Day 1 Day 2 Day 3: Beginners' Program
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3: Beginners' Program
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3: Beginners' Program
Perform exercises per photo tutorials in our books @ If you can’t
do min reps on an exercise start on an easier variation. E.g. pull-ups > negative pull-ups. Rest
1-3 mins between sets.
Full body 3 x per week. At least 1 rest day between workout days. E.g. Mon (rest) Wed (rest) Fri
(rest x 2). You can perform other sports or 30-60 mins light cardio / flexibility / mobility / skill
training on rest days.
This is a BEGINNER program. If it looks too easy, congrats, you are NOT a beginner! If you can
complete a 3-day week of this routine, you are NOT a beginner. Move on to something more
challenging now. If you ARE a beginner but already know you want to go forward with
calisthenics, you can start here OR skip to our suggested 12-week program (which also covers
basics). You don’t have to complete this first.
Or visit