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Bloom'S Taxonomy - Lower-Level and Higher-Level Cognitive Skills

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Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
Recall/regurgitate facts To show by To use in a new To examine in detail. To change or create into To justify. Presenting
without understanding. understanding finding situation. Solving Examining and breaking something new. and defending opinions
Exhibits previously information from the problems by applying information into parts by Compiling information by making judgements
learned material by text. Demonstrating acquired knowledge, identifying motives or together in a different about information,
recalling facts, terms, basic understanding of facts, techniques, and causes; making inferences way by combining validity of ideas or
basic concepts and facts and ideas. rules in a different and finding evidence to elements in a new quality of work based
answers. way. support generalizations. pattern or proposing on a set of criteria.
alternative solutions.

Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Keywords:

Remember Repeat Ask Infer Act Develop Analyze Inspect Adapt Plan Argue Measure
Copy Reproduce Cite Summarize Administer Solve Arrange Research Build Produce Assess Opinion
Define Retell Classify Purpose Apply Teach Breakdown Compare Construct Solve Compare Prove
Duplicate Recite Compare Show Build Plan Categorize Highlight Compose Think Conclude Support
Recognize Read Contrast Demonstrate Choose Employ Differences Find Create Theorize Debate Test
Memorize Knowledge Discuss Express Connect Demonstrate Dissect Question Develop Modify Decide Validate
Tell Retell Rephrase Give examples Construct Show Examine Cause and Formulate Improve Evaluate Interpret
Actions: Outcomes: Actions: Outcomes: Actions: Outcomes: Actions: Outcomes: Actions: Outcomes: Actions: Outcomes:

Describing Definition Classifying Examples Carrying out Illustrations Attributing Abstract Constructing Advertisement Attributing Abstract
Finding Fact Comparing Label Executing Interview Integrating Chart Designing Media Product Checking Chart
Identifying Label Explaining List Implementing Journal Organizing Checklist Inventing Plan Organizing Checklist
Naming List Inferring Outline Using Performance Outlining Database Planning Project Deconstruct Database
Recognizing Quiz Interpreting Quiz Presentation Structuring Graph Producing Story Integrating Report
Retrieving Reproduction Summarizing Show and Tell Demonstration Demonstrating Report Making New Structuring Spread Sheet

Example SLOs: Example SLOs: Example SLOs: Example SLOs: Example SLOs: Example SLOs:
Students shall know the Students will demonstrate Apply their knowledge, Analyze, discuss, and Initiate, prepare, and direct Be able to evaluate data and
basic technical terms used proficiency on a test of… experiences, and skills to debate issues in… activities. information.
in… Students will communicate an deal with situations related Compare and contrast Design and carry out a Think critically, construct
Graduates will have understanding of current to… methods of… research project. logical arguments.
developed knowledge and practices in the area respective Students will demonstrate Students will Write a research paper. Design, integrate,
techniques specific to the of their field of study. effective… demonstrate critical Works with others to create implement, and evaluate
discipline of… Apply design techniques thinking in… environments that support all system, process, component,
types of learning. or program to meet desired
Lower-Level Cognitive Skills Higher-Level Cognitive Skills needs.

Adapted 1/11/2017

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