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Relationship Between SMP, ASON, Gmpls and SDN

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Relationship between SMP, ASON,


With the introduction of a control plane in optical networks,
this white paper describes the relationships between
different protocols and architectures.

System (NMS) and the Operation Support

Introduction System (OSS).
With the advent of optical networks, a third
Traditional networks consist of two operating operating plane was added. The optical
planes: the management plane and the control plane sits between the management
transport or data plane. In this architecture, plane and the data plane and helps to move
the data plane carries the user data. It some network intelligence down to the
consists of various network equipment, such Network Elements (NE). As a result of adding
as interface cards, switching equipment, and the optical control plane, the NEs have access
the fiber plant. Network operating information to the overall topology of the network and
is managed by the management plane available resources allowing the NEs to
consisting of the Element Management participate in the planning, establishment and
System (EMS), the Network Management maintaining network services for the end

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Management Plane Control Plane

Data Plane

Network management and monitoring

Network control and service provisioning

Figure 1: Operating planes for an optical transport network.

The control plane offers several benefits to the for a given connection, based on the network
carriers. The control plane can provide much topology and routing criteria it is given.
faster and less labor intensive service Common route selection criteria are things like:
provisioning, therefore saving operating costs. shortest path, lowest cost, fewest hops, and least
It can also provide new revenue generating congested. This function is triggered by
services, such as time-of-day service. Most of
all, the control plane can provide efficient and
cost effective network restoration.

Control Plane Applications

Most optical control plane applications focus

mainly on the services that perform
connection management for the transport
plane for both the packet-based services and
path-based services. The main functions of a
control plane are:
 Routing control
 Resources discovery
 Connection management
 Connection restoration

Routing Control
The routing control function is responsible for
selecting the combination of links to be used
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a connection management function request
and utilizes the network topology populated
by resource discovery function.

Resource Discovery
The resource discovery function keeps track
of the system resource availability such as
bandwidth, multiplexing capability and ports.
It is responsible for the discovery of
neighboring nodes and the links connecting
them, and the communication of this
information to all relevant elements. It
maintains the neighbor and link information
and updates this in real time. This
information enables all elements of the
control plane to have an accurate topology
map of the network to be used for
connection management and routing control

Connection Management
Connection management functions
provide end-to-end service provisioning
for different services as requested by the
end users. The services include
connection creation, modifications, status
update, and tear down. Connections
management functions often perform path
computation based on parameters
provided by the carriers. For example,
path computation could establish a
requested path based on the lowest cost.
Other parameters could be bandwidth
requirements, wavelength continuity,
maximum allowable latency and optical
characteristic allowable for the bit rates to be
Path computation can also be used to
calculate diverse routes needed for

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Connection Restoration Recommendation G.8080/Y.1304 (referred to
Connection restoration function provides an as G.ASON when it was a draft). ASON is a
additional level of protection to the network by standardized network architecture and set of
establishing for each connection one or more functions for automated resource and
pre-assigned backup resources. This pre- connection management within the network,
assigned path allows for quick restoration in driven by dynamic signaling between users
case of a network failure. and ASON network elements. Though the
acronym ASON implies applicability to optical
networks, it is general enough for application
to any network layer where connections (static
Resource Management or virtual) are used.
Resource management is the function of Implementers of the ASON control planes
controlling the utilization of resources based on chose to re-use existing protocols from the
network design parameters. It includes the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for the
formation of the Traffic Engineering (TE) control plane messages and agreed to a
database, based on the network topology and protocol based on Multi-Protocol Label
the real-time utilization of each link and node. Switching (MPLS). The IETF defined
The database makes it possible for the routing Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching
control function use the existing utilization of a (GMPLS) in RFC3473 to satisfy the
link as criteria for routing. Resource requirements of those building ASON based
management, in addition to maintaining an control planes. This standard is a generalized
accurate record or utilization, typically includes signaling extension to MPLS. This extends the
the ability to reserve capacity for a particular concept of a label to include implicit values
purpose (such as capacity reserved for defined by the medium that is being
protection of active connections) or connection provisioned. It can be used to work with
that is not yet active (such as a new customer SONET/SDH/OTN equipment as well as with
circuit to be turned up at a certain time). Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)

Control Plane Standards

Automatically Switched
When intelligent optical networks first arrived Optical Network (ASON)
on the market, every implementation utilized
different control plane architectures, to support
varying functions, using proprietary protocols. ASON is a control plane architecture allowing
Due to the fact that network operators typically a policy driven control of a SDH or optical
included equipment from multiple suppliers network using signaling between NEs and
(either by design or acquisition) and suppliers between users and NEs of a network. Its
wanted to sell standards based products objective is to provide automated control
globally, work was started to standardize the functions for network resources and
optical control plane. There were parallel connections. The main objectives of an ASON
efforts in multiple standards development network are:
organizations and forums, but the International
 Automated end-to-end provisioning
Telecommunication Union –
Telecommunications Sector (ITU-T) first  Automated re-routing for protection
defined a clear architecture and a and restoration
standardized set of functions for an optical  Dynamic setup of connections
network. The optical network with an active  Enable different levels of quality of
control plane between was labeled an services
Automatically Switched Optical Network
(ASON) and the ASON architecture was
defined in ITU-T
wavelength for a light path if the wavelength is
ASON/GMPLS Control known in advance. Open Shortest Path First
Plane (OSPF) can be used over GMPLS as a routing
protocol to keep track of link states and select
link as requested by users, management
GMPLS is the protocol defined to support a plane, or triggered by control plane functions.
control plane based on the ASON GMPLS also uses the Link Management
architecture. Specific capabilities that fit under Protocol (LMP) to communicate proper cross-
the ASON architecture are defined for connect information between the network
GMPLS. The fundamental service provided by elements. LMP runs between adjacent
an ASON/GMPLS control plane is dynamic systems for link provisioning and fault isolation.
end- to-end connection provisioning. The
operators need only to specify the connection In addition to the service-related advantages of
parameters and send them to the ingress using a control plane, the most important
node. The network control plane can then function of a control plane is to provide efficient
determine the best optical paths across the and cost effective restoration for optical
network according to the parameters and networks. In view of the current
signal the adjacent nodes to establish the implementation of 40G and 100G systems,
connection. restoration become even most critical for future
optical networks.
ASON/GMPLS will also function well in
today’s multi- layers optical networks. It can The efficient ASON/GMPLS based control
be used for traffic grooming on edge nodes plane incorporated with the management plane
when applied across a two-layer network. For will not only provide new and better network
example, consider an optical wavelength functions but will also help the carriers explore
routed in an optical network and an new revenue streams as well as save network
“optoelectronic” multiplexed layer over it. and operations costs.
When a transparent light path connects in the
optical layer (operating strictly at wavelength
granularity) two physically adjacent or distant
nodes, these nodes will seem adjacent to the
multiplexing layer. The multiplexing layer can
then multiplex the different traffic streams into
a single wavelength-based light path. It can
Relationship between
also de-multiplex different traffic streams from GMPLS, ASON and SMP
a single light path. At a multiplexing node,
some of the de-multiplexed traffic can also be
re-multiplexed into different light paths using a As explained earlier, ASON is a control plane
GMPLS-based control plane. architecture and a list of functions with GMPLS
GMPLS includes the definition of several being the protocol used to implement those
forms of labels – the generalized labels control plane functions. The ASON control
suitable to be used with wavelength-based plane performs many tasks in addition to
optical networks. These objects include the protection and restoration. It uses a set of
generalized label request, the generalized protocols, including GMPLS, to achieve the
label, the explicit label control, and the functions. ASON and GMPLS both can be
protection flag. The generalized label can be used for control planes in packet and circuit
used to represent time slots, wavelengths, networks.
wave bands, or Per the name, Shared Mesh Protection (SMP)
space-division multiplexed positions. is an attempt to define a standardized
In order to set up a light path, GMPLS uses a architecture with the primary function of
signaling protocol to exchange control sharing protection capacity in a meshed
information among the nodes in the network, network. It works in the data plane and is
to distribute labels, and to reserve resources independent on the management and control
along the path. Signaling protocol to be used planes. It only provides protection and
for the GMPLS control plane includes restoration functions, depending on pre-
Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP). assigned protection resources. Its only
RSVP can be used to reserve a single
relationship with the management plane rests efficient assignment of protection resources.
with the notification functions, so network For example, SDN may require the use of the
operators can be notified of a network failure discovery capability from either the ASON or
and subsequent restoration. The simplicity of GMPLS control plane. Indeed, the
this architecture allows for faster and more combination of the SDN and ASON/GMPLS
reliable restoration. The activation of the functions might provide the operators with the
process is initiated locally at the node using most efficient optical network.
either Signal Fail (SF) or Signal Degrade (SD)
parameters. It is not initiated by the control
plane or the management plane. SMP is a
protection mechanism designed for meshed
network just like the SONET/SDH ring
protection mechanism commonly used prior to
the introduction of ASON and GMPLS. Conclusion
Technology-specific SMP is a more refined
architecture designed specifically for a
particular technology. Thought often presented as competing
technologies, SMP- and ASON/GMPS-based
protection/restoration are two different
approaches, playing at different levels.
GMPLS is the protocol defined to support a
control plane based on the ASON architecture.
SDN and ASON/GMPLS The fundamental service provided by an
ASON/GMPLS control plane is dynamic end-
to-end connection provisioning.
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a SMP operation does not require ASON/GMPS
network architecture based on a signaling technology:
protocol (typically OpenFlow) with the primary
purpose of automatically controlling a network  All ODUk paths are pre-provisioned/
for efficient utilization of network capacity and pre-defined (this can be done by NMS,
resources. It was created to reduce the SDN, or ASON/GMPLS);
amount of wasted network capacity and  SMP signaling is based on APS bytes
resources in a packet network, by in the ODUk overhead and does not
automatically allocating them where they are rely on ASON/GMPLS routing;
needed. The primary SDN function is in many  SMP-based protection switching is
ways similar to the traffic engineering and faster than restoration based on
capacity planning functions traditionally done ASON/GMPS.
for optical networks, where more static
connections are the norm. The possibility of Depending on operators’ requirements
applying SDN across network layers based on (spanning from hardware resources to
physical connections and not the virtual switching time and global network availability),
connections that exist at the data layers is still there is no one-size-fits-all solution or
being explored. The use of SDN for optical approach. As exposed above, the combination
networks (either for TDM layers like of the SDN and ASON/GMPLS functions, with
SDH/SONET/OTN or optical layers) may help mechanisms implemented in specific network
operators look for available resources and layer on a per need basis, might provide the
assign protection resources in the real time operators with the most efficient optical
basis. While SDN could also be used to network.
provision services, the linking of the functions
in SDN and ASON/GMPLS, might assure

Note: In another white paper, entitled “Shared Mesh Protection: What It Is and Where It Fits”, Xtera describes the
Shared Mesh Protection (SMP) architecture leading to faster protection switching than restoration based on
ASON/GMPS protocols.
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Edition Date: March 2014

Version: 1.0

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