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Implementation of (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Process of Quality and Measuring Its Effect On Nurses' Practice of Patient Safety Goals

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Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2019 EJHC Vol.10 No.

Implementation of (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Process of Quality and

Measuring its Effect on Nurses' Practice of Patient
Safety Goals

Motiaa. F. Seliem,Prof.Dr/ Mona. M. Shazly, Assist. Prof/Hemat. A. Mostafa

Nursing Administration Department – Faculty of Nursing,Ain Shams University


Background: Implementing PDCA (plan- do- check – act) management can improve
patient safety and satisfaction. Head nurse should create and maintain their safety management to
increase the quality of nursing practices regarding patient safety goals practice. The aim of the
study was to investigate the effect of head nurses' and staff nurses' use of PDCA on their patient
safety practices.Design: One group pre-post assessment is used to carry out this study.Subjects:
Two study subjects – head and staff nurses‟.Setting: The study was conducted at inpatient units
in Nasser institute hospital, which affiliated to Specialized Medical Centers of ministry of health.
Tools of data collection: four tools were used for collecting data.Namely:Patient safety and
PDCA knowledge questionnaire for head nurses and staff nurses, Observation checklist for
performance of PDCA process related to patient safety goals for head nurses and staff nurses.
Result:head nurses‟:all head nurses had low satisfaction with patient safety .both before and after
the intervention.none of the head nurses had total adequate practice of PDCA before the
intervention, which increased to 86.7% after the intervention (p<0.001).The intervention, was a
significant positive predictor of the practice scores, whereas age, experience in current
department, and attendance of infection control courses were negative predictors.Staff nurses:
none of the" staff nurses had satisfactory knowledge of patient safety before the intervention,
compared to after the intervention (p<0.001).No staff nurse had adequate practice of PDCA
'before the Intervention, compared to after the intervention (p<0. 001).Conclusion:both head
nurses and staff nurses in the study settinghad deficient knowledge and practice of PDCA as
applied to patient safety goals.Recommendations: The PDCA quality improvement cycle should
be implemented in patient safety as well as in various areas of patient care. The training program
should be applied to all head and staff nurses in the study setting, and should be extended to other
similar setting. Creating and sustaining a culture of quality improvement by using PDCA cycle.
Key words: PDCA, patient safety goals, head and staff nurses.

Introduction patient, the payer, the admitting doctor,

the employer, or an internal customer
Quality in healthcare has been within the organization. PDCA
defined in many ways. "Quality" in Application of the PDCA cycle more
healthcare is defined as everything the effective than adopting the right first time
healthcare organization undertakes to approach. Using of the PDCA cycle
fulfill the needs of its customer, be it the means continuously looking for better

EJHC 218
Motiaa Farahat Seliem, Mona Mostafa Shazly, & Hemat Abdelazim
methods of improvement. The PDCA Patient safety widely used
cycle is effective in doing a job and definition of patient safety is provided by
managing a program. The PDCA cycle the WHO, in which patient safety is
enables two types of corrective action – defined as the absence of preventable
temporary and permanent (Sokovic, harm to a patient during the process of
Pavletic, &Pipan, 2010). health care (World Health Organization
[WHO], 2009)
Then explained the mode steps as
follows: Plan. In the PDCA cycle, Patient safety is not only the task
planning is the first step. Planning of individual nurses but it is also the
requires processes to identify hazards, responsibility of the head nurse as a
risks and shortcomings in a patient safety leader in their ward. The head nurse
management system, and establish and performs as a manager in the ward and
implement plans for improvement. Do. has a duty toward improving patient
This phase involves several activities, safety. Leadership and management are
such as generating possible solutions, the organizational components to enhance
selecting the best of these solutions, and patient safety (IOM 2004). Meanwhile, in
perhaps using techniques like impact some cases, nurses occasionally make
analysis to scrutinize them. Check: In mistakes because systems, tasks and
this phase, head nurses verify whether processes are poorly designed (Leape et
processes achieved desired results and al., 2002).
effectiveness of the "do" step. Verifying
could mean any form of monitoring or Patient safety goals as a condition
measurement of the activity. Act. If there to be applied in all hospitals are
are discrepancies found between what accredited by the Commission on
was planned and what was done, head Accreditation of Hospitals. Joint
nurses need to analyze the cause and act Commission International (JCI, 2011)
to improve the situation (Yuswardi, published international patient safety
2013). goals consisting of 6 key items, (Identify
Patients Correctly, Improve Effective
The most common methods used Communication, Improve the Safety of
for measuring patient safety are High-Alert Medications, Ensure Correct-
retrospective medical chart review, Site, Correct-Procedure, Correct-Patient,
incident reporting systems, automated Reduce the Risk of Health Care–
surveillance, and administrative or claims Associated Infections - Reduce the Risk
data. Retrospective medical chart review of Patient Harm Resulting from Falls).
remains the "gold standard" for
identifying adverse events. Although Head nurses are responsible for
medical records contain detailed clinical ensuring all staff nurses within their
information on patients, and often contain sphere of responsibility are aware of
information about the safety events and policy, protocol and procedure to identify
the circumstances surrounding it, using patients correctly. They are responsible
them to systematically detect and measure for investigating all incidents of patients'
safety events is not practical. Medical misidentification, ensuring action to
record reviews, particularly when the prevent reoccurrence are implemented
records are paper based rather than (Lucas, 2010).
electronic, are costly, labor-intensive, and
typically involve one or more clinicians Nurses are an important part of the
(Yuswardi, 2013). healthcare system and can improve

Implementation of (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Process of Quality and Measuring its Effect on Nurses'
Practice of Patient Safety Goals

patient safety. In nursing, the term Aim of the study

"patient safety" shows how nurses
understand safety, as well as what is The aim of this study is to
necessary to be done to ensure safety for investigate the effect of head nurses' and
patients and the efforts to improve it staff nurses' use of PDCA on their
(Yuswardi, 2013). practice of patient safety goals through:
Head nurses should put the safety 1. Assessing head nurses' and staff
policy into practice through careful nurses' knowledge of PDCA and patient
planning of the safely activities. Planning safety goals.
means determination of the safety
objective, priorities, indicator and 2. Assessing head nurses' and staff
preparation of working program to nurses' practice of PDCA and patient
achieve the goals. Each ward can have safety goals.
different objectives and priorities
according to the each national patient 3. Conducting a training strategy to
safety goals. In order to provide safety in use PDCA process of quality.
practice, head nurses delegate some
duties to representative nurse; a
4. Measuring the effect of
representative is elected from among
implementing PDCA on nurses' practice
nurses who have knowledge and
of patient safety goals.
experience in patient safety (JCI, 2011).
Research hypothesis:
Significance of the study
There is an improvement on
Nurses comprise the largest group nurses' practice of patient safety goals
of professionals within the healthcare after implementation of PDCA process of
workforce and provide 75% of the care quality?
received by patients in hospital settings.
There is an increasing demand for Research design:
healthcare and nursing services due to
population growth and, more A quasi-experimental one group
significantly, due to the increasing with pre-post assessment was utilized in
proportion of people over the age of 65. conducting the study.
At the same time, the supply of nurses is
diminishing. This shortage would have a Setting:-
negative impact on patient safety.
Enhancing head nurses' competencies in The study was conducted in the
leading their teams towards application of inpatient units at Nasser Institute
patient safety goals through a systematic Hospital. This hospital is affiliated to the
methodology as "Plan-Do-Check-Act" Specialized Medical Centers of the
may help to overcome this negative Ministry of Health. It is concerned with
impact. providing inpatient and outpatient
services to all categories of the
community. The hospital consists of 800
beds in two separate buildings. The first
8-floor building includes all the inpatient

Motiaa Farahat Seliem, Mona Mostafa Shazly, & Hemat Abdelazim
services and the second building includes First Part: This part is intended to
all oncology outpatient services, inpatient the head nurse's socio-demographic data
one-day chemotherapy, and pain such as age, gender, qualification,
management clinics. experience (total and in management),
marital status, etc.
Second part: This part is intended
The study subjects consisted of to assess head nurses' pre-post knowledge
two groups, namely head nurses and staff about Patient safety goals that consisting
nurses. of 6 key items, 1) Identify Patients
Correctly, 2) Improve Effectiveness of
1- Head nurses group: All the head Communication, 3) Improve the Safety of
nurses working in the above- High-Alert Medications, 4) Ensure
mentioned settings was included in Correct-Site, Correct-Procedure, Correct-
the study. Their total number is 30 Patient, 5) Reduce the Risk of Health
head nurses. Care–Associated Infections and 6)
Reduce the Risk of Patient Harm
2- Staff nurses group: total number of Resulting from Falls, and PDCA process
staff nurses was participated in the that included four-step improvement
study (n= 50 staff nurses) this process that begins with planning the
number according to criteria for intervention, implementing the change,
inclusion in the main study sample measuring results, and using the result to
(experience more than one year plan further improvements in the system.
working in the current department
and work full time). Tool 2

Tools of data collection:- Patient safety and PDCA

knowledge questionnaire. This tool was
Four tools was used to collect data prepared to assess staff nurses' pre-post
for this study, namely Patient safety and knowledge about patient safety goals and
PDCA knowledge questionnaire for head PDCA cycle by the researcher (Yuswardi,
nurses and Patient safety and PDCA 2013). It was comprised two parts:
knowledge questionnaire staff nurses,
Observation checklist for performance of First Part: This part is intended to
PDCA process related to patient safety the staff nurses' socio-demographic data
goals for head nurses and Observation such as age, gender, qualification,
checklist for performance of PDCA experience, marital status, etc.
process related to patient safety goals
staff nurses. Second part: This part is intended
to assess staff nurses' pre-post knowledge
Tool 1 about Patient safety goals that consisting
of 6 key items, 1) Identify Patients
Patient safety and PDCA Correctly, 2) Improve Effectiveness of
knowledge questionnaire. This tool was Communication, 3) Improve the Safety of
prepared to assess head nurse pre-post High-Alert Medications, 4) Ensure
knowledge about patient safety goals and Correct-Site, Correct-Procedure, Correct-
PDCA cycle .this tool designed by the Patient, 5) Reduce the Risk of Health
researcher based on (Yuswardi, 2013). It Care–Associated Infections and 6)
was comprised two parts: Reduce the Risk of Patient Harm

Implementation of (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Process of Quality and Measuring its Effect on Nurses'
Practice of Patient Safety Goals

Resulting from Falls, and PDCA process Tool 4

that included four-step improvement
process that begins with planning the Observation checklist for
intervention, implementing the change, performance of PDCA cycle related to
measuring results, and using the result to patient safety goals. This tool was
plan further improvements in the system. developed by the researcher based on
ISOUA, (2010) and WHO (2007) to
Tool 3 assess staff nurses' performance of PDCA
cycle related to patient safety six goals
Observation checklist for before and after the intervention. It was
performance of PDCA cycle related to comprised two parts:
patient safety goals. This tool was
developed by the researcher based First part: This part is intended to
on(Yuswardi, 2013&JCI 2011)to assess the staff nurse's socio-demographic data
head nurses' performance of PDCA cycle such as age, gender, qualification,
related to patient safety six goals before experience, marital status, etc.
and after the intervention. It was
comprisedof two parts: Second part: This part will be
consist of three sections based on ISOUA,
First part: This part is intended to (2010) and WHO (2007) solution of
the head nurse's socio-demographic data patient safety that include (general
such as age, gender, qualification, solution- medication management
experience (total and in management), solution- surgical solution) and PDCA
marital status, etc. cycle.

Second part: This part intended to  Scoring system

assess head nurses performance of PDCA
cycle related to patient safety goals before In the observation checklist, the
and after intervention. Every patient items “not done” and “done” were
safety goal was observed through PDCA scored“zero”and"1" respectively. The
cycle such as “Identify patient correctly” practice was considered adequate if the
planning: is the head nurse informs the percent score was 60% or more and
goal of ensuring identify patient correctly inadequate if less than 60%
based on hospital standard. Doing: is the
head nurse explain to all nurses to Ethical considerations:
identify the patient correctly by asking
the patient to name (first name and The researcher was clarified the
surname or father's name)and medical aim of the study to the head and staff
number. Checking: is the head nurse nurses to be included in the study. They
Check the patient‟s medical record and were assured that anonymity and
nursing needs based on identifiers from confidentiality would be guaranteed, and
the initial assessments. Acting: is the head was informed about their right to refuse
nurse investigate all of patient or withdraw from the study at any time.
misidentification, ensuring actions to The study procedures do not entail any
prevent reoccurrence are implemented. harmful effects on participants.

Motiaa Farahat Seliem, Mona Mostafa Shazly, & Hemat Abdelazim
Preparatory phase: Planning Phase: during this phase
the researcher was analyzed the data
This stage started from August collected to identify the knowledge
2016 till February 2017 It took 6 months; deficiencies and gap between head and
the researcher reviewed the national and staff nurses, which considered during
international related literature concerning developing the training program.
the topic of the study and developed the
study tools .Tools were validated by jury Implementation Phase: The
group which consists of, two professors researcher divided the head and staff
of nursing faculty from Cairo university, nurses into small groups according to
three doctors worked as quality availability and workload for conducting
consultant, and two pharmacist worked as the training. Each group had two sessions
quality consultant. The necessary on Saturdays and Thursdays, and one
modifications of the tools were done session on the other days of the week.
based on jury opinion. The duration of each session was two
hours. The program sessions were from
Pilot study: 8:00 am to 10:00 am and from 10:00 am
to 12:00 pm. This program was divided
A pilot study was carried out on a into two parts, one for head nurses and
sample of (3) head and (5) staff nurses another one for staff nurses. For head
from another setting representing about nurses, each subgroup had 20 hours
10% of study sample. The aim is to test training (13 theoretical and 7 practical).
the clarity and applicability of the tools For staff nurses, each subgroup had 18
and the time needed for filling them in. hours (12 theoretical and 4 practical). The
Necessary modifications were done program was implemented throughout
according to the results of the pilot study. one and half month, from April first to
The reliability of the tools was tested at March 15 2017. They were divided into
this phase as applicable.The reliability of subgroups. Each subgroup was given two
the practice checklists was assessed using sessions per week. Sessions included
Guttman split-half method. The analysis group discussions, mini-lectures, and
demonstrated very high reliability for the actual practice.
head nurse form, with coefficient 0.94.
For staff nurse form, the reliability was Evaluation phase: after
just acceptable with a coefficient 0.50. completion of the training program, the
effectiveness of the program was assessed
Field Work: through posttest for knowledge and
practice of head and staff nurses.
Data collection of the study was
started at the beginning of March 2017, Statistical Design:
and completed by the 15thof June 2017
through four phases: Data entry and statistical analysis
were done using SPSS 20.0 statistical
Assessment Phase: up on software package. Data were presented
securing all permission to conduct the using descriptive statistics in the form of
study. The data was collected during this frequencies and percentages for
phase constituted the pretest or baseline qualitative variables, and means and
for the study. standard deviations for quantitative
variables. Qualitative categorical
variables were compared using chi-square

Implementation of (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Process of Quality and Measuring its Effect on Nurses'
Practice of Patient Safety Goals

test. Whenever the expected values in one relationships among quantitative

or more of the cells in a 2x2 tables was variables, and Spearman rank correlation
less than 5, Fisher exact test was used for ranked ones. Statistical significance
instead. Chi-square for trend was used to was considered at p-value <0.05.
assess the statistical significance of trends
of scales. Pearson correlation analysis
was used for assessment of the inter-

Table (1): Demographic characteristics of head nurses in the study sample (n=30)

Frequency Percent
<40 16 53.3
40+ 14 46.7
Range 29.0-57.0
Median 38.5
Nursing qualification:
Diploma 11 36.7
Bachelor 19 63.3
Experience years (total):
<20 17 56.7
20+ 13 43.3
Range 6.0-40.0
Median 15.5
Experience years (current dept.):
<5 14 46.7
5+ 16 53.3
Range 1.0-35.0
Median 5.0
Experience years (current position):
<10 12 40.0
10+ 18 60.0
Range 3.0-35.0
Median 14.5
Attended training courses in:
Infection control 21 70.0
Patient safety 12 40.0
Quality 1 3.3
Total courses attended:
Range 0-3
Median 1.0

Table (1): The head nurses in the study sample were all females whose age ranged
between 29 and 27 years, median 38.5. Their medians years of total, current department, and
current position experience were 15.5, 5.0, and 14.5 respectively. Slightly more than two-
thirds of them had previously attended training courses in infection control (70.0%), while
only one (3.3%) had training in quality.

Motiaa Farahat Seliem, Mona Mostafa Shazly, & Hemat Abdelazim

Table (2): Satisfaction with knowledge of patient safety goals as reported by head
nurses before and after the intervention

Satisfaction with patient safety (max=2) Mann

Patient safety areas: Pre (n=50) Post (n=50) Whiney p-value
Mean±SD Median Mean±SD Median Test
Patient identification 1.1±0.4 1.00 0.8±0.6 1.00 5.48 0.02*
Effective communication 1.1±0.4 1.00 1.0±0.4 1.00 1.57 0.21
Medication errors 1.1±0.4 1.00 1.0±0.4 1.00 1.00 0.32
Surgical errors 1.1±0.4 1.00 0.9±0.5 1.00 2.26 0.13
Nosocomial infections 1.1±0.4 1.00 1.0±0.3 1.00 1.27 0.26
Bed sores 0.9±0.5 1.00 0.5±0.6 0.00 8.37 0.004*
Patient fall 0.9±0.6 1.00 0.3±0.5 0.00 12.33 <0.001*
Total 51.4±19.9 50.00 38.8±18.8 35.70 12.06 0.001*
(*) Statistically significant at p<0. 05

Table (2):illustrated the scores of head nurses' satisfaction with patient safety were
low before the intervention, and. even decreased after the intervention. The decreases were
statistically significant regarding patient identification (p=0.02), bed sores (p=0.004) and
patient fall (p<0.001). In total, the total score of satisfaction decreased from 51.4 to
38.81froma maximum of 100 (P=0.00 1).

Table (3): Total practice of PDCA in patient safety goals among head nurses before
and after the intervention

Practice of PDCA in: Pre (n=30) Post (n=30) X2 test p-value
No % No %
Identify patient correctly:
Adequate (60%+) 0 0.0 23 76.7 37.30 <0.001*
Inadequate (<60%) 30 100.0 7 23.3
Effective communication:
Adequate (60%+) 0 0.0 27 90.0 49.09 <0.001*
Inadequate (<60%) 30 100.0 3 10.0
High alert medications:
Adequate (60%+) 0 0.0 19 63.3 27.80 <0.001*
Inadequate (<60%) 30 100.0 11 36.7
Correct procedures:
Adequate (60%+) 0 0.0 27 0.0 55.00 <0.001*
Inadequate (<60%) 28 100.0 0 100.0
Nosocomial-infections reduction:
Adequate (60%+) 0 0.0 27 90.0 49.09 <0.001*
Inadequate (<60%) 30 100.0 3 10.0
Fall risk reduction:
Adequate (60%+) 0 0.0 28 93.3 25.50 <0.001*
Inadequate (<60%) 30 100.0 2 6.7
(*) Statistically significant at p<0. 05

Table (3): indicates statistically significant improvements in all areas of practice of

PDCA among head nurses' after implementation of the intervention (p<0.001). The
percentages of head nurses with adequate practice ranged between 63.3% for high alert
medications, to 100.0% for correct procedures.

Implementation of (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Process of Quality and Measuring its Effect on Nurses'
Practice of Patient Safety Goals

Table (4): Correlation between head nurses' knowledge and practice scores and their

Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

Pre (n=30) Post (n=30) Total (n=60)
Knowledge Practice Knowledge Practice Knowledge Practice
Practice -.090 .577** .812**
Age -.127 -.260 .381* -.229 -.127 -.122
Qualification .112 .212 .313 .280 .106 .123
Experience -.078 -.197 -.304 -.180 -.095 -.094
Experience -.182 -.133 -.141 -.144 -.081 -.069
Experience -.005 -.250 -.291 -.170 -.074 -.105
(current job)
No.of courses .308 -.028 -.118 -.026 .048 -.013
Satisfaction .306 -.338 .000 .103 -.311* .427**
(*) Statistically significant at p<0. 05

Table (4):points to no statistically significant correlation between head nurses' scores

of knowledge and practice before the intervention; However, after implementation of the
intervention, there was a statistically significant moderate positive correlation between them
(r=0.577), and this became strong (r=0.812) in the combined pre and post-samples. As
regards the correlations with head nurses' characteristics, the table shows that the post-
intervention knowledge score had a statistically significant weak positive correlation with
their age (r=0.381). Meanwhile, the total knowledge and practice scores correlated
negatively with head nurses scores of satisfaction with patient safety.

Motiaa Farahat Seliem, Mona Mostafa Shazly, & Hemat Abdelazim

Table (5): Socio-demographic characteristics of staff nurses in the study sample


Frequency Percent
<30 20 40.0
30+ 30 60.0
Range 19.0-55.0
Median 32.0
Male 3 6.0
Female 47 94.0
Marital status:
Unmarried 16 32.0
Married 34 68.0
Nursing qualification:
Diploma 49 98.0
Bachelor 1 2.0
Experience years (total):
<20 35 70.0
20+ 15 30.0
Range 1.0-28.0
Median 10.5
Experience years (current dept.):
<5 17 34.0
5+ 13 66.0
Range 1.0-20.0
Median 7.0
Experience years (current position):
<10 23 46.0
10+ 27 54.0
Range 1.0-28.0
Median 10.0
Attended training courses in:
Infection control 32 64.0
Patient safety 14 28.0
Quality 2 4.0
Total courses attended:
Range 0-1
Median 0.0

Table (5): The sample of staff nurses consisted mainly of females (94%) whose age
ranged between 19 and 55 years, median 32.0. Almost all of them were diploma degree
nurses (98%), and the majority was married (68%). Their medians years of total, current
department, and current position experience were 10. 5, 7.0 and 10.0 respectively. Slightly
less than two-thirds of them had previously attended training in infection control (64.0%),
while only two (4.0%) had training in quality.

Implementation of (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Process of Quality and Measuring its Effect on Nurses'
Practice of Patient Safety Goals

Table (6): Satisfaction with knowledge of patient safety goals as reported by staff
nurses before and after the intervention

Satisfaction with patient safety (max=2) Mann

Patient safety
Pre (n=50) Post (n=50) Whiney p-value
Mean±SD Median Mean±SD Median Test
Patient 1.7±0.5 2.00 1.1±0.5 1.00 27.75 <0.001*
Effective 1.6±0.5 2.00 1.1±0.4 1.00 25.48 <0.001*
Medication errors 1.5±0.6 2.00 1.1±0.3 1.00 20.96 <0.001*
Surgical errors 1.7±0.5 2.00 1.1±0.5 1.00 24.80 <0.001*
Nosocomial 1.6±0.5 2.00 1.1±0.5 1.00 24.16 <0.001*
Bed sores 1.6±0.5 2.00 0.8±0.5 1.00 41.08 <0.001*
Patient fall 1.6±0.5 2.00 0.8±0.5 1.00 37.40 <0.001*
Total satisfaction 80.9±23.3 100.00 50.4±17.0 50.00 33.70 <0.001*
(*) Statistically significant at p<0. 05

Table )6(:As displayed in, the scores of staff nurses' satisfaction with patient safety
tended to be high before the intervention, and decreased after the intervention The decreases
were statistically significant in all areas of patient safety (p<0.001) The total score of
satisfaction decreased from 80.9 before the intervention to 50.4 after the intervention from a
maximum of 100 (p<0.00 1).

Table (7): Practice of PDCA in patient safety goals among staff nurses before and
after the intervention

Adequate (60%+) practice in: Pre (n=50) Post (n=50) X2 test p-value
No. % No. %
General patient safety solutions:
Two-way identification 0 0.0 40 83.3 70.40 <0.001*
Hand hygiene 0 0.0 25 52.1 34.38 <0.001*
Single injection devices use 0 0.0 49 98.0 96.08 <0.001*
Critical value tests list 5 10.4 50 100.0 79.81 <0.001*
Verbal/telephone orders 0 0.0 19 67.9 26.44 <0.001*
Catheter/tubing misconnection 0 0.0 35 79.5 54.55 <0.001*
Fall risk reduction 0 0.0 26 74.3 39.69 <0.001*
Reduce pressure ulcers 0 0.0 21 80.8 28.77 <0.001*
Handover communication 0 0.0 42 84.0 72.41 <0.001*
Medication management:
Look-like sound-like medications 1 2.1 30 62.5 40.07 <0.001*
Concentrated electrolytes 1 2.0 48 96.0 88.40 <0.001*
Concentrated medications 1 2.0 50 100.0 96.08 <0.001*
All medications labelled 0 0.0 33 66.0 47.76 <0.001*
Operative/invasive procedures: Correct 0 0.0 40 97.6 71.08 <0.001*
(*) Statistically significant at p<0.05

Motiaa Farahat Seliem, Mona Mostafa Shazly, & Hemat Abdelazim

Concerning staff nurses' practice of PDCA in patient safety, Table 16 indicates that
none or almost none of them had adequate practice in any of the areas before the
intervention. At the post-intervention phase, there were statistically significant improvements
in all areas. This reached 100% adequate regarding critical value test list, and concentrated

Table (8) Total practice of PDCA in patient safety goals among staff nurses before
and after the intervention

Adequate (60%+) practice in: Pre (n=50) Post (n=50) X2 test p-value
No. % No. %
General 0 0.0 45 90.0 81.82 <0.001*
Medications 0 0.0 46 92.0 85.19 <0.001*
Operative/invasive 0 0.0 40 97.6 71.08 <0.001*
(*) Statistically significant at p<0.05

Table (8): indicates statistically significant improvements in all areas of practice of

PDCA among staff nurses' after implementation of the intervention (p<0.001). The
percentages of staff, nurses with adequate practice ranged between 90.0. %. For general
patient safety to 97.6% for operative/invasive procedures.

Table (9): Correlation between staff nurses' knowledge and practice scores and their

Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

Pre (n=30) Post (n=30) Total (n=60)
Knowledge Practice Knowledge Practice Knowledge Practice
Practice .456** .186 .830**
Age -.204 -.074 .036 .029 -.042 -.011
Qualification .211 .139 -.097 .094 .028 .058
Experience -.222 -.105 .027 -.010 -.058 -.038
Experience -.124 -.054 .036 -.058 .020 .002
Experience -.221 -.153 -.039 -.038 -.074 .077
(current job)
No. of courses .241 .028 .244 .007 .121 .009
Satisfaction -.127 .192 .102 -.153 .518** 494**
(*) Statistically significant at p<0. 05 (**)Statistically significant al p<0.01

Table (9):demonstrates a statistically significant moderate positive correlation

(r=0.456) between staff nurses' scores of knowledge and practice before the intervention. The
correlation became strong (r=0.830) in the combined pre and post-samples. Meanwhile, no
correlations were revealed with any of the staff nurses characteristics.

Implementation of (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Process of Quality and Measuring its Effect on Nurses'
Practice of Patient Safety Goals

Discussion reporting; however, those who held

managerial positions or had completed
Patient safety is the cornerstone of master‟s degree (72.73% of participants
high-quality health care. Much of the who completed master‟s degree were also
work defining patient safety and practices in managerial work) reported a higher
that prevent harm have focused on intention to report than those not in
negative outcomes of care, such as management roles or with a bachelor‟s
mortality and morbidity (Carlesiet al., degree as their highest qualification.
In satisfaction finding regarding to
Nurses‟ role is critical in reducing patient safety goals by head nurses the
such adverse outcomes of patient care to study found low satisfaction with patient
improve mortality and morbidity. one of safety goals before intervention and even
the main head nurse‟s role in nursing decrease after intervention This result is
administration is to achieve quality , consistent with Hamid (2015) who found
particularly regarding patient safety that resident is not fully educated about
(Severinsson,2013)the plan –Do-Check- patient safety standards and their role in
Act (PDCA)model has been shown to be patient safety. In this respect, Sammer
an effective quality management tool in andJames (2011) emphasized the role of
improving patients‟‟ outcomes(Garrett et nurse managers in increasing nurses'
al.,2017 and augmenting the efficiency of knowledge regarding quality and safety
organization to the maximum (Johnson et standards as well as in establishing a
al.,2016). culture that offers the patient quality care
in a safe environment.
The study was to investigate the
effect of head nurses' and staff nurses' use In multivariate analysis, the
of PDCA on their patient safety goals implementation of the study intervention
practices. was identified as the only statistically
significant inadequate positive predictor
The present study hypothesized of head nurses knowledge score. In the
that the implementation of training same line International Council of
program would lead to improvements in Nurses (2012) nurse no matter how old
the knowledge of the head and staff she/he is, every head nurse carries
nurses' of PDCA and application in personal responsibility and accountability
patient safety goals. for nursing practice, and for maintaining
competency. Nurses maintained a
The findings of the present study standard of professional health.
revealed that related to incident report
statistically slightly significant In addition to the positive impact
improvement between pre and posttest in of the present study intervention on staff
the participants „knowledge regarding the nurses‟ practice scores of PDCA in
patient identification, documentation of patient safety, their knowledge score was
medications administration ,infections also identified as an additional significant
and falling. This result is consistent with positive predictor of this score. Moreover,
Chin Chen etal. (2017) who found that their knowledge and practice scores were
most participants in the study(80%) had positively correlated. This indicates that
limited experience of medical incident the staff nurses‟ inadequate practice
before the implementation of the

Motiaa Farahat Seliem, Mona Mostafa Shazly, & Hemat Abdelazim
intervention was due to their deficient this, a study in Brazil highlighted the
knowledge about PDCA. Thus, when importance of staff development activities
their knowledge was improved after the in enhancing nurses‟ performance related
intervention, this was positively reflected to patient safety (Paranaguá et al., 2016).
on their practice scores. Similar findings
were reported by Bauer et al. (2015) in a Conclusion
study on operating room nurses in
Germany. The study results lead to the
conclusion that the implementation of a
Concerning head nurses‟ personal training program is successful in
characteristics having significant effects improving head and staff nurses‟ related
on their knowledge and practice, the knowledge and practice. Moreover, the
present study results revealed a negative program is effective in increasing the
correlation between their age and the reporting of incidents related to patient
knowledge scores. Moreover, the safety. The score of head and staff nurses‟
multivariate analysis demonstrated that knowledge and practice are positively
head nurses‟ age and experience in correlated.
current department were negative
predictors of their practice scores. This Recommendations
might be explained by that the younger
age head nurses who have been relatively
more recently appointed to managerial  The PDCA quality improvement
positions might be more aware of cycle should be implemented in patient
innovative approaches and techniques to safety nursing as well as in various areas
better patient safety management due to of patient care.
more freshness of their knowledge and
also due to more innovative graduate and  The training program should be
postgraduate nursing recent curricula. In applied to all head and staff nurses in the
line with this, a study in the United States study setting, and should be extended to
demonstrated the success of training other similar setting.
nursing students in PDCA as a quality
improvement tool in enhancing their  Conduct a hospital wide
related competencies (Flores et al., awareness campaign to increase
2013). healthcare providers as (head nurses, staff
nurse) with importance of patient safety
According to the current study goals and PDCA posters, videos and
results, almost none of the head nurses as meetings.
well as the staff nurses had adequate
practice of PDCA as applied to patient  Periodical meeting must be
safety. While the finding could be conducted to discuss barriers that inhibit
expected among staff nurses, it was not implementation of patient safety goals,
expected that almost all head nurses had and solve any incident report related
no awareness of this important approach medical errors and set action plan to help
to quality care in patient safety. This the organization to improve patient safety
could be again due to lack of staff practice.
development activities to improve their
knowledge and skills in quality as shown  Periodical assess level of
by the scarcity of attendance of such knowledge related to patient safety
training among them. In congruence with ,quality and PDCA

Implementation of (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Process of Quality and Measuring its Effect on Nurses'
Practice of Patient Safety Goals

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