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Water-Cooled Water Chillers: Standard Type Heat Recovery Type Brine Type

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R410A / R407C / R22

Standard Type
Heat Recovery Type
Brine Type
Water-cooled Chillers
The Water-cooled chillers with improved efficiency and
functionality by several advanced technology. This series with
A-type screw compressor that have powerful cooling ability, low
Advanced noise, low vibration, high efficiency and high reliablility is the
perfect answer to all your needs!!
air conditioning solutions
for commercial and industrial use

[Capacity class / USRT]
Chilled/Hot Water
Type Refrigerant
Outlet Temperature
30~ 40~ 50~ 60~ 70~ 80~ 90~ 100~ 200~ 300~ 400~ 500~ 600~ 700~

R22 5~20˚C

R407C 5~20˚C
Hitachi Appliances provides advanced air conditioning solutions to Standard
R407C (compact) 5~20˚C
meet a wide variety of needs. We offers numerous models for R410A 5~20˚C

commercial use including packaged air conditioners, chillers and Heat

R22 5~20˚C / 35~60˚C

Recovery R407C 5~20˚C / 35~60˚C

district cooling and heating. Drawing on its extensive experience R410A 5~20˚C / 35~60˚C

and advanced air conditioning and refrigerating technology, R22 5~-20˚C

R407C 5~-20˚C
Hitachi Appliances is able to offer optimum solutions. Brine
R407C (compact) 5~-20˚C

R410A 5~-20˚C

* Please refer more detail specifications on page 17~18.

* Other conditions are based on Hitachi standard.
* Indicating it by a model name.
Hitachi technology offers great advantages for the customer.


Standard Type Heat Recovery Type Brine Type


Page Function Hitachiʼs Technology Advantages for Customers

R407C R407C

R22 R407C (compact) R410A R22 R407C R410A R22 R407C (compact) R410A

Low vibration, low noise and high reliability
5 Compressor Quality
Compressor rotation (compressors are roated
For long life operation
automatically according to operating hours.)
Stable temperature water is supplied which
helps product quality control
Precise water temperature control
Continuous Stable temperature water is supplied and
Capacity Control it helps comfort cooling for air-conditioning.
Compressor capacity is optimized depending on Gives the precise response for required cooling
the required cooling load. load, and achieves energy-saving
R410A has less impact on the environment
than other refrigerants.
7 R410A Chiller
High COP Energy-saving

Compact design Space-saving

Hot water can be taken out while chiller is Boiler can be downsized.
8 Heat recovery (option)
in cooling operaton. Hot water can be spplied free of charge.

Large Temperature Maximum temperafure difference between Water system volume, pump capacity and
9 *1 *1 *1 *1
Difference chilled water inlet and outlet is available. piping size can be reduced.
High Water Pressure Hitachi cooler and condenser withstands
9 Water tank and pump size are reduced.
(option) high water pressure.

Supplies low-temperature water Ice storage system is available.

10 Brine System (option)
maximum to -20˚C Suitable for industrial use
Temperature setting can be changed depending
Two Temperature and on daytime or nighttime and cooling load.
Two different temperature and
10 Operation Mode Setting
operation modes can be set. Air-conditoning operation and
Ice storage operation can be set.

Chiller is automatically download or thermo-offed
11 Peak Cut Function (option) Cooling capacity can be controlled
when setting point is exceeded.
depending on customer's request.
Various External Input and
11 Output
There are various external signal input / outputs. Remote control and monitoring is possible.

Automatic Recovery from Chiller is re-started automatically from

12 Power recovery by user is not necessary.
Power Failure power failure.
Error Operation and
12 Alarm is displayed in case of error setting. Prevents human error
Setting Prevention Control

Safety devices are supplied as standard.

13 Safety Control Devices For long life operation
Supply high-level protection system.

14 Alarm Data History Unit memorizes alarm code history. Easy to check the reason for trouble

Can be overhauled while other modules are in operation.

Each module can be operated individually.
14 Modular System Can be used as a back-up unit. *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2
Transportation and installation is easy.

Unit can be controlled by remote controller. Easy control

15 Controller (option) CSC-5S Several units can be controlled individually or
Several units can be controlled as for one chiller.
collectively. (max 8 units)
Schedule setting (option) Using controller and timer, 3 ON/OFFs
15 Efficient operation
CSC-5S + CSC-A1T per day and weekly schedule

Big LCD Excellent visual display and easy contol by

16 LCD Unit condition can be checked visually. touch screen.

Weekly schedule can be set. Efficient operation is available.

16 BMS (option) Supplies the adapter for BMS. Can connect to BMS. *3 *3 *4 *3 *3 *3 *3
Notes *1. Depending on the model and the temperature range *2. Without 1 module unit *3. RS-485 *4. LONWORKS R

3 Hitachi Water-cooled Chillers 4

High-performance Twin Screw Compressor Continuous Capacity Control
The refrigerant gas and oil flow into the oil separator together. Continuous capacity control is based on the precise
Bypass to Piston Rod Piston
The cyclone system begins to separate the refrigerant gas control of the chilled water outlet temperature, depending 1 Starting Suction Side Slide Valve

and oil by centrifugal force. Refrigerant gas is ejected from on the temperature requirement of the cooling load.
A: Close
the discharge port, and oil drops down to the bottom tank.
1 A slide valve within the screw compressor to change B: Open
Lubrication oil is required for sealing the area between the two the refrigerant circuit variables according to the C: Close
screw rotors as well as for the lubrication of the bearings, but requested load. B
it decrease the efficiency of air-conditioning units at heat Screw Rotor C A
2 An optimized electronic system based on the control
exchangers. The oil and refrigerant are separated by
band to maintain a constant outlet temperature. Starting with minimum capacity, solenoid valve B is opened.
centrifugal force in the cyclone oil separator. After it is Oil is discharged to the cylinder, and its discharge pressure
Operating Principle of The Screw Compressor
compressed by the screw rotors, refrigerant gas enters the moves the piston to the right. The suction pressure moves
upper side of the separator. 1. Refrigerant is taken in from the inlet Continuous capacity control is performed by adjusting the the slide valve to the right, completely opening the
port. refrigerant bypass. The advantage is quick response with
Refrigerant gas then enters through the lower side of the position of the slide valve. The position of the slide valve
minimum capacity (15%).
separator, and the oil is separated by centrifugal forces to the can be changed freely between 15% to 100%.
wall of the separator. Oil then goes down to the oil tank along The electric control system compares the value measured
2 Load Up
the wall. The oil is accumulated in the oil tank, which is 2. The seal line advances toward the by thermistors with the set value. Depending on the
A: Close
located on the bottom of the separator, and only refrigerant discharge side, tooth space is measured value, the control signal instructs the position
reduced, and compression is B: Close
gas is discharged from the discharge port, which is located of the slide valve. When a quick response is needed and B
performed. C: Open
on the upper side of the separator. The oil that is accumulated C A
the measured temperature is very far from the set point,
in the tank is then supplied to the screw rotors by pressure 3. Compression is performed until the the system can be programmed to provide quick control. If the chilled water outlet temperature is higher than the set
difference. Unlike other compressor structures, this structure seal line of the male and female point, the compressor increases its capacity to achieve it by
When precise control is required, the measured
doesn't require mechanical parts such as an oil pump for its rotors come to the discharge opening solenoid valve C. As the slide valve is moved to the
temperature is close to the set point, and it can be
oil supply, which leads to higher reliability for the compressor. port, and the pressure is increased. left, the refrigerant bypass is closed and the quantity of
programmed to give a more precise response ±1°C. compressed refrigerant is increased. This results in an
4. When the seal line reaches the Thanks to Hitachi's technical expertise in the twin screw increased capacity.
Discharged Gas Cyclone
Oil Separator discharge end, the refrigerant in
Suctioned compressor, it is possible to achieve precise water
Refrigerant Gas the tooth space is discharged 3 Load Constant
temperature control that is ideal for industrial processes
Screw Rotor completely. Hold
A: Close
and air conditioning applications.
B: Close
C: Close B
Low Vibration C A
Oil Reservoir No exclusive vibration control equipment is necessary If the chilled water outlet temperature is close to the set
due to the low-vibration screw compressor. point, all solenoid valves are closed. The slide valve remains
Differential Pressure Lubrication Mechanism in the same position, and the capacity is maintained.
Type Reciprocating Screw
Comp. speed (rpm) 50/60Hz 1,430/1,720 2,880 / 3,470
Simple Structure with a Small Number of Parts At leg of comp. 20-30 5-8 4 Load Down
Full amplitude Capacity Controller Structural Outline
Whereas the number of main parts for the casing, At base frame 20 Less than 10 A: Open
At leg of comp. 23.8 / 28.7 48.5 / 57.8 (˚C)
c o m p r e s s i o n m e c h a n i s m a n d c a p a c i t y c o n t ro l Vib. frequecy Start B: Close
At base frame 23.8 / 28.7 48 / 57.8 B
mechanism of a reciprocating compressor is 268, that of C: Close
Screw: 1 / 5 of Screw: 1 / 5 of 1 Inlet water C A
a screw compressor is only 27, just one tenth of the Acceleration energy reciprocating type reciprocating type temperature
Inlet water
number!! A structure with so few parts offers high temperature If the chilled water outlet temperature is lower than the set
reliability and easy maintenance. Outlet water point, the compressor decreases its capacity by opening
High Technology by Internal Manufacture 2 5 temperature
Outlet water solenoid valve A. Oil is discharged to the cylinder little by little
Because all manufacturing processes, from rotor through the capillary tube, and the capacity is ratcheted down.
manufacturing to unit assembly, are done internally, 3 Neutral zone
standard 5
exceptional reliability is achieved. 7
6 Stop temperature If the chilled water outlet temperature is lower than the band for
stop, its thermo turns off and the compressor is stopped. When
the thermo is turned off, it memorizes the chiller water inlet
Lapsed time
temperature. If the chilled water inlet temperature reaches 2 ° C
higher than the thermo-off point, the compressor is restarted.

5 Hitachi Water-cooled Chillers 6

R410A Chiller Compact Heat Recovery Sytem by Using
Hitachi was the first in the world to successfully introduce a Plate-type Heat Exchanger
R410A refrigerant in all its products, including air
conditioners, package air conditioners and now the Hitachi’ s heat recovery unit consists of a small heat
SCREW CHILLER. Innovative technology is applied in the exchanger and is compactly designed. This recovery unit
design and development of the compressor, refrigerant
utilizes the energy of making chilled water to supply hot
cycle, and the chiller itself, etc.
water. Therefore, hot water is supplied for free, and the
capacity of the boiler can be reduced. It can supply 60˚C
hot water (at 100% operation), and its COP is improved.

Refrigerant Characteristic Comparison

No. Refrigerant (Refrigerant Type) R22 (HCFC) R134a (HFC) R410A (HFC)

1 ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) 0.055 0 0 Standard Unit Heat Recovery Unit
Hot Water
2 GWP (Global Warming Potential) 1,700 1,300 2,000
Condenser Heat Exchanger
3 Cooling Capacity 100% 62% 140%

4 Amount of Refrigerant 100% 161% 71% Comp. Comp.

5 GWP x Amount of Refrigerant 1,700 2,093 1,420

In terms of GWP (Global Warming Potential), R410A is not more environmentally considerate than other refrigerants. However, Cooler Cooler
since the quantity of refrigerant required for equivalent cooling capacity is smaller (see the table), R410A has less impact on the
environment than other refrigerants. Chilled Water
Chilled Water

Comparison of Chillers Equipped with HITACHI Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

Product Weight Cycle Quantity Installation Area This Heat Recovery chiller is suitable for various uses
Comparison(kg) Comparison Comparison (m2) such as Hospital, Restaulant and Hotel.
R410A R22 R410A R22 R410A R22
Refrigerant Type
200RT Class 3,507 5,452 64% 1 2 -1 3.88 5.04 77%
250RT Class 3,850 5,584 69% 1 2 -1 3.88 5.04 77%
Cooling 270RT Class 3,895 5,716 68% 1 2 -1 3.88 5.04 77%
400RT Class 7,014 8,574 82% 2 3 -1 8.06 7.66 105%
450RT Class 7,357 8,834 83% 2 3 -1 8.06 7.66 105%
500RT Class 7,700 8,964 86% 2 3 -1 8.06 7.66 105%

As shown in the refrigerant aspect comparison above, R410A refrigerant has not only a high cooling capacity per unit, enabling
saving of refrigerant, but also less environmental impact than other refrigerants, and it largely contributes to weight-saving of the
chiller. Although the operating pressure is larger because the cooling capacity is high, we have succeeded in achieving
weight-saving by applying the wealth of technology that we have accumulated through the development of our air conditioners.
Moreover, for one-cycle machines, the foundation, transportation, lifting and grounding work required to install the chiller can be
reduced because the installation area is greatly decreased.

7 Hitachi Water-cooled
Hitachi Chillers
Water-cooled Chillers 8
Large Temperature Difference Brine System (option)
Save On Initial Equipment Cost By using brine (antifreeze liquid), it can be used for
A maximum 10˚C temperature difference is available as ice-making and industrial cooling (facility cooling and
standard. This reduces water system volume, pump object cooling) applications.
capacity and piping size.
(Applicable temperature range: 2.5˚C~10˚C) The Hitachi brine chiller can provide a maximum Brine Outlet Temperature and Capacity Control
-20˚C brine outlet water.
It can be used for an ice storage system and industrial processes.
Example Brine R407C
Outlet Temperature (Compact)
Temperature difference of 5˚C Temperature difference of 10˚C
5 ~ -10˚C Continuous
(inlet / outlet: 12 / 7˚C) (inlet / outlet: 17 / 7˚C)
-10 ~ -15˚C Step
Reduce initial equipment cost (piping, pump, flange, etc….)
-15 ~ -20˚C Step
Reduce installation time (piping work, welding, etc….)

Pump transfer ability:

100% Pump transfer ability:
Pipe diameter:
100% Pipe diameter:50% Image of Ice Storage System Image of Power Peak Shift by Ice Storage System

Thermal Storage Process Heat Release Process

Minimum water system volume and flow rate should be kept within specification.

Building, etc.
Cooling Tower
Heat release operation
from ice storage tank Chiller capacity

Heat Exchanger for High Water Pressure (option) Ice storage
follow operation of chiller

The heat exchanger for the Hitachi water-cooled chiller HITACHI Ice storage tank
Water Chiller 1 7 10 13 16 20 22 24(h)
withstands 1.0Mpa as standard. In addition, it can
withstand 1.6Mpa and 2.0Mpa as an option. This
contributes to space-saving and cost-saving, because
the water tank size and pump size are reduced.
Setting of Two Temperatures (option)
Chiller for 1MPa Chiller for 2MPa (option)
The temperature setting and water control can be
selected according to daytime/nighttime operations or
load applications.

Setting temperature Capacity control Command

Combination Applications
200m No.1 No.2 No.1 No.2 No.1 No.2
(2MPa) No.1 for peak time and No.2 for
A Air-conditioning Air-conditioning 15∼100% RSW setting 7-segment
the other times.
(1MPa) No.1 for daytime and No.2 for nighttime
B Air-conditioning Ice storage 15∼100% 0 or 100% External thermo External thermo
(Ice storage function).

Water Receiving Tank

Setting Examples
Setting temp. Setting temp. Setting temp.
No.1 No.2 No.1
Large Pump
Setting temp. Setting temp. Setting temp.
In this case, a high-pressure water Chiller withstands 2.0 Mps (option), and a B
No.2 No.1 No.2
tank and high-lift pump is high-pressure water tank and high-lift pump
needed. (1Mpa Chiller) are not needed. 0 8 20 24(h) Time

9 Hitachi Water-cooled Chillers 10

Peak Cut Function (option) Automatic Recovery from Power Failure (short power cut)
Capacity is controlled in accordance with the desired Automatic Recovery from Short Power Cut
Peak Cut Image
setting (relay input). Therefore it helps to reduce power (standard setting) Power Within 13mm sec. – 2 sec. Power failure
Cut the power consumption Supply short power cut of 160V or less exceeding 2 sec.
consumption. During a short power cut, operation is automatically
by forced stop ON
restarted after a 3 minutes time guard.

Power Consumption
Setting Automatic Recovery from Power Failure
If the automatic recovery function is ON,
(selection system by DIP Switch) operation restarts automatically under
Maximum efficiency is secured If this function is selected, operation is automatically the operating conditions prior to stop.
NEW Chiller
within the power setting range.
restarted when a 3 minute time guard has elapsed after
Morning Daytime Night the power comes on, even if the power failure lasts more
than 2 seconds.
Structure for compulsory control of the capacity for Compressor protection Compressor protection
for 3 minutes for 3 minutes
continuous control type. Using a relay contact, the
capacity of the compressor can be controlled. Operation restarts automatically under If the automatic recovery
the operating conditions prior to function is OFF, remote or
Unit Operation ON stop when the power recovers local restart is required.
Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory

Operating capacity
100% Error Operation/ Error Setting Prevention Control
of compressor
Normal Normal Normal Error Operation Example of Error Setting/Operation Prevention Control
Operating Operating Operating
If there is an input (including an external thermo signal)
ON Local Operation Mode
Relay ARa from a remote location, an alarm is displayed even in the
ON local operation mode. If there is an input from a local
Relay ARb Local
OFF source (the operation switch on the body) when in remote
operation mode, it is ignored and an alarm is not
Remote Indicated
Compulsory operating capacity of compressor Normal
NOTES: displayed. Remote
1. Compulsory unload by protection control should give priority over this demand function.
HOLD LOAD-DOWN LOAD-UP operating 2. The final steps of the thermo regulator are effective.


3. Please input the signal to each compressor. Remote Operation Mode
4. It is not possible to fix an arbitrary capacity for the continuous model.
ARb ON OFF ON OFF (Only HOLD or DOWN or UP can be chosen.)

Local As remote control/

setting is prioritized,
the start switch is
External Signal Input / Output
Remote ignored even if
it is pressed.
The start switch of the chiller body is
Unit operation can be controlled by external singal
ignored even if it is pressed.
input and output.
Local / Remote Error Operation
Operation mode change
If the local/remote selector switch is changed from local
Function during operation
to remote or vice-versa while the unit is ON, the unit is
Pump operation control
Local Local Alarm
Chiller and Pump operation are synchronized. stopped, and an alarm is displayed. Indicated
When the pump is not operated, the compressor is also stopped.
Interlock for Pump
Therefore, the chilled water side heat exchanger is prevented from freezing.
Remote Remote

When the cooling tower is not operated, the compressor is also stopped.
Interlock for Cooling Tower
Therefore, the condenser side heat exchanger is prevented from freezing. Error Setting of DIP Switch
Error setting (out of working range)
Unit start and stop Remote control for unit start and stop is available. In case of an error setting (e.g., out of working range),
Chilled water outlet temp. 21˚C
Pilot Lamp for remote operation Indicates chiller operation. an alarm is displayed.

Pilot Lamp for remote pump Indicates pump operation.

Pilot lamp for remote alarm Indicated
Indicates alarm.
(whole unit or each cycle)

11 Hitachi Water-cooled Chillers 12

Safety Devices Alarm Data History
The unit is equipped with safety and protective devices to A maximum of 10 alarm data is memorized, and can be
ensure dependable and long life operation. checked by LCD or by 7-segment on an electrical box
(operation data just before alarm is memorized can be
List of Safty Devices Protection Function checked).

Liquid Crystal Screen Display Electrical Box

Three-Phase Overcurrent relays equipped with a magnetic switch box cut out each
Easy to check alarm history with LCD Alarm history can be checked by 7-segment on electrical box.
Over-Current Relay compressor when the current to the compressor exceeds the setting.

The high pressure switch and the low pressure control protect against
High-Pressure Switch excessive discharge pressure and exceedingly low suction pressure.
Low-Pressure Switch The switch and control cut out the compressor operation when the
discharge pressure exceeds the setting or when the suction pressure
decreases below the setting.

The internal thermostat embedded in the compressor motor winding 10

Internal Thermostat for
Compressor Motor cuts out each operation when the temperature of the motor winding 9
exceeds the setting.
from damage This circuit is composed of a reverse-phase protection device ・ ・・ ・・
preventing reverse operation of the screw compressor, because ・ ・・ ・・
Reverse Phase ・ ・・ ・・
Protection Relay the screw compressor definitely cannot be operated in the wrong
direction due to misconnection of the main power phases.
The electric timer of the screw compressor cycling protection
(ccp) connected in the compressor control circuit delays the screw
Screw Compressor compressor restarting period for approximately 3 minutes after the
Protection electronic thermostat calls for the cooling operation or automatic
resetting of the protection devices, thereby preventing harmful Modular System
screw compressor cycling operation.
Hitachi water chiller units feature a modular cycle
Prevents The fusible plug is equipped with upsteam of the liquid line. When the structure, so each module can be packed and
condenser from Fusible Plug refrigerant temperature exceeds the melting point, the plug melts and transported individually for more convenient local
damage purges the refrigerant gas in order to avoid explosion of the condenser. installation and displacement. Further, the refrigerant Maintenance /
system of each module can be operated independently, Service
Freeze protection control, for which a sensor is located in the water which makes maintenance easier.
Prevents cooler Freeze Protection
outlet near the water cooler, cuts out the compressor when the If unexpected trouble occurs in one module, the No.1 No.2 No.3
from freezing Thermistor
water outlet temperature decreases below the setting. remaining modules are operated as a backup.
Operating Operating Stop
An oil heater in the compressor prevents from oil foaming during cold
Oil Heater
starting. This heater warms the oil, while the compressor is stopped.

For long life Operation Hour-Meter This hour-meter indicates the sum of the compressor operation.
Rotation of The compressor operation order can be rotated in order to balance the
Compressor Operation operation hours of the compressors. This function extends machine life. No.1 No.2 No.3

Operating Operating Error

13 Hitachi Water-cooled Chillers 14

Control of Number of Units by CSC-5S [compact type only] Liquid Crystal Screen Display
1 unit or more units can be controlled LCD can be set for easy control.
individually or collectively.
CSC-5S, central control and monitoring system for chiller. You can choose Chinese or English.
This can be used for up to 8 chillers and installed CSC-5S
according to the customer's air-conditioning environment. Functions
By remote control, the functions can be checked from the
Operation started/stopped
control room, so there’ s no need to go out or to the
Operation status check
machine room for checking.
Setting condition check/change
Alarm data check
Operation status screen
Schedule setting

Control 1Unit

ON/OFF Alarm data screen Schedule screen
Depends on the load condition,
controls ON/OFF of several units as for one chiller Control All Units
Setting temperature
Rotates units and averages the running hours.

Operation Schedule Setting Connectable to Building Management System

  Combined use of CSC-5S and PSC-A1T A BMS-connecting interface can be supplied.
Scheduled operation on a weekly basis, and 3 settings of
Building Management System (BMS)
ON/OFF per day, are available for each day of the week.
Provided by HITACHI
BMS System
(supplied by BMS provider)
Interface (option)

Scheduled operation on a weekly basis is possible.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


Other Building System

Three settings of ON/OFF per day are available.
9:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 18:00 21:00


Lighting Elevator Alarm

15 Hitachi Water-cooled Chillers 16

Model 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 150 170 180 200 220 260 300 340 380 410 450 490 530 570
Cooling Capacity [USRT] 39.7 48.9 60.4 79.4 97.8 120.9 137.9 146.8 172.9 181.2 190.2 202.8 239.5 276.2 311.1 346.1 377.7 414.4 449.1 484.4 519.1
Cooling Capacity [kW] 140 172 213 279 344 425 485 516 608 637 669 713 842 971 1,094 1,217 1,328 1,457 1,579 1,703 1,825
Net Weight [kg] 1,072 1,142 1,212 1,800 1,980 2,070 2,858 3,010 2,988 3,220 3,038 5,452 5,584 5,716 5,846 5,976 8,442 8,574 8,704 8,834 8.964
Refrigerant Cycle 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
Dimentions [mm] Height 1,506 1,506 1,506 1,505 1,505 1,505 1,877 1,688 1,877 1,688 1,877 1,810 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877
Width 965 965 965 1,106 1,106 1,106 1,296 1,220 1,296 1,220 1,296 2,692 2,692 2,692 2,692 2,692 4,088 4,088 4,088 4,088 4,088
Depth 1,977 1,977 1,977 2,956 2,956 2,956 2,134 3,531 2,134 3,531 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134

Model 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 150 170 180 200 220 260 300 340 380 410 450 490 530 570
Cooling Capacity [USRT] 37.0 46.1 56.0 73.9 92.2 112.1 135.3 138.2 166.3 168.1 183.1 195.7 233.2 270.8 301.8 332.8 368.6 406.1 437.1 468.1 499.1
Cooling Capacity [kW] 130 162 197 260 324 394 476 486 585 591 644 688 820 952 1,061 1,170 1,296 1,428 1,537 1,646 1,755
Net Weight [kg] 1,072 1,142 1,212 1,800 1,980 2,070 2,858 3,010 2,988 3,220 3,038 5,452 5,584 5,716 5,846 5,976 8,442 8,574 8,704 8,834 8.964
Refrigerant Cycle 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
Dimentions [mm] Height 1,506 1,506 1,506 1,505 1,505 1,505 1,877 1,688 1,877 1,688 1,877 1,810 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877
Width 965 965 965 1,106 1,106 1,106 1,296 1,220 1,296 1,220 1,296 2,692 2,692 2,692 2,692 2,692 4,088 4,088 4,088 4,088 4,088
Depth 1,977 1,977 1,977 2,956 2,956 2,956 2,134 3,531 2,134 3,531 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134 2,134

R407C RCUP-WUZ Temperature Conditions Working Range

Chilled water outlet temperature 7˚C RCU-WHYZ RCUG-WHYZ RCUP-WUZ RCUA-WHYZ

Model 34 43 51 67 85 101 128 151 171 202 Condenser water outlet
Chilled water inlet temperature 12˚C 22 ~ 40 22 ~ 37 22 ~ 37 22 ~ 37
temperature (˚C)
Cooling Capacity [USRT] 50Hz 33.6 42.7 51.2 67.1 85.3 101 128 150.7 170.6 201.9
Condenser water inlet temperature 30˚C Chilled water outlet
60Hz 37.5 48.3 56.9 75.4 95.3 113.8 145 170.6 190.5 227.5 temperature (˚C)
5 ~ 20 5 ~ 20 5 ~ 20 5 ~ 20
Condenser water outlet temperature 35˚C
Cooling Capacity [kW] 50Hz 118 150 180 236 300 355 450 530 600 710 Main power supply 380V 50Hz 380V 50Hz 380V 50Hz 380V 50Hz
(3 phase) 415V 50Hz 415V 50Hz 415V 50Hz 415V 50Hz
60Hz 132 170 200 265 335 400 510 600 670 800
Control power supply 220V 50Hz 220V 50Hz 220V 50Hz 220V 50Hz
Net Weight [kg] 750 765 830 950 1,550 1,650 1,750 2,470 2,550 2,670
(1 phase) 240V 50Hz 240V 50Hz 240V 50Hz 240V 50Hz
Refrigerant Cycle 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 GB/T GB/T GB/T
Standard JIS B 8613
Dimentions [mm] Height 1,524 1,524 1,524 1,524 1,672 1,672 1,672 1,646 1,646 1,646 18430.1-2007 18430.1-2007 18430.1-2007

Width 1,225 1,225 1,225 1,400 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,207 1,300 1,300
Depth 934 934 934 934 1,661 1,661 1,661 2,466 2,466 2,466

Model 160 180 220 240 280 300 380 440 500 560 600 660 720 780 840 900
Cooling Capacity [USRT] 147.6 162.4 200.2 220.4 251.4 276 347.8 400 451.6 502.8 553 600.6 651.8 703 754.2 829.1
Cooling Capacity [kW] 519 571 704 775 884 972 1,223 1,408 1,588 1,768 1,944 2,112 2,292 2,473 2,653 2,916
Net Weight [kg] 3,082 3,122 3,507 3,547 3,850 3,895 6,589 7,014 7,357 7,700 7,790 10,521 10,864 11,207 11,550 11,685
Refrigerant Cycle 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
Dimentions [mm] Height 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900
Width 1,285 1,285 1,285 1,285 1,285 1,285 2,670 2,670 2,670 2,670 2,670 4,055 4,055 4,055 4,055 4,055
Depth 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104 3,104

17 Hitachi Water-cooled Chillers 18


ISO 9001 ISO 14001

Printed in Japan (H) HR-E590T Oct. 2015

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