Rabbits: Peter Fisher - Jennifer Graham
Rabbits: Peter Fisher - Jennifer Graham
Rabbits: Peter Fisher - Jennifer Graham
C HA PT E R 10 Rabbits 495
There is a potential for antibiotic-induced enterotoxemia following administration of some antimicrobial agents
(see Table 10.15). Appetite and fecal character must be monitored closely during and following therapy.
The use of fluoroquinolones in food-producing animals is strictly prohibited in the United States. Do not use these drugs in rabbits
that may be consumed by humans.
ALP (U/L) 4-70
ALT (U/L) 14-80
Amylase (U/L) 200-500
AST (U/L) 14-113
Bicarbonate (mEq/L) 16.2-31.8
Bile acids (μmol/L) <40
Bilirubin, total (mg/dL) 0-0.75
518 Exotic Animal Formulary
T ABL E 10-18 Clinical Signs and Behavioral Changes Used in the Assessment
of Pain in Rabbits.a
Clinical Signs Behavioral Changes
Change of body posture; tensing of abdominal muscles, Decreased grooming activity; piloerection;
pressing abdomen onto ground unkempt and ruffled fur coat
Change of body posture; tucking of abdomen, hunched Decreased interest in food or cessation of food
body; abdominal splinting on palpation intake
Eyelids squinted; lack of focus; orbit may be retracted Decreased frequency and duration of exploring/
or bulging searching
Muzzle and nares contracture; increased intensity Decreased frequency and duration of
associated with level of pain movement or response to stimuli
Increased teeth grinding (bruxism) Decreased conspecific interaction
Ears pinned back, held close to head Irritable or aggressive temperament
524 Exotic Animal Formulary
TAB LE 10-18 Clinical Signs and Behavioral Changes Used in the Assessment
of Pain in Rabbits. (cont’d)
Clinical Signs Behavioral Changes
Increased heart rate; increased frequency and depth Stiff gait, lameness, staggering; difficulty
of respirations finding comfortable resting position
Decreased body weight over time Decreased fecal output or decreased size of
fecal pellets
Modified from Fisher (2010).42
TAB LE 10-20 Sensitivity and Specificity Calculators for IgM and IgG Titers and
CRP Levels Relative to the Diagnosis of Suspected
Encephalitozoon cuniculi Infections in Pet Rabbits.a,27
IgM IgG CRP > Sensitivity Specificity Positive Predictive Predictive
1:64 1:512 38 mg/L (%) (%) Value (%) Value (%)
+ ND ND 69 75 88 48
ND + ND 62 78 88 44
ND ND + 40 89 90 38
+ + ND 58 89 92 41
+ ND + 27 100 100 34
ND + + 22 97 95 32
+ + + 20 100 100 32
CRP, C-Reactive Protein; ND, results of analyte not included in analysis.
C HA PT E R 10 Rabbits 525
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