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Gingivitis: Roy C. Page

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Gingivitis Roy C.

Departments of Periodontics and Pathology
and the Center for Research in Oral Biology,
Health Sciences Center, University of
Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA

Page RC: Gingivitis. J Clin Periodontol 1986; 13: 345-355.

Abstract. Gitigivitis is caused by substances derived from tnicrobial plaque ac-

cutnulating at or tiear the gingival sulcus; all other suspected local and systemic
etiologic factors either enhance plaque accumulation or retention, or enhance the
susceptibility of the gingival tissue to microbial attack. Microbial species specifically
associated with gingival health include Streptococcus sanguis 1, S. D-7, and
Fusobacterium naviforme. Bacteria involved in the etiology of gingivitis include
specific species of Streptoccous, Fusobacterium, Actinomyces, Veillonella, and
Treponema and possibly Bacteroides, Capnocytophaga, and Eikenella. Microbial
colonization and participation is sequential, with the complexity of the associated
flora increasing with time. The pathogenesis has been separated into the initial,
early, and established stages, each with characteristic features. The initial lesion
is an acute inflammation which can be induced experimentally by application
of extracts of plaque bacteria to normal gingiva. The early lesion is characterized
by a lymphoid cell infiltrate predominated by T lymphocytes, characteristic of
lesions seen at sites of cell-tnediated hypersensitivity reactions. The early lesion
can be induced by application of purified contact antigens to the gingival tissues
of previously sensitized animals. As the clinical condition worsens, the established
lesion appears, predominated by B lymphocytes and plasma cells. Established
lesions may remain stable for indefinite periods of time, they may revert, or they
may progress. Periodontal destruction does not result from the conversion of
a predominantly T cell to a predominantly B cell lesion as has been suggested,
but rather from episodes of acute inflammation. Clinical manifestations of
gingivitis are episodic phenomena characterized by discontinuous bursts of acute
inflammation. Most lesions are transient or persistent but not progressive.
Attachment loss may precede alveolar bone loss and may occur without the
manifestations of a concurrent or a precursor gingivitis. On the other hand, the
evidence indicates that a portion of gingivitis lesions can and does progress to
periodontitis. Gingivitis and the periodontal microfiora differ in children and
adults. Clinical signs of gingivitis either do not appear as plaque accumulates, or
they are greatly delayed in children, and the inflammatory infiltrate consists mostly
of T lymphocytes. The conversion to a B cell lesion does not appear to occur.
The evidence supports the conclusion that gingivitis is a disease, and that control
and prevention is a worthwhile goal and a health benefit. Efforts to achieve this
goal should be continued and intensified, since we are as yet unable to distinguish
between gingivitis lesions which will progress and those which will not. Key words: Gingival inflammation - patho-
genesis - microbiology - neutrophils.

Prior to the decade of the 196O's, gingi- have been important in subsequent de- microbial etiology of the disease. More
vitis did not command significant clini- velopments in periodontology. First, a recent studies have confirmed this con-
cal attention and very little research had positive association was demonstrated clusion in humans and in experimental
been performed. However, following between decreasing levels of oral animal models (Lindlie & Rylander
the development of the periodontal in- cleanliness and the presence and in- 1975, Payne et al. 1975, Schroeder et
dex of Russell, the periodontal disease creasing severity of gingivitis, and sec- al. 1975, Page & Schroeder 1976, 1982,
index of Ramfjord, and other similar ond, gingivitis was perceived to be an Moore etal. 1982, 1984).
indices, epidemiologic studies assessing early form of periodontitis which in In light of the above observations,
the prevalence and severity of gingivitis time and without treatment would pro- one might readily question why there
and periodontitis were carried out in gress without remission to periodontitis has been a continuing interest in gingi-
many countries throughout the world. (Greene 1963). The classic experiments vitis since its cause has been clearly
These studies led to 2 concepts which of Loe et al. (1965) demonstrated that identified, its course of progress deter-
without doubt the accumulation of mi- mined, and its resolution and preven-
crobial plaque results in the develop- tion by successful plaque removal and
* Supported in part by grants DE-02600, ment of ginvititis and that its removal control demonstrated. In recent years,
DE-03301 and DE-07063 from the National and control results in resolution of the important new information about gingi-
Institutes of Health. lesions in humans, thereby proving the vitis has become available; several im-
346 Page

portant new questions have arisen, and Saliva is also important in host defen- specifically with periodontal pocket
some of the previously developed ideas se of the periodontium. The continuous bacteria are also made.
about gingivitis have been called into secretion of relatively large volumes of The high level of tissue turnover is a
question. The purpose of the present saliva provides a flushing action which defense mechanism the importance of
paper is to explore some of the ques- aids in clearing bacteria from the oral which has frequently not been appreci-
tions currently being considered, with cavity. Saliva contains antibodies, par- ated. Sulcus and junctional epithelia, as
particular emphasis on the more recent ticularly secretory IgA, which may be well as the matrix components of the
literature in terms of the defense mech- specific for antigenic determinants of gingival connective tissue and periodon-
anisms operating in the region of the periodontal bacteria and which partici- tal ligament, manifest an inordinately
gingival sulcus, the types of gingivitis pate in an important way in their clear- high level of turnover even in adults
and their etiologies, pathogenesis and ance. Salivary agglutinins, a group of (Page & Ammons 1974). The turnover
nature of the local tissue response, dif- proteins which have not yet been well rates appear to be higher than in any
ferences in gingivitis in children and characterized, may also play an impor- other adult tissue except the healing
adults, and the clinical significance of tant role by causing the clumping and wound and the involuting uterus. As a
gingivitis. clearance of bacteria via nonspecific in- consequence, the regeneration potential
teractions. Saliva also contains viable is great and the periodontium can ac-
leukocytes derived from the peripheral commodate considerable amounts of
Mechanisms of Defense of the blood that are capable of phagocytosis damage without long-term deleterious
Gingival Suicus and killing. consequences.
The region of the gingivai suleus is un- The gingival fluid which exudes from There is a great deal of evidence to
der continuous challenge by myriads of the gingival sulcus, especially once in- support the view that the peripheral
living bacteria and their toxic and anti- flammation begins (L6e & Holm-Peder- blood neutrophils play an exceedingly
genic products. In addition, we face sen 1965), is also an important protec- important role in preventing the deve-
antigenic challenges from substances tive mechanism. Gingival fluid contains lopment of gingivitis and formation of
present in saliva and in our food and virtually all of the substances present in gingival and periodontal pockets. The
drink. In order to fend off and control blood serum but at more dilute concen- importance of neutrophils in this regard
these challenges, numerous local and trations, and its unidirectional flow pro- was only recently recognized and ap-
systemic host defense mechanisms are vides a continuous flushing action. The preciated. Studies on germ-free rats and
called into play. Since these protective components of the complement system dogs and on animals whose teeth have
mechanisms also participate in the in- are present in gingival fluid and these been kept meticulously clean provided
flammatory process we recognize as gin- proteins are activated during the course new insights into the functioning of the
givitis, an understanding of them is im- of gingival inflammation (Attstrom et normal host defense system around the
portant in gaining insights into the na- al. 1975, Schenkein & Genco 1977a, b, teeth (Attstrom & Egelberg 1970, 1971,
ture of gingivitis. Because of the limited Okada & Silverman 1979). Activation Attstrom 1971, Listgarten & Heneghan
scope of this paper, systemic aspects of results in the generation of numerous 1971, 1973, Attstrom et al. 1975,
host defense by and large will not be polypeptides with potent biologic activi- Schroeder et al. 1975, Garant 1976a,
discussed, although the reader should ties including the enhancement of b, c, Schroeder 1977). Under normal
keep in mind that these too participate phagocytosis and killing of bacteria, conditions there is a constant stream of
in the process (Page & Schroeder 1976, and the initiation and perpetuation of neutrophils migrating from the vessels
1981, 1982). the inflammatory response. Comp- of the gingival plexus through the junc-
An epithelial barrier is provided by lement components can also participate tional epithelium to the gingival margin,
the keratinized gingival epithelium, the in some aspects of tissue destruction into the gingival sulcus and oral cavity
epithelium covering the lateral wall of such as bone resorption (Raisz et al. (Ryder 1979, 1980a, b, c). Most bacteria
the gingival sulcus, and by the junc- 1974), as well as in healing and connec- produce substances that chemotactical-
tional epithelium. As long as the epi- tive tissue regeneration (Bordin et al. ly attract neutrophils (Lareau et al.
thelial barrier is intact, bacteria cannot 1984). Gingival fluid also contains non- 1984), and chemotactic substances are
enter the underlying connective tissue, specific opsonins and antibodies specific also present in saliva. A chemical gradi-
nor can most noxious microbial sub- for determinants of pocket bacteria ent of chemotactic agents seems to exist
stances gain access. Although the junc- (Haffajee et al. 1984). These too, partici- across normal, intact junctional epi-
tional epithelium is quite permeable to pate in host defense by enhancing mi- thelium and connective tissue. Neutro-
relatively large molecules (Steinberg et crobial killing and clearance. A portion phils leaving the blood vessels are
al. 1981), noxious substances which do of the antibodies specific for periodon- guided by this gradient toward the gin-
penetate can easily be countered by tal pocket bacteria comes from the gival margin or into the gingival sulcus
phagocytosis and other defense mech- blood plasma, while another portion is where they are functional (Kowolik &
anisms operating within the connective produced locally by plasma cells present Raeburn 1980, Kowashi et al. 1980,
tissues. An early and important event in within the soft tissue pocket wall (Lally Charon et al. 1982, Thurre et al. 1984).
the development of gingivitis is ulcer- et al. 1980, Mouton et al. 1981, Schon- Under normal conditions, the transmi-
ation (Schroeder 1977, Schroeder & feld & Kagan 1982, Daly et al. 1983). grating cells leave no trace of their pass-
Attstrom 1979) of the wall of the gin- Although much of the immunoglobulin age and cause no tissue damage what-
gival sulcus or gingival pocket which produced by gingival plasma cells is ever. These neutrophils are the primary
may allow an influx of microbial sub- nonsense antibody resulting from poly- and first line of defense around the
stances to enter the underlying connec- clonal activation (see review. Page & teeth; the epithelial barrier is the second.
tive tissues. Schroeder (1981)), antibodies reacting Local defense systems acting together
Gingivitis 347

and in concert with the systemic host paper concerns only the plaque-associ- experimental gingivitis observed a shift
defense mechanisms, usually contain ated lesion. from a Streptococcus-dominated plaque
the microbial challenge around the teeth to Actinomyces-domim.tcd plaque as
and prevent microbial extension. These gingivitis appeared. Developing gingi-
responses may be manifested clinically Etioiogy
vitis was associated with increasing
as gingival inflammation. Their activi- There is overwhelming evidence that the numbers of A. israelii, while gingivitis
ties usually cause but little damage to direct cause of gingivitis is the accumu- with bleeding was associated with A.
the gingival tissue and v^fhen damage lation of microbial plaque on and near viscosus and certain strains of pig-
does occur, it can easily be repaired by the cervical region of the teeth (Loe et mented Bacteroides, probably B. gin-
the unusually high turnover rate of tis- al. 1965, Lindhe et al. 1973, Lindhe & givalis (Loesch & Sayed 1978, Sayed &
sue components. Consequently, pockets Rylander 1975, Payne et al. 1975, Loesche 1978). Species of Bacteroides
do not form and periodontal diseases Page & Schroeder 1976, 1982, Moore et were also implicated in the etiology of
do not occur. At the present time there al. 1982, 1984, Best et al. 1985). All gingivitis by White & Mayrand (1981).
is no clearcut dividing line between what other suspected local and systemic fac- Sites with a gingival index score of 3
would be considered a normal success- tors either enhance plaque accumu- had more gram-negative anaerobic rods
ful host defense operation and onset of lation or interfere with its removal and than less affected sites, and 31.8% of
the disease we call gingivitis. control, or enhance the susceptibility of these were B. gingivalis, a species absent
the gingival tissues to the microbial from healthy sulci.
challenge via as yet obscure mechan- Moore et al. (1982) reported the re-
Forms of Gingivitis isms. sults of their extensive analysis of the
Under the classification system of the At clinically normal and relatively microflora associated with human ex-
American Academy of Periodontology, normal sites. Streptococci and facultat- perimental gingivitis in young adults.
gingivitis was defined as the inflamma- ive species of Aclinomyces, especially A. They observed that while the compo-
tory lesion confmed to the tissues of the viscosus and A. naeslundii, along with sition of the flora from one subject to
marginal gingiva, and periodontitis was Rothia dentocariosa, account for up to another was reasonably similar for the
the term accepted to describe inflamma- 85% of the total cultivable flora (Slots first 4 days of plaque accumulation,
tory lesions extending into the deeper 1979, Tanner et al. 1979), although sac- composition then became more diverse
tissues (Aiguier et al. 1937, Orban 1942, charolytic Bacteroidcs (Spiegel et al. with a great deal of variation from sub-
Lyons et al. 1950, Lyons et al. 1959); 1979) and Capnocytophaga (Moore et ject to subject, related in part to the
these definitions continue to be ac- al. 1982) may be found. The ratio of inflammatory status of the site sampled.
cepted. Both lesions have been de- non-motile to motile forms is about 40 They found specific species of Actinom-
scribed further on the basis of the to 1 (Listgarten & Hellden 1978). Re- yces, Streptococcus, Fusobacterium,
character of the associated exudate as cently, Moore et al. (1982) demonstra- Veillonella, and Treponenia to be repro-
edematous, serous, purulent, or necro- ted that the subgingival flora of persons ducibly associated with the develop-
tic; on the basis of clinical manifes- with healthy gingiva who kept their ment of gingivitis. As the lesions became
tations as ulcerative, hemorrhagic, des- teeth fastidiously clean is complex and more severe, additional species ap-
quamative, or hypertrophic; on the ba- contains species from many different peared, some of which have been associ-
sis of etiology as plaque-associated, genera, especially gram-negative facul- ated with periodontitis. They provided
nutrition-associated (scorbutic, for ex- tative species that are often associated evidence that a progression of species
ample), endocrine-associated as in ado- with the flora of the nose and throat. In colonizing in a sequential manner rather
lescence or pregnancy; associated with contrast, the subgingival flora associ- than a mere increase in the amount of
generalized infections such as in dis- ated with generally healthy gingiva and plaque is responsible for gingivitis. Re-
seminated tuberculosis; or drug-induced moderately clean teeth is relatively sim- analysis of these data revealed a positive
as in phcnytoin hyperplasia; and on the ple and contains primarily Actinomyces, association of B. gingivalis with gingi-
basis of duration as acute or chronic. Streptococcus, and Veillonella species. vitis. More recently, Savitt & Socransky
Gingivitis is also subclassified on the In a re-analysis of these data. Best et al. (1984) reported the results of a study in
basis of presumed etiologic features into (1985) provided evidence that S. sanguis which both selective and elective media
fonns with associated local and systemic I, S. D-7, and F. naviforme are associ- were used to enumerate nine commonly
factors. Cases that cannot be resolved ated specifically with gingival health. encountered subgingival species in sam-
etiologically have been referred to as Although a large body of information ples harvested from sites with gingivitis
idiopathic. has been acquired about the microflora or periodontitis. Eikenella corrodens,
The types of gingivitis most fre- associated with periodontitis, much less and Fusobaeteriwn and C. gingivalis
quently encountered are plaque-associ- effort has been directed toward analysis were elevated in proportion in samples
ated, acute ulcerative necrotizing, hor- of the flora associated with gingivitis. from sites with gingivitis. Spirochetes
monal, and drug-induced or spon- In the early work, based mostly on mor- were found more at diseased than at
taneously occurring hyperplastic phology using stained plaque smears, healthy sites, and their proportions cor-
gingivitis. Plaque-associated gingivitis is gingivitis was associated with a change related with the probing depth. Pro-
by far the most prevalent, accounting from a gram-positive predominantly portions of motile organisms correlated
for many more cases than all other streptococcal flora to a more complex positively with the degree of redness
forms combined. Because of the pre- flora including gram-negative and spiral manifested by the tissues and negatively
dominance of plaque-associated gingi- forms (Theilade et al, 1966). Subsequent with the proportions of cocci.
vitis and the scarcity of information investigators who harvested plaque The subgingival microfiora associ-
about other forms, the remainder of this samples from individuals undergoing ated with experimental gingivitis in
348 Page

children differs significantly from one ted a higher frequency of visible plaque junctional epithelium or underlying
child to another, and from that observed and gingival inflammation at the sites connective tissue. Single inflammatory
in young adults. Samples of the flora of malposed teeth than at control sites, cells can be seen in the junctional epi-
from children had significantly greater there was no correlation between these thelium and in the connective tissues,
proportions of Leptotrichia, Capnocyto- values and the degree of malposition. but these do not form foci of inflam-
phaga, Selenomonas, Bacteroides, and Buckley (1981) also reported a positive mation and there is no associated histo-
bacterial species requiring formate and correlation between tooth malposition pathologic evidence for tissue damage
fumarate as nutrients (Moore et al. and the amount of gingival inflam- (Schroeder et al. 1973, Payne et al. 1975,
1984). mation, but the correlation was very low Attstrom et al. 1975, Schroeder et al.
The composition of the flora associ- and he concluded that the amounts of 1973, Schroeder et al. 1975, Lindhe &
ated with gingivitis may vary with the microbial deposits were much more im- Rylander 1975, Matsson & Attstrom
type of disease present. Kornman & portant in the development of gingival 1979). Most biopsies of clinically nor-
Loesche (1980) studied pregnant women infiammation than was tooth position. mal human gingiva contain inflamma-
free of periodontitis. B. intermedius was Diet may also play a role either by en- tory cells consisting predominantly of T
associated with the appearance and se- hancing microbial growth or by altering cells with very few B cells or plasma
verity of gingivitis. Proportions of B. tissue susceptibility. Individuals con- cells (Seymour et al. 1983a, b). These
intermedius correlated with levels of suming a high-sugar diet over a period cells do not create tissue damage, and
plasma estrogen and progesterone, and of three weeks manifested more gingi- they appear to be important in the day-
in vitro evidence was obtained indi- vitis (bleeding) than did control indivi- to-day host response to bacterial and
cating that these hormones are nutri- duals consuming a low sugar diet other substances to which the gingiva
ents for B. intermedius. (Sidi & Ashley 1984). are exposed. The junctional epithelium
Numerous local oral conditions sus- does not have rete ridges, and it is sup-
pected as participants in the etiology of ported by a uniform gingival connective
gingivitis have received attention. These tissue with dense collagen fiber bundles
include tooth anatomy and position, the Pathogenesis of Gingivitis (Schroeder et al. 1973, Page et al. 1974,
amount and quality of the surrounding Morphologic and functional changes in Attstrom et al. 1975). Histologically
gingiva, length of the junctional epi- the gingiva during plaque accumulation normal gingival tissue is found only ad-
thelium, food impaction, malocclusion, have been thoroughly investigated, es- jacent to relatively plaque-free teeth and
mouth breathing, defective dental re- pecially in the beagle dog and in humans therefore is relatively rare in normal hu-
storations and prosthodontic applican- (Attstrom & Egelberg 1971, Lindhe et mans.
ces, diet, and smoking. Information al. 1973, Lindhe & Rylander 1975, The initial lesion manifests the
about these putative etiologic factors Schroeder et al. 1975, Zachrisson 1969, characteristics of a classic acute inflam-
has been reviewed and summarized by Schroeder 1970, 1979, Schroeder & mation. In experimental animals and
Pennel & Keagle (1977), and only the Lindhe 1975, Schroeder & Attstrom humans exposed to plaque accumu-
more recent papers are discussed here. 1979, Schroeder et al. 1973, 1975, Pay- lation, an acute exudative inflammatory
Clinicians have long believed that a ne et al. 1975). A very large amount of response appears and is manifested by
band of keratinized attached gingiva is data has been accumulated from both an increased flow of gingival fluid and
essential for the maintenance of a dis- experimental animal models, and from enhanced transmigration of granulo-
ease-free periodontium. This seems not experimentally induced and spon- cytes, expecially neutrophils, from the
to be the case. In the beagle dog model, taneously occurring gingivitis in hu- vessels of the subgingival plexus
a gingival unit supported by loosely at- mans. A useful framework for organiz- through the gingival connective tissue
tached alveolar mucosa is no more sus- ation and consideration of these data and junctional epithelium and into the
ceptible to plaque-induced inflam- has been devised on the basis of histopa- gingival sulcus and oral cavity. The peri-
mation than a unit supported by a wide thologic, radiographic, and ultrastruc- vascular connective tissue matrix be-
band of keratinized attached gingiva tural features and biochemical measure- comes altered, and there is exudation
(Wennestrom et al. 1982, Wenne- ments (Page & Schroeder 1976, 1982). and deposition of fibrin in the affected
strom & Lindhe 1983). These experi- The sequence of events culminating in area. In humans the initial lesion is seen
mental observations are consistent with clinically apparent gingivitis has been within abotit four days of the beginning
the longitudinal clinical studies per- separated into the initial, early, and es- of plaque accumulation. The infiltrated
formed in humans by Dorfman et al. tablished stages, and periodontitis has area comprises about 5% to 10% of the
(1982). Some forms of periodontal been designated as the advaneed stage. marginal gingival connective tissue and
therapy result in formation of a long The advanced stage will not be con- in this zone much of the collagen is
junctional epithelium and such teeth sidered in the present communication. destroyed. This destruction likely results
have been suspected of a high suscepti- In spite of extensive research, we still from the activity of collagenase and
bility to gingival inflammation. Using a cannot distinguish definitively between other enzymes released by infiltrating
monkey model, Magnusson et al. (1983) normal gingival tissue and the initial and transmigrating neutrophils
found that teeth with a long junctional stage of gingivitis. The factors compris- (Schroeder & Attstrom 1979,
epithelium are no more susceptible to ing this transition are not well under- Attstrom & Schroeder 1979). The na-
microbial attack than are the normal stood. Under experimental conditions ture of the initial lesion is relatively well
control teeth in the same animals. in which the tissues of humans and ani- understood. Extracts of microbial
Tooth malposition has also been con- mals are kept relatively free of mi- plaque, as well as culture fluids and son-
sidered in the etiology of gingivitis. Al- crobial plaque, very few leukocytes are ic extracts of periodontal bacteria
though Behlfelt et al. (1981) demonstra- found in the gingival sulcus or in the (Hellden & Lindhe 1973, Winnestrom
Gingivitis 349

et al. 1980, Lareau et al. 1984), are che- 70% of which were T cells. Although the proportion of T cells decreases and
motactic for leukocytes and the initial the size of the lymphoid cell infiltrate B cells and plasma cells increase. Sey-
lesion can be induced by their appli- did increase during the 21-day course of mour et al. (1979) have suggested that
cation to the gingival sulcus region in the experiment, the composition did not a conversion from a predominantly T
otherwise normal animals (Kahnberg et change. Thus, the early lesion may per- cell infiltrate to a B cell infiltrate is the
al. 1976). sist for longer time periods than pre- harbinger of impending tissue destruc-
The early lesion evolves from the ini- viously suspected (Zachrisson 1968, tion and the major event in the conver-
tial lesion within about one week fol- Page & Schroeder 1976). sion of stable established lesions into
lowing the beginning of plaque accumu- With the passage of time, the estab- aggressive destructive lesions. However,
lation (Schroeder et al. 1973, Payne et lished lesion characterized by a predomi- this idea seems to be inconsistent with
al. 1975). It is characterized by an infil- nance of plasma cells and B lympho- existing facts. The conversion appears
trate in which small, medium, and large cytes evolves, probably in conjunction to be related to the formation of a gin-
lymphocytes and macrophages pre- with the creation of a small gingival gival pocket with a pocket epithelium,
dominate, along with small numbers of pocket lined with a pocket epithelium rather than to destruction (Schroeder
plasma cells located around the peri- (Schroeder & Attstrom 1977). Large 1977). In aged chimpanzees manifesting
phery of the infiltrate. Lymphocytes ac- numbers of neutrophils appear in the large amounts of microbial deposits and
count for approximately 75% of the to- junctional and pocket epithelium, and subgingival calculus, the stable estab-
tal inflammatory cell population. The macrophages are present in the lamina lished lesion was the most common le-
acute inflammation persists as evi- propria region of the pocket wall (Sey- sion seen (Page et al. 1975). Long-
denced by vasculitis and the presence of mour & Greenspan 1979). The lesion standing established lesions which do
neutrophils, especially in the junctional appears to have a very high degree of not further progress are also commonly
epithelium. The infiltrated area may oc- organization, and plasma cells are lo- seen in humans (Lovdal et al. 1958, Su-
cupy from 5% to 15% of the marginal cated in its periphery (Seymour & omi et al. 1971). Studies in which the
gingival connective tissue and collagen Greenspan 1979, Okada et al. 1983). clinical status of dogs was monitored
loss in the affected area may reach 60% In tissue specimens designated as severe over a period of 2.5 years demonstrated
to 70%. The resident fibroblasts be- gingivitis, the lymphocytes continue to the persistence of typical established le-
come pathologically altered as evi- predominate over plasma cells, and al- sions (Schroeder & Lindhe 1975). Con-
denced by electron-lucent nuclei, swol- most equal numbers of B and T lympho- version to a progressive lesion was ac-
len mitochondria, and vacuolization of cytes are seen (Mackler 1977, 1978a, b). companied by acute inflammation
the endoplasmic reticulum with rupture The B cells are predominantly of the rather than a change in lymphoid cell
of the cell membranes. The altered cells IgGi and IgG3 subclasses. There is a proportion. Possibly the most compel-
are intimately associated with activated further increase in the proportion of B ling evidence comes from the ligature-
lymphocytes (Schroeder et al. 1973, cells and plasma cells in specimens induced periodontitis model in monkeys
Simpson & Avery 1974). Clinically the classified as established lesions (Lindhe and in dogs (Kennedy & Poison 1973).
early lesion may appear as gingivitis. et al. 1980). The proportion of cells ac- In these animals, highly destructive peri-
Gingival fluid flow and the numbers of counted for by plasma cells is greater odontitis can be induced in a very short
transmigrating leukocytes reach their in nonbleeding than in bleeding sites time period. The destructive lesions are
maximum between 6 and 12 days after (Cooper etal. 1983). characterized by acute inflammation
the onset of clinical gingivitis (Lindhe with a great deal of exudation and the
Daly et al. (1983) have compared the presence of large numbers of neutro-
et al. 1973). The junctional epithelium
results of experiments in which cells phils. As destruction slows, the acute
at this point shows increasing numbers
were identified in histologic sections inflammation is resolved and the infil-
of neutrophils along with small numbers
with results of studies in which cells trate comes to be predominated by
of mononuclear cells. The morphologic
were eluted from the tissue specimens lymphoid and other mononuclear cells.
features of the early lesion are consistent
affected with chronic marginal gingi- A likely cause of the conversion of a
with those of delayed hypersensitivity.
vitis. The lymphocyte to plasma cell ra- stable established lesion to an aggressive
Wilde et al. (1977) demonstrated that
tio was 7:1 in the eluted cells compared one is a change in the microbial flora
typical early lesions can be created in
with 1.7:1 in the histologic sections. or infection of the gingival tissue.
the gingival tissue of rats and monkeys
Preparations of cells eluted from the tis-
sensitized to skin contact antigens fol-
sues contained approximately 54% T Established lesions appear to be re-
lowed by challenge at the gingival mar-
lymphocytes, 33% B lymphocytes and versible in that the sequence of events
gin with the same antigen. A specific
8% macrophages. occurring in the tissues as a result of
T cell mechanism is involved because
sensitization can be transferred to un- Established lesions of two types ap- successful periodontal therapy appear
sensitized animals by means of lympho- pear to exist: some remain stable and to be essentially the reverse of the events
cytes but not by serum from the sensiti- do not progress for months or years observed as gingivitis develops (Listgar-
zed animals. (Lovdal et al. 1958, Suomi et al. 1971, ten et al. 1978, Lindhe et al. 1979). As
Page et al. 1975); others appear to be- the fiora reverts from that characteristi-
The duration of the early lesion has come more active and to convert to pro- cally associated with destructive lesions
not been definitively determined. Sey- gressive destructive lesions. The nature to that associated with periodontal
mour et al. (1983a, b), studying biopsies of this conversion has been studied health, the size of the plasma cell popu-
from individuals undergoing a period (Schroeder & Lindhe 1975), but it is not lation decreases greatly and the lympho-
of experimental gingivitis for 21 days, understood. cyte population increases proportion-
found the initial infiltrate to consist All of the data indicate that as gingi- ately. Whether or not the lymphocyte
mostly of lymphocytes, approximately vitis appears and becomes more severe. population reverts from a predomi-
350 Page

nance of B cells to a predominance of epithelium that structurally resembled and was separated completely from
T cells has not been studied. oral epithelium, and a cuticular struc- periodontitis. The idea that without
ture at the surface of the junctional epi- treatment gingivitis progresses to peri-
thelium. These features may make gin- odontitis appears to have originated in
Gingivitis in Chiidren gival tissue of the young less accessible the 195O's and 196O's at a time when
While withdrawal of all means of plaque to microbial substances. Finally, Moore little or no relevant data existed. By
control in adult humans and other ani- et al. (1984) have demonstrated marked definition, periodontitis differed from
mals results in the rapid appearance of differences in the periodontal microflo- gingivitis only by the fact that the in-
gingival inflammation characterized by ra between children and adults develop- flammatory lesion was confined to the
a large increase in the amount of gin- ing experimental gingivitis. gingiva in the former, but extended into
gival fluid and in the numbers of trans- Spontaneously appearing inflam- the deeper tissues in the latter. Thus,
migrating neutrophils, and the forma- mation in children does not appear to there was no clearcut dividing line be-
tion of an inflammatory infiltrate within be a harbinger of periodontitis as it has tween the two lesions, and in many cases
the connective tissues (Loe et al. 1965), been considered to be in adults. Gin- one could not be diagnostically dis-
the response in the young is quite differ- gival conditions which are interpreted tinguished from the other. It seemed,
ent. In young children (Macker & clinically as an abnormal inflammation therefore, reasonable to consider gingi-
Crawford 1973, Cox et al. 1974, Long- (gingivitis) during the period of the vitis to be an early form of periodontitis.
hurst et al. 1977, Matsson 1978, Sey- mixed dentition may in fact be normal, This idea was instrumental in formu-
mour et al. 1981, Seymour et al. 1982, with the observed redness related more lation of the indices developed in the
Klinge et al. 1983) and in juvenile dogs to the very high rate of tissue turnover 1950s for assessment of the prevalence
(Matsson & Attstrom 1979a, b) as and remodeling that surely must be oc- of periodontal disease in large popu-
plaque accumulates, clinical signs of in- curring at that time, than to microbial lations, in that gingivitis and periodonti-
flammation either do not appear or factors. Additional studies on gingival tis were pooled, considered to be the
their appearance is much delayed rela- inflammation in children prior to pu- same disease, and given the title »peri-
tive to the response in adults. In one berty are needed. odontal disease«. The idea of pro-
study (Moore et al. 1984), the incidence gression was then reinforced by the epi-
of sites that developed a gingival index demiologic observations gathered using
score of 2.0 in children was less than Ciinical Significance of Gingivitis the indices. For example, the demon-
one-third that seen in adults. There is There are 3 important questions regard- stration by Marshall-Day et al. (1955)
little or no exudation and only a few ing the clinical significance of gingivitis: of a reciprocal relationship between gin-
neutrophils are seen. The connective tis- First, is the idea that gingivitis without givitis and periodontitis, with the preva-
sue infiltrate, which may eventually treatment will progress to destructive lence of the former being very high and
form, consists almost entirely of lym- periodontitis correct? Second, is gingi- the latter very low in young individuals
phocytes, more than 70% of which are vitis a "site-specific" disease, and third, and the reverse being true for the older
T ceils; a few B lymphocytes and macro- is gingivitis a "real" disease? It should groups, led to a further strengthening
phages are present, but there are very be noted at the onset that existing data of the idea that gingivitis gives rise to
few neutrophils and fewer plasma cells do not permit a definitive answer to any periodontitis. In spite of the weakness
(Seymour et al. 1981, 1982). While the of these questions, but some infor- of the supporting evidence, the idea of
proportion of inflammatory cell infil- mation is available. progression was accepted and has per-
trate accounted for by B cells and plas- sisted.
Traditionally, gingivitis has been con-
ma cells increases with time and the in- sidered to be an early form of periodon- Currently available evidence necessi-
creasing degree of inflammation in titis which, with the passage of time and tates reevaluation of the idea of pro-
adults, this does not seem to occur in when left untreated, progresses to be- gression. Suomi et al. (1971) performed
children. come destructive periodontitis (Greene repeated examinations for gingival in-
The basis for the difference in respon- 1963). This view has served as an impor- flammation of a group of subjects age
siveness of gingival tissue in young and tant conceptual basis for our methods 15-34 years. The prevalence ranged
older individuals to plaque accumu- of treatment and prevention of peri- from 25% to 43% during the five exam-
lation is not currently understood. The odontitis. In recent years this concept, inations. The proportion that changed
fact that B lymphocytes and plasma as well as the true clinical significance from inflamed to noninflamed or the
cells do not appear in children may be of gingivitis, has been questioned. The reverse, was 14% to 25%. This transient
related to the absence of a gingival fact that oral hygiene agents designed nature of gingivitis was also recorded in
pocket. The conversion from a pre- to resolve existing lesions and prevent nonhuman primates by Ammons et al.
dominantly T- to a predominantly B- gingivitis now exist make consideration (1972). Lindhe et al. (1973) found that
cell lesion can be achieved by mechan- of these questions imperative. We must inbred dogs with identical housing and
ically ulcerating the wall of the gingival determine whether or not gingivitis is diet allowed to accumulate plaque for
sulcus such as by placement of metal a harbinger of impending periodontal four years all developed gingivitis, but
orthodontic bands subgingivally (Zach- destruction or a transient innocuous 20% of the animals failed to develop
risson 1972). Structure of the gingival manifestation of host defense against periodontitis. Furthermore, gingivitis
tissues may also play an important role. microbial onslaught, which poses little developed around most teeth, but al-
Matsson & Attstrom (1979) demonstra- or no danger to the future well being of veolar bone destruction was confined
ted that specimens of gingival tissue the dentition. predominantly to the premolar teeth.
from juvenile dogs manifested a thicker In the early part of the century, gingi- Even in dogs 8 to 14 years of age having
keratinized oral epithelium, ajunctional vitis was considered to be physiological large amounts of microbial deposits and
Gingivitis 351

chronic gingivitis, 20% or more of the ness, 47% for plaque, 32% for bleeding, mens from various sites have very simi-
animals do not develop periodontitis and 2% for suppuration. Of all sites lar structure. Similarly, Moore et al.
(see discussion, Page & Schroeder manifesting no significant attachment (1982) failed to find site specificity in
1982). Thus, the data support the idea loss, 67% were negative for gingival the composition of the microbial flora
that at certain sites in some animals and redness, 65% for plaque, 82% for bleed- associated with experimental gingivitis
at all sites in a minority of animals, ing, and 99% for suppuration. Thus it in humans. Indeed, they found the flora
gingivitis does not progress to periodon- seems from these data that the ordinary around moderately clean teeth with gen-
titis. manifestations upon which a diagnosis erally healthy gingiva to be relatively
The next question regarding pro- of gingivitis is made may not correlate simple and to contain primarily Acti-
gression is whether or not periodontitis either alone or in combination to at- nomyces, Streptococcus, and Veillonella
is preceeded by gingivitis, or if it can tachment loss. species. The bacteria were prerequisite
appear without precursor gingivitis. A logical next question is whether or to the appearance of and increases in
Evidence obtained from both animal not active periodontitis with destruction specific Actinomyces, Streptococcus, Fu-
and human studies indicate that gin- of alveolar bone and the periodontal sobacterium, Veillonella, and Treponema
gival inflammation and attachment loss ligament correlates with measurements species which are reproducibly associ-
are episodic and possibly unrelated ev- of loss of attachment such as those per- ated with early gingivitis lesions. As gin-
ents. The idea that periodontal inflam- formed in the Haffajee et al. study. givitis progresses, additional species ap-
mation and destruction are discontinu- Goodson et al. (1984) evaluated these pear. These sequential events were not
ous phenomena was pointed out as a relationships by performing repeated site-specific.
feature of the advanced lesion in hu- measurements of loss of attachment Numerous studies have demonstrated
mans by Page & Schroeder (1976), and over a period of one year without treat- a high degree of correlation between
it was clearly demonstrated in rats by ment on patients for whom standard- plaque accumulation and the presence
Garant (1976a, b) and Garant & Cho ized radiographs were taken for assess- and severity of gingivitis. Gingivitis ap-
(1979) who observed bursts of acute in- ment of alveolar bone loss: 6.1 % of the pears wherever plaque accumulation oc-
flammation occurring at about 10% of radiographed sites showed significant curs, and the sites to be affected are
interdental sites in infected animals up bone loss, and 5.7% of the 1155 sites determined by the presence and compo-
to 100 days of age. These bursts were probed showed significant attachment sition of the plaque. On the other hand,
characterized by ulceration of the junc- loss. The investigators found that 4 mm when plaque control measures are insti-
tional epithelium and infiltration of or more of attachment loss was a good tuted, some sites with a high inflam-
large numbers of neutrophils. The dis- predictor of bone loss, and that attach- mation score will change to a lower
continuities in the junctional epi- ment loss as assessed by probing pre- score or to zero, while others may not
thelium were considered to result from cedes bone loss by several months. change at all; some sites with high scores
uninterrupted chain-like streams of emi- These data, combined with those of may manifest more or less change than
grating leukocytes through the junc- Haffajee et al. (1983), support the idea sites with lower scores and visa versa.
tional epithelium (Ryder 1979, 1980a, that gingivitis may not be a harbinger Consequently, the average score for the
b, c. Page & Schroeder 1982). Osteoclast of impending periodontal destruction, mouth may not reflect the true effect of
activity too was discontinuous, mani- and indicate but do not prove that clini- the control effort. Therefore from this
festing short periods of vigorous resorp- cal attachment loss (periodontitis?) can perspective, gingivitis is site-specific and
tive activity followed by longer periods occur without a precursor gingivitis. site-specific measurements are essential
of inactivity (Garant 1976a, b). A simi- Thus the possibility that at most, only in clinical trials.
lar burst of acute inflammation and de- some periodontitis lesions are preceeded
Whether or not gingivitis should be
struction followed by a period of quies- by gingivitis, must be considered.
considered a disease is an exceedingly
cence is observed in the string model of
Periodontitis is thought to be a "site- complex issue. Disease has been defined
periodontitis in monkeys (Kennedy &
specific" disease in that for any given as "any deviation from or interruption
Poison 1973).
site or group of sites progression ap- in the normal structure or function of
Progression of attachment loss pears to occur in random bursts or asyn- any part, organ, or system of the body
through episodic bursts of activity, fre- chronous multiple bursts of disease ac- that is manifested by a characteristic
quently in the absence of clinical mani- tivity, with the behaviour of any given set of symptoms and signs and whose
festations of gingivitis, has now been site relatively independent of other sites etiology, pathology, and prognosis may
documented to occur in humans (Good- (Socransky et al. 1984). Whether or not be known or unknown." Gingivitis has
son et al. 1982, Socransky et al. 1984). gingivitis is a site-specific lesion is a a clearcut set of symptoms and signs
Haffajee et al. (1983) monitored 3414 question not previously asked, and one and the etiology, pathology, and gener-
individual periodontal sites in 22 sub- about which we have little or no direct ally the prognosis are known. Thus,
jects in order to learn whether or not data. Histologically, gingivitis seems not whether or not it is a disease hinges
clinical manifestations of gingivitis in- to be a site-specific lesion, since speci- upon whether there is any deviation
cluding gingival redness, plaque, bleed-
ing upon probing, and suppuration,
correlated with periodontal destruction References
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mal gingiva is to provide a selective bar- gingival crevices. Journal of Periodontal Research 56, 48-55.
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surface. The normal barrier is selective Attstrom, R., Graf-de Beer, M. & Schroeder, H. E. (1975) Clinical and histological characteriz-
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from the blood can traverse the barrier Behlfelt, K., Ericsson, L., Jacobson, L. & Linder-Aronson, A. (1981) The oecurence of plaque
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trix are seen in clinically normal gingiva, and calculus. Journal of Periodontoiogy 52, 35-40.
and foci of inflammatory cells are pres- Charon, J. A., Metzger, Z., Hoffeld, J. T., Oliver, C, Gallin, J. I. & Mergenhagen, S. E.
ent not only in clinically normal gingiva (1982) An in vitro study of neutrophils obtained from normal gingival sulcus. Journal of
but throughout the gut. These features Periodontal Research 17, 614-625.
alone seem not to be sufficient to docu- Cooper, P. G., Caton, J. G. & Poison, A. M. (1983) Cell populations associated with gingival
ment the pathologic character of gingi- bleeding. Journal of Periodonlology 54, 497-502.
vitis. However, when combined with Cox, M. 0., Crawford, J. J., Lundblad, R. L. & McFall, W. T Jr. (1974) Oral leukocytes and
formation of a gingival pocket and con- gingivitis in the primary dentition. Journal of Periodontal Research 9, 23-28.
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version of the junctional epithelium to
human gingiva. I. Cell recovery and characterization in vitro. Journal of Periodontal Re-
a pocket epithelium, they certainly con- search 18, 67-74.
stitute a significant deviation from nor- Daly, C. G., Cripps, A. W. & Clancy, R. L. (1983) Lymphocytes from chronically inflamed
mal structure and function and justify human gingiva. 11. Immunoglobulin production in vitro. Journal of Periodontal Research
consideration of gingivitis as a disease. 18, 132-138.
The more substantive part of the dis- Dorfman, H. S., Kennedy, J. D. & Bird, W. C. (1982) Longitudinal evaluation of free
ease question is whether or not gingivitis autogenous gingival grafts. A four year report. Journal of Periodontoiogy 53, 349-352.
poses a significant risk to the future Garant, P. R. (1976a) An electron microscopic study of periodontal tissues of germfree rats
wellbeing of the dentition, and this and rats monoinfected with Actinomyces naeslundii. Journal of Periodontal Researcii 11,
brings us back to the question of pro- suppl. 15, 9-79.
gression. The observations of Suomi et Garant, P. R. (1976b) Light and electron microscopic observations of osteoclastic alveolar
bone resorption in rats monoinfected with Actinomyces naestundii. Journai of Periodontoiogy
al. (1971) in humans, Ammons et al. 47, 717-723.
(1972) in marmosets, and observations Garant, P. R. (1976c) Plaque-neutrophil interaction in monoinfected rats as visualized by
in dogs (Lindhe et al. 1973), demon- transmission electron microscopy. Journal of Periodontoiogy 47, 132-138.
strate that conversion to periodontitis Garant, P. R. & Cho, M. I. (1979) Histopathogenesis of spontaneous periodontal disease in
does not always occur, support the idea conventional rats. I. Histometric and histologic study. Journal of Periodontai Research 14,
that gingivitis lesions may be transient. 297-309.
Goodson, J. M., Haffajee, A. D. & Socransky, S. S. (1984) The relationship between attach-
The longitudinal observations of Haffa- ment level loss and alveolar bone loss. Journal of Clinical Periodontoiogy 11, 348-359.
jee et al. (1983) and Goodson et al. Goodson, J. M., Tanner, A. C. R., Haffajee, A. D., Sornberger, G. C. & Socransky, S. S.
(1984) indicate that attachment loss and (1982) Patterns of progression and regression of advanced periodontal disease. Journal of
alveolar bone destruction can occur in Ciinicai Periodontoiogy 9, 472^81.
the absence of the usual manifestations Greene, J. C. (1963) Oral hygiene and periodontal disease. American Journal of Public Health
of gingivitis. On the other hand, the 53,913-922.
long-term experiments of Lindhe et al. Haffajee, A. D., Socransky, S. S., Ebersole, J. L. & Smith, D. M. (1984) Clinical, microbio-
(1973) in beagle dogs demonstrate that logical and immunological features assoeiated with the treatment of active periodontosis
lesions. Journal of Clinical Periodontoiogy 11, 600-618.
an existing chronic gingivitis can con-
Haffajee, A. D., Socransky, S. S. & Goodson, J. M. (1983) Clinical parameters as predictors
vert into periodontitis. It should also be of destructive periodontal disease activity. Journal of Ciinicai Periodontoiogy 10, 257-265.
noted that the observations reported by Hellden, L. & Lindhe, J. (1973) Enhaneed emigration of crevicular leucocytes mediated by
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with pre-existing pockets, i.e., patients cation of plaque extract. A histometric study in dogs with normal gingiva. Journal of
with periodontitis, not normal subjects. Periodontal Research 11, 218-255.
Whether or not similar results would Kennedy, J. E. & Poison, A. M. (1973) Experimental marginal periodontitis in squirrel
have been obtained using periodontally monkeys. Journal of Periodontoiogy 44, 140-144.
normal subjects is not known. Klinge, B., Matsson, L. & Attstrom, R. (1983) Histopathology of initial gingivitis in humans.
A pilot Study. Journal of Ciinicai Periodontoiogy 10, 364-369.
When all of the data are considered, Kornman, K. S. & Loesche, W. J. (1980) The subgingival microbial flora during pregnancy.
the most likely interpretation is that gin- Journal of Periodontai Research 15, 111-122.
givitis is a disease; most gingivitis Ie- Kowashi, Y., Jaecard, F. & Cimasoni, G. (1980) Sulcular poiymorphonuelear leucocytes and
Gingivitis 353

sions are transient or persistent but not gingival exudate during experimental gingivitis in man. Journal of Periodontai Research 15,
progressive, while a small proportion 151-158.
can and does progress to periodontitis. Kowolik, M. J. & Raeburn, J. A. (1980) Functional integrity of gingival crevicular neutrophil
Currently we do not have the diagnostic polymorphonuclear leukocytes as demonstrated by nitroblue tetrazolium reduction. Journal
capacity to recognize and distinguish of Periodonlai Research IS, 483-49L
Laliy, E. T, Baehni, P. C. & McArthur, W. P. (1980) Local immunoglobuiin synthesis in
those lesions with progressive potential
periodontai disease. Journal of Periodontai Research 15, 159-164.
from the more innocuous lesions. Lareau, D. E., Herzberg, M. C. & Nelson, R. D. (1984) Human neutrophil migration under
Consequently, efforts currently under- agarose to bacteria associated with the development of gingivitis. Journal of Periodontology
way to improve ways to control and 55, 540-549.
prevent gingivitis should be continued Lindhe, J., Hamp. S.-E. & Loe, H. (1973) Experimental periodontitis in the beagle dog.
and intensified as an important goal and Journal of Periodontai Research 8. 1—10.
a health benefit. A very high priority Lindhe, J., Liljenberg. B. & Listgarten, M. (1980) Some microbiological and histopathological
research need is to study the fate of features of periodontai disease in man. Journal of Periodontology 51, 264-269.
gingivitis lesions in large groups of Lindhe, J. & Rylander, H. (1975) Experimental gingivitis in young dogs. A morphometric
otherwise normal adults over time, to study. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 83, 314-326.
accurately measure the proportion of Lindhe, J., Parodi, R.. Liljenberg, B. & Fornell, J. (1979) Clinical and structural alterations
characterizing healing gingiva. Journal of Periodontai Research 13, 410-424.
sites which spontaneously resolve or Listgarten, M. A. & Heneghan. J. B. (1971) Chronic inflammation in the gingival tissue of
persist and the proportion which evolve germ-free dogs. Archives of Oral Biology 16, 1207-1213.
into frank periodontitis, and to devise Listgarten, M. A. & Heneghan, J. B. (1973) Observations on the periodontium and acquired
ways to distinguish one type of site from pellicle of adult gerinfree dogs. Journal of Periodontology 44, 85-91.
another. Listgarten, M. A. & Hellden, L. (1978) Relative distribution of bacteria at clinically healthy
and periodontally diseased sites in humans. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 5, 115-132.
Listgarlen, M. A., Lindhe, J. & Hellden, L. (1978) Effect of tetracycline and/or sealing on
Acknowledgements human periodontai disease. Clinical, microbiological and histological observations. Journal
of Clinical Periodontology 5, 246-271.
I am grateful to Dr. Richard Ranney, Loe, H. & Holm-Pedersen, P. (1965) Absence and presence of fluid from normal and inflamed
Dr. Sigmond Socransky, and Dr. Hu- gingiva. Periodontics 3, \1\-\11.
bert Schroeder for critical review of the Loe, H., Theilade, E. & Jensen, S. B. (1965) Experimental gingivitis in man. Journal of
manuscript, to Dr. Max Goodson for Periodontology 216, \ll-\il.
helpful theoretical discussions, and to Loesche, W. J. & Syed, S. A. (1978) Bacteriology of human experimental gingivitis: effect of
Ms. Theo Heinz and Ms. Joan Hiltner plaque and gingivitis score. Infection and Imimmitv 21, 830-839.
for preparation of the manuscript. Longhurst, R, Johnson. N. W. & Hopps, R. M. (1977) Differences in lymphocyte and plasma
cell densities in inflamed gingiva from adults and young children. Journal of Periodontologv
48, 705-710.
Lovdal, A., Arno, A. & Waerhaug, J. (1958) Incidence of manifestations of periodontai disease
Zusammenfassung in light of oral hygiene and calculus formation. Journal of the American Dental Association
56, 21-33.
Die Palhogenese cler Gingivitis Lyons, H., Bernier, H. & Goldman, H. M. (1959) Report of the Nomenclature and Classifi-
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die an oder nahc des gingivalen Sulkus ange- Lyons, H., Kerr, D. M. & Hine, M. K. (1950) Report from the 1949 Nomenclature Committee.
sammelter, mikrobieller Plaque entstammen. Journal of Periodontology 21, 40—43.
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biellen Angriffen. Mikroorganismen. die vor Mackler, B. F., Frostad, K. B., Robertson. P. B. & Levy, B. M. (1977) Immunoglobulins
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den sieh spezifische Arten des Steptococcus, Magnusson. 1., Runstad, L., Nyman, S. & Lindhe, J. (1983) A long junction epithelium -
der Fusobakterien, der Akiionomyzes, der Vei- A locus minoris resistentiae in plaque infeetion? Journal of Clinical Periodontology 10,
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der Bacteroides, Capnocytophaga und Eike- Marshall-Day, C. D., Stephens, R. G. & Quigley, L. F. Jr. (1955) Periodontai disease: preva-
nella. Die mikrobielle Kolonisation und Be- lenee and incidence. Journal of Periodontology 26, 185-203.
teiligung erfolgt in Sequenzen, bei sich all- Matsson, L. (1978) Development of gingivitis in preschool children and young adults. A
miihlich erhohender Komplexitat der asso- comparative experimental study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 5, 24-34.
ziierten Flora. Die Pathogenese wird in das Matsson, L. & Attstrom, R. Development of experimental gingivitis in the juvenile and
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