NSTP111-CWTS 1 Civic Welfare Training Service 1: Course Description
NSTP111-CWTS 1 Civic Welfare Training Service 1: Course Description
NSTP111-CWTS 1 Civic Welfare Training Service 1: Course Description
LO4: Explain the qualities of principle-centered leadership.
Topic 4: Good Citizenship Values
LO1: Explain the significance of the moral condition of individuals in the society.
LO2: Recognize the student’s faith in God as part of Filipino culture through the Good
Citizenship value of PAGKAMAKADIYOS.
LO3: Develop a sound understanding of the meaning and implications of the values of Love,
Freedom, Peace, Truth, and Justice through the Good Citizenship Value of PAGKAMAKATAO.
LO4: Realize the vital importance of the values of Unity, Equality, Respect for Law and
Government, and Patriotism in Nation Building and Progress through the Good Citizenship
LO5: Apply the importance and urgency of caring for the environment and nature relative to its
present state of degradation through the Good Citizenship value of
Topic 5: Environment (Solid Waste Management)
LO1: Identify the importance of Solid Waste Management.
LO2: Know the benefits of solid waste segregation.
LO3: Discuss the IRR of solid waste management in the community.
LO4: Apply best practices of waste management to protect the environment.
Topic 6: Disaster Preparedness
LO1: Explain the meaning of disaster and its types.
LO2: Formulate a disaster preparedness plan.
Topic 7: Safety and Health
LO1: Know one’s role in the following work-related health and safety procedures.
LO2: Define what first aid is and identify the basic life support.
LO1: Discuss and identify the common health issues affecting the society today.
Topic 8: Drug Prevention and Control
LO1: Define the drug abuse, drug defender and drug user.
LO2: Identify the common signs of drug abuse.
LO3: Know the classifications of drug and its effects and the reasons behind drug abuse.
LO4: Know and apply the roles of schools, community and family in preventing drug abuse.
Approach / Distance Online Online Blended
Technical • Basic requirement is a smartphone that is capable of text, call,
Requirements email, messenger and Facebook, videorecording/playing, and a
PDF reader.
• A weekly internet load is necessary every Saturday for the online
submission of weekly activities. E-handout/module
Reminders • There are eight (8) topics and 35 activities that must be completed.
• The module must be downloaded at the start of the class. Topics are
presented, discussed and explained in the module. All learning
activities will be answered or uploaded in Moodle.
• Submission of output/s is every end of the class period or a week
before the next schedule and should be submitted through the
designated systems and/or google folders.
• Written exam for Midterm and Final should be done in Moodle.
• For the final output, the student will submit e-portfolio. Compilation of
all the activities. The e-portfolio will be uploaded in the Google
classroom, Jetsi,Moodle and Facebook Group and/or sent through
Formative Assessment (all activities that are written and practical) 70%
Summative Assessment (Midterm Examination) 30%
TOTAL = 100%
Midterm Grade 40%
Written and Activities 40%
Final Examination 20%
TOTAL = 100%