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Design thinking

Is design only about things you can touch and hold, or only about looks? Not just beautiful things,
that’s only partially right. More than just looks, also applies to things you don’t see and touch.
Suppose you have to catch a bus at 9 (psst easy xD) take dog out for walk, get milk from market etc.
All takes lot of time, you get dressed and then miss the bus. Suppose you replan your morning
routine with siblings, multitask dog _milk. By replanning you solve the “getting late” problem. This is
the simplest form of design thinking. We do it all the time but not as a formal process. When you
analyse a problem and find soln, it is design thinking.

Design thinking what it is and not:

• Apply to solve problems people face or stuff people want or need or redesign and existing
• Anyone can apply design thinking, students teachers etc.
• Design is not about how something looks, its about how they feel and work. We can
redesign how a process goes on like how a driving license is obtained

What is design thinking?

Empathy is understanding a person and their pains. Eg is old lady in bus you get up and offer seat.
This displays your empathy towards her. The main principle of design thinking is empathy, others are
observation and user centric.

User centric: IPod, changed the way people store and play music. Size of a tape of Walkman and did
much better than what was already there. Apple empathised with peoples needs of carrying their
music while they travel. User centric is something that is centred around the user.

Ratan tata’s car was going on the road and a scooter passed by them and the people fell for some
reason. He observed that people needed small cars for those who can only afford a scooter. This
observation around the users led to the design of the TATA NANO.

Richard Turere build a flickering flash light using car battery and a solar panel to shoo the Lions that
came to feast on his cattle so he could have them for himself. This observation was that lions wont
approach the farm when someone was walking in the farm with a flashlight. By flickering the flash
light lions believed someone was walking and didn’t attack. (They later died of hunger but that’s a
story for a different occasion.)

Design thinking process

Whats theory without practice? Design thinking process :

A computer mouse with target users as the elderly like your grandmother. Apply design thinking for
this. Steps:

• Empathize:Understand the user, observe them, where and how they are struggling with the
current mouse, interview have a dialogue and observe them.
• Problem definition: Elderly hands shook when using the mouse. Observe and formulate the
actual problem that they are facing
• Ideate: Collaborate and help find solutions through brain storming. Allow imagination to run
wild. Find a number of possible solutions. One approach is to use both hands with the
mouse instead of just one. Find one workable idea.
• Prototyping: Once you get one fixed idea, make a model. Lets say 2 handed mouse, use a
soap container tennis ball etc to make a mouse that can be held with two hands. To test the
idea use anything that’s readily available and change to see that is fits well.
• Testing : See how the prototype works by testing it. Give it to the user. Don’t ask if they like
it, find out why they like or don’t like and observe carefully so as to make it more workable
and understandable.
Design matra is - to make your idea a success and make your product the very best, follow
the design mantra which is-empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test
Need PRACTICE for design thinking as with everything else.
We have to understand the people who we are selling to. It is very important to know your customers

You have to provide excellence to every customer. You have to get to know who your customer is and what
they want
You are asked personal questions after you eat at a restaurant.
The owner is gaining understanding about his customer to better market his product and satisfy their needs
This process is knowing as customer profiling
You use two sets of data : Demographics and psychographics

Demographic help classify customers on specific info like age,gender ,maritial status
Psychographics help classify customer on opinions, needs, moivation, attitude and lifestyle
It lets you know why customer will buy your product

Demographic data is easy to obtain. psychographic data needs to be planned to obtain

People are hired to observe their expressions, body language, attitude, attitude, ask for feedback

Website data analytics to get data from website to know how long people stayed on the sites. What they
clicked and how often they returned.
This is critical for business

How to wow customers

Wow is to excite customers

Small gestures and unexpected actions

1. Never say no
2. No matter what offer solutions
3. Be considerate and personal
4. Optimise even small opportunities either by planning or spontaneous
5. Resolve customer problem at fast pace

Customer service is not just product for money. It is about building emotional relationship with customer

Personal selling is very important

6 steps
1. Prospecting : Identify people who could be potential customer. Make a customer base
2. Pre approach: Have relevant personal details before approaching customer.
3. Approach: FAB: Features advantages and benefits technique to approach customer
4. Presentation
5. Close: Close deal with formalities
6. Follow up: Check if customer for feed back

Show and Tell

Show your product and talk about it.

Good show and tell process principles:
1. Tell truth: You can connect and trust is built
2. Tell a story: Complex stuff is made simple and you leave an impression
3. Use actual object or its pictures:Capture audience attention

Elevator pitch /speech/story/presentation

You have 1minute to leave powerful impact about your idea
Tips to craft elevator pitch
1. Identify goal: what you want to achieve through your pitch
2. Explain what you do. What do you want others to remember about you?
3. Communicate your USP(unique selling proposition) What makes you better than competitor through
research, survey etc
4. Engage people with question
5. Put it together
6. Practice it
Ask yourself:

Why do you do what you do?

What is it that drives your life today?

Will help you discover about yourself.

You learnt about entrepreneurs – some had resources available, did some creative and smart
thinking, and created business empires.

Some were going through a difficult phase in their lives – no resources, only primary education, and
yet created business empires.

A lot of people around you will have money and resources, but no direction.

Which differentiating factor gives access to a better life?

She (lady in the video) believes it is resourcefulness or an entrepreneurial mindset.

Not a means to cope with what is lacking/bridge gap but is:

• Ability to achieve goal despite all odds

• Quality that pushes you to think differently, generate ideas, identify alternatives, reach out
for help, take risks to create a better life (For yourself and all involved)

what is entrepreneurship?
Identify dreams & your centre of happiness in the dreams
Discovered inspiring stories
Some joined E-Cell and discovered entrepreneurial traits in yourself & others
Developed skills – Communication, design thinking, selling
Develop & master skills to get an entrepreneurial mindset
Will help in career & life.

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