Condiment Setup Guide
Condiment Setup Guide
Condiment Setup Guide
1. Create menu items for Parent Items, Condiments and Prefixes in Master Records (EMC –
Configurations – Menu Items – Menu item Maintenance.)
Parent Item – Horseradish and beef sandwich, Turkey and Ham Club and Spicy Tuna
Condiments –
3. Create Menu Item Classes for Parent Items, Condiment and Prefixes (EMC – Configurations – Menu Items
– Menu item Classes.)
Parent Item Classes– Horseradish and beef sandwich Class, Turkey and Ham Club Class and Spicy Tuna Class
Condiments – Deli Meat Class, Deli Cheese Class, Deli Sauce Class, Meat Temp Class, Deli Bread Class and Deli
Veggie Class
Prefixes – No class, Add class, Sub class, Extra class, Plain class and Reset Class
4. Enable Option Bit “65 – Support Enhanced Prefix Mode (Parent Only)” for Parent Menu Classes
EMC – Configurations – Menu item – Menu Item Classes – Options Tab
5. Setup Condiment Order Type for each created condiment Menu classes
- Open Menu Item Class in Form View
- Select the Menu Item Class
- Select appropriate Condiment Order Type for all classes (By default this 0 – add can select for this,
based on the configuration or test case requirement this can change.)
The above mentioned option bit enables the normal menu item as actual condiments
8. Enable “Main Level Link” and “Sub Level Link” for all menu items
EMC | Configurations | Menu Item | Menu Item Maintenance | Double Click the Menu Item | General
Tab | Select All in Main and Sub Level
- Meats Group
- Cheese Group
- Sauce Group
- Veggies Group
- Meat Temp Group
- Bread Group
- Food Burger Group
- Prefix Condiment Group
10. For Each Menu Item Class Assign Appropriate Condiment Group
Prefix Menu Item Classes assign to Member Condiment Groups and Select Prefix Condiment Group for all
1. Click on insert button and create a new condiment group name (Horseradish and beef sandwich
3. Add Condiments for that condiment group (Click add button and select Menu items)
6. Select Option bits and select Option bit “1 – Display when in Default State”
15. Get the Configured menu items to workstation using Hard Coded buttons or using a SLU (This can be
configured in existing transaction page or new transaction page)
1. Add separate button for Each Parent Item, Condiments and Prefixes
2. Enable Auto active checkbox in button Settings general tab for Condiments and parent items
3. Select Appropriate Menu item for each button (Parent, Condiment and Prefixes)
4. Add a Condiment/Combo Orderer in transaction page (Click Other to add this control)
1. Create a Major Group (Create Two Major Group for Parent Items and Condiments)
3. In Page Design add a Sales SLU control and configure the sales SLU for above created major
4. Add Hard Coded buttons for Prefixes
5. If all configurations are done correctly you should see the following screen when you ring the
horseradish and beef sandwich (Screenshot is for different menu items – Ham Burger)
Condiment Prefix with Priced Condiment
2. Create a Menu Item Names Extra$$ and enable all main and sub level links (Menu Item – General Tab)
3. Add a Price for a Condiment (Onion) and Select Active on Level (8 – Extra Main)
4. Select the Prefix override Level for Onion (8 – Extra Main)
6. If Above Created Configuration is success you should see the following in check detail area when you add
condiment with Extra$$ Button
Option Bits and other configurations related to Condiment
1. EMC | Configurations | Menu Item | Menu Item Maintenance | Open Menu Item | Default
Condiment Tab | Option Bit
“1 - Display When in default State” (This is to enable default condiments for parent menu item when
only parent menu item is ringed)
3. Select a Valid Print Class to get Parent menu items, condiments and prefixes to print in check and bill.
EMC | Configurations | Menu Item | Menu Item Classes | Double click the menu class | General Tab |
Print Class