Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Q.3 (a) Derive law of correct steering for Ackerman Steering Gear mechanism 06
(b) In a slider crank mechanism, the crank is 480 mm long and rotates at 20 rad/s 08
in the counter clockwise direction. The length of connecting rod is 1.6 m.
When the crank turns 60o from the inner dead centre, determine the
1. Velocity of slider
2. Velocity of point E located at a distance 450 mm on the connecting
rod extended
Q.4 (a) State the relation for Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration for following 04
motion of follower
1. Uniform velocity, 2. Simple harmonic motion
(b) A cam with 30 mm as minimum diameter is rotating clockwise as a uniform 10
speed of 1200 rpm and has to give the motion to the roller follower 10 mm
diameter as defined below:
1. Outward stroke of 25 mm during 120o of cam rotation with equal uniform
acceleration and retardation
2. Dwell for 60o cam rotation
3. Return to its initial position during 90o of cam rotation with equal uniform
acceleration and retardation
4. Dwell for the remaining 90o cam rotation
Layout the cam profile when the roller axis is offset to right by 5 mm.
Q.4 (a) State the relation for Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration for following 04
motion of follower
1. Uniform acceleration and retardation
2. Cyclodial motion
(b) A cam with 25 mm as minimum diameter is rotating clockwise as a uniform 10
speed of 500 rpm and has to give the motion to the flat faced follower defined
1. Outward stroke of 20 mm during 120o of cam rotation with simple
harmonic motion
2. Dwell for 30o cam rotation
3. Return to its initial position during 120o of cam rotation with equal uniform
acceleration and retardation
4. Dwell for the remaining 90o cam rotation
5. Layout the cam for the above mentioned motion of follower.
Q.5 (a) Derive the empirical relation for minimum number of teeth to avoid 05
interference in gears.
(b) If the number of teeth in the gears 1 and 2 are 60 and 40, the module pitch =3 09
mm, the pressure angle 20o and the addendum = 0.318 of circular pitch
determine the velocity of sliding when the contact is at the tip of the tooth of
gear 2 and the gear 2 rotates at 800 rpm.
Q.5 (a) Determine the velocity ratio of differential gear box. 05
(b) Figure shows epicyclic gear train. Gear A is fixed to a frame and is therefore 09
stationary. The arm B and gears C and D are free to rotate on the shaft. Gears
A, C and D have 100,101 and 99 teeth respectively. Pitch circle diameters of
all are same so that the planet gear P meshes with all of them. Determine the
revolutions of gears C and D for one revolution of the arm B.