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Internship Report

Human Resource Management Practices in Islami Bank
Bangladesh Limited

(A Study at Gulshan Branch)

Prepared By:
Md. Nasir Uddin
ID: 171-12-139
Major in HRM
Program: MBA
Department of Business Administration
Daffodil International University

Date of Submission: November 26, 2018

© Daffodil International University

Internship Report
Human Resource Management Practices in Islami Bank
Bangladesh Limited

(A Study at Gulshan Branch)

Prepared By:
Md. Nasir Uddin
ID: 171-12-139
Major in HRM
Program: MBA
Department of Business Administration
Daffodil International University

Supervised By:
Professor Dr. Md. Abul Hossain
Coordinator (MBA Program), Uttara Campus
Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship

Date of Submission: November 26, 2018

© Daffodil International University

Letter of Transmittal
November 26, 2018

Teacher Dr. Md. Abul Hossain

Organizer (MBA Program)
Staff of Business and Enterprise
Daffodil International University

Subject: Accommodation of Temporary position Write about "Human Asset The board Practices
in Islami Bank Bangladesh Restricted"

Dear Sir,

I have arranged my entry level position give an account of the subject of "Temporary position
Give an account of Human Asset The executives Practices in Islami Bank Bangladesh
Constrained" under your caring supervision as a prerequisite of finishing the level of MBA
program. I have attempted my best to set up the report in consistence with the ideal standard
under your profitable course.

I bent over backward to uncover more prominent understanding in this report. I trust that this
will meet the standard of your judgment.

Saying thanks to you for your benevolent supervision.

Earnestly yours

(Md. Nasir Uddin)

ID: 171-12-139
Major in HRM
Program: MBA
Bureau of Business Organization
Daffodil Worldwide College

© Daffodil International University
Testament of Chief

I, thus, confirm that, Md. Nasir Uddin, an understudy of MBA, Branch of Business Organization,
Workforce of Business and Enterprise, Daffodil Global College, bearing ID No. 171-12-139 has
arranged the Temporary position Provide details regarding "Entry level position Write about
Human Asset The executives Practices in Islami Bank Bangladesh Restricted" as a prerequisite
for satisfaction of degree granting of Ace of Business Organization (M.B.A). The report is
prescribed for accommodation.

(Educator Dr. Md. Abul Hossain)

Facilitator (MBA Program), Uttara Grounds

Staff of Business and Enterprise

Daffodil International University

© Daffodil International University
Understudy Statement

I, the undersigned, thus proclaim that the Temporary position Report "Entry level position
Provide details regarding Human Asset The board Practices in Islami Bank Bangladesh
Restricted" has been set up by me under the direction of Teacher Dr. Md. Abul Hossain, Daffodil
Global College as a prerequisite for the achievement of MBA degree from Branch of Business
Organization, Workforce of Business and Enterprise, Daffodil Worldwide College. It is
additionally pronounced that, this report has been set up for scholarly reason just and has not
been/won't be submitted somewhere else for some other reason.

(Md. Nasir Uddin)

ID: 171-12-139

Major in HRM

Program: MBA

Bureau of Business Organization

Daffodil International University

© Daffodil International University

With regards to quickly changing worldwide situation the significance of down to earth learning
can never again be overlooked. In this view Bureau of Business Organization, Daffodil
Worldwide College dependably energizes the understudies for enhancing their abilities and

I am in a learning procedure. Subsequently, whatever is the yield, this entry level position report
without a doubt advanced my learning with a considerable measure of potential information not
accessible in the conventional training framework. In this way, I offer my unassuming thanks
and on account of my decent temporary job Administrator Educator Dr. Md. Abul Hossain for
his co-agent approach that empowered me to taste such a remarkable affair.

I express my genuine to the individual I meet who helped me a considerable measure by giving
profitable data along enough articles and hypothesis while setting up this temporary position
report. I trust that this report will be useful for the following understudies who will arraign
further research in this critical field.

Finally I express my appreciation to all relentless ALLAH, without whose will and help nothing
would be conceivable in this world.

(Md. Nasir Uddin)

ID: 171-12-139

Major in HRM

Program: MBA

Bureau of Business Organization

Daffodil International University

© Daffodil International University
The title of this Temporary position Report is "Entry level position Write about Human Asset
The board Practices in Islami Bank Bangladesh Restricted" was appointed by my Temporary
position administrator and endorsed by the College specialist. Islami Bank Bangladesh
Constrained can basically say that Bank is a budgetary association that bargains with cash. In any
case, it is the exact most definition about bank. In current age it is difficult to think a nation
without bank. Banks assume differentiated job in an economy. The most vital assignment that is
finished by a bank is working of capital. That is the key factor of the advancement of an
economy as the pioneer in the private division bank of Bangladesh. Islami Bank Bangladesh
Constrained is a monetary foundation whose primary point is to gain benefit by influencing
venture and tearing diverse administrations and furthermore to guarantee value and equity in
every financial movement. This report dependent on the temporary job program, incomplete
necessity for the Ace of Business Organization in Daffodil Worldwide College. The principle
targets of report are to investigate Human Asset The executives Practices in Islami Bank
Bangladesh Restricted. The report is separated into six parts. First Section contains the basic
piece of the report which infers presentation, beginning, foundation, targets, scope, procedure,
restrictions. Second part incorporates the Historical backdrop of Islami Bank Bangladesh
Constrained, Trademark, Corporate culture, Possession Example, Goal of the Bank, Mission,
Vision, and SWOT examination. Third part comprises hypothetical survey and Human Asset The
board Practices of Islami Bank Bangladesh Restricted. Four sections comprises Human asset
practices of Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained. Five sections comprises discoveries and
suggestions. While working with Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained, Gulshan Corporate
Branch I have endeavored to discover a few bits of knowledge of Human Asset The executives
Practices at Islami Bank Bangladesh Restricted, and furthermore I have attempted to give a few
suggestions against discoveries of Human Asset The board division in Islami Bank Bangladesh
Constrained. Six parts comprises end. Considering the certainties that have been contemplated up
until now, it tends to be expressed that Human Asset The executives Practice in Islami Bank
Bangladesh Constrained is very palatable, however all the procedure of HRM systems are not
entirely pursued as expressed in the references. Their enrollment and choice, preparing and
improvement process are overhaul, standard and agreeable.
© Daffodil International University
Contents Page
Letter of Transmittal I
Testament of Chief II
Understudy Statement III
Affirmation IV
Theoretical V
Chapter One: Introduction of the study
1.1 Presentation 1
1.2 Cause of the Investigation 1-2
1.3 Foundation of the Investigation 2
1.4 Targets of the Investigation 2
1.5 Approach the Examination 3-4
1.6 Constraints of the Investigation 4

Chapter Two: History of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited

2.1 History of IBBL 5
2.2 Mission & Vision of IBBL 6
2.3 Targets of Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained 6
2.4 Key Goals 7
2.5 SWOT Investigation of Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained 8-10
Chapter Three: Theoretical Aspects
3.1 Hypothetical Viewpoints 11-12
3.2 Estimation of Workforce 12-13
3.3 Reason 13
3.4 Capacities 13-17
3.5 Preparing and Advancement 18-20
Chapter Four: Human Resource Management Practices in Islami Bank
Bangladesh Limited
4.1 Human Asset The board in Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained 21

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4.2 Enrollment Arrangement of Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained 21-32
4.3 Foundation Checking Approach of Islami Bank Bangladesh Restricted 32-33
4.4 Remuneration Arrangement of Islami Bank Bangladesh Restricted 33-35
Chapter Five: Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion
5.1 Discoveries 36
5.2 Proposals 36-37
5.3 End 37
Bibliography 38

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1.1 Presentation:

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. is extremely old establishment that is contributing toward the
advancement of any economy and is treated as a critical administration industry in current world.
Presently days the capacity of bank isn't constrained to inside the equivalent geological limit of
any nation. Because of globalization and free market economy, this industry is confronting
serious rivalry in any nation and usage of WTO will additionally expand rivalry. The s execution
of Bank does rely on the keeping money industry itself as well as on the Execution of economy
where it is working. The Keeping money area is one of the significant administration parts in
Bangladesh economy. There are a few sorts of banks, which vary in the quantity of
administrations they give and the customer base they serve. Albeit a portion of the contrasts
between these sorts of banks have decreased as they grow the scope of items and administrations
they offer, there are as yet key distinctive characteristics. Business banks, which rule this
industry, offer a full scope of administrations for people, organizations, and governments.
Business banks are the essential supporter of the economy of a nation. So we can state business
banks are a benefit making foundation that holds the store of the people and business in checking
and bank account and afterward utilizes these assets to make advances/speculation. Banks gather
store at the most reduced conceivable expense and give advances and advances/venture at higher
expense since they are benefit gaining enterprises. It has turned out to be fundamental for each
individual to have some thought on the bank and saving money method. By a temporary job
program in bank, understudies can get handy learning, which knows genuine circumstances,
helping them to dispatch a profession with some reasonable experience.

1.2 Cause of the Investigation:

As an essential for the Ace of Business Organization Level of The Daffodil College Bangladesh,
I was required to finish a temporary position in an appropriate business association and present a
provide details regarding my discoveries. I had been chosen to fill in as an Internee in Islami
Bank Bangladesh Restricted. This report is submitted after fruition of the two months Temporary
position program in the "Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained" to the Entry level position
manager. This report depends on an Entry level position program. IBTRA (Islamic Bank
Preparing and Exploration Institute) organizes this temporary job program to accumulate viable

© Daffodil International University
learning about keeping money exercises. This is trailed by viable encounters in the parts of
IBBL. Subsequently a report dependent on the ventures is to be submitted to both of power of
IBTRA and the College. My theme for temporary job report titled "Entry level position Provide
details regarding Human Asset The executives Practices in Islami Bank Bangladesh
Constrained". Subsequently I was set in Gulshan Corporate Branch, Dhaka of IBBL. .". Without
useful introduction, hypothesis can never be productive. For this MBA program has been
planned so that an understudy can get down to earth information. An understudy needs to go for
pragmatic introduction in some association where his/her obligation is to hold up under all the a
few things from tasks and exercises of that branch.

1.3 Foundation of the Investigation:

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd is one of the main nearby private business banks in Bangladesh.
This bank has as of now branches situated in better places and furthermore going to set up more
branches. This association has made a positive picture to the client's psyche by giving better
administration. This bank has presented some cutting edge managing an account conspire that
has got high market request. As it keep up the pace with aggressive business world, its exercises,
culture, theory, sensitivity and style drives an understudy to be the best at any field of working

1.4 Targets of the Investigation:

The primary goal of this investigation is to basically quantify the Representative Fulfillment of
the worker's of Islami Bank Bangladesh Restricted. (IBBL).

1. To investigate human asset the board practices of Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained;

2. To discover the bits of knowledge of human asset the board practices of Islami Bank
Bangladesh Constrained;

3. Recommendations against discoveries of human asset the board practices of Islami Bank
Bangladesh Constrained.

© Daffodil International University
1.5 Approach the Examination:

The investigation was completely a clear in nature. The investigation was led utilizing the
participatory technique. To know the top to bottom data, the subject was examined with the
master experts identified with bank for a few times and audit of record of Islami Bank
Bangladesh Restricted (IBBL) and other related auxiliary data. The intention was to get a
thought regarding the entire exercises of the branch where we did our down to earth introduction.
Each report is set up by following a solid technique. The achievement of the report relies upon
the pursued technique in significant part. My examination is performed dependent on the data
extricated from various sources gathered by utilizing a particular philosophy.

Wellsprings of Information: Information have been gathered from two sources. These are as

a. Essential Information: The essential wellsprings of information incorporate the followings:

• Face to confront discussion with officers and staffs.

• Direct discussion with the customers.

• Taking beginning address from senior officers.

• Practical work experienced in various work area.

• Study of various records of various segments of the bank.

• Practical experience of managing an account.

• Training of IBTRA.

b. Auxiliary Information: The optional wellsprings of information incorporate the followings:

• Annual report of Various distributions of IBBL.

• Website of the Islami Bank Bangladesh Restricted (IBBL).

• Theoretical books relating saving money segment.

• Class notes of IBTRA.

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• Different method manual distributed by IBBL.

• Technical and exchange diaries.

• Different roundabout of IBBL.

1.6 Constraints of the Investigation:

There are a few impediments in my investigation. I confronted a few issues amid the
investigation, which are given beneath:

I. Lack of time: The day and age for the investigation was short. I get brief time for setting up a
report, which was not particularly adequate.

II. Fear to give information: A portion of the respondents feared giving data openly and some
demonstrated less enthusiasm for such task.

III. Lack of Learning: A few workers don't have appropriate information about entire data of the

IV. Sufficient records, distributions, raw numbers are not accessible.

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2.1 History of IBBL:

In the late seventies and mid eighties, Muslim nations were awoken by the development of
Islami Bank which given premium free managing an account offices. There are as of now in
excess of 614 intrigue free foundations everywhere throughout the world. Today Islami Bank
works in every single Muslim nation, as well as have stretched out their wings toward the
western world to serve both Muslim and non-Muslim clients. If there should arise an occurrence
of Islami Saving money, the foundation of "Mitghamar Nearby Sparing Bank in 1963 is said to
be a turning point for present day Islami Managing an account. In 1974, Bangladesh marked the
Contract of Islamic Advancement Bank and invested in redesign its monetary and money related
framework according to Islamic Shariah. In 1978, Bangladesh suggested in Islamic Remote
Priest Gathering in Senegal towards efficient endeavors to Islamic Keeping money. In 1980,
Outside Clergyman Meeting in Pakistan where Bangladesh Remote Pastor Prof. Shamsul Haque,
proposed for making strides for Islamic Managing an account. Further, Bangladesh Bank sent
portrayal to another country to examine Islamic Saving money Framework. In 1981, Leader of
the General population's Republic of Bangladesh tended to the third Islamic Summit Meeting
held at Makkah and Taif proposed, ''The Islamic nations ought to build up a different managing
their very own account arrangement with the end goal to encourage their exchange and business.
''In 1982, IDB visited Bangladesh for study. They discovered commitments done by Islamic
Financial matters Exploration Agency (IERB) and Bangladesh Islamic Investors Affiliation
(BIBA); they prepared the courses, general sentiment through symposia and workshop.
Proficient exercises strengthened by Muslim Representative Society (now redesigned as
Industrialists and Businessperson Affiliation). The body prepared for the most part value capital
for developing Islamic Bank. At long last, in 1983 Islami Bank Islami Bank Bangladesh
Restricted (IBBL) is viewed as the main premium shariah based bank in Southeast Asia. IBBL is
a joint endeavor worldwide Manage an account with 53.85% of value being contributed by the
Islamic Advancement Bank and budgetary organizations. The aggregate number of branches in
2017 remained at 332. Presently the approved capital of the bank is Tk. 20,000 million and Paid
operation capital is Tk. 16,099.90 million.

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2.2 Mission and Vision of IBBL:

1. To build up Islamic Managing an account through the presentation of welfare situated saving
money framework.

2. To guarantee value and equity in the field of every single monetary movement.

3. To energize financial elevate and budgetary administrations to the low monetary network
especially in the rustic zones.


Vision of IBBL is constantly strived to accomplish unrivaled money related execution, be

viewed as a main Islamic Bank by notoriety and execution and in addition

a) To build up and keep up the advanced saving money innovations, to guarantee soundness and
improvement of the budgetary framework dependent on Islamic standards and to end up the solid
and productive association with exceptionally energetic experts, working to assist the general
population, in view of responsibility, straightforwardness and honesty with the end goal to
guarantee steadiness of monetary framework.

b) To empower funds as immediate venture.

c) To empower venture especially in undertakings which are more probable prompt higher work.

2.3 Targets of Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained:

The essential target of setting up Islamic Bank everywhere throughout the world is to advance,
encourage and build up the utilization of Islamic standards in the business division. All the more
particularly, the destinations of Islamic bank when seen with regards to its job in the economy
are recorded as following:

a) To offer contemporary budgetary administrations in similarity with Islamic Shariah;

b) To contribute towards financial improvement and success inside the standards of Islamic

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2.4 Key Goals:

The general key goals of IBBL is to consider adjusted scorecard system and ceaselessly follow
the equivalent through yearly surveying while some particular targets are specified beneath:

Budgetary Proficiency:

I. To accomplish feasible development in all key budgetary markers;

II. To increment main concern through amplification of salary and productive administration of

Client Core interest:

1. Develop key association by tending to their current and dynamic needs of item and

2. Endeavor to draw in client through conveying need based money related administrations;

3. Continuous enhancement of item and administrations for embracing changing need of client
base to hold piece of the pie.

Operational Brilliance:

1. Increase people group exceed through advancement of different showcasing channels;

2. Increase efficiencies through utilization of virtual advancements for moving towards money
related perfection;

3. Improve inner and outside correspondences through social correspondence organize;

4. Develop and execute a limited time intend to assist money related incorporation;

5. To incorporate unbanked individuals into managing an account with Over the Counter keeping
money administrations.

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2.5 SWOT Investigation of Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained:

2.5.1 Qualities:

Top Administration:

The best administration of the bank, the key qualities for IBBL has contributed vigorously
towards the development and improvement of the bank. The Best administration authorities are
sufficient fit to deal with their work so they have a smart thought about the present circumstance.

Organization Notoriety:

IBBL has made a decent notoriety in the managing an account industry of the nation. Their
primary clients are numerous particular association and individual moreover. The prominence of
this bank is increment day b day.

Current Office and PC:

From the earliest starting point IBBL attempts to outfit their work encompassing with present
day hardware and offices. For speed administration to the client .IBBL had introduced cash
nation machine in the teller counter. The bank has modernized managing an account activity
under programming called PC saving money. More over PC printer articulation are accessible to
inner utilize and once in a while for the client. IBBL is furnished with message and fax offices.

Intelligent Corporate Culture:

The corporate culture of IBBL is especially intuitive contrast with other nearby association. This
intuitive condition urges the representatives to work on the other hand. Since the managing an
account work is especially standard work arranged and exquisite condition boots up the work
capacity of the representatives.

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2.5.2 Shortcomings:

Restriction of Data Framework:

Occupied with record opening and shutting errand, Greenery Bank programming is utilized to
work the record data. Following is the set of working responsibilities and some critical dialog
with respect to this product. At some point net excessively moderate that hampers the work.

Chain of importance issue:

The chain of importance issue regarded as a soft spot for IBBL, in light of the fact that the
worker won't remain for a long. So there will be a shot of mind from this bank to other bank.

Notice issue:

There is another soft spot for IBBL is notice .Their media inclusion is so much low that
individuals don't have the foggiest idea about the bank completely.

2.5.3 Chances:


IBBL seek after broadening system in growing its current line of business. They do serve the
association as well as distinctive individual.

Business Keeping money:

The venture Capability of Bangladesh is remote speculation. So IBBL has chance to grow in
business managing an account.

Charge card:

There is a chance to dispatch Charge card in Bangladesh by IBBL. Adjacent to this , IBBL can
obtain benefit for cards like VISA, Ace CARD, and so on so they can upgrade showcase based
card benefit.

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2.5.4 Dangers:

Contemporary Bank:

The contemporary Bank of IBBL Like: Dhaka Bank Ltd, Support Bank Ltd is real adversaries.
They are doing forceful battle o pull in worthwhile customers and in addition big time

© Daffodil International University
3.1 Hypothetical Viewpoints:

3.1.1 Human Asset Strategy:

The word reference importance of "arrangement" is a "plan of activity" and that "plan" is a
strategy. Approach is making and arranging is, in this way, synonymous. "An arrangement" says
Flippo, "is a man-made principle of pre-decided strategy that is set up to direct the execution of
work toward the association targets. It is a sort of standing arrangement that serves to control
subordinates in the execution of their errand."

Yoder watches, "An arrangement is a pre-decided, chosen course settled as a guide toward
objectives and goals… They (Approaches) build up the structure of controlling rules that
encourage appointment to bring down dimensions and allow singular supervisors to choose
fitting strategies or projects… rather than these, HR arrangements are those that people have
created to keep them on the track towards their work force objective. The executives strategies
are produced by working associations to keep them on course made a beeline for their
hierarchical destinations. These characterize the intensions of the association and fill in as rules
to give consistency and progression to add up to task. They give a base to the executives by

In this manner HR arrangements alludes to standards and tenets of lead which "figure, reclassify,
break into subtle elements and choose various activities" that oversee the association with
representatives in the fulfillment of association targets.

HRM is the approaches and practices engaged with doing the general population of human asset
parts of an administration position including selecting, screening, preparing, fulfilling, and

The expression "Human Asset The executives" has been generally utilized for about the last ten
to fifteen years. Before that, the field was by and large known as "Faculty Organization". The
name change isn't simply restorative. Work force Organization, which rose as an unmistakably
characterized field by the 1920s (at any rate in the US), was to a great extent concerned the
specialized parts of procuring, assessing, preparing and repaying representatives and was
especially of "staff work" in many associations. The field did not regularly center around the
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relationship of unique business rehearses on generally hierarchical exhibitions or on the
deliberate connections among such practices. The field additionally did not have a binding
together worldview.

HRM created in light of the considerable increment in focused weights. American Business
Associations started encountering by the late 1970s because of such factors as globalization,
deregulation and quick mechanical change. These weights offered ascend to an improved worry
with respect to firms to take part in vital arranging – a procedure of envisioning future changes in
the ecological conditions (the nature and additionally dimension of the market) and adjusting the
different segments of the association so as to advance authoritative viability.

In spite of the fact that the specialized parts of conventional work force organization are as yet a
vital segment of HRM, procedure plan and usage has turned into its predominant and
incorporating worldview. Human asset supervisors are worried about structuring by and large
work frameworks that are inside corresponding and eventually add to the association's
achievement of its chief objectives. The capacity is additionally observed to be a lot nearer to the
key pinnacle of the firm than staff organization.

The Key Human Asset The executives (SHRM) writing imagines HR supervisors as using, as a
result, a sort of toolbox of HRM techniques that can be created into by and large authoritative
HR frameworks. Schuler (1988), for instance, contends that the general association techniques
firms create offer ascent to a need to advance particular practices with respect to representatives
(e.g. chance taking versus hazard shirking, singular versus group based, inventive versus
regular); HR techniques are then intended to inspire wanted social repertories. Issues tended to in
Hr procedure plan incorporate staffing, remuneration, preparing and advancement, motivation&

3.2 Estimation of Workforce:

The estimation of workforce in an association is finished by the administration to decide the

number and sort of representatives to be required by the association at a given purpose of time.
The essential certainty of an association is to such an extent that the human asset in an
association always shows signs of change as far as its present and future sight. Extra HR are

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increased through new work, opening through staff advancement, through exchange and through
downgrades. On other hand, work force are lost through deliberate stopped, passing, rejections,
end and retirement. Human asset the board of an association makes the change for wastage,
foreseen and expected misfortunes and partitions, at that point discovers the genuine deficiency
and surplus number.

3.3 Reason:

HRM practice is genuinely ongoing one. Presently a days, numerous eminent and global
organizations, for example, General Engines, City Bank Ltd, Islami Bank Bangladesh
Constrained and so forth have separate Human Asset Office.

The HR The executives (HRM) work incorporates an assortment of exercises, and key among
them is choosing what staffing needs you have and whether to utilize self employed entities or
contract representatives to fill these requirements, selecting and preparing the best
representatives, guaranteeing they are superior workers, managing execution issues, and
guaranteeing faculty and the executives rehearses fit in with different directions. Exercises
likewise incorporate dealing with the way to deal with worker advantages and remuneration,
representative records and staff approaches. Generally independent ventures (for-benefit or
charitable) need to complete these exercises themselves since they can't yet manage the cost of
part-or full-time help. Nonetheless, they ought to dependably guarantee that representatives have
- and know about - work force strategies which comply with current directions. These
arrangements are regularly as worker manuals, which all representatives have.

3.4 Capacities:

Human Asset The board is fundamental capacities in associations. It is winding up more vital
than any other time in recent memory. Line Administrators are getting engaged with HRM, and
human asset directors are getting to be individuals from the supervisory crew. Additionally,
everybody in the association can make a commitment to the administration of individuals and the
achievement of the association in the meantime. Human Asset The board incorporates an
assortment of exercises, for example, the accompanying.

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3.4.1 HR Arranging:

By examining the present workforce will enable the organization to assess the office execution
and acknowledges what sorts of staff are required with the end goal to frame the abilities which
they required. Proprietors need to utilize the correct number of staff with the end goal to make
the workforce more effectiveness. An excessive number of representatives will expand costs, and
excessively few won't capable, making it impossible to complete of its work. In this way,
proprietors need to investigation both current HR inside the associations, and feasible
arrangements or techniques of the association and the impact on HR.

At whatever point an association is currently the deciding its human asset needs, it is occupied
with a procedure we call human asset arranging. HRP is a standout amongst the most critical
components in a fruitful HRM program; since it is a procedure by which an association
guarantees that it has the correct number and sort of individuals, at the ideal place, at the
opportune time, able to do adequately finishing those assignments that will enable the association
to accomplish its by and large vital destinations. For example,

1. To guarantee ideal utilization of HR

2. To gauge future aptitudes

3. To give control measure

4. To decide enlistment's dimension

5. To envision redundancies

6. To deciding preparing levels

7. To mastermind the board improvement program

8. To access future convenience

9. To show about lead time

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3.4.2 Recruitment and Determination:

Effective business arranging is intended to distinguish an association's human asset needs. When
these necessities are known, an association will need to take care of meeting them. The
subsequent stage, at that point, in the staffing capacity accepting, pf course, that interest for
specific aptitudes, learning, and capacities is more noteworthy than the current supply enlisting.
This action makes it workable for an organization to secure the general population important to
guarantee the proceeded with task of the association.

As per Decenzo and Robbins "Enlistment is the way toward finding potential employment
contender for real or foreseen hierarchical opportunities. Or on the other hand from another
viewpoint, it is a connecting action uniting those with occupations to fill and those looking for
employments." Wellsprings of Enrollment:

Enrollment will probably accomplish its goals if selecting sources mirror the kind of position to
be filled. The enrollment strategies are-

1. Internal Hunt which required within the association, that may incorporate exchange,
representative referrals, and rehiring.

2. External Inquiry which incorporate

i. Advertisement

ii. Employment Offices

iii. Educational Organizations

iv. Professionals Associations

v. Unsolicited Application

3. Cyberspace Enrolling The internet Enlisting is the way toward drawing in the potential
competitors through web.

© Daffodil International University Choice:

Choice is the screening or sifting process through which enrollment process arrives at an end.
Determination is the way toward disposing of less qualified competitors recently pulled in by
enlistment and deciding the representatives those match best to the prerequisites.

For choice of individuals, the HR supervisor should initially design the activity necessity of the
association, and afterward select the people who have particular aptitudes, learning and
capacities that are straightforwardly connected to particular occupations required in the
association. For the most part, more compelling worker assessment and determination choices
are made when in excess of one individual is engaged with the basic leadership process. The
working supervisor ought to have more to say in regards to the assessment and determination
choice than their HR authority. Consequently a powerful assessment/determination expertise is a
fundamental piece of the administration work. The table underneath Operational and HR the
board jobs shows the separate jobs of working chiefs and HR directors in the assessment and
choice process. Worker assessment and determination criteria:

In the event that an assessment/determination program is to be fruitful the worker attributes

which are trusted essential for viable execution at work ought to be expressed unequivocally in
the activity particular. The criteria for the most part can best abridge in the accompanying

1. Education

2. Experience

3. Physical Attributes

4. Personal Attributes

Essentially, the worker assessment and choice criteria should list the qualities of present
representatives who have performed well in the situations to be filled. Be that as it may, if the
rundown of attributes wanted is too long, it may not be conceivable to choose anybody. With no
rundown of measure, the wrong prospects are probably going to be chosen.
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These indicators of accomplishment, especially the more formal systems, for example, things on
a paper and pencil test, have two qualities

1. Reliability

2. Validity

The unwavering quality of a worker assessment and determination instrument, for example, a
test, is the degree to which the instrument is a steady proportion of something. A knowledge test
is said to be solid, if a similar individual's scores don't differ significantly when the test is taken a
few times. The higher the unwavering quality, the more certainty can be set in the estimation
strategy. For the most part, the instrument is more solid in the event that it is longer. The
instrument utilized should likewise be inside steady to be viewed as dependable, which is a
decent indicator of progress for the activity execution being referred to.

Unwavering quality and legitimacy can be thought of in the accompanying way. A measuring
stick is a solid proportion of room; regardless of how often you painstakingly measure a ball
player, he will be a similar tallness. Yet, a measuring stick has no legitimacy as a proportion of
his solid coordination. In this manner a choice gadget, for example, a test might be dependable
without being legitimate. Human asset authorities can process the legitimacy of a determination
instrument a few different ways.

1. One way, is to take a gander at the right now fruitful workers, discover a factor that is regular
to them, and assign it as an indicator. This is called simultaneous legitimacy.

2. A second path is to utilize an instrument, for example, a test amid the

assessment/determination process, at that point hold up until the point that the fruitful
representatives are recognized and connect the test or test measures with the effective and
unsuccessful workers. This is called prescient legitimacy.

3. A third way, once in a while utilized by littler associations, on the grounds that the quantities
of people in comparable employments is too little to utilize simultaneous or prescient strategies,
is called engineered legitimacy. For this situation, components of a few occupations that are
comparable, as opposed to an entire employment, are utilized to approve the determination
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3.5 Preparing and Advancement:

Each association needs all around prepared and experienced individuals to play out the exercises
that must be done, if current "or potential occupation tenants can meet this necessity, preparing
isn't essential. At the point when this isn't the situation, it is important to raise the ability levels
and increment the flexibility and versatility of workers. As occupations have turned out to be
more perplexing, the significance of representative preparing has expanded. The quick changes
occurring amid the last 25 years in out exceptionally modern and complex society have made
expanded weights for associations to readapt the items and administrations created, the way in
which items and administrations are delivered and offered, the kinds of employments required
and the sorts of abilities important to finish these occupations. In a quickly evolving society,
representative preparing isn't just an action that is alluring yet in addition a movement that an
association must submit assets to in the event that it is to keep up a practical and educated work

The board Advancement is more future situated and worried about instruction than is worker
preparing, or helping a man to improve as an entertainer. By training, we imply that
administration improvement exercises endeavor to introduce sound thinking procedures to
upgrade one's capacity to comprehend and translate learning as opposed to granting a collection
of sequential realities or showing a particular arrangement of engine abilities. Improvement in
this manner concentrates more on the worker's Self-awareness.

Fruitful administrators have expository, human, theoretical and particular aptitudes. They can
think and get it. Preparing peers can't conquer a director's or potential administrator's failure to
comprehend circumstances and end results connections, to incorporate for a fact, to picture
connections or to think intelligently. Therefore, we recommend that administration advancement
be dominatingly an instruction procedure instead of a preparation procedure. (Robbins, 99)

3.5.1 Preparing:

Preparing is a learning knowledge in that it looks for a moderately perpetual change in a person
that will enhance the capacity to perform on occupation. Preparing can include the evolving
aptitudes, information, states of mind or conduct. It might mean changing what representatives

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know, how they work, their demeanors toward their work or their connection with their
colleagues or chiefs. The preparation system can make a lot to enhance a worker's showing with
regards to execution. Worker preparing isn't just an action that is attractive yet in addition a
movement that an association must submit assets to in the event that it is to keep up a suitable
and educated workforce.

3.5.2 At work Preparing:

The most broadly utilized preparing strategies occur at work. The notoriety of these strategies is
credited to their effortlessness and the feeling that they are less expensive to work. At work
preparing places the representatives in real work circumstances and influences they to have all
the earmarks of being promptly beneficial. It is learning by doing. For occupations that either are
trouble to invigorate or is adapted rapidly by watching and doing at work preparing bode well.

3.5.3 At work Preparing Strategy: Occupation Turn:

Occupation turn includes moving workers to different positions in the association with an end
goal to extend their aptitudes, information and capacities. Occupation revolution is either flat or
vertical. Vertical pivot is nothing additionally advancing a laborer, into another position.

3.5.4 Development:

It alludes to the future arranged preparing concentrating on the self-awareness and progression of
the representatives, extraordinarily the people working in the upper dimension.

"Advancement preparing is an essential and basic idea, however it is famously hard to discover
fundamental and straightforward words which sufficiently characterize it. This is somewhat in
light of the fact that the nature of the experience is basic ... furthermore, any characterizing of
value is normally a complex etymological exercise...

"Advancement Preparing ... upgrades singular viability by inspiring a feeling of direction,

creating adapting and learning aptitudes and expanding self-understanding ... Improvement
preparing quickens learning and develops the propensity for gaining from life." (Everard, 1993)

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Meanings of improvement preparing regularly make utilization of its two segment words to
depict it as two ideas in one. For instance

Advancement Preparing consolidates "the ideas of improvement (change and development) and
preparing (learning particular aptitudes)." (Everard, 1993)

Advancement implies entire individual improvement

"Advancement Preparing is a procedure of dynamic gaining as a matter of fact, prompting

precise and deliberate improvement of the entire individual body, brain and soul. (Everard, 1993)

'Entire individual improvement' is integral to advancement preparing theory yet it is generally

communicated all the more unassumingly in program points. Duty to self-advancement and
consumer loyalty makes it troublesome for suppliers of preparing to have purposes other than
those of addressing client needs and giving chances to self-improvement. As a result of this
trouble (not to mention the trouble of assessing entire individual improvement) I have contended
in an examination report that"

A rundown of some essential Preparing and Improvement organizations in Bangladesh is given


BBTA Bangladesh Bank Preparing Foundation

BIBM Bangladesh Establishment of Bank The board

IBTRA Islamic Bank Preparing and Exploration Institute

NAEM National Institute for Training and The executives

BIAM Bangladesh Foundation of Organization and The board

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4.1 Human Asset The board in Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained:

HR The board has an extraordinary need in all associations. Its point of convergence is HR. The
job of HR in an association is at all important focal point. The executives has turned out to be
mindful that HR The board (HRM) can assume an indispensable job in the achievement of an
association. HR Wing (HRW) guarantees setting of correct individuals in right places. As Islami
Bank Bangladesh Constrained is a Business Bank dependent on Islamic Shariah, it generally
endeavors to keep up and watch the tenets and directions of Islamic shariah. The mission of
IBBL is to build up Islamic Saving money through the presentation of welfare situated managing
an account framework and furthermore guarantee value and equity in the field of every monetary
action. To accomplish this objective, Bank looks opportune individuals and chooses them in the
administration, trains them for building authority quality, charismatic skill, feeling of control,
promptness and responsibility to allocated work and so forth opposite the Bank additionally
investigates the issues identifying with representatives' needs.

Elements of HR Wing will be guided by this Approach and the choices taken by the Top
managerial staff of the Bank every now and then and guidance of Bangladesh Bank assuming
any, to complete the objectives and goals in accordance with the association and workers for
limiting the hazard and to guarantee smooth and tasteful execution of the Bank.

In conclusion the HR Arrangement of the Bank was overhauled by the Top managerial staff in its
247th gathering hung on 21 June, 2017.

4.2 Enrollment Arrangement of Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained:

4.2.1 Definition:

1."Attachment" implies position of the administration of a representative with any association in

or outside the nation in light of a legitimate concern for the Bank.

2. "Average Pay" implies the normal pay earned amid the 12 finish months instantly going
before the month in which the leave is taken.

3. "Bank" implies the Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained.

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4. "Basic Pay" implies the compensation on the scale or settled rate of pay which has been
endorsed for a post held by a representative substantively including individual pay.

5. "Board" implies the Top managerial staff of the Bank.

6. "Branch of the Bank" incorporates Sub-Branches, Pay Workplaces and Corners of the Bank.

7. "Competent Expert" in regard of practicing any power under these Arrangements implies the
Board and in addition the Overseeing Chief and President or some other specialist engaged by
the Board or by the Overseeing Executive and President.

8. "Current Charge" in connection to a representative means holding charge of an empty post on

impermanent premise which may, whenever required be notwithstanding his very own

9. "Deputation" implies putting/giving the administration of a worker of the Bank to some

other organization(s) in or outside Bangladesh for performing such obligation and on such terms
and conditions as is commonly settled upon by the Bank and the concerned association.

10. "Desertion" implies absenting from obligation unauthorized for a period surpassing 30
days or leaving the activity by simple accommodation of renunciation letter with or without
Notice Pay and without giving over charges to an authority approved by the Bank.

11. "DAIBB" (Diplomaed Partner of Organization of Investors, Bangladesh) implies the

Examination Part-II held under the sponsorship of the Foundation of Financiers, Bangladesh

12. "DIB" (Certificate in Islamic Managing an account) implies the Examination Part-II held
under the sponsorship of the Islami Bank Bangladesh Constrained.

13. "Duty" implies performing or releasing obligation by a representative in the post and
furthermore incorporates benefit as a probationer and the period, assuming any, permitted to a
worker in support of join another place of posting or period spent on approved course of
preparing and furthermore incorporates period spent on assignment/connection.

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14. "Employee" implies a representative of the Bank, regardless of whether transitory or
changeless and furthermore incorporates an Officer delegated such under Enlistment

15. "Executive" implies an officer of the rank of First Right hand VP or more.

16. "Managing Chief" implies the CEO of the Bank.

17. "Month" implies multi month as per the Gregorian date-book.

18. "Family Part" implies spouse or husband, kids, step youngsters, guardians, unmarried
sisters and siblings dwelling with and completely subordinate upon any worker".

19. "Joining time" implies the time, assuming any, permitted to a representative in support of
join a post.

20. "Lateral passage review" implies recruitment of workers having specific

information/involvement in any posts other than the posts of section grades.

4.2.2 Arrangement of Posts:

The workers of the Bank will be arranged and assigned according to following. Any change,
expansion, adjustment in the arrangement and assignment will require earlier endorsement of the

a) Officials:

1. Overseeing Chief and President

2. Extra Overseeing Chief

3. Delegate Overseeing Chief

4. Senior Official VP

5. Official VP

6. Senior VP

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7. VP

8. Senior Associate VP

9. Associate VP

10. First Associate VP

b) Officers:

1. Senior Primary Officer

2. Primary Officer

3. Senior Officer

4. Trial Officer/Officer

5. Junior Officer

6. Associate Officer

7. Learner Partner Officer

c) Money Officers:

1. Primary Officer (Money)

2. Senior Officer (Money)

3. Officer (Money)

4. Junior Officer (Money)

5. Associate Officer (Money)

6. Learner Partner Officer (Money)

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Note Well:

i. The administration of the current normal workers in the post of Independent company
Speculation Supervision Officer and every other post of Sub-staff in various classes will proceed.
No further enlistment in these posts will be made.

ii. Sub-staff won't be enlisted/caught up in the stable situation of the Bank any more.

iii. Peon/Handyman/Circuit repairman/Driver/Cleaner/Administration kid will be locked in on

transitory/contract premise at first for 02 (two) years and hence might be restored dependent on

iv. Security Watch will be locked in through re-appropriating.

4.2.3 Order of Administration:

The administration of the Bank will be named under:

i. Permanent:

A post conveying a distinct size of pay or according to terms of business subject to ordinary time
of retirement which is 60 (sixty) years however might be loose in extraordinary cases.

ii. Temporary/Legally binding:

A post conveying a distinct size of pay for restricted time according to terms of work. Nationality:

No individual will be selected to any post in the administration of the Bank except if he/she is a
subject of Bangladesh. Given that the Board may in unique cases, forgo this condition subject to
satisfaction of different conditions with respect to work of outside nationals in Bangladesh. Age:

1. Minimum 22 years if there should arise an occurrence of Trial Officer, Learner Asstt. Officer
and additionally Student Asstt. Officer (Money) and most extreme 30 years for every single

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direct enroll. In parallel passage grades greatest age limit will be as settled in the condition No.
6.13 Unwinding of age lies with the Board as it were.

2. To determine the age, the date of birth as made reference to in the testament of SSC or
proportional to be considered and no oath will be acknowledged to this impact. Physical Wellness:

i. No individual will be designated in the administration of the Bank except if he/she is

announced physically fit by the enlisted Therapeutic Officer (MBBS) or some other Medicinal
Specialist indicated by the Bank.

4.2.4 Technique for Arrangement:

1. Appointment in various posts will be made by direct enlistment/advancement/horizontal

passage/contract/re-appropriating premise.

2. Managing Chief and President will designate every one of the workers aside from quick
2(two) levels underneath his rank according to approach and rules of the Bank.

3. Recruitment of Overseeing Chief and President and additionally the administrators quick 2
(two) levels underneath his rank against opening will be made by the Board.

4. Recruitment of labor in various evaluations will be made by the Overseeing Executive and
Chief according to the quality of labor endorsed by the Board.

5. Managing Executive and President will be selected on contract premise by the Board subject
to endorsement of Bangladesh Bank. Most extreme age limit will be according to rules of
Bangladesh Bank.

6. Additional Overseeing Director(s) and Representative Overseeing Director(s) will be named

against opportunities by the Board on contract premise.

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a) Immediate enlistment will be made at the accompanying passage grades:

i. Probationary Officer

ii. Trainee Aide Officer

iii. Trainee Aide Officer ( Money)

b) Opportunities in every single other review will for the most part be filled in by
advancement/parallel section.

c) Regularly half opening in the post of officer will be filled in by direct enlistment.

In the event that, the opportunities under the endorsed quality against the posts of Officer, Junior
Officer, and Aide Officer, can't be filled in by advancement for reasons at all, the setback
thereagainst will be treated as opening in the section grades i.e., Officer (Prob. Officer), Student
Right hand Officer and Learner Associate Officer (Money) and enrollment will be made as needs
be. Capability for Enrollment:

a) Trial Officer:

Bosses Degree/MBA/MBM or proportional with 04 years Hons. ideally in Business

Organization, Fund, Back and Saving money, Saving money and Protection, Bookkeeping, The
executives, Showcasing, Financial matters, English, Science, Insights, Bank The board,
Worldwide Relations, Open Organization, Material science, Connected Physical science,
Science, Connected Science, Natural science and Zoology from any Govt. affirmed College
having first Class/Division in every single scholarly examination with GPA at any rate 4.00 out
of 5.00 in SSC and HSC or proportional examinations.

b) Learner Colleague Officer:

Bosses Degree with no third Div./Class in any scholarly examination.

or on the other hand Graduation in Designing in any Order

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c) Learner Aide Officer (Money):

Applicants having in any event Four year college education in any control from UGC and Govt.
affirmed Colleges are qualified.

In all cases marks circulation will be as under: Enrollment of Administrators/Officers:

The Bank may select experienced administrators/officers from different Banks/Monetary

Establishments every now and then. Their appropriateness or generally might be evaluated by a
Meeting Board to be designated by the Skilled Expert. The applicants ought to have the
capabilities and encounters as demonstrated as follows: Methodology of Enlistment:

a. Normally, for enlistment in various evaluations, ad will be distributed in any event in two
national dailies welcoming applications from qualified competitors giving something like 15
days time.

b. Written and Viva Voce will be taken and at any rate half stamps will be treated as qualifying
marks in both the cases. The hopefuls anchoring in any event half in composed test will be called
for Viva-Voce. Under unique conditions, the Overseeing Executive and President may loosen up
the qualifying marks, if essential.

c. Both Composed and Viva Voce Trial of the immediate enlisted people will be orchestrated by
the Bank itself or through some other organization(s) fit for undertaking the obligation. Such test
might be held in Dhaka as well as somewhere else as esteemed advantageous.

d. The Overseeing Chief and President will choose approach and methodology with respect to
readiness of inquiry papers and examination of answer contents and the frameworks/methods of
Composed Test in section and additionally in parallel passage grades.

e. In instance of exigency, the Overseeing Chief and President of the Bank may designate labor,
with the exception of quick 02 (two) levels beneath his rank, at Passage and also at Sidelong
Section Evaluations according to labor necessity loosening up the above enrollment conventions.

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4.2.5 Initiation of Administration:

The administration under the Bank will initiate from the working day on which a worker reports
for obligation at the place and time hinted to him/her and on the off chance that he/she reports
before twelve and from the following working day in the event that he/she reports toward the
evening. Assertions:

A worker at the season of entering the administration of the Bank either at section or horizontal
passage grades will sign and execute the accompanying records:

a) Surety Security alongside two other good identities of means and standing worthy to the Bank
as sureties on a non-legal stamp of essential incentive such that the officeholder will serve the
Bank for a base time of 5 (five) years falling flat which he/she will undoubtedly discount the pay
equivalent to half of the whole sum gotten by him/her amid the time of his/her administration in
the Put money because of pay and stipends (Annexure-A).

b) Experienced administrators and officers will go into a concurrence with the Bank to serve the
Bank for a base time of 03 (three) years.

c) Control and General Set of accepted rules.

d) Affirmation of Constancy and Mystery.

4.2.6 Task of Obligation:

i. An representative will be allocated such obligations as will be resolved every once in a while.

ii. An representative will be required to serve whenever at wherever in or outside Bangladesh.

4.2.7 Probation Period:

i. A hopeful chose for arrangement as a Trial Officer will be on post trial supervision for a time
of 01 (one) year.

ii. A hopeful chose for arrangement as a Student Colleague Officer/Learner Associate Officer
(Money) will be on post trial supervision for a time of 01 (one) year.
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iii. If a Trial Officer/Learner Aide Officer/Student Associate Officer (Money) neglects to
indicate attractive advancement amid the probation time frame, the equipped specialist may, at
its watchfulness, broaden his/her time of probation or offer him/her an arrangement in a lower
level or abstain from his/her administration.

4.2.8 Affirmation:

i. On attractive consummation of probation period, probationers will be qualified for affirmation

to a post to which he/she has been selected compelling from the date of his/her joining the post.

ii. After fruitful finishing of probation period a 'Trial Officer' will be affirmed as 'Officer', a
'Student Collaborator Officer' will be affirmed as 'Aide Officer' and a 'Learner Aide Officer
(Money)' will be affirmed as an 'Associate Officer (Money)'.

4.2.9 Records of Administration:

A. The records of administration will be kept up independently for every worker and the
equivalent will be in the shape determined at Annexure-G (Individual Information Card).

B. An worker may approach HRM Programming by utilizing his/her secret phrase/administrator

secret phrase and confirm his/her Administration Records/Individual Information Card, if
esteems fundamental.

4.2.10 Goes on obligation:

1. An worker going on obligation or on exchange will be qualified for Voyaging Stipend,

Mileage Recompense and Day by day Remittance according to TA/DA Guidelines endorsed by
the Load up every now and then.

2. No recently named worker will be permitted any TA/DA at the season of his/her first joining
the administration.

3. On exchange, a representative will be permitted time as to be really required not surpassing

most extreme 4(four) days comprehensive of occasions, assuming any, to join another post in
another station.

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4. Provided that if the move is in a similar station, the joining time will be the following working

4.2.11 Acquiescence:

a. A affirmed representative will not leave by leaving or stop his/her administration in the Bank
without giving three months' past notice to the Overseeing Executive in composing of his/her
goal to do as such coming up short which he/she will be obligated to pay to the Bank as
remuneration a sum equivalent to his/her compensation for three months notwithstanding that of
the pay as made reference to under Sub-Guideline 9.01(a) above.

b. Provided that when a worker is chosen for arrangement in a higher rank/post in the Bank
having connected through legitimate channel, will not be required to serve 3 (three) months'
notice or surrender 3 months' compensation in lieu thereof.

c. No probationer nor any brief representative will leave by leaving or stop his/her administration
in the Bank without giving multi month's past notice to the Overseeing Chief and President in
composing of his/her expectation to do as such coming up short which he/she will be at risk to
pay to the Bank as pay a sum equivalent to his/her compensation for multi month
notwithstanding that of the remuneration as made reference to under Sub-Principle 9.01(a)

d. Provided that when a representative is chosen for arrangement in a higher rank/post in the
Bank having connected through legitimate channel, will not be required to serve 1 (one) month's
notice or surrender 1 (one) month's compensation in lieu thereof.

e. Not with standing anything contained in these standards no worker will missing him/herself
unapproved by insignificant and endless supply of acquiescence letter even subsequent to
surrendering the notice pay without acknowledgment of his/her abdication and abstention of
freedom/discharge arrange.

f. Without preference to some other method of recuperation, the Bank may recoup the pay under
Sub-Tenets 15.01, 15.02 above and 9.01 (an) of Enlistment Approach from the contribution,
assuming any, payable to the worker worried by the Bank.

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4.2.12 Exchange and Posting:

1. An representative might be exchanged/presented on any Branch/Office of the Bank anyplace

in Bangladesh or abroad.

2. Normally, exchange of a representative might be made on consummation of 03(three) years

residency in any work station. Be that as it may, the executives may exchange any worker prior
if considers important.

3. Any representative having particular ability/skill might be held in a similar work station past
03(three) years in light of a legitimate concern for the Bank subject to earlier authorization of the
equipped specialist.

4. Transfer will be executed according to the expert designated in the Regulatory Optional
Forces of the Bank.

5. Transfer, to the extent practicable, ought to be made toward the start of the year with the goal
that the workers are not troubled making separation of investigation of their youngsters.

6. Transfer starting with one office then onto the next, whenever asked for by a worker at his
very own advantage, might be permitted at the watchfulness of the equipped specialist. Be that as
it may, in such cases the worker will not be qualified for any TA/DA.

4.3 Foundation Checking Approach of Islami Bank Bangladesh Restricted:

4.3.1 Foundation Checking:

While joining the administration of a worker in a post, the followings are to be guaranteed as a
proportion of consistence to the KYE (Know Your Representative) methods:

a) Accumulation of Police Confirmation Report from the Administrator of Police of individual


b) Check of the scholarly testaments issued by various Sheets/Colleges/Organizations/Firms and

so forth.

c) Confirmation of the National Character Card/Savvy Card, assuming any.

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d) Confirmation of the marks of the sureties.

e) Confirmation of the experience authentication (s), assuming any, submitted if there should
arise an occurrence of arrangement at Horizontal Section grade(s).

4.4 Remuneration Arrangement of Islami Bank Bangladesh Restricted:

4.4.1 Pay Scale:

The Sizes of pay and different stipends of the workers of the Bank will be as dictated by the
Load up now and again.

Subject to the arrangement of Sub-Standard 1.01 the underlying pay of a worker selected by
direct enrollment to a post will be the base of the size of pay set down for the post. Nonetheless,
amid the trial time frame the occupant will be paid such merged pay as will be chosen by the
Load up.

Given that the Board may, subsequent to considering the capabilities and encounter and for
motivations to be recorded in composing, allow higher starting pay in the compensation size of
the post to an immediate select. This won't, be that as it may, give him/her any preference in the
matter of rank.

4.4.2 Addition:

A worker on ordinary scale will be permitted yearly addition consistently on the date of his/her
first joining the administration regardless of the date of his/her affirmation/advancement except
if generally banned by some other choice.

The conditions under which benefit include for augmentations a compensation scale are
determined as under:

a) All obligation in a post on a compensation scale and times of leave other than uncommon
leave without pay and remittances and not including towards administration include for additions
that scale.

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Given that regardless in which it is fulfilled that the leave was assessed disease or for some other
reason past the representative's control, coordinate that the additional standard leave will mean

b) Administration in another post whether in a substantive limit or on current charge or on

nomination include for addition the compensation scale pertinent to the post.

4.4.3 Provident Reserve:

a) There will be a reserve called "ISLAMI BANK BANGLADESH Constrained Representatives'

PROVIDENT Store" which will be administered by a different Provident Store Principles
affirmed by the Board.

b) All ordinary and affirmed representatives will necessarily be the Individual from Provident

c) A worker turning into an individual from the Bank's Provident Reserve will assign at least one
individuals from his family on endorsed Frame. Generally the sum due will be payable to the
beneficiaries according to the law of legacy.

d) Each representative will add to the Provident Store @10% of his/her fundamental pay and that
sum will be deducted from the worker's pay in that extent at every periodical installment and
credited to the worker's individual record in the Provident Reserve.

e) The commitments of the Bank to the individual record of the Provident Store will be
equivalent to the measure of commitments of the representative concerned.

f) Each affirmed and full time representative will be qualified for Provident Store according to its
standards at the season of Retirement/Abdication/End/Demise. The Expelled and Evacuated
Workers will get his own commitment towards Provident Store just however will not get Bank's
commitment thereto.

g) if there should arise an occurrence of death of a representative in outfit, both the commitments
towards the Provident Reserve will be paid to the candidate/lawful beneficiaries of the perished
worker of the Bank regardless of his/her residency of administration.

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4.4.4 Tip Store:

a) There will be a store called "ISLAMI BANK BANGLADESH Constrained Representatives'

Tip Reserve" which will be administered by a different Tip Store Tenets affirmed by the Board.

b) The Rejected/Evacuated workers will not be qualified for any Tip. Be that as it may, all
Resigned, Surrendered, Fired and Terminated Representatives will get Tip according to its

c) When a customary representative joins a higher post on being chosen through fitting
procedure, his/her administration in the past post will mean the reason for qualification of Tip.

4.4.5 Superannuation Store:

a) There will be a store called "ISLAMI BANK BANGLADESH Restricted Representatives'

SUPERANNUATION Reserve" which will be administered by a different Superannuation Store
Tenets affirmed by the Board.

b) Every affirmed worker and just those agreement benefit holders utilized against ordinary posts
and who have made somewhere around multi month's commitment to the store will be treated as
a part and will be qualified to help the reserve.

c) The Expelled/Evacuated/Surrendered/Fired representatives will be qualified for their own

commitment just from Superannuation Reserve.

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5.1 Discoveries:

As an understudy of MBA, Bureau of HRM, Workforce of Business and Financial matters, The
Daffodil Worldwide College; I need to finish temporary position program. With reference to that
I was alluded to IBBL Ltd, and worked there for 3 months. The followings are the discoveries of
my multi month's perception as an Internee:

1. Performance Assessment The executives framework isn't inventive and innovation based.

2. Training need appraisal and post preparing assessment isn't legitimately done.

3. Insufficient Planned Vocation Advancement and Representative Inspiration Modified.

4. Reward and Acknowledgment approach not pursued for permitting exceptional addition.

5. 50% Opportunities are filled by direct enlistment which isn't legitimized at IBBL setting.

6. Compensation strategy isn't attractive in accordance with its monetary quality.

5.2 Proposals:

As I have experienced every one of the divisions under HR The executives, I have concocted a
few, which can enhance the productivity and additionally nature of the work. In spite of the fact
that the bank was found as a beneficial concern, the examination uncovers that the bank could do
substantially more on the off chance that it was dealt with all the more productively. Be that as it
may, a few stages might be taken to enhance the effectiveness and to expand the execution of the
bank in future which are given underneath

1. Introducing the Inventive Execution The executives practices, for example, development of
execution network, objective survey based evaluation, 360 degree execution examination, and
client's criticism.

2. Introducing Preparing and Improvement Practices, for example, trial of students, work turn,
tweaked preparing , consistent preparing need appraisal, consolation to apply preparing getting
the hang of, orchestrating work preparing framework , organizing specific preparing , putting
rumored preparing establishments like BIBM.

© Daffodil International University
3. Introducing Forward-looking Profession Improvement Practices, for example, accessibility of
instructive open doors at work put , simple endorsement to the activity applications , inclination
to position in advancements, advancing in the premise of legitimacy and giving quicker

4. Only Higher compensation bundle can't fulfill a self-spurred and uncovered representative in
more elevated amount. The workers need acknowledgment and reward for their self-completion.
So legitimate reward framework should built up based on execution.

5. 30% Opening are filled by direct enrollment which is better at IBBL setting.

6. Introducing Propelled Pay Practices, for example, declaring extraordinary motivating force to
the skilled representatives, unique advancement, uncommon additions on ordinary premise,
exceptional celebration advance and tweaked advantages and so on.

5.3 End:

Considering the actualities that have been contemplated up until now, it tends to be expressed
that Human Asset The executives Practice in Islami Bank Bangladesh Restricted is very
attractive, however all the procedure of HRM methods are not entirely pursued as expressed in
the references. Their enrollment and determination, preparing and advancement process are
update, standard and acceptable. The administration system, hierarchical setup, demeanor
towards representatives and workplace of IBBL has a positive driving force on the general
methodology of the human asset advancement of the bank. As it is a typical discernment that the
best association dependably makes a redone mix of the considerable number of variables that
best satisfies their necessities. The standard job of the HR office job is to give help with HRM
matters and straightforwardly meddle in creating the association's products and ventures. As
indicated by their administration, gaining their insight, building up the expertise of the workers,
inspiring them to abnormal amounts of execution and guaranteeing that they keep on keeping up
their pledge to the association are fundamental in accomplishing hierarchical target.

© Daffodil International University

A. References:
B. Books:
A. Cynthia D. Fisher, Lyle F. Schoenfeldt, James B. Shaw “Human Resource

Management”, 8thEdition .
B. David A.DeCenzo & Stephen P.Robbins(1999),“Personnel/HumanResource
Management”,Third edition ,Prentice Hall:London.
C. DecenzoA David &Robbin P. Stephen & Sons Wiley Johe, Human Resource
management, 9th Edition, Inc, Singapur, 2010.
D. Gary, Dessler, Human Resource Management, 12th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2008
E. Khan Gary Abdul, Human Resource management & Industrial Relations, Abir
Publication, 1st edition. 2009.
F. Zimmerer, Thomas W, Entrepreneurship and small Business Management, -2010
B. Journals:
1. Half Year 2018
2. Annual Report 2017
3. Islami Bank Paricrama 2017

C. Websites:
1. http://university-essays.tripod.com/reward_management.html, retrieved on 21 June, 2018
at 06.45 pm
2. http://www.ibblportal.islamibankbd.com/corporate-information/reports-and-statements,
Retrieved on 24 August, 2018 at 05.10 pm.
3. http://www.ibblportal.islamibankbd.com/about-Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited,
Retrieved on 24 August, 2018 at 11.10 pm.

© Daffodil International University

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