch No. 2a
Fixing bracket
Spring cover
Retaining washer
Splayed (riveted)
end of 'D' ring
Sketch No. 3
The device illustrated below meets the requirements of the last part of
paragraph 11 (a) of Annex 2, Article 3. It also meets the requirements of Annex 2,
Article 3, paragraphs (a) and 6 (b).
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.17; entered into force on 1 October 1994}
Securing ring
Part of sheet
Sketch No. 4
The device illustrated below meets the requirements of Annex 2, Article 3, subparagraphs 6 (a)
and 6 (b).
Securing ring
Fastening rope
Sealing wire
Securing ring
Iron girder
Sketch No. 5
Door-end view
See sketch
No. 5.2 See sketch
No. 5.3
Locking rod
Fastening pin
Metal plate
sealing Foam
strip Sketch No. 5.2 insulation
Locking rod
Saddle for
locking rod
Securing collar
Outer skin
Annex 7
Part I
Explanatory Notes
Article 1
Basic principles
Approval for the international transport of goods under Customs seal may be
granted only to containers constructed and equipped in such a manner that:
(a) no goods can be removed from, or introduced into, the sealed part of the
container without leaving visible traces of tampering or without breaking the
Customs seal;
(d) all spaces capable of holding goods are readily accessible for Customs
Comment to Article 1
Markings on containers
Paintings, transfers and other similar markings which cannot be torn off
the walls or sheets of containers are permissible if they do not cover up
the structure of the wall or sheet which should still be clearly visible.
Stickers and other similar markings which could hide openings in the
containers should, however, not be allowed.
{TRANS/GE.30/57, paragraph 45; TRANS/WP.30/141, paragraph 35;
TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/31, Annex 3}
Article 2
Structure of containers
(a) the constituent parts of the container (sides, floor, doors, roof, uprights,
frames, cross-pieces, etc.) shall be assembled either by means of devices
which cannot be removed and replaced from the outside without leaving
visible traces or by such methods as will produce a structure which cannot be
modified without leaving visible traces. When the sides, floor, doors and roof
are made up of various components, these shall meet the same requirements
and be of sufficient strength;
(b) doors and all other closing systems (including stopcocks, manhole-covers,
flanges, etc.) shall be fitted with a device on which Customs seals can be
fixed. This device must be such that it cannot be removed and replaced from
outside the container without leaving visible traces, or the door or fastening
be opened without breaking the Customs seals. The latter shall be adequately
protected. Opening roofs shall be permitted;
(c) apertures for ventilation and drainage shall be provided with a device
preventing access to the interior of the container. This device must be such
that it cannot be removed and replaced from outside the container without
leaving visible traces.
(i) where it covers the full height from floor to roof, or, in other cases,
where the space between it and the outer wall is completely enclosed,
the lining inside the container shall be so fitted that it cannot be
removed and replaced without leaving obvious traces, and
(ii) where a lining is of less than full height and the spaces between the
lining and the outer wall are not completely enclosed, and in all other
cases where spaces occur in the construction of a container, the number
of such spaces shall be kept to a minimum and these spaces shall be
readily accessible for Customs inspection.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.8; entered into force on 1 August 1987}
Article 3
Article 4
Sheeted containers
3. If the sheet is made up of several pieces, their edges shall be folded into one
another and sewn together with two seams at least 15 mm apart. These seams shall
be made as shown in sketch No. 1 appended to these Regulations; however, where
in the case of certain parts of the sheet (such as flaps and reinforced corners) it is
not possible to assemble the pieces in that way, it shall be sufficient to fold the edge
of the top section and make the seams as shown in sketch No. 2 appended to these
Regulations. One of the seams shall be visible only from the inside and the colour
of the thread used for that seam shall be clearly different from the colour of the
sheet itself and from the colour of the thread used for the other seam. All seams
shall be machine-sewn.
The requirement for the band of plastic material is essential for Customs
security purposes. Consequently, it should not be permitted to dispense
with it.
{TRANS/GE.30/17, paragraph 99; TRANS/WP.30/141, paragraph 35;
TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/31, Annex 3}
The following process is permitted for the repair of such sheets: Vinyl
liquefied under pressure and heat is used to secure the piece on the
sheet by melting. Obviously in such cases a band of plastic material
stamped with a relief pattern will be affixed to the edge of the piece on
both sides of the sheet.
{TRANS/GE.30/6, paragraph 40; TRANS/GE.30/GRCC/4,
paragraph 33; TRANS/WP.30/141, paragraph 35;
TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/31, Annex 3}
Bands of reflective material which can be torn off and which cover up
the structure of the sheets of containers are permissible, however, if they
are completely welded to the sheets of plastic-covered cloth and are
secured in accordance with the requirements of Annex 2, Article 3,
paragraph 5 of the Convention (see sketch below).
{TRANS/WP.30/151, paragraph 40}
13 13
Band of reflective
3 3 material 3 3
7 7 Band of plastic material
Patch Band of plastic material
6. The sheet shall be fixed to the container in strict compliance with the
conditions set forth in Article 1 (a) and (b) of these Regulations. The following
systems can be used:
(iii) a fastening passing through the rings above the sheet and
visible from the outside for its entire length.
The sheet shall overlap solid parts of the container by at least 250 mm,
measured from the centre of the securing rings, unless the system of
construction of the container by itself prevents all access to the goods.
(b) When any edge of a sheet is to be permanently secured to a container, the two
surfaces shall be joined together without a break and shall be held in place by
strong devices.
(c) When a sheet locking system is used, it shall in locked position join the sheet
tightly to the outside of the container (as an example, see sketch No. 6
appended to these Regulations).
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.8; entered into force on 1 August 1987}
The hoops supporting the sheet are sometimes hollow and might be used
as a hiding place. It is, however, always possible to inspect them, as is
the case for many other container parts. Under these conditions, hollow
hoops are permissible.
{TRANS/GE.30/14, paragraph 90; TRANS/GE.30/12, paragraphs 100
and 101; TRANS/GE.30/6, paragraph 41; TRANS/WP.30/141,
paragraph 35; TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/31, Annex 3}
8. The spaces between the rings and the spaces between the eyelets shall not
exceed 200 mm. The spaces may however be greater but shall not exceed 300 mm
between rings and eyelets on either side of the upright if the construction of the
container and the sheet is such as to prevent all access to the interior of the
container. The eyelets shall be reinforced.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.8; entered into force on 1 August 1987}
(c) ropes consisting of batches of fibre-optic lines inside a spirally wound steel
housing encased in a transparent sheath of unstretchable plastic; or
(d) ropes comprising a textile cord surrounded by at least four strands consisting
solely of steel wire and completely covering the core, under the condition that
the ropes (without taking into account the transparent sheath, if any) are not
less than 3 mm in diameter.
Ropes in accordance with paragraph 9 (a) or (d) of this Article may have a
transparent sheath of unstretchable plastic.
Fastening rope
10. Each type of rope shall be in one piece and shall have a hard metal end-
piece at each end. Each metal end-piece shall allow the introduction of the thread
or strap of the Customs seal. The fastener of each metal end-piece of ropes in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph 9 (a), (b) and (d) of this Article shall
include a hollow rivet passing through the rope so as to allow the introduction of
the thread or strap of the Customs seal. The rope shall remain visible on either
side of the hollow rivet so that it is possible to ensure that the rope is in one piece
(see sketch No. 5 appended to these Regulations).
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.25; entered into force on 1 October 2005}
11. At the openings in the sheet, used for loading and unloading, the two
surfaces shall be joined together. The following systems can be used:
(a) The two edges of the sheet shall have an adequate overlap. They shall also be
fastened by:
(ii) rings and eyelets meeting the conditions of paragraph 8 of this Article,
the rings shall be manufactured of metal, and
A flap shall not be required if a special device, such as a baffle plate, is fitted,
which prevents access to the container without leaving obvious traces.
Neither shall a flap be required for containers with sliding sheets.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.14; entered into force on 1 August 1992;
ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.20; entered into force on 12 June 2001}
(b) A special locking system holding the edges of the sheet tightly locked when
the container is closed and sealed. The system shall be provided with an
opening through which a metal ring mentioned in paragraph 6 of this Article
can pass and be secured by the rope mentioned in paragraph 9 of this
Article. Such a system is described in sketch No. 8 appended to this Annex.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.14; entered into force on 1 August 1992}
12. The identification marks, which must appear on the container, and the
approval plate provided for in Part II of this Annex, shall in no circumstances be
covered by the sheet.
Article 5
2. The sliding sheets, floor, doors and all other constituent parts of the
container shall fulfil either the requirements in Article 4, paragraphs 6, 8, 9 and 11
of these Regulations or the requirements set out in (i) to (vi) below.
(i) The sliding sheets, floor, doors and all other constituent parts of the
container shall be assembled in such a way that they cannot be opened
or closed without leaving obvious traces.
(ii) The sheet shall overlap the solid parts at the top of the container by at
least 1/4 of the actual distance between the tensioning straps. The sheet
shall overlap the solid parts at the bottom of the container by at least 50
mm. The horizontal opening between the sheet and the solid parts of the
container may not exceed 10 mm measured perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of the container at any place when the container is
secured and sealed for Customs purposes.
(iii) The sliding sheet guidance and other movable parts shall be assembled
in such a way that closed and Customs sealed doors and other movable
parts cannot be opened or closed from the outside without leaving
obvious traces. The sliding sheet guidance and other movable parts
shall be assembled in such a way that it is impossible to gain access to
the container without leaving obvious traces. The system is described in
sketch No. 9 appended to these Regulations.
(iv) The horizontal distance between the rings, used for Customs purposes,
on the solid parts of the container shall not exceed 200 mm. The space
may, however, be greater but shall not exceed 300 mm between the
rings on either side of the upright if the construction of the container
and the sheets is such as preventing all access to the container. In any
case, the conditions laid down in (ii) above shall be complied with.
(v) The distance between the tensioning straps shall not exceed 600 mm.
(vi) The fastenings used to secure the sheets to the solid parts of the
container shall fulfil the requirements in Article 4, paragraph 9 of
these Regulations.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.20; entered into force on 12 June 2001}
Sketch No. 1
Outside view
a a1
Inside view
Seam Seam
(thread of a colour different
from that of the sheet and from
that of the other seam)
Section a-a
Double flat seam
a a1
Sketch No. 2
Corner seam a
Outside view
a a1
Sea Seam
(thread of a colour different
from that of the sheet and
Outside view
Section a-a1
Double flat seam
a a1
1 */
Section a-a a
Thread visible from the 40 mm
inside only and of a colour
different from that of the
sheet and from that of the
other seam
Note: The corner seams made according to the method illustrated in sketch No. 2 (a) in Annex 2 are
also allowed.
This sketch shows the top folded section of the sheet according to Annex 2, Article 3, paragraph 3.
Outside view
1 */
Section a-a
Thread visible from the 40 mm
inside only and of a colour
different from that of the
sheet and from that of the
other seam
This sketch shows the top folded section of the sheet according to Annex 2, Article 3, paragraph 3.
Sketch No. 3
a a1
Outside view
Section a-a1
7 3
Section a-a
Inside view
Sketch No. 4
Inside view
Seams */
Section a-a a1
At least
15 mm
Threads visible from the inside shall have a colour different from that of the threads visible from the
outside and from that of the sheet.
Sketch No. 5
Solid rivet
plastic sheath
Hard metal
Sketch No. 6
This sheet locking system is acceptable provided that it is fitted with at least one metal ring at each
gate end. The openings through which the ring passes are oval and of a size just sufficient to allow
the ring to pass through it. The visible part of the metal ring does not protrude more than twice the
maximum thickness of the fastening rope when the system is locked.
Sketch No. 7
Section a-a1
The fastening device of the sheet to the vehicle is acceptable provided that the rings are recessed in
the profile and do not protrude more than the maximum depth of the profile. The width of the profile
shall be as narrow as possible.
Sketch No. 8
Sketch No.8.1
Sketch No.8.2
for hem Locking rod
Sheet Locking profile profile
Top view
Ring and
Fastening rope eyelet
In this locking system the two edges at the openings in the sheet used for loading and
unloading are united by means of an aluminium locking rod. The sheet openings are
provided with a hem over its entire length enclosing a rope (see sketch No. 8.1). This
makes it impossible to pull the sheet out of the locking rod's profile. The hem shall be on
the outside and be welded in accordance with Annex 2, Article 3, paragraph 4 of the
The edges are to be passed into the open profiles on the aluminium locking rod and slid
into two parallel longitudinal channels which should be closed at their lower end. When
the locking rod is in its upper position the edges of the sheet are united.
At the upper end of the opening the locking rod is stopped by a transparent plastic cap
fixed by riveting to the sheet (see sketch No. 8.2). The locking rod consists of two
sections, joined by a riveted hinge, to allow folding for easy fitting and removal. This
hinge must be designed in such a way so as not to allow the removal of the swivel pin
once the system is locked (see sketch No. 8.3).
At the lower part of the locking rod is an opening through which the ring passes. The
opening is oval and of a size just sufficient to allow the ring to pass through it (see sketch
No. 8.4). The TIR fastening rope will be pulled through this ring to secure the locking rod.
Sketch No. 9
Sketch No.9.1
Sketch No.9.2
Pelmet floor Sheet
Tensioning straps
Securing rope
Sketch No.9.1
Sketch No.9.3
Distance between
tensioning straps
Roof Tensioning
Tensioning strap runner device
Upper cantrail
Pelmet Upright
Sliding sheet
Tensioning strap
The sheet overlap shall
be at least ¼ of the Load compartment
distance between the floor
Upright runner tensioning straps
The sheet overlap
shall be at least
Sliding sheet Curtain eyelet
Upright Lower cantrail
Fastening rope
Ring on lower cantrail
Tensioning strap hook
Part II
1. Containers may be approved for the transport of goods under Customs seal
(a) at the manufacturing stage, by design type (procedure for approval at the
manufacturing stage); or
Comments to paragraph 4
(b) an indication of the country in which approval was granted either by name
or by means of the distinguishing sign used to indicate the country of
registration of motor vehicles in international road traffic, and the number
(figures, letters, etc.) of the Certificate of Approval and the year (e.g.
"NL/26/73" means "Netherlands, Certificate of Approval No. 26, issued
in 1973");
(d) if the container has been approved by type, the identification numbers of
letters of the type of container.
Comment to paragraph 8
(a) produce to the competent authority such containers of the type concerned as
that authority may wish to examine;
(b) permit the competent authority to examine further units at any time during
the production of the type series concerned;
(d) mark the containers in a visible place with, in addition to the markings
required on the approval plate, the identification numbers or letters of the
design type and the serial number of the container in the type series
(manufacturer's number);
12. The competent authority shall state what changes, if any, must be made to
the proposed design type so that approval may be granted.
14. When a container type is approved there shall be issued to the applicant a
single Certificate of Approval conforming to model No. II reproduced in
appendix 2 to this Part and valid for all containers manufactured in conformity
with the specifications of the type so approved. Such Certificate shall entitle the
manufacturer to affix to every container of the type series an approval plate in the
form prescribed in paragraph 5 of this Part.
15. If approval has not been applied for at the manufacturing stage, the owner,
the operator, or the representative of either, may apply for approval to the
competent authority to which he is able to produce the container or containers and
for which he seeks approval.
17. When the competent authority has ascertained that the container or
containers comply with the technical conditions prescribed in Part I, by
examination of as many containers as it considers necessary, it shall issue a
Certificate of Approval conforming to model No. III reproduced in Appendix 3 to
this Part and valid solely for the number of containers approved. Such Certificate,
which shall bear the manufacturer's serial number or numbers assigned to the
container or containers to which it relates, shall entitle the applicant to affix to
each container so approved the approval plate prescribed in paragraph 5 of this
Appendix 1
Model No. I
Approval plate
(English version)
≥ 200 mm
Appendix 1
Model No. I
Approval plate
(French version)
≥ 200 mm
Appendix 2
Model No. II
who is authorized to affix an approval plate to each container of the approved design type
manufactured by him,
at .............................................................................. on ................................................. 20 .............
(place) (date)
by ..........................................................................................................................................................
(signature and stamp of issuing service or organization)
Insert the letters and figures, which are to be marked on the approval plate (see Annex 7, Part II,
paragraph 5 (b) to the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods Under Cover of TIR
Carnets, 1975)
Appendix 3
Certificate of Approval
who is authorized to affix an approval plate to each container of the approved design type
manufactured by him,
at .............................................................................. on ................................................ 20 .............
(place) (date)
by ...........................................................................................................................................................
(signature and stamp of issuing service or organization)
Insert the letters and figures, which are to be marked on the approval plate (see Annex 7, Part II,
paragraph 5 (b) to the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR
Carnets, 1975)
Part III
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
{Explanatory Notes appearing in Part III have been placed with the
provisions to which they are related. Sketches related to the Explanatory
Notes are included in Part III}
Sectional view
Annex 8
Article 1
(ii) The Committee may decide that the competent administrations of States
referred to in Article 52, paragraph 1 of this Convention which are not
Contracting Parties or representatives of international organizations may, for
questions which interest them, attend the sessions of the Committee as observers.
Article 1 bis */
2. The Committee shall monitor the application of the Convention and shall
examine any measure taken by Contracting Parties, associations and international
organizations under the Convention and their conformity therewith.
3. The Committee, through the TIR Executive Board, shall supervise and
provide support in the application of the Convention at the national and
international levels.
Article 2
Article 3
The Committee shall, at its first session each year, elect a chairman and a
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.19; entered into force on 17 February 1999}
Article 4
Article 5
Proposals shall be put to the vote. Each State which is a Contracting Party
represented at the session shall have one vote. Proposals other than amendments to
this Convention shall be adopted by the Committee by a majority of those present
and voting. Amendments to this Convention and the decisions referred to in
Articles 59 and 60 of this Convention shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of
those present and voting.
Article 6
A quorum consisting of not less than one third of the States which are
Contracting Parties is required for the purposes of taking decisions.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.16; entered into force on 24 June 1994}
Article 7
Before the closure of its session, the Committee shall adopt its report.
Article 8
Article 9 */
Article 10 */
(a) supervise the application of the Convention, including the operation of the
guarantee system, and fulfil the functions entrusted to it by the
Administrative Committee;
(b) supervise the centralized printing and distribution to the associations of TIR
Carnets which may be performed by an agreed international organization as
referred to in Article 6;
8.10 (b) The agreement mentioned in the Explanatory Note to Article 6.2 bis shall
also apply to the responsibilities of the international organization set out
in (b) of this article, in case the centralized printing and distribution of
TIR Carnets is performed by the above-mentioned international
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.27; entered into force on 12 August 2006}
(c) coordinate and foster the exchange of intelligence and other information
among competent authorities of Contracting Parties;
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.19; entered into force on 17 February 1999}
(f) support the training of personnel of Customs authorities and other interested
parties concerned with the TIR procedure;
Article 11 /
3. The Board shall elect a Chairman and shall adopt any additional rules of
4. The Board shall report on its activities, including the submission of audited
accounts, to the Administrative Committee at least once a year or at the request of
the Administrative Committee. The Board will be represented in the
Administrative Committee by its Chairman.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.19; entered into force on 17 February 1999}
Article 12 */
Article 13 */
1. The operation of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariat shall be
financed, until such time as alternative sources of funding are obtained, through
an amount per TIR Carnet distributed by the international organization as
referred to in Article 6. This amount shall be approved by the Administrative
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.28, entered into force on 1 January 2009}
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.19; entered into force on 17 February 1999}
The work of the members of the TIR Executive Board will be financed
by their respective Governments.
8.13.1-3 Amount
For details of the procedure, please refer to ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/89, paragraph 38 and Annex II
Annex 9 /
Part I
(a) Proven existence for at least one year as an association established in the
Contracting Party where the authorization is issued.
(b) Proof of sound financial standing and organizational capabilities enabling the
association to fulfil its obligations under the Convention.
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.19; entered into force on 17 February 1999; ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.29;
entered into force on 1 January 2012}
(i) comply with the obligations laid down in Article 8 of the Convention;
(ii) accept the maximum sum per TIR Carnet determined by the
Contracting Party which may be claimed from the association in
accordance with Article 8, paragraph 3 of the Convention;
(iv) provide its guarantees for all liabilities incurred in the country in which
it is established in connection with operations under cover of TIR
Carnets issued by itself and by foreign associations affiliated to the
same international organization as that to which it is itself affiliated;
(v) cover its liabilities to the satisfaction of the competent authorities of the
Contracting Party in which it is established with an insurance company,
pool of insurers or financial institution. The insurance or financial
guarantee contract(s) shall cover the totality of its liabilities in
connection with operations under cover of TIR Carnets issued by itself
and by foreign associations affiliated to the same international
organization as that to which it is itself affiliated.
The time to give notice for the termination of the insurance or financial
guarantee contract(s) shall be not less than the time to give notice for
the termination of the written agreement or any other legal instrument
as referred to in paragraph 1(d). A certified copy of the insurance or
financial guarantee contract(s) as well as all subsequent modifications
thereto shall be deposited with the TIR Executive Board, including a
certified translation, if necessary, into English, French or Russian;
(vi) provide the TIR Executive Board, annually, as per 1 March, with the
price of each type of TIR Carnets it issues;
(vii) allow the competent authorities to verify all records and accounts kept
relating to the administration of the TIR procedure;
(viii) accept a procedure for settling efficiently disputes arising from the
improper or fraudulent use of TIR Carnets, whenever possible without
recourse to courts;
(ix) comply strictly with the decisions of the competent authorities of the
Contracting Party in which it is established concerning the revocation
or withdrawal of the authorization in line with Article 6 of the
Convention and Part II of this Annex or the exclusion of persons in line
with Article 38 of the Convention;
6. The authorization of an association under the terms set out above shall be
without prejudice to that association's responsibilities and liabilities under the
7. The conditions and requirements laid down above are without prejudice to
additional conditions and requirements Contracting Parties may wish to prescribe.
Part II
(i) will comply with all Customs formalities required under the
Convention at the Customs offices of departure, en route and of
(ii) will pay the sums due, mentioned in Article 8, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the
Convention, if requested to do so by the competent authorities in line
with Article 11, paragraph 2 of the Convention
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.30; entered into force on 13 September 2012}
4. The competent authorities shall transmit within one week from the date of
authorization or withdrawal of authorization to use TIR Carnets, the particulars
of each person to the TIR Executive Board in conformity with the specimen
authorization attached (MAF).
6. The authorization for access to the TIR procedure does not constitute in
itself a right to obtain TIR Carnets from the associations.
Country: ...........................................
Name of association: ..................................................................
ID- Name of Business Contact point and Business Earlier withdrawal Date of Date of Stamp/
number person(s)/ address access number registration or of authorization **/ authorization withdrawal signature
enterprise (Tel, fax and licence number, of authori-
e-mail number) etc. */ zation **/
if available.
if appropriate.
For each person for which a request for authorization is transmitted by the
approved association, the following information shall, at least, be provided to the
competent authorities:
Part III
(a) Proof of sound professional competence and financial standing for the
effective organization and functioning of an international guarantee system
and the organizational capabilities to fulfil its obligations under the
Convention by means of annual submissions of consolidated financial
statements duly audited by internationally recognized independent auditors;
(a) provide the Contracting Parties of the TIR Convention via the national
associations affiliated to the international organization with certified copies
of the global guarantee contract and proof of guarantee coverage;
(b) provide the competent bodies of the TIR Convention with information on the
rules and procedures set out for the issue of TIR Carnets by national
(c) provide the competent bodies of the TIR Convention, on a yearly basis, with
data on claims lodged, pending, paid or settled without payment;
(d) provide the competent bodies of the TIR Convention with full and complete
information on the functioning of the TIR system, in particular, but not
limited to, timely and well founded information on trends in the number of
non-terminated TIR operations, claims lodged, pending, paid or settled
without payment that might give rise to concerns with regard to the proper
functioning of the TIR system or that could lead to difficulties for the
continued operation of its international guarantee system;
(e) provide the competent bodies of the TIR Convention with statistical data on
the number of TIR Carnets distributed to each Contracting Party, broken
down by type;
(f) provide the TIR Executive Board with details of the distribution price by the
international organization of each type of TIR Carnet;
(g) take all possible steps to reduce the risk of counterfeiting TIR Carnets;
(h) take the appropriate corrective action in cases where faults or deficiencies
with the TIR Carnet have been detected and report these to the TIR
Executive Board;
(j) fully participate in cases where the TIR Executive Board is called upon to
facilitate the settlement of disputes;
(k) ensure that any problem involving fraudulent activities or other difficulties
with regard to the application of the TIR Convention is immediately brought
to the attention of the TIR Executive Board;
(l) manage the control system for TIR Carnets, provided for in Annex 10 of the
Convention, together with national guaranteeing associations affiliated to the
international organization and the Customs authorities and inform the
Contracting Parties and the competent bodies of the Convention of problems
encountered in the system;
(m) provide the competent bodies of the TIR Convention with statistics and data
on the performance of Contracting Parties with regard to the control system
provided for in Annex 10;
(n) conclude, not less than two months before the provisional date of entry into
force or renewal of the authorization granted in accordance with Article
6.2bis of the Convention, a written agreement with the United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe secretariat, mandated by and acting on
behalf of the Administrative Committee, which shall include the acceptance
by the international organization of its duties set out in this paragraph.
Annex 10
{ECE/TRANS/17/Amend.27; entered into force on 12 August 2006}
(2) The Model Reconciliation Form (MRF) contained in the Appendix may be
addressed to Customs authorities by national associations or by an
international organization:
(a) in case of discrepancies between the data transmitted and those on the
counterfoils in the used TIR Carnet; or
(b) in case no data have been transmitted whereas the used TIR Carnet has
been returned to the national association.
Name: Name:
Received on: Received on:
Date: Date:
Stamp Stamp
Data to be confirmed
Data source: TIR Carnet Control system data
TIR Carnet Name or number Reference number indicated Date indicated in the Page Partial / final Termination of the TIR Number of
Reference of Custom in the certificate of certificate of number termination operation certified with packages
Number office of termination of the TIR termination of the or without reservation at (optional)
/ operation (boxes 24-28 of TIR operation at the the Customs office of
voucher No. 2) at the Customs office of destination
Customs office of destination */
destination */
TIR Carnet Name or number Reference number indicated Date indicated in the Page Partial / final Termination of the TIR Number of
Reference of Customs in the certificate of certificate of number termination operation certified with packages
Number office of termination of the TIR termination of the or without reservation at (optional)
destination */ operation (boxes 24-28 of TIR operation at the the Customs office of
voucher No. 2) at the Customs office of destination
Customs office of destination */
destination */
Please note that these data refer to the Customs office of destination where the TIR movement terminated.
Based on information provided by the IRU.
Based on information provided by the IRU.
Concerned about the amount of Customs fraud and smuggling in the framework
of the TIR transit system which may endanger the facilitation measures provided for in
the TIR Convention, 1975,
Convinced that the TIR transit system can only be safeguarded through joint and
concerted action by all Parties of the TIR transit system (Customs authorities, national
guaranteeing and Carnet issuing associations and the IRU, and insurance companies),
whereby an open exchange of information on all aspect of the system is considered to
be essential,
Whilst awaiting the revision of the TIR Convention, 1975, decides unanimously
on the following short-term measures to be implemented as soon as possible by the
competent authorities of Contracting Parties to the TIR Convention, 1975:
3. Contracting Parties and the IRU shall take all necessary steps to ensure the early
re-introduction of the "Tobacco/Alcohol" TIR Carnets together with guarantees
in a fixed sum which reflects the potential charges at risk;
6. Contracting Parties ensure that for the transport of tobacco and alcohol as well
as for other sensitive goods as determined by the competent authorities, advance
information on the transport of such goods under Customs seal is forwarded
immediately by the Customs office of departure or entry to the Customs office
of destination or exit;
9. Contracting Parties take all necessary measures to avoid the theft and misuse of
Customs stamps and may provide for the use of new technologies, such as
special security ink, to impede the falsification of Customs stamps;
10. Contracting Parties request that IRU and national guaranteeing associations
apply strictly agreed criteria and administrative controls when issuing TIR
Carnets, with a view to ensuring, as far as possible, the reliability and integrity
of transport operators;
11. Contracting Parties of the TIR transit regime intensify the exchange of
information and intelligence concerning the TIR transit system amongst
themselves, in accordance with national legislation. For that purpose they
establish focal points for the combat of fraud within the competent authorities.
Addresses, including telephone and telefax numbers of such focal points will be
transmitted, as soon as possible, to the UNECE secretariat for the setting up of
an international directory.
Requests the Contracting Parties to the TIR Convention, 1975 to notify the
Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
by 1 June 1995, whether they accept the present resolution;
Austria Belarus
Belgium Bulgaria
Croatia Czech Republic
Denmark Estonia
Finland France
Germany Greece
Hungary Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Ireland Italy
Jordan Latvia
Lithuania Luxembourg
Netherlands Norway
Poland Portugal
Romania Russian Federation
Slovakia Slovenia
Spain Sweden
Switzerland Turkey
United Kingdom European Union
Recommendation adopted by the Administrative Committee
for the TIR Convention, 1975, on 31 January 2008
{ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/93, paragraphs 27-28 and annex II}
If the TIR Carnet has been accepted by the Customs office of departure without
indication of the HS code, the HS code should not be required either by subsequent
Customs offices en route or by Customs offices of destination.
The absence of the HS code of the goods in the TIR Carnet shall not lead to
delays during a TIR transport and shall not be an obstacle to the acceptance of TIR
Carnets. The absence of the HS code shall not be considered as an infringement of the
Convention and shall not lead to any liabilities of the TIR Carnet holder.
The same shall apply in those cases where the Customs authorities suspect that
the HS code may be incorrect or where there are inconsistencies between the plain
language description of the goods and the HS code.
1. The goods and the TIR Carnet relating thereto shall be produced to the Customs
office of destination or exit (en route) during the days and hours appointed for opening.
However, the said office may, at the request and expense of the party concerned, allow
the documents to be produced outside the appointed days and hours.
- carry out controls of the documents, the load compartments and the goods
contained therein, as appropriate;
- complete the counterfoil and remove voucher No. 2 from the TIR Carnet;
return the TIR Carnet to the person presenting it;
/ It should be noted that Contracting Parties are under no legal obligation to comply with the
recommendations set out in Chapter 5 of the TIR Handbook {ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2007/4,
paragraph 9}.
3. Besides voucher No. 2 and counterfoil No. 2 of the TIR Carnet, the Customs
office of destination or exit (en route) may issue additional documents to the person
presenting the TIR Carnet (e.g. a receipt on request to be completed in advance by the
person concerned) and may use complementary means of identification to facilitate
disclosure of false Customs stamps in TIR Carnets. In order to detect irregularities as
soon as possible the Customs authorities may verify the legality of counterfoil No. 2 of
the TIR Carnet and of other additional documents during the return trip of a vehicle
and/or upon exit from a country. These verifications should be carried out as soon as
1. Customs offices processing TIR Carnets shall keep separate registers in their
Customs ledgers for TIR Carnets.
2. The Customs office of departure or entry (en route) shall retain voucher No. 1 of
the TIR Carnet. With a view to assisting in the return of voucher No. 2 it may enter in
the box "For official use" of voucher No. 2 the following text: "To be returned to ...."
followed by the name and full address of the Customs office to which voucher No. 2
must be returned (where applicable, via or to a centralized office). This text should, as
far as possible, be inserted by means of a stamp and must be clearly legible.
3. The Customs office of departure or entry (en route) shall ensure that box 22 in
voucher No. 1 contains the name of the Customs office of destination or exit (en route)
with a view to facilitating inquiry procedures.
4. The Customs office of departure or entry (en route) may inform preliminarily
the Customs office of destination or exit (en route) on the dispatch of the goods
transported within the TIR procedure, in order to hinder the improper or fraudulent
discharge of a TIR operation.
5. The Customs office of destination or exit (en route) shall detach and send
without delay (within 5 working days) following the termination of the TIR operation,
the part of voucher No. 2 relating to boxes 18 to 28 to the Customs office designated in
the box «For official use», where applicable, via or to a central office.
6. The Customs office of destination shall make available, without delay following
the termination of the TIR operation, all information concerning the termination of the
TIR operation in an authorized international control system, such as the SafeTIR system
operated by the IRU, in accordance with Annex 10 of the Convention and in line with
article 42 ter of the Convention.
7. A special e-mail or teletype message containing data from voucher No. 2 of the
TIR Carnet may be used as a confirmation of termination, instead of sending by mail
voucher No. 2 (or a return slip) from the Customs office of destination or exit (en route)
to the Customs office of departure or entry (en route).
10. In cases where the Customs office of destination or exit (en route) is different
from that mentioned in voucher No. 2 of the TIR Carnet, that office shall inform the
office mentioned in voucher No. 2 without delay.
11. With a view to detecting and preventing fraud, the office of departure or entry
(en route) (where applicable, the centralized office), apart from cases of doubt, shall
verify à posteriori a random proportion of 1 per thousand with a minimum of 6
documents per month of all returned vouchers No. 2.
12. The Customs authorities shall take necessary measures to protect their
telecommunications, ledgers, files, etc. from unauthorized access and to prevent the
possibility of sending falsified confirmations of discharge.
1. The tables below succinctly show the recommended inquiry and recovery
procedures to be undertaken by the Customs offices of departure or entry (en route),
destination or exit (en route) or the central Customs office.
2. Table 1a outlines the inquiry and recovery procedure applicable in the European
Union if the respective electronic message is not returned by the Customs office of
destination or exit (en route).Table 1b is applicable in cases where the fallback
procedure is used, i.e. where the data processing technique is not available and only the
paper TIR carnet is used for transit.
3. Table 2 describes the inquiry and recovery procedure applicable in the Russian
Federation if the Customs office of departure or entry (en route) has not received an
electronic confirmation of the termination of a TIR operation from the Customs office
of destination or exit (en route).
{ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2012/4 and ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/111, paragraph 40}
Table 1b
(European Union) – The fallback procedure
The office–in–charge of the inquiry should inform the TIR Carnet holder
and the guaranteeing association within 3 months whether it has accepted the produced
alternative proof as an evidence of the discharge of the TIR procedure and also
communicate to the holder any evidence supporting the discharge which has been
discovered during the procedure.
Table 2
Russian Federation
The office in charge of the inquiry should inform the TIR Carnet holder
or the guaranteeing association whether it has accepted the alternative evidence of the
termination of the TIR operation as well as in cases where, in the meantime, the office
could discharge the operation by its own means (the certificate of termination has been
found, etc.).
3. The TIR Carnet holder is unable to give any information about the whereabouts of the goods
III. Reference/No.
VI. Any details concerning the Customs office of destinations/exit (en route)
- Continued overleaf -
VIII. I have not yet received any answer to the above-mentioned inquiry notice
Would you please inform me on the present position of inquiries carried out
- Continued overleaf -
At ...................................................... , ........................................
Signature Stamp
(b) Amount of import or export duties and taxes to be paid by the national
guaranteeing association.
2. In order to establish the reasons for the transmission of claims the following
documents seem to be appropriate:
3. In order to substantiate 1 (b) the detailed calculation of Customs duties and taxes
seems to be adequate, including determination of the Customs value of the goods and
applicable tariff rates.
For purposes of control, the Customs offices en route are recommended to use
mainly the TIR Carnet, being a Customs transit declaration. Where the Customs offices
en route require additional documentation in connection with a TIR transport, this
should not be required to contain more than the information necessary to identify the
goods and the road vehicles. The Customs authorities should base their requirements on
those set out in the relevant international transport agreements, such as, for instance, the
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) of
19 May 1956 and should limit their information requirements to those available in
carriers’ normal documentation (CMR consignment note, packing list, if any, etc.)
(TRANS/WP.30/212/paragraph 21 and Annex 2).
(a) Notification: Within a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the
TIR Carnet, the competent authorities of the Contracting Party, in which the
TIR Carnet has not been discharged, have to notify the association in writing of
the non-discharge (Article 11, paragraph 1 (b) of the Convention);
(b) Claim for payment: Competent authorities dispose of a period between three
months and two years after the date on which the association has been informed
that the TIR operation has not been discharged (or that the certificate of
termination of the TIR operation has been obtained in an improper or fraudulent
manner), within which to submit a claim for payment to the association
(Article 11, paragraph 3 of the Convention).
- to make use at all times, but in particular before making enquiries, to the
extent possible, of any information available in an authorized international
control system, such as the SafeTIR system operated by the IRU, in
accordance with Annex 10 of the Convention.
Table I
√ = Recommended element;
acceptance = confirmation that authorities have accepted the information provided by the association at
an earlier stage; closure = information that authorities have decided not to pursue the alleged irregularity
and have closed the file; refusal = information that the information provided by the association at an
earlier stage has not been accepted by the authorities, including the reasons for refusal.
Table II
Submission of documents under point 5 is not limited to any of the three identified stages, but can take
place at any time, as soon as available.
Table III
Information letter to be sent to the TIR guaranteeing association and the TIR
Carnet holder
addressed to…………………………………………………
Dear Madam/Sir,
A TIR operation carried out under cover of TIR Carnet No……….has been
registered by the Customs office of………..(Copy of Voucher No. 1 attached) as
entering the territory of…………..(name of Contracting Party).
We kindly inform you that our Customs administration has not received
confirmation of the proper termination in the territory of ……….. (name of
Contracting Party) of the TIR operation carried out under cover of TIR Carnet
In addition, we have checked the status of this TIR Carnet in the control system
for TIR Carnets and:
(1) there is no information confirming the termination of this TIR operation in
the territory of ………..(name of Contracting Party),
(2) there is a record concerning this TIR operation. We have already contacted
the office of destination in……………………..(place, name of Contracting Party)
{ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2012/15 and ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/111, paragraph 43}
in order to confirm the information available in the control system for TIR Carnets
but have not yet received any confirmation.
Therefore, without prejudice to the notification to be made in accordance with
Article 11, paragraph 1(b) of the TIR Convention, we invite you to provide us
with the appropriate documents demonstrating that this TIR operation has been
correctly terminated in the territory of ……………….(name of Contracting Party)
within 28 days of the date of this letter.
The proof should be furnished in the form of one of the following documents,
identifying the goods:
- a document certified by the Customs authorities of the Customs office of
destination or exit (en route) of another Contracting Party establishing that the
goods have been presented at this Customs office, or
- a Customs document, issued in another Contracting Party confirming that
the goods have entered it Customs territory for a Customs approved treatment or
use, or
- a document, issued in another Contracting Party, endorsed by the Customs
authorities of that Contracting Party and certifying that the goods are considered to
be in free circulation in that Contracting Party.
- a copy or photocopy of abovementioned documents, certified as being true
copies by the body which endorsed the original documents, by the authorities of
the Contracting Party concerned or by the authority of another Contracting Party
to the TIR Convention, 1975.
Any of the above documents should be sent to
(stamp of the Customs office/signature of the person responsible)
4. Apart from the person being excluded, the following actors are mentioned in
Article 38:
- the competent authorities of the Contracting Party where the offence has been
committed and where Article 38.1 is implemented;
{ ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/93, paragraphs 28-30 and annex III; ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2012/14
and ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/111, paragraph 42}
In addition, the national association of the Contracting Party where the excluded
person is established or resident is involved in the implementation of Article 38,
although not mentioned explicitly in the text.
According to the comment "Exclusion of a domestic transport operator from the TIR procedure", the
Customs authorities are recommended to use the provisions of Article 38.1 against foreign transport
operators guilty of a serious offence of the Customs laws. The proposed example of best practice
addresses such a situation.
{ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2012/14 and ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/111, paragraph 42}
A specimen of information is given in the appendix to the present document. If a language other than
the three official languages of the Convention is used to fill-in the form, at least the titles of the boxes
should also be given in English, French or Russian.
10. Within one week, the same information should also be transmitted by the fastest
available means of communication (fax, electronic mail, etc.) to the competent
authorities of the Contracting Party on whose territory the person concerned is
established or resident, to the association(s) in the country or Customs territory where
the offence has been committed, to the TIR Executive Board and, as far as possible, to
the association of the Contracting Party where the excluded person is established or
resident (issuing association).
11. In case of any changes in the status of the original exclusion (e.g., cancellation
or suspension, etc.), the competent authorities, which have excluded the person, should
keep the addressees mentioned in paras. 9 and 10 above informed of these changes.
12. The competent authorities of the Contracting Party on whose territory the
excluded person is established or resident should consider whether the committed
infringement can affect the minimum conditions and criteria set out in Annex 9, part II,
that persons have to meet in order to have access to the TIR procedure. If the person
concerned no longer fulfils these requirements, his authorization should be withdrawn.
Such a withdrawal should be reported within one week to the TIR Executive Board. It is
also recommended to inform the competent authorities which have issued the exclusion.
This is to notify that you have been excluded from the TIR procedure on the territory of
The exclusion has been a result of the infringement whose details are given below:
TIR Carnet reference number (if applicable)
1. At departure, when the holder of the TIR Carnet signs off boxes 13-15 of
vouchers No. 1 and No. 2 of the TIR Carnet, he takes on the responsibility for the
correctness of data on the goods manifest. In addition, in line with Article 19 and the
Explanatory Note thereto, the Customs office of departure has to apply strict controls
with a view to ensuring the accuracy of the goods manifest. This idea is stressed in the
comment to Article 19 "Inspection at the office of departure: "… for the TIR system to
operate smoothly it is essential that the Customs inspection at the office of departure
should be stringent and complete, since the functioning of the TIR procedure depends
upon it"."
1. …
{ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2009/2, paragraph 15; ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/97, paragraph 29}
“Article 40
3. Therefore, when deciding on the possible responsibility of the TIR Carnet holder
in such situations, the Customs authorities are first to investigate the following issues:
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), of
19 May 1956
(a) The accuracy of the statements in the consignment note as to the number of
packages and their marks and numbers, and
5. However, there may be situations where the holder is not in a position to make
effective checks. For example, if the holder takes over a sealed non-TIR container at a
seaport and starts a TIR transport, he is probably not able to check the goods and has to
rely on accompanying documents (bill of lading, packing list, etc.) only. Under those
circumstances, the holder is strongly advised to make a reservation on the CMR
consignment note, as provided for in Article 8, paragraph 2 of the CMR Convention:
"2. Where the carrier has no reasonable means of checking the accuracy of the
statements referred to in paragraph 1 (a) of this article, he shall enter his
reservations in the consignment note together with the grounds on which they are
based…such reservations shall not bind the sender unless he has expressly agreed
to be bound by them in the consignment note."
6. Article 11 of the CMR Convention further specifies that for the purpose of the
Customs or other formalities, the sender shall attach the necessary documents to the
consignment note or place them at the disposal of the carrier. Moreover, this article
clearly states that:
“2. The carrier shall not be under any duty to inquire either the accuracy or
the adequacy of such documents or information. The sender shall be liable to the
carrier for any damage caused by the absence, inadequacy or irregularity of such
document and information, except in the case of some wrongful act or neglect on
the part of the carrier.”
10. In the case of discrepancies, the responsibilities of the TIR Carnet holder could
be two-fold:
- liability for payment of Customs duties and taxes for the missing goods, if any.
If the holder or any other person directly liable fails to pay the sums due, the
Customs have the right to request payment from the national guaranteeing
11. Discrepancies between the particulars on the goods manifest of the TIR Carnet
and the actual content of the load compartment do not necessarily imply that some
goods have been taken out from or added to the sealed load compartment illegally, put
into circulation and that the Customs duties and taxes are due. It may well happen that
the transport operator has fulfilled his responsibilities and delivered all the goods with
the Customs seals intact, but that a mistake was made in the goods manifest of the TIR
Carnet before the beginning of the TIR transport. Therefore, the Customs authorities
concerned have to prove that these goods have indeed been illegally withdrawn from
Customs control on the territory of their country.
A TIR truck (a tractor unit and a semi-trailer) arrived at the Customs office of
destination with no traces of tampering with the Customs seals. The load was packed in
carton boxes and correctly described on the goods manifest, but there were fewer boxes
in the load compartment than indicated: 95 instead of 100. The driver argued that he had
picked up the already sealed semi-trailer at a port where it had arrived by ferry. For this
reason, the driver was not in a position to check the accuracy of the goods manifest and
made a corresponding reservation on the CMR consignment note. The Customs office
of destination certified the termination of the TIR operation with reservation, started an
inquiry procedure and got in touch with the sender of the goods who confirmed in
writing that the missing packages were not loaded at departure by his fault. On this
basis, the Customs office came to the conclusion that the inaccuracy in the goods
manifest could not be considered as a holder's "mistake committed knowingly or
through negligence". In line with Article 39, paragraph 2, the holder of the TIR Carnet
was released from responsibility.
Situation 2 (Article 39)
A TIR truck arrived at the Customs office of destination with intact Customs seals. The
load, including the number of boxes, was correctly described on the goods manifest.
However, behind the boxes, next to the front wall of the semi-trailer, the Customs
authorities discovered some pieces of furniture which were mentioned neither on the
TIR Carnet nor on the CMR consignment note. The driver (vehicle's owner, at the same
time) explained that he had bought this furniture for private purposes in the country of
departure, and that the consignor was not aware of this fact. The driver felt that the
furniture was personal, rather than commercial cargo, and that, therefore, there was no
need to indicate the furniture in the goods manifest which should correspond to the
CMR consignment note and to the export goods declaration lodged by the consignor.
The Customs office of destination did not share this view, fined the driver for non-
authentic declaring and instructed him to declare the furniture for importation on his
own behalf. In the above situation, neither the exemptions of Article 39 nor of Article
40 apply to the holder of the TIR Carnet.
The goods under cover of a TIR Carnet were delivered to the Customs office of
destination. According to the goods manifest on the TIR Carnet, the load (shoes) was
packed in 100 carton boxes. The Customs seals were intact. The Customs office took
off the seals and terminated the operation without reservation, although it did not carry
out a Customs inspection. The goods were unloaded and placed under temporary
storage in a warehouse. Following that, the importer lodged an import declaration for
the same quantity of the goods as described on the manifest of the TIR Carnet. But
during physical examination of the consignment, the Customs office discovered not
100, but 150 boxes with shoes. The importer explained that he had based his import
declaration on the goods manifest of the TIR Carnet and, therefore, not he, but the
holder was responsible for this infringement. However, in this case the holder fulfilled
his obligations and presented the sealed goods, TIR Carnet and vehicle at the office of
destination, and the operation had been terminated. The goods were kept for some
period of time in the warehouse, after termination of the TIR procedure, and the holder
does not bear any responsibility for what could have happened with the consignment
during storage. It is the responsibility of the importer to check the goods before lodging
the import declaration. Therefore, according to Article 40, the holder of the TIR Carnet
was not considered liable.
In the country of departure, there existed restrictions (tariff and non-tariff) for the
exportation of raw materials, including copper. At the same time, no such restrictions
were imposed on articles made of copper. At the Customs office of departure, the
exporter lodged an export cargo declaration where the goods were declared as "copper
bushings". Following export formalities, the goods were sealed and placed under the
TIR procedure. In both the TIR Carnet and CMR consignment note, the goods
description coincided with the one from the export declaration. The TIR truck arrived at
the Customs office of exit (en route) with intact Customs seals. Nevertheless, the
Customs office of exit decided to make a physical inspection of the goods suspecting
that the goods description was deliberately falsified in order to avoid the applicable
export restrictions. Technical expertise proved that the articles could not be used as
bushings and were actually foundry products (copper billets). Thus, the goods should
have been declared as "raw copper". The exporter faced charges of non-authentic
declaration, evasion of Customs payments and breaching export regulations. As the
underlying infringement was essentially linked to the preceding export procedure, the
holder of the TIR Carnet was not considered responsible, in line with Article 40.
1. Controlled access to the TIR procedure for natural and legal persons is one of
the five pillars of the TIR Convention which distinguishes the TIR procedure from
many other systems of Customs transit. Controlled access was introduced into the TIR
Convention in 1999 with a view to safeguarding the system against fraudulent activities
by means of the careful selection of transport operators on the basis of a set of minimum
conditions and requirements laid down in Annex 9, Part II of the Convention. The
practical application of these criteria is based on national legislation.
2. There are two major players involved in the authorization procedure: the
competent authorities (Customs, Ministry of Transport, etc.) and the national TIR
issuing association. Their close cooperation is indispensable and could be organized, for
example, through the establishment of a national authorization committee, as
recommended by Explanatory Note 9.II.3 of the Convention. According to Annex 9,
Part I of the Convention, the association shall verify continuously and, in particular,
before requesting authorization for access of persons to the TIR procedure, the
fulfilment of the minimum conditions and requirements by such persons as laid down in
Part II of this annex.
4. The table below shows the distribution of labour between the competent
authorities and the association when checking the minimum conditions and
requirements to be fulfilled by persons applying for access to the TIR procedure. With
regard to natural persons, this table should apply as far as applicable in accordance with
national legislation.
{ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/91, paragraph 28}
1.1 Proven experience or, at least, capability to engage in regular international transport
Official registration
Knowledge of the transport operator Verify CPC's and/or Verify, analyze and
certificates issued by assess
Customs, interview
5. Additional and more restrictive conditions and requirements for access to the
TIR procedure may be introduced by the competent authorities of Contracting Parties
and by the associations themselves unless the competent authorities decide otherwise.
The competent authorities, in cooperation with the national association, have to publish
all additional conditions and requirements at national level.
6. The authorization for access to the TIR procedure does not constitute in itself a
right to obtain TIR Carnets from the associations. For this reason, any authorized person
must follow the regulations established by the national association and/or international
organization to which it is affiliated.
7. The fulfilment of the above conditions and requirements must be insured not
only before requesting authorization for access to the TIR procedure, but also
continuously after such authorization has been granted. These à posteriori checks should
be done on a regular basis and not only if there is information on some problems
(infringements, insolvency, etc.). It is up to the competent authorities to arrange a
procedure for regular checks.
2. The aim of this recommended practice is to provide national Customs and other
competent authorities with guidelines how to best organize a speedy (or, ultimately, real
time) transmission of required data to the international organization’s control system for
TIR Carnets. The final objective of this recommended practice is to have the electronic
data transmitted to the international organization’s system immediately following
termination at Customs offices of destination, once the Customs authorities have
stamped counterfoil No. 2 of Voucher No. 2 of the TIR Carnet.
{ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2010/6 and ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/101, paragraph 29 }
(a) The Customs authorities of the Customs office of destination report the
termination of a TIR operation to their local or regional server,
including those data required under application of Annex 10;
(b) Within a given time frame, the data sets are sent from the local
or regional server to the central national server;
(d) Date and reference number indicated in the certificate of termination of the
TIR operation (boxes 24-28 of voucher No. 2) at the Customs office of
destination (if different from (b));
(c) By the fastest available means of communication (fax, electronic mail, etc);
8. Contracting Parties wishing to benefit from the available web services for the
purpose of the implementation of Annex 10,are invited to contact the UNECE
secretariat or the international organization.
2. In case the national association wishes or finds itself compelled (e.g. due to the
large number of claims or undischarged TIR operations) to suspend its guarantee in that
given country, it can do so by means of a written notification to the competent
authorities informing of its intention to terminate the written agreement, in accordance
with Annex 9, Part I, para. 3 (v).
4. The time to give notice for the termination of the agreement shall be longer than
the time to give notice for the termination of the insurance or financial guarantee
contract as referred to Annex 9, Part I, para. 3 (v). However, in order to limit the
financial exposure of the national association (and the international organization,
referred to in Article 6 of the Convention), the time to give notice for the termination of
the written agreement should be short, and should preferably, in accordance with
national law, not exceed a period of three months;
5. The time to give notice for the revocation of the authorization is determined by
provisions of national law.
{ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2012/16 and ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/111, paragraph 44}
threat that the association would be no longer in a position, if so required, to provide its
guarantees, the association (possibly upon initiative or with the support of the
international organization) shall immediately send an official letter to the national
competent authorities, highlighting the data of all relevant cases and substantiating how
they might jeopardize its obligation to provide guarantee. Further to the regular enquiry
procedures conducted by them, national competent authorities have to meticulously
follow each individual case reported by the national association. In parallel, the national
association shall inform the Administrative Committee (AC.2) and TIRExB;
- TIRExB shall study each and every potential emerging crisis situation without
delay (possibly by means of questionnaires, information from national associations,
national competent authorities, the international guarantee chain or others) and report its
findings to AC.2; in parallel, AC.2 shall monitor the information submitted to it by the
national association.
(a) proved existence for at least one year as an established association in the
Contracting Party where the authorization is issued;
(e) accepted the following additional conditions and requirements (if any):….
Example has been updated to reflect the changes to Annex 9, Part I, as introduced by Amendment 31,
which entered into force on 10 October 2013.
4. Authorization under the terms set out above shall be without prejudice to the
responsibilities and liabilities of the .... (name of association) .... under the
TIR Convention. This means that revocation of the authorization to issue TIR Carnets
and to act as guarantor shall not affect the liabilities incurred by the .... (name of
association) .... in .... (name of country/Customs or Economic Union) .... in connection
with operations under cover of TIR Carnets accepted by the…. (name of competent
authorities) …. before the date of revocation of this authorization and issued by itself
and by foreign associations affiliated to the same international organization as that to
which it is itself affiliated.
5. This authorization comes into force at the date when the written agreement/legal
instrument referred to in paragraph 2 (e) above comes into effect.
(a) comply with the obligations laid down in Article 8 of the TIR Convention,
particularly those contained in Section B below;
(b) accept the maximum sum per TIR Carnet determined by .... (name of
country/Customs or Economic Union) .... which may be claimed from .... (name
of association) .... in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 3 of the
TIR Convention, as indicated in detail in Section C below;
(c) verify continuously and, in particular, before requesting authorization for access
of persons to the TIR procedure, the fulfilment of the minimum conditions and
requirements by such persons as laid down in Part II of Annex 9 of the
TIR Convention;
(d) provide its guarantee for all liabilities incurred in …. (name of country/Customs
or Economic Union) …. In which it is established in connection with operations
under cover of TIR Carnets issued by itself and by foreign associations affiliated
to the same international organization as that to which it is itself affiliated;
Or any other legal instrument in accordance with Annex 9, Part I, paragraph 1 (d)
(e) cover its liabilities to the satisfaction of the competent authorities of …. (name
of country/Customs or Economic Union) …. In which it is established with an
insurance company, pool of insurers or financial institution. The insurance or
financial guarantee contract(s) shall cover the totality of its liabilities in
connection with operations under cover of TIR Carnets issued by itself and by
foreign associations affiliated to the same international organization as that to
which it is itself affiliated;
(f) allow the competent authorities to verify all records and accounts kept relating
to the administration of the TIR procedure;
(g) accept a procedure for settling efficiently disputes arising from the improper or
fraudulent use of TIR Carnets
(h) agree that any serious or repeated non-compliance with the present minimum
conditions and requirements shall lead to the authorization to issue TIR Carnets
being revoked (as stipulated in paragraph 3 of the example authorization);
(j) comply strictly with the decisions of the competent authorities of …. (name of
country/Customs or Economic Union) …. in which it is established concerning
the exclusion of persons in line with Article 38 and Annex 9, Part II of the
TIR Convention;
(k) agree to implement faithfully all decisions adopted by the TIR Administrative
Committee and the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB) in as much as the competent
authorities of .... (name of country/Customs or Economic Union) .... in which the
association is established have accepted them.
(see Section A, paragraph 1 (a))
2. The .... (name of association) .... undertakes to pay import /or export duties and
taxes, together with any default interest, due under the Customs laws and regulations of
.... (name of country/Customs or Economic Union) ... if an irregularity has been noted in
connection with a TIR operation. It shall be liable, jointly and severally with the persons
from whom the sums mentioned above are due, for payment of such sums.
May be annexed to the agreement
4. The maximum amount that may be claimed by the competent authorities of ....
(name of country/Customs or Economic Union) ..... from .... (name of association) ....
shall be limited to a sum equal to $US 50,000 - (fifty-thousand) per TIR Carnet.
5. In the case of transport of alcohol and tobacco, details of which are given in
Annex 6, Explanatory Note 0.8.3 of the TIR Convention and which exceeds the
threshold levels mentioned therein, the maximum amount that may be claimed by the
competent authorities of .... (name of country/Customs or Economic Union) ..... from ....
(name of association) .... shall be limited to a sum equal to $US 200,000.- (two-
hundred-thousand) per "Alcohol/Tobacco" TIR Carnet.
6. The value of the above amounts in national currency shall be determined ....
(daily/monthly/annually) .... on the basis of .... (conversion rate) .... .
7. This agreement shall enter into force on .... (date) .... (month) .... (year) ..... on
condition that documentary evidence for coverage of all liabilities incurred in .... (name
of country/Customs or Economic Union) ..... by .... (name of association) .... as referred
to in Part A.1 (e) above is produced. In case documentary evidence is not provided by
this date, the agreement shall enter into force on the date at which such documentary
evidence is provided.
In accordance with Explanatory Note 0.8.3
(b) it covers the maximum permissible number of Customs offices of departure and
destination, i.e. four.
(c) two Customs office of departure are situated in the same country;
(e) it includes a suspension of the TIR procedure during a non-road leg of the TIR
Status Comment
Customs office, country
Trabzon, Turkey Office of
departure (1)
Erenköy, Turkey Office of departure (2)
Haydarpasa, Turkey Office of exit TIR transport is suspended
The goods are transported by sea from Turkey to Italy under suspension of the TIR procedure.
Porto of Trieste, Italy Office of entry TIR transport is resumed
Porte, Chiasso, Italy Office of exit
Chiasso-Strada, Switzerland Office of entry
Bern, Switzerland Office of destination (1) Partial termination.
/ In accordance
with Annex 10 of the Convention,
the Customs office should transmit
to an international control system
for TIR Carnets the required data
on the partial termination of the
TIR operation. For details, please
refer to Chapter 5 of the TIR
Basel, Switzerland Office of exit
Weil Am Rhein, Germany Office of entry
Freiburg, Germany Office of destination (2) Final termination.*/ In accordance
with Annex 10 of the Convention,
the Customs office should transmit
to an international control system
for TIR Carnets the required data
on the final termination of the TIR
operation. For details, please refer
to Chapter 5 of the TIR Handbook.
For definitions, please refer to the comment to Article 21 "Termination of a TIR operation at the
Customs office of exit (en route) and at the Customs office of destination"
- 317 - TIR CARNET
14 vouchers No
1. Valable pour prise en charge par le bureau de douane de départ jusqu'au 01.07.2003 inclus
Valid for the acceptance of goods by the Customs office of departure up to and including
(A remplir avant l'utilisation par le titulaire du carnet / To be completed before use by the holder of the carnet)
Biffer la mention inutile Signature of the TIR Carnet holder
Strike out whichever does not apply
* Voir annexe 1 de la Convention TIR, 1975, élaborée sous les auspices de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe.
* See annex 1 of the TIR Convention, 1975, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
TIR CARNET - 318 -
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office Bern 800 15. Signature of holder or agent
Trabzon, 28.05.2003 28.05.2003
2. Customs office Freiburg 500 Stamp and signature
Signature (Trabzon)
3. Customs office
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office Bern 800 15. Signature of holder or agent
Trabzon, 28.05.2003 28.05.2003
2. Customs office Freiburg 500 Stamp and signature
3. Customs office
18. Certificate for goods taken under control (Customs office of 24. Certificate of termination of the TIR operation (Customs office
departure or of entry en route) Trabzon of exit en route or of destination) Erenköy
19. Seals or identification marks 20. Time-limit for transit 25. Seals or identification marks found to be intact
found to be intact 31.05.2003 X
21. Registered by the Customs office at under No. 26. Number of packages for which the termination of the TIR
operation is certified
Trabzon 006494
22. Miscellaneous (itinerary stipulated, Customs office at which the 27. Reservations
load must be produced, etc.)
23. Customs officer's signature and Customs 28. Customs officer's signature and
office date stamp Customs office date stamp 30.05.2003
Stamp and signature (Erenköy)
TIR CARNET - 320 -
For Freiburg:
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office Bern 800 15. Signature of holder or agent
Trabzon, 28.05.2003 Stamp and signature
2. Customs office Freiburg 1500
Signature (Erenköy)
3. Customs office
For Freiburg:
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office Bern 800 15. Signature of holder or agent
Trabzon, 28.05.2003 30.05.2003
2. Customs office Freiburg 1500 Stamp and signature
3. Customs office
18. Certificate for goods taken under control (Customs office of 24. Certificate of termination of the TIR operation (Customs office
departure or of entry en route) Erenköy of exit en route or of destination) Haydarpaúa
19. Seals or identification marks 20. Time-limit for transit 25. Seals or identification marks found to be intact
found to be intact 01.06.2003 X
21. Registered by the Customs office at under No. 26. Number of packages for which the termination of the TIR
operation is certified
Erenköy 072564
23. Customs officer's signature and Customs 28. Customs officer's signature and
office date stamp Customs office date stamp 31.05.2003
For Freiburg:
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office Bern 800 15. Signature of holder or agent
Trabzon, 28.05.2003 Stamp and signature
2. Customs office Freiburg 1500
Signature (Erenköy)
3. Customs office
For Freiburg:
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office Bern 800 15. Signature of holder or agent
Trabzon, 28.05.2003 30.05.2003
2. Customs office Freiburg 1500 Stamp and signature
3. Customs office
18. Certificate for goods taken under control (Customs office of 24. Certificate of termination of the TIR operation (Customs office
departure or of entry en route) Porto of Trieste, 121109 of exit en route or of destination) Ponte Chiasso, 075140
19. Seals or identification marks 20. Time-limit for transit 25. Seals or identification marks found to be intact
X found to be intact 10 hours as from 16.00 X
21. Registered by the Customs office at under No. 26. Number of packages for which the termination of the TIR
operation is certified
Porto of Trieste A/5 n.7
22. Miscellaneous (itinerary stipulated, Customs office at which the 27. Reservations
load must be produced, etc.)
Ponte Chiasso
23. Customs officer's signature and Customs 28. Customs officer's signature and
office date stamp Customs office date stamp 03.06.2003
For Freiburg:
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office Bern 800 15. Signature of holder or agent
Trabzon, 28.05.2003 Stamp and signature
2. Customs office Freiburg 1500
Signature (Erenköy)
3. Customs office
2. Under No.
For Freiburg:
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office Bern 800 15. Signature of holder or agent
Trabzon, 28.05.2003 30.05.2003
2. Customs office Freiburg 1500 Stamp and signature
3. Customs office
18. Certificate for goods taken under control (Customs office of 24. Certificate of termination of the TIR operation (Customs office
departure or of entry en route) Chiasso-Strada, 418 of exit en route or of destination) Bern, 166
19. Seals or identification marks 20. Time-limit for transit 25. Seals or identification marks found to be intact
X found to be intact X
21. Registered by the Customs office at under No. 26. Number of packages for which the termination of the TIR
Chiasso-Strada operation is certified 800
22. Miscellaneous (itinerary stipulated, Customs office at which the 27. Reservations
load must be produced, etc.)
23. Customs officer's signature and Customs 28. Customs officer's signature and
office date stamp Customs office date stamp 04.06.2003
signature (Bern)
For Freiburg:
Stamp and
EF 001 - 1000 T-Shirt, boxes, 1000 packages 3600
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office Bern 800 15. Signature of holder or agent
Trabzon, 28.05.2003 Stamp and signature
2. Customs office Freiburg 1500
Signature (Erenköy)
3. Customs office
2. Under No.
signature (Bern)
For Freiburg:
Stamp and
EF 001 - 1000 T-Shirt, boxes, 1000 packages 3600
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office Bern 800 15. Signature of holder or agent
Trabzon, 28.05.2003 30.05.2003
2. Customs office Freiburg 1500 Stamp and signature
3. Customs office
18. Certificate for goods taken under control (Customs office of 24. Certificate of termination of the TIR operation (Customs office
departure or of entry en route) Bern, 166 of exit en route or of destination) Basel, 180
19. Seals or identification marks 20. Time-limit for transit 25. Seals or identification marks found to be intact
found to be intact 04.06.2003 X
21. Registered by the Customs office at under No. 26. Number of packages for which the termination of the TIR
operation is certified
22. Miscellaneous (itinerary stipulated, Customs office at which the 27. Reservations
load must be produced, etc.)
Basel/Weil am Rhein-Autobahn
23. Customs officer's signature and Customs 28. Customs officer's signature and
office date stamp Customs office date stamp 04.06.2003
signature (Bern)
For Freiburg:
Stamp and
EF 001 - 1000 T-Shirt, boxes, 1000 packages 3600
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office Bern 800 15. Signature of holder or agent
Trabzon, 28.05.2003 Stamp and signature
2. Customs office Freiburg 1500
Signature (Erenköy)
3. Customs office
signature (Bern)
For Freiburg:
Stamp and
EF 001 - 1000 T-Shirt, boxes, 1000 packages 3600
12. Total number of packages entered Number 13. I declare the information in items 17. Customs office of departure. Customs
on the manifest 1-12 above to be correct officer's signature and Customs office
and complete date stamp
14. Place and date
1. Customs office Bern 800 15. Signature of holder or agent
Trabzon, 28.05.2003 30.05.2003
2. Customs office Freiburg 1500 Stamp and signature
3. Customs office
18. Certificate for goods taken under control (Customs office of 24. Certificate of termination of the TIR operation (Customs office
departure or of entry en route) Weil Am Rhein/Autobahn of exit en route or of destination) Freiburg
19. Seals or identification marks 20. Time-limit for transit 25. Seals or identification marks found to be intact
found to be intact 06.06.2003 X
21. Registered by the Customs office at under No. 26. Number of packages for which the termination of the TIR
Weil Am Rhein 0639 operation is certified 1500
22. Miscellaneous (itinerary stipulated, Customs office at which the 27. Reservations
load must be produced, etc.)
23. Customs officer's signature and Customs 28. Customs officer's signature and
office date stamp Customs office date stamp 05.06.2003
1. Issue: The TIR Carnet may be issued either in the country in which the holder is
established or resident or in the country of departure.
2. Language: The TIR Carnet is printed in French, except for page 1 of the cover
where the items are also printed in English; the TIR Carnet contains the «Rules regarding
the use of the TIR Carnet» in French on page 2 of the cover and in English on page 3 of
the cover. Additional sheets giving a translation of the printed text may also be inserted.
Carnets used for TIR transports within a regional guarantee chain may be printed
in any other official language of the United Nations except for page 1 of the cover where
items are also printed in English or French. The "Rules regarding the use of the TIR
Carnet" are printed on page 2 of the cover in the official language of the United Nations
used and are also printed in English or French on page 3 of the cover.
3. Validity: The TIR Carnet remains valid until the completion of the TIR transport
at the Customs office of destination, provided that it has been taken under Customs control
at the Customs office of departure within the time-limit set by the issuing association (item
1 of page 1 of the cover).
4. Number of Carnets: Only one TIR Carnet need be required for a combination of
vehicles (coupled vehicles) or for several containers loaded either on a single vehicle or on
a combination of vehicles (see also rule 10 d) below).
5. Number of Customs offices of departure and Customs offices of destination:
Transport under cover of a TIR Carnet may involve several Customs offices of departure
and destination but the total number of Customs offices of departure and destination shall
not exceed four. The TIR Carnet may only be presented to Customs offices of destination
if all Customs offices of departure have accepted the TIR Carnet (see also rule 10 e)
6. Number of forms: Where there is only one Customs office of departure and one
Customs office of destination, the TIR Carnet must contain at least 2 sheets for the country
of departure, 2 sheets for the country of destination and 2 sheets for each country
traversed. For each additional Customs office of departure (or destination) 2 extra sheets
shall be required.
7. Presentation at Customs offices: The TIR Carnet shall be presented with the road
vehicle, combination of vehicles, or container(s) at each Customs office of departure,
Customs office en route and Customs office of destination. At the last Customs office of
departure, the Customs Officer shall sign and date stamp item 17 below the manifest on all
vouchers to be used on the remainder of the journey.
9. Information concerning registration: When national legislation does not provide for
registration of trailers and semi-trailers, the identification or manufacturer’s No. shall be
shown instead of the registration No
10. The manifest:
(a) The manifest shall be completed in the language of the country of departure, unless the
Customs authorities allow another language to be used. The Customs authorities of the other
countries traversed reserve the right to require its translation into their own language. In order
to avoid delays which might ensue from this requirement, carriers are advised to supply the
driver of the vehicle with the requisite translations.
(b) The information on the manifest should be typed or multicopied in such a way as to be
clearly legible on all sheets. Illegible sheets will not be accepted by the Customs authorities.
(c) Separate sheets of the same model as the manifest or commercial documents providing
all the information required by the manifest, may be attached to the vouchers. In such cases,
all the vouchers must bear the following particulars:
(ii) The number and type of the packages or articles and the total gross
weight of the goods listed on the attached sheets (boxes 9
to 11).
(d) When the TIR Carnet covers a combination of vehicles or several containers, the
contents of each vehicle or each container shall be indicated separately on the manifest. This
information shall be preceded by the registration no. of the vehicle or the identification no. of
the container (item 9 of the manifest).
(e) Likewise, if there are several Customs offices of departure or of destination, the entries
concerning the goods taken under Customs control at, or intended for, each Customs office
shall be clearly separated from each other on the manifest.
11. Packing lists, photographs, plans, etc: When such documents are required by the
Customs authorities for the identification of heavy or bulky goods, they shall be endorsed by
the Customs authorities and attached to page 2 of the cover of the Carnet. In addition, a
reference shall be made to these documents in box 8 of all vouchers.
12. Signature: All vouchers (items 14 and 15) must be dated and signed by the holder of the
Carnet or his agent.
- 333 - TIR CARNET
13. Instructions how to fill-in individual boxes of the TIR Carnet are given in
Annex 1.
14. The yellow sheet has no legal value, as it is not part of the TIR Convention. It is
included into the TIR Carnet for two reasons: (i) to provide a translation of the names of
boxes on vouchers No.1/ No.2 and counterfoils No.1/No.2 into the language of the country of
departure and (ii) to keep record of data from the goods manifest of the TIR Carnet after all
vouchers of the TIR Carnet have been taken off in the course of a TIR transport. The yellow
sheet is filled-in by the holder of the TIR Carnet in the same way as he fills in the vouchers.
The Customs authorities are not supposed to fill-in and/or stamp the yellow sheet, except for
situations where the holder of the TIR Carnet requests endorsement of changes that have been
made. The yellow sheet may not be detached.
15. Below, the use of the vouchers of the TIR Carnet is illustrated for the following
simplest example: a TIR transport starts at the Customs office of departure in country A, goes
to the Customs office of exit (en route), enters country B through the Customs office of entry
(en route) and ends at the Customs office of destination in country B. Later, the use of the
vouchers is explained for more complicated situations.
The Customs office of departure completes the following boxes on voucher No. 1 (page 1 of
the TIR Carnet) and on voucher No. 2 (page 2): "For official use" (where applicable 2/), 18,
20 to 23. It also fills-in boxes 16 and 17 on all pages of the TIR Carnet and completes boxes
1-3 and 5, 6 on counterfoil No.1 (page 1). Then the office of departure removes voucher No.
1 (page 1) and returns the TIR Carnet to the holder to begin the TIR transport.
1/ The descriptions below focus on the filling-in and handling of the vouchers of a TIR Carnet, rather than
on controls performed by various Customs offices. For details of Customs controls, please refer to the Articles
of the TIR Convention as well as Explanatory Notes and comments. For example, controls to be performed by
the Customs office of departure are listed in Article 19.
2/ Here and below, to see if these boxes should be filled-in in a particular situation, please refer to the
descriptions in Table 1.
TIR CARNET - 334 -
The Customs office of exit completes the following boxes on voucher No. 2 (page 2 of the
TIR Carnet): 24, 25 (where applicable), 27 (where applicable), 28. It also fills-in boxes 1, 2
(where applicable), 4 (where applicable), 5 (where applicable) and 6 on counterfoil No. 2
(page 2). Then the office of exit removes voucher No. 2 (page 2) and returns the TIR Carnet
to the holder to continue the TIR transport. Following this, the office of exit should proceed
with the discharge of the TIR operation (please refer to the example of best practice in
Chapter 5.3 of the TIR Handbook).
(c) Customs office of entry (en route) in country B
The Customs office of entry completes the following boxes on voucher No. 1 (page 3 of the
TIR Carnet) and on voucher No. 2 (page 4): "For official use" (where applicable), 18, 19
(where applicable) and 20 to 23. It also fills-in boxes 1, 2, 3 (where applicable), 4 (where
applicable), 5 and 6 on counterfoil No.1 (page 3). Then the office of entry removes voucher
No. 1 (page 3) and returns the TIR Carnet to the holder to continue the TIR transport.
(d) Customs office of destination in country B
The Customs office of destination completes the following boxes on voucher No. 2 (page 4 of
the TIR Carnet): 24, 25 (where applicable), 26, 27 (where applicable), 28. It also fills-in
boxes 1, 2 (where applicable), 3, 4 (where applicable), 5 (where applicable) and 6 on
counterfoil No.2 (page 4). Then the office of destination removes voucher No.2 (page 4) and
returns the TIR Carnet to the holder. Following this, the office of destination should proceed
with the discharge of the TIR operation (please refer to the example of best practice in
Chapter 5.3 of the TIR Handbook).
(e) Several transit countries
In the case of several transit countries, each Customs office of exit or entry (en route) acts
according to the procedures from, respectively, paras. (b) and (c) above. For each transit
country, an additional pair of pages (voucher No. 1/counterfoil No. 1 and voucher No.
2/counterfoil No. 2) is used.
(f) Several Customs offices of departure
In the case of several Customs offices of departure, the procedure contained in para. (a)
above should be adjusted as follows. Only the last Customs office of departure fills-in boxes
16 and 17 on all remaining pages of the TIR Carnet, while the preceding Customs office(s) of
departure complete(s) these boxes only on the respective pair of vouchers No.1/No.2. Except
for the first Customs office of departure, any subsequent office of departure first acts as a
Customs office of exit (en route) in line with para. (b) and only then as Customs office of
departure as such, in line with para (a) above. For each additional office of departure, an extra
pair of pages (voucher No. 1/counterfoil No. 1 and voucher No. 2/counterfoil No. 2) is
(g) Several Customs offices of destination
In the case of several Customs offices of destination, only the last Customs office of
destination follows the procedure from para. (d) above. Any preceding office of destination
first acts as Customs office of destination, according to the procedure from para. (d), and only
then as Customs office of entry (en route) in line with para. (b) above. The unloaded goods
- 335 - TIR CARNET
and removed Customs seals should be struck through on the remaining vouchers in the TIR
Carnet, and the new Customs seals affixed should be inserted. For each additional office of
destination, an extra pair of pages (voucher No. 1/counterfoil No. 1 and voucher No.
2/counterfoil No. 2) is required.
16. If, following the end of the TIR transport at the (last) Customs office of destination,
some unused vouchers remain in the TIR Carnet, the Customs authorities should visibly
invalidate them (cross out, punch, etc.), with a view to avoiding their possible use for
fraudulent purposes.
TIR CARNET - 336 -
17. In the event of Customs seals being broken or goods being destroyed or damaged by
accident en route, the carrier shall immediately contact the Customs authorities, if there are
any near at hand, or, if not, any other competent authorities of the country he is in. The
authorities concerned shall draw up with the minimum delay the certified report (last page of
the TIR Carnet). If authorities other than Customs have drawn up the certified report, on the
first occasion the holder must inform Customs about the incident or accident, as only
Customs can decide whether the road vehicle is suitable for further transport under Customs
seal and affix such seals for the remainder of the journey. In addition, only Customs can
ensure the proper control over the transported goods.
18. In the event of an accident necessitating transfer of the load to another vehicle or
another container, this transfer may be carried out only in the presence of one of the
authorities mentioned in para. 17 above. The said authority shall draw up the certified report.
Unless the TIR Carnet carries the words « Heavy or bulky goods », the vehicle or container
substituted must be one approved for the transport of goods under Customs seals.
Furthermore, it shall be sealed and details of the seals affixed shall be indicated in the
certified report. However, if no approved vehicle or container is available, the goods may be
transferred to an unapproved vehicle or container, provided it affords adequate safeguards. In
the latter event, the Customs authorities of succeeding countries shall judge whether they,
too, can allow the transport under cover of the TIR Carnet to continue in that vehicle or
19. In the event of imminent danger necessitating immediate unloading of the whole or of
part of the load, the carrier may take action on his own initiative, without requesting or
waiting for action by the authorities mentioned in rule 17 above. It shall then be for him to
furnish proof that he was compelled to take such action in the interests of the vehicle or
container or of the load and, as soon as he has taken such preventive measures as the
emergency may require, he shall notify one of the authorities mentioned in rule 17 above in
order that the facts may be verified, the load checked, the vehicle or container sealed and the
certified report drawn up.
20. The certified report shall remain attached to the TIR Carnet. If necessary, the Customs
offices of succeeding countries can make copies of the certified report for their own files.
21. In addition to the model form inserted in the TIR Carnet itself, associations are
recommended to furnish carriers with a supply of certified report forms in the language or
languages of the countries of transit.
22. The filling-in of the certified report of the TIR Carnet is shown in Annex 2.
- 337 - TIR CARNET
23. Exceptionally, the competent authorities may seize a TIR Carnet, for example, if it is
invalid or for purposes of investigation. In such situations, the numbered corner (slip) on the
back cover of the TIR Carnet, which is easily detachable, shall be returned to the holder. The
slip shall be stamped and signed by the authority who has seized the TIR Carnet. In addition,
particulars of the authority, place and date should be indicated. At the first opportunity, the
TIR Carnet should be returned to the national association of the country where it has been
24. In the case of heavy or bulky goods, the cover and all vouchers of the TIR Carnet shall
bear the endorsement "heavy or bulky goods" in bold letters in English or in French.
25. A transport operator may consecutively use two TIR Carnets for one transport
operation in exceptional cases, for example, if the number of vouchers in one TIR Carnet is
not sufficient to carry out a total transport or with a view to increasing the maximum allowed
number of loading and unloading places. In these cases the first TIR Carnet may be
terminated at a Customs office and a new Carnet may be accepted by the same office and
used for the remainder of the journey. Thus, this Customs office becomes the office of
destination for the first TIR Carnet and the office of departure for the second one. Cross-
references shall be made in both TIR Carnets to reflect this fact. To fulfil the conditions laid
down in Article 2 of the Convention, it is essential that both TIR Carnets are used across at
least one border.
26. In line with Article 17, paragraph 1 of the TIR Convention, a separate TIR Carnet may
be issued for each road vehicle or container, even if they travel together as a combination of
vehicles or as several containers loaded on to a single road vehicle. In such cases, the
Customs office(s) of departure should indicate all reference numbers of these TIR Carnets in
box "For official use" on all vouchers of each TIR Carnet accepted. For the transport of a
mixed cargo consisting of both normal goods and heavy or bulky goods, a separate TIR
Carnet is required to cover the transport of normal goods (see also para. 24 above). The same
rule should apply if a road vehicle, which is exported and therefore itself considered as
goods, travels on its own wheels and also carry other normal goods.
27. If a TIR transport is suspended in line with the provisions of Article 26 of the TIR
Convention, the last Customs office before the suspension should make a proper inscription
about it in box 5 on the respective counterfoil No. 2 of the TIR Carnet.
TIR CARNET - 338 -
G. Simultaneous use of a pair of vouchers No.1 and No.2 by one Customs office
28. In exceptional circumstances, the holder of a TIR Carnet may not be in a position to
continue a TIR transport, for example, if he enters a country of destination where he has been
previously excluded according to Article 38. Despite the fact that a TIR operation cannot be
started in the country of destination, in such a situation the office of entry should act as the
last office of destination and should ensure the proper end of the whole TIR transport. To do
so, the Customs office of entry should start and immediately terminate a TIR operation by
simultaneous treatment of vouchers No. 1 and No. 2, in line with sections III B. (a) and (d)
above. Also the required termination data should be reported to the international control
system, as foreseen by Annex 10 to the Convention.
29. If, in line with Article 24, the Customs authorities conduct an examination of the load
of a road vehicle, combination of vehicles or the container in the course of the journey or at a
Customs office en route, they shall record on the vouchers and the corresponding counterfoils
used in their country, and on the vouchers remaining in the TIR Carnet, particulars of the new
seals affixed and of the controls carried out.
I. Escorts
30. If road vehicles are escorted at the carrier's expense in line with Article 23, Customs
authorities are recommended, at the request of the carrier, to insert into counterfoil No.1 of
the TIR Carnet under item 5 “Miscellaneous” the word “Escort”, followed by a short
indication of the reasons which led to the requirement fur such escort.
31. It may occur that for reasons not related to the application of the provisions of the TIR
Convention, the competent authorities of a country decide not to allow a TIR transport to
enter the territory of their country. In case this occurs, Customs authorities of the Customs
office of entry en route are strongly recommended to apply the following procedure:
(a) Fill-in, stamp and tear off Voucher No.1 and 2, certifying the start and termination
of the TIR operation for their country;
(b) Indicate in Box “For official use” of all remaining Vouchers No. 1/2, the precise
reason for the decision to refuse entry to the TIR transport. A reference to the
decision leading to the refusal should be indicated as well as to the provisions of
national or international law on which this decision is based;
(c) Indicate in Box 5 of the concerned counterfoils No. 1 and 2 “Access refused”.
(d) Upon return at the Customs office of exit en route, Customs authorities should
endorse the changes made to Box 6 (Country/countries of destination) in the
{ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2011/4 and ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/105, paragraph 35}
- 339 - TIR CARNET
remaining Vouchers No. 1/2 and proceed to open the TIR Carnet for a TIR
operation in the territory of their country.
32. TIR Carnet holders are advised that they can use the remaining pages of the TIR Carnet
to pursue the TIR transport. In case the number of remaining pages is not enough to carry out
the total TIR transport, a second TIR Carnet can be used. In line with the text of the relevant
comment to Article 28 of the Convention, the first part of the TIR transport has to be ended in
accordance with Article 27 and 28 of the Convention and a new TIR Carnet has to be
accepted by the same Customs office having certified the termination of the previous TIR
operation and used for the remainder of the TIR transport. Proper inscription shall be made in
both TIR Carnets to reflect this fact.
V. Recommendation for TIR carnet holders to select the proper type of a TIR
Carnet 4;5
33. TIR Carnet holders (or their representatives) are recommended to carefully select the
type of TIR Carnet (4, 6, 14 or 20 pages), which best corresponds with the requirements of
the specific TIR transport for which the TIR Carnet will be opened;
34. TIR Carnet holders (or their representatives) are recommended to fill-in as many
vouchers as possible, if not all, of the TIR Carnet and date and sign boxes 14 and 15, in
accordance with Rule 12 of the “Rules regarding the use of the TIR Carnet”;
35. At the last Customs office of departure, Customs should sign and date stamp box 17 on
all vouchers which have previously been filled-in by the holder (or his representative), in
accordance with Rule 7 of the “Rules regarding the use of the TIR Carnet”;
36. Any remaining voucher in the TIR Carnet which has not previously been filled-in by
the holder (or his representative), should be cancelled by Customs6, at the risk of the TIR
Carnet holder for not having a sufficient number of filled-in, signed and date-stamped
vouchers available in the TIR Carnet to complete the specific TIR transport for which it had
been opened.
In case of consecutive use of two TIR Carnets, please refer to paragraph 25 of this Chapter.
{ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2011/5 and ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/105, paragraph 37}
Please refer to paragraph 16 above.
Box number and description Filled-in by Data/information to be indicated
Page 1 of the cover
1. Valid for the acceptance of Association A final date of validity (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy) after which
goods by the Customs office the TIR Carnet may not be presented for acceptance at the Customs office of
of departure up to and departure. Provided that it has been accepted by the Customs office of departure
including on or before the final date of validity, the TIR Carnet remains valid until the
termination of the TIR operation at the Customs office of destination. [Remark:
no corrections in this box are allowed]
2. Issued by International Name of the national issuing association
organization or
3. Holder Association Identification (ID) number, name, address and country of the TIR Carnet holder.
An individual and unique identification (ID) number is assigned to the holder by
- 340 -
the guaranteeing association (in cooperation with the international organization
to which it is affiliated) in accordance with the following harmonized format:
whereby “AAA” represents a 3-letter code of the country where the person
utilizing TIR Carnets has been authorized, in line with the classification system
of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). A full list of country
codes of the Contracting Parties to the TIR Convention is regularly published as
an annex to the agendas and official reports of the Administrative Committee,
Box number and description Filled-in by Data/information to be indicated
whereby “BBB” represents a 3-digit code of the national association through
which the holder of the TIR Carnet has been authorized, in accordance with the
classification system established by the relevant international organization to
which the association is affiliated, allowing for unequivocal identification of
each national association. A full list of country codes of the national associations
is regularly published as an annex to the agendas and official reports of the
Administrative Committee,
- 341 -
to be a TIR Carnet holder.
4. Signature of authorized Association Stamp and signature of the issuing association
official of the issuing
association and stamp of that
5. Signature of the secretary of International Signature (stamped) of the secretary of the international organization
the international organization organization
6. Country/Countries of Holder Country (countries) (name or code) where the TIR transport of a load or part
departure load of goods begins
7. Country/Countries of Holder Country (countries) (name or code) where the TIR transport of a load or part
destination load of goods ends
8. Registration No(s). of road Holder Registration number or numbers of the road vehicle(s), not only that of a motor-
vehicle(s) driven vehicle (e.g. tractor unit), but also the registration number of a trailer or
semi-trailer towed by such a vehicle. When national legislation does not provide
for registration of trailers and semi-trailers, the identification or manufacturer’s
No. shall be shown instead of the registration No.
Box number and description Filled-in by Data/information to be indicated
9. Certificate(s) of approval of Holder Number and date of issuance (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy) of the
road vehicle(s) (No. and date) TIR approval certificate(s)
10. Identification No(s). of Holder Number(s) of the container(s), if applicable
11. Remarks Association or Various observations, e.g. the endorsement ”Heavy or bulky goods”
12. Signature of the Carnet Holder Signature of the TIR Carnet holder or his/her representative, certifying that the
holder information in boxes 6-11 on page 1 of the cover is correct
Voucher No. 1 (white)
1. TIR Carnet No. International TIR Carnet reference number
2. Customs office(s) of Holder Name and, if appropriate, location of the office(s) where the TIR transport of a load
departure or part load of goods begins. The number of offices of departure can vary from 1 to 3
- 342 -
depending on the number of offices of destination (item 12 below). The total number
of Customs offices of departure or destination must not exceed four
3. Name of the international International Name and/or logo of the international organization
organization organization
For official use Any Customs Any information to facilitate Customs control, e.g. the number of the previous
authority Customs document, the name and full address of the Customs office to which
voucher No. 2 must be returned, etc.
4. Holder of the Carnet Holder Identification (ID) number, name, address and country of the TIR Carnet holder.
(identification number, name, For details, please refer to box 3 of page 1 of the cover
address and country)
5. Country/Countries of Holder Country (countries) (name or code) where the TIR transport of a load or part
departure load of goods begins
Box number and description Filled-in by Data/information to be indicated
6. Country/Countries of Holder Country (countries) (name or code) where the TIR transport of a load or part
destination load of goods ends
7. Registration No(s). of road Holder Registration number or numbers of the road vehicle(s), not only that of a motor-
vehicle(s) driven vehicle, but also the registration number of a trailer or semi-trailer towed
by such a vehicle. When national legislation does not provide for registration of
trailers and semi-trailers, the identification or manufacturer’s No. shall be shown
instead of the registration No.
8. Documents attached to the Holder In line with No. 10 (c) or No. 11 of the Rules regarding the Use of the TIR
manifest Carnet, additional documents may be attached to the TIR Carnet. In this case, the
Customs office of departure should attach them to the TIR Carnet by means of
staples or other devices and by stamping them in such a way that their removal
would leave obvious traces on the TIR Carnet. To avoid the documents being
replaced, the office of departure should stamp each page of the attached
- 343 -
documents. The documents should be attached to the cover (or yellow sheet) and
to every voucher of the TIR Carnet.
Particulars of these documents are to be indicated in box 8
9. (a) Load compartment(s) or Holder a) Identification number(s) of the load compartment(s) or container(s) (where
container(s) applicable)
(b) Marks and Nos. of
packages or articles b) Identification marks or numbers of packages or articles
10. Number and type of packages Holder Number and type of packages or articles, description of goods. The goods'
or articles; description of description should include their trade name (televisions, videos, CD players, etc.) and
goods must enable their clear identification for Customs purposes. Generic indications, such
as electronics, household appliances, clothes, interior supplies, shall not be accepted
as goods description. In addition, the number of packages related to each description
of goods must be shown in the goods manifest. In respect to bulky goods, the
quantity of the goods must be declared. The same applies to liquids.
Box number and description Filled-in by Data/information to be indicated
11. Gross weight in kg Holder Gross weight in kg.
General remark concerning boxes 9-11 of the Goods Manifest:
When the TIR Carnet covers a combination of vehicles or several containers, the
contents of each vehicle or each container shall be indicated separately on the
manifest. This information shall be preceded by the registration No. of the
vehicle or the identification No. of the container (item 9 of the manifest).
Likewise, if there are several Customs offices of departure or of destination, the
entries concerning the goods taken under Customs control at, or intended for,
each Customs office shall be clearly separated from each other on the manifest.
12. Total number of packages Holder Numbers of packages intended for delivery at each Customs office of
entered on the manifest. destinations, the total number of packages and names and, if appropriate,
Number. Destination: locations of the said offices. The number of offices of destination can vary from
Customs office(s) 1 to 3 depending on the number of offices of departure (item 2 above). The total
- 344 -
number of Customs offices of departure and destination must not exceed four.
13. I declare the information in Holder Place and date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy) as well as the
items 1-12 above to be signature of the TIR Carnet holder or his agent. By filling-in this box the TIR
correct and complete Carnet holder assumes the responsibility for the authenticity of the information
14. Place and date filled-in on the TIR Carnet. These entries should be made on all vouchers of the
15. Signature of holder or agent TIR Carnet.
16. Seals or identification marks Customs office of Number and identification particulars of the seals or identification marks
applied (number, identification) departure applied. The last Customs office of departure shall indicate this information on
all remaining vouchers
17. Customs office of departure Customs office of Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature of a
Customs officer's signature departure competent official at the Customs office of departure.
and Customs office date At the last Customs office of departure, the Customs officer shall sign and date
stamp stamp item 17 below the manifest on all remaining vouchers
Box number and description Filled-in by Data/information to be indicated
18. Certificate for goods taken Customs office of Name and, if appropriate, location of the Customs office of departure or of entry
under control (Customs office departure or of en route
of departure or of entry en entry en route
19. Seals or identification marks Customs office of An "X" should be entered in the appropriate box if seals or other identification
found to be intact departure or of marks are found to be intact at the start of a TIR operation. The first Customs
entry en route office of departure does not fill in this box
20. Time-limit for transit Customs office of Where applicable, a time-limit for transit (deadline - date according to the format
departure or of dd/mm/yyyy and time, if appropriate) within which the TIR Carnet together with
entry en route the road vehicle, the combination of vehicles or the container must be presented
at the Customs office of exit en route or destination
21. Registered by the Customs Customs office of Identification particulars of the Customs office of departure or of entry en route,
office at _______ under departure or of followed by the registration No. assigned to the TIR operation in the Customs
- 345 -
No. _______ entry en route ledger
22. Miscellaneous (itinerary Customs office of Miscellaneous, e.g. the name and, if appropriate, the location of the office en
stipulated, Customs office at departure or of route or office of destination at which the goods must be presented. When
which the load must be entry en route necessary, the prescribed route may be indicated here, in line with national
produced, etc.) regulations
23. Customs officer's signature Customs office of Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature of a
and Customs office date departure or of competent official of the Customs office of departure or of entry en route
stamp entry en route
Box number and description Filled-in by Data/information to be indicated
Counterfoil No.1
1. Accepted by the Customs Customs office of Identification particulars of the Customs office of departure or of entry en route
office at departure or of
entry en route
2. Under No. Customs office of Registration number assigned to the TIR operation in the Customs ledger
departure or of
entry en route
3. Seals or identification marks Customs office of Where applicable, number and identification particulars of the seals or
applied departure or of identification marks applied
entry en route
4. Seals or identification marks Customs office of An "X" should be entered in the appropriate box if seals or other identification
found to be intact departure or of marks are found to be intact at the start of a TIR operation. The first Customs
entry en route office of departure does not fill in this box
5. Miscellaneous (route Customs office of Miscellaneous, e.g. the name and, if appropriate, the location of the office en
- 346 -
prescribed, Customs office at departure or of route or office of destination at which the goods must be presented. When
which the load must be entry en route necessary, the prescribed route may be indicated here
produced, etc.)
6. Customs officer's signature Customs office of Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature of a
and Customs office date departure or of competent official of the Customs office of departure or of entry en route
stamp entry en route
Box number and description Filled-in by Data/information to be indicated
Voucher No.2 (green)
Filling-in of boxes 1-23 of voucher No.2 is similar to the filling-in of the
corresponding boxes of voucher No.1. As a general rule, the particulars in boxes
1-23 of voucher No.2 should coincide with the respective particulars on the
preceding voucher No.1 (for details, please refer to Section II)
24. Certificate of termination of Customs office of Identification particulars of the Customs office of destination or of exit en route
the TIR operation (Customs exit en route or of
office of exit en route or of destination
25. Seals or identification marks Customs office of An "X" should be entered in the appropriate box if seals or other identification
found to be intact exit en route or of marks are found to be intact
26. Number of packages for Customs office of Number of unloaded packages1/. Filled-in only by Customs offices of
- 347 -
which the termination of the destination destination and not by the offices of exit en route 2/
TIR operation is certified
27. Reservations Customs office of This box should be filled-in only in cases where irregularities, accidents or
exit en route or of incidents have been detected in connection with the TIR transport. In those
destination situations, an “R” should be inserted, followed by a clear description of any
reservation. The Customs authorities should not certify the termination of TIR
operations subject to systematic unspecified reservations, without giving reasons
28. Customs officer's signature Customs office of Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature of a
and Customs office date exit en route or of competent official of the Customs office of destination or of exit en route
stamp destination
ounterfoil No.2
1/ Reference is made to the comment "Unloading of the goods" to Explanatory Note 0.18.2.
2/ Reference is made to the comment "Filling-in of box 26 of voucher No.2 and item 3 on the counterfoil No.2 of the TIR Carnet" to Annex 1.
Box number and description Filled-in by Data/information to be indicated
1. Arrival certified by the Customs office of Identification particulars of the Customs office of destination or of exit en route
Customs office at exit en route or of
2. Seals or identification marks Customs office of An "X" should be entered in the appropriate box if seals or other identification
found to be intact exit en route or of marks are found to be intact
3. Number of packages for Customs office of Number of unloaded packages. 1/ Filled-in only by Customs offices of
which the termination of the destination destination and not by the offices of exit en route 2/
TIR operation is certified (as
specified in the manifest)
4. New seals affixed Customs office of Where applicable, number and identification particulars of the new seals or new
exit en route or of identification marks applied
5. Reservations Customs office of As item 27 of voucher No.2, this box should be filled-in only in cases where
- 348 -
exit en route or of irregularities, accidents or incidents have been detected in connection with the
destination TIR transport. In those situations, an “R” should be inserted, followed by a clear
description of any reservation. The Customs authorities should not certify the
termination of TIR operations subject to systematic unspecified reservations,
without giving reasons
6. Customs officer's signature Customs office of Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature of a
and Customs office date exit en route or of competent official of the Customs office of destination or of exit en route
stamp destination
Annex II
- 349 -
6. The Customs seal(s) is/are Condition of the Customs seals. An ”X” should be entered in the appropriate box: in the
intact left box, if the seals are intact; in the right box, if the seals are not intact
not intact
7. The load compartment(s) or Condition of the load compartment (s) or container(s). An ”X” should be entered in the
container(s) is/are appropriate box: in the left box if the load compartment (container) is intact; in the right
intact box if the load compartment (container) is not intact
not intact
8. Remarks Observations/findings, if any
9. No goods appeared to be missing The box must be completed by entering an “X” in the left box, if no goods are missing, or
The goods indicated in items 10 to 13 in the right box, if goods are missing. In the latter case, boxes 10 to 13 must also be
are missing (M) or have been destroyed completed showing which goods are missing or destroyed
(D) as indicated in column 12
10. (a) Load compartment(s) or container(s) a) Identification number(s) of the load compartment(s) or container(s) (where
(b) Marks and Nos. of packages or applicable)
articles b) Identification marks or numbers of packages or articles
Box number and description Data/information to be indicated
11. Number and type of packages or Particulars as appear in box 10 of vouchers No.1 and No.2
articles; description of goods
12. M or D М – missing, D - destroyed
13. Remarks (give particulars of quantities Remarks, particulars of quantities missing or destroyed
missing or destroyed)
14. Date, place and circumstances of the Date(in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), place and description of the
accident circumstances of the accident
15. Measures taken to enable the TIR An ”X” should be entered in the appropriate box, and where appropriate, other items
operation to continue should be completed
affixing of new seals:
- 350 -
transfer of load (see item 16 below)
16. If the goods have been transferred:
description of road
vehicle(s)/container(s) substituted
(a) vehicle a) Vehicle registration number. If the vehicle has been approved for TIR transport, an
Registration No., Approved (Yes, No) ”X” should be entered in the left box, if not, an ”X” should be entered in the right box.
No. of certificate of approval, number Where applicable, the number of the certificate of approval and the number and
and particulars of seals affixed particulars of the seals affixed should be inserted.
(b) container b) Identification number(s) of the container(s). If the container(s) has(have) been
Identification No. approved for TIR transport, an ”X” should be entered in the left box, if not, an ”X”
should be entered in the right box. Where applicable, the number and particulars of the
seals affixed should be inserted.
Box number and description Data/information to be indicated
17. Authority which drew up this certified report Name/title and particulars of the authority who has completed the certified report;
Place/Date/Stamp/Signature place, date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature
18. Endorsement of next Customs office reached Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature of the next
by the TIR transport Customs office reached by the TIR transport
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Information Service
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe