Internship Report On An In-Depth Analysis of The Consumer Division & Performance Evaluation: IDLC
Internship Report On An In-Depth Analysis of The Consumer Division & Performance Evaluation: IDLC
Internship Report On An In-Depth Analysis of The Consumer Division & Performance Evaluation: IDLC
Submitted To:
Senior lecturer
BRAC University
Submitted by:
Bushra Ashraf
ID: 12104030
BRAC University
Letter of Transmittal
Senior Lecturer
BRAC University
Subject: Submission of Internship report on “An In-depth analysis of Consumer Division &
Performance Evaluation: IDLC”.
Dear Sir,
With due respect I would like to say that it is a great privilege for me to submit my internship
report on “An In-depth analysis of Consumer Division & Performance Evaluation: IDLC” to
complete the BUS 400 course as a completion of my Bachelor‟s degree.
The internal content of this report is based on a vivid analysis of the consumer division I have
worked for during my internship period, and their performance evaluation according to NBFI
industry. During the whole preparation of making this report, I have tried to make it rich
covering with all the concerning contents. I want to show my gratitude to you for your
encouragement, effective guideline and valuable support. Kindly, accept my report and oblige
Sincerely yours,
Bushra Ashraf
ID: 12104030
BRAC University
I would like to express heartfelt gratitude to every single person who has assisted me in the
preparation of this internship report. I wish to thank them for their support, guidance and belief
in every step.
Most importantly, I would like to take the opportunity and express my thankfulness towards Md.
Saif Hossain, Senior Lecturer of BRAC Business School, BRAC University, sir for his constant
support and necessary guidance to the cause of my report outcome from the starting to the end.
I must not forget to mention my appreciation to Ms. Saima Islam, Manager-In-Charge, CAD-
CD, IDLC Finance Limited under whose supervision I went through my internship. Moreover,
my thanks go to Mr. Riaz Uddin, Assistant Officer, CAD-CD, Jannatul Ferdous Munmun,
Officer, CAD-CD and Anny Biswas, Officer, CAD-CD of IDLC Finance Limited for their kind
support and most importantly for providing the learning opportunity for me during the internship
tenure. At the same time, I would like to thank my other colleagues of IDLC who provided me
with enormous insights and helped me to learn the situation of the real business world.
Lastly, I am grateful to BRAC University, BRAC Business School which is the reason I am
standing here on the sheer drop of earning my bachelor degree successfully.
Executive Summery
IDLC Finance Limited is undoubtedly the number one financial institution in NBFI industry of
Bangladesh by having the best portfolio of the country. A detail history of IDLC Finance
Limited with its various concerns has been comprised in the report along with the narrative and
graphical presentation in terms of their five years performance evaluation along with interpreted
comparison with LankaBangla was stated as second and most important objective of this report.
The in-depth analysis of Consumer Division I have worked for is stated as first objective from
my personal working experience and knowledge I have gathered from both annual report as well
as workplace.
Thirdly, the hypothesis test was the showcase of EPS affects the stock price of the company. In
case of three months internship program in operation department under Consumer Division, my
main work responsibility was from indexing of deposit files to archiving information‟s,
maintaining day to day transactions, forming deposit transaction & filling up information‟s. And
my motto was to meet up my supervisors expectations anyway possible by giving my best.
However, it also gives a clear picture what I have learnt during three months long internship at
IDLC and how I was equally benefited for the organization and for myself. Lastly, with a
recommendation I tried to produce this report as informative as possible with numerous
information I have gathered.
1.1. Introduction
IDLC claims to have revolutionized Bangladesh‟s Non-Banking Financial Institutions and one of the
reasons for their claim is that, they have continuously published award winning Annual Report over the
years. They have created a new and secured infrastructure for the rapidly growing banking and non-
banking sector today.
While preparing this report I have used some practical information which I have gathered more or less
from my assigned works in the company, mostly I have focused on the analysis of the activities,
performances and major business affairs of the company. I was placed in the Operations Department of
Consumer Division of IDLC Finance Ltd. This report will imply a brief rundown on various functions
and operations of the department as well as their performance will also be evaluated through comparing
their data‟s.
Thus, to account for IDLC‟s performance analysis and evaluation is done from 2010 to 2014 Annual
Report, and latest years‟ comparison in this industry with Lanka Bangla to show how effective they are on
their position.
1.2. History:
IDLC Finance Limited, the first leasing company of Bangladesh, was established in 1985. Its
birth was actually a collaborative effort between several local and multinational financial
institutions e.g. International Finance Corporation (IFC), German Investment and Development
Company (DEG), Kookmin Bank, Korea Development Financing Corporation, The Aga Khan
Fund for Economic Development, The City Bank Limited, IPDC of Bangladesh Limited,
Sadharan Bima Corporation. With the evolution of this company the initial foreign shareholding
of 49% was gradually being withdrawn. The local sponsors were taking the shareholding
positions of the company and finally in 2009 there was no foreign shareholding of the company.
IDLC Finance Limited started its journey, in 1985, as the first leasing company of the country
with multinational collaboration and the lead sponsorship of the International Finance
Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group. Technical assistance was provided by Korean
Development Leasing Corporation (KDLC), the largest leasing company of the Republic of
South Korea.
IDLC which has now emerged as Bangladesh‟s leading multi-products financial institution, has
amongst its external share-holders, international development agencies such as Aga Khan Fund
for Economic Development (AKFED) and German Investment and Development Company
(DEG) besides the IFC. The other foreign sponsors including Kookmin Bank of the Republic of
Korea in addition to KDLC and all these institutions together hold 47.3%% of the company‟s
Five Bangladeshi financial institutions- The City Bank Ltd, Sadharan Bima Corporation,
Mercantile Bank Ltd, Eskayef Bangladesh Ltd, Reliance insurance Ltd and the general public
hold the remaining 52.7%. IDLC is the listed member of Dhaka Stock Exchange.
The unique institutional shareholding structure comprising mostly of financial institutions helps
the company to constantly develop through sharing of experience and professional approach at
the highest policy making level.
IDLC offers a diverse array of financial services and solutions to institutional and individual
clients to meet their diverse and unique requirements. The product offerings include Lease
Finance, Term Finance, real estate Finance, Short term Finance, Corporate Finance, Merchant
Banking, term Deposit Schemes, Debentures, and Corporate Advisory Services.
The vision of IDLC Finance Limited is to become the best performing and most innovative
financial solutions provider in the country. To achieving this vision and goal it is important to
taking due care of all of our constituents, particularly the shareholders, customers and
workforces. The corporate philosophy is discharge their functions with proper accountability for
actions and results and blind themselves to the highest ethical standards.
Customer Focus
Equal Opportunity
The main objective of the report is to show a complete analysis of the Consumer
To showcase a comparative performance evaluation between IDLC & Lanka Bangla.
Hypothesis Test: EPS affects the stock price of the company.
1.6.2. Methodology:
In this report, from IDLC‟s Annual Report from 2010 to 2014 for the assessment of the
profitability evaluation, of their performance. And to demonstrate both IDLC and Lanka
Bangla‟s comparison latest years‟ data‟s will be collected and evaluated. The
profitability and performance evaluation the ratios reflect using; Return on Assets (ROA),
Return on Equity (ROE), Gross Profit Margin, Net Profit Margin, P_E (Price to earnings)
etc. the major study is to examine and evaluate their profitability and performance
through five years. Initially, the tools that are going to be used are basic Ratio Analysis,
Pearson Correlation Coefficients and Regression Analysis.
1.6.3. Limitation:
During my tenure I was able to learn a lot of things with all the good aspects there are
also some barriers which did not enable me to put forward all the information that I was
expecting to provide in the report.
The time span was not sufficient enough to learn all the activities of the organization
properly; therefore it was difficult to carry out the whole analysis.
The information‟s which could have enriched this report could not be given because
of the confidentiality the company has been imposed.
b. Consumer
The Consumer division is focused in offering retail financial services. Its financial products
encompass Home Loan, Car Loan, and a small portion of Personal Loan and Loans against
Deposits. This division is currently enjoying highest market shares and growth rates within
the Home Loan industry of Bangladesh. This arm of the company is also actively engaged in
mobilizing deposits through multiple retail savings products with varying interest rates and
2014 2013
Portfolio Size (In Taka) 17,519 million 12,950 million
Disbursements (In Taka) 8,587 million 6,258 million
Income from Operations (In Taka) 975 million 660 million
Client Base 13,757 12,694
c. Corporate
The principal function of the Corporate Division is to provide quality service to financial
institutions across the country in financial matters. Amongst its diversified array of services
lease financing, term loans and financing options for capital expenditure etc. are mentionable.
In addition to these this division of the company also offers Structured Finance (SF) solutions
which include corporate bond issuance and debt syndication.
2014 2013
Portfolio Size (In Taka) 9,595 million 10,213 million
Disbursements (In Taka) 5,421 million 6,504 million
Income from Operations (In Taka) 385 million 354 million
Client Base 244 248
d. Capital Markets
IDLC Finance Ltd. accomplishes its capital market operations through two of its wholly-
owned subsidiaries – IDLC Securities Ltd. and IDLC Investments Ltd. These two
subsidiaries provide all sorts of trading services to their customers. Their robust trading
facilities enable them to offer best execution experience to their broad and diversified client
base. Underwriting, primary issuance and merchant banking are its other major services. The
division has recently initiated Discretionary Portfolio Management services. They are paying
extra attention to grow this portfolio especially with their Consumer Division via inter-
divisional synergistic opportunities.
IDLC Securities Ltd.
2014 2013
Income for Operations (In Taka) 176 million 132 million
Profit After Tax (In Taka) 39 million 60 million
The Board of Directors of IDLC shaped two sub-panels of the Board: Executive Committee
and Audit Committee. The matter identified with conventional business operations of the
Company and the matters that the Board of Directors every now and then, approves are
vested on Executive Committee. The Audit Committee is engaged, in addition to other things,
to look at any matter identifying with the money related issues of the Company and to survey
all review and assessment programs, interior control frameworks and techniques,
bookkeeping strategies and adherence to compliance requirements, etc.
IDLC securities are a completely owned subsidiary of IDLC Finance Limited. The
administration board of trustees is verging on same as IDLC. MD is capable to keep up every
one of the exercises through the hierarchy of leadership in Head of Admin and Head of
operations. Here head of operations primarily manages deals and exchanging related exercises.
Each Branch predominantly runs the deals and exchanging office. They additionally get backing
of Merchant Bank division in their Branch.
Board of Directors
The Credit Advisory group is enabled, in addition to other things, to break down the
business sector chance and favor the edge advance for the financial specialist. Head of
Accounts and Administrator are essentially in charge of the financial related exchange
and controlling administration. Head of operation controls the record opening and record
looks after exercises.
In accordance with approved agreed code and conduct, IDLC employees shall:
Act with integrity, competence, dignity and ethical manner when dealing with customers,
prospects, colleagues, agencies and public.
Act and encourage others to behave in professional and ethical manner that will reflect
positively on IDLC employees, their profession and on IDLC, at large.
Strive to maintain and improve the competence of all in the business.
Use reasonable care and exercise independent professional judgment.
Not restrain others from performing their professional obligations.
Maintain knowledge of and comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
Disclose all conflicts of interest.
Deliver professional services in accordance with IDLC policies and relevant professional
and technical standards.
Respect the confidentiality and privacy of customers, people and others with whom they
do business.
Not engage in any professional conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or
misrepresentation or commit any act that reflects adversely on their honesty,
trustworthiness or professional competence.
IDLC employees have an obligation to know and understand not only the guidance contained in
the Code of Conduct, but also the spirit on which it is based.
The shareholders of IDLC Finance Ltd. can be divided into two broad categories –
Sponsors/ Directors and General Investors. General Investors can be subdivided into two
different categories – Institutional Investors and Individual Investors.
As on December 31, 2015
% of
1 Sponsors/Directors:
2 General
Shareholder Structure
16.05%, 16%
23.50%, 24%
60.45%, 60%
23 May
Incorporation of the Company
22 Feb
Commencement of the leasing business
1 Oct
Establishment of a branch in Chittagong, the main port city of Bangladesh
20 Mar
Listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited
7 Feb
Licensed as a Non-Banking Financial Institution under the Financial Institutions Act, 1993
25 Nov
Listed on the Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited
27 May
Commencement of home finance and short term finance operations
22 Jan
Licensed as a merchant banker by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
15 Jan
Commencement of corporate finance and merchant banking operations
29 Jan
Opening of the first retail focused branch at Dhanmondi
29 Jun
Opening of the Gulshan Branch
22 Nov
Launched investment management services, „Cap Invest‟
2 Jan
Opening of the first SME-focused branch at Bogra
6 Apr
Opening of the Uttara branch
1 Jul
Relocation of the Company‟s Registered and Corporate Head Office at own premises at 57,
Gulshan Avenue
18 Sep
Commencement of operations of IDLC Securities Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
14 Mar
Launching of discretionary portfolio management services under „Managed Cap Invest‟
5 Aug
Company name changed to „IDLC Finance Limited‟ from „Industrial Development Leasing
Company of Bangladesh Limited‟
6 Jan
Opening of the Sylhet branch
26 Aug
Opening of the Gazipur SME booth
3 Feb
Commencement of operations
at Narayanganj
24 Feb
Inauguration of the Savar branch
8 Aug
Inauguration of a second branch in Chittagong at Nandankanon
27 Oct
IDLC entered Comilla
23 Dec
IDLC inaugurated its Narsingdi branch
27 Dec
Opening of the Keraniganj branch
15 Jun
IDLC started operations at Mirpur
9 Aug
Opening of the Tongi branch
16 Aug
Commencement of operations of IDLC Investments Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
18 Jan
Opening of the Jessore branch
11 Mar
Change of logo and rebranding of IDLC
8 Jun
Opening of the Khulna Branch
18 Oct
Opening of the Bhulta Branch
10 Nov
Opening of the Natore Branch
21 Dec
Soft opening of Kushtia Branch
28 Dec
Soft opening of Mymensingh Branch
29 Dec
Soft opening of Habiganj Branch
I have finished my internship from IDLC Finance Ltd & I am very much pleased to say that I
have functioned for the Dhanmondi Brunch for the entirety of my internship. I have assembled
tons of useful learning from award winning NBFI‟s showcase of Bangladesh, those exercises of
NBFI Institutes & their diverse attempting technique orderly. This gained knowledge will make
exact valuable previously, future and aggregation. I have attempted to acquire individual
knowledge to serve the branch to the best of my abilities.
Forming deposit transactions and filling up information. Dealing with files was a major
responsibility I had to deal with.
Filling up the client CIB (Credit Administration Bureau) form.
Conducting Cheque Print based on EMI (Equated Monthly Installment) and Residual
Aiding the data, containing four types of loan documents.
Co-coordinating projects of file-indexing.
The Consumer Division of IDLC Finance Limited is focused on Asset Operations and Liability
Operations providing a range of successful financial products. The company being the oldest
NBFI of the country, their retail-finance products have been widely accepted and considerably
profitable in the Bangladesh financial markets.
The Consumer Division has several sub-divisions operating under its wing in providing retail
products and supporting the smooth marketing and sales/business of its major products.
One of the core and profitable departments of the organization, this department is in charge of
the promotional campaigns and achieving the sales targets of IDLC Finance Limited. The
department is assigned to strategize and focus on the promotion and sale of five important retail
products of the company.
The four products under the Marketing and Sales/ Business Department are:
1. Home Loan – One of the most popular products, IDLC Finance Limited focuses on
providing personal Home Loan solutions/financing aiding consumers in the heavy
presence of real-estate boom in Bangladesh. They provide competitive rates and lucrative
packages in selling home loans depending on their segmentation of clients.
2. Car Loan – Along with Home Loans, another important retail product is the IDLC
Finance Limited Car Loan. A large portion of the financing for a new car can be obtained
as a loan from the company.
3. Commercial Spaces Loan – IDLC Finance Limited also provides financing for obtaining
spaces or land for use in commercial purposes, be it of small vendor shops to large
4. Personal Loans – Personal Loans can be taken out from the company to meet unavoidable
and urgent needs that are hard to specify or do not fall under a category.
Relationship Managers (RM) are at the helm of reaching the targets of sales of the department.
They acquire the prospective customers, communicate all the requirements and needs of taking
out a loan with the company, collect all the required documents as per Bangladesh Bank rules
and transfer these documents to the credit team for assessment of the loans.
Car Loan
Personal Loan
Loan Term:
Household Loans: A maximum loan term of 20 years, but not beyond the 60th
birthday of the applicant
Land Loans: 15 years
Commercial Loans: A maximum term of 7 years
Interest Rates: IDLC has options for both fixed and variable interest rates, which are
low and market competitive
Cash Security & Personal Guarantor: Cash security is not required. Personal
Guarantor may be required in few cases.
Home Loan Shield by Metlife ALICO: dedicated and supportive service both before
and after the disbursement
The Target Customers of IDLC Finance Limited:
Salaried Executives/Professionals of:
Large local and multinational organizations, banks and financial institutions
Multilateral bodies having at least 3 years of operation
Individuals comprising of FCA, CFA, ACA, FCMA, CMA, FCCA, ACCA
Local corporate (mid-segment, small-segment) organizations
Government/semi-government organizations
Autonomous Bodies
The various other sub-divisions that act as the spine in the smooth running of the Consumer
Division are described below:
The products under the Liability Operations Department are listed below:
The objective of this department can be said to acquire funds for the sustenance of liquidity of
the company, a pre-condition for any financial institution to continue operations. The products
are designed to provide minimal-risk returns to its clients. The deposit schemes are convenient
and easy to open with minimal paperwork requiring authentic customer identification, usually a
travel document or passport or the National Identity Card, issued by the government and tax
information in the form of TIN certificates or E-tin certificates. Photographs for identity of the
customers are required and usually a bank instruction in the form of Bangladesh Electronic Fund
Transfer Network (BEFTN) form is required to be filled, and the process is complete.
5. Expiry/Foreclosure – CAD closes contracts upon expiry. It gets “to be expired” list from
company software, prepares receivable calculations and gets it approved by the Accounts
and Taxation Department. Receivable Letter (if any) is forwarded to client via Customer
Services Department. The respective RM is notified for “collection” in the Business Unit.
Client pays receivable amount and CAD prepares “closure memo”. The approved memo
is forwarded to Accounts for adjustments and closing. Any payables are refunded to
client. Any NOCs and post-dated cheques are returned to clients.
6. Issuance of final settlement Letter
Exposure risk
Recovery risk
Legal risk
Political risk.
To encounter and mitigate the credit risk the following control measures are in place at IDLC
Multilayer approval process.
Taking collateral
The IT Department is integral in providing all the day to day support to all departments, keeping
servers and software working smoothly and providing seamless communication internally and
externally throughout the business activities.
IDLC Finance Limited provides some distinctive services. As-
Performance Evaluation and Hypothesis Testing
IDLC‟s performance evaluation result and comparison are briefly discussed below:
In 2014, IDLC has earned 40.93 taka of gross profit from every 100 taka sales. IDLC‟s gross
profit increased from last year‟s, because they have managed to increase their interest income
significantly. Between IDLC Finance and LankaBangla Finance, IDLC has more than 1.5 times
gross profit margin than LankaBangla‟s. LankaBangla‟s gross profit margin was 22.40% in year
In year of 2014, IDLC has earned 49.22 taka of operating profit from every 100 taka of sales; it
has increased from last years. However, the operating profit margin of IDLC has been fluctuating
in past recent years. In terms of operating profit margin, LankaBangla has better operating profit
margin of 52.67% in year of 2014 than IDLC.
IDLC has earned 16.76 taka net profit from every 100 taka sales in year of 2014. The net profit
margin of IDLC has been unstable for last five years, though it has increased from last year‟s.
IDLC also has better net profit margin than LankaBangla Finance in year of 2014 as the
managed to keep down their operating expenses.
In 2014, from every 100 taka worth of total assets IDLC has generated 2.11 taka net profit.
Return on Assets ratio has been also unstable in recent years. However, IDLC has better ROA in
2014 than Lankabangla. LankaBangla‟s ROA in 2014 was 0.83%.
V. Return on Equity:
In year 2014, the common shareholders of IDLC Finance Limited have earned 19.08 taka of net
profit from every 100 taka they invested into the company. ROE of IDLC also has been
fluctuating in last 5 years, though it has increased from previous years. But, IDLC has better
ROE in 2014 than Lankabangla. Lankabangla has a ROE of 6.72% in year of 2014.
In year of 2014, the common shareholders of IDLC have earned 6.19 taka on every share they
held. EPS has increased in 2014 from previous years. IDLC also has higher EPS than
LankaBangla in 2014. So, from investor IDLC has higher priority over LankaBangla.
In 2014, the common shareholders of IDLC were willing to pay 12.06 taka for every taka of
reported earnings. P/E ratio has improved from last years, previous year P/E was higher.
Shareholders needed to pay 15.12 taka for every taka reported earnings. For investors IDLC will
be more attractive as LankaBangla had higher P/E than IDLC which was 22.87 in 2014.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.73542971
R Square 0.540856858
Adjusted R Square 0.515348906
Standard Error 91.82434626
Observations 20
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 178781.4416 178781.4416 21.20346046 0.000219954
Residual 18 151770.7902 8431.710566
Total 19 330552.2318
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 116.8491722 22.81344884 5.121942457 0.000071359 68.91989473 164.7784497 68.91989473 164.7784497
EPS 2.084347884 0.452654491 4.604721539 0.000219954 1.133356087 3.03533968 1.133356087 3.03533968
Step-1: Null Hypothesis: EPS does not affect stock price of the company
Step-3: To find p-value we have conducted a regression analysis. In our regression analysis we
used stock price as a dependent variable and EPS as an independent variable. Through regression
analysis our calculated p-value is 0.000219954
Step-4: From our knowledge from research methodology we know if p-value become greater
than α then we have to accept null hypothesis. On the other hand if p-value becomes less than α
then we have to reject null hypothesis. In our hypothesis test we have found that our p-value is
0.000219954 which is less than .05(α). So have to reject null hypothesis.
Step-5: Decision: EPS does not affect stock price of the company.
From the graph it is clear that EPS has significance effect on stock price. Graph indicating that
when the EPS was higher, stock price was also higher and when the EPS decreased, stock price
has also decreased.
o The Consumer Division can make effective power point presentation for sales &
marketing team to become sufficiently clear about their requirements and policy.
o Sales & Marketing department can be more serious about to maintain the timeline and
requirements and gather the elements before disbursement so that the efficiency can be
increased towards upper slope.
o Each team should have one monitor so that he/she can look after every team member &
can report regarding performances.
o As market is highly competitive, legal documentation and information can be collected
once rather than having number of papers, as a result customers will also be less
bothered. Even sales team will face less difficulty of collecting them.
o If possible they can bring fast electronic helping hands so that the employees can face
less difficulty and work more proficiently for the sake of their organization.
o There can be variety of gifts so that clients can be more satisfied.
o If possible number of skill development programs can be increased for employees.
o In every division there can be sub-teams under every team so that works may have
proper balance.
o Client service can be improved by providing bigger waiting room in each brunch.
o The authority should take extra care for each an individual in the organization. Every
employee is an asset for them. Here every employee is self-motivated. If there is more
praising and motivation I believe people can work harder from their own positions.
4.4. Conclusion:
Having the number one position in NBFI industry IDLC Finance Limited is setting striking
impressions in the financial advancement of the nation. The organization's business is
encountering development in consistently. Among numerous different elements the expanding
credit applications from buyer customer portion is additionally contributing in this development.
Exceedingly talented, experienced, and able workers of the Operations and Credit Risk
Management Department of Consumer Division guarantee snappy and legitimate conveyance of
administrations. Because of this the organization is contending straight on with both
neighborhood and multinational banks in this customer portion. At the same time this office is
extremely strict in consenting to the tenets and directions set by Bangladesh Bank. As a result
their performance, growth, sustainability are likely to be upwards. So CD has both the monetary
and social commitment.
In view of these components, this branch of IDLC is a decent place for a Finance, Accounting
and Economics graduate to do his/her understudy. One will get valuable chance to genuine issues
managed by a budgetary organization by doing entry level position here. Likewise this gives a
decent systems administration opportunity. In this way, I recommend graduates to do his/her
internship program in this bureau of IDLC Finance Limited.
4.5. References:
Data and Calculations of Performance Analysis
Profitability Ratios:
Profitability Ratios
Ratios Formula 2010 2011