08-CAB2019 - Part1 Notes - To - FS PDF
08-CAB2019 - Part1 Notes - To - FS PDF
08-CAB2019 - Part1 Notes - To - FS PDF
1.1. The financial statements of Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) were authorized for issue
on February 14, 2020 as shown in the Statement of Management Responsibility for
Financial Statements signed by Atty. Carmelo L. Arcilla and Gilda G. Sañosa, the
Executive Director, and Chief, Financial and Management Division/Comptroller,
1.2. CAB was created by virtue of Executive Order (EO) No. 94 dated October 4, 1947 and
vested with the functions relating to the economic aspects of air transportation. On June
20, 1952, the Board was recognized with the passage of Republic Act No. 776 and in
1987 was attached to the then Department of Transportation and Communication
(DOTC), now Department of Transportation (DOTr).
1.3. The main objective of the CAB is to regulate the economic aspect of air transportation,
and in general supervision and regulation of air carriers, general sales agent, cargo sales
agent, and air freight forwarders as well as their property, property rights, equipment,
facilities and franchise.
1.4. The Agency’s registered office is located in Old MIA Road, Pasay City.
1.5. Vision: To promote the Philippines as a regional key player in civil air transport-
creating and developing air transportation networks by adopting policies geared towards
growth, fair competition and public convenience.
1.6.3. To continuously implement and improve work process in line with quality
management system standard to ensure innovation, professionalism and
1.6.4. To provide response in processing operating rights, fares, rates and tariffs and
all other permits related to air transport; and
1.6.5. To optimize the utilization of information and communication technology in
the delivery of service to delight our stakeholders.
1.7.1. Establish and prescribe rules, regulations, and procedures for the regulation,
promotion, and development of the economic aspect of air transport;
1.7.3. Establish and prescribe the corresponding rules and regulations in the
enforcement and monitoring of compliance of the laws governing stakeholders
engaged in air commerce;
1.7.4. Determine, fix and/or prescribe charges and/or rates pertinent to the services in
connection with air commerce;
1.7.5. Act as Vice Chairman of the Philippine air panel in the negotiations and
consultations of air agreements with foreign governments for the promotion,
establishment or development of foreign air transportation; and
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with and comply with the
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) issued by the Commission on
Audit per COA Resolution No. 2014-003 dated January 24, 2014 and COA Resolution No.
2020-001 dated January 9, 2020.
The financial statements are presented in Philippine Peso, which is the functional and
reporting currency of the Agency and have been prepared on the basis of historical cost,
unless stated otherwise. The Statement of Cash Flows is prepared using the direct method.
The financial statements are prepared on an accrual basis in accordance with the
3.2. Financial Instruments
Financial Assets
Financial assets are recognized in the statement of financial position when, and only
when, the entity becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.
Financial assets of CAB are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable
payments that are not quoted in an active market. After initial measurement, such
financial assets are subsequently measured at cost less impairment. Losses arising
from impairment are recognized in the surplus or deficit.
The Agency derecognizes a financial asset or, where applicable, a part of a financial
asset or a part of similar financial assets when:
The rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired or is waived; and
The Agency has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset or
has assumed an obligation to pay the received cash flows in full without
material delay to a third party; and either; (a) the Agency has transferred
substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset; or (b) the Agency has
neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the
asset, but has transferred control of the asset.
Financial Liabilities
The financial liabilities are recognized initially at fair value. After initial recognition,
the financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective
interest method. Amortized cost is calculated by talking into account any discount or
premium on acquisition and fees or costs that are an integral part of the effective
interest rate.
Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount in the statement
of financial position if, and only if, there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset
the recognized amount and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or realize the
assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously.
Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of cash on hand and cash in bank. For the
purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalent consist of cash and
short-term deposit.
Petty Cash Fund (PCF) account is maintained under the Imprest System. All
replenishments are directly charged to the expense accounts and at all times, the PCF
is equal to the total cash on hand and the unreplenished expenses. The PCF is
replenished as soon as disbursements reach at least 75 percent or as needed.
3.4. Inventories
Inventory is measured at cost upon initial recognition. To the extent that inventory was
received through non-exchange transactions (for no cost or for a nominal cost), the
cost of the inventory is its fair value at the date of acquisition.
After initial recognition, inventory is measured at the lower cost and net realizable
value. However, to the extent that a class of inventory is distributed or deployed at no
change or for a nominal charge, that class of inventory is measured at the lower of cost
and current replacement cost.
The characteristics of PPE are as follows:
tangible items;
are held for use in the supply of services, or for administrative purposes; and
are expected to be used during more than one reporting period.
The cost of the PPE is the cash price equivalent, or for PPE acquired through non-
exchange transaction, its cost is its fair value as at recognition date.
its purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes,
after deducting trade discount and rebates;
expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition of the items; and
initial estimate of the cost of dismantling and removing the item and
restoring the site on which it is located, the obligation for which an entity
incurs either when the item is acquired, or as a consequence of having used
the item during a particular period for purposes other than to produce
inventories during that period.
After recognition, all PPE are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation.
When significant parts of PPE are required to be replaced at intervals, the CAB
recognizes such parts as individual assets with specific useful lives and depreciates
them accordingly. Likewise, when a major repair/replacement is done, its cost is
recognized in the carrying amount of the plant and equipment as a replacement if the
recognition criteria are satisfied. All other repair and maintenance costs are recognized
as expense in surplus or deficit as incurred.
Each part of an item of PPE with a cost that is significant in relation to the total cost of
the item is depreciated separately.
The depreciation charge for each period is recognized as expense unless it is included
in the cost of another asset.
Initial Recognition of Depreciation
Depreciation of an asset begins when it is available for use such as when it is in the
location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner
intended by management.
For simplicity and to avoid proportionate computation, the depreciation is for one
month if the PPE is available for use on or before the 15th of the month, depreciation is
for the succeeding month.
Depreciation Method
The straight line method of depreciation is adopted unless another method is more
appropriate for agency operation.
The CAB uses the Schedule on the Estimated Useful Life of PPE by classification
prepared by COA. It also provides a residual value equivalent to at least five percent
(5%) of the cost of the PPE.
The CAB derecognizes items of PPE and/or any significant part of an asset upon
disposal or when no future economic benefits or service potential is expected from its
continuing use. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset (calculated as the
difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is
included in the surplus or deficit when the asset is derecognized.
Intangible assets are recognized when the items are identifiable non-monetary assets
without physical substance; it is probable that the expected future economic benefits or
service potential that are attributable to the assets will flow to the entity; and the cost
or fair value of the assets can be measurable reliably.
The useful life of the intangible asset assessed as either finite or infinite. An intangible
asset with a finite life is amortized as expense using straight-line method over its useful
Gains or losses arising from derecognition of an intangible asset are measured as the
difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and
are recognized in the surplus or deficit when the asset is derecognized.
Revenues from non-exchange transactions are recognized when it is probable that the
future economic benefits or service potential associated with the asset will flow to the
entity and fair value of the asset can be measured reliably.
Revenues from non-exchange transactions with the other government entities are
measured at fair value and recognized on obtaining control of the asset (cash, goods,
services and property) if the transfer is free from conditions and it is probable the
economic benefits or service potential related to the asset will flow to the Agency and
can be measure reliably.
Service Income
The Agency recognizes service income when these are realized or realizable and are
earned, usually when services are rendered, regardless when cash is received.
Interest Income
Interest income is accrued using the effective yield method. The effective yield
discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the financial asset
to the asset’s net carrying amount. The method applies this yield to the principal
outstanding to determine interest income each period.
The CAB recognizes the effects of changes in accounting policy retrospectively. The
effects of changes in accounting policy are applied prospectively if retrospective
application is impractical. Likewise, it recognizes the effects of changes in accounting
estimates prospectively including in surplus or deficit.
It corrects material prior period errors retrospectively in the first set of financial
statements authorized for issue after their discovery by:
restating the comparative amounts for prior period(s) presented in which the
error occurred; or
if the error occurred before the earliest prior period presented, restating the
operating balances of assets, liabilities and net assets/equity for the earliest
prior period presented.
The annual budget of CAB is prepared on a cash basis and is published in the
government website.
The employees of the Agency are members of the Government Service Insurance
System (GSIS), which provides life and retirement insurance coverage.
The Agency recognizes the undiscounted amount of short term employee benefits, like
salaries, wages, bonuses, allowance, etc., as expense unless capitalized, and as a
liability after deducting the amount paid.
The Agency recognizes expenses for accumulating compensated absences when these
are paid (commuted or paid as terminal leave benefits). Unused entitlements that have
accumulated at the reporting date are not recognized as expense. Non-accumulating
compensated absences, like special leave privileges, are not recognized.
The Agency has restated 2018 Financial Statements to reflect corrections on leasehold
improvements and to record the returned salary and flying pay as shown below:
5. Cash and Cash Equivalents
2019 2018
(In PhP)
Cash – Collecting Officer 1,297,973.30 926,191.26
Cash in Bank - Local Currency, Savings Account 30,044.58 51,190.49
Cash in Bank – Local Currency, Cash MDS 68,470.96 0.00
Petty Cash 90,000.00 85,000.00
Total Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,486,488.84 1,062,381.75
(In PhP)
Permit Fees 57,600.00
Clearance and Certificate 18,720.00
Other Service Income 1,219,420.00
Legal Research Fees 763.30
Documentary Stamp Tax 1,470.00
Total 1,297,973.30
5.2. Cash in Bank – Local Currency, Saving Account consists of the maintaining
balance for CAB Payroll Account of P30,000.00 and the accumulated interest on
savings of P44.58 which was deposited to Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) for the
account of the Bureau of the Treasury (BTr) on January 22, 2020
5.4. Petty Cash Fund was increased to P90,000.00. It pertains to cash on hand assigned to
Petty Cash Custodian for petty operating expenses of the agency.
6. Receivables
2019 2018
(In PhP)
Accounts Receivables (net) 443,250.00 629,000.00
Inter-Agency Receivables 185,940.57 16,004.91
Total Receivables 629,190.57 645,004.91
6.1. Account Receivables - The amount of P443,250.00 represents the billed penalties for
late or non-compliance of reportorial requirements by stakeholders from prior years up
to December 31, 2019 and presented net of impairment allowances in the amount of
P501,000.00. The P350,000.00 receivables from Hong Kong Express Airways Limited
has been assessed as uncollectible due to absence of a permit to operate in the
6.2. Inter-Agency Receivables - The balance of Due from NGAs account amounting to
P185,940.57 represents the advances to Department of Budget and Management –
Procurement Service (DBM-PS) for the undelivered supplies as of December 31,
2019 2018
(In PhP)
Office Supplies Inventory 322,213.81 290,457.93
Accountable Forms Inventory 17,364.00 18,858.00
Total 339,577.81 309,315.93
2019 2018
(In PhP)
Advances to Special Disbursing Officer 226,046.00 84,800.00
Advances to Officers and Employees 159,982.46 0.00
Advances for Payroll 25,000.00 0.00
Prepaid Insurance 47,400.42 35,155.25
Prepaid Rent 27,634.49 0.00
Other Prepayments 923,300.00 0.00
Total 1,409,363.37 119,955.25
8.2. Advances to Officers and Employees amounting to P159,982.46 represents the amount
granted for local and foreign travel.
8.3. Advances to Payroll amounting to P25,000.00 represents the amount granted for
distribution to intended recipient.
8.4. Prepaid Insurance in the amount of P47,400.42 represents the unexpired portion of
insurance for the motor vehicles and agency properties. All insurance policies are
acquired from the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS).
8.5. Prepaid Rent in the amount of P27,634.49 was intended for the last month’s rental to
8.6. Other Prepayments represents the unutilized portion of the prepaid subscription of
Official Aviation Guide (OAG) web portal.
9. Other Non-Current Assets
2019 2018
(In PhP)
Other Deposits 82,903.47 0.00
Other Assets 10,500.00 10,500.00
Total 93,403.47 10,500.00
9.1 Other Deposits – The account balance represents deposit for damages at the end of
the lease contract, if any to MIAA.
9.2 Other Assets – The account balance represents the three (3) Philippine Long Distance
Telephone (PLDT) subscription investment plans at P3,500.00 each acquired in CY
10.2. During the year, CAB purchased and donated various PPE which increased the total
PPE cost as at year-end. Details are presented below:
(In PhP)
Building and Other
6,128,655.34 0.00 0.00 6,128,655.34 2,525,289.09 3,603,366.25
Office Equipment 4,466,087.95 190,080.00 553,462.00 4,102,705.95 2,013,545.19 2,089,160.76
Furniture and
1,496,809.60 883,928.00 2,380,737.60 1,092,711.07 1,288,026.53
ICT Equipment 12,151,354.63 514,063.37 837,232.18 11,828,185.82 4,609,487.59 7,218,698.23
Books 402,668.03 402,668.03 133,558.66 269,109.37
Communication 2,795,971.12 39,800.00 0.00 2,835,771.12 1,617,528.33 1,218,242.79
Gross Cost of Gross Cost of
Accounts PPE PPE Accumulated Carrying
Additions Donation
January 1 December 31 Depreciation Amount
(In PhP)
Other Machinery
795,912.98 0.00 21,000.00 774,912.98 515,674.71 259,238.27
and Equipment
Motor Vehicles 4,335,870.00 1,904,500.00 832,000.00 5,408,370.00 3,452,453.62 1,955,916.38
Leased Assets
0.00 2,053,363.71 0.00 2,053,363.71 46,385.97 2,006,977.74
Grand Total 32,573,329.65 5,585,735.08 2,243,694.18 35,915,370.55 16,006,634.23 19,908,736.32
11. Intangible Assets – The amount of P1,502,618.39 represents the capitalized cost incurred in
acquiring and using a specific software. The cost is amortized over an expected useful life of
five (5) years.
12. Current Liabilities – The agency’s current liabilities consist of financial liabilities and
inter-agency payables amounting to P3,604,809.39 and P1,487,612.94, respectively.
Accounts Payable
(In PhP)
Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) 2,900,481.70
OEM Industrial Parts and Constructions 269,500.00
JEMN Builders 434,827.69
Total 3,604,809.39
The Accounts Payable to MIAA represents the unpaid portion of the settlement
reached by both parties for the disputed utility charges billed to CAB in 1990s. While
the liabilities to OEM Industrial Parts and Constructions and JEMN Builders are for the
refurbishment of the IT room and ladies comfort rooms all located inside the CAB
2019 2018
Accounts (In PhP)
Due to BIR 751,779.37 388,181.00
Due to GSIS 641,150.83 19,479.18
Due to Pag-IBIG 14,276.87 2,995.84
Due to PhilHealth 79,643.37 9,090.42
Due to NGAs 763.30 619.20
Total Inter-Agency Payables 1,487,613.74 420,365.64
12.2.1. Due to BIR – The balance was remitted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR) on January 14, 2020 under TRA Nos. 08B0512020203183,
08B0512020197247 and 08B0512020197253.
12.2.2. Due to GSIS – Remittance to the GSIS deducted from the salaries of
employees were paid thru disbursement vouchers and made on January 9,
12.2.3. Due to Pag-IBIG – Remittance to the Pag-IBIG Fund was made on January
12, 2020.
13. Revenue – The Agency generated income from its operation for CY 2019 in the total
amount of P124,891,652.76 and miscellaneous income in the amount of P1,024.58.
2019 2018
Accounts (In PhP)
Permit Fees 49,447,741.35 42,341,599.70
Clearance and Certification Fees 6,522,740.29 6,557,332.80
Franchising Fees 1,848,980.00 1,692,234.96
Fines and Penalties 1,662,350.00 2,358,933.30
Other Service Income 65,409,841.12 51,961,846.72
Business Income 1,024.58 1,249.00
Total 124,892,677.34 104,913,196.48
13.1.1. Permit Fees of P49,447,741.35 are fees collected from initial (original)
application/petition for the issuance of certificates/permits/licenses for
airfreight forwarders, general sales agents and cargo sales agents’ relative to
the conduct of air commerce.
13.1.3. Business Income of P44.58 represents the interest earned on the Cash in Bank-
Local Currency, Saving Account for the payroll account maintained at the LBP
– NAIA BOC branch while the remaining P980.00 represents miscellaneous
14. Expenses – The Agency’s current operating expenses amounted to P147,937,980.27 broken
down as follows:
2019 2018
Accounts (In PhP)
Personnel Services 72,623,380.27 59,968,509.93
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses 69,444,507.91 71,817,599.81
Non-Cash Expenses 5,801,616.93 3,502,697.18
Total 147,869,505.11 135,288,806.92
2019 2018
(In PhP)
Salaries and Wages
Salaries and Wages-Regular 39,597,565.66 32,924,245.46
Salaries and Wages-Casual 709,742.73 0.00
Subtotal 40,307,308.39 32,924,245.46
Other Compensation
Personal Economic Relief Allowance (PERA) 1,931,305.07 1,828,219.45
Representation Allowance (RA) 609,306.06 697,283.00
Transportation Allowance (TA) 423,702.00 470,500.00
Clothing Allowance 462,000.00 450,000.00
Honoraria 126,555.09 24,000.00
Year-End Bonus 6,076,910.00 5,366,156.00
Cash Gift 387,000.00 375,000.00
Other Bonuses and Allowances 13,679,532.00 13,414,044.23
Subtotal 23,696,310.22 22,625,202.68
14.1.1. Breakdown of the Other Bonuses and Allowances for CY 2019 is as follows:
(In PhP)
Performance Enhancement Incentives 384,000.00
Service Recognition Incentive 765,000.00
CNA 1,938,900.00
Flying pay 10,591,632.00
Total 13,679,532.00
14.1.2. Other Personnel Benefits for CY 2019 pertains to Loyalty Award amounting to
14.2. Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) – Refers to all regular and
mandatory expenses including the expenses incurred in the implementation of Air
Passenger Bill of Rights (APBR). Details are shown below:
2019 2018
(In PhP)
Traveling Expenses
Traveling Expenses-Local 5,590,201.44 4,203,788.25
Traveling Expenses-Foreign 3,118,206.99 2,411,956.19
Subtotal 8,708,408.43 6,615,744.44
2019 2018
(In PhP)
Semi-Expendable Books 0.00 108,259.20
Subtotal 79,900.00 321,002.95
Utility Expenses
Water Expenses 378,323.57 160,779.91
Electricity Expenses 1,833,503.17 1,978,753.82
Other Utility Expenses 2,900,481.70 0.00
Subtotal 5,112,308.44 2,139,533.73
Communication Expenses
Postage and Courier Services 20,326.46 52,482.00
Telephone Expenses 1,196,398.25 1,288,175.43
Internet Subscription Expenses 2,696,929.88 1,378,269.92
Cable, Satellite, Telegraph and Radio
Expenses 8,054.67 8,586.00
Subtotal 3,921,709.26 2,727,513.35
Professional Services
Other Professional Services 40,509,803.00 43,114,782.22
Subtotal 40,509,803.00 43,114,782.22
General Services
Janitorial Services 987,025.57 754,313.20
Security Services 1,564,643.52 1,308,889.60
Environmental/Sanitary Services 14,400.00 0.00
Other General Services 98,303.06 464,389.54
Subtotal 2,664,372.15 2,527,592.34
2019 2018
(In PhP)
14.2.1. The significant decrease in Training and Scholarships Expenses was due
largely to the reduction of allotment approved by the DBM for training and
14.2.2. Likewise, the significant decrease of the amount of Other Professional Services
was due to the reduction of the hiring of 98 job order/PRAOs for the
implementation of APBR, deployed in different airports nationwide.
14.2.3. The significant decrease of the Representation Expense account was due to the
fewer number of air consultation talks.
14.3. Non-Cash Expenses represent the depreciation and amortization expenses for the year.
Details are as follows:
2019 2018
(In PhP)
Depreciation Expenses
Depreciation – Building and Other Structures 200,474.40 200,474.40
Depreciation – Office Equipment 956,306.27 692,453.45
Depreciation – Furniture and Fixtures 192,497.97 115,255.85
Depreciation – ICT Equipment 2,745,010.46 1,362,530.51
Depreciation – Transportation Equipment 507,124.71 313,273.80
Depreciation – Books 9,062.16 9,062.16
Depreciation – Communication Equipment 54,185.20 50,404.20
Depreciation – Other Machinery and Equipment 80,831.80 68,190.44
Depreciation – Leased Assets Improvements 46,385.97 0.00
Subtotal 4,791,878.94 2,811,644.81
Amortization Expenses
Amortization- Intangible Assets 547,553.28 547,553.28
Subtotal 547,553.28 547,553.28
Donations 112,184.71 143,499.09
Subtotal 112,184.71 143,499.09
2019 2018
(In PhP)
2019 2018
(In PhP)
Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA) received for the
Agency’s operational requirements 136,228,065.00 134,363,237.00
NCA received for payment of Terminal Leave
Benefits 3,646,362.00 0.00
Tax Remittance Advice 5,030,431.37 5,048,770.28
Total NCA Received 144,904,858.37 139,412,007.28
Less: Reversion of Unused NCA 3,838.46 911,394.33
Total Subsidy from National Government 144,901,019.91 138,500,612.95
Amount Unutilized
Month NCA No. Received Amount
(In PhP)
January 6,234,686.63 12,779,313.37
February 19,014,000.00 6,233,488.17 6,545,825.20
March 6,544,914.24 910.96
April NCA-BMB-A-19- 7,650,805.48 17,177,668.52
May 0005204 and 10,603,173.82 6,574,494.70
June 6,573,620.55 874.15
July 28,672,692.58 20,234,075.42
August 48,906,768.00 9,208,463.81 11,025,611.61
September 11,023,866.33 1,745.28
Amount Unutilized
Month NCA No. Received Amount
(In PhP)
October 16,310,034.76 28,076,502.24
November 14,341,353.14 13,735,149.10
NCA-BMB-A-19- 2,038,648.00 0.00 15,773,797.10
0026932 700,000.00 16,473,489.03 308.07
Total 139,874,427.00 139,870,588.54 3,838.46
18. Remittances to National Treasury – For CY 2019, the agency deposited a total amount of
P124,350,863.75 to the Bureau of the Treasury (BTr). Details are as follows:
(In Php)
From CY 2018
Revenue 918,040.00
Interest Income 1,161.00
Subtotal 919,201.00
For CY 2019
Revenue 122,455,170.75
Refunds Air Carrier 1,003,000.00
Less: Refund (employees cash advances) 26,508.00
Subtotal 123,431,662.75
Total 124,350,863.75
18.1. Refunds represent double payment/over payment by PAL/PAL Express for penalties
imposed by CAB for a single violation. This amount is also reflected as CAB’s
accounts payable in its year-end financial statements.
19. The amount directly charged to net assets/equity is broken down as follows:
(In PhP)
From CY 2018
Revenue 918,040.00
Prior Year Interest 1,161.00
Subtotal 919,201.00
For CY 2019
Revenue 124,716,102.76
Collection of Accounts Receivable 11,000.00
Refunds 26,508.00
Subtotal 124,753,610.76
Total 125,672,811.76
20. Explanatory notes on Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amount (SCBAA)
20.1. The budget and actual amounts presented in the SCBAA is prepared on cash basis.
20.2. The final budgeted amounts of receipts in the SCBAA amounting to P117,100,000.00
refers to the estimated collection of service and business income based on historical
data of the agency. The difference of P(7,716.10) between the final budget and actual
receipts represents excess collection of the agency from budgeted amount.
20.3. The final budgeted amounts of payments of P142,634,408.00 pertains to the total of
current year appropriations, automatic appropriations fund, special purpose fund and
continuing appropriations in the amount of P131,928,915.00, P4,388,762.00 and
P6,316,721.00, respectively.
20.4. The SCBAA of CAB does not include custodial funds such as the Documentary Stamp
Tax and the Legal Research Fees which are required to be remitted to the National