Genuine Temporary Entrant Screening Form: Visa History
Genuine Temporary Entrant Screening Form: Visa History
Genuine Temporary Entrant Screening Form: Visa History
1a. Have you ever had a visa refusal or cancellation in any country? Yes No
1b. Have any of your family members ever had a visa refusal in any country? Yes No
If yes, please attach a CV and a signed employment certificate confirming your work experience
(on company letterhead with referee’s full name, job title and contact details)
3. Is your application for a course that is directly related to your previous study or work experience? Yes No
4. Where do you plan to live for your study? (Indicate your intended town/city)
8. Do you meet financial capacity requirements as defined by the Department of Home Affairs
at Yes No
Your Statement of Purpose (SOP) is an important part of the application process, designed to show that you meet the
Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirements. The information written in your UOW SOP must be included in the
GTE section of the student visa portal.
Your SOP must show independent research in your course and study options, value of your course to your future and
living in Australia and you should outline what research you have conducted.
You must write your SOP yourself (not by your agent or a family member) and it should match your level of English
On the following page is a checklist you should follow in writing your SOP. Please complete the checklist and sign the
declaration below and submit with your SOP.
Your circumstances in your home country, including any personal or economic ties.
Your knowledge of living in Australia and include any existing ties with Australia.
The employment opportunities you could expect to receive following completion of this course, including details of the type of
position you would be eligible for and prospective companies within your home country or in a third country.
The remuneration / salary you could expect to receive following completion of this course in your home country or a third country.
Include details on the likely salary increase and information on salaries for potential positions.
Outline how you intend to finance your studies in Australia, including supporting a spouse and/or dependents (if relevant)
Outline your immigration history, including any visa and travel history.
If you have received a previous visa refusal or visa cancellation, outline the circumstances that led to visa refusal / cancellation and
how your circumstances have changed.
Outline your knowledge of the student visa conditions
By signing this form, I declare that the information provided in this form and the Statement of Purpose is true and correct. I declare that I have independently written
the Statement of Purpose and undertaken independent research. I acknowledge and accept that UOW may vary or cancel any decision made on the basis of incorrect,
incomplete, false or misleading information which I may have provided. I understand that the information provided will be used in the administration of my
application and subsequent enrolment. I agree to tell UOW immediately if there is any change to the information I have provided. I understand and accept the terms
and conditions in the Privacy General Consent and Disclosure Statement which can be viewed at: