Coach Corey Quotes
Coach Corey Quotes
Coach Corey Quotes
You don't deserve what you get in life, you only get what you negotiate.
You must love a person in such a way, that the other person feels free..
Be with someone who wants you, who truly has a genuine interest and equally
reciprocates the same effort that you give them.
You have to give people space, to choose you for being who you are.. Otherwise,
walk away
What is my outcome?
What do I want?
What kind of person do I wanna date?
What kind of relationship do I want to have?
What kind of communication skills do I expect the person to at least at the minumum
What kind of goals, what kind of values do I want, that the other person have?
Figure them out ahead of time
See people for what they really, Ask "Can they match what you're looking for?"
*Always know what your minimum acceptable terms of your deal are
*Influence others to like and trust you, before the negotiation.